Building Lifetime Memories - Cross View Lutheran Church


Building Lifetime Memories - Cross View Lutheran Church
February 2016
Building Lifetime Memories
By Jan Stockman, Director, ECC
Do you remember the fun of playing in the snow? I grew up on the West
Coast where we hardly ever had snow. I remember so looking forward to a snow
day with 1 or 2 inches of snow. One year we got 6 inches, which was awesome.
We had several days off from school. The whole family went out to play in the
snow. We even “built” a small snow hill for sledding. What a great time we
had; it was a memory that has stuck with me.
In our Early Childhood Center, we have many memories.
opportunities to play outside in the snow.
Brain research tells us that their brains
The other are two and a half times more active than the brains of
day I had time to sit down and eat lunch with the adults. (Families and Work Institute) There is A LOT
children. This is always an amazing time. We share
stories about vacations, siblings, toys and foods. We
they are learning.
This is the prime time to teach our children about
hear a lot about home and favorite things. It is quite God. It is the right time to include them in worship
interesting where some of our conversations go. This and other faith building activities. We want God’s love
day we were talking about snow and playing outside. and care to be part of their early memories. The Bible
It was a beautiful winter day with light flakes falling. tells us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and
The children had been outside earlier, and they were when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs
trying to catch snowflakes on their tongue.
There 22:6) Think about it. Aren’t we instructed to make
was a lot of excitement around the topic because it good memories for our children? In Psalms we read, “I
apparently is not the easiest thing to do. I also learned, will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I
what isn’t hard to do? Snowflakes seem to easily get in will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)
your eyes and nose, just not on your tongue; something
to ponder.
Think about some of your favorite memories. What
Bible song do you remember from your childhood?
I am not sure this memory will stay with them What church story can you tell us about from your
as long as my memory of the “snow hill”. I do know childhood? Those memories have guided you along
that the children are learning and growing every day. your faith walk. Reach out and help our children create
They are soaking up everything around them. They memories that will guide their faith walk and live in
are like sponges absorbing information and retaining
their hearts.
Summary of January Voters’ Meeting
An annual Voters’ meeting was held on January 17, 2016. would be a significant loss to hire a different financial reviewer at this
Thirty-seven members were in attendance. The primary purpose of time. To address the familial relationship, a new Finance ministry
this meeting each year is to pass the budget for the year ahead, but a action team (MAT) will be formed to provide an additional layer
number of other business items were addressed during the meeting of review before the 2015 review is completed. Erik also presented
as well.
the Council’s recommendation that the interest earned in 2015 from
The meeting began with ministry reports from Pastor Steve and the Endowment Fund be contributed to the Redeeming Christmas
director-level staff. Cross View is now fully staffed, and we have a project. The congregation voted to approve that recommendation.
good mix of people who have been with us for many years and others
The Personnel Committee is well under way in updating
that have been recently added. Each staff person reported highlights the employee handbook, providing guidance on benefits, and in
from 2015 and plans for 2016.
developing an evaluation system for the staff. A new Facilities
Treasurer Erik Kelly reported that both the church and the Early MAT has been added to oversee maintenance of the building
Childhood Center had outstanding financial results for 2015. Last and grounds—a responsibility formerly owned by the Board of
year at this time the budgets passed for each were essentially balanced Stewardship. Looking forward into 2016, the Church Council
with receipts and expenses expected to be almost the same. Driven will be evaluating the space constraints that were identified in the
mostly by good cost control, but also benefitted by slightly higher- drafting of our three-year strategy last year. We hope to propose
than-forecast contributions from members, the church ended the year solutions that will help us continue to move forward in our ministries
with a favorable variance of about $65,000 compared to the budget. when we meet at the May Voters’ Assembly meeting.
The Church Council is discussing ways to utilize these additional funds
Proposed nominees for certain positions to be elected at the
to help start new ministries and to meet strategic goals. Meanwhile, synod convention, including President, First Vice President, and
the ECC ended the year favorably as well, out-performing its budget Regional Vice President, were passed by the congregation.
by over $16,000 that will now be available in the future when it
The Church Council announced that the $1,948 available
is needed.
from Thrivent Choice Dollars would be donated to the Redeeming
For 2016, Erik presented a budget proposed by the Church Christmas project.
Council for the church. It is a balanced budget with both receipts
Finally, advanced notification was given regarding a special
and expenses budgeted at $996,732. The proposed budget for the Voters’ Assembly meeting to be held on February 28, 2016 with
church was passed by the congregation. Erik also presented the the single purpose of deciding if we will call Vicar Tobias Schmidt
2016 budget proposed by Jan Stockman, Director of the ECC, and as an Associate Pastor after he completes his vicarage with us and
endorsed by the Church Council. The ECC budget is balanced with graduates from the seminary this summer.
both receipts and expenses at $1,134,652. The proposed budget for
Further details of the ministry reports and financial reports are
the ECC was also passed by the congregation.
the 2015 Annual Report.
Box up as available
in previousinyears:
Ash Wednesday Worship
To end the discussion of financial matters, our treasurer
7:00 PM
disclosed that we now have a familial relationship between ourFebruary
long- In
to Him,
time external financial reviewer and our new Director of Finance
Quarterly Treasurer’s Report
and Administration. The financial reviewer has about a decade of From
President Cross View could not have asked for a better year in 2015.
a financial perspective,
experience with Cross View’s finances and financial systems,Through
so it the generosity of our members, God has shown tremendous blessing to the mission and
ministries of Cross View. Thanks be to our Lord and Savior!
As presented at the January 17th Voters’ Assembly meeting, both Cross View and the
Early Childhood Center completed 2015 with significant favorable variances to budget. As a
Box up as in previous years:
result of this tremendous financial performance, Cross View has increased its general fund
Ash Wednesday
and the
these financial
a financial perspective, Cross View could not have balance
asked bythe
gift by
in December,
February for
10, 7:00
PM year in 2015. Through the generosity of our members,
results arewe
in addition
to themore
that was
in December, we
a better
can be even
is occurring
can be even more awe-inspired by the ministry that is occurring through Cross View.
has shown
tremendous blessing to the mission and ministries
of through Cross View.
Cross View Lutheran Church
View. perspective,
Thanks be to
and Savior!
Additional details about the church’s financial position are
a financial
not have asked for a better year in 2015.
2015 Budget
As presented
at the January
questions2015 please
Through the generosity
of our members,
God has17th
to the mission
and in the Annual Report. If you have
ministries both
of Cross
Total R
$ 967,950
$ 970,866
Cross View and the Early
As with
at the January
Voters’ Assembly
View and
Total $ 967,824 $ 905,622
to budget.
As a both
of this
Early Childhood Center completed 2015 with significant favorable variances to budget. As a
Receipts O
ver (
Under) E
$ 126 $ 65,244
Cross View
God’s Grace,
result of this
performance, Cross
its its
Beginning F
und B
fund balance
the ECCthese
by financial
Erik Kelly, Congregational Treasurer $ 142,122 $ 142,122
balance bygeneral
$65,000 by
the ECC by over
Ending $ 142,248 $ 207,366
results areover
in addition
to theRecognizing
Redeeming Christmas
love gift
that was
in December,
we Fund Balance
these financial
in addition
can be even more awe-inspired by the ministry that is occurring through Cross View.
Cross View Lutheran Church
Early Childhood Center
2015 Budget
2015 Actual
2015 Budget
2015 Actual
Total R
$ 1,094,389
$ 1,120,846
Total Receipts
$ 967,950 $ 970,866
Total E
$ 1,094,189
$ 1,104,318
Total Expenses
$ 967,824 $ 905,622
Receipts O
ver (
Under) E
$ 200
$ 16,528
Receipts Over (Under) Expenses
$ 126
$ 65,244
Quarterly Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Fund Balance
Ending Fund Balance
Total Receipts
$ 142,122 $ 142,122
Additional details about the church’s financial position are provided in the Annual
$ 142,248 $ 207,366
Report. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Bruce Connolly in the Church
office or me.
Early Childhood Center
God’s Grace,
2015 Budget
2015 AInctual
$ 1,094,389 $ 1,120,846Kelly, Congregational Treasurer
Kidstitute Service Night, Ash Wednesday,
College Care Packages, & Summer Activities
Each year, students in Kidstitute participate in a community
event helping feed children. Older students (grades 3-6) will go
to Feed My Starving Children. Permission slips have gone out to
families. If you have questions or want to bring a friend, please
contact Tonya Bushey or Christine Eid.
Younger students (preschool – 2nd grade) will decorate and fill
breakfast bags for Ronald McDonald House. We are excited to be
able to use a ministry action grant to help fund this year’s project.
This is a great way to reach out and help families in need.
Everyone is invited to join us for worship. During Lent,
(Wednesdays up to Palm Sunday), we will have worship from 6:307:15 P.M, with students in grades 1-6 then participating in Jubilate
choir from 7:15-8:00 P.M. Please note, that there is no programming
for students preschool through Kindergarten during Lent.
In anticipation of sending Valentine Care Packages, we are
asking for donations of items to include for our college students.
Non-perishable, individually wrapped items are requested. We
have about 30 college students in all at Cross View! Please drop off
items by Sunday, January 31 so we can pack the boxes on February
7 and get them in the mail. In advance, thanks for your support
Cave Quest! Following Jesus, the light of the world, is this year’s
Vacation Bible School theme. Join us June 20-24, 9:00-11:30 A.M. for
a week of learning about how Jesus lights our way in everything that
we do. VBS is open to students age 3 (potty
trained) through entering 4th grade. Cost
is just $12 for the week! (Students entering
5th grade and older are invited to volunteer
throughout the week). To guarantee a
T-shirt, please register by Sunday, May 29..
Music camp is “out of this world!” so
join us July 18-22; 9 A.M. to 12 noon for a
wonderful week learning and performing a
musical. Under the direction of Mrs. Sarah
Fincham, students entering 1st through 5th grade learn music, create
costumes and sets, and learn choreography to present their show on
Friday morning at 11:15 a.m. Cost is $45 for the week.
Registration for both Vacation Bible School and Summer Music Camp is
online at . Sign up today! Space fills up fast!
‘Jesus’ Perfect’ Christmas Party Recap,
Upcoming Youth Events
This year, the 2nd annual Christmas party was a bit different;
our theme was Jesus’ Perfect Christmas which was a parody off of
Dude Perfect. To give you a better understanding, here is how the
group Dude Perfect explain themselves:
“‘If I make this shot, you owe me lunch’ …Swish
A free sandwich, a simple camera, and 20 “I can do better than
you” shots later, Dude Perfect was born. Obviously when that first
ball swished, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into,
but we believe that nothing happens by accident, that God’s given
us this platform for a reason, and that we have an opportunity
to make an impact on the lives of countless others all around
the globe. Above all else, our ultimate goal is to glorify Jesus Christ
in everything that we do. We want to use this platform for
something much bigger than us.” (
The Dude Perfect guys are famous for their trick shot and
competition videos. They have millions of views and followers on
Youtube and have met many celebrities through the process, but
they do it all very simply and don’t need a lot of fancy gimmicks.
That idea fit perfectly with the very first Christmas. Jesus came
and didn’t need a palace or special clothes in order to accomplish
His mission of redeeming the world. It was a simple stable manger
with simple people and animals. He came, He experienced, and He
redeemed. It really was Jesus’ perfect Christmas.
During Sunday night youth group we have started our Inside
Out series. We are watching parts of the movie Inside Out and
discussing how big events and emotions shape our lives. It is a joy
to see the relationship that are forming during the time we have
on Sunday nights together and also through the discussion and
activities that we do.
Sunday, February 7, 12:00 Noon - Youth MAT meeting
Sunday, February 7 - Giant Dish (Super Bowl) Party
Friday, March 25 - Passion of the Christ viewing following Good
Friday Service
We, the Cross View Staff, sincerely thank the members and friends of Cross View
Lutheran Church for your Christmas gift this past December. Each of us appreciates
your encouragement and support, and is blessed to be able to be in ministry with you
here at Cross View, in our community and in our world.
Small Groups — Join One!
Over 150 people of Cross View are involved in a small group some time each month for
fellowship and Bible study. Is this something you would like to be a part of ? Contact
small group coordinator Ali Swiggum ( or Vicar Toby Schmidt
(, for more information on how to join or form a group!
Small Group Testimony
“Good morning!” “How are you?” “It’s
sure cold out!”
We’ve all exchanged these pleasantries
as we hurriedly entered church for worship
or rushed off to the next event of the day.
But as you’ve sat in worship or passed
someone in the narthex, have you ever
thought to yourself, “I wonder if that
person is a new member” or “I’ve passed
by that person a million times, and I barely
know his/her name”.
As long-time members, we still feel
that way about many of our brothers and
sisters in Christ at Cross View. One thing
we did to start changing that feeling was to
participate in small group ministry which
re-launched as part of the Congregation’s
2011 Lenten study of A Purpose-Driven
Life. At that time, we were some of many
that were asked to be small group leaders.
Members could sign up for a small group
and in some cases, leaders recruited people
to fill out their small group; it was all
quite random. At the conclusion of that
six-week series, our small group elected to
continue meeting, as we felt like we were
just starting to get to know each other on a
much deeper level.
We have been blessed to still be
meeting with our small group today and
have been amazed at how God has been
working through us and with us as we
have studied his Word and experienced
the highs and lows of Christian living.
At the end of each study, we pull out our
prayer journal, get updates on the things
we have been praying about and add new
items as they come up. We have laughed,
we have cried and we always thank God
for His infinite goodness and for bringing
us together to support each other through
issues, surgeries, aging parent worries, job
loss, passing of loved ones, graduations,
birthdays, new jobs, marriages, healing,
vacations and everything else under the
sun. We have also encouraged each other
to participate in Cross View service events
as well as to serve each other.
As we think back to the beginning of
our small group, we realize that we started
off as a random group of people who barely
knew each other and have grown to be the
brothers and sisters in Christ that we so
often hear about in the Bible. We praise
God for the love, joy and support of our
small group!
Brad and Janet Ost
Cross View
Cards & Games
Friday, February 12 at 7:00 P.M.
Location: Cross View, Fellowship A
RSVP by Calling Hosts:
Sue Dietel (952) 250-8667
or Marlys Meintsma (952) 938-1001
Connect with Cross View members and friends
(adults of all ages) for several hours of fun and
fellowship by participating in cards and games of
your choice. New participants are welcome!
Follow us on Twitter!
Fiesta! Sunday, Feb. 14, 6:30 PM.
All Cross View Adults are Welcome!
Featuring fabulous Mexican appetizers, dinner and dessert in a festive atmosphere.
Enjoy the conversation; feel the rhythm of a live salsa trio!
Reserve your place: $20/person; checks written to Cross View and mailed to
Kathy Fulkerson, 6900 Highover Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. RSVP by Feb. 7.
Cross View ECC Kicked Off National
Lutheran Schools Week on Jan. 24
The Cross View Early Childhood Center began National
Lutheran Schools Week with a celebration on Sunday, January
24. The children sang in church and the Early Childhood Center
hosted lunch for the families. This is the 29th year of ministry for
the Early Childhood Center.
During National Lutheran Schools Week, we join with
over 2,300 Lutheran preschools, elementary and high schools to
celebrate God’s work in our schools. We thank and praise God for
the opportunity to share Jesus’ amazing love with the children and
their families.
Tactus Sings at
Cross View
Feb. 6 & 7
Tactus, a 9-member acapella choral
ensemble from Concordia College,
Moorhead, MN will perform a concert of
sacred music on Saturday, February 6, 7:00
PM at Cross View. This concert is free
and open to the public. Tactus will also
perform selected pieces in morning worship
on Sunday, February 7, 8:15 AM.
Tactus was formed in December
2011 and has since become a catalyst for
creativity in the world of small ensembles at
Concordia College. In its short existence,
Tactus has premiered over 15 new works by
young composers from near and far, and led
the way in the development of new music
from young Minnesota composers, as well
as composers as near as Colorado and as far
as Austria. Tactus is a completely studentled group that rehearses twice a week to
prepare an annual Christmas program, as
well as touring and other various concerts
and festivals throughout the year. Travelling
to churches and performing in worship
services has become a favored part of the
membership in Tactus, including regular
appearances at Concordia College’s daily
chapel services. Cross View member Sarah
Waller is a singer in this ensemble.
Volunteer to Serve!
EasterFest, Sat. March 19
We are excited to announce EasterFest,
a community outreach event for everyone.
On Saturday, March 19, 10 AM – 12:00
Noon, we will welcome Cross View
and community families to enjoy an
Easter Journey in significant scenes from
Holy Week, an egg hunt, a petting
zoo, crafts, a music program, and
refreshments. Please invite your friends,
neighbors and co-workers!
We also request your help to have a
successful event. There are many ways to
SERVE! Sign-up sheets will be in the
Sunday bulletins in late February. Please
check at least one area where you can
help. These simple ways to serve will help
make the event go smoothly. Thank you
in advance for your willingness to make
this event an exciting way to spread the
Good News of Easter! Any questions can
be answered by Tonya Bushey, Ministry
Action Team leader, at 952-556-0069.
Paul Emmel Celebrates 50 years in Ministry!
Paul Emmel is one of Cross View’s newer members.
He joined our congregation in 2014. Paul is a retired
pastor in the Missouri Synod. This year he celebrates
fifty years of ministry! Paul was ordained in 1965 at
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. From 1965-1970, Paul
served as the pastor of a new mission start in Stayton,
Oregon. From 1970 to 1999, Paul served as a correctional
chaplain for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.
In 2000, Paul began a new chapter in ministry. For eight
years, he served as a hospital chaplain and a community
counselor at various agencies in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
As a retired pastor, Paul continues to serve the Lord
and His people. Most recently, Paul helped to establish
the Minnesota South District’s “Pastors to Prisoners”
ministry. He is currently engaging in visitation at
Faribault Correctional Facility. We thank the Lord for Paul and for his ministry over
these past fifty years and the many lives that have been impacted with the Gospel of Jesus
Christ through him. When you see Paul, make sure to congratulate him on this marvelous
ministry milestone.
YAMS* Serve at Feed My Starving Children
Thanks to all who joined the YAMS at dinner and Feed My
Starving Children on January 23rd! It was a night full of fellowship,
fun and serving as the group helped pack 29,808 meals, enough to
feed 82 children in need for a whole year.
*Young Adults, Married & Single, is a social and service group of people in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s.
Lenten Services Begin Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10
Ash Wednesday worship is at 7:00 PM. The following
Wednesday services in Lent will begin at 6:30 P.M. and last 45
minutes. Vicar Toby Schmidt will lead Wednesday night the
Lenten series “Before Amen” as we take a closer look at the Lord’s
Prayer. These services will also incorporate the musical setting,
Holden Evening Prayer. After the services, regular Midweek
classes will continue 7:15-8:00 P.M.
Feb. 10:
Feb. 17:
Feb. 24:
Mar. 2:
Mar. 9:
Mar. 16:
“Witness” – 2 Cor 5:20b-6:10
Before Amen – Lord’s Prayer Intro & 1st Petition
Before Amen – 2nd & 3rd Petitions
Before Amen – 4th Petition
Before Amen – 5th Petition
Before Amen – 6th & 7th Petitions
Spring Soul Spa Retreat,
March Book Club
When we are tired or stressed, when
our muscles ache or our skin feels dry, we
can go to a health spa for physical renewal.
But what do we do when our soul needs
care? How do we cope with this hectic,
messy, and complicated world? Come
to “Soul Spa,” where spiritual practices
refresh you and where God is eager to
meet with you and care for your spirit.
Join us for our annual women’s spring
crafting retreat at Good Earth Village
Retreat Center (south of Rochester), April
15-17, with Bible study and devotions
focused on this theme of “Soul Spa”. The
cost for Friday and Saturday overnight is
$155 (includes sleeping rooms, crafting
space, program fees, and dinner on Friday
and Saturday nights). Participants sign
up to help with brunch on Saturday and
Sunday, and snacks. The cost for those
coming on Thursday is an extra $51.
Watch for a sign-up sheet coming in midFebruary. Questions? Contact Linda
Baule or Christine Eid.
Cross View’s Women’s Book Club
has selected March by Geraldine Brooks
to read for February. We will meet at the
home of Carla Schumacher on Monday,
February 15 at 1:00 P.M. for casual book
discussion and fellowship. All women of
Cross View are welcome to join us.
If you’re interested in being a part of
the Audio/Visual/Streaming ministry at
Cross View, please email Jonathan Zellar
We need
people high school age and older to learn
this remarkable technology to help many
other people have access to our worship
and the Word of God. We are always
looking for more people to be involved in
our ministries here at Cross View. Training
will be available so that you are taught the
unique parts of our equipment.
Teaching Inmates about God’s Good News
Using Crossways International Materials
As you may know, CI’s materials have been used in many
prisons in the United States. For example, the president of
American Rehabilitation Ministries (ARM), based in Joplin,
Missouri, has taught CI’s See Through the Scriptures® to many
thousands of inmates in about 150 correctional institutions
across the United States. Furthermore, his daughter, Stephanie,
directs an organization that focuses on rescuing girls trapped in
the prostitution industry in a number of countries. To date, the
organization has built five rescue homes for these girls—two in
Cambodia, one in Thailand, one in Myanmar, and one in Haiti.
ARM is now planning to attach some of CI’s key teaching posters
to the inner walls of these structures and teach their message.
A prison inmate who has been taught some of CI’s courses
has written a number of letters to me during recent years, telling
me how CI’s materials have impacted his life and how he is using
them to teach fellow inmates God’s Good News. When we opened
his most recent letter, we were astonished to find that it contained
a contribution. Amazing! We thank God for the freedom in Christ
he is experiencing within prisons walls and for the message that he
is sharing with fellow inmates.
Harry Wendt, President
Crossways International
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and Join in the Conversation!
Cross View February 2016
Cross View Lutheran Church
6645 McCauley Trail West
Edina, MN 55439-1076
February 2016
Return Service Requested
Sunday Worship: 8:15 AM (Traditional) & 10:45 AM (Contemporary)
Ash Wednesday: February 10, 7:00 PM
Sunday Christian Education, 9:30 AM
Office Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Closed Monday
Developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ along life’s journey
Rev. Steve Wheeler, Pastor
ext 203,
Jan Stockman-Sater, Early Childhood Ministries
ext 222,
Christine Eid, Children’s Ministry
ext 215,
Jonathan Zellar, Youth & Young Adults MInistries
ext 207,
Toby Schmidt, Vicar
ext 206,
Bruce Connolly, Finance & Administration
ext 204,
Rebecca Waller, Music & Fine Arts Ministries
ext 210,
Jason Paulson, Contemporary Music
Jungjoo Park, Organist
Sarah Solberg, Parish Secretary
ext 200,
Gregg Poppe, President
Rev. Dr. Harry Wendt, Crossways International
Todd & Kim Roeske, Evangelistic Missionaries in Alaska
Mark Peske, Serving Among the Ojibwe, Bemidji, MN
Stephen & Krista, Missionaries in Asia
The Clarion is published monthly by Cross View Lutheran Church,
6645 McCauley Trail West, Edina, MN, 55349-1076.
952-941-1094 (Office), 952-941-5513 (FAX), 952-941-0009 (ECC).
Items for inclusion may be dropped off in the church office
or sent via email to
Ash Wednesday
February 10, 7:00 PM
Voters’ Assembly Meeting
Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 12:00 noon
Single agenda item: Decide if Cross View will call Tobias
Schmidt as Associate Pastor after he completes his vicarage
and graduates from the seminary this summer.
Note: Per the Bylaws, calling a pastor requires a special
quorum before a vote can be taken.
Your attendance is important to ensure we have enough
members present to make this important decision.