Step 3 Use visuals to connect
Step 3 Use visuals to connect
Step3 Usevisualsto connect l Visualaids lntroduction Intcractionwith visualaids .Numberof slides 'Addressing the audience -Bulletpoinr lisrs -Procedure -Takea riskl 32 33 u u 2 Numbers andtrends Nuribers and approximations Trends Gramrnar -Adjectivesand adverbs -Prepositions -Describingtimelines 37 38 39 39 39 40 3 Full presentat:o.| Anal},sis Preparationand prcsentation Feedbackand targets l I 42 43 1 Visualaids Introduction I H... fo,r. ,,'lsualai<lsthat Dan, Svitlana,Zhan and Cesarusedin their Step3 presentations. ".. Which worked mostef{ectivelydo you thinkl Whyl B *r.n o* ,n"." statementsaboutPowerl'oint slidesdo vou aereewithl 'I Thc presentation handoutshouldnot bc rhe samedocumcntas rhe presentacion slides. 2 ICsOK if rhcrcareEngiishspellingmisrakes on a slideasno onc cxpcctsme to be perfect. 3 You shouldn'rusetoo manycolours. 4 I needro includcali dcmilsand dataon my slides- chat'srny busincss and that's 66 rvhar my audicncesexpecri 5 A good presenrerusesvisual material to support thc mcssageand nor ro give the message. 6 I seeand I remember. 7 The slides are the firsr thing I prepare as they're the most important part of my presentalions. 8 lf the slidcs are detailed enough, I can ju$ rcad them aloud if I forger rdat I was going to say. 9 There should never be more Lhan sevenwords on a slide. 10 The audienceshould listen to me and not wor.y about the siidestoo much. 11 A picrure is worrh a thousandrvords. 12 The audiencecan alwaysread if r,\cy can'r undersrandme. 13 Every visLralaid should lead to my conclusion. 14 lt's annoving and confusing if a presenrertaiks abour subjecrsrhat are not €ven on ,h'.lrJe. 15 l-essis more. 16 I appreciare ir when the presenrer doesnt rely on PowerPointbucdoessomeching a lirtle dif{erenr,suchasusinga flip charror objects- ?? FindYourVoice Write your own checklistfor the useo{ visualiflformation in presentations. Step3 usevisualsto connect Interaction with visualaids Numlrer of slides 3.01 Rcadthe brie{ Ior the Step3 presentationon page.{?.Then watch Zhan,spresentation "' andanswertl, e questions. I How mmrysliclesdiclZhan trsein his cleven-minuteprcsentation? 2 Do you thiok therc wcretoo few,just enoughor too many? 3 Can you identill' any slidesthat couidbc removcd? Addressing theaudience Lool ar thephorool Zhanduringlrisprcsenrarion. I Do you th ink the audicncewerelistcningto Zhan or reading at this nomentl 2 Did thc sLclehelpZhan'slinglish? 3 Did thc slidche$ Zhan ro prescnrhis ilrformarionl .[ Doesthe slideadd anyrhingto th,.:overallpfescntationand finr I conclusionl 5 Rcaclthe tip bclow.Did Zhan folLorvthis advicel Tip llo TTT when v1u Tl you nrelnr presentvisualinformation: visualinformation: lfen . Ibuch l-ouch- indicate indicatewharis wharisrelevanron relevanronthe<lidc the slidc . Tunr backto rhc arrdience. then... . ,;il;;;;;il;;;';;...,"_ . *" *0"'.c andnor1orle .crem :" ,.1,f r+ - t -r J \\ .r, \ 33 Bulletpointlists G look "t th. t.rt in threeo{ Zhan'sslidesbelow. iiat is geneticdata? T and Go: o'^' "- '" A COurDNAconsi'ts" ll^"^r,n*" o *n." a 5""'6 ' . data 1s <6 oul geneiic AGtCCqTTTAA\ --."^. canhale I g"n"titt"tltt:" "-:-:": B"utat tuth ;;,, t .c ' il'il::Til'":':li:il;i;1" ;:r#i[:li:,f":ffiJ,l disease gene... . l s' e g termsof 0 and "'','' *,,n* use srmulated data sets "rli."it"t'"" "t Why is simulatinggenetic data challenging? Realgeneticdatais not a random setof 0 and ls arecomplc\corrclatio[slrucfures oueto .There thousands of Jearsof e\ olution Realisticsimulateddatashould containthesc stlucfures Grammatrcallyinconsistentlists are confusingand di{ficult to follow. Simpli{y the text by (1) applyingthe '1essis more' principleand cutting the numberof words and (2) makingthe bullet poins grammatically consistent. Examples Bullet points starting with verbs I ' Attack market ] Simplifiproductline i. ' Cut prices i . Market attack Simplificationof productline Price reduction Bullet points startingwith adjectives . Larger market . Simplified prodrcts . Reducedprices Procedure i:.i 0.02 Zhan's presentation was a research repod to statisticians v/ho are experts on their subject' but havelimited knowledgeo{ biology. watch Zhan's presentationof the three correlation matricesin his third point again.Do you like the way he presentedtheseslides?Why Why notl / Zhan useda procedureto presenteachmatrix. Identify the sequenceby putting the following stagesin Lhecoriect order I . {. He giverthe message or conclusion. He .ay' q haLrhe mo.t impo(dnrparri.. He drawsthe audience's attention to the diagram. .....He explains the matrix in geneml terms so that the audiencecaniecome familiar with it. F Now watch his presentation o{ the three matrices again and check your answers. What stagesare these phrases{roml Write the stagenumber ftom E next to the phrases. I Id to focrFour drrenLi.non .. 2 Vhar is inreresrrng / imponanr herei( ... 3 I'm surethe implicationsareclearto all ofus ... . ...... 4 The hgures in r-hisr/bleshow... lt 5 is importantto notice that... 6 Tlc rake-home meo.age herei. ... Ve 7 can concludethat-.. 8 This chart compares... 9 l d l i k ey o ur o r h r n kr b o u r . . . 10 If you look at the top right-handcomer... _. ..... 11 The lessonwe can leam iiom this i! ,,, .. . .. l2 The bluedonedlinerepre"enr" ... 13 Theiop halfshows... ......... 14 Now, I'll showyou....... ... 15 Let'smoveon now ald lookatthe figuresfor... ..._... 16 The significance ofthis is ... ...__.... 17 I would like you to concentrateon this greencolurnn... ......_.. 18 The next overheadshows... ... ..... 19 As we cansee... ........ 20 The verticalaxisrepresents ... . . ... Takea risk! C @ O.OzW","t Zhan's'finish'. He hadoneslideprojectedduringhis summaryandconclusion. Answer the questions. 1 Did the summarychart makehis summaryclearer? 2 \0hat wasZhan's conclusionl 'bang' his linal messagel to 3 Did dre visual aid (summarychart) Zhan usedadd a H O O.O,*o*, *atch Svitlana's'{iaish'" to hei Step3 presentation.Shebrie{edUK studentson their upcoming irip to India. Answer the questions. 1 \Yhat did Svitlana l'rseasvisual aidsl 'bang'? 2 Compareher 'ffnish' to Zhan's. Do you think her messagehad more 2 Numbersand trends Numbersand approximations Read aloud 1-5 and pronounce them clearly. 1 4,579employees 2 30.33metres 3 $995 4 7.385Vo 5 €5.1 milliorr Now readaloud 1-5 below. 1 around,[,500employees 2 just over 30 metres 3 $ I ,000moreor less 4 approximately7.4olo 5 roughly €5 million Q Readth..""-ples of approximationsbelow. Our agencyha workedon 1,024 hatuls. Our agencyhas worked on over/just over / more than 1,000brands. The number ofbrands is jusr above 1,000 Our agencyhasworkedon approximately/ abour/ roundabout/ roughly/ moreor less1,000brands. Our agenclfuisworked.on I ,994 brauls. Our agencyhas worked on well over / well above 1,000brands. Our agencyhas worked on near\ /just mder / almost 2,000 brands. Now read the tip below and present sentences1- 10, using approximations. 1 \(/e have 693 offtcesin 153 cities worldwide. 2 Our revenuewas€333.33 billion last year. J There wasa 5.670oincreasein sales. 4 Ingredients:82.7% water. 5 8.9% stateda strong preferencefor Product Y. 6 Europe: last twelve months, categoryspendingis $12.9 million, doum 0.2yo. 7 Total forecastvalue:f2,697. 8 Australia:193,399professional engineers. 9 Fastprocess: 22-29seconds. 10 We manuhcture a total of 721 different products. Trends I"to"* I the wordsyou alreadyknow to describethe following graphs' "11 ones to Now look at page110. Did you include all of these in your brainstormingl Add any new your brainstorming lists in A. G Co-plet" the gapsin thesepresentatiooextracts,using vocabularyfrom B' " over dre Christmas l To our surprise,it wasthe salesof Prodlrct A that (1) t -" period with sales51oloabovetarget and Product B that (2) s " " with sales349obelow target' is ^ ."s,rlt, *e a." ,"designing the packagingfor Product B and are forecastingthat saleswill ' we will seriously (3) r .-. by Easter.lf this doesnot happen and salesshow no (4) i' -" " have to considertaking Product B off tie market' ' {iom 9oloto 8oloarrd Braad B's share 2 ln this period, BranclAs market share( l ) s " from10%to25% Ifwe look at the (2) p to just 1olo.Our BrandZ (l) r from 6010 (4) d -' its budget for TV advertisingduring this period, we can secclearly that Brand Z (5) r" .' during budgetfiom €250,000to €500,000.The print advertisingbudget on the tarsetmarLet rhesameperi"rdbr.rtwasconcenlraled have been 3 I'd now like to focuson rhe carbon dioxide conrent. Have a lo;k at this graph. There in the carbon dioxide content since the fint unit was installed ( 1 )u multiple and 4oloaswe have experienced between0.33olo three has (2) f (3) h failures.The units are now working efficiently and carbon dioxide content is at 0.2%by the end of the year' at 0.33Yoand we expectthis to (4) s 55 and by 2000 this 4 Let's rnoveonto the statistics ln 1900, 15oloof the workforce wasagsl over to roughlv40% bv 2030 LiG had (l) g .. ...... .......... to 337o.Ve expecttiis to (z\ j to round about " expectancywas approximately 46 yearsin lgOObut this ha5 (3) s ' B0 today. What doesthis all mean for us when we look at tlt question of agediversityl Grammar Adjectivesand You can be even more dramaticby addingadjectivesand adverbsto your trend descriptions. Brainstormas many adjectives(big, small {ast) and adverbs(well, badly, slowly) as you can. Now look at page111. Did you includea1loI thesein your brainstorming?Add any new onesro your brainstorming lists in A. C Choo." th. b""t adverbor adjecrivefor eachsentence. 1 Salesshot up slowb /sliehdJldran,oticalband surpassedall our expectations. 2 The coveragerate decrczucdsignilrcancb/ slightl) / srearllyby 107oevery year. 3 There wasa hzge/slighrAignrfcanl risein unit pricefrom€0.?5to €0.77. 4 The marketing departmenthas grown considerabblg,r.eualblslawiy in the last three yearsand doubledits size. 5 A fa.stI gradualI smailrisein raw tnateriaipriceshassiowlybut sureiyerodedour margin. 6 Up to now we have ignored rhe small/ srendl/ rapidgrowth in the secrorbut the grofih is so fast that we cannot continue to do this. 7 There wasa sharp/ gradual//nsr ard noticeable jump in wastagein a very short time. 8 The online marketing costs are dropping slL&il I subsmnnallyI significdr,tb.However, the declineis so smallthat we shouldn'tincludeit in the final figures. Prepos:tions D Cornpt"* this presentarione-{tmctwith the conect prepositions. Let's move on to the sta.isrics.ln thc i960s ivc spenr about 25lo of our householdurcome on f"od. bur r\i, Las nou cru rltl Jlppcd i i07o(2) .........l5%. Hou'evcr, rhe proportion of lhe averagefood budger rhar rve spendin restauranrsand on rakeawayshas risen (3) dramaticalLy zya (4) ....... JJToin rhe samcpcriod.Mosr inportanriy,I would likc (5) to point ouLthar annualnadonalexpendirureon readymcalsfluccuared somewhere f250 million and f300 million jusr 10 yearsagobur rhis hasnow jumped(6) .... nearlyf400 (8) ... .. .. 1007oin m;llion(?) ...... almost!700 million.This hasresulted from:n increase (9) the aumbersof singlehousckrldsand a decline .. .... the dme x'c spendcookingour main meaL.This wasaround2.5 hoursin rhe 60sbur hasfaller,significanrlyand rodaystands (10). . .... 5 minr:tes.Whar doesali this meanfor us in rhe packagingindusrry? message Describing timelines Past simple We usethe past simple to talk about trends that happenedin the past and that have now flnished. lt is often usedwith words and phrasesreferring to finished periodsof tlmte (La.styeai, lrom 2A032A06, ren yots ago,wfun we insal)edtlle new prod ction process). SabsfeLLbeareen2000 ar,t12003. Solesincreased,dnring *e summtrmarLdslLtstyar. Present perfect Ve usethe presentperfectto talk abouttrends that started in t}}e pastand tbat haven't yet finished. It is often usedwith wordsand phrasesreferring to unfinished periodsof time (since,/or, this)ear) . Sdeshae fisen shce 2003. SoJishr&)edeteriotuted thb w:r,th. Past per{ect and past perfect continuous We usethe past perfect or past perfect continuous to talk about trends that had alreadyhappened before another event in the pastSaleshld alreall improuedwhenue inno&rcedtlv rc@ profufi line in 2006, *te ptocesses. Sabshad beenfurcwntirLgbeforewe streambred. Present continuous 'l0e usethe presentcontinuous to talk about trends and changesthat arehappening now or arcund Sabsare irnprwing at the moment. The salzsfiguresare gettitlg coorse arduo6e. will We useu-,illto predict future trends. SalesraI pickupne*year. SdascDoi't inbroaein somemmkrs in he foreseeabb {uotre. E l d fook at the graphsand complete these presentation extracts, using the correct {orm o{ the verb6 in brackets. F No*, look at this graph and complete sentencesI-6, describing the sales.Whar tensesdid you useandwhyl 1 z . ... lastJune. . .. . . beforethe joint venture. 3 4 last November. fiom laor Novemberto now. 5 6 Q nexr January. Complete these {orecastsfor your organisation. 1 We expect-.. 4 !?e foresee... z I anticipate-.. .l I torecast... p 3 3 Fullpresentation Analysis @ :.oS w"..h Cesar'sfull Step3 presentationro a 1[ businessconference. The subject is trade dress.As you watch, rate the points in the Feedback{orm below. I{ 1ou are working togetherwith a group,discussyour analysiswith the group. Comments sbd Jumpstarttechnique(s) andoryanisation Structure :i Three-in{hree - . * * - struclure - ' - - i* * - * t ; - - - - " - - * - 1 - - * 1 - - - ' " .I i-"* Visualinformation i i r l Presentation ofvisual | information i of information i Claritv : ! ' Claritv of messaoe message ii Clarity r" ii : f I iI ! nahrFn, I ! Virbalderhrde l : technique(s) i i_._- i l ; i l i i -: ": ----'l*':ii t i r witha bang : Finish i , r : : -:- ii--r- *---,i - ii Frnsn Flnsn - - ; : Ii I I i I Il i , i -.. ,_-.__I_._l-___l ' l i l Preparation andpresentat:on a Product of localnetworking DETAIL1 DETAIL2 DETAIL2 DETAIL3 Give your {ull presentation. Step3 Us,giiiiuhliii:connect l Feedback andtargets I{ you're working in a group, analyseeachothers' presentations, using the Feedback{orm below' I{ you're workiog alone, record yourself and analyse your own performance. Commenb Sfft technique(s) Jumpstart andorganisation Structure structure Three-in{hree Visualinfomation of visual Presentation information Clarityof information of message Clarity Delivery Virbalgarbage imsn witha bang Finish technique(s) diary Presentations Now you've finished the basics!You can lay solid {oundations, connect with your audience and use visuals to connecL l-ook back at your {eedback on your Step 3 presentation and, i{ possible,watch your presentation again.Now read 1-3 below and write your diary for Step 3' 1 Do you presentvisr.ralinformation effectiveLylList three positive points. 2 List two things that you have to reviseor do somework on to imp.ove your presentationof visualmaterial. 3 Set yourselftwo targetsfor your next full presentation. Answerkey and videoscript Introduction i4 o.oro"" A Hi, ny une s Dan. tctudlb nr tuLI Mne x DaMpot Altlic/lnsatdl, b1,lt/s re,l lory r eoayu ulk neDm. I'n o stutentdt *aoLes, I'n srd)rng prdtirlrns 4s 4 l"tast* dese awse a I'n fth Bdnlkok, Th^itarn. I tupAb tutu the tuesettatian.o"'se in Enslxl 6e@6e . . . nt wo& iftaol,e a Lr with Enslish peol)teann Enstish coater* so becaue I pLln to wo& h a1rintd&LioMl @npant in'IlvjLhd, d,t ... I thinL a.t@UJ n, r,J, Jat k^ou,ih ny fua ofjab,nr fieu af @ark t p[blishits, 1ot need,to tudk. a tot of ,tsdtation ani. a Lind of sellingyw idw beaue, the b@d. of connitt es thq hdae1rtsaf t.iapasdlsbut a:fat's inparaht fd then q'ten ttuy nake a i.tisian js thtouch th. tnesenwian oJ JoLt... I thinl t\. obstal, the tu)r obstd.bsate dE liffdent)@ ktuu, diffaent nelnatines betwer you know, diffumt peo;,l" hon d.ifraern coln iesbewe sonermes, lite , o,En ee dA b the fdeiEn peopL ue needta kinn of cha"sew M.J of salils tlli,ss d d.oinsthirys, yu )<tw, to nd<e th.m, to pastudk thm to, to . _. tuakeit noe, Jo{k@u, @r$ibla f6 thh sonetitues,it's ledb hod to seeuro s fq ln\at.Jd L@w. Fd th. hesenhrion in Ensidll i rirrt need to be moe confid.ent and yu knou, loot< note I,ote*iord ei be Me shil.. . you trrcw ahen 1u dn a beu6e I think ttu|s @hdtpeolla e9ed fta Sresentation I o n o J . o n l d c r c ei n ! d r , " l f a h ) i d r A a , ' r ) "-u. lhr€uaseit's nide hLea ftienlly ... and.... beuusc I thja\ @ ene fiatu rE tune c(Mtrt, so w Linl of ta*es thin€s 1 Dan is a srudentat Bbokes lunivesiryl. He\ studving foi a Masrersin publishing. 2 Hel fotn Bangkok, Thailand. 3 He plans to work for an inrem.rional companv in Thailand and h6 wofk iNolves working virh Englishpeoplein Englishconrexrs.In publishing you necd to make a lor ofpresentationsand *11 your ided |o ihe Boaij. 4 You have to chanse rhc vay you sayand do thtngs to nake ir horc acce$ible for a foeier audiehcc. 5 tle wants ro bc more conlldcnt, prcfessional and A i9t o.o2svittana Ml tune a Soirrrtu- l'n oisttul! lron UktaiE. I'!c beh in 6aund tM .J@s,and I'n lMkins 6 a suitle dt thr Boabian I ild) in Oxfdl. 1 tha€ht it wout be inpdtant f@ ne, ffi so nuh t'@nr job ds a stide in Ltv lihdrL , q/ni.:hx &o inpolldnt I kink, b* becaueI'n lotry n1 ptD in E.osomi6,I,n l,aquns in front of d @nnitta . . . it's al@)s snasf,r, 50/ r/1.lgl t uotv help ne ta zain sotueconfulencednn r hnpol t wo{lrl. learn a feu new techniqtes ta imprave mt Pfesenalons. It is inp'tlnt fd ne ... beu6e I'n Ll:udl! soineta boL f@ a job in tuatucenentant thnt,suhae.Jou da&llJ hae a lo presmtatiou alnost everyda.J,a ther ^6t be al a adJ hish qtuliry, dnl. thats r.h!, ttatsh I'n ad1 happ.Jui\lt thejob I A d"oirstutu, ahen r, wh4t r nore an to, to rhe uxt job , / thught I tuouV bettq saih n! skilts k kch diffeftnt uhen )ot tuese h Enslisi, and i, is dillicut bedboe f,fst I'a. Eota ad.J s':'on{ den , atu | i6e11, to spolk perJf6r dnllits etv lq peopb n t aeD, ,q rliffdlt ta undastuna tue hqe. vJhen I nap@ Mc fu$, n wd. a diysld be@usenobodl codtl utaastar.t ne, I cou|,ln't uri.xtznd orha and baninshou to ptesnt, it eoua helbeaehin a daib life ra Mke qsell nue .td .o ot}.q peapb. F@d:J ff;sl pt5entatiafl, I ud: '@kirq on sfu.twisins it tnl. I thataht rhdrif I coxlJlo jt ift Endish, I then@!U be dLlz ta do it h n6si!'n a u.ll, so, riats ehr ln LaLins fdwd. ann oeq exctedabot rcw n s goingto be, betutse I thoushtI rcalb undastood uhzt I studiedanl. 1 @dd inplenenr the siucttre nto n1 tuesentdtion,soI talb wnt to seetle feedbuk of a&lierce t ke uhat tEr tl,.i* of nt p6enatian. 1 She'soriginallyfrcn Ukraine. 2 She is livine in Oford and wo*ing as a euLdein r,\e Bodleian libmry. 3 She rhinks it will be usefulfor her phD in She would like to sain moe confidence and leam rmc new techniques- Shel soine .o look for a job in hanagemenr and you have to do high quality presentatiomalmsr everyday. 4 Shc\ got a very strcng accenr and used ro speak She thihks people find it ditricult to undenrand her5 She wants ro be cleare. and implemcnt a sood sttucture to her pesenrations and to get feerlback frcm A tli o.o3 Zhan My zne's Zizn Sr- I M bon ir Chitu bn I,n naw Urins i^ EnELtul. I'm a PhD stutznt at the Uni{asitr of Oafa . 1 sttd:J srarisricalgen€ricsat the stdtistics .leDonnent.lI \ inp@tantld ne ro rar, rlp .o,r,? ,h Englisltbe@6e Engli'i is rie scientificlans@ee,so if qdre soinato tueyht oh jl6 it aill j6t be, nost ol dE tine it1 be ih Easlisi1 He was born in China but he's now liv,ng rn Engiand. 2 He's a phD studem at the University of Oford. 5tudyingnadstical generics. 3 English is the scientilic language and most of the time you haveto pEsenr in English. Mr rz.n. iJCdaf namneraid I (fr han Me\no rn'L I a1n d lav\et u@Lnt' far dn htaMrLrul Ln! t'd Wrll. tlLn .oa)s d la)ti.,ldrb inlorrai' b&?,r 4s pa" oi n) to dPrs d elqrr) adirn'esI hn!€ ro gpe ltrnh|'od q ftfo1u b P?opl nr gerer"l to olh1 coLlur*.s t1trtrtu d ',1e5or' 't d&qr ec .lo oJ !il@' al,att Pntidlo 6pe|:"s ., eJren4' in lnrg..ion that se laok at ulwt se cnsase a m1dlbettd ndt a uAe. l'n lDlms to &-iiete a vq ulxlastatuliv. of hau ta ire tuoe cllectiee thesentatktn a haw n be nue anltlet n) uhar I 5z), llou I sal it, theLn\ Im arn fuw it an benor effective ian kDu' in a noe iar r,tn8s ro e} to be..6l. i..ring ir, dnd al,o ral alult htoo k le .oifded @) a\ ol,povd lor 1!1@rrp aooorc a6oarit ani dluqs, lili€, laniL{tu unLillbout si{Jws lso thar i act'&ilr r.4rrcl 'o stedk EryIslt. Deloe I'd, )ot k1utw, I harl been eda'dtai tn Spanish,I lul been,)or Jinoo, trainal ih Spa sh, a1x1 n) nitul ods ,sed ro slakins Slanisl a'd rhinl'rs 'r SFdnsi, 50 @h4r)ot ci,e t'4?''4riod, ob'ioal) Mrive speal<osaiurs nn<e ue o/ rl€, rot lrco, 'he sots oi eTtution an!1.trdinms that the.;teceivd fton a uq anlt I age, and tlesz resoocesoboioldb l l lzci in i"a'v t u Le d w t o lI n | n s l J h o L r c I n o t t L ' " " - ' @ttulb helrinsfle to belbb to :Jaukrcu ' u1i 6\tu'n Lh' Mj tutiue spedkqswoublsise a pr5entatian effectiteb gl4e and nkae tut:ibe tha @A pl@ n@. enpia'is d theJ tlorL! tutalbJ bdae, otuI uhae the1wlt' atull"l be n'e enlhatic. I Cesafsfrcn Mexico. 2 He s. lavler, $oikins for an intemationaLlN tim 3 As Dan ofhn clerydat d.tivitics, he has to g'!c presentations nr clients and colleagles. 4 He rvantsto achievca much Letrer unde$randins of ho$ to givc an efccdve prcsentarion and how ro bc norc confident 5 l l e d o e- | h . c r r e - n ' r e ' ' u \ e ! a s d n i | sleaker who was educatedin Englsh. so he doesnt automaticallyknov how to enlhasise, pause.or be more eFphatic. Step1 Laysolidfoundations 1 The start Thc chart bclow showswhar the cune loks like fot an A avengePree'nalon- B Mosr lisrenerstenJ ro remenLer rnost easil)infomarion sivch at rhc sraft ah.l finish and rhcse eF trvo im|otrnt seciionsof a prcsenratur.Ttre first iretu at efencd to.s pnhaq'.nd |he last rreN as 'recencv'andthescareeasicrtorecallrhanLtchsin thc mridLe of a prescntarion Ths s caLLedthc serial position cffecf rvhich occun in all kuds of leanring and presentation.Tho gnph below Jehonstratcsthe serialposidon effecL htemediate Prinraiy There s a parallel bcrween rhc audich.e attcnfion lsrcnins cuae and tie seial positionefecr g"p;r' Who, why, what, how Who s rhe pEsenter?2, 6 Why arc we all hce? 1 What F he soine |o talk aLourl 3, 4 Ilow is he goiq ro olgahisethe Presntadon?5, ?, 8 c 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 rvho *hy *hai who how who wh1 trhar what 10 11 l2 1l l't 15 16 17 la rvhat whY how hos lhl sho how horv who 19 20 Zl 22 2l 24 25 26 how horv what whl lvhy ho{ wh-v $ho D i:' r .ot c"'n" Thank )ou 'or mkhJd coming Goo,Laltmoor eolov l dn Cetur ne 'nt!d".t nlslt k. ro m) I'evrr4&rn. ai i1x4wn6Ml lae"Ja @a+iry:lat Fanire. atul I dfl o a'"nu aha,aat | a u / r m . ' o d " r l q o c l dl , ( , b tnso of tle souins dni relb l'.at oea of tatlawk t t t t v ' ' o n ' i t t t b pi l r e " F - r l , e . t u , n b . r " r ' a going ro be uiar' Wirdt oc l'ote.t @[en ue s@] 't a,Ienok'' and utuLt ue actullll nean \1 tle uord 'trarletuk' .The se@ndpaint uill be wh1 we ane abon nalenatks aad uirl oe shorll l,? .orc.rned oirl ttalemeks. ArA fitulb, rl. ld foinr I lLos !e Pror"r itule1n@ks, hoq the lau is encented tuth Lt''7'ndks, hau cosns anll jdses tI.'Ltutks 6 .9 Time 4D Recency 4 l-ct ne imroducelnlseLt I anr... I ah a... 7 ' f o J a y I s . u l d l i k e t o r i v c y o u a s e h e r a L o v c i ov a i e. l. 9 So, l'11bt aJdesing thtuc main pointsaDJrhc fi$r . . . j - o . n s, , l . T l - , . . n dp h . r l And finall] the lasrpoihr is .-. 2 The finish Signal, summary, conclusion! ctosinq remarks A irl i.o: zhan Mdntrq€ro)one. I'n ZiunS!. I'D a rrarijri.rlelrarrnenr irhD nud, a. tE I I 'asr'.! o/ o_Vod arl h,la), t,fr .qoi,rgro rell lor I lirrh l,n alod m1 research.I r, xom.Ljr, LiefLj t lI ":pL ul.@tI da, l,.ieflr tell lox hou L1o tt atn l,vlb I n sainsto tell Jar uir I do i.. The p/esenrdror shanz I4n abait lNe ninuta anl l'n lnppJ b tde an| qtenn,ns dlta thd. 26 22 lj I? 2 Evewpreenrarionhassonrekind ol conclusbn. Even ifrou aregiving infotur1on. you wam ihe audrence ro kno\r and undenrand more by the enJ of rhe Fcsenrarion.This should lt explicit and turxeo ro t h e ' w h ) ' a tt h e\ i a n ' . M o n i n g c v c r y o n eI.' h . . . I ' m a . . .a t . . . ToLlay,l'm going to telLyou ... Tlrl*, r { r n h o r l , l , . , b o ' r . f .m , n t r , l'm happl'to tale any quesriorsafr.r rhar Grammar B A :.:lr.o]D,n Hi eu\ane. T.da:J I @uA like Lobc talk^s abo&tan o,tweu ol dteR^suh bo.k na'ftd. Frsrb, l'U so #.,gt, saflerdtlal inf. dhu'r Lhe,lor krnu, r/reoury "vry. Tttil, I'll1n te an ro rh( ecoioln:laru1the politicssutca1n 'irtr i 2 iikc ro go mro .ltl.]ils @iththeed.rcatiatutltuokct 4"4 the bali pll,lishms. 'll go 1 th.oush 2 ll move on Nill sraft 6 will hove on I Thev us. vill, would like aDdgoine to. 2 lt\ a good idea ro lsc . varieryof foms to avoid - o ' . r v . , I . i 1 .F B Suggestions I rirsrlv. I'll grve rhc ba.ksrounJ n, ibe protecr. f t . , , .J r ' L o i Jr , . r e l l v o u i , , , h " p r , . . I. i , ' . r .{ , ahd then I d likr to showrhe futurechanges. 2 Ih my fiisr roihr I d Likcto showyou thc srrucmrc oi thc depanmcnqmy secondpoint is going to be our *ork pteedures and ny thitd Finr will be sussen,ons for grcaterellicicncl3 l'd llke to developthree hain poinc. Fnstly, I,ll give a gehc.alovetriew.Secondly,I'm goingto move on to specificsand thirdlv, l'll descrrbethe ovcalt 15 ctt 16 Sum 10 SUM 18 CR i9 sum 20 Conc Grammar Da nolbds aJ thc 6nfri.l.e. I n .ielithtal to be uth ).r hde todal. Mr mne 6 rheali.ct ol tu"J[ is t]tede,ia,r beAarior ol econonrczrgerrsir lorr ern.r.gngecorDm'esTodar i rr .ging ro re/l yot u/11 J ./rose4 ir toi,c a,Lj ho@ron .ai I'endiri.orn ftJ rera'cA. I w . l t* L L . F t . " e j a , \ t , . 1) e . a n , t t r n t p . t . t . J , . , bzhaeiorr in €..tuniLr. I uill aole or b .qpin€)o, r a /c{u 5 1 Sig 2 Surn 3 Ctt 6 Conc A i;l r-o+ s"ittn.o - . . rr ' . d ; ; r . 3 r Ir:r'r,! |re. presenrationin a.orher languagecan bc even more stresstul.One efecr of this is ihar prscnres ofr.n feel relioed when they ger to the linsh ofthe harn fart an.l they sihply don'r go rhough atl or dny of rhc stepsar rhe sonerihcs fail ro summariscor confu\c summaryand concluson rnrr e've the sumnary. Thn means the message of the presentarioncan hecone unclear ':l 1.05 Cesat .\o, rhA dnd Fn1. I'nBs ne ta rheod ol n j F5efttdtiln. To !/,Dnarise,&t'r. looted.t uhatdtrtulenfrk is atu1i^ deJnriLian.\X/e@ baked at uh.J ue yatect tradituarks dDd !b oc al" c.n.em.d 1litlr rhen, dnll ]AnaL:jw ve Lakai at hoe ue ynoLectthe'n. So, I tDp€dnl I rrusrrhar lhis lt6 8t!en lor a ralb go.d isigh| into &fun tn. naK lau A dfld td n ,nrsAr6c rhardv.Ln hkinl.r .J"". i PEschrferfecr 2 tt iseffcctive asrl,e useof rhe presentpefcd indicares the contuDrof ihe prcs€nrarionis connecrcdro rhe p-en .r \. .rm f ,r,I o-. ,ror t. ,. .n" surntmry cah tre rnote .lrimatic rhan dre useof dre Nas simple and uncohplicared. Thc 4 Yes, , to makeusthink alour iFdem,,( ,aw conclLrsion wasclcar and led Jirecdy fom rhe summar B I enlird 1I have/ cbansed 2 vas rz havebecn 3 nade il have madc 4 ser 14 have allocatcd 5 appointed 15 hdve inrroduccd 6 hcant 16 hasbccome ? didn t arrend l? have srarted 8 {as 18 havefound 9 wastcd 19 had 10 didnt hdrc 20 hav. seen lr, ,:.:. ;: . 1," ';, : . :47:. 3 Structu ng Siqnposting lr'J Jtclpinsn) ldr.qu{e, v Engl'shbecaaseI Lare a s$L.ttte th{e aA utu! t &ed to p!' ill I iut lool ar 't rrzouts aml iu soarerhngin A,d aier I sl'eai I teel ntde conJilentbedta I huu sltt ls nert atl ulut to cxl,e.t... t te L Ia ndke lds,rirkles letu6e l J"'e @hd!ro €rpe., ' crl,.c. this I'nd bf sr1!dn$ and ignl,ostillg rell ,te {!tut @iUbe a(\J I Situct!nnehclpsDanLecauthe knowsghat cohes next and ivh.t ro exFci g ':' r.rU Svitlano t u.'n? LiLelablgr W So-lell$&4 raru4l4c!?Ir!1lrot .,rfhdsiinle ttu inf.'rkutce ol d detianLbeharioh aJ e.!noni. asenb a rAeinltut t J45 on ort lio.s Lr's t' @ it, alLaf $ leel Jerilrr ro rone .I'en. ir d'.lle'err snr@trrff dn.l bc@,Aeof t'trll' se .dn hLhbe htutu|urt.b a erencaaseLirsrresro orrd teople. TJt 54m€ "rs hapfe h dconolni.rul{l lre.,lriado ,tn{r .hat a'e 'lLgdi n !id.l] dJnorndl orii6, arrpi.dl Jlclianr bruliod achoulclged ia pslciologl, crinnrologlarul socrologl bla nor in eL!ro,,i.s uJue it hutilcns M,\ aro tlneed kt nu nr!!eor&lrlihs )dr aJaueranplesWc roald atl rring sri.i:de,it,ltir€s,riolatio6 {t so.ra1 ,Aee rar..n ix,ms a cuJlaed .l],notml o, Jc!@tl. Ih,i! kad5lre torl lroii rial lnbins a j,alge ro sd a idtitdckrrl ol rh€.f idl, .ynllltirlg rh! tddsj ra gft 4 bcrLetndtk dI tne ut l'h!]"r i - nan; ont .v.l;.. l,rr'{r'l al,D$ on a dailrteosh.Lr's,.t, rr.n ro {uiurue conriler to be a del'dnt bel@tio,r tn .conofrics AJ d de,n' j,.[r,,o!r h donoini.soe .orlsiJd.m4ti.n anddl] sdlr dacoro,n;coine, t/r mosrconnor o/ tfiicn is ut fraad' N.v-llialat'olrr l)6n,@ d.,iurriors I T/Pr do '!sr as rc wellarutr/urdL somarnesthq an pzscar rhearseh'es becane LheJ .an llttudtd' ne!4ri,c.l.!t.ions, lata on TAar lr6,ins.hanres,.+?.@lb in 'cznasrnq @&nt'\ * oJrrrilo*rflorgr/r lnls ofJ.liarionsand stldringrlFn n a r.asar) n€! 'n bdlzli'g a mdc ja. atul i...essil Titn ruiroterolricn qlne qtl'e tteocrr aI tre tr\o1na\tbec.o6ea caul)btf dars dgo liee ds a' d"i'i" on BBal n. Li'S alod oltesiirdnd ohdt tivr M a!o{r r 'hdl the) t rn.l ar .b€s,rl .qcnethar neansrJ r l)drienrr &lD ha!. ihisgaren ind" lileh I.lule oL4n) irApe'rio' of ttuii l,idsl)k d,,1 jo,uts exarll u'lu ue do rVe'rc r,liig lo L.are senej!..h as thc .b.rir)' So ri[r'r nth uia I do dd rlrilr hdl, I do ir So nla'dl lrrar-"l!!l o/bietsinfl^.i. ri"i! ot&hd {ddo 'r l,edndlls' tla) lrs o/s.neri.dal,..T]ttrv v' of seneti.ddu .odes,6dr So, lrar'entrdal.atr a.1is.6erld ee ar n1' rlz'rd .oner for exanple, obesttl. TIE s?.!rl 5er.t se"atic i ri PP " l t" IlPd r o r . o 1 4 1 t h J lt o ufio, *e)i"people uhodonr la'c ob€sirlaal 4e.'ul)re the tuo tasclh' ati. h.rfulb @hdtue IM is .fia. ii tit. obesitr ddta s"r tul all &ft] d 5.r d sd)cs ,tr d1" ro! for in ttu orh* Jaa rcLuhoe !e.i)leJor'r lule oberit) Tfiis n a o@1,rd)- lnjrL W'eic rdkrrg a.bort h(qe anodts ol dLLl a1t w'te 1.sirgndri$nJro i.n oJ,r.d.l, anallv rhii ddr,r. So, rhar'r {l!) 1ocr. i, ,hc ndrilics deFanraenr. So-drl rlrj IDU i Jo t ar! 6r.11! Iuhl f)K rl8 serEri.n,a.J br lo.nrnr-q So, o. re domsdir bec@lrc ng dr drscases of cor.rin dnea5es.*e re t crra rni*sta Ia u dhe d d bln lof'efuLl.\ Ilt Llut $ill uattulll, art so. liseasts fo eronph htuaentiai lot rhese ohae .Jreoberitl Lnoung l)1 lr,urmeed'.at coJnlranies n.sdes thc 4/..1 d)i1ssdur gcneis, tull bealie Io JeLelop th. fin1nethat nlishtbL ! oI fi*, lop4rllr, drug tiar dres oi,esiry.' ar Lat I'evdtts ir dtul 50 ri/' n oh) ue do ir. !,, rlurr lrre,y nua\tl* ulat th"hotua"'I 2 3 4 ? a l1 I $ould like to kgin liy .. L e a st u m h o { t o . . . Lefs $alt Nith Drt PFsentahon No\v. Nhat .irout... I Let mc move on Lo .. This lcadsmc ro a |onn Zhrn 5 So, fust ofall .. 15 So, thafs p,ttty much... i:l t.oszt'o" 22 Aoll llnally .. So, t &l all, olial 'r n I do! so,I udlt n afkLt 'Lnlol and esrcnt'rtl]&,nt @ do n tD'!s nd.hdaridll seneri.s pets ol o$ Eee,ae,il,,r /ranr otob DNA ta t'ete thos. rharoraes drace. So, i/ 1ot Iru.rne od i'odicsro i'e miires, rAenli.treany orh* nthi€ on lJatiiesarc ltone to txad<doa. so, *te of ttut 8 beexse @ ha{enr beetr ael,tq @e it &t *" . So,fq.tu1nlb, btul diet' bk "f af e@cise, b r soneaf the rersonsNe bee6e on bcdies is not buh ea, we\ dr,l the taot oJrl t/,ar is, i: b"aue tlse ue faubsin atr DNA, at DN A de theblrelnin^ to ou lrl;es, ro the nrj1,rs. So, ul@t M da is h) to toet tiDseFrrs ofo!' DNA rl@rzrces eseliseoes.-\o,I re r / r r r ' 1 n , 6 i ') , s t u e ,rrrirJ oneoiIturd"a Note, Zhano(tenues asDe ar vedri)nn qth a Flurnl nolr Tlis s Chinese intcrfc*nce ile $oul.l have ... o\t bqli$ ee nor btilt @l @il (nor ' o'r l,odrarir not ... or DNA n rh. irlreFn,.s ro oat bod;es(not or DNA ffi th. blutuints to an boli.s) ... pdri?ffr ,ufrohaoe,ft ger .oe nde likeb to haaeob.siti (not ... p4tidts @io iu@ rh^ setu n h@e lij.el) ro Aale ... wilLbe dbb to deaebpdrlss tet NYte thecffe.t of this dE ee€ 6ot ... qilL be abb n rlclelot d'"gs rhat Esdd iideo saaipt. l kay'irnrd :Ansi,rer Sieipo(s a.c nnpftahr hc..usc rhcr hclp rhc frcscnr.r strucmreand shapethe contentanJ guidethe au.rrence ihrcush ihe peseDtation. Deliveryr Pausing i:l t.oq suitl... I tulizol that oi ame, obri.ui,- ,@. (s sIiJIrdon /r i,,rqo!€ne so m) gdalIor ric nc\r lrere ,lrion(6 ro i ^ t u a a e a I i L L l cl i t j i s r l r n n r s a n d p a , j i r g l , c c o a 5 e son€tmd rh€ldain! rlE1 hi,1g.ror 1tro!drrerr'onr'o'n u'iiene thdn tut ptutnv. Barrl! uAor 1or slarrr ror l6t, ir 6 dillidnrb par,b L.ItL,o, n, ridr ua n,-sd,l, &hich I p@tl:Jd.hieud in ttu ie.od l,rejerratior. i dat I q4s sexinsnate canfiiler, &tii ur\q Erslll ard / wm ufradoJ wrguo s tiat I do rot rce n daiil i,,fe. |, i--1"11 l l\'l"p*" "[r,' e p ' . i , l 1 v i ' n r h ' p r . -' - ", I l"lf l Jr' j{r r.roCoI .ant rhiDk of any pardcrlar rvonl or any panicutar plnse or any panicularyou knos', M! ofsaliDg rhar I s h o u l i a . r u a l h r n p r o r e , b u t I s u p l . o s et h e r n o s t ihponant thing abourrhis corne and that, 1ou tnorv. l ve leamt,hasbeento lt al.1cto lausc and to bc ablc t,r bruarbeind to Lc to just l6t.h t(, m-!"clta Lrt Lcfr,rcmoring on to thc ncri |]olit. vou ktrow. rhar I want to addrcss.An.l I supforc it's $mcthins I Jon r Jo bccauscas I sid, vou knoq. bcing a -cpahirhnatlve rvedor\pause,rvejust kccf ralknreandrxlkins speaker, becauseiJeaslnd RrJs jlst floN, ,hd thq tur kc.r comnrginto lour mud. so I suffosc you rc!.r sto| io think al:nlr {hat rou rvanito say. Whereaslr Ergkh I supposc,ltcau.e Im in ftm of an audrcncc.anrl I am becausethey're alLnatirc spcakos,anJ l--ccausc L"r., . , . . , , 4 . J.(, , , . . . r.,, .1 r ' . r" . / l,qforevr],u n, ,a ot poiedro dfr4 r-o" re a tu.ri,e rpedrd, yrlrt LrtteruordsoaI, yotr,{ rl,"r rlcn orr al,J, r.r irnou, t1t14sr,{oroml aatrzlil. so J un r nalll t/r,rrk of d \trc{t c\anfb ol d pdtridt|]J tuaLLlat dtrnpb, a1 l]rr,.q.lilc rAar,LlnLI uorlLl t;,1<ro. yoa hnou. jav Dr awn ol atl heaHe to lwe n d a krger, lnr i iepos. a\ liulc t/r'ngrl,lc ldrriirg. ;r's l,ule tAra3sdrralena rore, 1on l,Di,, ranpdjtng,l.ins, r-or l,or,, nde, I !41Dsc, clearoal)ou *lrat J ra goorsro do r! i !41.5. rnr r or of tir rh;lgstrfiici,l ln,oir d.rrll), ririch I Jln 't rich I'u laLnal 4ct@!I\ l.nou ad I tlFathing.nd lisrcningto binr.cll 2 Thcv hcll a .o.'natilc rpakcf rhnrt alout Nhat rLrsavin tronr ofnative speakeraudieDceCes^r5ay" 'he can iisren ro hinself when he breathesand I l)ausinu.ndbearbrrg helt r. l]-accanl signposta prescnrationb.insing aticnrioh to key poinrs and . ' - a f | r , , , , r n . P ' , h r ' L li q u e n," dr.r can elsohelF to.alft neNes. ,+ A prschtation is css.ntiallya monologueani the prcscnrcrfcdsa ncal ro fill in silen.ewhich reers u n n a t u r at lo h i n / h e r Answerkey and video script 4 Full presentation ii' t.t t c.*. ajtntt dfLanad ere4oac TJnal ror u|arrc/r ]ir .oft'ng ro ,r) fteremltor. l"r,tr irr'odrL! nrr-s.t/ I arr Cesar Rarnt.r, antl I an d la{rat uar|arlol an hnanatio%l k{ fnn. TD.lzr I {M,0 liJ.. ro gi,. )o! a geferal odlieo of tu srol@tg anLLftdr\ b,oat 4\ea of den16k llLu.So I UbedLItLr esns r,hr. ,nan,]DDrrs,ar 'e.L{r'. goog rhe/rrv or rs to Le V/rat 1@Jro,ed e,Ea *e n1 'traLemnks a uhat w acnnL\ nean b1 the unl rtdlenak' . Ttu pmld poin' orl l,e ob ue cau aboo rrademarJcand ol1 ue sAorU Le .otonel rui/r na4ewks. AhdJitulIJ the lai patu is halu ue tn.Lect tradeaar*s,ioo rhe lao rs .!n.arEJ on/l r,ade,vods, dnA hotueurts anLlralres liarccr hddelnari.s. E{c,!sene. So lzr ne 116rr'm ro m) ftst paint \\4et d tolenwk is n a oaf imlorrart qlstion beaxsethat sill detonire uhetlw a rct ue't got a cla,n aid e€ !.soi d ngJ .So tle tir$ *nig ro rcre is llLll o no'leMk is anJ sirn tlat arLl be uet by a wn* to lknrJ"j Lis d hd E@LLilra'1 ot^a tradas' ad dl ih! sde r;D. .d di.ntganl rDv of otho ttadas. Th &rutpr ry' a s,6m/as ftm dre goo,Js . L , l u o) b * n t h , r r . . i r o . , - r' . / , , ' l L ' e r " e . ' ,ine ad is &l'@llt benrsl,ooiere,J.and broatlenalu tine goesb. So h tlle bes'nnins/d etufltb, d n.uLetuk {'LLI ju5tbe ar ideftifia. Noo.da)s, tor .{mpl., a b onenotttc(nbe usel, fat e\tuntle d a le,ari app.aranL?. ar r,repdrdtu, asfic inag,.,crc ry'agcnoalco,4rny. So 'Jr .urrr har dd'dur- ban crolline and sroorrs {d). o1 stezulily aad/zrt oro t/1"fo:t ,lMn s. Tfu vcorl qaernn is rv/,r-tuetnor..r rtudcn@lsr'a1d ora haz I urrld lrle ar Jrz{ }.r'drrd)rior r. dreId.r . txl b tu rctiul nLLuul( L,ehtnLI theb.LtcL\n dtuI,ul .hc v,re fi,,€, I {,LLL hLt b knLuhd ft() ,Lri'r fonxs lF". TAelnsr.k 6 un!,Ios sJrilcrr seroloru is rhe irtornarion. So ,E r.aror elL) tle lro..d t/ale,nari6 ir l,erzrse drel are srpposedro Le .Mias of hdattudtianthat tcll tle comia,o rdere r goortscone fron onrl at tlre satu tin., ,q 1.a$,r rle..Nrno Ilnr rl,esoo.isrlel .r. l,ring, le or rjf ir i,alin.q, co1n.fro^ tl( \a1ne ad*rthl1, /ron rhevoe o,sd d,J ls d ru$atrt qr(l,ry . \. r . , l u . ' q . . , . o . . , r' a t , . \ a rd ' . , r : , . linn at uhaha o l){' rlow soodsar crrolf of a good 4,alir), tu.tdlirr I expe.r, I carj6',s. titclladenarL, and aluls .{j)c.r rtu nne rlidlnr utA co{Jcarc. So .Id. is rh! turioful€ d dc tuin pdt.tion ft" rtuLana:,|'s. FnralJr-,rh,r Fnrr br'nesne ro n1 sccoal, to m1 t/rrJ l,"inl. {uAi.l a ... i a'x] ,xs lrrn{r ne ro n) ,nid td,rr. atul lz'r' t dnl, eA,fh ir, lb,u ue borect :fulcndLs, a1i trt ,1s pon l uonL l*€ !o drLw yfi anetnon Lo tu lact ttnt tioe r a ro 1-hrrc and, ar tu sanet'fre, ler inportu '.on aion.We]},ted 1, ildpb in daierwk ku d1i.l n radetutrlis to rlreer.enr *d .ho. 6 .ui.riof . wld' sorr ot.Dn aion?li's oaMa.o?y'lrion, a,rl .AaIs ... rot oall rlreoasm+ a onfraed o to de orgo of the goods bxt alsa,if the ca$una A confusol,6 ta tlB fact thrt dv goodsm1 be affilaten ot aall 6e odo*d or spomoed 49 So lhr tiird lDinr l,inryt. ro ,re erll ofD) presenrarion To !.ntr'arir., *" r€ loolcd.r &im . badotu'l 6 4nJ nJ eL ulrJ @. tuatccL6dj1'en.tks dcli rian. \Xlew Laoked oiLh then, a'l Lhnlll.)ue ae ..itdne.t aill e,r) &! arc laokd athav & lrtect.hen. So, I iop. a'd I ft$t lJut thn J6 gtren )o" d 'eali) good inslht into alat nane ok -fhatL LLuis atu1th't it nEh be ^otL!|''ptoroL';{o 1u 'oegol anl qks.ioa, yoa ro1 nral /o listen;rganl f ]o" f,bd'e feetfree to 6k. r Tralemark l:rv has nerer b€encon emeCwith the psrchologicalfunctionsof a traJcmark 2 Thc-v would furd it a faEreachingsiatehcnr and soul.l Nonder$'har hc sas ralking about. ':1 z.oI co"" The t".nedian of Eadatutk ktu he\ been ftc.nt4 dntrqd.d ol to be rAe proreciion .y' tire ps) t'ndnnr Lla@l i?! ,1'5 tr.rentdtian abalt haien tdd.,,a,ls. la{ @!tl IilE t. siae rax tu arateu ol uhat nal'etu Step2 Connectwithyouraudience Techniques:Combining'jumpstart'techniques 1 Jumpstart lntroduction o"" e d:|2.0+ 1 Mect the People 2 W FM 3 Enrolmchtquestiohs 5 Shockingshremento. stanlingstatisric 6 Expeft rcstihony or histoiicalevidchce 7 Questionand answer 1 a 2 c 3 e 4 b 5 d 6 e a n d s? f Techniques: WllFl\4 Techniques : Quotations c ,:12.ors"itl."" H; eroyor. Tla& ya lor comingro ,a senier roda) Tile e,,itud bdal i5 z$o rh. iilt.p.nJen, boolr,Dp. So 1 ua{Ll liLc to stdtt wirh t ' Jolt 1'1o{ ' a 4Eslin. Do )od lnoo loe na") nrl4,.ndent booJAi.pstr Brr/rid id closedin Lirelzv f,oe nonrAsrAtr)on€l (ten, Jilteen) Tlva's a godilaanl,a. h\ aroand J5 TJuls ccodiae ro m) r'arisdcd I Jtepr troD 'hc tospa|os a lot haor rJrcprr}lnlilg so{fes. So, whdt hap,endl tile $rcts, !|]tr Jo lukhotx, )o! l,oo, /tcepcLsins loM d Jzs soa a1@) tu bAirussr . . Toiq , I'n !pn[ to e+]be on :i:".:.t;zt ^" Our DNA r or l,oohry' lfe. lr .onriaiturb eebiliion leder ' Tiat's thrr brlliot letros rtut defin uho *e orc' B*, ,la ro r-oa rallr kaou ioru rJralsldel !/ell, .oda) /'n eon{ GaD,l.ahanoonltuliesat scntlenen l' delishtalb be lde a'rtr ]oz ror.). Mr tume S'i'lzmdad ttu gdd ot ftt tscsnllltion ii fo b'ntq I att tq LoLtte wtth thecbent politicalsnadtor n, l.thralnc.As a /anou c;r'nan 'Madn^, r,..o t. oJo'. r,r,lo.+t* l'. 1.,hNet n ndi,idal, 6d t! sorfs, lrar.ies,,ati.ns, n s thetub' d1t1tltut s apffiortl:t uhat l4)pe1vt in I lktuine drrts fie O'drrgeRe'ol ioi in Dcenba 2AA4, ldnurr 2005. Talzl I n eo4 ro rell lot {uhr tlij tolic slzlr,edro Techniques: shocking slatement or statistic E a:'r1.02 Cesrr R,shr, tuo tjl|{ pxlrlain a bitt Tltulentdlt lnu tus Mud Do &'€d al,olf .,8 J,D.AolosicaL lntutioL: al bruletuk ha alu)s I lau I ner I'laltmti hroo olut 1ot d iddnit'icdtior ol of Lo the heen concerned tuatedion t's . becaac nP sttls/ar'on nar il t nark sir.s I'r\Ld as,.d.ed onh kt frodeL .r bcesse it's 6sacidted.uiLlr I,1rr:Jrael Jodar, Io eramlL onen lt selL i6 hd;ra\. ir's dut So.tutr4,eD,'eD rc,- b*" concon"d "b.rt tolenuk Lrqos uho tnlo.tanL lrt oe eq if,pdtent, vu1, yr knou. fat-reachngrk..nenr' Do )o! kno@ 't c%\e rh. we inlet, ||hat 1nea11! Ma)be ir J,€v yot krcw, yr na1 rct be erletts, hlt if a 14u'J.t uu lisrenins.o ne, d tuAenttk klqa, /re oonD sa1 lre's ulkitgr&bish o ... uhal s he or about . t by Dan and ZhanireE, The otherthteetechniquesused I Ruilding r.ppon with thc audiencc,Thlts d .qo,J 2 AnaLosy:O,r DNA is o,r 1,,o1of l,te 3 Repetition:h ruee I'illior Lrds Ti@^ rhrce Note, Dan shouldhavc sid, Do rot lrow i1oo mnr ; bootriolrs in tsriLrin haoedosedl (not Do ror inu hau nan'J intepen'J.nL b@Lrh.P in tsrihnr lzs clrsedi) i'n eoing.o .iplde Aeseroplcs.(n.i 1'"i goineio e$be Gramman Future continuous Noulzr'snoveon to rtu acx.ndes.Ti. trr' roD,tu trn paifrt wdtl like to ftaLe k the fost tuo pai:| h6e. Is the, :1o1tknow the CDP pet capira okd LheareraE? sat.u:r noltlb. Ewn ri,"gA dE iftnbry 6 nor qlire m/,csrt,e. .onpeing to otha Ewopan coe"rps, I fud 'iar ir s d eaodtu*et. Iholt look ar !4. otb .M, loinls, I tjj.e "aj ta L,ninta$ n s the tuxlins h4bns, and the Intqnet, Jor lrcg, i6inss haln. I kihl< rhis M.Le\ if .:tat looL ftan1 .\is pofl of aieu, rhistuker 's r.4th ,ur,." . . ,Mrde ,n bns al hc, lau knou, if .Jouuant b lut so1n.rhiryrcu nr oecaacfie) gor k.[Mlo8]rs, rAe)'rcgor, lotr L,oe, ttte:) eot Loi.t'othe lit\athe, ft J'red.) Loetrs ,ar Arclr conldrihs Lo,1or hroo, rJrei neishL,anatu).6$, .jo! k11ou,aLlw ehlttics rr rl-, oorid. Sd / /tilr,< r's ra ) ler.Jeao.ihuket in tdns of rha.. A'!j !t^ ij rte, rotr inov, rl1!itnd ote&'omr ... o,aua,, ro r! nerr sllo I ell go i,ro derrl ,r 4 little btt into booknwk t. 2 li belookins B I 'lLbeFcscnting 3'd like 2 Finish with a bang A t A bang can create anticifarionanJ expecrarion, havean clemenrof surprise, bc dnnaric, adJress rhe sehscs (visa], hearing).be huhoufous,inlolvc rhe audicnccaDd bc di1{erent.It shouldbc grvenwnh po{er aml convrcnon -, h | ., - l. ',iio,,. 11,,)r:,ro " dl-r-r and intensh' the hcsage. a i:.12.06 s,itlaho To emnw$., I Ll&iefl.J ttlkc yt ttuolgh rhc naia thtee fornlso/ n) lrese a,ior lort,we Folsbs. Fi8rb,,td4,n th( ,4t oJ JoLl am4 n aroid msLdkcsit tv t'uune. s6o'db, )or ger tultuLjd!f,eht In, sot)etu1\. Al,l rhdlb, nor rro)rt1g rA.'r s[iner 'r eold ohi.i.rn /,. ntertueetl @s be neful unh what yr'r totl b1 l5oliiciaA' 6e.a,s. .Ac @'Js ahd ttads are often LI{kEnt I Svrtlahausesrhr.c Ukninian fahjliar sav,ngsor f@verbsand irnks rhch ro her umman. Src,, f.miliar sayi.ssare alsocalled aphoisns Thc useof ihe te.hnigue is iel.laht. Svrriah!s .udiencc is rlre Oxfoii Ukrainian Socieq anLlthere s ven |o$ibilitJ th^r |hc audiencevill know thc proverbs. They are reLevantto the subjcc and final hesag€ Nevcnheless,thc translationof tbe thitd proverb shouldbc all rhar g11ff.6is nor goU. 2 Fler ps$on for rhc subjed is obvrous. B ,a'z.o?zhan Ill s t$t tluik abolr vhot @'@ talkln ab.uL Lota\. j'@ , .d-..i-' ,'v \ -"-t.t,4,t"d4h b,;..,,t bl,cJ.s o/ dtr lioer So, nou, tnlies anl geni!et,-,, .|ou i.rou to!! od DNA, dd baakoJ tile , oth.thu bi ion buds - AefinT !:to $e be. 1 MetaphoranJ analos. Thc rechniqueis relelanr rnd dre'balg wasa mircr ofhis jump sun'. 2 Yes,hc saidrire sane thins in rhee diffetcnrw,rs (DN A, oM badt af Lfe, an tlwe kllbn ],ttal,. Delivery: Verbal garbage B n* 2.08 Dan Ilt's hotc an to tha lirn, lor Jrnoo, sltles. ft s alora the .ornrry. A5 ro& dn re, ir n rfiebiggejrcndrD ,t rle $otV, e, dnd the pbpulaLionc h4e, rhicJr nan rr a l €ennker,it'5dlitse... haspotentiultobe,"Jauktuw, to d ate a hqla l ket tl@(a1A ... b't t ta( bok.tos.b ar Ju ,ohid .,rl Ae eondmic sit4tion, {e lnl that thts .o!rlr] ir roi /.dil) srarla. )aL k1@a, camtdnv b otha t-(of{n Br. I int ont nef rti.tcs, lo! gill ".anr,er. seerhur sone raorcdtrails or lu book narket ttsctflhrh is 4p!@ qd. diffdr ha uhart i6t sp.ak. 2 k's very dis| the oh]rl thiDg y o u h e a r a n d m a k e s D a n ' s h c s s a s ed i i l i c u h r o I Ten B .:o z.og 1". lds, letr n.l r., rle t a. rop'.J.?E olad sndror. \Yh.J 1 {auU lile to nenrion lvrc is tltuL rhae ue Lrh , tiro poin,r iAdr r ftu ,t, that is the siln bn hat n sn1at. inttetendan haak\lbpsdtc fl.i,rs irx0. T]t irr ore a .he eltjturL one, .nrl tlt athd onc n c n enul one. Lets stl1n uih the ,1lmal on.. i5 rhe bhrtc$ fs.y ij of r[c , 1 d " p Ia, r ' , o a lt . t t t , 1 , L u h . ! . , , , . ) . . , , r . . i.r. rr,.. r" i , u r . J p p . , n , lr , r r . r .. , o ",. rhafs oi,) i/ car'. .o,nperpro Lle ntlttple c\ains or ne, )otr tnoe, ,he rck iias, li/re o ,* ail trorr rt Errgtandis tle lW i.Sn'rl or /nr lilll o/ din8, r e,r'r .o?npere.\Xrr) i B..a6e .. or l rie, jrlt../t n !at, inlor.allf i,i .,\! book narket, b.@6e it s snall Loolc/ropscaa r ."npere, )or trco, @nfi,re le4nig Lhe!a.k .,! book, ,\au kno@, oqatd Lo Lheb{4d retaiten, so r/uCs dr one proorc:n, utl the e\ta.Mt ane is tlat tlE hanEsr irrj/, ro" Jt,oe, ,r rJ] Ia!e. T[..lnperrion 6lsl l,au6e ottu ... r/le ntttirl fttaikas tuho,ulb hM nde ro.Nt ta Ms.t Lteof th! tnie af the baakd th. ,,blalh ru,D sri[, ).r t&&, l e 2 . . n , . . " r vr ,.t,rpd:..,,.. /rrr sa., Itrcal b] trp 'turler rJ.f. So. ir I ditur'ns tog rAis.).! knou, sanc of the b@kshops.rA" s&dtl booKv,up,r conrnrdis .o srolu. Btt AaL haptenroo, yor tnoo so that'stuhatI like ta L,oinLout a r,]ara,en ,u€n ,,e ,r.n], nar) slrt,s JdJ.%sJ, /t4e aL ni? na. sha!)sthat al,en 4 in fin ... rirE so u l lile rD eafloean thata bit, blr 2 To a snall cxr.Dr he did, but hc s.ll needeJto work on hs vcrbalsarbagc_ Even rhough Dah hcime consciolsot his verbalgarbacehe could not errmrnaie it rhe fi6r lracrice ifrer (aring rhe rdrgf A w a r e D e s si \ a t L 6 r s t c t i n . o r r c c r i n g e r f o r s a n d ga$:ge takesa lot of practiceand Delivery: Final consonant D 19:2.10svitlana ... tl@t beinr nice to athd 1?eapb,shou'q to\i@tc., @1 peapb to intaoee. Ar4 to conclde, I wultl hke to ie@'c)o, eirlL tlis ^ousht: that beins ni.e ta atha Ddple, shouiig taLamce canrcat\ haP sonePeoPbro inYore . 3 It compietely changcd part of hcr message 4 Shc pausedslishth betweenshowingand tolemnce and prcnounccdboth wods cleady. 3 Full presentation .9i 2.1I Ccsdr Ri&ht.The l,otectian ol sademk law k bun rccettl2 @naJle,lto be rhel\at ctio of tl! ps'rclblosi@L f{Etias ry' rradearods.In thtsYesena on abo&t noietutk l4u I *ould. like to gire yu at ovtvieu of wlat runenn< nu isab.ti, eA) ir's inl,oirant, atu1lo\. @elnoted tunetuoks . n , 4 e n . r L r p l a eI " . l r . r ' ' , , r , A L l l p , r g a a . wlvt is a ntletuuk anl hotu the @ne|t al d nallewk luLsevobedoua the cotuseof tine. I/l) @ drntL, dx1 fi. iau conced*, ttadcnark lau to hc importdnt, an/l Ltalenatksin prn lrb , s\ th. l,atedian islundanentat fd the lwtridrihs ant Lhesnooth rnnniq af thg natkcL Antr litull!, 1'Il be ],\'kins dt lou, ^ the tuuket l,\ue, na,l.ctunks6e tuatIt1etLhJcab1j dnrLb:t theIrlees So t2t netnnta nt! fustpoihr.W4unnatulewk!' isIqtestion twt all ltrtitionss and aLllaorar almrs al thensebes befde tu|i'ns b rheqEstion af inftinsenent Inhi\:ene,t paint, Mu,I'lLbe is a tdin! i @illl,e aA'?srih! in thc LTMLI conint!to tlwt latd on. At this ionx, l4 ne ilar sa) l/dl a .rddetu* A atrl s,s,r dtr tu) fnctm c at dzttifu ol Jre or3iu ofgoodsad as oell6 sofresol' otdndnsrishg ndL uill tell thedilldote betwet sone eoodsfton otha saads.Thdt ^ thediin of ene soadsfion a1Etrada fon aroth* ttatq. To iLl^i{t n'J bohn I MuA hLe Loziae ror dn esntla o/ N'Le: a a @d, Nike 4s d sisn, 'r'n Nilc a a slogan.All thcserl"ze fms ol a nd.enuk a" tuotectedin liffaent @J dnd ift aiffaelt 6tent btt the) ue all rccosnisal$ tle Lw. -soar dtr po'n' i @!d hl@'o sot l"* * s abut -h.t x not dtlatletutk ehl' sholll " The first not be caldA.t uith a conczptof a radewL . n , ' | . o r ) n p h t . 1 h "" p @ n t) n ^ t h P c o r . e n t J p ' v . arll rhe thtul aneis rh. conceptol d Llai{ . E@h af th6e /iglr,r A ntlep.nleflt itr irs oon ris,l. arl sho d be diningdsAed ton the rst. Tie /i^r one, .ol)ri8At, 6 a t 'tht .uel t" .atage nt ^d llr+aaue ant tu yonution ol baaks,ahd f@ thx ptticulu orc we've got a dtlfuettt r€sr&lL,cl is ,ui rAe@dJ..blninsto be tuatectetlsholtd be disinal, iL sh.!U haaesoned\tiai4. F@d tutent to be ,totedcn, ue looJ.tng.t @Jttld d nor ,B ', ry l0 b.Iror.ded is or ha ben in'e cJ dnl a tu1,. 50 ar f, s lotu yor dn jee lldl Ihde is abisdrll1dte beteeen 'I'@eot a callti€hr" d sd)tK T,egor a patenC eling This n an nle ion, t/t6 is a dearior. Tiir s tulr, drd ttn cdt|] be ]dkenfro ah4/l] e{istiry.Lnota in tu.!r. Aad rlrc rlrd orr, oJricllsmetines a,aL.+s uth tlE atl4 & be sonethilgIhat ;s dre nglrrsr a d*rgr. A riesrgn ortsite arranance ofa SnotlaL,lar ennpt .' Iptrtlttu d/@oi,\q,in fic 6e of dE /a ion thlJ6,0, I@ e{ample. So, enorgJralt* t/re delrnnion bf d tradelnatk 4n1 th. diffenre hetweend trade^",k and otlw mt Llecttu Noo lels now on ro rufuli)w l,Ia?n t1&le@l6 in the na,l.t J,la.e.At th6 loinr, I uouA kc to drdu lort attenLionb th. frct that ttdletult Ia@is Minb bn@tu1 dih th. tuotlrion 4 ,Bunas a l th. infmiatian that .dhvrmers set in the flatket tlace olen thel nake J,i1r.lrasi,gdectrions. Otisiulb, and I'm tdlkins &alt satg bd& in tine .baut a centtrJ ago, 1aienek L1{ uo l altals be concantd oitlr tlg ytotecrim of tle 6ryn of rhe goodsuher thel reuhei the coruLna. In'Jicrly, Ltaddnok lau aLsoprorcctal the olas thnt Ptt the sa.ds ar tlv n?,.et, dnt theMin 1,.kcn6 M, iJhe ca6lntd t nat @j1unb tunbt , ti.sht,nEn dE tuna shr[A ffi be siaenan extJansht.Aad tlg Penbtplz af )@s, 1'otectbn has bun noreA fron tlE nan cornetsbtu, lthich n consunas, to ''adei, ld *at is o 'iifqcnt point uhrn t ma] beall*esing in a frin 2. No@,i5I'ings rnedoor ro n) ftrl po,1r, lo,lic,l is tfring€ment. Jd za tu.u$,i,a' tas heen tha conosLot of nad.n@k fnreclia^, so ha\ co1d16ian,on the t'@t al *,e coumo, has atuls beer reg.artletlu a corrertone of Protectian. The qtestion is .o',rded is '.b!4,. to rAe cor"-.r offrertu' "ot eherld at tur !a!'ae !91 d icht a rax lL$e a cb:h,l aaainsLamrh6 lrada. Lk{ead, the poilt ai .onl16on. the etznenLol canfdian hd' beenal:o ext'anttalor* tlte cotre o/ 1ea,s, and naw we qe sat Llillaent sott' .l confusior. The nore reletottt, to, exanple is origttr canfusion,lntl then afl iarian can sion, dnt the\ sforoorslit coif"sion. ThaCs is not onll A. coN,nc' rlrialrs rlrar rie goodsconc /ren @aths tun4Ic na @ the sane tun1tfrct1uet, b aka if the enstuner thiiLs that th. tunrfadwa 1A e ddsql... a atu @ natut is afliliatet uith thosesmtls on ufti.i rlE ud! aptea6. So, ta suntutie tlE tlsu ponttst hae ntxle, ld ,!e iL{ 5a) r r a q e t e t o o t . da t L l c . o c e y , | " n a ' J " a , r tc r J v ' , tttmpted to dillddii4te it fron athd intellecttul prop11) tghts. Ttut we lookedat ufi ue are corcetnetl tuLth p o n . ru , L t c l a t I o ' " ' t t a d t r , r L \ o n no r ' eLne*s olriclrarzcommss arlinldtutioi. Anl ltuI\^ on th! q@stiair6 to lnu oe FaLea mdent@ks, se le Iookei at the turin paint, ellich 's iniirgen.',r ai rh. .mstore of inrring.nent 6 co,y'asion Sa I bb\e that lhisaldqieu af bd!Lnwk bu lu\ $cn :Jou a 'ery inForra i6igh ituo th. ltote.lio1lal ntlenaks and.tlnt nicht act@14 ercik ]ot a&l 1.t m{Ar iar. lor oerl rurfr foad ir d bit t]e1tEhr.p"o,a/r;r3.Tia qtest@ns,da plaase, anJ if lsae Jou td lnrtnins, and, Step 3 Use visualsto connect 1 Visualaids hteraction with visual aids: Number of stides A ':-1o.or zh"" Tola.J, I'!n Eoin&to talL b tot dbo srndltins szteuc dak. h is a !o) inpand aspectoJ whdt @edo ,n setudLr. lts dncntb not Llaneea.J uett. Brr rodal i'n go,ns b nlrrodrct to yt a aew netnaa Aedopen b^1ab sde Lhich 6 a srgn!4catufti,o,m€i, ta the Mertlr aadil^ble nethods of simulat B seneoc datd. Mr nane's Zlran S!. I'n a PhD nunen at he U1tifes,.! o/ OVdd, aal ,rJ Incsentatianwill be about liae ninutes, Jtle to ten ninx|.s ani I n happr ta dke dn] q1€sliolr 4r rhr ad. So, /i/sr o/ ali, r[6 is u]Lrr l'tu eajnsto talk ro .J@ oho . I'n soiitt b {L,e lor d bi.f ovaqiew' of sencticdata, &hal is ir, oh) @ @rt ro Jnu)tte n thd uhy n simtL1Lion sa .LillidLLt.]n dte seconltqt of nJ yesentatian,I aiu blk ta .\oL $au thec!fran n"rDdj o/ s'nrlar'ng sdrcric data, 6d tlve s L-^anain n fiods rl&r hn soins io @,& dboLt altl tl.l bathltua. atuoblen andsa ii th. finat pdr of ar1 taL(,lilrgoirlqro arlt, reILyt aborr o* neLnm, rJric/rsobesrAisprobltar,and l'm son{ .d sAoo)o! so,,c ryrls r/tnl' ddnoarrdrc ,ub I sol'er ,is lzobl?,n. So |lnr o/.ll ue'1"3omg'o ratk.boa e.netictLtlt1.OK, e uhdr n sEneri..lakrr O1r DNA co"sisrso/ /r,.e bilt,on l.ftdr A, T, C arul c5. tsnt, dr anr r@ticltLr sre, d tdsan en har. dr nosL.1uaryp?r -Sorha. mea {oed,t onJ.6e r,hisrldra,jimtli,6 da darr, ro @sningo, rdo and opj So tuo i,,rkad of tdtkinr. al)on thrce billian t ttas, ue ae talkny abon tlvk billialr nhbds dtut ed1 otreoJhosatui ro5 aaido o aoM.So...geneticLl4to In ds.&. 's a sbnr! o/ to, and ons. Soltde isan .{an}le. S,4,fos 4e lzr ,eo s.rr .y' seneticdatL. The fnsr setore .avr, io /or rxantle, tha\. ue s.netic ddtd al tanents sha hare ob6it:J, anl v se@hdsetde cd$.a\, so aa r. s?ncticd4 t lrc,t p.aple tuhodo€snor tra,e obesir), drd nathondL\-al tend'i.ix vill tLar abanta si|,qtianMde )o4 !. $,prlln! /ii.cLhb So,6ror&r$e, rie cdreJau .at:J 0)L tlpe ol a fattictlar, ie contols ."-1 anathd tJpe aJ rhis!:ene, so the sene.alohetl. n rcd in esr.n.! .od{ bc a obe$rr.arrirB sene. Jo, ulry @rld {@ @nr ro s,frdrr" gener'.lar.r l];ell, .d? b in .hchd?n'e n 14 fieli, tturc is alot ol nethod,s l,ai,rr p!6li5iEd .hdr clzrinj ro he bcti$ dt butins disuse g.n.s Ar11,re {@l ).x d?'nons.rdre1!i) ir n l,cue A )or drph itb adnta rt. YaL shD1" rhat.Jowthedidcd. answa ir leD .Lr ro Lh. d.rkrl redLdne"*. Iloloeret, utoe a1oi. ,nt 1n(ry &Lr re,i o{r thde dnt )oL cai att[l.J t t a t t \ n L J . t r . t, J \ . I I t . . , u h n1. - r J o 1 L a , in thesedzkr seA. thzn yu dott't rea .7 rced ro lclelol h?s r,.rho,lsr.,de,e..rhc1n.Sofi. ur a,o!d rhisA )or Ea@are. . . snn ierL*neric hh, \a! dp!]J p1a 1ftettut1 and .jat .amt oe dE ratLnsuo uth the ptetictertauu* So fhals @,1)ee ffid ro smrlate .. genetic,lata.t:rt r s " o r a i r . r r f u rr . n y b .a . n - r \ r a . d e t o e . e t J . . n t tdhdon ryos and oM , beauseou gerericd^ta n a ba&rt oJ ttunnnls o! gewaaoas, billion oJ tefrs af eaoLniolr. Sa a1a seEtx data is not rdndon. Tlse is\1rn 1 s.rrcrue in thae thn uc rcetlro sintlatc in ob situuL1ti.)nhaploraJtesorhauise arr lata r€rs,olr sin,larel danl uil be {nreatisr.. So . . . ,tu. r abarL uhat is geneti.lata, druI tufu ue wnt to sindate seneri tlrta ahd sby it's .halL\rtn4 to da e . Natu w Lot took at son. of th. nethorl.sthar Ne .tnentlj heiry daneto sihLkte ga:'1icdata. .So,rltae,s !@ he,n@ thar l'fr soinsto tulk abau,. TlE 16r oB is,o s'npb sinula'! a satp al hdi'idtuLs on tu @nputd ld, vr, a thol6dnd gdaations. Yo! go ritrough. .so@h ge@atioh, th..Jp6s on fi.i geneticdatdro theiext gematid, rlE",s mutubn, thhe's ki,i. af nisarion, ,ide\ vt€crio,, iin,ss goinga1t. AtuJ.afta d thobaf,l rp@atial,, lou geL)-aut tuesentLlal:Jseneticdata thdt Jo! je bakindd. Tnis is q(ire tuush, canpLLdtianalll becauseby sintlt""a u to@nd se6atiars utL Lhaends of iniiaiddk, .tut s gal€ b tula a Lt al .onfminr. lowa. TIE se@tutntcthad |'n sainsb tulI about is . . . dv secofulnethotLtlat $ .truc loput4r ar he lnahent is ta essenrlrl)sinal4re} Irdr@rds n Line usinsdn aptuanu]jon nodel ettel the.@bsun . Yor don't rcaLl1 red to lttou too nucL abont the .oa/ej.etrr nodel, \ot jurl ne.d ta Lhinkof it as oh appronuton thraugl,Lhecwh,bn I, Borlloltuv nettals 6e qtxe dlr\ ued, hut theybofi stt'fo front a 6nnan ltabt2in, tnd tha. is that)o! neetlb slecifr 6tah1 t uuneta\ bef@ehnn,nb rhci','odeL. Sor,haelu,aneras ure, ld. emln!L, abdn pota/drionelenls.So tu Dtct Ptaslk {ited out dbout a rl&d of th! Ftqopen toptL.|:ion. That h6 d h€e efld on th. notan da, seneti.datathd ra sce. Sa tluLtsot ol thinsneetstobe speciliati^to th\e Irocr$er. T[a. drc odrd fatunetas s6h 6 m11'ation, set4non, nisatbn. AU aJ t/tev !,hiltgsreet b be spedr€d intl dte tuonels,nto rhc nethdLs.The babtan is, thde is no de[rlinae vdLes, @ tlon't rully l<nou tuhzt thc righL raiks ld rrs la anelds slalT be. We &n:tive it a sood sass, bd t @ gkss qory, aM d^ta se6th4t @esinu@te ull be rtr ahta. So flt6 rs'bt a ad! stw.i6 at the So toda], u/at I n soiru ro do, b ta irtrcd@ to ruu u 1Ee nethaA that ue d.e'elapcd,ttuc is, uhat @e rhink, is tuth more rcalttic l}.an the.Lnent ... ncthads lol ' t n ! L t , N r u t , t a b \ 4 1 r h ,M ) L . . , , n o J , r,..o Io laak at 1al life.seEti..lata, th.seNe aadibble,atul th, " ha\. tt t .an,l,t: . .D1.,,, ,hrrq ft. trns ,^ riinrrdre. W. ar€ looL,nsaL real life sen:.i. dan, dnd ue rc laokihsdl die srnrcr,rrcst/oz aarl &e are usirg rixr b silntbte ... geneticd4t t. So, oe're go'ry ro !! a ke alLi Sk,e,s M.lel. Tl"re r@ peojlL inttodt"t in 2003 q , / , I I o , . . n r r r l . - . r . r r a o ,l t , " r . h t a h n t t h " t . " r sdrili! ^ tdr Sieen)oz oe seeaKgenetic,KcAronor",o, 1or ut gaunrtc a Eu clnomo:one byjrc arliag a mosarc h .e n .t''. ao."n,. . ro l"r qp lr r .rcao,a.rare @1@.I ntaft. Ller's hot w gendate a1a h.rptatjres to d.enansnateulu' I h&n. .S,plos K €q@a four, tu hae are foh rhn,nosons rhatue ke h relt ttt'e, so fin n realirtc 6 lo! ger. 'th4 containthe tDeLaton r'l,crrfA l/11 ue d/e rDing ro ..1r). V/e @ sintLte od fifth sdeti. data l, list ILbLinsat, jat cobhYJtufr i6t sind1rins at @t sitednl thl @ ue w deculeue so hqe ... dvonosme, so th€ ta&io6b d blw tuet, sa tl,ae's oM nutubd ep^) , 1r Ne eaine frofl t n t . o p ' l n Lr r c t ' @ r c f i o a ' L ond e , ; n z t oP l o s t , ,lau. 1,on th" yr .htmo "n, blt bc at"e "lth" n ^ ar sone poi {,e'f€ soirs ro s@l @hde uc'r€ so'ng Io co6 frcn, so hne, what ee' 'e gonrsto do is uc'r€ 8o'nero dccide,aK, ue're soi\t to copl /ton rhetArd rhronorcne' Thae w go. At'n @ un do tle vne on thebft So *''* copling fron tfr" seoil cbo natuhe arl w kee, af doins i, dnl rhae ue Eo, ths.'s ow ft4 dvanosane that w'u' illsl sim"Lta:i. Anl of au*e ue dn this sto.l6,icdlb so lotsof diflq..t conbimtiots de posible,so hae s avtha conbimtior thtn we coul'l see anLl ue lusr cani an genqarnlgn@e anl nde genett dala rhis lnt So, l'd soi4 ro sho@)d somer4ults il6t to denaLsttdle u$ ao netlwls s noe mli'tic 16 thde of rat at@atu ldflilitu ilith rccanr']di'4, aLLhebo om 1 @ g!4 !o\L d Lnow I vudat |'abh that sratestaombmatiot tatc J'it n The tol tiat. rgnde onaJthirydba t rcMbitotion, 'n@ll) tuti{ $s.nil?l]l Cnelarion d .treldrid mahi\encapttres fu corziation Structtse in por ntian itta if thnLM'rc t|Jinata sifrulrtz OK, vt don't neet to rur'i'ts' alod.nelation an2thing yr don't ral krcw do,.'t uon about that, 1ut rennbd that pdLrdn That paltdn ii ohat @edt tling ro ledaie So hde s thc jirst t e '/ A'th,boron tr""e v n u l a r e dJ " r a r x - r q tdaes.ed, is .fu{qure srrtisri.s. !fe'v€ 8€rdzald a ,Jn'irv geneuhoe the bhc lire is Don't unn too nrch Aatt tlat il th4t canf$es ror' The Min t4l@-ho''enesase on k is fre rry this sl,le is to laalaar thar @eldron M''ix OKr So to 'ecledk tryins ue a'e nuch thewc c ttv one sim ated x ue haee dr'd data, this ^ out simtlat.d data YL situlated Mtha f6 tlrareof r@I^ti@tl]t. Hae's irqded Ne'ae th. bottotu, . at \aL @ho@. il:|,aestel 'rou hisll chi'sMe sa disAe ;h" et'fect the set s."e, "f stalistics ar the lronon. Dofl't tuatry nbott that il )ot d.n't &ndastand.LhDr'Th. Min thng is dt fie 1of ee still seethisfieLxion sttl!&re, so otd dota setsne rulistit So t]lat .!n€s lo itu end of n\ tuesentdtion.I'n{ s iL5r \X41aL @ sdid thitk aborj ddt w' ee j{st satu ttuotsh done lol i! s rc. is 'mldtdnt g€n€ric dda n, 5nn atiry d nodrl inl1oducel hd@ bnt w mondt, wtl at the iN uhii, daesitbetta. Hoa do @edairben1t WelL wLse rolfua.\o n.,ntdaLa u treh)irgrorrrhre rr\;nc to @p'J,we Ae We Lse rh. redl tlam @l @ tat'? into @unt Ih. cneLttion s|f1dtwesthat 8e ptesenLthae to sinttate tu@ senetic,lAtaA .f"allt, ow natn is fut, so )au @n ee@ate u6t atuMts olla&. -so 't@tulaiot. ulst uc'le AaN is w'uet aivxal d reu methon' a ftu nethod th.' genmtesnoe runi ic ge@tic.btL' rn'l w believe this nerho,l uill be oetJ ercesslul in thPlnhe 'fhatJ<yu w1 nuA lo listanins,anl tuu I'lI lake au .lzstion ra( frisht hd,e. I Sevenrcen(thG excludcsdil{ercnt venions of the 2 Sevcnreenslidesin cleven ninutes are probablv t6 na.y- The audiences artention was duwn to the derailedihformationon the siidesratherthan to Zhan 3 Sugllcstio.s S,mlladng Haploryper- oiat keep heantnT \nd tenore V/hat is getutic dotd! Flrhd N r) do @ rfunte P tuIi dotl: a W1"" sintlttiry seneticdnta chalbnEtngl Prbiens uth cmz* metluls ral eetutic data Sinulatnsfto In any case,manyofthe slidesneedtobe simplifieds thar the audiencecan take in rhe mcssageSNh det'iled infomation can bc given be in a handout afrer the B Sqgestiohs I Prcbablyreadins 2 Sorneptesentcnthinkthat if6ev put cnoughdetail on sLidcs,they can read and rhis wili help their English They achieve exactly the opposite effccr. 3 Too much dctailed infomation mcans thar the audience begins ro read iather rhan listen to the i r r c , rD o i n o i - h e p 1 - ' n r a r i o n 4 N. Th,. w^ and rhe audience'satrenrion should have been {ullv on Zhan- Ir would have l,een better ro cut rhe slide lnteraction with visual aids: Bull€t point lists C Slggestions Urhat is genetic ihtal . rnngor4Ir*n."e A!,CCuA--I-IAAA . I o t 2 t r ? c s+ . . . 0 1 0 i 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 . Wlty do we sinulate gcnedc data? . many hethods Wty is simulatihs genctic data challensing? . real seneiic data . cohPlex strucru!.s . simulareddata lnteractionwith visual aids: Procedure D i:) l.o2 zhan So, I'n goineto siog s.tu res"llsjat .o.ldonshdte @'rl olt methals is noe rdistic F6 rhoseol'iau ulb oe a fdnitifr uith reconbidt on, ar the batton I'ce si,eL vu laau do"'t saph ttut smtesLle rconbitution tures IJ JaL a]rDthnwoba{t tuconbituLtion,ignde thnt The Lopbit it d .delalion r@h1. Cffieldion nmix essatal! ueaLL\ dnta lhlt eltdpenes the Melation shrtde in 1tup1114nafl il OK, vt dot't needto oe're r'lins to sinl.ldc yu lot t reall1kaou anlthine db.1tt delatian tuficd ' don't wn! ahdtr th"t, iust renefrbd that pattm' Thtt pattm is uhnr ue'rc trJ"B ro re-are. So, ,leei rie frst sihul4ted datl Lhatae see.At the batta'\ , )oure inta\ted, i &ia4@e stat3,iA. I/€'!e geMdkd a dis€ae Loonrch abott seneuhae tlE bhc line is. Don t wt that if ttu anflses )ou. The tuin xlle,hane ne'\uee on this slL:his Lo look at tl@r canelation uhix, r rs prerl tukh thz sane6 theo e@6e rDins b red.aJe.OK So, this t aur situ dred data ond we haa. sinLrarea n 'al6ri@ l Hae's anorta sintbt t dnd set16 thoseof lau uib Me int66Lc'J.... at tlg bottotu, @e'!eindeas.T thp eJfedsal dE disase s.M, rD ]otr eer hrsirc7! vu'ea s.a*rics af rhe borrofr. Don L uony about that if )ox don't utulastat./l rhdr ' LheMi^ rll,rg is ar rile r.r1,@ srill seethis cneLiion studwe, so ow datd setsdt. r@lbtic. E 1 He dhws aud'encetaremion ro thc diasam. 2 I Ie erplans rhe riatlit nr seneraltennss rhar the audieDce c,r becohefdnilidwith it aDdundersrand it. 3 He saysrvhat ihe mosr imponant pan is. 4 He gives the nesage or conclusion. F belieqethtt thk nethad uil be qry s@cad[l in rtu lutve. Thank :'o1 ,a! tutuh J@ listenins, dnll nau 1 @ill take 4tr1 q6rio6 )o, n'ghr 1u,.. 1 Theie k Frobably roo much infomarion on the sumnary chan. Ir would have been better ro have used key sords or even no chart at all as rhc audrence attchtion was dmwn |o reading rhc chart and not lGteniry ro Zhan'srake home hesase. 2 S o , i n c o n c l u s i o nN h a t w e ' v e d o n e i s w e ' v e produceda new method,a new me&od that genem@s ho.c realisticgehcdc dara and wc believe tnat tns merhod will be very succcssfulin the tuturc. I Zhan wanted to tell' his ncw method and althoush his con.hsion is verbally clear, both his and hn audiencet aitehtn n were dicc|cd to the summatl chan. There wasthereforccontusionin rhe t"""aurc mcsage and tbe 6nal nessagelosr impac and 'bang'. H That binss ne to enAoJ nJ prctntadan. To s,nmrne, I LIrer t}aaush ttuee Min paintsasdifl. FajJ, sa j'ebarcd.befde t e ii!. Secohn,fallotu thenn s. Thtd, take be @hiL, settinsdoun|. Thiskaistuelad.orcl$ia thara ioagas1ource conmn se$e dtul bok afta &:t ath7, rat sho"U be db'ohdab line anl. silL enjoj Joli risit to rhs ndsn/ic.n, desra&rion. A to finishan a l,isl,t nate,lbdse look at ne . Do ta( IiLe n:J outfii Do \o1! [ke nv sJroesr Tlese s/rcs are rld h th. UK fa i20 . yat en br.r rhen in trdd fut f2 . The sholl,iflg i5 ex.elhhr in lndid and it ts arctha thiaga look I I'd tike us ro our arrcntionon... 1 2 \Vhat is inreresring/impo.tanrhee is -..3 3 I'm surerhe ihrlications ae clearto all of 4 The {iglres ih this kble show... 2 5 It n ihpon nt to noricerhar ... 3 6 The takc-home me$age here is .4 ? we cdn onclude rhar ... 4 8 This chan compares... 2 9 I'd like you ro rhink abour ... ,l 10 lfyou look at rhe rop tight hand coner ... 2 'llre 11 lessonwe can leam from rbis is ...4 rz Thc blue doned line repcents ... 2 13 The rop haf shorrs... 2 14 Now, I ll showyou ... 1 15 LeCshorc on now and look at the figures for.. I 16 Thc sienificanceofrhis is ..- 4 1? I would like you ro con.ehrhre oD this green .: J,U4 5\rtlana Tha* you w1 nrch lo yu qkstiotu, I ull l,e rq i4|b d.neand if yu tavc at.9 to anstw ken rcu. I Slitlana usedhe. shoesdd cLothcsas visuaLaLos. 2 The drserhdc G$bFcrive androsome€xre[oepenos oh |enoDal$ylc dd rLe rype ofbusile$ yourre nrvoLvcd nr Sonetnnestloushj ir n worth onside.nrs taknrg a risk to rdd i'rpact aDd barg. 2 Numbersandtrends Numbers and approximations 18 The nexr overheadshows... 1 19 As ve .an see... I or 4 20 The veftical axG .cpresenh... 2 A I f o l r t h o u s a n d{ i v c h u n d r e d a n d s c v e r , , v - n L n c 2 rhiity E)int three,rhteemcrfts 3 nine hundrd and nuety-five dollars 4 sevenpoint tlree, eighr,live pcicent 5 five point ohc nillion euros Interaction with visual aids: Take a risk! ^..^.-' So, thar etues ro tle end.of frr pres€nrztior. L€r's ir6r thrlk aboxt $lvt w'!e j6t satu Lhroulj. W4tu ue sdid ir, s,nularingg€rric dara 6 itupdta , ir's tut dane h) uell at th. nonett, but ue hdvei& innoArce.l d halel uhrh tlaesir h.tta . Hae i.o w .l' iLbettal \Y/eU,ue uk rul dzor So, tlv uersdata ue're rD,t s Lr srnd4i!, rying ro cotu, @eA". \Ye 6c ttu rul daa atul w ape nn tca[nt the cnelation sbactoes thtt @e presen hae ta simxtLlt nar setuti. fun. Atul fimLl.J,au dzn x 16r, n Jau c4n se@ate ,6r a atnLsoJdrta. So, in @tul1rbn, *haLue'le dore s tu'le I'r'Lu.pd.anewmetlbd, d na" nahol l@t g.naates nlde tedlisft geEtic d4ta atul ue B r arouhd four rhousand fivc hundred emplolcs 2 jusr over rhiny herres 3 one thousahddollan nore or less zl approximatell'sevenpoint four per cen! 5 roughlv five million euros C Suggestions I Ve have nearly ?00 o1{icesin jusr ovd 150 ciries 2 Our evenue was *dl over €300 billion la{ vea!. 3 There vas rnor than a 5.5% increasein sal$. 4 The ingrcdictrtsare round ah,ut 80% qater. 55 7 The total forccasr value n tughly f2,?00. I Ausrmlia has over 190,000 prcfessional ensineeB 9 lt's a fasr process- lessthan l0 seconds. lo We m.rul crut. well abor. i00 Prducr' B b o r t o mo u , . c l , m b . . o m . d o w n d . c F s r ' d e r " r i o d r e dereriontion, double,drop. even out, fa1l,nuctuate' flucruation, go doM, go up, gbw, goqth. hit a low' hold fim, imprcve. improvenenq increas, jump' level off, peak, pick up. plunge, reach a peak. recoler' recovery, renaio stable, remain steadv, cket' shoot up, shrink, slump, subilie. slaglate' sta8nanon' slrp back, take of, ups and downs. C 1 llookotr 2 slunped I slippedback 2 plungcd 2 I ups and downs 2 fluctuated 3 4 doubled 5 remained stablc 3 holdingfim 4 stabilise 2 junp crammar: Adiectives and adverbs consideHbly.dtamaiic.drahaiicallv' B considerable, rapid. rapidly, sharp sharpLv' gradual,sradualLy, significant,significantly,slight, slightlv' sreadv' sudden,suddenlvsubstantially, steadily,subsrantial, C I dmnatically 2 steadily 3 disht 4 considehbly 5 gndual 6 mPid ? shaa 8 sliehdY Grammar: Prepositions D lby 2t I lion 4ro 5 krween E t"d 2 ho rccketed 3 will goup 6by ? to 8 of 9 in l0 ar 6 is leveliingotr 7 willhit 4 bad beenfaliing F Suecestions 1 Salesclin$ed smduallylast June. Pdc simple - heod rhat happened in $e past and is 2 They had inc€ased slightly beforc dle joint vemure. Pastpetfect - a trend that had aleady happened vhen re ralk about the past. 3 They srew sreadiLylast Novenber' Pasr simple - trend that happened in dE past and is 4 They have shot up from lct November to nowPcsent pedecr - a trend *rat started in the pasr and 5 Now salesae r@kering. Pftsent conrinuous - a tEnd thar is bappening now. 6 They'll decline npidly next January. pill in prdictions of tuture tthds. Suggestion6 I 2 3 4 5 We expect b6ines to pick up next year' I anticipare a do}nrum. I forecasr'anincEascin sales We foreseea dnmtic chanse in the market I padicr it won't *ll. Fullpresentation E:.osc*^' Good norn;ng eoerlonc Feel vr1 uelcone to n11 Pr6dt4tion. Ilt ^e i6t inoodrce ryrelf . tv\1 mne *, ann thn Cesar Rmirez, .Lnd1 m a t&lewk of uhar l k ' an oqqqiew going fo n@ning, I am lrge lot ta|it art thztls utted datl I haae chosena 1)oticulu 'l'zdaire$' . So, if t.6re5iiL€, it snellslike and it laakslikz, b* it's no| th. we tht{. I'll be adhcsing thteemn The fi6t aE qi1l be uihnt I poinfs D n] lrAdrattrn. 'tr dresi , ulat the subiedtuna IS, Md th! nnb'1 that anA I'lldae )ou semal etutuptesatolw of defiftitian the atse.. Aat in n1 send PointI @rA hka b olk abau ne difftdt ac'io6 rhat w nov d!.e t stol)tntz d'e$ intrirse' n!. And t'itulb if n! thndloi'd, I'll be Lxking at tuh'i@ rcaulb boted nole &esslrd $1, it s axt^Ib inp@utit, and.ftletan to Lhepltblic. So, no,ns otr to nl ftst point,llP sutriectt@tLd, uhat naAedt$s is. Ttuie &essl,ielb is thr se@dl 1\pebLtue @ tl4 ais@l apparance ol d ptrictL, ftodrct- So to illus.Jatem"J point, I wiII be boking at ttuee diJfmtt eranples of ttad.e are$. Tie /ts! one viII b. tt8 'sill be the conliswation of a prcl4t, the secondane sltroeof th2 yodn and the thi'd atu @illbe the dai{ al So, no'ing on to n) Jqtstexrnl,lz: the @nfig$atiot ol d 'ns, rieht, tuodrct. Hae, @'@ sot tw diffamt l,b too ritu otcot.. So, tiis n, 6 )o! all J.nor, th'sn I dn of Coke, r'cht, ann rerr b t @'re gor ns ,utr, ngi., 4tu1 uhrt t nar bt rrad€d)s , bd'i.ll' ti' .or rrnCo imitunon of cqrain .hale.jl46tus of at @idtul tuadtut ann lsal d a diffoeln PnAud, to 61u41Utuke it lbok like th! tune Foha. In this we, fu erctlz, ue've cot rhe@lon, rshr wh' h t ,ed. rh. s'-ptu rhP"-rP' n sd similt ' Cokz a Co}l - anL ako theue d anmptrce uudr, n dis de Cola, Col.c, Cw Cola nd Cola u CLssic Cola. Cola 6 a soEi c wd u.l."i*.@ be $ol b! ths arcat th. shape Moainl on ta nr e.ant Mtlq dse ue'"e ol the tuodrct, lf this eot satueHedA anl SiD,Llas shamloo. In 'ltis .6€, Eg,hr,rh. shapeaf dte tuadtat, the cenetal d'gsdtare o[ he lnatut ta ban copial. Thbe M no @ . n n t a i t b e . o t u r ' \ . , )c o \ A l s . , , r o ' e - L a n j L , " t ) lifloent shapcof the boftb. Neomheles, the shate u6 @piel, and alsa catain ebnents af th! vslun dppdane a tlq siTeof it @ae@pietJ.. A: rat en ye ld cxatntb, Hod aad Slroddos is ory sniiltu to Heai@J, iEhLhd ,]ds Mbituron o/ olorrs {@ ako sot of copkt on the Mouins on t n) .i!rd poDtt: the daisn of a tuad1at. In th6 @e, fo e@pte, Cdn Flat6 hade irr Keli.eqi ,6er - eell, it's nor w-:J txtLialco bewse it s a ,q litnub tunb &l b) @n co@ls, nglrt, rcoat/reles ttu son o/ safin confisnatb\, tlg Marsenent af th! elows , dnll ca&u panaa @itltn ttu desrsnof Con Fiz.L€soae .dlidd an' the sme tif,e d b'J daingthat, th. neu FoLIlct, rht rew ennent is on@lb nmfniis sone dr,tu itugc,r "' soneof the cmnaci4lat afiotu, someo/tu.onmdci4l MsEt6fr af the ffrstPra.l.kt, thefdna$ I'd]rcr ontodv ne@prodect.So at,lis Fint ) haoeattuL\ lookerltt tua diffqdt q,as at t\tee diffdent |fatlus, Lharhaae beencopial ad initatal in tldeedlffd4ffus. Th. lnn one @ thz enfisti1tion, Lhar he shabcdnd t]@ tlv So eatgh d:ort the sa$et natLt, let s more ot to m1 ftlt foinf @iiLi is tu Dy'nngmenradon And so, in r,ln rcs6d bt he jtst tu! thar in ddet ta tadh thcsedvee uouE@ndll:t 6e tlvee tuobletus,amntukFmitiow diffdent sans of actian. Tlv li! one is he ttaditianal ll.elihoad al @nl$ion. The secoi,! one is a iaiitio@l, tuL hdlniotul, :6a, ttu ne\| fm of ,l.ilutian, a\1 the Lhi(I anc is unlair canpetition. Tlv frst ane I'ae nentiailetL, infusian, is ratndlLJ d bn, tu,}.d linitcd, bee$e it does^or coos insr..n.eswl,ete... to ptoue confusrrt. corma @ntsion uoutn be n1 dillnrtr. As ^Ju an s.e th. Mnes @ediffaei'. s @@v /d {!4Nm uart he eq\ (Ii.lficub to tuove becme the une of the Aeri. h s I'a&Er, ttr tunv of dv lna"n r rct arulll ro] i ell,s€nr, Lhe:JdcLtnlL.JLsaljlrt the confi{wation btt nt themne . Arul t yL can secthe nane af thenee tuadrcr is krtuLl.J l,alamiwrril drpiayd. -Soinsronces of onfuion will he kspel)el. The scoad crioa, oli,ci is ditutian is d noe en+li&tal are, bLLslllire to sa,Jat ^s po;ntttut LLr nomlJl u"d u\rn rhoer on' J.rug, tut ra rhE1)$ln . . . in rh. fan ol .anf6ian but its aaMse to th. tu\t nseV,to th. l,a . ir:elf. rvor tl€ geMZl .onmd.'taL ndEnensnol rhc 1,a {i1l be d.ihinish.A6 \qll be btussl lD ttu av .y' a sinilar @ i.Aentiaitol.e dias an a @npetitor's,ro1".., on a sinii.r tna&Lt d d1rllenri@I I\adri. Atd a thirdlL.ian uhi.h I b€li"ue ir !/E ircsr and noit effectite sar ta t@kle this yobleln is unlat mnstetitialt and mfan cantpetitio uttL pov'Ae t wxh t rcnu\ il ue utn tna"e ttnt thz cbnents tlat ue beinscapiei - Lt he jtll co bdd<d htL' { the ' L t , \ ' 4 d t a , " Ia h . . a p e ! ,] . , n a t t ' n , t o , d l r s " * 1 . , hn u. nq l@reai o.1ian. In tl,s ue for ennpLe w . o . ' ao , q t t h t tL h. :, I u t u L o t u t . n d " t u L t ' l / " : l . a , ^ to tv1,lb thebauL of slmpao. 4tu1 possibly , yr ruq ako ase that the a tin of Coke is oiualb fdctiandl dnd se@ic, beuBe it nL.lesit 6is to dlink d tin ol Cake like *at u opposala, yu klbe, hau\z a rlilldcnt sl@lE.So if se un bou that the elzmentsue te acLnL\ clatnins f,or.ction on oe not ft cnotuL thenw na,t hrae .l2t5s thDltEhan a.Iion of unluit .ontetttion. So, novinq on ta h"J L6t point, bt me j$t s@ra f.@ edds dbott 6IrJ w'rc ntta\tpi. in rtute.:dns batre 6ess dA at ths pohn thde dc tLneenain intaestsTIE firs. oro is ttu in*nncnt al theiata , in this dse th. ow ol Cad Cald, nE Kelbgs,s comparqand rheow|4 of the IIed tu1dShayJd4sco?npary Th.) inuesrin not onb aldrNirs, b"t deqelotiryrathet tuad.Mts,dtul the} Ne obriotusb intlested in lftserrins tht cammercitl nog ensn {hrh the-JuLtub deaelaptlvorsh al@tting Tie seconl nr&€s, o,hic,hI belieeeis the flast int'tLnr one,rtu l€]srotu, is rh" Fbli. intaesr, anl riis 6 .o,rtud oith thelrot ctin ol @nsnas - thatthz caannds shoLt not be .onl6d wnh tu)ins d siniL- tuod'd. \(/hen tuk so 10 Sd6brD/s, /d qdnpb, q, if .:Jd arc ih d i16h, )an haeent sat rime ro dctlunb checkthe t adn, )"" nq z.relb srdir San66ftrri Cote a otposeJ ro Cod Cola. .Sofi. n ocsr t6e 's to tuoted th. .on(ma.. Anl rAeL6r i desr istaif pr@1ices .Tlat oetrada shouLl tut ddlulb f.eeaida d sait ar aA*nage ow arctha {itho kttulb tEndins none!, tine ann eff6t. Sa b Srfrfrdrse uiLd uz',e lookeddt: ue'e lookedat tlv Llefinbn ol d tad. aras, o . ta illalaate nJ tlelinirn)n,I saqe rolt rliec diJfaent exmples. Aid itu !&tuIFinr @e IoolLedat war the ttueed.iff*ent actiot we an aaulll Fvot I petrnp.uar.. r h " L h " J . t uq ^ t h . d { l a e d intaests at stdkeshen prakcthtg hdlc dress.I n$t lat lat hapegot a va.t .l/tu n\igit inn uh^ 1 do regntling hoiewk inftinsendn ution, in paiidla trat hess.I an w1 happ5to r-&e aq qlestions, a ta thank )o! oer1 nuh /a lrtenng.