Western Aphasia Battery
Western Aphasia Battery
WESTERNAPHAS'A BATTERY rEST BOOKLET Andrew Kertesz, n.D., F.R.C.P.(C) Professor Department of Clinical Neurologicaf Sciences University of Weetern Ontario Head, Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences St Joseph's Hospital London, Ontario, Canada THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORAIION HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH, INC . Copyright @ 1982 by The Psychological Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may b€ reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any intormation storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing trom the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. 015-498840-5 PATIENT DATA Aqe Handedness Writinq Throwing Ctrttinq Birthdate Drawinq Brush (Number Education of Grades) Occupation Presentlllness Hemiplegia Side Severe Moderate Mild Recovered lnvestiqations: Date Size Hemianopia Sensorv Loss Side E.E.G. lsotooeScan C.T.Scan Arterioqrams OperativeData AutopsvData Date lnstitution ReferredBv FileNumber Location 2 l. Spontaneous Speecft Recordpatient'sspeechon paperand tape. Substitutesimilarguestionsif necessary appropriate.Scorefluencyandinformationcontentaccordingto criteriaonpage3. 1. HowAreYouToday? 2. HaveYouBeenHereBefore? 3. Whatls YourName? 4. Whatls Your,Address? 5. Whatls YourOccupation? 6. TellMe A LittleAboutWhy YouAre Here?or What SeemsTo Be TheTrouble? 7. Description Of Picture. Presenttestpicture(Card1)and say:"Tettme whatyou see.Tryto talkin sentences." Encouragethe patientto pay attentionto all aspectsof the picture.Move the picture towardsthe patient'sintactvisualfield. Ask for more completeresponseif onlya few wordsareproduced. Maximum Score 20 Patient's ScoreI SCOR'ruGOF SPONTA'UEOUSSPEECH A. lnfonnation Content (0) No lnformation. responses t1) Incomplete only,e.9.,firstnameor lastnameonly. l2l Correctresponseto any 1 item. (3) Correctresponsesto any2 items. (4) Correctresponsesto any3 items. (5) Correctresponsesto any3 of the first 6 itemsplussome responseto the picture. (6) Correctresponsesto any4 of the fii'st6 itemsplussome responseto the picture. (71 Correctresponsesto 4 of the first 6 items on page2 anda mentionof at least 6 of the itemsin the picture. (8) Correctresponsesto 5 of the first 6 items,and an incompletedescriptionof the picture. phonemicparaphasiasare Recognizable to be countedas correct. (9) Correctresponsesto all 6 items on page 2. An almost completedescriptionof the picture:at least 10 people,objects,oractionsshouldbe named.Circumlocution may be present. ('10) Correctresponsesto all 6 items on page 2 and to the picture.Sentencesof normal lengthand complexity,referringto most of the itemsandactivities.A reasonably completedescriptionof the picture. B. Fluency,Grammatical Competence, and Paraphasias (0) No words or short,meaningless utterances. (1) Recurrentstereotypicutteranceswith variedintonation. conveyingsomemeaning. effortfuland hesitant. l2l Singlewords,often paraphasias, (3) Fluentrecurrentutterancesor mumbling,verylow volumejargon. (41 Halting,telegraphicspeech.Mostlysinglewords,often paraphasic but with occasional phrases.Automaticsentencesonly,e.9.,"Oh I don't know." verbsor prepositional (5) Often telegraphicbut more fluent speechwith some grammatical orEanization. Paraphasiasmay be prominent,Few propositional sentences. (6) More complete propositional sentences.Normalsyntacticpatternmay be present. Paraphasias may be present. l7l Phonemicjargonwith semblanceto Englishsyntaxand rhythmwith variedphonemes andneologisms. May be voluble;mustbe fluent. (8) Circumlocutory, fluentspeech.Markedword findingdifficulty.Verbalparaphasias. May havesemanticjargon.Thesentencesareoftencompletebut may be irrelevant. (9) Mostlycomplete,relevantsentences;occasional hesitationand/orparaphasias. Some word findingdifficulty.May havesomearticulatory errors. (10) Sentencesof normallengthand complexity,withoutdefiniteslowing,halting,or articulatorydifficulty.No paraphasias. il. Auditory A. Yes/No (luestions Verbal Comprehension Explainto the patient that you are going to ask some questionsand that the answersshoutd "yes" "no." be either or lf it is difficult to establisha consistentverbalor gestural yeslno response, then eYe closure for "yes" should be established.The instructionsshould be repeated, if necessary,during fhe test. Reinforcethe patient when he or she gets into the set of answeringas requested,but avoidnoddingor commentingon specificitems! lf the patient self-corrects,the last answer is scored. lf a patient gives an ambiguousor confabulatory response,repeat the instructionsand the questionand scoreaccordingly.lf the responseis stillambiguous,score 0. Score3 pointsfor eachcorrectanswer.Recordresponsesin the appropriate column: verbal,gestural,or eye blink. Verbal Gestural Eve Blink 1. ls YourNameSmith?("no" shouldbe correct) n ! D 2. ls YourNameBrownT("no" shouldbe correct) ! n n n n n n ! 6. Do YouLiveIn Windsor?("no" shouldbe correct) tr n tr n n ("yes"shouldbe correct) 7. Are YouA ManANoman? ! n n n 8. Are YouA Doctor?("no" shouldbe correct) n n D tr ! n 10. AreTheLightsOn InThisRoom? ("yes"shouldbe correct) n tr ("ves"shouldbe correct) 11. ls TheDoorClosedT n n n n n n T ! n ! ! x D 16. DoesMarchComeBeforeJuneT n n n n ! 17. Do YouEatA BananaBeforeYouPeellt? n ! n 18. Doeslt SnowIn JulvT tr tr tr n tr ! ! n ! 3. ls YourName (realname) ) 4. Do You LiveIn TorontoT(noshouldbe correct) b. DOyOu.Live;n (realresidence) 2 ("yes"shouldbe correct) 9. Am I A ManANomanT 1 2 . l s T h i sA H o t e l i 13. lS ThiS (realtest location) ("no" shouldbe correct) 14. Are YouWearingRedPyjamas? 15. Will PaoerBurnIn Fire? 19. ls A HorseLargerThan A Doq? 20. Do YouCutTheGrassWithAn Axi MaximumScore 60 Patient'sScore- D ! B. Auditory Word Recognition Place the real objects in a random cluster making sure that they are within the patient's intact field if hemianopsrais present. Present cards of the pictured objects, forms, letters, numbers, and colors.Ask the patient to point to the f urniture, hisor her body parts,and fingers, in the order /isted. Ask the patient to point to each item, by saying, "Point to the -, "Show " or, me the One repetition of each command is allowed. lf the patient points to more than one item, score 0 unless it is clear that the patient recognizes his or her error and corrects it. For the seven items requiring left-right discrimination,the patient must get both the side and body part correct to receivecredit. lf the room does not have certain f urniture, substitute comparabIe items. RealObiects Drawn Obiects Forms Cup Matches Square Matches Cuo Trianqle F 61 Pencil Comb Circle B 500 Flower Screwdriver Arrow K 1867 Comb Pencil Cross M 32 Screwdriver Flower Cvlinder n v 5000 Letters I Numbers 5 Colors Furniture Bodv Parts Finoers Risht-Left Blue Window Ear Thumb RiqhtShoulde Brown Chair Nose RinoFinoer Left Knee Red Desk Eve lndexFinoer LeftAnkle Green Liqht Chest LittleFinoer RiqhtWrist Yellow Door Neck MiddleFinoer Left Elbow Black Ceilino Chin RiqhtEar RiqhtCheek MaximumScore 60 Patient'sScore- C. Sequentfal Commands Scorefor partial execution of the commands accordingto the numbersabove each segment that is correctly executed. lf the patient requests repetition or looks confused, repeat the command as a full sentence.On the table before the patient line up the pen, comb, and book in this respectiveorder and label each, verbally: "See the pen, the comb, and the book? I will askyou to point to them and do thingswith them,iust as I say.Are you ready?"lf the patient does not seem to understandthe task,point with the comb to the pen to demonstrate, and start again. Scores yourhand. Raise 2 Shutyoureyes. 2 Pointto thechair. 2 Pointto the window.then to the door. z r Pointto the pen andthe book. 4 4 4 4 Pointwith the pen to the book. 4 B 4 Pointto the pen with the book. 4 8 4 Pointto the combwith the pen. 4 B 4 With the bookpointto the comb. 4 6 B 4 Putthe pen on top of the bookthengiveit to me. 5 5 5 14 5 Put the comb on the othersideof the penandturnoverthe book. MaximumScore 80 Patient'sScore- 20 ,rt. Repetition Ask the patient to repeat the words listedbelow; then record the responses.Youmay repeat items once, if the patient asks or does not seem to hear. If incompletely repeated, score2 points for each recognizable word. Minor dysarthric errors or colloquial pronunciation are scored as correct. Take 1 point off for errors in order of word sequenceor for each literal paraphasia (phonem ic e rrors). MaximumScore 1. Bed 2. Nose 3. Pipe 4. Window 5. Banana 6. Snowball 7. Forty-five B. Ninety{ivepercent 9. Sixtv-twoanda half 10 10. Thetelephone is ringing 11. He is not comingback 10 12. The pastrycookwas elated 10 13. FirstBritishFieldArtillerv 14. No ifs.andsor buts 10 15. Packmy boxwith fivedozenjugsof liquidveneer 20 MaximumScore 100 Patient'sScore- - - = IV. Naming A. Obiect Naming Presentobjectsin the order listedbelow. lf no or incorrectresponsesto visual stimulus, let thepatienttouchthe stimulus. lf stillno or incorrectresponses, presenta phonemicor,if a compositeword,a semanticcue(the firsthalfof thewordLAllowa maximumof 20 seconds for each item. Score3 porntsif namedcorrectlyor with minor articulatoryenor, 2 points phonemicparaphasia, for a recognizable and 1pointif a phonemicor tactilecueis required. Stimulus Fesoonse Gun Ball Knife oup Safetvoin 'lammer Ioothbrush raser Dadlock )encil Screwdriver Kev )aperclip )ipe lomb Elastic Spoon Scotchtaoe Fork Matches MaximumScore 60 Patient'sScore- TactileCue PhonemicCue Score I B. Word Fluency Askthe patientto ng.!!eas many animals9s le 9r she canin I minute. The patientmay be helpedif hesitant.'"Thinkof a domesticanimal,likethe horse,or a wildanimai,tikethe tijer." Thepatientmaybe prompted-at 30 seconds.Score7pointfor eachanimalnamed(excelptfor thosein the example),evenif distoftedby literalparaphasia. MaximumScore 20 Patient's Score- C. Sentence Completion Askpatient to completewhat you say. Providean example,suchas "ice is (cold)."Score 2 pointsfor correctresponseand 1 point for phonemicparaphasias. Acceptreasonable alternatives, e.9.,sugaris . . . (fattening)butnotgrassis . . . (brown). 1. Thegrassis 2. Sugar is (green). (sweetorwhite). 3. Rosesarered,violetsare- (blue). 4. Theyfoughtlikecatsand- (dogs). 5. Christmas is inthemonthof - {Decembed. Maximum Score 10 Patient's Score- D. Rexponsive Speech Score2 points for acceptable responses,1point for phonemic paraphasias. 1. What do you write with? (pen,pencil) 2. What coloris snow?(white) 3. How manydaysare in a week?(seven) 4. Wheredo nurseswork?(hospital) 5. Wherecanyou get stamps?(postoffice,varietystore) MaximumScore 10 Patient'sScore- 10 V. Reading A. Reading Gomprehension ol Sentences "Read Presenttestsentences,one per card. lnstructthepatientto: thesesentencesandpoint " to the missrng word. Choose the best from those. The oral instructions should be accompanied by gesture and by pointing to the words missing and the choice of answers. The instructionsmay be repeatedif the patient does not seem to understand.Ask the patient to do the example.lf the patient does not do it correctly,point to the correct answer and say: "See this is the missrngword, e.9., The tree has. . . wheels, leaves, grass,or fire." Score 1. Therainis . blue wet met sea 2. A soldiercarriesa gun shoot fun aroceries 3. Mr. Smithrepairscarsandtrucks.He is a . tailor machine mechanic bus 4. Teachersreturnto schooleveryfall.Theyteach. leaves children spring books 5. Shovelsandsawsarecommontools.Theyhavepartsmadeof . . . farmer forest metal cutting 6. Farmersoftengrow wheat,corn,andothergrain.Theycanalsoproduce coal tractors earth vegetables plentiful.Dueto oil shortage,manynationsare 7. Energyusedto be relatively turningto alternatesourcessuchas . . . . boiling water the banks the sun economY whichwas thoughtto be unsinkable but it hit an B. TheTitanicwas an oceanliner people.lt wouldnot icebergandsankin 1912,killingovera thousand havesunkif it hadnot . . . . lostpower been badly damaged carriedpassengers been going west MaximumScore 40 Patient'sScore- 11 B. Reading Commands "l Presenteachcard and say, want yau to read this aloudand then do what it saYs." may be repeatedif the patientonly doesone or the otherpart.of the.-task. lnstructions or if only Givea partiatscoreif 6nly part of the commandis reador containsparaphasias partof thecommandis Pertormed. 2. Wave qoodbve. 5. Pointto the chair,andthento the door. 6. Pickup the pencil,knockthreetimesandput it back. MaximumScore 20 ScorePatient's lf the combinedscoreof A and B is 50 or more, discontinuereadingtests and give full creditof 100 minustwice the differencefrom 60.Score: 100- 2(60- Patient'sScore/. Continuewith testingif combinedscore(A + B/ is /essthan50. ProratedScore C. Written Word Stimufus - Obiect Choice Matching Ptacethe objectsin a randomorderbefore the patient.Ask the patientto point to the obiect that correspondsto the word presentedon cards22-27. Score 1point for each correct response. cup comb pencil flower matches screwdriver MaximumScore Patient'sScore- D. Written Word Stimulus - Picture Choice lfiarching 6 Card 2 with pictureson it is placed before the patient. lnstruct the patient to p9i1ttto_the picture that matches the word that is presented.The words are presentedindividually on cards22-27. Score 1 point for each correct response. flower matches cup screwdriver comb pencil MaximumScore Patient'sScore t2 E. picture Stimufus Written Word Choice Matching Card34, which has the words listedon it, is placed before the patient. Thepatient is then reguested to point to the word that is fhe same as the picture. The pictures are presented individuallyon cards 28-33. Score 1point for each correct response. cup pencil screwdriver matches flower como MaximumScore Patient'sScore- F. Spoken Words lilri1n,en Word choice Matching Thepatient is presentedwith cards35-38 and askedto se/ect the orally presentedtargetword "Show me the word flower." Score1point for eachcorrect response. from a choice of 5, e.9., tower flower tree power garden cable fable table chair cloth money nanny wallet purse nurse willow window glass door winter MaximumScore Patient'sScore- G. Letter Discrimination Spelted Word Recognition 4 Use the score obtained on the letter identification section of the auditory word recognition subtest. lf that score is 3 points or /ess, use a letter matching task by presenting single /etters (cutouts)J, F, B, K, M, D and have the patient point to the choice of letters on card 4. MaximumScore Patient'sScore- H. 6 6 Ask the patient to name the word that is spelled orally by the examiner. lf the patient does not understand the task, give an example not listed on the test. Score 1 point for each correctanswer. n-o d-o-g n-o-s-e o-r-o-w-n h-a-m-m-e-r t-e-l-e-p-h-o-n-e MaximumScore Patient'sScore- I I | .fI t. Spelling 6 Ask the patient to spell each of the following words presented orally. Give an example, "dog, d-o-T," if the patrcnt does not understandthe task. Score 7 point for each correct answer. uo caI pond NOUSE Pencil government MaximumScore Patient'sScore- IT 6 13 VI. Writing Use unlinedpaper,labeledwith the name of the patientand the date of the examination A. Writing on Beguest Ask the patient to write his or her name and address.Score 7 point for each recognizable word or number. Deduct 1/zpoint for each spelling mistakeor paraphasicerror. MaximumScore Patient'sScore- B. Written Output 6 "Write Presentthepicture(Card1).lnstructthepatientto a storyaboutwhatis going on in the picture." Allow about3 minutes.Encouragethe patientto write ln sentencesif it appears that he or she is going to list words. Score 34 points for a full description,B points for each completesentencewith 6 words or more, 1 point for each correctword in incomplete or short sentences.Deduct 1/zpoint for each spellingor paraphasicerror. Scoreisolatedwords 1point, to a maximumof 10 points.Punctuationis not scored. MaximumScore 34 Patient'sScore- C. Writing to Dictation Ask the patient to write the sentence that you will dictate: "Pack my box with five dozen jugs of liquid veneer." The sentence may be broken up if the patient cannot remember it and parts repeatedonce. Score 10 pointsfor the complete sentenceor 1 point for each correct word. Deduct 1/zpoint for each spellingor paraphasicerror. MaximumScore 10 Patient'sScoreDiscontinuewriting test if a score of 40 or more is reachedon A, B, and C. Enteras the scoreforwriting: 2 x patient'sscore. ProratedScore D. Writing of Dictated or Visually Presented Words Ask the patient to write the following words as you dictate them. lf the patient does not understand,show the real object and gesture to the patient to write its name. lf the patient fails (unrecognizableword or not written at all), spell the word orally,and if the patient still fails,providecut-out/etterswith 2 extra letters.Subtract1/zpoint for incorrect/etters. FullScorefor Either Written Response Written Response Dictated VisualStimulus gun watch nose hammer telephone screwdriver 1 2 1 2 2 2 MaximumScore 10 Patient'sScore- 7 Scorefor Either Oral Cut-out Letters 14 E. Atphabet and Nimbers Askthe patientto write thealphabetandthen thenumbersfrom0 through20. Score1/zpoint for eachletteror number,evenif it is out of order. 1. Alphabet (0through20) 2. Numbers MaximumScore 12.5 Patient'sScoreMaximumScore Patient'sScore- F. Dictated fetters and Numbers 10 Ask the patient to write each of the following dictated /etfers and numbers. Score t/zpoint each for correctly written letter and one for each complete number. 1. Dictated:D, M, J, B, F 2 . D i c t a t e d5: , 6 1 , 3 2 , 7 0 01, 8 6 7 G. Copying ol Olords of a-Sentence MaximumScore Patient'sScore- 2.5 MaximumScore Patient'sScore- 5 Presentcard 39 with the test sentenceprinted on it and ask the patient to copY it. Thepatient may print or write. Score 1 point for each correct word, 10 points for the complete sentence. Subtract 1/zpoint for each incorrectletter. MaximumScore Patient'sScore- i I 10 15 Vil. Apraxia Tellthe patient,"l am going to ask you to do somethings,try and do them as well as you can." lf thepatientfailsto pertormthe commandwell,thenshowhim or her how (imitatethe action).lf this fails,thengive the patientthe realobject,whereapplicable(astensks/. Allow for variationsin normalperformances.Score3 points for a goodpertormancein the compertormance or goodpertormanceon imitation mandcolumn.Score2 pointsfor approximate performanceon imitationor if pertormedwith the actual only. Score1point for approximate object.lf the patientusesa bodypart for an object, score2 points(e.9.,fingersusedas a combthroughthehair). Examples "Whistte."tf the patientpurseshisor her lipsand blows,but thereis no sound, score2 pointsfor an approximate performance.lf the patientdeclaresthathe or shecannot do it or purseshisor her lipsbutdoesnotblow,thendemonstrate. Thenif thepatientpurseshisor her performanceon imitation;if thepatientfailsto lipsandblows, score1 pointfor approximate exhalethen score0 (no points). "Sniff." lf thepatientgrimacesor inhalesthroughmouth,score1 pointonly.lf pertormance improveson imitation,score2 points.lf the patientdoesit only with a flower,score1 point only.lf thepatientrubsthefloweron hisor her nose,score0 (nopoints). Command Upper Limb 1. Makeafist 2. Salute 3. Wavegoodbye 4. Scratchyour head 5. Snaovourfinqers Facial 6. Putout yourtongue 7. Closeyoureyes 8. Whistle *9. Sniffa flower * 10. Blowout a match lnstrumental *11. Useacomb *12. Usea toothbrush *13. Usea spoonto eat * 1 4 . U s ea h a m m e r * 1 5 . U s ea k e v Complex 16. Pretendto drivea car 17. Pretendto knockat the doorandopenit * 18. Pretendto fold a paper 19. Pretendto lighta cigarette 20. Pretendto playthe piano MaximumScore 60 Patient's Score- lmitated WithObiect 16 Vnr. Constructional, Visuospatial and Calculation Tasks A. the figures listed below on a separate sheet of The subject is asked to freehandedlydraw "ls that as complete as Youcan make it?" The scorpaper. Encouragecompletion by saying ing system rs /isted for each figure. Drawing lf the patient appearsto have a comprehensionproblem, then he or she may be shown examplesfor 10 seconds. 1 . Circle(2) 2. Cube(5) andform Score5 pointsfor perspective Subtract1 pointfor eachinappropriate angle Score1 pointif all9 linesareshown (2) 3. Square Score2 pointsfor closedsquare Score1 pointfor4 lines 4 . Clock(5) Score5 pointsfor correctfigure Score4 pointsif numbersarepartiallyabsent orwrong Score3 pointsfor all numbersand no hands Score2 pointsif most numbersareabsentor out of circle Score1 pointfor circleonly 5 . Tree(3) Score3 pointsfor qualitY Score2 pointsfor sYmmetry Score1 pointfor asymmetry 6 . House(5) Score5 pointsfor completeperspective Subtract1 pointfor lackof perspective Subtract1 pointfor missingdetail Score2 pointsfor an approximation 7 . Drawa personon a separatesheet(5) andsymmetry Score5 pointsfor completeness Subtract1 pointfor eachbodypartmissing Score1 pointfor an approximation 8 . Linebisection(3) Instructthe patientto placea markat the middle(orcenter)of the line.Deduct1/zpoinl for each5 mm deviation Score2 pointsforclosedcircle Score1 pointforcurvedsegments Score 30 Maximum Patient's Score- 17 B. Block Design Placefour blocksbefore the patient. Say"You see fhese btocks,they areatt alike.On some sides,they are all red, on some all white, and on some,hatf red and hatf white. I am going to eut the blocks tog.etherto make them look like this picture. Watch me first. No,wi took at the pictureand make one just likeit with the btocks."Demonstratehow to do theexampte, ry9vinOs.lowJtl,then miy up the blocksand have the patientdo it, using the iame'itocks. lf he or she failsto do it in 90 seconds,mix up the btocksand havehim oiher try-"giii.ir tn" patient fails on the secondattempt, go on'and show the next picture.Mix;;ii; aincks after each design. Except for the eiampte, the patient is not'shown how io do it or s given a secondattempt..Score.3pointsfor correctdesign,completedin 60 setcoids;score 2 points for correct design, with extra time allowed (i minutes).Score I pont for'itoc*s put together. Practice score3 pointsfor correctdesignwithin60 seconds Score2 pointsfor correctdesignwith extratime Score1 pointfor 4 blocksput together MaximumScore Patient'sScore- C. Calculation 9 Presentthe card with the first catcutationon.it and sayto thepatient, "t woutd like - you to add. what rs -/" then, "t would tike you to subtract.what is ?',t etc. Continuewith oral stim.ulian^d allow the patientto lookat thecardat the sametime (combined oraland visualstimulation).ScoreZ pgyntsfor eachcorrectre"lor"". fne patieiti)y i"spora orally or point to the correct answer. Thereis no partial scoregiven. 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 5 +4 6 -2 q 20 1 B I 4 12 +2 4 12 4 +3 X 4 -7 to 2 8 -3 tr 4 x2 6 2 x3 tJ 2 x7 X h 2. Division I +4 12 2 JI 4 q 3 24 11 J 2. Multiplication 6 tz 64 : Q 13 56 B 72 18 +3 2 11 42 25 4 21 tc o MaximumScore 24 Patient'sScore- D. Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices Administer the R.C.P.M.as indicatedin its manual. Themaximum scoreis 37, 1 pointfor eachcorrectitem and award 1 additionalpoint for completionin S minutesorless. MaximumScore 37 Patient'sscore_ 18 SCORESHEET Maximum speech spontaneous Information Content Fluency Total Comprehension Yes/NoOuestions WordRecognition Auditory Commands Sequential Total (Divide By20 ForAO) (Divide Bv 10ForCO) Repetition Total (DivideBy 10) Naming OblectNaming Word Fluency SentenceCompletion Responsive Speech Total (DivideBv 10) AphasiaOuotient (AddTotalsAnd MultiplyBy 2 ForAO) ReadingAnd Writing Reading Writing Total (DivideBy 10) Praxis Total (Divide Bv6) Construction Drawing BlockDesign Calculation Raven'sScore Total (DivideBv 10) CorticalQuotient Add Totals 10 10 20 60 60 80 10 20 100 10 60 20 10 10 10 100 100 20 60 10 30 q u 37 10 r00 Patient's Subscores TotalForAO