2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results
2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results
2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI. 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results About this Brochure Along with providing background information and reasoning behind the Role Delineation Study, this brochure briefly describes and summarizes the study and its results. Perhaps more importantly, it includes full descriptions of ten important volunteer roles that support effective chapter management. Introduction With over 270 chapters around the world, each with different challenges, cultures and traditions, it is not surprising that there are over 406 volunteer leader titles in the Component System. Many of these titles, however, refer to very similar roles across chapters, regardless of the geographic region in which these chapters are based. The purpose of this study is to help PMI develop a consistent approach to how the PMI Chapter Volunteer Roles are described and, thus, how PMI can more effectively provide relevant and timely development opportunities to our volunteers on a global level. The results of this study will assist in content development for face-to-face Leadership Institute Meetings and virtual learning activities available via PMI Learn. Additionally, it will assist in the volunteer recruitment process by enabling PMI to more clearly post and describe volunteer roles and will ultimately help to advance leadership continuity. Volunteer Role Delineation Study Methodology PMI solicited input and sought consensus from approximately 300 leaders, representing chapters from around the world regarding the important roles and activities of chapter volunteers. This study was conducted through a series of five volunteer workshops, studying ten of the most prevalent elected roles at the chapter level. These roles included: President Secretary Vice President/President Elect Vice President of Finance/Treasurer Vice President Membership/ VP of Member Services Vice President of Governance and Policy Vice President of Volunteers Vice President Marketing Vice President of Professional Development/VP of Education Past President The results of these workshops were then validated by 407 PMI volunteers. Here are the survey statistics: 1 2195 current chapter leaders received an email invitation to a web-based survey 502 leaders responded to the survey, of which 407 qualified to participate 25% response rate Leaders rated up to two out of the ten roles, depending on which roles they currently hold or previously held 2-week field period: 8/18/11–9/2/11 Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results Regardless of the role, four leadership skills were identified as essential to all volunteer roles included in the study, and they are: Communications Skills Organizational Skills Relationship Building/Networking Skills Strategic Thinking — Skilled in Strategic Planning Process and Execution The results of the study are organized into the following categories: Role Description Roles and Responsibilities Role Specific Skills Leadership Skills (in addition to those listed above) Average Volunteer Hours Per Month Average Years of Project Management Experience Average Years PMI Volunteer Experience Future Role Studies This study is part of a larger effort to better meet the needs of all of PMI’s global volunteers. Additional role studies are planned for additional chapter roles, as well as communities of practice and all of the Institute’s volunteer leadership roles. To ensure that the roles remain relevant to changing conditions, the Chapter Volunteer Role Study will be refreshed on a three-year cycle. This information is accessible online in PMI Learn, with the title “2011 PMI Role Delineation Results.” To access PMI Learn, complete the following steps: 1. Go to PMI.org and log in using your username and password 2. Once logged in, hover over “Get Involved” and click “Excel as a leader” 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Launch PMI Learn” button 4. You will now be placed in PMI Learn 5. Once inside the PMI Learn Homepage, locate the “Required Training” Box 6. Click the title hyperlink to view the document Questions or comments: Please contact: leadership.Institute@pmi.org PMI thanks all of the volunteers who participated in this important study. GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI. 2 P of rnance olicy P of nteers P of keting P of PD P of bership ast sident sident ect P of ance etary 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results 11 Volunteer Chapter Role Descriptions 42% 1–5 hours PRESIDENT 18% 6–10 hours 24% 15% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours ROLE DESCRIPTION: Volunteer responsible for overall oversight of the chapter and the board. The president shall direct the activities of the 10 board 27% 29%the chapter 4% other members in38% accordance with bylaws. 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Direct the chapter’s strategic goals Strive to achieve the chapter vision, mission and objectives as detailed by the chapter board and PMI and chapter strategic plan Direct the activities of other officers toward chapter goals and objectives 14 Assure 15% that the 36%chapter board 30%works together 19% as a team Represent the chapter at public events 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Ensure strategic alliance, planning and annual reporting Ultimately accountable for all board operations and chapter activities Act as a liaison between the chapter and PMI 12% that32% 35% is updated 21% and in compliance as specified by PMI 15 Ensure the charter renewal Preside over the board of directors meetings and the annual general membership meeting 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Ensure that all chapter business is being done legally and ethically Assume responsibility for the overall functioning of the chapter Legally represent the organization (this role can be co-dependent with the finance officer) 12 Ensure 24% statutory 30%and regulatory 33% compliance 14% in consultation with the vice president of finance With the board, ensure prudent disbursement of chapter funds 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20and hours Over 20 of hours Drive implementation of revision amendments PMI policies and guidelines to chapter processes Manage periodic policy audits Promote leadership development opportunities for board development. 38%and implement 32%a succession 27%and3%transition plan 9 Develop ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: PMI Knowledge and Experience Organization Management 12 21% 47% 15% 18% Management Skills Volunteer and Appreciation 1–5 hours Recognition 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 13% to Delegate 40% Effectively31% 16% 13 Ability Public Speaking/Presentation Skills 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Conflict Resolution Skills Team Building Skills AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 19 YEARS 11 31% 39% 17% 13% AVERAGE PMIhours VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 7 YEARS 1–5 YEARS hours OF6–10 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 22 sident 20% 1–5 hours 3 27% 6–10 hours 53% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours VP of ernance Policy VP of unteers VP of arketing VP of PD VP of mbership Past esident esident Elect VP of nance cretary esident SECRETARY ROLE DESCRIPTION: Elected volunteer responsible for preparing, maintaining, recording, circulating all records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of the chapter. 11 42% 18% 24% 15% ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Maintain custody of the approved bylaws, articles of incorporation, charter agreement and of amendments thereto and board policies, committee charters, and all other non-financial records for the chapter Coordinate and distribute board meeting agendas 10 Maintain in accordance to specific parliamentary procedures as mandated by their local 27% all meeting 38%minutes — must 29% document 4% government (e.g., Roberts Rules) 1–5 hours 6–10not hours 11–20 Over 20inhours Notify membership less than thehours period stated the chapter bylaws before annual general meetings Circulate board agenda before the meeting to all the members Provide records to members and outside organizations that request information Provide all notifications to the membership, directors, auditors and members of committees 14 Receive general30% correspondence 15% and dispatch 36% 19% Provide support for membership communication 1–5 hours 6–10and hoursdistribute 11–20chapter hours stationary Over 20 hours Prepare for, procure and printed materials Develop and implement succession and transition plan 15 12% ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: Agenda and Meeting Coordination 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Ability to Scribe and Record Minutes Proficient use of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation tools (e.g., Microsoft Office, Open Office) Knowledge of Meeting procedures as mandated by their local government (e.g., Roberts Rules) 24% of PMI 30%Bylaws and33% 12 Knowledge Policies 14% Knowledge Retention requirements 1–5 hours of Records 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Proficient in Email Communications (e.g., MS Outlook, Google Mail) Proficiency in Editing/Proofreading 32% 9 35% 38% 32% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 21% 27% 3% OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 1–5 hours hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Excellent Writing6–10 Skills Active Listening Skills Facilitation Skills 15% 12 Time21% Management 47% Skills 18% English Proficiency (29% highest of any role) 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 14 YEARS 13 13% 40% 31% 16% AVERAGE YEARS OF PMI VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 4 YEARS 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 11 31% 1–5 hours 22 20% 39% 6–10 hours 27% 17% 13% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI. 53% 4 VP of ernance Policy VP of unteers VP of arketing VP of PD VP of mbership Past esident 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results VICE PRESIDENT/PRESIDENT ELECT ROLE DESCRIPTION: Successor to the president; elected volunteer who will assist the president with his or her duties of managing the chapter 18% 24% and11assume the42% role of the chapter president if15% the president is unable to perform duties for any reason. 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Represent the president in his or her absence Assume the role of president the year following successful completion of his or her duties in this role (depending on chapter bylaws) Assume the role of president if the president is unable to perform duties for any reason 10 27% 38% 29% 4% Assist the president in his or her duties Oversee the operations committee 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Serve as member ex-officio with the right to vote on all committees except the nominating committee Develop and implement succession and transition plan ROLE SKILLS: 14 SPECIFIC 15% 36% 30% 19% PMI Knowledge and Experience Resource Management 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Conflict Management Budget Management Financial Planning 15 12% 32% 35% Over 20 hours 21% OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Team Building Skills Active Listening Skills Ability to Delegate Effectively 24% 30% 33% 12 Public Speaking/Presentation Skills 14% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS 9 38% OF PMI VOLUNTEER 32% 27% 3% AVERAGE YEARS EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 6 YEARS 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 12 esident Elect 21% 1–5 hours 13 13% VP of nance 11 22 20% 1–5 hours 5 15% 39% 6–10 hours 27% 6–10 hours 18% 11–20 hours 31% 6–10 hours 31% 1–5 hours esident 6–10 hours 40% 1–5 hours cretary 47% Over 20 hours 16% 11–20 hours 17% Over 20 hours 13% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours 53% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours VICE-PRESIDENT OF FINANCE/TREASURER/FINANCE DIRECTOR ROLE DESCRIPTION: Volunteer responsible for finance. Responsible for maintaining and presenting all financial records required for chapter operations in accordance with chapter and bylaws. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintain and manage accounts receivable and payable and all financial portfolios, including but not limited to the collection of chapter dues from PMI, guest payments for chapter meetings or special events and the payment of all chapter bills in accordance with chapter committee directives Establish and maintain all required chapter bank accounts and/or similar financial transactions; arrange for officer signatures as required Provide financial reporting regarding the state of finances and chapter activity to chapter membership, board and executive level volunteer leaders on a monthly basis (board meeting) VP of 11 meetings42% 18% 24% 15% Report on the state of finances at board meetings and chapter Governance & Policystatement to be included in the annual application for charter renewal Develop an annual operating budget and financial 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Ensure the chapter has reviewed and reported required tax filings Recommend improvements in the financial processes to the board Establish and maintain financial operational processes to ensure continuity of chapter operations and define, document and maintain VP of chapter policies 10 27% 38% 29% 4% Volunteers Maintain the annual budget Contribute to financial planning/goal setting, investing, forecasting budgeting the chapter 1–5and hours 6–10for hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Distribute/communicate financial section of the annual report to chapter membership Assist in the preparation of the annual financial statements and reports Provide timely information to independent auditors as required VPthe of chapter Keep an up to date inventory of all the goods of 14 15% 36% 30% 19% Marketing Handle all PMI and government required payments Ensure maintenance and storage of all historic financial documents 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Establish financial metrics; ensure chapter is maintaining requirements Serve as liaison with PMI Global Operating Center on financial matters Prepare financial guidelines and procedures forVPthe of chapter along with board 15 12% 32% of directors35% 21% PD Analyze cost impact and income benefit of all activities proposed by the board Review any chapter contract, agreement and insurance 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Distribute information, materials and/or fees received from the PMI Global Operating Center to appropriate officers in a timely manner Confirm and check bank accounts monthly Develop and implement succession and transition plan VP of 12 24% 30% 33% 14% Membership ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: Documentation Skills/Financial Record Keeping 1–5 hours Accounting Basic of 6–10 Software/Tools hours 11–20 hours Over 20 Knowledge hours Knowledge of Financial Planning (e.g., Quick Books, Excel) Economics Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Analytical Thinking Legal Awareness Past 9 38% 32% 27% 3% President OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 1–5 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Negotiation SkillsConflict Resolution Skills 6–10 hours Time Management Skills Technical Tools Skills Adaptability/Flexibility President (e.g., WebEx, Live Meeting, Registration and Event Software) 12 21% 47% 15% 18% Elect AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 17 YEARS 1–5 hours AVERAGE YEARS OF PMI VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 5 YEARS VP of ON ROLE: AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH 13 Finance 13% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 40% 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 31% Over 20 hours 16% 11–20 hours GOOD THINGS WITH 31% STAY INVOLVED 39% 17% PMI. SecretaryHAPPEN11WHEN YOU 13% Over 20 hours 6 of nance olicy of teers of eting of D 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results VP MEMBERSHIP/VP OF MEMBER SERVICES/MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR ROLE DESCRIPTION: Volunteer responsible for addressing the needs of chapter membership, including service delivery, recruiting and retaining members in accordance with chapter policies and bylaws. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and maintain a chapter membership plan that assures continued growth through proactive recruiting and partnering with major area employers Promote the value of PMI and chapter membership Liaison with potential PMI members and encourage them to be members of the chapter Develop and implement a plan to recognize member milestones (such as anniversaries or awards) Develop and implement a member retention program Revise membership benefits and value on a regular basis Develop and implement membership welcome and support plan Answer general membership inquiries; respond to member/non-member information inquiries and other requests for assistance Act as the primary recipient for the Data Exchange Program (DEP) Maintain the membership records of the chapter (DEP) Provide communication list/member updates to officers Coordinate the production and distribution of timely membership reports, such as monthly membership reports by demographics (city, state, age, industry, etc.) Develop and administer membership satisfaction survey/exit survey Ensure that members are aware of available services Work with marketing to develop a plan to implement outreach to the community including commercial, not-for-profit and other professional associations about membership Support and attend annual general meeting 18% succession 24% and15% 11 Develop42% and implement transition plan 1–5 hours SKILLS: 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours ROLE SPECIFIC Proficiency in using PMI Data Exchange Program ( DEP) Data Analysis and Reporting Proficient in Email Communications (e.g., MS Outlook, Google Mail) 27% 4% 10 Knowledge of PMI38% Credentials 29% Proficient Survey Research/Demographic Research 1–5 hours use of 6–10 hoursTools/Market 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Marketing Skills Proficient use of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation tools (e.g., Microsoft Office, Open Office) OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 14 Public 15% Speaking/Presentation 36% 30%Skills 19% Active Listening Skills 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Team Building Skills Over 20 hours AVERAGE MANAGEMENT 15 12% YEARS 32%OF PROJECT35% 21% EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS AVERAGE YEARS OF PMI VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: 5 YEARS 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20APPROXIMATELY hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 12 of ership 9 st dent 7 24% 30% 33% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 38% 32% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 14% Over 20 hours 27% 3% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours VP OF GOVERNANCE AND POLICY/GOVERNANCE AND POLICY DIRECTOR ROLE DESCRIPTION: Volunteer responsible for addressing governance and policy issues, including ensuring the maintenance and enforcement of chapter policies and bylaws. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Ensure the policies are consistent and compliant with all applicable governmental jurisdiction and regulations (e.g., IRS, Government Compliance, PMI Policy, Sarbanes Oxley) Review and update bylaws Ensure the chapter and/or bylaws are upheld and enforced Develop and maintain policy manual Develop and maintain information security/personal information policy Ensure and oversee roles/function definitions Address any breeches that may be brought up against a member and/or the chapter Assist in resolving chapter conflicts Raise awareness of and provide training on code of conduct/regulations/processes Oversee and ensure smooth transition and transition planning Be aware of the Ethics Review Process Develop and implement succession and transition plan ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: Policy Development Experience Organizational Change Management Knowledge of PMI Ethical Code and Guidelines PMI Knowledge and Experience Experience with Developing Roles and Responsibilities Association/Not-for-Profit Knowledge Experience with Transition and Succession Planning Experience with Local Regulations and Laws OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: Conflict Resolution Skills Negotiation Skills Excellent Writing Skills Team Building Skills Active Listening Skills AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 17 YEARS AVERAGE YEARS OF PMI VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 6 YEARS AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: P of rnance Policy 11 P of nteers 10 P of 42% 18% 24% 15% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 27% 38% 29% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours 4% Over 20 hours GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI. 8 P of rnance Policy P of nteers P of keting P of PD P of bership 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results VP OF VOLUNTEERS OR VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR ROLE DESCRIPTION: Volunteer responsible for addressing the needs of the volunteers, including recruitment, retention, recognition and leadership development training and support in accordance with chapter policies and bylaws. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for volunteer recruitment and/or retention Responsible for providing clear expectations to volunteers regarding their roles Understand and leverage experience of volunteers and direct them to various initiatives in the chapter Responsible for identifying and developing programs to involve, develop, engage and manage volunteer members Responsible for the development and recognition of volunteers Build quality into volunteering by introducing and refining different processes for managing the work from volunteers Develop and implement succession and transition plan Responsible for providing awareness of volunteer opportunities at the local and global levels ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: Understanding of Volunteer Resource Management Understanding of Volunteer Recognition and Appreciation Programs Ability to use Volunteer Management Software Tools to match volunteer skills with interests Proficient in Email Communications (e.g., MS Outlook, Google Mail) Proficient Usage of Online Collaboration/Tools (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: Active Listening Skills Coaching and Mentoring Team Building Skills Ability to Delegate Effectively Conflict Resolution Skills Persuasion Skills AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 15 YEARS 11 42% 18% 24% 15% AVERAGE YEARS OF6–10 PMIhours VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 6 YEARS 1–5 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 10 14 27% 38% 29% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 15% 36% 1–5 hours 15 12% 9 12 24% 6–10 hours 32% 1–5 hours 30% 4% 19% 11–20 hours 35% Over 20 hours Over 20 hours 21% 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 30% 33% 14% Over 20 hours VP of ernance Policy VP of unteers VP of rketing VP of PD VP MARKETING/MARKETING DIRECTOR ROLE DESCRIPTION: Elected volunteer responsible for marketing and public relations. The VP of marketing shall be responsible for developing marketing, corporate relations and communication programs in accordance with chapter bylaws and policies. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and implement a marketing plan in support of the chapter strategic objectives Develop and implement marketing campaigns to promote the chapter and its activities to members and the community at large Market and publicize the chapter within the community Develop an awareness of PMI’s marketing tools and resources Create and disseminate the chapter’s announcements, press releases and marketing activities Develop and distribute marketing materials, newsletter, etc. Facilitate chapter communications to external sources (local newspapers, radio stations and organizations) and share information with PMI and other PMI communities Drive the chapter’s advertisement process and ensure results Collaborate with local businesses to publicize the chapter and PMI Publicize the chapter and PMI through internal and external publications Oversee the relationship with the press and the relation with the public authorities, government bodies and non-governmental organizations Monitor and coordinate presentations to external stakeholders and other organizations interested in the activities of PMI Increase awareness of PMI and the chapter Maintain relationships with sponsors for revenue generation to fund the chapter’s activities Coordinate and organize presentations to potential chapter sponsors, event sponsors and other sponsors Develop and implement succession and transition plan ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: Marketing Strategy and Development Marketing Plan Execution and Delivery Knowledge of PMI’s Brand Strategy (Marketing Portal) Market Research Skills/Proficient use of Survey Tools Proficient Usage of Online Collaboration/Tools (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) Newsletter Tools Knowledge of Fundraising Techniques OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 42% 18% 24% 15% 11 Public Speaking/Presentation Skills Excellent Writing Skills 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Ability to Delegate Effectively Negotiation Skills AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 14 YEARS 10 27% 38% 29% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 4% AVERAGE YEARS OF PMI VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 5 YEARS Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 14 15% 36% 1–5 hours 15 12% 6–10 hours 32% 1–5 hours 30% 11–20 hours 35% 6–10 hours 19% Over 20 hours 21% GOOD HAPPEN 11–20 hours THINGS Over 20 hours WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI. 10 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results VP OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/VP OF EDUCATION/ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR/EDUCATION DIRECTOR/VP OF EVENTS Over time, many chapters will divide this role into two separate roles: VP of education and VP of professional development ROLE DESCRIPTION: Volunteer responsible for professional development, education and chapter events in accordance with chapter policies and bylaws. Responsible for the development of chapter education activities to include: • Preparation and maintenance of PMI’s certifications • Develop and maintain relationships with local colleges and universities • Serve as liaison to the PMI Educational Foundation Responsible for establishing and managing chapter professional development programs, live and on-line, maintain relationships with Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s) ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Define strategies for improvement in professional development/training programs Develop and implement a chapter professional development plan, including a program roadmap for professional development content programs Develop plans for and coordinate the chapter’s external educational activities, such as study groups, seminars, workshops, courses, professional development days and other educational activities Oversee soft skills development and training programs Manage chapter-created credential examination review courses and other such courses Provide information to members and nonmembers on career development Provide information and guidance to members and nonmembers on certification/re-certification in the context of PMI Incorporate feedback, suggestions and recommendations as necessary to enhance effectiveness and value delivered to the audience and chapter regarding the contents of programs Provide the information necessary to market the education, certification, as well as training opportunities offered by the chapter Recommend, develop and deliver project management education materials, courses, presentations and sessions Provide the information necessary to market the education, PMI certification, as well as training opportunities offered by the chapter Develop and implement a plan for educational outreach at the elementary, secondary and collegiate levels Seek new project management professional development programs and services through networking with other educational organizations and PMI chapters Coordinate and publicize/organize chapter social networks Promote the project management profession through the planning and coordination of special events, as identified by the chapter board, designed to enhance and expand the skills and knowledge of project managers Incorporate feedback, suggestions and recommendations as necessary to enhance effectiveness and value delivered to the audience and chapter as they relate to the logistics of events/programs Oversee events, presentations and training programs Invite key influencers from industry to participate in community events Plan and coordinate special events, as identified by the chapter’s board, designed to enhance the project management professions and/or expand the skills and knowledge of project managers Develop and implement a program roadmap for all events Advance the project management profession through the planning and coordination of special events, as identified by the chapter’s board Develop and implement a succession and transition plan 11 P of ernance Policy P of unteers P of keting P of PD P of bership Past sident sident lect P of nance retary ROLE SPECIFIC SKILLS: Program and Event Planning Skills Ability to Develop and Manage Program and Event Schedules Knowledge of PMI Credentials and PDUs Content and Curriculum Development Contract and Vendor Management Ability to Create and Analyze Program Surveys and Evaluations Basic Budget Management Skills 11 42% 18% 24% 15% OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: 1–5 hours 6–10 hours Over 20 hours Ability to Delegate Effectively11–20 hours Public Speaking/Presentation Skills Team Building Skills Facilitation Skills 29% 4% 10 Time27% Management38% Skills Adaptability/Flexibility 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS 14 AVERAGE YEARS OF PMI VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 5 YEARS 15% 36% 1–5 hours 30% 6–10 hours 19% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 15 12% 32% 1–5 hours 12 11–20 hours 30% 33% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours 38% 32% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 24% 21% 1–5 hours 13 13% 47% 6–10 hours 40% 1–5 hours 11 21% 6–10 hours 9 12 35% 14% Over 20 hours 27% 3% 11–20 hours 15% Over 20 hours 18% 11–20 hours 31% 6–10 hours Over 20 hours Over 20 hours 16% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI. 31% 39% 17% 13% 12 P of rnance olicy P of nteers P of keting P of PD P of bership 2011 PMI Volunteer Role Delineation Study Results PAST PRESIDENT ROLE DESCRIPTION: Immediate former elected volunteer responsible for overall oversight of the chapter and the board in accordance with chapter policies and bylaws. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintain continuity in the chapter to help to ensure smooth board transitions Assist the board of directors with strategic policies Proactively support and promote the work within the board Assume the role of mentor for the president Assist the president in liaison with PMI if and when required 24%the nominating 15% 11 Assume 42% the position 18% of chair for committee Lead and direct the elections process 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Provide ethics enforcement and guidance at the board of directors level Support conflict resolution Outreach with past presidents Develop and implement a succession and transition plan 10 P of ance etary 38% 29% 4% ROLE SPECIFIC 1–5 hours SKILLS: 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Skilled in Strategic Planning Process Diplomacy Understanding of Volunteer Recognition and Appreciation Programs Rule of Order) 14 Parliamentary 15% 36%Procedures (i.e., 30% Roberts19% Human Resource Management 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours OTHER LEADERSHIP SKILLS: Coaching and Mentoring Conflict Resolution Skills 12% 32% 35% 21% 15 Facilitation Skills Active Listening6–10 Skills 1–5 hours hours 11–20 hours Team Building Skills Over 20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE YEARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE: APPROXIMATELY 20 YEARS 12 24% 33% EXPERIENCE: 14% AVERAGE YEARS OF30% PMI VOLUNTEER APPROXIMATELY 9 YEARS 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 38% 32% 1–5 hours 6–10 hours 11–20 hours Over 20 hours AVERAGE VOLUNTEER HOURS SPENT PER MONTH ON ROLE: 9 ast sident sident ect 27% 12 21% 1–5 hours 13 13% 11 6–10 hours 40% 1–5 hours 13 47% 31% 1–5 hours 27% 3% 11–20 hours 15% 6–10 hours 39% 6–10 hours 18% 11–20 hours 31% Over 20 hours Over 20 hours 16% 11–20 hours 17% Over 20 hours 13% 11–20 hours Over 20 hours Increase your Success in Leading Others Access valuable resources created to support you in your volunteer roles. Volunteer Relationship Management System Where volunteer opportunities are found | www.pmi.org/VRMS PMI Learn Where leadership skills are developed | www.pmi.org/PMILearn Marketing Portal Where outreach tools are created | www.pmi.org/MarketingPortal Good things happen when you stay involved with PMI. GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU STAY INVOLVED WITH PMI.