shiatsu - Beurer
shiatsu - Beurer
shiatsu Variety for individuality. Shiatsu massage and massage range. Beurer for your well-being Beurer has been the market leader in the health and well-being sector since 1919. In addition to our cornerstones of flexible heating, blood pressure monitors and scales, Shiatsu/ massage forms one of our key areas. We have cleverly combined state-of-the-art technology with treatment techniques from Asia. The result: products that provide a soothing massage and that pleasantly ease and relax the body and muscles. Shiatsu massage originates from Asia and includes a soothing and relaxing pressure massage with the fingers, thumbs or palms. The Shiatsu massage products imitate this movement. Depending upon the intensity and pressure, this type of massage can also work deep into the tissue and is ideally suited for relaxing the muscles and relieving any tension. 2 shiatsu H d -shiatsu HighDefinition > > > > High Definition. Technology that inspires, precision that penetrates. You will be inspired by the design, function and combination of materials. Our new HD Shiatsu models deliver what they promise. shiatsu Hct shiatsu hct HighComfortTechnology High Comfort Technology. Save yourself a trip to the massage studio. Our Shiatsu chairs let you take the masseur home with you. Effective, stylish, comprehensive: Our new complete massage range. From the mini massager to the comfort chair. Time to relax Time for Shiatsu massage and massage 3 Noticeable innovation with natural effects State-of-the-art technology, precision and sophisticated motion sequences create a natural and soothing massage. Stateof-the-art technology that can’t be seen, but can certainly be felt! We want you to feel great. 1 2 3 4 1 Shiatsu back massage This art of massage originating from Asia fuses the terms SHI = finger and ATSU = pressure. With flowing, circular movements, this “finger pressure massage” guarantees holistic relaxation. 2 Shiatsu neck massage This Asian “finger pressure massage” ensures holistic relaxation through flowing, circular movements in the neck area. 3 3D Shiatsu massage The three-dimensional, see-sawing movement along the spine helps to create a feeling of penetrating relaxation across the whole back. 4 Roll massage The soft rolling massage along the spine combats muscular tension and offers soothing relaxation across the whole back. rolling spot v shiatsu 5 7 8 9 10 5 Vibration massage With soft waves, vibration massage loosens the muscles. For an all-round warm and comforting feeling of relaxation. 6 Spot massage With this form of massage, you alone determine the precise application point of the massage by simply pressing a button. Soothing relaxation exactly where you need it. 7 Tapping massage With powerful and rhythmic tapping movements, this massage penetrates the deeper layers of muscle to help create a feeling of deep relaxation. 8 Kneading massage A targeted and intensive kneading movement helps this massage to combat tension and promote circulation in the muscle and skin layers. 9 Air pressure massage Gentle to intense air pressure in the chambers provided helps to create a soothing pressure massage for targeted relaxation of the legs, calves and feet. 10 Swing massage The dynamic swinging movements along the spine stimulate circulation and boost metabolism. vibration u 6 Treatment points Targeted application directly on the painful areas ensures a long-lasting sense of well-being, relaxation and loosening of the muscles. rotation Full-body treatment The Beurer Shiatsu and massage range offers the right product for every treatment area with tailored functionality options. 5 Shiatsu complete > > > > + High-end technology Shiatsu seat cover ➚Automatic body-scan function for an individually tailored full body massage ➚Relaxing XL back and neck massage with 4-head massage system ➚Penetrating Shiatsu, rolling or swing massage ➚Switchable light and heat function ➚Ergonomically shaped with extralarge massage area Co nv + 4-head massage system + Automatic body-scan function + Easy operation with manual control switch + Leather effect (PU) 6 1 2 6 10 4 en ien tm an ua lc on tro ls wi tch e g a s s a m L X MG300 HD body complete HighDefinition>>>>> Neck massage Separate seat cushion Automatic bodyscan function XL massage surface Removable, washable mesh cover for back! 7 Shiatsu complete > > > > + 3D high-end technology Shiatsu seat cover ➚Penetrating 3D Shiatsu back massage ➚Electrically height-adjustable Shiatsu neck massage ➚With in-seat heating ➚Switchable light and heat function ➚Ergonomic bucket seat Also available in cream Co co nven ntr i ol ent m sw itc anu al h + 4 Shiatsu massage heads with 3D rocker technology + 2 rotating Shiatsu neck massage fingers + Easy operation with manual control switch + Leather effect (PU) 8 2 3 4 6 MG295 HD 3D Electrically heightadjustable Ergonomically shape d fo rp erf ec t adjustment to the body HighDefinition>>>>> Practical hanging fixture Removable and washable covers Removable, washable mesh cover for neck! 9 Shiatsu complete > > > > > > > + Back + neck Shiatsu seat cover ➚Height-adjustable Shiatsu neck massage ➚Relaxing Shiatsu back massage ➚Spot massage ➚Soothing roll massage ➚Switchable light and heat function ➚With timer function Co nv + 2 rotating Shiatsu neck massage fingers + 4 Shiatsu massage heads + Easy operation with manual control switch + Leather effect (PU) 10 1 2 4 6 en ien tm an ua lc on tro ls wi tch MG260 HD 2in1 HighDefinition>>>>> Height-adjustable neck massage Separate seat cushion Practical hanging fixture Removable and washable covers Removable, washable mesh and velour covers for neck and back! 11 Shiatsu complete > > > > > > > + Pleasure Shiatsu seat cover ➚Relaxing Shiatsu back massage ➚Switchable light and heat function ➚With timer function ➚Extra light and slim EAS Y T O U SE NEW Co nv + 4 Shiatsu massage heads + Rotating in pairs + Easy operation with manual control switch + Leather effect (PU) 1 12 en ien tm an ua lc on tro ls wi tch MG206 HD enjoy HighDefinition>>>>> Easy to use Separate seat cushion Practical hanging fixture Removable, washable velour cover for back. 13 Shiatsu home > > > > > + Professional equipment Fle xib l e a se sition t po Foot reflex zone massage Gentle pressure on the reflex points of the feet creates a feeling of relaxation and helps to promote wellbeing and reduce stress. + Automatic body-scan function + Individually adjustable full-body massage with 4-head massage system + 3 automatic massage programs can be selected: relax, refresh and therapy + 5 individually selectable massage types + 3 intensity levels for air pressure massage + Massage heads with 3 adjustable widths + Relaxation position - horizontal mechanism + Leather effect (PU) + Manual control switch with large illuminated display 14 1 4 6 7 8 9 MC5000 HCT-deluxe HighComfortTechnology Body-scan function Air pressure massage High ly c onv man enie ual n con trol t swit ch Shiatsu massage chair ➚Deluxe massage chair ➚Automatic body-scan function ➚Shiatsu, tapping, kneading and roll massage ➚Separately activated air pressure massage for seat, calf and foot area ➚Foot reflex zone massage ➚Spot and partial massage ➚Automatically adjustable back rest and footrest ➚Relaxation position 15 Shiatsu home > > > > > + Professional equipment Shiatsu massage chair ➚Automatic body-scan function ➚Shiatsu, tapping, kneading and roll massage ➚Separate activation of vibration massage in seat and foot area ➚Automatically adjustable back rest and footrest Full body massage Adjustable vibration massage with 3 levels +Automatic body-scan function +Full-body massage with 4-head massage system +3 levels of adjustable intensity for vibration massage +With wireless manual control switch (radio frequency) +Leather effect (PU) 16 1 4 7 8 5 MC3800 HCT-modern HighComfortTechnology Adjustable seat position Elegant comfort design Rotates 180° Wi th wir ele ss ma nu al c on tro l sw itch 17 Fascia home ld d wor innov nte cl RES AF L NEIZSAF M SU EK inic a te lly tes d EDEJ NELLÜH MU TUAH NEIZSAF AF IZS NE TUAH on a ti Pat e > > > + Patented world innovation LEKSUM LEKSUM NEIZSAF NEHCONK NEIZSAF NEHCONK Patented world innovation A must-have for athletes! TUAH NEIZSAF LEKSUM NEIZSAF NEHCONK Beurer has worked together with physiotherapists to develop the innovative MG 800 fasciae massager. The combination of elegant, perfectly ergonomically shaped walnut wood and an adjustable vibration massage make the application unique. A powerful battery and the grips with soft-touch surface guarantee optimal use. 18 Skin Fasciae Muscles Fasciae Bones NEW 19 2 Unterkörper – Bein Wade 1 Unterkörper – Bein Schienbein Vors chlä Stil I ge Illu – Gra stratio ustu n MG fe 800 n mit Out quic Incl. Quick Guide 1 Unterkörper – Bein Schienbein kgui de line 2 Unterkörper – Bein Wade Vorschläge Illustration MG800 quickguide r – Be in Sc Stil I – Graustufen mit Outline 1 Un terkörp 1 Un er – terkö rpe m beur www. ienbei ein llfl rbig Stil II – Vollflächig farbig 5 Unterkör 2 Un terkörp er – 1 – Vo ächi g fa 2 Un terkör per – Bein Wa de Bein Wade 2 3 Unterkörper – Bein 3 Unterkörper – Bein 5 Unt erkö r 6 Unterkörper – Bein TFL 6 5 Unt 2 Unterk örp er – Be Bein in TFL Schienbein Leg shin 6 Unterkörper – Bein TFL Au niveau du tibia Pierna, tibia Gamba tibia Bein 6 Un Schie terkö Le nbein rper g sh – Be in Au niv in TF L Pier eau du na tibia Gam , tibia ba tib ia erkörp er – Bein Wade Leg calf Au niveau du mollet Pierna, pantorrilla Gamba polpaccio 3 Un DVD Bein W ade Leg ca Au niv lf Pier eau du na m Gam , pantor ollet rilla ba po lpac cio Bein Quadr izep s Bein Bein Oberschenkel innen Qu ad Le rizep Leg inside thighg quad s Au niv ric Au niveau de lascuisse ea deep qul‘intérieur des adric udel Pierna, parte eps muslo Pierinterna na, cu della Gamba parte Gaminterna ád coscia ba qu riceps adric ipiti 4 Un terkörp er – Make sure you perform all exercises exactly as shown. All exercises can also be found on our enclosed training DVD. / Be BeininTFL Ober Le sche LeggTFL ins nk Au niv ide thigh el innen Au niveau ea des Exécutez tous les exercices comme indiqué et appliquez-vous à les réaliser correctement. Vous trouverez également tous les exercices sur le DVD d‘entraînement fourni. / Bein todos los ejercicios como se especifica y asegúrese TFL Realice de hacerlo correctamente. En el DVD de entrenamiento que se Leg adjunta encontrará también todos los ejercicios. / TF Au niv L Eseguire gli esercizi seguendo le istruzioni e accertarsi di promus eau descedere in modo corretto. Tutti gli esercizi sono visibili anche nel cle DVD di allenamento incluso nella confezione. du fa s tenseu scia Pier lata rs na Gam , TFL ba TF L Bein Leg Au n qua Pier Ga 5 5 Führen Sie alle Übungen wie vorgegeben durch und achten Sie auf eine korrekte Ausführung. Alle Übungen können Sie zusätzlich aus unserer beigepackten Übungs-DVD entnehmen. / 3 terkö rper – Be terkö in Ob rper ersch – Be enke in Ob l innen ersch enkel innen 3 Un 4 4 DVD n hienb 1 MG800 Q Quick stauick start MG800rt Führen auf ein Sie alle e kor Übung lich rek aus unsere te Aus en wie r bei führun vorgeg Make gepack g. Alle eben cise sure you ten Üb Übung durch s can und en ung also perform kön ach s-D be fou all exe VD ent nen Sie ten Sie Exécut nd on rcis nehme zusätz à les ez tou our es exa n. / enc ctly exercicréaliser s les exe los ed trai as sho es sur correctemrcices ning wn. All le DV ent com DVD. exerRea D d‘e . Vous me indiqu lice / ntra de hac todos înemetrouverez é et app adjunt erlo cor los ejercic nt fou égalem liqueza enc rectam ios rni. vous ent / com ont tou rará ente. En o se s les Esegui tambié esp el cedere re gli ese n tod DVD de ecifica y ase os los rciz ent in DVD ejercic renam gúrese di allemodo cor i seguen ios. iento que nam retto. do le / ento istruzio se inclus Tutti gli o nel eserciz ni e acc erta la con i son fezion o visi rsi di pro bili anc e. he nel Bein Sch Unterkörper / Lower body / Partie inférieure du corps / Parte inferior del cuerpo / Parte inferiore del corpo Unte rk Part örper / e L in fe rior d ower b od el cu erpo y / Partie / Pa inféri rt e in ferio eure du re d el co corps / rpo rbig hig fa llfläc – Vo Stil II Incl. exercise DVD Training DVD MG 800 Stil II – Vollflächig farbig Stil II Battery connection Bein Obers chenke l Rücks eite (Ischio crurale Bein Oberschenkel Rückseite (Ischiocrurale / Hamstrings) Leg back of thigh (hamstrings) Au niveau de l‘arrière de la cuisse (muscles ischio-jambiers) Pierna, parte posterior del muslo (isquiotibiales/tendones) Gamba parte posteriore della coscia (muscoli ischiocrurali) u de Pier l‘inté na muscles tenseurs rie Gam , parte inter ur de la duba fascia partelata na de cuiss e lm Pierna, TFLinterna della uslo Gamba TFL cosc ia Be in Ober Leg sche ba nkel Au niv ck of th Rü igh (h ckseite eau Pi de am (Is er na l‘a rrière strings chiocru Gam , parte ) rale de la po ba / st Ha pa mstrin rte po erior de cuisse (mus lm sterior gs) e de uslo (isqu cles isc lla co hio scia iotibiales -jambi ers) (mus /tend coli ischio ones) crur ali) Stil I – Graustufen mit Outline Vorschläge Illustration MG800 quickguide tline it Ou fen m ustu – Gra e guid uick 00 q MG8 Soft touch surface ➚Fasciae massager ➚Clinically tested ➚Made of high-quality walnut wood ➚Breaks down fasciae agglutinations ➚Rejuvenates and regenerates the muscle fasciae tissue ➚Significantly increases blood flow and cellulose regeneration ➚Considerably increases suppleness and mobility ➚2 massage programs ➚4 treatment surfaces (smooth and convex side, 2 edges) ➚Battery life up to 11Vohours per charge rsch läge Illu ➚Includes application Stil IDVD stration Elegant walnut wood Fascia-ReleaZer® MG800 Shiatsu direct MG148 > > > Convenience With light & heat Versatile use Versatile application Control element Shiatsu massage belt 1 20 ➚Relaxing Shiatsu massage ➚Wide variety of options for shoulders, neck and back ➚With light and heat function ➚Clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation ➚Hands-free application possible thanks to flexible attachment to body ➚Includes belt extension Shiatsu direct MG147 > > > Flexibility Multi-talented device Wide variety of massage options for in between times Removable cover Shiatsu massage cushion ➚Warm, soothing massage for shoulders, neck, back and legs ➚With light and heat function ➚Removable and washable cover ➚Universal cushion shape 1 MG145 > > > Versatility FLUFFY COVER REMOVEABLE AND WASHABLE Shiatsu massage cushion ➚Wide variety of relaxation massages for shoulders, neck, back and legs ➚Extra soft surface ➚With light and heat function 1 21 Massage complete > > > Wellness MG155 Vibrating seat cover ➚Warm, soothing vibration massage ➚Optional heat function ➚2 intensity levels ➚3 massage regions individually selectable ➚Easy operation with manual control switch Easy operation – including in your car 5 Massage direct MG150 > > > Targeted use SOOTHING massage Hands-free application possible Neck massager 7 22 ➚Penetrating tapping massage ➚Targeted application for the hard-to-reach shoulder and neck area ➚Adjustable massage intensity with 3 levels ➚6 massage programs ➚Hands-free application possible ➚Leather effect (PU) Massage relax MG100 > > > MetalproLine Sandblasted aluminium housing Infrared percussion massager ➚Penetrating and relaxing tapping massage ➚For perfect application individually or in pairs ➚4 massage programs ➚Adjustable massage intensity with 5 levels ➚With separately controllable infrared heat ➚2 interchangeable massage attachments 7 Valid for MG 100 and MG 80 > > > Hand-held devices MG80 Infrared massager ➚Penetrating tapping massage for pleasant relaxation ➚Powerful double-head massage ➚Steplessly adjustable massage intensity ➚Infrared heat, can be selected separately ➚2 massage attachments 23 Massage relax > > > Hand-held devices MG70 Easy-toremove handle Infrared massager 7 ➚Penetrating tapping massage for pleasant relaxation ➚Versatile application thanks to removable massage handle ➚Steplessly adjustable massage intensity ➚Infrared heat, can be selected separately ➚2 massage attachments Valid for MG 70 and MG 55 MG55 Tapping massager ➚Penetrating and relaxing tapping massage ➚For relaxing and loosening muscles ➚Steplessly adjustable massage intensity ➚Heat function, can be selected separately ➚3 massage attachments 24 Massage relax > > > Hand-held devices MG40 Rotating head and adjustable handle Infrared massager ➚Soothing vibration massage ➚Rotating head and adjustable handle ➚Ideal for targeted and spot massage ➚Depth effect through infrared heat ➚4 massage attachments Valid for MG 40 and MG 21 5 MG21 Infrared massager ➚Soothing vibration massage ➚Depth effect through infrared heat ➚3 massage attachments ➚2 function levels 25 Massage relax MG17 > > > Wellness Spa mini massager ➚Relaxing vibration massage for in between times ➚Small and compact – the device can also be used in the shower or the bath ➚With exfoliation attachment: loofah on one side, soft cotton on the other ➚Exfoliation attachment also available as replacement sets 5 MG16 > > > to go Massage to go: For at home, at the office or on the move Mini massager ➚Relaxing vibration massage for in between times ➚Small and handy – ideal for at home, at the office or on the move 5 26 ➚With three illuminated massage heads ➚Available in green or red Massage relax > > > Feet FM60 Shiatsu foot massager ➚Soothing Shiatsu foot massage ➚Circulation-boosting foot reflex zone massage ➚18 Shiatsu massage heads ➚Heat function, selectable separately ➚Individually adjustable tilt angle ➚Comfortable operation with the foot Shiatsu foot massage with soothing heat function. Valid for FM 60 and FM 38 > > > Feet FM38 Shiatsu foot massager ➚Soothing Shiatsu foot massage ➚Foot reflex zone massage, relaxing and stimulates blood circulation ➚With infrared heat ➚Comfortable foot operation possible 27 Massage relax FB50 > > > Feet Foot bath ➚3 functions: water heating, vibration massage and bubble massage ➚5-level water heating (35 - 48°C) ➚Easy to use with LED display and timer function ➚6 integrated magnets for magnetic field application ➚3 interchangeable pedicure attachments, automatic rotation when pressure is applied to the centre console ➚Removable roller attachments for foot reflex zone massage ➚Soothing infrared light dots ➚Non-slip rubber feet ➚Splash protection Beauty benefit: three pedicure attachments FB35 > > > Aromatherapy Foot bath ➚3 functions: water temperature control, vibration massage and bubble massage ➚Relaxing aromatherapy ➚16 integrated magnets for magnetic field application ➚3 interchangeable pedicure attachments ➚Removable roller attachments for foot reflex zone massage ➚Soothing infrared light dots ➚Non-slip rubber feet ➚Splash protection Aroma filter for use of bath essence 28 Massage relax FB30 > > > Feet NEW 1 2 3 Foot bath ➚Space-saving - foot bath with folding function ➚3 functions: water temperature control, vibration massage and bubble massage ➚Soothing infrared light dots ➚Incl. pedicure attachment (pumice stone) ➚Foot rest with massage naps ➚Non-slip rubber feet ➚Removable splash protection ➚Foot dimensions W: 42 x D: 40 x H: 19.5 cm, height folded: 9.5 cm YOUR BONUS: With folding function for spacesaving storage 29 Massage relax > > > Feet FB20 Foot bath ➚3 functions: water temperature control, vibration massage and bubble massage ➚3 interchangeable pedicure attachments ➚Soothing infrared light field ➚Removable roller attachments for foot reflex zone massage ➚Non-slip rubber feet ➚Removable splash protection Including: pedicure attachments + wall bracket Valid for all footbaths FB12 Foot bath ➚3 functions: water temperature control, vibration massage and bubble massage ➚With massage attachment ➚Non-slip rubber feet ➚Removable splash protection 30 755.855 0715 Subject to errors and changes Beurer GmbH. P.O. Box 1427. 89004 Ulm. Soeflinger Strasse 218. 89077 Ulm. Germany Tel. +49 731/39 89-0. Fax. +49 731/39 89-139.