December, 2015 Temple Topics


December, 2015 Temple Topics
published by:
affiliated with
oceanside, new york
The Union For Reform Judaism
December 2015 • 5776
Someone is going to win a 58” Smart HD TV and DVD player.
That someone can be you!
Drawing at the Chanukah Dinner Party.
Tickets $5.00 each or book of 6 for $25.00.
Special thanks to Jeff Rosenthal and Home Appliance
for their generous support.
Please join us...
Temple Avodah’s Annual
Chanukah Party & Dinner
$10 per person
$30 max per Temple family*
$15 non-member guests
$15 per person at the door
Yes, we’ll be there to celebrate!
Please attend a very special Erev Shabbat service
on Friday, December 4th at 7:00 pm
as we_______________________________Phone
all celebrate the Adult B’nai Mitzvah of our fellow
Kim Mussman,
Carol Rosengarten and Karen Scala
(special start time for that evening of 7:00 pm).
# Adults Attending
________ Non-member Guests __________
Contact the Rabbi for information if you are interested in joining
the next group
of adults to pursue this
Enclosed is my check for $ _______
Please return by December 4th to:
Published Monthly by
The Reform Congregation in Oceanside
3050 Oceanside Road
Oceanside, NY 11572
(516) 766-6809
Rabbi.............................................Uri Goren
Rabbi Emeritus.............. Philmore Bergerz”l
Cantorial Soloist.............. Jessica Gubenko
Educator................................... Sarah Paikin
Temple President.................. Scot Mackoff
Sisterhood........................... Marian Keilson
Men’s Club................................Jeffrey Elias
PTO........................Elizabeth Cohen-Stuart
Renaissance Club......................Dave Kirsh
Publisher ............................... Susan Cohen
Photographer...............Milch Photography
If you have an emergency
and it is necessary for you
to reach Rabbi Goren when
the Temple Office is closed,
you may reach him at
Please call the Temple Office
at 766-6809 if you or a
member of your family is ill
or has incurred a loss.
Do not assume we know.
The following is a listing of available
funds for donations:
Capital Campaign Fund • Simcha/Memorial Fund
Lillian Klein Adult Education Fund
Alan M. Katz Memorial Library Fund
Amanda Rose Kanowitz Children’s Library Fund
Music Fund • Education Fund
Anita Berger Campership Fund
Raymond Heettner Endowment Fund
Sacred Book Fund • Scholarship Fund
Rabbi Philmore Berger Leadership Development Fund
Rabbi Goren’s Discretionary Fund
Joan & Erwin Kombert Gardens Fund
Rita Henick at 516-763-2326
Ellyn Katz at 516-536-5056
To purchase items at the
Judaica Shop
in the Temple lobby contact
Linda Goldstricker 379-6711
Debbie Lebowitz 763-1968
In My
Chanukah: NOT the holiday of lights!
Every year as the days get shorter and night falls earlier, we reflexively look for ways to
extend the light of day, as if to say night makes us tired while we want to be alive and full
of energy. We look for ways to find light in our lives during these short days in December.
This need for light in our days has made us change the meaning and purpose of the some
of the holidays in Judaism. Chanukah has become the “festival of lights.” Really? Do the
little candles we put in our Chanukah menorahs give the light we are missing during the
long, dark days of winter? Of course not! The Chanukah candles,as beautiful and meaningful as they are, cannot give us light for our lives; only our attitude and optimism can shed
light and make our days, no matter how dark they may be outside, brighter in our souls and
how we approach life. This Chanukah, while we struggle to get the right gift for that loved one, please don’t
forget to give the best and most important present to ourselves and to those we love: the
gift of being happy! When we are happy, those around us are happy and life seems better.
There is no better light for our existence than the light of happiness, which we can experience easily when we are content with our lives. Are you happy? Are you content? If not, what can you do to give the gift of happiness
to your life? The best way to start is for each of us to view ourself as a good and positive
person, one who makes the difference in people’s lives. I am sure that we can all think of
someone who will be much happier if we are happy. What happens to us when we see the
people we love happy? We become happier! The real gift we can give this Chanukah is an
attitude of personal happiness that will quickly become part of those who share our lives
with us.
We live in a world of unhappiness and disappointment, but we can truly give the gift of
happiness to ourselves and to others. This year, let’s give and receive happiness. Its cheap
and easy: just smile, hug, don’t argue, let people be!
May the lights of the Chanukah menorah remind us of the light of happiness that each
one of us has inside.
With happiness,
Rabbi Uri Goren
The Temple Avodah family extends its condolences to
Marilyn Benioff and family on the loss of our congregant, Harold Benioff
Vivian Perlmutter and family on the loss of her brother, Richard Iorfida
Page 2
Religious School News
Our Religious School is in full Hanukkah
mode! All of our students have been learning to recite the blessings over the Hanukkah candles. We will light the Hanukkah
candles together as a school community on
the 7th and 8th of this month. Thanks to our
PTO, we will also be serving the students
latkes and sending home dreidels, gelt and
Hanukkah candles!
And a big thanks to Rick and Arlene
Fromewick, who have generously funded
Drum Tales! - an exciting, musical and educational program centered around the story
of Hanukkah with the theme of teamwork!
Parents are invited to observe as your children play along with these talented performers, December 7th and 8th.
Hanukkah is a time to reflect on the
blessings in our lives and be grateful to
those around us and give back to our community. We are collecting presents for our
Toy Drive to send to children in need during the holiday season. Please send in all
toys by December 8th.
Wishing you all a very happy Chanukah, filled with love and light!
Sarah Paikin
Director of Education
For the past 15 years,
Temple Avodah Congregants
have volunteered at
Mercy Hospital on
Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day.
We replace their volunteers
who staff the front reception
desk and gift shop, so they
can spend time with their
families on their Holiday.
Please volunteer for this
rewarding activity.
Page 3
President’s Message
We have all heard the expression there is no
such thing as a stupid question; well I am
here to tell you that is incorrect. There are
many stupid questions. If tell you my name
is Scot and you respond, “what is your
name?” that is a stupid question.
But while a stupid question often demonstrates that a person is not paying attention, what really irritates me is a particular
stupid answer. That answer is, “We have
always done it that way before.”
Now it is sometimes wise to not re-invent the wheel, but just because something
has always been done in a particular way
does not make it right. There is many a time
when even if something was consistently
done in the past, it was not the proper way
to do it.
I am an attorney and I like a good argument. As hard as it may seem to believe, in
an argument both sides can be right. I think
it is great when discussing an issue, each
side expresses their point of view, and puts
forth good ideas and information in support
of their position. Although you may not like
the other person’s point of view and you
may not agree with the other side’s position, you can learn a lot from listening to
the opinions of other people, particularly if
they differ from your position.
However, what provides us with no
knowledge and is basically worthless is that
in support of your position you contend,
“We have always done it that way before,
so there is no need to change.”
That answer demonstrates a complete
lack of analytical and critical thought.
Things change and you must adapt with the
times in order to evolve and prosper..
Maybe the way that something has previously been done was the right way and
maybe it would continue to work, but even
if something does work, it is important to
consider alternatives. If you are challenged on your position
by someone presenting an idea or alternatives, an explanation as to how to do something and/or a reason why the current method is wrong, then you must do better than
claim that is the way we have always done
it. If you truly believe what you are doing is
correct, you should be able to support your
position with more than it has always been
done that way before.
Open your mind and consider alternatives; don’t be lazy. It may lead to better
results or it may show you that you truly
are doing it right. Remember, continuously
doing something wrong does not make it
right; it just makes it more pathetic that it
has not been changed and you continue to
do it wrong, while giving no thought to progressing.
Scot Mackoff
Cantorial Notes
We’ve all heard the story of the miracle of
Chanukah, but what exactly is a miracle
Jewishly speaking? In Parashat B’shalach
we recall the crossing of the Red Sea as
the Egyptian army closed in on our fleeing ancestors. Moses told the people at that
moment that they would “witness the deliverance which the Eternal will work for
you today.” He continued, “The Eternal
will battle for you; hold your peace!” (Exodus 14:13-14). But God says to Moses, “Tell
the Israelites to go forward, and you lift up
your rod and hold out your arm over the sea
and split it, so that the Israelites may march
into the sea.” (Exodus 14:15-16). God tells
Moses that Moses will perform the miracle. In order for the miracle to occur, God
relies on his people to act.
As a Jewish people we are required to
find ways in which to use our positive actions for Tikkun. The hope is that our actions will lead to good, and possibly even
a miracle. The simplest giggle from my
girls, the blooming flowers at springtime,
food on the table: some people would consider these miracles. I know I do. If I didn’t
show my children love or try to make them
laugh, that smile would not be there. If we
don’t plant the seed, then the flower will not
grow. And for many of us, our long difficult
hours at work put that food on the Chanukah table. Certainly we can find the small
miracles of life throughout these next few
weeks and recognize the actions we must
take to make them come to fruition
Jessica Gubenko
Cantorial Soloist
December has arrived, and with it we welcome Chanukah and the
start of winter.
Our Fashion Show in early November, as mentioned in my
previous article, was a spectacular hit with all who attended. Everything was just perfect. I want to mention Norma Harwood, inadvertently left out of my thank yous, for again helping wrap our
raffle prizes. I also want to once again thank our lovely models:
Robyn Drangel, Ellen Katz, Merilee Kaufman, Karen Pinsky, Rachel Reyes, and Mary Weston. They were all escorted by our own
elegant and always dapper Howard Eichenbaum. Thank you all.
Our Thrift Sale was the biggest ever. We had so much to offer
for sale. Donations reached the rafters and were sorted by many
fabulous volunteers, all led by our Schmata Queen Joyce Savoy. I
plan to thank everyone by name in the next issue, but for now, thank
you to all those who assisted in set-up and to all those who helped
sell on Sunday. Without the help of all these fabulous people, Thrift
would never happen.
Sisterhood is still collecting names and addresses of college
students who would like to receive holiday packages for Chanukah
and Passover. Please contact us via e-mail or by dropping off the
information in the Sisterhood mailbox at the Temple office. This
program is free to students of all Sisterhood members. If you are
not a Sisterhood member or if you wish to enroll a grandchild, we
request a donation of $36.
We are planning some exciting activities for the next several months in order to tide us over until winter’s end. The spring
will bring several events that are currently being planned: Bagels
& Bingo, Granny’s Attic, Barbara Novack, author, professor and
guest speaker, another Thrift Sale and the Sisterhood Shabbat.
If there is an event you’d like to see planned or to become
more active in planning events or to work on a committee, please
contact me. To learn more about us, look for flyers in Temple Topics, mid month mailings and on the Temple website, www.Avodah.
org, for information on programs and events. We are ALWAYS
planning new and exciting events to please ALL our members.
We welcome your ideas! We welcome your support! Most of
all, we welcome your company!
Sisterhood would like to wish everyone a Happy Chanukah
and a Happy New Year. See you in 2016!
Marian Keilson,
Sisterhood President
Mercy Hospital: To secure a shift (usually two hours) to relieve
the regulars to spend the Christmas holidays with their families,
email Ira Katz at
Food of the month: Juice is our focus in December (in anything
but glass). The collection wagon is in the lobby.
Thanksgiving: Ten congregants were involved in delivering turkey’s and other food through Oceanside Community Service and
Oceanside High School.
We’ll report next month about the Interfaith Service and Community Thanksgiving Dinner (actually lunch) sponsored by the Interfaith Council.
URJ Social Action in the News: At the URJ (Union for Reform
Judaism) biennial convention. V. P. Joseph Biden gave a major address. Secretary of State John Kerry swore in Rabbi David Saperstein to be the first Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. Rabbi Saperstein was the long time leader of the
Religious Action Center in Washington, DC. A resolution on the
Union’s relationship with transgender Jews was passed. Visit urj.
org for details. Support Groups: A new sport group dealing with depression
has begun. For information about this one and others, call congregant Paul Engel at 764-8477.
Cory Nichols’ Mitzvah project: We take great pride in Corey
expanding his Bar Mitzvah project to include his friends. They
raise funds and buy the food to help stock the Oceanside Community Service food pantry.
Hot Lines: Nassau Task Force on Family Violence 542-0404, To
Report Child abuse-24/7 Confidential Reporting-1-800-342-37200.
Room on the Committee: If you have ideas for social action or
Mitzvah Day activity or just want to be involved in the planning,
join us. One current interest of the Social Action committee is Climate Change.
Advocacy: The Religious Action Center of the Union for Reform Judaism lists three public policy issues on their web site.
They provide background information, how they reflect Jewish
values and contact information if you wish to actively support the
issue. visit:
Visitations: If you wish to visit the Long Beach Soup Kitchen,
contact one of us. It is now open on Saturdays.
If you wish to visit the Freeport Trailer ( or attend a meeting of the Interfaith Council, contact Bob Epstein.
Collections: Extra food, speak to one of us listed below. Cell
batteries (as in hearing aids), old cell phones or hearing aids to the
Temple office.
Web sites: RAC.ORG (Religious Action Center of the Reform
Movement); IRAC.ORG (Israel Religious Action Center); ARZA.
ORG (Reform Zionists of America); RJVNYS (Reform Jewish
Voice of NY State); AJWS.ORG (American Jewish World Service); WEREPAIR.ORG (Repair the World helps you discover what’s Jewish about service); COLOKiinc.ORG (The Freeport Trailer, a remarkable effort to bring dignity to day laborers);
COEJL.ORG (Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life);
MAZON.ORG (a Jewish response to hunger - ways to dignify
B’nai Mitzvah and other celebrations); URJ.ORG/CSA (Union
for Reform Judaism, Commission on Social Action) - get ideas of
what other congregations are doing, read bogs).
Ira Katz,; 536-5056 Bob Epstein,; 536-7911
Page 4
Mazel Tov to our
December Anniversaries
Barbara and Donald Behr
Andrea and Flavio Colella
Anne and Stewart Gubenko
Marcia and Matthew Horowitz
Judith and Victor Horowitz
Sheri and Bruce Katzman
Barbara and David Kirsh
Laraine and Edward Millman
Minna and Joseph Perlow
Adrienne and Mark Rosman
Eva and Richard Rubinstein
Lisa and Richard Salbo
Ellen and Martin Schneiweis
Flyers for all upcoming
events can be found
in the Bulletin Board
Find us on
Page 5
A recent article in the NY Times prompted
me to think of us at Temple.
A huge (estimated to be a mile and a
half of files) archive of materials from Time
and Life magazines was being donated to
the New-York* Historical Society. When
asked what system was used to access materials, the answer was “Ask Bill.” The best
way to access materials from our library or
get a question answered is “Ask Bob.”
Try it. See what happens.. Bob Epstein, 536-7911,
Volunteer Retriever
*New-York was spelled with a hyphen
when the Society was established in 1804.
ME but...
What’s Fair is Fair.
Last month we spoke about how parents play the most critical role in their
child’s commitment to Judaism.
Now we need to appeal to your sense
of equity and fairness to determine whether you remain a member of Temple. When
your child became a Bar Bat Mitzvah,
he was reflecting what he learned in our
Religious School. Although you pay Religious School fees, those fees never cover
the cost. The general membership through
their dues helps maintain the Religious
School. Now that your youngster may consider that he doesn’t wish to attend any longer, you have a decision to make. You my
require your youngster to continue despite
his desire to stop. And if he doesn’t, what
would you do if he dropped out.?
We think you owe it to the next generation to help maintain the Religious School
and the Temple itself by continuing your
Temple membership. It was maintained by
others for your youngster and you need to
help maintain it for others.
It’s only fair.
SoPA , Sage of Park Ave.
This space is available to you if write a
piece piece
about your Temple or Jewish experience.
Temple Avodah’s PTO is going bowling!
Mark your calendars: we’ll be bowling on
Tuesday, December 29, 2015, from 9 a.m.
– 12 p.m. at the Lanes at Rockville Centre.
For a donation of $15 per bowler, you’ll get
unlimited bowling and rental shoes. Adults
are welcome to bowl with their children,
their grandchildren, nieces nephews and
friends. Details will be in the flyers on the
website and at the temple. We’re requesting
a reservation so that we can let the bowling
alley know how many to expect. Food will
be available for purchase from the bowling
alley. Please make checks out to TEMPLE
AVODAH PTO, and feel free to call me or
email with any questions.
Big thank yous to all of the parents that
have signed up to help out with PTO this
year. If you haven’t signed up yet, please
join us, and we’ll find a place for you to
help out. This year, PTO is selling snacks
before Religious School starts (we can always use more hands on deck; if you have
20 minutes to spare please consider helping
us once a month). We have class parents
who will be our link between the parents
and the classroom, and we have general
volunteers who will help out in the classrooms when we serve latkes for Hannukah,
have a seder for Passover. We can also use
any parents in grades 4-6 who want to help
out in the classroom when the children are
learning Hebrew.
PTO meetings will be held the third
Monday of the month in the lobby at 6 p.m.
When that Monday falls on a holiday, we’ll
meet the following week. We will be posting a summary of our meetings on the PTO
facebook page for those that are unable to
join us. Our page is
groups/741317192679385/, but if it is easier, please friend me and I’m happy to add
you to our private FB page.
Your PTO President,
Audrey Quick
Kombert Caterers in memory of Kate
Ina Koplan in honor of Barbara Director’s
great grandson, Zachary Phillip
Linda Goldstricker in memory of Sid Stern
Rita & Dan Henick in memory of Sid Stern
Cindy & Gary Baumann in memory of Sid
Lynn & Richard Peteroy in memory of Sid
Maxine & Les Dattner in memory of Sid
Vivian & Phil Perlmutter in memory of Sid
Florence & Jules Tannen in memory of Sid
Renee & Jerry Kaufman in memory of Sid
The Shabbat Torah Study Group in
memory of Rabbi Berger
Jocelyn Weston & Paul Oresky in memory
of Sid Stern
Shelly & Gil Balanoff in honor of The
Rauch’s new addition, Oreo
Barbara & Dave Kirsh in memory of Sid
Ros Innerfield in memory of Sid Stern
Judie & Vic Horowitz wish Larry Stoff a
speedy recovery
Judie & Vic Horowitz in honor of Michael
Garber’s marriage
The Pickus Family wishes Mark Milch a
speedy recovery
Florence & Jules Tannen in memory of
Dick Raskin’s mother
Lenore Greenberg in memory of Mildred
12/4/15 – Jerome Nathan Altman, Max Altman, Ruby B. Bennett, Stella Elias,
Bertha Feldman, Dr. Gerald H. Fine, Gary Fisher, Fannie Glicenstein, Sol Grabia,
Naomi Greenberg, Clara Lemel Gurinsky, Edwin Hano, Florence Hasenflug,
Ruth Kaplan, Nora Lynn Kelter, Erwin Kombert, Celia Braunstein Kraus, Ruth
Kushlaw, Louis Levitan, Meta Lewis, William Lubin, Paul Markun, Charlotte Honig
Mitchell, Meyer Mittleman, Mayer Nechamkin, Philip Pasichow, Pauline Plotke,
Jesse Rodney, Irving Rosen, Julius Roth, Mildred Salbo, Sidney S. Simms, Nathan
Smulison, Herman Stein, William Steinberg, Anne Stutzel, Frank L. Wecker, Irving
Zeltzer, Jacob Zeveloff, Joseph Ziegler.
12/11/15 – Murray Abelman, Ruth Berger, Roslyn Berr, Irving Bleiberg, Celia
Coopersmith, Alexandra Kate Dimenstein, Manuela Fogel, Edith Freeman, Louis
Frischling, Max Frumkin, Morris Gold, Cele Goldfarb, Isidore Goldsmith, Abraham
Goldstein, Emanuel Gray, Rose Gurinksky, Sam Gurinsky, Hilda Harrow, Eli Horn,
Adele Horowitz, Simon Innerfield, Gerald B. Kanner, Lois Kemins, Gisela Kempf,
Sylvia Koplan, Chaim Wolf Ben Benzalei Meir, Golda Meir, Esther Newberg,
Fannie Olshinsky, Gladys Schneider Pearl, Bessie Pike, Sam Polikoff, Miriam Post,
Pauline Rochwarg, Abraham Rogovin, Esther Rosenwasser, Esther Rothfleisch,
Hy Rothman, Rose Selikoff, Emma Siegelson, Edith Sobel, Leon Sorocki, Julius
Sosnoff, Barbara Stein, Benjamin Sternberg, Geri Sultan, Ruth Taub, Marion Treacy,
Max Weiner, Ted Weiss, Milton Wolosoff, Herman Wolf Yager, Val Yaverbaum.
12/18/15 – Jacob Auerbach, Murray Beberman, Charles Benson, Blume Brenner,
Tessie Brodsky, Ida Chaback, Ruth Cohen, Mollie Dorman, Irving Drangel, Brian
Duel, Victorine Engel, Dr. William Epstein, Marvin Feinberg, Abraham Freeman,
Arthur Gerber, Sadie Goldberg, Philip Goldstein, Leo A. Goodman, Milton
Goodman, Gittel Braina Bas Tzvi Hersh, Isidore Hoffman, Arnold S. Innerfield,
Louis Kaplan, Simon Kaufman, Seymour Kingsley, Robert Klein, Fanny Knapp,
Anna Lampert, Samuel Lampert, William Levine, Helen Cooper Lewis, Benjamin
Lunenfeld, Kitty I. Markowitz, Heli Miller, Joseph Mintzer, Israel Nagel, Theresa
Nechamkin, Dr. Leo H. Newman, Morris Rosen, Bernard Ross, Lucille Sack, Harriet
Schulman, George Schwartz, Henry G. Schwartz, Sol Siegel, Max H. Sills, Henrietta
Silver, Floris Epstein Singer, Ernest Solomon, Fay Stempler, Celia Stopol, Hilda
Sulkes, Meyer Tarnoff, Rose D. Taub, Max Tobin, Adele Varney, Ruth Waldman,
Bettye Weinstein, Gussie Yager, Family Zalkind.
12/25/15 – Sol Bizoff, Franklin Berlin, Henry E. Braloff, Arthur A. Brenner, Irving
Cantor, Elizabeth Cetron, Anne DiStefano, Morton W. Dixon, Harvey Garfinkle,
Ruvim Geller, Abraham Glicenstein, Lillian Gold, Rachel Gold, Adele Goldberg,
Florence Gottesman, Anna Greenwald, Henrietta Gubenko, Abraham Harrison,
Helen Herman, Francis Horowitz, Hannah Klessner, Jerry Koss, Michael Kyler,
Dorrie Lachter, Martin Aaron Levitan, Morris Lichtman, Jennie Luft, Doris C.
Melman, Joseph Miles, William J. Millard, Harold Mizel, Seymour Ohlstein, Frieda
Pepperman, Barbara A. Perlow, Arielle Pitkowsky, Belle Pitkowsky, Aaron Polisar,
William Platt, Aaron Polisar, Morton Aaron Shapiro, Arthur Shulberg, Sidney
Shussin, Pauline Siegel, David Sobel, Beatrice Stone, Betty Their, Sylvia J. Weitz,
Norman Wesler, Rachel Wisoker, Solomon Yeoman, David I. Zegster.
Phyllis Carbone in memory of Sid Stern
Debbie and Mark Lebowitz in memory of
Sid Stern
Page 6
Each month, a different family will be highlighted. They will share a little bit about themselves,
including whatever facets of their lives they want to include. This is a good way for all us to get to know one another.
If you would like to be included, or to suggest another family, please let the office know.
Stacy Mandel Kaplan & Jordan Kaplan
When her daughter was about to enter Kindergarten, Stacy decided it was also time for Sierra to commence her Jewish education.
By chance, Stacy met Temple Avodah member Mindy Goldsmith, who enthusiastically told her about our Religious School, the
gregarious Rabbi Goren, our engaging Services and the Sisterhood. Mindy invited Stacy to a Sisterhood event and offered her a grand
tour of TA.
Stacy had not been to Temple Avodah since she was 13, having attended Bar and Bat Mitzvahs there. Upon entering, she was
drawn to the breathtaking, newly renovated Sanctuary and Social Hall. The Sisterhood meeting featured a craft event. She spent the
evening speaking with over 25 wonderful women who shared their Temple memories. She even made a painted glass plate for Rosh
HaShanah, which she treasures to this day. Stacy and Sierra then attended an Erev Shabbat service led by Rabbi Goren which was
enriched by the voices of Senior Choir. On Rosh Hashanah, she brought 5-year old Sierra to the warm and fuzzy Tot Service. That
was in October, 2008. Stacy and Sierra had found their Jewish home.
Stacy was eager to make other young families aware that Temple Avodah had so much to offer so Stacy created a Temple
Facebook page and placed every upcoming Religious, social and charitable event on the internet. Families began to “like” the page
and find out about our wonderful events.
Once word got around about Stacy’s innovative Facebook page, she was invited to become involved with the Temple Website and
also joined the membership committee. She also joined our Sisterhood and PTO. The next year, she was, “fast tracked,” elected to the
Board of Trustees, co-chaired the membership Committee and moved up to the Executive Board as a VP.
Fast forwarding a few years, when Jordan and Stacy became engaged, they knew there was only one place to start their new lives
as husband and wife: They were married at Temple Avodah by Rabbi Goren in July, 2015.
Stacy wears many hats outside of her Temple positions. She is an attorney for Israel, Israel & Purdy, in Great Neck, where she
handles medical provider no-fault arbitration and litigation. She is also an Associate Real Estate Broker at Esquire Realty Strategies
in Northport. Stacy continues to serve as a Trustee, is helping to develop our networking group and is the Webmaster of the new website scheduled to launch in 2016.
Jordan is a Financial Representative for Forest Hills Financial Group. He is the President of Jordan Kaplan Music & Entertainment,
featuring his signature party band, GiftBox, which has performed at our Temple many times. Jordan is also a member of the Temple
Avodah band, Schleppenwolf, providing keyboards and vocals. Jordan also sings baritone with our acclaimed Senior Choir, serves
on the membership committee and is active in TANG, our new networking group.
Jordan is a third generation Free & Accepted Mason where he is a distinguished member and officer. Jordan currently holds
the office of Grand Organist for the State of New York, providing music and entertainment for the organization and its subsidiaries.
Stacy and Jordan are most proud of their blended family of four children, Sierra, Daniel, Liana and Josh. We are so happy
that Stacy bumped into Mindy back in 2008 and decided to make Temple Avodah her second home!
Sisterhood and Joyce Savoy are extremely grateful to all of the following Volunteers who helped with set-up, sales and clean-up
of the first thrift sale of this year. Without all the help (and we can always use more help) Sisterhood could not pull off this much
needed fund raiser. Thank you all.
Ellen Sherman
Lynn Peteroy
Irene Weiss
Mindy Feinberg
Rachel Kesselman Phyllis Carbone
Rafi Ben-Amou Linda Goldstriker
Norman Finfer
Chelsea Rosenberg Pat Costello Herb Kaufman
Glenn Rosenberg Lisa Goldberg Page 7
Roz Sollinger
Roberta Treacy
Nancy Pratt Emily London
Marian Keilson
Randi Ben-Amou
Robyn Drangel
Cindy Baumann
Matt Rosenberg Pat Cohen Merilee Kaufman
Mindy Goldsmith Gertrud Lieberman
Matt Philips
Lenore Greenberg
Gary Brumberg
Sheila London Rose Epstein
Maxine Eichenbaum
Connie Axelson Eric Abbey
Rita Henick Jeff Elias Jules Tannen
Harvey Savoy
Larry Lieberman Joanna Finfer
Wendy Brumberg
Richard Peteroy Phil Weiss
Howard Eichenbaum
Judy Lauterstein Tom Weider
Eva Rubenstein Ellen Schwartz Florence Tannen
Karen Rosenberg Barbara Kirsh Shirley Lieberman
Adrienne Rosman