Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El


Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El
10001 Columbia Avenue
Munster, IN 46321-4056
219.934.9663 (fax)
Leonard Zukrow
Michael N. Stevens
Matthew Fefferman
Carrie Morris
Paul Mesirow
Francie Gerson
Kristin Stern
- Rabbi
Rabbi Emeritus
- President
- Sisterhood President
- Brotherhood President
- Religious School Facilitator
- Music Director
Mission Statement
Temple Beth-El is a Reform Jewish Congregation dedicated to worship, study, and
social responsibility. As a caring community, we strive to meet the spiritual, intellectual, and cultural needs of each member of our Temple family.
Adopted by the Board 1/20/98
Temple Beth-El’s newsletter is printed once a month.
Non-members wishing to receive our congregational news are asked to pay
a yearly subscription fee of $18.00.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Closed for Lunch - 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Imagine the scene – the Kohen Gadol – the high priest of Israel adorned in full regalia faces the decisive moment to seek
first atonement for himself and his family, then for his fellow members of the priesthood, and then the people of Israel.
To seal the fate of the people for the year to come, he enters the holiest site within the Temple complex – the inner
sanctum – the holy of holies. Here he encounters the tablets brought down from Mt. Sinai by Moses – the holiest object
possessed by Israel – engraved by God’s own hand. Here he prays for his own and their future – a truly awesome and
awe-filled moment.
When we gather this year, as in years past for our Days of Awe observance, we “re-create” that moment of the past.
We recognize that for these Days to have full meaning we have to imagine that the King of Kings is judging us, and that
our fate for another year is being determined.
Life and death are in the balance.
How do we respond to the yearly challenge these Days of Awe present to us? Are we ready for a real encounter with
God, with our actions, with our thoughts, our belief? Are we ready to acknowledge our shortcomings, our misses, our
faults, our errors, our big mistakes?
Life and death are in the balance. Have we grown during the past year? How? In what ways?
Unlike other nations, Israel welcomes this “trial”, this “day of judgment”, with joy. We dress in our finery. We adorn our
sanctuary in white. We surround ourselves with symbols of purity. We are confident that we retain our special relationship with God even with our shortcomings – our sin – our “missing the mark”.
We are indeed blessed as we transition from one year to another. Our task then is to transform these blessings into
deeds that transform the world into the place God would have it be – to make God’s commandments real for each of us.
Shanah Tova and G’mar Hatimah Tova – A happy new year, and may we again be sealed in the book of life for a year of
good health.
Rabbi Len Zukrow
When I was installed as President of Temple Beth-El, I did not know what to expect. I knew
that there would be meetings, weekly announcements and bulletin articles, but what else
would the job take?
It turns out that the job of President has a lot to do with being ready when something unexpected comes up. This year we had to interview and hire a new employee, deal with storm
damage and reassign certain office duties. Glamorous stuff, I know, but necessary.
If there is one thing that seems to be important, it is the ability to clearly communicate. This
year I have received phone calls from congregants on many subjects. There have been suggestions, criticisms, clarifications and encouragement. I have tried to be accommodating and
straightforward in these discussions.
In the last few weeks I have heard from a number of you who are unclear on our food policy
and what changes have occurred. In short, Temple Beth-El’s food policy remains unchanged.
Pork and shellfish are not allowed in our building. We did have a few Shabbat dinners/services
that were non-dairy, but those were for those events only and not intended to establish policy. In hindsight, I should have done more to explain what was going on to prevent confusion.
Going forward, pork and shellfish will be prohibited, but there will not be additional restrictions outside of our policy.
To be effective as Temple President, I need to hear from you. If you have any questions or
ideas, I welcome your phone call. Enjoy the rest of the summer.
2013 High Holy Day Ticket Policies
Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets
The Board of Trustees has voted to offer complimentary tickets to the community for this year’s
High Holy Day services. Below are a few of the reasons the board is “opening up” this year’s
o Showcase Rabbi Zukrow now that he is settled in. There is still curiosity about
what’s going on at Temple Beth-El
o New members
o Income from donations
What are we offering?
o Tickets to be issued to local non-Temple Beth-El Jewish residents who request
o In order to receive tickets individuals must fill out a registration form and
provide name, address, phone number, email address, and number of children
and ages.
o Number of total tickets will be limited to 100.
o Complimentary tickets will still be issued to member’s parents, grandparents,
children and grandchildren at the request of the member. These requests do not
count against the 100 ticket limit
We encourage current Temple members to invite non-members to take advantage of this
opportunity and worship with us.
The following are sections of our existing High Holy Day ticket policy that still apply for this
1. Tickets are required for all High Holy Day services.
2. Members’ children 18 years of age and younger will not need tickets
3. Paid-up members’ parents, grandparents, and children/grandchildren over 18 will be
issued complimentary tickets upon request of the member in good standing.
4. Non-members who are members in good standing of another congregation will be
issued complimentary tickets upon presenting a letter of membership from their
5. Jewish individuals or families new to our community since last year’s High Holy Days will
be issued complimentary tickets upon request.
Saturday, August 31
Wednesday, September 4
Thursday, September 5
Friday, September 6
Friday, September 13
Saturday, September 14
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah I and Tashlich
Children’s Service
Morning Service
Rosh Hashanah 2 Day Morning Service
There will NOT be a Shabbat Eve Service
Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur
Children’s Service
Morning Service
Discussion with Rabbi
Afternoon Service
Torah Service
Healing Service
Congregant Journeys
Ne’ilah (concluding) Service
8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Honey Cakes for a Sweet New Year
Gift Sets: Honey-Apple or Fruit flavor… a perfect breakfast or after-dinner
delight. Kosher Pareve and Delicious! New item: Babka… Chocolate-Cinnamon-Apple Caramel Cake. Order forms are available at the Temple office. Mix and match 3 for $18.00 or singles available for $6.50 each. Orders and checks are due by Wednesday, August 28th. Pickup
Sunday, September 1st.
Summer Shabbat Dinners and Services
We will gather on August 9 for a summer community Shabbat dinner at
6:00 p.m. and worship service to follow.
Rabbi Zukrow will provide the entrée and members will be asked to bring
side dishes, drinks and desserts. Please contact the office if you will be attending the
community dinner.
Paul Mesirow, President
While we’re usually not doing much over the summer, this summer marks a change!
We’ll be hosting the Lunch following Religious School Registration and Hebrew Boot Camp on Sunday, August 11. It will be a hot dog box lunch from Bergstein’s Deli, and we need reservations
in the office by August 7. We MUST have a correct headcount.
The next item on the agenda is our August meeting – yes, a Brotherhood meeting on August 13! We
will serve dinner at 6:30PM, with food from BERGSTEIN’S again – sandwiches (corned beef, roast
beef, or salami) with potato salad or coleslaw, a cold drink, and a cookie! Cost will be $8, and
again – we need a headcount by August 8.
In addition to dinner, we will be showing “WATERMARKS: The Jewish Swimming Champions Who
Defied Hitler”. Everyone knows about my friend Jesse Owens, who embarrassed Hitler in 1936;
these Jewish women did the same thing!
No meeting in September, but our news will be who will be addressing our October 8 meeting from
the Chicago White Sox. It promises to be an EXCELLENT event, and one to which ALL Congregants
are invited, men AND women! Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. once again on that date! Brotherhood is MOVING on!!!
Paul Mesirow
Carrie Morris, President
The Maj-A-Thon has come and gone. I’m not sure how close to the 100 hours of playing time the event was but everyone seemed to have a good time.. Thanks to all who helped by providing snacks and to Pat Horn and Barbara Bame for
We are still conducting our Membership Drive and wish to thank all who have already sent in dues. To those of you who
have not, seriously consider being a Sisterhood member. The goal is to have all Temple Beth-El women as members.
We need you!
Don’t forget to send in your New Year’s greeting by August 21. This is a major fund raiser for Sisterhood and a nice way
to say L’Shana Tova to all your Temple friends. Thanks to Debbie Feinberg for chairing this fundraiser.
Sisterhood’s Opening Tea is scheduled for Sunday, August 25, at noon so mark your calendar. There will be food and
entertainment so plan on attending.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are right around the corner. If you are able, Sisterhood would appreciate any help with
the Rosh Hashanah Oneg (baked goods) or Break-The-Fast. If you are asked to participate or would like to help, please
contact Annette Steinberg or Barbara Bame or consider a donation to offset the costs.
Thank you to all who helped and attended the July 3 fund raiser. We filled the parking lot and could have parked many
additional cars. We will be back again next year.
The Gift Shop is open during normal business hours for your shopping pleasure. We still have fish and VASUs for displaying your summer flowers
May your remaining summer days be full of happiness and joy.
Carrie Morris
The Sisterhood is thinking about getting a group together to go see a Sunday afternoon performance of Wicked this
Winter. It will be either early November or mid-December, but before we do this we would like to know who would be
interested in going. Tickets would be $112.00 per person and seats would be on the main floor. If you are interested,
please call the Temple office or email and let us know by the end of August. This event is open to
Once again it’s time to think about Rosh Hashanah.
We are beginning to put our New Year’s Greetings booklet together,
and we are asking for your support.
This is a lovely booklet of warm wishes extended to and by our congregation.
It will be distributed at the Erev Rosh Hashanah service.
The cost for listing your family in the booklet is a minimum $7.50.
This is a major fundraiser for Sisterhood.
Please mail this form and your check,
made payable to Temple Beth-El Sisterhood, to:
Debbie Feinberg
112 St. Andrews Drive
Schererville, IN 46375
The deadline to list your family is August 21, 2013.
Please print all names as you wish them to appear.
Francie Gerson, Facilitator
Plans are underway for an amazing 2013 – 2014 school year. The staff has already been working hard to create lessons that will engage all of their students. We look forward to seeing all the children and making Religious School a fun and meaningful experience.
Soon our Religious School families will be receiving emails with upcoming events, dates, schedules, etc.
We hope to see all of our families for our first program, HEBREW BOOT CAMP, on Sunday, August 11th, from
9:30 – 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch provided by our Brotherhood. This morning program is for
BOTH PARENTS AND CHILDREN. By the time the morning ends, all will be able to read Hebrew.
This will be a refresher for some, and for those who do not know Hebrew at all...YOU WILL!!!!
Registration for Religious School will also take place.
Sunday mornings are very active and exciting. We welcome everyone to come and see what's going
on. Enjoy a bagel from the famous “bagel cart” and take a look at what our children are doing.
Enjoy the rest of the summer...what's left of it.
Adult – Community Education Opportunities
Comparative Judaism: What makes us similar and yet different?
All members of Temple Beth-El and the general community are invited to join together for an eight (8) week overview of
contemporary Judaism. We will examine the various stream/movements in modern Jewish life in both America and Israel.
What are the origins of Orthodox Judaism? How is Reform different? What is Reconstructionism? Representatives
from each of these streams will speak to us and then we will reflect on their presentations.
Our sessions will take place on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 PM at Temple Beth-El. Session dates to follow.
A course in Comparative Religion will be offered in the Winter and Spring.
TASTE OF JUDAISM: Are you curious?
We will again offer a three (3)-session presentation sponsored with the Union for Reform Judaism for anyone interested
in learning more about Jewish beliefs, practices, peoplehood, and the land of Israel.
Sessions will take place on Thursdays in October and are open to the entire community. Please let your friends and
neighbors know and encourage them to attend. Dates and times to follow.
On the Upbeat
Kristin Stern, Music Director
It has been quite a while since I last wrote a music article for more than notifying the congregation of Shabbat
Shirah or thanking my wonderful choir. I'm hoping to share thoughts on a more regular basis again. Rabbi Zukrow and I have had many discussions over the past year of how the music was before, how it is going now,
and how we would both like to see it develop. Many of you have probably noticed some of the ways our services have already evolved.
More and more the Reform Movement is recognizing the desire of its members to understand the prayers and
the process of worship. In this way they are able to be more a part of the experience, rather than feeling like
onlookers. Temple Beth-El is definitely a congregation that enjoys involving itself not only in the spoken prayers but also in the musical ones.
In the coming months, Rabbi Zukrow and I will continue to share our thoughts and explanations about the various components of the service as we worship together. One of us may discuss a particular prayer or piece of
music, or we may look at a theme which runs through the service such as a Hebrew root word appearing in
different places. We hope these mini lessons will not disrupt your experience but rather lead to a fuller and
deeper understanding of why we do what we do.
After being in our new building for 14 years, it's time to take a new look at our decor and see how we can best
utilize the furnishings and artwork we currently have to represent the personality of our congregation. To
work toward that end, we are forming a small committee to discuss both what impression we would like to
give when people enter our building and how we can achieve that through our decorating. Adding to or updating what we have are also possibilities. If you are interested in being a part of this, please notify the office.
We hope to begin meeting in the near future.
Pastor Joe Ramirez and Charlotte Moore collect slightly worn clothing for those in need. As you transition from summer
to fall, please consider a donation. Thank you.
7/29 John Mastey
Charles B. Miller
Morris Freedman
Phyllis Liberman Rubin
Lillian Wechsler
Isadore Levin
H. Milton Meyers
Julius Taussig
7/30 Janet Dunn
Max Seglin
Belle Tilles
Paul Berman
Carmel Stern
Fern Tolchinsky
Charlotte Kretz
Gay Rhoda Levin
David J. Nidetz
7/31 Diana Palacci
Herman Hanauer
Cyrl Jeffries
David Weinberg
Gussie Benjamin
Bella Weinberg
Naomi Denmark
David Kaplan
David Koransky M.D.
Michael Mayer
Moses Reich
Esther Wechsler
Nathan Yaffin
Ann Goldberg
Yetta Vick
Martin Shaykin
Anna Weiss
Barry Blum
E. Edwin Carpenter
Eva Meyers
Bessie Rosenthal
Miriam Friedman
Jack Levin
Rebecca Glueck
Ceclia Janco
Ida Kaner
Ada Koransky
Phillip Mossler
David Pinkus
Frances Shaps
Dr. Louis L. Teplinsky
Pearl Isaacson
Edward P. Robinson
Doris Shaykin
Mary Pitzele
Irene Berlin Zweig
Sophie Hanover
Florence Leopold
Sheldon Steinberg
Louis Hatfield
Jacob Fox
Thomas Glaser
Dorothy Levin
Allen Freedman
Paul Miller
Abe Friduss
Julian Hirsch Nassau
Evelyn Fox
Don Goode
Matilda Kaplan
Iris Casson
Sol Benjamin
Henri S. Front
Dr. Irwin Greenspon
Dennis T. Karas
Paul N. Landay
August Worship at a Glance
August 2-3
August 9-10
August 16-17
August 23-24
August 30 August 31
Erev Shabbat Services, 7:30 p.m.
Dinner (6:00 p.m.) and Casual Shabbat
Service (7:00 p.m.).
Erev Shabbat Services, 7:30 p.m.
Family Friendly Worship Service 7:30
Erev Shabbat Services, 7:30 p.m
Selichot Program 8:00 p.m., Service
10:00 p.m.
August Torah and Haftarah Readings
August 2-3
August 9-10
August 16-17
August 23-24
August 30-31
Ki Tetze
Ki Tavo
Nitzavim Vayelech
Deuteronomy 11:26 - 16:17
Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9
Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19
Deuteronomy 26:1 –29:8
Deuteronomy 29:9 –31:30
Isaiah 54:11–55:5
Isaiah 51:12-52:12
Isaiah 54:1-10
Isaiah 60:1-22
Isaiah 61:10 – 63:9
August Onegs
August 2
Cathy Coltun
Lynn Mesirow
August 9
Barbara Bame
Donna Gross
August 16
Janet Harrison
Judy Meyers
August 23
Family Friendly
Laura Fletes
Loretta Levin
August 30
Sharon Blumberg
Diane Hatfield
August Music Schedule
August 2
Kristin &
August 9
Nancy Friedman
August 16
Adult Choir
August 23
August 30
Deadline for
September Bulletin Articles
Tuesday, August 20, 5:00 p.m.
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 20, 7:30 p.m.
Afternoon Book Discussion
The next Temple book discussion is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bertha and
Dan Rabin Library. You’re invited to read Defending Jacob by William Landay.
“ A 14-year-old boy is stabbed to death in the park near his middle school in an upper-class Boston suburb, and
Assistant District Attorney Andy Barber takes the case, despite the fact that his son, Jacob, was a classmate of
the victim. But when the bloody fingerprint on the victim’s clothes turns out to be Jacob’s, Barber is off the
case and out of his office, devoting himself solely to defending his son. Even Barber’s never-before-disclosed
heritage as the son and grandson of violent men who killed becomes potential courtroom fodder, raising the
question of a “murder gene.” Within the structure of a grand jury hearing a year after the murder, Landay
gradually increases apprehension. As if peeling the layers of an onion, he raises personal and painful ethical
issues pertaining to a parent’s responsibilities to a child, to a family, and to society at large. Landay’s two
previous novels (Mission Flats, 2003; The Strangler, 2007) were award winners, but he reaches a new level of
excellence in this riveting, knock-your-socks-off legal thriller. With its masterfully crafted characterizations and
dialogue, emotional depth, and frightening implications, the novel rivals the best of Scott Turow and John
Grisham. Don’t miss it." (Booklist, January 1, 2012, p46)
Copies of the book will be available in the Temple office and at the Munster Branch Library (8701 Calumet
Avenue) in early August. Newcomers to this Temple activity are warmly invited .
ISRAEL 2014 –
Join Rabbi Len and Karen Zukrow on a journey of a lifetime – a pilgrimage to Israel.
June, 2014 for 10 days of touring – people, places and lots of shopping.
Contact Rabbi Zukrow if you are interested in joining the trip.
More information and meetings to follow.
Working dates June 11 – June 21, 2014.
Aaron Brody
Lydia Dershewitz
Dr. Robert Dershewitz
Donna Levin
Laura O’Connor-Santell
Dr. Cheryl Brody
Jason Horn
Lauren Bade
8/1 Sharon & Dr. Reuben
Helen & Lorin Brown
Deborah & James Harris
Steve Arnold
Rosalie & Alan Lahn
Michele Dedelow
Dr. Scott Kaufman
Susan & Michael Zweig
Dr. Henry Feinberg
Honora & Alan Saks
David Blumberg
Michael Front
Susan Wolf
Sharon Gill
Richard Marks
Joyce Berry
Matthew Fefferman
Kimberly & Richard
Dr. Arnold Sutker
Kristin Stern
Lynda & Barry Levin
Mitchell Goldman
Talia Harman
Jay Sklar
Pricilla & Arnold
Devin Malum
Michele & Brian
Veronica Graham Diaz
Francie & Jay Gerson
Shirley & Gene Deutsch
Susie & John Dodge
Sydney & Michael Saks
Doris & Marshall
Jean & Seymour
Debbie & Henry
Dr. Reuben Blumberg
To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office.
Don & Sharon Apato
Irv Bishop
Paul Bloomberg
Helen & Dr. Lorin Brown
Cathy & Sam Coltun
Bess Dershewitz
Diane & Stan Hatfield
Myrna & Sy Sarowitz
Susan & Herbert Shaps
Priscilla & Arnold Sutker
Jean Tolchinsky
Larry & Trudy Weiss
in memory of Frances Ofsaiof
in memory of Charlotte Bishop
in memory of Samuel Bloomberg
in memory of Charles Beck, Sr.
in memory of Evelyn Coltun
in memory of Ida Kaner
in memory of Don Sugarman
in memory of Iris Casson
in memory of Fran Bettinger
in memory of Paul Berman
in memory of Fern Tolchinsky
in memory of Ida Levin
Dedelow Family
Bea Selig, Francie & Jay Gerson
Bea Selig, Francie & Jay Gerson
Harriet & Earl Goldberg
Susan & Herbert Shaps
Annette Steinberg
wishing Lynda Gurevitz a speedy recovery
in memory of Irving Selig
in memory of Ann Goodman
in memory of Samuel Chase
in memory of Fran Bettinger
in memory of Jonah Meyer Liberman
Diana O’Connor & Laura Santell
in appreciation of Rabbi Stevens
Paul Bloomberg
Honora & Alan Saks
Bea Selig, Francie & Jay Gerson
wishing Sandy Hart good health
wishing Joyce Radbel a speedy recovery
in memory of Don Sugarman
Paul Bloomberg
Huette Kaplan
in memory of Ruth Miller
in memory of Jerrold Kaplan
*denotes inscribed book
Elizabeth Ackerman
Bea Selig, Francie & Jay Gerson
in memory of Maura Tauber
wishing Lynda Gurevitz a speedy recovery
Dr. Reuben & Sharon Blumberg
wishing good health to Chuck Gross and Gene Deutsch
Elizabeth Ackerman
Diana O’Connor & Laura Santell
Sue & Michael Zweig
in memory of Maura Tauber
in appreciation
in honor of Dr. Hank Feinberg’s special birthday
Please contact the Chairs of these funds directly to make a
donation. Thank you.
Contact Annette Steinberg at 219/922-6620
Speedy recovery and good health to Cathy Coltun,
Speedy recovery and good health to Lynda Gurevitz
Barbara & Howard Bame
Debbie & Hank Feinberg
IMO Ann Goodman,
Mazel Tov on Bob Brenner’s recent engagement,
Speedy recovery and good helath to Lynda Gurevitz
Mazel Tov to Diane Hatfield & Donna Gross, recently “Mum’s the Word” hospice honorees
Lynda, Nate and Shelly Gurevitz
IMO Don Sugarman
Diane & Stan Hatfield
speedy recovery and good health to Lynda Gurevitz
Annette Steinberg
IMO Don Sugarman
Barbara & Howard Bame
Debbie & Hank Feinberg
wishing Chuck Gross good health
IMO Ann Goodman
Contact Kristin Stern at 219/931-3873
All contributions to Temple Beth-El are greatly appreciated. Please consider any of our funds to honor and
remember family members and friends. Your gifts advance the work of Temple Beth El and service the needs
of our members and community with gifts to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.
Connecting to Temple Beth-El
1. FACEBOOK – Be sure to LIKE us
Temple Beth El in Munster, Indiana
2. THIS WEEK at Temple Beth-El via email.
3. Website –
Rabbi Zukrow local cell (219) 595 9245
Courtesy Announcements
Jewish Federation Community Building 585 Progress Avenue in Munster
The Adult Friendship Club - also known as the AFC- is a long-standing program of Jewish Community
Services. This program provides the opportunity for senior citizens to gather for a meal and meaningful
social interaction. Every Monday and Wednesday, Jewish Community Services provides nutritious meals
prepared fresh in our Kosher kitchen by a staff chef. Luncheons include engaging entertainment and
great speakers. Transportation is also available. Contact Carol Szaks at 219/922-4024 for details.
K'Ton Ton Preschool Programs - K'Ton Ton, an excellent private preschool for toddlers through pre-K,
provides education of the whole child through language and play. K'Ton Ton is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. They offer a warm, nurturing environment and a
character-building curriculum. Programs include: Mommy 'N Me for children and their parents or childcare providers; Me Too! for two-year olds; K'Ton Ton; Pre-Kindergarten Enrichment; Kamp K'Ton Ton.
Registration is now open for fall programs. Contact or call 219/9224024.
Manna Cabana - Jewish Community Services maintains an important regional food pantry resource.
Every item brought in as a donation to the Manna Cabana food pantry is delivered directly into the hands
of a needy person who depends on your donations. If your congregation is seeking a community service
opportunity, contact Carol Szaks to discuss how you can work with the Jewish Federation to help out
right here in Northwest Indiana.

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Click on this link to print and view the bulletin.

Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. OUR TEMPLE FUNDS To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office.

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Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El

Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El OUR TEMPLE FUNDS To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office.

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