to read and print the september bulletin - Temple Beth-El
to read and print the september bulletin - Temple Beth-El
TEMPLE BETH-EL 10001 Columbia Avenue 219.934.9600 Munster, IN 46321-4056 219.934.9663 (fax) E-mail: Leonard Zukrow Michael N. Stevens Matthew Fefferman Carrie Morris Paul Mesirow Francie Gerson Kristin Stern - Rabbi Rabbi Emeritus - President - Sisterhood President - Brotherhood President - Religious School Facilitator - Music Director Mission Statement Temple Beth-El is a Reform Jewish Congregation dedicated to worship, study, and social responsibility. As a caring community, we strive to meet the spiritual, intellectual, and cultural needs of each member of our Temple family. Adopted by the Board 1/20/98 Temple Beth-El’s newsletter is printed once a month. Non-members wishing to receive our congregational news are asked to pay a yearly subscription fee of $18.00. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 1 DIVREI HA RAV THE RABBI’S WORDS Everything has its season Everything has its time "Pippin the Musical" Annual rites, ritual, ceremonies, seasons - There are rites of passage, rites of spring, and seasonal events. Spring is baseball, fall is football - Memorial Day white’s, Labor Day - start of school (at least it was at one time). All businesses speak of their season - their busy time. For department stores it is the winter holiday season. For formal wear stores it is proms and weddings. Pool supply stores rely on their summer season, and hardware stores love winter, selling snow blowers, shovels, sand, salt, and so on. In the Jewish world, our season is the fall holiday season , which will soon be upon us. The month of Elul that precedes the month of Tishre which ushers in the fall holy days, has recently become a significant element of the fall season. Songwriter-performer, Craig Taubman introduced "Jewels of Elul" over ten years ago, a daily teaching during the month to help us prepare for the holy season . The week before Rosh Hashanah, we gather on Saturday night for Selichot - a service of penitential prayers that Reform congregations have parlayed into an event for socializing and learning. As Elul ends we greet the New Year - Rosh Hashanah, including Tashlich , Shabbat Shuvah , the ten days of repentance, followed by Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshanah Rabba, Sh'mini Atzeret,and then finally Simchat Torah . The month of Tishre is so abounding in festival days that the next month for Cheshvan is known as Mar Chesvan - the bitter month or angry month, there are no festival days as in the days that preceded it. Much as we might focus on being overwhelmed by "THE SEASON”; we must seek the joy inherit in this time. Torah teaches that on Sukkot we "rejoice in our festival." T h e message to rejoice and be happy is central to our observance and celebration at this time. Engagement and involvement in worship, building a Sukkah, decorating it, collecting food for the needy and so on provide opportunities for us to move beyond ourselves to hear the call to do the good . This Season teaches us to "do the good" with the understanding that with the saturation of holidays at this time we will lessen the "bitterness” of Cheshvan . As we take the joy and happiness of “The Season” in the days that follow, let us continue to make our days matter, to have meaning and purpose in what we do and how we live. Best wishes to all of us for a Shana Tov - with the wish that we are all written and sealed into the Book of Life. 2 Hebrew Word of the Month Hebrew Word of the Month: Elul & Slichot The name of the month (spelled Alef-Lamed-Vav-Lamed) is said to be an acronym of "Ani l'dodi v'dodi li," "I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine," a quote from Song of Songs 6:3, where the Beloved is G-d and the "I" is the Jewish people. In Aramaic (the vernacular of the Jewish people at the time that the month names were adopted), the word "Elul" means "search," which is appropriate, because this is a time of year when we search our hearts. According to tradition, the month of Elul is the time that Moses spent on Mount Sinai preparing the second set of tablets after the incident of the golden calf (Ex. 32; 34:27-28). He ascended on Rosh Chodesh Elul and descended on the 10th of Tishri, at the end of Yom Kippur, when repentance was complete. Other sources say that Elul is the beginning of a period of 40 days that Moses prayed for G-d to forgive the people after the Golden Calf incident, after which the commandment to prepare the second set of tablets was given. Customs of Elul During the month of Elul, from the second day of Elul to the 28th day, the shofar (a hollowed out ram's horn) is blown after morning services every weekday. See Rosh Hashanah for more information about the shofar and its characteristic blasts. Four blasts are blown: tekiah, shevarim-teruah, tekiah. Rambam explained the custom of blowing shofar as a wake-up call to sleepers, designed to rouse us from our complacency. It is a call to repentance. The blast of the shofar is a very piercing sound when done properly. Elul is also a time to begin the process of asking forgiveness for wrongs done to other people. According to Jewish tradition, G-d cannot forgive us for sins committed against another person until we have first obtained forgiveness from the person we have wronged. This is not as easy a task as you might think, if you have never done it. This process of seeking forgiveness continues through the Days of Awe. Selichot As the month of Elul draws to a close, the mood of repentance becomes more urgent. Prayers for forgiveness called selichot (properly pronounced "s'lee-KHOHT," but often pronounced "SLI-khus") are added to the daily cycle of religious services. Selichot are recited in the early morning, before normal daily shacharit service. Selichot are recited from the Sunday before Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur. If Rosh Hashanah begins on a Monday or Tuesday, selichot begins on the Sunday of the week before Rosh Hashanah, to make sure that there are at least 3 days of Selichot. The first selichot service of the holiday season is usually a large community service, held around midnight on Motzaei Shabbat (the night after the sabbath ends; that is, after nightfall on Saturday). 3 .FROM THE PRESIDENT . . . I hope you all had a fun and relaxing summer. September is upon us and things are really starting to get busy here at Temple. Rabbi Zukrow, Francie Gerson and our entire teaching staff have been working diligently preparing for the start of Religious and Hebrew School. Educating our children has always been a priority at Temple Beth-El and our school is one of the reasons families gravitate to Temple Beth-El. While educating our kids has been a priority here at Temple, we offer opportunities for everyone to learn. Dr. Terry Harman and the Adult Education Committee are building on last year’s success and putting together a solid program for adults and families. This upcoming year we will have educational speakers, classes and special programs. The High Holy Days are upon us. We are preparing a mailing that will have all of the details regarding this year’s services. You can also find our service schedule, our ticket policy and other related items in the September bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact the office and we will do our best to answer them. I look forward to seeing you all and hope you all have a happy, healthy, safe, and sweet new year. Shalom, Matthew Honors and Prayer Books With the High Holy Days upon us (Selichot falls on the 20th), the Religious Practices Committee has already begun making plans. While most TBE members realize that they must be in “good standing” financially to receive service tickets, some may not know that honors for the many services are also given to members in “good standing”. Remember that congregants are expected to bring their own copies of the High Holy Days prayer books. We do have a limited number of books on hand and they can be purchased at the Temple office for $28.00. 4 NEWS FROM BROTHERHOOD Paul Mesirow, President With all the wonderful special events we did for the congregation in past year, Brotherhood is inviting you to our Opening Breakfast on Sunday, September 7, at 9: 00 a.m.. After dropping your child off at Sunday School, please join us for breakfast, to talk about the wonderful events we'll have THIS year! Please call the Temple office to confirm your reservation for breakfast by Friday, September 5. We look forward to seeing you! As you have probably already heard or seen, Temple Beth-El Brotherhood is offering New Year’s Honey Cakes, An order form is included in this bulletin, and your orders need to be in by Friday, September 19. As we all like to visit and spend time with family, a honey cake makes a wonderful New Year’s gift. Looking ahead, our October meeting will include a delicious dinner on October 9 just to get acquainted . We'll have a Red Cross Blood Drive October 20, and of course, the Brotherhood Shabbat Service on Friday, November 14 There are lots of exciting and fun things ahead, so please come to the breakfast on Sunday, September 7, so bring your friends. Temple Beth-El Brotherhood is going places - come with us!" COME JOIN US!!! Paul Mesirow September 2014 Torah Study Session Shabbat AM – Saturday, September 20 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Family Worship Service Friday, September 12 Dinner at 6 PM followed by service Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 10 Call the Temple Office at 934-9600 Bring a side dish to share Hope to see you there! 5 Sisterhood News Carrie Morris, President **2014 Golden Opportunity Books are now in. Please come in and get **them. Purchase price is $25 for each book.*** . The Original Smart Chicks and Old Bags Event is just days away, September 9 to be exact. If you haven't purchased your ticket, please do so quickly . Tickets are $3. Come see all the bags, jewelry, and participate in the auction. A big thank you to all those who worked on the event including the men and to those of you who plan on attending. You a few days to submit your Holiday Greetings to your Temple family via the Sisterhood New Year’s Greeting Book. The last day to submit your form and donation is Friday,September 12. Sisterhood is having a very casual meet and greet with Contintinental breakfast on Sunday, September 14 at 10:30 am. We would like to meet the m o m s o f o u r religious school children and would also like you to meet our new Shliach , Roi Yair who will be interacting with your children. Please let the office know if you will be attending. The High Holidays are just around the corner. Sisterhood will be hosting the Erev Rosh Hashanah Oneg and we are looking for people to bake or provide a sweet treat. If you can help, let us know as soon as possible. The Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast is Saturday, October 4 and again we will be asking for your help. WRJ Midwest District Convention, October 23-26 – Early Bird Registration is open through September 30, 2014 for the WRJ Midwest District’s biennial convention, “Building Your Ark, Navigating Your Future.” If you are interested in attending, please go to for more information. Haven't hosted an Oneg in a while or never? Contact Barbara Bame or Annette Steinberg to choose a date. Your Oneg doesn't have to be elaborate, just a few simple items. Many dates are still available A new shipment of fish will be arriving soon. Stop by Temple and pick up some fresh frozen salmon and tilapia . The salmon (8 oz) is $4.50 and the tilapia (5-7 oz) is $2.00 The Gift Shop is open whenever the office is open and if you wish to shop after services there is always someone there to help you. The Gift Shop is a year round Sisterhood fundraiser. Carrie Morris 6 SISTERHOOD NEW YEAR’S BOOKLET Once again it’s time to think about Rosh Hashanah. We are beginning to put our New Year’s Greetings booklet together, and we are asking for your support. This is a lovely booklet of warm wishes extended to and by our congregation. It will be distributed at the Erev Rosh Hashanah service. The cost for listing your family in the booklet is a minimum $10.00. This is a major fundraiser for Sisterhood. Please mail this form and your check, made payable to Temple Beth-El Sisterhood, to: Debbie Feinberg c/o Temple Beth-El 10001 Columbia Avenue Munster, IN 46321 The deadline to list your family is Friday, September 12, 2014. Please print all names as you wish them to appear. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 7 Please join us for this Event! 8 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Francie Gerson, Facilitator Welcome back to religious school. It was good seeing so many of you on the 24th . From the information given out, it’s obvious that our forthcoming school year is packed with not only our weekly school program, but "outside the four walls " special activities. I encourage you to mark your Calendar’s for the year. We welcome our new Shaliach, Roi Yair . He'll be with our children every other Wednesday and once a month on Sundays. I hope by now you have met him, but, if not, he will be at Sunday school on Sept. 14th and will formally introduce himself with a presentation about his family. Look for information from Sisterhood, includin g an invitation to come for breakfast and enjoy Roi’s presentation . Again ...WELCOME !!!! We'll keep in touch with all the awesome things we have planned for your children Francie Upcoming Bat Mitzvah Lily Yalowitz – Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 5 p.m. Hi, my name is Lily Yalowitz. I am 13 and looking forward to my bat mitzvah on September 6th. I live in Munster and go to Wilbur Wright Middle School. My favorite subjects are reading and language arts. My hobbies are soccer and art. For my mitzvah project I helped out at a school for adults who have autism. My friend and I helped the kids and made Mother’s Day cards with them. During another visit we helped make flowerpots with the students. I really enjoyed helping them and making new friends. 9 AFTERNOON BOOK DISCUSSION The next Temple book discussion is scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 2014, at 1:30 pm in the Bertha and Dan Rabin Library. You're invited to read Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain. "Written in a voice that is at once hopeful, cautious, naive, profoundly wise, and completely lost yet utterly knowing, Fountain’s most recent work of fiction delivers a brilliant, powerful examination of how modern warfare affects soldiers back at home. Billy Lynn is 19 and already a war hero after footage of a fierce battle between his squad and Iraqi insurgents went viral. Briefly back from Iraq on a 'victory tour' through the states, the young Silver Star winner lives an entire lifetime over the course of one day, Thanksgiving, while he and his more worldly Bravo Squad members are feted by a deliriously grateful and mostly misunderstanding public. Attending a Dallas Cowboys game, Billy Lynn and Bravo Squad must juggle the possibility of endless love with cheerleaders, Hollywood producers seeking to make a movie about them, football players morbidly curious about what it’s like to kill another human being, and all the conflicting emotions, thoughts, and actions each of them experiences while back in the land of sports mania, mass consumerism, and coveted yet fleeting fame before they return to the war itself. Billy’s journey carries the reader along with its richly detailed, pitch-perfect language and characterizations, leaving an indelible impression." (Booklist, May 1, 2012) Copies of the book will be available in the Temple Office and at the Munster Branch Library Newcomers to this Temple activity are warmly invited. 10 September Worship at a Glance September 5 September 12 Erev Shabbat Service, 7:30 p.m. Family Worship dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by service at 7:30 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service, 7:30 p.m. Selichot Service, 10:00 p.m.(activitiesbegin at 7 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashanah Service, 8:00 p.m. Rosh Hashanah Day I Children’s Service, 9:00 a.m. Morning Service, 10:00 a.m. Rosh Hashanah Day II Morning Service, 10:00 a.m NOTE: There will NOT be a Shabbat Eve Service Shabbat Shuvah Service 10:00 a.m. September 19 September 20 September 24 September 25 September 26 September 27 September Torah and Haftarah Readings Sept 5 Sept 12 Sept 19 Ki Tetze Deut. 21:10 - 25:19 Ki Tavo Deut. 26:1 - 29:8 Nitzavim/Vayeilech Deut. 29:9 - 31:30 Isaiah 54:1 - 10 Isaiah 60:1 - 22 Isaiah 61:10 - 63:9 September Onegs Sept 5 Lynn Mesirow Judy Stevens Sept 12 4 -6th Grade – Helen Brown th Sept 19 Diane Hudacin Honora Saks Sydney Saks September Music Schedule Sept 5 Nancy Friedman Sept 12 Terri Hendrickson Sept 19 Adult Choir Sept 27 Kristin Deadline for October 2014 Bulletin Articles Saturday, September 20, 5:00 p.m. Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, September 16, 7:30 p.m. 11 Saturday, September 20 Wednesday, September 24 Thursday, September 25 Friday, September 26 Saturday, September 27 Friday, October 3 Saturday, October 4 HIGH HOLY DAYS SERVICE SCHEDULE Selichot Havdalah followed by wine and cheese Introduce HHD themes; create banners Dessert Selichot Service Erev Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah 1st Day and Tashlich Children’s Service Morning Service Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day There will NOT be a Shabbat Eve Service Shabbat Shuvah Kol Nidrei Yom Kippur Children’s Service Morning Service Discussion with Rabbi Afternoon Service Yizkor Ne’ilah (concluding) Service 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. HIGH HOLY DAY TICKET POLICY 1. Tickets are required for all High Holy Day services. 2. Members in good standing who have paid at least 2/3 of current year’s financial obligation (dues, Religious School fees from prior school year(s), pledges and commitments from past years, etc.) will be issued tickets at no cost. 3. Members’ children 18 years of age and younger will not need tickets. 4. Paid-up members’ parents, grandparents, children/grandchildren over 18 will be issued complimentary tickets upon request of the member in good standing. 5. Non-members who are members in good standing of another congregation will be issued tickets at no cost upon presenting a letter of membership from their congregation. 6. Jewish individuals or families new to our community since last year’s High Holy Days will be issued complimentary tickets upon request. 7. Other non-members shall pay a minimum of $360.00 per person. This option is available to non-members one time only. In order to obtain tickets in subsequent years, these non-members must become Temple Beth-El members. Ticket payment can be applied to membership dues, if membership is applied for and approved within six months. 8. Cases of financial hardship will be reviewed upon request by the dues evaluation committee in confidence. 9. Complimentary tickets will be issued upon request for the service on the second morning of Rosh Hashanah. (Adopted by the Board on 4/20/2010) 12 YAHRZEIT September Reuben Ofsaiof OBSERVED SEPTEMBER 5/6 8/31 Don Goode 9/1 Sonny Klein 9/2 Sammy Gurevitz 9/3 Adele Tilles 9/4 Alexander Maurawski Jack Seglin 9/5 9/6 Meyer Ablin Frances Mayer Eva Meyers Tess Appleman Morris Frost Robert Hirsch Matilda Schroeter OBSERVED SEPTEMBER 12/13 9/7 Mollie Feingold 9/8 Sally Schenker Kaner Rose Arbeiter 9/9 Isadora “Babe” Olesker 9/13 Morton Braun OBSERVED SEPTEMBER 19/20 9/14 Henry Blumberg Linda Kaufman Hurst 9/15 Alexander Glickman Byron Marcus 9/17 Nathan Cohen Sam Mathes Ida E. Taussig 9/19 Norett Gutman Shirley Hirschman Fleischmann Leora Seelig Joffee 9/20 Dora May Karmel Mary Levin Geraldine Serby OBSERVED SEPTEMBER 26/27 9/21 Arthur Appleman Anne Glueck Friedman 9/22 Milly Fefferman Leah Sosin 9/11 Robert Cash Rose Glickman Ceil Goode Leona Kiernicki 9/23 Arthur Greenberger Jack Mathes 9/12 John Bialata Joseph Bloom Jacob Klonel David Nidetz 9/25 Domitila Fletes Emma Hirsch Albert Isaacson 9/24 Frances Heller Morris Weichman 13 9/26 Rachael Fox Jay Goodman Jean Levin Donald Nichol Louis Weinstein 9/27 Guillermo Valle Espinoza De Los Monterros The Congregation extends its deepest condolences to: Drs. Lorin & Helen Brown & Family on the death of of Lorin’s mother Berdine Brown Alan & Ro Lahn & Family on the death of Alan’s mother Beatrice Lahn Zichronam liv’racha May their memory be for a blessing MAZEL TOV SEPTEMBER Miller Knestrict HAPPY BIRTHDAY 9/2 Joey Marcus 9/3 Alexandria Goldman Nolan Chase Hatfield Edward Tanet 9/27 Katie Dedelow 9/28 Rebecca Glaser 9/30 Anniversaries 9/5 Naomi & Mike Triumph 9/22 Robin & Robert Guiden 9/28 Jane Harper Alport & Larry Alport Susan & Herbert Shaps Tristan Grant Hatfield Gina Kaplan Miriam Marcus 9/4 Jacqueline Friedman 9/5 Cheryl Goodman Larry Kaplan 9/7 Gene Deutsch Please mark your calendars and plan to 9/10 Larry Alport Marion Bittner Naomi Triumph attend an Usher Orientation meeting for the High Holy Days. 9/17 Julie Glaser The meeting is scheduled for 9/19 Ezra Greenfield Sunday, September 7th at 11:00 a.m. 9/20 Simon Nirenberg Adam Tepper Please contact Paul Mesirow at 9/21 Alan Lahn 9/22 Jane Harper-Alport Diane Schneider Jack Sklar 9/24 Howard Gold 9/26 Susan Farbstein 708-421-4321 with any questions or concerns. 14 OUR TEMPLE FUNDS To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office. GENERAL FUND Sue & Frank Alcala Carole Brookins Carole Brookins Cathy & Sam Coltun Annette Fingert Jacqueline Friedman Pat & Jerry Janco Pat & Jerry Janco Huette Kaplan J Michael Katz Marc & Cindy Levin Iris Morris Sydney & Michael Saks Myrna & Sy Sarowitz Brian Steinberg The Sklar Family Pam & Richard Sussman Bill & Miriam Webster in memory of Sophie Hanover in memory of Anne Glueck Friedman in memory of Rebecca Glueck in memory of Evelyn Coltun in memory of Nathan Gaffin in memory of Eva Meyers in memory of Cecelia Janco in memory of Berdine Brown in memory of David Kaplan in memory of Berdine Brown in memory of Berdine Brown in memory of Ted Kennedy in memory of Berdine Brown in memory of Iris Casson in memory of Berdine Brown in memory of Leona Kiernicki in memory of Walter Sussman a Speedy Recovery – Debbie Feinberg RABIN LIBRARY FUND (*DENOTES INSCRIBED BOOK) Merrill Yalowitz in memory of Berdine Brown Nancy & Stuart Friedman * in memory of Berdine Brown Ro & Alan Lahn Diane & David Schneider Steinberg-Gurevitz Family Susan & Michael Zweig Susan & Michael Zweig Francie & Jay Gerson Francie & Jay Gerson Annette Wisniewski FLORAL FUND a speedy and complete recovery Debbie Feinberg in memory of Berenice Schneider in memory of Sheldon Steinberg & Phyllis Rubin in memory of Beatrice Lahn in memory of Irene Berlin Zweig RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FUND in memory of Berdine Brown in memory of Beatrice Lahn in memory of Berdine Brown 15 Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Steve & Tammy Arnold Drs. Lorin & Helen Brown Carol & Richard Friedman Alan Lahn Sy & Myrna Sarowitz in appreciation in appreciation in appreciation in appreciation congratulations to Steve & Loretta Levin on the birth of their grandson Bobbye & Sonny Schatz in memory of Berdine Brown TBE Brotherhood in memory of Beatrice Lahn All contributions to Temple Beth-El are greatly appreciated. Please consider any of our funds to honor and remember family members and friends. Your gifts advance the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund and the work of Temple Beth-El to service the needs of our members and community. SISTERHOOD FUNDS Please contact the Chairs of these funds directly to make a donation. Thank you. MILLIE GREENWALD KITCHEN FUND Paul Bloomberg Paul Bloomberg Debbie & Hank Feinberg Debbie & Hank Feinberg Debbie & hank Feinberg Jason & Pat Horn Carrie Morris Annette Steinberg in honor of Brian Steinberg’s recent marriage Mazel Tov to Dr. Steve & Loretta Levin on the birth of their grandson in honor of Susan Zweig named “Mum’s” honoree in memory of Beatrice Lahn a speedy recovery – Miriam Webster in honor of Stan Hatfield’s special birthday in honor of Stan Hatfield’s special birthday in honor of Stan Hatfield’s special birthday Contact Annette Steinberg at 219/922-6620 LESLIE DENMARK SISTERHOO Contact Kristin Stern at 219/931-3873 Shrines Hospitals for Children has received a Memorial gift in honor of Berdine Brown from Jorge Benazente Pastor Joe Ramirez and Charlotte Moore collect slightly worn clothing for those in need. As you transition from summer to fall, please consider a donation. Thank you. 16 SAVE THESE DATES (open to the public) Sat. Sept. 13 at 1:30 pm - The Remarkable Straus Family Saga (the German-American family who made Macy’s a household name) Sun. Sept. 14 at 1:30 pm - For the Sake of the Children: The Letters between Otto Frank & Nathan Straus Jr. (This new book discloses the unknown attempts to rescue Anne Frank & family). Presented by Joan Adler Author and Director of Straus Historical Society, New York B‘nai Yehuda Beth Sholom & Congregation Am Echad 1424 West 183rd Street, Homewood Funded through a mini-grant from the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. Contact 708-799-3374 17 ****** COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENT ****** POSTPONEMENT OF ILLIANA HADASSAH OPENING BRUNCH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE OPENING BRUNCH FOR ILLIANA HADASSAH SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 HAS BEEN POSTPONED. IT WILL BE RESCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 2014. DETAILS WILL FOLLOW. PLEASE ADVISE YOUR READERS OF THE CHANGE. OCTOBER MEETING OF ILLIANA JGS On Sunday, October 12, 2014, the Illiana Jewish Genealogical Society will meet at 2:00 P.M at Bnai Yehuda Beth Sholom, 1424 W. 183 rd Street, Homewood, IL 60430 for the program, “Treasures in Print: Finding and Using Historical Newspapers.” Using her Hollywood producer uncle’s story, Robin Seidenberg will teach how to unlock family secrets using historical newspapers. They are a phenomenal resource for uncovering family information that often cannot be located any other way. A member of the Genealogical Speakers Guild and the Association of Professional Genealogists, Robin currently serves as Co-President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois and VicePresident of PCBUG. She has been studying her family history since 1997. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting, which is free to members. Non-members are asked for a $2.00 donation. Family memberships in Illiana JGS are $20.00 per year. For more information or to read the current newsletter, visit Illiana’s website: There are links on the website for those researching Jewish ancestry. Any questions please contact Doris Sweeney at (708) 720-2219 18
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Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El
10001 Columbia Avenue
Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El
10001 Columbia Avenue