PDF: September Newsletter


PDF: September Newsletter
Volume 140
At a Glance:
Temple Beth Shalom!
Rabbi’s Column
Page 2
Temple Administrator
High Holy Days Information
Religious School
Early Childhood Program
Senior Youth Group
Noteworthy Nachas
Social Action Committee
Aleph Bet Jewish Day School
Men’s Club11
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
September 2015 / Elul/Tishri 5775/5776
Rabbi’s Column
Rabbi Ari Goldstein 410-757-0552
The Power of Community
The legend has it that a student once asked Rabbi
Tzvi Ha’Cohen of Rymanov
why it is that Yom Kippur
is considered superior to
Shabbat. The student said
that just as Yom Kippur is
called the Shabbat Shabbatot
(Sabbath of Sabbaths) so too
is Shabbat called Shabbat
Shabbaton (a Sabbath of
Rabbi Tzvi replied to the student, “I see that you do
not read the Torah carefully for if you did, you would
notice that there is a difference in the way that the
two are written. Concerning Shabbat it says that it is
a Sabbath of Sabbaths to God, but concerning Yom
Kippur it says that it is a Sabbath of Sabbaths to you.”
On Yom Kippur the sanctity of God and all things holy
are brought much closer to us. On Yom Kippur, we
truly turn away from the clamors of our everyday lives
and focus entirely on ourselves.
For some, this might seem selfish. With so many
people in the world that are in need of our help and
our attention, how is it that we can take a day and
focus entirely on ourselves?
The answer lies in a statement that most of us have
heard before and many of us hear all too often. Think
about the last time you were on an airplane. Before
takeoff, the flight attendants stand in front of all the
passengers to point out the emergency exits and
flotation devices. Then they show passengers the
oxygen masks that should be put on in case the cabin
loses pressure. At that moment, the attendant says,
“For those of you traveling with children, please secure
your mask, before helping your child.”
I have never had the experience of being on a plane
when the oxygen masks fell for us. I hope I never will.
But as a parent, I wonder if I would be able to obey
the suggestion of putting my mask on first. Probably
not. Nonetheless, the airline industry and FAA have
made a clear statement that we are better able to help
others once we are in control of ourselves.
This truth of air travel transfers into the religious,
spiritual, and ethical realm as well. We need to work
on ourselves first. We cannot be fully able to help
other people until we have done the personal work
that is necessary.
Shanah Tovah
Save the Date
“Feeding Kids at School Healthy Meals”
September 27 at 10am
Parents are invited for a special presentation with pediatrician Dr. Vickers and Nutritionist Lisa
Consiglio-Ryan. They will be discussing: “Feeding Kids at School Healthy Meals.” They have
tips on how to provide healthy foods on a budget! As a bonus they will have information for
families with kids with gluten and/or other food allergies. They will be providing food samples.
Open to members and non-members. Bring your friends.
Jill Sussman 410-757-0552
Temple Administrator “Two friends, a priest and a
rabbi...” It sounds like the start of
a joke, but it actually describes
the main characters in the movie,
Keeping the Faith, which we will
be showing for S’lichot. Even if
you have seen this movie before,
join us on Saturday, September
5, as we watch the movie and then discuss as a
congregation. After the movie, join us for the S’lichot
service. This is the start of many events surrounding
the High Holy Days at Temple Beth Shalom. We
hope you and your family will join us in celebrating
and observing these special holy days. Please see
the schedule below for a list of dates and times for
services. If you have any questions about tickets or
any of the services, please contact the temple office at
templebethshalom@comcast.net or 410-757-0552.
High Holy day tickets have been mailed.
If you have not received your tickets, or need
to purchase additional tickets, please
contact the temple office at
S’lichot – Saturday, September 5
S’lichot Service
Kol Nidrei – Tuesday, September 22
Evening Service 8pm
Rosh HaShanah – Sunday, September 13
Evening Service
Followed by an Oneg
Yom Kippur – Wednesday, September 23
Morning Service
Junior Congregation
Congregation K-3
Morning Child Care
Children’s Service
Afternoon Study Following the morning service until 3pm
Healing Service 3:15pm
Afternoon Service 3:45pm
Yizkor Memorial Service 4:45pm
N’ilah Service 5:30-6:30pm
Followed by a light Break-Fast
Rosh HaShanah – Monday, September 14
Morning Service
Junior Congregation
Congregation K-3
Morning Child Care
Children’s Service
Tashlich at Stonington
BYOB (Bring Your Own Bread)
Shabbat Shuvah – Friday, September 18
Service 8pm
Rosh HaShanah Oneg Bakers Needed
Once again, we are calling on the bakers in our congregation to
prepare some delicious baked desserts for the Erev Rosh HaShanah
oneg. High Holy Day-themed finger-food items are especially
appreciated. Please drop off before services on September 13, and
please use disposable plates if at all possible. In addition, please let Jill Sussman (tbs-office@comcast.net) know what you plan to bring.
Thank you!
BEITENU / September 2015
In addition to evening and morning services in the sanctuary, Temple Beth Shalom offers these related programs.
No advance registration is required.
On the Saturday before
Rosh HaShanah:
On Rosh HaShanah
On Yom Kippur between
the morning service and
the healing service in the
Yom Kippur Adult Study – Jewish Mindfulness
On both Rosh HaShanah
and Yom Kippur:
Junior Congregation and Congregation K-3
The High Holy Day season starts on Saturday, September 5, with S’lichot. The evening
begins with the movie, Keeping the Faith at 7:30pm, a brief discussion about the
pertinence to this High Holy Day period, a break for dessert, and the S’lichot service
at 10pm. Feel welcome to join us anytime during the evening. (Traditionally the
service is held at midnight the Saturday before Rosh HaShanah but we’ll be out well
before then.)
Join us at 4pm on Monday, September 14. Tashlich is a centuries-old custom of going
to a place of natural flowing water on Rosh HaShanah and symbolically casting off our
sins by tossing bread crumbs into the water. Tashlich is a great way to teach children
about t’shuvah (repentance) and forgiveness in a tangible way. Directions to the
Stonington Beach will be available in the synagogue lobby. Don’t forget to bring your
own bread.
Those who wish to remain at the synagogue between the services on Yom Kippur
will have an opportunity for study and discussion starting after the morning service
and continuing until 3pm. Rachael Lemberg, Jessica Switzman, and Amalia Phillips
will guide us through the sounds and rhythms of deep breathing, Jewish yoga,
and melodies that increase our sense of well-being and our ability to accept the
challenges of life.
Starting at 10am, concurrent with the adult services, we have both a program for
children kindergarten through 3rd grade (with stories, play time, arts and snacks)
and Junior Congregation for students in the 4th through 7th grades. We strongly
encourage you to take advantage of these quality age-appropriate programs. Any
children not included in these programs should be either in child care (reservations
required) or with you in the adult service. For safety reasons we cannot allow anyone
to roam the building or play outside while services are held. The playground is to be
used under the supervision of a parent and only by children under age 12.
Children’s Services
Rabbi Goldstein and Student Cantor Sara Kheel will lead a short service geared to
young children at 2pm on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur in the sanctuary.
BEITENU / September 2015
Religious School
Adina Newman, Religious School Director
September is the month of new beginnings. At Temple
Beth Shalom, we are especially fortunate to start our
school year in a brand-new school
building. We have new books, new
faces among our teaching staff, and
a new kindergarten class to welcome
into our Religious School community.
For younger children, this could mean focusing on
what it means to say sorry as well as actions we take
when we have done something that hurts the ones
we love. For older students, journaling can serve as
a great medium for reflecting on the year’s ups and
downs, how to make amends, and a game plan for
September is also a time for
reflection and introspection. After
we celebrate a sweet and joyful new
year with Rosh HaShanah, we immediately enter into
the Ten Days of Awe, also known as the Ten Days of
Repentance, which culminates into Yom Kippur, the
Day of Atonement. During this time, we are expected
to ask forgiveness from those we have wronged over
the course of the year and consider how we can
become the best versions of ourselves.
Reading books with themes of forgiveness, atonement,
and mitzvot may also encourage discussion
appropriate to this time of year. For younger students,
Jacqueline Jules,’ The Hardest Word is always a
favorite. Others include Even Higher and Gershon’s
Monster, both by Eric Kimmel, and A Rosh Hashanah
Walk, by Carol Levin. Secular books can also teach
the messages of repentance and self-reflection. Louis
Sachar’s Holes, Sharon Creech’s Walk Two Moons, and
Kate DiCamillo’s The Tale of Desperaux are great reads
for older students to broach these discussions.
Temple Beth Shalom’s Youth Choir
Makhela is open to students in grades 2-7 and
regularly performs at Friday night services,
occasionally performing for other special
programs and venues. Makhela is a fun and
rewarding activity for children, and is now
recruiting for new and returning members!
Orientation Meeting & First Practice
Wishing everyone a sweet Rosh HaShanah, an easy
fast, and a wonderful beginning to the school year!
September 16, will be the first Wednesday Religious
School session. Classes meet from 6:30pm to 8pm.
As a reminder, pizza, snacks, and drinks will be on sale
starting at 5:45pm. We ask that students remain in the
lobby and do not bring food into their classrooms. We
are looking for volunteers to serve food and collect
money. You do not have to have a kid in the Religious
School to volunteer. All members welcome. If you are
interested in volunteering, please contact Adrienne
Roth at Adrienne_Roth@comcast.net.
Sunday, September 27 at 9-9:30am.
Parents of all children interested in Makhela
are invited to come (with their children) to a
short orientation meeting in the sanctuary. We
will discuss the schedule and Greg Weinman
will be available to answer questions! For more
information about Makhela, please contact
Greg Weinman at gweinman1@gmail.com.
BEITENU / September 2015
Please welcome our new
Religious School teachers:
6th Grade - Matthew Chalker
7th Grade - Sari Wisch
Sylvia Meisenberg Early Childhood Program
At the Sylvia Meisenberg Early Childhood Program,
we look at our children as seeds. We view them as
freshly opened packages of flowers seeds that need
to be planted. We go and find the right soil, hoping it
has the right nutrients for the seeds to grow. We water
them, and hope we gave them the right amount to
help them sprout.
Finally, we put them in the sun to give them room
to flourish, blossom, and grow. Through this whole
process we are guiding them, allowing them to grow
their own way and sprout into something beautiful,
but the funny thing is, no matter how much we nurture
them, we will never know the end result.
As teachers and parents, our responsibility is to plant
ideas, water these ideas and allow them to explore
and discover. We take care of each one in his or her
own special way, which allows them to grow into
unique and beautiful individuals. Take every moment
to watch your seeds grow, and remember that
everyone will grow differently.
Beth Bluman, ECP Director
year to help them blossom? What can I teach my
child so that they can understand what good morals
and values are and why we have them in our family?
As you reflect keep in mind that when we speak and
teach our children we should keep each message at
his or her own level with the right tone and language.
Throughout our lives this message should be
consistent. Every child is unique, and special.
We are looking forward to a great year by watching
our children, seeds, grow into beautiful flowers.
Open House: September 30 from 10-11:30am.
We look forward to another exciting year. We
have a few spots remaining for the 2015-2016
school year. For more information, please
contact Beth Bluman at tbsns@comcast.net.
This year during the High Holy Days, try to reflect
on what my child’s year was like. What can I do this
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Tzofim Concert on August 10. Thanks also to the Tzofim Israel Scouts for
their wonderful performance.
Senior Youth Group
Our goal is to help you develop your Jewish identity
in an informal, peer environment with meaningful
Jewish experiences outside of the formal educational
environment. In other words, we have fun!
Noteworthy Nachas Congratulations to proud grandpa Paul Schatzberg
whose grandson Simon Schatzberg graduated
cum laude from Knox College in Illinois and also
was accepted as a journalism intern through CIPamericas.org in Mexico. He will leave in late August
for the three month program.
Double Nachas to Jodi and Bruce Goldman. Their
son Zachary Goldman is engaged to Erika Wilson,
daughter of Compton and Renee Wilson and their
daughter Samantha Goldman completed her design
degree at New York School of Interior Design.
Christina Feldman is proud that nephew Michael Vakas
and wife Ziggy have just purchased their first home on
the Eastern Shore.
Sisterhood member Ann Gross, mother of Matthew
Josephs has recently moved to her new home in
Heritage Harbour. Congratulations Ann!
Alan Levin and Lauro Rocco are grandparents. Alan’s
daughter, Susan, and her husband Jeff Fabiszak, gave
birth on July 7, 2015 to twin girls: Cora, weighing 6 lbs
4 oz, and Julia weighing 6 lbs 10 oz.
Belated thanks go to Cheryl Hack and Carol Jackson,
who along with their grandchildren, helped deliver
food from My Brother’s Pantry to residents at College
Parkway Place in May.
Callie Roter, daughter of Phil and Gina Roter, has
been working as an intern this Summer in Eilat at
Shulamit’s Eilat Diving Center. Callie has passed all
tests to receive a Divemaster Certificate. In October
We hope that you will consider attending one, if not
all events in 2015-2016. For more information, please
email Senior Youth Group Advisor Greg Weinman
at gweinman1@gmail.com or Senior Youth Group
President Jared Grindle at grindlejaredd@gmail.com.
Marion Kay
she will be back at Tel Aviv University for her third
year as a Liberal Arts Major with an emphasis in
Congratulations to Stephen and Loren Anthonis and
sister Taylor on their new family member. Payton was
born on July 6, 2015. Congratulations also to Amy and
Ian Shaw on the birth of their baby girl Shayna Irene.
Congratulations to Courtney Hoffberger on her recent
marriage to Stephen Riordon on August 22. We will
miss her at Temple Beth Shalom, but wish her all the
best on her move to Colorado.
Congratulations to Neil Schechter for his silver medal
at the Maccabi European Games in Berlin August
Congratulations to Iris Krasnow and Chuck Anthony’s
children Isaac, Jackson, and Zane for their short
documentary, The Beauty of Barbara Allen, which won
first prize for Best Short Documentary at the Rhode
Island International Film Festival—an Oscar qualifying award.
The Goldstein’s Travel Abroad!
Gail and Andrew Goldstein and their three
children have packed their bags and left to
travel abroad to Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia,
Chile and Argentina, working with different
charities and medical aid groups.
To follow their travels go to:
BEITENU / September 2015
Social Action Committee
This is your first opportunity of the New Year to truly
“feed the hungry” during Temple Beth Shalom’s High
Holy Days Food Drive! Here is a quick recap of our
upcoming activities/volunteer opportunities. As this
article is being written, there is still a need for the use
of a panel/box truck from the afternoon of Tuesday,
09/22/15, before Kol Nidrei, through to the delivery of
the groceries to the My Brother’s Pantry, tentatively, on
Thursday morning, 09/24/15. If you can loan us your
truck, please call Cookie Pollock at (410) 266-6468.
In addition to the truck, we have a number of fooddrive related volunteer opportunities for you (see
• S’lichot, Saturday night, 09/05/15 (before
services) - Prepare bags for distribution by
attaching the food list
• Rosh HaShanah, Sunday night, 09/13/15 and
Monday morning, 09/14/15 – Distribute bags to
• Yom Kippur (Kol Nidrei), Tuesday evening,
09/22/15, and Wednesday morning, 09/23/15
– Man truck in parking lot and collect the filled
• Thursday, 09/24/15 - Off-load donated food
bags and stock shelves at My Brother’s Pantry.
The 6th Annual Avis Halberstadt
Authors’ Luncheon
September 20, 2015
(Lunch at 12:15pm)
The Doubletree by Hilton
210 Holiday Court
Annapolis, MD 21401
BEITENU / September 2015
Cookie Pollock, cookiepollock@verizon.net
Debbie McKerrow, sdmckerrow@verizon.net
Looking ahead:
The first meeting of the SAC’s Winter Relief committee
will take place on 09/01/2015. Watch for links to
donate items for and to volunteer your time to Winter
Relief (12/21-28/2015).
If you haven’t already done so, please complete the
online Mitzvah Day survey. We know there is so much
more we can do if we expand beyond a single day
of volunteering. Your feedback is invaluable to us,
whether you participated or not, to make this event a
more productive experience. Take a moment to share
your opinions with us. If you don’t want to complete
an online survey, please download and complete the
printable version and send it to Cookie Pollock, 1915
Towne Center Blvd, Unit 516, Annapolis, MD 21401.
May your family be blessed with good health and
happiness this year! With your help, we anticipate a
wonderful, Mitzvot-filled year!
Please join us on
Saturday, September 5
7:30pm S’lichot Movie, Keeping the Faith
10pm S’lichot Service with
Nashira Participating
Aleph Bet Jewish Day School Sarah White, Head of School
News from the Alpert Family Aleph Bet Jewish Day School
I have been thinking a lot about the word mensch.
It is a funny word but one that I remember hearing
since I was a little girl. I was told to marry a mensch.
Someone who holds the door, helps others in need,
takes the time to listen, someone with noble character.
I did that and now together we are trying to raise
menschen. Character education is not new to schools.
In fact, programs like Character Counts, WiseSkills and
I Can Character have been around for years, but how
do we teach values with a Jewish overview? At Aleph
Bet we know that “Good Values Raise Good Kids”, but
how do we take that slogan and bring it to fruition?
We all want our children to practice Kavod (respect) for
God, parents, teachers, classmates and themselves.
We model to our children by cleaning up after meals,
picking up trash on the ground, and taking the time
to listen before speaking. Our goal is to have them
do the same when we are not with them. How do we
teach our children about Lashon Hara or not talking
about others for ill? Again, it is through modeling
and lessons like THINK, which teach kids to stop and
think before they speak. They ask themselves, is it
true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is
it kind? As school is now in session, we may focus
on Seder v’Nikayon (order and tidiness). Things like
books replaced on the shelf, spine out and standing
up, making sure the floor is clean before leaving the
room or that our materials are organized in our desks.
These may seem like simple things but really they are
the beginning of molding our children into thoughtful,
respectful adults: menschen.
Please join us on September 18th as we participate
with over 1500 schools and organizations to celebrate
Character Day! We will be viewing a short film, The
Making of a Mensch and discussing with our students
and parents how we all can be menschen. Character
Day is the brainchild of filmmaker and Covenant
Foundation grantee Tiffany Shlain and is the perfect
opportunity to think about how we can work toward
living more meaningful lives. Please contact Aleph Bet
to learn more about this exciting day and how you can be involved.
Genealogy Adult Education Program with Nancy Lewis
Mondays, October 12, 19, and 26 from 11am-1pm
We’ve all seen those “who do you think you are” genealogy sleuths on TV who wind up linking celebrities to
British royalty or horse thieves. However, teasing out family history is usually a lot more frustrating for Jews.
We lack paper trails, fixed last names, and have to deal with Americanizing grandparents who had no nostalgia
for the old country. But the hunt is fascinating, lots of new tools are available, and getting together with other
genealogical newbies is fun.
It’s no coincidence that when you glance around the sanctuary during services, somebody sitting a few pews
away looks like your Uncle Leo or your cousin Shirley. Because they may well be part of your mishpucha. After
centuries of cousin-cousin marriages, most Ashkenazi Jews are related (turns out my husband is my fourth cousin
and my brother-in-law is my husband’s second cousin.) Following clues can lead you to the European villages our
ancestors came from and even more interestingly sheds light on personalities and motivations. Recovering the
traces of the lives of those who went before us makes history come alive in the most fascinating, personal way.
To sign up RSVP to templebethshalom@comcast.net. Bring a brown bag lunch and we’ll provide the coffee.
Hineni “Here I am”
Jill Simon
The Temple Beth Shalom Caring Committee
Your temple family is here to help with rides, visits,
errands, meals, and many other ways to ease one’s
time of difficulty or hardship. Please let Hineni know if
you or another temple member could use our support.
We know the High Holy Days can be a tough time for
some people. Please contact the temple office or Jill
Simon directly at (410) 224-8203 or MissJill@Lycos.com to let Hineni know if you or
someone you know could use our attention.
We look forward to welcoming new committee
members at our upcoming meeting on Wednesday,
September 9 from 7-8pm.
September Oneg
Shabbat Sponsors
I also hope to see you during one of many High Holy
Day services. For those who wish to remain at the
synagogue between the services on Yom Kippur you
will have an opportunity for study and discussion
starting after the morning service and continuing until
3pm. Rachael Lemberg, Jessica Switzman, and Amalia
Phillips will guide us through the sounds and rhythms
of deep breathing, Jewish yoga, and melodies that
increase our sense of well-being and our ability to
accept the challenges of life.
Adult Education Classes at Temple Beth Shalom
Monday Morning Text Study with Rabbi Goldstein
Sept. 4: Eric & Kate Stravitz
Alan & Jessica Switzman
Sept. 11:David & Sheila Tarasiuk
Louis & Laurie Berman
Looking for another volunteer
family for this week. Please contact
Sept. 18:Kevin & Susan Turnock
Robin & Ross Cohen
Harriet Cooperman & Spence Shifflett
Sept. 25:Ken Wasch & Lesley Harris
October 5:
10am - Simchat Torah Service with Yizkor
11am - Text Study with Rabbi Goldstein,
“The Book of Kings”
Starting on October 12:
Rabbi’s text study class will be held weekly on
Mondays from 9:30am-10:45am.
Jeffrey & Valerie Weintraub
Hebrew/Arabic Classes
Jake & Sarah Weissmann
Wednesdays, Starting on October 7:
6pm - Adult Hebrew Chanting with Chami Waddell
6pm - Adult Arabic Beginner Class with Hezi Brosh
7pm - Adult Arabic Advanced Class with
Hezi Brosh
Welcome New Members!
Rian & Lisa Dickstein
Tiffany Kirschner
September 28:
10am - Sukkot Service
11am - Text Study with Rabbi Goldstein,
“The Book of Kings”
BEITENU / September 2015
To register for either Hebrew or Arabic classes
please email templebethshalom@comcast.net.
Classes are free for members, $50 for non-members.
Men’s Club
I always try to start my articles for the newsletter
with a little humor or something that I think is funny.
However, with the current state of the world, I cannot
think of anything that would be in the least bit funny to
any of you so, I will move on to my writings.
Wait one second! It’s coming to me now! It‘s uh, It’s
maybe…………it’s coming clearer now!...........It’s
Donald Trump! I haven’t heard his latest remarks, but
I’m betting that they are Hillaryious!
Well, on our recent vacation down South to the
Florida Keys, I was indoctrinated into some religious
education. We are in a Buffeteria in South Carolina
and located next to the cashier were a stack of free
CD’s that were made by a local pastor titled, “The
Manifestation of the Spirit!” It included a list of times
for the Bible Study classes, as well as all the times for
the church services.
Oddly enough, the location of the church is on
“Commerce Drive.” I am not so sure that religion can
be packaged like a product to sell, but I was excited
to see that this church’s door is “Always Open and
Everyone is Welcome.”
Driving down my street in Bowie I saw several signs
along the sidewalk, stuck in the ground.
Were they perhaps campaign signs for the upcoming
Herman and Lipsetts win the Lancaster
By more than 15 points, TBS members Ted Herman
and Eric Lipsetts won the 2015 Bowie Inter-faith
Recreational Council (B.I.R.C.) Lancaster Plantagenet
Golf Tournament. Each won rights to the Plantagenet
and a genuine fake Rolex watch.
The Lancaster Plantagenet is one of the oldest,
mysterious, and most revered trophies in the game of
golf. Established during the English War of the Roses
(1400’s), it was smelted by the Scottish Laird Grenville
MacCallum, the lord of Castle Duntree, one of the first
BEITENU / September 2015
Ted Herman
therman@pgcps.org, 301-262-0028
city elections? Or maybe, announcements about a
zoning meeting we need to attend.
No, they were all the same sign with the exact same
message of how we need to join the “Church of
___________” before it is too late. It’s very comforting
to know that advertising in America is alive and well
and doesn’t just end in the supermarket.
And where were we headed that day?
You guessed it! To see the Book of Mormon, which
educated me more about the benefits of mass religion.
So where are you going with all this??? Ted?
Well, in answer to the question most of you readers
may be having right now:
I have definitely increased my visits to my therapist
from once to twice a week.
And in answer to: What is the point I am trying to
make in my current manifesto?
It is simply this: [My entire reference point here
being my love for our Temple Beth Shalom] When
you have a place you believe in, with people you
can relate to, and you find your house of worship
gives your life meaning—you don’t need a sales
pitch or to commercialize your religion to attract new
golf afficiandos, and used as the trophy for the first
four British Opens.
Rumor has it that the trophy was lost when rival lords
laid siege to Castle Duntree, looted it, confused the
Plantagnet with a chamber pot, and discarded it.
When the British Open was re-started in 1860, the
treasured Plantagenet was replaced by the Claret Jug,
which roughly resembles the Plantagenet.
The Plantagenet was discovered in 2015 by Rory
McIntire, one of the organizers of the B.I.R.C.
Tournament (Hooter’s Tour, ESPN 3, 3-4am, Tuesdays).
Continued on page 12 . . .
. . . Men’s Club, continued from page 11
McIntire found it while playing at St. Andrews on the
Old Course, and lost his ball on the 6th hole in the
grouse. While searching for his ball, he found the
Plantagenet half-buried under a bramble; apparently
no one had hit his or her ball to where McIntire
had hit his in almost 600 years. With much derringdo, McIntire smuggled the trophy out of Scotland
(claiming he suddenly had grown a huge tumor on
his leg and had to return to the US for immediate
treatment). After passing through US Customs, where
no one in Homeland Security knew of the Plantagenet,
McIntire brought it here to Maryland, to award to the
winners of the B.I.R.C. Tournament.
Given its historical relevance, Herman and Lipsetts
decided to donate it to the City of London’s Tower
of London, where, they are informed, it will given a
place towards the end of the Crown Jewels display.
According to their accountants, each will be authorized
to take a $25 tax deduction.
TBS will sponsor a special presentation during the
Days of Atonement during which Herman and Lipsetts
will describe each shot taken during this grueling 12week test of golf. Spouses are especially invited, time
to be announced.
For enjoyable experiences like, but not equal to
this, consider being part of the Men’s Club in 5776.
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Shelley Pollero
Unique Jewish-themed gifts for birthdays, B’nei
Mitzvah, graduations, weddings, and confirmations!
items, CDs, books, cookbooks, children’s books,
activities, toys and games.
Regular hours when Religious School is in session:
Sundays 9:30-11:30am and Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm.
We look forward to being back in operation!
We accept cash and checks for all purchases, and
VISA, MasterCard, and Discover with a minimum
$15.00 purchase.
Come look at our wide variety of holiday items, home
décor, Jewish-themed gifts, and books for all ages:
mezzuzot, tzedakah boxes, fine jewelry, decorative
For assistance at other times, call Faye Weiss at 410987-2379, or the temple office at 410-757-0552.
2016 Trip to Israel with Rabbi Goldstein
Join Rabbi Ari Goldstein on this unforgettable journey to Israel.
The tour will be 11 days and 10 nights on land with exceptional hotels.
June 20 - July 1 (with option for extension).
Informational meeting on October 18th at 10:30am.
For more information see the temple website
BEITENU / September 2015
As the New Year begins, the Sisterhood Board and I
are looking forward to working with everyone. For as
little as $36 a year, women of all ages can become
members of this vibrant organization.
Whether renewing or for first time membership, we
want to welcome you and to let you know that we
cannot become a vibrant Sisterhood without you.
Thank you to all our members—because of you
we have been able to give back to our temple.
Sisterhood has supported Temple Beth Shalom and its
congregants since its inception.
Kudos to Dee Stelzer and her many volunteers for
putting together another very successful Mahjongg
tournament. Not only was it an enjoyable day but
funds raised from the event went back to our temple.
In our annual effort to showcase Sisterhood, we will
be handing out carnations again this year at Rosh
HaShanah. So wear these proudly.
Please join us! We need your support in growing as a Community.
Sisterhood Mahjongg & Book Club Events:
Sisterhood Book Club
Date: Thursday, October 1, at 7pm
Location: Temple Sukkah
Contact Laurie Elinoff for details:
ljelinoff@gmail.com, (cell) 410-570-2591
(home) 443-906-2127
Book: Fall of Giants, by Ken Follet
Dates: Every Monday in September at 6pm
Location: Temple Lobby
Lessons available by appointment at 4:15pm
Contact Laurie Elinoff if interested:
BEITENU / September 2015
Merveyln Wyllie-Brause
mervforall@verizon.net, 410-573-9978
Calendar of Events
• 1 - Dinner and Bookah in the Sukkah
• 8 - Board Meeting
• 18 - Mahjongg Tournament
• 8 - Annual Fall Tea at Reynolds Tavern
• 15-16 - Hanukkah Bazzar
• 10 - Sisterhood Board Meeting
• Sisterhood Installation of Officers - TBD
We hope to live up to your expectations as we
continue to grow and serve our Community.
Volunteers Wanted for Mahjongg Tournament on Sunday, October 18.
We need volunteers for:
• Breakfast Hospitality Team: 8:30-10am
To set up and clean up for a continental
• Lunchtime Hospitality Team: 12-2pm
Set up and clean up for a catered deli lunch and
• Bakers:
Provide pre-cut baked goods and deliver to
Temple by 11am on Tournament Day.
• Card Table Loaners
Loan your card table(s) for the event.
Let’s roll out the red carpet welcome to our
Mahjongg players and join our team of volunteers.
Please contact Laurie Elinoff to volunteer for this fun fundraiser.
Donations: July 11 - August 8
General Fund
In loving memory of:
Marilyn Baer by Janet Baer & Larry Polster
Gerald Edelstein by Beth Edelstein
Celia Marcus by Bruce & Heidi Katz
Avis Halberstadt by Fred Halberstadt
Lawrence Jason by Seth Jason & Katherine Hilton
Joseph Taler by Bronka Taler
Louis Beck by Cindy & David Fox
Kathleen Tice by Howard & Jane Weizmann
Bernard Caplan by Ellis & Christina Caplan
Reba Berman by Jill & Ben Sussman
Allan Marvin Chase by Randi Cremmins
Miriam Karmazin by Theodora Schulman
Bil Litman by Robin & William Beusse
LeRoy Calish by Jared & Karen Calish
Katharine McCutchan by Mary McCutchan
Reba Berman by Deanna Stelzer
Reba Berman by Mary West
William Becker by David & Barbara Becker
Homer Hack by Harvey & Laura Hack
Reba Berman by Lynn Cohen
Allen Shaener by Jill & Ben Sussman
Mildred Kranes Falk by Richard & Carole Falk
Mathilda Kauffman by Carole Blum
Lenore Miller by Mark & Sandra Miller
Robert Mandell by Brenda Mandell
Robert Mandell by Sarah White
Allen Shaener by Joe & Rachael Feldman
Reba Berman by Stacy & Marc Shaener
Donna Walter by Stacy & Marc Shaener
Lyn Tinkey by Stacy & Marc Shaener
Rose Auster by Lois Glaros
Scott Shapleigh by Aurora Shapleigh
Allen Shaener by Marni & Orin Zwick
Allen Shaener by David & Carol Stern
Rachel Shulman by Theodora Schulman
Stanley Karmazin by Theodora Schulman
Mark Schulman by Theodora Schulman
Evelyn Lauber by Phillip & Gina Roter
Shirley Roter by Phillip & Gina Roter
Allen Shaener by Julie, Jeremy, Alexa & Zach Parks
In honor of:
Cindy and David Fox’s 50th Wedding Anniversary by Eve &
Ron Secunda
Capital Improvement Fund
by David & Janet Hoffberger
Miriam Luby Wolfe Scholarship Fund
In honor of Rabbi Klensin’s retirement from the Rabbinate
and his years at TBS
Flood Relief Donors
Matthew and Carrie Hilburn
Marion Kay
Marc Greenspan and Kathy Floam
Rob and Nancy Sainsbury
Rachael Lemberg
Howard and Andria Topel
Nanci Beier and Sheilah Beier Belkin
Janis and Glen Rotner
Nicholas and Lisa Bridges
Robin and Jason Zagalsky
Bar Mitzvah
The following person will be called to the
Torah as bar mitzvah in September:
Sept. 26
Zachary Harris, son of Phil and Cheryl Harris
In Memoriam
Reba Berman, mother of Louis Berman,
passed away on July 19, 2015
Lyn Tinkey, sister of Debi Walker,
passed away on July 23, 2015
Allen Shaener, father of Marc Shaener,
passed away on July 30, 2015
BEITENU / September 2015
Dr. Paula K. McCormick
Special Education Advocacy Services
Former Special Education Hearing Officer
Fax: 410-729-2191
Dr. McCormick provides advocacy services for children with various disabilities and needs, and aids the family
in navigating through school system policies and procedures to obtain appropriate services and placements.
Services provided to families include:
Representing families at all school meetings.
Developing comprehensive IEPs.
Conducting school observations.
Representing families at Mediation.
Representing families at Manifestation
Determination Meetings.
• Developing 504 plans.
• Collaborating with professional personnel to
meet the unique needs of each student.
• Providing referrals to community resources.
• Assisting with interpretation of test results
and record review.
• Providing information about school
placement options.
December 2014
BEITENU / September 2015
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Visit us Online
Did you know you can order yahrzeit plaques and
simcha leaves on the temple’s website? Go to
annapolistemple.org for more information.
Settle On Our Experience®
Email Marketing
Website Design
Logo & Brand Identity
Brochure & Print Design
Social Media Management
Commercial Photography
Online Advertising
BEITENU / September 2015
Eyelid Rejuvenation
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BEITENU / September 2015
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Temple Beth Shalom Contact List 1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Arnold, Maryland 21012
Phone: 410-757-0552
Fax: 410-757-2475
President: Stacy Shaener
Vice President, Administration: Michael Rubenstein
Vice President, Fundraising: Julie Parks
Vice President, Membership: Marni Zwick
Treasurer: Jeff Berger
410-299-0335 / jberger5@yahoo.com
Financial Secretary: Joe Feldman
410-533-5066 / jfeldman@feldmanwealthadvisory.com
Recording Secretary: Joe Stern
Immediate Past President: Leon Shapiro
Professional Staff:
Rabbi: Ari J. Goldstein, tbsrabbi@comcast.net
Temple Administrator: Jill Sussman, tbs-office@comcast.net
Religious School Director: Adina Newman, tbsrs@comcast.net ECP Director: Beth Bluman, tbsns@comcast.net
Student Cantor: Sara Kheel, sjkheel@gmail.com Bookkeeper: Georgianna Gross, tbs-bookkeeper@comcast.net
Office Staff: Penney Croydon, templebethshalom@comcast.net
Cyndi Duke, tbscyndi@gmail.com
Bill Harris
Jodi Meisenberg
Steffani Mykins
Beth Plavner
Eric Schwartz
Alan Switzman
Jason Taksey
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause
Mary West, URJ Liaison
Coordinators & Committee Chairs:
Buildings & Grounds Comm: TBD
ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman, 410-757-4708
Religious School Comm: Adrienne Roth, 410-980-5249
Sisterhood: Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause, 410-573-9978
Men’s Club: Ted Herman, 301-262-0028
Hineni: Jill Simon, 410-224-8203
Rosh Chodesh: Lesley Harris, lesleyellenharris@me.com
Ritual: Mary West, 410-923-6832
Usher/Bema: Mary West, 410-923-6832
Social Action Committee: Cookie Pollock, 410-266-6468
Debbie McKerrow, 410-269-0214
Newsletter Designer: Sarah Jane Dunaway-Silverman
September 2015 Elul/Tishri 5775/5776
1 - 17 Elul
2 - 18 Elul
- 10am ECP Meet Your
- 9am First Day of ECP
3 - 19 Elul
4 - 20 Elul
7 - 23 Elul
8 - 24 Elul
- No ECP
- Office Closed
5 - 21 Elul
- S’lichot
- 7:30pm Movie:
Keeping the Faith
- 7pm Winter Relief
6 - 22 Elul
- 10pm S’lichot Service,
Nashira Participating
9 - 25 Elul
10 - 26 Elul
11 - 27 Elul
12 - 28 Elul
- 6:30pm Religious
School Teacher InService
- 7pm ECP Back to
School Night (Parents
- 8pm Shabbat Service
17 - 4 Tishri
18 - 5 Tishri
19 - 6 Tishri
- 7pm Hineni Committee
13 - 29 Elul
14 - 1 Tishri
- No Religious School
- Office Closed
- 8pm Rosh HaShanah
Service, Oneg to follow
- 10am Jr. Congregation
and Congregation K-3
15 - 2 Tishri
16 - 3 Tishri
- 6pm Canteen Pizza
- 8pm Shabbat Shuvah
- 6:30pm Back to School
Parent Night for grades
8, 9, 10, 11
- 10am Rosh HaShanah
Morning Service
- 6:30pm Religious
- 2pm Rosh HaShanah
Children’s Service (open
to members and nonmembers)
6:30pm Religious School
Begins grades 4 and up
- 4pm Tashlish
22 - 9 Tishri
23 - 10 Tishri
- 11:30am ECP Early
- Office Closed
- 9:30am Back to School
for Parents Informational
Office Closes at 1pm
- 10am Jr. Congregation
and Congregation K-3
- 8pm Shabbat Kol
Nidrei Service
- 10am Yom Kippur
Morning Service
20 - 7 Tishri
21 - 8 Tishri
- 9:30am Sunday
Religious School Begins
grade K-7
- 1pm Afternoon Study
- 2pm Yom Kippur
Children’s Service (open
to members and nonmembers)
- 11:30am Avis
Halberstadt Book
& Author Luncheon
and Fundraiser for
- 3:15pm Healing
- 3:45pm Yom Kippur
Afternoon Service
- 4:45pm Yizkor
- 5:30pm N’ilah Service
- 6:15pm Break-Fast
27 - 14 Tishri
28 - 15 Tishri
29 - 16 Tishri
30 - 17 Tishri
- 9am Makhela
Orientation Meeting, 1st
- No ECP
- 7:30pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
- ECP Lunch in Sukkah
- 9:30am Religious
- 10am Healthy Lunches
- Office Closed
- 10am ECP Open
- 6:30pm Religious
24 - 11 Tishri
25 - 12 Tishri
26 - 13 Tishri
- 8pm Shabbat Service
- 10am Shabbat Service,
Zachary Harris bar
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Arnold, MD 21012
Temple Beth Shalom Contact List
Phone: 410-757-0552
Fax: 410-757-2475
Stacy Shaener
Vice President, Administration:
Greg Weinman
Julie Parks
Vice President, Membership:
Marni Zwick
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Michael Rubenstein
David Helfman
Jodi Meisenberg
Beth Plavner
Michael Roth
Mary West
Financial Secretary:
Joe Feldman
Recording Secretary:
Immediate Past President:
Joe Stern
Leon Shapiro
Buildings & Grounds Comm: Morris London
ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman
Religious School Comm: Sarah White
Sisterhood: Mervlyn Wyllie-Brause
Jodi Goldman
Men’s Club: Ted Herman
Hineni: Jill Simon
Rosh Chodesh: Lesley Harris
Ritual: Mary West
410- 923-6832
Usher/Bema: Mary West
410- 923-6832
Social Action Committee:
Cookie Pollock
410- 266-6468
Debbie McKerrow 410- 269-0214
Arnold, MD 21012
410-315-7760 / michael.rubenstein@verizon.net
410-757-4708 / jfeldman@feldmanwealthadvisory.com
Rabbi: Ari J. Goldstein
Temple Administrator: Jill Sussman
Director of Educ: Adina Newman
Acting ECP Director: Adrienne Roth
Student Cantor: Laura Breznick
Dated Religious
Gross tbs-bookkeeper@comcast.net
Address Services Requested
Cyndi Duke
Eric Schwartz
Alan Switzman
Sarah White
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause
URJ East District Council representative
Visit www.annapolistemple.org for more information