High Holy Days 5776/2015 Important Information


High Holy Days 5776/2015 Important Information
5776 / 2015
Peninsula Temple Beth El
Information and Schedule of Services
Saturday, September 5
Study, Reflection, Prayer 7:00 pm
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 13
Early Service 5:30 pm
Late Service 8:30 pm
First Day Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 14
Tree of Life Service (Families with K-5th graders) 8:00 am
Adult Service 10:30 am
Young Children’s Service (Preschoolers) 4:00 pm
Second Day Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, September 15
Morning Service 10:30 am
Tashlich and Erev Shabbat Shuvah
Family Picnic
Tashlich and Erev Shabbat Shuvah Service
Friday, September 18
5:30 pm at Leo J. Ryan Park, Foster City
6:30 pm at Leo J. Ryan Park, Foster City
Kol NidreTuesday, September 22
Early Service 5:30 pm
Late Service 8:30 pm
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 23
Tree of Life Service (Families with K-5th graders) 8:00 am
Adult Service 10:30 am
Yom Kippur Teaching with Rabbi Steven Mason 1:30 pm
Teen-led Afternoon Service 3:00 pm
Young Children’s Service (Preschoolers) 4:00 pm
Contemplative Service 4:45 pm
Yizkor and Neilah Service 5:45 pm (Doors Open at 5:30 pm)
Peninsula Temple Beth El
1700 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA 94403 Phone: 650.341.7701 Fax: 650.570.7183
email: mail@ptbe.org www.ptbe.org
Evening Services
Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre — 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm
There will be two services offered for each evening. We welcome in the High Holy
Days with inspirational liturgy and moving melodies. Both services will feature our
High Holy Days Ensemble.
Morning Services
New this year! Tree of Life Service — A Multi-Generational Service — 8:00 am
on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Our new Tree of Life service will feature the music of Elana Jagoda Kaye and the
High Holy Days Ensemble. This family-focused service will cater to our K-5th grade
children’s attention span, lasting no longer than one-and-a-half hours, but will still
include the important and meaningful liturgy of the High Holy Days that gets our
adult minds thinking and our hearts moving. This service will capture the attention
of adults and children alike with participatory Torah reading and a sermon-story that
will reach congregants of all ages.
Child Care
Adult Morning Service — 10:30 am on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
The late morning service offers adults and teen members an opportunity to worship
in a setting conducive to personal and spiritual introspection. The service includes
meaningful liturgy, music, Torah, haftarah and a sermon for the High Holy Days.
will be provided
during both
morning services
for children
3 months of age
to preschool.
See page 7 for
Second day morning service — 10:30 am
Join us for an intimate second-day celebration of the new year.
Afternoon Services and Learning
Teen-Led Yom Kippur Afternoon Service ― 3:00 pm
This contemporary-style, family-friendly service, skillfully
conducted by our teens and members of our high school youth
group, SMRTY (San Mateo Reform Temple Youth), includes
creative readings, Torah Service, the Haftarah of Jonah, music,
and an engaging lesson.
Young Children’s Service
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur ― 4:00 pm
This service is filled with songs and stories designed for families
with preschoolers. The Rosh Hashanah service includes a children’s
activity and a holiday snack. On Yom Kippur, singer-storyteller Ira
Levin will present a special holiday story. These services are open to
the community.
Contemplative Yom Kippur Afternoon Service ― 4:45 pm
Everyone is encouraged to participate in the Yom Kippur afternoon
service. Through song and creative liturgy, this unique worship
experience will allow us to deepen our prayers and continue
opening our hearts to the sanctity of this sacred day.
Yom Kippur Yizkor and Neilah Service – 5:45 pm
(Doors open at 5:30 pm)
Our afternoon memorial is a moving way to remember our loved
ones. Yizkor will be followed by Neilah, our concluding service.
Yom Kippur
Don’t Rely on Miracles ― 1:30 pm
Recently retired Rabbi Steven Mason,
and father of Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin,
will base his afternoon teaching on
three short Talmudic texts, Don’t Rely
on Miracles.
Preparing for the High Holy Days
Meet the New Machzor: A High Holy Day Workshop
Thursdays, August 6, 13, 20, 27, and September 3, 7:30 pm
Gates of Repentance, our High Holy Days machzor (prayerbook), has guided our
community through the High Holy Days for many decades, but we must continuously
renew our connection to these sacred days. The new machzor from the Reform
Movement, Mishkan HaNefesh, gives our community a wealth of resources for finding new meaning. Through
updated translations and poetry, as well as easily accessible transliteration, Mishkan HaNefesh will breathe new life
into our services for the High Holy Days.
Don’t let the changes in the machzor take you by surprise! Your clergy want you to hold it, read it, and study it, as
you prepare yourselves spiritually for the Days of Awe. Please join us during the month of Elul to learn about some
changes you’ll see, including: new opportunities for blowing the shofar, more inclusive liturgical language and
readings that help us contemplate the nature of sin and repentance. Whether you’re a High Holy Days expert or it’s
your first one, we hope you will take advantage of the chance to dive deep into our High Holy Days worship, and ask
questions about our new guide for the High Holy Days.
Our new machzorim have been generously donated by the Rosenblum Springer family.
Shofar Blowing Workshop with Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Wednesdays, August 12, 19, and 26, 7:30 pm
Learn how to blow the shofar, the calls and its history. Those with enough hot air will be
invited to join in the final blast of the shofar, the T’kiah G’dolah, at the end of Yom Kippur.
For sanitary reasons, please bring your own shofar. Our Gift Shop has a wide selection of
shofarot to choose from.
Meditation to Prepare for the High Holy Days
Monday, August 24, 7:00 pm
Or HaLev, the Center for Jewish Spirituality at PTBE, holds weekly meditations. This year’s cycle begins during the
month of Elul. Prepare yourself for the High Holy Days through contemplative Jewish chanting and meditation.
The Rabbis Roundtable – The Meaning of Repentance
Wednesday, September 2, 7:00 pm at Wornick Jewish Day School
T’shuvah (repentance) is the personal and communal spiritual task of the High Holy Days. We are invited to
assess our deeds, to ask for and give forgiveness, and to make amends where possible. Join the senior rabbis of
the Peninsula, who will discuss texts on repentance and share their beliefs about sin, forgiveness, and the human
No charge. Pre-registration is required. For more information about the program, go to www.pjcc.org or
call 212-7522. Held at the Wornick School Ulam Gadol, 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City.
Selichot – Spiritual Preparation for the Days of Awe
Saturday, September 5, 7:00 pm
Selichot is the marker that our High Holy Days have begun, but if our spiritual preparation has not . . . it is not too
late to begin! See page 5 for details.
Bake Honey Cake with Jill Goldring
Friday, September 11, 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Prepare for a sweet new year by baking your own honey cake. Learn to bake honey cake
with Jill using honey from her own apiary while schmoozing with each other. Space is limited.
RSVP cserbin@ptbe.org.
Sermon Schedule for the High Holy Days
Erev Rosh Hashanah, Early Service
Erev Rosh Hashanah, Late Service
Rosh Hashanah, Tree of Life Service
Rosh Hashanah, Adult Service
Rosh Hashanah Young Children’s Service
Second Day Rosh Hashanah
Kol Nidre, Early Service
Kol Nidre, Late Service
Yom Kippur, Tree of Life Service
Yom Kippur Morning, Adult Service
Yom Kippur Young Children’s Service
Yizkor/Neilah Service
Rabbi Callie Schulman
Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin
Rabbi Lisa Kingston
Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin
Rabbi Lisa Kingston
Rabbi Lisa Kingston
Rabbi Callie Schulman
Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin
Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Singer-storyteller, Ira Levin
Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin
Remembering Your Loved Ones
Zich-ro-no (male) / Zich-ro-na (female) liv-ra-cha. May his/her memory abide among us
for a blessing.
The Days of Awe give us the opportunity to remember our departed loved ones by inscribing their
names in our annual Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance. If you have not sent in your card you may
use this form. Please return by September 1.
Name of Departed: __________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: __________________________of __________________________________________________
Name of Departed: __________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: __________________________ of __________________________________________________
Enclosed is a contribution of $ ________ as an offering to the temple in memory of our
beloved departed whose name(s) are to be printed in the Book of Remembrance. You may
also email your entry to cserbin@ptbe.org. We will be happy to bill your temple account.
Selichot – Opening Our High Holy Days Repair Kit
Saturday, September 5, 7:00 pm
Join us for a special evening of learning, personal reflection, and prayer as we mark the beginning
of our Days of Awe. Our special guest teacher, Adam Siegel, Spiritual Counselor and Chaplain at
Beit T’shuvah, will bring us his unique perspective on the brokenness of the human condition,
what our mistakes teach us, and the healing potential we all have ahead. By leading us through a
personal reflection exercise (our High Holy Days Repair Kit), Adam will guide us toward a fresh
new year, beginning with positive intentions. Elana Jagoda Kaye and the rabbis will continue the
reflection process through music and prayer, as we transform our Sanctuary and Torah scrolls for
the upcoming holidays. It is an evening not to be missed!
Tashlich, Picnic, and Erev Shabbat Shuvah Service
Tashlich and Erev Shabbat Shuvah Service, Leo J. Ryan Park, Foster City
Friday, September 18, 5:30 pm Family Picnic, 6:30 pm service
Tashlich, meaning to cast away, is a time for us to symbolically free ourselves of
our sins by casting them into a body of water. Enjoy a beautiful Shabbat with your
community. Bring your picnic dinner and meet on the banks of the Foster City
Lagoon. Experience the emotional and symbolic casting away of our sins as we
prepare to start the new year with a clean slate. A brief Erev Shabbat Shuvah Service
will follow the Tashlich service.
Bring a chair or blanket and meet at the lagoon off of Hillsdale Boulevard, at the
Northern end of the park. You can park on Hillsdale Boulevard or across the street
at the shopping center.
Start the Year Off Right – Do a Mitzvah!
Yom Kippur Food Drive for SSH
Our PTBE Sunday Sandwich Hevre (SSH) is a group of
volunteers (ages 5 to 95) who meet and make sack lunches
for families in need. These lunches are distributed through
Samaritan House twice a month.
Your generosity supports the sacred
work of Peninsula Temple Beth El.
Your GIVE ONCE packet will be
mailed at the end of the month. Please
watch for it. We hope you can support
GIVE ONCE. Pledge today and pay
by May.
On Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah morning,
please pick up grocery bags to return on Yom Kippur filled
with specifically needed items: cookies, individual fruit
cups, juice boxes, plastic sandwich bags (ziploc), brown
paper lunch bags (ideal size measures about 6” x 4” at the
bottom _ not the smallest type), and paper grocery or
shopping bags.
Sukkot (September 28 – October 5)
Sukkot, a Hebrew word meaning booths, refers to the Jewish festival of giving thanks for the fall harvest,
as well as the commemoration of the forty years of Jewish wandering in the desert after Sinai. One tradition is to build
a sukkah and live or dine in it during the holiday. You are invited to fulfill the mitzvah by bringing your lunch or dinner
and eating in the temple’s sukkah on the patio. You may also shake the lulav and etrog. Contact the temple office and we
will be happy to provide these for your use while at the temple.
Interfaith Friendship Committee Sukkot Dinner
Sunday, September 27, 5:00 pm
We welcome our interfaith partners for an evening in our sukkah.
Rabbi Callie Schulman will lead a program followed by a potluck
dinner. This family-friendly event will include members from
several local faith houses. Watch for details to RSVP.
Beth El Women Sukkah Social
Thursday, October 1, 7:00 pm
Join BEW to schmooze and enjoy wine and cheese in the sukkah.
Feel free to bring something to share, including drinks, food, or
friends. Contact Rebecca.Schwartz@comcast.net with questions or
to RSVP.
Yad b’Yad Sukkot Gathering and New Baby Welcome
Saturday, October 3, 9:00 am
Join other families with children ages 6 and younger for a Shabbat
morning under the sukkah. Enjoy crafts, snacks, and playtime
with friends. At this event we extend a special welcome to families
with babies born in the last year to our Yad b’Yad community.
Community shabbat dinner in the sukkah ― WELCOMING
Friday, October 2, 5:30 pm
Enjoy a festive meal in the sukkah. You will have the opportunity
to meet and mingle with new members and shake the lulav and
etrog. Erev Shabbat services will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Cost: Adults $18; children/seniors $12. Registration is due by
September 25. You may send in your check or we will be happy
to bill your account.
RSVP cserbin@ptbe.org
Yizkor – Simchat Torah/
Shemini Atzeret
Monday, October 5, 8:30 am
The Jewish calendar provides four occasions during the year when
special memorial services are held: Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret
(the last day of Sukkot), the last day of Passover, and Shavuot.
It is appropriate to honor the memory of our loved ones by
attending these special memorial services.
Simchat Torah
The Great Simchat Torah
Debate: What’s the Best Book of
the Torah? We need YOUR Vote!
Sunday, October 4, 7:00 pm
Simchat Torah means to rejoice with
our Torah, so this evening is all about
celebrating the fun and excitement
of Torah learning! Your clergy will
take you through a year-long cycle
of Torah study in one evening by
each presenting their argument for
the most important text from the
most important Book of Moses. But
we need YOU to decide which book
will win. If you like a good spirited
debate, have an opinion (or three)
on what is the essence of our
tradition, or have a favorite text
that you want to throw in the ring ―
join us for a great celebration
of Torah!
Important Ticket Information
Each adult member of the synagogue in good standing, as indicated by our records, is sent a
High Holy Days ticket which must be shown at the entrance. “In good standing” means that all
financial obligations for the 2014-2015 fiscal year have been paid in full and you have made your
first payment for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. If you pay monthly, this means that you have paid the
first month; if you pay quarterly, this means that you have paid the first quarter. Tickets will be
issued for all children 26 years and under. If you are a single adult member, you will receive an
additional guest ticket at no charge.
For quicker entry, be sure to have your ticket with you.
Due to space limitations and out of respect for our members and their families, we do not sell
High Holy Days tickets to non-members.
Additional High Holy Days tickets at $180 per ticket for children over the age of 26, unaffiliated
parents, and other relatives are available to members who request them. Please call the temple
office or email kspicer@ptbe.org. We will bill your temple account.
If you will be traveling during the High Holy Days or will be hosting out-of-town guest(s)
affiliated with a synagogue in their home city, please call the temple office or email
kspicer@ptbe.org as soon as possible to request reciprocal High Holy Days ticket(s)
at no charge. The reciprocal process takes a minimum of five days to complete.
Please know that the temple’s ticket policy for High Holy Days services is necessitated by the
limited number of seats available. By adhering to this policy, we ensure that there will be enough
seats to accommodate our temple members and their families during these Days of Awe.
Tickets are for temple members and are intended only for the person whose name is on the
ticket. For your safety and the safety of your family, we will be checking your tickets closely.
Child Care For Children 3 Months to Pre-K Only
Enjoy your early morning service with your school-age children. Child care will be provided only
for infants through preschool during both morning services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Registration by September 1 is required for both sessions. Walk-ins will not be accepted. Space is
not guaranteed for registrations received after this date. Space is limited. Email kspicer@ptbe.org
for reservations. Your temple account will be billed.
• Registration fee: $18/child per session
• Drop off: 30 minutes before start of service
• Pick up: at the end of service
Please provide for all of your child’s needs, including diapers, filled bottles, snacks, and drinks.
Children will be divided into groups according to age. Class lists and room assignments will be
posted in the upper hallway of the school wing and on classroom doors. Please include a brief
description of your child’s special care requirements in your child’s diaper bag and/or discuss
them with the teachers in the classroom upon arrival.
Space is limited; please reserve early.
HIGH HOLY DAYS 5776/2015
High Holy Days 5776/2015 Important Information
We ask that you read this important information carefully to provide you, our members, with the best
worship experience.
1. Access into the Temple Building: For security and
your ease, we will all enter from a single entry point in the
front of the building. For the safety of our community and
for the speediest entry, please show us your ticket upon
entering. We will assist all of our members who need help
using our ramp.
2. Tickets: Please Note: All members in good standing and
their family members (26 years or younger) will receive a
ticket for services. Tickets are non-transferable. “In
good standing” means that all financial obligations for the
2014-2015 fiscal year have been paid in full and you have
made your first payment for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
If you pay monthly, this means that you have paid the first
month; if you pay quarterly, this means that you have paid
the first quarter. If you forget your ticket, please check in
at the ticket table and a replacement ticket will be issued.
If you did not receive the correct number of tickets in this
packet, please notify the temple office immediately.
3. Our Two Morning Services: Please join us for the one
service that will best meet your needs. To meet the needs
of our growing community there will be two morning
services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Tree
of Life Service (8:00 a.m.) is a multi-generational service
designed for families with school-age children. The later
service serves adults and families with teens. By offering
these two worship times, we will have enough room for all
of our members to worship more comfortably, enhancing
our experience as well. We strongly encourage families
with school-age children to select the early morning
service. Please note: there will not be child care for
school-age children.
4. Security: Our community’s safety is of primary concern.
The side doors in Fellowship Hall will be used only for
exiting from services.
5. Please silence all pagers and cell phones when you
enter the temple and refrain from texting.
6. Parking: Our entire front parking lot will be reserved for
handicapped parking. Please request a temple permit by
contacting the temple office at 650.341.7701, even if you have a
State-issued permit. Space is limited. Entrance will be through
the front of the temple only. On Erev Rosh Hashanah and
Kol Nidre you will be able to park in the lot next door.
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur you will not be
able to park next door.
7. Children’s Play Areas and Child Care: Out of respect for
these High Holy Days, the playground areas will be closed. We
ask that noise be kept to a minimum to protect the sanctity of
the day. Please see our website, www.ptbe.org/worship-at-ptbe,
for tips for praying with kids. A child care program is available
for three months through preschool only during the morning
services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Pre-registration
is required and must be received in the temple office by
September 1 to guarantee space. Walk-ins will not be accepted.
Please email kspicer@ptbe.org to reserve your space.
8. Saving Seats and Additional Seating Areas: This has
been a very delicate issue for us all. We understand that you
want to be seated with your family and friends during services,
but saving a large number of seats is exclusionary to those
members who arrive early. Our ushers, who are themselves
members of our temple community, need your support and
understanding about this issue. We will try to accommodate
you, but seating a member who is already here must take
9. Book of Remembrance: If you have placed names of your
loved ones in the Book of Remembrance, it will be available
to be picked up in the foyer prior to the Yizkor Service on
Yom Kippur afternoon. If you would like the name of your loved
one listed, please send in the form on page 5 by September 1.
L’shanah tova u’metukah – Best wishes for a good and sweet year!
Your PTBE Clergy, Staff, and Board of Trustees
Dennis J. Eisner, Senior Rabbi
Sara Mason-Barkin, Associate Rabbi/Educator
Lisa Kingston, Associate Rabbi/Educator
Callie Schulman, Associate Rabbi/Educator
Elana Jagoda Kaye, Cantorial Soloist
Saul Kaye, Music Director
Kaity Chan, Interim ECE Co-Director
Tamir Frankel, Interim ECE Co-Director
Eric M. Stone, Executive Director
Jill Goldring, President, Board of Trustees