Canastota, New York Dallas, Texas
Canastota, New York Dallas, Texas construction division industrial division June 24, 2015 Canastota, New York SATURDAY, JULY 11 @ 9 AM RENTAL FLEET AUCTION Earthmoving Equipment, Aerials, Trucks & Trailers Dallas, Texas TUESDAY, JULY 21 @ 11 AM EARTHMOVING RENTAL FLEET Construction Equipment, Boom & Scissor Lifts, Telescopic Forklifts, Welders, Light Plants, Trucks & Trailers SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS ON THESE AUCTIONS It Is Our Commitment to Bring Our Customers Quality Equipment and Exceptional Opportunities farming division 1 construction division East ONLINE ONLY PUBLIC AUCTION SCHEFFLER WOODWORKING CO. GOING ON NOW! 8680 N 91st St, Milwaukee, WI 53224 AUCTION ENDS: MONDAY, JUNE 29, 2015 AT 10 AM INSPECTION: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 FROM 10:00AM TO 4:00PM INVENTORY Beach Mfg. 38” 2-Head Drum Sander, 7.5-5-5 h.p., 3ph / 60hz / 220v, 1200-1800 RPM Ramco 24’ Wide Belt Sander, 2 Belt Type, Model 761, s/n 24 Porter Cable Model S-1 Oscillating Spindle Sander, 5 hp, s/n 1137 Panel Crafter 609, s/n 100253 w/ approx. 25 Patterns Safety Speed Cut Panel Router, Model TR2, s/n 0189, Porter Cable Router, Model 5202 Newton 2 Spindle Horizontal Boring Machine, Model B600, s/n 626, Needs Repair (air cylinder) Rockwell 1” Sander/Grinder, Model 31-325 (2006) Grizzly Jointer Extreme Series, Model G0455, s/n 6010541463, 10” x 84”, 3 hp, 220v, 1-phase, Cutterhead: 4 knife, Diameter: 3-1/16”, Knife Size: ¾” x 1/8” x 10”, 5,000 RPM Powermatic 8” Jointer, Model 60, s/n 8361402 Powermatic Model 160B Planer, s/n 7-8831, 5 hp w/Powermatic Knife Grinder, Model 160-16 Grizzly G2790 6” Knife Grinder, 5 hp, s/n 0994 Northfield Shaper, Size SP, s/n 664521-K, 3 hp, 220V / 3Phase Will Krumbach Co. Shaper Shop Made Moulder EHD Motor, Type 2, S/N 036598 12” Disc Sander w/T-Block Chung Chins Shaper, Model SP-311 (2) Delta Shapers, Model 436243 Dewalt Horizontal Panel Saw, 1.5 H.P., 220Volt, 3 Phase Dewalt Radial Arm Saw, Model GE, s/n 129142 Dewalt Radial Arm Saw, Model GP Powermatic 10” Table Saw, Model 66, s/n 966257 Powermatic 20” Band Saw, Model 81, s/n 9-1346 Delta 16” Drill Press, Model R-17900, s/n 8832, Single Spindle, 8” Throat Rockwell Delta Drill Press w/Blum M30-1000 Drill Head 12’ x 4’ Weber Veneer Press, Electric Heated Platten 16’ Coving Bar Westinghouse Air Compressor, 2 Stage Piston w/Horizontal Receiver, 7.5 hp, Dustek Single Bag Dust Collector, Model JR Single Phase, s/n 135-DB-89-32 Ritter Mfg. IN-Line 23-Spindle Vertical Bore 36” Box Fan, 5 hp Powerchief Gas Generator, 2.5 KW Fonney F180 Stick Welder Shopmaster Lathe GREAT SELECTION OF HAND TOOLS Routers, Circular Saws, Pneumatic Nailers, Pneumatic Staplers, Cordless Drills, Heat Guns, Cordless Close Quarters Screw Guns, Belt Sanders, Hand Sanders, Pipe Clamps, Wood Clamps, Etc. STOCK Lumber: (Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Butternut, Yellow Pine), Racks, Sheet Stock, Assorted Moulding, Assorted Doors (Approx. 45-Interior, Exterior & Storm) Neon Signs: “Cabinets” “Countertops” “Doors” GO TO WWW.GERLACHAUCTIONS.COM FOR DETAILS TERMS: No warranties or guarantees. Cash, Cashier’s Check or a Check Only with a Bank Letter Guaranteeing Your Check. No Credit Cards. 15% Buyer's Fee. Register for online bidding at Send your Bank Letter to or Fax to 262-367-0158. Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers: • David Gerlach-Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer 144 • Michael Gerlach - Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer 1347 • Kevin Hough - Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer 1212 • Patricia Fox - Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer 2123 • Connie Hudziak - Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer 2122 139 E. Capitol Drive, Suite 4, Hartland, WI 53029 (262) 367-4950 GERLACH COMPANIES Visit Our Website For More Information @ WWW.GERLACHAUCTIONS.COM farming division 2 construction division East farming division 3 construction division East UPCOMING AUCTIONS NER MAJOR EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL AUCTION for 1-OWTION C AU DORR CONSTRUCTION CO. & OTHER DONALD DORR OWNED ENTITIES (Owner Retiring) 595 BONNET STREET (RTE 30), MANCHESTER CENTER, VT 05255 SATURDAY, JULY 18, 2015 • 9:30AM ENTIRE INVENTORY OF CONSTRUCTION, CRUSHING & SCREENING EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, JOB SITE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, SUPPLIES, CAR PRESS, ANTIQUE FARM TRACTORS & TRUCKS & MUCH MORE! IMPORTANT NOTE: After over 60 years, Donald Dorr, one of the area's most respected names in construction, as well as, avid collector of antique farm tractors & trucks has decided to trade in his hard hat for a straw hat and is considering taking a day or two off. Fairly difficult to convince a man with a strong passion for the game & relentless work ethic to retire but Don says "[he] will give it a try." Petrowsky Auctioneers, Inc. is very proud to be selected as Sales Manager for such a reputable person. * Petrowsky Auctioneers, Inc., in collaboration with MacFadden & Sons, Inc., will be offering Don Dorr's 75+/- private collection of antique tractors at this sale. NER 1-OWTION AUC MAJOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT & TRUCK AUCTION for BENTON-GEORGIA, LLC (Concurrent Job Completions) 63425 LOSEGO LANE, CAMBRIDGE, OH 43725 NEW SALE DATE THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2015 • 9:00AM NOTE: NEW DATE DUE TO WEATHER RELATED PROJECT DELAYS INVENTORY OF PIPELAYING & EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS & TRAILERS, FLEET VEHICLES, JOBSITE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & SUPPLIES IMPORTANT NOTE: In the continuing effort to optimize Benton-Georgia, LLC’s owned equipment inventory, both coming off of completed jobs & surplus to the ongoing needs, Management has commissioned Petrowsky Auctioneer’s Inc. to sell the same at Public Auction on August 13. This auction features an impressive & growing inventory of late model equipment, job fresh from major gas line pipe laying projects in the Ohio Valley. This is an auction you won’t want to miss! CALL FOR INFORMATION AND PICTURED BROCHURES ONLINE BIDDING THROUGH EQUIPMENTFACTS.COM Salt Lake City, UT (801) 355-4500 Wharton, NJ (973) 659-3330 Milford, NH (603) 672-4100 Petrowsky Auctioneer's 275 Route 32 • North Franklin, CT 06254. (860) 642-4200 • Fax: (860) 642-7900 TERMS: Complete payment or a minimum requirement of 20% deposit day of sale in Cash, Certified Check or Guaranteed Funds. Balance due within 4 days. Ohio Lic #2002000176, Ohio Firm #2002000177 Columbus, OH (614) 444-4300 Providence, RI (401) 455-0200 Boston, MA (617) 427-8888 w o r l d w i d e digital distribution Re ach act ive bu ye rs today. Re ade rsh ip is e n dle ss. Con tact a sale s re p at Con t ractors Hot Lin e t oday f or more in for mat ion 800-2 4 7 -2000 farming division 4 construction division South farming division construction division 5 South Public Auction Liquidation of CRS, Inc. Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Friday, July 10th, 9: am 3810 Monroe-Ansonville Rd., Monroe, NC Highlights TRUCKS 2004 Ford F-150 (3)2000 Ford F250 2001 Ford F250 (4) 1999 Ford F250 2002 Ford F250 2001 Ford F250, 1995 Ford E350 1990 Ford F350 1997 Ford F350 2002 Ford F450 1974 Ford F600 1998 Ford F700 2004 Ford F150 1987 Ford F700 1985 Ford F700 1992 Ford F800 1998 Ford F800 2002 Ford F150 1992 Freightliner 2000 IH Road Tractor 1990 Ford E350 (2)1998 Ford E350 2003 Ford F250 2006 Ford F350 1990 Ford F700 2008 Ford F150 EQUIPMENT/MACHINERY Case 586D Fork Lift Case 584D Fork Lift Case 584E Fork Lift Misc Safety Equipment ALFAB Dump Trailer Asplundh Wood Chipper 2 GEHL 553 Fork Lifts Water Trailer 2 600 Gal Garlock Asphalt Kettles Leonard Tandem Trailer, 20’ Vector Vac Tandem axle 16’ Trailer Tri-axle 25’ Trailer Pace Tandem Box Trailer 121’ Bocker lift 91’ Bocker Lift 62’ Bocker Lift 55’ Bocker Lifts Bocker Crane 2 Self-Dumping Hoppers 1 Safety Cage 14 Misc Workhorse Hoppers 2 Chute Heads 10 Four Wheel Dollys Asphalt Spreader 2 Roof Brooms 2 Garlock Roof Removers 8 Garlock Work Horses 5 Garlock Gravel Hoppers 8 Garlock Roof Cutters 2 Rotary Gravel Spud Machines 2 Adhesive Spraders 2 Shrimp Boats 2 Asphalt Luggers 8 Two-wheel Wheelbarrows 3 Garlock Roof Hoists 2 Pump Units 753 Bobcat Scatrac Hydro Grubert Lift HTC Shear Air Compressor Schechtl Shear Schechtl Auto & Hand Breaks Tennsmith 10’ Hand Break Schlebach Mini-Roof Plus Panel Former Metal Roll Carrier Roper Whitney 4’ Stomp Shear 4’ Hand Roller Pexto Circle Shear Easy Edger 5 Stage Cleatformer 9 Stage Cleatformer Thor Metal Punch Western Arctronics Spot Welder 3 18” Gas Powered Chop Saws Titan Paint/coating Sprayer Kobalt Radial Saw Yale Warehouse Forklift 2 GenPro 10 KW Gemerators Honda 10KW Generator SarnaMatic Robot Welder 2 Leister Robot Welders Sievert Robot Welder 2 Overl;and Electric Trash Carts Berridge Panel Former 1814-10 Transcraft Drop-deck trailer **ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE on Select Items (919) 545-0412 NCFL7360 Rogers Auctioneers Check Website for Updates or Call for Brochure with Complete Listing! Online Bidding Available on Select Items farming division 6 construction division South NEW AUCTION FACILITY NOW OPEN HEAVY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT AUCTION EVENT -8/<$0&,6&27; See current inventory and details at Jodi Seaver TX LIC 16537 OHWXVKHOS\RXEXLOG\RXUEXVLQHVV +($9<(48,30(17$8&7,216 &20($1'/(786,1752'8&( &200(5&,$//(1',1* <28727+(%/8(:$<72 ,1685$1&(6(59,&(6 %8<$1'6(//(48,30(17 5($/(67$7(),1$1&( -8/< $'9,625<6(59,&(6 $XFWLRQZLOOEHKHOGDWRXUEUDQGQHZFOLPDWHFRQWUROOHGIDFLOLW\ ,QWHUVWDWH&LVFR7; (888) 631-2519 ofc (903) 873-6201 fax We’re where you are! u Print u Digital u Web u Social u Mobile farming division construction division 7 Midwest Court-Ordered Auction Truck Repair Equip Auction Wednesday Oct 24 11 am Online Bidding Ends Jul 11 6 pm (CDT) Online Only - Absolute Auction 1511 W Lincoln Drive, Peoria, IL Hyster Lift • Engine Lifts • Electric Heated Parts Washer • (10+) Floor Jacks • (25+) Car & Truck Stands • Gray Hydraulic Lifts • Floor Jacks • Air Compressors • Welders • Power Washers • Drill Press • Chop Saw • Pallet Jacks • Flammable Cabinets & More! Plus Hundreds of New and Used Parts Including: Engine Parts, Exhaust, Brake Shoes, Belts, Clamps, Hoses, Shocks, Gears, Air Brakes, Oil Filters, Starter Disks and more! No Minimums, No Reserves! Preview: Tue, Jul 7, 10 am - 2 pm (CDT) See Website for Full Terms and Conditions Seller: Flowers Baking Co. of Peoria, LLC 18% Buyer’s Premium James T. Pike: 441.001952 & 475.161133 (855) 353-1100 farming division 8 construction division Online ,WN[#WEVKQPG:EJCPIG .CPIHQTF5V&CNNCU6: %,'',1*&/26(67+856'$<-8/< +PURGEVKQP6WGUFC[,WN[#/2/ /DWH0RGHO(TXLSPHQW )5217(1':+((//2$'(5 6.,'67((5/2$'(5 )$5075$&725 Ŗ-QOCVUW/FN9#(TQPV'PF 9JGGN.QCFGT50#Y.QCFTKVG 5ECNG$WEMGV(QTMU3WKEM#VVCEJ -QO CVUW/QVQT*QWTU0GY/QVQT" *QWTU Ŗ6CMGWEJK/FN6.5MKF5VGGT .QCFGT50 *QWTU Ŗ,QJP&GGTG/FN(CTO6TCEVQT50 495)Y'PENQUGF%CD/FN .QCFGT$WEMGV261$CT Ŗ/GTEGFGU5RTKPVGT$NWGVGE8CP .20$768:$ Ŗ ŏ.QPI5VQTCIG%QPVCKPGTU Ŗ/COOQVJŏ)QQUGPGEM6TCKNGT -2+1'((5( 7$.(8&+,7/ ,QFOXGLQJ )25./,)76 :(/'(56 +21'$$79·6 5(6725$7,21%/2:(56 '(+80,',),(56 $OO%LGGLQJ'RQH2QOLQH ,W·V)DVW(DV\&RQYHQLHQW ZZZ5RVHQ6\VWHPVFRP 6'4/5$W[GTU2TGOKWO%JGEMQWT9GDUKVGHQTEQORNGVGVGTOU .CPIHQTF5V &CNNCU6: Ŗ( /KEJCGN&4QUGP6:.KE farming division construction division 9 Auction Calendar AUCTION CALENDAR AUCTIONEERS: Have your dates listed (NO CHARGE) in our Weekly Issue & On-Line • Call 800-247-2000 • 05/22-07/31 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 07/25 Kenmore (Online) James G. Murphy A (425) 486-1246 06/01-06/30 Online A (903) 873-6777 07/26 Titusville, FL Cliff Shuler Auctioneers A (312) 267-8563 06/22-06/26 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/27 Online Auctions International A (800) 536-1401 06/22-06/29 Online Gerlach Companies A (262) 367-4950 07/27 Paris (Online), TN Hobbs Auctions Inc. A (731) 336-4035 06/24-07/20 Online Thomas R Hunt Auctioneers A (270) 745-9900 07/27-07/31 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 06/26 Weatherford (Online), TX Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 07/28 Easton, PA A J Wilner Auctions Inc A (908) 789-9999 06/26 Atlanta (Online), GA Euro Auctions A (770) 683-3883 07/28 Manchester (Online), NH Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 06/26 Plainfield (Online), IL Heath Industrial A (847) 830-1755 07/29 Little Rock (Online), AR Alex Lyon and Son A (800) 211-3983 06/26 Wausau, WI Nitke Auctions A (715) 693-4447 07/30 Grande Prairie, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 06/26 St. Louis (Online), MO Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 07/31 Queretaro (Online) MEX Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 06/26 Balcarres, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/01 Buffalo (Online), NY Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 06/26 Shippensburg, PA Shetron Auctions A (717) 253-0213 08/01 Fairview, PA Greater Erie Auction A (814) 474-3900 06/26-06/27 Marion, OH Ben Higgins Auctioneers A (740) 387-5111 08/01-08/31 Online A (903) 572-4975 06/26-06/27 North Franklin, CT Petrowsky Auctioneers A (614) 444-4300 08/03-08/07 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 06/26-07/11 Online Key Autioneers A (855) 353-1100 08/04 Online Auctions International A (800) 536-1401 06/27 Las Vegas (Online), NV Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 08/05 High Level, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 06/27 Kennerdell (Online), PA Baker & Bellis Auctioneers A (814) 671-1978 08/05-08/06 Wills Point, TX Equify Auction A (903) 873-6777 06/27 Winchester (Online), IL Curless Auctions A (217) 285-5211 08/08 Glencoe (Online), MN Fahey Sales A (952) 758-4112 06/27 Lebanon (Online), TN Ritchason Auctioneers A (615) 444-5464 08/08 Flemingsburg (Online), KY Kevin Boling Auctioneers & Assoc A (606) 748-2699 06/27 Belle Plaine, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/08 San Diego, CA 06/27 Colton (Online), CA The Auction Company A (951) 657-5300 08/10-08/14 06/29 Creelman (OL) SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/12 06/29-06/30 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 06/30 San Antonio, TX Machinery Auctioneers A 06/30 Makinen (Online), MN Reinhardt Auction Service 06/30 Kansas City (Online), MO 06/30 06/30 07/01 San Diego Liquidation Center A (619) 730-7460 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 Watseka (Online), IL Berryhill Auctioneers A (972) 874-1222 08/13 Eldorado, AR Nutt Auction A (903) 824-0581 (210) 648-2225 08/13 Cambridge, OH Petrowsky Auctioneers A (860) 642-4200 A (218) 845-2260 08/15 Pittsburgh (Online), PA Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/15 Rootstown, OH Edinburg Auction Sales A (330) 325-2966 Lloydminster, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/17-08/19 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 Kimberly, ID US Auctions A (208) 431-3405 08/17-08/19 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 Online Frey & Sons A (419) 445-3739 08/17-08/21 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/01-07/03 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 08/21-08/22 Vallejo (Online), CA First Capitol Auction A (707) 552-0739 07/01-07/31 Online A (903) 572-4975 08/22 Racine (Online), WI Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 07/04 Shelbyville, KY Potts Auction Inc A (502) 220-0431 08/22 Lathrop (Online) , MO Fahey Sales A (952) 758-4112 07/06-07/10 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 08/22 Colton (Online), CA The Auction Company A (951) 657-5300 07/07 Online Anderson Auction A (716) 838-8484 08/24 Paris (Online), TN Hobbs Auctions Inc. A (731) 336-4035 07/07 Trois-Rivieres, QC, CAN Corporate Assets Inc. A (416) 962-9600 08/24-08/28 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/07-07/08 Nisku (Online) AB, CAN Kruse Energy & Equipment A (432) 563-2005 08/27 Irving, TX Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/08 Westlock (Online) AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/28 Shippensburg, PA Shetron Auctions A (717) 253-0213 07/08 St Pierre Jolys, MB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 08/29 Utica (Online), NY Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 07/09 Online Rosen Systems A (972) 248-2266 09/01-09/04 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/10 Jeannette, PA Mark Ferry Auctions A (724) 423-5580 09/01-09/30 Online A (903) 572-4975 07/10 Monroe, NC United Country Rogers Auction A (919) 545-0412 09/02-09/03 Montgomery (Online), AL J. M. Wood Auction Company, Inc. A (334) 264-3265 07/11 Canastota (Online), NY Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 09/07-09/11 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/11 Mathis, TX Fojtik Auction Company A (361) 547-9400 09/11 Foley, MN I.R.A.Y Auction Services A (877) 968-7230 07/11 Texarkana, AR Nutt Auction A (903) 824-0581 09/12 Princeton (Online), MN Wayne Pike Auction Company II, LLC A (763) 389-5700 07/14 Regina (Online) SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 09/14-09/16 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 07/15 Denver (Online), CO Roller Auctions A (303) 289-1600 09/14-09/16 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 07/15-07/16 Philadelphia, MS Deanco Auction Company A (601) 656-9768 09/14-09/18 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/16 Danville, IA Fraise Auction A (319) 367-5744 09/16 Charlotte (Online), NC Berryhill Auctioneers A (972) 874-1222 07/16 Lethbridge, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 09/16 Denver (Online), CO Roller Auctions A (303) 289-1600 07/18 Rootstown, OH Edinburg Auction Sales A (330) 325-2966 09/16-09/17 Philadelphia, MS Deanco Auction Company A (601) 656-9768 07/18 Manchester, VT Petrowsky Auctioneers A (860) 642-4200 09/16-09/17 Carencro, LA Henderson Auctions A (225) 686-2252 07/20 Glasgow, KY Thomas R Hunt Auctioneers A (270) 745-9900 09/17 Wills Point, TX Equify Auction A (903) 873-6777 Don Smock Auction Company A (765) 778-9277 Edinburg Auction Sales A (330) 325-2966 07/20-07/22 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 09/18 Pendleton, IN 07/20-07/22 Online GoIndustry DoveBid A (800) 665-1042 09/19 Rootstown, OH 07/20-07/24 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 09/21-09/25 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/21 Dallas (Online), TX Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 09/24 Darlington (Online), PA Yoder & Frey Auctioneers A (419) 865-3990 07/22 Birch Hills, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 09/25 Forest (Online), MS Hollingsworth Auctions A (601) 469-2705 07/22 Birdsboro, PA Tracey L. Jones Auctioneers, Inc. A (610) 286-7834 09/28-09/30 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/23 Washington (Online), NC Country Boys Auction & Realty A (252) 946-6007 10/01-10/03 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/23 Brandon (Online) MB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A (800) 211-3983 10/01-10/31 Online A (903) 572-4975 07/23-07/24 Livingston (Online), LA Henderson Auctions A (225) 686-2252 10/03 Kenmore (Online), WA James G. Murphy A (425) 486-1246 07/24 Tuscumbia, AL Shane Albright Auctions A (256) 757-8898 10/05-10/09 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 07/25 Auburn (Online), ME Alex Lyon and Son A (315) 633-2944 10/10 Glencoe (Online), MN Fahey Sales A (952) 758-4112 07/25 Salado (Online), TX Bill Hall Auctioneers A (254) 947-5804 10/12-10/16 Online Lone Star Auctioneers A (817) 740-9400 A=Construction Eq/Trucks & Trailers; B=County/City Surplus; C=OTR Trucks/Trailers/Vans; D=Logging/Forestry/Lumber; E=Oilfield/Drilling/Services; F=Mining/Quarry/Etc; G=Cable/Underground; H=Railroad/Machine Shop; I=Other (Call Auction Company for Information); J=Powerline/Utility; K=Farm/Construction farming division 10 construction division
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