germanwings:wave i - Ink
germanwings:wave i - Ink
G E R M A N W I N G S : WAV E I FLAMINGOS ► Ein Naturspektakel am Larnaka Salzsee Cyprus’s colourful winter wildlife BIRMINGHAM ► Die neue Hochburg der Jugendkultur England’s second city finds its creative voice COOL GERMANIA Klischee oder Kult? Die Trendwende Deutschlands How Germany’s image went from kitsch to cool Welcome Launched in 2013, The Global Passenger Survey is the world’s largest independent airline passenger survey, with over 40 participant airlines representing 1/3 of a billion passengers. This unique survey, produced by Ink, offers benchmarked insights into passenger behaviour across a range travel, consumer activity and opinion. Germanwings was one of the founder participants in The Global Passenger Survey, and in this booklet we are pleased to present some of the highlights from their Wave I results. Germanwings, a subsidiary of Lufthansa, is on a growth path; by 2015 the fleet will grow up to 90 airplanes and will welcome 20 million passengers. With 48% of business passengers flying four times or more per year, and an average readership of 62% on every plane, GW magazine offers a valuable audience through a powerful media platform, with 37% of passengers having purchased a magazine-advertised brand in the last 12 months. And with advertised brands achieving 54% recall, GW magazine is the natural platform for a wide range of advertisers, from Tourism through to Corporate clients. Please explore these headlines to discover the effectiveness of GW magazine, and contact me to find out more insights into our media. Denise Jaschke Group Head Advertising 2 The 2014 Germanwings Showcase 1 Methodology • Self-complete web-survey embedded in boarding pass • 1,056 respondents in one month • High-quality actual passenger respondents • Web-survey hosted by independent agency • Standardized questionnaire for benchmarking purposes • Region results combined to create benchmark Aggregated Report Results 2 Magazine Readership 3 Advertising Recall 4 Editorial Consideration 5 Advertising Categories 6 Travel Retail & Call to Action 7 Media Statements 8 9 Hotel Planning Passenger Profile connecting with travellers 3 2 Magazine Readership How often do you read the inflight magazine? % 97 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 31 30 20 34 24 8 3 10 0 I always read the inflight magazine I nearly always read the inflight magazine I read half the issues of the inflight magazine I read some issues of inflight magazine I never read the inflight magazine Read in the last 12 months 62% above average readership (read on every plane) 97% read magazine last 12 months 4 The 2014 Germanwings Showcase 3 Advertising Recall % 35 30 25 Do you recall any of these advertisers? (visual/verbal prompt) 32 Verbal Prompt 27 Visual Prompt 22 18 18 20 17 15 11 12 10 15 8 7 9 9 2 5 0 Rosetta Stone ADAC Kaernten Werbung Sehkraft Just Mobile Santos Grill Ursapharm Shop Mietwagen weltweit! /KV1PNKPG2TGKUXGTINGKEJWPF$GUV2TGKU)CTCPVKG 3WCNKVÀVUOKGVYCIGPXQP2TGOKWO#PDKGVGTPOKV#NN+PENWUKXG.GKUVWPIGP In-Vizz: Der erste $WEJGP5KGLGV\VWPVGTYYYCFCEFGCWVQXGTOKGVWPIQFGT Fahrradhelm mit integriertem, versenkbarem Visier! PGP UVCVKQden Fahrtwind: Die optimale Lösung im Kampf 8GTOKGVgegen In-Vizz ¸DGTABUS GTPintegriertem PFvoll Der Fahrradhelm mit TCNU.À KPOGJVisier. und versenkbarem Monate nach Anbruch verwendbar HYLOFRESH ® Vermittler: ADAC Autovermietung GmbH )ULVFKHI¾UP¾GHXQG JHVWUHVVWH$XJHQ Ȁ=XU/LQGHUXQJJHUHL]WHU$XJHQ Ȁ+\DOXURQV¦XUHXQG(XSKUDVLD Ȁ2KQH.RQVHUYLHUXQJVPLWWHO GENUSSLUST T ICH MI TÄGL WINGS AN GERM ln nach Ideal auch für Brillenträger! von Kö Kärnten nfurt/ e Klage . Bequem n fliegen öglichkeite , rlin igm Umste auch ab Be ig d Leipz gibt es en un Dresd Gesellig, entspannt und mit einmaligem Charakter. So haben wir Kärnten kennen und lieben gelernt. Im türkisblauen warmen Wasser schweben, das Abendlicht spüren und beobachten, wie es im Hintergrund die sanfte Silhouette der Berge zeichnet. Danach eine fangfrische Seeforelle am Ufer genießen. Das sind die Momente, für die ich auch heuer wieder nach Kärnten komme. Und Sie? Genusslust kann man jetzt buchen. ÖSTERREICHS SÜDEN WWW.KAERNTEN.AT No.77187 Kaernten.indd 1 connecting with travellers 28/06/2012 16:18 070.indd 1 16/04/2014 13:42 5 4 Editorial Consideration What content do you look for in GW magazine? % 83 78 65 65 63 58 58 52 37 33 De s Fe tina at ti ur on es Ro ut e M ap En s te rt ai n Gu me Ai ide nt rli s ne Ne w Fo s od Re vi ew Ho s te lR ev Bu ie si w ne s ss Fe Pr at od ur uc es t In fo rm Ce at le io br n ity Fe at ur Ad es ve Pr rt om is ot ing io & ns 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Tourism leads, followed by Entertainment and Food Reviews Route maps and airline news also important 6 connecting with travellers 6 The 2014 Germanwings Showcase 5 Advertising Categories What categories are appropriate to advertise in GW? % 83 e m ot iv od Au & or qu to Fo as er m 12 Li s lm 16 Bo ok s, Fi 27 Ca us M & Lu & es ch 30 ic ry xu ic on tr ec rv 31 s es 31 W at Bu si ne ss Se Fa & ty au ic io sh te Ho l& Be ve Tr a 32 n ls 36 El 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Business Services, including Corporate, Education & Conferences advertising is the third highest-searched category after Tourism connecting with travellers 7 6 Travel Retail & Call to Action % 50 Travel retail products bought 47 45 40 36 35 32 30 25 24 22 22 20 17 15 10 9 6 6 6 5 5 3 5 2 1 rli ne To Br ys an Ot go de he od d s r Lu xu Ca ry m er as es ch n io W at sh e ag gg ss Lu la ng Su Fa es ry le el od w Je Fo s ft Gi co ac To b DV Ds ry ag M ok Ai s, nf 1 Source: *Gfk MRI Starch 2014: 13% average visit to magazine - advertised brand website Bo Co s ne or tio qu ec Li ic et sm Co Fr ag ra nc es s 0 % Call to Action: Have you ever... 21 Contacted brand website 16 Purchased advertised product at later date 16 Took a note of advertised product 14 Took picture of ad/Took magazine 10 Purchased advertised product at airport 6 Recommended advertised brand = audience increase by potential 960,000 passengers 21% of passengers have visited brand advertised website: 61% higher than average* 37% of passengers have purchased a magazine advertised product 8 connecting with travellers 8 The 2014 Germanwings Showcase 7 Media Statements % 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 % 34 30 29 24 34 30 29 24 The inflight magazine is useful for sourcing travel ideas and products I see the magazine as part of ticket price I learn about the airline from the magazine I look forward to the magazine as an important part of flight 34% of passengers actively stated that the magazine is useful for sourcing travel products connecting with travellers 9 8 Hotel Planning Accommodation booking % 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Main Holiday Business Trip 43 1 - 4 Weeks 37 35 Short Breaks 36 27 16 29 13 13 8 3 2 < 7 Days 2-4 Weeks 2-3 Months 5 4-6 Months 1 2 6+ Months 78% of business and 53% of Short- breakers book less than a month in advance 10 connecting with travellers 10 The 2014 Germanwings Showcase 9 Passenger Profile1 Gender 46% 54% Female Male Age 4% <21 25% 27% 24% 13% 6% 21-30 31-49 41-50 51-60 60+ Sources: 1 Germanwings Facts & Figures; 2 Global Passenger Survey Reason for travel 42% Business trip 58% Holiday/City Breaks Business Flight Frequency Per Year2 16% 13% 23% 15% 1st trip Once Before 2-3 4-5 14% 11% 8% 6-10 11-23 24+ 48% more than 4 times p.a connecting with travellers 11 ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES London Denise Jaschke – Group Head Advertising +44 207 749 2348 12