™ ™ NEWSLETTER No 20 ™ Februar y 2011 Published by IFRA Editor: Stephen Weller Email: Website: FOCUS recent events British Fragrance Association changes to IFRA In-Cosmetics Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 2nd United Kingdom to 4th November 2010 The British Fragrance Association, This edition of In-Cosmetics Asia in Bangkok was attended by over the leading trade body representing 4,691 people beating all previous records over the past 6 years. UK manufacturers and suppliers ™ of fragrance and fragrance The attendance figures are up 35% on the last Bangkok ingredients, has changed its name to IFRA United Kingdom - exhibition back in 2008, and more than double the Singapore International Fragrance Association United Kingdom. show in 2009. The show also attracted the highest number of UNITED KINGDOM international attendees ever with over 1,700 international visitors Lisa Hipgrave, Director of IFRA UK (37%) with South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and herself a professional ‘nose’ Singapore, China, Japan and India all well represented. explains: “This is to bring the identity of the local Association - which is In-cosmetics Asia Exhibition Manager, Sarah Gibson said: already a member of IFRA - into line “Over the course of the three days, the exhibition hall with the identity of the worldwide buzzed with business meetings, presentations and product organisation.” demonstrations with visitors eager to absorb new information. We brought delegates from geographically and culturally Stephen Weller, the global Director of Communications diverse regions together to explore new opportunities in the for IFRA, based in Brussels, adds: “The BFA has long been heart of the booming Asian economy.” a member of the international network. But increasingly, the issues and challenges, as well as opportunities, have an 232 companies from over 25 countries worldwide signed up to international focus. For this reason, changes are occurring showcase their latest innovations to a captive audience. across a number of local fragrance industry associations so that the worldwide rebranding will help ensure a consistent For full event report visit: approach by the sector across the globe. This signifies so much more than a mere name change: the rationale for this move is of huge significance to members in the UK”. Cleaning Products, Hotel Monaco Alexandria Alexandria, VA, USA, 3rd to 5th November 2010 IFRA UK has also announced its Executive Committee has The conference was chaired by Brian Sansoni, Vice-President a new chairman, Tony Dallimore of Phoenix Fragrances and of Communication and Membership for the American Cleaning also a new vice-chairman, Neil Weaver of Seven Scent Ltd. Institute and Keith Grime, President of JKG Consulting. IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 1 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 The three-day conference focused on formulation, innovation Cosmetic Valley, Parfums & Cosmétiques - and regulation. More than 100 industry executives attended to Enjeux Réglementaires, Chartres, France, 16th to 17th listen to more than 20 presentations delivered by formulators, November 2010 regulators and suppliers and a pre-conference seminar focused Daniel Grell, Vice-President, Corporate Product Safety and on integrating green chemistry into cleaning products. Regulatory Affairs at Firmenich and Chairman of the IFRA Europe REACH Task Force, gave a presentation on behalf of To access the conference proceedings go to: IFRA at Cosmetic Valley. He updated the audience on details of the recent IFRA 45th Amendment to its Code of Practice and recent developments concerning REACH. The session was well attended and lively with many questions from the audience. Olfaction and Issues: Modulation of Physiological Responses, Paris, France, 4th to 5th November 2010 For details of the Conference go to: http://www.cosmetic-valley. The first event of its kind was attended by approximately 50 com/Images/Upload/CommuniquePresse/flFl_FichierFr_99.pdf people from all over the world. The presentations, held over two days, covered areas such as recent advances in olfaction in terms of the science and food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic Human Chemosensation Conference, University applications. Speakers included Prof. T. Jacob from Cardiff of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany, University, Prof. M. Gratzl, Prof. of Anatomy and Biochemistry, 2nd to 4th December 2010 Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, Prof. E.T. Rolls, This annual event organized by the University’s Smell & Taste Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, University Clinic of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and its head of Oxford, UK, Dr B. Palouzier-Paulignan, Université Claude Professor Thomas Hummel was well attended by delegates Bernard Lyon, France, Prof. B. Pause, University of Düsseldorf, from around the world involved in olfactory science. The Germany, Dr M. Bensafi, CNRS Neurosciences Sensorielles, program consisted of top speakers including Ariel Schoenfeld, Comportement, Cognition, Lyon, France and many more. For Lars-Goran Nilsson, Noam Sobel, Steve Nordin, Boris Stuck, a full report of the conference go to: Christian Margot and Stuart Firestein to name but a few. One of the many event sponsors was IFRA and Stephen Weller, Director of Communications for IFRA attended the event. RIFM 45 Annual Meeting Highlawn Pavilion, th Eagle Rock, West, Orange, New Jersey, USA, For more details of the program, speakers and their presentations 12 November 2010 go to: Delegates at RIFM’s 45 Annual Meeting heard about the latest chemosensation.htm th th scientific and regulatory issues facing the fragrance industry and listened to featured speakers including: • Mark Rossi, PhD., Research Director, Clean Production Action IFRA APAC Regional Committee Meeting, Regent • Les Smith, Vice-Pres., Research & Dev., Coty, Inc. Hotel, Singapore, 14th December 2010 • Paul Seifert, Assoc. Dean, John Hopkins Bloomberg School As the process of implementing the reorganization of the of Public Health IFRA Association network progresses, the first IFRA Asia Pacific Committee meeting was held in Singapore. The To see the presentations online go to the RIFM website at: group elected Greg Soutendijk from IFF as the Committee Chairman and Eric Milne from Firmenich was elected as IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 2 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 the Vice-Chairman. Mr Toru Asakoshi from the Japanese Flavor Robert Bedoukian (Bedoukian Research, Inc.), David Ellison & Fragrance Materials Association (JFFMA) was elected as the (International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.), Edward Gotch IFRA Asia Pacific Committee’s representative to the IFRA Board. (Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC), James Heinz (Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.), Theodore Kesten (Belmay, Inc.), Fred Other members of the Committee from Regular Member Kritzer (Symrise), Peter Lombardo (Robertet, Inc.), Michel companies include Markus Rassmann of Givaudan, Markus Mane (Mane Inc.), Karen Manheimer (Kerry Ingredients and Steger of Symrise and Alfredo Asuncion of Takasago. Flavours), Richard Pisano, Jr. (Citrus and Allied Essences Ltd.), Association Members’ representatives are Paulus Rusli from Steve Tanner (Arylessence, Inc.), Sean Traynor (Takasago AFFI Indonesia, Peter Bush from FFAANZ Australia and New International Corporation (USA)), William Troy (Firmenich, Zealand and Sungyong Cho from KFFA Korea. Inc.), John Vernieri (Givaudan Fragrances Corporation), and Michael Wimberly (Renessenz LLC) . The group also agreed to form an IFRA Asia Pacific Technical Committee. Its members are: Kian Khong Chow from Symrise Pierre Sivac, the newly appointed President of IFRA, gave Asia Pacific, Lay-Ching Lim from Firmenich Asia, Kok Sian Ng a talk to the Business Meeting and shared his initial impressions from IFF Asia Pacific, Tay Wee Siong from Takasago and Anne about the fragrance industry worldwide. Members also heard Zhang from Givaudan Fragrances Shanghai. from guest speakers Mr John Fund, Editorial Board member of the Wall Street Journal and Mr Greg Conko, Senior Fellow The next meeting will be in early March where the Committee with leading conservative think tank the Competitive Enterprise will finalize its operating guidelines, secretariat needs and Institute. statutory status. ASEAN Cosmetics Association (ACA) – Cosmetic IFRA North America - 2011 Annual Business Leaders Forum 2011, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Meeting, Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe Singapore, 17th February 2011 Teaneck, New Jersey, USA, 19th January 2011 This event organized by ACA and sponsored by IFRA provided IFRA North America held its 2011 Annual Business Meeting an opportunity for Senior Executive Officers of cosmetic to discuss the Association’s affairs and vote on the slate of manufacturers and ingredient manufacturers to hear directly 2011 Board candidates. Following the meeting the IFRA North from policy makers on trade and investment policies in the America Board convened to elect the new President, Kim ASEAN region. They discussed with policy makers their Bleimann of Berjé, Inc., as well as the other 2011 Association’s concerns and issues about doing business in ASEAN countries officers. The Vice-President is Ted Kesten of Belmay, Inc., the and shared with them the industry’s points of view. Participants Treasurer is Steve Tanner of Arylessence, Inc. and the Secretary also heard from industry representatives about industry’s is John Vernieri of Givaudan Fragrances Corporation. perspectives and expectations. The newly elected members of the IFRA North America For more details of the program and a report go to: http:// Board of Directors are: Robert Amaducci (Flaroma, Inc.), IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 3 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 Agenda dates not to be missed Personal Care Products Council Organic Monitor Natural Cleaning Products Europe 2011, (PCPC) Annual Meeting 2011, Cosmetics Masterclass: Barcelo Valencia Hotel, Valencia, The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Sustainable Fragrances Spain, 16th to 17th March 2011 Florida, USA, 28th February to 2nd Paris, France, 2nd March 2011 The Cleaning Products Europe 2011 March 2011 The Masterclass will give an in-depth program features many high-profile The Council’s Annual Meeting is the understanding of sustainable fragrances, speakers from across the industr y, p re mie r e ve n t f o r ke y m a r ke t e r s, covering issues such as raw material covering issues that are crucial to suppliers, consultants, trade press and availability, performance, certification, those involved in the cleaning products magazines doing business in the personal stability & safety and related formulation industry and provide innovative answers care marketplace. It provides the most challenges. An interactive workshop will and ideas for moving on and out of the efficient way for senior executives to gain discuss practical solutions to the technical economic downturn. insight on trends, strengthen and expand hurdles. Dr Keith Rutherford of Unilever and their industry contacts, and promote their Tim Whitely, Global R&D Director from Dr Mark Stalmans of Procter & Gamble CPL Aromas in the UK will be giving will co-chair the two-day conference This year’s event will feature the following: a talk on the recent work of the IFRA and both will present at the conference, • A Policy Summit on Monday focusing Natural Task Force and explaining some giving delegates a unique insight into on major issues facing the industry of the issues around sustainability and what the future holds for the cleaning that will provide an opportunity for fragrance ingredients. products industry and an understanding products and company brand. of consumer behaviour attitudes towards expanded participation from the manufacturing community, suppliers, For more details go to: sustainability. Day 1 opens with Dr Peter new members and first time attendees. Smallwood, Associate Consultant at IntertechPira, giving an overview of recent • An opening reception and dinner for Pira market reports and the future all attendees • Two General Sessions with a special Beauty Editors Panel • A Tuesday evening social hour for environmental, legislative and technical IFRA Scientific Committee meeting, New York, USA, 2 3 rd nd to March 2011 challenges that are likely to face the industry. additional opportunities to network A focus on water usage and an opening • A n Awards Luncheon to recognize Deutscher Verband der presentation from another leading Riechstoff-Hersteller (DVRH) brand, Diversey, about their experience To register and get program details go Annual General Meeting, Leipzig, of driving sustainable water management to: Germany, 3rd to 4th March 2011 among their customers, begins the industry leaders live-meeting/2011-annual-meeting second conference day. Day two also IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 4 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 provides delegates with the chance to IFRA/IOFI GHS Broader Task Force Fra grance Ass o ciatio n, DVRH, is catch up on recent developments in meeting, CFCI offices, Brussels sponsoring an afternoon session on the appliance sector in a presentation Belgium, 23 March 2011 the first day of the meeting titled “New rd from CECED and Jo Lloyd, Director of a s p e c t s o n sk in c o m p a t ibilit y o f REACHReady will give all the necessary fragrances”. The session will be chaired updates on REACH. For m ore d e t ails o n t he pro gram IFRA Board meeting, Firmenich by Sven Ballschmiede, Director of the offices, Geneva, Switzerland, DVRH and the speakers will include 23 rd Prof e ss or A xe l S c hnuc h f ro m t he March 2011 and to register go to: http://w w w w. University of Göttingen who will discuss his latest research on the surveillance of In-Cosmetics, Halls 1-3, Fiera allergies to fragrances through clinical Milano Rho, Milan, Italy, 29 to epidemiology. Professor Thomas Diepgen IFRA Europe Regional Committee 31st March 2011 from the University of Heidelberg will meeting, IFRA Offices, Brussels, Staged annually in spring in a major present results from the study he has been Belgium, 18 March 2011 European cit y, In-Cosmetics brings leading - Allergies in the population: together the world’s leading personal The European Dermatoepidemiology care ingredients suppliers, formulators, Network (EDEN) study. The final speaker British Society of Perfumers, R&D and marketing specialists and will be Dr Matthias Vey, IFRA’s Scientific Perfumery Workshop Weekend, showcases the most diverse range of Director, who will give an overview and Whittlebury Hall, Towcester, innovative cosmetics ingredients and update of IFRA’s Global Safety Program. England, 18th to 20th March 2011 technologies. th th For program details and to register go to: The workshop is a chance to develop your skills, knowledge and experience The event’s educational programme offers together with many of the top experts insight into future scientific advances, of the fragrance world. The course will emerging trends and regulations. provide a full introduction to all aspects IFRA Joint Advisory Group (JAG) meeting, New York, USA, 13th to of perfumery and will include topical For details go to: 14th April 2011 lectures and project work. The event costs com/page.cfm/Link=1/t=m/goSection=3 The JAG meeting is designed to update 400 pounds sterling for BSP members and consumer goods manufacturers on 450 for non-members. The price includes the scientific and regulatory issues the course, meals and accommodation. Places are limited and to register go to: IFRA North America Spring affecting the fragrance industry. The Dinner & Board meeting, USA, agenda mirrors that of the IFRA Scientific 6th April 2011 Committee. The meeting is open to all or Email Bspsecretary@ customer companies that are supporting members of RIFM. In the interest of 15 Annual Meeting of the full representation, manufacturers of Society for Dermopharmacy consumer products which use fragrance IFRA/IOFI GHS Core Teams (15. GD-Jahrestagung), Hotel materials are encouraged to join RIFM as Meeting, IFRA/IOFI Offices, Brussels Kasteel Bloemendal in Vaals, supporting members. As such a company Netherlands, 4 to 6 April 2011 is eligible to attend this important Joint IFRA in association with the German Advisory Group, or JAG, and contribute th Belgium, 22 nd March 2011 th th IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 5 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 to greater understanding between the Annual General Meeting, for members of the fragrance industry fragrance industry and its customers. Whittlebury Hall, Towcester, and stakeholders to learn about current Northamptonshire, England, fragrance material safety issues and the 5 May 2011 science behind them. England, 14th April 2011 SETAC Europe 2011, Milano IFRA Scientific Committee For details go to: http://www.fragrance Convention Centre, Milan, Italy, meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 19th to 15th to 19th May 2011 20th May 2011 th UK FiFi Awards, The Banqueting House, London, The SETAC Europe Annual Meeting is Europe’s biggest meeting on environmental The 19 meeting of the CITES Plants toxicology and chemistry with more than US FiFi Awards, In the Tent at Committee, Geneva, Switzerland, 1500 presentations in parallel platform Damrosch Park at Lincoln Center, 18 to 21 April 2011 sessions and poster sessions, participants New York, USA, 25th May 2011 th th st and scientific speakers from academia, business and government and a blend of Hot Topic Symposium: Fragrance scientists and practitioners, researchers 3rd Annual Sustainable Fragrances Innovation in Today’s Consumer and regulators all in attendance. The conference, Crystal Gateway Products, Duke Energy meeting opens on Sunday, 15 May and Marriot Hotel Arlington, Virginia, Convention Center, Cincinnati, ends on Thursday, 19 May. USA 9th to 10th June 2011 This Hot Topic Symposium will include For details of abstract submission, Jennifer Abril of IFRA North America, talks addressing different aspects of program and registration go to: http:// Lauren Heine of Clean Production Action the fragrance industr y, focused on and Dr Ladd Smith of the Research th th Ohio, USA, 3rd May 2011 household applications in particular. Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) Topics will include advancements on will again be on the conference advisory scent trends, safety, formulation tools 19 IFCC-EFCC European Congress of committee and will continue in the role and delivery technologies. Dr Matthias Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory of co-chairs. Vey, IFRA’s Scientific Director will be Medicine, ICC Berlin, Internationales giving a presentation on the IFRA Global Congress Centrum, Berlin, Germany, The event will feature approximately 18 Safety Program. 15 to 19 May 2011 expert presentations assessing market trends, For program details go to: http://www. technical development and application- related advances through presentations, th th th French FiFi Awards, Paris, France, question-and-answer sessions and panel 5 May 2011 discussions. th RIFM INFOX Day, Tokyo, Japan, 18th May 2011 For program and sponsorship details go British Society of Perfumers The Information Exchange (INFOX) days to: http://www.sustainablefragrances. One-Day Symposium and held by RIFM are designed as forums com/venue.aspx IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 6 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 R e g u l at or y D e v e l o p m e n t s CITES Issues Guidance on Guaiacwood and The IFRA Compliance Certificate serves to express compliance Rosewood with the relevant IFRA Standards and the safety endpoints The CITES Secretariat has issued a guidance document of concern (e.g. sensitization) specified therein. The resulting (designated as “notifications to the par ties”) on the supported use level in a given application specified in the IFRA implementation of CITES regarding Aniba rosaeodora and Compliance Certificate only relates to the safety endpoints Bulnesia sarmientoi which underwent a review by the member addressed by the relevant IFRA Standards. countries following an initial meeting with IFRA. The IFRA Compliance Certificate therefore can be issued by The final version of this document was issued on November 19th anybody who is familiar with the Code of Practice and the 2010. The document reflects the common understanding that associated Standards. It can therefore also be used by non- IFRA had reached with the CITES Secretariat. The document is members to declare that they comply with the IFRA Standards. available on the CITES website via notif/2010.shtml. The Certificate confirms that a specific fragrance compound up Reference (IFRA IL 895) to a certain concentration can be used in a specified consumer product in compliance with a specific Amendment to the IFRA Standards (the date of the Amendment should be stated in the IFRA Issues Clarification on Compliance with Certificate). Code of Practice In order to ensure a common understanding within the On the other hand, carrying out a safety assessment reflects the IFRA membership and stakeholders, the IFRA Secretariat in internal expertise of the company with regards to the full safety cooperation with the IFRA Scientific Committee has issued assessment of all ingredients in the fragrance compound (i.e. guidance on what IFRA compliance means and the role the not just those with IFRA Standards). It cannot be issued in the IFRA Certificate can play. name of IFRA but follows its compliance philosophy as reflected in section 4 of the IFRA Code of Practice (i.e. all substances used IFRA Safety Compliance for IFRA members requires full in a fragrance have justification which supports its safe use). adherence to all elements of the IFRA Code of Practice. The IFRA Code of Practice and the IFRA Certificate are available A fragrance manufacturer is deemed in violation of the Code to all on the IFRA website: of Practice when it does not follow mandatory provisions of (ref: IFRA IL896) the Code or when it places on the market a fragrance or a fragrance ingredient that is not safe for its intended use and/ or not in compliance with IFRA Standards because: Joint Fragrance & Cosmetic industry paper a) It contains or is an ingredient used in violation of a Standard; on allergic reaction published or An article titled “Identification of the causes of an allergic b) It contains or is an ingredient that has not been evaluated in reaction to a fragranced consumer product” has been featured accordance with section 4 of the IFRA Code of Practice for as a Recommended Practice in the Flavor and Fragrance general safety assessment. Journal. The paper was jointly written by representatives of the IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 7 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 Fragrance suppliers and Cosmetics industries (P. Cadby, G. Ellis, Participations from all industries have helped to establish B. Hall, C. Surot and M. Vey, Flavour Fragr. J., 2011, 26, 2-6). Taiwan’s first “National Existing Chemical Inventory”, which The paper provides details of an effective approach for the would form the foundation of national chemical management identification of substances in consumer products (more scheme.” particularly perfumery ingredients in cosmetics) that may be responsible for cases of contact dermatitis. The CLA also stated that relevant amendments are currently being finalized under the Labor Safety and Health Act to This is of key importance since it helps the consumer make introduce the new chemicals notification and hazard risk an appropriate choice of future products and it enables the assessment provisions into the regulation. industries to improve their risk management measures. To be successful the procedure requires a close collaboration between However the situation is unclear with regard to the interim the dermatologist, the manufacturer of the consumer (cosmetic) period between January 1st, 2011 and the entry into force of product and the fragrance supplier. The paper describes the National Chemical Safety (NCS) notification requirements a recommended practice that has already been successfully (possibly July 1st 2011). The only official information available applied to achieve this goal. and part of the same announcement as cited above is: “Meanwhile, the nomination data will be organized and an An electronic copy of this document can be accessed via Editor’s inter-agency coordination meeting will be held for discussion website ( (Ref: IFRA IL898) on a possible extended nomination procedure for ECN so as to keep the “National Existing Chemical Substance Inventory” up-to-date”. Taiwan Ends the Existing Chemical Substance (ECS) nomination period and interim period Presently, it is assumed that industry can introduce new On January 3 2011, Taiwan’s Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) chemicals during this interim period and a pragmatic solution announced the success of the Existing Chemical Notification will be developed to add these chemicals to the inventory. (ECN) scheme in a news release: “Up until December 31st, With other industry groups, IFRA is seeking further clarity and 2010, the CLA had received over 100,000 dossiers sorted as a pragmatic solution with the authorities. 30,000 more substances from more than 2,000 companies. (Ref: IFRA IL899) rd ReACh a n d C l ass i f i cat i o n , La b e l l i n g & Pac k a g i n g ( C LP ) U p d at e ECHA provides guidance on public REACH registration dossiers is going to be 1st 2010 will be made public on internet, dissemination of information from publicly disseminated on the Internet. The through the “Dissemination Portal”, after dossiers main points are the following: assignment of the registration number ECHA’s Executive Director has communicated • Information from registration dossiers and without further communication with the decision on how information from submitted or updated from December the registrant. IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 8 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 • Information from registration dossiers submitted before December 1 2010 will st REACH-IT. After five attempts the account by the Lead Registration on behalf of the will be blocked. More SIEF individually or jointly. To see the paper go to: be added to the Dissemination Portal as templates/shwPublications.asp?HID=750 of March 1 2011. st • Registrants who submitted their dossier ECHA Updates information on before December 1st 2010 but received Directors’ Contact Group (DCG) their registration number only after The Directors’ Contact Group was set REACH amendment entered into January 1 2011 will be given 2 months up in January 2010 and is made up of force on December 1st 2010 after assignment of the registration the European Commission, ECHA and The Classification, Labelling and Packaging number until information from their Industry Associations. The DCG objectives Regulation foresaw a number of amendments dossier is published. are to monitor the overall preparedness to the REACH Regulation which took place • Information from dossiers containing of companies and to identify and resolve on December 1st 2010, immediately after testing proposals will continue to be the priority issues of concern in meeting the first registration deadline. They added to the Dissemination Portal obligations relevant to the registration of in particular impact on the information as soon as possible after assignment chemical substances. required for registering substances. a dossier has been submitted before ECHA has just updated a summary of The amendment is a consequence of December 1 2010, ECHA will contact the DCG’s conclusions and expanded the Article 58 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/ the registrant before the information is document to add more details. 2008 on classification, labelling and included in the Dissemination Portal. To view the document please click here. packaging of substances and mixtures st of the registration number. If such st (the CLP Regulation). You will find all the details regarding dissemination of information including ECHA Publishes new ‘Frequently Registration dossiers submitted to ECHA how to do a confidentiality claim and Asked Questions’ on CLP from December 1st 2010 will be affected how to use the IUCLID Dissemination ECHA has published a new version of by the following provisions: plug-in tool by clicking here. the FAQs on Classification, Labelling & • They will have to include the information Packaging (CLP). They have included on classification and labelling according a significantly new Q&A. Click here for to the criteria specified in the CLP the details. Regulation (Article 58(11) of CLP); Avoid blocking • T he dissemination of information your REACH-IT account ECHA has published a Fact Sheet to Cefic publishes paper on the Joint contained in them will take into explain how you can avoid blocking your submission of the Chemical Safety account the hazard criteria established REACH-IT account and how to proceed Report (CSR) by the CLP Regulation (Article 58(7) if your REACH-IT account is blocked. For This paper aims to highlight the ‘pros’ and of CLP); security reasons ECHA has limited the ‘cons’ of the different options regarding • T he content of the chemical safety number of attempts for users to login to the preparation and submission of a CSR report will also be impacted by the IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 9 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 hazard criteria established in the CLP All the documents are published also in New SIEF communication Regulation (Article 58(1) of CLP). the Consultation procedure table at: http:// platform launched by Reachcentrum – LINKinSIEF en.htm Cefic, through Reachcentrum, has launched ECHA will help registrants to comply by releasing updated versions of the a new SIEF communication platform called following manuals and tools in December: LINKinSIEF which replaces the previous • D ata Submission Manual 5 - How ECHA and the US EPA start tool called SIEFreach. It has been improved to complete a technical dossier for working together based on the experiences gathered during registrations and PPORD notifications The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) the first registration period. • Technical completeness check plugin and the United States Environmental (TCC plugin) Protection Agency (US EPA) are to • Fee calculation plugin For more information please click here. start working together in the area of chemicals safety. In line with the shared commitment to improve chemical safety, ECHA received 3.1 million New version of OECD ECHA and the US EPA have signed Classification and Labelling eChemPortal and ECHA updates a Statement of Intent to cooperate. More notifications several Guidance Documents By the 3 rd January 2011, ECHA had A new version of the eChemPortal has received 3,114,835 notifications of been launched by the OECD. It provides ECHA publishes a new manual 24,529 substances for the Classification free public access to information on to explain how to derive a public and Labelling Inventory. By this deadline, more than 600 000 records on chemical name for a substance when industry had to notify the classification substances. More registrants wish to request the and labelling of all chemical substances IUPAC name as confidential that are hazardous or subject to ECHA also published on December 16 Registrants must provide a public name registration under the REACH regulation 2010 a range of updated guidance: if they want to keep the chemical IUPAC and placed on the EU market. • Guidance on intermediates name for their substance as confidential. • Guidance on Information Requirement The new manual tells registrants how to ECHA has published some important (IR) &CSA, Chapter R.5: Adaptation of derive a public name for a substance for information for companies in relation information requirements which they request to keep the IUPAC with what to do after the 3rd January • Guidance on IR &CSA, Chapter R.8: name as confidential, as permitted in notification deadline. There are several Characterisation of dose (concentration) certain circumstances in accordance Question & Answer (Q&A) documents - response for human health th with Article 10(a)(xi) of the REACH illustrating different situations such as • Guidance on IR&CSA, Chapter R.18: Regulation. The rules presented in what to do if a company has missed the Exposure scenario building and the manual describe the masking of deadline, when to update a notification, environmental release estimation for various structural elements from the how to update a notification, etc. the waste life stage IUPAC name in order to derive a public • G uidance on Risk Communication (new guidance) name with a single level of masking. In The classification and labelling inventory certain circumstances up to three levels will be published in spring/summer 2011. of masking may be permitted if the Please click the following link to access registrant provides a valid justification for all the Q&As Information for companies. each additional level of masking. More IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 10 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 ECHA changes structure to reflect established and preparing for the first include new responsibilities such as the evolving role REACH and classification and labelling central authorization of biocides will see The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (C&L) deadlines, it says in the future numbers increase again. With a target has undergone a reorganization to the emphasis will be to deliver timely of 500 employees by the end of the reflect its changing priorities and future and consistent science-based decisions. year, the reorganization is also aimed responsibilities. Whilst the agency While its workforce might dip slightly at at creating manageable directorates. has spent the last three years getting the beginning of 2011, the expansion to A ssoc i at i o n N e w s IFRA Announces new President and new Chairman reorganization process, consolidating the network and promoting The International Fragrance Association the IFRA brand. I wish him well for the future in what I consider to (IFR A) is pleased to announce the be a very rewarding job.” appointment of a new President, Pierre Sivac. Pierre is a French national, Pierre started work at IFRA on November 2nd 2010 and Jean-Pierre educated in both France and the US. continued as President until December 31st 2010 and stays on in He is an experienced industry executive an advisory role for a hand-over period during the first quarter of having worked for major global companies such as Coty, Unilever 2011. Pierre Sivac officially became President on January 1st 2011. and Henkel. IFRA is also pleased to announce the appointment of Michel Pierre’s recent responsibilities at Coty included Calvin Klein, Bongi as the new Chairman, replacing the outgoing Chairman Cerruti, Chloe, Marc Jacobs and Davidoff. Experienced in the Demi Thoman (Givaudan) who has served at the head of the global fragrance market, Pierre is well placed to take over from IFRA Board for the past three years. “I am very proud to have Jean-Pierre Houri, who retires from IFRA at the end of 2010 after had the opportunity to serve as Chairman of the IFRA Board. It five years at the helm. has been a time of change and challenges for the association and I would like to thank all my colleagues on the Board and in “Jean-Pierre has been a great ambassador for the fragrance the IFRA Secretariat for their help and support over the last three industry and a skilled and determined leader of IFRA,” said years. I would also like to congratulate Michel on his appointment Pierre. “Under his leadership the industry association network and believe his experience and knowledge will prove invaluable has been re-shaped and invigorated. I am honoured to have the to IFRA going forward,” said Demi. opportunity to take over where he has left off and continue the good work.” Michel has long been recognized as a leader in the Fragrance industry, having spent 39 years with Firmenich in a number “It has been a real privilege to have the opportunity to serve the of key strategic roles in evaluation, marketing, sales and fragrance industry as President of IFRA,” said Jean-Pierre Houri. general management, including assignments in the U.S., U.K. “I feel sure that I am leaving the organization in capable hands. and in Singapore, where he served as Managing Director of Pierre has the right qualities to take IFRA into the next stage of its ASEAN and South Asia, and after, as Regional Vice-President IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 11 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 of Perfumery for the Asia Pacific region. In 2002, Michel was Chinese Association (CAFFCI) to join IFRA appointed Corporate Vice-President of Perfumery and promoted The China Association of Flavor, Fragrance & Cosmetic Industries, to the Executive Board. During his eight year tenure, he played an CAFFCI, has been given the go ahead by the Chinese authorities essential role in developing Firmenich’s global fragrance activities to apply to become a full Association Member of IFRA. The and has been a member of the Board of IFRA since 2002. In application will be reviewed at the upcoming March 23rd IFRA June 2010, Michel retired from executive duty and continues in Board meeting. his current role as a consultant to Firmenich. “I am delighted to have this opportunity to continue to serve Japanese Flavor & Fragrance Materials Association the fragrance industry as Chairman of IFRA and would like to (JFFMA) appoints new Executive Director thank Demi for his insight and leadership over the last three JFFMA is pleased to announce the years” said Michel. “I have been involved with the IFRA Board appointment of a new Executive Director. for many years now and am looking forward to working with Dr Taichi Someya, previously acting the new President, Pierre Sivac and taking the association into Executive Director, was approved as a new and exciting phase.” a new Executive Director at the JFFMA’s Board meeting on the 19th January 2011. IFRA Welcomes New Members from India Mr Tadahiko Konno, the former Executive Director, is recuperating Three Indian fragrance manufacturers have joined the International from a serious illness and is doing well, but felt that he could no Fragrance Association (IFRA) as supporting members. longer continue with his role as Executive Director. The companies - Hindustan Polyamides & Fibres Ltd., Oriental All the staff at JFFMA and its members greatly appreciate the Aromatics Ltd. and Ultra International Ltd. – have all agreed to service and commitment provided by Mr. Konno. adhere to the IFRA bylaws and Code of Practice, which includes the IFRA Safety Program made up of IFRA Standards and the Dr Someya will now focus all his efforts on advancing the interests annual Compliance Program. of the global Flavor and Fragrance Industry, especially regarding IFRA and activities in the Asia-Pacific region. The supporting membership category is designed for fragrance materials manufacturers and fragrance compounders in countries where there is no national association affiliated to IFRA, such as IFRA North America appoints Director of India. Supporting members have access to the information and Government Affairs services which come with IFRA membership but they do not have any Jane Wishneff is the new Director of Government Affairs for of the voting rights accorded to Regular and Association members. IFRA North America. Jane will head all IFRA North America advocacy activities in the United States and Canada and will “We are very pleased to welcome these three excellent companies serve as the primary staff liaison for several key association to IFRA,” said Pierre Sivac, IFRA President. “It is important that committees, including the Scientific Affairs Committee, the Export- we continue to expand our membership throughout the world Import Committee and the Joint Occupational, Safety, Health & and ensure that as many companies in as many regions as Environmental (JOSHE) Committee. possible incorporate the IFRA Safety Program into their everyday operations.” IFRA’s membership covers approximately 90% of the global volume of fragrance compounds and continues to grow. IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 12 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 Before joining IFRA North America, Jane was regulatory counsel the staff liaison for CSPA’s chemical management policy team, and director, International Affairs for the Consumer Specialty regulatory government affairs advisory committee and cleaning Products Association (CSPA) where she led the association’s products division. Before joining CSPA, she was attorney and efforts on issues such as chemical management policy, ingredient council director for the Manufacturers Alliance. communications and consumer product safety. She served as MEDIA articles published IFRA Releases “Green Perfumer & Flavorist Pierre Sivac will take over from Jean- Definitions” Document October 21 2010 Pierre Houri as president, whilst Michel The International Fragrance Association http://w w Bongi has been appointed chairman, (IFRA) released its IFRA Green Definitions fragrance/rawmaterials/natural/10543 replacing the outgoing Demi Thoman. Document to assist in explaining green 7338.html st terminology for the fragrance industry. October 28th 2010 The report addresses the confusion over Cosmetics Design definitions of terms such as “natural” and Odeurs et Parfums: h t t p : // w w w . c o s m e t i c s d e s i g n - “organic;” however, it is not intended as des sources de bien-etre e u r o p e . c o m /P r o d u c t s - M a r k e t s / a green label or certification, according Alliant présentations scientifiques et IFRA-appointments-will-continue-to- to IFRA director of communication Stephen analyses marketing, le dernier séminaire promot e-saf e-use-of-fragrances/? Weller. de l’IFRA a rassemblé 70 participants à c = O c FI O33t G9 x N 41M A IV Xd DA% Paris autour du parfum, de sa perception 3 D % 3 D& u t m _ s o u r c e = n e w s l e t t e r_ et de son rôle sur le bien-être. d a i l y& u t m _ m e d i u m = e m a i l & u t m _ The document defines “natural” as meaning that it exists in or is produced campaign=Newsletter%2BDaily by nature. “Organic” materials are Expression Cosmétique defined as elements created with September/October 2010 natural ra w ingredients that are Two Views of Safety “guaranteed organic” and are grown Where is the high ground in sustainable without using conventional pesticides IFRA appointments will fragrances? There are some goals that or artificial fertilizers. Additionally, continue to promote safe everyone embraces: careful stewardship Weller commented on the definition of use of fragrances of resources, reduction of carbon “biodegradability,” noting that there is The International Fragrance Association footprint, social responsibility, and safety no regulatory definition in regard to (IFRA) has announced changes to its for both humans and the environment. biodegradability for cosmetics but that it management team that will look to build Most of the Sustainable Fragrances 2010 should be based on the biodegradability upon recent restructuring and continue to conference speakers considered those of a fragrance’s individual constituents. promote its safety programme. issues and more-natural ingredients, IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 13 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 green sourcing, meeting standards, au concept « Green ». Ce document de of the price. This is the promise made regulatory conformance, to name but 11 pages (en anglais) liste des définitions by a growing army of “smell-alike” a few. telles que chimie verte, naturel, bio, perfumers - and they have the law on analyse du cycle de vie, biodégradabilité. their side. conclusions are reasonable based on Cosmetic Hebdo “Everyone agrees that copying a painting a detailed knowledge of the industry: Issue No.471 is breaking the law, but copying a perfume November 8 2010 is not, according to much of the judicial Regarding the question of safety, a few th 1. Disclosure of fragrance formulas isn’t world,” says Jean-Pierre Houri, the president of the International Fragrance Association going to help anyone. 2. The work of the RIFM and the IFRA Business smells good (IFRA) whose members represent 90% of Standards guarantee a high degree for copycat perfumes the $8-billion global industry. of safety and are being constantly “Everyone agrees that copying a painting improved. is breaking the law, but copying a perfume Business World Online 3. The DfE Criteria are very restrictive, is not, according to much of the judicial making perfume creation difficult, world,” says Jean-Pierre Houri, the Montreal Gazette but offer a clear path to earning president of the International Fragrance News24 a government-endorsed, voluntary Association whose members represent MedIndia seal for specific products. 90 percent of the eight-billion-dollar ReportLinker global industry. Khaleej Times 4. Environmental Working Group uses what looks like real science, but it is seriously flawed and biased. Kuwait Times To protect itself from copycats, perfumers Leader Post Canada have traditionally relied on secrecy - The Environmental Working Group keeping their precious formulae under Xin MSN report was immediately repudiated by tight wraps. November 2010 the industry through the Personal Care Products Council, the Fragrance Materials While in theory perfumers can patent Association and RIFM. Unfortunately, it is the composition of a perfume, the great Sustainable Cosmetics harder to explain science than to invoke majority choose not to, precisely because Summit Highlights Need emotions. The hardest part of convincing it would require them to reveal their for Positive Change the public that fragrances are safe, or that formulae. The International Fragrance Association any chemical is safe, is the low level of scientific literacy in society. and CPL Aromas looked at the 24/7 Emirates sustainability issues concerning natural November 15 2010 and organic fragrances. David Reccole, th founder of Couleur Caramel, went GCI Magazine through the pitfalls of developing certified November 5 2010 th Sniffing out the fakes: perfume organic colour cosmetics. world battles smell-alikes L’IFRA publie son guide vert AFP PARIS - Kenzo Flower or Coco The SoapWire L’association a mis en ligne un lexique Chanel? Take your pick among dozens November 18th 2010 qui vise à clarifier la terminologie liée of fragrances, copied for a fraction IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 14 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 L’European Research Institute Perfumer & Flavourist Axiom appointed by UK on Natural Ingredients (ERINI): December 17 2010 Fragrance Association une plateforme d’innovation qui http://w w Axiom Communications has been appointed fait envie networking/news/company/112078674. by leading trade body representing UK Début 2011, la structure regroupera du html manufacturers and suppliers of fragrances, th matériel de pointe pour les entreprises IFRA United Kingdom (International d’aromes, parfums et de cosmétiques. Fragrance Association United Kingdom) to Nice Matin November 25 2010 th New name for British Fragrance handle its communications programme. The Association appointment coincides with a rebranding The British Fragrance Association has of the association, formerly named The changed its name to bring it into line British Fragrance Association. The change with other international organizations. of name and brand identity brings the UK Parfums: chefs-d’œuvre en péril The new name, IFRA United Kingdom Association into line with IFRA worldwide, «La Commission nous a demandé de (International Fragrance Association of which it is already a member. présenter des données irréfutables, United Kingdom) takes effect immediately. dans un délai fixé, contredisant celles The Diary de leurs experts de la CSSC, souvent Cosmetic Business trop rigides, décrit Jean-Pierre Houri, December 20 2010 directeur général de l’IFRA. En général, http://w w le problème était de nous entendre sur le news/article_page/New_name_for_ Wrecked Harvests set to drive up niveau d’utilisation possible avancé par British_Fragrance_Association/58333 fragrance prices January 2011 th ces experts.» L’IFRA ne fut pas prête à Perfume, personal care, household and temps. «Mais la leçon a été retenue et laundry products could rise in price this le programme scientifique intensifié et Newly named - IFRA year because of soaring fragrance costs, accéléré», assure ce dernier. The British Fragrance Association, the suppliers warn. leading trade body representing UK Le Temps article manufacturers and suppliers of fragrance The International Fragrance Association December 1 2010 and fragrance ingredients, has changed (UK) said prices had risen by between its name to IFRA United Kingdom - 10% and 400% over the past six months, International Fragrance Association with many members reporting “no end BFA Changes Name United Kingdom. Lisa Hipgrave, Director in sight” to price and supply problems. The British Fragrance Association has of IFRA UK and herself a professional changed its name to IFRA United Kingdom ‘nose’, explains: “This is to bring the The Grocer (UK) (International Fragrance Association identity of the local Association - which February 5th 2011 United Kingdom). is already a member of IFRA - into st line with the identity of the worldwide Of the name change, director of IFRA organisation.” UK Lisa Hipgrave, explained, “This is to Price rises to affect fragrance Interview with IFRA UK Vice-Chairman, bring the identity of the local association, Esprit Magazine Neil Weaver from Seven Scent for BBC which is already a member of IFRA, into January 2011 Radio 4’s You and Yours program. line with the identity of the worldwide organization.” IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 15 NEWSLETTER - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 BBC Radio 4 Daily Mail (UK) “Like fine wine s, fine f ra granc e s You and Yours February 7 2011 use natural ingredients affected by th microclimates in local growing regions February 10 2011 th http://w w and perfumers are used to sudden a r t i c l e -13 5 4 2 9 7/ T h e - m i r a c l e - change changes in these conditions,” The miracle lippy that can boost lippy-boost-mood-make-at tractive. says Lisa Hipgrave, director of the your mood and make you more html#ixzz1E1jNrQzp International Fragrance Association attractive UK. “However, there have never been The idea is that adding pheromones to this many strange weather conditions cosmetics increases the wearers’ feelings Monocolumn: simultaneously causing shortages all of attractiveness — having an irresistible The High Price of Smelling Nice over the world.” effect on the opposite sex. This €5.9bn global industry relies on a complex network of suppliers from The Monocle But Lisa Hipgrave, UK director of the every continent to provide the myriad February 14th 2011 International Fragrance Association, spices and essential oils that go into the does suggest a possible placebo effect: perfume used in fine fragrances and ‘If you feel confident, you are automatically household products. In recent years freak more attractive.’ conditions have disrupted this volatile ecology and sent prices soaring. Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is provided by “The International Fragrance Association” and whilst we endeavour to ensure the information is up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the newsletter or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained therein for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Through this newsletter you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of “The International Fragrance Association”. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. IFRA Newsletter - Issue 20 - February 2011 – 16
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