1943 Movie-Radio Guide
1943 Movie-Radio Guide
SHORT WAVES BBC VIEWS DECADE OF EMPIRE SERVICE t R.EVIVE PRISONERS JAPS HOUR • BBe Empire Service Has Phenomenal Growth; Japs Use Prisoners to Entice U. S. Listeners; Berlin Tenth for SBC Empire Se rvice ROM a single studio and a handJul or peoplc to a stl'l1T of thousands, {rom a single distance broadcast to tI seventy-hour dally world-wide short-wave service, from a single language to forty-five different tongues and dialects Is the story in a nutshell of the de\'elopment in only ten years of the Overseas Empire Service or the British Broadcasting Corporatltln. On December 19, 1932. (our men entered studio 3-a in the then newly completed Broadcasting House, a huge, "now-white ornamental . tructure which housed the actiVities or the hume service radio broadeaslS or the Hrilish BroodeDl'ling Corporation, With the simple words. MThis IS London culling," they ushered in the overseas service of the BBC. The~e were lhe first or mllhons or .... ords that have since followed-word:; (lr peace, wordl'! of Wlir. Broadca~ting House is no longer snowy white; It is now camouflaged with dirty gray paint. Studio 3-8 no longer exists. It was blown clean out of existence during the blitz. Through the worst that Ihe Nazis could oRer, however, the tihort-wave broadcasts continued; I'Ometimes from mak~hifl cellar J'itudies; sometimes announced by Iired, bedraggled speakers, but they did go F on. At Ilr:-t the BBC o\'erseas transmissions went out over only two transmitters flnd with only ten hours ot programs per day in all. Moreover, uU programs were in Enghsh. The first ot the programs in a language other than English was inaugurated in 1938 with the opening of the Arabic and Lallfl_American services. In 1938 the Munich crisis !'purred thi.:l devel('pment and the European service C'ome Into being. The o\'erlleas transmil'lsitms were JlOW expanding in all dlrC("tlon.., and the plea for new transmitters wa" ccontlfluOUl'l. More ambit!flU' programs. increa.o;es In the transmIssion Urnes In the Engbsh-Ianguage U'r\'lce8, tog~ther with technical chanlle" dictated by increasing knowledge of the cllpabHltie!l and limitations of ~hort wa\'e'l, created demands that \\ere difficult t~ meet. But they were met. Today Englishlangua!te pr("lf:rams are heard more Ihan twenty-one h(lurs each day throughout the wnrld. Another fifty huur dOlly is d('voted to programs in forty-five language. The plant neces~ary to mak(' this operation poss;lble is obvillu~ly enorlnous and, just as obviollsly. war-linle censorship makes it impOS!'ible 10 tell the whole story. Not only throughout the Briti~h EmplI"e and in foreign countries, but here in the United States as well, the short-wa\'e programs from London have proved very popular. With AmerI(:an troops encamped in Britain and In its pl"lsSeS510n throughout the 12 Denies Soldiers Face Food Shortage By CHARLES A. MORR ISON President, International DX'ers AI!iMce world ; with American boys fighting shoulder to shouldel' with the British; with the Australians: with the South Africans, programs from London arc becoming a listening "musl" tor ('very person with a receiver capable of tuning in ~hort waves. Cognizant of this interes.t, London ~endli us even and a half hours of new~. enlertalflment and vital statistiC!! every day. In addition to IhlS, the Eastern and Afncan services of the BBC are also beamed to North America so thai those whO care to listen to London will find il po5lIlble to do so alm05t around the c1OC!k. Even tor those with_ out shorl-Wa\'e receivers, proarams from London are available. Our networks not only broadcnst direct pickup~ o( their own eorrellllondcnts from Bnt..,in but are also rebroadeall t mg a n ev(>r increasing number ut the moot popular feature~ of the BBC's O\'crseas programs. Japs' "American Prisoners' Hour" Tokyo cUnl\lugly induC"e many people to listen to its new~ and propaganda Cetltul"es by wedging wha t it call:; the "Amenl-an War Prisoners' Intol"lnalion Hour" into the middle of each English period in IL~ oversea~ transmlS;5ions (or Nlll"th America. The "Alnerican War Prisoners' Informalion Hou," Is actually a ftve-minute I)erind gi\'en over 10 recorded me<;- sages from American soldiers, sailors 01' marines, now in prison camps somewhere in Japan nr J apnnese-nccUpied t('rritory (Recently messages rrom pnsoners in a prison camp at BatavJa, Java. have been fcalUred.) F'rom IwO \.0 four me~sages are gi\"('11 In eaeh period. each message being 1I11roduced by the prisoner giving hi full n(lme and IIddre~!I. The mes..<;agt!s are stereotyped 111 form, u~uolly con~ll'tll1ll or Ihe ramiliar "Don't worry about me, I'm ill fine health and being given the best 01 treatmen t by 1/1(' Japan~e:' I ha\'e ahvays felt these me.". 'agl'll \\ er(' at lea:!;t partia\1y "phony" and probably dicla ted under dureliS. Howe\'er, the simple ract that their SUII or husband was even alive and presumably In at least fait health would be a gre:at consolatiol) to anll"iO\IS famlhe~. The me~nge~ are being given dally lit aoout these Ilme!l and on the following frequencie!!' (EWT): 2:15 0.111. over JZJ (11.80) nnd JZI (9.535) tor West Coast. 8: 30 a.m. over JZJ (11.80) and JZ I (9.535) for East Coast. 2; 15 p.m. over JLG2 (9.505) and JZ[ (9.535) for West Coast. 7: 15 p.m. over JLG4 (l5.105) und JZJ (11.80) tor East Coast. facing food shortages. Sa ys miJital")' ratio ns were actua lly inereascd on last October 17, IIl1 d tha I on C hristmas Day cxtl'll food r ations wc re issued . . . ( Tokyo)-T he ratifica tion of the cultural pact between Japan and Thniland hilS now become effective (Moscow}-The Leningrad Musk School contmucd Its aeti\'itles even in the most difficult day~ of the blockade when there was toO little fuel that the piani~t.s had to play WIth gloved hands. .... hlle the \'lolil1l,; lilT fingers could hardly hold the bows (Melbourne) Fil st fte l)'; toward tent hlng the game of cricket In American solrtiers ..... ere taken recently at a carnp in New South Wuleill. An exhibition of the game wa~ J:i\'en by several first-elass Auslralian players. and later the Amertcans were Jlivcn an opportunity to try their hand as batsmen. It is proposed W invite Amel'iCAns to play WIlIl Sydney Wlunll until all oil-American cle ven ca n be chosen. Captain Oldfield, a former internationa l cricketer, said Ihat actual contact wi th the game should SOOIl end the American prejudice against it .. (Melbourne) -Up La the end of April, the.re were only t ..... enty K lttyhawks based at Port MorCliby to contend with the J ap ZerO$ and bombers . . (Tokyo)Soviet RUssia is indifferent to the propot;t'd visit to K uibyshev of Mme. Chiang Kaj-~hek sillre they are deter_ mined to keep 011 friendly relations with Japan. Shorl-Wave. Broadcasters Say(Berlin)-Berlin radio pooh-pnohs A\lied claims that Nazi soldiers are SINCE a fe .... months after the outbrea~ of the ....ar. Arthur Westrup Dibley {above} has handled the compler job of coordinating the wor~ of script- and neW\-writers, announcers and translators for overseas broadcast of the Australian Broadcaiting Commission. He's also an announcer NOles Concerning (he Slations According to Mn. M. Allen of Lalay('Ue, Rhode Island, ZOY, a sma ll _,t8110n at Accru in the Gold Coast in West Atrlca, is being heard OttasionaUy from about 3:00 p.m. to its signotT at 3: 15 p.m. EWT on approxi_ mately 7,30 meg:i, This concluding tICteen-minute penod of broadcast is given over to a news and :;ports review in English after which the signature selection, God Save the King, is played _ . _ CR7BE (9.843), Lourenco ~f urques, 1\1otamblque. Portuguese East Afnca, is being heard ..... ith excellent lil(l.nal litrcngth week-days Irom 2:30 to 5:20 I).m.; on Sundays from 1l:00 a.m to 5:20 p.m. EWT. Transmissions open with a three_ chime t:<tgJlal--romewhat !;imiJar to NBC'~nd Identification in Portugue:;e (by n man) and English (by a woman), News In English IS broadcast at 3: 15 p.m. EWT . . . CNRI (8.035), Rabal, Morocco, may be heard calling OWl in New York Mondays, Wednesday:a <Ind Fridays at approximately 7: 15 p.ln. EWT . . . 'Radlo Congo Bclge" (17.775, ll.n. 6.26). Servire de i'fn[orrnalion, Cabinet du Gov, General. Leopoldville, Jklgian Congo, ('an be heard from 2: 30 to 4; 30 p.m. EWT , , • Vichy's English program for Nor th America, 4:30 p.m. EWT (9.62 megs) , is ~til\ coming through. u/u r SHORT WAVES War hlly 'WT 7:00 •. m. 7 ,JO I.m. 7;JO~.m. 7:JO •. m. 7:1111.m. 7:40 I.m. 7,40 l.m. ':Olh.m. .:00 UII. 8:00 I.m. ':)(I •. m. 9:00 i.m. 9:JO •. m. 11:00 I.m. 11 :10 I.m News In Guide to Programs English "'arNI~g (WT CITY Sf.UION DIAL 6:00 I.m. London 6:30 •. m. S"iOn '" OSI 11.775 D" VlG2 8u~1I IUO 9.54 17.765 MO"GW 9.86. 15.15 Rome 2R06 15.JO Tokyo J11 9.535 Ptfth VLw6 Delh, 6.19 7')O"m. Ch',k,", XGOV 6.115 8:00 i."'. London 15.39 8:30 "m. Bulin 15,20 10:00 I.m, Slotkh'm SOT 15,155 10:101.m. Mtlb'fnl VlGZ 9.54 6;JO './1'1. 6:30 I,m. 6:30 I,m, 6:40 •. fI!. 6:40 I.m. 7:00 I,m. 7:OOu". 7:0Ih,,,, Mtlb'fnt V'chy 9.6. '" D" Daily AU.r"ao. 12:00 nOOn 11 ilO ,-'n. 12:10 p.m. 1,00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 1:45,.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:JO p.m. 5:15p.m. 5 :45 p.m. London '.m. 11 :]0 Tokyo 12:00 noon Romt 1:00 p.m. Lo ndon 1:00 ,.m. Tokyo 2:45 p.m. London 3:00 •. m. Rom, 3:JO p.m. Vichy 4:15p.m. Mo"ow 445 p.m. London Daily E"'nlng '" '" 7:05 p,m, Midf'd 130 pm. F,nl.nd 1 :30 p.m. R,o de O/Xl J,ne"o PSH 2ROl Rome ,.m. 9:00 p.1II .:00 9,00 p.m. 8:00 p,m. Slo(lth'm B.fhn 9:15 p.m. 9,20 p.m. 10:OOp.m. 1:15 p.m. MOI<Ow 8:20 p.m, Tokyo 10:10 p.m. 9:10 p,m. Romt 10:45 p.m. 945 p,m, London 9:00 ,.m. Born 11:00 P.m. 10:00 pm aorl,n 11,15 p.m. 10:15 p.m Mouow 12:00m,6. 11:00 p,m. Berlin 1125 ~.m 12:)(II.m. .., '.50> 11.68 11..81 '" '" .... .:os ,.m. 8:30 p.m. 1,* p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9.505 15.10 15.39 15.11 9.58 5:00 p,m. Tok)o 5,15 p,m. Roml. 5 :45 p.m. London 5:48 p,m, Moscow 6,00 p.m. Tol<.yo 6 ilO p.m. Berlin 8:00 ,.m. London 15.14 '" ZR06 GR, JLG2 GR' 2R04 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6 :45 p.m. G:48 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9,00 p.m. IS'" 9.505 JLG2 2RO) esc 9,61 958 JLG4 OlD OXJ 15,105 10.~ 124 9.86 11 ,liS (AO 10.22 9.63 9sa GS( GSl 611 10,~ OlD OXJ S8U 7.24 9,535 15,11.9,565 JLG4 15.105 HER4 7.21 HER5 11.865 2Ra) 9.63 2R011 7.22 GRH 6.195 GSl 6.11 OXJ 114 9.565 m DX> 11,25, .... 11:)0, ... VlG2 '" 6,1r.. lRO) 9.63 " Imporlant Stations 114 C1IW1, Po"".1 Ola. 11.1. ~a' OX} I,U ',03 tolU n.1I r .. ".. DXlA. ~t.tQE,IIrn.'t~d 10'1-: 1114 '.6f1 1",.... (" ... 10:0. I"%r. ,I Ian 1111 1611 1119 od.. k", TAP T •• ',t\16 :U~ i~{v!~·~·.!dl.Jn.I'"'-:: l,tto VLO. A.. I,.U. I,H DXLl3. OX, OZD, ..." I.n' II" II.U '.WI 'MI II If .BU I .. I ~ G.,,,,..,. OJD" 11.716,11 I" lI<&B&nlloo r, ,ta "'........1 At . . . II': t," II D O.C,E.lla~. Oil£.' oaG" II II oaK oaK '.13 7 lit OKS ft1' Gay ._ MP' Ult :k~' 1.1l II" II." 1'1.0' :t::, I VLQ4, VLQIO VLK ... L...... VVD' hd... ni 1,11 • tI , .. • I. "UIM II 13 un. IIIL 1117 WCBX .... 1"T~ Ctl, U.17. . . . '41 "".11131111 .... yo.~ C t. '''11113 I~~ wcac 1I··~i~:SC\"'1J OIL HAN, R"alo" IICTB Ecaaot.o I,ll '.Itto , ..1 RE.a4 lwiozo..... ilEal, WOEA ......... ,u,. Ny,"MnsS. . . . WGEO II<~." ... , .. P )f Y II II I) til ..... , ... ' " "".WO, CL..,llIuU. I I ' " H ,\I O~ .. II .. 1i.71 " . . HP, •. II 1P "·.Br ••• Y.... C t. IIPIoO 11 71 11,11. I. It liS ... 1111 III" lito H,.,. Votit.o" C',' 1114 wac., T"k CIt. lodo.chiaa IL:J 117' 1111 lurA. X_I R.... '.41 II ~", 1.17 ru... 7 II Thaa.... ,fa_ 1tg4.J ..~· IZI" I:~ W:!!~.:'~~ ,I.» II .. IV. JZ1I:, lUI XOOY c.ur, ~7. lI,n 1110. 'M. XZ .. K .P~llt.,;._ . " .aol LWI. !fo.... , laOIl MTCT, M.",,~u.L. .aou, n125. 10'" '.HI 1 11'1) 11 ('~"'o 1113, I " 11 .. , ' W , ' I" U,IL 1I.18.',n 1"03, H.I, )tWID , 'U rto""I"" •• 01 0&1\1· Th.' n II . . . 1't II 1't KOEl, .... F ......".... h~. ptlo ••••• Ph" "" Aflll ~('.\ Sotllrdoy. Jail. 2, throllgh Friday, Ja •.• EWT Clly Protr~m SUI,on 7:25a,m.-Molhou',e -II, ,a. hI< n.lt." 'i"'I" '\'''Vtl<. \L(;2 (9.54/ HQ4 11,221 1:30 i.m. ROil, r--I':"~",,, p.o· ( ••• 11 r", .'iollh A"H'''u 2R06 (15.10) I ~.III. -·1" d ,_Encl, 'i ... ~ /659., 1:20 l.m._\I,II><'\I"" r,,~li·" \." ....,1 ,.a'"... ,,' t' ~ ,,,I dicr- d~f<"~I",1 I", .. lor \'LG2 (9,541 \'L1J4 022) Danish broadc.asts of 8:30 a.III.--T"k~·_M~ ... t Ir .. A"'~,,. An P' t. ,,( ., JlI NBC' s international (9535) division come und er 9 I,m.--( ",(inOlli- II!'!>,,,,,,I"'I the direction of Niels of I'op"l •• IItl"o,~ ,10"", 10' 'H"'1"~''''u, WI.W() 115,251 Bonnesen, who is " 9:05 I.m. (n, Sun,1 \10 nul-native of Copenhagen E,u"h nl (;<J' rnr\ \ 11105) 9;15 a.m .• I. 9;45. 1145 O.III.~ P."",,, ... tllljj.h 'i,... 111'5(; ):15 1'.111. (10. Sun,1 \h.,a", (11,78) hIlt'''' h,.I,.I, \~" ("I17I1~ 10 I,m, ~ h",,~ld,,(--I h'M'v 'i. 19.8~3, li""all." ..... '" for \ot\h \"".,. ):45 p.m.· Ora"I\,II.·-E" .h ir.; 10. 11.,,,, -1'" I•• " 'i.-n ~, .•• fro, I hlin!: Fro,,,10 :w;()) (6 U5) I/~"'u.nrr f / l ' 11 ,97) 12;30 ,.111.- 11.. "'--(;" ~II H,d. 5:15 p.m.-lu"do,,_··I ..... ,J.~, ("",,,.,,,,1 I'm, ... """',,. in .. " f·,.III"". f>' ..... a'n ;oj",uu".,' (Ii h, r<lt I""~: 1),ln (11.771 ",.",. V.,C (958) (;n(; 111,6/1) 1)\,1 /1.2~1 5:15 p.m.-\I"o(",,,, ;>;,."' ,b, '~O p.m, (Ill. S~n,l-\~" \ .. ,k d,.h) (lS.B, 15.11. 9.5651 -'ie... I ...." H, ....... f". t. "'I' S:45 p.m. (t~. Sun.l-\ ... \'""" " .. ~rva WOO,., (1187. -1I .. k H.~ ~. I,,, 1I'0Il')" .>1 I ,~5 p.m, -(;ua'ell al", Ila ..... ha ~~ \1'il:H \9.671 .'a", n:WA 115.11) f>" ~T"\,.\<>--".,, ... ,", A"'N;"~I" i" hI' I.ri."" • 2:15 p,m. I.die.t.d. I. fWT : .vb/,ot! o.e ~ow, fo' CWT (COHTIHU[O rROM LAST WEEK) locat,on T,,,,, Me91. Call H.nna. Cub~: 9.1:15 , ..... 9.375 C08C 9,34 OAX4J L,m •• Pelll: 9·10 ~.m .• 1.4, T p.m· 1 "m, 9.12 LRS BYenos AirH. Artentin. 8-9 i.m .• 2-2;30. 6·9:30 p.m, 9.305 XGO/ Shn,hll. Chin' 8·11 ,.m. 9.30 HI2G TfUJ,lIo C,ty. O. R. ';10·9,40 ~.m 12:40·3.10.6:10·1040 p.m, 919 WCL How VOfk C,ly. H V, 6.a,)O (,,"" .III 5:50 p.m.-8. f I, "--\.~m,a" I,",.e'a'" 10, NII"h \h,~.ifa IlJl) (11.771 Il/I) (10.541 U\.I \1241 1)\1,13 19.521 10' 'iOr CO", Out 18,96) ORI 18015) (7.8651 6,48 p.m.- Mil <0'" l\"m."",{>I,\. b,~h,lo p'OO;'lm 10' S, •• I" A" •• riu 115 2l 15.11, 12 19. 986. 9n. 9565. 698) 7:15 p.m.-T" •• 0 - R",o"I..1 "'•• ..,~ •• tr""" '\',,~.in" 1">'; .."or' of "'or ,n Jail." JI.(;. (1511)5) JlJ 111.80l 8 ,.m.-- 1[",..-. p.m, 9.27 COCX 9.255 9.22 COBO 9.19 HC2ET r"KIi,h Ha" (12.191 IOn 8 p.m.-" ad •• d- ·r ......'" i. 'i",I" A'''nira L\Q ,9.861 1,30 p.III.- R" III f _··\,,,.,i.·... H"",." for h.lfo.r, ,n ro.;",'10 ,\",.-in 21104 111.81) 21lfJl 19.63) lROlJ 17.22) 9 p.m.- Port" al -I',,,, •• ,,, I... \'~n" \"~ri<a \"'.\\"1 19.7351 9 p.m.-nuJ~I ... I-'iorl" A'"ftl "" P'"~''''' f'"'n I/","u,". ~1~i410i~1~S')' -F,,~li.h 'it". 9.125 IIAT4 9.045 9.025 8.95 CO KG 8.93 KES2 1.33 COCQ 1.31 WJP 1.70 COCO 8.665 CO JK 5.585 VHPH ',465 n'SA 1.01S CNfI prncr.>1tI f,""m T'RI"i" II ...J,I ...... '" I'll '1197) 12 m'd.-!>o ..\Iri .. rl"hl f5,96) 12:25 •. m.-MtJl~,,,,,,..-C,,tli.!, f."",ra", f .., "·.. 1.,,, 'i',tll, \,. "1 .. 2 195~) I LQ. ;o---"'.," (." [WT C,ly P...".m Slil ... n 8.,,- 9:4S .... , J 1\\11/) , 15, .. -1 R..... 'p.f... lu ,,, , , HfllI ,11I'~1 "I' r " (.....( -I .... t .. I • pi (958. I.II~ ,I l'lt~ \\n(\~ 11187. 16 111 2:10 P'" - \, .. \,.,,", -.,.... 1:30 p",--I , Su. ..... ,..... \\81 .... (I1A1t ... " f I . \ ! . . 'h B, 2·30,.m. 'h,li. 1·,,11_ I ...,IS...... " 100....... 1/ lJ\'R (1176) ".'h.,~lr .. a'1 • p ..... --I ..... {" -\\e... l. '1 , .. /;'0( f<; 58) (; ... ,. liS 111 ,II, I. Ie i 10,10 i"d" I,,, II".. 1:10,.m.-l.on,I .. " II ... ,,, tl.iIotHl." .... I.'''.~ \1 '1.-<1 ( ..... ~"' I, A, ,.,ir," " .. ;n II,,,. t;",· (9511. (;1I'i \9581 G<;L 16111 9:)0 p ......_~., ,,,'~ ~\"""I. /61951 i 8::10 -I 0 .. d" It h"",~.m Ott" Ita '" 'M 'illr \\\H' I nrt .... r;"r (9.581 (9671 WGEO 11001 12 mid. -(,,,atfl,,.I. 1'.~mJ. 11 "5 p.III.--l,lII_ f'n 1'1~!f 0" M.,I.", .I,)li 1i<". ~1 ..i,,,h3 ~,. ()\\4J (9.34) Ofd, If" T';II'A 196/''";\ l1elO p,m.--Q""" 11.,t H, ,~ \. 1 p.m. \ .... \ .. ,k "m II, unll (9 I I'" .1,. II , \l (" 9:i~ I k. 10,30I,m -I" I,,,, 4 l " , It( 'I, J8 10 I.m. -It "I,~ • .~" (th ~ \;. fan'." l:IS "m.-'i. ,o,~ " , ... -(. ~ .. .. rW 1.~:3O. 5·7:30. 1.935 PSL 7·B:45 It;\\, \ (9.685) 051 , .. .1 110 I, •. T. I", r ~. 10f\' /11.105\ 1:10 p,m -I .. ~Io,,-l\hli .... , I....... (.-.('19581 r.lI\. (1168) IIr _ ... ~ • \1,_ 11110 1'40 ,.m. (Thu~ .. rfi., $It I 'Ul\ (96351 I \1 11) Q.' - ....... " '" ... *"'~ I , f 11 ..... -.I.... ,~ \1""4 ....... ·~ 7:15 ,m (Mo.. We4 Fri.) .... I r _ HU8 ,9\153, Ii h .atM1 .. , ... , .... m f \1 "10.1-\ • p.m - . I ndo,r 1 .....- I .., .. t.iqUf (RIBl 191431 '-\Rl (8.0351 \I....r..II.~1 lb." ~ /;.,.. ~,IS "m. -~~ .. Y",.--t .. m.. 1,,01 7'15 p,"'. I.. !., Tucloin, 19581 C,'I (611) Put",,, tt Ilnft .... fll81) A ,."u" II t",., ,,, B,;I.I.. ,·10 I,,, .R 5 ,.'" "' .... \ .. k \1 u~II I, ..... 19SB. I ... ' Hill) ("I \\. l ..1 'I« .... ,.,..,.., (l h"ln. II 9:15 , .... -L \I 1.10 (.'>1 (9 f .... 1 f6 \rtu •• T. aoU', .........., \f I;-.c c.It"! I\If<,,, IllJ1. (!H\ fllJtl'. ,6 1 r. ... 1 Frida.,. Janllary • 530 ,.m fti,,~ \" U,u.in ...,..... II"'" .·30 •. m, \, \, - \ \ , . _ T","ay. Jallllary S II '",m ~"ltri,." ... hoUI .h~ 1.. , ••.(, \"""j WJQIIOOII ... ~. (;'" 19581 (,11(. fll.68) 415 , .... (T .. ef. .. n~f'. 511 ) 2'1S ,.111 \, Yo'~ (;,a ,~" \ r , .... 6,06 Boiuin t" ... \IOtI .... fl1.811 \18"'" I ) 6 p,m. ·L......... 40'1". II t..'r ''', w .. (;., " . T .... \1 IA II,.. 'itw Y..., ,10 ... ,.. 1,)(1, ..... (T ..". Thu',)· _I, \ '''''. latnl", Ib ....1rr (;-.( f958, /;111. "'68, l ""... '~II~'" ""k",., 8"",n do ... ~ .,fj,.. I' ,Ir .~.. (.-.(. ,.m. -1.0......... \ .... n, ".".-I.nno<I.,.-' I". (9.581 G~1. (6 III \,nN 16.1951 • ·,.m._L..nrl"" ···nll .,,,1 A... ~,l<-a a,,,1 ~." ru.o' ... • u.... Gnf~ 111681 G.,t 19,58. 8 p.m.-Lh"rlnn_"("".1 Of'l. ~1.,,1'1 " .. I..d t<'i( n M 6:10 ~."', 1..,,,o1on--\ ("."a.li ... F,·t' , " F ...... k Kuh .. (9SII) G.... , (6,11) l1.n \"m_ 8.rll~1I (;..... f9581 1:30 ,."". I., ..... -"·W",~I \£ ,n ""'~II' (i-.( 19 ~1 .. 1:(; r,-I ,611) (;R'i (61951 \11 QlI 1<>< . 1/ 1\, ~h ... "I~ (;'-1 1'"1 .6')0 , m 10 ,.m .q., 'I< . . . 19~11'''''1 .6111 (;Il'i,6 '~l • (1;1 11.11 ,.11 ".pe ,.m.; Sun. 9:15·9:40 ,.m. ,u. 4 7.52 749 vNln T/.\\\ t9 1,1II.--r.,w~'n.I_T"~. . . 11o,,, K..... ,y~n', Chin. 6:30 ,.,n.·12 noon. 4.6 ~.m. R,bu. Morocco: B·9 a,m,. 2·6,45 S'n SII ..do •• EI S,I01dDf: I p.m.·12 m,d, C,"O. [ 9ypl: 1.45·2,30. 1:15. 5:45 p,m.; 6:30·7:30 p.m, irrog. US4 IIC2JS8 G"'1~q .. ,I. Ecu.do, 9,11 '.m. 1.66 YNOG leon. NOC:If',UI; 7·11 '.m 1.615 YNLAT G'in,da. H, .... 9·11 15 p.m. 1.565 WOJ New Yo.k C,ly. NY. ; 12 m'd.· 732 GRJ 7.l!J vuol ,.1'1. 41·METER BAND Londu. [n,l.nd. 12 IS I :10. ). ]:IS • m Otllll. Ind'i 2 lO 4lO 111 15 Im.)O.II, ... 1ok,.o, J.p.n. 5.a )(I a'" ".,dru, In, .. 9·11 lO a"'" Qu.to, [tuado' 8.30 i ,m 10 ,."'. }lSl JVW 7.25 PJ" W,II .... ,lt'. CII""O 7.25 KGEI 124 VUB2 7.24 OXJ s..~ F,.nC"IO. C.ht, 11 P,"' 12:45. 1 i.m.·1Z:OS pm aomhy. In'"" ).455. 7 1m. 1 pm 10:30 ,.m .. l .1m, IPPfOO. atrt,n. Gt.",.ny. 9 • m 5. S 50 p.m., 1;30 '.m, to No,lh ,,'" ",. San ~'int'sto. Clld. 61S 9JO. 9:4S • '" 1 :15 lo"do~. [n,lud 11 50 p ... 1.265 EAJ4) 1.26 E._ I I f... Milito". U. S S II 2, m ,. Granld", H,(lri,"" 111 , ... Po.~It·. ',Itt. 'Wid' .... '.. 19 1·11 Ttntflle. C,nl"n I'JO 10 i.m .• 2:30·7.,,,, Mad"d. 5p',11 4·1, ... Tokyo, Jip ... 7·10 JO "'" ... 7165 H"8r W,dn'ldoy. JOrlllary , lZ:lO 1,40 ,.m,12 lIIiI! p.m, Beyrolllh. Sy." l.285 JlG 7.27 VUMl 1"m Qu."·_,,,... 11, III JR f 1158) l,.m.- p,,, ,p, . II I , " , 1II1z", I' .-.1, ? .jO pm I. " .. ,_H"I"",1 'h 11"!ll~I,"'1t r; ....r /9.581 7 '45 p.lII, Q'"",. Fncli .. , \1 , II. ~ III,m (9958) 11''''' -1.0 ..... "" '0.. _." \1.".1 ..... ,' \\!lham II.~, t ...... (95111 I.~L f6(1) {".II\ 16195. .m. 7.1114 YSO 'i 10.... "' JII Thllrlday. JOllllary 1 10 ....." •.1--<1:1- ... SOlliday. Jonllory ] 10 " ,m, 9 ,.m.·5 o·m, RIO de Jinti,O. 8' .... 1: 7.446 FGIAH 1\4 ,f 1 "m,. 1.035 PROGRAMS r Solll,lIIoy. JOIIIIO'y 2 H"i nl. Cuh: 8:45 l.m.,1 '.m. 8uchreU.1I0uman .. , 2:55,5 p.m. HI .. n,. C~ba; 8·9:15 ,.m. GII~y.qU!', [cu.do.: ':30 a,m.· 130 '.m. 8 ud.IN'S!. Hun9<1ry 7·8:S5 9·11 p.m, to Horth Amem, R.dio Llb.R O·Ofitnl. Bomhy Indli 1:30·2:15 p.m. Hlun •• C"h 8:45 im,-12 mid. 5un. 8:45 ,.m.-11 AltllfS. AI,,,i. 3-4.7:15·9 •. m .. Z~. 6:30·7:30 p.",. Slnll',o. Cllba: 1-10,:10 3:15·11:)0 p.m, Bolinll. C.hl.: 6:15 •. m,.12,]O p."', H'u~a, C~b,. 6 •. m.·1:15 "m. Ht .. Vork (ily. H. V 1 p.m._ 12 m'd. H. nn,. Cuba 5,30·1:30 I,m. C,m,guft. (u b. 12:30·130. 4:30-7.9-9:30 p.m. M.n" .... N,ufl9ua 9·10 '.m,. 1.865 SUX ""«.,,, SPECIAL con 8.96 TPZl 9:45 p.lII. (n. 511.)-8<',,,- I ·h l.rt'\iOra", 10' 'i".tll .\'''f' ,< 10. 11 ",".-'if" Hf:U4 aliI HERS (11.8651 10:45 p.m.-I,.,,,I"n--\." ft f" 11·10 {;'>(' 19.581 e.", 16.111 (i!:\ 16.195) 11 p.lII. ·\1oIl",u,.. ..-I'"...."", r". 'i.",h A,,, ••it. n.e.9 liT -) ll'i3 119.301 II p.m.-,-"",,I ..,,_ "1l~.!Oo "'~ , f ...I." " ..... hl tlot """ ~, .. J " • ",." who II .. kt il e.'o(' (9.581 GlI\ (6.195) G~L ,6.111 11 :45 ~,m.-n"".,,ilIo.- .\U r· Rh'h hf d.w~ Ti ... (9535) JI.(;2 /9.5051 2:15 "m. - 'iow \',.,." .... IID'I. um (IS 20) RtpOtl •. (.... ),,_ ~'w. 6:30 p.m. L .... d .. o ·11" n~ ani \\'lICb 111.87) ."',.,. I.} UV"'I , ,I, .... ,', 12:)0 •. m, -11"",<--''\",.... 2:30 p.m. I. .. ".J,,, n.","o \~'" "" 1.1 1;_1 (9,58) (;11(; II."". III. N",II, ,~.I (;111 (15,391 (11681 '"'''';''' 21103 ,9.63, lRO~ 3 p.m, \rl' Y",~- ..... ,.. , .". 6:45·1:30 p.m. (u, Su~.) AT \11811 211(16 (15.30) 2JI(\Il Jhl.,IlU \\'00;, (II 1) .' B.,La' 1~,,, P, .... , {7221 ',n W.OI, _IU 1C0 .. "n weOA oax 11,11 "1,03," "1,0" "L01 11 U b._du ot d.lly . t ........... tl ..... DAILY 2'" Me, ••,d. •• I~"" _. 01 lul"",el .. '~'''.' AFHI, .1.",...11 '.M "I~I I' 7" CBry C....... 11,~ .Jel c~....... T .. C!fal N o _ 1m PlH B,-. .iI til calBE ........ N'II... In', III I a 11.1'. OIXI. t~o •• TI .... JhawlI ,. EWT; ubtro,t 0 .. hour 'or CWT '51 '" '" JlI 1«1 un. 2:00 1m. Jl4 60. 9oS4 Th , ......... lI.t.d ~ ... ... World Short-Wave Broadcasl Stations p'u. 1.B KWIO 72) GSW 7.12 VlO~ 7 45·10:18 p.m, '.m 5:45 ,m 64SI1~S.m S1d~.,. ,,~.I'ih. 1l15'j(I 72'S I lS am 10 NO'1'" Ame"tl 1.215 2ROII Rome, lul1 1302. 2 ~O 1 40. 811 a.1II IU07.,1O , ... 12 ""d. to HO.lh A_flU 7.21 VUC2 TlII1 l.lDl YSY 7.20 CM21 HIS GIIK (.''''''Il,II!.' 3 3 50 ,,. Sp.... M.d"" 4 1 1' .... S.n S.I • •r [I 51'"", I 10· 11 ... " Hn." •. 12 "',. londo~ 5~ ,m CU~I En,II~' 1oIoY... U ]:20·4)0 7.111 8 I.m -I S S 6 , .... 1) IS I"'. II 12 115. .. 12 IS 3, ) 15 5,15·7:]0~ 1.15 GRT london. [n,lind 5'45,,,, l.a p.m (TO liE COHTlNU[O NEXT W[[KI N.lt' Th" " Ihe M>lnth ,n I Mtoe1 ..h.th ..e Ir' , .. bll'~,,,, • ,.m,ltle 1"1 01 I~r wofld's sho'I'WIYt ',udusI,n, U.llOns by Ire<)u,",,,,, w,lh Iht OP"ol,nt tchtdwle lor uth. RtMfvt you, cOP1 01 MOVI[·RADIO GUIOE in id¥.n" 10 IhU you w,(1 nOI ",ss Iny 01 I"it nluablr lid IJ SHORT WAVES NEW SCHEDULE OF FREE CHINA STATION SOVIETS REVEAL SKI-TANK TACTICS • • • Fuzzy Wuzzies Receive Christmas Parcels; Schedule of Russia's English Broadcasts; Australia lifts Ban on Communist Party Santa Visits New Guinea Nat ives By CHARLES A. MORRISON CCORDING to a IrUe!' fl'om ABC correspondent lIayd<.>n Lennard "somewhere in New G uinea" broadcast over the Australian short_wave station, Chrbtmas parC<'ls were delivered to native boY!i who hud a!<sisted Australian troops in N('w Guinea who were sick or wounded. The parcels were provided by the Aust ralian Red Cross out of fund~ d("1'ivcd from the sale of the poem '·f.·m.zy Wu:tzy Angels ot the Owen 5t.onley Track," written by an Ausslc soldicl·. Each parcel contained a btlx of m ulches, three stick!; or lobat'co, a package ot cigarette papers, two hnnrlkerchiefs, a quarter-pound pan'el of brown sugar, a piece of soap nnd a c.m of condensed mllk. Included in each parcel was 8 Chrbtmas card carrying in English and native tongue the following word. '"New Guinea Boy helped wounded AUl:trallan soldier ... Now Au~trlllilln men and womcn say 'Thank you, Native boy. Merry Chrislrnal>' ,. President, Internatlonel DX'ers Allience A Soviet Skiers Hitch on Tanks According to a radio dlsllLltrh Imm the central front in Russia, a n/;,w winter Of war ha~ developed new forms of team work between various arm. For the first time, Soviet skiers arc etf'ectively cooperating with tank~ in piercing the German defenses on the central t ront. In some cases the tank~ pulJ the skiers behind them on huge sic(13, in others the skiers them5elve~ to llow closely in the wake of the tnnk~. During assaults on strongly fortified centers of res istance, tommy~gu nn el"S on skis, clad in white gowns and pro~ \ected by a mass 01 ~ nti-tank weupont-;, infiitrate into the enemy dispositions singly and in groups and strike at him trom the rear, disorganizing his antitank defenses. Simultal'llcously tank~ a ttack from the front, and in most cases succeed in carrying the enemy positions with few casualties. These groups or skiers cooperating with tanks a re also equipped with light trench morta rs and machine- guns mounted on sledges. Skiers are also very helpful to tanks in overcoming various ob&tacles, They fill in a nti-tank track~ and clear mine fields. 9: 00 a.m.-Cantone~e news; 9 : l 5 a,m.-Siamese news; 9:30 a.m.Malay news; 9: 45 a.m.-American Hour. '1'0 North America 10 a.m.-Engli&h news; 10: 15 a.m. -Cantonese news; 10:30 a.m.Talk in English (Sat.-Mail Bag Hour; Sun.--American Hour); 11:00 a.m.-Prt$ news in English. To Europe. 11.30 a.m.-Ch lIlese musIC or songs; I I : 45 a.m.-Russian news; 12:00 noon-English n("ws; 12: 15 p.m.-Talk in English: 12:30 p.m. -CloseMdown. Japs Overlook Buned Gold The Melbourne shorl-v;ove station le\culed Ihe oth('r morning how G. M. Carr, engineer or th(' Bulolo Gold Minmg Company Hl New Guinea, ~a\"ed S175,000 10 gold from the clutches of the ,JapUnese. lie ~aid: "When the Japanese landed ;It Lae und Salamaua I was left behind 011 Bulolo to carry out dtlmolitioll work With my own native boys. whu were thoroughly tl'u~twol"thy alld efficient. I used 60 cases of geligll1te, and destroyed bridges. cranes and all machinery that could be used by the Jupunes<!. We blew holes in the airdrome and set fire to the fuel dumps. The last ot the exploding petrol blew me off my feet. About 2: 00 a.m. I rolled the gold out of the guardhouse down the steps and into the dense jungle, where In a hole three feet deep beside a tree. About three days atter the demolition work I reported to the Army authOrities that the gold was safe, os earlier it had been reported missing." 400 yard~ 1 buried it Shorts From the Short Waves {Berlin I-British troops in India are suffermg badly fo r lack of quml1le, mos t of which former ly came from Muloya now in Japo nes<! hunds. The Britb;h have requisitioned aU stocks in New [)(!Ihi (Rome)-Rome commentators express grave doubls that we are uble to turn out ships as fast as we !"eport, unless, as one speaker said, they are "made of cardboard" . (London)-Accorrling to a report from Tokyo, Allied nationals interred in Shanghai recei\"ed several hundred letters and some Christmas parcels during the hotldays. . (London)-All [tulian newsp,lper' com p lain.~ that the air-raid wardens of Turin quit the city as soon as alr~1"aid alarms are sounded ... (Vichy Radio)-'"The present population of FI'ance would be abou t 80,000.000 instead of little more than half that if the birthrate of 1876 had continued. This is what the RepubJi~ can regime did for France. Now under the Nazi new order this will all be corrected." (Austra lian Radio)Australian troops, as part of their l"egula r mili taJ"Y trai ning, are being Il1ugh! to find susten;lnce in the bush, as aborigines do. The new Instructlon cour~ i,' designed to make the soldier indel>endent of ordinary supplies it he is cut off or isolated. Troops will learn how to get water tram roota of trees and lrom shells dug from dryinr mud; that the bark of a certain tree, crushed und thrown into a river, will dope fish and bring them to the liurface within an hour: and that onionweed bulbs, thistles. wichity grubs and onts' eggs cnn be made palalable. Wichity grubs are large. white woor! grubs regarded il~ .. boriginal delicaciCl;. Th(' authorjti(·~ don't claim that Uley are sati~ tymg but say they will keep (1 stnlllded mlln alive tor week.;; (London)Aceoz'ding to Ra.dio Newsreel, tile larg_ est and friendliest "army in exile" enjoying the hospitality 01 Britain is the t.'Hger, young and enthu~iastic Polish 81'my quartered in Scotland. The armies of Poland in exile rank s ixth mllong the annies of the Allied powers. The one aim of the Polish arm y is '"The shortest way back to Poland", . (Me!bourne)-The ban on the Communis! party lmd its pl'ess has been tlrted by the federal government. The Communist Porty in Aus t rnlia was deClared an illegal organization by the Menzies government in June, 1940. An _ nouncing the lifting of the bnn, Attorney General Dr. H. V. Evatt said the Communists had given sutislactory undertakings of maximum support for the war effort. Dr. Evatt made it clear that the decision evidenced no sym ~ pathy by the government with Communist views 01' actions. Soviet Broadcasts to North Ameria Soviet tronsmissions in English tor North America can be heol"d currently at the folJowing times and on the fol~ lowing frequenci es (only those frequencies best heard are given) (all lime EWT) 7:40-8:20 a.m. on 15.75, 9.86 9: 15-9:30 a.m. on 9.86 5: 15-5:40 p.m. on 15.23, 15. 11 6:48-7:25 p.m. on 15.23, 15.11 , 12.1 9 9: 15-9: 40 p.m. 011 15.23, 15. 1l 11: 15-11:40 p.m. on 15.23. 15. 11 , 9.565 meg!;. Notes Concerning the Stations The Danish undercover shllion on Chungking Station's New Schedule 9: 48 megs is now heard from 2: 00 to 2: 15, and from 6: 00 to 6: 15 p.m, F.WT, XGOY, the Free China international broadcasting station at Chungking, now operates on a new frequency at 6.12 megs, daily as follows (EWT): To East Asia, and the South Seas 7: 35 a. m.-Spanish news: 7: 45 a.m. Burmese news; 7:55 a.m.-Chinese music; 8: 00 a. m,-Ta lk in Chinese or English ; 8: 10 a.m .-Chinese opera or m usic; 8:20 a.m.-News in J apanese; 8:30 a.m .-Dutch news; 8:45 a.m.-Burmese news; &.ecording to Thos. Jones ot St. Peters_ burg, Florida.. The African Service ot the British Broadcasting Corp. is beamed to North America, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. over GRE (15.39 ); from 2: 30 to 4: 4S p.m. over GRG (l 1.(i8); from 4: 00 to 4:45 p.m. over CRY (9.60) ... Rome has an E nglish broadcast for Gt. Britain, dail y l rom 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. EWT. which Js broadcast over 2ROll (7.22), 2R023 (6 .29 ) and 2R019 (10.23) . 12 FORMERLY director of NBC's staff in western Europe, Fred B"te now is manager of NBC's international division, His work in Europe promot. Ing the mutual e~change of radio programs between European countries and the United Stetes gave him valuable experience for his present job n iH I SHORT WAVES W" Da ily News CWT 'WT 7,OOa.m. 7:30a.m. 6:00 i.m. CITV STATION London GSa Siigon 6:30 .. ,m. B~'lin '" 7 :45 a.m. 6:30a.m. 6:~O l.m. 6:40a.m. 6:45,.m, Rome 2R06 M~lb'rnt 8:00 i.m. 8:00 i.m. 8:30 •. m, 9:00 •. m. 1:00 VLG2 Tokyo 1:00 '.m, Oelhi 7:30 •• m. O'gking 8:oo ... m. London i,m. Vi,hy Mo~(ow a:30 i.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 '.m. 11:00 a.m. Borlin 9:00 i.m. Ch'gking 10:oo ... m. Stotkh'm M.lb',nt 11 :15 a.m. 10;15.,m. Daily Afte rnoon 12:00 noon 11 :00 i,m, London 12 :30 p.m. 11 :30 a.m. 1:00 p. m. iZ :OO noon 2:00 p.m. 1 :00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 1 :00 p.m. 3; 45 p. m. 2:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:00,..m. 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 5: 45 p.m. ~:45 p.m. Tokyo Ram. london Tokyo london Rome Moscow londo" Ev.nlng5:00p.m. Tokyo 5:15 p.m. Romt 5 :45 p.m. london 5,48 p.m. MOleow 5:00 p.m. Tokyo 6:00 pm. Bulin 8:05 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8 :30 p.m. 7,05,..m. Mldrid 7;30p.m. Finl~nd 7:30 p.m. RIll de J~neifll 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Rome London DIAL 9.51 11.775 15.20 11.765 1530 m xeov '"' '"XGOV 9.54 9.535 6.19 6.135 1539 15.20 6.12 VLG2 lS.\55 9.54 GRE 15.39 15.14 SOT '" JLGZ 2R06 GRE J l G2 ORG 2R04 Vi~hy DQily 5:00 ,..m. 6:15 p.m. 6:45 p.m. G:48 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Guide to Programs English Mor" lftg 6:30a,m. 7:30it.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:10 i.m. 7:10 a.m. on GSC G" 9.505 15.30 15.39 9.505 11.58 11.81 9.62 15.11 9.58 .."' 9.505 9.53 GSC 9.58 JlG4 15.105 OZ, 10.54 OX, 1.24 JlGI 2M] '" '.86 0lX3 11.785 "" 10.22 9.63 9.58 5.\! 10.54 2R03 GSC GSL 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Berlo" 9:00 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 10:00 ".m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:00p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m, 10:45 p.m, 9:45 p,m. Stotkh'm sa" 9.535 MOICOW Tokyo JlG4 15.105 HER3 6.155 Bern HERS 11.865 Rome 2R03 9.63 ZR011 7.22 lQndon 6.195 G" 5.11 GSL Berlin 1,24 ' Xl M05tOW 9.565 Berlin 7.24 OX> 5.03 Melo·rne VLGI 9.54 london GSC 9.58 6.195 G" ,"c 2.915 ROmf 2RO] 9.63 Tllkyo 9.m II :00 p.m. 10:00 p,m. II :15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 12:00 mid. 11:00 p.m, 12:25 ~.m. 11 ;25 p.m. 12:301.m. 11 :30 p,m. 1 :OOI.m. U:OO mid. lDOI.m. 2:00 i.m. Important OW OX, 7.24 Melacyclu 0' C1>o .... od, of ~U..,,~la •• booWD' MH. A"eria It. II 11.'1'71.10015.8."6 ',908 01X3, Fhllud 11.716 CBFY. ca.aada ll.'h PJCI, C..... e.. 1.U CH1I.r. KIo ...."o '.1)3.5 P8K. IIr,.. U lo.n C1I.1BE. llou.m1>lq~. avo tJ.s.s.a, U,15, I.U 1&.113.15.1'. JUl. 11.19, CI;W1.POTU.,01 1"Ob lI.h. JI.I3, '.an. 9,5U AI'll!." D11I, Gum .... ' U.ICI g1~· ::'~~ i~~!~-t;";!dtemala Itil~ DJD II,,, DX-I" DXL I3. DXP. DZD. DXLI. F .. ~c. EAQ, Spai.. EIRE.I",lanrl !l." Eq~ato'l.l "rdo. 6RC.En,l •• d GRE," 6RO. GR H, a aM . GRS. a ax . GR Y, (HIC, ~~: OSLo SBtJ, S-.odn TAP, T'1I.rlt.7 '.U VLOI. Ault •• llo • ... VL03, ',03 VLOI. 10.&43 VL07, U,13 VLOI, 9,16 VLHI a.li. 9.69~ FGA.IleM'U 16.3'~ f,ance (Vioh,) 11.765, 1l.14&. 962 FZI. B........;.. lll •. fT. VLQ~. VLQI. VLQIO VLR. VLWG. 1.'36 '.46~ 9.6t 11.'1 I&.U lUI 11.110 9.41 11.11 1.11 e.n 1.68 1.61 9.69 " n.,s IUl6 WDGS, Dooton. "' ... , H.S~ 15,33. l6,iI, IU1 11.08 WODX. Now York Cit, 9.8:1 11.13. l&.ifl. 9.6&. 9,48, 1.1~6 6. 17, 11.83, ~1.67 7,07 WODA. Row -y.,'k Oily 9,G~ 9,69, 11.13 9.600 WCRO, New Yo,k City 9.U IU.1, 17.13 !l,1n ti:i! 6.11 VtJD3, tndla VUD4. W~E~: :~~G"o~eij~r·U5 WOEO, Sohene".dy. H... T4. H~n .... y 9.12~ N, y, 11,&O,lI.IU. HOJJI. Eouad.r 9,UI 9.6&,9,&3,7.00 KERS. Bwlturlond 6,166 WLWO, CII!.I"natl. l{ER~,·· Ohio la.86. 11.11. 6.01 11.166, 11.7IG WNDI, New Yorlr. City llP5A. Panama 11.10 17.71. 15.15, l{P~O. ,. 11.1. 11.I93,6.1(}(I HI;P&. Thanond 11.11 WRCA. Nlw York Clt, HVI. V.tican Cit, 11.74, ln~o·Cl,ina \l.TS 11,193.0,67 1ZH .... HOD" Xo".. JLG, hpon JLG4, ,. J.I:1. 9.41 '.!GG IUG6 &.636 JZJ. 11.10 I ZK . " 15,16 XGEl. Sao Fronoi.oo, CoUf. 1&, KWID, 8an F,ane;'co, Calif. 7.13. 9.~'. ut9 K.ZRH PbHlppl.... 9,U LLH. Norway • 'U MTCY, lIanobuda I !t.' II U e progra .... li.t ed h .. a re t he •• b road"".t dally al lb. , a",e lilll • . hce ption, <In indic ate d . nme shown is EWT; s ubtra c t one "our for CWT DAILY M.... WRtJL.WRUW. Dootoll. \1,15. 1&.3&.970.11.79. 1173. I 04 XGO Y , Cbln. 131 liR03, Itol, 9.63 211.0t , " 11.11 IR08. 1~.30 liRO., I1.U !ROII 7.IU llR021 16·041 pr<>.~ram OJ I) "'Ole; Program, marked wilh a IT) are broadca" ~~oifir.ll)" for troops o,·""u>. As ch~,~ programs don't chan,~ ",uch fr..rn "eek Co week, '~g"'e.C y ..u clip out th~ program !;"i,,~, .." CI\" page .nd <e"d che'" Co a S()lriior w. O'·e"""'. Saturday, Jan. 9, through Friday, Jan. 15 EWT Cily Program Station 7 :25 a.m.~~lelbourn..-B,.uadoaSI for e.sl.rn No.l\\ A","l'ica; 7;45, 8:20 ".m.~Englj.h ,,~\\, ""d Hames of l'. S. 'ol, lie" d.torut.d for ,·. lor \ 'LG2 (9.54) VLQ9 (7.23) 7:35 a.m.~ ("hungkin~ ~(,hi,,",~ N'lio",1 pro~ral" I'nr "'01'111 Ar""dca; XGOY (6.12) 8:30 a.m.~Tokyo~Mc"a~., fr·ul1, Amer;can pri;nn~l"' 01 "or: .IZ! (9.535) 9:40 a.m.~Berll,,~Xame; ". Brilish prisone .. in Gcronan~ UJB (15.20) DXL6 (15.13) DXT (15.B) DXLl9 (17,85) 9:45 ~.m.~San F",nci'l·o (T)~ ('.,'ale.de 01 \"irlo'" I,\\'ID (7.23) . 9:45 i.m. (n. Sit.. Sun.) ~ rhun~klnl'; ~ Anlfr;C3n !h,ur; XCOY (6,12) 10 ~.m.~11 u III _EII~1i II "'~\\, 2lJ06 (1530) 21104 (11.811 111:30 I.m.~ .\lelOOur"~ I'~rlil ~ II'url'! Nr"': "LG2 (9.541 \"I.W5 (9.681 10:45 i.m. (n. Sun.)~'c" YOI'\" for (11.77) North Amerira DZD (10.54) (7.24) 0;..:1.13 (9.52) O.IB (15.20) 6:45·7;30 p.m. ( ex. Sun.)~AI· giers.Habat·tairo ~ Pro~ram piok'UI" lor NBC CBS, BHC AFJ!2 (8.96) nr:1 (!J.035) sex (7.(155) 7:15 p.m.~To~yo~Rl'<:orded ",e,"a~~~ Irmn Am.ti<an prj, oners of war ;n J.P.ll: J1.(:4 (15.105) JZJ (11,80) 8 p.m.~~lo,c"w~En~li,h tra", ,"i"'ol": (12.19) 8 p.m.~\1 a cl r; <l~P,o~ram for No,·\h A,nerica: EAQ (9,86) €:30 p.m. (ex. Sa l., S un.)~nin tie .)",o;",-E,,)[I;,11 New>: PSt! (10.22) 9 p.m.~Porcu~.I- Frogr.", fur "",,reh Americ. CSII'1 (9.735) 9 p.m,~R"d.pe'I~,,"!lrlh ,I ",.ri cal! "ro~r"m from lI~"~ar.,, 9:20. 10 :25 ll.m.~En~li'h New, Ii,\"]'4 (9.125) 9:45 p.m. (ex. Sat.)~B.rn~ l'r(l~t"'" fOT Norih Amerj~., 10. 10:55 f'-'''. ~ New,: llEr.3 (6.165) HERS (11.865 ) 11 p,m.-London~'·H"dio N~\\" r~e1. new< br the ",en and "'0 ",e" who mah it: GSC 19.58) (;11'> (5.195) GSL (5.11) II :45 p.III.~Brau.avine--Program In,,,, Fighting French Hea,l 'lu.rler~: FZl (11.97) 12 lIIid.~s... Arr;ca~E n J( 1i . h New. (5.96) 12:30 l.m.~R 0 III e--"Amuican lJonr:' for we. tern North Amp,iu: 2R03 (9.63) 2f1.04 (11.81) 2fl06 (1530) 211011 DXJ ..~r Rosemay Bllrck, lit mi crophone , II bove, is Columbill's Sw edishIllnguag e bro~d c ~ ster for short-wave t ra n5miH io ns to Eu rope r,."", A,]jor,,·a,,' i" J'1l P';""" JZI (9.535) JI.G2 (9.505) 2:30 p.m.-I."udo"~I~adio Ne'" ,e,,1; GHE tI5.39) (;](G (11.68) 2:45 p.m. (ex. Sun., Mon.)-S." York (T) _ Amerioan \"r" Ltmr \I'("HX (15.27) 3 p.m._\"pw I'ork (T)~~or"i« In3"·' 1I~Jl<>rttr: WI.lO~ 111.87) 3:15 p.m. (ex. Sun.) ~Moll'" l'i""I'--I':II~Ii'h "'~". (R1!.1F 19.8431 3:45 p.m.-lh"u"'·;lIt-E,,~li-h ~P"' fro'" Fi~hli,,~ Fre",'h (T) ~Ar".,i~." N.,,,, L~',., 1I0><I'I" ..ter, Fn (11,97) (7.22) w('ax (15.27) 3:45 p.m.~ I. 0 " II"" ~l:".Ii_h 1:3() p.m. (n. S~".)~,~\\ York /l,p"" (:nr. (11.68) 1 :30 ~,m.~Tok}'o--!'rogr.Ol r". ("n~N.w, fro"" Ilolll~ \\'1l0S 4:]0 p.m.~lidlr~EII~li'h T;,lk w.'! roa" 1i"len~rs: 2, 3:30 a,'n.-£"~Ii'h New_: 2:15 a.rn (11.87) ~'p"" (9.62) .-~I~".~", from Ameriran 1:45 p.m.-Cu~ll'tnal~-"'tr''',h" 5:45 p.m. (n. Sun.)~Se'" \·or]; (T)~B"d, II"m.: 11'IiBI (9.67) pro~,""': TGII'" (15,17) l'ri,~".r~: JZI (9.535) .rZJ 2:15 p.m._T,,~,.o~.II.".n' 5:50 p.m.~11 <, I i o-Cnl1l~";-·~ llI.BO) "",I Tim" I ~ a ... ~ Megs. 1.143 7.13 7.125 7.095 7.(}9 1.075 1.07 7,063 7.037 1,00 6.985 6.98 I, ! WT; .. Mra d On., havr fo, CWT 41·METER BAN O (Continued) Cill location Time EAJ9 MilJgi. S p ~ in: 4·7 p,m. Oviedo. Spai~: 3·5 p.m. GR M lo~dlln, England; 6:30·10:45 ; 10:45 p.m •. 12:45 a.m. to Norlh Amefiu EA~ Sp.un: HUrd 105:30 p.m. EA9AA Mtlilla, Spinish M~ro«Q: Hoard 10 5 p.m. Athens, Grtete: 1:30·6 p.m. ipprox. GRS London, Engl.nd: 1:45·4 :45 a.m.: 11 p.m.·12:45 a.m. to North Americo Antigua, B. W. I.: 5·6:20 p.m, u, Sun.: Sun, 4·4:45 p.m. EA~ Valentia, Spain: 4·7:04 p.m. WGEO Schonectady, N. V.: 9 p. m.·12 mid. ENO OF 41. METt R BANO Ku chin9, Suawak; 12:15·2, 6. 7:10 a.m. very i".g. FOSA A Pipee\t. T.h;l i: Tues., Fri. II :57 p,m.·12:~5 6,98 6.87 YNOW 5.775 HIH 6.15 YNRS 5.696 TIEP 6.66 5.635 HC2Rl 5.63 HIT 5.54 YN1 GG 550 Hll 5.50 TGWB G.455 COHI 6.44 Hil S (,,,,,,,," .. ,1 I'Nrorma"r~ I,C;U Soturday, JOlluory , /11.731 1\lllI) 115.29) EWT City Progl1ll11 SUlion 7:30 p.m,··I.,,,,,I,,n~'·Scar. ",,,1 7 i.m.~S~,,' \'Qr~ ITI--('h~N Slril'~ in Blil.i,,:' "ilh DOl f""" Ih~ lalh" won (9.59, I.)"" ~n,r 1)~1.>t Da"irJ--. pllt u" IITSX {15.271 I.) ch. ,\, F:. r. ill Br;tain 10:30 u".---("h~"(~',,~~"ollll;&~ c"r (9581 GSt (6,11) lI1>ur: xGO\" (6.12' S p.m. l~"d" ~\ .. rch "",.rir" 11:30 ,.m.~~an fr~n(i ro. IT 1 Gue_t \i.hl OS(· 19,58) C"I FiIJJor MtG« KGF.! f7.lSi (5.111 2:30 p.m.~'~" York (Tl-S~t 8:30 p.m.~1. II n II 0 n-"II~rt ;1 "ire S.n,,~dr I\RO~ n1.87) IIrilaiO\, "ton!", ~IUltd, c."( 8 p.m.~Lo,,"on-\\' ... kh· ,';:011 10 (958) r."l (5.11) ~h~ E~~I! (I .. b. ;"tl"dill. mt' 10:15 p.m. ~ )-ItW yo,k {TlOat •• froll! Am.ri .. " fli~r. i .. ("""'nlal,,J !'..fonna"... W("8.\ Ilrilai" O~l· (9,58) Oll\ (948) IIC DA (9.5'1) (5195) 10:30 p.m.- GII.telnala~Anltri 10:15 p.m. ~ yo,k (T) ,au IlflH!r.rn TOII'.\ (9.6851 \ .,,1.. ""n,. S~"'OI 1\1 R\ 11:30 p.m.~QuiI0-8atk II" 19.481 \\'1'0\ 19,591 !I,,"r !If"JB 19.9581 12 mid. ~ C.ualfmJla - P"p"I~, ~hd~ ... , dt .\Ii n.r ... ~Iarin,l,~ MOllday , Jalluory 11 Ouhnc.. TOW \ (9.6851 10 ~.m.~'1~"!rtal--("BS S{'hn~1 Swnday. January 10 nl Ih. Air ('SfY (11.705) 3:IS P.III.~"'rw York (T)~YOllr 9:]0 l,m.~S~w York ITl-~l" 6",:><lwa' A"d ~liM: II'BOS jur BO"t" wro,1 (959) (11.87) IV('OX (15,27) 6:30 p.m.- ~"" ]'ra"d'CII (T) ~ 10 l.m.~Q";!o _Su,,,la,v I'tll"" (·hadi. MrCulr,.\' I(GEI .h;p Hour, in En~li,h IKJO (11.73) I"II'II) (15.20) (9.958) 7 :15 p.m. ( Mon., Wed .. Fri.) ~ 11:30 a.m.~/I,"~w \'ork (T)H"hal, ~lon,"I'o--Ne"': ('1'11;1 {·"""",,,,I l'.rfMmall('r W('II»; (8.035) f1S.27) 9:15 p.m.-I."ndo"·-'T"i'lrlr~r 1 :45 p.m.~ N~w York ("1") ~.~. ~I"'i"ee· GS(' (9.58) (;\1\' We S~e It: WBO~ (11.87) (5195) r.SL (5.11) 2:1S p.III.~('illci""~I' (T) ~A, YOII Like It: \I'LWO (11.71\ TundQY, Jo"uCiry 12 2 :30 p.m.~A I ~ i e r ,_!'rn~r:"" l'irk'lll' for ("BS: AFII (1i.1l) ~:15 1'.111. (Tuu .. nurs., S~I.l~ ] ,..m.~ Lon ,I 0 ,,~Star~ a,,,1 New Ynr~ (T)~ I"'tr)"hi"2 Stri!l~' ill Bricajn:GIlr.III,6S) (:o~, WIlOS (11.87) 3:15 p.m.~I\~w York (Tl~ 4 :45 p.m.~ n<\,~j.wik ~l'ro~ra", lro", t.·~lnnd: TF'J (12.235) ('ur"ma"d P.rf.. rmanre I\'BO~ (11,87) 8 p.m.~l.ondon~"('"rrtnl 5 p.m.~l\p" Y~rk (T)~('BS Ev.nc<." Fr~d.rif~ J,uh 01 S"ln"hOl!}' Orrh.,tr~. 1\'rB\ \'~rI"'" Fhrllrt! GS(' (9.581 /15.271 1\·("]),\ fl1.81) (;11\ 15.195) 5:30 p.m.-1.o"'lon_'·,\n.wNill~ 10 p.m.-l.nndon~R'lho ThaIn' C;S(' (9.58) r.SI. (5.11) Yo",,· Britai" an,"'er_ "u~, Ii,,, .. frolll Amtrin", abouc Iht 10 p.m.---Quilo--Ser~i<~ Stripe', ",n' CSC (9'58) one; /11.68) pro~r.m for I!niced Nacio'" 6:30 p.m.~I.oI,dnn~.\ ('all;wian _old; ..< lht work! .. n" HUB ;11 Brilain GS(' (9,58) fall: (9,958) /11,68) II .P.m.~r.\lal.ma.I~~!'op.llb, 6:30 p.m,~S." Fra"ri,,,, (T). SOll!_ II"", T(;\\.\ 19.685) "'.w W~dnuday. Janllory 13 12:30 p.m.~Lolldon.,-Bchjnd Ih. Uaulcfr.. nt' GRE (15.39) 3:15 p.m.~X."' York (T)~~hil ("~II; WOOS (11.87) 7 p.m.~ P.. rl·au·Prin~e. Hai,;_ E,d,<h pr{/l\Tam: HHlS (5.9-47) 8 p.m.~1. 0 n d 0 n-"Democrur March..," William Holl: GSC 1958) GSL (6.1l) GRN (6.195) 8:30 p.m.~London~Talk by J B. pn",U.y GSC (9.58) Gst (6.11) GRX (5.195') 12;30 a.m.-CuaIMlal_Thf: En ,1;-" Hour: TGWA (9.6851 T"ursdQY, Jallllary 14 7 a.m.-!'i.w Y.. rk (T)-l.lIx Theater: WCDA (9.59) weB' (15.27) 8;30 i.m.---(;nrinnali (T)~Rm Skehon; 9 a.m.~M.d \'00. N~.·y WLWO (15.25) 10 ~.m.~ ~Iolltr.al--CBS Sch",,1 of the Air. Tal •• from Far and Near: CBFY (!I.705) 6:30 p.m.-San Francisco (T)Erldi~ ("ant",'. Show: KGEI (11.73) l\WID (15.29) 8:30 p.m.~London~"Brit"i" S~~ako." Col. Waite' Elliott GS(, (9,58) GSI. (6.11) GRN (5.195) 11;15 p.m.~New York (T)~ Oi",h Sho.. : IVNllI (9.67) \\"eEO (7.00) Friday, Jalluary 15 8:30 J.m.-New.... York (T) ~ W.aftOn' Forged in Am.n .. W.IQ (10.01) 2:15 p.m.~ ~.w York (T) ~ ".and,cand SUI: WBOS (I 1.87) 6 ,30 p.III.~San Frall.i.... (T)~ Ma~weU Hous< Coff.~ Tim" Kcn (1L73) KW1D (15.29) 7;]0 p.m. ~ N~'" Y.. rk (T) ~ Tommy [)oroer and Hi< Or ch~<tr. Wl\BI (9.67) 8 p.m.~l.ondon~"Off the R". ord:· Stanley Maxlrd: GSC (958) GS I. (6.11) 8:30 p.m.~L.. ndon~"WorW AI hi,,:· H. Wickham Stem: GSC (9.58) r.~! (5.11) CR\' (6.1951 i.m. Mosco w. U. S. S. R.: 7:40·8:20 10 North Amu;ca; 12 nOon· 5:45 p.m.; 6: 48-7:30 p.m. to Norlh Amuica; 8·8:30 p.m. Mo n~9UI . Nicaragua: 8 p.m.· IZ :30 I .m. or li ler S ~n Ptdro. O. R.: 8·9 ,30 p.m.; Sun. 6:20.7 :~0 p.m. M ~ni9ui, HiclfaqU I : 9.10 ~.m .. 7 p.m .. 12:15 a.m. Son JOSf, C. R., 8·9 l .m., 8 p.m.· T I.m. 49· METE R BAND 8 rull: 5·7 p.m. GUlyaqulf, E cu~dor: SU~. 6;45. 7:45 p.m.; Tilt •. 10:15 p.m.-12:15 i.m. T rujillo City. 0, R.; 1 :10.2:40. 5:4(1·9:40 p.m. Monigui. N icH~9UO: 2·3:30. 9.\1 p.m. u. Sun. T rujillo City, O. R.: 1 :30·3, 1. 10:30 p.m. U. Sun. Guuemali. Gualtma1<l.: 9.10, ) :45·4 :45,6':30 p.m.·1 i.m.; Sun 11:30 a.m.,·5:15, 7 p.m.·1 i.m. Santiago de lo~ C abillero~. D. R.; 5:30·8:30 p.m. u. Sun, Sin la Cllra. Cuba: 7:42 a.m .. 10:OS p.m. 5lntiago. O. R.: 6:40·9;10 p.m. u. Sun. QUtlal1tnlngO. G UUtmll~, 9. 11 :30 p.m.: SUo 9 p.m .. 2 a.m; Sun. 9·9:30 I,m,. 8 p.mA ~.m, SlnlllgO, 0, R.: 6:40·8:40 p.m. HIUn" Cubi: 7:30 J.m.·2 I.m, Sin Pt4ro Sull. Honduras· 7. 8:3() t.m., 7.11,10 D.m, . Romt,ltiJy: 2:30.2: 45 P,m. liml. P.... u: 7 p.m .. I :3() un. (SI\ 10 21.m.) Trujillo C;I), D. It: 5:30·10:15 ~.m.: SUo 5:30-9 p.m' S~" 815 10,30 P,m. CJiro. Eonl; 12:10.1 ~ m Truiill~ City. 0 R.; 12'40.1:~0. 6,10·10:45 pm Rllme, haly: 2·7 p.m, ChrdlyO. Pe'~ 8:30 p.m,.12:10 I.m, Truj,llo (,Iv 0 R 8·109'-4(1 a.m. ,,:~O 1'10. 4'~0.10 p.m lfO""'d"ill. Fltl Conoo: 6:55. 8:15 ~ m. 2'30·4:30 ~m, S.n hlvador. [I Salvador: 8 p.m.·12:30 I.m. 80"",~. Colombia· 11 I,m .. ]. 11 :40 p.m M.c.o. M~<;lo: To 9 I.m. lrf~Q Tr~jIlio Citv. O. A 7·.n.g,20 o,m .. 12·40Z·40 7;1011:20 O,m l~ C~;b~. unnd"r~\: 9.11:30 ~,m.: SU". 5·7 p,m, Booola, Colombll: 8 ~,m.12'IS ~.m. 6,485 Hi l l SPECI AL PROGRAMS OX, '" Statio ns World Short-Wave Broadcast Stations 5.~OS TGOA 5.39 Hf9B 6.37 COCQ 6.3H HRPI 5;]55 lAC 6.3~3 OAX4C 5.31 I-HlX 632 SUP2 6.316 HilZ 6." 2R023 6" OAXIA 6'.28 HIlG 6.28 6.27 6.25 '" HJCT 5.2S CRSAA 5,245 Hll N 6.24 "eo 5.24 HJ(F 5,21 TG2 '.m Guatemala, Gualemala: 8:30.11 ~.m" 1 ~ .... ,.17 "': •. : Sat. 7 p,m, 21m,: Sun, 99·'0 ;I.m 6.205 OAX3" HU;lntiYo, Pt,,,: 0" "'.,12 mi~, 5.20 CPS la P~l. Roli"i~: 7:1~." •. m. 7,~0 p.m.·12 mid.: Sun 4·9 nm, 6.195 CR N londnn. tnnlad: 1.2:1$: 5,15 p,m.·n:45 J.m. 10 Norlh Ame.ic. 6'.19 HilA Slntiago,O R.· 12:40.2:40.8'40 10:40 p.m. (TO BE CONTINUEO NEXT WEEK) HOle: Th;1 is Iht eighlh in I strits in whiCh Wt Ut publishin9 ;I complett list of Iht world·~ short'W~H bro~dtiuin9 n.tions by "tqutnt,ts, Wllh lhe optntlng schedule lor ueh. RestrH your copy of MOVIE·RAOIO GUIDE in ad. vanc e so .th~t you will not miss o"Y 01 lhis nluible I,st. 13 SHORT WAVES THE STORY OF AUSSIE COMMANDOS ON TIMOR AS TOLD VIA SHORT WAVE Aussies Still Defying Japs Against Odds 01 100 to I; Brazil's New 50,000-Wall Short-W ave T ransmiller A Tale of Timor ' ' F REE men never voluntarily yield to the subjugation of brute Corce," so say the American and Filipino survivors who still carryon guerrilla warCare in the wild and remote jungles of the Philippines: so yeJl the fierce Chetniks who carryon in the rugged mountains at Jugoslavia; so declare the Australian commandos who still hold out in the tropical forests of Timor. Today's story. pieced together from the short-wave accounts of Briti~h and Australian war correspondents who lived with and knew these men, concerns a t;mall group of Aus.~ie commandos who, against odds of a hundred to one, have been not only defying the Jap invaders of Timor but actually carrying the fight into their camp. These commandos landed in Timor, a Portuguese island in the Timol' Sea which guards the nOI·thwest approaches to Australia, on December 17. 1941. At midnight on February 19, the Australian mainland lost all contact with Its troops in Timor. For that day. against fierce opposition, the Japs had landed on Timor and the AIF commandos had been forced to take to the hills, from which point they reorganized and continued their guerrilln war. For fiftynine days thebe men were without wireless contact with Australia. They did not know whether the Japs had occupied Australia; they in turn had been given up as dead or prisoners. They badly needed a radio transmitter and receiver. When an officer and four men began work with a broken-down set and scanty spares, the task looked hopeless. But a day later, an exhaustC'd buck sergeant stumbled into their hideout. He had carried, through forty miles of the roughest couulry in the world, what he thought was a radio tranllmitler. To their dismay they discovered it was only an out-of-order medium-wave receiving set. Undaunted they decided to usc the spare parts of that set :md those of a small but weak transmitter to build a more powerful One. Help came from other units. One sent an army receiving set which had been salvaged from two days' walk away. They now had three sets, all decrepit, and four signal corps commandos. They set to work to repair them. Finally, on March 26, t942, a transmitter was completed. They now needed batteries to test their transmitter, and they needed, too, a receiving set. Batteries turned up fif5t, but they were run down and needed ·charging. The boys got out the generator trom a ten-year-old car; they rigged the generator to an arrangement of gcared wooden wheels turnC'd by a native. The operation was slow and tedious, but finally enough juice was generated to test the transmitter. It was a failure. 12 Becomes International Voice By CHARLES A. MORRISON President, Internotional DX'ers Alliance At last one man. who had been away scavenging, l'eturned with the power part of a Dutch transmitter, two aerial conden~ers, a receiver and other odds and ends. But their hideout had meanwhile become untenable, as the Japs were closing in around them, and the men had to move their precious junk to another place. Starting all over, they designed another transmitter twice as powerful as the first. and in the meantime a battery-charger and a small supply of gas came in. To get that charger and gas, fourteen commandos went through Jap liues, and there, within a hundred yards of Jap sentries and protected only by the dark. they dug up the booty. which had been buried when their headquarters was evacuated. On April 10, Darwin. Australia, was heard on the receiver, and they then knew that it was still in Australian hands but disappOintment followed this good news. The second transmitter was also a failure. They had another idea. To carry this out, they had to get more batteries and four were found. Then the supply ot gas ran out and the chargers could not be kept running. So they raided the Jap lines and carried off tins of kerosene. This they mixed with Diesel oil, also captured from the Japanese, and finally the charger was started on a mixture o( kerosene and Diesel oil. With batteries at full strength, they signaled Darwin on April 18, and got no reply. They did not kuow that their messages had been picked up on the Australian mainland and passed to Darwin, nor did they know that all transmitting stations h~g been warned to keep off the aIr ani) "<> listen to Timor th,e following night. On the night of April 19 they got an answer from Darwin. Then their batteries failed aJ;:ain. But the poor signalers celebrated by smokiug a package of tobacco which they had saved up for sixty_nine days. This is not the end but rather only the first chapter in the Tale of Timor, for these men arc still there aud killing Japanese at a rate of mueh more than one hundred for every Australian or Dutchman lost in action. They are ambushing the enemy in the mountains, raidiug him in his camps, and they have even carried the flght direct down the main street of a J apanese-held village. And they are doing all this against overwhelmingly superior weight of armament. Their only weapons are the Bren and Tommy guns, snipers' rifles, bayonets, knives, grenades and firesticks. The Japs have all these, and field artillery, mortars and air support as well. In their mountain hideouts they live like natives. Their food is meager and unappetizing. They sleep in native huts or in the open. As time wore on they becamc attacked by ficas, lice, malaria and dysentery. By day they swelter under a tropical sun. At night they shiver as the clouds come down, blanketing the mountains. Night and day they are patrolling. They are living on buffalo meat and rice. They were kangaroo-shooters, civil engineers, bank clerks, miners and jackeroos and molders, barbers, carpenters, bricklayers, university students, bookmakers, dairy farmers, tinsmiths, fishermen and pilots. Now thcy are AIF commandos, young men, few of them over twenty-five. They arc tough, and they are fighting for Australia. The enemy has paid them their most grate(ul tribute in one demand for surrender-"YOU ALONE DID NOT SURRENDER TO US." When the torch of freedom is carried in such brave, dauntless hands as these; in the hands of the young men who fought at Bataan, on Wake Island; who fight today in Timor; at Stalingrad; in Tuuisia; in the jungles of Guadalcanal; on the bcaches of Papua, then we can be irrevocably certain that the cause of the free peoples of this earth will be finally and gloriously won. Rio Short-Wa ver T a ~ es Air Built by RCA and dedicated to the promotion of good-will between the United States of America and the United States of Brazil, PRL8 (11.72), Rio de Janeiro, bcgnn blasting the international ether channels on Jan. I. Waiter Winchell was emcee on the inaugural program. "Radio Nntional," as the new station is callC'd, has a power of 50,000 .....atts, mnking it the most powerful short-waver in Latin America. Its signals are received in the United States with great strength; the tonal qualities are excellent. It is indeed a vCl'y welcome nddition to the roll of great intcrnational voices. "Radio El Grande" (6.05), a powerful new Buenos Aires, Argentina, station, is now on the air and relays LR3 daily from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. CWT. Notes Concern ing the Stations MEXICAN SERENA DERS. lislenert below t he border are familia r with the music and songs presented by the popular "EI C harro Gil Trio" (above), which is composed of th ree natiye Mexican singe rs. The t rio is hea rd fr e· quentlyon Latin-American programs broadcas t via C BS short-waye facilities AFH (12.12), Al!ied Forces Headquarters, Algier~, is now on the air daily, 2: 15-3:00 p.m. CWT, with a program of French ne\·. s and Algerian music ... Thomas Jones of St. Petersburg, Florida, reports hearing SUX (7.865), Cairo, Egypt, broadcastiug the Orange Bowl Game on Ncw Year's Day . . . CR7BE (9.843), Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, may be heard with exeellent signal strength broadcasting the noo's in English daily at 2: 50 p.m. CWT . . . Listeners report hearing VQ7LO (10.73), Nairobi, Kenya Colony, with weak signals intermittently (rom 10:15 a,m. to 2:00 p.m. CWT. SHORT WAVES W" Doily 'WT 6:00~,m. 6:30~.m. 6:3.0 ;I.m. 6:40 a.m. 6:40~ . m. 6:451.m. 1:00 i,m. 7 :30 i.m. 8 ,00 a.m. 8:301.m. 9:00 i.m. 9;00~.m. 9:4SI.m. 10:001.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:00 i.m. II :lO i.m. Dally 12:00 nOOn 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2 :45 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3 :45 p.m. 4:15 p,m. 4;45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. S:45 p.m.' 5:48p,m. Daily 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 1:M p.m. 7 :30 p.m. News ,n MWT CITV STATiON DIAL 5:00 l.m. L(lnd(ln 9.51 5:30 ;I.m. Bulin 15.20 5:30 ;I.m. Vichy 17.765 5:4{l~.m. M(lscow 5:40;l.m. Romt 15.30 2R06 5:45 ;I.m. Melb'rne VLGl 9.S4 9.S35 6:00 i.m. Tokyo 6,30~.m. Ch'gkin~ 6.12 XGOV 1:00 iI.m. Lond(ln IS.39 7,301.m. Btrli" 15.20 6.11 8,00 I.m. Ch'Qking XGOV 15.30 8:00 l.m, Rome 2R06 8:451.m. Sligon 11.715 9:00I.m. Stockh'm SOT 15.155 9:15 i.m. Mtlb'rnt VLGZ 954 15.39 GeE 10:00 i.m. london 15.H 10:30i,m. Tokyo 9.505 JLG2 '" '" '"'" '" AIt.rnoon l1:00~.m . Rome 12:00 nOiln London 12:00 noon Tokyo 1:45 p.m. London 1 :50 p.m. Moz'bique 2:00 p.m. Rome 2:45 p.m. Vichy 3:15 p.m. Mostow 3:45 p.m. London 4:00 p.m. Tokyo 4:15 p.m. Rome 4:45 p.m. l ondon 4 :4B p.m. Moscow h.n;ng 5:00p.m. Tokyo 5:00 p.m. Be,lIn 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p,m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 8;OOp.m. 9:30 p.m. 8:3.0 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 8 :4~ p.m. 10:00 p.m. 9:00 P.m. 10:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. H:OO p,m, 10:00 p.m. IIHOp.m. 11:00 mid. 11;00 p.m. 1:00 i.m. 12:00 m,d. ZR06 15.30 15.39 ORE JLG2 9.505 11.68 CR7BE 9.843 ZRO~ lLlII 9.62 15.11 9.58 esc 9.505 JlGI 2RO) 9.63 9.58 GSC 0" JLG4 OZO . 15.IOS 10.54 7.24 , '" '"OlX3 11.785 ,," 10.22 9.63 9,58 OSC m 6.11 10.54 Berlin OZO 7.24 Stockh'm '"U 9.535 Moscow Tokyo 15.1 05 JLG4 HER3 6.165 Bern HERS 11.865 Rome 2R03 9.63 211011 7.22 London 6,195 ORe 2.915 Berlin U>, 724 Moscow 9.565 Btrh n 7.24 6.03 Lo ndon 9.58 6.195 2.915 Rome 2R03 9.63 Tokyo 9.535 2R03 '" '" Important Stations (Mer •• ycle" or ,boll.and. or kUoeyd .. . 100.... ) ArK. Ala"er!.. 12.12 KTCY. Mand",,!a AFK2." 8,96 11.1n. IO.l)£~. 9.~t~ CBFY. Canah 11.705 01X3. rlllland 1I,18~ CN!U, Ko'*"o 8.0S! PJC1. Curacao 7~! CR7RE.1I0 •• ",bique pall. B ...... il 11.72 9.84 PSH. " 10.22 CSW7. Porlncd 9,785 BV. U.S.S.R. U.·,~. lIlB. Getmuy 15.241 U.i3. U.IS, U.II. 12.19. DJD."' lIJL. lIJQ. DXJ. 11.17 11.96, 11.&.:1. 9.&.65. 9,M5 15.11 SBU. S.eden 9.~35 16,28 TAP. Turkey 9.465 ,. 25 TFJ. leel.od 12,235 DXLl3, " 9.U 'IOWA. Gual, ,,,d. 9.69 DXl', 6,03 VLO~, Anu .. H. 9.54 DZD, 10.543 VLO~." 11 .11 DXUI. F .. ~ce 1~.13 VLQ.2. 11.37 EAQ,lIpah. 9.SS VLQ9. 7.28 EIRE , I«ll.nd 1~,12. VLR. 9.58 9.£S 17,14, 9,~95 VLWa , FOA , Seaeg.l 1S.3U VUD3, Ind io 9.59 F •• nc. (",;hoby} VUIK. .. 11.13 11,165.11.145,9.62 WBOS. BoSI." Mo,' . rZI. Br....... !ll~. Fr. 16.21. 11.87 Equateri.t Afrlco 11.97 WCBX. New Yo,k City ORC.Enrl ond 2.913 17.53. 15.~"l· . 9.65, 9,48, OBE." U,39. 6.17 , 11.13,21.61 GRG. 11.68 WClIA. New Yo rk CII, ORH, " 9.83 9.U. II .a:! GRl(. 7, 125 WCRC, New Yo,k Oil, GRY. " 9,6(10 11.13. 17.93 OBC. 9.58 WOEA. Schen.cudy, 0-9D. lI.n N. Y. 21.50. U.33. 9.55 GSF." \!.n WGEO. a.hen eclady, OSLo S.II N. Y. 21.50.11."5. HATt, Hun~ ..y 9,}U 96.~ 9&3. 70~ }lCJB. Ecuador WLWO. Cinci'MIi. Ohio 12.4$5,9,9U 17.80.15,25.11,71. 9 ,59. £.08 HER3. S.. itoedand 6.1£& HERi."' WNBI New Y.,k City 11.8£5.11. 716 17,78 15.1~. HP5A. P an.",a 11.10 11.893,6100 ~i~tTh.;;ud ll:~: HVJ. Vatlc.n City II 7t 'n·'o.Chln. 11.78 JZHA. }lonc Xonll" 9.~7 n ,ng~ WRCA. N~w ~o;~, 'i~th, WRUL·WBUW. Booton. N ... , !1.75, 15,35.9;;0..;,11/!; IZI." 9.535 XERQ. Muieo City g.GI IU. 11.80 XGO Y . Ch;r KOEI. a,u Frand.C<I, 11.90 9,6U. £.l2 C.Hr. 15,33.1173. 2R03. h oly 9,53 9.U.7.26 2ROI . . . 11.81 KWID. San Fron~;.eo. 2ROS, \!,SO Coli f. 1.n 9.~7. 16.29 mos, 17.U KZRH,PbtHppi".. 9 &!o 2ROII, 1.U~ 1& :047 LLH, No ..... ' 96t& 2R02t. ng,.J.r.• T 12/15 World DAILY P,al(raoll' ,,,a,'ked "illt a (T) are r~bro3dca>1 for "ur trO<lI" o,·~,"ea;. Clip UII! lloe'e ii,ling, anJ send Ihe", 10 ~ ."Idier uver· ~ta~. Saturday, Jan. 23, through Frldoy, Jan. 29 CWT City Progr~m Stltion 6:15 a.m.-~lelbouFlle--Oro.dca$1 lor ed$lcr" ~Mth America; 6:45, 7:20 a.''',~·ElIgli,h ne"t alld lI.one. ul C. S. ,,",,1<Ii.,. ,Ieco"~ for "alor: \,L~2 (9.54) \"[.t/l (II.SS) 6:30 a.m.- It 0 '" .......... b.~li<h 1,,\1 gram for ;\urlh A",erica: 2U06 t 15.30) 6:30.7:55,8:57 a.m.- \lo"lre~l CBe EII~Ji,j, n.", 1",lIeli".: Cfll'W (6.09) 6:35 i .m.- Chu,,~ki,,~ -rhillr,~ Fernando Ortiz Echa~ gu e, noted South American journalist, presenh news roundups in Spanish via NBC int'l short wave Xa(io,,~1 I"o~r"'" for Sorll, A",.rica; 8;45 a",", (e~. Sal .. S"".)-AOle .. ic." 11""r; 10 H,"'. -EII~li'h ne''': \(~(I\, (6.12) :15 p.m.-Tok.,·o-~I~"ag~' !roll' 1 :15 a.m,-T"kr"..-\lr"a~r' iro'" ,\",rric~lI~ in ••ap 1'r;'<>n' Jl! (9.535) JLt;2 (9.505) AII,eri,,,,, 1"i"'''N' of "d' J ZI (9.535) :30 p.m.-Lo,,,lun-fi,,J;,, ",.,,' r~"I: {;IlE (15.39) (;1:(; 111.68, 9 a.m. - S.i~on - 1':II~Ii'h "e",: rtl.775) :45 p.m. (tx. Sun .• Mon.I -\r"· 9:30 i.m.- \!el~"",,,(' I'erlll \ '''~ IT)-'\",.riCdll ",.,,' Let 1I"0rid "f"·'· \'1.{;2 (9, 54) Irr: W(lIX (15.27) \'1.1\"6 (9,(,8) 2 p.m. -Sew Yor~ ("1") -Sec· 9:45 i.m. (u. Sun.I - c.;~w Y"rk ";(ell,a,,'s Il cfIU"I<r: WHO" cn - AII,erican ,,<:~,,, Lruer: (11.87) lI'eux (15.27) \\',·1;(' ,11.83) 2:30, 3:30 p ,m .-lI~rli,,-En~li,h 11 :40 ".m.-Ho'''e--h,~li'" II,,!; ,,,.,," DX.J <7.24) "" 1,,·<Y.:rall' ror ""'Ih .\",orica: 2 :~5 p.m.- Ilra'>.a,·ille -E""h'h 21t06 (I5.3O) ,,~,,< Irnn' Fi.,.hli".,. Fr;'ndl 12:30 p.m. (ex. SUn.) "cw York FI~."'~,,"rler<: FZ[ (11.97) (T )-,'<:ews fro", !I'Hlle' WlJUS 2,50 P.m. (ex, Sun.) - \10'""" (11.87) loi,I" .......... En~1i<h nc"·~: ("[nHE 12:45 p.m.-(;,,"Ie"'''''" ~ \Ia,ill,ha r9.843) 3:15 P.m. (ex. Sun., Mon.)_c.;ew 11«'"'''''' T(:W,\ 115.17) 1:15 P.m.- 0\" k" r" -EII;;li'h York- Ever)'!hi", (;"rs' 11·110" (1187) ne"" TAl' (9.465) SPECIAL PROGRAMS Fo, p,oqro", s broad COlt doily In Doily Pro'iro",. "I" fron, \t"'t(lW, Cairo, Syd· Saturday, Jonuary 23 "e.'. etc' GSC (9.58) Gil" CWT C,ty Progr~m Stition (6195) GSL (6.11) 9:3.0 a.m.-"{·h"""ki,,~ -.llail Il,,~ 6:30 p.m.-L",,,l,,n-"SI." and [h,"<: XGOY (6.12) . Slripc\ in ll riuin," witt. Be" 10:30 ~ , m.-Sa l\ Frallri,co ,T)LI ,," and Bcll~ Oa,,;el,. I)ut on hhbcr \h(:",,: I\(;U (7.25) bj \I,e fI, E. f'. ill H,itain' 12 nOiln-"ow \·"rk 'TI-V. ;;. GS{" (9.58) GS L (6.11) ("a,1 (;,,,,,d I'ara". II'IlO~ p.m,--1. .."dn,,-Xorlh Au,e,icall (11.87) (;"r'l "i~hl: GSC (9.58) GS!. I p.m._ ~lo"lrNI-\lelr"lx.lilan (6.11) Ol>"ra: enJoY (11.705) \\'\131 (11.89) • 7:3.0 p.m.- L nndon-"IINt in Brilain," Stanley Maxt~d: GSC 2:15 p.m. - New York ( T l (9.58) GSt (6.11) Vallk "'t)"U'!I' St,·ion II'OOS 7:30 p.m.-Vatican Cit)-EngH.b (11.87 ) I no"" HVJ (11.74) 4:30 p.m.-San F"II.ioco-Wor!d 10:15 p.m.-Lima-..{:oml'lde Op3! War: KII'U (15.355) eTa: OAX4J (9.34) 5:35 p.m . ~:ineifinali-J ua" Ar· "izu and the Pan,American 0,· Monday, Jonuary 2S ch.. tra: \\' I. WO (15.25 ) 7 ~.m.-l.olldoll-W""kl)' vi!;! to 12:15 p.m,-New yo,k ( T ) Madt in America: WUOS Ih~ Ea~le (i"b, inciUllin~ me~· ( 11.87) . a!te, Irom A,"e'; •• n flins ill Ilr'itain: GSC (9.58) GIlC 2:15 p.m.-New York (T) -Your Broadv.ay ~nd Mine: WOOS (2.915) ( 11.87) II p.m. - Guatell"la - P(opular 5:30 p.m.-S~I\ Fran~i't(I (T) ~l3d<r'" d. ~Ii Tic'r~ Mui,nba Charli~ ~1<Cl'thy I\GEI Orche.lra: TGW" (9.685) (11.13) K\\!o (15.29) Sunday, January 24 8:15 p.m. - tondon-Mal'l~le.1 8 a.m.-~Iollirell-[)ramas from Malin«: GS(" (958) GUN th~ Oibl~: ("an' (11.705) (6.195) GSt (6.11) 2:15 p.m,-r.:~", York ( T ) Tueldoy, January 2& Con"""o<l I'erfor",a"c~: WBOS 12 noon-Xew York (T)-U. S. (11.87) 4 p.m.-\ew Yo,k (T) -fIlS ArllI)" Band: WSOS (11.87) Sy,npl,o".v Orche,lra WCBX 6:30 p.m. (TUH., Thurs.)-I.ol\. don--C~nadiall Cale"Jar: GSC weDA (11.83) (9.58) GRN (6.195) ~:JO p.m.- ·I.(",don-·'An$weril\~ p.m.-l 0 n do" - "Currtnt \"(0","' fl,!!a,,, an.w",< qu~' Ennl,," Fr.derick Kuh n' Ii,,, .. fro", A"'erican< about the "",F: GSC (9.581 (;[:G (11.68) \'ernon Bartlett: G:;C (958) G[/\ (6.195) 5:15 p.m. - - ,"~" York - Sammy Ka,e·,Orrh.<tra \\\111 (9,67) 7:15 p.m.-Uerlill-TJlk by Lord Haw lIa",: DXJ 0.24) DZD 5:15 'p.m.- lIavana-E,,~li'h Ser ( 10.54) "icc fO("O (6.13) 5:30 p.m.-Lond",,-.\ C~,,~<lian 1 :~5 p.m.- LOl\dol\ - Meet John in IIri!ai,,· esc (958) Gut" l ondoner: GSC (9.58) cst (6.11 ) 12.915) 5:30 p.m.-San F.ancl.("<) "nico 8:15 p,m. (Tuts •• Thwrs.) - Uer· lin-Hoberl II, lle,t OZD til'· IT) - COII""a,,,1 J' erl"r (10.54) OXLI3 (9.52) DXJ Inao.~! KGEI (11.731 KWID (15.29) \!CI!Q (9.61) (7.241 6:15 p.m.-I.o"don- -Wnrld \'ew. 8:35 p,m ........('indnn~ti ("n-s~o" Till,' II'I.\\'O (9.59) 1l""nd"l'. fe"Ulri,,~ ,Iired pifk ns.m 4;15 p.m.-I.o",I"n-L:mJo lI Call ill!!" pr<><:<OII' ""lIouncem~nb GSC (9.58) Gf(t; {11.68i GSL (6.11 ) 4:45 p.m. ( ox. Sun.i -Xcv. York {T)-O~ck lIoll'!' \\"XBI (9.67) 4 :50 p.m.-B e r I i n---(;erman)". progrllll lor ~(>tlh Ame rica DJD (11.77) OW (10.54) OXJ 0.24) 0,\1.13 (9.51 ) DJB (15.20) 6:15 p.m.-Tok~·o-Ill'<orded lI,e, sa~e~ Irol)' Yallk, in .131' I,ei'on <'''"I'': JtG4 (15.105) ,In (11.80) 7 p.m.-~I a d r i ,I-I'ro~ral\\ lor North Am<ri<a. i,,,,I,,,lin~ lie"·, in E,,~lish: EAQ (9.86) 8 p.m.-~lc~iC<J City-Y""r AII,.r i<an 1I0ur. n.." in EII~Ii,h. pol,ular Mc~i~a" all,1 U . S '","Ie, .\I::RQ (9.61) 8:45 p.m.- ~Iadra<, [lIdi, - Ell eli.t. II!W5: \"1'~11 0.26) 9 p.m. (u. Sun.I-Hio M Jauei ro--Gocdwill plngram ill Ell ~li.1I lor Nonh A,nrri.a; 9:03 ;•. n>. - E"~li'h IItw" PIlt8 ( 11.72) 9:55 p.m.-B e r n-'.''': IIEll3 (6.165) IIER5 (11.865) 10 p.m.-I.on<lon-"Ihllio ~."., reel:' IltW, by Ih ",.n and wn Illt" "ho m:lh il: G!>C (9581 "liN (6.195) GSI. (6.11) Glte (2,915) 10:45 p.m.- Bratu,·ill('--,\II· En "Iish pro~ra", frolll fh::htin~ French He.d'lU".lt,,: fZI (11.97) '1 :15 p.m.-~I~lbo"rn e--I::,,~Ii<h program for we'l~rn :>/orlh America: VLG2 (9.54) \,LQ9 (7.28) 11 :30 p.m.-I!" ,1\ e--"America" IIQur." lor we'iern 'orth "mu ica: 2R03 (9.63) 2R04 (1l.81) 2R06 (15.30) 211011 (7.22) abo~., Wednuday, January 27 11 :30 l.m.-Lo",JoII-Bebi"d Ih Battlefront ; GItE (15,39) 12 noon -.'I~", York (T)-U. S. N.,·y Band: waos (11.87) 2:15 p.m.-New York (T)-Mai! Call: WBOS (l1.87) 6 p.m.- Porl·au·l'rillce, Haiti£nglilh program: IIHZS ().917) 7 p,m.-L 0 n d 0 n-"Democ,~cy Marc.hes," Wini.m Holt: GSC (9.58) GS!. (6.11) Gl!N (6,197) 1:30 p.m.-London-Talk by J. B. Pr;Htlcy: GSC (9.58) GSL (6.II) GHIIl (6.195) II:M p.m.-Gu~tem.la-Th e En· glish Hou., TGWA (9.685) Thunday, January 28 7;3(1 a.m.---Cincinnali (T )-lled Sktllun; 8 a.",,-M~ec Your lila,'): \\,I.WO (15.25) 12 noon-:-l'ew Yark (T)-U. S. Ai. for«s Band: WHOS (11.87) 5:3{i p.m.-Sa" Fr."ci.co (T)b/die Canlor'. ~bow: KGEI (11.73) KWlD (15.29) 7: 15 p.m.-;\ew York (T)-flay de I. Tocr., guitari'l: WXB l (9.67) \\"GE" (9.53) IVGEO (7.00) 10 :15 p.m.-.'I~w York {T)-D; nab Shor~. WIllSI (9.67) WGEO (7.00) Short~Wave Broadcast Stations Tim e .how" I. CWT; Time shown is CWT; subtract one hour for MWT 0" '" '" '" 0" GO, Programs to The pro<Jrom. lisled here ar .. those broodeo" doily at the Sam .. t'me . he .. ptians ar e indicated. '" 6:05 p.m. Midrid 6:30 p.m. Finl.nd 6:30 p.m. Rio dt Janeiro 6:30 p.m. Rome 1:00 p.m. london 11:30 p.m. Guide Eng lis h Morning .~blroel One hour for MW T (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK) Me91. Cill Locition Timo 6.012 VUV2 6.07 CFRX Dacell. I~d;a: 8.10:15 a,m, Toronto, Canad.: 6 l .m..tZ;30 a.m.: Sun. 10 l.m,.1l p.m. 6.01 VVSRU CHuas, Von .. uela: 6:30 a.m.' 10:30 p.m. 6.01 TIWS Puntartnlls, C. R.: 7:30·11:15 p.m.; Sun. 2·8 p.m. 6.07 Lo~don, Engl .. nd: 5·8:3.0 p.m. 6.06 VQ7LO Nairobi, Kenya: 5:45·6:15, 11:3{i a.m.·2:30 p.m. U. Sal.. Sun.: Tu~s .. Thurs., 8:3.0·9:30 a.m.; Sat. 5:45~:30. 11 :30 a.m,·2:30 2:30 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m.·2 p.m. Bangkok. Thlil,l/Id: 6·8. 8:30.9 :30 a.m. '.06 WCOA New York. N. V.: 6 p.m.·1 i.m. 6.054 H.JFA Pereira. Colombii; 9 a.m.-12 noon, 6:30.10:20 p.m. OAX6A Arequipa. Peru: 6·11 p.m. 6,05 GSA Lon don, England: 11:15 p.mA:4S ~.m. ( Europun service) '.04 XETW Tampico . Mexico: 1 p.m.·1 a.m. WRUW BOSlon, MiS\.: Present schedule unknown 6.035 Harbin, MlIn~huku(l: 12 mid.10:15 i.m. 6.03 /iP5B Pa"aml City. PlIn im,,: 10:30 i,m.·2. 6·10 p.m. 6.03 CFVP Cligary. Alu .. Canada: 10 l.m.2 i.m. 6.03 OX, Be rlin. Germany: 1:45·3. 3:15· 3:30, 3:~5-S:45. 6·6:15: 8 p.m._ 12:30 a.m. 10 North America 6.03 CR7AA l ourenco Marques. Monmbiqut: 12 mid.- I , 4: 30·7 a.m., 12 noOn4:20 p.m.; Sun. 4:30·7 i.m. 6.03 XEKW Moreli ... Mui,o: 8 a.m.·l. 5·11:40 p.m, 6.026 Hill Sin Pedro. D. R.: 11:40 ~.m.1:40.6:10-8:40 p.m 6.026 Gu s!a. Sie9fried Ein s : 1:52.2:52. 3:52.4:52.5:51.6:52.7:52.8:52, 9:52. 10:52 p.m. 6.023 XEUW Vera Cruz. Mexico: 7 a.m..! i.m. 6.02 D.JC Bedin. Germiny: 12;45-4:35 p.m. to Afri~~ 6.018 HJKF Bogol •. Colombia' To 10:30 p,m. 6.015 H13U Santi~oo. D. R.: 6,57-8:55. 11:40 a.m, ·l :4{l. 4:4{l·5:40 p,m. 6.01 CJCX Sydn ey. N. S.. Canada: 6 i.m .. 1 :30. 8·10 p.m. 6.01 OXO BerFin. Germ~ny: 12 mid.-3 I,m. 6.01 Calcutu. India: 6·10:15 I.m .. 8· 10:15 p.m. 6.01 PRA8 Recile, Ptrnimbuco, Brazil: 3-9 p.m, 6.01 GRB london. England: 11:05·11 :30 p.m .. 2·2:15 lI.m .. 12 noon·l p.m. 6,007 ZRH Johinn!sburil, So. Atric .. : 10:45 ,.m.·12:45,9 ".m.·} p.m. 6.005 CFCX Montrnl, Canid~: 8 ... m.·l0:15 p.m. 6.005 HPSK Colon, PinJm,,: 7 a.m .. I, 5·11 p.m. 6.002 ZOY Aeer", Gold Cont: 10 i.m.·3 p.m. 6.00 XEBT Mexico O. F.. Mu;co: 10 i.m .12 :30 i.m. 'J" ..,5 '.04 (END OF 49·METER BAND) 5.9750AX4P HUinciYo, Peru: 9·1] p.m. 5.972 HC1QRX Quito, Ecuador: 6:45·8 a,m.; .... nings to II p.m. or later 5.97 VONH SI. John's, Newloundlind: 9 ~.m .' 1 :30, 3 :3(1.8:40 p.m. Vaticin City: 1-3 p.m.; Fri. 1:15, 5.968 HVJ 1:30 i.m. 5.96 So. Africa: 10:45 p.m,,'Z:45. 5:30· 6:10, 9 ".m.-3 p.m. 5.9-17 HH2S Port· aU - Princt, H ~iti: 6:30·10 p.m,; Sun. 11 a.m.·l p.m. 5.94 OAXIA Trujillo, Peru: 8·11 p.m. 5.936 PJCl Willemsled, Cun~iO: 6:15·9:18 p.m. 5.935 Kh~baro.s k. U. S. S. R.: 3 a.m.· 12 noon 5.89 ZNB Maltklng. Bechuinal~nd: 10:45 p.m,·12:45 lI.m. 5.875 HRN T e9u[l9~lpa, Hondu,n: 6·11 p.m.; Sun. 10 9:45 p.m. 5.865 PZX3 Par amari bo. Outch GUi~ni: 6:4{l· 8:4{l p.m. U. Sal.. Sun.: Sat. 4:40·1:40 p.m.; Sun. 8:10·10:40 Friday, Janllary 29 12 noon-:>"ew York (T)-V. S. ~!or;rre B~II,I \\"UOS (11.87) 1:15 p.m. _"'" York {'oGrand,land Seal: WHOS (II.S7) ~.m. 2:15 p.m.-iIle" York {T)-Per 5.75 VNJAT Leon. Nical~9ui: 7·10 p.m. 'Ollal Allm ,n: WaDS (11.81) 5.725 HCIPM Quito. Ecuado r: 8·10 p,m, ex. 2:30 p.m.- Se" ro,k ( T ) Sun. Yarn. for y~"k.: WBOS 5.72 MTCV Hsinking, M~n(hukuo: 7·10 a.m. (11.87) 5.052 WOl Hicksv,l!e. N. V.: 2:4~·5 i.m. 3 :30 p.m.-LondOIl-Uob Jlop<1 or Ja<k Benny rebroadCUI: GSE NEXT ISSUE: THE 6O·METER BAND (1I,86) GSF (15.14) 7 p.m.-London-"Oll th H!c This is tht ttnth in I se,ies in which Wt o,d."' Sianle.' MaXIe<! GSC (9.58) GSL (6,11) hiVt been publishin9 I ~o ... plete lisl 01 lhe 7:30 p.m.-Lolldon-"lVorJd AI world's short·w~.e broadc~sting station. by Ire. quentiH. Wilh th~ operating SChedules 10, elI ch. lairi." IJ . Wirkha,,, !;Ieed, GSC (9.581 (;SI. (611) (;11" (6,195) ' L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' 13 SHORT WAVES CINCINNATI STATION TO BE CLEARINGHOUSE FOR "HAM" ACTIVITIES Dispatches Reveal How Weather Handicaps Fighters; Melbourne Changes Time of North American By CHARLES A. MORRISON Weather, a Military Enemy s WE sit in our comfortable living-room in front of a cheery, crackling open fire, listening to the latest radio dispatches from the fighting fronts, it is sometimes very hard to realize that out there in the frontier battle areas our men are A fighting not only highly trained and brutal enemy troops, thundering tanks and flaming guns but weather condi~ tions that are almost unbelievable. Weather and the conditions caused by weather sometimes become <l more formidable enemy than the most powerful military opponents. We have cold weather, of course, but not the marrow-freezing sub-zero cold or the great treeless plains of Russia. Even the indomitable Russians o.re finding it hard to retain the power of their offensive drive under condi~ tions of extreme cold. Enemy airports must be occupied ahead of advancing infantry troops. According to radio reports all planes must be equipped with skis. To permit the use of these skis, landing-fields must be rolled smooth and hard with heavy rollers. Planes must be kept warm, for the oil must not be allowed to freeze. Mechanics must work in sub-zero temperatures with terrible, icy winds penetrating their clothing with metal parts so cold that frost-bite will be the immediate penalty o{ any contact by bare flesh. Lorries bringing up troops and supplies slide and slither on the icy, rough roads. Branches must often be strewn along the trails to permit any kind of progress. In Libya, General Montgomery's Eighth Army is advancing under different but almost as bad weather conditions. Geoffrey Talbott, BBC correspondent, recently stated that even ;)s he broadcast the wind was almost blowing his head off. Soldiers must lean forward at a forty-five-degree angle to keep going. Often the bitter, biting wind is accompanied by torrential downpours of rain; more often by driving mists of sand. Sometimes this veil of sand becomes so thick, so )lack you can't see the vehicle at your : 'de, You always have sand in your e. 'es. in your tea, in your coffee. Down in Papua, New Guinea, lofty im::>assable mountains, slimy impenetrtlble jungles and daily rains of "doudburst proportions" have all conspired to create a type of warfare in which only the strong survive, in which men must become savage, lurking sh<:l.dows of the jungle, conquering their opponents by stealth, by trickery, by dogged tenacity. Damien Parer, ace cameraman of the Australian Infantry Forces, has been describing this type of warfare over the Melbourne shortwave station. His own brother was killed in the evtlcuation of civilians from the Bulolo gold-fields. His accounts are stark, nakedly realistic. 12 Broadcast; New French - Africa Station Heard President, International DX'ers Alliance They grip the imagination, sear the soul. I had the good fortune to see the other night a reel of pictures that he had taken in the New Guinea jungles. I shall never forget the blinding rains, the miserable grass huts, the mudcovered Australian and American boys who, in swampy slime to their knees-sometimes to their waists-kept doggedJy stumbling ahead, while from the jungles a green-painted face would suddenly appear for an instant, fire a shot, and vanish like a wraith. Bearded, unkempt but with undaunted spirit these men of ours are carrying on and winning the fight against the evil forces that have threatened to engulf humanity. We may not have our houses quite as warm as usual, we may not have quite as much gas in our cars, we may have to hesitate on that second cup of coffee, but we are not {reezing, unkempt, our clothes in tatters, hungry, weary or wounded. Let us remember these things as we listen to radio dispatches coming from areas of dying and suffering to our homes of warmth and good health. A Texan in the Solomons One escape story which will live after the war is that of twenty-eightyear-old Fighter Pilot Licut. Dinn of Corpus Christi, Texas, who bailed out over Isabel Island in the Solomons, then canoed down the coast for six days fighting twenty-foot crocodiles and capturing and recapturing a Japanese pilot, whom he took to Gaudalcanal. Dinn related his extraordinary adventures to a Sydney newsman, who retold them over the Melbourne shortwave station as follows: "The lieutenant was flying a pursuit plane accompanying bombers in an attack on - - Bay. He got an excellent shot at a gasoline dump, Returning for a shot at another, he was struck by a Japanese 20-mm. ack-ack gun and had to bail out five miles from the enemy position. Slashing through the jungle, Dinn at last met a ptlrty of natives who supplied him with directions. At the first village he got a canoe and started on a 140-mile trip down the coast, which included threading his way through mangrove swamps infested with crocodiles, which he had to scare off with pistol shots. Two weeks previously a Japanese bomber crew had crashed in one of these swamps, and hali of them were eaten by the crocodiles. The remainder had been rescued by the natives, who have been recompensed with money. Dinn found that the only reward the natives wanted from him was a letter to the British administrator commending them for the help given. "Dinn found a Jtlpanese refugee pilot on an island five miles away. The Japanese had been wounded by a shot. Dinn captured and carried this man to his canoe. The Japanese managed to upset it but Dinn recaptured him and put him back into the canoe. A few days later Dinn was told at the village that the government launch was searching for him. He finally arrived at his base eight days after btliling out." Short-Wave Shorts (London's Radio Newsreel}-Stalin- VIA BBC TO HOME! Sgt. Bruce W. Blount of Evanston, 111., sending word home from London's American Red Cross Eagle Club grad has contributed $1,000,000 for a tank column to be named after that city ... (London's Radio Newsreel)China has an immense and ancient civilization .. The Chinese mind is extremely intelligent and practical at the same time. As a result of this we can expect tremendous developments in this country after the war . . . (Rom.e)-No clothing of any kind, very few vegetables are obtainable in Lebanon due to recent requisitioning by the British authorities for their own needs ... (London)-Jtls. Ferguson quotes General Deitm<:l.T, German Commissioner of Man Power, as saying that "the release of German manpower has thus far been restrained. Measures are being taken for the complete mobilization of the manpower of Germany and Europe," According to Ferguson, this actually means that the last remaining man- power reserves of entire Nazified Europe are now to be called up, including all seventeen- and eighteen-yearolds not already in service, .. (MelbourneJ-Gordon Williams says that when the news of Buna's fall was brought to MacArthur in Papua, his first comment was, "The dead of Bataan should rest a little easier tonight" _ .. Nazi military communiques have failed in many instances to admit the capture by the Russians o{ towns recently held by their forces. Vichy Radio attempts to explain these omissions by stating that the Russians are so illiterate and have such poor signaling systems that they never know exactly 'where they are and whether they have taken a town or not. "The Ham Club" With amateur activities suspended for the duration, not much is being heard about the radiomen whose activities have frequently proved so vital in civil emergencies; whose experimenting has been an important factor in bringing about the presentday perfection of radio. To act as an unofficial clearing-house for ham (amateur) activities and chatter, WCKY (1530 kcs.), Cincinnati, Ohio, is putting its 50,OOO-watt transmitter on the air each morning from 5: 00 to 5: 30 a.m. EWT to present a program by hams, and for hams, and those interested in them. At this hour and with WCKY's power it should be clearly heard throughout the entire United States under ordinary conditions. Now it's getting even the fans: A recent letter to Edward R. Murrow, ace CBS correspondent in London, was addressed, "To Edward R. Murrow who should be heard to-murrow to-murrow and to-murrow." ' Notes About the Stations Starting January 18 a new timing for the Melbourne to eastern N. A. transmission became effective. This important broadcast moy now be heard daily from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. EWT over VLG2 (9.54) . . . On days when reception is unusually good, TAP (9.465), Ankara, Turkey, can be heard for almost the whole of its 11: 30 a.m. to 3: 50 p.m. EWT tmnsmission. News in English can be heard weakly at 2: 15 p.m. EWT . . . Ralph Gozen of Yonkers, N. Y., states that the un~ identified French station on 7.28, which is being received daily from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. EWT, has been heard to identify as "Rodio Tunisia." Anything further on this station should be reported immediately to the writer of this column ... Radio Maroc (8.035), Rtlbat, Morocco, is coming in with fine signal strength from approximately 6: 00 to 6: 45 p.m. EWT. 12/1'1 1 SHORT WAVES War News Daily In EWT (WT CITY 7:00 "'.m. 6.00 ".m. 6:30.a.m. 6:30 '1.m. london Bulin 7:30""m. 7:30 a.m. 1:40 .a.m. 7:40 ;a.m. 8:00"',m. 8:OC)vn. 8:30""m. 9:00 ....m. 9:30.a.m. IO:OO ... m. 10:00 OiI.m. 10:45 ... ,m. 11 :OO.a.m. II :00 a.m. 11 :15 a.m. Vichy 6:40 a.m. Moscow 6:40 .l.m. Rome: 7:00 a.m. Melb'rne: 7:00 .,m. Tokyo 7:30 iI.m. Ch'gkm9 8:00 iI.m. London 8:30 .a.m. Berlin 9:00 "'.m. Ch'gklng 9:00 "'.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:00 ,l.m. 10:00 .... m. Rome Saigon 10:15 a.m. London Stockh'm Melb'rnt Daily Afternoon 12:00 noon 11 :00 a.m. London 12:30p.m. 11:30 a.m_ Tokyo I :00 p.m. 12:00 noon Rome 2:00 p.rn 1:00 p.m. London 2'00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Tokyo 3:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. London 3:50 p.m. 2:50 p.m. Moz'bique 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. RO:TIe 4:45 G.m. 3 :45 p.m. Vichy S:!5 p.m. 4:15 p.m. Moscow 5:45 p.m. 4 :45 p.m. London Daily 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 6:48 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00 p.m. Guide English Morning DIAL 9.51 OJ, 15.20 17.765 9.86. 10.445 2RD6 15.30 VLG2 9.54 JZI 9.535 XGOY 6.12 GRE 15.39 OJ S 15.20 XGOY 6.12 2R06 15.30 11.7i5 GSF 15.14 15.15S S'T VLG2 9.54 STATION GS. GRE JlGI 2R06 GRE JlG2 GRG CR7BE 2R04 GSC 15.39 9.505 15.30 15.39 9.505 11.68 9.843 11.81 9.62 15.11 9.58 Evenl"9 5:00 5:00 5 :15 5 :18 6:00 6 :00 7 :05 7:30 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 7 :30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Tokyo Rome London Moscow Tokyo Berlin Madrid Rio de Janeiro Romt London 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 9 :45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. JLG2 9.505 2R06 1'\.30 GSC 9.58 15.11,15.23 JlG4 15.105 OXJ 7.21 EAQ 9.86 PSH 2R03 GSC GSL OXJ SBU 10.22 9.63 9.58 6.11 7.24 9.535 8:00 p.m. Berlin 8:00 p.m. Slockh'm 15.11,9.5E5 8:15 p.m. Moscow JlG4 15.105 8 :20 p.m, Tokyo VUMZ 7.26 8:45 p.m. Madras HER3 6.165 9:00 p.m, Bun 11 865 HERS 10:30 p,m. 9:30 p.m. Romt 2R03 9.63 2ROli 7.22 10:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m. London GRN 6.195 GRC 2.915 11:00 p.m. '0:00 p.m. Berlin OXJ 7.24 11 :15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. Moscow 9.565 12:00 mid. 11:00 p.m. Btrlin OXJ 7.24 OXP 6.03 1230a.m. 11:30 p.m. london GSC 9.58 GRN 6.195 2.915 GRC I :ooa.m, 12:00 mId. Romt 2R03 9.63 9.68 l:'Oill.m. 12:10 a.m. Melb'rne VlC8 1:00 a.m. Tokyo 2:00 a.m. JZI 9.535 Important Stations rX....e'des 01' Lho\uand. 0' kilocycles IlIo.ul AFB. Al,eria 11.11 IITCY Ka.ndluda AFH2" '.16 1I.n... 10.00$. '.$oU CBFY: Cauda 11,70) OIX3• .FiAlaud 11.78$ CNRI. XOn:H:CO '.IXI$ P.1Cl. Cunl(~o 7.2$ C1l7BE. )(ou,fDbiqu. caW1. POTtus-al OlB. GerPlny 010." 011.. D1Q.. DXJ". DXLI3. ,. DX:P. D2oO. 8.14 9.1'3$ 1$.20 11.11 16.11 1Ii.11 1.25 ..51 6.03 10.543 16.13 EAQ, Sp.ln 9,86 EIRE, Irela.nd 15,1:1. 11,84.9.696 FDA. Sflncral 15.346 Franco (Vichy) DXL6. Truce 11.16$,11.145,9.62 Fl.I, BTanuil1ll. FT. Ellu.. toTial AfTica 11.97 olle. Ellie-land 2.91$ GRE." 16.39 ORO. 11 61 GRH. 9.111 1.11$ 9.600 ORM." (rRY." GSC aSD', 9.68 11.1& OSF, 16.14 OSL, 6.11 HAT", HUII'u" HC1D. ECUadOT 9.115 II.tn.9951 HER3, S ....i.ulI1"1and tt1615 RERlI." HP$A, Panama 11.10 HP5G." 11.11 HSP5, Tilailand 11.12 HVJ. V,.tican City 11.14 Int\o.China 1171 J20HA HOIII:' Kon, t 47 JLGI, Japan i,5O:' n04. .. 1$.105 1Z1 9 $3$ JZ1. 11.10 RGEI. Sail FT.llci~ CaliC. 16.33 11 7B 9.611.1'_26 KwtD, 9all FrancllCO PRLI. BU..III PSH," 10.12 TAP. TuTlr.ey 9.46$ RV. U.S.S.R. u.n. 16.23, 16.18. 16.11. 11.19. 11.96. 11.18. 9.6,,$, 9.$45 SBU. Sweden 9.53$ TF1. Ieelud 11.13$ TGWA. GuauPI.I. 9.69 VLGf, AII.H.Ii. 9.&4 VLGJ" 11.71 VLGI, 9.61 VLQt. 11.11 VLQIO, 9.59 VLR. 9.58 VLW6. 9.68 VUM2. Indi~ 7.26 WBOS. Bolton. Man. 1$.21.11.17 WC8X. New YOlk Cit,. 17.13, U.f7. 9,65. 9.48. n.$7 WCDA. New YOTk City 6.08.9,$9. 11.8S WeRC. New YOTk City 6.11'.11.1'8.11'.83 WGEA.Schellllohdy, N. Y. 21,$0. 15.a3, 9.l'i6 WCoEO.SlIhenf\CLlI.dy, N. Y. 2150. 11.846, 9.6$. WL WO C;IH'inllll.ti Ohio 1•. 10. 1&.211. 11.71. 9.$9.6.01 WNBI New YOT!\ City 11.18. 16.16. 11.193.IUOO WRCA New Y'lrk Citv 11.18. 15.16. 11.893. 9.67 WRUL.WRUW. Boston. Xus. 17.75. 1$.35.970 11.79 1113.6,04 XERQ )("'1' 0 Cit,. 9.61 XOOY CI·lna 11 &0 96U 6.12 fR03 luI\- !!R04 2IlGS. CaUf. !!ROI RZRH. Philipplll" 9,64 2ROll LLH. No",_,. 96'15 !ROlll 1 12 '17 ll.a 961 11 II 15_30 1782 7.21$ 1$.047 to Programs The pr09ram$ listed here are those brolldcost doily at the SOme time. hceptions or. indicoh·d. Time shown is EWT; subtract one hOllr tor CWT DAILY 5 :20 p.m.- lIe\I~' Progf.i.ms marktd With a (T) are rebroadcast for our troops overseas. Clip out thue listings and send them to a soldier over· seas. Sotul"doy. Jan. 30. throu9h Friday, F.b. S EWT City Program Station 7 :35 a.m.- ( hllll!tkill~ - { hitlc~1' ;\atiollOiI J>nll:r.ulI lur ;\urlll Awcric;o; 9:4) ;0.111. If\.. ~al. SUll.) \'ueril.tu HUll. XGO\ {6.12' 8 a.m.-).I cluuu r" I"--Uro<J,Il'a~1 fur ca"IClll \,,1111 .\lIlt'ri\:.. : Ell ~Ii~h lle'\~ .llltl lIalU~~ III C. S "oldien. decordle,1 i"r \,.. Ivr \'Lli2 (9.54~ \"I.q7 (H.88) 8:15 a.m.-Tokyw _\lc~....Il;:c ... II'(OlIl i\ull'ricau Jll·i....,ul·.... {If 11011': ,11.1 (9.535) 9:3C a.m. (u. Sun.)-\c\\ \,,11 (Tl-Uell BUllie. l15.27) \\1 D.\ (9.59) WLU\ Origenes Lessa, noted Brazilian writer and journalist. offers a thrice-weekly commentary via NBC international shod wave f'1'J-\e\\~ frOlll 1I0lUc. \\ jjO~ 10 a.m.- ~ .. j::,Ut -Ellc!i ... 11 IU'\b; (11.775) (11.87) 10:30 a.m.-)(dbolllllt'·Ptl'rh- I ;45 p.m.-Gual{,lIlala-~'lirillllla \\'or!,1 l)('\h: \'1.<.:2 (954) "ru~l':tlll: TG\\'A (15.17) 2:15 p.m. -1\ell" Yurk (1')\'1.\\6 (9.68) 10:45 a,m. (u. Sun.,-).('\\ Yvrk "itJorls News: \\' no:-:. (11.S7) {T )-AlUcric;lU SCII ~ LCIU':r; 2 :15 p.m.-To") iI-.\lc~~:.gc~ lruw WCDX (15.27) WCI~C (11.S31 AUII'licau'i ill .I:ljl 1)l'i~llll~: JZI (9.535) JLG2 (9.505) 11 ;10 il.m.- \lclbullfllC -Trall~ Illi~~ioh luI' \\C~lCrt1 ;\.orlh I :30 p.m. -Lulldull-T:,nlio New~ rcpl: lalE (15.39) lalG (11.68) AIlIf'ri,';'; bU.dI~h lIell ~: \·L.(;2 (9.54) 2:45 p.m. (tx. Sun .. Mon.)-:\el\ II :30 a.m.- U c r I i II -Enl:li~11 \ ur'" (T)-Aulcrio;:t1L ~f'\\'i Lel· leI': WeB:\: (15.27) IICl\~: n./L (15.11) 12:30 p.m.-Ul'l·lill-(;l"'flllall Ili~h 3 p.m.-Sell York (T)-~crvice· t·QIlIllli.lIHI COlllllllltl1ll11I·. ill 1;;1\. Illall'~ Ileporter: \\"BOS(11.87) !?Ji~h. for prf'~~: J).JU (11.77) 3 :30 p.m.- Brav:t\"iltl"' -Elldi~h 1l'\,J ll.2-1) IlC\'~ fr01l1 Fil::hliu!!: french Ilcadlltlarler~; ,,'"ZI (11.97) 12:40 p.m.-r.ulLl rlleli~h 11:.1, i.lll Inu'.:r:'11l lor '\or,l1 \Iucri,i.l; 1:15 p.m. (ex. Sun .. Mon.)-Sew Y(lrk E\'f~rnhine: (;oe~' \\'HO., 21:06 115.30) (! I.S7) . I ;30 p.m. (u. Sun.I-'\I"'\\ Yurl. ~IOI'kht)11Il -Lrlldl~h :-'I:W (9.535) 5:30.6:15 p.m.-:'l. J .. hll·~. Xell found bil(l E 11 ~ I i ~ h lie"" VO.\II (5.97) 5:45 p.m. (ex. Sun.)-~e" Yod, (I)-Bael. lIome \\''\Ill (9.67) 5 :50 p_m.-H t r I i n--Gertnam .~ prOitralll for S"urlh Ameri(';1 OJD (11.77) DlD (10.54) D\J 0.24) DXL13 19.52) 6:30 p.m.-London-\\ ar IIc\ il'\\~ b) e"'l('rt Il1ililaq COlllltienla tors: (; ...{ 19.58) GnG (11.681 7:15 p.m.-T"I.)u--Re('orll~d m('~ !-a!;l'. froUl \"an"~ ill .Iap llri'4Jll camp~ JL(i4 (15.105) JZJ (11.80) 8 p.m.-:'tl ad r i 11-l'rol{r:1t1l t"l ~urlll Ameri(:t. illrhlllil1l! 11I'\\~ in EIl~li~h: E\Q (9.86) 9 p.m.-\lc,i,·o nl~--Ytlul .\lIIer il',1ll lIour. IU~I\~ in En~li... h '''llmbr Mexicall and l. ~ mll~ic: XEIlQ (9.61) 9:45 p.m.- Mildra~. lildia - En tdi<:h Ile'\~: \T:'t12 (7.26) 9:45 p.m. (ex. Sat.)-Berll-Ell gli~h 1>rol!ram for \"nrth Amer ica: 10:55 'l.lll.-~('\\"': IIEn3 (6.165' HEI<5 (11.865) 10 p.m. (ex. Sun.)-Hio dc Jilliei fo-Coudwill lJ!'o~ram ill En t!lish for North AUierita: rRL8 ( 11.72) 11 :45 p.m.-BI·au.al·il1c-AlI.En g:li~h llrogrll.m from Fil:hliu!.; Frellch lIeadquarte!'~: FZI ( 11.97) 12:30 i1..m.-1l 0 III e--"AIlleriean Hour." for westerrl North AnH'I'icll: 2R03 (9.63) 21104 (11.81) 21106 (15.301 211011 <7.22) 1 :30 a.m.-Tok)'o-Pror:r3ul for We...t eoa~t li~tener": 2:15 2.11\ - Mehal!e'" fr('1ll _\mf'ril'an prisoner~ I'll 19.535) .1 Z.I (11.80) World Short-Wave Broadcast Stations This is the elh'enth in a sefln In which we hillve been publishing a complete lin of the world's short-wave broadcasting stations by frequencIes, with the operating schtdults for uch. Tiffle show" ;$ EWTi $lIb'rod Olt. hOllr tor CWT Megs. Call 4.97 HJAC 4.965 HJAE 4.96 VUD2 4.945 HJCW 4.93 HJAP 4.92 YV5RN 4.92 VUM2 4.895 HJCH 4.885 HJOP 4.875 HJ FH 4.865 PRCS 4.865 HJFX 4.85S HJCA 4.84 YVI RZ 4.84 vUC2 4.83 YV2RN 4.823 HJED 4.82 XEJC 4.815 HJBB 1.81 YV1Rl 4.805 HJOU YV1RX 4.795 HJDX 4.79 YV6RU 4.80 4.785 HJAB SPECIAL PROGRAMS 4.78 HUB For pro')ro,", broodco,t doily se. Daily '1'091'0'"' obo..... Saturday, JalUlary 30 EWT CIty Program StatIon '0:30 a.m.---( 11111 "il -'billb~ Hour: \(;OY (6.12) 11:30 a.m.-:-:'an I'r:tlltl~l'" 1'1)HI,I.1'r \I('G~~: h{;F1 (1.25) 11:30 a.m.-\rv. '\,r~ (T) l. ~. I-f)a~l (iu:t(tl Paradl"' \\ 00.... 1 11.87) 2 p.m.- '!ul\lrl"al-_lctrolKlhl:tU OIleroll: (HI' II U05) \\ :'\81 (11.891 7=30 p.m. - LUI,d"n -(;cullemf'll Wilh \\illt~ V,,( (9.581 (iK( (2.915, 8 p.m.-I.ollllon-\\'('ekl~ vi!>it 10 Ihp \I\l~rif:tn [ae;le (·Iub. with J1'cr"'l)naluH'~~a~~~ ,11111 ~re~lint~ from l·. ~. nifr~ in UriUill G~ (9.58) GRr 12.9151 9:05 p.m.-'lonIT~al-Hoch,. bro"dca<.t (IjFY 111.705) 10:15 p.m. - ~I'IV York - , an\" Swill!!: .... l'~~i"ll. \\ (BX (9.4S) \VeOA (9.59) 12 mid. - GU,llclll:tla - Popular ]ot'lffpra .. lit i\li Tierr;1 \I::trimba Orl"he~lra TGWA (9.685) Sunday, January 31 9 a.m.-.\luulrnl-[)r.lIl1"'~ (10m the Uihle: (IU' (11.705) 9:30 a.m. - :-';ell YUl'k (T)MajM »O\II'~: \\('IJ:\ (15.27) \V('OA 19.59) 1 :30 p.m.-:\:t~~.lu. li;lh:tma~ Weekh- Ilev.~ rc\ ir\\: Z\!-o2 16.001 2:30 p.m.-..\ lit i f' r ~-I'rOll:r3111 1'"-I.,uII tot l Ij ... \ill (12.12) 3:15 p.m. - \e'\ York (T)("111"';11011 P"rlUl"lUitllle. \\'BO:-:' ( 11.87, 5 p.m.-\ell '01"1. tT)-(n'" .....\tlll'h,,"~ Ol'dll·~'I". \\(U:\ 115.27} \\('1),\ (11.S3) 5 :30 p.m.-I.,mdwi ,\II~,\~rill:': You." BrililJlI .. ",v.f't~ Ilue~ tiono; fmlll. A'"f'riloln oI....,UI.tllf' 1\;1f C..<. 1955) (;H(~ (11.68) 6:15 p.m. Il;llall:t-Enl:h~h Sf'1 '.i.·t: (O(i) 16.13) 6:30 p.m.-Lullll')lL-.\ ("lll,adiolil 'I' II .. "" (;"'C 19'>81 (01:( 12_915) I 6:30 p.m.-<"an Fr.J.llcie,co·\h:'(il'fI (-jl.\· I I') Comm:lil\d l:rerforUl "lIlr~ KGEf flU'l) K\\IO 115.29) XERQ 19.61) 7:30 p.m.-Lond"h-":')t.ar.. and Slrill~ ill "rjuju." \\ith Bf'n 1..1011 and lJ..m: D:tllieh. IIUI on hr Ihr A. E. F. in Urilain (; ....C (9.5S) GSL t6.11) 8 :30 p.m. - IA:andon - "Hut in Rrililin." Stanl,-", :'tfuled C"'( '9.58) Cst 16.11) 8:30 p.m.-\'atiun ('il,·-E·,rlt,h lIew" H\'J (11.74) Wednesday. February 3 3:15 p.m.-\~\\ Y"rlo. IT) \I:til ('0111: \\ IK) (I1.S7) 7 p.m.-Port-au Prinl'e. HoIlti· Eneli"h I)ro:;ram: Hills (5.947) 7 :30 p.m.-Loudon-Behind Ihp Uatll~lront: (is(' (9.581 (;"'1 (6.II) fone (2.915) 7 :45 p.m.-Quitu. El'ual!or--Eli ~Ii~h Mail Box: IKJ8 (9.958. 12.455) 8 p.m_-1. 0 lido 1\-"OeUt~rar~ ;\I:r.rchf'~." Howard :\laNhaJl GSC (9.58' GSL (6.11) 8=30 p.m.-London-Talk b\' J Mo"day, February 1 U. Prif'stley: G!=lC (9.58) G~I 2:45 p.m.-~tw York (T)--our 16_11) nllc (2.915) ~ccret Weapon: wellx (15.27) 12:30 a.m.-Guatcmala-Th.. Ell 3:15 p.m.-:o/"e..... York (T}-Your gli~h 1I0ur TCW.\ (9.685) Droad",ay and Millt: W80... (11.87) Thursday. February 4 6:30 p.m.-San Franci\('o IT)p.m.-\tlY York (T)-l'. ~ Chulie MI'Canh\" KCEI Air Forc:u BanJ: WBOS (I1.S7) fl1.n) KWID (15.29) 7 p.m.-Quito, Ecuador--Per~OIl,,1 6 :30 p.m.-S:tn Francisco (1')Eddie (lIl1tor'.. SholV: K(;I;;I ltl'~'illlCt'l and Il;reClil\'t~: II{'.I n (11.73) K\VID (15.29) (12.455. 9.958) 9:15 p.m.-L 0 n d 0 n-\lal>lelear 6:35 p.m.-finc:illnali (T)-Sho\1 Tim,,: WI.\VO (15.2$) Matinu: esc (9.5S) Con'\ 7 p.m. - Cincinnati fn - 'Iail (6.195) eSL (6.11) BlIt: \VI.\\'O (15.25) 11:30 p.m. - Lima - Peru r.n.. 7 :30 p.m.-I."ltl"n-KhaJ..i ~cr:lp You: OAX47. (6.082) hon~: (9.58) GSL (6.11) Tuesday, February 2 GRe (2.915) 8 p.m. I.olldl/II - "Lmllioll LeI p.m.-i'lew Yurk cn-I!. ~. lei·... M1H'dolluld 1L.t~lill~~: e~( Arlll.v B,llId: WBOS (1I.S7) (95S) (;SI. (6.11) GIlC (2.915) 7:30 p.m. (Tues.. Thurs.)-Loll ,Ion-('auadian ('al"udar' CS(' Friday, February 5 (9.58) Gil' (6.195) 8 p,m. - LOll dOli - "(urrenl 10 i1..m. - \lonlrf'al- II .. r"r~ III E"enh," Frffirriel. Kuh or ("In:t.I ... (liFY (11.705) \',mOll Rartlell. G~( (95S) 1 p.m.-\'rw York IT)-L :) r.R:'\ 16.195) Marill" Band: W80:) (11.87, 8:15 p.m.-Berlil1-hlk h~- l.flnl 2:15 p.m. - ;\"ew York (n11.1\1 lIa\\ D:\.I 17.24) 1)70 Grallrhl;lIld SUI: \\ IiOS (11.S7) ( 10.54) 3 :30 p.m. - :>-;rl\ Yurk 1n Yarth 1(If Yank~; \\'BO~ (1I.S7) 8:45 p.m.-Londun-\tf>f'1 .10111 1~)"I"tlf'r: C:-:'C (9.5S) (;"'L 6:30 p.m.-Sail Franc:i..C'o 11')(6.11) eRe (2.915) :'tlu\\f'1l 1I0n..e Coli.... Tilllt' 10 p.m. -I.l"lrion-Ha,li.. TI'f':tIU' KeEl 111.73) hWID (15.29) G"'r (9.58) G:-:.1. 16.111 cnl" 8 p.m.-I.lIodflu-"OIf thf' Ree:· (2,915) 01'11.' Slanle.1 :\olulf'\l' GM' 10 p.m.-Qullo. Ecuarlor-~ff\'il" (9.58' GSL (6.11) :"1 ril'(-'~' prOll:farn fnr I 1.", ~ul 8:30 p.m.-Londoll-"World AI Iii.." Ihl' w(l1'1oI ,,'''r 11('.1 B fair~," II Wirl.hal1l Slef'<l: Gt;r 1995S. 12455\ (958, (; I 1611) eRr f2.915) ""I' 4.775 HJCB 4_77 YVI RV 1.76 YV4RO 4.747 YVl RV 4.70 4.58 zQr 6Q·METER BAND Location Tlmf' Barranquilla. Colombia: 12 noon12 mid. Cillrtilgena. Colombia: 8 a.m.-7. 8-11:30 p.m. Oelhi. IndIa: 10:30 a.m.-12 noon. Bogota. Colombra: 7 :30-9 a.m .. 8 :30 p.m .. 12 mid. Cartagena. Colombia: 10 a.m.-l :3U, 8·11 :15 p.m. ex. Sun. Caracas. Vf'nezuela: 5·11 :30 p.m_ Mil.dras. India: 10:30-11 a.m. Bogota. ColombIa: 12:30·3. p.m.·12 mrd. Medel/in. ColombIa: 9 a,m.·2. p.m ..12 mId. Armenia, ColombIa: 9 a.m.·12 noon. 7·11 :30 p.m. Betem. Para, Bruil: 6·9:05 p.m. Cali. Colombiil: 7-11 :45 p.m. Bogota. Colombia: Relays HJCU to 11 p.m. Valera. Venezuela: 12:30·2, 6:45· 10:30 p.m. Calcutta. India: 8·8:15, 10:15·11 a.m. San Cristobal, Venttutla: 12:30· 1 :30, 7:30-10:30 p.m. ex. Sun. Calif. Colombia: 8·11 :30 p,m, Guadalajara. Mexico; 11 p.m.·12 mid. Cucuta. Colombia: To 12 mid. Maril.caibo. Venezuela: 12 noon· 2. 5:30·11 :30 p.m. Medellin, Colombia: 7-9:30 p.m. Maril.caibo. Venuuela; To 11 p.m. Medellin. Colombia: 6·11 :35 p.m. Ciudad Bolivar. Venezuetil.: 6:3010:30 p.m. Barranquilla. Colombiil.: 6·11 :30 p.m. San Salvador. EI Salvador: 2·3, 9:30 p.m.-12 mId. Bucaramangill. ColombIa: I-II p.m. Coro. Venezuela: 7 :30-11 p.m. u. Sun. Valendil.. Venuuelil.· 11 :30 a.m.· 2:30. 5:30-10:30 p.m. MaracaIbo. Venezuela: 10:45 a.m.II :15. 4 :30·10 :30 p.m. Kingston. Jillmalca; 6:15·7:15 p.m Khabarovsk. U.S.S.R.: 7·11 :30 i1..m. approx. 86-METER BAND 3.505 VV5RX 3.495 VU02 3.48 VV4RQ Cil.ucas. Venezuela: To 11 p.m. O,lhl. IndIa: 10:30 a.m.-12 noon Puerto Cabello. Venezuela: 6·11 p.m. 3.46 vV4RP ValenCIa. Venezuelil.: To 11 p.m 3.45 vV6RC Bil.fc~lona, VtnezueJa: To 10:30 p.m. 3.44 VVIRU Maracaibo. Venczuelill: To 10:30 p.m. 3.42 YV2RC Mtrida. Venezuela: To 10:30 p.m. 3.41 VV3RX Barquislmeto. Venezuelil.: To 10:30 p.m. 3.40 VV5RW Cilfacas. VenezuelJ: To 11 :30 p.m. 3.39 VV4RK Maracay. Venezuelil.: To 10:30 p m. 3.38 VV5RY Caracas, Venezuela: 6-11 :30 pm. Caracas, Venezutlil.: To 12:25 a.m. 3J75 YV5RI 3.37 YVl RT MaracaIbo. Venu.uela: 6:30-1' :30 p.m. Bombay. India: 10·11:15 a.m. 3.365 VUB2 336 YV5RS Caracas. Venezuela: 5 :30·10:30 p.m. 3.315 VVI RO TrUJillo. Venezuela: 8·11 p.m. 3.31 VV4RX Maracay, Vtnuuela Calcutti.. India: 8·8:15, 10:15·11 3.305 VUCI a.m. 3,l0 YV1RJ Coro. Venezutla (THE END) Note: Ntltt wfek in this !>pau Wt WIlt pub. lish ill list of Enlll,sh·l:>nlluallt prMrams brtla1. cast over United Stales International stations. Buy an extra copy 01 thIS editIon of MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE so you can clip out this list 10 stnd to a soldier oversus. He'll appreciate It 13 SHORT WAVES BBe SERIAL, BORN DURING BLITZ, PORTRAYS DAY-TO-DAY LIFE IN WAR-TIME ENGLAND • Nazi Private Describes Ordeal in Russia; New "Freedom" Station in France; Nazi O ffice rs Desert M en AZI officers are brave men-as long as they are winning. Once they are trap~ and see defeat N stnring them In the face they nm like rabbitt:, leavin, behind them any thin, or anyone that hinders tht>lr flight. They lett whole divisions of their Italian comrades abandoned and ,;trandcd in the Libyan desert. In Russia they have even been abandonlna their own enlisted men. To prove this I cite the radio story of Private Rulfe Je,o.cb of the 83rd German Infantry Division, which was captured at Veltkle Luki. He slated that their last days and hours In the town were horrible, Large ammunition dumps were blown up by several direct hits and the explosions thundered all day lonl. In his own words Jeloscb said: "The situation as regardinl ammunitlon became so grave that our command requested that .hella be sent by air. Several loads of ammunition on para· chutes reached us, but this was not enough. The thunder of guns and the heavy dre of heavy R uuian trench mortars forced UI to huddle in cellars. Some men l06t their reason before my eyes; others, unable to mnd it. com~ mitted suIcide. The desertion of our offl.cera from the blockaded town was n terrible shock to t he men. In the heat of the battle an airplane landed in one of the .treet.. We thought it breught us ,ood newa. but we loon learned that our oIncen bad deserted us and used this plane to save their own skins. The soldiera cursed them up and down. Unfortunately they learned too late what their superiors are worth. Rumors reached the sol· diers that the Soviet command had proposed to the (arrison to lay down its arms, and had promised all officers and men their lives and a safe return to Germany after the war. The garrI_ son command declined this proposal, and preferred to pay with the loldiers' liVelli, while they themselves fled from doom like rats from a ,inking ship." Revised Schedule of Australian Overseas By CHARLES A. MORRISON From My Short-Wave Notebook Pre<dent, International OX'ar, A ione. (London) -Accord in, to ome Frenchmen, It isn't D~.. p \11 the Heart of Texa", but "Dieppc in the henrt of the Axis" . . . (London Radio Newsreel)-Accordin& to Moru.ieur Mayo, just returned [rom North Atrira, the political set-up in Tunisia and North Africa is dana:erous: may be even danleroua: for the new France-civil and military. Eighty to ninety percent of the French in North Africa are pro-Ally but many people are confused at present and thw susceptible to enemy propaganda . . . (Berlin)-The coat of living in London has risen by forty percent since the beglnninC of the war ... (BerUn)-The RAF lost 150 airmen In their last raid on Berlin. These raids are cerlainly not worth while for the British whe! viewed 10 the lla:ht of such a tremen· dous penonnel loss . . . (OWl "Newl from Home")-The AEF has the Jarrett factory In Britai n. It Is a m achine-shop which covers more than • SQUare m Ue. In It anythInI tram a wrist-watcb to • tank. can be repaired • •• (LoDIIoD. Callina)-The new tune, The E'lQhth AMnII Ma.rch, was compoHd b7 ErIc Coates under odd dreumstances. "The BBC wanted it In a htJlT7," said Mr. Coates, "and I got the idea for it while walking down Oxford Street one day, I wrote the march wblle t he moving· men were takInJ: the furniture out of my flat unW onl.1 the plano wa. left." So with the E IJhtb Arm, on the move, and ha OWQ turnlture on the move, Mr. Coates cot moving himself and pro_ duced The Eighth Armll .Ma.rch. table. In l he intervals, they were dlscuaslng what happens to ordinary people when war drives its wedre into their llves. Eventually, they conceived the idea of a serial reflecting the excitements and tensions or a typical middle-class British family In wartime. Althourh sixty or FCventy other chaTacters weave their way in and out ot the story, the plot revolves round the flve members of the Robinson family and the eirl and the soldier who arc eolna to mnrry Into it. In the early days it was easy to get material for "Front Line Family," as lOme of the most dramatic London raids look place lOOn after the serial started. Many of the actors (ound themselves rehearsinl situations in which they had just been Involved in real life. A number came to the microphone swathed in banda~es. When the Lunwatfe ceased its niehUy visas the finding of material became more difficult, as the Family was not 10 dramatically in the front line, 10 the author concentrated on their domestic lIle. "Front L ine Family" may be heard every evenlna execpt Saturda7 a nd Sunday at 4:30 and 8:4!i p.m. CWT over London stations GSC (0.58), GSL (6.11), GRN (8.20) and GRC (2.915) . It can also be heard over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network. Austral ia n O verseas Transmissions Note: Effective Jmuary 18, the oveneM broadcastln, lehedule of the AUstralian short-wave station was completely revamped. The new schedule of lransmisslons lollows (CWT): T ......... I...I. . 10 12,10-12.40 a ..... _ln E".1IIft to wClurn Nouh AlMtic:a. VLG. VLQID T ..(',SO) __ I•• I•• 1 U,U·J :40 *-tn..- I . PrellCh to Taft!!l. VLOl (11.11) 7 ..."_1 ...100,, 2 1 ;55-2:25 a.m._Tn E" l n ,h 10 BrllIl .. nc ... , In gD.nah u 2:00 ....... ,. V LCI (t."', I 1 1.11), VLQl (1 1.'1) T,...... I...... 3 2 :10·1:10 a.m.-flo 1111- 10 Htw Ou;ne.. Solom" ..... VL~ (11. I) 7 r _ I ........ .. S ::IS•• ,U •• m..-IQ Pl'ttICh to " "" CII •• T'!::::,..":o~G~ (lUI) 1:II.Jltl!) a.m.-t n " . .. Iul .. to China , 5:)0-5;50 ......- h EIl,U-" 10 Eall Aala, 1;10·6,15 •. m._I n Mal lY t " tile Ntlhertand. Indin: 6:15"': 45 a.m.-In DutCh to the Hetbul.nd, Indl . .. V LQJ (I5.S15 ), VLO (11.'41 T ..._I ..I.... 1:00-7 ;45 •. m.-I n Enandl " ulleT1l Hon" Amnlu (0..... In Eall!.ao . , ':01 ..... ). VLQl .\,.541. VLY (I ,U) T ........I. "n 'J ':OO·,=,S ••m.-Ift PT-t_b to Ph""h Tnd .. Chlnl: ';15·8:00 a.m.- In Thll to ThuI.nd. VLCJ (9.54) Tn ...... I•• I" .. S 8,OOIl;H a.m._ III Enrllih to Eut Al l.. VLC6 (IS_U) Tnn ..... I..I"" I 10;00-10,U a.m.-Tn £1I&lI lh 10 _lIh1I Norah Amuln. VLCl (1. 54 ), V L )t (I.n ) Above information !Um.lshed by the AUstralian News and I nfonnatlon Bureau, New York, New York. Notes About the Stations " Front line Family" The SBC's "soap-box opera" Is the serial "Front Line Family." It Is followed l'eligiowoJiy by untold thousands of short-wave listeners in all parts of the world. Not only Is it dramatic and thrilling but it is true to life In that it strives to portray an average family as they live from day to day In war-time England. According to the Canadian Brcadcasting Corporation, the Idea of "Front Line Family:' which has been broadcast regularly since April 28, 1941, was born during a bad London bUtz. Alan Melville, of the BBC, was In a restaurant with E. L. Bushnell, of the CBC, during an air-raid, and bombs were falling so close that every now and then they had to dive under the 12 Broadcasts SOMEWHERE IN THE SO UTH PACIFIC G enerol Sir Thomo, Blomey (left) , populor Comma nder in Chief of Australian Infontry Forces, chofs with 0 member of the AIF. The conversofion is being recorded, possibly for broodcost lofer over Australia's domestic ond foreign shori·wove focilit ies The number of clandestine, "freedom" and otherwise unlicensed shortwaft: transmitters in Europe Is on the rapid Increase (this Is to be expected as the clQ of liberation for the oppressed peoples draws ever closer ) . One of the more recent to take the air Identifies Itself as "La France Fidele." Its proerams, which are mainly in ~nch or Arabic, may be heard daily trom. 1:30 to 3: 15 and from 5:00 to 6: 00 p.m. C WT on 9.575, 7.315 and 7.25 meg!. The last named is the best heard of the three frequencies . . . The Roumanian Freedom Station Is still operating daily on 11.60 rnegs. 12: 45 to 12:55 p.m. and 3: 15 to 3:25 p.m. CWT, In Roumanian . . . "Radio Metropole" (the old Belgrade transmitter) operates (rom 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. and from 3: 40 to 3: 58 p.m. on 9.48 meas; from 4:05 to 5:05 p.m. CWT on 6. 100 megs. English news is given at 4: 15 p.m. CWT . . . Home Service Transmissions of the Budapest shortwave staUon are currently broadcast from about 2:30 to 5:55 p.m. CWT Clver HAT2 (6.66). News In English is liven at 4: 25 p_m. CWT. l' 'il '1 SHORT WAVES on English Mo,nll" MWl CITV STATION W" News Doily CWT 6;00 I.m. 6;3(1 • .m. 5:011l.m. 5:10 I.In. ':J/h....,. 6:40 '.m. s:)() Mo'SCow Ro"" 5.4O •. m. 6:00 I.",. 61Kh,m. Melll'rnt TokU ' .m. 15.., lRD6 15'" 9.615 9.535 6.12 15.19 15"" 6.12 XCOY lRD6 1530 11.175 15.14 15.1 S5 .:451.m. Saiton '" '"'RE JlCl 9:00 '.m. London 9:00 I.m, Slockh-m SOT ':Oh,m. Mtlb'rnt VLGZ 10:00Un. 10:«h.l'I'I. 11:00 I.m. 10 :00 I.m. london ":30'.m. Dolly 12:00 noon 1:00 ,.m. ':00 11.111. Rome 10:30 •. m. Toky. Att.rnoo" 11:00 I,m. . IU? '.505 eR7BE 11.81 2R04 9.62 1511 9.58 JL(;2 '" '50' ".., 9.58 '"15.n.15.23 "D6 E",.nh" ... .., ox. 1.24 EA' OOll PSH 2RO) .58 6.11 '" '" 1.l< ox. 9.535 9.615 "" XERO 15.11 .9565 1:00 p.m, Bf-lin 7:00 p.m. 510(:1<h'm 7:00p.m. Mu.eily 7:15,.m, Moscow JLG4 7:20 ,.m Tok,a YU", 7:45,.m. Mdrn HERI 1:00 8trn HERS 1:00 ,."'. RIO de hnt;r-. PRLI 1:30, m. Ro"'. 2R03 2ROli 1:45.,m. London 8:00,.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p..... 1:15,.m. 1:20p.m. 1:45,.111. 9:00 15.105 '26 ,.m. ,.m. 9:00 ,.m. 9:30 ,-"" ':45,-"'. .. .. ... '.6l 111 6.195 "..-1.1 I" " J' C~'u.. ,au, ., ..11 PlH, "'GI av, U'II CHal, •• _.. ca7.a.....m~lq ... CIW'I. r,nulal DJB.O ......., WD," W1. DXJ DXP '.14 n .• ',7;1t II rI U 11 II," u.n. 16 IA. lUI lUI, lilt ,It, JJ.U ........ IU 'TIIB..U. I....... '.135 P, Tlo.k." ,,(6) TPI,I""I .." It.a:u TOWA.Ou.I ••• I• • . • 1'1.0'. Aoot .. ". ',14 1'LOJ lin .13 Yr.Ot Ii"n I ) ts I'.u '1'1.01, '.M VLOI ',11 '.61 DZD EMI, • ...s. Ii II, n,1t . . .1 £IU:.I",ulI.oI PG" ........1 rnn •• I1'IoJo.,' 'I'Ll '.Ia to., YLQI, 1111 16341 'l'LQIO, ".161. I I ' ' ' , FZI. ..........Ui<I. Fr, "a VU: VLW, VUIIII, 'U ho... .,U l.t<> E<iut.rl'l .. (.101. II t7 WBOI, 8M1. . , III ... , DaC:, E-.,I.... .'16 nil IU? OU!.' 16,. we.x, a.w 1'.,1< CI" IT,t:!. 11117 ...... u, oao. II .. OIH •• ~ '.11. 1I ,t:! 11, 67 oalll. ',111 WCDA OIl'. ',NO Ote. ., •• WCltC. a •• T •• k Ci.,. OlD 11.1. '.17 II I ' Il.~ DIP 11,1. Clr. .11 w~l'~' 'l1~,~~:r' KAT. Hup., ',116 WO[O, k ........ d, HC,J. £., . . . . ~ 1fT .IMnln ai:'-Y:":.OW'., .... 1. . . . , . . . . ff~ll. RE... Iwl.... I&_ .,." .. II .... 11111 HP..... r......... HPM," II II ~I ~. HU, n&.ilaaol II TI 11:1" y.U • • Ch 11,11 To ..clo.!u Ill' JZII:A, R • ...t: Ml not" It I~' J'''' ,.... • nl nl 1(0£1 . . . Co.", x".. • • ".al 11,01 r ......... 1,)3.IIU '11.1" I:",ID, .... rUft ..... c,1 ( 1.1.3.' Ii. 16" 1t.t:tK. PlliI,,,t. . . . . . . r.r.H, l'I'....., , • IU IIITC1', ..... ~~". 11,116, 10 HI '.141 0111. ".Iud Tn I. II 7U ..... • ... ',is 1. W1.Wo. CI.",_oU 0' '. n .. 11.11 1111 , Wlta, l'I'.w T ... ~ CI,. n~1 11_ IIU '.1. WItC. . . . . 1'••• c,,~ 17":' 16 I i II IN. • f7 waU1..auw ...... , •••• u,al ,'0 nn II~' It~ ..... XEIQ lIIu .... CII. '.11 .. .... XOO1' eIll •• IIIO.U6 .,U 1103 11.1 Qlto., ~ lion IIOJ\. .~,,, .~ Iltl ,,~ 11 It Till Ii 047 ....,. Ignacio Carra1 reads news on NBC's daily short-wave broadcast to Merico. Program is then rebroadcad over Mexico', XEW networ. \1.1 (9.615) HG1 (11.845) 1 :IS ,.m.-T"kl·<>--\I~"a~r, Uo>'" ,~'''.nun pri'lO"'" "I "ar; JlI 19.535) 8 I,m. (u. Mon.)-4uil_"""· ,,,~ i" Ih. a <I",. :15 p.",.-Tokj ....... livo,~1 p,,,,,ram IIl~1:J 19.958 t_ ,"" , 12455) '-\"'~tiUnl ilt J'J' 1"1 19.535) JU;2 195(5) 9.9:45 J.m.-,>.iloh-Enot\ish 1:15 p.m._S_ h'k IT! "...,eo (11.175) ..."., •• ~ Stw- \\80.., (11.811 9 l.m.--st:henK,adj (TI-~.u 1:45 p,m. (u. Sun •• Mon.)-"i ... lrom 110m.: \\'G~:O (15.33) \"o.k (TI - A,,,triUt1 S~W 9:45 J.m. (ell;. 5un.) -X ...' '"rio lAtlff: W(8X (1527) ITI-AmV;UII :" .... trllt. I\T8X (15.27) wcnc (11831 2 ~.m.-X"" l"o.k ITI-........... 11:30 ~.m.-B •• lin----Gtnll.n 11;"h \\U" ... ,11171 tom nantl c-... niq ..... i" ... 2,55 ,.m. lu. SU".) _ "'_ boq," _ EqD.~ ....... t 117111 ~~.h. lor p."",,: I)"ILI 111.771 (9&01 U\J 0.24) 3:)() (n. SlIft.1 n.. ,I<' J. 11;40 1.",~011'_~'''' lIali _ ... -- r ... ~... ... I'll L! ... pnllnao , .... NOrlh A, ....... 111.72) 2H06 (15.30. 12:30 p.m. (u.Slln.)-'\; ''''~ ~:25 ,.m.-8,,1\ ..... ,_~ UATl (6661 .TJ-S ...n lrom 11, OW I\HO ... ~:4s p."', Cu, SlIft.) ,~" \ nUn 1'[1 Ij.e~ II~,. 1\\111 12:45 p.m.-C""._lao \1. "'.,.,_. IToW ... (15 7J '961) '1"""".",,, 'h. '" ....,,'. n..,..r." ,.lot. SPECI AL I" t U ( • (11 ", 1\ 1\ III ",,,.-s,,,, 1 (, a. • 11.871 5 r. ..... ,d r"r~l~ 1\ 110... ,.",.-I.oa,l .. " )I, .u ..... ~'·."I_ 1.:-1 19581 (.U\ " * '.... ,'1, \'" I •..., t. 19'\81 1.'1 16 ,11,17) II\J (7.2~) Sorlh AI".ric~: DZO 110,54) OXL13 (9,521 nJH (15.20) 01(C2 (11.721 5 :45 ,.m.-l.O>ndo,,-"i~,u .1t~1\ II ••IId ,oar <o",n't,,'a,i~1: G"-I 19.58) Gil" (6.195) GSt. {6.111 6:15 p.m.-To~J ....... nK",d.d "'e> •• ~ .., lro'" Yank, in J_aJ' I'ri0>" tan,p. JU;4 115.1(1.)1 JZJ 111.801 JRAK (9,5651 8 p.m.-lIuda''''51~''''rlh AlltNi r~" fm", lIu,,~ar\; ~i~4 9(~.lf5J;',-EIt~li'h ".".: 1:45 M.d .... '. I,,,Ii. - t;" .-11.1, ".... n 112 17.16) 8,45 p.m. (u. SJI.)-B~r,,-EIt· li·11 ".""ra", lor \'0,111 Au,~' ilo; 9. 9:55 p.n',-~ ....·" lInd ,. '\;. ~I 1:300.m I~I' I 0).1951 G~1. 16,111 11\,1 III '~I 6;30 ,.m.- ........ --I.,~,,"'. \\i.1I II",.." (, ... ' 19581 t.t:( Monday. hbrury I IZ.9151 (;'tr. 16.111 2,15"m \, \, .1, \, 1:30 p,III. (10:30 •. 111.1--1. II" \1 1\ 1111" - I t...... I"ru'~ .. .... 19 11181, I;'" (6.11) 5 I \I, I p.m.---("iac",,,.,.-II,, P....... 1M \1, .10.,1 \ 1,'>( WI.\\O 19.591 IH 11\ 19.-431 .!J~, I 16.11. II p.m._U~a,.", .• I. I' I., 5,30 p,'" .... Il.... In II.,I~.". 'k '1, T,.·.,. \1" I. fhul .. lid , .. ~. h.l:lI I"'h.-". n;11 \ ,9 I t11711 1..\\111 11 2':11 ':15,m -I. .... \1 ..,.....1 S","d .. y, f.brlt1ory 7 II , ..." 10..., t958. 1;11\ It 19'), 1,"1 /611) I '.m.-\I, II. ·11, I" 110. U,IlI I HI \ ! 11 1(1051 10:)(1 "m. I '" I'"" llll 9:15 •. 111.-·\1 •• ,lt~ \ , 1,1~,t! \ •• " O\\~I 1608Z, \(n. LB~\ ,II ! 11 '30"m -/",1 .. ".1 \1"1 I,~ 12:45 pJII.-\ .... \",1. \. II. I ,,11.1\ \ (~" , ....... 11 W)iQ-. tl1.811 TII.,day. F. brllory , 2;15 ,.m.-\" \",i, !ll I , .",1 I'~'-, II UO~ 610 p.m. (Til". TII~Ol,1 lI (.. L", 111 87. 2JO p.m.-Qu.,O. 1, ....1nr ,9 II,U'tCi 1",,1.,611. g,,, 1I'lIr IUJ!I II ~ 1 ,.m. 111.15 ,."'.1 I ( ,t' I 'P I h.-.irr. 9.9581 4p ..... -"ino\ori;lfl (0" h.uj, • \~r, tI~f\It .. I •..., (9581101[\ ,'-19';, 1."1 , III ........." .... 'v 0, .......,. I\t '" 115.211 IHIH d11111 7:15 ,.m. -14.b r.1Ir. I" 1... , I 4'15 ,.m.--{;,,. ~m.al. \I.n It,.. It II\J ,12~1 1'1'11 I.·m. 1G\\\ tlS171 110541 4;)0 ,.111. (9 p.m.)- I......... 1:30 p,,,, PI P·"',I I ...... \, ,nlll: lou. IIN'.n.lt" I'u • "" ,I" 1. 1;''>( _en ...... _ fA, \, .........,.. 19581 C ... L (611) aboul lho- "u ( .... 19581 7:45 ,,,,. (10:45 P."'.I t.on-Iun \Irp, J ..1.o, 1_,1. e. ( .... C."L ,6..111 5:15 p.m.-lla,a, ~ -[",Ii" .... 19~11.'I.I6.lll(.ltl 129151 .« H)( 0 16.11. 9 ,.'" - 1,J'''iI', t...,,-.Io •• - "No. 530 p,m.-I."nolo> -\ I" .,a, '1" "ln~ I"....".'" I" n, 8ritai,,· V-C" (9 -, r,,,r. (",1 ...1 \,,, .~I..... Ihp .. ,,,~I ,. t. III JlI (9.958 (6.11 ) 1 S :30 •. m,-~. I" " \In ,m._ ".. rl", rr ....... w~ It CW1: ..~f".t .... ~I~' I., Mwr DAILY P'O!,.", ,.m._ .e.; UTUIOAYS • II .01 W . dll"day, F.brllor y 10 11 JO , ...... L... 1;..11,111.1, G!i~,: _ NI 2,15 , ..... -~. \,,'~ .11- -II I II IHlIh tli.87) I'"" ... Pn.... lIa;11 'h, noen-m J111z", 0 J 9<47, 6:JO p ..... (10:30 ' ..... I~I. ..... lid" '" ,h. 8."~IJO>'" 10... 19')8, (;"1. .6111 IOIli fl.91S1 ~ 10111 Nott: Wh,1e thf follo ...,n, lou dll'" nOI ,n,llI~e CVtry U. S. ,rDtl'Jm ~roduu or .tllra,dc"~t t. our I...,. onrtu.s. i( 40ft ,.,Ilido Iht oulSun~· in, ann Iltu lrt hin, shon.wut4 jI4IrlituLul, for Our $Old".s. At I l'lt' ~It. ~n.lh" li~1 will ,'VI 11'11 Kh"ul • •f ,ragnm, ft~, ..4uSl 10' nr 110)'1 ,n lit. Pac!hc 'I .. , Ch, 0~1 Ih" col~mn ~nd send ilia ,our !.Old,tr .b.o.d, 12 m,4 .• 1. 2, 3, 4 a.m.-Engl,sh ncw.: WLWO (6-081 5:]0 a,m.-English n~w.· W(B)( \15.211 weOA (9.59) 8,.m. (u. S~".I-\lIf1t\y 01 ploll,.ms ,n [no glish ha.ing npu'll appur lor Amfr1c~n .,mtd forces: WLWO (17.10) 8:30 J.m. (u . 511 .• Sun.l-Btn Btrn't WCB)( (15.21) weDA (9.59) 9.10, 11 ,.m.-[n,hlh ntWi: WLWO (17.10) 9:30 Jm,~En,ltsh news: WCBX (15.21) weRC 117.83) 9,45 ;I.m. (n. S\On.)~Amt"un Ntws ltllt'· 16,16'S) HJ.:n5 111.865) W(B)( (lun WeRe (17.811 weOA (9.591 10 p.m.-London-"nadio \ ... , 12:30 p.m. (u. Sun.I-Nt... from ~omt: WBOS .~l." n."" by .h. mt" .",1 .... (1 I .87\ n,.n "'ho 'nak~ il: G:><' (9.581 (;II'\; (6.195) CSI. (6J1) GHI' ,.",.-En9hlh new" WBOS (11.811 WLWO IZ915) t8FW 16.09J. M.n'I ....1 (lUll 10:45 ,.m.-Braunil1e--A1l IOu 1 :15 p.m.-Sperts npontr: WB05 (11.11) ..-Ii h p.-otr.aD1 I..... Fjdlli". 1 JO p.m._Englilh ntWI: weBX (15.21) WeRe f....,~h 11~~dqlln'e,." ~71 (17.83) 01.97) II :JO ',III.-KOIll.-\' ....."''"' Z. J. 4 p....._(n.I,I" "t>n WlWO (11.711 11, ...... (on .... Itnl S,n'lI ,\,n •• 2 ,.m.-Strvtctm,n', Reporttr: W80S (1l.871 12 tIIid, - ["'I • • " " " 2110] (9.631 2R04 (11.81, 1. 4 ,.m.-En,hs" nlWS' WB05 (11.11) 111(16 (15.301 2fl0l1 1722) 3:10 ,.m.-En,ltslt ~'W1' WC8X (15.21) weOA 12,10 'm.-\lf __ tn_F~'" (11.13) I' ,c-r_ r.... .. ....,." \ ... 1, '\''-'U· \Lt.8 19.581 \,U1IC 4:45 p.m.-BlCk H.me WHBt (9671 .9 S'11 4:55 ,.m.-eo"',", JII"(\'O~$.n N8C ..... "m" 11,30 .,"' __T.... ,_P'cc..... I", ....."81 (9.67) \\ nI ( ... " h•• ",,,,, II "0 945 ,.",.-En,ltl~ n~"I. welx (9411 weRe .... -F""b __ . I I ~'" (11.111 \1~ .... I ...., \ "~ln I'" JlI ,95;.'J JlJ 6 p.'" OQI'i, "S, 10' OJO PROGRAMS h.k I II 11,:1 1 U OILI3. Im"r.". P·ot,.m ,CWT II l'IHI,J19 6,195 I 6,)0,,,, (10 3O,m I 2915 ,':15 1.11 li.I'Illl 17_Z, I \1 • I 9:30 I.m.~ ~ • 11 \>' Xo(W 16'21 10;30 J.m.-""', ~u" "ITI I ,hbt. '!n;..., h.t.ll 1-25) 16.111 .... 10,30 •. m._S ... \,,,i, .1) -I .. 7 "M. (II pm I 1,U VLGI .. ,. FJCI. for e.<t~rn 1'Orll! A'''r"'~: 1::". ,h Ii n~w. and "')!Ot, nl l'. ~ ""I<li.rs dt<:o •• If(! for HI", 1.l< Important Stations I •• pa..,.ck ., I .. rH .... lUI ATKI," carT, C...... 11,101 Sotllrday. F. b. 6. thr ...... h Fridoy, Feb. 12 eWT eity Prognm SIII,on 6:35 "m.-lhU"kl.,,,~ ---(·jHl'e .... ~allOn~1 !'Nll:r.ln I .. , "",Ib A,,, ..i<3 ; :45 i.'''. It~. ~.(.. Su".)-A",erie~n 110.. '; 10 a.ln -t:n~Il'h n~"'" -'GO\ (6.12) I.m.-/II ~I b"u rno--ll'o .. ka" U, Mtl~"nf 11 :\0,,,, 1210 I.'" 11.72 4:45 p.m. (n. Sun.)-Londo<.\~ ... lro'" t.u,,<Iun: csc {9.58j Gl{\ (9.60J G!>t. (6.11) 4:50 ,.m.-Bttl;n--G.nn'''''·' Pr.. r~m' mull" w,!h , lTI ~re "bro,dus! for ou' Iroo~, UerS4'u. Clip au! th~ lou,n9' Jnd S4'nd thm 10 ~ .old"r our· S4'U. Timu .ho... n ,n pa'tnth •• ~ ,ndiut. 'tbraJdcuts lor WHI eoul l"ltners. 2315 1.l< London 11:)0,.111. 10:30 , ..... 6.\~ 11.165 , ox. '" .", OXJ OX. , .58 '" '" 10:00 ,.m. 900 '.m. Btrlin 10:15 p.m. 9:1s,.m. MOKOW 11:00 ,.m, 10 .00 ,.m. Berlin S~OWII DAILY "9.843 'RO 5:00 p.m. Btrlin 6:OS p.m. MJdnd 6:30 p.m. Rio de JJntlrP 6;)0 ,.m, Romt 1:00 ,.m. London 7:30 , .m. 8;00 p.m. 15.30 'RE JLGl 1,55 p.m, Mot'bl_~e 2:00 ,.m. Rom~ 2:45 p.m. Vichy 3 :15 p,m. Mos(Ow 3:45 p.m. London 4:00 p,m. Tokyo 4:00 ,.m. Romt 4:45,.m. London 4:41 ,.m, Moscow 2:55,.m. 3:00 ,.m. 1:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:4S p,m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.lll. 5:45p.lll. 5:4811.111. Dolly 6:00 ,.111. 7:05 p.m. 7:)0 , .... _ '.S< ,,5S 1539 9.505 21'106 11 :00 nO(/n London 12 :00 nGO<! Tokyo 2:45 p,m. ':45,.m. London It,_d~.tt 01.111 .t Ho ...... tl_. lu.p" . " "" '.die.,". is CWT: IIIbfrad 0 .. ' o.r far MWT I't,.d ~ .... . .. Ho... TIm. 10.445 'RE OJI Rome T~ . . . . . . . _ Programs for Our Troops Overseas 17.765 XCOV ,"',kln, 8:OO,.m. !J:45 •• m. 10:00 • .m. ... DIAL 9.51 OJI '"m 6:3(11."', ,,,',klnl 1:00 I.m. London 7:lO,m. 8trloll 8:00 I.In. ':30 • .m. 9:0(11,..... 9:00 '_m, V,ch, 5:40 •. m. 6:10a.m. 1:00 • .m. 1:00 I.m. 7:lOu". ':Olh...... m LOlldon Berlin Guide to Programs 1:15 ,.m.-l in~'n"~II--I' • A" 0< , O,~h",,,a \\ 1.1\0 (9591 130 p.m. (11 '."'.1-1Ao~'~' r.l\.. I •• J. H, I',;~,'k,. (~'>( 19581 1, .. 1. 16.111 «Ill' 1291S. 11:.30 p,"',---I ..... lr""I.~1\ .. , 1::, , "II,,,,, 1'1.1\' \ 19.68';1 Thlll"lday, F.brtlary 11 6,.m \, ,'"... IT! -t.., 0 .. 'r \\UH (9.591 \1\8\ m.21l 5 ,."'.~ .. ~ lu,\i.,s.." -"':';•. I':" (I" hK'",. \1 la~.-\ (',671 I\t H\ 115.271 5;30 p,m. -Sail """:'''.'0 tT) I 101.. I .".~.. "I"•.,. KGU 111.111 "lIlt) 115.191 5:35 p.",."'" i".i,.".I; .TI -Sbow 1"".. \\1.\\11 115.251 6:30 ,.m. t..", "'-h."ui .... ,.p 1.....1. Go.,( (9.58) (;~1. 16.11) p"', (11,15 ' ..... I-l.0.du0, ""\., 10, I..n~r." ". • akl 1;'>( /I I( t9~, 1;'-1. ,I,ll( ,2.9151 frldoy. Ftb .... ary 12 9 J,fII. \I",. t .. I--II~"" I .. 1.1 (Bn (11.105) 115 p..... -~ .... \'ork ITI ( ••• d I .... I~.' 1\80<.(11.811 LiD \'o,~ IT) \.",.10 .. \:uJo; 1181)"'111811 5:30 ,.m. -" Frann.." ITI it.. "U 11, ....... toff~~ r. Of "t;H 111.731 "1\'10 115.29, 6:15 ,.m, .. ~ ... \'ori; ITl--~a. unf. ';~h, ~,,~'" ~"""": \I \111 19.67J 7;30 ,.m, (11 p.",.)-I.ondo_ "\\",~1 Ubi ....: 11, Wi.kh ..., ... " ..1 {~~ 19.581 G..,r. (611) !.HI t2915) ,.m.-- \ ... S:45 ,.m.-Vou. ",notund StU weBX (15.211 weRe (11131 weDA (')591 6 l.m.-ChetIS from lI>t e.mps: WeBX (15.211 WeRe PU31 weOA (9591 1:30 ',m_V, ... ~n Mon.Of' we8X (15.211 weRe (17.131 weOA (9.591 10;)() 1'II.-T"I"!""'<on4 LU(.. Wel)( 115.27\ weRe (11.13) 12 noon-u.s, e01\1 IOu". on PUidl WBOS 111171 1.30 ,.III-Sl'~'(e St't~.lIt W80S 111.17) 2:1S "m_V,nk S.. ,ft, SHSIO" WB05 (11.171 2:45 ~.m._D .. m.. " Ot ...,ttd W805 (11.871 • p,m,-H., P,,,dl 101 L~I'~ A... t"(1 weRe (JI.3, weBX ,9111 weoll (9.591 9:15 ,.m_V,~~ S..,n, SUI'On weRC 111,811 WeB)( (9481 weDA (9591 IUHDAU 6 • ",-Summtr 5110.. we8X 115.211 weOA (9591 welle I1I.UI 6:10 a .... _To", ... , R'n~ .. hlly LOll We8X 115.271 weOA (9591 weRe m.lll .:30 ~''''.--M'"" !!own wellx (15.211 weRe (11.111 WeOA 19.5" 10:30 .,,,,,--C'''''''lft~ l'uh,,,,,nt. weBX 11 5.27) weRe (11"31 12 _,,_WI BtI'HI W80S (1L111 12:30 ,.m.-So~ .. n,,~ In RII,thm: W80S (11.871 1245 ,,"'-A, W. Sf. 11 WIIOS 111.811 1,10 "m.-5tr~l(t Sutn". WIOS (11.171 2:15,.m,--Com ... ,,,_ ... /0."""", WIOS I1U1I 2 :45 .... .-10... 1t" U Thnllt". WIIOS (11171 3:IS , .....-S_t &- s..,~, WIIOS (11.111 3:45 "m.-S"'" "twt. WI05 (I1.8J) ~ , .... ---Nle 5,,,,pllOn,. "'til Art~ .. TOK,n,n, (o"dueIin, W80S (lU1I o. Wlt81 (9,67) 4 pm-elS Sym,iIon,: welte (17.831 WCBX 415171 WCD" 01.111 6,15 ,.m.-A",n,II 01 F.ft4!om weRe (I1.UI ~:15 P.... --C.mm'ftd Ptrl.""ln" welx (9~81 weRe (III)) weDA (9.~91 Nott: P,..r.m, lor Our Troop' Over,"1 Will k u"t,nuRd In \IIIJ 'Plel In nUl .uk·s ,nUt .1 MOVIE·RIIDIO GU IDE. 13 SHORT WAVES War News Daily EWT CWT Melb'rne 7:00 olI.tn. Tokyo 7:30.J.tn. Ch'gking 7:00 .I.m. 8:0001.m. 8:30.l.m. 9:00 .J.m. 8:00 ".m. 8:30vll. 9:30 a.m. 10:OO.a.m. 10:00 .a.m. 10:45.J.tn. 11:ooil,m. London 6:30.i.m. Berlin 6:30 ...tn. Vichy 6:40 a.m. Moscow 6:10 .... m. Rome 7:30oJ.m. 7:iOoJ.m. 7;40 ;l,m. 8:oo.a.m. london 9:00 a.m. Berlin Ch'gking 9:00 .J.m. Aome 9:45.a,m. Soligon 10:00 .l.m. London 10:00 ".m. Stoc.kh'm 11:0\.1 a.m. 11:00,J.m. 10:00.1,m. Mtlb rnt' Daily Afternoo" 12:00 noon 11 :OO •. m. London 12:30 p.m. 11 :30 ilI.tn. Tokyo 1:00 p.m. 12:00 noon Rome 2:00 p.rn 1:00 p.m. London 2·00 p.m. 3:15 4;00 4:45 5:15 5:45 1:00 p.m. Tokyo 2:15 p.m. London 3:00 p.m. Rome 3:'15 p.m. Vlthy 4:15 p.m. Mostow 4:45 p.m. London p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Daily 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:40 6:45 6:48 7:00 8:05 8:30 STATION GS. OJ. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:40 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 5 :48 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 2R06 10.445 15.30 VLGZ 954 JZI '.535 XGOY GRE OJ. XGOV lR06 GSF S8T VLG 6.12 15.39 15.20 6.12 15.30 GRE 1539 JlGl 9.505 15.30 15.39 lR06 GRE JLG2 GRG 2R01 9.505 11.68 11.81 '.62 15.11 GSC ..58 SUX 7.865 Tokyo Rome Algiers london Mostow Brrlin JLG2 2R06 AFH2 '.505 GSC 8.'6 ..58 7.2" 9.86 OXJ EAO Rio de J~neiro PSH Rome london 2R03 GSC GSL OXJ S8U 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. R,. d, 10:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. hnelro Rome PRL8 2R03 2ROll 10:45 p.m. 9~45 p.m. London 11 ~OO p.m. 11:15pm. 12:00 mid. 10:00 p,m. 10:15 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Berlin Moscow Berhn GRN GRC OXJ 1230~.m. 11 :30 p.m. london Mtlb'rne 10.21 '.63 '.58 6.11 7.2" 9.535 9.615 XERO 15.11,9565 JLG4 15.105 VUM2 7.26 6.165 HER3 HERS 11.865 8:00p.m. Berlin 8:00 p.m. Stotkh'm 8:00 p.m. Mu. City 8:15 p.m. Moscow 8~20p.m. Tokyo 8 ~45 p.m. MOidru 9:00 p.m. Bern 12:10 ~.m. 15.30 11.72 9.63 VlG8 72. 6.03 '.58 6.195 2.915 '.68 ...1 tbou ands .f lilll6e7des shown AFH. Aleeria 12i.1l P8H, BruU 10.22 AFHI" .... a'Y. U.S.S.R. a:a. CBFY, Canada 1170) 16.13, !S.II, U.Il. HU9. CNltl. )(oroe('O '.035 11.". 11,11, 9.~5. 9.501S CR7BE. )(oUmblque SBU. 8weden 9.S~ 9." TAP. T",rke., 9.465 CSW7. Perlu.al 9.731 TFI.loelud 11.135 DJB 0.r1llan7 U:O TGWA. Guatemal. 9.69 DJD:" 11.71 VLO, Australi" 9.5a DJL. IIUI VLG2. ,. 9,54 DXJ. 7.14 VL03 11.'71 DXLl9. .. 9.SI VL04 11.8U DXP. ,. a.o::l VLOC U.Z3 DZD. 10.543 VLOa. 9.sa EAQ. Sp.111 9,88 VLI, 9.816 TG ..... SlIMe1l1 U.3U VLQ2. 11.11 Fruce (Vlchv VLQIO. 9.59 11,181. l1.au. 982 VLR. 9.51 rZl.Bruznille. Fr. VLW8. 9.6a '£rJll.t... rlal Africa 11.97 VUK2, India 7.26 ORC, Ene1.n,1 2.916 WBOS, BOlton, M.... ORE" U.:!! 16.21. 11.87 GRG: 11.68 WCBX, NflW York City ORR. 9.83 17.13, u,n. 9,65. 9.45. GRM. 7.125 ORY. 9,600 WCDA. New York Cit" OSC. 9.5a, IUS GSD. 11.7& WCRC. Nflw York Cit}· GSF, 16.14 6.17. 11.Fo3. 1'1.13 GSI" 6.11 WOEA, Scl\llnflctady. HAT4, HUIlI'ItrY 9.1205 N, Y. 11.&0. 15,93. 9.o5~ HCJB. Ecu.llor WGEO. SchenOf'tad,.. 12.4056.9.9Sa N. Y. 21.50,11.8U. HER3. 8wiu:erhnd 6.166 HERS. .. 11.a6S WLWO. Cincinn.ti. Ohio HP5A, Panallla 11.10 11.' HPSQ." 11.78 HSl'S. ThUllnn 11:'l WNBI. New York Cit,. nVJ Vatican Cl", 11.74 11.78. 11.15. In,'o.Chlna 11 78 11 '9:1. 6.100 J7.l{A, Ron. Konl" 9,47 WRCA. New Y"'rlt City Jl {"", J.1Iln 950:i 17.78. 1lI.15. JL04. .. 15,105 11,aOO. 9.67 J7.1 9:.35 WRUL,WRUW. J7.J" 11.10 Boston. M.n. 11.75. KG:£I. g.... Frurl"co. U.3~. Calif. 1193.11,';3'1 9,U. 7 %6 XERQ 51uico Clt7 KwtD. San Fnncbro. 9.615 Calif. XGOY. Cbin .. KZRK. PhlliJlflinu 9.64 lUll). !)GIS. 6.12 L1.K. Norw... 9,646 2R03. It.h· 9.63 )(TCY. X.nchuri. eR04" 11.81 11.11S. 10 08S 95U IR06 15.3C1 OIX3. FinI.nd 11.'.15 fROI 17.12 :P1CI. Cur.",. 7.25 2ROli 7.215 11.71 fR021 on NBC Danish staff cn I 2:45 p.m. (ex. Sun .. Mon.)-:\e\1 Yorl. (T) -/\JHcri.... n ~e\\· l.etter: wcax (15.27) 3 p.m.-i\ell' York (T)-S.'nite. tIIa,,' .. Ileporler: WBO~ ( 11.87) .15 p.m. (u. Sun., Mon.I-Xc\1 rHI·I..-E\'cr)lhillf! (;ol'~: WBO~ ( 11.87) 5:50 p.m.-B e I' I i II-Cerlll;lII~'!> IIr"l1;r;o", lor ,\ortll :\mcrica: I).IV (11.77) DlD (10.54) U.\J (7.24) I>xL13 (952) I).IU l15.Z01 1).\(2 (11.74) 6:25 p.m. (u. Sun .. Mon.)Quil.... E,·ua,lor-t..hi"ll:": IIC-IB (12.455. 9.958) 6:30 p.m. (ex. Sun.)-I.oullu,,\\,1r .t'lit'I'l""~ e"llCll lllilit.. r~ eOUlllII·1l1al"r .. : t;... t (9.58} (;q .6.11) 6:48 p.m.-.\lu"I·(>\\ h''''I'''''III,I.. 1.. -1·rtl~r.ull f... r 'Xorth .\IUl·1 iCOl: .15.23. 15.11. 7:15 p.m.-·Ioky,,· l:enll',!(',llI1e'· ~a~\" Irolll ' .. Ill. .. in .J,jp l.ri""11 un-p": JLG4 ( 15.1051 .1 z.J (11.80, JI~AI\ (9.565. 8 p.m.-\I a d I' i II-Pr"\:Ialll fur ;\/Jrlh ,\lucri!,1. il,chl,lill~ lit''''': L\Q 49.86) 8 :30 p.m.- I< 1/ I" .. -" \",ericall lI... ul'," fur li .. lI·l1l'l·" in North -\n,eril,l: 21:04 (11.81) 2H03 .9.63) 2R011 (1.22) 9 p.m. - \Ie .. in, (,il~ - "r"lII' .\IOICl"k;1Il lIoul'." roe\I". pOl'u13r \I"\i":Jll ;11111 l·. S. ltlll"il'; ~EIH} (9.615) 9 p.m.-Mutlal'r..,-:\orlh \1111'rt ClIli III'Ol:l'al1, 11'0lI11 111111~'lry; 9:20. 10:251>.Il1.-f.ndi .. h lIel"-: II \'1'4 (9.125) 9:45 p.m. (ex. S;lt.)- B e r n l'r(\C:I':I111 fOl' i\ol'lh Alilericl'\: 10:55 p.lI1. - ~ e II ": IIEB3 /6.165) IIEIl5 (11.865) 10 p.m. (u. Sun.) -!:in /IE' ,Ia lIeil'o-GHUch\illl'fn<:r:l1ll ill En· t!li~h {HI' NOl'th ,\rllcril:l: 1~1l1.8 5:15 p.m. (8:15. 10:30 p.m.)l. 0 n d 0 n-"l.uIHloll Calling," pro~r:lJlI anllOIIlH·Cll1l'n,<.: GSl (9.58) GSL /6.11) 5:15 p.m.- Stockhollll-Ell,!'ili-11 :\rl\~: SOU (9.535) (J 1.721 5:30 p.m. (9:45 p.m.) (u. Sun.l 12:30 a.m.-n U III _".\IOICri\"ali 110111'." fO\' lIe<;len1 ~orth -T.ulI.lon-"Front I.illl' rami Amcri"~I: 1 ~1.1ll.-\'('1\": 2n03 I)."' life of 111(' Hobin"I)1I Fallil (9.631 2n04 (11,81) 2R06 h' in War·lilllr LOlldoll: (,:-.t (15.301 21:011 17.221 «58) GSl 16.11) 5:45 p.m. (tx. Sun.)-\'r\\ ' .. d, 2:15 ;I.m.-Tol-.\n-\1('''';I!!t''' IltllIl .\I1\1'ri(·~111 11ri~ .. u .. r'· J II 4,9.535) 1TI-Oa .. 1.. 11011I1': \\'\1\1 J/..I 111.80} 19.67) SPECIAL 15.047 Saturday. February 13 progr~ms W~vt 10 th~t compltte~ tht list of ouutOindtng ~rt bting bro~dust vi~ short our Iighling farus ovt:rsus. ehp 0... 1 thiS column ~nd send it to ~ soldIer friend ~bro~d. Time $h.... 11 is EWT; subfrod aile hour for CWT MONo,,"n 6:47 ~.m.-St~gt Door eOintetn: weBX (15.21) WeDA (9.59) weRe (17.83) 7:15 ~.m.-Hlt Pu~dt: WCBX (9.59, weRe (11.83) .... ill Brlloliu' (;"l( 19.581 [,SL (15.21) weD.... 1 p.m.-Jimmy BI~lf: WBDS (11.87) 1:15 p.m.-M~dt In Amenu: waos (11.81) 2:30 p.m. (Mon .. Wtd., Fri.)-Fuhlons in Juz: WaDS (11.87) 3:15 p.m.-Your (11.87) Bra~dw;ly 3:'15 p.m.-Songs (11.87 ) by Mme: weDS eOllens: WBOS &- J~yne 4:15 p.m.-Mr. Smith GoC$ to Town (vuiety); waos (11.87) Mu~is :15 p.m.-Josel (Afnun music): WBDS 111.87) TUESDA YS 6:45 ~.m.-We. tht Peoplt. ~I War: (15.27) weRe (17.83) weDA (9.59) weex 7:15 a.m.-Metody R;lnch: weBX (15.27) weRC (17.831 weDA (959) B~nd: I p.m.-U. S. Army 2:30 p,m.-F.ant~sy waos (11.87) Mtlody: WBDS (11.87) In 3:15 p.m.-Jubilce: waos (11.87) 4:15 p.m. (TUts.. Wed .. Thurs., Fri.. Everything GotS: WBOS (11.87. SOiL)- 5:15 p.m. (Tues.. Thurs., S~I.)-Swett & Swing: WNBI (9,67) PROGRAMS WEDNESDAYS 72. Important Stations PIlLI. 'BrasH Adam Morch Lunoe, a native of Copenhagen who has worked in the U. S. for many years as writer and editor, is (9.535) 7.12 ..!otf·... c..('\,. 1 1Z 19 EWT 10 .a.m.-Sai!WII-\C'II": (11.773) 10 ~.m.-Sl:hel\erla.h' 1 I"l -~('I,," from Ilome: \\(;EO 115.33) 10:45 .a.m. (e... S..,n.)-'!I'\1 \01'1, tT) -'\llIcril'"'' Xe'l .. 1.1'I1CI": \\'( HX (15.271 m,IH (11.83) 12;30 p.m.-BI·l'h"-(:I'O'I",11l Iidl ('Ollltlialld l"\!lIlLlll"j'IIIC {m pre.... : O,I/) (11.77) U.'\J (7.241 I :30 p.m. (n. Sun.)-\I'I\ Y"rl.. ~el\" frorH BUlllr: Wllll~ (11.87 ) 1:45 p.m,-('1l:11Clll"b-\larillll,.. prOl:,:r;III,: '1'(;\\ \ tI5.11) 2:15 p,m.-Tilk~fI \lr.... ,'\:r .. frolU Allleri<:all" in ,lap I"i""",, ./1.1 (9.535) .11.(;2 .9.5051 2:15 p.m.-:\ ..\\ '"rl.. ''1') ~p"rl" '\'e".. \\ BO" \ 11.871 2:30 p.m.-l.A"IlI""-It:I,li,, -':1~\I' rc('1 (;HE (15.391 C;I:C; • 11,681 Note: This 1I0ur 'or CWT Saturday, Feb. 13, throuCJh Friday, Feb. 19 6.195 2.915 9565 OXJ OXP GSC GRN GRC on~ Progr~ms muktd With Oi (T) ue rtbro~dust for our troops avtrsus. ehp out thtse listIngs i1nd send them to ~ soldier over· sus. Timrs shown m p~renthesis ir,dlutt rebro~dusts lor Wut eaut listeners. City Progr~m St;ltlon 7 ~.m. (n. Sun.)- \I""lre<ll CMt Ilew<.: (HI·\ \1\.705) 7 :35 ~.m.- (·hllll·!l..iw:, --t'hint.. ~ Xali'"1al IJr... ~ ... 'lJ lor :\or111 America; 9:"5 ".11'. Il'\. ~ .. I" ~uu.)-AtlIt'li."" 110111': 11 ,1.111. -'Xell .. : :'\1.0' 46.121 8 ~.m.-'I('llxlIlIlIl'-l·.'"di .. h ',e" ~ all,1 lIames "I I. ~. .."ltli.,.-..· .Iec"ralr.! ["r 'at"l \ II (9.615) \ l.(.i2 49.54 I 8:15 ~.m.-Tol..l" \1,·....,1::c.. lrolll .\lllcri;';,111 I,ri~oll('r .. 01 " .... : .11;1 Overseas brood,ost doily ot the so",e time. f .. ,eptio",,, are i",di,oted. DAILY 11.775 15.14 15.155 9.53 th.~e Programs for Our Troops Programs to Tim. shown is EWT; subtract 15.20 e~iro M~drid The proqro",s listed h.r. ore 17.765 '.86. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. ~.m. DIAL 9.51 Evening p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 1 :10 Guide English Morning CITY 6.00 .l.rn. 7:00.a..m. 7:30 •. m. In Hattldronl: (;IlF (15.391 3:15 p.m.-:\"" 'nrl. cTJ-\I,1il f,.11 WBO~ (\1.87) 7;30 p.m. (11;)() p.m.)-l,,"don Bf'llilld Ihe 8:1111('fI'0I1t" r.~( (9.58) {;"1. (6.11) (;nt (6.11. EWT City Progr~m StUlon 8 p.m. (12:30 ~.m.)-I."",I()II- 9:15 ~.m.-S;ln h;uu: 1I-~14il :\"1'111 .-\mcri(·~l' Gue.. t \i:.:ht Call: 1\:\\'10 11.23) CS( (9.58) V.,L 16.11) Gm: 10:30 Oi.m.-ehlll'l:l..ill:: \Iilil R.I. (2.915) Hou' XGO\ 16.12) 8;30 p.m.-L 0 lido n - '!It'ft iQ 11.915) 11 ~.m.-"OI't1ral--- r\·iu'lllel', Britain." St4llh:1 ~lol. u:.I. G:--< 8 p.m. (12:15 0i.m.)-L",,1111HOI)' (BH ,11.705) ·'O""t,,('rae.\ ~bllht," !lo\\,n.1 <9.58) GSL 16, I) Gra .2.915) 11 :30 ~.m.-:\(' \url.. rn-L S. \l3r.. hOlIl: Gsr (9.58) GSL e...... 1 Guard P.. ratlf'; "BO~ (6.11) (iRe (2915) Monday, February 15 ( 11.81) 12:30 a.m.--GuateUlII:ll-lllt F.n·1 3:15 p.m.-:\e\1 \01'1. tT) 6:15 p.m.-loll ,I 0 n-··'I.et thf' '(Ii.. " lI"ur: TGW.\ (9.685) Your Broad"OlI' ;Illd "illt' 1'.."ple Speli\;." Uriti<;h "U~iOll WUO~ (11.81) " ·'We. thf' 1'''01,1('' r....(' 6 p.m. Thursday, February 18 (10 p.m.) -LonllnnI .~) GSt. 16.11) BroatlCiJ!lo1 fro"l lhe 'Ierchalll Oi.m.- X('II rocl. ('I'. - tu 7:30 P.m.-Lllildoll-··(;rllll('ffl('n ~a\\ l:Iub; (.r.,t (9.58) G~1. ThUleI" WCD.\ (9.59) WCox With Wint~": GSf '9.58) GRr (6.1'1 ) (15.27) (1.915) GSL (6.11) 6:30 p.m.-Sail (-"r"uli .. u) CO 3:45 p.m,-X"'I Yorl. ( T ) 8 p.m.-Londol>--Weekh \·i.it to fharlif' )lcC:r.r111\ hGn ':"II:JIHli(l( Ro"m Onl,·. la~t the \mericiln E:u:le (lit". ";th (11.73) KWlD (15.29) n.iuulf' nt\\S o[ tht <.laJ.:t an.1 IJer..unal 11lr.... a'(,.~ :llIrf erN~tillll~:~ <;ert'('11 I\Orldi: \\'OOS (11.871 [rom O. S. IIi"r~ ill BritOlin: 9:15 p.m. -1.A>n«oll- ~1"lllelc.. 1 Maliuet': G~ (958, GP.\ 6:30 p.m.-San Funei ..l,;o (T) GSC (9.58) (;R(' (1.'15) (6.195) CSL f6.1l, Eddie fall lor', Shllll: I{GEI 9 p.m.-einl.'innati-Hit Paratle: f11.731 1\\\'10 (15.291 WLWO (9.59) \\'COX (9.48) 11:30 p.m.-I. i III a-p'f'nI ("all.. "011: OAX41. t6.0821 6:35 p.m. Cin('tIlH;lli (T)-Shol\ 12 mid. - Gualelllaia - POlllllal 12:30 Oi.m.--Gudlclual;1 I'nlllltir Tilll\': \\'I.WO (l5.25l M;lItera~ de \Ii lif'rr;! \Iarilllh;l OIarilU!>;1 IIlU ..il' TGW\ f9.685) p.m. - - C"illt·illll .. li ("1'1 \!ail Orchl'''tra: TG\\ \ 19.685) 0 .. 1:': \\"1.\\"0 f15.25) Tue.day, February 16 8 p.m. (12:15 Oi.m.)-I.III1,lol1-Sunday, February 14 "1,"'1(1011 1.(', r.-r.'· ~ra' dllllal,1 9 ~.m.-~lonlrtal-lJr:lIl1:t .. frol1l 6 p.m.-L 0 II 1111 II ·The ./II/liur lIa~fille. .. ; r,M (9.581 (:!oil. Brain Trust. 'lui, 1'1·... ~' :1/11 101 the Bible: fOn (11.705) <6.11) Gn( r2,(15) e\,:lt;ute chillll'l:J1 ill the r. s. 1 :45 p.m.- ~e\1 \'od{ - .s.s WI' all!! C'UHlda: G~(' (9.581 GSI. Sre It: WBO'" (11.81) (6.11 ) Friday, February 19 3:15 p.m.- ~el\ \'01"1.. (T)6:35 p.m.--Gl\l ilillalr-I·;I" (;;1' COllllllolnd I'rrlormallte: WOO:2:15 p.m. - ~',,\\ Yort.. za :ulIl th~ 1'31'·'-\,lIl"lil';ln Or ( 11.81) • ;r;"J(I~1 and Sr~. t : WIiOS (11.871 rh('''lra: \\'I.WO f 15.25) 5:15 p.m.- GU:ll",lIal;o -1'(\JIulal' 3:15 p.m.-~r'\ Y'lr\; el')-pcl' 7:30 p.m. (Tues .. Thurs,)-Lnll malillll,a 1l1u .. il': T(,\\ \ (15.l7) ..nll;,1 \Ihum: WOOS (11.87) dOll f:ill1adia" ('altHllar: r.S( 3:30 p.m.- :'\'ell Yorl.. ('I') 5:30 p.m. (10 p.m.)-1.ollllonf9.58) GRN (6.195) G"1. 16.11) "All'-lltrill!! YOIl." 8rilain all \';Inl~ [or Yank<;: \\BOse11.87l 8 p.m. (12:15 a.m.l ~L,,"dllll 5:10 p.m.- UurllO" Atl\," - 1':11· ..'Ir,·" 1J1I1'<;'lion~ hom Alllel'ican" "('lIfl"tnl E\rllh," Flcut'ricl.. ;,houl thO' \1M GS( (9581 <:li ..11 1>N1!:r3111 tHr 'Xorlh\lIlrri I\ull or \'elll"l1 H;orllcu e:Se r.~1. 16.11) q : LR,·\5 (11.72) 11:\1 <9.688) .9.58. Gn~ f6.195. (.... , 16.11) 6 :30 p.m. -Sail Fr:Jllri ....o ( T ) 6:30 p.m.-1.011l1(1I1' \ C"ana(liau 9:15 p.m. (Tues .. Thurs.)-Bel ill Rrilain' (,"'C 1(58) GSL \la"1I1f'1l 1I0u..1" rorlee Tilllr; lin - Itobert II. 81"..1 nzn I{(;F;I (11.73) K\\'IU (15.291 (6.11 ) (10.54) DXL13 19.52) OX.I 8 p.m. (12:15 a.m.)-1.01ll101l6:30 p.m.-Sa'l FralH·i.. nl. \If''Cit(\ 0.24) rill' (T) - flllUlllall11 !',.rfor "Ofl Ih~ Rtcord." "'lanl('\ lI1a-;'t(': KGEI (11.73) K\\'IU 10 p.m.-Londvu-I:;,di.. Tl,ralrr ~la .. I"II~ CSC (9.581 G"'1. (;s(' (9.58) e;,.,,, '6.111 tOl:( (15.29) XEIlQ (9.615) (6.11 ) (1915) 7 :30 p.M. (11:30 p.m. )--londnr, 8:)0 p.m. (12 mld.)-l.oll,I"I1·Wnrl.' \113i1~:' II Wirl..ha,,, -"Sla~~ ~I"l "'tri~.. in Bri Wednesday. February 17 laill."· "ilh Rrh.. nalliel~ allll "11'('<1' I ....C (9.58) t; ... , '6.111 (;1:( (2915) Il". I."" PilI'" hI' Ih,. \ F. 12:30 p.m. J, ," -u"'.. "I 111l' 6:45 ~.m"-Hollywood ntws: WeBX weRe (11.83) weDA (9.59) (15.21) 7 Oi.m.-T~kt It or lt~.,t 11: WCBX weRe (17-83) weDA (9.59) (15.21. 7:30 ~.m.-The FIrst Line: WeBX (15.271 weRe (17-83) weDA (9.59) B~nd: 1 p.m.-U. S. NOivy waDS (11.87) 3:15 p.m.-MOiil e~lI: WBDS (11.87) 3:45 p.m.-Jo~n 4:15 p.m. (11.81) Brooks: WBOS (11.87) (Wtd .. Fri.)-Thls Is Jun: WBOS 5:15 p.m.-C101rk Dtnnis: WBDS (11.87) WNBI (9.67) 5:30 p.m.-As We See It: WNBI (9.67) THURSDAYS 7 ~.m.-lux R~dlo Tht;ltu: weBX WCRe (17.831 weD.... (9.59) 1 p.m.-U. S. 1... r Forces 2:30 p.m.-eh~mbtr (11.87) B~nd: Mum (15.21) WBDS (11.81) Sotlety: WBOS 3:15 p.m.-Downbut: WBDS (11.87) 3 :45 p.m.-Stringtimt: WBOS (11.87) en- FRIDAYS 6:45 i1.m.-PrudtntjOiI FOimily Hour: (15.27) weRe (17.83) WCDA (9.59) WeBX 7:30 ~.m.-G~y Ninttit~: WCBX (15.27) weRe (11.83) weDA (9.59) p.m.-U. S. MOirint B;lnd: WBOS (11.81) 2:15 p.m.-Gr~ndHOind 3:15 p.m:-Per~on~1 3:30 p.m.-V~rns 5:15 p.m.-EII~ 5:30 p.m.-St~tt's Album: WBDS (11.87) for 3:45 p.m.-Btverly Sut: WBDS (11.87) V~nks: M~hr: waos (11.87) WBDS (11.871 FltzgtUld: WBOS (11.87) United; WBOS (11.87) 13 SHORT WAVES By Charles A. Morrison • Commentary on the U -Boat M enace; Charro Gil , From Sales m a n to Maste r of Lat in-American Songs The U-Boat Menace on the re, .:III ng 'ICIQUI ~trik ini' tentacle 01 thl" Nazi octopus HE Iriumllhnnt RUJ.!i:Jnn anllY WIUI T ponderous and ('TU!;.hing weight continues to mangle and ,rind under the once proud and mighty Nali blitz machine. While no one will deny thc exhaLL~tlnK and v.cakenina ('neel of the~e military re\'cr:leS on Gt'fillan)", we must not delude ourselves into thinking the loathsome I'lCtopus is flnh;hed, for while one tentacle hall been )"ppcd flIT In the bloudy RUSSian CBIllpaign, the monster lIlI gropes and .trikes out wllh its other l('nladell. Those tentacle!! that represent Germany's V-boot power continue to strike at Allied 5hippin& with Iis:htning ~'iftncss and clc\'a~taling effect. Lt. Com. Thomas W()(IdrnulTe, commenting on the U-boat problem from London. recently f;tated that the ele ....ation of Germany's U-boat commander to supreme cnmmonder-ln-chier oC the German navy ls further proof 01 the Nazis' intention to stake all on a great U-boat olTen.'liv<· designed to druin, ,",cakeD and ultimately defeat the Unilt.'CI NatJons, To further complicate the picture, the Naza are using U-boat depot ships, whJch, carrying fuel oil, medical supplies and docton -they are abo submarlnes--ean keep secret rendezvous with U-boata hundreds of miles from port, U-boats arc being bunt faster than we can destroy them. The U-boat ofTC'n~ive will not peter out at III own accord. Durini the last war Gl'rmany built 0\ er three hundred submarines, nccording to n speaker on London'. "Radio NewsreeL" She had 269 at the d08e of thc war with another 216 under COllstruCtion. Although exact figures ure not known, it is pretty wen established that Germany has a gl'eat many more U-boats than in the lust war, for modern production method" have made it possible to build better boats at a much faster rate. This is onc side of the picture, but fortunately there I. a better and brIghter sidc, The U-boat pl'oblem Is renl and menacing but it is a long way from having us f;tmnpect. De5pite conSiderable t;hipping 100000es, we are slipping an ever increasing nUinber of cargo ve :sels into the wuter. More sub-cha»crs and British corvettes are being. and will be, built. We al'e de~tmying a consicierable number of the Nazi U-bnats. The RAF' and Ameri_ con Air F,lI·ces arc con~tanUy pounding U-boat bases, shipyards and fncturics. Science is continually per[ecting new and hnprovro weapons and mcthods of fighting the submarine attacks. It we don't conquer the U-boat ofTen~iv('. it cCluld ups('t the whole strategy of the United Nations. Re~t assured that thc ingenuity and resourcefulnes of the United Nation!. will eventually catch up with and lop M~t Charro GIl Fans of Chano GIl. singer on CBS Latin-American programs, art' .. Uen puuled b)' bi& knuwll'CIge or dlne}"('nt typ 01 Labn-Al... eflun mWlc. He VISIT KGEL Three Indone,ian princes, now in the United States for pilot training after escaping from Jop inl/odors, poy visit to the short-wave station in San Francisco which they formerly listened to in t heir native Netherlands east Indies was born Gild gre\~ up In Mexico City, and yet he \llay.~ and !'lngs corridos, huaJ}nngas, tonados, cuecas, jm'opos, torbellinoa and other!. as if he were a native ot the arcus when: theloe di.sUncUy diffel"t.'nt type. of music originated, Stnml:e to ny. Charro's ability can be tro.u.-d to his day!! as a shoe salesmau. About ten years ago, as he vij;itcd hundred" of native villages in Mexjeo, he becamc l'(lnsciOUS ot the liltill& folk·50IJ.&$ .ung in the nati\·e communities, and he soon had mastered the various t;Oug styles. Then he bought a auitar and taught himM'H to play It. And when n contc:.t was held to tlnd Melt!c..'!; uublancJing folk-singer, Charro was eho. en the winner. It was at that time he organized his famOUj; trio, EI Charro Gil y Sus Capornles, with his brnther Alfredo and a friend, Jesus Navarro. While singing in a New York night-club, the thrt.'C were heard by Edmund Chester, director of Latin-Americnn Relations [or CBS. Long a resident of Centrol and South Amerlca, Che~tcr knew th('y were good. The re:;ult was that Charro Gil y Sus Caporale" soon became regular performers on the CBS Latin-American network, La Cadena de las Americas. (The tria can be heard several times weekly on the Latin programs of the CBS short-wave stations.) Britain's Man-Power Mob ilization Lindley Frazer, speaking over the London short-wave station the other night. gave some interesting facts about Britain's man-power problem. Out of 33,000.000 employed persons, 24,000,000 are now working in war industries or contributing directly to the waf efTort. Out of the remainder, some afe doing jobs not es~enUal to the war enort. E .... en with this ,'cry large figure more people are to be taUro up fnr war indmtries. includ· 1111 more mnrrled women. The armro r"rees are alsl) to be enlargro. In conItll, t Mr. Fnller stated that Gennany is believed tol have about 25,000,000 at present en'IJloyed III it:l war faclorle Of IhlS numbt'r, some 6,000,000 are reported to be laborers drafted from the on'upied countries, while another 5.000,0110 lire said to be prisoners of \Ioar \Ioho ho\·e been put to ,",urk. Of tht! total number, Germany ha. Ie\'cral miUlol'I women at work but, accordm& to their radio claims. they ha .... e Ii huge reservoir of woman· powel' a~ yet virtually untaPP<!d, It 11 t."t'rtain that both Britain and Germany (th", UllIted States also) will make an aU-out etTort this year to mobiUze e\"ery man and woman possible in the war efTurt. Accnrding to an item heard over Boston $horl-wlive mUon WBOS, II RUUlllunian general 01 cavalry when surrendering to the Russians wu IU.kcd why he was on rOOI. The enraged general replied that the German diviJoion or General T - - h,d eaten al\ o f th('ir hor~cs. It scerna the German ~ wouldn't even let the Roumallluns cat their own horses, Q uotes From the Short Wa ve s (Tol>vo Radio)-"Japan only wishes tc. deliver Greater East Asia from the at British and American ex~ ploiters. She has no intent toward world domination" . . . (Melbourne Radio)-The Australian Commerce Department is getting good results f rom dehydration oC food Cor the troops. It has been found that seven bags of vegetables can be reduced to one bag, containing the same amount 01 food and ':itamins. An airplane in a .ingle trip can carry sufficient dehydrated vegetables to leed a battalion of men for a week. It is stated that the dehydrated vegetables, when reclaimed, cannot be recognized from Iresh vegctnbles . , . (Londole. Radio News-rl'rl}-According to President Roose\'('it, Marrakech, Morocco, is one of the most amazing and colorful cities in the world. Whcn his plane lert Marrakech en route home from '~e Casablanca conference, the President left Churchill painting a pictUre of the Moroccan town. The Prime Miniliter spent a whole day on the painting ... Five Waacs served as telephonisls during the Unconditional Surrender Conference. British girls in the British army's women'~ auxiliary unit clutche~ helped handle the clent'al detalls of the cunference. AccordIng to one oC the British w:irls, describing her experlent-es over the London station, the work was hard-they worked as much as filteen hour.; a day-but inter tmg. FlftC(!n jeepli drove round and round the villa to protect Its visitors and to iruute the &ec:.n!CY of Ule conterenl'e . • . (Tolq,IO RGdioJ-1 notice most o! the American soldiera t'aIHnl home from Jap prison camps aloik for tobacco and coffee, . (Bt'Tlin RGdio)The famous Burme~e Pllloda at nanloon has been bombed by the Britlsh, much to the dbgust oC the Burmese. (WhIle the bombin, ot (bra pagoda Willi probably unintentiollal, 1 can recall not so long ago when the Nazi Luftwaffe made specific bombin, ta.rgels of some of the mo~t pricclesa historical sites in Briwin) .. (Loftdon'. &dio NWlSTeel)-Accordmg La diapatches !rom the Kuban area or lh. Caucasus. Nazis nod CoslID.tkl alike are plowing through mud that is in some places lUI much al three teet deep. Ahhough this Is one of the most ferWe regions in the wnrld, It Is also olle 01 the world'. greate. t mud bowls. Horaes flounder In mud to their bellies. At this time of the year, pedc.~trian traffic is onJ::r possible by substantial wooden bridges built [rom sidewalk to sidewalk In the towns. The commentator said he shuddered to think how many corpses were buried in that sea of mud , . . Vichll Radio explained Churchill" trip to Turkey by stating that he started of! in the directJon of KuibyshCY in Russia, but, not ~now ing whether Stalin would care to see him or not, be wailed over in Turkcy, and while there he passed the lime by having talks with the Turkish officials. (I can't imagine what type of person such propaganda tripe is intended for) .. . Australians and Americnns are not only miUtary aliies but friends and b uddies of the first order, Countless Incidents to prove this are related over the Melbourne statioll. One I heard the other morning told about Jap raiders destroying almost the entire water supply 01 a camp of Aussics in the New Gulnen jungles. The men had become reconciled to spending a dreary, thirsty Christmas Day, Some American soldiers [rom a near-by cump hnppening by klok in the almost bone-dry emptiness of the Aussll' canteens. They never said 11 word but returned some hours later with se\·eral cans of American beer for each soldier. SHORT WAVES Guide to Programs Notes Concermng the Stations AFRICA -AFH (\:!.12) Alglt~ro. • '"ay bE' h<!ard artcrnoon~. 2-15-3: 00 p.m. CWT, with an aU-Fr("llch proI:ram. AFH2 (8,96). Algiers. broadl'a~ls I>rn~ram p,("k-IIPI til Arncrican nelworks and prcss and pel"l~onal dispatches to vnriou!! new papers and hJ OWl daily from 5;30 to 6:45 or 7.00 p,m. CWT. The usual week-day lineup 1$ about a!! follows: 5: 40 I)·m. t" :'.lBS, 5:54 p.m. tn CBS. ij: 17 pm. tu NBC; 6:30 p.m. tn igll-n!1 to OWl CNH (8,0:15J. Rabat. !\1nro(.'co, hruad('a~1 (lally, :!.:10-5'45 p,m., m f"1'eneh, bUI (lnly Ihe la~t hOllr "1' t .... n providc!! cIlJoyabl(' reet'plloll EAJ13 (7,275), Tent·rtfe, ('annry hlands. "peralL'1J daily from 5:011 \0 I tj:OO p.m. CWT Ha(ilo Dakur (15.345), I)"kar, 5en('gal, I~ \Try well heard mnrnill~!I fI'wII 7: 15 to 8:0n a.m. CWT, PI('.l'llling ncw~ Itelils III f'!"l'lIl,h I I~ .... dl a:l music and t;nng~. A~IA AND AUSTHALIA Sehl'tIu1cs of the AUl<traliun hurt-wav(.' 1<1lion havc aglHn been ("hangcc.1 about. the tran>llllis: ions to Ncwlh Atllt'rlca I IIUW bcmg broadcast <IS lolln .... i (CWT). 7:0U-7'-l$ a.tn. U\'C'I' \'LG2 (9.".}). VLI (9,GI5) to l'a"lern N A. 10:00-IU:45 a.lI\. HH'r VLG (9.5/:1). and 12 10 to 12 45 a.lll. over VLI (10.5251 and VI..G3 (11.71) 10 westcrn N. A Gurdon l\1ih;hell"l lolereslllig weekly rC\'icw, "Hc''''! and Therc III Au~lraha," ("im bc heard nn Wedn('l;days al approximately 7'12 .md 10: 12 lun, CWT (:n frequencies given above !le"cplion fmm India i .. not as good as il was for a whilc but oc("ll~ionally 1)1"ograll1~ arc of cnjoyable qutllity. F:ngli~h news bulletms "cl,wrled III\C_ Iy include: VUD4 (9.59) at 7:(JO a.m., VUD6 (9.07) ut 7:30 iI.I11.; VUD2 (4.96J al 1I:4~ 1).111. CWT All ul thc~{' 'lali<)!1 or{' HI Delhi Ihlnlld BaxIN of Dclt'c)!t, MIl·h'j.(an. dam,,, TAO (15,195), Ankara. TW'key, , .. uClliK Iward l11\1rllinM~ to 8: 50 a,m. CWT EUltOPE -The (·r.,Il\ian FI'("l, (\OIll Slali,lIl (I I ;!:~S) broadca.~I~ in &·,·bfl('n'1I1 dally. 2:30-2:40 p,m. CWT • Rudin EIH';IIl" (9.595). thE' Iri~h hort- .... Oh· tutlon, uperates in F:n~h. h, I 05--\ 25 p.n'l. <:WT. Rc!>'.,·!s on rcc.:cplt(lll call bc cnl to Radin E.re8o. Chry"ler BUildinQ:. New Yllrk (-"Iy itVJ (\7 .4H). Vatican City, broadeWo!s l·urrl'ntly. 9:(KI-10.IMI a.m. <:WT, Hl ItIiHan: Tu,·!!day'l. IOOO-IO.2U a.m. CWT. 10 f.:nllh h "!...a f·ram."t' Fidclc' is 1x'1Il1l ht'Prd 5: 00 tu 6: 011 l).In. CWT In Panch un 7.2~5. 7.315. 9515 and 9.6:! The ecret tatlon nr tilt' Gl.II,un urmy. "Gu la\ Sit'j):rned E.1Il"- III broadl"lll>llllg rrl>ll) I· 55 10 2 00 1>·111 .• IlJld hourly thereaher Ihrum:h 10.551(1 II 00 11,111. ('WT. un 11 new frL'qul'llty uf 6, 19 m~ll> THE AMERICAS ZFH2 (6.122). 1I;lInil\(,". Ul'l'llludll. IliI ~ beell Ic~tlllg nCilr !\:UO 11.1ll. CWT , PJCI. WilIcm~tcd. ("U'-i\I'lln. ha!l lllftcd ft'"m 9.105 tn 7.2:1 lIlt'j.(S, ..... h(·,-e It ul)('I'",e8 daily freml 6 ~5 to 9: 18 p.m. CWT Tht· ~:Jlf(h h-lonKUO!{1' pr(lgram. "I l'lnlianl bro'lIkll. I IRllnn CUM, \lmllr("al. 'Jre 1(.'<1 to C13FY (II 7U5). \lontrMlI. dady. 6:3() to 11 00 a.m .• Ihe Fn lleh-Ianl(\ul~(" prf>jrram!l "I lamlanl br"ad('<I.1 lalJlm (,BF, MC>l1treal arc kd to (,BFY. l1'UO a.m In W: lCI pill CWT The f'lcnl:h-huIIIUa,ge t)n~ram IIr t'Uf' arc al"o ted 10 Cllf'W 16.0">' "'''"Ir('al. dail)'. 6:30 •• ITI til 10'3(1 I'm. CWT N::iL (7 .9:lfH, 1(,,, de JUllt II'''. Ura~ll. 1lII no .... I...ard 6 IMI_7.1I11 1'.111. CWT .. n SaturtlllV. (lilly YV!\RL (4 11). Coral'a", llJ"C>8lka In,. Y\'SRN (,ti UIIUltul'I'<lWob' 'Ito CII,ac'lI .... ,In p''''!'.'''' Th. War News in English Doily lid.", tI....... Hoose h'_"'~.,t "'011,. 01 I". to",. II .... E. ~""loos 0 •• ,_",i<ol."'. 1/1110 sa ow" I, CWT; uUrod 0"0 IIollr for MWT i96311lWI I.UI 7:30 "m. (u. SII .. Sun.) DAilY PfI.g .. m~ m"ktd *.th .. ITI Ire rtbfO .. du~1 10' our IrooP' lIyUI-US. Clop lIut thew tost,n,s ,nd s~nd them to ~ I4ld,er ave<· ~.s. T,mn shown ,II pnenlhts.~ ,nd,uCe rebfll.dt"~h 10' Wesl (OISI Iost!nu,. (,I, lWT Progr .. m n,~". 6:30 I.m ,.... '"',. \(;0\ ,612) ]""1..,, \10 t .. "" Ioo ... "'al1 I'" cU, II( 7;15a,m. t9 535. 't' ~,h,·" ... '~,h l T. ""'. 11, ~ WC,H" 15331 9'45 a.m. (U. Sun.I--\". \" 9 '.m. .,)- ,,, .dnt ...... I.~ltn IIC 1\\ ilS.111 II! HI , 183. 11·40 ".III.~l{w" ·1·, I, hh ." 1''''C''''' f,· \ .•• h \" :llil6 ,15301 Il,30 D.m, (n. Sun.l- \, !f) f,,,... \ ... 871 12:45 p,m. I" k I1," ~ IllIt'~ r" -4;u~1 .Lo- \1" Tf,II.\ <15111 !'" 10;0 r .. k~" 1:15 p.m. \[,"' < '" ~~I' I' ..... i 10.22) Il~""" C',{)' ""H'C&<' Ih...., d'" ,.f1}. Your ,u I" " ..pub. \luiu.. ,,,,.I '. "~,,,~ .\tRQ (9,6IS, 8 p.m, U"d",oe<l- \" •• 10 \".~,. <I" .",01[ .... " I .. " IlU""HY; 8 20.925 p .... \ ..... HIH i9,1251 8:15.10:15 p.m. h."""" .,,1 ~ I· n ,Ii II prO\(,.'" I",,,, "iI,."a i 15 21. 1511. 9,565, 8:45 p.m. lex. 5.1.) -11 .. ,,, h ..... ,.,10 I",,,,c. 21106 115.301 6:35 a.m. ·n.",,~~ q"" \.I,,,,,.l I""~ra", t" \ .... ,j, \",.",~. 8:45 ~.,,, ". "a' ~"" I \" riu, !t .. ,,,; 10 II,,, \.,.,. ,.It, SUI.on 1'" '"'" qh II 1"011 8 Mar~h Daily Through r Ja"ftfll--· "of 1'"0(:''''' , 1_, 1t ..1 I TI> ,I, ,9 I (,"'L .6 1) tr, 11 i967. ~ 50 ~,m. .. .2.9151 p.m.~Il' u"lt.- 1111:,,· It'~n h """y CWT 9:OS I,m. Slat,"n 10 ,.m. P.o~nm ('I, \I ... ".'al ... ,., !.!."rI) \ ... _ CBtl \ I U05i 11,30'.m.·- It... lIIu~ .\II'''{tut--~ta. I... "SfY 111.105) 11:~S p.m. \ ... \vr~ I _ II IIBlh 011.871 1:30 p..... \w;...-.. 1', ~"" 10 ... ' Ih 2,5 ,m,... \. . I.............. \\< , , , Ll2. \. . . ," Uti ,.... , S: I5 p,m. ,h.,., •• 11871 11,· 1\1\1011525, ,.m. (11 :15 p.m.1 L"",I ...- 1 .. ,,,I .. ,, I, •• 1.Nl," li~1 II. 1",·', II, lI.i{a''', • ~1"JlL., \Ia, ,,.1 h-.l ,.m.1 I .. ,,~ ... I."",... ~ H...., Ir •• I.'" Ii, 2:15 h~! \\ •• 10 '"~ ,.' ,,,.~ ,.,) III1Cr-. 111,811 I.", ,I.. " \".' 10 p.m. II",,, III ~2J ! r~"'. \I.,UI 4."1 16111 1'''''.11 I'."" ", lI a,,, ',.01''''· ..··.,· Ii, 1\1\1'''' " .1. S:30 ,."'.- - .... "',f! " ,,"It) .Wt'1l.1 6,15 ,.m. I " .... ~ \\,1 HI 1!l13/ '>191 \~ .. \'",~ Ih.. 11 ......1.· .... ,,1I'lO (.",,,,,,,,,1. H~\I \ 196f • h,.Ii·" 11,\\1\ pW1...., , (Mort. l, ti. ,h .. '" 1.....1 ,1,1,..11 11,1.\J .1]4. lIS p,.... 1............ \1....... .9581 i.ll\ 5,)0 ,6,1951 C.... 1. .6," I \I_I.., 4.... 10:30 I p..... r, 1 u\\41 ( Qft21 11 )0 pm. •. • 1 T·.I.. " I' " ')1 , I' L~t I'" " " \. f , _ • ...t I "..... I 1Ji71 •• \\ I II. I ~.:I of 0 ,TI h{.11 .lfJ3I \\\1111 1152'1, SU, ... Bnlon 11.17 2R06 15.30 JlGZ 15.39 9,505 11.68 lUI ."' '". lRO~ .62 9.595 15.11 esc sux 9.58 JLG2 2R06 IS 30 AFH2 8.~ 7.865 9.5(15 9.58 15.11,1523 GSC 01 I 7:05 ,.m. ... 7:20 " II ,.111. \\ ox, 124 '" J~"t'fO Rome PSH 2RO) lOll GSL 6 II 9.63 958 esc london ,.m TollYII Madras 8,00 p.m. Befn 7:45p,m. R,o de )LG~ 15.105 VUMl HER3 HERS 6165 7.26 11 .865 PRL8 2RO) '.m. 1112 9.61 'll 2R0]1 .RN "" ."' ox, london 2915 124 • 56' 1.24 ..."" ox , ox, esc London 6.03 .51 "" 2915 1171 Important Stallons ........ A1,.1"III .ne. .nll. CaPT. Ca-. C1tIal .•• ...,.. ca~Jt . ... 11,11 '.11 II'" OII,O'-....Q' DnI. NL Dll , DlI:LU. DlI:P, DID EAQ £1.1:, Inl... .,.i. ro ....... pl ,,<•. VI"rl '14 ,,1St li1.11 117T "11 7IM ,.. .,_ II,M6 1T~1t. l1.ItI,'" E,,~la~~ GIlE." ORO. ORlI:. OIlX, OIlT. I,IIa 16.3' 11111 1,&3 T. 116 q._ 0'0. DID. Olr, OIL. 1,61 11.76 1t, 14 8.11 IU 114)6 1,161 K.Tt Il~n ...,. KCJB &,; ... 40>. • HE.'. 1*lt... u"" '.U" KE.~ 11 W H' •• P..... K.MJ HIP! T~.U.I" XV" "." . . CII, lIod • .c~'.. IEI'IA K_ R_ nol JLG4' IIJ' IV It 1\ 11 11,16 11-U.•. _ '14. 113 ~.. In It n 11,l1li.1111. U II .. II lav ...... " • UI TA. hrU7 ..... TFl 1001.... 11_ TOW • . G . . . . . "- I . • "LG, ............ • ... '.11 "LOt. ',13 I' 141 ru. B........ III •. Fr. hulONI "".Iu II t1 G.C, 1I.....'d.. c.•• '.1.1, ••.,.11 '"11. PICI .,_ • ., v... •. _~_ elW1. " , t••• l P .... .~~~ ....... ~ \I.'Jt Ill' II .. 1\ ~4 II :I '" .14 "LG3 VLGf. VLI 1111 \I II II. VLQJ. In VUII.. VL.. • .~ 'III VLW. '" VU ••. J...!.. WBO., B.. Ie", 7,18 ... 16.11 11.11 WCBX /II~w Yo" ClI .. u.n, .e6 '.41 If"* Torlo CJ~y WO D" 6",1113 WClle. H .... y",k CII, 6.11 II. 1,1.1 WOE" Id, • ....::U~. Ii' Y lASS II~'· ' " "'/H'O I· •• ~n .. t •• ~ Y it.SS" ..... tWn r ~\ ~ ,~".tI 17 .• It n • U "~Io 1\ 71 ,.~ • • "'O.BI Ii," T.1t.C1t-o n.lI .• II ,lIT ~ I" .... CA lh-,,"ri Cli~ 11.18 11 _ WBUL·WJ!UW. 17 11 U.,.. I II \I -I ,............. U I.. 'UI 11'11'" I I . XE.Q L.".. CiO' .GD .... " .... """" I.n CaW'. I . " II 73. J;GOr C~ ... ..... 111 II • .... '-II KWID . . . r ...,,IB03I, U.ly eal,' T.SS. I,n, 1'.11 U04 1I .• t I I .h 1 Doily 6:00 p.m. 1.,._ I , ",Il\ \\ ( " I ,-Ill . n Innc I""" •e 4.. I, I...... TiI,nd." , 15.39 • 50S JLC2 ,.m. ITI SotMrdG'I" 111I 2~IS94n n.1I \ 6 , ."' OJO Tol<10 Aft.rnao" 12:OOhoon 11:00 I.m. Rome 1:00 p.m. 12:00 noD" Lo"do" 1 :00 p.m. 12:00 "()oil TokYII 2;~5p,m. 1 :~5 ~,m. london 3:00 ~,m. 2:00 p.m. Rome 3:45 p.m. 2:45 pm. V'chy ~;OS p.m. 3:05 p.m. 1"land 4:15 p.m. 3:15,.11'. Mo,cow 4 :45 p.m. 3 :45 p.m. London 5:00 p.m. 4:00 ClI'fO 5,00 p.m. 4:00 ,.m, Tokyo 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Rom, S ,4() p.m. 4:10 p.m. ""'.tfS 5 :~5 p.m. 4:~5p .m. LondOn 5:41p.m. 4 :48 P..... MOiCOW ' ....·.. i;I\llu ... ill.871 ,.m t;m 12.9151 19~1 11 .58 'L' VLG) 11.,,,,..14,'" i958 ...... LI6.111 7:30 p,"'. III ,.m.l I.. ,,,~_ \I".~I I U~,'" II W"~h .. u ~'~ ..I !.~ ,9,581 ('''l 16.11) 9.5 ,, '" m Melb'rn' London Dolly FridG,' \ ... \ ... ~ Cl1 (.'" ~', ... ,. 11."1",, .. 1.1 i' .,) 19.581 1;~11 6,1111;m 129151 6JOp.m.(I()JOp.m.1 1.""1,,,_ i.m. ~. h ... ", "" 11,1.,,,,1 .1 .. 1I.11 1M"" i' t,,, 1:15 9,15 p.m \r" \ ".~ I". , .• 11 ""m 1123) Iii 1\\ i951:<H,"" 16111 4.1(( ,29151 9:)0 I."'. (I"" ~." "oJ I·~rl" no, .. ,,, < \I .,1 IS i9.481 \1Ilt( 11131 130 pm, (II D.lII,) ......1.. " II .. ", \1;0\ i61Zj I 1~ ,,' J II I'..... I.~' i ,'0( lZlIOOn \ ... \0'. i'11 1 ,j~'t .... 1 .61114.1I( .~91~1 I·~. '-'" \\ 141, ... 11)0 ,.m I.".. n... 1 21S p ..... '.m. "06 london 510ckh'm .1915. (61114,111 I.... 1·.J,,~j, 'lad c...... 6 p.m. 9:IXh.m. 10:00,.m. 9;OOil.m. II :O(h.m. 10:OOa.m. 11,30"m, 10:30 i.m. 10:301.m. 11 :30 05lO 10,Wp,m. I;", "'''.'i ,T) ~.m. Olt I;~I 9:00 iI.m. Rom, lljQ"m. I, .6.11 • 5 p.m, ,:00 a,m, Ch'tkin, 8:OO •. m. 6 111;15 In 6,ll 15.30 15.14 15.155 0," 7:30 ...... Bul,n 9:00 pm. 'Crlin 9:1S,.m, Mo\to", 10:00 p.m h.!;" ""," ", \ .. _ \1 .. " xeov 9:01}'.m. 9:00 un. 1():Olh.m. 10:00 i.m. 953S 8:45 pm 195111 hltX 46195) "",1. .(11) 1 .IS ,.m. "$ UI 2· 15 ,.'" 11.,,1 c.n 15.39 9:45 p.m, '.m c·." OR' London 10,00 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 11;00 p,m. ,'Ula_ , 5:30 ,.m.' .,.,. I· , ... , .. It..~ .. .TI--(·",,,,,onol ",1,. ,,,..'~ l>1;H 111.711 1\"111 115.29. xnlQ 496151 7 p,m. (11030,.11',) 1 .... 01 .... \"nto ,\'''''In'' Ii", { \, ,,, (;-,(. 19.58) f~"I, \6111 fOil' 41.9(5) 7030 p.m. t.o",<1"" 'II,,,, ," 7:00 •. m. '.m. 8:)lh.m. ':)0 11.1 "'roII \ ..... .M." 8:00 9,lO,.m. H, .... I'l,.~.I~ I'. .' III ,n"."" \\ IK,., (1187) I,rn- 1'_ .9581 '.1;'" c61951 ',"1 .6 III 4,10 ,.m. R... _ 7,l0 p .... 111 , .... ,\ 1_" .. , _ 1....... ...,10 I"........ Uti'> 4 ,.11'1, ,II it! .. I,~ ., I'" 1_ i,'" d7J1J 11111 .9688, ",,,,-,,~, Ih<iw,.'" \H Ii\ i~)Io1 ..... 1, 16 III S clIO ,..... " . t 1).IS,V. l\iU\ ,;11131 7.4S •. "'. (1045 ..... \ \1 ........ 1 11._ i . ., .... Till ... 1JO p ..... f9 ,/11,1 1 \1 .....1 J ,,,", 1......... " h'" "ql 111131 ""Ill 11529, I. "'-.-...oc ,.... Il' { .. ,'58II,"'L.6IJlhllC .~jI51 6.30 p,". 110:30 ,.m.l 1 •...Jo. ft"O~_f.-I'''''''''''' ~I ... f ...I.ot- ....... ~ ~ II.... • ... ftI{"I ..n I .,~ _II {;-.l {9~. 9 .. , I, ... I ,.01 .,l ,9.58) 4,"1 (; ... 1. .6.111 .,. I .t. ~I ,6,11 • 5,30 ,.11'1. I........... lit Jll 19 4' I 7 ,.m, (ll 15 ,./11.). - ............ " DnUUl. L~C i \\ I\t .... ,',~ { "06 Vle2 PROGRAMS """d,." '",'~'" 5,4O'.m. Rome 6:00 •. m. Mtlb·.nl 6:00 '-'n. Tokyo 8:00~,m. ..-1." p ..... .... 05.30 ." 'ZI Moscow 7:oo •. m. 7:00,.11'. 9:00p.m. • ~",I Ih,' " .~ \'" ,. ~ '51 05Jl) 17.765 10,4-4S OXJ 1.24 7:00 p.m. B~",n 9.535 7:00 p.m. SICKkh'm SBU ~o,~ 1:00 p,m. Mu.C'ly XERQ 15,11.95(5 7:15 p.m. Mosco* iii I. "h • II 971 •• \\1.\\0,1525. 6,30 p.m, ITufl .. Thurs ,) 01". . '" OJ' Bt,,,,, 5:)O"m. 5:)0 ...... Vochy 5:40a.m. OIAl 8:00p.m. 8:00 p.lll. 8:00 p.m. 8;15 p.m. 820 p.m. ';45 p.m. 9,00 ,.m. \, 1·,,11, , I", I "d, I, IIIJ !l744,j I 6:30 ~.m 6:30vn. 6:40,.m. 6.40 •. m. STATION CITY loadon 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p..... \."h TMouioys SOlliday. 5:C~h.",. ';30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. I", SPECIAL 6:00 ~.m. 7;)0 p.m. h II'" ,11n, 1111, "0,~. 11·30 p.m. I "~II,..-Lot. X,'" .724, 11\1.13 .9SlI Ir ,,,. I.." ..."" i,;.C 19.581 i.lI\ i6.1951 i;" 1. ,6.11) lUll ,15.20, lI\i2 illHI 6:15 p.m. I "L, .. 11, •••• ,,1 ,]9151 hll{ ',.." lI~", ...u,. 1\1Ii1'111871 1:30 p.m.- ·]~,,,rl ,"- -u~"t.o \, .... '''~ •• ' ."'''' \ .,,~ "J"" 11:30 p.m, 11"".. I""'ri"n ,,,,._,,, .allll' JH,~ 115,10:;, ",.1 I;UE (15.3'1. i,lll; i 11.681 II .. ,,,, I". '."~'" \".Ib I, ...i,,: 12 ,,,~L ["Ii,h .!II 41111fH .1It1\\ i956~1 I ;45 p.m. (u. Sun •• Mon.) \ •. " 21:03 ,9.631 1110'4 \,." \".~ 4T;· I,,,~.i,.,,, ,~ ... 1 p.m. \1.,hi,I 1'"", .."" ,." <l1.~1J 2n06 ns 30) 211011 1.~'h·J WfU\ 115.171 \ .. ,.h I"" ,t< ", .. " "~"". ,7221 ." 1 ·1,,10 1, III ,.9,861 2 ~.m. -\.'w \"t~ 4TI .....,,",. 15 ~.m. T ,,~) o· 'I,' It" .... ' I"",,, lila" ,It''lM'''''' 1\ III" , I! .87J 7:30 p,m. I,,, . \,,"'r;' ... ' 1"; 4:30 p,m. C8:45 p.m.1 (e.. S~n,. II",,,;' I". Ii,,,·,,,·, '" \"rllo I"",,,,. 211 04 11181. ,Htl~ 195 'I .I/J (1\.80) 1.",,,1 .. ,,- 'rr",,, I".. 1 I ..... ' .\" ..... ~... J/L .95351 JU~l 49SCi51 1;15 p.m. \~" \ .. ,~ ,T. MWT f ..... 1·9 5:00 p.m. Bfrlil! 6;OS p,m. M.drld 6:)0,.",. RIO de 1\ lUll II\J I II ,," \""It I"",,~' 1'1lI8 • 172, 9,45 p.m. 1.".,,'n \ ... '~"'~ (,~( (9581 i;"I, .6111 i~ll\ ,61\15) 10 p.m.--I .n.I, I~"'", \" .. • • to, .10......." ~ ,I "n. 1", '" ..... , .i ..... · 19,5SI ',11\ 1619511 .... 1. i6 III (,UL 1\\111 If 45 11. ~ I". """,t .... \. i; ".hloll v.U!;.am ,.. E" "" i ~ ... , 4:45 p ..... (u, Sun 1 .\"'.ri'·~; \u.{h 10 1','" \,-1<. tw" I",,,,,· ,I .,1 ..,,,,,,,: IIH\3 \6.165) 11I1I~ (, 18(5) 9 p.m, 4U. Sun.) Ilio ,I. h ~. Roberto Unanue, LatinAmerican news chief on CBS' staff, broad· cast to latin America more thM a thousand times during last year Mor"INt CWT i." •.• .!.. \11 Ti ...., 1, ,I. 1 ,9 KlBH ''''U",... LLII ........ , .... KTO" .'lI<hl"lll '.41 .... II Ttl. "tit • MI OIJ;,. r nl • ...! II 11t 11l0l DOC ,.011 IIlOtl ... I'"'u .• 711. tt " ' 43 "STRICTLY G. I." are "Command Performance" shows short-waved to United Nations' fighting men. Recent broadcast found tenor Allan Jones in pleasing position of being surrounded by Jinx Falkenburg. Frances Langford. Olivia de Havilland By Charles 'A. Morrison T 11IS Wal has brought [01'th a new kind of radio. The Amel"ican doughboys call it "strictly G. 1.." while the British Tommies speak of it as ·'regulation." Dozens of these "regulation" progl'nms are beamed f!'Om the United States every day and are hcut'd by soldiers and civilians alike in all parts of the world. The producers of these programs arc specialists in the radio section of the Special Service Ui\'ision of the War Department. Oldest in time of service and a favorite among the l!'Oops of the United Nations is the men's own program, "Command Performance, U. S. A." During the yeaI' this series has been on the ail', it has actually been at the eommand of the fighting men whu listen to it. No matter what the re- quest, the radio section obliges. Perhaps you heard Cal"Ole Landis sigh on .... one progl'am, or heard a baby CI'Y or a church bell ring on another. Those were requests from our fighting men. Two soldiers in the South Pacific didn't want to hear a song or a sigh from a Iwuutiful girl. They wanted to hear the sound of a porterhouse ,>tcak, cov('rcd with onions, siZ7.ling over a hot lire. And they wanted Ann Shel'idan 10 act as chef. Annie. with her trusty ~killet, ga\"e a quick steak-fry l'ight in the broadcasting studio, One Marine, "Yarns for Yanks." "Song Sheet;' on Guadl:llcanrel. wren ted a slot-machine "Grandstand Scat;· "Al'e You a Gcnon the program. because he wanted to ius;' "Yank Sports Reyiew;' "Great heal' the sound of nickels coming out Music." "Sound OfT," "Sports Interwhcn the jackpot was hit. and this was view," "Sports Parade." "Sports Redone. Such smreU but importcmt things. view." (Times at which and frequento men far 8Wl:lY from home. help to cies on which most of these programs boIs tel' morale: keep the men in touch can be heard will be found in our pro~ with the life they Jeft behind. gram listings on the following: page.) But "Command Performance" is only All of these programs, in addition to Olle of twenty-one separate programs the twenty sales-deleted commercial written and produced by the radio sec- shows, are recorded. This is done so tion of the Special Service Division. the programs can be beamed dozens of Many of these programs are produced times a day to aU sections of the globe five and six times a week. In addition fol' the convenience of the men stato these special shows, mOl'e than tioned at the \"::Jrious theaters of war. l\\,pnty of the most popular commer- By putting the shows on specially cinl p1'Ogl'ams ill the U. S. are beamed U'eated records. iJnper\'ious to heat or 1h I'oughout the world each wee I,. These cold, the transcriptions can be shipped .:Ire transmitted without the sponsor's to England tOl' usc on BBC, to Ncw m('ssag:e. Zealand, Australi;l, China. Ala!ika, IceThe twenty-one tailor-made pro- land, Grcenland, Africa, Russia, South ~n\tns cover a wide variety of enterAmerica and other countries for use on l"inment as well as spiritual nutriment. government <md prh·<ltely owned sta·'r.Iusic for Sunday" is a fine program t ions. lhat sllpplies the latter. Stl'reight. unThen the recordings mc sent to the rolt)rcd news must be sent to the men. actual camps. In cases where the men .\nd this is handled by daily news- are isolated. the ti'o'nscribed radio procn'>"" and special-e\'ents programs. grams can be dropped by parachute. "Mail Call" occupies a favoritc posiThe performcrs on the pl'Og:rams Jive tion with the men, for this is a pro- by the old adage. "Thc Show Must Go 2r;:Jm that featw'cs the great stan~ from On," Thc producers of "G.!.." or ~t1/.!e. screen and radio as well as con"Regulation:' radio ha\'e adopted a cert stars and popular and classical similiar motto. Their slogan: "The orchestras. The rest of the programs, Show Must Gel Thl·ough." ('('Iwlly popular with various groups qf men and women, include "Yank :::'.\·ing Session," "Personal Album;' Cuba's COK Aids United Nations ·"tclody Round-Up/' "Front Line The Cuban National Sports Departr'l(>ater," "Downbeat," "Sports To- mcnt is tLo;ing COK (11.623) extensi\'e(hy." "We Who Fig:ht," "Jubilee," Iy in the United Nations' war efTort. COK's radio activities were initil:lWd on March 28. 1941. Its studios are lo~ cated ill the huge Sports Palace, in the heart of gay Ha\'a a, the capital of Cuba. Its 1,000-watt transmitter is located on top of l:l hiU clllled "Prindpe Height:;:' close to the f81nou::> "P~;'llclpe Castle." CQK broadcasts daily except Sundays fl'om 12: 00 noon to 12: 00 mid. EWT. The notes of the "Peanut Vendor" usher in COK's broadcasting activities [or the day. Some of thc more important pl'ograms featured over the stalion arc: At 3:30 p.m .. Pl:ln-American newscast; 5: 00 p.m., "Why We Fight"" 6: 00 p.m .. national news, [oJlowen by ofTicial nt'WS of the Cuban Ministry of State: 7:00 p.tIl., "The Voice of Uberty"; 0: 00 p.m .. last-minute news: 10: UU p,m .. dance Illllsic from the famous Sans SOLId restaurant. During COK's brief history more than eight thousand rcports of J'eccplion have been received from all over the \\lorld, including such places as Australia. New Zealand. Pale~tine, Jceland. England. Spain. Argentina. etc. More than five thoLlsand reports have been received from the United States. E\'el'y !'epol"t is acknowledged with colored post-cards, a verification cl:ll'd and a souvenir automobile license plate. Lt. Col. Jaime Marine, national SpOl·ts director, in his capacity ali head of the Cuban National Sports Commission has the management and control of CQK's actidties. Sr. Antonio Ruiz Azoy. n member of the Cuban cc.onsular service. is the COK director. Station Notes THE AMERICAS After a long absence, CJRX (11.72). Winnipeg, Canada, is back on the air and operating approximately 12:00 noon-l:00 a.m.; (rndays 12:00 noon-5:30 p.m. EWT ... The Latin on 5.85 megs is located at Santiago. D. R. It operates nightly 7:40 p.m.-12:00 rnid. EWT.,.A new Havana, Cuba, stHtion. COX (9.64), may be heard !'eJayjng standard broadca~t lStation CMZ daily from about 1:00 to JI:15 p.rn. EWT. AFRICA-AFIIQ (Allied Force HQ). Algiers, broad<:m.:ts programs to Arnerican networks and press material to American publications week-days approximately 8: 00-9: 45 n.n). on 15.9H. and ():30-7:45 p.m. EWT on 3.96 A new Cail'o. 'Egypt. station on 7.·H)!) megs lllCly be heard at 3: 150: 00 p.m. J::WT. ~':UROPE-Messages from American prisoners in German camps are broao<:<151 fl'equentJy at 7: 13 and 9: 13 p.m. EWT. Best reccption is usually rul'niE:hed by DZD (10.543). DJD (11.77) . or DXJ (7.24). Stockholm bmadcasts to North America 12:00 nool12: 15 p.m. o\-er SBT (1.').155) and SBP (11.705) and SEU (9.535). ASIA-AUSTRALIA Chungking, China, h; using a new Ire(IUency of 7.17 megs daily 6:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EWT. The North American transmission is broadcast 10: 00-11: 35 a.m. EWT on 7.17 and 6.12 (the latter frequency will soon be replaced by 9.63 megs) CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE 41 BRIEF PICTURE GUIDE IU""UlNATION' "O>I,ng of p,et"••• are ~,',~~""r;~-:;";"ndk,~:'~i':o.:o";;~,o~~l':r~ ' _,nn..' " II..nl "'m , " VV i in SHORT WAVES Daily Morning EWT V_"for t.:..~O~d';~ , and ~im~n~~;t~:ail~~~~.;:"-:l~:'in "e~~~~?e·":h·.t":f~·:O~~; hll ... and ALL 1,lm • • ,~ i"d!!'" . . "ad"ll," "f"m· Ily." or .,",1"" I.re. _THI': I':OITORS. .,mpll' ",,,... OUTSTANDING AIH FORCE (VV\-\'); Authentic drama taken from logbooks of our fighting nialor~. Don't lIli,,, it ~-Famil). AIl.\8IA~ XIGIIT:) (\V\'\·). One of th.. thou· sand :1111.1 olle magical lale" glorjou~ly filmed in color.-Famil). (:,\SABLAKCA (\'\'\'); Ingrid Berllliall gather!; morl' laureb in tale or Fnmch 1\I0ro('('0.-Aduh. l'OMMA~'DOS STHIKE AT - DAW~ t\'\'V\'); ,\ I1H"lsee for every adult i!> this \\.1r film. GEOHGE WASHDGTOS ~I.EPT HEBE (\'\'\'V); Lau~hter hodge·pod~e \\ith ,lack Benny and Alln Sheridan.-Family. IN WHICH WE SERVE (Sp('rial) (\'VVVV): Noel Coward's movie bombshell_ A IlIUSI·see for all adults. II\NDO~t IIAB\'EST (\'n'\'): Be<llutiful and stirring lo\'e·story. Greer Gar'«)n ~tllrs.-Falllil~. TALK OF TI-tE TOWN (V\'\ V): Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Ronald Colman in a gripping drama 'piked with wit and a purpose.-Famil)·. THE HllMAN rmtEDY (Vn'V) William Saro)an's storr hy the ~ame title, with ;\!lckey Itoone)' doin~ all extraordinarily fine porlra~ al of a 1.0)' bewildcrrd by war.-falllil)'. THE MAJOB AND TilE MlKOR (\\,"\-"): Ginger Ro~er~ OIl her best ill a comed) \\ith a keen twist.-Faillily. MUSICALS SILVER SKATES ("VV); Superb ~katin~ by Brlita and ~ood music by Kenny' lJakt'r.-Family. THE DESEHT SONG (\'\'\') T('(;hnicolor. Sigmund Romoerg's lo\'ely music ('Ollles to Ihe ..creen.-Famil)'. COMEDIES DU BARIlY WAS A LADY (V\'\'): A fUll Ilarade in Tedlllicolor h·d by' Lucille Ball, ned ~kf'ltun.-Fam!ly. MR. LUCKY (VVV): Cary Grant as a bigshot gillllbler, teamed with debutanteL:uaine Day, dr!i\'ers a carload of laughs.-Family'. 1I0AO TO MOROCCO (VVVV); Crosby'. Hope, l.aruour hit another unproariously funny' trai\.Family. THE PALM BEACH STORY (VVVV): KOll' sen~e with a punch delivered by Claudette Col· bert, Rudy Vallee.-Family. Guide to Programs The progroms Iist.d "e,. ore those brOCldc:ost daily ot the some time. Exc:eptioRs ore Time shown is fWT; subtract one hour for CWT DAILY Progr<lims milfked with <II (T) are rebro<lidusts for our troops oversus. Clip out these listings <lind send them to <Ii soldier over· sus. Times shown In parenthesis indiute rebrO<lllJcasts for West CO<list listeners. Daily Through May EWT City Progr..m Station 1 :35 a.m.-chunll;killl[-("hil1c~e Natio11ill prOl{ralll fur North Alileri('a: 9:45 a.llI. (ell;. Sat.. ~un.J-AllIerican Hour: 10. 11 a.m.- XCW1>: XeOY (6.12, 7.171 ) 8·9 :45 ".m. - AlI:iers - ;\lornillll; news and pre~s frotll :oIorth Africa. MHQ 115.98) 8 <Ii.m. - Toho - P.,,-::ram Lor :\orth America; 8, 9 01.11I.Nc\\~: JZI (9.535) 9 ...m.-Perlh, We~t AU~lralia Ne\\s VLw6 (9.68) 9:15 i1.m.-l.ahti. Finland News (En!1:lish); OIX3 (11.785) OlX4 <15.19) 12:45 p.m.-Guatelllala-:Iolarilllba proeram: TG\VA 115.17) 2:15 p.m. - Toho - J\h'ssal{e1> from Arlleric.'an~ in JJ.l} lJrisons; JZI (9.535) .11.(;2 (9.505) 2;30 p.m.-London Radio Nel\1>reel: GRE (1539) GItG t 11.68) 3 p.m.-:\"e\\' York tT)-Ser\i('emen's Reporter; WBOS ( 15.21) 3:30 p.m.-HavanOi-Pan-Ameri· tan new~rast in EIU::Iish and Spani5h: rOK (11.623) 5:15 p.m.-Berlin (T)-Friend ship Bridee' WRUL (11.79) WRUW (9.70) 5:30 p.m. (9:45 p.m. u. Suo.) -London-"Frol\l Line "am. Colonel Jaime Marine, manager of COK, Havana station which will dedicate a special program to Movie-Radio Guide readers April 29 ily"-Liff' of the Robin~on famil\" ill war·time LOlldoll: GsC 19.58) GSL (6,11) 5:45 p.m, (ex. Sun.) - News York (1') - "Back lIome"; \\'1\1H (9.67) 5 :50 p.m. - Berlin - Germalw's J)rll~l am for Xorth !\wl'rica; DJD 111.71) I)ZI> tlO.54) DXJ <7.24) DXLI3 19.52) OJ. (15.20) oxc2 (11.74) 6:30 p.m. (u. S.lIt .• Sun.)-Lon· don-Wilr Rnie'ws b\' e'Wf'rt mililar~('ommentators GS( (Y.58) 7 p.m, - Tokyo - I'rQ«ram for I':tsterll North Arnt'riu; 7. 8. 9 p.m.-EIllt:1ish ncws; 9:20 p.m.-Ite<.vrded messall:es from Yanks ill Ja" pri~oll "alll\I1>: JLC4 (15.105) JZJ (11.80) JRAK (9.565) JZI (9.535) SPECIAL 7:13, 9:13 p.m.-Ilerlin-:\lf."!>· sagl'1> from Ameri('an l)fi-.on· er5 in German ('alllll~ OZD (10.543) DXL13 1952J 1):\.1 (1.2') 1;15 p.m.-:\I''''' York 1T)~ I. Jive \\ KRX 19.901 7:45 p.m. - Rome - "American Hour" for listener~ 11\ ~ur(h AmrrifOl; 2R04 (11.81) 2lt03 (9.63) 2R022 (11.95) 9 p.m. - :'tlel\:ico (ily "Your American !lour," 1I\:\\~: 1ll1'1 ulal' Mexicilll and U. S. mu~il': XERQ 19.615) 9;45 p.m. (ex. Sat.)-HrI"UEn~li~h Ilrm:ram lor i'Jorth Ameri('a; 10. 11 l).In.-~cw~ from horne <lind abroall HER4 19.54) HERS (11,865) 10 p.m.-Hanna-I)ance lllu~ic frl)lIl San~ Saud re...taurant: (OK (11.623) 10 p.m. (ex. Sun.l-Rio !II' Janeiro-G(}O(I \\ill prOl:ram fnr North Ameril'a: PRLS 111.72) 10 p.m. (ex. Mon.)-Quitl~ GOOfh\ill pro!':"ram' H('JD (12'<55, 9.958) 11 p.m.-London-"Hadio New~ r('r!." news by lill! llIell ilnd women who make il: GSC (958) GSL (6.11) 11 :45 p.m.-Brazza\'ille--.\II En· glish program rrOn\ Fil:htill~ F r e n c h Headquartl'r1>; FZI ( 11.97) 12 mid.-South Afriu-Enlli~h new~; ZRD (5.945) 12;30 .lI.m.- lIome - Amerit'311 Hour. for we~tern :\"orth .\Illeri· ca; VLG3 (11.71) \'L1IQ (10.515) 1:30 a.m.-Tokyoa--11rogram for West roast Iisteller1>: 2 a.lII. an.1 3 :30 a.m.-EIII!:lish new"; 2;15 a,m.-Me5Saee"i from American pri'lOllers: JZI (9.535) JZJ (11.80) PROGRAMS OTHER FEATURES For programs broodcost daily see Daily Progroms obove. CORREGIDOR (\'\'V): Tense drama portra)" 1 ;30 p.m.-San F ran cis c 0 - 8 p.m. (12:15 a.m.)-"London Sundays ing hOI\" Americans fought and died on all island Letter, ,. J\1ard o n:tld Ha5ting~: Am('riran in Russia KGEI Station EWT City Progr.llm outvost.-Adult. GSC (9.58) GItH (9.83) (11.73) KWID (15.29) FLIGHT fOH FREEDOM (\'\'\'); Reminiscent "9:15 .lI.m.-~I'W York (1')- 9:15 p.m.-Lundon-Johnn\· Ca· 8 p.m. - Hamilton. Bermudaof Amelia Ea.hart's tragic fate. Co star!; Fred WGEO "We Who Fic;ht". Engli~h program: lFA2 (6.122) nu('k'" Re\'iew; GSC (9.58) Ma(;Murray and Rosalind Russell do a fine Job.( 15.33) 11 ;30 p.m.-Lima-"I'eru Calls 8:15 p.m.-:'IIe\\ York-Charlie 10 a.m.-Xe\\' York (T)-eom~ Falllih·. McCarthy: WKRX (9.90) You": OAX4l (6.082) KEEPEH OF TilE FLAME ("\'V); A Ihrill· Ulantl Performance; WBOS 12:30 a.m.--('.ualemala-Popular 8:30 p.m. - Lon don - "Just ing mystery ) am Sl<lrring Sprllcer Tracy and (15.21) Fulks," stories by the ordi· marimba music: TGWA (9.685) Katharine Hepburn. Top entertainment for the 10:30 a.m.-New York (T)1l:tI'Y men and women uf Brit· WCEO ~eWS for lroops: ramil\'. ain. GSC (9.58) GRH (9.83) Tuesdays ON'CE UPON A HONEYMOON (VVV): Cary 115.33) 10 :30 p.m.-Berlin-Pmc;ram for Graut and Ginger Hogers star in com('lly.ad\'en. 1 ;45 p.m.-New York-As We 7:20 p.m.-Reykj:lvik-I'rojl,"ram U. S. trOOJls ill NOl'th Africa: pick.up from Iceland: TFJ ture tale laid in war iliad Europe.-Famil)'. See It: WBOS (15.21) OW (10.543) OXJ (7.2') 112.235) l'RESENTlNG I.1I.Y MARS (\'VV); Judy Gar· 2:30 p.m. - AI~iers - Proc;ram 7:30 p.m. (Tues.. Thurs.)land gets a fine ch:lIln~ to di~Jllay her talents in pick up for CBS: AFHQ (8.96) Fridays London - Canadian (alentlar; thi, mO\'ie \'ersiOIl of the Booth Tarkington no\'el. 5:30 p.m. (10 p.m.)-LundonGSC (9.58) CRH (9.83) 5;10 p.m.-Buenos Aire~-En "Ans\\erinc; You." Britain anJuth- and Van lIefhll make a fine t"o~ome. g:lj~h pro::ram for North Ameri· swers questioll!J from Ameri- 7:30 p.m. (Tues., Thurs.)-Sew Farr;ih·. York (T)-Person31 Album: ca; LRA5 (17.72) LRA1 ca:\s about the war: GSC THE AMAZI:\"G MRS. HOLLIDA Y ("VY); WKItX (9.90) (9.688) (958) GSL (6.11) He\'eals Deanna I>urbin not only as a singer but 6:30 p.m.-San Frandsco--Com· 8 p.m. - Lon don - "Current 6 p.m.-I.olltloll-~fan Behind as a fine actress a~ well.-famil)'. E\·ent!>." Frroerirk Kuh or \'er\'ictory; GSC (9.58) mand Performance: KGEI THE MOON I:; DOW:-; (VVV); Healism as non Bartlett: GSC (9.58) 6:05 p.m.-San Francis('o-O\lrns (11.73) KWlD (15.29) only Steinbeck (';til portray it of 3 people hum· ;lIul Allen; KGEI (11.73) 7:30 p.m. (11 ;30 p.m.)-London 8:45 p.m. (11 :45 p.m.)-LoI;don bled but unconquered in ~or\\ay.-Adull. -"Meet .John Londoner": Gsr KWID (15.29) -"Stars and Stript's in Brit· TilE OX-BOW INCilJENT (VVV): Henry (9.58) GIIH (9.83) 6:30 p.m.-San Frallri~('o (T)ain," with Debe Daniels and Fonda's last pil'lure b'efore entering the Na\'y, Maxwell I-louse roffee Time: til'll Lyon, Pllt Ill\ by the 10 p.m.-Quilo, E('uarlor-"Ser· made from W:lller Van Tilbur,lt Clark's nO\'eL virc Stripes," prOl!;rall1 for KGEI (11.73) KWID (15.29) A. E. F.: GSC (958) GHH Blood-clll"dlin~ Ilra1ll3 for adults. lJllil~d Nations soldi(!rs the 8:15 p.m.-New York (n-Fib· TilE TRAlTOB WITHIN (VVV): World War I 19.83) v,vdd over; H(.J8 (9.958. bel' J\l('Gt't': WKRX (9.90) veteran gets a t:hance for re\'enge twenty years 8 p.m. (12:30 a.m.)-London12.455) 8:30 p.m. (12 mid.)-London"North AlIJericall Gue~t Night": after cOllflict. J)oHald ;\1. Barry anti Jean Parker. "World Affairs," H. Wil'kham GSC (9.58) GSL (6.11) GRH _Family. Wednesdays Stl'ed. GSC (9.53) (9.83) WATCH ON TilE IlHINE (\'VV); Bette Da\'is 6:30 p.m.-Xew York (T)and Paul I.lIka~ in Ihis Broad\\a} stal!;e hit by 9:15 p.m. (Sun., Tues .. Fri.)Mail f:tll: WKRX (9.90) Saturdays Brodin-Lord Haw Haw; OXJ plapHighl I.illian Ilrollmao. A grim pi('ture of 7 p.m.-Purt-au·Prill('e. Haiti- 9;15 .lI.m.-San Francis('o-Mail (7.24) DlD (lO.543) ~a7.i dominatiull.-Adlilts. En~li~h l)rQc;ram; IHI2s 15.947) 9:30 p.m. (Sun., Thurs.)-\'atifall. K\\'!D (7.23) can Cit\'-Xorth American IJI"O- 7 :30 p.m.-London-E\-I'l"\ !Jody's 2:30 p.m.-New York (T)WESTERNS S('raphook GSC (9.58) Your AII·Time Hil Parade: c;ram H\"J (5.969) 8:30 p.m. (12 mid.)-LundonWBOS (15.21) IDAHO (\'\"'): Ro~' Rogrrs in a fine "r"tern 10:30 p.m.-Guatemala-The Talk by J. B. PriC1>tley GSC 7:30 p.m.-Xew York (T)American Hour' T(;\\,A (9.685) 1lI0\'ie lhat ('ombines the Olel We!>t with mod(!rn (9.58) 1;IIH (9.83) Yarn~ for Yallk1>: \\'KRX timr~.-Familv. Mondays 9 ;30 p.m.-San Francisco-Fib· (9.90) THE SUNI)OWN KID (\'VV): Don "Hed" ber J\lcG~e: KWlD (9.57) 7 ;30 p.m.-London-H Gentl(,lI\rn (T)3:15 p.m.-Xe\\ York Hany. a gall\ol~r hh\l~l'lf, halts a crime wave with KGEI (11.73) YOUI' Bruadway anu Mine: With Winjl,"s": GSC (9.58) GRH fJ~t "hootill~ and toul[h fig:htillc;.-F:llnily. 12:30 a.m.-Guaternala-Thp En· (9.83) GSL (6.ll) WBOS (15.21) TIIUNIJERIKG THAILS (VVV): The Three gli:;lt Hnur: TGWA (9.685) 7;45 p.m.-~rw York (T)6 :05 p.m.-San Franci1>co--Fred Mesq\litrers, as T('x;\~ Hallc:ers, protect goltl shipG r a II d s t a It d Seat: WKRX Allen. KGEI (11.73) KWID ments in the territory.-Family. Thursdays (9.90) (15.29); 8:15 p.m.-WKRX 6 :30 p.m.-San Francj~co (T)- 12 mid. - Guatemala - Popular (9.901 For "This Month on the Screen" EddIe Cantor'~ ShI\Yt; KGEI "Mad~ras de Mi Tirorra." ma6:30 p.m.-San Frantisco---Char· see page 54 he McCarthy; KG!::I (11.73) riml>a orchestra: TCWA (9.685) (11.73) KWID (15.29) 42 War News ,n English CITY CWT 1:00.ll.m. 6;00 a.m. 7:30 ... m. 6:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 6;30 ...m. 1:40 a.m. 6;40 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7;OO ... m. 8:30 a.m. 7;30 ...m. 9:00 ... m. 8:00.ll.m. 9:15.l1.m. 8;15.l1.m. 9;30 .._m. 8;30 a.m. 10:00 .lI.m. 9:00 ...m. 10:00 <Ii.m. 9:00 .lI.m. 11:ooil.m. 10:00 .lI.m. 11 ;OO.a.m. 10;oo.ll.m. 11:00 a.m. 10:oo.ll.m. Daily london Berlin Vichy Moscow Melb'rne Manila london l .. hti Berlin Ch'gking Rome London Stockh'm Melb'rne DIAL 9.51 15.20 17.765 9.545, 10.445 9.54 VlGl KZRH 11.615 15.39 GRE OIXl 11.785 15.20 DJB XGOY 1.171 1530 2R06 15.14 GSF 15.155 SBT VLG 9.58 GSB DJB At1ernoon 12:00 noon 11 :00 a.m. London 12;30 p.m. II :30a.m. Tokyo 12:30 p.m. 11 :30.a.m. Berlin 2;00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. London 1:00 p.m. Tokyo 2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2;30 p.m. H.. van.a 4;45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. london 3;45 p.m. Vichy 4;45 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 4:10 p.m. Irel..nd 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p_m. Moscow 5;45 p.m. 4:45 p.m. london Daily 6;00 p,m. 6;40 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 6;48 p.m. 7;00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:30 9:00 9;00 9:00 9:06 9:15 9:45 10;00 STATION p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. GRE JlG2 OJD GRE JlG2 COK GRG GSC 15.39 9.505 11.11 15.39 9.505 11.623 11.68 9.62 ..595 15.11 9.58 Evening 5:00 p.m. Rome 5:40 p.m. Algiers 5 :45 p.m. london 5 :48 p.m. Moscow 6:00 p.m. Berlin 6;00 p.m. Tokyo 7;05 p.m. M..drid 7:30 p_m. Rio de Jilneiro 1:30 p.m. Rome 8:00 p.m. Berlin 8;00 p.m. Mu. City 8:00 p.m. Tokyo 8;06 p.m. london 8:15 p.m. Moscow 8:45 p.m. M..dr..s 9:00 p.m. Bern 10;00 p.m. 9;00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 11 :00 p,m. 11 :45 p.m. 12:00 mid. 10:00 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11;00 p.m. Rio de J.lIneiro Rome london Berlin Brilz'l~ Berlin 12:30 a.m. 11 ;30 p.m. london 1 :lO.a.m. 1:30 ... m. 12:10 a.m. 12;30 a.m. Melb'rne Berlin 15.30 2A06 AFHQ 8.96 9.58 GSC 15.11, 15.23 7.24 DXJ JlG4 15.105 EAQ '.86 1022 PSH 2R03 9.63 7.24 DXJ 9.615 XERQ 15.105 JlG4 9.58 CSC 15.11,9.565 VUM2 730 6.165 HER3 11.865 HER5 PAL8 2R03 GSC GSl OXJ FZI DXJ OXP GSC GSL VlG3 DJD ll.72 9.63 9.58 6.ll 7.24 11.97 7.24 6.03 9.58 6.11 11.71 l1.n Important Stations (Megacycles or thousand, of kilocycles sbown) PRL1, Brazil •. 501 AFHQ., Algeria 8,96, 15.98 CBFY, Canada 11.705 CR7BE. Mou.mblque 9.84 CSW1. Portulat 9.1311 D1B. Oermany 111.20 DID," 11.," DlL.·' 15.11 DXJ." 7.24 DXL13. It 9.112 DXl'. ,. 6.03 DZD. 10.543 EAQ.. SDaln 9.86 EIRE. Ireland 9.59~ FGA. Sene,al 15.346 France (Vichy) 11.1611.11,845.9.62 FzI. Branui1le. Fr. Equatorial Africa 11.97 ~:~~." ~~:~: RV. U,S.S.R, 111.111. 15.23, 16.18. 111.11, 12.19. 11.9~, 11.88, 9.&65, 9.1145 SBU". SlIVeden '.53' ~M':I~1::1 1:::;: TOWA. Guatemah. 9.69 VLG. Australia 9.51 VLG2." 9.M VI.GS" 11.71 VL06. 15.23 VLt. 9,6111 VLUO" 10.IIJl1 VLR.... 9.51 VLWa, N 9.al VtrM2. India 7.26 WBOS, Boston....... 111.21. 11,81. 8.1. wonx. New York City 15.27, 9.65, 9.49 WCDA, New York City 6.06. 11.83 WCRC. New York City 6,11,11.83.11.&3 WGEA. Schenectady. N. Y. 111.33. 11.841.1.00 GRE, Enrland 15.39 GRG." 11.68 GRK. It 9.83 GRM." 7.125 GRY. to 9.600 Gse. ,. 9,58 G1;D." 11.111 GSF. It 111.14 GSL. 6.11 HAT4. Kunpry 9.125 HC.rB. Ecuador WGEO. Schenectady. 12.455. 9.958 N. Y. 15.33. 9.65. 9.S3 HER4. Swlb-e'rland 9.54 WKRX. New York HERS. " 11.865 City 9.90 HP5A. Panal]la 11.70 WLWO. Cineinnatl. Ohio HP5G" 11.78 11.80. Hi.25 11 71. HSP5. Thailand 11.12 9.59. 6.01 XVl. Vatican City 11.74 WNBt. New Ynrk r.i'v Intlo.Chin.. 11.18 15.15. 9.61 lZHA. Hon,; Kong 9.47 WRCA. New YMk Cit., J1.02. Japan 9.505 11 78. 11.893 JLG4, " 15.105 WRtrL·WRUW. J"ZI. 9.535 Boston. Mass. 17.75. JZJ. 11.80 l' "" KOEI. San Francisco. 7.805 C.. lif. 11.13, 7,25 XERQ.. Mexico City KWID. Ban Francisco. 9.615 CaUf. 1.23.9,51, 15.29 xnny. Chlnl\ KZRH. Philippines 964 11 90. 9.63. 6,12, 1.171 loLlI. Norway 9.645 ?~n·t Italy 9 G~ MTCY. Manchuria 2R04. " 11."1 11.77~. 10.065. 9 "4'; 2RNI. 15.80 OTX4. Finland 15.19 ~1l"1I. 17.8~ PlCI. Curacao 7.23 2R021. 15.047 131 I TOMMY G ET YOU R FUN ! And Tommy Trinde r (left) does just that in <!I variety program which is broadcast wee~ly via the British Broadcading Corporation's Overse<!ls Services. H aving fun with Tommy <!It a BBC micro· phone in London is " H appy" Norman, <!In Americ<!ln soldier from Dallas, Te_as, and H<!II Block (right), who is author of the series. Bloc~, formerly from Chi. cago, recently joined the BBC, was <!I prominent script.writer in the U. S. stations, or possibly a combination of both. Dr. Baker observed that television would have a tremendous effect on people's lives, quoting the old Chinese proverb that a picture is worth ten thousand words. Soviet Transmissions By Charles A. Morrison E English section of NBC has installed a special sports news-ticker service to provide Johnny Doughboy in the British Isles and North Atrica with the latest baseball returns. Last.minute scores are now broadcast daily without loss of time to shortwave listeners over slation WBOS (15.21) from 4:00 to 4:15 p.m. CWT. This is only one o[ three special sports shows presented daily by NBC tor American fighting forces overseas. The opening program at 12: 15 p.m. is a review of the preceding day's sports results. The second offering at 2:45 p.m. is a brief report on baseball with highlights on other sports. The addition of a spot for baseball scores at 4:00 p.m. delivers the latest results to England and North Africa not more than a second later than they are heard in this country. According to Frank Nesbitt, head of the English section, "This is important to the listeners over there. It also enables men to read about the games the following morning. We have learned from letters that these scores are written down and then used as the basis for some of the sports columns appearing in camp papers for men in North Africa." TI T 13/ ! Post. War Television According to Dr. W. R. G. Baker, General Electric vice president, when peace comes, radio manufacturers, now devoting all their facilities to war production, will be prepared to build reasonably priced television sets in large volume. These sets will pro· duce pictures in black and white, because color television may be too expensive and still has not been worked out to the engineers' satisfaction. The size of the picture produced by a television set will depend on public demands, but Dr. Baker points out that in his opinion the American peo· pIe will not want a picture the size of the wall in their living-room. The average person probably will want a picture from twelve to fifteen inches square so that he can sit seven or eight feet away from the set and enjoy the program. There is no technical reason why motion·picture houses cannot receive and project special television pictures on their screens after the war if. such a procedure can be made economically sound. Postwar relaying of programs will be done with coaxial cables or television relay Radio Center, Moscow, transmits several broadcasts to North America each day. Since short·wave reception trom the U. S. S. R. is very erratic, each broadcast is made on various frequencies, at least one of which usually furnishes fair signal strength. The present schedule is as follows (CWT): 6: 40-7:20 a.m. - English - on 9.545, 10.445, 15.11, 15.23, 15.75 7: 20-7:50 a.m. - English - on 15.75 (Sunday to 8:30 a.m.) 9: 15-9:30 a.m. - English - on 9.545, 15.23 4:15-4:40 p.m.-English-on 15.11, 15.23 5: 48·6: 25 p.m.-EngJish·--<1ll 5.44, 9.48, 12.19, 15.11, 15.23 6: 30·6:45 p.m.-Polish-on 9,48, 11.947 6: 45·7:00 p.m.-Czech-on 9.48, 11.947 7:00-9:00 p.m.-English-on 9.48, 11.947 9:00-9:30 p.m.-Italian-on 9.48, 11.947 9:30·10:00 p.m.-Slovene, Croat or Serb--on 9.48, 11.497 8:15-8:40 p.m.-English-on 15.11, 15.23 10: 15·10:40 p.m.-English-on 15.11, 15.23 All transmitters are located near Moscow with the exception of the tre· quencies 9.545, 15.11 and 15.23, which are those of an eastern Siberia station at Komsomolsk. According to a Calcutta broadcast, a flock of Australian merino sheep have been sent from India to China by an old caravan route, traversing a 16,000loot path. It is the first time the route has been used for a century. The objective is to build up the Chinese wool industry. This flock forms the first consignment of non-military supplies that has been sent to China from India, following an agreement on the route with the Tibetan government. Station Notes THE AMERICAS-LRU (15.29) and LRX (9.66), Buenos Aires, are both off the air ... ZFA2 (6.122), Hamilton, Bermuda, is now broadcasting its usual weekly program Mondays instead of Thursdays. The time is 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. CWT . . . The new Cuban on 6.04 is CQBF, Radio Universal, with studios at Prado 159, Havana, Cuba. lt relays broadcast station CMBF .. , A new Panama station on 11.74, thought to be HP5Q, is being heard nightly to 10:30 or 1l:00 p.m. CWT .. , An unidentified Mexican station is being heard nightly on 7.01 megs, AFRICA-SUV (lO.055), Cairo, is heard frequently :1t 4:40 p.m. CWT, with messages from members of the British armed tOI'CCS to their relatives at home .. "Radio Club" (9.98 and 9.04), Brazzaville, Middle Congo, operates daily 1:00 to 1:20 p.m., 8:00 to 9:20 a.m. and 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. It relays "Radio Brazzaville" (11.97) at 1:45 to 2:20 p.m. and 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. CWT. EUROPE-German clandestine station "Gustav Siegfried Eins" operates each hour tram eight minutes before to five minutes after the hour on any one of the following frequencies: 9.645, 9.637, 9.545, 9.482, 6.235, 6.19, 6.12 or 6.02 megs ... The Swiss North Ameri· can transmission comes on the air nightly (except Saturdays) at 8:30 p.m. CWT over HER4 (9.535). . Stockholm, Sweden, stations SBT (15.155) and SBP (11.705) are still giving les· sons in English Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. CWT. ASIA AND AUSTRALIA-Messages from American prisoners of the Nipponese are now being heard at the additional time of 12: 50 a.m. CWT (except Saturdays and Sundays) over JZJ 01.80) and JZI (9.535) .. Ac· cording to Ying Ong of Phoenix, Art. zona, XGOY (11.90 and 7.18), Chungking, China, is broadcasting a special program to the American Anny in the Far East, nightly except Wednesdays, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. CWT. Turn Page for Short·W <!Ive Progroms 45 Wac News Daily SHORT WAVES Mar"'''9 CWl MWl CITY 6:00 ~.m. 6:30i.m. 6:40 i.m. 7:OOi.m. 8:OOi.m. 8:15 iI.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 i.m. 5:00 i.m. 5:30 i.m. 5:40 i.m. 6:00 i.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:1Sun. 7:30 •. m. 8:00 i.m. Londo~ 10 :(Xh.m. 10U-la ,m. 10:00 i.m. 11:00 a.m. 11 :30 a.m. 9:00a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 i.m. 10:00 J.m. 10:30 i.m. STATION 11.68 '" OJ, Se rlin Moscow Mtlb'rne London Lahli Sfrtin Ch'gking OIAL 15.10 15,75, 15.23 954 VLG2 15.415 GRE 11.785 0lX3 15.20 OJ' XGOV 15.19 9.62 15.1~ London GSF 15.155 Stockh'm 9.58 Melb 'rne YLG London eRE 15.415 9.505 hkyo JLG2 '" Afternoon Dally noon 11:00 i.m. Vichy p.m. 12:00 noon London p.m. 12:00 noon Tokyo p.m. I :30 p.m. Havana p.m. 2:45 p.m. London ~:IO p.m. 3:10p.m. Ireland 4:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Mo s~ow 4:45 p,m. 3 :45 p.m. London 12:00 1 :00 1:{)0 2:30 3 :45 5:40 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 4:45 p.m. Aig ier$ London 5:48 p.m. 4:48 p.m. MoStow Daily 7:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Sulin 5:00 p.m. Tokyo 6:00 ~.m. Moscow 6:05 p.m. Mad rid 6:30 p.m. Rio de hneiro 6:30 p.m. Romf 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:06 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:06p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p."'. 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 10 :45 11 :00 eRE JLG2 (OK eRE esc eRG AFHQ esc 15,24 15.415 9,505 11.623 15.4,5 9.595 15.11 9.58 11 ,68 ,.% 9.58 11.68 9.48, 15.23 '" Eyen'"9 6:00 p.m, 6;00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 11 :30 p.m. 8:30 8:45 9:00 9 :30 9 :45 10;00 p.m. p.m, p.m. p.m. p,m. p.m. 10:30 p.m. U:OO Mid. 11,00 p.m. 12:10 a.m. 11 :10 p.m. OJ, 15.20 15.1OS 1l.941 JLG1 ,." EA, 10.22 9.63 2R03 2R022 11.94 11.17 OJO Se rlin 9.615 Mu , City XERQ 15.1OS Tokyo JLG4 9.58 London esc KYm'l$k 15.11. 15.23 9.54 HER4 Sern Rio dt 11.715 PRl8 Jilneiro 9,63 2R03 Rome 9.58 esc London 714 OXJ Sulin 9.d 2R03 Flame 11.97 Urn'lt 7.21 OXJ Berl in 6.03 OX, 9.58 London esc GRX 9.69 6.11 esc 1.24 Berlin OXJ 15.23 Mel b'rn t VLG6 "" "I Guide to Programs Th e programs listea he.. are those br .... dcoot daily at til. 10"'. time. huptioftS or. Indie,".d. Time sllo .... n Is CWT; $IIbfrad one IIour for MWT DAIL Y Progr~m. muked with a (T) are reb.oad~a~b, o' speciJI pro· grams lor all' Iroops oversus (lip out these listi~9s a~d send them to a soldior oversus. Tim~s shown in pa.entheses indicate re· broadtasb lor West Coast lis· teners. Doily Throuqh July CWT 1I.7~& CRlBl:, Mou,n>biQUfI (15.21) SPECIAL DXI'." DZD. 6.03 lO~t3 EM!.. Spain EnIE. Ireland YGA. Senelfti Fr.no. (V elLy) 9.86 9.b9~ U.3U 11.76~. 11.8U. 16.24 rZI. Br.... yllle. Fr. EquatodAI Africa 11,97 GRE. EnlrJand lG 41& GRG, " 11,68 GRR. 9.B3 GRM, 1.126 GR.. 7,16 GRX. 9.69 GRY. GSa. OSD. 9.600 9.U 1l.16 GSL. HATi. Runrary HOJB. Ecuador 12.466, HERt. Bwlue,la.d llP5A. Panama HP6G. " HSl'G. Thailand HVJ. v.tic •• City Indo.Chln. 'ZHA. Hon, KO.I" J'L02. h~u 6.11 9.126 GaF, ILG-t. JZI. US. lU4 " ,. 9.968 9.61 11.10 11.78 11.12 11.14 11,18 9.47 9.~6 tUU 9.636 11.10 KGEI. San :rranclo"". Calif. 11.71. or kUOC7ol •• Ih ... ,,) RV. U.S.S.R.,15.23. lUI . 12.19, 10.445. 9.6611. 9.~~. S.U IG.4U. 9,~U, 9.~45. Me SliT. Swedan 15.U' VLO. AUltr.lia 9.68 ~t3~'" tN1 VLGB, VLI. VL110 VLR, VLRS, 1~.23 9.61~ " 10.}25 9.~8 1~.32 VLW6, VUM2, IndlL WIIOS, Bootoll, t~,21. 9.68 1.26 M u •. 11.81. 6.B WCBX, Now York CIty 1~.21, 9.65, 9.19 WCDA. New Yock CIty 0.06. 11.83 WCRC. Now York City WGEA. N. Y. WGEO. 6,11.11.83,17.83 9"b~neotody, 15.33 11.841, 7.00 Boh.n~otady. 1~.:J.:l. 9.66, N, Y. e.n Wl,RX, New York Cl,y 9.90 WLWO. Cinoln.~tI. Obt. 1780. U.26. lUI 9.n. 8.08 WNBI. Now Y~~~I~.111.67 WRCA. Ne .. York City 11.18. 11.893 WRtrL.Wll17W, BOII(l1l. M.... 11.79, 11,73. 9.'10 11.13,7.16 XERQ. Me:r.lco City KWUI. Sn Franol."". 9.61& C.lif, 7.23 9.67 16.211 XOOY. Chl"a XZllH.l'hiUpplu. 9.M n.n. 9.82. 7.l1 LLB . Xo,,,, .. y lI.eu IROS. 1tal.1 9.63 tROt. .. 11.81 ncr.••noh"da 15,110 11.175. 10.06~ 9,~U 29.08. .. OIX4 , Finland I'RLS , BrLl!! 1'9H," 46 15.19 2ROI. .. 1I ,7U tROll. l O.U "OW,, PROGRAMS 6 p,m. -Hamilton, Hc"nud~ Ca"ada: GSC (9.59) GRG E,,~li,h program: ZFA2 (6.122) (11.68) 8:30 p.m._San I'r3ne;.eo--~bil 5:05 p.m.-San Franci,co (T)C.,ll: KGEI (11_7<1) KWID Information. PI.a,., KGEI RC,\r serving in Brit.in: 111.79) KWID (15.29) rlS.29) CHI'Y (11.705) 10:30 p.m.-Lima-"P.,,, Call' 6 :30 p.m.-San I'ra"ci,co--"Thi' 9 a.m.-Se"· York (1) - Com, Yn,,"; OAX4Z (6.082) Is Our Enemy": KGEI (11.79) m~"d Perrormance: WUOS 11:30 p.m.-Gnatemala-Pot,,,lar KWID (15.:m (15.21) marimba m",ie: TGW A (9.685) 7 p.m.-London-"London Let9:30 a.m. _ !'>ew York (T) tpr." Macdonald Hasti,,~,: News for troops: WGEO TyudaYI Gf;C (9.58) GSL (6.11) Gr,G 115.33) (11.68) 6:20 p.m.-R.)'kjavik-I'rogra", 1Z:45 p.m.-!.ond"n - Amerioan pick-ut' from Iceland: n'J 8:30 p.m.-Sail I'rancisro--n.cl commenlary: GRE (15.415) Skrlto,,: KGEI (11.79) KWtD (12.235) l:15 p_m. - New York (T) (9.57) 7:45 p.m. (10:45 p.m.)-Londo" ,Tack Benny: II'BOS (1S.21) -"Meet John Londoner": GSC 2:15 p.m. - Gu"t~",.la Hi, Fridays (9.58) GSL (6.11) s<>ngs Parade: TGWA (15.17) 9 p.m. - London - liadio The· 1 :IS p.m.-New York (T)-Per· 5 :30 p.m.-53" I'rallcisro--Com1I!~r: GSC (9.58) GSL (6,11) .0n.1 Alb",", waos (15.21) ",,"d Perrormanoe KGEI 9 p.m. - Quilo, E~u,,,lor - "S.r· 4:10 p.m. - Bu."o' Airos - Ell' (11.79) KWID (15.29) vi~e Strit>.~" l'ro~r"n\ ror gli'h program "Fa, the Am.r6:05 p.m.-San r,·.nciseo--Army U"iled Nations ""ldier< lhe ie .... : LIl,\5 (17.72) LHAI Hour: KGEI (1 L79) I,WID world over: llCJU (9.958. (9_685) • (15,29) 12,455) 5:30 p.m,-San Francisco (T)6:30 p.m.-London-"Starg and 9:15 p.m. (Tues .• Thu".)-fler· ~la.,,"ell 1Iou,e Coffo. Tim.: Siripes in Britain." w;lh Beb. lin-nub!, II. Be.t: DZ!) I{GEI (11.79) KWID (15_29) Dan;el. a"d B£n Lyon. pul on (10.543) DXJ (7.24) p.m.-San Fra1)cisco--~l"" by the A. E, 1'.: GSC (958) 10:15 p.m.-Guatcmul,,-Concert 6 :30 Beililld the Gun: KGEI (11.79) GRG (11.68) of Clu~ Cigare": TGW A 1{lVID (15.29) 7 p.m. (11:15 p.m.)-London(9.685) 10 p.m.-Sail F •• ndsca--Elmer "North AII,eric.n Gue,t Ni~ht": Davis: KGEI (7.25) KWID GSC (9.58) GSL (6.11) GRG WedneldaYI (9.57) (l1.68) 11 :30 a.m. (Wtd .. Fri.) - New 8:15 p.m.-!.ondon-"A".wering SaturdaYI York (T)-"This Is Jean'" Yon" GSC (9.58) WlJOS (15,21) 8:30 p.m. (Sun., Thurs.)-Vat. 1 :15 p.m.-New York (T)-Mail 12:30 p.m.-Landon-hit'. All Yours"-A program for Hrili,h i"a" City-North American 1"0' rail: II'HO$ (15.21) forces iu i,olate<! part. 01 the gram: HVJ (11.74) 5:30 p.m.-San I'randsco--Bob world, GRE (15.415) 8:30 p.m.-San I'ranci"o--Jack Hope: KGEI (11.79) KWID :30 p.m. - New York (1) Bellny: KGEI (11.79) KW!D (15.29) Your All-Time flit Parade' (9.57) 6 p.m.-Port.au.Prinu. Haiti-waos (15.21) t.4ondoys En~li<h program: HII2S 4:15 p.m.-San Franti.co (T)(5.947) Ehner Da,·is: KGE I (11.79) 12:15 p.m. - N~w yo.k (T) KWID 05_29) Front Lille The:>ter: WUOS 7:30 p.m. (II p.m.)-LondonTalk by J. fl. Prinlley, GSC 5:45 p.m.-Alaska-Troop' prot 15.21) (9.58) GSL (6.11) GRG gram ([treg.): KX7BS (17,48) 5:OS p.m.-San Francisco--l'rO(! (11.68) 7:30 p.m. {10:30 p,m.\-!.ondon Allen: KGEI (11.73) KWID -F.ee<!om Forum: GSC (9.58) (15.29); 7:15 p.m.-IVKRX Tllarlday. GSL (6.11) (9.90) 5:30 p.m. S~n Francisto 5 p.m.-London-Mes5age5 rrom II p.m. - Guatemala - Popular Madera. de Mi Tierra Marl",b, London parenls to children C h a r lie McCarlhl" KGEI Orch.,tra: TGWA (9.685) ""unat,,1 tn \In;terl Sntes and (11.79) KIVID (15.29) a.m.-~lontre.I--Ne .... nd illte"'i~ws with men 01 th~ 9.lt 9.18& 9.5$6 a.to SBU." 9.46~ 11.11 TAP. Turkey 12.233 lUI TFJ. ioOlud 7.24 TOWA.OuaUmai. 9.69. 15.11 9.61 CSW1.1'0<1.ul.1 D1B. Germ •• , DJD." DIL. DX}. DXL13, " SlaHon Sundoys Important Stations AFHQ, AlJoel. 1.96, 16.0n Program 1 :30 p.m. _ I.onrl'''' Rad,o Ne"',re9.l· GRE (15,115) 8:30 CBFY, Co..ad. City 6:35 a,m.-Ch"ngking - Chine.,' National program ror ;';orl), America, 8:40 a.m_ (ex. Sat., Sun.)-American Hour; 9, 10 a.m. English ne"" (15.19, 9.62, 7.18) 7 a.m.-AI~iers-)1orning H'" and pre,. r.om North Africa AI'HQ (16.025) a.m. - Melbourne - E,,~Ii"I, ne"s and nao,e. or American "..Idi.r. decoratO(! ror valor: VLG2 (9.54) 7 a.m. - Tokyo _ Program ror I'orth America; 7. 8 a,IlI.Engli.h new.: JZI (9.535) JLG4 (15.105) 8 a.m.-New York City (T)Enolish news: WRUL (15.35) B:OS ~.m. (tx. Sun.)-~lon(rral _ Ev".yth;n~ Gae" CHn' n 1.705) 9:45 a.m. - London - Spe~ial tran,mission for ,",orlh Amet ie.: GRE (15.~I5) 10:15 ~.m.-Viohy-Pro~r.'" fo< North A",~ri<a: (1524) 12:45 p.m.-G"3Iemal'-M~rim bl> "onont, TGWA (15.17) I p.m. - New York (T) - Sr. vic"",.,,'. Reporter: WIIOS 5:47 p,m. - Moscow-Komwmolsk -Engli.h prog.am for North Americ.: (15.23, 15..11, 12.19, 9.48) 6 p.m.-Tokyo - Engli'h "elO'; 6:15. 8:20 p.OI, - Recorded ",e"age. from Yank. in h t, prbon ca",p", JLG4 (15.105) JZJ (11.8D) JZI (9.535) 6:15. 8:05 p.m.-Berlin - ~le" s.~p' from .~1It.ric.n IIrilon.,·, in German ramp' D,II! (15.20) DW (10543) I)JD (11,77) DX.] (7,24) 6:45 p.m. - Rome - "Americall !lour" rM liSlener. in North Amerita, 7,40. 8:40. 10:40 p.m. Charming Victoria Cor~le .. age, from Am.ri'''n pri,,,,,o.. in Italv: 2R04 dova, Latin songstress, (11.81) 2R03 (9,63) 2ROn on "Caravana Tropi(11.94) cal," broadcastvia NBC 8 p.m. - Mrxico Cil>' - "Your Ampriun H"ur"-Se..-~ in En~hort wave to South ~Ii'h; P"P"lar Me~ican and America every Saturday UIlile<! State. mll,ie: XERQ (9_615) 3:45 p.m. (u. Sun.)-:-;.\\ \'ork 8:30 p.m. (n. Sat.) - Bern(T) "Back 1J0II'r' WHO~ En~!i." ptOl!:raOl ff" :-odh \15,21) Am~ric.: HEM (954) 3 :50 p.m.-MOlambique--l::lIgli,h 9 p.m. (u. Sun.) Rio dr neM: CR7BE (9_84) Jan.i.o--Good·will pr"~ram in 4:15 p.m.-Bottoll tTl-.·rie"dE""li<h ro' North Amerir. <h,p Bridge WRUL (11.19) PIll.8 (lUIS) \\lItlW (9.70) 9 p.m. (u. Mon.)-Quito4:30 p.m. (8:45 p.m. tx. Sun. I G""'I· ..·i!1 pro~ram (En~_l' -!.un'!on-...·rolll Li"r Fa,,' I£r.1B n2_455. 9.958) ily" Lire 01 th nohin'"n 10 p.m. (u. Sun.I-S3n 1'"" F,,,,Hy in ,"",,·time 1..",,,lon: ri,c<l---R"ymond Gr.m S\\'h~ r.sr 19.58) GRG (11,68) KGEI (725) K\\'IO 195~1 4:50 p.m. - Hetlin -Gerlllany', 11 p.m. and 12;10 •. m.-\Iol )"o~ram lor No.th Amerita bnurM - Pro~ram. fa. w~'1 !).I!) n 1.77) OW (10.54) 'rll Norlh Am",ir~: VLG6 DX,1 0.24) onl3 (9,52) I~ 23) vun (1532) n.m /15.20) oxr2 111.74) 12 :3n a.m.- Tnkyo--Pro~c"11l lor 5:15 p.m. (u . S~I.. Sun.) _ W",t Co.st Ii,tener" I, 2 ~_II' Loollion-War rrl·i.w< bv .". -F.:n~li'h 12:50 ".m.port ",ilitary 'OOll"\.lIt~lorl: Mp"a~e< (rOl" Am.r;r"" pd' GSC (9,58) oners: JZI (9535) ,IZJ (11.80) "", prOllram, broadeait dally ... Doily P,og,ams aboye. (Ihpcydu or ,bou.... d. Menace to the Four Freedoms English on n,n 1&.041 (Continued fTom Page 1) <lo". So ... ~ wonder: Ibn Wt the smart thin~ in nol r.l.lialin~ a~ainst the f.w hundrc,1 Jap. neSe prisontrs In our han,bl The ans".r ;. that retaliation or that tlJ>l!: ,,·ould do ",.. re harm than ,001. Th. Japan~se p...,,,le re,pttt onl}' one language at borne or abroad, Thai i. the l.nguage 01 superigr fort •• They art rulistic enough to know that We have superior force over the row hundred Jap pri,oners now ill our hands. An),thing lie do to the,. pd.o"r., by wa}' of retaliatio" will result only ,n the oxocution or more A",.rie.n. in Jap.n. n'e of Ih. Jnpallcu peo)\!e ha"e not relt lh. ar",ed ",ight of America. Until th.y do leel it, the.\" will not be i",pre.s<."ll by what we do to hclt}le$! and dden'ele .. t)l"ison.r. of wor. The J~p I)Oople will ,ont;"ue to revel ill the barbari.m. which th.ir leade" ,Iage for their c"tertainme"t -jusl as nle" Ollte enjoyetl the spectorle of for· c;gll "he.th.ns" b~i"g throw" to the lions. I will never forget IIhat o"e high Japanese ofliei.l, il\ a spectacular bu.. t of frankness, told me after Pe.r! Harbor: "The Japan,,"e peol,l. demand that .... punish A",erin". ror daring to rtS;.t Hi. 1'''J>I!:rial Maj· e$ty'. armtd rones. Al\d We ;"telld to ,,"nish you Amor;can corr.'I"mdent. and radio (ol\\",e"tato •• ","""e. f ... t." They did. Tht prt" and radio have told )'<Iu how. Hut Ihi. Japantu official was not lrying to dodse hi~ shar~ or r""lK1Mibilitl' for the _!rociti ... committ.d upon A"'~ric.n. ,"d citilen' of Ihe olber Uniled Nalion,. lit "·a. slmpl)' teUing Ih. truth. The I,.t.r cure. thr thousand .t.bs, rapi"S1. ba.l·oneting' and rubber·hose beatings were widely IX'pular a",ollg the Jap,nese people. He waS simply ulillg Il,al a'I.I'mle ... ho w.nted to b. a leador in Jal'.n-a ",ilit3ri,t-had to answer this popular ,h,"'Dlld for ruthless verse~ulloJ\ of lhe he~th.ns who re{u •• d 10 accept lIirohil0'5 lea,le"hlp to "eter",,1 ,..t""tion." The truth i, that thc~e ~o·~"lled m;litarisb of Japan are !lot Irtak~ withi" thei" own country. The)' or. I1Qt a setf·t)crpet""ting urbtocracy. Thy art the JaJ,"n.~. JI"~pl •. Thy come frolll the Jal'~ne~e poopl". The lI,u,t i",purtant or IheOl tOll'e frolll ,i"'ple Jal,"l1e.e ho",e. ill the s",all to""" li,hiIlK'viJlaBe~ a,,,! far",. 01 their co"ntry. They "re ~rought up like all Jallane.e. They are bella"ing uDctly U J"t",ne<e ,od.t)" and Iraditio" ""P the)" .h,ll behal·.. TI,e) oro tho loaders or Japan only bccau.e they are th. mo,t proficient m,nifeslatio" of the Com ",on morals ."d ambi· tion. or Ihe Japants. J>l!:Ql'le a~ a "hole. The complaint III0st <onl1"only heard ~g.in't the "lIIili· nri.ls" in Japan i. that the)' are 100 "timid" and too ".Iow" j" earryi,,~ out II~W a~gr~ •• ions. And IhM reeling h., co.1 nl4l'Y of them their live5 10 ~ .. a..;"s who "pla)·e,!"' to the applau.e of the emire nation. So<ne Americans still try to defend Ihe Japa· ne.o people on the idoali<tic grounds that SOme J.palle,. are Christians. Thcrdore, by """,e strallg" \"ist or I""ic, these Japallese are supposed II> be pro·Americ,", or pro-lVeSlNn. Hut there .re fewer Ihan 50,000 sin~ere (hr;'tian. in all Jap"l\. Fifty thou'"'I(l O\lt or 85,000,000. There "rc rar fe"'''' real Ch,.i~ti"n' in .Jap"n th"" Ihe,. a,e Shintuists ill th Unile,l Stale •. A"d all the "Cll1·i.ti;,n" ch"r~he. ill J"p~n h~ve I'le'I~"d th.i. 10y,lty and Ihe;r li"~" to Hirohito, whon, th.), bcli~v" i" their hearlS to be Ih. r.:ll man·god. '('h. J:lI',"esc I'<."Ople ha"e' the e,"ct le.d.rshit' lh.)' them,elv.~ t'Ntel!. lrai".,1 a",1 idolize<! in their a"" low", and ,·iJla~~ •. That 1, .. lcrshit, i. potml~r. It o~t~ .. to Ih. "ational clamor fo. blood-th. blvod of the healhn ullboli.,·e" who do")" the diyi"it)' or H, .... hit". Tne Japene,e [1<'01,le are r~'l'on<ibl. for hal'i,,~ encouraged the '0talle<! ,"ilitari.t. to wa~e this "ar. And it i, upon them, as "ell as the '"miliuri't'," Ihal we mu,t Ileal' our 'ell~unce whe" our " .. sl.ateg)' J>l!:r",in. Th.". ~"d only then, lIill 'lie ",enace to civililation's four rr.e<!oms be erased! Robert Sell~ irt may b. hurd over tht Blue Network on Sundays in ,n urly morning broad· u~t ~t 9 a.m . EWT; 8 '.m . CWT; 7 a.m. MWT; 6 a.m. PWT . t3/5 'I" SANS GERONIMO (Continued from Page 19) Fighting French on the Air with a New 50,000Watt Short-Wave Station HERE is supposed to be only one country where every freckle-faced youngster knows whether or not Joe Medwick struck out yesterday in the third. But actually there arc many more south or the border. Insistent demand brings Buck eDnet, of NBC International, to the short- T wave microphone daily with baseball scores and re-enactments of games in Spanish for our Latin neighbors. CaneI's program is broadcast at 7: 45 p.m. EWT (6:45 CIVT; 4:45 PIVT) over IVNBI, WEOS, IVGEO, IVGEA and WRUL. Citizens or Cuba insist upon day to day information about happenings on the great American diamonds but then Mike Gonzalez, coach of the St. Louis Cardinals, is a Cuban and so is AdalIa Luque of the New York Giants. Every little boy of nine years or more in Venczucla keeps track oC the United Stntes' bnlJ scores but then Alec Cnrrasquel, star pitcher of the Philadelphia Athletics is a Mexican, while IIi Bithorn at the Chicago Cubs is a Puerto Rican, Soccer-football may be the gi:lme of inter-school lite in the countries to the South but bnseball is as universally popular as it is in the United States. Fighting French's 50,000 Waller French. In a short time ib impOl·tance as a source of primary and authentic information concerning the activities of General De Gaulle's followers increased by leaps and bounds, Only its low power and weak signals hampered its usefulness, But this is all past now, Cor a gleaming and spotless new 50,OOO-watt transmittermade in an American radio factory; huge new a~rial arrays, an odd contrast to their primitive jungle surroundings, speed the programs of "Radio Brazzaville" to all corners of the earth. It will only be after the war that the full and fascinating story of the establishment of one oC the great short-wave centers of the world in the steaming jungles of Equatorial Africa can be told. Most people had never heard of "Bra7.zi:lville" in the Middle Congo until the Fighting French of General Dc Cnulle estnblbhed their headquarters there. It slumbered in peaceful obscurity until one day a few months a',::o when short-wave broadcasts began to crackle from a makeshift 3,000- Wanled: Short-Wave Monilors w~tt convel·ted telegraph tran~mitler If you have a communications remanned by an inexperienced but en- ceiver (or other all-wave receiver on thusiastic staff-partly native, partly which frequencies can be reo.d accuP U/ll rately), if you are an experienced short-wave listener, and if you can give an average of one hour a day (or five or six hourJi a week) to cruising your dials, checking frequencies, looking for new stations and jotting down general items of interest, you can perform a valuable war-time service. If you have the above qualifications and '''''ould like to donate a little time to the war effort, write to me in care of MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE, 551 Fifth Avenue, New York City, including details about your~elf and your receiver, and including a few itemJi about the shortwave stations or programs that you have heard recentl)' so that I may be able to classify your ability and qualifications. Turn Page for Short~Wave Programs afternoon. Colonel Raft wanted to know where In the hell I'd been. I told him-sourly, but my spirits rose when he said: "You've come just in time. We take off in the morning on another mission. Want to come along?" Again that irrepressiblc "yes" busted out before my mature judgment started to function. RafI hauled out a map. It would have looked lovely on a lamp shade, but as an operational map it was almost hopeless, and all he he-d. He pointed out a little pimple caiied Youks-Ies-Bains, twelve miles north of Tebessa, Algeria, near the central Tunisia frontier. "There," said the colonel, "is an air field, It's just a landing ground, no improvements of any kind, hardly distinguishable from any other grazing land, Our mission is to jump and secure the field, denying its use to the enemy. Axis patrols have been re~ ported within twenty-five miles. Some French troops arc supposed to be around there somewhere, We don·t know if they have been told we're coming. We don't even know if they're friendly. It's a bit on the sticky side. Still want to come along?" Raft' grinned. He knew what the answer would be. One of the riggers, who pack 'chutes, was summoned to fit me with a spare. At the time, front-line living had not dented my paunch, as it did later, and the straps were too tight. Ripping out a seam of the strong canvas webbing, the rigger asked if anyone had any thread. Everyone looked blank:. No thread! With great misgivings I dug into my musette bag and came up with some No, 3 sewing thread, and the rigger sewed up the parachute. My life was literally going to hang on that No.3 thread. After a cold ni~ht rolled up in my blankets on the hangar floor, and a light breakfast of coffee and cold "C" rations, we were ready, My musette bag, containing an extra shirt, a change of long underwear, socks, and the pictures of my wife and two children, were packed in a supply bundle. I stuffed my pockets with "K" rations, chocolate bars and a spoon. Everything else, including my typewriter, was left behind in the hangar. A few nights later Jerry plastered the field with bombs. My typewriter and the rest of my belongings went up in smoke. But I wasn't to know that until much later. We lined up in front of our plane, the lead plane commanded by Colonel Raff, who jumps No. I in the entire formation. We were thirty-three transport planes, two of which were supply ships, cal'l'ying supplies and he<lvy equipment to be dropped by gaily colored parachutes-each color denoting the contents or the bundle, Raff gave a command, we marched into the plane, and at 7: 30 a.m. we took ofT, escorted by a bevy oC British Hurricane fighters, The flight lasted a little better than two hours, but the time did not pass quickly, After following the sea coast east for a while, the pilot turned inJand. Then wc began passing over massive mountains, grcat craggy peaks, scrub timber, vast swatches of duncolored land, ol'casionally dotted by tiny Arab Carms, but most of the time over these awesome mountains. I kept thinking how pleasant a forced landing would be, and how vulnerable these "clay pigeons" werc. And thcn I was surprised to find myself dozing as the twin motors droned on and on. (Continued on. Next Page) 45 War News CWT 6:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:4OiI.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:00a.m. 8;15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10;00 a.m. Daily CITY STATION GSP London Berlin DJB 15.75, Mosco.. elb'rne VlG2 london GSP lahti OIX Berhn DJB Ch'gking XGOY GSP london Stockh'm SBT Melb'rne VlG Daily GSP JLG2 GSP JLG2 GSP GSD GRG 1531 9.505 15.24 1531 9.505 1531 9595 11.75 11.68 Evening london 6:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6: 7 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 5:47 p.m. Moscow 6:00 p.m. Berlin 6:00p.m. Spain 6:45 p.m. Brn'le 7:00 p.m. Moscow 7 :30 p.m. Rome 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:06 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. DIAL 15.31 15.20 15.23 954 1531 15.19 15.20 9.640 15.31 15.155 9.58 Afternoon 12:00 noon 11 :00 a.m. London 12:30 p.m. 11 :30 a.m. Tokyo 1:00 p.m. 12:00 noon Vichy 2:00 p.m. 1 :00 p.m. london 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Tokyo 4:45 p.m, 3: 5 p.m. london 4:10p.m. Ireland 5;10 p.m. :45 p.m. london 5:45 p.m. 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:06 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11 :30 p.m. 12:00 mid, 12:30 a.m. 9.30 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:10 a.m. 12:00 mid. 12:00 mid. 12:10 a.m. SHORT WAVES GSD GRG 9.48, DJD EAQ FZI 11.75 11.68 15.23 11.77 9.86 11.97 11.947 9.63 11.94 2R03 2R022 Berlin OJO 11.77 Mex. City XERQ 9.615 JLG4 15.105 Tokyo London GSC 9.58 K's'm'lsk Bern HER4 9.54 Vichy 9.62 Rio de Janeiro PR18 11.715 9.63 Rome 2R03 london GSC 9.58 Berlin OXJ 7.24 Rome 2R03 9.63 Berlin OXJ 7.24 london GSC '.58 GRX 9.69 GSl 6.11 Bat.wia 18.135 Berlin 7.24 OXJ Melb'rne VLG6 15.23 Important Stations (111 raoycle. or thousands of kilocyole. shown) 46 PRLS. Braril 11.715 PSR. BrasU 10.22 RV. U.S.S.R. 15.75, 11.941, 15.23, 15.11. 12.19, 10.445, 9.565, 9.545, 9.48 15.165 SBT, Swede,. 8Bll," 9.535 TAP, Turkey 9.465 Ul, Iceland 12,235 TGWA, Guatemala 9.69. 15.17 9.58 VI.G. Aunralla VI.G2." 9.54 VI.G3. 11.71 VI.GlI, 15.23 VU. 9.815 VU9. 7.28 VI.IlO. 10.526 VLR. 9.58 VI.RS. 15.32 VLWe. 9.68 WBOS, Bolton. 111...., 15.21, 11,87. s.a WOBX, Now York Oity 15.27. 9.65, 9.49 WCDA, Now York City 6.06, 11.B3 WCRO, New York City 6.11. 11.83. 17.83 WGEA. Sohenocudy, N. Y. 15.33. 11.U1.1.00 WGEO. cheneotady. N. Y. 15.33. 9.65. 9.53 WXRX, New York City 9.90 WLWO. einemat!, Ohio 11.80. 15.26. 11.71. WliBT. New York City 15.15. 9.67 WRCA, New York City 11.18, 11.893 Wlll1I..WB trW. Boston. au. 1.805. 17.75. 15.35. 11.79. 11.78. 9.10 XERQ. 1IIexieo City 9.615 XGOY', Chin 2R03. Ttaly 963 2R04. " 1181 15.30 2R06. " 2R08. .. 17.82 2R021. " 15.047 (Conthw('d from Preceding Page) Guide o Programs Th. program IIst.d her. are tho•• broadcast dally at the lam. tim•. E....,tlon. or. Indlcat.d. Time shown ;s EWT; subtract one hour for CWT (rom Yank -n J" pri 011 cilmp JLG4 115 105) 11.80) JZl (9535) 7:15.9:05 p.m.-B,·rhll-:\1e. ~age Irum Am nran prisoners in Gl'rtnau call1p. OZD 10.5~3) DJD (11.'77 OXJ (7.24) 7 :45 p.m. - Rome - ",\merican 1I0ur' lor lisl ner In :-Onrth merir a; 8 ,9 :40, 11.40 p.m. Ie' ages from \mericon pri nil r in Ilal) ; R04 (11.81) 2R03 (963) 2HO 2 DAILY Programs muked with a (T) are rebroadcasts or special programs for our troops overseas. Clip out these listings and send them to a soldier overseas. Times shown in puen theses indicate reo broadcasts for West Coast lis· teners. Daily Through Aug st EWT City Program (11 St.tion 7:35 a.m,- hUJl"kine-Chine " Iional PIO um . for •'ouh m rica; 9: .m. ex. ':al.. n ) - ffierrc;w. lIour; 10, 11 ~.m. En!!1" b news: (9.601. 7.18) 8 a.m.-Algi r - . lorning new ~uu pre. Irom, 'onh Africa' AFHQ (16.025) 8 a.m. - . I lboume - Broadr. t fur e~.lern • orlh AmericiI, I::n· li h lie". ,"d n.rnes of ,\11I r· ican oldler. decorated for \"alor, report. of Tho. Fol ler; Gordon \ illiam ; BJIl DUlin: \'LG2 (9.54) VLI9 (7.28) 8 a.m. - Tukyu - Prugram. 11Ir "'orlh Am rica; 8 .lId 9 a.IlI.EngH h news: JZl 9.535) .11.<;4 (15.105) 11 :15 a.m.-\'ichy-Program fur ,urlh meric, En li>h n \\ al 1 p.m.: 15.24) 12:25 p.m. (ex. Sun.) - . 'e' \ ork (T) - "Back Home. WBO' (15.21) 'perial 12:45 p.m. - london trill uti ion for . ·orth m r· ira G P (15.31) 1 :45 p.m. - Gual mala - • 0011' da~' l1Iuill,b lI<ert: T \\.\ (15.17 ) 5 p.m.- .·e' Yurk (T) -La I· Sending a word home: Sgt, C. J, Oleszlcowicz of Chicago in broadcast from American Red Cross Rainbow Corner in London millul ba_eball core. WB c 15.21) 5:30 p.m. (9.45 p.m. ex. 5un.)Lontlon-"Fronl Line Famil)" -Lil or the Hohinson F;lIl1ily in War·Time Lund.",. .( 11.68) G.D 19.58) GnG ( 11.75) 5 :50 p.m. - Berlin - Gennan~ s pru ram for ,'orth America OW (11.77) OZD (10.54) OXJ (724) OXL13 (9.52) D. 2 111.74 DXP (6.03) 6 p.m.-Orazznill_I:;ngli h pro· m lor. 'onh m rica Irom 1-1 hI inK French Heauqu.rl r in lid.ll onlo; 7:45 p.m.I.. It h /Ie . FZI 111.97) 7 p.m. - To ~o- Pr ~nllu f r I~rn " rib America; 7, . 9 p,m. - Ene:li.h new: 7:15, 9 lO p.m.-Record d me SPECIAL 9~) 9 p.m. - 'I xlCO 1\ "Your American Hour"-.· \\ in En· _lish, popular • l I n Cniled tales m I ic. • 'ER «9.615) 9:30 p.m. (ex. Sal.) - Bern Eneli h program fur .'orlh America HER4 (9.54) 10 p.m. (e . Sun.) tho" J. neiro-Goodwill program In En· 'lish for, 'orlb Am ric', : PRlS 11.715) 10 p.m. (ex. Mon.) - QuitoGoodwill program (En Iish): IiCJB (12.455, 9.958) 10;45 p.m.-l.onuOII-:-Im. bul /9.58) letin in English: " GSL (6.11) Gn (9.69) 12 mid. ilnd 1:10 a.m.-)tel. bourne-Program (lIr "estern , •orlb America: L 6 (15.23) HR3 (15.32) 12:55 a.m. - Bata ,a - Ja\'a's proltt m lor .•urth meric: 1 a.m.-Engli,m ne\\ ; 1 '33 iI.m.-. 'am of ur\'i--or { l".'.. Hou Ion: (18.135) 1:30 iI.m.-Tokyo--Pro ralll for Wes Co l li"lener : 2 and 3 iI.m.-Engh. h ne" : 1 50 a.m. \1 e (rum m~riran JZl 19.535) JZ.' ""U PROGRAMS For pra\lralftS broadca$t daily sn Daily Programs abov•. Sundays a.m. - Cincinnati - 11 AFHQ, A1e"ria 8.96, 16.025 CBFY'. Canada 11.706 CR7BE. Xoaamblque 9.84 9.735 cs W'1, Portuea.l 15.20 DJB, Gormany DID. " 11.17 DIL. 15.n 1.24 DU. DXLl3... 9.62 6.03 DXP, " DZD. 10.543 EAQ. Spain 9.BG 9.595 EIRE. Ireland TGA, enepI 15.346 France (Vichy) 9.62. 11.845. 15.24 l'ZI. Branuille. Fr. E~uatorlal Africa 11.97 GRl::. Enrland 15.415 GRO." 11.68 GRH. 9.83 GRM, 7.1.26 GRT. 1.16 9.G9 GRX. GRY, 9.GOO GSC. 9,58 GSD, 11,75 GSF. 15.14 6.11 GSI., OSP. 15.31 RAT4. Hunlfo", 9.125 HCID. Eeuodor 12.4.55. 9.958 HER4. Swiuerland 9.54 lfl'5A. Panama 11.70 RP5G." 11.78 lISP5. Thailand 11.72 HV . Vatican City 11.74 Indo·ChiD. 11.78 JZHA. Honll' KODr 9.47 lL02, Jallan 9.505 n.'H. " 15 105 J7T" 9.535 JZJ 11.80 JAVA 18.135 Kc:.~l. San haneiseo. Cali!. 11.79. XWlD. S n Fr neisco C·ltf. 15.29 KZll1(.1'1I111ppinOl 9.64 9.645 LLH orw v XTCY. Monehuria 11.715, 10.OG5. 9.545 OTX4, Finlllnd 15.19 SANS GERONIMO English Morning Daily EWT 7:0h.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:40iI.m. 8:00a.m. 9:OOiI.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m, 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. II :00 a.m. In "Calling Pan America". WLWO (9.59) 1 ;45 p.m.-Havana, Guatelll.laOaseball p:ames: COCQ (8.81) TGWn (6.49) 6 p.m. - . 'ew York (T) - . BC 'ymphon}': WL\ 0 (15.25) w RC 11.83) 6:30 p.m.- an Francisco--Colll' Oland Performance: KGEl ( 11.79 KWID (15.29) 7 :05 p.m.- an Francisco--AmlY Hour: KGEI 11.79) K\\lD (15.29 7 :30 p.m.-London-"Star and lripc in Britain"-A VISll With U. .e:ryir~men oyer e3. : G ( (9.58) GRG 11.68) 8 p.m. (12:15 a.m.)-London'orth Arneriran Guest ~ight": G. ( (9.58) G L (6.11) GRG (11.68) 8:05 p.m.- an Frand co--LUl< Thpaler: KG I 11.79) KWID ( 15.29) 8 :15 p.m. - Nrw York (T)Harry ,I3,n.'s' Ord,cslra: WI HX (9.59) 9:15 p.m.-London-"Answerin~ You": G C (9.58) 9;15 p.m. (Sun .. Tues" Frl.)Berlin-Lord Han Haw: DJD (11.71) OXJ (1.24) 9:30 p,m. (Sun., Thurs.)-Vali· can ilr-. 'orth merican (En. o:lish) proj:!ram II\'J 11.74) 9:30 p.m. - Bern - Weekly En· g1i<h new roundup: HER4 (9.54) III Mondays 6:05 p.m.- an Francisco--Fred Allen: KGEl 11.73) KWID (15.29); 8;15 p.m.-WKRX <9.90) an Francisco 6:30 p.m. Cbarlir ~Ic ·.rlhy: KGEl (11.79) K\\ II) (15.29) 7 p.m, - H.llIiIIOU, BermudaEne:li h program: HAl (6.122) 12:30 a.m.-Gualemala-The En· 7:30 p.m. (11 :30) - Lnndon Tommy Hallllley', Hiell f1ollr; gli h Hour: TGWA (9.685) G C (9.58) G 0 (11.75) 8 p.m. - Loudou - "A"llnll" Thursdays Pe"ona! turie. by lIleu uf lhe 6 p.m.-London-Me salle from three services: G C (9.58) Lonrlon parenls tu chilureu 8:45 p.m. - Londun - Here in ""cualed to U. . . .1I.d.: Britain G C (9.58) G C (9.58) GRG (11.68) 11 :30 p.m. - Lima - "Peru all 8 p.m.-Londou-"Lolltl n L t· 0 X4Z (6.082) ler." ~I.cduuald Ha,tin~ ; G C (9.58) G L (6.11) GRG (11.68) Tuesdays 4:15 p,m. (Tues., Wed., Thurs.) 8;15 p.m.-an Franci c.-Yarus for Yanks. KWID (15.29 -,'ew Yurk-"Hi There. KGEI 11.79) 'ailor' • WBO (15.21) u 6:15 p.m.-London-lnlo Baul 9 p.m.--<:incinllali- r.llmg ran America: \\'L\\"O t 15.25) -"The fighting piril of Ihe l'ni ed 'alions': G C (9.58 9;30 p.m.- an FranCl'co--Red kehull: KGEI (11 79 KWlD liR(; (11.68) GSO (11.75) (9.57) 7 :20 p.m.-Reykiavik-Pro~ram Fridays pick·up from Iceland: HJ (12.235) 2:15 p.m.-,·ew York (T)8 p.m. London "Currenl Fruul Lin Thealer. WBO EveBt!," Frederick Kuh t or (15.21 ) Geull .. ·y Parsun : G. C 9.58) 5:10 p.m.- Buenos ire -Eu· GR ( 11.68) Ii Ie program, "For Ihe Ameri· 10:15 p.m. (Tues" Thurs.)ea.": LRA5 (17.72) LR"1 Berlin-Rob\. H. Besl: OZD (9.685) (10.543) DXJ (1,24) 6:30 p.m.-San Fl'anciS('u ('1')11 :15 p.m.-Guatemala-Concert ~lll"well Hou e r ..lfre Time: of Club Cigarette: TOW A KGEI (11.79) KWII (15.29> t9685) 8 p.m.-Londun-Talk b\' Wm 1I01t: G. C (9.58) • Wednesdays 8:30 p.m.-Lnnrlon-"World AI 1:30 p.m.- 'torkhollll-Le SOli. rair.... H. Wickham Iced. G. r in Enltli,h 131' (15.155) (9.58) 2;15 p.m.-:-'ew York (T)-~lail Saturdays 'all WBO (15.21) 6:30 p.m.- at, Frilnci co (T)- 4:15 p.m.- :-lew Yurk ('1')Bob Hupe: KGEI (11.79) 'oa t Guard on rar~t1r: WBO(15.21 KWIO (15.29) 7 p.m.-Purt·.u·Prince, Haili- 7:30 p.m.-Luudon-uGen lemen EII~li h I'rbgr3m: HH . 5.947) \\hh Wiue,": G' '9.5) 8 p.m.-London-· Eye Fronl 8;30 p.m. (11 :30 p.m.)-LvlI· - \ f kl)" review of acth"ili don-The 'llIlte Pre ellts G or anadian Army. '3\')' & ir (9.58) G'L 16.11) Forre in Brilain: GC <9.58) 9:30 p.m.-B~rlin-" alline: Back GIlG (11.68) Hnmr": OZO (10.543) OXJ 8:30 p.m. (12 mid.)-London(1.2~) OJO (11.77) I' r<onal comments by J. B. 12:40 a.m.-Guatem.la-Dance Priestley: G C (9.58) C L m\I<;c with marimba orche Ira; (6.11) r.RG (11.68) TGW (9.685) \0.'..· Hall-way through the trIP i suddenly carne over me; "What do I do when I jump?" 0 one had told me and in the exci ement I had forgo en to ask. 01: cour e, I'd wri n storie' about the paratroopers before. But hi wa different. This wa n't a story. This wa' real! I turned to the man si Un on my lef, my good friend, Major William P. Yarborough, then the paratroop liaion officer n Gen ral Dwigh D. Ei enhower's staff. Bill 'was jumping No. 18, the lasl man. 1 was No. 17 and had asked Bill to jump behind me just in case I should falter al the door and need a good ki"k In the pants. "There isn't much time to give you all the retlnem:m s,' said BIll. "Ju: keep th. few things in mind. Look : raight ahead when you tep through the door. Grasp the handl of your emergency 'c}m e with your righ hand and start counting, 'one thousand, \\'0 thousand, three hou.. and.' If your canopy i not op n by then. pull the emergency. When )'our canopy opens, as it will, look up to see if it i open properly, and nol in a malfunction. If something's wrong pull the emergency anyway. lherwise grab the ri ers ( hl'ouds) with both hands, and try to guide your fall. Keep your knees slightly fl x d, and land with your feet fairly cio e together, on the balls of your feet, ready to tumble whichever way the 'chute pull you. But try to come in facing forward. That's all," That's all! ice guy. He'd just finished telling me this when e "01 II d smoke, and I thought, "Here it is. We've really bought something. The damned plane's on fire and we'U cra:h in flame:." But it wa only a short-circuit in some wiring, quickly .' inguished by the crew chief, but not an incident to boo t morale. I \Va feeling a bit on the nervou. side by this time, bu as I looked up and down the plane at the soldi rs itting quietly, holding their Garand rifles. or mortar., or machine-guns, loaded down with hand gr nades and other explosives, I became as nerveless for the moment as they were. After aU, they'd been through it ali before, and I thought if these guy can do it. why CCln't I. How RaIT and the pilot ever found the field I'll never know. It was a beautiful job of naviga ion. As soon as the pilot was certain he had the right place he rang a warning-bell which ounded in the cabin. Thi meant get ready. I'd told Major Yarborough tha in lead of counting in the regulation way I was. for entimental reasons, going to' shout the old paratrooper wal'-cry "GeroniIno!" That cry, which has puzzled a good many people, came about in this way. The old motion-picture, "Geronimo," was showing at Fort Benning, and a group of hilariou paratroopers took to shouting the old Indian chief's name Radio's Second Biggest Task! How Uncle Sam Protects the Morale of America's Fighting Men Turn to page 50 in til's Issue 1:l/8 I S H 0 R TWA V ES BBC's Bow Bells Ring Again; OWl to Build Two New Transmitters n. Guide to Programs .r. p'09rO,..1 IIlt.d ".r. or. those br_dcost doil,. ot the 10,... ti,..•• Ilc.ptio," Time s"ow" Js EWT; subtract 0,.. hour DAILY A CCORDING to "London Calling," the ringing of Bow Bells from Dick Whittington's church -a little more than a stone's throw from 81. Paul's Cathedral-was the interval signal for all BBC services in the days before the war. When invasion was threatened and the ringing of church bells was prohibited, Bow Bells went ofT the air to be replaced by the tick-lock, later augmented by a brass quartet playing the three notes, B, B, C. at frequent intervals. The order prohibiting bells being rung has been lirted-and Bow Bells are again being heard in the General Overseas Service of the BBC. 81. Mary Ie Bow Church was seriously damaged in the blitz on London in December, 1940, and the bells, which had fallen, were found lying in a heap of rubble at the entrance of the church. The present church was completed in 1680. Recording Studios for Broadcasts Although not itself a short-wave station, WOR in New York City is intimately connected with the production o( short-wave programs originating in this country, since thousands of broadcasts short-waved from this country and (rom short-wave stations overseas have been recorded in WOR's elaborate recording studios. The WOR recording studios could wcU be called the "Croli::;roads oC the United Nations" these days what with so many 1nCormati on bureaus of our various allies making rccordings there. Recently records ha\'c been made for bureaus representing the Greeks, Norwegians. Poles, Belgians. Australians, Czechli and Chinese. The most recent is a record called the "Belgian Congo at War," a dramatized account of the Belgian Congo's war effort. which will be offered (ree to every standard and short-wave station in the country. By Charles A. Morrison Progr.ams m.arked with .a (T) .are rebro.adusts or spuJ.a1 pro· gr.ams for our troops o'lersus. Clip out these hstings .and send them to .a soldier O'ltrstu. Times shown in pJirenthnis indiute re· bro.adusts for West Co.ast Ilsteners. Doily Throuqh Septembu EWT City Progum SUtlon 7:35 .a.m. - Chunt;kint'-""Chllle e National Pro~ram for North America; 10. 11 a.m.-Ent;lish new (9.645) 8 .a.m. - Melbourne - Broadcast for eastern Xorth AlIluica; En glish nev.! and name of Amt'r iean ~oldi('rs decorat('d for "alor \'LG2 (9.54) VI.I9 (7.28) 8:25 a.m.-Honle--Enl{li~h ne\I~: 2R024 (15.465) 9 .a.m.-Nev. York (T)-lIolile Front New~: WGEA (11.S4) WI,WO <l5.25) JO a.m.-Nt'll York (T)-Nell~ from HOIII(': WUOS (11.81) wrnx (15.27) 11 :15 ;I.m.-Virhy-PrOt;ram for North Arll('riu; En&;li"h n('\\~ at , p.m.: (15.24) 12:25 p.m. (f::Il. Sun.)-New York (T) "Back 1I0me": \\'UOS (1521) 1 :45 p.m. --Gua!ernala-Noonda\' marimba concert TGW \ 115.17) 2 p.m. - New York (T) - Ser· War News on English Dally lor CWT don-War rl""iew, b)' expert miliur)' commenl.alor:;· CRG (11.68) GSC 19.58) 7 p.m.-Nt'v. York tT)-New.: WNBI (9.67) 7:15. 9:.20 p.m.-Rti:orded meso uge from Yanks in Jap prison camps JLG4 (15.105) JZJ (11.80) Jll (9.535) 7:~5 p.m. Rome - - "Aml"rinn Hour" for Ii tener in North America; 8.40, 9:40,11:40 p.III. :'ole !<1ge from Am('rican prisoner!' III hall 2RD4 ( 11.81) 2n03 (9.63) 2R022 f1 1.91) 8:15 p.m. (u. Sun.)-London"Listening PO,;I" - Whal Ihe Tolk by the outhor of AJ{i'l Is Sa)'in" About lIl': CSC (9.58) GRG (11.68) Britain's "Beveridge 9:30 p.m. (ex. S.at.}-Bern-En. Plan," Sir William glish pro~ralll for North Amer· Beveridge, above, was ica HEM (9.54) 10 p.m. (u. Sun.)-Rin de Ja recorded ot WOR ond neiro - Goodv.ill IlrOIl;Um in short.waved to Europe Enl1;li~h for North Arnerira; PRI.8 (11.715) 10:15 p.m. - [J('r1in - ;\Ie~ .. al1;e~ from American llrl'oner of "iceman's Reporter: WBOS war' DZO 110.5~3) OX,I (15.21); Fort'ign new~: WKL.J (15.29) (7.34) 2:15 p.m. (u. Sat.) - Boston 11 p.m. (u. Sun.) - Sail Fr31\· f"i'lcu--Ilaymond Gram Swin,e:: (T)--eallinlt the Navy: WIWL KWIX (9.57) ( 15.35) 11 :55 p.m. and 1 :10 .a.m.-M(,! 4:55 p.m.-Bern-l'\e\" (En· bournc---Pro\trarn" for \\('''tern ~Iish): IIER4 (9.535) Norlh Ameriu: \'LG6 (15.23) 5 :50 p.m. - Berlin - Germany's l)rogralll for Nonh America: VLI3 <15.32) DJD (11.71) OZD 110.54) 2 :20 .a.m. - Tnho - i\!(''' a~e .. J)XJ (7.24) J)XLl3 (9.52) frOll1 American - IHi"lI1f'r": JZI (9.535) JZ,/ (11.80) IJXB (9.61) DXP (6.03) 6 p.m.-Nev. Yorl. tT)-Xell 4:15 Ji.m.-N('v. rall'dnnia-Sf" ..ion h.1 U. S. Tro(Jp~ FK8·\A from Home WKRX (9.89) 6:15 p.m. (u. S.at., Sun.)-Loll (6.135) SPECIAL PROCRAMS For pr09roms broodcost daily Ie. Doil., "'09roml obo..... 9:15 p.m. - londuu - Johnny's 7:30 p.m.-San franri~f"o-"Thi· I, Our [nt'm~' h.(;n (11.79) Canuck Ue\'ue: GSC 19.58) K\\ II> (15.29) 11 :30 p.m. - Lima -"I'("ru Call~ 7 :30 p.m. - Londull - Tomm~ You". OAX4Z (6.082) Halllll"y'" lIalf Huur: G"C 12:30 ;I.m.-Guatemala-Popular (9.58) tiltG <11.68) Select ~hl"ic: TGWA (9.685) 8 p.m.-London -"Lwulon Let ler," Macflonald lIa"tilll;~: (,SC Tuesdays ,9.58) GHti (11.68) 4:15 p.m. (1U6., Wed .• Thurs,) 8:15 p.m.-San Franciscu--y.trll'" -~('W York-"Ili, Therl'. Sail for Yanks: K"'JD (15.29) or": WBOS <15.21) KGEI (11.79) 6:05 p.m.-San Francisco--\'o'l: 9:15 p.m. - B~rlill - ("ommenU POll: KGEI (i 1.79) KWIU tor~' (onfer('lIcl'; 1.),1 D (11.771 ( 15.29) DZU ,10.54) OWl's Radio Expansion Plans 6:15 p.m.-london-Inlo Bailie -"The Fiehting Spirit of the Fridays Construction of two fifty-kilowatt Uniled Nations": GSC (9.58) GRG (11.68) short-wave transmitters, which will be 5:10 p.m. - 8u"no'" Aires - En 6:30 p.m. San Fran('i...co the first to go into operation under the gli...h prQll:ralll, "For The AIIIl'r Scr~n Guild: KCEI (11.79) Office of War Information's plan to Ira..... LRA5 (17.72) LRI\l KW!D <15.29) 19.685) expand American international broad7"11.0 p.m. - Reykj3vi"-Pr~ram 7:30 p.m. San Fr'llll·i"'ro-~lan pick.up frflm U. S. troops in casting facilities. has been be~n in Behind The Guo KGEI (11.79) Iceland: TFJ (12.235) New Jersey on the grounds formerly KWIO <15.29) 10 p.m. - London -- Radio The· occupied by the transmitter of ColumMer: csr (9.58) eSL 16.11) 8:15 p.m.-B"rlin-Rear Admir'll I.Ut'1Z0\\ D,JI) (11.77) DZU bia Broadcasting System's key station ( 10.54) W.dnesdays WABC, according to E. K. Cohan, CBS 8:30 p.m.-London-"World Af· director of engineering. rair~." II. Wickham S'I'M: tiSe 9:15 a.m.-New Yllrk (T)-Mail (9.58) (iIlG (11.68) Realizing the urgency of putting its Call: W(;EO (15.33) WBOS 9:15 p.m. - I.(\ndon - ';TUIllIll~' ( 11.87) expcmsion plan into effect at the earlicst eel Y"ur' Fun": GSC (9.58) 12:30 p.m. (Wed .. Fri.) - New possible moment, the OWl sclecterl the GRG (11.68) York (T) - "This I~ Jl'an": CBS site because of its idet'll fae-ilities, WBOS (15.21) 2:15 p.m.-New York (T)-Mail which include a specially conshucted Saturdays Call: WBOS (15.21) tn:l.nsmitter building rcady to receive 7 p.m.-Port.au-Prinrl', Ilaili- 10:30 ;I.m. - Uo"'ton- Yarn'" for the new equipment. Engli~h pro.~ram: HH2s (5.947) Yankl'. WBOs 111.87) 8 p.m.-l.ondon-"E.H~s Frnnt" 4:15 p.m. - NI'" York I T ) -W""kll· revie\\ of arti\"iti,,~ Coa"'t Guard on J'arade \\'BOS New Australian Station of Can,lliian Army. Na\y &: Air (15.21) Force in Britain. esc (9.58) 6 p.m. (10 p.m.) - Lnndon Mondays A new Australian hi~h-powered CRG <11.68) 2:15 p.m. Nell York (T) "Yanke" Doodle Dun," with short-wave stntion will be in operation Front Lint' Tht'aler: \Vnos 8:30 p.m. (12 mid.)-I.ondon"ic Oli"er and cue~t "tar~ Personal COllLmenl" t)\' J. B. by Christmas. This will be the most (15.21) fromo\merirOl' GRG (11.68) Prieslley esc (9.58) CRG powedul transmitter in the Common- 6 :05 p.m.-San Frandsco-Slal{e GSC (9.58) 111.68) Door Canteen: KGEI (11.73) 8:30 p.m. (11 :30 p.m.)-Londun wealth, and will provide radio service 12:30 Ji.m.--Guatemala-TlII' f.n KWIU (15.29) -The Stage Pr""ent": GS<" to all parts of the world. The Austra- 8 :30 p.m. (Mon., Thurs.)-Lull· gli,h Hour: TGWA (9.685) (9.58) GRG (11.68) lian Broadcasting Commission is aldon-BroadcaSIS for Europt:an 9:30 p.m. Bulin - "Callinl!: Thursdays ready fenturing sixteen short-wave Clande)tine I're"s <7.23,7.185. Back Home" OlD (10.543) 6 p.m.-London-~1e",,,ages from OXJ (7.24) DJD (11.77) 6.15) programs daily, and broadcasts news Lmliion parentll 10 children 12:40 .a,m, - Guatemala-Danre 8:45 p.m, - London - "Hen' in in English, Dutch, French, Chinese, Britain". GSC (9.58) Gnr. evacuatrd to U. S. &: Canada' mu"'ic with marimha orche!'tra· Japanese, Malay, Thai. 19.68) CSC (9.58) CoRe (11.68) TGW A (9_685) 46 Sundays 11 .a.m.-Xf'v. York IT)--(om mand I'~rformallcf": WeBX (15.27) WeRC (11.83) 11:45 ;I,m.-Nev. York ( 1 ) Elmt'r Dal'i" WCBX <15.27) 2:15 p,m.- New York (T)Command J'erform.anrf': \\'80S (15.21) 4:15 p.m. "BC S)"IlIphony: WBOS (15.21) 6:30 p.m.-L<Jnllon-A C.narlian 111 Uritain. l,Se (9.58) GRG ( 11.68) 7 :05 p.m.-San Francisco-Army Hour' KGEI (11.79) K\\ II) ( 15.29) 7:15 p.m.-Londlln-\\'orld NI'\'''' Roundup, featuring Ilirect lJick ups from ~10SCO"-r;llro·S,dlll'\'. etc.: CSt: (9.58) GItG (·11.68) 7:30 p.m.-J.ondon-"Slars allli Stripes in Britain" A ,'i~jl v.ith U. S. Ser"iCt'llIf'n o\·er· ~eas: esc (9.5S) GRG (11.68) 8 p.m. (12:15 a.m.) -Lnndon"North Amcriran Guelll Ni~ht": GSC (9.58) GIlG (11.63) 8:15 p.m. N,'w York (T) Harry Jalllc~' Orchl"tra: WKIlX (9.89) 9:15 p.m. (11 :30 p.m.)-LorIlJnn -"Arrl'werin.l!" Y(lIl": esc (9.58) GIlG (9.68) 9:30 p.m. (Sun., Thurs.)-Vati· ran City North American (Enrdish) prO.ll'ram: II\'J <11.74) 9:30 p.m. - San Franci~co--For TILi~ We Fic:hl: KGEl (11.79) K\\'IX (9.57) Morltl", EWT Indicot.d. CWT 7:00 .a.m. 7:30 .a.m. 7:10.a.m. 7:50.a.m. 8:OO.a.m. 9:00 ".m. 9:00.a.m. 9:15.a.m. 9:30.a.m. 10:00 Ji.m. 11 :00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11 :00 .a.m. CITY STATION DIAL 6:oo.a.m. london es. 15.31 6:30 ~.m. Serlin DJB 15..20 6:40 ;I.m. Moscow 15.75. 9.545 6:50 ~.m. Tokyo JlG2 9.505 7:00 Ji.m. Melh'rne YlG2 9.54 8:00 Ji.m. london es • 15.l1 8:00.a.m. Tokyo JlG4 15.105 8:15.a.m. uhh 15.19 OIX~ 8:30 ;I.m. Serlin DJB 15..20 9:00 .a.m. Ch'gking XGOY 9.645 10:00.a.m. london es. 15.l1 10:00 ;I.m. Stockh'm SBT 15.155 10:00.a.m. Melb'rne Vle 9.58 Daily Afternoo" 12:30 p.m. 11 :30 Ii.m. Tokyo 1:00 p.m. 12:00 noon Vichy 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. london 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Tokyo ~:~5 p.m. 3:~5 p.m. london 5:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. london Daily 6:45 p.m. 6:~7 5 :45 p.m. London 5:~7 Moscow p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00p.m. Sulin 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6 :45 p.m. 7:00p.m. 7 :30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Spain Sru'le Moscow Ch'gklng Rome 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:06p.m. 9:15 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:06p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p,m. 8:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11 :00 p.m. 11 :30 p.m. 12:00 mid. 12;30 ;I.m. 1;00 ;I.m. 1:00 ;I.m. 1:10;l.m. 9:30 9:30 9:45 10:00 10;30 11 :00 11 :30 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 12:00 mid. 12:00 mid. 12:IO.a.m. 9.505 15.21 15.31 9.505 15.31 9.58 11.68 esc eRe 9.58 11.68 JlG2 En"j"9 p.m. es. JLG2 es. esc eRe 11.9~7 9.48, 15.23 DJD DZD EAQ 11.77 10.54 9.86 11.97 FZI 11.9~7 IUD XGOV 9.63 11.94 Serlin OJD 11.77 Mex. City XERQ 9.615 Tokyo JlG4 15.105 london esc 9.58 K's'm'lsk Rome 9.63 2R03 Sern HER4 9.54 Vichy 9.62 Rio de JJineiro PRl8 11.715 Rome 2R03 9.63 Melh'rne VlG6 15.23 london esc 9.58 Serlin 7.24 DXJ 9.63 Rome 2R03 Serlin 7.24 DXJ 9.58 london esc 9.69 eRX 2R03 2R022 eSl DXJ SJitnia Serlin Melb'rne 6.11 18.135 7.24 15.23 VtG6 Important Stations (Me::acydl" or thoupnd. of kilocydes ,hown) AFHQ., 9.666. Alrer!a 9.6411. 9.48 15.166 8.98. 18.0"5 SBT.5'-eden 9.636 CBFY. Canada 11.705 SBU." 9.465 DJB. Germany 1&.20 TAP. Turkey 12.236 DJD." 11.71 TFJ. Iceland DJ'L. 15 II TGWA. Guatemal. 9.69. 15.n DXB. 9.61 VLO. AlIstn,ti. VLR2" VLO:t. 10.&4.3 VL06 DXJ 9,68 7.24 DXLlS. " DXP. 9.64 11.11 952 6.03 DZD. EAQ. Spain 9.86 EIRE. Ireland 9.59.5 France (Vichy) 15,24 FZI. B~lluaville. Fr. EIlUlltoril.1 Africa 11.97 GRI::. Enrl.nd ORG," U.4a 1168 15.23 VI.I3. VI.I9. VLIIO. VLR. 15.32 7.28 10.525 958 16.32 9.68 VLR3. VLW6. WIlOS. D04ton. M.",•. GRK. GRM. GRT. 9.83 '7.125 "115 GRX. GRY, WCIlX. New York City 16.27. !l.6S. 9,49 WeDA. NI!'- York Olt,. 606. lUIS 969 a.RIIO WCRO. New Yflrk City GSC. O(.1,D. GSF. ORr" GSP, 968 11 n 1514. 6.11 16.31 PA,,"'. Hun .. ~ry 9,121) 12461). RwiUllrllLnd Pll.nllma l~~"G ,. HVT Vatican City I .. ,l .... China .TT.G9. Japan VIM 9.M 11.'10 11 7'3 HeJB. Ecuador J-TFlI.4, """"'1.. 11.74 11.'18 9,'111,'1 n.... ,. I" 'II' JVWS." .T7.T 11 7'" 9 6'1, 11 80 ,TAVA. U 135 ]T .f7.'1''' KGEI. San Fnncbco )1 '1' ' 11.73 '1 ..... K)fT 5,'1 Fr"nciaCG 17 09 KWID. 8.. n l"·~nl'b('., 7"''1 9.57. U.29 ." KWIX. San F·.nciscf) 8.17. 11.83. 17.83 \VOl:A. Sohenectady. N. Y. 15.33, \"flECl. 11.847.7.00 Sl'hllneot"dy. N Y. "'T(T .T. Nflw Yf)rk Ci·... 16.29 \VT'>:tO. Nflw York 12.96 ('it,· W""'l.X New York Citv 9.89 ""'Lv"C Cln ... tn"~tl. f'thto U.2~. 17 80 "'L'V(' ("nl'h,n"U Ohio 1780 HI?~ 11 71 ~ I\q 60! WNBT. New y",.k r.ttv I~ 15. 9.67 WROA New v .. ~k ('It., 1178. 11.89'3 W:PUT.•WRUW. ro~tl\n MllR'I.. 7°11" 177" U ~~ 11.79. J''1' 9 70 XERQ. Medeo City KZRH. Philinnines 9.64 9815 XOOY. China MTCY JI'f"n"hurill 11.715. 15.19.964 OIX'q. Finland 11 77 ?~('3 It..ly 11 81 "IX"" 1& 19 2R04. . . 15.311 PRL8. Bunl 11.711I 2R0'1 17 82 RV.USSR. 'ROll 1575 11947.15:n U 11 1219.1044.5 ." "R02t. .. 16.041 Uf'll S H 0 R TWA V ES CBC Begins Own News Roundup Service From War Scenes of Action Guide T fronts to United States networks have long been of outstanding interest and popularity. A possible rival for news scoops now appears in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which has recently initialed its own CBC "News Roundup" from various battle fronts and war capitals. This new feature is broadcast daily Mondays through Fridays, at 6:45 p.m. CWT, over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's network and over Montreal short-wave station CBFW (6.09). Reports from London, Algiers, Sicily, Washington and Ottawa are broadcast during the fifteen-minute period. They are presented by CBC's own correspondents stationed in these places. Home news is broadcast on special occasions from provincial capitals and leading cities across Canada. The roundup opens with Wilson Woodside, speaking from Ottawa or Toronto. He is widely known for his incisive and discerning analysis of current events. He gives the initial summary or round-the-world news. The latest news and events in Great Britain are reported by A. E. Powley, speaking from London. Powley was sent to England last May to head the London bureau in CBC's Overseas News Service. Reporting from Allied Force Headquarters in North Africa are CBC war correspondents Matthew Halton, Peter Stursberg, and Andrew Cowan, who have been assigned to the Mediterranean area to give a first-hand account of their fighting forces there, To help in the preparation of these programs the CBC now has four completely equipped mobile recording units manned by expert technicians in use overseas. News of Overseas Stations The Macassar, Celebes, station, has shifted in frequency to 9.95 megs where it can be heard daily 5: 00 to 8: 05 a.m. CWT, according to August Balbi of Los Angeles JZI (9.535), Tokyo, is not being heard on the 8: 30 to 11:15 a.m, CWT transmission any more YDA (18.135), Batavia, Java, is heard best near 8:00 a.m. CWT, writes C. Hartzell of Jeannette, Pa. F08AA (6.98), Papcetc, Tahiti, is heard with fair signal strength Tuesdays and Fridays ncar 10: 30 p.m. CV'lT Elwood Deibert of Walnutport, Pa., reports hearing an English news bulletin from EQB (6.185), Teheran, Iran, at 2: 15 a.m. CWT, An Italian undercover station on 9.66 megs, broadcasts at 2:30 to 2:40, 4:30 to 4:40, 5:30 to 5:40 p.m. CWT, and possibly at other times. An auto horn is used for identification according to H. Baxtcr of Detroit. . GSP (15.31), London, carries BBC programs beamed to North America, daily from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CWT . . HAT4 (9.125), Budapest, is either broadc..:astIng irregularly or oil' the air altogether ... Berlin's nightly transmission to North America is now broadcast from 4:50 to 11:00 p.m. over DJD (11.77), DZD (10.545), DXB (9.61), DXL13 (9.52), from 4:50 p.m. to 12:30 a.I11, over DXJ (7.24) and DXP (6.03). 46 to Programs War News Daily The programs listed here are those broadc::ast daily ot the some time. Exceptions are Indicated. TIme shown is CWT; subtract one hour for MWT Yanks ill Jap prisOlI camps: DAILY HE periods of on-the-spot news ShOl'tw3ved daily from the battle By Charles A. Morrison JLG4 (15.105) JVIV3 (11.725) 5 :47 p.m.-Moscow.Kom~olllolsk -English program for North America; (15.23, 15.11, 12.19, Programs marked with a (T) are rebroadcasts or special pro· grams for our troops overseas. Clip out these listings and send them to a soldier overseas. Times shown in parentheses indicate rebroadcasts for West Coast lis· teners. Daily CWT Throuqh City 9.48, 9.88, 11.947) 6 p.m. (ex. Sat,)-New York (T)-Calling the Navy; WKRX (9.89) 6:30 p.m. - Quito, Ecuador"Friendship Hour" HfJ B (12.445. 9.958) October Program Station _III1C PI>t>It> 635 a.m.--ehungking-Chin{''ie Gue,t on BBC', "Stars :\ational program for North and Stripes from BritArn{'rica; 9, 10 a.lll.-Engli~h ain" show recently was new" (9.645) 7 a.m. Melbourne English Capt. Clark Gable, who news and names of American was introduced to lissoldiers decorated for valor. VLG2 (9.54) VLl9' (7.28) teners by Bebe Daniel, 8 a.m. - Tokyo - Program for Eastern North America; 9 a.m. -American prisoner of war 4 p.m.-New York (T)-S!)orts: r{'ports: JVW3 (11.725) JLG4 WKRD (12.96) WBOS (15.21) (15.105) 4:50 p,m. - Berlin - Germany's 9 a.m.-New York (T)-New~ program for North America; from Home: WBQS (11.87) DJD (11.77) OW (10.54) WCBX (15.27) OXJ (7.24) DXL13 (9.52) 11 :25 a.m. (ex. Sun.) - ~ew OXB (9.61) OXP (6.03) York (T) - "Back Home": 5 p.m.-Brazzaville-English proWBOS (15.21) gram fol' North America from Fighting French Headquarters 12:45 p.m.-Guatemala-Noonin Middle Congo; 6:45 p.m.day marimba concert: TG WA English news: FZI (11.97) (15.17) p.m.-New York (T)-Ser. 5:15 p.m.-Tokyo-Program for eastern North America; 6. 7 viceman's Reporter. \VBOS 1).m.-EIIglish Ilews; 6; 15, 8 :20 (15.21); Foreign Ne\\s: WI<LJ p.m.-Recorded message~ from (15.20) SPECIAL 6:45 p.m. (ex. Sat., Sun.)i\IOlHreal---<:BC Ne\\s Bound up, \lith pick.ups frOIll Over· seas: caFW (6.09) and CBC Network. 6:45 p.m. - Rome - "American Hour" for listeners in North Ameril1a; 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :30, 10:30 p.m. - Englbh news: 2R03 (9.63) 2R04 28022 (11.94) (11.81) 8:45 p.m.-Quito, EcuadorChristian Endeavor Hour: HeJB (12.455, 9.958) 9 p.m. (ex. Sun.) - Rio de Janeiro-Goodwill program in English for North America: PIlL8 (11.7\5) 9 p.m.-Melbourne-Evening pro· gram fol' North America: VLG6 (15.23), or VLI3 (15.32) or VLG4 (11.84) 10 p.m.-London-"Radio News· reel"-News by lhe men and women who make it: GSC (9.58) GSL (6.11) {9.69) GRT (7.15) GRX 10 p.m.-Tokyo-Pl'ogram roe West Coast listeners: JZJ (11.80) JZK (15.16) JLG4 (15.105) For pragroms broadcast daily see Daily Programs above. 8:30 p.m.-San Francisco-Mail Sundays Call: KGE! (15.33) K\VIX 9;15 a,m.-Montreal-Tom Ter(9.57) riss Stories: CBFY (11.705) 10:30 p.m.-Lima-"f'eru Calls 12:45 p.m.-Guatemala-Request You": OAx4z (6.082) program by the Marimba En· ~emble: TGWA (9.685) Tuesdays 1 :15 p.m.-New York (T)-{;om· mand Performance: WBOS 3:15 p.m. (Tues., Wed., Thurs.) -New York-"Hi There, S<lil· (15.21 ) or": WBOS (15.21) 3:15 p.m.-NBC S~'lllphony: 5:05 p.m.-San Fl'ancisco-Vox ( 15.21) Pop: KGEI (11.79) KWIIJ 5:30 p.m.-San Francisco-Corn. (15.29) lIIand PerforJllance: KGEI 5:15 p.m.-LtJndoll-!nto Battle (11.79) -"The F.ighling Spirit of the 6:05 p.m.-San Francisco-Army United Nalions'" GSC (9.58) Hour: KGEI (11.79) KWIO GRG (11.68) (15.29) p.m.-Sail Francisco-ScrCl'1l 5 :30 6:15 p.m.-London World i\(.\\~ Guilrl: KGEI (11.79) KWlD I{oundup, featuriJig direct pick. ( 15.29) UJlS from Most:o\y-C"iro-Syu. nel', elc.: GSC (9.58) GllG 6 :20 p.m.-Reykjavik-Progr<lltl pick. ups from U. S. Troops in ( 1"1.68) Iceland: TF.J (12.235) 6:30 p.m,-LoIH!oll-"Stars alld Stripes in Britain": A vi~it 6:30 p.m.-Sail Francisco-Liltle PlayhollH': KGEI (11.79) \\ith U. S. Servicemen over· KWID (15.29) seas: GSC (9.58) GRG (11.68) p.m.~l.ollilon-Talk on cur· 7 7 p.m. (11 :15 p.m.)- LOlHlilnrent e\'l'llls: GSC (9.58) GRG "North Arnprican Guest Nighl": ( 11.68) GSC (9.58) r.RG ~ 11.68) 8:15 p.m. (10:30 p.m.)-I.ondoll _ "Answerilll! You" -QUI'SWednesdays tions from Nt';'\\' YOl'k. <llls\\crs 8~15 a.m.-i\ew York (T)-l\lail I.ondflll: GSC (9.58) from C<llI: WGEO (15.33) WOOS GRG (11.68) 11.87) 8:30 p.m. (Sun., Thurs.)-Vati- 11 (:30 a.m. (Wed., Fri.) (T)can City-Nnrth Alllerit'an pro· New York-"ThL~ is Jean": !;"ram (Engli~h): HVJ (11.74) WBOS (15.21) 8 :30 p.m.-Sail Francisco-For 5:15 p.m.-London-The War at This We Fight: KGEI (15.33) Sea: GSC (9.58) GIIG (11.68) KWIX (9.57) 6 p.m.-Port·au-Princp, HaitiEnglish pro.~r<lm: HH2S (5.947) Mondays 7 p.m.-London-"Eyes Frout" -A Weekly review of adivi· 1 :15 p.m. - i'iew York (T)tics of Canadian Army, Na\'y Front Line Theater: WBOS & Ail' Forces in Britain: GSC (15.21 ) (9.58) GRG (11.68) 5:15 p.m.-London-·'The War 11 :30 p.m. - GU<ltelliala - The in the Air," Oliver Stewart: English Hour: TGWA (9.685) GSC (9.58) GllG (11.68) 6 p.m. - H<lmilton, Bel'lnudaThursdays English program: ZFA2 (6.122) p.m.-London-Messages from 6:30 p.m.-San Francisco-We Who Fight: KWID (15.29) London parents to children evacuated to Unitl'd St<ltes and KWIX (9.57) Canada: GSC (9.58) GRG 8:15 p,m. - London - JohmlY C,muck's Revue: GSC (9.58) (11.68) 6 :30 p.m.-San Francisco-"This is our Enemy": KGEI (11.79) KWID (15.29) 6:30 p.m. - London -Tommy Handley's Half Hour: GSC CWT STATION DIAL MWT CITY 15.31 5:00 a.m. london GSP 5:30 a.m. Berlin OJB 15.20 5:40a.m, Moscow 15.75, 9.545 9.505 5:50 a.m. Tokyo JlG2 9.54 6:00 a.m. Melb'rne VlG2 15.31 7:00 a.m. london GSP 7:00 a.m. Tokyo JVw3 11.725 15.105 JlG4 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. Berlin 15.20 OJB 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Ch'kging XGOY 9.645 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Tokyo J lG2 9.505 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. london 15.31 GSP 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Stockh'm SBT 15.155 10:00 ...m. 9:00 a.m. Melb'rne VLG 958 11 :30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Tokyo 9.505 JlG2 Afternoon Daily 12:00 1:00 3:45 4:45 noon 11 :00 a.m. Vichy p.m. 12:00 noon london p.m. 2:45 p.m. London p.m. 3:45 p.m. London 5:00 p,m. 5:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. Tokyo london 5:47 p.m. 4:47 p,m. Moscow Daily (9.685) p.m.-London-"The Wal' Land," Capt. Cyril Fal\": (9.58) GRG (11.68) 7 p.m.-l.onduJl-Talk by Wm. Holt: GSC (9.5S) 7:15 p,m.-Berlin-Rear Admiral LUl'tLU\\: DJD (11.77) DZD ( 10.54) 7:30 p.m.-LondIlJl-"Worill Af· fairs," H. Wickham Ste~d: GSC (958) GRG (11.68) IIll GSC Saturdays 9:30 a.m.-Bvstoll-Yarns for Yanks: WBOS (11.87) 3 :15 p.m. - New York (T)Coast Guard on Parad~: \\'BOS (15.21 ) 5 p.m, (9 p.m.) - London"Yankee Doodle 000" with Vic Oliver and guest stilrs from America: GRG (11.68) GSC (9.58) 7;15 p.m.-S<lll Jive: KW!D Fr<lnci~co-G. I. (11.79) KGEI (11.79) 8:30 p.m.-Berl"-"Calliug Back lIome": DZD (10.543) DXJ (7.24) OJD (11.77) 11:00 p.m.-Guatemala-Dance lllllSil' wilh marimba orchestra: TGWA (9.685) 15.10S 9.58 JlG4 11.68 9.48, 11.947 15.23 Berlin 6:00 6:45 7:00 7:30 5:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Spain Braz'le Moscow Rome p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 11.77 10.54 OJO OZD EAQ FZl 9.86 11.97 11.947 9.63 11.94 11.77 9.615 2R03 2ROZ2 8:00 p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:06 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. OJD 7:00 p.m. Berlin 7:00 p.m. Mex. City 7:00p.m. Tokyo 7:06 p.m. london 7:15 p.m. K's'm'lsk 7:30 p.m, Rome 7:30 p.m. Bern 7:45 p.m. Vichy 8:00p.m. Rio de Janeiro 8:00 p.m. Tokyo 8:30 p.m. Rome 8:30 p.m. Melb'rne 8:45p.m. London 9:00 p.m. Berlin 9:30 p.m. Rome 10:00 p.m. Berlin 10:30 p,m. london XERQ 15.105 J lG4 GSC 9.58 15.11,15.23 2R03 9.63 9.54 HER4 9.62 PRlS 11.715 JZK lR03 15.16 VlG6 15.23 GSC OXJ 9.58 2R03 9.63 9.63 7.24 7.24 OXJ GSC GRX GSL 9.58 9.69 6.11 18.135 • 12:00 mid. 11:00 p.m. Batavia 12:00 mid. 11:00 p.m. Berlin 12:10 a.m. 11 :10 p.m. Melb'rne 7.24 15.32 OXJ Vlt3 VlG4 ---- 11.84 Important Stations (Megacycle>! 5:15 9.58 11.68 Eyening QI' 7:15 p.m.-San Franci~co-Yarns AFHQ, Algeria. for Yanks; KWID (15.29) 8.96, CHFY. Canada KGEI (11.79) CBFW." 8:15 p.m.-Berlin-Commcnla- DJB, Germany tol'S Conference: DJD (11.77) DJD." DJL DZD (10.54) DXJ (7.24) 4:10 p.m.-Buenos Aires-En· g-li5h progr<lm "For the America5": LHA5 (17.72) LRA1 15.31 GSC GRG 5:00 p.m. (9.58) GRG (11.68) Fridays 15.24 15.31 GSP GSP GSC GRG 6:00 p.m. 7 p.m.-London-"London I.l't· tel'," Macdonald Hasting's: GSC (9.58) GRG (11.68) English 6:00 a,m. 6:30 a.m. 6:40 a.m. 6:50 a.m. 7 :00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00a.m, 9:30 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 11 :00 11 :30 PROGRAMS In Morning thounnds of kilocycles shown) DXB, DXJ. DXLl3, DXP. DZD, EAQ, Spain France (Vichy) 9.565, 9.M5, 9.48 15.155 16,025 SBT. Swcdcn 9.535 11.705 SBU," 9,465 6.09 TAP, Turkey 12.235 15.20 TFJ, Iceland 11.77 TGWA, Guatemala. 9.69. 15,17 15.11 9.58 9,61 VLG. Australia 9.64 7,24 VLG2," 11.71 9,52 VLG3, 11.84 6,03 VLG4, 15.23 10,543 VL06, 15.32 9.86 VI.I3. 7.28 VLI~. 10.525 9.62,11.845. 16.24 VLTlO. VI.R. 9.58 FZI, Brnzza\'ille, Fr. 15.32 Equatoria.l Africa 11.97 VLR3. 9.68 ORl:, England 16.415 VLW6, ORO." 11.68 WBOS, Boston. Mass. 15.21. 11.87. 6.14 ORR. 9.83 GRM, 7.125 WCBX, New York City GRT, 7.15 GRX, 9.69 WCDA, N~w Ylll'k City 6.06, B.83 GRY, 9.600 GSe, 9.58 WCRC. New York City B.17. 1I.8:l. 17.83 OSD, 11.75 GSF, 15.14 WGEA,Sdlenectndy, N. Y. 15.33. GSI" 6.11 11.841.7.00 G8P. Hi.3l HAT4, Hungary 9.125 WGEO. Schcnectady. N. V.,9.53 HCJB, Ecuado>.' 12.41HI. 9.958 WKLJ. New York City 15.29 HER4, Switzerland 9.54 HP5A, Panama 11.70 'WTfRO. New York Cit" 12.96 HP5G." 11.78 HVJ, Vatican City 11.74 WF"ltX. New YOl'k City 9.89 Indo-China 11.78 JLG2, Japan 9,505 WL '\lK. CiIl611'1ati r hio 15.25. 11 80 JL04. " 1.';.105 JVW8, " 11.725 \"rL\VI'. r.inc;nw·ti Ohio ;g.. " ~i~~~ JZK, " HUG KGEI, San Francisco 11.79, 11.73 "! 0'; liMI. San Francisco 17,09 KWID, San Francisco KWIX, San Francisco 9.57 KZRH, Philippines MTCY. Manchuria 9.64 17,80. 15 95 11 71 9 fit'\ G.08 WNBI, New Y"rk Cit" 11>-J5. tlJi7 WRCA, New v,,~k City 1778 B.S93 WRUL-WRUW. Eoston. Mass. 7 SO.~, 1'11S I!' ~~ 11.79. 1) 13. 9.70 XERQ. Mexico City 9.615 11.'175,10.065,9.54b XGOY. China. 15.19. '1.M OIX3, Finland 11.77 OIX4." 15.19 ?ll.03. Italy 11.81 PRL8. Brazil n.7lS RV, U.S.S.R. 15.75,11.90\7. 1f.i.23. 15.11, 12,19, 10.445, ~~g~. 2R08: :: 2R021, " '" HdlO 17.82 1Ii.041 T 13/8 S H 0 R TWA V E S By Charles A. Morrison Spare-Time War Jobs Guide to Programs for BBC Workers; New Th. pr09roms Iisttd her. are those broadcast doily at the same time. Ellceptions are indicated. EWT CWT CITY Time shown is fWT; subtract one hour tor CWT 7:00 a.m. 7 :30 a.m. 7:40 Ol.m. 6:00 .,m. 6:30 a,m. 6:40 .,m, London Berlill Moscow 7:50 •. m. 8:00 •. m. 9:00 •.m. 9:00 •. m. 6:50 •.m. 7:00 •.m. 8:00 •.m. 8:00 •.m. Tokyo 9:00 •. m. 9:30 •.m. 10:00 •.m. 11:00 a.m. 11 m. 11:00 •.m. 11:OO •.m, 12:00 noon 8:00 •.m. 8:30 •.m. 9:00 •.m. 10:00 •.m. 10:00 A.m. 10:00 •.m. 10:00 •. m. 11:00 •.m. San Salvador Station N LONDON recently. when some firms making small parts for big bombers made an urgent call for spare-time workers, the response from members of the BBC was on such a scale that the workshop was brought to the BBC. And now, 1n onc of its buildings, the staff. men and women alike, is helping to bomb Germanyquite literally. From seven to ten o'clock on any evening of the week, it i~ possible to see people whose regular job may be producing programs, translating foreign broadcasts, secretdrial \'Jork or message-carrying. sitting side by side at a bench assembling :;maU electrical accessories for the outfitting of bomber aircraft. A high BBC official has been seen to glow with pride when prtl ised for a neat bit of assembly involving six or seven tricky operC:ltions. The men complain thnt the women can be:..Jt them in output because they con handle some of the tiny screws and washers better. I Stars and Stripes in Britain Major Ben Lyon, who with his wife Bebe Doniels, ha~ been emceeing BBes popular "Stars and Stripes in Britain" program since its inception, told friends during his recent visit in this country that "Stars and Stripes in Britain" had many heartening memories. Many families, said the Major, have heard from their boys and girls overseas in messages that have meant more than all the letters in the world. More than )300 servicemen have broCldcast O\'er this popular program since it was started over a year iJgo. News 01 Overseas Stations ZLT7 (6,715), Wellington, New Zea- land, broadcasts a program of English news tor listeners and troops in New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific i~ lands, daily at 5: 30 or 6: 00 a.m. EWT . . . Clarence Hartzell of Je<lnnelle. Pa., reports XGOY (9.635), Chungking, China, is now coming in with fair signals from around 7: 45 a.m. EWT when they start calling San Fr.lI1cisco, through their news period for CBS which g:oes on almost daily at 8: 04 a.m. EWT. "Radio !"l'rmce" (12.12), Algiers, AI· geria, hus an English news period at 4:00 p,m. EWT. This period is also carried irregularly by "Radio Ma1'Oc" (8.035), RabClt, Morocco FZr (11.97). Brazzavillc, Middle Congo. ht"oadcasts English news dttily at 2: 45, 4:45 and 7: 45 p.m. E\VT, according to c' reporl from John Wilson of Wilmington, Dela. Bcrlin's morning prop;r;lm for NOl'\h America, is now heard from 7: 00 10 9:45 ".m. EWT, over DXL6 (15.13) only. DJB (15.20) is not in use for this tr()nsmi!'=!'=illn currently . . , Tommy Jo"es of St. Petersburg, Florida, writes that lIAT4, Budnpest, Hungary, normally operating on 9.125 megs, often jumps to 9,145 or 9.225 for its 9: 00 p.m. EWT transmission to North Americ... YSO (7.295). "The Voice oC Democracy." is a new San Salvador, EI Salvador. station which comes on the air nightly at 7: 55 p.m, EWT, according to the National Radio Club. 1 13,. DAILY Proqr.ms muk~d with • (T) or sp~ci.1 pro· qr.ms for our troops oversus. Clip out these listIngs .nd s~nd them to • soldier oversus. TImes shown in puentheSC!s endiut~ re· bro.dc.sts. Ue r~bro.dusts Daily Throuqh November EWT City Progum St.tlOn 7 •. m.-Algiers-Xe\\~ frmn the Italian FrOllt: (16025) 8 •. m. - :\ll'lbourll(' Bruadca~l for ea~terrl :\orth America; Ell' ~ti~h n('\1 ~ illlt! 1l;1I11('~ of Amer· During recent visit in i.. an soldiel~ dl'cor:,rfod for val. London, Adolphe Menor; \'LG2 (9.54) 8:20 •.m. -:\lu~co\ol-En~li~h IOU was invited to ap· npws (15.75) pear as guest star on 9 •.m.-\"ew York IT)-Homl' "Yankee Doodl~ 000" Fmlll x('II'~: WGEA 111.841 10 •.m.-:\e\\' ,"011, IT)-:"l'I" program over the BSC (rum Homl" W80S 115.21) \\TBX (15.27) 11 :15 A.m.-H'I1'I\'i:l. ,1.1\ ;1-£1\' cli~h JI~"S: rllA (18.135) 5 :50 p.m. - Berlin - Gl'l'lrIilll\"~ 11 :15 A.m.-Vil'h,\·-I'I(t!!I,'m foJ' Pi Ol(r;utl for Xorth AJlll'rlc;l: 1).1t> (11.77) OZD (10.54) ~orth AIJII'J"ll'a; 115.24) 12:25 p.m. (ex. Sun.) ~1'1't' J)X,I 17.24) DXL13 (9,52) York IT) - "B:II'k lIome" J)xn (9.61) UXP 16.03, \\80S 115.21) 6, 7,8 p.m.-San "-r;'l\ci~co \\"d,1 :\1"1,-1'1.\\11) tl5.29) 2 p.m, ~:'\{'W York IT)-~I'r\'kl' hGEI (11.79) men's Rel>orler; \\ 80'1 (15.21) 2:15 p.m, (ex. S.l.) - BU"lM 6 p.m.-elal.l,,\ilk~Elleti .. h 1)1'0· CI,11ll fOf :Xurlll Aurcrin frti!l\ IT)--Caltin~ Ih(: :\,1\\: \\HI'I, hr.:htinc: French I-!l'.ul'-luOir1N~ 115.35) In '1illdle folt:::u: 7 :,5 p.m.5 p.m.-Xl'\1 York \1') -::'I.tHh: LII:dj~h news; rZI 1 11.97) \\BOS \15.21) SPECIAL 6:15 p.m.-Tok\"o--I'ro~ranl for ~orth AmericOi: .11.{;4 tI5.105) JY\\,3 t 11.725) 7:30 p.m. Quito. EcuiHlor"Fr;elln hip lIour". HfJB 112455.9958) 7:45 p.m. (ex. S.t.. Sun.) \Ion· Irl'OiI fH( :\('\oIe; Rou"dulJ, with vick up" frolll OH>r"'l"a~: CHF\\ 16.09) ;"11<1 (HI' :\Pl\\ork ... 7:45 p.m. (ex. Sun.)-Lorulon:\lcGe"c1l\ ';, "D.. ih Round l'li': GS(- 19.58) GRG 111.68) 8:15 p.m. P.nal1l;l-Ene1i~h ne\\~ IIP5A fll.705) 9. 10, II p.m" 12 MId. - San Franci~I;v--W"rIJ :\t!I\'o; KGEI 115.33) i\WIX (9.57) 10 p.m. (ex. Sun.) - Rio de ,lallriro - (;oolhlilt prOll;r:ll\1 in Erl~lr,ll for :\orlh A111I'rit"il: 1'10.8 111.715) 10 p.m.·l :10 •. m.-:\IelbourneE\ elline: l,rO!!I .. m lor all ~orlh Amerifa; Enl!"lie;h llell'~ at 10, 11 1).Ill., 12 Mid., 1 a.m.: \'u\"6 (968) (al~I' on \"\.(;4 (11.84) aftl'r 11:15 p.m.) 11 p.m. (ell. Suo .. Fri., SOIL) Silrl Fl'allci~cu fl;tl"l1\olld Gram S\\int:: I\\\'IX (9.57) 11 p.m.-LulIlluu-··RaJiu Xl''''' rl'l'I"-~I'\\~ lJ\ the well ;llld \\H1l1i'1L Illro ;n"kt" it: GSC It).58> GSL (6.11) GRX (9.69) GilT 0.15) 11 :15 p.m. - Kom'''o1l101... k EtI· (,'li~h !)roC'r,HIl for IIe<ll'l'II ~orth Amel'icll (1511. 15.23) LOll(lon-World 12:30 •. m. nell;,: L5C 19.58) GSL \6.11) PROGRAMS For progralftS broadcast dolly see Doily f'rogrolftS obove, 9:30 p.m.-:-'.ltI hanl·I"CI~'I.lil 7 :30 p.m.-"an Frilnli,t"", "This Sundoy, hit: K{jEI 111.79) K\\'IX Is Our ElIl'llI\"': k.Gl-.I 411.79) 11 :15 •. m. Loudvll "Braiu$ h\\ II) 115.29) 19.57) Tlu~t'· 1 Briti~h Inform llioll 11:15 p.m.--Guatemill.l X"tloo.ll 8 p.m.- LondOIl "I,oI,lInn I.e'l Plea ... e) GSP 115.31) l~lJlicf' :\Iarilllba Band TGW.\ If'r.·· \1acdonakl H.I'li"tr~· G~( 1:45 p.m.---(;u.llcl'I"I, nKjUf',t 19.685) 19.58) GRG 111.68) l,rOi!'ram by the '1.Inl \ha I·., 11 :30 p.m.-Lima· Peru Call 8:15 p.m.-5Jin Fnrllci ..co Y.n,'" 'f'mblf': Tl;\\.\ 196&5) 'lvu". OAX'1l 16082) lur Yank~ K\\IU (15.29) 2:15 p.m.-:\t" York IT)--('olll I\GEI fll.79) lIlaud !'('r(orlll;lllJ"l': \\ uO", Tue.doys 9:15 p.m. Uf'r];n - ("OUlltll'lrla l15.21 ) lore; fonl~rPIl(t IJ./IJ 111.77) 5 :30 p.m. (irregulu) - LeuJ.....Id· 4:15 p.m. (Tu~s .. W~d., Thurs.) \ille, Belt!ian fOI' 0 Te!>h tur Ull) (10.54) f)\.J t7,24) :Xew York-"lIi There, ~ai· ~orth America 111.65) 1M" \\'BOS f 15.21) LondOI' Tran ..,,nl.inli( 6:15 p.m. London Into Balllf' 6 p.m. Friday. l'.cU-Ex('hanlte ..elie... tx,tll(','n "The Fi'!htill'! Spiril of Ihf' (BS al,fl BUf' G~ (9.58) t' .. ile<! Xalion~" GSC 19.58) 5:10 p.m.- Uu lUI' ..\irt-Ell· C'BG 111.68) (lHG 111.68) ,li .. h pro!(ram "Fur lhe AIIl~d· 6'30 p.m.-~all Fr;"'ri~r()-('oll1' 6:30 p.m.-San Francie;cn ras"· LHA5 (17.72) LHAI 1l10illU PI'r!OI'rIl;,I1I'I': hGEI Screen Guild: KGEl (11.79) 19.685) 111.79) K\\ IIJ 115.29) I\WIIl (15.29) 630 p.m,-Lunll"n-\\ f'f'kh' ,Ii 7 :20 p.m.- Heykj,,\'ik - Proeram 7:30 p.m.-~.l1L Fralll'l,n~:\I,," HelllllU tho.' GUll ht.a~J (11.79) t'l;q from ltJudllll fur CilllOilli.lll IlI('kUI) from 1'. 1;" Trool)S ill 1\\\ IU (15.29) Ij~leners G~f 19.58) GRG 1('f'land: TFJ 112.235) "C\lrnnt 1 11.68) 8 p.m.-I.<'tnllon-"Off the RI'(" 7 :45 p.m. - Loudon I-"\"('nt ...,· b~ T"hu Iiole GSC 7;05 p.m. San rral1("~('O "rnl\' onl": G!=tC 19.58) GRG 111.68) 19.58) GRG (11.68. lIour: KGEI (11.79) K\\"1O 8:~5 p.m. (11 :45 p.m.) Lolldon 115.29) -"Meel .Iohn Londollf'r": (;SC 8:15 p.m.-Iil,rllII-l(p;,r .\drnir;II 7:30 p.m.-!.lIlld(\n-"St;lrs ;11111 LUl'llUII: DJO \ 11.77) DZD (9,58) GRG (11.68) eSL :-Iripl's in Ill'ililin" - A \'i~it 110.545) 16.11) "llh 11. S. Serl'i"I'lIIl'l1 ill Ilrl' 10 p.m.-I.ondon-Radio Thea· 8:30 p.m. London "World Af· Briti,h 1~les: GSr 49.58) GRG fairs," II \\it'khatll "',e('II' GSC l~r: GSC 19.58) GSL (6.11) 111.68) 49.581 GHG 111.68) GSt 8 p.m. LOlldon- ·""'orlh Anwr· (6.11 ) Wedne.day. iun Gu('~t 'iilt;ht": GSC (9.58) 12:30 p.m. (W~d., Fri.)-~ew GRG (11.68) Saturday. \ ork tT) - "This is Jean": 9:15 p.m. (11 :30 p.m.)-Lnnllnn 1O:30 •.m. Bo<iloll Y:lrns for WIIOS (15.21) -"AnslIl'rilll( \ nll"--Qll('~r:ol" \:Ulks: \\'BOS (11.87) fHun NI'li' York, :m~"l'r~ fronr 2:15 p.m.-N('II' York (T) -Mail 2·6 p.m. (Approxlm,HC!l - FOOl ("<ill' \\'nos f15.21) 1.11lldnl1: G!oIr (958) GIlG bOiIt KWm (1529) W(ln.. 6 p.m.-London Freedom Fur· 111.681 GSI. <6,11) 115.21) WeRC d 1.83) \lnL GSC (9,581 GRG 111.68) 11 p.m.---Guatemal..-'\BC Or· Port·au·Prince. Ihili- 6 p.m. (10 p.m.) - London7 p.m. Ch('strll; TGWA 49.685) Etll:li... h prOl!raOl: HH2s (5.94) "\an~ct DU(lIllf' OIW. v.lth Yic 8:30 p,m. (12 Mid.)-LondnnOh"f'r ami CrIJe',t ....t"r' from Mondoy' "Britain Sl)ul.,"; GSf (9.58) Arnf'rifa: CrI!G (11.86) GSf 6:15 p.m.-LolluOIi "The War GRG fll.68> GSL (6.11) 19.58) ill rhf' Ail." Oliver :"t('\\.ut. 11 :30 p.m. - London - Tonml\' 8:15 p.m.-San Fr;lllrie;ro--G. I. esc (9.58) GRG () 1.68) ll,lllule~'s Half Hour: esc Ji\e KWIIl 115,29) KGEI 7 p.m.-lIamihon, n~rrnudd' ~En· 19.58) G!'L 16.11) \ 11.79) I\\\'IX (9.57) t'1i~h pro!'r;tl1\ FZA2 t9.68) 8 p.m. -I.ond(m John I)()e'$ 12:30 ;t.m.---Guatcmala-Ent;li ...h 8:30 p.m. (11 :30 p.m.)-Lolllioll Hour: TGWA (9.685) -The .... Ialt:~ J'rf'<if'nts: GSC :\f'W \\orld (;~<.; (9.58) GRG 19.58) GRG (11.68) GSL 1968) Thursdoys 16.11 ) 8:45 p.m. -I.olllilln - "Hl"rf' in 9:30 p.m,Berlin-"Calling Back p.m.-Lorull>ll-~I(',e;il(U from Britain": e,,(' (9.58) GHG 6 Home" DZD (10.543) 1.0ndOll par('nle; 10' childr('ll tll.68) GSL (6.11) ~ql('lJilll'tl 10 I'nill'tl ~lalf'S and 10:30 p.m.-Sao rrallcl~ctr-"Our 9:15 p.m.-Londoll-Johllll\ f" '('<'ret \\'Npon"; KGEI (11.79) nuck's Re\'ue GSC 19.58) Canaria: G",r (9.58) GRG (;SL (611) 111.68) K\\T\ 19.57) War News in English Daily Morning :oo •. Daily 1:00 2:00 2:00 3:45 4:00 4:45 5:15 M~lb'rnt London Tokyo Monn Berlin Ch'gking London Stockh'm Melb'rne Tokyo London STATION DIAL GS. 15.31 OJ. 15.20 15.75, 15.23. 9.545 JlG2 9.505 VlGl 9.54 GS. 15.31 JVW3 11.725 JlG4 15.105 CBFY 11.705 OJ. 15.20 XGOY 9.615 GS. lS.31 S.T 15.155 VLG 9.58 JlG2 9505 15.31 GS. Afternoon p.m, p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m, 12:00 noon Vichy 1:00 p.m. London 1:00 p.m. Tokyo 2:~5 p.m. London 3:00 p.m, AlgIers 3:15 p.m, Brn'le 1:15 p.m. London Daily GSP JlG2 GSP FZI GSC GRG 15.24 15.31 9.505 15.31 12.12 11.97 958 11.68 Evening 6:20 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 5 :20 p.m. Tokyo 6:47 p.m. 5 :47 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7 :45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:06p.m. 9:15 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00p.m, 8:06 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 12:00 mId. 9:45p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. JlG4 15.105 GSC 9.58 GRG 11.63 9.48, 11.947 Moscow 15.23 oJo 11.77 B~rlin 10.54 OZO 9.86 Spain EAQ Brn'le 11.97 FZI 11.947 Moscow ozo 10.545 Btrlln 9615 Mex. City XERQ GSC 9.::.8 London K s'm'lsk 15.11,15.d HER4 954 B~rn Vichy 9.61 Rio d~ PRl8 11.715 J.neiro M'b'rnt VlW6 9.68 Rom~ 2Ru3 9.63 5:15 p,m, L.ondon london Tokyo 11 :30 p.m. 6.11 GSC 9.58 15.16 JZK B~rhn oXJ U4 Mb'rn~ VLG3 VLG4 12:00 mid. 11:00 p.m. Berhn 12:30 a.m. GSL london GSC lS.32 11.84 7.24 9.S8 GSL 6.11 OX, 9,69 7.24 ox, GRX 1:00 a.m. 12:00 mid, Berlin Important Stations Mecac:rcles. or thOlllanlt, of klloc:,.c1•••hewn) AFHQ. AI«erul 01X4. Finland HI 19 S.96, 16,02li PRU. BraZil 11.715 CBfY Canada I,"" IlV. U.S.S.R, CDF\\'.·· 609 1&.7li. 11.941. iii 23, DJS. German,. lli.20 15.11. 12 19, 10.44&. DJD,' 11 71 9.565, 9.54$ 9 48 DJL. 15 11 "DT Sweden Ili 155 D7B. 981 <:BU." 9 U5 DXJ, 7.lH "rAP. Turke,. t,4eli DXL1S, ., 9 lit TfJ heland 12.23li DXP. 80:\ TOWA. Ouahullal.. 9 R9, DZD, 10li9 llil7 EAQ. Spllin 9.86 Vl,fl., Ane;trall.. 9.li8 France (Vichy) VI.fl'l." 9.li4 962 11.l4li. lli.24 VLG4, 11.14 EZI. Bruz:lville. Fr. VLG6. n,'3 Equatorial Africa 11 97 VLT~. 15 ~2 (1" '" Enrrriand ORR." ARx.'. ARY. OSI":, A!'D." GSF," 16.H G~r..·· GSP.·· IHeJB, HAT.. , KlIllC"',. Ecuador 611 15 91 9.12& 12,4lili 99". 9 &4 1170 11,18 11.18 9.&0& n.IOli 11.72li 9.635 11 80 la.18 HER". Swit:l1erland KPliA. Panama HPliO." Indo.China .lLG!. Japan JL04." " ~ 7.125 715 9.89 9.600 9.F)! 11.15 ORT JVW3, 11 9 '3 GRM. V .. " VTR3. VLWR. 9.58 16.92 9.68 W808. Bonon MUI. lli.21. 7132 9.57 WCBX. New York City n.27. 9.•9. 617 WCDA. N-w York Cit'" 17 ,,~, 11.145. 6.06 WCRC. New Y"rk City lU~, 9.65 WflEA. Sch('n"cllllt,. N Y. 11.847 9.&9.7.00 wGEO !rheneculty N Y. U 33 9 li3. 6 19 WKL1. New York (';t .. 15 29. 97li 7.56& WLWX. Cincinnati. n';" " os ·515 "08 WT,wn. Cirtrinn.lL 01l;1I 17,80, 11.71. 9,69. 8.08 WNBI. N..... Y"rl! Cit'" 17.78, 11.17 I~U 9,81 WRCA Nt .. Y...·l! Cit ... 11.78, 15,)6 11'91 ! 17 .lZI." lZJ. JIK. RGEI. Su Fruclaeo 11.19. 11.11, 7.21 XXI. Su Francise- 11,0! WlltTt.·WRl1W, KWID, San Franclace Bollto'l XUI. 7.23,9.67, la." 171li. n '\.5. 11 .", KW1X, SLII Franclaeo 11.73, 9.70. 7'fl~ 9.51 IUt KZllH, Philippinel 9.84 XERQ. Xu.lco Clb )(TCY. Mancburia '.(11$ 11.775. 10.086, ',604$ XGOY,Ollln. 01%9. Fiulud 11.1'7 18,11. ',M 4)