lesto di V. ALBERTI Canzone popolare siciliana E
lesto di V. ALBERTI Canzone popolare siciliana E
Canzone popolare siciliana lesto di V. ALBERTI Allegro ' coto:La-la-la - to-la-Ia le La-la-le - ro,la-la La- la - le I 2 E tr La-la-la- le ro- la - la $ n l x I I I t t mt_ ml-sta par - ra ilr ; llll1.p,"ll:*ii.pad: .opynght 1997 CIELO-VIDEO Edizioni Musicali s.a.s. - 20136 Milano, Via Bocconi, by CIELO-VIfiEO Edizioni NIusicaLi-s."... _ Mitr.. nr"t,) l. d -Å t. il1. Coro: La-la-la-lero-la-la La-la-lero-lala Coro: La-la-la-lero-laJa ecc.' ecc. Chi 'nnaja 'a fari cchiir. di la m$vita La-la-lero-la-la La-la-la ...-...- non sugnu bonu cchiD, ppi travagghiari, 'sta vita å fatta tutta di duluri e d'accussi non vogghiu cchit eampari... La-la-la-lero-la-la La-la-lero-la-la La-la-lero-la-la La-la-la ........ Vitti 'na crozza supra 'nu cantuni e cu 'sta crozza mi misi a parrari idda m'arrispunniu cu gran duluri: . lt mossi senza 'n toccu dl campani ,. lt. Coro: La-la-la-lero-la-la ecc. ecc. Prestu passanu tutti li me anni passanu si nni jenu un sacciu unni ora ca sugnu vecchiu di tant'anni chiamu la crozza e nuddu m'arrispunni... tv. Coro: La-la-la-lero-la-la ecc. ecc. Cunsatimi cu ciuri lu me leftu picchi alla fini giå sugnu arridduttu, vinni lu tempu di lu me rizzettu, lassu 'stu beddu munnu e lassu tuttu... .3. u. \,\, Stejc luntåns ,1';'g1r'.$.åH"trf ;'iiiåi;:-*"ob9t4qli.,' ";åni; voglto e nlente spero " " '6uants notte nun te . effianco a 'mel å'i'iii"ttite*pe * '€ chlsti a,rrmorc ' Si. sicura comm'i' so' slc'uro 'c te- :: OJs vlte, oJe vltg, tmle.: 1'; iåisfri'cbii' otJå"JG " ,.' . qt8til'o prlmm'ammot!: _-, stbti{'o ll'ultlmo sairaJe pc' mcr 'o prlinmo e -PF4!{tr'8mm9I9! 3 si' Scrlve sempc c sta' cunt€nto: lo nun penzo che a to.sole: nu peniiero mmå cunzotii:'" ca tu pienze sulsmente a mr- veco, sento lnt's sil braccts. 'nui 'nui te te vaso cheste lsCclg' nun f astregno'torte mbtacclB o Me, scetannome 'a stl suonne' mc-fsle chlagnere Pe' teOJe vltai oJG vlta mle, me? ole core 'e chlstu-core, 'si' stata'o Prlmm'smmore: t prt-rimå i iruttttno'sarraJa pc' 'A cchlt belli ie'tutt?3e nun å maJe cchit beur bellc t *€l ? q"l t-.: v€r6l L Tempo di Llarcia fl ls' j[" { - cANtu $r $ l 1[ ir F. lii F.' ner - t'e nårn ' Pe af'fiatr ' co a ---_*_---€ ---*6-- \€",----.---_---*---*' -; ;ffi-: *ri' so si . cll . F'€, !^ fr >t ri - ttr A oj;vi'ta nri ' l oj (,io- re ^ aar fliP a, !, - t i rai Pe' LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND Words and Music by NOEL GAY Verse Ask your heart, What gave the world ite atar t? - do the so&6onscome und Cm? your heart, 'What caus-es thc sun - rise?- Whv af-ter sun-set, The moon's a - glow, - F7 On- lyyour heart I used will to ivon-der, But C7 know, now ---/ @ 1937 Richard Armitage Ltd.. Copyright Renewed. rights managed in the U.S. by Bibo Music Publishers (c/o The Welk Music Group, Santa Monica, CA 90d01) I TCIN DV DDDI'ICC'ATI I I I D'NUTq DFQDDI/DN TERNATIONAL COPYRIGI{T ST'.. T TPNN tyright -.=--- know,- FY+ 11 rtr wårfA kcegs on turn - ing,You cin't turo - lag, For lovo maEos the world round go - An dtC loYc, a ao'Y as it't trso ffitå"g lovc' It'e lovo rnakes thc Gm With-out - No loYe, dywbuftl sing,- vorld to Cm? Witn-out loYe' - Antl tho' ved-diagbelie dng;.- foogd, in"t Peo-1rle doubt lovo maker thc world Abo cm It, ThcY åo tbo ol.nl U"" with-out it, All round. The round. vorlil thoYVc 18 THE SUN HAS GOT HIS HAT ON (He's Goming Out Today) Words and Music by RALPH BUTLER and NOEL GAY Allegro ==? Dm? c7 Verse 9. Joy bells are Birtls and the 30()n full be in clo of i.-p" the sonsbirds are The flo*'eisand the -ring bees- So packalllour trou The/re off to the coun ' srng - - lng, And ev The sun Dull days Queues at areothe sta > trees- bles try know, - 'ry onets will steo ver, tions tIa/: crowds.- Am7 Coplright @ 1932 Richard Armitage.Ltd.. and wests r.td., London wc2H oL6. copgight Renewed. All Rights on behalf of Richarrl-Armitage-Ltd. managed in ttt" u.s. by Bibo Music pulriJrr";, (c/o The welk Music Group, santa Monica CA 90401) INTERNATIONA]- COPYRIGHT SOCUNNN. ÅT,T, NTCHTS RESERVED. USED BY PERMISSION. we'll Are 19 sunhasgothis hat on- comin6Jout to- day. hat Em? on, and A? The "g 9n9.9:' 'Y' sun hasgot Nowu'e.'llallbe hop-py, he's com-ingout to - He's been his hat on, andhe's The tanning sun hasgot his out in ne - g:roeg Tim-buc - fhm Nowhe's com- 7G Tgge: ?' ing back to do thesameto you. Am? D7 Co tn" .Tn1'*:tnt: Jump in - to your sun-bath G7 har ol,andhe,scom-ingout to - y_ = =_d5i. - Patter Chorus 'Nev- er s:rw thegrass look What a lot of hap - pY All the lit - tle pigs are a lot of fun for E- ven in thetownwe're Fa-ther, vq - ry stout, has green- er, fac - es, squeel- ing, ev- 'ry - one, - ing brown lost his gout turn All the lit - tle boys ex j cit- ed, All the lit - tle birds are sing - ing, O - pen up the win - dows wi - der, Nev- er saw the sky Ga-theredin the o Ev - 'ry - bo- dy'sface Sit-ting in the sun Sit-ting in the sun Hopping in the sun all all all ren sPac peel - er, es, - ing, day. day. d"y. the lit - tle girls de - light ' ed, Can-ter- bu - ry bells are lilg -'irg, O - pen up theCham-pagne Ci - der, Aii D.C, a lot of Pus - ls try- one, wreathed in smiles on ice - cream-fool, ev - sun sy on the tiles Mother'sget-tingcool Sit - ting in the sun Sleep-ing in the sun Sip-ping in the sun all all all x day. d"y. d"y. D.C. Chorus - avL- s&v\- |,n, n \ \'d, U$ .,u{. o ( + sJTT"t )J 'J ql Hry JFi ,i l \t'tr , J \ -#-å\ '!*-T'*l*t A-(t i ,E rq 4- ex-t-\ o -€- -4- qJ I -4-i f=4-e."l r\ -_i-T-r t r 1--T-1ru4 ilii !li litl _-.---j,*-_l__-* { i I i, "i, t' l, -E- -*- xrt rt! o - t i,,{. !u,rt Vo., Qo ' 1/ll ! \ LAMBETH WALK Words by- DOUGL,AS FURBER Music bY NOEL GAY Moderato Lan - tottrYoutvc F got thc lay-feir touch,lut tiat ncv-.r- sccn, TLe ekies ridt blue tbo gr+sa ei'dt grecn Db0 Abo dodt mat-tcr- v6-ry We mucb. plsy the Lnm-5€tb vry t bit norc lPY Anil rrhcavo havo a D7 A JRefrain a!-y tlmc yodrc Lssboth rry :ltr-y ' It eve-aiag ra - Y daY fi.ad u. t D? Gm? @ 1937 Richard Armitage Ltd.. Copyright R91ew:d' Santa Monica. CA 90401) rights managed in the U.S. ty hm Vtu.i" FuUti.fr".. (c/o 1.fre Welk Music Group, yright .ERNATIONALCOPYRIGH'ISECURED.ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.USEDBYPERMISSION. ell 4'I flg *7.1i'i-i ly' 15 {v' trvjry do:trttb.Lmbotl trlt'. F sb6cz do-i.st tbr Ut -tlc Lurbctå fel I9ith bor lit - tlc Lenbeth pd, fontU flnd tcn r L|nbct! vell. Do rsyou EY.lry{hilg frcc ead drylv!tr plceacy, G7 9[ dodtyou mrle your wey tbcrc, Oo ttrcrc, etay thcrc, Oncc you got dova Lrrnbctl vryt EmF > EvJry ove-ning, ev-try daY, do - in' tlrc Laabctå. rselL. G9 C+