Summary report - National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource
Summary report - National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource
B.l5 s 1994 41r4 Hfut. ( D D 0,{ fic+ 41tt TA?ERlIAL AT{D GHILD ORAL HEALIH RECtOItAL WORK9HOPA SUMMARY REPORT JaneE. M. Steffensen R.D.H., M.P.H., C.H.E.S. l|teFrr.d !t Mrtemal6odChlldHeallhBuresu HeallhResourcesand Servlco6Admhtsustion Publlctl€alth Service U.S.Dop€nm€otot Heaitr snd HumanSeflices hallrld bt NatiooalC€oterfor Educauonin MalematandChitdH€6tth Arllr€ton,viEinia I , f.,/,r ,r .i I rL, r' I .f ,i I ,, i I I ,. ,t L rr,,,. l '''. 'a, !, i ,t C ON T E N T S 1 . \ l\ r. \\ ].| :. ]. ll'r l. Introduclion \l.n Lr 11 \\ I r ,i\ t i \ r r ' I . r l! \ , r r i 2. RaElional Workshop. r ) ' , f . t , r , r l ,r' | r I jr r I r . Lr,i T i r(r.r,. 3. Outcon€. \ ol ReSlional Wo*chop6 ..,\". r t:: .. l 4. Future Opportunltie6 rnd Chattenlles ., f fr, !:: r.l .:. 'l , .' ,t: 5. App€ndicsi :: 1:'' il rr "l : ! r: i l.r '1.r,'' I rr ' :-.' t,tl , G0 3 P OX 3 0 n 3 R E OtOl tl L 0F WORX.tltOPS Il|e folk ingoational o4anizalio6.nda8.rri6 coqoGoftd fu fe$md k ldntc CapPolicy A8enct fo.Health .rd Resenlh, U.Shblic fle.llhServb AnErirn,Ladeqd RdirtL lkntisty ftrFrlcan,t a&mydPedirfics kn€dcan Asociation ofDrntzlS.hools A[Erican ,tsocirrioo ofPublkllealhD€ntisuy AnrdcaoCHIPalab-Cmiofuial,tsociarion Msican Dental bcialim ,tm€dcao DeodHninilb' f,$ocialion Nuses',tssoairlion AnEricao tuftdcrnPublicHealfi,lssoclelon fssociation dconmunityDtllhlPDgrrr6 ,ts$o.jedon ofMaErnal dd ChildtlealhProetr,I$ ,isocialion ofsut andltnihrt l D6 .l Dindors ,qscociation ofSldrad ltrdhiid lle.lh otrdrb Chi{ Dental ofr.ei U.S.Publtc tk lh Seflhe Idian tle.lft Seiyice, DentalServices Bftnch Medlcaid Bwau,Health Cafttinancing Mninistntion ofCornmunily CmEls National Asociaiion Heallh d SeialWo*es Naional,tsociation Nrtiqul lsociatin d WICDi|tdo6 for[ri..edd| in M&nrl nd chi! Ileelth NatiotulCenEr Nrlionrllrditib d ftolxl Rr...rdr,NaliondLKituB oalk lh a numbaof oqanizaliors ard agmcies suppoi€d rofttDp In addltlon lo coeonsofi, elMtb, hoitedseisiorE, ardolhbor.bdvi$ tE Publbtleallhbvice Regimd0fi.6. Inchdedsub ard localhadneob of lpallh ard Cooledinggffirtrffi ageodes human servic(!. fl) I TRODUGTIOII fssue Statetnent Pretenrlbleorel dite66 still aflid d nujo?ity of cl,l!1ftn, fouk, and hbh famili$ and l)armb in our tation. n6e condilioltstxcur dqtle gul deLektnab atulalryo uniliq in hnotledge.t$hnohgl 4nd ded EftaenthE metkA. byl, ad /cc6. 1990 Tfu lackofequitable access andunircNalavailabilihof dlerccenladvanc€s in oralheal l tr6 d harcbeenoullinedin manynationalrep0l6,nd niteratedat tlle Matemei,nd Child tl€althRegional WorkshoFIn addition,cudEodlavailable oralhealthmeasuGalt not 3r utilized,eitherbypmiesionals ormnsurnen. Background D6rlopments dudngthelale1980s endearlyl99ft hayehada significanl impacton H pmgalns ardhumanseNice thalafre€1tle orri h€althofchildMlandfamili€sSoneof maiordevelopments inclDde l.hePublicllerlth Service Wod$hop ontheoral Healthof -*5 (Seplemhr ardChildren 1989), implernentalion ofamendnents tothelltle VMalemal J OUUHealtb Serdces Programs ardlitle ){x trftdicaid statutrs fmmfie omnibus Budget lft iaionkt of 1989(oBRA89),courtruLinp5 onareaslo oralhEddrcareforMedicajd Lt of ncipi€nb, fderallyQudiH He.l$ Cf €rsuder he OnnibusBudget Recoocilialion 1990(oBRA'90), ardBriShll'u ns ChiHUe4Ih${€NisionCui&lin6. In addilion, a number of rEors d ndionalsignficrnahat€btenpublislFd, inclding theRqod of Cbilakenb DenlalSeflrc$Underbe |tldi.4rr'eofran (ofiiced T€chnolog/ llf{5NIrpt\; hnttooinglh OtulHalh 4 freAnwkn tU* tudr ol dal Halb Mn i6 of be lrydne qpodunitffu ,Aion: A { ,lqllb and lturnanknti6; HaW People 20M: ilarioial Healhhomotkn and Ditease katenriofl objeclit6; Healtb! hn anilb 2000;bal elb 20N: artcarleb drtrkzlPraenic Sei,i$. Aoenleut of tbe NottonalVorksbop ad 0n hErnier 10-12,lg9, a gmupof 125nrlionly rc.ogniadhealthprc{esionab adrcaksrnetto addrcslheoralheallhnee&of motll€ts andchild€nifl tlE United corEunpr Slats. Panicipanb al thisnational xDrkhopformulalda sedoo{orrl kallh ccorunendaesrell xslocd, tiorufor publicandprirrlehealtho8anizatiors. agmcies, rrd ir6ti0.rtiora $ale,ad fodaalBownunens. ,&rl(shop pmvid€d TE natiooal apf,ofirnjtj€s toi . !618 alqrdononis$€safieding maternal arddrildorulhealth; . Elicitexpen opiooioos poliq,ad consuner afais, tom invitdpdtkipanbin science, onm€chrnisns foroplimlzing d|eonl hexlhd chiftm andtuolfi€rc . Deidop asetofsnbgiesh o€€tftis challenge . StimulaE inhE t andircrEassuplonof oBanizations flat canhaw a'|dindividuals iinpdt an ondecbions ardo?ponunities in magiul ardchild heallh; ad . D,iseninab tlE lor|(shop ltponh agenci€s, organizaliols, tlealthandhumn seryta prwide6, adrDinifabn,ardtr public. Workhol ftomrne0dations lrele &lrloFd follo\ring$'alurlion of comm(sioned ba(k gmundisuc pErrs. oral pltscntxlioffb! plena ecelars.(bnlificalionandpriorilizatjonol Jr\trsr issu€5aff€clingrnatemalandchild oml hedlh. and$rateg\co[*mus advam(db\ :nknsi\r dis{rN\io|tiessions. l)r nudrs liar eri Depun{siJtant Secrlrlxnfor Hedlh.Itarird XL.eKommendafions on hhtlf of thc PublicHeahhSe^iceduaingdlc fhtal plcne s6sn)n nr *ofuhop epon ,nd ba.kgrcundisue p4qs ar a\"ilabledr puhlishddocunl€nti.) ll dr nxtionxl{rrlihop. {ork gmDFi&nifie{ nrultlle $ralcgiea l0 aahie\rea.hmomtrrhton TheNommendattons outll edx?rt dirrrse,aJ no induidualagenclororyiJrir!:t- tn (nuld $complishlhen aloneieachoryaniiationne€ded lo i&nlih fl€ [rotunmdatiotN d.leirh applicalb lo iL\osnnision. Ttrenxtionalworkshop outlind 139rc.ommendations. heft grouped in thelolloving h.:ts*on6 : ImprortpubliceducetioD inlen€ntions to incnasekno$ledge endirnprctrattitudct 3lnulorildjealeprclention andoralheillhpnmotion. I l:\pandpn)fessionaleducali0n xndpromotion efforbto increase kno$ledg€ and nTm\r \krlh andnttit dei ah)utorxl diser€ Felentionandori hei th prcmoljon rllxrn8prcridc6.ddminirtrat)n.J)oliomaiiers. xndconsumer adrccatBol healft and hummstnicl]i, i lrselop coalilionsto adr'ocaE lor xrd collrLborate on oral di$Nr prc\'enli0nandoral iEirh lromolioni$u6. r lanng$rn sulpod for oml heahhplio in the healthandhunrn saNiccqslem al ::r!llxlrl. slrtr. turdlocallc\'elsbt'marmizing adninistr. ionof citallishedpolio rnd qul onsalrdderelopingne$ lcgislatjon turdepropdatio$. < \4gon cmrdnlleddalacolleclioo, eraluation, andresearch eflortsto :rssess oral idth !l3nN.irh3\ i(,ml :mdp$rhosocialfa.tors,oraldiseie prer€nthrnethods,pro !!..n oi oml hrdth \€Nices.xndFDgranoFr.ttions. REGI O l { A L W O R K S HOPS Du.ing1991,thePublicHealdrServic€ Regional 0fiicesheldelen egional\$rl$hops1o lhelxrlen' srrrgdrn $e procssol achielingthenationalacommendadons & to maj{imi7e iromlhepub tsl oaothermaiord€rdopmenlr.The\rDrlchols$rrudsignedto lrovidcpeNons inmsled in heahhandhumansenicrsqith theopportuniti . l'!l priyate$alor oryanizations D l.rtlop collal$ntiw stralrgi€s ard e.lionplemto addrssorrl hcalthisuesat stahandlocal Ttr *or{shop embraced thephilo.iophv thatoralhealthis a vitalcomNnentof health ItN d dlness for childrenrd theirfrmili€s. 1h€seworkhop6wcrefundrdbr &e Matemalard (X lleah\ Bureau,HeallhResourcei ard seNiceiAdministrution, PublicHei d S€nice,US. of HealthandHummSeoices. lltrt'll ]1p frlsl sectionol his reponsummirrizes the oryanizalionelaspec$of lhe Regional lErul b i,1dChild0r. Hcallh\tbd6hops;the$condrction provides a q,nopsis of outcomes ft *ofuhoF FutuFa{tlonsard oppotunltiesfor addressing fanih oril heahhissu€s lCtthEd in lhefinxl chapter - ovERvtEw A]{DORGAl{tZATtOl{ tlte pu.lce d fie Regional VodshoFef,stocoNrn€grouFd inviEdpafikipanb with qEcidery€nise l'' EcomrDend $aregies lo addrtSissues ?feclingtlteorrl healthof tllechil drtnandfamili€s withinPublicHedlhService Ggions.IhesotkhoFpmvkled anopponunity forpanicipanb lo gainhoxldge eloutdEis!€sthalinfluence healh oral andfu inEn€le' liordripbmitt r d|ecisslasard od|erfraebof thel|eal$,nd hwnanreMa qdan. In d s say,tr cDlhhoFalloNdprnicipanb vith ditrFeba.koundslo.ollaboaLin ro* gouts andlofoct6allention onomlhealthissues ofchildrcn andfrmiliesbydcrtloping aaionplars. panicipans lh€Regonal Wod6lDF, rccenEd backSmund materiab fiat provid€d panicipanb anoErview of rcaent dfreloFlslsin maEmal anddfh onl healthendprqerEd for[r plenarlsessirxr anduo* grurpdisclsiom.WorkgouF rcrem4rsedtr)fomulare suategi€s forinEgrzling ndr legidaliwpovisions ard polic1initialirGi o etion plans.In priorities, li$t of difiercnt rcSional alematitE oryani?arional appnruhes wn &wl@ ed wrbhopschcenoth produoe irdividualstabaation plrJE.Alone$oal6hop sorne iftolving lhrEePublicll€dh & ks rgio(E,pafticipanb €$rblislEd drionplarsforetlltles diftctd at tr narional, state,ard lo(alle\Els.AnotErxorklrcp@rnbining tro hblic Heal$Senice egionsddltlsedadicecl a a Secificisue,ald eaahslat€\ro* $oupdelrlod adocaal skillsardformulal€d asul€adrcca.'plur Pafticipanb invitsdh lheRegioMl VofuhS ilrludd officiahpolitlmakm,goftsionds,rdrDinisFaloE ard adilcrB qmenting diwsetralh andhunansediceagenci€s aod penichans oqrnizlioN. TEre {El€ent€d th@shoplan.manage, fts€ardr, ducab,deliEr, consun€, rnd payforhexlthandsocials€rviqr.Alsoaneoding uc|t individuals mftin8 in pubuc, privab, in fu nonpDlit rglunary and ,nd seclors. 8o\€mmert GOAIS N atlonal Plannlng Commlttee In 1990, r Nalional Planning Commifiee formulaled amison slllm tharserwdasth€ bcisfordr Matemal andChildOd tterlh Regional votul|oF; Inoqte aaiaral$ andimlrmEinlegalknoIofll fukb in llteprinary czreqst,tt, andlrmat EfuU,i la@tl*trxfot nolMs andcbildo. htdudingfu)s.bil*e, anb Wtl bulb nek. Ttc folloxinggoals*tre alsoidentified: . llerrlopcoalilionr to adlocxkfor lx)licie6 to improrctheorrl he:dthof molheFand chiklmn . lncci!\eevarenrlsol healh issues ru $e prccc\sof inrplementing( l ) 0BR{ u9 Scnrni4. Dixgnoslic lnnisionslhatchrngeaslertrof the\laiicald tarF andPeriodic (EPSD1) snd freatmenl prognmandlille \ trlal€mal andChildHealrh Scnice (,1)Healtllr Prrgrarns: Prlplel{no: NationalHeelth Prcntorion andDi€|rse Pn\rntion obiecti\6:md (ll thelKomnrcndalions 0f $c PublicHealth SeniftUb*thol on hr (hlllulih ofllothenand(:hildren. . FonnLalea hdne$orkfor a slatc:LclionJ)l:lnlo orrt dtc0ru1healthnet(lsol motheA iu childen$ rflttld b\'thele8rsldne equiremmc of08R{ 89 . IncBx\epublicmd prirat collalnralionto rmloit hanie$b oml hcalthcar at $e Reglonal Plannlng Conmitte es krxLsiortheRegiontlUbrkhrp *tre :Ldaptcd br egion.rllhnningconnninees ba*l on md n€eds.Thefoll(ruinggoalsurruadapled lo r€llectimponxnr ltgtonal. tEr. pnontles a- r,1dl(Xdconcen$ andeqerienqj L.da Araaaa|llaot 16k{| r)rrlheahh stin-Ls ofchildrcn endfrnihesin therqlrin. Co.lltlo€, rrd Collior.doi ^, i:r_rsatell(t\r adm{xclfororulhexl$ISu63tthestak.nd lffai leYel Phfixrre publicandp valepr nerhiJ)s rhrough delelopment of int€fuis.iplinaN corLinhr lublicandln\rlescclo6 in tocusing onorxlheahh isueih\ conruing a ntulti .]lsolhnrnBmup ofintcc$€d panicipants to taarlca. ::::ln,r(the $lllxbilil\ of orrl healthser\'iccs for children rnd lantlies€ iceiunder tht trl€dictid progrum L*t :6ti {' r \ulele8lslxti\€ agenda lopmmole ofii hee]lh ft)rchildltn |rltdIamili€s. ,,:(5r!r th€con*quencs o[ ecel]lcounaations conc€ming rcesstoordhealtb wnrcs i( \kfuilrd re(rflenr Er61nr thalonl healhseftices aleaninEgralcoreon€nt ofth€Iotalhealthcarcslsten. I&ntl! penorurel, r€sounes, andmetho&dratartcritir:al forimplem€nlrng thesanegi€s da€loped atth€ngonalvo.khop. h !5d$ Praaro0oard ELca||qr Inmas€howledge of oralhealthiswesafiecting dr nee&of lol iDcoIEchihrmari fanili€s.andDetlom withso€cial ttealhn€eG. AGENDASAND THEilIES plenary ItesetxoiE Regional Vo*sho{6usualyconbined a ketnote pEs€nlation, invitqD* group edpl€nary sessions, s€$ionE andinendlor$durinSsocial a.liviti€s.Gene.alh tlE goaloftre agerda o pro\i&informarion e oral lEdlh onecentdernlopments fial i$es in staEand""s localmunicipalitb.Padiciprnb alsok JrEd,boutormntpIlgruIs thal d€direl,vaddttss tlE oralhealthned ofchildnnandfunilies In thjs*ay,panicipana had opportuniries lo shartFog?mrDaric ide6f'ornsats bth vithinad ouSi&frn rcgion. producliye andpo{itiiroutSnallgoupsessions, orwort grouF,generatld ewecially com€iIlEa€s€5sloN alloi,.€d nErnhntoassess tlEfir€ poinbof$€cificpriorityissu€s Sroup andto wodrtogether in developing problems. In several aationplansto lsltle identified insunces, tlE Regional VorlshoFprovid€d glup theftst o?potunitv fora multidisciplinary toeorl togetl|er inbnsi\rlytoelmiuah mrnvissues afiecling orallEelth,to studrlh€a.crmplishmes andshonmminsof de states, andto formulate for impmv€ment. skategi€s Specific t sl(sre't esigned toeaaim sesion,dd cDrkgroulE,&lE expeald toa.complish ,rod(gmuphadafe.ilgoals goupcons€rbus d€fined bydercloping duringdTs€siorls.Eech panicipanb ilatorphoencou.rg€d lo di{1ls a[ isu€so0.nly'Using 0is approa.h, the{e.ilic goalsof eaah$Dfthopdetermin€d fie tAicspft.entdin tle plmarysesions c rcll asthe timezllorred forno* goups€ssions. lte Regional wodshoFaddftsed dlefoloxinglopi.s plenary in sessions. fbada Aa-aatr-rt MetM fo.0raltl€alhNee&A$€ssn€nt Sp€cial Populatiorb eithUnrEt0rrl lkald Nee&, including: Persol|s wiltrAecielttealthn€& populations Minority ftlschmlp.pulations ExDectatt rndrc\r'DarEnB l.r!G..'{rl{iaOteortn|0.. RoleofMvcaaLs wih Partne$ Collahoration in PublicandPfh"lePaltE6hip6 lnbrgemmtonal adm(za'y tl€xlhprofesiond sociatioN D6Eloping skills pmce$a5, MrMl ty!a5, ardnrdto& ,idtMlr PlenFrllns*ork hgislrrirr&{egb ,tdninifatiw Slr"l48i€s ld^t|.|cLfffi Acc.- d larrrch. VanProSrans t&bileDental HoqitxlBased PmSErns SdtmlBnd Ptograrns tleadStartPDSrarDs (fe&ml,st4t€, Coonunily-8as€d tlealhCenEls aIIdlocd) krdrr PafnenlSFtsn tdnih andOfld lhal6 ProglrlN Saae Ddal ,fs$ocirlion $oisocdhogrrDs tdffimt ftr tardc- I-Hnaf.-src.a -d lnEfl€tatior6(fd€ni andSlatePe|Eedirt) ofoBM'89PrflistorsTial ChanSe AT€.1s of lhe Medicaid EPSDT PmSram andlhe'litl€ V MatemalandChildHeilthSe ic€ Pro€fanrs Repon of ChlldrcntDentalSen'icrs underdrcMedicaid Program, ofiiceof Technologl/ lsrssmmt knlly QudmdllealdrC€nE$(fmm08RA'90 plwisiofls) li€elhyPeople 2000:National tlealthPrcnotion andDis€ase P€rention Obj€dftsand HaW Contnunilb20(n necornrrdaiomof de PublictlealhS€Nice worklrcoon tlleoral l+althof Mo{Ers {d Chilftn B.idt FUOrIS ChiUlkalthSuFrrisbnCuid€lirE (Chrkrs. Cou.tRulio8sonAccess to oral HeallhCarefor Medicaid Recipients lczer-{alifornia) DenulPlovider Peq€cliksrndR€+orEes Concsming PoliqDftlopmenb Edoc.dolFco|r|| Oral tbd$ FroiFdor -at (including loohd€cay) bal,vbotd€ TmthDecay fluoridalion wabr ard ommunily fluorides Denhlsealzrh pm.tic€s fe€ding AppmpnaE 0.J Cancer andc€ssetion Tobxcco use-+evention 0ralInjuri€s Moulhguads andlollow-up &rening,Referral, t0 nlty rd ldM d OUIGOTES OF REGIOl{AL WORI(EHOP3 propos€d ln as€ssment of thest.ategi€s al the indicalas e numbcr of rimilari"orkhoF ts .rnongther€gioos. ReInsfmm*le Regional Ubrlshqrjou inedsmegi€s to maximize E0t6 lorprL1mtiw, educational, ardther4)eulic sedices 1oleaahpemnsllith tlE highesl zndgt?atest unnetorrl heallhn€c&.In addition, budgela4 consFaints andEgulatoN havercsulled futes in denands for incr€ased coodinalionof loaal.state.a national to plan,irnplement. ,nd evaluate healthandhunanservices, includingoiel healttl -at tE. h ToensuFco inu€dptugrssin oril lEalth.stral€gtes v€trsugtFtdtointegnFcmF ardefiectr orrl halth measuEs witiin fami\'ccnEnd, comrnunity-basd }l€althlRl" arddisea*prwl(oo seniqiaswll a5within[|e Erapeutic seffice s.!sLm. - lhi srrtionof therqnn pmvideasumnrary o[theoutomes of th€Regional Workhots' A(page uotuhq)s hidli$s oflh€individual 4) coorairu COMilOT{STRATEGIES sErci&ntiffd bylhe40m* gmupattllesercnRegional wotlBhotr. Multiple slral€gies Folloving zr€lhemmmon sfaleSifs thalenergdfton dxsevofuhoF. taaadaAsaaaanani Prsdazl,@orM, and tunfudizd nat as,s''natbfuaU beplannd ann inflena{d at stahand locallzLekh evaluate, 4xn' and monilorfaais fut inlh/ence 6d bu b ona @ntinuing fueis. ar€rrded toases: Praatical ardcloldinal€d daracollection, evaluation, urdcsearch 1.Contdbuting fa.lotsassciabd wilhpovi&Fandcli.fs, incldingducation,income, occupelion, knovledge, eltitudes, beheviols, riskfadon,acce.s, use,anddenad for se icesi 2.Oralhealhslan6rndunn€tn€eds ard prwisionandFogranplannin& financing, s€rvice 3.SFtnrse luationinclldingpolic?, implemealion,utilizalion, andFogramoperalions. Advaaaat, Coatrdona,Coll-oradoi statsl*fuanlit rn nd ta befu&M b adh6 otal bulb a$r?{' I te gettt @lbbfition b Nnlial etrrng fuEklment b plan, ln$letnen and crljss-s)Jsten andauhuteFlic*, savica,andpmgsrrn. corlitioNtlnt indud€planning, n€lsoddng, andducalionn€edto h &rtlq€d at stale vouldinclu&: ardlocalle\tls.TtEs€ l. AninEngencl conrnitteMthinSormment forcooidinelion, int€gmrion, andcollabo ration:and 2-Apublic-privare malitionoutside thegove l|entectorforadrocaq, collabonrioq and gla$roosnetrolng. lcc.../Polkt R{odnsae neld in kallt andhon4nsen*z st"lenpolk:iab prouideuniaaxal a.c6 topihtarf otulh@llhaae andprao *,emus6fot cbilhenanZafuth. E[6tite nelxx^ oe neld k reruil and retainfiintsry fulh carepaibt b fuliwr oralherlfrseroic*in unbrsend @ntmunitb. 12 of r Uedicaid IPSDT and Relorms ae paniculfi]!crucidin he Om.lHealftCoryonenl Poliochanges should lhefollo\ring taati(l: trieilicard aduhprograrns combine I lncrcllea{aess tosenic€s forclnidren rndadulbl I Increa\e reimbuNem€nt nteaandfa schedules; prolidets of seNice through strategies lo r€cruilandatainddi. i. lncrcarthenumber tional&nnl pro\id€rs: and {. str€ernline andsinplifibillingandFi1nenlclii proc€ssr5i simplifi pmcedulls. Reducs bariers to enrollment and applicanon 5. Pollct/nn'|cl|r. PoliLlt4onnsarc t@tld to ndaBe th focuto otul helh a\\u6a !1b inlegale eftlft e ordl fuollbconqnotb u*hi lritcl deteloPno. ith Wial lnorih Jor rdlrrce alltuttio lrnra\6 dt ln sl4katullocalla ds. (2) polici€s str0glhen rnlhehealhandhuman seflictTstemto (1)finaicesedices. julJ)onderelopm€nt (3) of humanrtlources, irnd provide xcftrslo coordinaled and s€Nices andlocallerls lhrcugh con)lBherNile alslate thefollo$in8: polio: I ll.L\inizinSadrninistration of€stalhshcd guidelifts. I Including orrl h€aldlpm\isions in regulations. andstandardsl and i l)t\rlopingne\r'legislatjoq 1 {lb.atngalTmldations andftsourc€s H Haalti ?ro o(dr rd E.hcldoo t4\1nd ud inprurc eJIeclie.coadinaledpronotiondnd cducationelfo/lsk) ,\i\Lre b auled1c and impraletltludK atd shilknt lret\nh g onl,lRo l lrealtb. a,klpro&lng llp/.4,eulu: funhl sm i&t Promolrinattdeltut ,'t eforttrlnulll&Ih6 balbll,epuAicntvlpmJ6\'bulsectot. publicducetroninteenlionsr I Publrnlucrtioninitdi\6 should enhence endlncta-\e (l) (l) latienl iinxl€dge i{ilhin lhepublic a inrFowaftitud{i andlheconmuni$. rllrratlt) . and(3)s.hmlhealthpmgrinls. education lc) : Pmtessronsl d€r'elopn€nt andeducalion iiten€ntions should €xpand i:Trut krorledge. of hsJ$ skrlls, anddtiNd6of (l) provideA arrdadminisldtors I..|l humrnsc ic!s.1l) ducno6.(J) poliom*e$.publicofficrds. xndlxl*maliels. ofhealthandhumarsenicn. rrl rr r corxumer rdlrxates 1.1 succEssEsAt{DsHoRTcoiltlrlcs OUTLINEDBY WORKGROUPS oml lEalthprogfiuns $ateandkrd levels thmughoul thecountnh r eiol\t(ldiffcr ona combinatiur enlll depending oi politicrl,hhloricxl, soaial. enyirunfir0tal, econoic, and$ e\$riLf,sfle setbaah occuftdlithin slxt€s summarizrs thesrc@s6andshondlalhave o\tt the]l:rjs. Thiss€ction $brkhots. cominFofonl healthtmgresi&ntifid b\ tlE$DrtgmuFalth€Rcgional Szccesses pmyide Hcdthandhununseniepmgrrms at stattandlocalleveLs ard,/orfinanccprimrn care.pftrentjon. oreducrtional s€Nicei lor theor.rlhealthof childenandadults. The*pmg|lmsintraclEjthdir€r* oqanizaliotu rndgmuFin theprirrle.lublic.andnon prolit*rtos pmgram lle following li$ingoutlineisome ofdrecomnnn componcnls identiiied a\suc c€ssfill b\ lhctro* grouF.sone$ateihrd ounr conFnenlsin plr.e:oth€Nhadonhr fe\r functioning atfie $aleorlocalleYel.lio locali$hadinplcnBnkdall of thcse mmpone|lb i,r jnclu(HtheiecomFnenls: DiteficomllFalthpmgrams Promotion mdeducation Pftrention Pdmalrcaft Rehrlilitatlt cim Pmgrams wilhin lhe prirrlc andptlblicsecloBincorporated a \liricl.!of aclilitics. including: NerGas\ei\n|enl Polic,tdelelo?ment S€iiceandpogramplaflningandimllemenlaton Evaiuation liinanci,lgs€rvicls Prorisionof scFices Humrncsouarsforpr0vision d ssvices Crn$lbfionandlrchnicel rssistance Coordin?rion, collalontion, andinbgrrfionofactivitils Coalitionrbrloprn€ foredrccary Inln\rtntioos forirdjvidual, cornnunity, ?d gof€sional edrcation C€nain oraldis€ales ,rd @rditions addr€rsed forpar'tiflrlar age90|46ard otherhl8et 6as€d o0 factols), iffluding: ttu{6 +ecificdemogrrphic (loottd€aay) Dental cad€s hriodonlel(gum)dii€?ses ftal injuri€s(ftornhousehold fal\ altomobile ,aci&nh,I[crealion) onl clft orll habilitation seMces ofil crnoer odlerorrl conditions Primary provid€d dmughconmunily-basd, schmt,based Frftnti\Emeasrn€s oriadivid_ itftnlionst including yrhr ortable\&oF,undvitanim optimdfluoride inlrh thmugh Ibpirl fluo.ides in loodpasE, mouthirse, erdpmfessionally eppliod tratDenb of 4pli,lion &nt l sealanb lhrry faalors liniting crriogenic food in maalsbelwenmeals, andbde feeding of dzlb inepqriahb Onl hnienemea$ns(horoughdailytoothbnrshing witr fluori&loothDasb ad 116, i$ useofantimisobial rinseorbodpash) |}efthtulhabib(weringsealblb, tr€lrEb,,rd mouthguad) lhinencefromuseoftobacoardalcohol llumrcusoralhealthcomponenb rErcintegrated ri$in dircrs€pmgnmsaspartof prcvbio[Iollcningalt some 0rservice oftlEprogmm inbraatiqsanda]liances dnl mngprivaf, public, ardnonprcdt agemies ardorgani.aliors atn b andloaallftls. Idiaid (trdexnoP|o9ftrtr blzid [edyald Pedodic &nening,Diaga6is ad'ft€ah€nlFogrrD I&nal andchildlEalthptogtutrs PnoeblnaEmityendfrmilyplamingptogrrns S'ellbabvclini6 Progran$ forchildFn$ith{ecialhealthfteds childhealthprcgrans pmgruns Adol€scent foodProgran forvbmeo,InfanEandchildm special Supplenend HedStanpmiects Earhintenention 0mgrams populadon gmuF senictpmgrrms forspecific Health andhurnan \{i$ ph)s|(ll,nd/orm€ntl lpalthdNrhlues Pe6otu Youth andaduloffendes Narional HealhSefl/ice Coq6 pmgrarns lndianllcahhSenice Crnlen iligrinl Heallh CommLrnit! Ileallh&nt4ls programs Health Care lortheHomelos CanCentes Primarv asdiations andclinicians n€t\rolk Pnmadc2Je rlluftx4; hoqritel-based clinicsandorgani?4tions Public, nonpmfit, pmtectDn agencies Ennronmental healthandenvimnrll€ntal (pt€chool, prcgrarlls, el€Ilm_ heallhplograms Statlandlocdduaatjonal sucha! school €ducalion, consum€t educalon, migranteducation, commuoitr tan ard secondalv), prc&.siond educaeduc.ation. conlinuing educaton andirE€rvice cli€nrpatrent education, uniwlsiryafiliald lioo,veationalprcgmrns, college anduniveGit) ducatioopmgrans. faciliti€s, ,ndara herlthducalioncente6. gelvices Pdval!sadorpo!i&6 ofh€allhandhuman gouF Mvocacv pliqrnakeG, Publicofficiah. d€.ision malets State countlmmmissione$, ciltiandlocalcouncils legrslato6, State andlocalcfimisions,conmittrrs, dvisorygmuF llpftsentalives Private insurance organization B sioess €?lsentathts grvinq pmgnnbendfdnddionnp|tsenulws CorporaR Ib I Sbortcoml.ngs FollordnS ar€tlEmaiorslprtomingrd oraltral6 prog?nE idrodffdb ,I]o*glDuFat tu ReSionalwoftlmf6. ,Lad.^..---ri+ta Go||.ciloi, l*doi, rd ia-adr De$iteirnpowrsts in fie onl healthof childnnin tllelal fw decrA, th€ftcrnain significant lerelsof Fwnlabl€olrl dilea* arioflga subizntidFnr .ge of childftn andfamili€s. to the&tdnenlol tllekorcrallh€aith.Manydilsavssuch,s &ntalcarles (including ginSivitis, bablhttle loo$ decay), mdocclusiom, onl Fdodontaldiseale, iniuri€s, ad ord muaGal ksior6anDnt,tlhble. ,kerlbl€dataindicate a hi$er inci&nce ofdlsease dd high€rlelrlsofunrm rEe&sit|. inttlefollo'dnggmuFofdfldnn ardfamilic*ho: . harrAecialtEelthDee&, . liw in no0lluoridabd areA . hawnoacarslop€wntir androutine heal6carc, . harelos irEofil€s ardlimitededucalion. and . hlont loadainra.irl,oltuml.andedmicgrors. Ar&ietyof modifiable fa.lors-includintattltude! andb€har4ors---rontdbuh h tlE tsrisre orpooro|zlhealrh sarrrs in childllnardfdnilies. ff: kno*'ldge. ard afiitrdeof om provilers expedence, hinder&Itury of 4pmpriaE fil p|ElrntirandtleatrE seflia€s tochildftnardfalnili€s. OrErdv available dataaft ina&quale to caLgoriEtlleffids ln omlhealh$arlsand &|ld rsam€ntnee&d al'riskgors vilhinSatsandlocalaltas. (hmonsl|rl€, Ittt hasbttn aninabilitylo docummt, or evaluatthedectirm€ss of (l) (2) pogrrms bl$ of iosufiicient because data, la.kof appmpdalr useof exjiting (3) and he.lth sutus d.L, ald la.k of evaluation *ills, ftsourles, ard Fgrunnatic Fpa@ws. lbr b aneed !0 integmle orallp,lth cornpon€oB vidtn healttrcseadrandevduation. It hasbeena l..k of ft.earchander"luation in onl healthcoryon€nr,nd &liirry yilhin fiaEmd end grr't asvrellasin publicllealthurd clinkalnsearch aalivities dhel$progm. Ii...t Codnbi., Co0-or.6oi Sr trepublicnorprdesional provi&rs FEeiElheimgonncedoal halfi forchilrh zd tamilies. 17 olchildrnind finilies hexldr ]lelt hir,ilxtn li itdelf|tllreid\o(m {orLhcord lo mlhhoflltred$ti\rN\ilh gr)uprsupfl)ningchilTheRisr nLtdt)!omlbedlhgtuups drcnlUrdlmll\ i\surs 'Ihenhr lten n fulureto i&f tjhrderlop.Jrd tL*pnrfcsio'nlandconuruniN ntt\r'ork\ lo suppofi onl heddrNuesaftktingchrldRn xndfir lies. Accaaa cenrLin rcgukron: xdnndisrxrNe, $ eonrorrrc bime$rnhrbit theEuit3llefl rffec a oflLl dinribulioloi fiorideNmd tlledel\'eNol rnice5lo.hi]l)B\rotr\tr$d ircillrnent rlrcnlu tmrili!5 oi childenlrlldlinnriieihr\e irsrrtfrcienl tii rcii le\oLrrcLs lo A sigliiicxnlfroJ)ofti(xr oblxinoril pnrurti|eind tlfrurkntsenrc6 Policres ln f(fdd to cnsule thirlchrldrulxndf riliLshaleuni\errJx{cei\lo qrpfi)pn' 3lepe\tnti\r flld tb(ri{reLrllc orxlheilth:€nicli Pollcy 'lhe€ ft insufiicienl fin3nclillircentir!5lt)roridr xl!()phrlc costeffedl\cpNnntir€ *nrcei forchildrnmd i nilie. M|\lurt€rt:.urces\\ frnxncid ftrd lo tx conmindlo ms.'lthr oqLlhedth nedsol cltildrnrurdlanilies (ud oftrnjnclude lich dr'quare Plrliciei InctntirL\ d$ircnlrfs) forefletliremd ipfro|nxtr prnlsionol omlhrnhh\eflic6. 'fheftj\r r)edfor \ rlerlluondxtior nolici6thit\uDo( conmluniq Qnaurffi)lidcrrmdprlientdisrocerrli\ei ner.d to h clininrtdl(eg. reirrhurscnrnl r3t!5 rnd f|t {hedu16plpnor\ proctrr*rnd nrcchrnrfrns. eligihiliNcdlerir.i{rtion ol ) lo ulcR$ei]]rdimp(nl pnnision to dlildltn scnlcLs of lRicnlirt drd teahftntsenicej ftrdfrurllie. Mtquilc qLrxli$asurar)ftlLlrdiccou0tsbrlil\ nrcchinisms ilr netted$ithirlo.iilhe.lth .nd nrdemrlindchildhe:$ prugrums (Lxl md gc0cml helldrcrr s\stlnrs. dlucxlion. andftstalxhj,'r txDrlri legnkd.fius .l rpnnU\.ngrllF'irr.,Inprlur,.lJh,ldT l iu [.LnIli(. I nilonnnr)dmL\r)lcm (lF\entj\t x|d cur.rlirt)nLri lo bcesl:rhlished md utiliz€d ior c|ildren$d lxnrili$ trnclLrdjng infrnts\oungchildftn chjldftnsrlh sp$ialhtal$ r€d\. xndrd('l|3:enlc) Sli[drftlsi)rora]herlfil)tl)gfulr)s rndrDrtemdxndchlldhedti progruns hlre not unrfomrh ipplie(l1$rrheiFcr rolNgirnulxricisurs.stxffing.l)cdion. md r!ilhif nulrnrxlrndchrldherl$ pfi)erl(rrs) Cd lLd|t tnordc lLa[or llllE isr nood -dpm&.6imdb inbgBleorrl di*asepffintim andonl b odrrd healh h€dhprmotiotr Coonuni$dr hasln hrdl d€dir€in pDmding ploGronl diease prt|tntirrml'ts 6 tuhnningddrhllid€sinE\ heal|handhnro semce p**lorls, aodtE publh. Pruttrpftrd*i* |rErts aft flrt rniEsrly 4plkdd ln€dbytr publtorpdir*urzh FUIUNE OPPORIUIIITIES ATD GHALLETEE3 lh! .lt rrcogdnl{ld6 b.tcEn tE Ndad voillhp dd 6. Rdm.l krhhe6 fi n{.d b dEinB d.odfd lrd fu rnt8b outli.o(hn Ecurns|ddS6dfordon l6E&.ltr Nrdoul rklq srscd taE film abm& F q.dq dioiog $tgf! b infi|lEeq[cn dEng6d r n4idd Lrrl Rr.mldrflo.! L{td tub bec.nidqn6tn1r artiml lcdbyoaiozl4odc 6 gDr{.,rd i$!o$E|ty +ltsbddftr6 f t ircofttpclt inrG {d hc.liti! lb R.gicrl ft*Crq! .lbEd r d6 anm,tim 0atr hE cih ooa Ft.ilogory ooocdtndcrl lrrl6 tsE tr lightd bc.l fels {i dt|lEtrE hrrr h ]h frftn oub.nEddEe talseihir odlhdrr bc.h. drft@ h tE mdfuF fk tfd !pecm.,ddrild dds h dns 2t s,etlh I doa6.rt|r. bE d re ACTTON P|-ANS toGAtLY DTRECTED Reglonal Worksltops Atftc Regional $'odshoF, lheslecicin of theisuesandstntegieallo\rd$o* gouF lo dcsignate lollowupa.tionsles.idendry mksandtteorlsibilities forindiriduals or dctail€d forircomplishing ltle5e organr2rtions h carllinSoutlhealtionsFtr,andesullisha timetable steps.Somc of theoralheallhisuesaouldh solved oo a shonlembrsis.witha sp€.ific imetxbleandeadilrideotfid r$ponsibilitrea. ofier oralhealthis\ueir.tle moftcomplen. of adionsteso\tr ane(end{ipenod Equinngimplementation of tinl€brdiYeMindividuals xJ orgenizxlions wortingin collaborxlion. uith specific coreeondingl\someof lheactionplxff rcrc rcn concise. actionsteFi plrns toa.livate ele\rFiorilizdst.drgrs.otherirlion we morc&tailed.uithehts designed oratedqdptionsofmuhiple long-.ange andshonlerm nntegiei.Inmaq caca,actionplals sleps forcontinued suppo(monitJring. andFfinenot nsied lo a.complish incorgrr{ed the RCO[end€0 a.lons. vbrkhop Th6€lffallr ditrtd aclionplanswe 'dnimportant oulconpof theRegional joindt proces\. 1lEseplanswrc lhe|siull of eachgloupea.hingcons€nius outlining and isues.Stat6ncedto suppon a.tioNto addrsipriorii?ad andencourage bolhplanning rnd implern€nlarion lor1h6€a.lionplalrsorsinlilr goupaalions !o aldft\sfutueonl $rittrgies heallhchallenges afrecting children andfanilies. pronosed dhected Nction aI the Thelollowing descfibe thespectrum of locall_r steps RegonalubrkhoF Lada Aaaaaa|n.|i 'Itr $atemrlemdandchildhealdprograrn willcoodinaE colleclion ofstatesJEcific onl (e.9., heahh drtxfromestIlbljshd data*6 wlc. tobacco rnd healtholfice. EPsl)T. fluoridrtionGnsus.EehafionlRiskFa.lorSurct ritel sralistics, Crnsus Bufirau. state in 0|e educato0 &pariment) toevalual€ thenee&ofchildrcn, andincludc lhealiasirrle0t annual slxleheahh epo( And hocplanning sill s€el!thmugha formalllquisition.|e[rhtucxlasis cornmifar fom thetublicHexlfiRegonal tlnceandsuppon Offictroaidi0 planning andimpleoralhedfi nctdsarsasment. menting a$atc,^ide Advocetr, Coalluoia, Coll-o..tlo|| $ill formalize Theslate&ntd dipctoraft thestxlepesident a coope.alin agreement tJ€t$len theslateo.alhealthofficein theheallhdeDartmenl rndtherlaleaujiiliar'!!othe dennla$(riationforcollaboaatjon in pro\'iding iftieNice education tochildcft prorideF p!$.hmlonl hexhhmodule. albutlhcstat€ 2) l hep|esidenl of lheslxtedentalassociation andthe$atedentaldircrtofwill formallr rcqucsl fie appointmmt of r dentalpmfesionrllo 6€ alecoodinating commi&rfor hcalthandhunrarseoictr publichealthewriatjonljll formallrGquest Tie state andnommate a denalprof€ssion on xl 1osent $e heal$con)mitte oflhestate e.\sociionofegionrlcouncils. Tlt stntemaremal andchildhealthdiectofu'll appoint adenlxlprcfesional 10fie adi sorycommitteoflheslrtemrtemal andchildheallhprcgmm. Acaaa3 Alitatemelilion(e.9..stxtecorli[onforlpFons{ith di!$ilities)\rill prcmulgaE anisue paFronthcsunlsoforalhealth senice affess forchildnn$ifi djebiliti6\rithlntr state. Pollcy Tle$alep€dialric dentda.\srxielion mdp€diatdc \r'illcoNenc csoci,ltron acomnli[e€ to p&kettonurdirlromlhealthe\aminahon fors.hoolent^ F+arealegislrriie $ adhocconmittee'.rill beconrened bl dc statrheallhdepartnent thepnati' to assess calilvandlogicalmeriun5lo implement elts.nxlins{c.9.loanforgt\rness. L1\incen lin i) lo inclease &lir4 ofomlherithseNic€s in un&r..i€nrd cuurunities. Thesli{edenlxl willinclude {ss@ialion asa pdonlv in itsannual leghlatre agenda lhe (induding rEiomoftheNedicaid EPSDTprogram srppofl lorincftl]ring leimbursemenl panicipalinS feeschedules, increasing of lfi)lidc6,tuidstrelmlining for theprccessas ,rpplicalion mdbillinp/lEimbu6enent). ThestaledentalaslriatjonandstaFhealthandyrial scNice $ill a\sri$anddocu agenc\ nrn! in a rFn $€ $alusofbfiies thalnegu tiNlr i0fluenfftheparlicipation ofd€ntistj rntheMedicaid |:PS0T progranr 'lheex.{ul!edimtr)n/pnsiden6 of x coalition oflmiei\ionalorgerizaliom .lndnonpmfit o4a0i2rtions *ill for*fid i lctterto legislar1]commin€e memk$ff pEsenl ldtimo a!legislatrrr herins lopnrlcnlfie nduclion ofomlhealth enicecorerage in lhe\ledicajd foridul6. Dn'grrm Oral lladth Pro|||otloi a||d Edrcatloar 'lhestatedentaldirector andVICprogmnl diectofwill m€etto plen|rneducalion pirgronpmrntionofbab!btlle tmthd€(arl StlfrmembeN of tllestrFlobararandhealthofricr.shml healdr otrrcr.andoralhealdr office $ill mttt todeitlopa$nokeles prcr€ntion proje.1. lht nnbdenhldiltttor*ill corrlrrtlheeditorol $e stxtedmtalassocialion nerrle[ter lo e$allishanag€emenl lo rea.livate a rcgulirrcolumtaboulord healthissues alldpublic herhh updetes. 2J o[lheaaakalth educalion Slafrnremben ctnbrandtfu staleoralhealthunitwill meet toplananducaliondon b review localoaalhealthneeds prcrcn andcommunilv-bas€d tirem€,lu€s(e.9., vat€rfluoridatiofl) community ]tich canaddrssttrese neds. matemal pmgram Stafrmernhsofthestate andchildhealttr willpianar inseNice educa pmgrun public iion lor staleandlocal healthnurses md rocialwo*e6r€gelding oral healthneeds zndscreening, refenal, andfollow-up intotE defllalcaftq5t€m. stafrmeml€$of thesulemalrmalandchildhealthprogrunandtlleoralhealflofiice will anange withtheplanning cornmifree toinclude orilhealfilopics asanintegrrlmmponent in theannual$atflide farnilyhealthconleenct. 'nr slabdenlzldirector anddjrcclor ofthestaleoffice siononbaby botleholhd€aay altheamualmeethg oftllestaledietetics asocialion. RECOMTIENDATIONS FORAGTION Asignificant numhrofindividuab zndgroDFfmmallsech6--Aublic, privat€, andnoll profit {aw fzr'reaching inlluence policies. pmgrans, on alldseNices afectmg ttleorrl health ofchildenandfanilies.Individually orcollectiwly, individuals th€se andgrouFcanlak an aatir€rcl€atlh€national, stxte, orlocalleleltoadvance po6itilroul a.liollsthatwill influence comes fororll healthissues. ktionsar Fcornrn€n&d onth€followins fmnts. Advocacy,Coalnlo,Colldofadoi/Accaaa ,{dvocat forunh€tsa.I p€wntircmeasutts aacrsfor3llchildren z.ndadul6!oefrectilr ard basic lEalhcar€including o.alheahh seMc6in futuer€form oftlrchealdr slnremAccaea Initiateandsuppon chang€s toassljrc increa$d andimproved arc€ss toor, h€altiservicrs (public, withinall s€alots pdvale, 2ndnonprofit) at all lerrls:National, slab,ard local (including city/count)1 pmvider, andpatimycliml). SuppoiandmcouraSe national, state, andloca.l lerclstopmmole: L Modification zndenaatnent of strategi€s ftomtlle Regionrl Vorbhops including slat€wi& coalitons ardg?$roobnetcorti,statewi& needs 2s€ssment, endinne vatlve progfiuns lo incca€aaces h declff se ic6. 2.l,.b,ieyeneflt d Heltb! P@ple 2rr0 o|]l he,lthobieclins; Implemenlalion o{oBM'89 proyisions conceming orzlhealfi; 3. 24 4 lrnplementation of rccotunendations oi thePubLcHealth&rvicevbrkshopon the oral Heahhof N{othels endchildr€niaM of fie aloveinilialives. 5 Coodinatdevaluatonerd as\€ssmenl Pollcy Pnmoteard supportinteg.alionof adequale andcllcctin oral healthscfliccsin hedlh andhumansrvicepmgfi dunngth€plaining,implementation, andev,alualion $agei ofpolic\dewlopment. Conlinuelo r€queslanddeme.rd an apprcpnale andcfft,.tivrorelbedthcomJ)onent in :tll policiesajrdprcgr&'Irs. healthandhumanseNice S€landenfoc sgndadsfor qua|q h€althsen'ices includingoralhealths€ ices lncourage allffrtionofsufficienl Rv)urces lororalhexlth seflices. REGOMMENDATIONS FORTHE XATERNAL& CHILD HEALTHBUREAU Ite trlatemallld ChildHealthBueauhesr k€)''ml€in pmnoling,$imulxting,supFrtr.& 3ndcd)rdinatingfuluc aationslo impruvetheoralhealthof chiLdftnmd larniliesin the :l]lrd states. TheRegional Vorkhopsrccommended thalthellaternalaodChildHealthBuleau: . Inlegnteeflectileard amroprialeoralheahhs€Nic€s vrthin Tltl€V BlockCrull guid provhioni. mceandfunding . imoDoreteorxl heahhinitiativsiintos!€cialproiec$of r€gionala.rdnalionalsignifi, (SPRA\S). cance . Slrcnglhcn sistems de\€lolment t0 includeprcr'ision andlinancingof conlmunit_v, b6ed,fanrilvcenterdoralhealthseflicesfof childrcnof rll llgesandfamiliei.,nd tsr $$ qith qtcial healthnc€ds. . Conlene a ni onalfomn to eessess thr ecommendations outlinedat thefublic lleehh SeNice Wbrkhopon ofii Hcalthof VothelsandChildren.Ihb forumn'ouldpmrid€&r (l) fcatureeffeatirc opporlunittto (l) oudinean a-\s€ssmenl of ther€comm€ndalionsi orxl h€althpliciei prDgrams, andsenicesin oFillioni (3) refinefutue dircctions to addrers famil,voralhealthisuesi(4) fo(usettention0n the i$uesthatar€es\enliallor u:llje\l,nlthe Ha lh! Peopbr00, oml healthobjectives lor infan6.childrtn.ioutb. xlrdf.tmiliesifi]d (5) dirrminate infomntionandpromoteadoplionof eflectir€orul healthservicaandprograms 2t . Expand cmperati!€ mrk ri$ ttEtleallhCartFinancing dministraton o fa.ilitahcru, cialEfonnsin t\e oraiHealth ComJ)onenl oi theledicaidEPSDT pmgran.promotr xndsuppon poliqchanges loi L IncFa\eaacess townio5forchildreni 2 lncea$eimbuiiemenl rdleiandfrerhqluleit J. Inff$€ thenumhrofdflttalpruiid€$tll"ough tlcruitntent andrclentiolslralegicji {. SftimlineardsinDlifibillingandntnnenlclaifl prcodurs:urd nrm:sseta binie$toerulllllrnl ,ndsimplifiapplcdion 5 Rrdr.i.t pmcedures. . SupF)(inrtialr\t5 to: l. tr{odiftandena.tRrgjonal $brkhoFstr"rtegiei rhmugh: Dr€lopnrnlofsFrcial pmiecB losuppon sklewide coalitjons andglass()ots nehxorl$ promoting oralheali: StaL{idroralhealdlnee&a\s€ssrnent\: md Mo ion andopemtion of innovttileprogarnsto increale a.cess lo cff€(tive onl hdth senicc. l. Implement fullr fie 08RAE prorisions ltlard tooralheallh. lmllement ftcommend,ttior$ 3. ofthePubliclledlthSaFice U,orkho!onoralHealth of Ilotheni,ndChildrcn. a..L.hifletv ulthl Peqe 2A?0objeclirts foromlheall}l'I heBLreau pmshould vidrleadelship in coordinafing. evaluatl0g. andas.iersing d|efirit thErinitiatirBand should assist in moniloring tlEfounh . Lisc fundjngmeahanisms. granlandotherguidance pmvbions. tndliaisonlinkeges lo: L Pmmotr policldeEloprnenl forunilersal arcess pr€lrni! mea\uftrs toefiectire ,nd basic health car including otulheJ$ lenices 2.Suppon adcquab andcftectjlromlheilh senj.6 in all healthandhumiulpnice through inlrregrnc\ al cros\sritrnlcollahorrlion. lx)licicirndptugfinrs. lholurage d$dopnrent o{ 3. or. hexltlellt$ in hexhhxrd hum:useflicepmgrans du.ingthellanning,inplementxtioo, ajtd€lduetionstag{.1i olnolic\dr\elopment. .1.Initialtchang€s to incea* axdimpMe&cess toore]healliscrvicct withinall sar lors(public, prirale, andnonpmfit) andxl rll lelels(nrtion:. nxtr.aitdlc,aal). Dcrclopmcnt atlheloe levelshould comider mruticipllmd counoiurirlictioNas \rlllasinitiaws $epmrider udlatenl/client l$rl. 5.Btablishandprunrrte cnfo@ment 0fsundilfils forqualit\hcddlrnic€sjncluding orulhcaltis€rvices . Suppo( lheallocatioo ofsullicient reources foror.i hmllhs€flices. 26 APPEI{DIGES APPENDIXA Iltgbfigbts of Regtanal Work sbop s 'ft8 Regionel Vod6hoFi rncouiagdeaahrgion to h inndatiir,andpDvided Aeaific o?potunili€s irsu€s todenne a..!ding top?nicllaregionalp.ioritksandneeds. ftis flexibili tvrlloredeachoftfu seimnod$hoFtodftlq indirtdually bystrssinS dillepnrhpi6 wifiin tE agsda,nd imoqodingvrid fomdsfircughpla|rEdgmupe.livitksandinleaartioN. In ddition,dl€audl e al eeahsorhhoprEfltsent€d djffepntcombinafiorb of gmuF,rd dr rfie oubofiEs of€?afimrkl|op unique. FTedirt' Til\ Thisseclion highlighbSeciala$ecbandencaFulatstheactiyiti€s of tl|eindividual FrlstroF. Ald|ough it isnotfeasible tocolllpdEffivtlyrri(rx all aQe.8of6€ryxDdshop, (See full rcpofls of exchx/od6hop arcavailable. thecitatioNou inedin app€ndix B: &bliography, ardcofltzct th€soecific ofiice rgionel o{d|ePublicHealfiService lisld in 4pendr D,page 47.) htbltc Heqbb Sefltce M*enul and CbtU Heshb coqfererrce,Pubuc Heahb Senlce Regtor.t L ard UI, Apnl 8-9, 1991,Princeton, New Jersey Vodshe fartkipanbrcprcs€nled st b ald locelptogranE c/ithinPubllctlealtrSenice ReSiorE l, ll, andlll. Iie paflicip2flsincluded rcpEs€ntatircs ol manycommunityb^*d prcgrams, includingdentalhygien€ anddeotalschmls,ho.pitals, communiry heallhcent€ls, localherlthandsocialservice depaflments, ad HeadStangrante€. govided Ilt€s€partkipanb dEvorbhopr{itha localpeqectiEbyaddr€ssing commmil,ri$6 UutrEd toh considered forfutultplogcri. Tlt codshAFsenEda $mrnrtl of ec€r tbrlop|rEob,nd o?pon0nitj€s lor imFw ing6 lo ord healhsen'icts priority ad ftssedtE rEa€asity forincr€esing ofoml E ttaith asaoesentialomporEntof orcrrllhedthcatr. Abo,UEs€siorserarnindbodr tlE ch,llenge$ anddE potrntial&t€ftrib in fulfillingthepot€ntial of ecentpoliq .r|d le8islatlw initiatiws. Rouodlable diedrssixu foo!€donasessing stntegbftomfed, Flblcrs andlornulating grrdF)iob. gmuF errl,lat, orhcrl pdodlvis$€sardhdn€dstralegi€s TIE idendfied lo integdeomll|eal$vithi0 th€contqtof malemalard childhealth.Plenary and tuurdLbl€s€.sior6 brouSht hgeth€r a nulidisaiplinaqcoalition of ir onnd dvoca&s eilhinth€egiorblo supfbrtpotcies roinFolr tlEoralheal$ofchildpnandfalnili€s. 29 Public lle.thh Sen'ice Regiofl Morksbop on ()ral Heahb oJfMothers and Chirttren, Augusr--8. 1991.adanriL.ce()rgix Thjs$orkhopconcenirrted r)nfie slatusoi orrl hmlth i$ues\ithin thesoLrtheestent Lnrted Slrlr\ \the e oi dre{orkslrofnaestabltshlng orelheiilhest ror i.legralptLn otlhetotalheelth crtus\slemoneunique $l^.clof lhis\,,,0rk\hop $i5 thepresentrtion of plnneFhil5 lthletn pLtblic lxrdla\rte srctors $tlhin op€rating thercgion the*laflner ,\x\\ ol infohinggroups shipsieetLrred inro\'irtire rn fhnning xndintplemenli0g F.) gmrns thit lrrcrll&xcctr\toconxnuniIbisd orxlhexlthsenic€s sesslons PlenxN prolided \rith irno\tniewoi fir monrttentjnlluences lir xudience on poljcies endsenices. indudingdtild heelthsLtFnilondMdardsFederalll Qualilied Communil' IIeihhCrnterfruvlsions olOBR\ 90 3ndfrovjrimsof 0BR\'8_q dlatdfe.t \ledicxi{l IPSDTard Titl€\ \lelemxlandChildlledrhhogrxms 110del tr)grams*re ftliewBltoddrrs lilun trchnicaln€ed\ tofst Fgnll.rnningfroce$es. inplerrenntion ol eflectrtsrmcn md fullroprnlngprogrms (nrerim olthis$ofubol rrs toenrphasize thepeNnnel. rlsourccs. xndmethod\ thlt ire cfuci:tlI implerlenlnq slrxtgl€! Exchnile $rs rpresrrrtrd b\ x ()rp gfl)upof pxnicl prn6 end\relded tor strtes$tre out, lnduatj\e$orkgroups€sslonifittuft dir€ctiofs linedin eg€ndrr dr\rloped progrcs\ to stimulde in inrproving orelheel$nitLtsol.hildrcnlxrdl3nli|l$. Otal Healtb for Mothers a d Chidren in Pabllc He.,kb Senice Region V: Blueprint for Actdon, \txrch --8. 1991. Chicego, Iilinois Thisrorkhol incoryonted orgr.ixljon F$pecti\rsho.r nltj,rnxlhealthprciessjond md iedelxlxqe|lcies $ithinllrc4rndx ThisrpFerrtxtlonlroid€da nxrj{nrxl \ i€$loitl onissues gorl rnd RinJorccd the oi inleragencr mdcl(\vr\stem collabofalion. Pltnxns€5sions retlecled md fri\|rre\e(oA SFeke$prc Frs|rcljrr\lrun bothpLrblic snledthei.a\srsnentol 0r1lheelth issu€s md 0 tlineldifteentoptions to .ddBs jdrntiliedprobknrs. Iork gr rpsde\'eloFd blurlrinbdtetctllncrcssdj\rrsr issnes andinlegflt ed$rrted€stoincllrde cl)lltLb0riltile eclionixt the\nle l$elb! e nu b€rolo.glnjzttions ,rrdr$ncjei The\ro.khopidertified fte€ssentdne€dfofeffecti\t meNures to recruit. r€lrjn.andsLlp prclessionah dcnlxl to rfxl he3lth senices irr rndrArnrd comntlnlities lotl lturjdr jNre Strxtegjes oLrtljned to ddms this included rllcmxtilr\\uch$ ta\ incenliles. lom forgileness. endincrelNtd ll]jnibursenent pemlcnB fmnithe\ledicddpmgmms rnsptcii- .ta Publk Heahb Sera,tceReglon VI Vorhshop on (h4l Heahb: A Vltat Compor,ent of Primary Heabb Carefor Mothers .tnd Cbluret\ Ja^!xrr-2l]-29. 1991.Dallas.Texas Thisworkhop locured ontherecent legislxti\'€ ,mdpoh$iniliatives inlluencrng oral hedthisuei il nelior)ilandsreElenh At$orftSroups€ririons, rachstrtefomulald sti"ategi€s to intcglrt€lh6e ne* dertlopmentJ intos|lteaationplaJrsEeahnaleffiucd on hcalthis\uesa-nddeYeloped an initjal fraine\rod(of laclicslo €\pard uponcurftnl .Lcconrplishnrents and!) soll?d€ndliedisues Thestitte$orl grcLrps discussdissur\.shircdidcrL\. andconlemplated apprcaches to problemsolring$ilhin indiridLralndes Uoft gmuF reflected uJ)onvariou!stmtegies. IuluB opponunities, chall€nges. andpotenlial constrain$RelF..€nlatiles fiom state dlocao groups\|sr invohedin thesmallgrcupdi\.usions,nd pro\idede uniquetsr progrtu'ns, specll\con thc tacljci n€eded lo imprur'eofi heihb pohcles, al)ds€ icrs al rtalemd locall€irls Acomllontheneamongthesa*ork groupwasthedorlopmento[ strirtegjcs to me\rorize inlersgencl andcrcss-\\slenr collaboralion thrcuBhadv(r:rq:plirnning. fi prcgrrjn implementalion $rreoutlinslb enhmc€ Reconrmendrions e\islinS oralhealfisenice pmgfirms to Rit.h &ldilionrlltslsoni Ub groupspmposed t0 hcre$€ a.cesslo sdnicrs b\ erileDdjng p€renlionind educalloD lledicaid|:PSDllaugnenting rhool'ba-{€d lrograms.;ud exfandln8communitrheehheduc jonprcgrarn5 In addition. *ork groulsFcomm€nded a sccond \!rv to inpflrreeccels br int€grrling orslhexllhinilixlirl\ intoF)licies \Ibrkgroups xndpmgraJns. sugL6ted lhrl orilheaith bcintegrated irto pr$ention\ericcsprolided il sahool,based dinjci,incorporated into lheeducalion illd counseling component 01theU lC pmgram.andincluded uilhln on{olnsstatehedthneElsard dske$eisments. Public Heabh Seia'tce Reglo'' WI Vorksbop on Orat Health: A Vlrat Component oJ Hrnary Heahh CareJfor tlothels and Cbldret April l0-lI. 1991.Des ]l()ines. Io$r pr Thls$orkhopenDhaiz€d dccAsing mx\inli2ing senic{s. rw)urtes.andincluding \cnlircnrasuresA ple0ensesifi $ts\ed shafingicrossstalestd prc*nledlfor€n€nt iorl\ sho$d ! communinbaldl b$\ bottletoorhde{er a s4hmlb&{.lsDokeless pfr)gflnrr. lobacco rducelioo xn orxlh€dth lrt€ntion proiect, .|Ilt pmgraJn tor childrn $ilh $r.irl ne€ds on r mobilcdenrxl\an \ulpoA6l b! fie l:lk (llLrb.old olherproi€ats.the prograuulianur{ rere prcrjdi g comnnniq br-s€d srnices Lnnrles$ilhin lheRgionard acnnsthenalion 31 thallur ideas andexFriencts Tl|e$ofuhoppmri&danmlionmenttofa.iliuEsharing ofnct$orkhr{€enand'.riflinstaL5.Ea.hslatewNq)I€fier pomot tr d€Rlopnrenl pfoposcd l0 mor€ strategie' of participanls$b groups sen[db a Fincrpalnucleus (e sts oralheilfi \rithinstat€ ad l(rrl nmgrmr 8..\l{dicdd.DPSDI dcctr\€hinEgrnE seNic€s). Srxt€8ies clinicnlhealdr senices. ards.hmlbased cialhexl$nftdspmgr&ns, priorit\ I in policr lncersing or:rl healLh :6 slesrd the lolloring outlined tte stxlej b skle end oml healft nta* at xssrssing andl€'lortirg doelopment andrcsource rllocetion. tos€nic6.:rndinctt^\ingcootsr' locdlelrls,dudng bame6in oniertoincear{aac6,s oqsnialions. and4e0cil:sin all$'ctots. alionandcollrtrorition antong lrolid€$, Indtgettt Women and Cbluren Orql Heatb Adu(racj,for andJot Cblurea wlth Speci4l Heoltb Care Needs, Publlc Heabb Sen ice Reglons wII and la 19-20. 1991.l)envcr. Colorado of advocaq al thest{e lertl!) concenlrated onlht impo(r.rcc Thisbi€gionalworhhop ouf improrcarailrlilitr of oralheal$s€ icesfof childrcnmd fanilies.Thesestions issu€s to promole stfllegies foronl heahhadvoc&)lin€dadnxnislrxlilE dodlegislirtive plrn waspRsenldrc tls€dto &velopaneftfttiveadlocacv andsolulionsAhame\rnrk spealth€dkusrionol rdrocaonps. pnresses. andmethlllsln addition, complenlent oqanizations &Iocao ar$tll |]s$e tolcoi proftssional e$ dls.ussttl intergenedtional of this$o* onemajoroutcome onkhalf oi children andf:unihissues. $al adr@.te pronbtillg trskf0rc15. ol ner*-ork coalilioo5. shope:rsdlecFationorcralil"lionol state oralhealdr lo b€ for modclproBralrlJ Anolher i m of lhc $o*shop\ra\ rc pmrideitrl opponunih plcnxry md xdaplalion of theie ]'lrs ss\ion encouraged adoplion sharEd rcms6stat€s. \r)rkshop pftsented includ rithin theeErons. Pn)grrms alIhe b\ $ales eflectiltp()gr.rns pqmentqstem scr\renlng, nfend. rnd follov-uppogran.i roucher d a schml'bavd prc' babJbollletooftdecx!plElu)tion ser'licrs, x conurunin forclinicaloralhedhh -ba.€d heahh cen:rndussofmigrul andcommunitv dental careprogriun, iect.a hospilal-bated ofmiSmnt fann{!der rndchildEn ord healthstNic€s tochildlen terfa.iliti€sh pm!ide in Ileadstx( nrograns ioriDproYemen6 bf a mxjoilr o[tht rork grouFNiL\d]cl italneed .{ kerpoinlidcntfi€d progmrns strdegig ou ind al oralfudfi in thetrl€rlicaid forbotl childRnandadul6 paper$ork. and ralcs. slreamlining incttasing rcimbuGemrnt fie rorkhopincluded orpttltnlinglductio in the fordultsbr e€stablishing thepll)gmnr mpmlrngcolrrage exNtnSprcgim. A WvQ,asbtt,o Zd ra @t{ Aedrb Oat llaatb NeG& of UdbGtt d Cbutet h.bvc Haabb glollx, Lprn D-.N,191, SanFrancisco,Califomia fun ft !0.fCt0p!.rstd cr6{rfrS bd6 fo hdicdd! d 6R ilo p@d.i sdl ,! p(*iiaul pcacaiu. tlE pcscd trylicOood ddllstrg crl halh d rd dt 6.1bli srt6 Er piEtd by. pnro!.dr"g odd nfu rdbcrllog ndre lb hr oasndittyys di!.d h. p.ts. e.r.nlntu h. itdbj pi6 {d E dlt counruliry m 6d he.lbc.l! c ffiltr C.!ftrdr llr ddtltdft! d& ddE 6 irlr w!,lr-'*i !.e .d.rldlogt|d fiutr. tr dn lFrIdtr. ffior ttr&lbulidlIr Ib brod {d &rG d b adfop @rn8d $rtB rihin d b.lna rG. ftr whlrop ftaad 6e foortoo d lftrdt 4lh.rt codnrekr b nmodq|l blh bdE ad b dvro.. 6d h..lh qluaEds ApLorrt!.rsffi d.uiiod rq! b D.h dtt hF d[qtrb .dreet b.rnh6. ftri gu4r m$crd r 14ildrt |8air.r d cqq@[ itrrlt irDffit tr r d.t .dar pLr Ib drqd d omFd ds r- rfu bodh d.ort FE ldttl$tr.iw{Fdic,FntG afftlqr Jd h lqcddm dp{t4da frlo b(!dt rd dr.dFliFrtp piumrd dticfqbb rddErdra.l he.lh!dddrtld'l! '|dhber. ll APPEI{DIXB Blbliography Co.iidon fororalfhrl$ oralherlhleiioi 6 ancs!€iridpanin nalional heal$car ft{om. Cralitonloroal ltallh,193. pNnld d tll€h$lic rk lrh rllo*i$ v l99l ofll hcel$,M inEeBlcoinff€ oatx.l lEalrncar. Pa{,er 5.nic3le8ionI\ 9od6hQotroralHerlth0iMotrn rid Chil&n.AdmacA {luliin \t l9l ftr|ftxint anl lvl$ d a hith pnont fr nntJ|esdrd childrtn.PrperpR5.nd rl tp Tdktionrl Publklkzllh S6tie Ua&maled childolzl l+.llh cmffttF. PnDcdln. !. M. l99l. Shatngpollry Aihkialr to a.coDplbh theEe l0o0odlbeallhobiccrivA. Palelpwntedat rhc Mdlon d $de .ndTmibdd D€iul D,cdo6,bnual\ktdn& Chadee.o. sn rluhrn U.I99l Th n€gl€d efl&nn:fte or]l hsJrhn€eG oftu**zixt'm.d cnikhi P.perplMEd d &d tkald Mvoca.'v forInditenlVo'nened Chllden{ forChildm*ith SFcialaedthCa|tNecds. Puhlic lbl0' SedieRedoftUII ltd X lhnEr.c0. .{lhkia M. 1992. onl bdlth ii o{r cut\\ f s nalmal tFalh nrryan-€rllri6 ud $n€Ct6 ,1rrr.r, PtUtHahbA$.blrnA6ral dk8,ryqla ,, vad'in$on.Da:tuftnc.nPlblt lhrlth Ael(rialon of PublicSerl$ Dntis4 l94l lnErin polto sirdnenlon n?rionrlhsjd cm dom trric.n tudm.d.^ssocidion \,| rmicL rscidio o{Publicfhallh0mli(r .lonic,ll Dael lslxialim l99l Ch.rn8e rndconnnui,iin heal$@ in tl* l nitd st lG: AF-slim p.per0n G. brXi an. andrdmn.Chlcrtp'lrE*:r ftital Asci&m rlltdcrll lud for Dentallkalth 192 D. {m! ndionalTnkcpt6onforft* inilaliw launch€d: onl rlealti W (rd ltulb 2M) Nqs l\l't I MEi,crnfu'd {orUflrl fkalrh l9l MtE, lL lrncdcarlundforDcnulIlsllh ltzlbul @&,twn ndinro%I Eelt 2t1n. $,iit?.' rmicdr Publiclbrl$ lMcidim. 0.rl rh.Ih Se.li0o. l9l tatonalinitNtE tolin*oE trdar! oal tEfth ln \w 2m. rrmrio hbbc 8:dth teh?'im.t al tlalh Wrm ,'asutq lttnwl rtredcu PublicHealrh lssisrion.0Bl HellthS€.tion. l99?.oraltlerlth Public!€alth ?000 ,{nedcan rsod&d.Or4llt /4.l6drd.tirdd?(sinlr) rnrricm PubUc lkdrh l99t Hulth 6nnMiti.\ 2lt)0:tt NUnatula/^ ltt iui't6lot @nnuni ^:\dilrim afuiirndt of lx 2dn tubtul tuIb t)b|eh6 id d\ sohjnsroi. lC A.nnc,rnPublicHealrh I )w 35 dnr€ncor\blic trealthIsiation ty)1 .t Mtbtul b@lkpn\ttn Iol all aI lnawn Puhlk Hultt ^:llcrlthAvrirlion Public tsoaaftu, \ luyla tobe heltb wc ftlatu &btk \i tsldgton.Iii ^ne.icd ,\rmncmPuilKfkalri { t992anM j PuUnhaA npo/tahl l !a4-b-7a& qn/! n Acbatlb ,/t?y'lrr'r \6hingLn 0Ctmican PubLc Herlti{vrirrm ,rssortioi of UiEnil inl ChildHealuPlogm l$l u.!tn!J tb .htlhny .1ftlnn on th. fi^t late pra .i rr 0rE1 rq !6hin$on. 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J ' I L ! \ *{i ] l I r \ l r k i : j x r j i r L Jl l r i 'j ir.{.r r! lq r r t lur i r iililit r r \ t . r i r 1 . r : i\ t r : . i nrlT{d nr ltrrxllrrtr.r,La1n Lrl\lcrdq rh,d!.lr \i n t(!lll ,(llfLlhdr hr df r*\ r l, qt r t Ni|( l I .L ililr! r Fr \ r 4r ' r L \ '\l ' l! 1f , L1ir rL lrr h,rdti- lrir r tR rr\i ir lr trli r : t l ! \ L h l rl t d l f r ! d r ! }i ( {j r i U r r r h l n ir.[i.y- :]\1 h. ir P la ! q , i, r . r ' i7. r ! , r n' , . i : i a l t : , t . h r i , l '. t \ l r r i t h . r r , / l r 1 'r l t i i tlrin [ \jrtLi r r ndi, a] i. . nl iat lt i. i t u, hn, r t r l , i t l h . , r t r l t l l sh r h l x l o f \ 0 H N \ \ l L H q r { rl.b !n't r Ir- \ t r it idnn! . r nlLx ji' ) t l: : l \!llrr+' !\1 la! u, l L+ r l Lr r l, u6r r i f nr r . Lrlf t t.L :frr. dtJrr x r l$ lt r t ' r n t i\ |hit , t hr lt i t ' ' ir lx \.b ltrn( j lra \ jr r r ljnr hLr c ll, LLlh\ { r r l n t '. i r 1 { 'i ) n r t i l r l l r r r i L t : r L : . . r l , { : l ' , ,r i r l l r L r \ l r t , { ! r " : ! t D . \ t : ! i i \ r l l r l {r jktluj+f il\l Iqrr /,r//,r Htutl|h\1k\ nrl)\llthttv,rllr,'rl\Fy'l/,,rx,rx,/frdl\.bl,n{al \.ir r r I rrt- I r , ! i, j i: rllr r nr : ii. , r Lll Ll iJ lnlt \ a n{tr\.,,[Ln ,fl(r r]j f \g.nn iN, r rjilr.,J r li,rr,l !'rrij rnl4 th tt t.rrli? _r |i x{t,,tr,/ I,rlo Lri\ lrr \\. rroarr.u_ ! cfl {idrnrl lJnrr( 1)llj! t,ij ra,) ti.S.De?atuftdo{HerlLh dd Hum,nu1ig t94r Edtlbl pofk 2@a: iatbnal ltulth ptuturok andApubucalion w paetin rfuand. (DHHS \o [PHS]9l t01l.l) yashinsron D{: I S CdhEnr Pn.ring ofiie. l s Prftntr! irnicesT:rsk lom 1989Curdrodinicai!6mtnt cni6. BrltimocIl!.tr lm ad trilkdn (0lDP)pqm--+nlrl c6 !rcIellao]P. \olL R hnu R l99l llre chi1d h€rllhdi d6r!il6 pc1€ntton Pro{ar (Sssion \o 40?l'i) Vashin$on DCr i{t lnri@n Prhh.E@ltb.reciatiatlnn@l .rleetihS &Ei@ PrblicH.rlthr,sidron VilsonM 1990OmonunitiAfoi collebodionmd coordinahon rt he n^E brel lnerlcan Publ'f llealtb .1$.htsn,1tn 4l.UetnSPqarau ls61on\o l0i6l) ]i{10!k\1 lrEn@ tublicHealtrs.ciiri@ 41 APPENDIXG Sta.teSurn e! Follotoup fftd|I|rit of 3ttata3L. Dav.loD.d n ncl| n ltoGd Wo.ldFf. mdTenibnxlhntal DiNlors PllpandforAssocialion ofState bv [alht Phipps, Drlll, Execulivc Pacific AreaIlealth Prepared Director,orcgon liucationftnFr l3 I S\\ :0th,SuiteB.\erlx)n.0R 9:36i / Phone: I / Fa\:i0J'.165'59a8 t0:]'165-&]l In twductlon In oder to rssistslal6 in integrrting oril hcahhintomalemal andchildhcalthpro' gruns,thefublicHedthSenrce Regional 0llic6 helda sen6of rgjonxl{orkhoF tocLr-\ing $orl{shoF wrsto pr(} onnatemalandchildoralhealth.]'hepnmanpurl,ose ol $es€1991 rj& lhenublicmd priYale secto$ lnteftstdin health,rd humansenic€s lo lheopportuniN develop onl healthissues collaborati\t stntagl€s and,qlon planslo addrcss at thestateand locallcvel.Theqrciiic goa[forthercgional rorlrshop,s. develotsd b,vthenxtiondpl.rnong () ( polici€s commillft.wre to I ) rlerelop coalitro$ advocrie for to impronlheori heahhoi motlEtsandcltldpn.(l) llrlta* asdene's of oralhealthi$ues.(J) fomulaEa frane\ro* fora state aclionllan t0 nttt theorrl hcalthneetls of motheri andchildten, and({) to jncrca*publicaj)dprivaLcollaboralo0 oml lo rcmor bame6t0 healthcart. In additional plaminScon]mitleid$elopdBoals tofi€scnalionslgoal5. regional clich refl€ckd egional. sl1te,andlocalis\uesThesc rugionally€d dewloped onfourgenealissu€s:(1) (:) slucition.prcmotion nee&assessmenls. advoca6. coalitioN. xndcollaboflion,(3)aceis (9) tosenicrsand rDlic\i ,rofuhops of lheegional wa\dc deYelopncni md Th€primary outcom€ of st:rtegies aationplans Sul€sin Regiotrs L ll. fid III de\rloFdSmeml slrute$plmsforfed€ral. state. llul€ theotherrtales plans f_i\e andlocalgoyemmen6 delelots{ nec specific dominsnt 4-t \r€reeli(hntin m(xtoftheplalsdotlopul.Ilree stntegie*trer (I ) d [t€ slaband stnrtegies should h planned and localler€1. andrundrdizrdnedsa-\*ssmen6 lracical,c&rdinat€d, (3) (2) oral heahh issuei, stale\r'ide &alitions should be deYelqxi to addrcis imllemented. prcmole inclusion of srategi€s areneeded l0 increase afoctlsonoialltalth rssuftand multiple ({) rdomrsan necaasan in polici€s of efecriYe oralhealthcomponents in poliqdenlopment, uniielsxlaacess to pdnuryofi heal$carc th€healthmd humins€r,lioiqstemto ptuvid€ prtrcntive andimlmwdefieafiitprcmotion and ando.aidissa\e mersurcland(i) expanded publicandlrcfession,rl stafl. dor[i aft nedd forlndrttregeneml rdLrcation Metbods fie dentaldirKlo(oranallrcpriateI{CJ$rf ts$on.iorstatas Dunng\lafiVApril199J. andtlE Disuiclof Columbia wrEinknie$rdbr phoneto erie* ttr slralr$plansderdoFd wassuaw,6t0detemine if i state duringttEregional mft\hops.'lhepuqxieoi theint€.view of howimnlemenlation rnimplemcnting ihedarlopd stratsgi€s andto olBin a senlP c€ssful looKplaff. Xes4Es *tle conducted \rithfttrtsentatillsfn)m43strt6. 0f theae stat€s. one*asnot lhestrategies represented at thewo*shopandsi\ hadmadenoprogrcss in implemenlin8 hrauseofstafrtumover ordismsrding ofthesta€dentrllogranr.0f thermaining35slalej, prcgHm sEffdiFctingtheoral irlile threehadnon+fllalprogram t\!t of&nlzl 33hadsome oftlE ltCHpn)grun. he2.lhcomponcnt 24 somepmgrtss loqad auiningfie sorhhopstr egies, 0f the35stdessln repoaed \r€rccithercompletrd or unde6r"!:Unfortunatehi thisdo€s €ponedthatall of lheirslralegles withthesuale$:for in5l4nce, man_v states nolmeznthalthevrcr€ neessarih, succ€ssfill Io imptur? the$djcdd s$Em.eitherthn)ugh incrces€s in theltlricepopulalion or atFmlted mdearcr. eimbursement raks,huttrryfe,r'wrpr.lually$rc€sfulatlhhnanicular thestat€ hd.s{onthefivegeneral stxlllgi€s desadH TableI categodz5 sl€aificslrategies pnliouslr In rnns of needrassfssment, Rlatingto ne(ds 18of theJ6stxles hada sIraleg.f slal€s asfssment. B€aause some hadmoe$an onestrles-'in thisara"thee*erc2l diffeent \rrl! eitheroralheahh slrategi€s relalinB to nee&a\r€ssnent. ln thisca\€.n€rdrass€ssmenls pruvider praclice andIedicridlanicipation.Forthisl&ticular ilss€ssmenb or dssei\menb of *rtl eilherconpleted rvhilenoprogfi5s hadb€enma& bsue,ll of dF strategi€s or under$r)_ onfourstntldes. 44 Table 1: Carqortzed StateWcilic S,ratqlcs Cargor' No.ofstzl6 No.ofstnltges No.Coryletd orLh&flvay N€edAssesmeot I8 2l $ar*id€C,oaliuorls It l5 oraltlealhIs$Es m RdolIDs 24 23 42 l7 l3 I9 35 l8 PMnotioo/Education 18 2l Irisc.r.sston In lhisinstence thenumhrsfromthefollo*lp intrrvifl donotpmvi&trulym€aningful inJormetion. mlzrrercmaningful,hocEi€(uEresome of dEdisausions sith prcgraristxfi prccess. lhatdndd durinttlE intstvies, In gen€ral 6e prcgrarn st fl fel thattfu sod$hoF {rr€ ltly hndicialil ardftis isa significanl it cenainkE individuals '&r€pltrent T1Ek€v individuels prominenr i&ntifiedioclud€d MCHpmgrrJnst ff, prf€rab! theMCIIdivision chid,keyindividuals fiomothersignificant healthde?aft)€nt n fl $tich malinclu&ptewn litEor conrnunity heal$seryio5, sfongrcpG€ntation from$e privare &nlal sealota]ong vnh keyindividuals fiomadw(a'ygmuF. ThGestarsrio hada goodreF€senlarioo ftom thes€ keySroups hadmor€success in attaining thekskategies. Another which avenue amealtdto besccesfulwastlE dftloprnentof a sltongcoalition or adrisonboadvhich couldh used topmlnohth€inclusion oforalhealthintogan€ral MCfigograrlb.T16€shles sith a broadbase supl'onartheMCH mdshoFoftenus€dthatgtoupasa bas€ fortheon8o, ingoralhEJthcralitjon. Altt|ouSh nanysuEshalt hd suc.ess in n€€tingilEir sfaregies moccouldk doft to irnprcrctlE integralon of oralheallhintog€neral maEmalandchildh€althpmgnns.One sLledenLldircclor erSgesled thattlE 1991 *orkhoF hevi€'rtdasa gmundbreeling s!ftstlq)ad thardditional\tDrt$boF lEld h toconlinue d|enerx,o*ing prc.tss ardcollabontiE $fiichwasstaded.ManyMCHprcgflrndircatots aretiFd of lFaringtlrcirnnonance of oral hedh fromtheirdeiui pograngafr.Having anouN&authoril.v bringin8 orallEaithisues lo light appeand tok animport nt sbpin E ducationpmce$. 45 APPETDTX D Mlb IIe&b Sentbe Regtonal IWaI Cottsulrafis It tor mru lth dlioul i0fuodin d.nt ofdEctbn l mrt!h.F! pL.recoE dr|iotrl otidtnth 6atregion. f.ah. I r.abr ! ntrtO lrrlu, DJ.s,l{Pl{ f.sind D.ndCo@'s'd R.ginI fr &Aarlhilding Rm l{01 G@nC.alt Bodo4 H |u20t l&htr L@ DJ.S. n({ioo.l ftnul Cc|3'h'nt usms,ru, Mol 3535M.tid St!4 Rdrtrl0t{0 P0Bd 13716 lildl Sbp14 nr d+hi1 PA19104 2r1596l.5?ftFrzrr!46ffi 611 5n{,r'L6z -*,r1t6t F,g: UturAbq D.D.& R4hnrl lilol CdE|hmt a.abr 2 usu{tr,Pls'Mot M.rtd$r4 Rm l0ll0 3535 P0Eor13716 MrilSbpl{ thjH+hlr, PA19101 2r159645?f tF.,:21 5*ffi lnleolfDi|rD.DS., -PJ. nAin llh|bl CEilrI Blgbr ll Divi{mdtLdfi RlrqlllesD*h?@alt n@3337 6F&rlPid Nrrbfi M I0?/8 2rL*Lr935 t Fa zt24+1321 lr|dlLXr!,R"DJI, MJ. lldgallblCon$lbol f.Ebn II Ilriin dll.h n lorrt sDedo?ctt sd:337 6&rl Plor Rrrb*, NY10478 fahr a [dE, D.D.S, Mrfi. John Rcfiond DeotalcoN t nl 0tlH$R€Srcr Iv Divt{md lt lh SertrsDdiray $its 1202 l0l l{*r rdrntr GA30323 4tA3/3t -52'l/ Eu. 4(*33r-?'16 zr2-*3r3sI F,of. zt2-x,.t3z1 o n atonI rybn0 KadrlnlbdderM.D., M.PH. Regonal Prograrn Consultant I DHHS Regjon lTthFloor lot VeslMrnrsSt Chicago, It fi603 / [ax:312-353{]18 312-353-llm Reginald lruie,D.D.S , M.PII. Regional PlDgruIl CoNullant IX DHHS Regjon Fe&raloffi.eBuilding" Room 147 Plaza t0 Ilnitadl{alions sanfrancisco, CA94102 4ltt56'fu33/ Fa\:4l15t63436 Rqtlon a R.atoG lO D.D.S., Robed Sappinghfl M.PH. Regional Dental ConsulLnl USDHHS. PHS Rmm1850 \lainTo.rer Building 1200 D{Irs,TX7t202 2r+767-3719 / Fax2l+167-8,J4,9 Wi[iam VilliamlD.D.S.. M.PIl. Regonal thotd Consulrnt IkpanmmtofHeal$andHuman &rvicrs Region X Divisioo Services Delftn ofHealth 2201 fih AE MailsropL\-2' | &ade,Vashin$on 9812 2c66t'2& / F,d.:2tf_3tD-0 ,157 i.ator t LanvWalkelDD.S. Region.l hntal Consult nt Region l1l Nortd€mi offioeBuilding Rmm501, tth tlmr Vest iol Easll2lhStrett xar$ ciq,M064106 8 1642629]16 / r?d:81€42G1178 R.dfoo I Ja!Eala(D.M.D..M.PH. Regiona! Denlrlconsultant Region Vtll PublicH€alfi&ffice Fe&mlofliceBuilding DiYision Servic6 of Health hlir€N Rmm498 1961 StoutSt€€l DenwrC080294 / Fe-\: l7 303'84i't955 i03-84461 48