Drisana Levitzke-Gray


Drisana Levitzke-Gray
MARCH 2015
Auslan Language Centre
Young Australian of the Year 2015
Drisana Levitzke-Gray
continued >> P4
Damian Lacey
Chief Executive Officer
Welcome to this March edition of Deaf Mag. There is lots of valuable information here for you.
On 17th February the Board convened a Stakeholders Meeting, which was attended by a good
representation of community members, together with staff and members of the Board. However, we
always want to welcome more people to participate.
Our next forum will be held on Tuesday 16th June from 6.00 pm. PLEASE PUT THIS IN YOUR DIARY
The following topics were covered at the meeting:
Board Membership
The Board has recently conducted a skills analysis of its members and has commenced the process
of recruiting additional members. Several interviews have been conducted and a rigorous selection
process is underway. Key skills required by the Board at the present time include formal qualifications
in finance, accounting and marketing. If you, or someone you now, has these skills and wants to
contribute to the governance and leadership of WADS in a meaningful way, please contact our Chair
via email at annette.perrin@creational.com.au
Strategic Planning
A Planning Committee chaired by Geoff Smith has been formed. A number of themes of needs and
priorities are emerging including adult education, youth services, family support, early intervention,
learning Auslan, the needs of different age groups, regional needs and mental health.
If you would like to contribute to our discussions please email to wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au .
Office Relocation
The Board has decided that our Aberdeen Street offices are too big and not suitable for our future
Plans are being drawn to ensure that we can keep the DCC with additional meeting and office space
attached, and that our offices are modified to enable them to be rented to an organisation without
needing to share the DCC kitchen.
The toilet facilities and foyer/lift will be shared. The DCC will be a separate facility that will continue
to be supported by the Society for the community and the offices will be offered for rental to another
Where will WADS offices go?
The Board is considering several potential partner organisations in Western Australia about the
possibility of sharing office space. If this does not happen a smaller office facility will be located once
we have found a tenant for our offices.
There are many vacant offices in our area and it may take some time to find a suitable tenant. No
change will happen until we are able to find someone to rent our offices.
CEO role
The Board has recently appointed Lester Blades to undertake an executive search leading to the
appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer for WADS. The agreement between WADS and Deaf
Children Australia, for my support, is due to end in June this year.
The Board is keen to recruit a suitable person to enable a good transition to new management before
the end of June.
On a personal note, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed the past seven years as your Chief
Executive Officer and will continue to do this until June. I look forward to continuing my involvement
with WA over the years to come through our partnerships in the Employment Service area and also
working with young people in the West.
Worldwide Online Printing Perth QV.1
is proud to support WA Deaf Society
(08) 9226 2744
QV1 Retail (Opp. QV1 Building)
976 Hay Street Perth 6000
Damian’s Message .............................................. 2 - 3
Young Australian of the year 2015 ......................4 - 5
46/5 Aberdeen Street East Perth WA 6004
PO Box 8558 Perth BC WA 6849
TTY 08 9441 2655 / Tel 08 9441 2677
Fax 08 9441 2616
E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au
Sign Language Communications......................... 6 - 7
DEAFinite Employment Service................................ 8
Community Service ........................................... 9 - 13
Community News ............................................ 14 - 20
Young Australian of the Year 2015
Drisana aged 2years, signed dog,
Congratulations to
Drisana Levitzke-Gray
on receiving the award
of Young Australian of
the Year 2015.
Thinking about her future
10 old years, Drisana got
2 medals for swimming at
the Australia Deaf Games
in Sydney, 2003.
Definitely true on her t-shirt.
Drisana is “more than meets the eye”.
Young Australian of the Year 2015
I want to extend my thanks to the Deaf community.
Without the Deaf community, I would not be
who I am today. Organisations such as the WA
Association of the Deaf, WA Deaf Society and WA
Deaf Recreation Association contribute so much to
the Deaf Community in many ways, by providing
essential services, running the Deaf Club on a
weekly basis with many recreation activities, as
well as advocating for the rights and needs of
Deaf people. I also thank each and every single
one of you who has been involved in my life
somehow, whether as a friend, a role model, a
peer and/or as a co-worker. Thanks to all the allies
who advocate for, and promote, Auslan. We are all
changing the world one day at a time.
Drisana Levitzke - Gray
The Deaf community is unique; it has its own
language, culture, history, traditions and beliefs.
It is a nation without borders. We’ve come a long
way and if we stand together, we can achieve so
much more. My goal for 2015 is to focus on the
Deaf children of Australia and their human right
to access Auslan from birth. By promoting and
raising awareness of Auslan, we are one step
closer to realising that dream. Come together, one
and all, lets celebrate the beauty of Auslan!
Young Australian of the Year 2015
Firstly and foremost the WA Deaf Society would
like to give massive congratulations to Drisana
Levitzke-Gray for her incredible achievement
becoming the recipient of the award “Young
Australian of the Year” 2015!!!!!!
This accolade was presented to Drisana in
recognition of her work in advocacy, sending
many emails and having many conversations
with Government and non-government
organisations to ensure access to information
and services are provided to the Deaf
community….. You!
SLC WA values the importance of the Deaf
community having access to their preferred/
compatible Interpreters, who they feel
comfortable and confident to work with.
SLC WA worked very closely with Drisana
to ensure she had her preferred team of
interpreters. These were selected from the
most experienced Interpreters from Australia.
Skilled and experienced interpreters were
essential for such a high profile prestigious
The interpreters who travelled to Canberra to work with Drisana and her guests over the course of the
Australia Day long weekend were, Maree Madden (QLD), Julie Judd (VIC) and Christy Filipich (WA).
SLC WA was lucky enough to have an interview with these three talented ladies. We asked them
what they thought they contributed to the team and what they felt went well and what challenges
there were on the day.
Julie Judd, felt she brought her flexibility, organisational and predictive skills to the team and said
that the “open communication was a great asset amongst my colleagues to overcome the challenges
faced”. Unfortunately the video clips of the nominees weren’t captioned, so this was an added
challenge on the interpreting team to convey this accurately to Drisana and her VIP guests.
With over 27 years of interpreting experience, Maree Madden felt that she was extremely prepared
for an event of this nature. Luckily Maree was familiar with the songs performed on the day and
was able to convey them beautifully. Maree described that it was challenging to have her support
interpreter back stage which “did not allow the platform interpreters to prompt each other”. This was
even more challenging when having to interpret the stories of 32 nominees!
Christy Filipich said she “was thrilled and nervous about working with Julie and Maree - they are
both highly experienced and respected interpreters and had been role models of mine for most of my
career.” Although Julie and Christy are on a committee together and Maree and Christy have worked
together on skype before, She “hadn’t really worked with either of them and we had to develop a
flexible, fluid, functional and professional team in a very short space of time. I’m very pleased to
say that we did and I think that’s due to us having the same goal - to provide the service needed to
ensure the event was successful in terms of access for Drisana, and the Deaf Community.”
Young Australian of the Year 2015
When asked what was the most memorable moment of the weekend?
This is how the team responded….
Christy Filipich
“Definitely the Auslan applause. There were a
number of events over several days and the
Auslan applause started with the Young Australian
Finalists initially at the very first event, but by the
final event all of the finalists and recipients were
using Auslan applause, as well as clapping, for
everything - not just to applaud Drisana. It was
wonderful to see that use of Auslan become
accepted and almost common place amongst the
group. It shows that people are willing and happy
to learn and use Auslan, and we need to work to
make sure it’s accessible.”
Maree Madden
“There is not one moment that I could single
out. For me it was extremely humbling to be part
of a celebration of the achievements of great
Australians - not just those who were Award
recipients, but all the nominees that I had the
privilege of meeting.”
Julie Judd
“The most memorable moment for me was when
Drisana was announced the winner. I saw tears of
pride swell in Drisana’s mum’s eyes… something I
will never forget. “
SLC WA Contact Details
Office hours 9am - 5pm weekdays
Phone 08 9441 2623
Email bookings@wadeaf.org.au
SMS 0433 155 288
TTY (08) 9441 2655 Fax (08) 9441 2600
5pm - 9am weekdays, weekends & public holidays
0410 017 540 SMS and voice calls
DEAFinite Employment Service News
Congratulations to Corey
Corey recently passed her final interpreters assessment
and is now a qualified Paraprofessional level interpreter.
This is great news and a great result for her hard work,
and should be recognized, so if you see her in the hall
“big pats on the back “ !!!
Corey Piestrzeniewicz
Staff Changes at DEAFinite
The team at DEAFinite has once again changed it’s
dynamics. Adrian Chia has left DEAFinite to further
his career as an interpreter working within the Deaf
The team would like to thank Adrian for the time he
spent at DEAFinite and wish him well with his future
endeavors. Stay tuned for the next DEAF Mag when
we introduce the newest member to our team.
Adrian Chia
Changes to the National Disability
Service Standards
Some of you may be aware that there have been
changes made to the Disability Service Standards. I will
discuss this more next issue but if you are interested in
the meantime there is an Auslan version explaining the
changes on our Facebook page
Check it out here
DEAFinite is funded by the Federal
Government to provide a specialist
employment service to Western
Australia jobseekers who are Deaf
or hard of hearing.
DEAFinite Employment Service
Contact Details
Tel 08 9441 2677
Fax 08 9441 2616
TTY 08 9441 2655
E-mail des@wadeaf.org.au
Oh?! He is Deaf?!
How can I talk??
is it
a SL
C Ca
eed y
Cut Out and Keep
Sometimes you need an interpreter
I communicate in Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
Please contact Sign Language Communications
to book an Auslan interpreter on:
but have difficulty explaining this to
Business Hours: 9441 2623
After Hours: 0410 017 540
Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au
hearing people. Here’s a handy cut-out
Thank you
you can keep in your wallet.
WADS Community Services News
50+ Club - Events
Wednesday 18th February 2015 – Visit to World
Upholstery Service
This was the 50+ first get together for 2015. We
were greeted by Deaf couple Jason and Rachel
Turner who own and run their own business
“World Upholstery Service”.
We were made very welcome with a lovely morning
tea (thanks Rachel) and then Jason talked about
the history and how he runs his workshop, then we
were given a guided tour. It was a very interesting
morning to see many wooden chair frames and so
many different types of fabric to choose from!
There were two cars in the factory being spray
painted and done up.
Many thanks to Jason and Rachel for their time as
all the Deaf seniors enjoyed the morning.
If you are interested in registering with the 50+ Deaf Seniors,
please contact Jenny Pupich
SMS: 0414 853 521 / TTY: 9441 2655
Voice: 08 9441 2677 / FAX 9441 2616
WA Deaf Society Contact Details
TTY 08 9441 2655
Tel 08 9441 2677
Fax 08 9441 2616
E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au
WADS Community Services News
LEAP has just started back up for 2015. As
always Nobuo and I are really keen to get in
to the year and get in to our new theme which
will run most of the year. This year our theme
is “the letters of the Alphabet”. Each week we
will be focusing on letter of the Alphabet. Part
of each week will be used to teach the children
how to sign each letter. This theme will run in
terms 1,2,3 and part of term 4. This theme is
a parent suggested one so I am really excited
to be delivering activities around a theme that
has been picked by the parents.
Sadly this year a lot of our children have moved
on to Kindy so our numbers have reduced
a little. We have however had some new
registrations and looking forward to the return
of some our families who are still on holiday.
The New Year has been greeted with news from LEAPs funders in regards to the future funding of
LEAP. Please see what LEAP families have been told;
WADS receives funding from the Department of Social Services (DSS) so we can provide LEAP.
DSS has told WADS that LEAP funding will end in June 2015.
WADS Board and staff are talking about different options for LEAP from July 2015 onwards.
Everyone wants LEAP to continue. WADS needs your support by continuing to come to LEAP every
week and telling your friends and family to register for LEAP too.
As soon as we have more news we will let you know
As stated above everyone at WADS and all the families are really keen for LEAP to continue. Please
be assured that everything possible will be done to see this unique and valuable program is continued.
LEAP runs 8 weeks of every school term 10am – 12pm on Fridays at the WA Deaf Society, if you are
a member of the Deaf community and have a child 0 – 5 years old and would like to join LEAP, please
email smorton@wadeaf.org.au for more information.
Sarah Morton
LEAP Coordinator
WA Deaf Society Contact Details
TTY 08 9441 2655
Tel 08 9441 2677
Fax 08 9441 2616
E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au
WADS Community Services News
Deaf Youth Rec 2015
Carpet Bowls
This term WA Deaf Society and WA Deaf Recreation Association are holding a weekly after-school
recreation program for Deaf and hard of hearing high school students from Yrs 7-12. The program runs
every Wednesday afternoon from 4.00 – 6.00pm in the Deaf Community Centre. The program, funded
through a grant from Department of Sport and Recreation, aims to increase the physical participation
of the Deaf and hard of hearing students and develop the skills of the WADRA volunteers.
15 Deaf and hard of hearing students are registered for the program, The biggest group of students
comes from Shenton DEC, with others coming from Belmont City College and various other mainstream
high schools. Students come from all year groups and use all modes of communication.
Joshua Levitzke-Gray and Kerry Revell from WA Deaf Society, supported by Patricia Levitzke-Gray,
coordinate the program, with WADRA volunteers providing the weekly instructors/Deaf mentor/role
model. An Auslan interpreter ensures the program is accessible for everyone.
Weekly sports and volunteers to date have been:Carpet Bowls with Harry Hughes and Denise Murray
Table Tennis with Chris Levitzke - Gray and Joshua Levitzke-Gray
Darts with Murray Nicholson, Murray Holloway and Jen Hyde
8 Ball Pool with Jenny Pupich, Linda Cross and Peter Best,
WA Deaf Society Contact Details
TTY 08 9441 2655
Tel 08 9441 2677
Fax 08 9441 2616
E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au
WADS Community Services News
In a recent survey about “What 2 things are good about coming to Deaf Youth Rec?” the students listed
(1) Meeting other Deaf /hard of hearing people as their top answer, followed by (2) Making new friends.
(3) Playing sport and (4) Learning new skills, as also mentioned.
We know Deaf Youth Rec fills a need for Deaf and hard of hearing high school students, with students
and parents already requesting continuation of the program and additional students wanting to join.
The offer from additional WADRA volunteers wanting to participate in the program is strong recognition
of the importance members of the Deaf community place on programs like this, with its valuable
nurturing and mentoring of the next generation of young Deaf people.
Please contact Kerry Revell at KRevell@wadeaf.org.au for more information about this program.
Table Tennis
WA Deaf Society Contact Details
TTY 08 9441 2655
Tel 08 9441 2677
Fax 08 9441 2616
E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au
Community News
Shenton College Deaf Education Centre
SCDEC collaboration with Deaf teachers and
students from Sweden - Ms Sandra Strandsjo
This year the students of Shenton College Deaf
Education Centre have the opportunity to get to
know Deaf students in Sweden via email, videos
and Skype.
Teachers and students at Ostervang School (the
Deaf school in Lund, in the south of Sweden)
have requested an exchange of videos and
email/letters with Shenton College DEC students.
The Deaf students in Sweden are sending letters
and videos where they tell us about Sweden,
Swedish sign language, and culture.
The students at Shenton College DEC have
started replying and will send information about
the school, about WA and regarding Australia via
letters and videos where they are using Auslan.
Further down the track we will try to set up Skype
sessions where the students can talk to each
other using Auslan/Swedish Sign Language. It is
a great opportunity for the Deaf students in both
countries to get to know teenage peers on the
other side of the world. The students at Shenton
College DEC are as excited as the students at
Ostervang School in Sweden.
In week 2 of term 1, our SCDEC students
had the opportunity to meet Mr Damholt, a
Danish teacher of the Deaf (born Deaf) who
used to work at Ostervang School in Sweden.
Mr Damholt is now working at a mainstream
hearing school in Denmark, using an interpreter
to communicate with his hearing students. Mr
Damholt taught our students about the Swedish
and Danish school system for Deaf students,
talked about the Deaf Olympics (which he was
involved in 6 times) and taught our students
about Swedish and Danish sign language. We
had very interested students paying attention to
what he had to tell them.
All the students are very excited to implement
this collaborative initiative between the two Deaf
Community News
Shenton College Deaf Education Centre
Auslan at Shenton – Dr Karen Bontempo
Auslan as a LOTE class at Shenton College have proven a very popular option, with the program
now running across Years 7, 8 and 9 in the Middle School, with a view to taking the program into
senior school as both a VET option (Cert IV in Auslan) and as an ATAR subject for Year 11 & 12,
although details are unconfirmed as yet. If able to proceed with these options, these courses will
allow students to either leave school with a VET qualification, or to gain valuable points for entry
into university courses of study. The Year 7, 8 & 9 classes are bursting at the seams, and have been
limited to one class per year group while we continue to develop the program.
We were particularly delighted that the Year 8s from last year ALL continued with Auslan into Year 9 –
a 100% retention rate in a language option is rare indeed!! As studying a language is not compulsory
after Year 8 now, students could have elected to do something different, but all the Year 8s from 2014
have continued with Auslan in 2015. We have been impressed by how much they have learned over
the year, in the equivalent of really less than 70 hours of face to face tuition. Imagine how fluent they
will be by Year 12!
We are thrilled to have been able to partner once again this year with the WA Deaf Society in the
delivery of the program, with Ms Patricia Levitzke-Gray teaching on site, along with Shenton Deaf
Mentors Ms Nishma Shah and Mr William Quick also involved in the program. I am continuing to
write the curriculum in consultation with Deaf teachers and other stakeholders, and I will be pleased
to represent WA at an upcoming curriculum scope and sequencing workshop in Sydney for the
national curriculum in Auslan (Foundation to Year 10 level) with ACARA (the Australian Curriculum,
Assessment and Reporting Authority).
For more information regarding Auslan as a LOTE at Shenton, please contact Dr Karen Bontempo on
Community News
The Strategic Planning Weekend
The Western Australian Association of the Deaf
(WAAD) is pleased with our achievements during
the Strategic Planning Weekend.
WAAD would like to thank Lotterywest for their
support by providing us the funds for our board to
have the Strategic Planning Weekend on 10th and
11th January 2015.
We were fortunate to have Todd Wright, President
of Deaf Australia, facilitate our discussions. Deaf
Australia is the national peak advocacy and
information organisation in Australia for Deaf
people who are bilingual – using both English and
Auslan (Australian Sign Language). WAAD are
very fortunate to have had a fantastic presenter
and a good team of board directors to make the
weekend such a success.
Once again, we would like to thank Lotterywest
for its ongoing support in enabling WAAD Board
directors to participate in the strategic planning
Auslan Professional Network
The Auslan Professionals Network is open to
fluent Auslan users Deaf, hard of hearing and
hearing people with an interest in sharing life
experiences through volunteer presentations. The
objective of the group is to provide Deaf, hard
of hearing and hearing people with information,
support and networking opportunities. The event is
held on every first Sunday of the month.
On 7th December 2014 we had the wrap up APN
event at The Court. The attendees did the survey.
On 1st February 2015 Drisana Levitzke - Gray
voluntarily presented at the Auslan Professional
Network on Deaf Ecosystem, Advocacy and her
4 Deaf women will be presenting on 8th March
for the International Women’s Day.
Anyone who is interested in presenting or to ask
any questions, please contact Drisana, Dawn or
Nobuo. Email address: info@waad.org.au
Community News
WAAD’s Fingerspelling mugs
WAAD would like
to congratulate
our board member
Shannon Scarvaci
and his partner Josie
Hodgetts’s arrival
of their daughter
Isla on 30th January
New colours - light blue and black mugs. Great
for gift! $10.00 each.
Avaliable for sale via:
WAAD Board Members or at the WA Deaf Society,
46/5 Aberdeen Street, East Perth WA.
E-mail: info@waad.org.au
A daughter for
Shannon and Josie
and sister for Taj,
wishing them all the
best for the future.
For more information contact WAAD
FAX: (08) 9441 2616
E-mail: info@waad.org.au
Having recently re-established a committee, ASLIA
(WA) has been working tirelessly in the background to
ensure the future of our association. We have signed up
for Google Non-Profits which has given us access to Google’s applications, therefore allowing the
committee to work more efficiently and better serve our members.
A recent survey was distributed to members to gather information about who our members are
and what they want to see from ASLIA (WA). The results will then be collated and used to inform
our strategic planning meeting on Saturday 7 March 2015.
On Saturday, April 11th, ASLIA (WA) will be holding a Special General Meeting to pass our new
constitution. This day also marks International Tabletop Day, so ASLIA (WA) will be holding a card
& board games social gathering in the Deaf Community Centre. Look out for the information in the
coming days!
Finally, in 1990 ASLIA (WA) held it’s first meeting, so this year we celebrate our 25th anniversary!
Planning is underway for a spectacular event later in the year, so keeps your eyes peeled for the
If you haven’t already done so, ‘Like’ us on Facebook to keep up to date with everything ASLIA (WA)!
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/asliawa / Email – president@asliawa.org
Community News
National Relay Service News
Do you know about the new NRS app?
The new NRS app was launched on 3 December 2014, by the Minister for
Communications, Malcolm Turnbull.
• The launch was held on the International Day of People with Disability.
• It is the first time that any relay service in the world has provided access
to a range of calls through a single app for smartphones or tablets.
• You can use the app to make calls including: internet relay, Speak and
Listen, captioned relay and video relay.
Download the free app from the Apple store or the Google Play store.
• Search for NRS app.
• If you need any help getting started with the app, please get in touch with
us at the NRS.
Welcome to Drisana
We are very happy to welcome Drisana Levitzke-Gray to the NRS Outreach
• Drisana is the national Deaf Sector Community Networking Officer for
the NRS.
• She is based in Perth at the WA Deaf Society building and looks after
the Deaf Sector nationally.
NRS would like to congratulate Drisana on being the recipient of the Young Australian of the Year
Award for 2015.
National Relay Service Office in WA
National Relay Service staff in WA are back at WA Deaf Society!
We would like to thank the WA Deaf Society for providing us with the opportunity to rent office space
within the Deaf Society building in East Perth.
If you have any questions about the NRS or need training for yourself or your group, please
get in touch with us:
Annabel Vasquez
WA Education Coordinator, National Complex Communications Specialist
Email: wa@relayservice.com.au / SMS: 0430 159 961 / Phone: 08 9441 2696
Drisana Levitzke-Gray
National Deaf Sector Community Networking Officer
Email: drisana.levitzke-gray@relayservice.com.au / SMS: 0400226479
NRS webpage: www.relayservice.gov.au
NRS Helpdesk: Email: helpdesk@relayservice.com.au / SMS: 0416 001 350 / Phone: 1800 555 660
Community News
Cnr West Parade and Windsor Street Perth (next to Emmanuel Centre)
9.30 am Mass with Blessing and distribution of Palms.
Beginning of Holy Week
PowerPoint, Auslan Interpreter and Audio Induction Loop
AT ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL, Victoria Square Perth (Near RPH)
7 pm – Blessing of Oils to be used in all Parishes of the
Archdiocese for the year.
PowerPoint, Auslan Interpreter and Audio Induction Loop
7 pm – Mass and Washing of Feet and Adoration after Mass
PowerPoint, Auslan Interpreter and Audio Induction Loop
3 pm – Reading of the Passion,
Honouring the Cross, Receiving Communion.
PowerPoint, Auslan Interpreter and Audio Induction Loop
Cnr West Parade and Windsor Street Perth (next to Emmanuel Centre)
9.30 am MASS
PowerPoint, Auslan Interpreter and Audio Induction Loop
more infromation contact to Emmanuel Centre
Email: emmanuelcentre@westnet.com.au / SMS 0401 016 399 (Fr Paul) / Tel 9328 81113
25 Windsor St, Perth WA 6000.
Community News
5 Cents for 5 Senses
WADS staff Michaela Sloan, Patricia Levitzke-Gray and Cara Smith with the Uniting Way team
Sue Dixon and Nancy Farnham in Kings Park for the launch of the annual 5 Cents for 5 Senses
fundraising campaign. Please look for the special collection containers, with the bright orange
tops, available at HBF and Westpac stores. You can collect all of your 5 cent coins and place in the
containers. Thank you to everyone for supporting this campaign.
SMS Number (Only WA)
For Deaf or Hard of hearing peope only
Sometimes you need an interpreter but have difficulty
explaining this to hearing people. Here’s a handy
cut-out you can keep in your wallet.
Cut Out and Keep
I communicate in Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
Please contact Sign Language Communications
to book an Auslan interpreter on:
I co
Business Hours: 9441 2623
After Hours: 0410 017 540
Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au
Thank you
POLICE SMS number is 0403 277 478
RAC SMS number is 0434 182 877
Put the numbers on your mobile NOW!
New email list with WA Deaf Society
WA Deaf Society would like to invite you to join
our email list for us to share information with
you. Do you want to join our email list?
Advertising Rates (New)
I communicate in Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
Please contact Sign Language Communications
to book anFull
interpreter on:
I co
$250 =Business
1 edition
4 editions
9441 =
After Hours: 0410 017 540
Half Page:
Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au
Email your name to info@wadeaf.org.au
$130 = 1 edition $500 = 4 editions
Thank you
1/4 Page:
$65 = 1 edition $255 = 4 editions
Then we will add you on the email list. We will
keep on communicating with you. Please share
this information with your family, friends and
Advertisements are to be supplied in certain
format - please contact for information.
Deaf Magazine contains opinions from many contributors. This does not
in are
meanI these
the Language)
WA Deaf Society
Youtube Auslan version
Please contact Sign Language Communications
to book an Auslan interpreter on:
Business Hours: 9441 2623
After Hours: 0410 017 540
Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au
Thank you
I co