deaf leadership seminar
deaf leadership seminar
DEAF EVANGELISM LEADERSHIP March 12-14, 2015 ST. LOUIS, MO Application Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ City: _________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ______________ E-‐Mail Address: ________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Church Name: _________________________ Pastor: _______________________________ Church Phone: _________________________ Mail or email the application above to Rev. Wesley Swanson, 9914 Sagemark Dr. Houston, TX 77089 The mission of the deaf leadership seminar is to provide support and instruction to current and future deaf leaders. We will be providing mentorship and training. Questions contact: Bro. Wesley Swanson Bro. Don Hanscom Sis. Mendy Olson Early Bird Special - by January 31, 2015 Regular fee after February 1, 2015 Pastor of Deaf Ministry at Christian Life Church Deaf Evangelism Leadership Rev. Don Hanscom 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, Mo 63042 Write check payable to: Deaf EvangelismLeadership DEAF LEADERSHIP SEMINAR "In that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book-Isaiah 29:18" Pastor of the Deaf Ministry of Christian Life Center Bro. Dale Delp Bro. Meloy Richmond Pastor of New Destiny Deaf Church Bro. Ernie Murillo National Deaf Evangelism Coordinator Sis. Marietta Patchin Pastor of Deaf Ministry at Palm Bay Pentecostal Church Deposits are non-refundable (no exceptions) The Registration fee includes two nights of Hotel – March 12 &13. Two people per room. Hotel: Hampton Inn, 55 Dunn Rd, Florissant, MO 63031 Phone: (314) 839-2200 Multicultural Ministries Director Cost of Seminar – Registration fee: $200 per participant (Early Bird Special) $250 per participant (regular) $400 per married couples (Early Bird Special) $450 per married couples (regular) Mail the check or money order to: Are you called of God to reach the Deaf? Instructors: Professional Development for: Deaf Leaders, Preachers, Laypersons, and Coordinators Sponsored by UPCI Deaf Evangelism UPCI Multicultural Ministries The Goal of the Deaf Evangelism Leadership Seminar is to train and equip men and women for effective evangelical ministry in their communities. Classes will provide question and answer sessions for Deaf leaders, ministers, Bible teachers, state coordinators, and local deaf ministry coordinators. Spouses of the participants are welcome to attend. The forms of instruction include hands on training, ASL, and visual aids which include marker boards, overhead projectors, and Power Point presentations. Our goal is to meet each student’s learning style as much as possible. Seminar Schedule The seminar will be a two and half day event. Classes will begin with prayer at 8:30 am and will conclude at 5:30 pm on Thursday and Friday. We will have half day class on Saturday 9:00am to 12:00noon. Curriculum The Book of Revelation Sis. Mendy Olson will teach on the book of Revelation: Rapture. Roles of the Minister Bro. Meloy Richmond will explain the various duties of the minister. What’s Love? An examination of Adam Clarke’s analysis of the phenomenon. It will be taught by Bro.Dale Delp. The Chain of Command Sis. Mendy Olson will teach on the Leadership concept. The Travels, Maps and Epistles of Paul … We will study the epistles of Apostle Paul. Bro. Dale Delp will be the instructor. Study of Ecclesiastes Bro. Dale Delp will teach the principles of Ecclesiastes (Wisdom Literature) and how to apply the profound biblical truths to your life. A History of Christian Doctrine This scholarly book identifies the significant people and events in church history. It describes how biblical doctrines were abandoned, how unbiblical doctrines were embraced, and how some still affirmed apostolic teachings. God’s calling Bro. Meloy Richmond will talk about God’s calling and what it means to heed to God. Listen to the Elders Bro. Meloy Richmond will discuss the importance of listening to the elders of the church. Raising up and Releasing Leaders Bro. Hanscom will define missions as “worldwide disciple making” and disciplers as “followers of Jesus Christ who cross cultural and language barriers to preach the gospel, plant churches, and equip future leaders. He believes resources are in the harvest and that we multiply our effectiveness by equipping equippers and discipling disciplers. Reading Requirements for Ministerial License and (after hours) Bro. Swanson will read and explain the reading requirements for ministerial license. We will also cover the UPCI manual and discuss the importance of working together. Bro. Swanson will also show how to register MinistryCentral\ online and give pointers. New Classes to be announced More Events: • Discussion Panel • Bro Murillo preaching