Christian Scholar Fall 2009


Christian Scholar Fall 2009
V o l u m e
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N u m b e r
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Eastern Nazarene’s new “Discover your purpose” branding campaign highlights the transformational nature of an ENC education.
Read Dr. Corlis McGee’s “President’s Message” on page 3 to learn more about this new campaign.
Micro-Enterprise Fund
Summer Bridge Program
Animal Caretakers Team
Maria makes and sells tamales as part of her
new business, just one of the Nicaraguan
businesses to receive funding through
ENC’s Micro-Enterprise Fund.
See story on page 5.
New students go hiking
in the Blue Hills
as part of ENC’s
Summer Bridge Program.
See story on page 8.
Assistant Professor of Biology Jonathan Twining
introduces a group of school-age children
to a turtle as part of ENC’s
Animal Caretakers Team.
See story on page 9.
The Christian Scholar
23 East Elm Avenue
Quincy, MA 02170
VOL 68 #3 • FALL 2009
Jennifer Logue
Susan Ramey
Caily Crispell (12)
Assistant Editor
President’s Message
page 3
News Briefs/
Faculty News
page 4
Micro Enterprise Fund
First Year Experience
page 5
Thank You
pags 6 and 7
Summer Bridge Program
Battalion Day
page 8
Animal Caretakers Team
page 9
Alumni News
page 10
Pillars of ExcellENCe:
Eldon Hall
page 11
Corlis McGee
Nancy Ross
Vice President
Academic Affairs
Vernon Wesley
Vice President
Student Development
Timothy T. Wooster
Vice President
Enrollment and
Institutional Research
Jan Weisen
Vice President
Kendall Whittington
Vice President
Institutional Advancement
Corey MacPherson
Chaplain of the College
William Boozang
Adult and
Graduate Studies
Meghan Jean-Noel
Alumni Relations
The Christian Scholar
USPS 109-140
is published quarterly
by Eastern Nazarene College
for Alumni Association members
and friends of the college.
Direct address corrections to
the Alumni Office at 617-745-3842,
email, or
online at
Send other correspondence to
The Christian Scholar
Eastern Nazarene College
23 East Elm Avenue
Quincy, MA 02170-2999 or
email to
Conference Services Coordinator
Laura Bragg (left) and Alumni
Relations Director Meghan JeanNoel (right) receive Move-In Day
assistance from ENC’s new mascot.
Above: Campus Visit
Coordinator Lauren Frost,
Director of Admissions
Andrew Wright and
Enrollment Office Manager
Vanessa Ayersman pitch in to
help make a very rainy MoveIn Day a success.
Homecoming Schedule
page 12
Second Class Postage
Boston, MA
Please recycle this newspaper.
Left: Enrollment Counselor
Stanley Porter helps Christina
Tucker (10) and Ja’na Jenkins
(11) with Move-In Day
registration procedures.
Neighborhood Appreciation Day
Eastern Nazarene showed
its gratitude to the local
community June 13, when the
college hosted the 2nd Annual
Neighborhood Appreciation
Day. More than 100 neighbors
stopped by campus to enjoy
cotton candy, popcorn, ice
cream, children’s activities…and
visits from Elmo and Tigger!
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Th e C h ri st i a n S ch o la r
Discovering your purpose
“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that
prevails.” – Proverbs 19:21
his year marks the 40th anniversary of one of
the most momentous scientific achievements
of all time. Forty years ago, on July 20, 1969,
American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin became the first humans to glimpse the heavens and
the earth from a new celestial perspective: the surface of
the moon. Armstrong’s famous first words – “That’s
one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for
mankind” – were followed by the implantation of
a marker to commemorate the achievement: “Here,
men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon
July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.”
Among the hundreds of scientists, researchers and
other personnel who worked tirelessly to make the moon
landing possible was ENC graduate Eldon Hall (48).
As you’ll read in this issue of The Christian Scholar’s Pillars of Excellence
feature on page 11, Eldon was instrumental in designing the computer system
that guided the lunar module to a safe landing on the surface of the moon. And
while he and other project staff no doubt experienced more than a few tense, if
not down right frightening, moments before Apollo 11’s landing, the mission
ultimately was a success, or as Eldon says, “It was truly God orchestrated.”
Eldon’s contribution to this historic achievement embodies the mission and spirit
behind Eastern Nazarene’s new slogan: Discover your purpose. First announced
to the ENC community in the Summer 2009 issue of The Christian Scholar, the
new slogan was the result of many months of thought, research and planning
by ENC staff, faculty, alumni and students. Working initially with a higher
education consulting firm, we conducted surveys to identify the distinguishing
characteristics of an ENC education. From this research, we identified four
core themes that resonated across the Eastern Nazarene community, including:
• Academic quality
• Proximity to Boston
• Caring, Christian community
• Development of global Christians
With these hallmarks of an ENC education in mind, we set about developing a
slogan that would capture Eastern Nazarene’s unique, mission-oriented environment, and an interdepartmental team led by Vice President for Enrollment and
Institutional Research Timothy Wooster came up with “Discover your purpose.”
It’s a good fit. For ultimately, what sets ENC apart from other institutions of
higher learning is our commitment to help each student discover his or her
purpose for creatively and responsibly serving God and serving others from a
spirit of Christian love. This issue of The Christian Scholar is filled, in fact, with
examples of individuals who have discovered their purpose at Eastern Nazarene.
From Eldon Hall’s role in the Apollo 11 mission to Mike Kent’s commitment to
helping fellow soldiers and veterans complete their education; from Professor
Jonathan Twining’s Animal Caretakers Team to Lora Wooster’s co-leadership
of ENC’s Micro-Enterprise Fund, Eastern Nazarene is truly a place where individuals can expand their vision and discover new ways of making a positive
impact on the world around us.
Look for the “Discover your purpose” slogan to become integrated into ENC’s
marketing efforts, as it begins to appear on our website, college viewbooks,
advertisements, billboards and more. And please share with us your personal
stories; we’d love to hear from you how Eastern Nazarene helped you discover
your purpose.
ENC’s new viewbook, image piece,
billboards and website all reflect
the new “Discover your purpose”
w w w . e n c . e d u
Fall 2009
ENC launches new website
Janese Free Receives Doctorate from Northeastern University
Janese Free received a PhD in sociology/criminology from Boston’s Northeastern University in August 2008. Her research focused on topics such as
criminological theory, juvenile delinquency, at-risk
youth, family violence and alternative schooling. Free
spent a year as a participant observer at an alternative
school for at-risk and/or juvenile justice involved
youth. Her dissertation was titled, “First Step or Last
Chance?: The Intersection of At-Risk Youth, Juvenile
Delinquency and Alternative Schooling.”
A vibrant new home page, an online campus tour and
profiles of ENC students are just a few of the new
features showcased on Eastern Nazarene’s new website (, which launched in mid-August.
Visitors to the revamped site will
notice ENC’s online presence reflects the college’s new “Discover
your purpose” slogan and marketing campaign, with images and
brief profiles that illustrate how
ENC students have discovered
their own unique purpose
while here on campus.
The changes to the site are
more than just cosmetic, noted Webmaster John Shea.
“We launched the new site
on top of a state-of-the-art content
management system (CMS) platform that will be
deployed in a number of phases,” he said. “The CMS
represents a cutting-edge toolbox through which ITS
will begin delivering the next generation of ENC’s
web presence.”
Director of Information Technology Charlie Burt
added, “In addition to
enabling key ENC staff to
maintain their own online
content, the CMS ensures
that our website remains
dynamic, and enables us
to make timely and accurate content updates with
much less effort
than before.”
Burt noted that the
CMS is a product
of Ektron, a New
company founded
by ENC alums William Rogers – the
company’s CEO –
and Edward Rogers
Look for more new web features – including blogs,
calendars, discussion forums, polls and social networking – to be added to in the future.
Free writing workshops offered for ENC
students, local residents
Aspiring writers have a chance to have their work
reviewed and critiqued at a series of free writing
workshops now being offered by Eastern Nazarene
Open to both students and members of the community,
the 90-minute workshops are held in Nease Library on
Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons. At each
session, writers may bring four to six copies of a work
in progress for reading, discussion and feedback, with
sessions facilitated by ENC English department faculty
and senior creative writing students.
“This is a great opportunity for writers to receive
constructive feedback in a welcoming and supportive creative environment,” said English Professor
Marianna Krejci-Papa. “It’s not necessary, however,
for participants to bring works for critique in order
to participate. Developing writers can learn much
simply by participating in the reading and discussion process.”
The first writing workshop was held Tuesday September 8, with sessions scheduled to continue throughout
the school year.
MacPherson Completes D. Min. Degree,
Awarded Full Scholarship to Duke University
Christian Leadership Program
Eastern Nazarene College chaplain Corey MacPherson recently completed his D. Min degree at Asbury
Theological Seminary. He wrote his dissertation
on the use of the Internet as a weekly resource for
sermons. In his dissertation, MacPherson discusses
both the positives and negatives of using the Internet
as a sermon resource.
ENC Student Sings at
Fenway Park
An Eastern Nazarene junior achieved a lifelong
dream this summer, when she had a chance to sing the
National Anthem before a Red Sox game at Boston’s
beloved Fenway Park.
On July 30, Allison “Allie” Brookhart walked out onto
the field and sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” before nearly 38,000
cheering Red
“Singing at a
Sox fans. “Singing at a Red
Red Sox game
Sox game was
my childhood
was my
dream, and the
childhood dream,
fact that I was
able to achieve it
and the fact
gave me incredible confidence,”
that I was able
said Brookhart,
to achieve it
who is majoring
in elementary
gave me
Equally moved
by the expeconfidence…”
rience was
B r o o k h a r t ’s
– Allison Brookhart
family, who attended the Fenway performance
with her. “When you walk out onto that field, the
sense of history really hits you – the appeal of the
movie Field of Dreams,” said Brookhart’s father,
Larry Brookhart. “We all wish we could sit down with
a departed relative or friend and share the experience
of a ballgame together. To think that my grandfathers
watched Babe Ruth play in that park, and to realize
that I was standing in that same place, made me appreciate the lives of family members who have passed
away. I could still share this joy with them.”
While in high school, Brookhart sang in the school’s
Main Chorus as well as the Select Choir. More recently, however, she has been singing the National
Anthem for the Harwich Mariners Cape Cod baseball
team, which helped to prepare her for the honor of
singing at Fenway Park.
Yet while music is one of her passions, Brookhart
doesn’t plan to pursue a music career instead of education. “Singing and music are a hobby to me,” she
said. “If I sang as a profession, I feel like the stress
would take the fun away from it.”
MacPherson also has been awarded a full scholarship to participate in the 2009-2010 Foundations
of Christian Leadership Program at Duke Divinity
School. Made possible by the Lilly Endowment, the
Foundations of Christian Leadership program selects
20 people who meet three times a year to help “new
and emerging leaders of church institutions explore
their gifts for leading in the church; develop their
capacity for effective, strategic and theologically
wise leadership; and examine what it means to be a
Christian leader in a Christian organization.” Participants also learn to connect their fundamental personal
character with the specific gifts and challenges that
are required for transformative leadership.
Krejci-Papa promoted to associate professor
English Professor Marianna Krejci-Papa was promoted to associate professor this year. In other
news, Krejci-Papa recently founded an independent
publishing company, Arrow Press, in conjunction
with the ENC English Club. The company’s first
manuscript is expected to be published in 2010.
Krejci-Papa also attended a screenwriting seminar
with Ernest Thompson, Academy Award-winning
screenwriter of On Golden Pond. “It was exciting to
workshop a scene I had written with him,” she said.
Carleton joins BioLogos as project manager
BioLogos is pleased to announce that former ENC
English Professor Amy Carleton has accepted a position as the BioLogos project manager. Amy will work
with BioLogos leaders Syman Stevens, Darrel Falk
and Karl Giberson, providing editorial and general
office support and coordinating the activities of the
Washington DC, San Diego and Boston offices.
Yerxa Speaks at University of Virginia
Professor Emeritus Don Yerxa gave a talk in June
on “Writing History for the Academy and Beyond”
at the Jack Miller Center Summer Institute at the
University of Virginia. A shortened version of his
talk can be viewed on the JMC Blog: http://www.
Yerxa also participated in a Trinity Forum symposium
that brought together a number of campus ministers,
scholars, and other interested people. Held July 1718 at the Osprey Point Retreat Center on Maryland’s
Eastern Shore, the symposium’s participants included
ENC Prof. Karl Giberson, Darrel Falk, John Wilson
of Books & Culture and Daniel Harrell, associate
minister of Park Street Church. Prof. Yerxa is a “core
team member” on the Trinity Forum’s “Science,
Faith, and Truth” curriculum project aimed at campus
ministry leaders.
Continues on page 10
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Th e C h ri st i a n S ch o la r
Micro-Enterprise Fund helps strengthen Nicaraguan families, economy
The Micro-Enterprise Fund steering committee includes
faculty, former students and Nazarene church officials. Front
row, from left: ENC Society and Conference Services Coordinator Laura Bragg (08) and Ashley Cornell (09). Middle row:
Rev. Lora Wooster, ENC Adult and Graduate Studies; economist Brenda Marenco; psychologist Maximina Flores Torrez;
District Treasurer Manuel Salvador Martinez; and Dr. Helmer
Juarez, MAC region director of compassionate ministries and
partnership liaison. Back row: Dr. Bill Driscoll, ENC Business
astern Nazarene business students will soon have
an opportunity to learn more about the culture and
economy of Nicaragua, thanks to ENC’s MicroEnterprise Fund (MEF).
Launched in March 2008 with a donation from an ENC
alum, the Micro-Enterprise Fund works with the Church of
the Nazarene in Nicaragua to provide small loans to help its
members start or expand a business in Central America’s
poorest nation. And already, the program has provided ENC
students with real-world opportunities to see how small,
targeted investments in developing countries can reap both
economic and spiritual dividends.
“The primary goal is to partner with the church in Nicaragua as it seeks to assist its members in becoming more
financially stable,” said MEF co-founder Lora Wooster, a
recruitment specialist in ENC’s Adult and Graduate Studies
division. “In so doing, the church not only provides muchneeded assistance to its brothers and sisters in Christ, but
also empowers individual churches by broadening their
Micro-Enterprise Fund grant recipients in Nicaragua operate a produce stand under a carport.
financial base and showing the community that the church
expresses its caring in tangible ways.”
Working with Dr. Helmer Juarez and Bob Prescott of the
Nazarene Church’s Central American and Latin American
areas, an ENC steering committee comprised of Professor
Bill Driscoll, Wooster, and then-students Ashley Cornell
and Laura Bragg worked with teams from the Nazarene
Church’s north and central Nicaragua districts to create the
infrastructure necessary to issue loans that typically range
from $300 to $500.
“The target population is men and women who would be
unable to obtain a bank loan,” Driscoll said. “All of the individual applicants are Nazarenes who desire to either start
a new small business or expand one already in existence.”
First Year Experience now a course requirement
astern Nazarene’s First Year Experience achieved
a new milestone recently, when the course became a requirement within the college’s General
Education core of classes. The decision to make
the FYE course a requirement follows a successful twoyear trial run, said Vice President for Student Development
Vern Wesley.
“As the Fall 2006 semester approached, the Student Development team discussed the fact that there wasn’t a course in
place for freshmen that focused on helping with the holistic
transition to college,” Wesley said. “After several discussions, writing and rewriting of a syllabus and searching for
instructors, we were able to launch the First Year Experience
(FYE) course the following year.”
In addition to providing freshmen with added support in
forming peer connections, the goal of the FYE course is to
help new students make a smooth transition into the ENC
community. “We wanted to show students the varying range
of services available to them at Eastern Nazarene,” said Associate Dean for Student Development Jamica Love, one of the
FYE course’s instructors. “We also wanted to give students
an opportunity to engage with administrators with whom
they might otherwise have limited interaction or never meet.”
In addition to Wesley and Love, FYE instructors have included Brickley Center Counselor Anke Thorne, Director of
Alumni Relations Meghan Jean-Noel, Director of Residential Life and Multicultural Affairs Robert Benjamin, Head
Women’s Basketball Coach and Adjunct Faculty Member
Karen Marshall, Public Services Librarian Erin McCoy and
Director of Admissions Andrew Wright.
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Topics covered include study skills, understanding racial
equality, establishing healthy boundaries and personal
finance. The curriculum also covers issues such as ethical
decision making, vision and personal goals achievement.
“To accommodate a diversity of learners, teachers engage
in several forms of teaching, using a variety of methods as
they move from subject to subject,” Wesley said. “Instructors might use creative writing, reaction papers, listening
to music or poetry, engaging in dialogue, storytelling, and
other interactive activities to reach each type of learner.”
After using the Strengths Quest text during its initial year,
the FYE course has advanced to the Strengths Finder text,
Wesley added. “The purpose of this text is to help first year
students identify and focus on their strengths rather than
focusing on their weaknesses,” he said, noting that there are
five to six sections of the FYE course available to incoming
freshmen. “Classes are intentionally kept interactive and
fun, with lighter homework loads so there are no unneeded
conflicts with other classes.”
From home-based businesses that make and sell cheese and
tortillas to small grocery stores, or “pulperias” that offer
grains, vegetables and fruit, loan-funded businesses help
provide employment to church members while stabilizing
the overall economy.
“Several churches have also applied for loans, creating
employment opportunities such as recycling businesses
for their members,” Wooster said. “Business owners also
receive education and training in such areas as basic accounting and business management through the local
district committees.”
To date, the Micro-Enterprise Fund has approved loans to 15
business owners, who are charged 10 percent simple interest
along with a 5 percent administrative fee. As loans are repaid
monthly, principal payments return to the revolving loan fund
while interest and fees go to the district committees to cover
expenses or for local compassionate ministry projects.
Nearly $25,000 has been raised through grants, donations
and fundraising efforts to continue the Micro-Enterprise
Fund, Wooster said, with additional student-led fundraising
efforts in the works. Several students completed internships
with MEF over the summer, conducting research on microfinance and working on publicity materials for the program.
Students, staff and faculty continue to meet regularly to
develop the program, while the Business department is currently developing a course that will enable ENC students
to travel to Nicaragua to witness up close the fruits of the
program’s investments.
“Students will not only learn firsthand about the MEF and
the businesses benefiting from it,” she said, “but also about
the Nicaraguan economy, the local business environment
and the culture and life of the church there.”
From an institutional perspective, Love said, the FYE
course supports Eastern Nazarene’s efforts to increase
student retention rates from the freshman to sophomore
years. “Studies have shown that colleges employing a First
Year Seminar program can cut in half the rate of student
attrition from freshman to sophomore year,” she said. “In
addition, all seven of the other U.S. colleges within the
Nazarene educational system had already embraced an
FYE program or equivalent, so making the FYE course a
requirement better aligns us with our sister Nazarene colThis Nicaraguan grocery store is supported in part by
leges and universities.”
an MEF fund loan.
The following individuals, churches, businesses, and organizations provided financial gifts to Eastern Nazarene College during
the recently completed fiscal year ending June 30th. This year, ENC has implemented partnership levels of giving, which are
listed below. The college is very grateful for the generous investments of all who are listed, which totaled $3,234,195.79.
If you have any questions about the listings please contact the Office of Development at 866-480-2291.
Red Line Partner ($1 - $499)
Herbert Aalpoel
David Abel
Raphael Abiem
Jim & Becky Abrams
Paula Achorn
Diane Adams
Art Alexander
Anne Alexander
Gerald Allman
Nicholas Anctil
David & Judith Andersen
Jonathan Anderson
Laurel Anderson
Lester & Lois Andre
Jonathan & Deanna Andree
Francis & Bertha Andrews
George Andrews
Katherine Angell
Marden Ankney
Louis & Mary Ansell
Christine Apple
Moonyean Armstrong
David & Ann Atkinson
Vanessa Ayersman
Paul & Sylvia Babcock
Jim & Janet Badgerow
Susan Bagdasarian
Clint & Cynthia Bagshaw
Karen Baho
Robert & Arlene Baho
David Bailey
Glaphre Bailey
Donald Baldwin
Michael & Margie Ballard
Ray & Lois Baltz
Edwin Banham
Jeff & Stacey Barker
Charmaine Barnett
Nancy Barron
Paul & Joanne Basham
Jonathan & Michelle Batchelder
Craig & Gayl Baum
Mark & Pam Beaulieu
Carol Beck
Vera Becker
Brittany Bedillion
Mervin & Mary-Ann Bedor
Joel & Janelle Beiler
Emil & Patricia Belanger
David Belisle, Jr.
Keith & Lois Bell
Christi An Bennett
Jennifer Bennett
Jay & Margaret Bergers
Robert Bernier
Henry Berry
Patricia Berry
Walter & Joyce Berthelsen
Jacquelyn Betts
Delbert & Patsy Bieber
Kurtis Biggs
Margaret Binette
Joseph & Phyllis Biscoe
Clarence & Doris Bish
Ed & Jean Bishop
David & Ada Blachly
Pauline Black
Paul Blaney
Harry & Marie Bleh
Charles & Sarah Bockner
Ralph & Mary Bodnarczuk
Dennis & Alice Boel
Jerry & Vicki Bohall
Bob & Lucy Bollinger
Paul Bowen
Paul S. Bowen
David & Reba Bowen
Libbie Bowers
Emily Bowie
Ann Bradley
Carroll & Doris Bradley
Tracy Bradley
Robert & Eunice Bragg
Laura Bragg
Shirley Brashears
Peter & Marlene Brenner
Craig & Michelle Brenner
Patricia Bresnahan
Betty Brice
Jim & Ranae Bricker
John & Becky Bricker
Donna Brickley
Stephen Brigham
William & Irene Briner
Marlene Brokaw
Larry & Susan Brooks
Tim Brown
Charlie Bruce
Mildred Bruce-Palmateer
Bradley Brunsell
Jim & Cathy Bryan
Keith & Carole Bryant
Lawrence & Eunice Bryant
John Bryner
Ellen Buchanan
Jerry & Katherine Buckley
Marvin & Fannie Buell
Joseph Burley
Lawrence & Edna Burns
Duane & Deborah Burris
Jane Buxton
Sylvia Byorkman
Val Cahill
Edward & Margaret Cairns
Charles & Gladys Caldwell
Randy & Barbara Calhoun
Mike & Martha Campanile
Betty Campbell
Janet Carlson
Roy & Doris Carnahan
Matthew Carpenter
Bill Carr
Mark & Fran Carr
Timothy Carr
William & Margaret Casey
Jamie Casler
Marie Castro
Salvatore & Michelle Castro
Quentin & Anna Caswell
Danette Cathcart
Sarah Cearns
Juanita Chamberlin
Timothy & Cheryl Chambers
Jean Chambers
Dorothy Chandler
Barbara Chaney-Scaia
John & Claudia Chani
Dottie Chapman
Philip Chatto
John & Jean Checkley
Beth Chen Buslow
Jim & Jo Anne Chew
Esther Christian
Candace Christopher
Dan & Patti Chung
Derek Churchill
Geoff & Kathie Churchill
Doug Clark
Reginald & Joanna Clark
Alyssa Clarke
Cecil Clarke
Maurice & Merilyn Clinger
Naomi Clingerman
Charles Coakley
Sandra Coco
Timothy Codispoti
Mervin & Esther Cohey
Tim & Marla Cole
Vernon & Dorothy Cole
Jesse Collins
Jocelyn Collins
Norman Collins
Harriet Colville
Gregory & Barbara Constantine
Jim & Donna Cook
Ora Cook
David Corbin & Karen Russell Corbin
Jordan Corbin
Florence Cornell
James & Suzanne Cosgrove
Denise Cote
Joseph Cotton
Melvin Couchenour
Ron & Arlene Cozart
Norma Craig
David Cramer
Marcia Crawford
Elaine Crawford
Susan Crist
Greg & Amy Crofford
James Crothers
Irma Crutcher
David & Genevieve Cubie
Bob & LaRue Cubie
Elaine Cunningham
Joseph Cunningham
Shawn & Sonya Curren
Dee Cvengros
Rick & Betty Dagley
Diana Daigle
Donald Darsch
Tom & Deb Davidson
Linda Day
Stretch & Jill Dean
Chris DeBaggis
Hank & Ellen Decker
Kathleen Delucca
Grace Detwiler
Jean Dickson
Stephen & Glenda Dillman
Paul & Leta Dinnean
Raymond & Dorothy Dinsmore
Sandra Ditunno
Amy Dolinger
Karyn Donahue
Bruce & Nancee Donovan
Robert Doody
Marilyn Dorr
Nancy Ducharme
Chuck & Judy Dukas
Shari Dunlap
Wayne & Lee Dunlop
Marion Durkee
Bill Dyment Jr
Sheryl Eagle
Dan & Deb Eddings
Robert & Wilma Edwards
Wesley Erbe
John & Sandra Estey
John & Caroline Evans
John Evans
Rodney Everhart
Tim & Ardith Eyring
LeBron & Anne Fairbanks
Michael & Laura Farrell
Lon Farris
William & Elaine Ferris
Ruth Filer
Jim Findlay
Douglas & Rachel Fisk
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Byron Fitzwater
Laurie Flagg
Francis & Marion Flavin
Bridget Flynn
John Foehl
Samantha Fontaine
Jeremy & Cara-Louise Fox
Roy Fralin
Edward & Pearl Frazier
Janese Free
Ruby Fretz
Melissa Fritz
Jamie & Jennifer Fuller
Scott & Glennis Fuller
Kenneth Fulmer
Wenton Fyne
Charles & Doris Gailey
Rob & Wanda Gailey
Edward Gaines
Dave & Chris Galbraith
Viola Galbreath
Philip & Grace Gale
Hilary Gallagher
Elsie Gardner
Kim Garrett
Pamela Garrett
Ruth Garris
Eric Gates
Frank & Marie Gery
Vincent Gianatasio
Karl & Myrna Giberson
George Ginter
Richard Glick
Jim Goff
Thomas & Janel Golden
George & Harriet Goldstein
John Gomes
Sarah Good
Jonathan & Ruth Goode
Carolyn Gordon
John & Rachel Goss
William & Joanne Gough
John Graceffa
Preston Graveline
Janie Graves
Marie Graves
Bill Gray
Curtis Greany
Barbara Griffin
Kempton & Maureen Griffiths
David & Donna Grosse
Robert & Laura Grosse
Alan & Helen Gruber
Rebekah Guevara
Junior Guimaraes Filho
Carol Gundersen
Kathleen Gunsalus
Jeanette Guscott
Jessica Hagelgans
Allen Halberg
Stanley Hall
Mary Hambly
Freeman & Virginia Hamrick
Carl & Mary Hanks
Karl & Ann Hanson
Matthew & Heather Hanson
Jim Harding
Leroy & Joan Harding
Anita Harrington
Austin & Sally Harris
Edward & Carol Harris
Elizabeth Harris
Jennifer Harris
Lonnie Hart
Carol Hartlove
Charles & Erma Haselton
Ethel Haslett
Ruth Hathaway-Smith
C.J. & Kimberly Hauge
Thomas Haverly
Joe & Judy Heath
Kenneth & Sylvia Heaton
Walter & Joyce Hedberg
Marion Hedges
Eben Hedman
Jen Heffernan
Robert Helfrich
William Helm
Barbara Hemmings Gray
Justina Henck
Robert & Marilyn Henck
Roy Henck
Harold & Betty Henderson
Charlotte Hennen
Clifford Hersey
Kent Hevenor
Clarence & Judy Hildreth
Andrew Hill
Kent & Janice Hill
Michael & Marla Hill
Mary Hillery
Louisa Hines
John Hodgkiss
Todd & JanElle Hoffman
Rose Hoffman
Joyce Hogan
Jean Holcomb
Mildred Holcomb-Allen
Earle Hollett
Ronald Hollett
John & Natalie Holstead
John & Marge Houghtaling
Chuck & Marti Howard
Mary Howard
Gerald & Peggy Huff
Carl & Cindy Huffman
Kenneth Huffman
Eric & Beth Hughes
Arthur & Betty Hughes
Sandra Hughes
Kurt Hulteen
Hsin-I Hung
Beverly Hybertson
Mark Imbierowic
Robert & Grace Ingland
Gilda Jackson
Herbert Jean-Baptiste
Ric & Meghan Jean-Noel
Ralph Jessamy
Larry Johansen
Albert & Helen Johnson
Phyllis Johnson-Smith
Cecil & Beverly Jones
Jim & Carol Jones
Vernon Jordan
Daniel & Kathleen Joyce
Drew Jozefik
Elva Jury
Nathaniel Kallon
Louise Karker
John & E Lillie Katrick
Don & Dee Kauffman
Jean Keeler
Mary Jane Keffer
Ronald & Joan Keller
Ruth Kelley
Mary Cotter Kelly
Elisabeth Kemmerer
Peggy Kemner
Robert & Sara Kern
Laurelyn Kersey
Francis & Doris Ketner
Robert & Beverly Keuther
Steven Kienzle
John & Joan Kierstead
Bryan Killen
Hazel Kim
Nickolas Kinas
Joy Kinz
Dave & Lila Kirkwood
Linda Kirsipuu-Bernier
Paul & Audrey Knight
Robert & Carol Knowlton
George Kondos
Gregory & Laura Kottis
Anthony Koury
Donald Kozy
John Krumm
Karel Kunz
Jeff Kustra
Philip & Rhodora LaFountain
Henry & Helen Lahmeyer
Naomi Lahue
Irving & Beverly Laird
Jerry & Verla Lambert
Richard & Norma Lambert
David LaMere & Eunice Ferreira LaMere
Patrick Lane
Muriel Lanpher
Barbara Lantery
Frank & Barbara Laprocina
Freda Lau
Irene Lawrence
John Lee
Robert Lee
Jaime Leite
Robert Lemieux
Sarah Leonard
John Lepter
Stephanie Leupp
Val Levarity
Marilyn Levin
Jay & Pat Lewis
Jeff Lilja
Rodney & Jane Linger
Edward Long
Patricia Long
Carol Lopinski
Helen Lortz
Ronald Lott
Stephen & Carla Lovett
Ray Low
Laban & Mary Lowe
Melissa Lowell
Enid Lubarsky
William Lusk
Dean Lydic
Shirley Lynch
George Mack
Norman MacLeod
Donald & Ruth MacNeil
Walter & Irene MacPherson
Eric & Linda Magnuson
Wanda Maher
William & Patsy Malas
Timothy Manion
Ronald & Joyce Manley
Katherine Mann
Gary & Amy Marshall
Brian & Laurie Massey
Arielle Mather
Barbara McAlvin
Dan & Lynnette McCabe
Gardner & Glenna McCabe
Jason & Mena McCabe
Dennis & Wyvonnejenne McCartney
Marilyn McClung
William & Janine McClure
Robert McCoy
Dianne McDonough
Ronald & Elizabeth McElman
Jason & Rebecca McGehean
Lonnie McGinnis
Dan & Dottie McGrew
Neale & Gladys McLain
Pamela McLeish
Dean & Joyce McPhee
Hans & Shirley Melder
Gladys Meneley
Vera Menslage
Katherine Merrill
Ronald Mickel
Leif Mieras
Bill & Jane Mikulec
Russell & Jaime Milburn
Crystal Miller
Clarence & Juanita Miller
Linda Miller
Tanya Miller
Ossie & Bonnie Mills
Carlton & Miriam Mills
Kathleen Mitchell
Kevin Modesto
Barry Mohney
Sam Mohnkern
Jill Montgomery
Martha Montrond
Kathryn Mooney
Floyd Moore
Myrtle Moore
Ruth Moore
Susan Moore
Gerald & Emily Moran
Jim & Jean Morehead
Lois Morford
Donna Morris
Nancy Morsch
Carolyn Morse
Bernard & Jeannine Mullen
Mark & Diann Murphy
Janelle Murphy
Philip & Kathleen Murphy
Kathleen Murray
Linda Murray-Fales
Frank & Jeanne Myett
Phil Nase
Paul & Lois Neal
Rodney Neighbors
Ben & Eva Neil
Eleanor Nelson
Stephen Nelson
Thomas Nichols
Bill & Valerie Nichols
Therese Nicklas
John & Janice Nielson
Robert & Lois Nielson
Paul & Jill Nihill
Sallie Noe
Ron & Sue Norman
Carol Norris
Alan Norton
Everett Nowland
Paul Nyce
Mary O’Brien
Michelle O’Brien
Maurice & Bridie O’Connor
Anthony & Marilyn Oddo
Mark & Glenna Oliver
Phil Oliver
James Onion
Sharon Osborne
Adebisi Otudeko
Paul Overholt
Charles & Lorna Owens
Richard Palanza
Bob & Pat Parent
Dana & Elise Parker
James Parker
Doris Parkes
Donna Parry
Kathryn Parry
Alex Kolar & Stacey Patmore
Lewis Payne
Allen Payne
Justin Pearl
Marylou Pearsall
Jean Pearson
Dana & Marcia Peck
Carlos Pereira
Julio Pereira
Anthony Perry & Lois Wakefield-Perry
Stephen & Geraldine Perry
Sandra Peterson
Elizabeth Petty
Donald Phelps
Ronald Phillips
David Pierce
Mark & Carole Piesco
Farren & Marianela Pillsbury
Susan Piro
Everette & Arlene Pleyer
Brenda Pockell
Claire Poles
Virginia Powell
Fran & Jan Pratt
Dick Pritchard
Irving & Kathleen Pritchett
Mark & Holly Prugh
Harry & Lynne Prugh
Doris Pullin
Andrew & Janice Putnam
Kristopher & Amy Putnam
Paul Ragland
Martha Ralston
Susan Ramey
Nathan & Deena Randall
Homer Randall
Lorne & Bennie Ranstrom
Hannah Rauchfuss
Bethel Ray
Andy & Ann Rearick
Bud & Sally Reedy
Richard & Debbie Reese
Christopher Reilly
Amanda Remmel
Peg Renner
Doris Restrick
Donald & Ruth Retter
Brent & Edie Richardson
Steve & Irene Rieder
Ron Rieder
Arthur Riihimaki
Elaine Ripperdan
Ellen Rittenburg Follett
Helen Rogan
Coleman & Nancy Rogers
Robert Rossi
Dwight & Annabeth Rotz
Bonnie Rubio
Edith Russell
Kevin & Susan Russell
Kim Russell
Cinda Russell-Reese
Nathaniel Sager
Garry & Pam Sager
Martin & Cindy Sainsbury
Merwyn Samuels
Michael & Josephine Santostefano
Darryl Sarno
Donald & Kelly Sautter
Nathan & Andrea Sawtelle
Marion Schenke
Shirley Schindel
Thelma Schmitt
Ross & Rachelle Schoessler
Mark & Nadine Schofield
Mike & Esther Schutz
Sue Sciascia
Mary Jane Scola
Anna Mary Scott
Betty Scott
Jeff & Joy Scott
John Scott
Steve & Judy Scott
Ryan & Katelynn Scott
Jeremy & Meghan Scott
Augustus & Sharon Sealy
Arthur Seamans
Arthur Semetis
Harold & Diane Seyfried
Jeanne Shamp
Andrea Shaw
Eleanor Shay
Mary Lou Shea
Jim & Joann Sheets
Elmer Shellenberger
Deborah Shene
Esther Shenk
Roger Shepardson
Robert Sherman
Tim Shetler
Adeline Shihdanian
Larry & Marlene Shobert
Nancy Siddle
Roger & Brenda Silvieus
Thomas Simmons
Richard & Kathy Simons
Scott & Debbie Simpson
Bart & Lynn Simpson
Aadit Sitaula
George Smisko
Sterling & Georgianna Smith
Jeffrey & Janice Smith
Jack Smith
Stephen & Kandace Smith
Larry & Laurie Smith
Matthew & Carrie Smith
Norm & Janet Smith
Philip & Karen Smith
Dick Smith
Ryan & Angela Smith
Del & Daena Smith
Al Socci
Janet Sodergren
Dennis & Doris Soliwoda
Douglas & Janice Sorensen
Rachel Sorensen
Terry & Darlene Sowden
Elwood & Kay Speakman
Ruth Spivey
Glenn Stahl
Jeremy Stanford
Roland & Phyllis Stanford
John Stanley
Larry & Claudia Starkey
Don & Vada Starr
Rick & Debbie Stephens
Charles & Harriet Sterrett
Barbara Stewart
Jonathan & Catherine Stewart
Marianne Stewart
Al Stiefel
Marcia Stoddard
Cheryl Stone
Fredric & Nancy Stone
Sharon Storm
William & Sylvia Stotler
Della Straight
Mary F Studley*
Genevieve Sturtevant
Frank & Sue Sullivan
Alfred & Arlene Swain
John Swanson
Jim Sweet
Hashem Sweis
Robert & Joan Taft
George Talbot
Karen Tavares
Althea Taylor
Charles & Carole Taylor
Charles Taylor
Doug Taylor
Bill & Jo Ann Taylor
Carole Teague
Otto & Beulah Theel
Rogena Thomas
Ronald & Jane Thomas
Charles & Mary Thompson
Philip & Dana Thompson
Doris Thompson
Brad & Anke Thorne
Timothy & Lavinia Tikasingh
Charles Tillman
Fletcher Tink & Joyce Tombran-Tink
Gregory & Janet Titus
Michael & Deborah Tracy
Harry Trask
Timothy & Janet Trask
David & Ruth Trauffer
Martin & Beverly Trice
Sarah Troxler
Barbara Tschantz
Jason & Erin Tubo
Elizabeth Tucke
Rebecca Turcott
Scott & Rosalyn Turcott
Arthur & Karen Turner
John & Shirley Turpel
Clair Umstead
John Ustach
Paul Vail
June Van Rooyen
Andrew VanAmburg
Karl & Connie Vandervort
Ed & Mindy Vasquez
Sam & Angela Vassel
Roy Victor
Richard & Joy Vincent
Anne Wagner
John & Cheryl Wallace
Gary Wallin
Gregory & Crystal Waltermire
Tom & Beth Waltermire
Clifford & Dorothy Walton
Lois Wanner
Rick & Sharon Ward
Ronald Ward
Ron Warfle
Dr. J.K. Warrick
Carolyn Waterman
Matt & Jenn Waterman
David Wayman
Bill & Doris Webb
Frances Webster
Timothy & Patricia Wege
Stan & Alice Wehr
Earl & Carol Weigelt
Morris & Eula Adine Weigelt
John & Sally Welch
Joe & Ann Wells
David & Carolyn Wells
F a l l
2 0 0 9
Th e C h ri st i a n S ch o la r
Ed & Mary Weslow
Kathleen West
Gordon & Alice Wetmore
William & Patricia Whalen
Gerry & Ellen Whetstone
Walter Whidden
Karen White
Sandra White
William White
Judy White-Thurber
Alice Whiting
Clyde & Marilyn Wilber
Cheryl Wilcox
Ruth Willcock
Ron & Joyce Willey
Warren & Cheryl Williams
Howard & Sherrill Williams
Roger & Janet Williams
Nicholas Williams
Ronald & Linda Williams
Edwin Willwerth
Stephen & Kristen Wilson
Ruthann Wilson
Samuel & Enith Wilson
Kevin & Lori Winey
Ronald Wirth
Carson Wolf
Mildred Wolf
Delbert Wolfcale
Timothy & Cathleen Woodbridge
Mathew & Tammy Woodley
James Woodruff
Daniel & Rebekah Woods
Robert Woodward
Ron & Francine Wright
Walter Yeomans
Lawrence Yerdon
Donald & Lois Yerxa
John Young
Thomas Young
Donna Zaccheo
Karen Zakarian
Dan Zimmerman
Jerry & Marla Zimmerman
Tim & Michelle Zinn
Evan Ziogas
John Zuch
Wollaston Partner ($500 - $999)
Stephen Anderson
Tom & Madelyn Barnard
Wesley Blachly
Ronald & Denise Bradley
Lambert & Lois Brandes
Gary & Kathy Braswell
Florence Bryner
Dan Callihan
Jeanie Clements
Doug & Joyce Cousins
Henry DeShaw
Sharon English
Richard & Loretta Fish
Stafford & Linda Frederick
Phil & Cheryl Fuller
Fred & Karen Fullerton
Robert Garland
Rebecca Gentzler
David & Sandra Godwin
Rebekah Haggard
Donald & Marie Harding
Rick & Anita Harmon
Dudley Hathaway
James & Patricia Heald
Karl & Karen Henck
June Ingersoll
Col. Clifford Keys
Eiu Pu & Tammy Kim
Janice Kranich
Jonathan & Karin Lanham
Fouad Lebbos
Russ & Debbie Long
Corey MacPherson
Keith & Esther Martin
Grace McCord
Daniel & Bonnie Murphy
Gregory Niblett
Neil & Anita Nicoll
Donald & Barbara Overby
James & Jossie Owens
Jim & Diana Paynter
Karl Peter
Bob & Marge Pulkkinen
Richard Rickey
Wylie & Marilyn Rudolph
John & Marian Russell
Terttu Savoie
Peter & Amy Scott
Dennis & Linda Scott
David & Lynn Shaw
James Snell
Erin Stone
Wavny Toussaint
Al & Esther Truesdale
Kenneth & Elizabeth Wantz
Gloria Watkins
Jeff & Laurie Wells
John & Marian Weslow
Paul & Nancy Willette
Dick & Ruth Wilson
Steve & Debbie Yerdon
Jim Young
Granite Partner ($1,000 - $1,499)
Stephen Andersen
Charles Brodhead
Jim & Diane Cameron
Jesse & Krista Casler
Vange Cesarotti
Steve & Laurie Chambers
Elizabeth Chavier
Dean & Suzanne Christensen
Quentin Clingerman
Gregory & Lana Clough
David & Nancy Detwiler
Wayne & Becky Dunman
Barbara Faulkner
David & Debra Fehr
Cheryl Ford
James & Mary Ellen Fox
Bill & Valerie Gaillard
David Glusker
Kenneth Grosse
Kyoung & Amy Hwang
Richard & Ruth Jarvis
w w w . e n c . e d u
Gary & Juanita Jones
Allen & Brenda Larson
Scott McInturff & Pamela Roberts
Wayne & Judith Oliff
Theodore & Pamela Ondrick
Donald Reed
Don & Marcy Reed
Douglas & Ruth Restrick
Olen & Ann Riggs
Jonathan & Jan Russell
Archimides Sanchez
Rick & Joan Sawler
Richard Schubert
Ross & Rainie Tubo
Andrew & Tamie Wagner
John Weir
Owen & Patty White
Ronald White
Bruce & Grace Whitney
Timothy & Elizabeth Wooster
Allan Yacubian
Roger Young
Lighthouse Partner ($1,500 - $2,499)
Jim & Brenda Agee
Webb & Patty Corbin
Larry & Joan Doskocil
Jack & Mary Farmer
Rosemary Higginson
Gary & Betty LaLone
Timothy & Janet Lanham
Virginia Lind
Alden & Nancy Neal
Bob & Bonnie Porter
Scott & Jennifer Simonson
Tony & Bambi Steelman
James Weslow
Kendall & Cathy Whittington
Art & Lois Woodward
Pilgrim Partner ($2,500 - $4,999)
Gene & Jackie Ball
George Bell
Mark & Tanya Brown
Elizabeth Caudle
Jeff & Sharon Cook
Kenneth Dodge
Stephen Fields
Eldon & Grace Hall
Kris & Sharon Larsen
Ken & Patti Mills
Keith & Esther Richardson
Nancy Ross
Newell & Anne Smith
Vernon & Ribka Wesley
Ronald Williams
Tyler & Ruth Wooster
Peter & Carol Yeh
Patriot Partner ($5,000 - $7,499)
John & Peg Bowen
Harold & Marie Brake
James & Tillie Casler
Robert & Phyllis Cornell
Autilio & Ginny DaCosta
David & Betty Ferruzza
Harold & Winnie Jones
Doug & Lori Kitchen
Tim Long
Blair & Vera* McKim
Mark Ray
Jan & Sheryl Weisen
George & Theresa Williams
Adams Partner ($7,500 - $9,999)
William Caldwell
President’s Partner
($10,000 - $24,999)
Jeffrey Ayres
Don & Phyllis Brickley
Don & Yvonne Christensen
Bill Driscoll
James Hammermeister
Peggy Ladue
John & Jan LaLone
Corlis McGee
Lifetime Achievement ($100,000+
in lifetime giving)
Ron & Ruth Ann Ayres
Jim & Ruth Cameron
Derrell Cornell
Carl & Jeanne Crouthamel
George & Blanche Gressett
Hank & Nina Lancaster
Richard & Carolyn MacNeal
Merritt & Judy Mann
Jerold & Marti McCloy
David & Linda McClung
Mary Runnells
Lee Russell
Dale Wolf
Joyce Young
Bridgeport Spanish Church
Danielson Church
Hartford First Church
Hartford Spanish Church
Iglesia del Nazareno Jehova Shammah
Manchester Church
Norwalk Spanish Church
Preston Church
Stamford Spanish Church
Wallingford Church
Wallingford Spanish Church
Willimantic Church
District of Columbia
Washington Mosaic Church
Bath First Church
Belfast Church
Berwick - New Hope Community
Bethel Church
Bowdoinham Church
Brunswick Church
Cape Elizabeth Church
China Regional Church
Cundy’s Harbor Church
Dixfield Church
Dover Foxcroft Church
East Millinocket Living Hope
Ellsworth Church
Fairfield Church
Farmington Falls Church
Gardiner Church
Great Island Church
Lewiston Church
Lisbon Falls Church
Maine District
Maine West Point Church
Mechanic Falls Church
Millinocket Church
North Waldoboro Church
Norway Church
Oakland Church
Portland Church
Richmond Church
Saco Church
Sebago Church
Skowhegan Church
South Portland Church
Stonington Church
Strong Church
Union Church
Wells The Lighthouse
Windham Church
Yarmouth Church
Baltimore Dundalk Church
Bel Air Church
Cambridge Church
Chestertown Church
Cumberland Bethel Church
Damascus Church
Denton Church
Easton Church
Ellicott City Crossroads Church
Ellicott City Primera Iglesia
Fawn Grove Church
First Latin American Church
Frederick First Church
Frederick New Beginning
Frostburg Church
Gaithersburg Church
Glen Burnie Church
Grace Pointe Community Church
Hagerstown Church
Hagerstown Hope Bridge Church
Hagerstown Latino Church
Hollywood Church
Indian Head Church
Laurel Fellowship
Leonardtown Church
Mid-Atlantic District NYI
Mid-Atlantic District Resource Center
Oakland Church
Rising Sun Church
Salisbury Cross Pointe
South Carroll Church
St Charles LifeStream Church
Washington Grace Church
Westminster Church
Auburn Cornerstone Community
Beverly Church
Brockton First Church
Brockton Maranatha Church
Brockton Nova Allianca Church
Cambridge Betesda Church
Cambridge First Church
Dalton Berkshire First Church
Danvers Church
Dennis Church
Dorchester Amis de la Sagesse
Dorchester Ebenezer Church
Dorchester Immanuel Church
Dorchester Second Church
Duxbury St. Paul’s Church
Falmouth Church
Fitchburg Church
Framingham Church
Haverhill Church
Hingham North Street Community Chapel
Ipswich Church
Lakeville Church
Lowell First Church
Lynn First Church
Malden First Church
Maynard New Hope Fellowship
New Bedford First Church
New Bedford International
New England District
Quincy Bethel Church
Quincy Chinese Church
Quincy Wollaston Church
Saugus-Cliftondale Church
South Weymouth Church
Uxbridge Church
Wareham Emmanuel Church
West Somerville Church
Worcester Church
Albion Church
General Board of the Church of the Nazarene
Kansas City First Church
Grace Point Church
New Hampshire
Community Christian Church
Keene Church
Lisbon Church
Londonderry Church
Loudon New Beginnings Church
Manchester Community Bible Fellowship
Nashua Community Chapel
North Haverhill Trinity Church
Wakefield Faith Fellowship
Windsor Hills Camp
Auburn Church
Augusta First Church
Bangor Church
New Jersey
Bridgeton Church
Brooklyn Bedford Zion
Burlington Church
Delmar Haitian Church
Dover The Cross Church
Laurel Church
Milford Church
Newark Church
Seaford Church
Smyrna Faith Church
Butler Church
Camden Spanish Church
Cape May Seashore Community Church
Elizabeth Spanish Church
God’s Flock Christian Fellowship
Haitian Community Church
High Mountain Church
Jersey City Church
Jersey City Emanuel Church
Jersey City Haitian Church
Maranatha Church
Millville Church
Monmouth Hope Community
New Hope Community Church
Newark Good Shepherd
Northfield Church
Paterson Spanish Church
Pennsville Church
South Brunswick Church
Toms River Church
Trenton Church in Pennington
Trenton Haitian Church
Vineland Church
Woodstown Church
New York
Amherst Sonrise Church
Auburn Church
Bay Shore Peniel
Binghamton Church
Bread of Life Church
Brentwood Church
Brentwood Restauracion Church
Bronx Betel Spanish Church
Bronx Bethany Church
Brooklyn Bethel Church
Brooklyn Beulah Church
Brooklyn Calvary Church
Brooklyn Community Worship Center
Brooklyn Liberty Port Church
Brooklyn Macedonia Church
Brooklyn St Paul’s Church
Canastota Church
Carthage First Church
Corning Church
Elmira Calvary Church
Elmira First Church
Endicott Community Church
Far Rockaway Community
Fishkill Church
Freeport Community
Freeport Spanish Church
Fulton Church
Horseheads Grace Church
Iglesia Cristiana del Nazareno Valle de Sitim
Iglesia Evangelica
Ithaca South Hill Church
Jamestown Church
Johnstown Church
LaFargeville Church
Lowville Bethel Church
Manhattan Lamb’s Church
Nazarene World Missionary Society
New Paltz Church
New York District Church
Niagara Falls 91st Street Church
North Shore Church
Olean Church
Owego Church
Patchogue Church
Plattsburgh Church
Poughkeepsie Vassar Road
Queens First South Asian Church
Queens Flushing First Church
Queens Flushing Korean
Queens New York Korean
Queens Springfield Gardens
Queens Sung Shin
Rochester Grace Church
Rochester Trinity Church
Rock Hill Church
Sanborn St Paul’s Church
Schenectady Church
Solid Rock Church
Spring Valley Haitian
Springwater Church
Syracuse Christ Community
Syracuse Community North Church
Syracuse Valley Worship Center
Upstate New York District
Upstate NY District NYI
Valley Stream Church
Valley Stream Korean
Vermontville Community Church
Warwick Valley Church
Watertown Church
Waverly Church
Westmoreland Living Hope
White Plains First Community
White Stone Chapel Church
Wilmington Church
Wolcott New Life Community Church
Yorktown Church
North Carolina
Burlington First Church
Albion Wesleyan Church
Allentown Church
Allison Church
Anita Church
Avon Grove Church
Bangor Church
Beaver Falls College Hill Church
Bethel Park South Hills
Bethlehem Promised Land Church
Birdsboro Church
Boswell New Life Church
Bradford First Church
Bristol Church
Bunola Church
Burnham Church
Butler First Church
California Calvary Church
Carlisle Church
Chambersburg Church
Chambersburg Latino Church
Clearfield Church
Collingdale Church
Collingdale Haitian Church
Confluence Church
Coraopolis Church
Corry Church
Curtisville Deer Lakes Community
Dover Mountain Grove Chapel
DuBois Emmanuel Church
Ebensburg Lakeside Community Church
Edinboro Hillcrest Church
Ephrata Church
Fairview Village Church
Franklin Church
Freedom Pine Run Church
Gettysburg Harvest Field Community
Grove City Church
Harrisburg Bethany Church
Hermitage Gentle Shepherd
Hershey Church
Homer City Church
Imperial Church
Indiana First Church
Irwin Norwin Church
Jefferson Church
Kenwood Penns Manor Church
Kittanning Church
Kossuth Faith Church
Kutztown Bethel Church
Lancaster Church
Lansdale Immanuel Church
Lavelle Church
Lewisburg Crossroads Church
Limerick Cornerstone Family Church
Macungie Church
McConnellstown Church
McMurray Chartiers Creek Community
Meadville First Church
Media Church
Middletown Rosedale Church
Mifflinburg Church
Milton Church
Monongahela Church
Muncy Twin Hills Church
Nanty Glo Church
New Brighton Church
New Cumberland Church
New Holland Church
Norristown Faith and Hope Church
Oil City Church
Orbisonia Church
Oxford Church
Paris Church
Petersburg Church
Philadelphia District
Philadelphia First Church
Philadelphia Maranatha Church
Pittsburgh District
Pittsburgh Lincoln Place Church
Pottstown Church
Punxsutawney Church
Reading Calvary Church
Ridgway Church
Royersford Church
Ryot Church
Selinsgrove Church
Sharpsville Church
Sheakleyville Church
Shippensburg Church
Sligo Church
Smithton Church
Somerset Church
Springboro Church
State College Bethel Church
Titusville Church
Turbotville Fairview Church
Union City Church
Uniontown Church
Warren First Church
Waynesburg Church
West Mifflin Terrace Church
West Sunbury United Church
Williamsport Church
Wyomissing Desert Road Fellowship
York Stillmeadow Church
Zelienople Church
Rhode Island
Pawtucket Embaixadores
Pawtucket Emmanuel Church
Providence First Church
Rumford Bethany Church
Wakefield Church
Kilgore Church
Abingdon Church
Alexandria First Church
Alexandria Iglesia del Nazareno
Annandale Calvary Church
Arlington First Church
Bristol Scenic Park Church
Charlottesville First Church
Charlottesville Northridge Church
Christiansburg First Church
Colonial Heights Church
Covington Church
Crewe Church
Danville Calvary Church
Dinwiddie Church
Estaline Valley Church
Floyd Church
Forest Family Fellowship
Fredericksburg The Bridge Worship Center
Gwynn’s Island Church
Hampton Church
Hanover Church
Harrisonburg Church
Highland Springs Church
Hope Community
Hopewell Church
Huntington Community Fellowship
Leesburg Church
Loudoun Valley Church
Lynchburg Church
Madison Heights Emmanuel Church
Manassas Church
Marion Church
Mount Crawford Dayspring
Newport News Church
Norfolk Calvary Church
Portsmouth Church
Richmond All Nations
Richmond Chester Outreach
Richmond Southside Church
Richmond Southside Iglesia del Nazareno
Richmond Trinity Church
Richmond Varina Church
Richmond West End Church
Richmond Woodville Church
Roanoke East Gate Church
Roanoke First Church
Roanoke Garden City Church
Roanoke Grandview Church
Roanoke Hollins Church
Salem Fields Community
Seven Mile Ford Church
Smithfield Great Springs Church
Spring Creek Church
Staunton Church
Stuarts Draft Good Shepherd
Tidewater Central Church
Timberville Church
Victoria Church
Virginia District
Waynesboro Community Fellowship
West Point Community Church
White Stone Church
Winchester Church
Woodbridge Church
Woodstock Church
Burlington-Williston Church
East Charleston Church
Johnson Lamoille Valley Church
Leicester Church
Newport Church
Rutland Church
St. Albans Church
West Virginia
Berkeley Springs Church
Hancock Grace Church
Bermuda Church
Other Denominational Donor
Good Shepherd Christian Fellowship of
Needham, MA
163 Wolfs Lane Automotive Service
A.G. Williams Painting Company, Inc.
Albany International Corp
Albert A Parlin School PTO
Alumni Association
American Express
Capital One Services, Inc
Champlain Chevrolet
Class of 2009
Council For Christian Colleges & Universities
DeFreitas Charitable Foundation
East Construction Corp.
Edusoft, LC
ENC Women’s Organization
Ernst & Young
Exelon Corporation
Franklin & Lennon Paint Co., Inc.
Gap Inc
Goodrich Corporation
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Foundation
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Liberty Mutual
Lincoln Financial Group
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lydall Inc
Marah International Inc
Norfolk Southern Corp
Paraco Gas Corporation
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Prudential Financial, Inc
Riverdale Funeral Home Inc.
Sooner Contracting Services
Sun Life Financial
Templeton Foundation
The Deiorio Law Firm LLP
The Hartford
Warren Lightning Rod
Waters Corporation
Xerox Corporation
Amelio Della Chiesa Trust
Estate of Allard W Kuschner
Estate of Evelyn H. Kernan
Estate of Linda S Markola
Estate of Lorraine Boch
Estate of Robert and Grace Mortensen
Lorraine F Boch Revocable Trust
Wolf Family Trust
*Deceased in fiscal year 2009.
Total: $3,234,195.79
Did You
Your gift – large or small – counts!
Foundations considering grant
proposals often ask what
percentage of alumni/ae give
to the ENC Fund.
Even the smallest gift
increases ENC’s percentage
and may assist the college in
obtaining a significant grant.
For information on giving to the
ENC Fund call 1-800-480-2291
or visit
to make a gift on-line.
Summer Bridge Program
Campus hosts Army battalion Family Day
prepares students for college life ENC’s sponsorship of battalion part of college’s efforts to serve soldiers, veterans
Students attending the Summer Bridge Program participated in many
extracurricular events that allowed them to explore Quincy and the
surrounding areas, like the nearby Blue Hills Reservation.
he transition from high school to college can be a challenging one,
particularly for students requiring additional coursework in order to
meet college admission requirements.
Eastern Nazarene helped make that transition easier this past summer, when
31 students participated in the Summer Bridge Program. Held from July 18
to August 15, the four-week session prepared incoming freshmen for their
undergraduate studies by offering intensive skill building courses in English,
writing, arithmetic and algebra.
Soldiers of the HHD, 164th Transportation Battalion bow their heads in prayer as ENC Chaplain
Timothy Eyring delivers the invocation for the soldiers’ annual family day celebration at ENC.
“The Summer Bridge Program was designed to offer academic programming
that prepared incoming freshmen for the many challenges that they may face
during their time at ENC,” said Summer Bridge Program Director Eric Clark.
“At the same time, the program also alleviated the need for ENC to schedule
multiple sections of fundamental courses each semester.”
A typical day for students participating in the program began with breakfast in
the Commons dining hall followed by Reading for College or Fundamentals
of Math courses. After lunch, students participated in Writing for College or
Math for College as well as small group instruction and tutoring sessions,
followed by dinner and study time.
Recreational activities, meanwhile, enabled students to get to know one
another in a relaxed environment. Bridge Program outings included trips to
a Brockton Rox baseball game, Boston’s Freedom Trail and Shakespeare on
the Common, as well as a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts.
“We sought to use this time,” Clark said, “to help students foster a sense of
community through a variety of spiritual and recreational offerings.
“Based on the success of this year’s program,” he added, “we hope to offer
the Summer Bridge Program next year.”
The Communication and Theatre Arts Department of
in collaboration with Our Place Theatre Project presents
Book and Lyrics by
Lynn Ahrens
Music by Stephen
Based on the novel My Love, My Love by Rosa Guy
Directed by Eunice Ferreira and Jacqui Parker
Musical Direction by Chauncey McGlathery
Choreography by Eboni Baptiste
Set and Lighting Design by Michael W. Ballard
Thursday • October
15 • 7:30pm
17 at 4:00pm and 7:30pm
Thursday • October 22 • 7:30pm
Friday • October 23 • 7:30pm
Saturday • October 24 • 7:30pm
Saturday • October
School matinees available
General Admission $12 • Students $10
Box Office 617-745-3715
Once on This Island is a
highly imaginative and theatrical Caribbean reworking
of the popular fairy tale
“The Little Mermaid,” with
a Calypso-infused score
that appeals to all ages. Set
on an island in the French
Antilles, the award-winning
show tells the story of Ti
Moune, a peasant island
girl who rescues and falls in
love with Daniel a wealthy
boy from the other side of
her island. When Daniel is
returned to his people,
Ti Moune embarks on a
quest that will test the
strength of her love against
the powerful forces of prejudices, hatred and death.
LTC Richard Rollins, commander of the
164th Transportation Battalion, presents
ENC President Corlis McGee with a plaque in
recognition of the college’s support.
Detachment Sergeant SFC Mike Kent, an ENC
alumnus and ENC’s liaison to the military,
helps servicemen and women trying to
complete their education.
ixty soldiers and their families enjoyed a day
of family fun on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College August 16, when the college
hosted the Family Day for the 164th Transportation
Battalion based out of Dorchester.
Sergeant First Class Mike Kent, an ENC graduate who now serves as the college’s liaison to the
military, helped arrange ENC’s sponsorship of the
164th Battalion, of which he is a member. Kent
has first-hand experience with the special circumHeld from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the college’s athletic stances faced by servicemen trying to complete
fields, the event featured a cookout and field games, their education.
as well as arts and crafts and a moon bounce for “I was one class shy of my ENC bachelor’s dechildren of battalion members. The Rev. Timothy gree when I was deployed to Iraq,” he said. “But
Eyring, coordinator of admissions for ENC’s Adult ENC helped me complete my degree while I was
Studies “LEAD” program, delivered the invocation overseas. Now, I want to help the college build a
for the event, while the battalion’s commander, Lt. relationship with the military so that other serviceCol. Richard Rollins, presented ENC President men and veterans can achieve their educational
Corlis McGee with a plaque in recognition of the goals like I did.”
college’s support for the battalion and its families.
Dr. Timothy Wooster, vice president for enroll“We were so pleased to be able to make our campus ment and institutional research, said ENC’s sponavailable to the 164th Battalion for its Family Day,” sorship agreement with the 164th Battalion is just
said McGee, who noted that ENC recently estab- one component of the college’s efforts to support
lished a formal sponsorship agreement with the servicemen and veterans, and to help them further
battalion. “ENC is committed to supporting both their educations. He said the college has embraced
our U.S. servicemen and their families, particularly the new Yellow Ribbon Program, whereby colduring their deployments.”
leges work with the federal government to cover
As part of the sponsorship agreement, ENC will any gap between a school’s tuition and a student’s
send care packages to the battalion – which is GI Bill benefits.
scheduled to deploy to Iraq in January – and will
provide free computer access to family members
who wish to send e-mails to their loved ones overseas. ENC’s Campus Kinderhaus early childhood
center will also adopt the battalion and sponsor a
letter-writing campaign to the soldiers once they
are deployed.
“Partnering with the federal government allows
Eastern Nazarene to provide students with the
maximum tuition benefi t possible,” Wooster
said. “And among credit-bearing institutions,
ENC is leading the state in its commitment to
helping soldiers and veterans through the Yellow
Ribbon Program.”
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Th e C h ri st i a n S ch o la r
Animal Caretakers Team teaches kids about caring for God’s creation
When it comes to loving and caring for God’s creation, most people have an easy time accepting
the need to care for dogs, cats and cuddly
pandas. But boa constrictors, bearded
dragon lizards and blue-tongued
More than 200 children received
a lesson in caring for all of God’s
creatures this summer, when ENC’s
Animal Caretakers Team gave live
animal presentations at Immanuel
Church of the Nazarene’s Vacation
Bible School, called “Crocodile
Dock.” Located in Lansdale, PA.,
the church played host to Assistant
Professor of Biology Jonathan
Twining, ENC junior Rebecca
Stonelake and a varied collection
of reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. Children and their parents were treated
to a variety of programs and displays that enabled them to see and
touch the animals while learning more about the need to care for God’s creation.
“Each evening, we brought different reptiles and amphibians to our staging area
next to the worship center entrance,” said Twining, whose menagerie includes
five snakes and several lizards, tree frogs, fire-bellied newts and tarantulas. “We
also did two, half-hour shows for the K-4 kids, a pre-teen show and brought
a boa constrictor to church to illustrate Pastor Mark Prugh’s message on the
gospel, which he compared to ‘the shedding of skin.’”
Prugh, an ENC alum (84) whose daughter is currently a junior at ENC, arranged the weeklong visit, which also included videotaping the activities for
use in producing a promotional video to be shared with schools, churches and
other groups. Vacation Bible School attendees also made the Animal Caretakers
Team their mission project, raising money to support the animals’ care and the
program’s outreach efforts.
Ben Nixon assists Prof. Jon Twining with the ENC Animal Caretakers
Team’s live animal demonstrations throughout the Vacation Bible School
program at the Immanuel Church of the Nazarene in Lansdale, PA.
Founded in January 2007 by ENC’s Biology department, the Animal Caretakers
Team was born out of ENC students’ desire to work with animals. “We had so
many students who said, ‘I want to work with animals,’ but didn’t have cars to
go to the nearby Trailside Museum run by the Mass. Audubon Society,” Twining
said. “This program gives students an outlet on campus to pursue that passion.”
In addition to using the animals during classes in Shrader Science Hall, students
check on the animals three times a day to ensure they have food, water and are
kept at the proper temperature. Twining and his students also enjoy taking the
animals out to visit community groups, churches and schools, where outreach
efforts are consistent with state curriculum frameworks.
“Crocodile Dock allowed us to share the importance of caring for God’s creation, and for being good caretakers of the animals in our care,” Twining said,
adding that the program helped some children and adults conquer their fear of
spiders and snakes.
“We want to do more outreach to churches and schools so that we can talk about
conservation, caring for the environment and caring for God’s creation,” Twining
said, noting that the Animal Caretakers Team is scheduled to do a presentation
at Homecoming on Oct. 17. “Through the animals, we teach our constituents
that God wants us to love and care for all of His creation.”
“God wants us to respect and care for other creatures, but not fear them,” he
said. “We had an adult who came in absolutely petrified of snakes. By the end
of the week, he was holding the biggest snake we had.”
For more information or to learn whether the Animal Caretakers Team can come to your group
for a live animal program, contact Twining at or 617-745-3552.
ENC sponsors SoulFest Christian music festival at Gunstock in Gilford, NH
By Caily Crispell (12)
he sounds and rhythms of a variety of Christian
music genres echoed through the grounds of the
Gunstock Mountain Resort this summer, as the
SoulFest Christian music festival once again presented
more than 100 Christian speakers and artists.
Held July 29 to August 1 in Gilford, New Hampshire, the
four-day music festival drew approximately 13,000 attendees
to witness performances by some of the biggest names in
Christian music, including such popular groups as the Newsboys, Third Day, Skillet, Haste the Day, Fireflight, Norma
Jean, Family Force 5, Sanctus Real and Casting Crowns.
Above: ENC cosponsored the
main stage at
Soulfest 2009.”
Right: Jennifer
Jacquet (11)
guests to the
ENC admissions
tent, a perfect
place to relax,
visit, and learn
about ENC.
w w w . e n c . e d u
creatively put together. They also had
canvases to paint on, with a new theme
each day.”
ENC also had a featured speaker on
the program, as Rev. Lora Wooster
addressed the topic “Journey Towards
Justice.” Wooster is a co-founder of
ENC’s Micro-Enterprise Fund, which
works with the Church of the Nazarene
in Nicaragua to provide small loans to
help local residents start or expand a
business in Central America’s poorest nation. [To learn more about the
Micro-Enterprise Fund, please see the
article on page 5.]
“Many different people come to SoulFest because there
are so many different genres of music to enjoy,” said ENC
student Jill Cola, who has been attending SoulFest since she
was in junior high. “SoulFest has become the highlight of
my summer. There’s always a wide range of things to see “Eastern Nazarene was proud to be
and listen to. This year, there was everything from praise a sponsor of SoulFest 2009,” said
and worship services to rock concerts, even dance concerts.” President Corlis McGee, who noted
that ENC has sponsored the event for
Beyond the musical performances, SoulFest offers a venue
eight of the past 10 years. “In addifor a variety of Christian organizations, and Eastern Nazation to presenting a wide variety of
rene was once more among those represented. In addition to
contemporary Christian music groups,
serving as a ministry partner and co-sponsor of the event’s
SoulFest offers tangible opportunities
main Revival Stage, the Office of Admissions presented an
for attendees to get involved in social
outstanding commercial space, introducing thousands of
justice issues, from helping the poor to
prospective students to ENC through conversation, candlelit
supporting local food banks. In doing
café tables, and a massive collaborative art project.
so, SoulFest resonates with ENC’s mis“ENC definitely had a strong presence at SoulFest this sion of producing the caring, committed
year,” Cola said. “The tent was very welcoming and very Christian leaders of tomorrow.”
Elizabeth Smith (68), the prison
ministry coordinator for Ye Visited
Me Ministries, will be serving in
the “Days of Freedom” program
this November. Smith and her
team will visit different prisons in
the area for a full day, ministering
through skits, live music and speakers, followed by a missions trip to
Tammy Kim (Wilber, 94) and husband Eiu Pu Kim welcomed their
first child, Emily Paige Kim, on
June 12, 2009.
Doug (95) and Kristen Milne (Keen,
95) now live in Rochester, NY.
Doug is completing his Master of
Divinity degree at Northeastern
Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan
College. In addition to his studies,
Doug works as a graduate assistant
at the Seminary and recently accepted the youth pastor position
at Grace Church of the Nazarene.
Kristen works for the Dansville
Central School District in Dansville,
NY as its adapted physical education teacher and athletic trainer.
John (76) and Debbie (Kitchen, 77)
Reilly shared great moments with
their two children in May 2009.
On May 4, their daughter Heather
Reilly (03) was ordained as an elder
in the church of the Nazarene in
the Philadelphia District. On May
16, son Christopher Reilly graduated from ENC with a B.S. in Physical
Barbara Weeks (Sodeman, 73)
and husband Glenn are residing
in Phoenix, AZ. They celebrated
their daughter Kimberly’s marriage
on May 16, 2009; pictures and
guestbook can be viewed online
bweeks. Glenn continues to work
in his real estate appraisal business,
and Barbara is teaching part time
in the community college system
when needed.
Eunice Ferreira Lamere (88) successfully defended her doctoral dissertation recently on Cape Verdean
theatre. The ENC professor will
have the honor of receiving her
doctorate in the near future.
Roisin Druta (Knapp, 03) graduated with an MSW in May 2008.
She was hired in August 2008 as
an applied behavior specialist with
Heritage Christian Services in Rochester, NY. She supports adults with
developmental disabilities.
Pat Ryan (06) was recently appointed general manager of three Boston
radio stations, including, WEZE (590
AM), WROL (950 AM) and WWDJ
Radio Luz (1150AM). A 14-year
broadcasting veteran, Ryan recently
served as the general sales manager.
Stephens Writes Book Introduction
History Professor Randall Stephens wrote the introduction for the University of South Carolina’s newly published edition of Sam Jones’ Own
Book. Along with Dwight Moody, Jones was one of America’s foremost
turn-of-the-century evangelists, and the collection features his sermons
and an autobiography. Part of the USC Press’s Southern Classics series,
the book was published in cooperation with the Institute for Southern
Studies and the South Carolina Society.
In other news, Stephens recently organized the Boston-Area American
Religious History Group with Boston University professor of history
Jon Roberts. The seminar brought together American religious historians from across the city to discuss research and writing. Participants
included faculty from Harvard, Brandeis, Tufts, Boston University,
Boston College, Bentley University and Emerson College. Stephens
has created a website for the seminar on the ENC server: http://enc.
Giberson speaks at Arizona conference
Karl Giberson gave a keynote plenary lecture July 20 at the 2009
Metanexus conference in Phoenix, AZ. His topic, “When Science Becomes Religion,” was a critique of the New Atheists.
Ruth M. Bell (Eddy, 43) passed away May 21, 2009.
After her time spent at ENC, she went on to a full life
as an author and poet. She married at age 65, and
began a new life in a different state with friends and
family, but always lived as a woman of God.
Catharine F. Burchfield (Simpson, 38) passed away
Aug. 8 at her home in Piqua, Ohio. After receiving
her bachelor’s degree at ENC, Burchfield received a
master’s degree from Boston University. She and her
husband, Oscar, served as missionaries for the Church
of the Nazarene in Peru from 1940 to 1956. She later
taught Spanish for 24 years, retiring in 1980.
Archie K. McCurdy (53) passed away Aug. 13 after a
long battle with lymphoma. A professor emeritus of
Electrical Engineering and well-known physicist and
research scientist, McCurdy was employed by Worcester Polytechnic Institute for 40 years before retiring
in 1995. After receiving a B.S. in Mathematics at ENC,
he went on to earn an MS in Electrical Engineering at
Worcester Polytech and a PhD in Physics from Brown
University. He is survived by his wife of 55 years,
Carmela; two daughters, a son, a brother and three
Mary Studley (54) passed away in a nursing home
May 18, 2009 in Rockland, ME at the age of 84. Her
funeral was conducted May 26, 2009 in Rockland,
where she was buried beside her mother.
2009 Reunion
1959 • Bill Webb • 740-397-0464
1964 • Steve Perry • 781-792-2824
1969 • Newell Smith
H: 610-458-7791 • W: 610-889-7591
1974 • Charlene DiSante
continued from page 4
In Memory
This summer Angie Carr (03) sang
at the Nashville Rescue Mission’s
Hope Center, the Stillmeadow
Church of the Nazarene in York,
PA, the Celebration Stage at the
Nazarene General Assembly in Orlando, FL and several other events.
Angie hopes to go to Kenya and
Rwanda for a tour of both countries in the near future.
Kate Znoj (08) recently performed
at her former high school’s orientation program in Coventry, RI.
Znoj is currently pursuing a degree
in Urban Ministry and community
development at Gordon Conwell
Theological Seminary.
1979 • Myrna Giberson
1984 • DeAnne (Haas) Lewis
W: 703-791-7436 • H: 703-968-6567
1984 • Gary Weslow
1989 • Karen Ralston-Allison
W:781-893-6000, ext. 213
1994 • Heidi Stotler Christmas
1999 • Jen Bretsch
1999 • Jesse Casler
H: 717-283-0550 • Cell: 717-413-9598
2004 • Janelle (White) Murphy
Cell: (617) 833-8805
Class of 1937
Class of 1941
Class of 1942
Class of 1943
Class of 1944
Class of 1945
Class of 1946
Class of 1947
Class of 1948
Class of 1949
Class of 1950
Class of 1951
Class of 1952
Class of 1953
Class of 1954
Class of 1955
Class of 1956
Class of 1957
Class of 1958
Class of 1959
Class of 1960
Class of 1961
Class of 1962
Class of 1963
Class of 1964
Class of 1965
Class of 1966
Class of 1967
Class of 1968
Class of 1969
Class of 1970
Class of 1971
Class of 1972
Class of 1973
Class of 1974
Class of 1975
Class of 1976
Class of 1977
Class of 1978
Class of 1979
Class of 1980
Class of 1981
Class of 1982
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
Class of 1985
Class of 1986
Class of 1987
Class of 1988
Class of 1989
Class of 1990
Class of 1991
Class of 1992
Class of 1993
Class of 1994
Class of 1995
Class of 1996
Class of 1997
Class of 1998
Class of 1999
Class of 2000
Class of 2001
Class of 2002
Class of 2003
Class of 2004
Class of 2005
Class of 2006
Class of 2007
Class of 2008
Class of 2009
TOTAL VALUE: $703,261.28
Unaudited figures as of July 31, 2009
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Th e C h ri st i a n S ch o la r
Meet Eldon C. Hall
Graduation Year:
Retired Scientist and Author
By Caily Crispell (12)
Forty years ago, the world watched transfixed as the Apollo 11 mission succeeded in meeting President John F.
Kennedy’s goal of putting an American on the moon before the end of the 1960s. Eastern Nazarene graduate
Eldon Hall (48) played a pivotal role in the Apollo mission, designing the mission’s computer guidance system.
Recently, he returned to ENC to discuss his role in the history-making mission.
Q: What exactly was the Apollo Guidance Computer, and how did it affect the Apollo mission?
A: The Apollo Guidance Computer was a navi-
Q: How did your time spent at ENC prepare you
for working alongside some of MIT’s most
brilliant workers?
A: Well, I wasn’t at ENC initially. I ended up joining
gational system of sorts. Its purpose was to
do the computations that would successfully
guide the shuttle out to the moon’s surface,
touch base, then navigate it back again through
earth’s atmosphere. Versions of it are not really
being used today, as it was a system that was
designed specifically for the mission. It was a
special-purpose computer. We began working on
it in 1961, so overall it took about seven years
to completely design.
the service about half way through my college
career. Then when the war was over, a friend of
mine who attended ENC suggested the college
to me. Dr. Shrader was known for his
his work
in Chemistry, and I was eager to take
courses with him. However, I soon
found that I was truly interested inn
Physics. Therefore, in order to graduuate on time, I majored in Mathematics.
This provided the skills I would need
to further my education. I then wentt oon
to Boston University to get my master’s
degree in Physics. This prepared m
mee ffo
working with other MIT workers.
Q: Can you recall what you were thinking and
feeling at the moment the astronauts landed
on the moon?
A: Well, when we heard that the computer was so-
called “failing,” we were really shaking in our
boots. What it was doing was restarting, the way
computers today do; however, unlike computers
today, it could take up to a week or so to come
back up to successful operation. When I heard
the word “restart,” I knew that meant something
serious was going on. There was too much information going into the computer at once, and it
was still trying to do the necessary computations.
Although the computer was telling the world it
was failing, what we discovered later was that
it was actually doing just what it was supposed
to. It was truly God orchestrated.
Q: You’ve written about the processs o
designing the navigational system
in your book, Journey to the Moon:
The History of the Apollo Guidance
Computer. Could you tell us a little
about writing it?
A: I felt it was necessary to write a history
of the process of designing the Apolloo
Guidance System in significant detail.
It was the first computer of any seriouss
application to use integrated circuits,
which, I suppose, I would take credit
for advocating. This is a big part off
what Journey to the Moon focuses
on. The book itself has been well
received, although not necessarily
extensively popular. It’s great for
anyone specifically interested in
Apollo’s history, which was its
intended purpose.
Q: ENC’s new slogan is “Discover
your purpose.” How would
you say ENC helped you in
discovering your purpose?
A: As I mentioned earlier, ENC’s
major in Mathematics helped me
jumpstart both my career and my
further education. What I didn’t
realize at the time – but I now see
looking back – is that other than
one’s educational training, life
events help to train and prepare us
for what our purpose is. Designing
Apollo’s guidance system was
clearly the task I was trained to do:
It fit me like a glove! It’s almost
as if the task was designed for me.
There really is no explanation otherr
than it was God’s will.
Pillars of ExcellENCe
w w w . e n c . e d u
Phil Oliver (09) photos
Equipment used in the Apollo Guidance
Computer during the historic moon landing.
Schedule of Events
Thursday, October 15, 2009
12:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Women’s Organization Boutique
Munro Parlor
8:00am - 5:00pm
Linda Whitling Lounge • Mann Student Center
Fall Musical • Once on This Island • Cove Auditorium
8:00am - 9:30am
Continental Breakfast
Linda Whitling Lounge • Mann Student Center
8:00am - 6:00pm
Women’s Organization Boutique
Munro Parlor
Tickets available through box office only • 617-745-3715
Friday, October 16, 2009
9:00am - 4:00pm
Linda Whitling Lounge • Mann Student Center
9:00am - 4:00pm
Women’s Organization Boutique
Munro Parlor
10:30 - 11:15am
11:30am - 12:30pm
11:30am - 2:00pm
8:30am - 11:30am
Homecoming Chapel • Janelle and Joel Beiler
Wollaston Church of the Nazarene
Luncheon for Alumni Award Recipients
President’s Dining Room • Mann Student Center
Campus Dining • Lunch is served for your convenience
The Commons • Mann Student Center
Celebration Dinner Light Hors d’oeuvres
Boston Marriott Quincy Hotel
Celebration Dinner for Alumni and Friends
Marriott Quincy Hotel
Java and Jazz! Immediately following the program
Homecoming Coronation 2009 • With past Kings and Queens
All alumni are invited to attend
Lahue Physical Education Center
Men’s Alumni Basketball Game
Lahue Physical Education Center
Women’s Volleyball Game • Alumnae vs. Varsity Team
Lahue Physical Education Center
Women’s and Men’s Soccer Alumni Game
Bradley Field
Class Reunion Activities • Times and locations TBA
1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004
See reunion coordinators on page 10.
10:30am - 1:30pm
SGA Street Fair • Food! Fun! More!
Lahue Parking Lot
10:30am - 1:30pm
Children’s Festival
Lawn between Mann and Spangenberg
11:30am - 1:00pm
located outside the Mann Student Center main entrance
Don’t miss the Dedication of ENC’s
Legacy Reunion for Classes of 1930-1958
Metcalfe Gathering Room, Wollaston Church
No additional cost • RESERVATIONS REQUIRED
The Gathering Place • Relax and Fellowship
Bagels with the Bradleys
Lahue Physical Education Center Foyer
Athletics Hall of Fame
Volleyball Luncheon for Alumnae and Varsity Team
Lahue Physical Education Center
Campus Dining • Lunch is served for your convenience
The Commons • Mann Student Center
Gold Club Luncheon/Induction
President’s Dining Room • Mann Student Center
and the presentation of
King’s All-Tournament Trophy
for permanent display during Friday chapel
and the Celebration Dinner.
ENC Store • Mann Student Center
Thursday • October 15 • 8:45am - 5:15pm
Friday • October 16 • 8:45am - 5:15pm
Saturday • October 17 • 9am - 5:00pm
Special sales on alumni gifts!
12:00pm - 4:00pm
Tailgating • BBQ! Fun! Inflatables!
Veterans Memorial Stadium • Hancock Street, Quincy
Women’s Varsity Soccer vs. Gordon College
Veterans Memorial Stadium • Hancock Street, Quincy
Women’s Alumnae Basketball Game
Lahue Physical Education Center
Men’s Varsity Soccer vs. Gordon College
Veterans Memorial Stadium • Hancock Street, Quincy
The Boston Quincy Marriott is the preferred hotel for
Eastern Nazarene College and the Office of Alumni Relations.
We are pleased to announce a special 2009 Homecoming rate of $119 per night
for Thursday – Saturday! There are a limited number of rooms available at this rate,
so reserve yours today. Be sure to mention the ENC Homecoming rate.
Reservations can also be made online through ENC’s Homecoming webpage.
In addition to the Homecoming rate we are happy to announce
a preferred yearly rate of $149 per night weekday and $119 per night weekend.
When making reservations please remember to mention the ENC rate.
Offer based on room availability.
Boston Marriott Quincy Hotel
1000 Marriott Drive • Quincy, MA 02169 • 617-472-1000
Fall Musical • Once on This Island • Cove Auditorium
Tickets available through box office only • 617-745-3715
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Campus Dining • Dinner is served for your convenience
The Commons • Mann Student Center
ENC Society Dinner
President’s Dining Room • Mann Student Center
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Fire Pit Fun! Come roast marshmallows, smores and more!
Lawn between Mann and Spangenberg
Fall Musical • Once on This Island • Cove Auditorium
Tickets available through box office only
General Seating • 617-745-3715
Tickets subject to availability
800-RING-ENC (800-746-4362)
Celebration Dinner reservations must
be received before Sept. 25, 2009
Eastern Nazarene College
23 East Elm Avenue • Quincy, MA 02170 • 800.88.ENC.88 • 617-745-3700 •
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