Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club Newsletter
Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club Newsletter
Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club Newsletter AMHA 2013 Club of the Year December 2014 Affiliated with the Wisconsin State Horse Council and The American Morgan Horse Association WMHC is raising funds to make a donation to the Ackermann family for Sue’s continuing care/rehab. Judy Tate, 2015 treasurer, will be responsible for the collection. We hope to continue to receive donations until Sarah’s fund raiser this winter. Lauraine Smith is already busy planning for next year’s Horse Fair. As always,this is a major undertaking on the part of this club and its members. Information on how to nominate your horse to participate is on pp. 12~13 HOLIDAY BRUNCH and JOLLY CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY DECEMBER 14TH 11 AM at the Fox and Hounds 1298 Friess Lake Rd, Hubertus, WI (262) 628-1111 foxandhoundsrestaurant.com Don’t know who Dundee was? Find out pp. 14~15 Find the revised membership form for 2015 on pages 16 & 17 - and use it! Once again you can list all your horses at no additional cost - which makes a permanent the record of Morgans in Wisconsin. Your horses will be proud to be included. Also, you can buy an ad or place a special family photo for posterity! Membership dues have not gone up in ages (probably since last century. ) What a deal. Please do renew and plan to return your membership by Jan 15th to be included in the directory . Oh good! The cost is $21 for adults and $18.50 for seniors. That includes beverage, tip & tax. Carol needs to collect the money at the onset. Please RSVP to Carol Pasbrig promptly windrift@wi.rr.com (262)-593-5612 In the spirit of the season, please bring an item/items for donation to a food pantry. Also good chance to make a contribution to the fund for Sue Ackermann’s ! continued care. Directions (sort of): Located about midway south of Slinger and north of Sussex. You can take Freiss Lake Rd south from Holy Hill Rd (167) and follow signs. Or, coming north (from Sussex area) on 164, go left/west on Huburtus Rd. Turn north on Friess Lake Rd. and follow signs. Strongly suggest you go on line for your own version of directions. This ‘n That 2014 Officers Ron Loos ~ President baroncrestfarm@aol.com 262-673-5061 Carol Pasbrig ~ Vice Pres. windrift@wi.rr.com (262)-593-5612 Katz Jackson ~ Secretary kjackson393@gmail.com (608)-655-3347 Chrissy Kirch ~ Treasurer chrissy.kirch79@hotmail.com (608)-606-5807 Directors: Amy Ziegler ~ Dist. 1 aszglr@yahoo.com (608)-332-2418 Beth Anne Heyrman ~ Dist. 2 wild1cat2@gmail.com (920)-488-2703 Jim Harris ~ Dist. 3 harrisfam5@hotmail.com (608)-987-3600 Mary Ellen Gray, Newsletter bluegable@wi.rr.com (262)-242-3043 Debbie Fairbanks, minglwd@tds.net Membership /Directory Heidi Harvey - Website heidiharvey@comcast.net: www.wisconsinmorganhorseclub. 2 We have one tote left from a previous fundraiser. It was decided by the Club last Sunday that they would be sold for $10.00 each and the proceeds will go to the continued therapy for Sue Ackermann. The tote is plastic lined to be water resistant. It is white with a royal blue trim. There is a logo of a running horse in a navy multicolored thread. THERE IS ONLY ONE LEFT!! You can reserve it and I will deliver it to the next meeting. It might make a great Christmas gift to a special friend or relative. Contact Judy Tate at 608-524-3938 or tomandjudyt8@charter.net Want to walk safely in the yard/barn yard this winter? Even down hill on glare ice? ICE trekkers diamond grip stretch on “grippies” come with a 5 star recommendation from me (editor)! Leave them on a spare set of boots for those days when you NEED them.** Thanks to the officers and others who shepherded the WMHC through 2014. Hurray for us! And welcome and good luck to the officers (mostly the same with some shuffling) for 2015. Left: secretary extraordinaire Katz Jackson, new treasurer, Judy Tate, and now well seasoned director Jim Harris (also our WHC rep.) Next, that national treasure, vice president Carol Pasbrig, Facebook guru and director Amy Ziegler and past president moving into a director slot, Ron Loos. Beth Anne Heyrman will debut at the president position. AMHA CONVENTION IN NEAR-BY MINNEAPOLIS IN FEBRUARY. CHECK IT OUT Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club (WMHC) Minutes Benvenuto’s Italian Grill, Fitchburg, WI November 16, 2014 @ 11:00 AM Members Present-Karen Grace Brunsell, Debbie Fairbanks, Karla Gay, Mary Ellen Gray, Jim Harris, Jeff Heise, Katz Jackson, Ronald Loos, Carol Pasbrig, Annie Randall, Lauraine Smith, Judy Tate, Amy Ziegler Call to order - President Ron Loos called the meeting to order at 12:40 PM following lunch. Introductions were made and new member, Karen Grace Brunsell, and returning member, Karla Gay, were welcomed into the club. Approval of Minutes - October 19, 2014 meeting minutes - Jeff Heise moved to approve. Jim seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report - Chrissy forwarded checking and CD amounts to Katz. The checking account - balance of $7428.25; the CD was the same as last month, $5107.52. Carol moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Debbie seconded. Motion passed. Directory & Membership Report-Chairperson Debbie requested that all use the revised form distributed on this date. Edits were made to the form included in the November newsletter. Dues must be paid by January 31 to be included in the 2015 Directory. Website - New web-master Heidi Harvey is planning to review the newly designed WMHC website and will demonstrate how to work with the site, including the Facebook feature, at the January 2015 meeting. Newsletter-Mary Ellen provided some information about the MN newsletter, which moved their quarterly publication on-line, with loss of advertising and a total of only six pages. WMHC’s directory costs approx. 70 cents to ship and $1.00 to print. Overall consensus of the group was to retain hard copies of our newsletter, and continue to include special articles. Marsha Valence’s articles on the history of famous Morgan horses were especially noted as adding value to the newsletter. Historian - Chrissy Kirch was not present-no report. Library-Carol Pasbrig encouraged all to see the list of books and video tapes in the November newsletter that are available for check out. An effort is being made to get some of the VHS tapes recorded onto the more user-friendly DVD format in the next several weeks. The tapes provide a valuable repository of knowledge and we look forward to having at least some of them copied into the more usable form. Wisconsin Horse Council (WHC)-Representative Jim Harris reported on the WHC, which he stated is comprised of a very diverse group of individuals interested in promoting the equine industry. Jim clarified that WHC membership has three levels, from individual to association-based. Jim represents WMHC as a Level III Director with voting rights. He also noted the availability of $1 Million Excess Liability Insurance for members and an opportunity to advertise in the newsletter. The council employs a legislative contact who reports at every meeting on upcoming issues and solicits ideas to bring to the Legislature. The WHC monthly Council Letter provides a good summary of upcoming activities and events. WHC provides opportunities for a variety of grants each year for initiatives that are mainly educational in nature. Grant applications are due by January 31 with funds becoming available July 1 of that year. Educational events, trail building, printed material, clinics and seminars are examples of activities funded. Ideas for our club might include the Morgan Field Day, possibly individual application for individuals majoring in an equine-related field, funding for personal acquisition of equine massage therapy program. Much more information is also available on the WHC website, including examples of previously granted scholarships. Wisconsin State Horse Council’s Equine Foundation (WHCEF) is a tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) component of the WHC whose purpose is raise funds to support equine needs. As such, individuals can make tax exempt contributions. All were encouraged all to check out the WHC website at www.wisconsinhorsecouncil.org for more information on all aspects of WHC and its initiatives. At this time the council is spending much time and effort on the upcoming Midwest Horse Fair (MHF), scheduled for April 17, 18, and 19, 2015, with the theme of “Galloping into the Future”. Morgan Demo at MHF-Chair Lauraine Smith shared comprehensive packets of information on the MHF Morgan demo. She emphasized the importance of honoring application deadlines. Last year she had a hard time getting all information in on time. All are requested to see her handout, including the information on the new stall dimensions. Hopefully there will be a good number of horses who want to participate. Individuals bringing horse(s) must be members of WMHC. Morgan stallions are also encouraged to join our group, and a young Justin Morgan will also be needed, similar to in 2014. Charity Horse Show-Chair Jeff Heise reported that Mandt Equestrian Center was sold to an in-house trainer. A previous contact stated ground fees may go up and health certificates may also be required. There are reportedly more boarders, which will result in a restricted number of available stalls. Jeff agreed to check back with Mandt again, especially given the tradition of going there since 2009 in early June. Some regular show attendees might be lost with new date and location. Other location possibilities might be the Alliant Center, or an Oshkosh facility. An answer will be needed by the end of the year. Folks should contact Jeff with any ideas regarding the show. continued on page 11 3 VIDEO: Downtown Baraboo Christmas Light Parade There are 4 videos on this site. Go to Video # 3. WMHC is in the first minute. Hooray for new WMHC member Patty who drove more than 2 hours from Marengo Illinois to pick up the poop! VIDEO: Downtown Baraboo Christmas Light Parade and Tree Lighting : Baraboo News Republic The 2014 parade participants, two and four footed, have done a great job, sometimes under trying circumstances - just ask that cutie, Alexander! The Holiday parade in Baraboo, with everyone dressed in tinsel and lights, was an especially impressive undertaking. I asked all the 2 footed paraders from this year to share a thought or two. Thanks guys. pictures thanks to Eleanor and, Lauraine. They will look better on our website. I thoroughly enjoyed participating in four parades this year. It's great fun and the camaraderie is wonderful. Witwen was the first parade of the year. Phaedra and I left home early because the last time we did the parade we were late. The drive went smoothly until we hit Sauk City and the bridge was out. Then I couldn't find the rest of the unit, so once again I was late. We rushed and got ready and the parade went fine. Afterwards some of us went to the tasty chicken dinner. It was a lovely day and the company was fun. The other parades went smoothly as well, and it was a great season. More club members need to take advantage of this fabulous way to get our Morgan horses seen in public. Beth Anne (Heyrman) My comment: parades are fun! My first year and looking forward to next year. The ladies are very well organized and Darcy is so much fun. Rosetta (RBD Dream Come True) was a champ in her 1st parade on the 4th at Witwen. I thought it would be too long of a day at Warrens for a youngster so I led a horse of Darcy's (Roxy). Happy trails, Carmen Dederich O.k. When asked by the WI Morgan Horse Club to participate in Baraboo's Holiday Light parade, I wanted to say "NO! How insane to ride horses festooned with blinking light on cold, slippery roads in the dark, through streets lined with children and adults who no longer know to stand back from prancing horses.....!" But I was begged (the Club had promised at least 10 mounted horses), so I relented and took Talon. Talon handled it all very well, and it turned out to be fun! Kids kept yelling "Can I pet your horse?", just as I would have at that age. I do wonder often about where the next generation of horse riders will come from.... so last night I did my bit to help keep the mystery and magnetism alive. Eleanor Chiquoine (lifted form facebook) 4 Here are some off-the-cuff comments from Annie Randall: True! It takes us 2 days (one for clipping, one for bathing & primping) to get 3 horses ready for parades and it costs a small fortune to haul horses. (Thank heavens the club gives us some gas money.) True! Our club is spread out and we have to rely on more than a little help from our non-club friends. True! My horse Alexander is terrified and I am even more "afeared" than he is! Mind you, Gryphie and Sophy take pretty much everything in stride but I don't get to ride either of them! True! Alexander's reputation has now been ruined (although people think I am some sort of bruising expert rider. Ha ha ha.) This is grossly unfair since he is sweet, honest, and never tries to get the upper hand with a human. Furthermore he is very brave on trails and will do anything I ask on the ground (including standing on a stump and waving his lip in the air if I ask him if he is a little elephant. I mean, how much is that worth?! Mr. Ed made tons just standing in his stall...no stump at all.) True! Way more than 100.000 people saw our beautiful Morgans (elegantly clad) in 6 different parades. Our season culminates with the Baraboo Lighted Christmas Parade and you had to see it to believe how wonderful our TEN Morgans looked bedecked in silvery lights. Patti's manure cart was pretty darn cute too! True! The parade unit, through the aggressive marketing of Darcy Overturf, now commands a pretty penny to participate and the resulting funds make other endeavors possible, from the Midwest Horse Fair to breed promotion and charities. True! No one will complain louder than me, the Empress of Whine, but I am so grateful to my friends (Morgan and otherwise) and will undoubtedly be back on my little firebrand at Witwen on the 4th of July. This is because Alexander and I will have had almost 8 months to regain our courage and, if he has gotten used to fireworks (he'll be 19 years old after all) Picture Baraboo News Republic. Alexander made it to the front page of the paper today plus the website. (It looks like I am yelling "whoa" or something!) Thanks to everyone for making it happen including new members Susan, Karla and . It was GREAT! I participated in several parades this year with our mare, "Feather Ridge Feather". She doesn't really mind the bands and is a good flag carrier, even though each parade has its own unique characteristics in terms of seemingly simple things like parking one's trailer, getting set up, parade route, and spectators. I don't think I've ever seen such an amalgamation of all age groups, from tiny infants in carriages to old folks in wheel chairs, waving at us and cheering us on as our unit passed by. My daughter, Jess, also joined us for the Baraboo Lights Parade with her AQHA three year old mare, "Whiskey", and they blended in beautifully with our Morgan group. Feather even got to ride with her full sister, Talon, at that parade. Very sweet! Parades take a lot of work to get ready for, but the payoff. literally, is wonderful, both for participants and for our club. Katz (Jackson) 5 Farm /People News Flower Valley Morgan Farm. It was a very busy summer and fall. Once the rains stopped we were fortunate to have a bumper crop of hay this year so our herd (15 Morgans) will be well fed this winter, which appears will be a long one. Our foals have been weaned and are doing well: 2014 filly Kells Xquisite Jewel (Kells Above R Xpectations x Do More Diamond Dream) tries to ignore the “boy” antics of Kells Destined To Xcel (Kells Above R Xpectations x Kells Magic Karess) and Kells Full Moon Rising (Whippoorwill Newmoon x Kells Maija Blessed Event). We plan to retain Moon, while Jewel and Desi are offered for sale, as we can produce those crosses again. We will be expecting three foals in 2015 - Bird Flirt GD, Kells Magic In The Heir, and Kells Onyx Pearl are all bred to Kells Above R Xpectations and confirmed in foal. Kells Ruby McBride Flynn was also bred but is out on lease. Kells Accent On Xcellence getting some exercise We traveled to Prairie Du Chien WI to watch the Villa Louis Carriage Classic in early September. There were about a dozen Morgans participating including a couple of our breeding. Enjoyed seeing all the various driving vehicles and horses ranging from minis to large draft cross breeds. Attached photo is of Kells Accent On Xcellence (Kells Above R Xpectations x Blue Knolls Delphia) – 7 year old gelding trained and ridden by Lindsey Kahn. We are very excited about what Lindsey has done with Onyx. He is one versatile boy and is also shared with a 13 year old rider. Love to see our Morgans grow up and used to their full potential. Photo credit - Derith Vogt of D & G Photography. I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving (there is lots to be thankful for) and have a very Merry Christmas. Our daughter and 4 year old granddaughter, McKenna, who live in North Carolina will be with us for Christmas, so very excited about that. I need to get a helmet and smaller sized saddle since McKenna has decided she enjoys the horses. Coming 34 year old Pittridge Shonda is her horse now. Cindy Kells www.kellsmorgans.com And a merry Christmas to you. Love the names you pick for your horses. ed. 6 Suzie Smith’s THW's Diva and her buddy, Stella, the mule. The have grown up together and remain good friends. Tamra had requests for this treat so she is sharing with us all. Bacon, brown sugar ...! Crockpot lil' smokies 1 pack of 12 oz bacon - cut into thirds 2 cups brown sugar 1 pack of Iil smokies Wrap smokies with bacon cuts use toothpick to hold Put one cup of sugar in bottom of crock pot . Then add smokies. Use the rest of the sugar to sprinkle on top. Cover and cook on high for 3-5 hours . Or till bacon is cooked. Stir occasionally to mix up sugar so every smokie gets covered. And enjoy!!! Ps: the crock pot liners are fabulous so you are not scrubbing your pot! Lazy Creek Farm. Well here is a small recap of our fun year.. we had 5 pleasure shows here at Lazycreek farm and there was a lot of new young faces very eager to show again and get the ribbons and trophies. Gary and I had our 30th wedding anniversary party here on September 13th. We had old friends new friends tons of relatives and great fun and great food. We made new memories and new friends . I came in on horse back and we were remarried Gary still had his crutches but we made it down the isle to the priest and she remarried us.. Most of our original wedding party was here and that made it very special. We did many horse shows, learned new things and we are now back in the swing of the Western Dressage clinics again.We try to do them in winter to keep the horses in shape. Gary got his biggest and best buck on opening day right on his own land and is as pleased as punch .I think he is still beaming!!! That is the big news for this year, I have all my shows and judges set for 2015 . I am also planning for the new year to do more shows with Baroncrest Emelita and make her my grand champion this year,, Thanks you to all for a great year and please be safe, healthy and happy MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and to all a good night Gary and Claudia Shipshock wow! Congratulations on your second marriages! ed. Cell: 608-576-2969 laurainejsmith45@gmail.com 7 SUMMARY OF 2014 HYLEE FARM PRODUCTION AND CONSIGNMENT AUCTION The 7th HyLee Farm Production and Consignment Auction had 15 consignors bring 26 head to be sold. All of the horses were of great quality and presented in high order. Of the 26 head there were 5 who did not meet their reserve. The total of the auction was $71,100.00. Of the 21 head that sold the average was $3386.00. The Top 5 selling horses averaged $8500.00. Both averages were down some from the 2013 auction. We had the repeat consignors of Wingait Farm, Oldfield Farm, Rustic View Farm, Tripolgy Morgan Farm, Dan Yoder, Bonnie Anderson, Arcola Farm and HyLee Farm. New consignors came from clients of Lynn and Kathleen Peebles, Melissa Lambrecht and Jonalyn Guinup, and S & D Morgans. We had a nice blend of young horses, broodmares, trail horses, hunt and English pleasure horses. Buyers were active on the phone, the DVAuction internet and live bidding in the house. This year we did not have any Canadian buyers as in 2013. The auction was staffed with the incredible group who make the auction possible. Bill and Terry Addis and their staff managed the auction; Terryl Smith provided the Preview’s wonderful snacks and the great tasting food for auction day. Doug Irvine read pedigrees and offered valuable notes for the horses going through the auction arena. DVAuction has provided a great venue for non-attending buyers to participate. Preparation for the auction is no small feat and could not be done without the staff of HyLee Farm, with Melanie Jelle being the Auction Coordinator, LaVern Stamplfi in charge of set up and footing, Tasha Smazinski presenting many of the horses with the help of my good friend Tim Coss, and the rest of the HyLee staff. Topping the auction was a 3-year old gelding from Tripolgy Morgan Farm, GGG Instyle by Mastroianni. He was bred by the late Gary Glover. Kathy Gefke, Tipperary Ridge, purchased him for her daughter, Samee for $12,000.00. Kathy Gefke had her eye on another young western prospect who had 60 days of training by Dan Lynch and presented by Rachel Perrin, HyLee’s Pin Oak Dude, by HyLee’s Rare Flaire, who brought $10,000.00. A wonderful young horse, though only 2-years old who showed incredible promise for the future. Third high selling was a very impressive and bold daughter of Minion Millennium, Flintwood’s Margaret, with Mark Yoder signing the ticket for $9000.00. Fourth high seller was a Bell Flaire daughter, Banbury Hill Belletrist, and fancy-bold hunter to HyLee Farm for $6300.00. Fifth high seller was Bucksnort’s Yellow Eagle, a palomino trail horse from Dan Yoder who sold to Sharon McGann for $5200.00. We appreciate all who come to sell and to purchase at the auction and everyone who is involved in helping put this auction on. With the downsizing of HyLee Farm’s Production portion of the auction future auctions will depend on committed consignments from outside consignors to continue. HyLee has, in the past consigned a measurable number to the auction. If you are interested in consigning in 2015 please let me know as we would need a minimum of 36 head and can only stall 40 head. Report from Jackie Sweeney LOT# HORSE’S NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DEBE GRAND BAM BAM RUSTIC V’S TRUE COLORS A VERY SPECIAL FAVOR GOSSIP GIRL RUSH RIVER CANTATA WGF MEXICALI ROSE HYLEE OPITMYZTIC HYLEE’S BUSHMILL ARCOLA’S WATCH THIS WSG SUPRA SCINTILLA GGG INSTYLE SMALAND PINA COLADA ADC MAN ALIVE DOMINIC YOU OLDFIELD WILD IRIS HYLEE’S PIN OAK DUDE BANBURY HILL BELLETRISTE HYLEE’S REFLECTION WRR CASSENOVA AERIE MEADOW HIGH ROLLER T-TOWN TELL ME TRUE FLINTWOOD MARGARET ARMADA HOOK LINE&SINKER RUSTIC V’S KOONTA KINTAY HYLEE’S AT LAST 8 PRICE BUYER RNA RNA $1,500.00 $1,650.00 $ 900.00 $5,200.00 $2,200.00 $3,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,200.00 $12,000.00 $2,250.00 $3,100.00 $ 850.00 RNA $10,000.00 $6,300.00 $1,400.00 $1,900.00 $2,500.00 $1,550.00 $9,000.00 RNA $1,600.00 RNA HARRY WEAVER JOE ZEHR KEVIN ENGEL SHARON MCGANN HARLEY H YODER ASHLEIGH WOOD MICHAEL G LANGER ABNER ALGYER KATHY GEFKE TIM COSS HARRY WEAVER DONNA COLE KATHY GEFKE HYLEE FARM SUSAN ELLIS KACIA MARSTERS JOHN KNIPPER KARIN MILLER MARK YODER MICHAEL G LANGER Jackie overseeing the proceedings at HyLee above: Flintwood's Margaret; GGG Instyle &Samee; 2 yr old HyLee's Pin Oak Dude. AMHA No. 00131021 Homozygous Black 15.3 HH Performance Beauty Temperament Pictures are by Sevie Kenyon Bucksnort’s Yellow Eagle New member: Karen Grace Brunsell 35 Moonshine Dr. Evansville, WI 53536 262-510-7859 k3brunsell3@ymail.com BETHESDA HORUS !ational Champion Morgan Stallion (Wyoming Flyhawk x Coal Creek Ebonybess) Welcome back! AMHA - Lower Registration Fees for OlderFarm LLC Feather-Ridge Morgans Begins January 1 Morgan Horses w Pheasant Hunting After extensive cost analysis, the subcommittee put forward a revised fee schedule that was approved the Registry Gary & Katzby Jackson Gary & Katz Jackson Committee and AMHA Board of Directors in 970 Sherman Dr. early September. standing: Advances in technology and streamlining of AMHA's work Dr. 970 Sherman Marshall, WIsome 53559 BETHESDA HORUS processes have enabled AMHA to trim prices! These Marshall, WI 53559 phone: 608-655-3347 changes will go into effect on January 1, 2015. Karla Ellen Gay 31 West Church Street Evansville, WI 53536 608-882-5576 AMHA No. 00131021 Homozygous Black 15.3 HH Performance Beauty Temperament featherridgefarmllc@gmail.com National Champion Morgan Stallion Phone: 608-655-3347 2015 Farm Directory in The Morgan Horse (Wyoming Flyhawk x Coal Creek Ebonybess) Website: www.feather-ridge.comHowdy Partner! New for 2015 is The Morgan Horse magazine's featherridgefarmllc@gmail.com reorganized Farm Directory! Farms will be alphabetized Website:www.feather-ridge.com under AMHA Region and will run in each issue. The cost is $100 per farm for the year (January-December BETHESDA HORUS !ational Champion Morgan Stallion (Wyoming Flyhawk x Coal Creek Ebonybess) http://www.morganhorse.com Feather-Ridge Farm LLC Morgan Horses w Pheasant Hunting Gary & Katz Jackson Gary & Katz Jackson 970 Sherman Dr. standing: standing 970 Sherman Dr. Marshall, WI 53559 BETHESDA BETHESDA HORUSHORUS Marshall, WI 53559 phone: 608-655-3347 featherridgefarmllc@gmail.com National Champion Morgan Stallion Phone: 608-655-3347 (Wyoming Flyhawk x Coal Creek Ebonybess) Website: www.feather-ridge.com featherridgefarmllc@gmail.com Website:www.feather-ridge.com homozygous black 9 Camping at Wildcat Mountain - A Great Way to End the Fall Season Katz Jackson When weather reports predicted super fine weather for the last weekend in October, I was prompted, urged, practically forced to get some reservations in for some camping at our long-time favorite campground in WI, Wildcat Mountain. Since it would be a Friday – Monday proposed time frame, I decided to take only one of our Morgans, Feather Ridge Butte, this time, along with Myrtle, my favorite-and onlymule. My sister, Joan, and daughter Jess and her boyfriend, Tim, would also go, along with half a kennel of family dogs, and their Quarter Horses, that ranged in age from two to twenty-five years of age. Butte and Myrtle and Katz, of course Joan and I arrived after dark on Friday evening and managed to find our assigned campsite by flashlight, and quickly got our campsite arranged. Once the horses and mule were settled on their high line with hay bags and water pails, they were as content as could be, and we could all get together for some nice campfire vittles and eventually some sleep. While coyotes barked and cried, owls hooted, falling stars entertained us, and next-door identical boys helped get our fire started, we too settled in for some stories and nice relaxed time together. As for riding conditions, the leaves were just past their peak and trails were slippery in some spots, but horses were sure-footed, camaraderie along the trail was very positive, and groups waited for one another to pass narrow spots safely in order to avoid calamity. We had a super fine time and even decided to load up on Sunday to partake in the famous Rockton chicken roast and trails right outside the restaurant’s back door. Horses and mule got to practice going over the covered bridge that sounded really cool as one crossed it. All in all, horses got along fine, as did all of us, and it was only with regret that we pulled the plug-yup, we had electricity for the first time there ever-late Monday afternoon and headed back home. A fine choice of activity for those precious late fall days and so glad I got off the fence and made those reservations! as always I am sooooo jealous ed. Rosewater Farm Quality Morgan & Gypsy Horses Julie & Jeff Heise W4949 Thrush Rd. Watertown, WI 53098 920-925-3143 www.rosewaterfarm.com www.rosewatergypsies.com rosewaterfarm01@yahoo.com 10 Minutes con’t. A discussion was held regarding the charity selection for 2015. Carol shared info on LifeStriders’ Therapeutic Riding Program, www.lifestriders.org, located in Waukesha, where she participates as a rider. They offer a wide variety of offerings, including 92 people who come for riding. She recommended a review of their website. Annie suggested the V.E.T.S. Program, which was a recipient in 2014. Members voted to donate to two entities, both LifeStriders and V.E.T.S. Program. Distribution amounts can be determined later, depending on how much money the show makes. The use of the terminology “Proceeds will benefit…” in the flyer was recommended. Parades-Chair Darcy Overturf was absent. The final parade of the year is the Baraboo Lights Parade next Saturday, November 22, at 6:00 PM. Crowds have so much enjoyed the Morgan group and its professional look over the years. The event will be televised and available on the local “Downtown Baraboo Station”. To date, two individuals have volunteered to carry the banner along with two others to hand out flyers. More volunteers are always welcome. Trail Rides-Amy Ziegler reported on trail rides thus far and hopes to get another one organized in December. The events have been very successful. Unfinished BusinessChristmas/Holiday Party-The annual party is scheduled for Sunday, December 14, at Fox and Hounds, Hubertus. Jeff made a motion to bring food donations instead of having the gift exchange. Judy seconded. Motion passed. Carol agreed to collect and deliver the items to a food pantry. She will also collect money for the meal before we eat, which is $21.00 for adults; $18.50 for seniors. Mary Ellen will send out a reminder. Carol requested RSVP prior to Dec. 14th. Fermentation Days-Annie Randall provided more information on the Fermentation Days, which feature rural life and the arts, including food. Participants are on display at specific times for “pasture performances”, somewhat like a Field Day. Send any ideas to Annie regarding possible participation in this event next year. Meeting Ideas-Carol needs fresh ideas on activities to offer at meetings, e.g. tandem driving demo in Ma y -Lauraine agreed to talk with Wes Licht. Ideas are needed for February and ! from December issue of Wheel to Wheel -Hub Club March, with one idea being Sandmire’s with Chrissy. Carol is also exploring scheduling meetings on different days of the week, e.g. Friday night fish fry? !"#$%&'(#)*#+%,(!!!!!!-./#01#2345! "#$!%&'()*!+##,!-.*)!"&$/!!!!!!!!!!!! New Business-A fund raising event is being planned by Sarah Ackermann in early February for Sue Ackermann severe head injury. Additional voluntary donations will be collected at both the Christmas party and the January meeting. Incoming treasurer, Judy Tate, will take responsibility for the collection. Judy also brought several club promotional items to the meeting and She moved that proceeds would go toward the Ackermann fund. Katz seconded. Motion passed. Elections-The proposed slate of officers, as printed in the November newsletter, is: President, Beth Anne Heyrman, Vice PresidentCarol Pasbrig; Secretary-Katz Jackson, Treasurer-Judy Tate. Proposed directors include Amy Ziegler (Northern WI), Ron Loos (Southeastern WI), and Jim Harris (Southwestern WI). Mary Ellen proposed closing nominations and going with proposed slate. The secretary cast a unanimous ballot and proposed officers were approved. Carol made a motion to adjourn. Jeff seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:53 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Katz Jackson, Secretary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a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Only Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club members are eligible to apply and we are always looking for new members. Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, Inc. (WMHC, Inc.) Waiver and Liability Release Form NOTICE: A PERSON WHO IS ENGAGED IN COMPENSATION IN THE RENTAL OF EQUINES OR EQUINE EQUIPMENT OR TACK OR IN THE INSTRUCTION OF A PERSON IN THE RIDING OR DRIVING OF AN EQUINE OR IN BEING A PASSENGER UPON AN EQUINE IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE IN JURY OR DEATH OF A PERSON INVOLVED IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 895.481(1)(e)OF THE WISCONSIN STATUES. The undersigned acknowledges that there are inherent risks associated with equine activities and hereby assumes all risks associated with participating in equine activities and agrees to waive any and all claims for personal injury, injury to participant’s or other equine(s), property damage or any other damage which may arise against the Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, Inc. (WMHC, Inc.), its officers, directors, members, successors, assigns, affiliates, employees and agents. _______________________________________________________________ _ Printed Name of Participant Morgan stallions stabled on Stallion Avenue are encouraged to apply to join our group of demonstrators. Date______________________ Last year, the MHF’s Breeds Coordinator offered individual demonstration times in varying locations during the MHF. We were privileged to have Joann AceSchraufnagel and W Nuggets Rebels Are We (“Rebel”AMHA Reining Champion) demonstrate their skills to an enthusiastic crowd just outside the Arena. We have the same coordinator this year and she has indicated that she will be seeking demonstrators; so, if you might wish to provide a private demonstration, please indicate below and list the subject of your proposed demonstration: Signature of Participant Also, in our barn’s hospitality area, we are seeking individual demonstrations in an area approximately 10X10 feet. In past years, members have shown: grooming, tacking, harnessing and any other interesting horse activities with limited movement, but appeal to Horse Fair participants. Please indicate below if you would be interested in doing a demonstration of this type in our barn area and what topic you will cover: Current plans are to have 8 Morgans stabled in our barn area, 1 stall for tack, 1 for feed/bedding, 1 for food/rest area for humans, and 3-stall size hospitality area with tables, promotional materials, demonstrations, seating, etc. Participants should carefully study the copies of the new stalls in order to determine if/how you will choose to cover open areas between the bars on these new stalls. The club will provide your first bale of shavings as in past years. We have our table covers with the galloping horses which fits right in with this year’s theme: GALLOPING INTO THE FUTURE. 12 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian of A Minor Participant (under age 18) Date PLEASE COMPLETE THE APPLICATION BY ATTACHING THE FOLLOWING: 1. Photocopy of AMHA Registration 2. An 8X 10 colored photo of your horse( & you) 3..A paragraph to be used for publicity in our April NEWSLETTER and to create other promotional items for the barn. 4. Signed & dated copy of “Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, Inc. (WMHC, Inc.) Waiver and Liability Release Form for each person presenting and/or assisting in handling & caring for the Morgan. 5. Please suggest a song and/or type of music which you feel best fits the demonstration you plan to do during our 10 minute Club Demonstration. suggested:___________________________________________ _____________________ Questions: call Lauraine @ 608-576-2969 or email HYPERLINK "mailto:laurainejsmith45@gmail.com" laurainejsmith45@gmail.com 2015 Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club – Midwest Horse Fair Participant Application _______________________________________________ _______________________________ AMHA Registered horse Name Barn Name Color Age _______________________________________________ __________________________________ Owner Name Exhibitor’s Name _______________________________________________ __________________________________ Exhibitor’s Street Address Exhibitor E-Mail _______________________________________________ __________________________________ Exhibitor City, State, Zip Code If a stallion, is he stabled on Stallion Avenue? Please indicate the performance skills you would like to demonstrate. Please number them according to your preference with “1” being your first choice: ____English Pleasure ____Pleasure Driving ____Combined/Carriage Driving ____Roadster ____Western Pleasure/Dressage ____Reining ____Side Saddle ____Parade ____Dressage ____Stone Boat Pull ____Hunt Seat ____Cavalry ____Park Saddle ____Young Justin Morgan ____Other: specify__________________________________________________________________ YOUR ASSISTANTS- if known at this time. Everyone needs to sign a waiver. Name Address E-mail or phone contact ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Address E-mail or phone contact ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Address E-mail or phone contact ________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE-this comes directly from the Midwest Horse Fair: WISCONSIN’S IMPORT REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUINES HAVE CHANGED. Ensure that all equine animals entering the ground for MHF have the following documentation: Original and a copy of the laboratory report of a negative equine infectious anemia (EIA) test conducted within the 12 months prior to import (after April 16, 2014) which clearly identified the equine animal by registration number, lip tattoo, or a complete description of the equine animal. Original and a copy of the certificate of veterinary inspection issued within 30 days of MHF if you coming from a state other than Wisconsin or Minnesota. Lauraine Smith, 12618 West Dorner Rd., Brodhead WI 53520-9016 608-576-2969 13 Learn Some Morgan History Dundee 6479 as reported by Marsha Valance (Meteor 2nd 4459 x Carrie Gates 0390) Chestnut, star, left hind coronet white. Bred by the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm. Foaled 1910, Middlebury, Vermont. Retained as a breeding stallion. Gelded 1921. Sold to Mr. Smith of Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut, for use in harness and under saddle. 9 crosses to Black Hawk 20; 16 crosses to Sherman Morgan 6; 38 crosses to Justin Morgan. 100% Old Government breeding. 8 Generation Coefficient of Inbreeding: 2.66044139862061%. Recorded progeny: 2 colts, 3 fillies. Dundee was from the 1st generation bred by the government farm. His sire, Meteor 2nd, was a Blackhawk-line proven sire of trotters purchased by the Dept. of Agriculture in the Midwest; his dam, Carrie Gates, also of proven trotting blood, was by General Gates out of the Daniel Lambert daughter Caroline. Dundee was ranked 6th among the 8 early government herd sires who impacted the cavalry breeding program—after Monterey, Mansfield, Bennington, Troubadour of Willowmoor, Red Oak and General Gates. Of the 74 foals Dundee sired at the Morgan Horse Farm, 50 were culled & sold unregistered; 16 were stillborn; and 8 were retained for further consideration. Of those 8, only 3 were registered—Hippona, Ivan [gelded], & Klyona. His other 2 recorded foals, Beauty & Dandee, were sired for outside breeders. Only Klyona bred on. It is hard to say why those in authority at the government farm decided to geld Dundee—possibly because of his high rate of stillbirths—4x that of Bennington, the next highest stallion on the herdsire list. His cull ranking [50] was less than Red Oak’s [60], but 1/3 higher than Scotland [34], whose list ranking was 7, but was left entire. After a century, it’s hard to say. Even his remarkable daughter Klyona 3313 was culled as a two-year-old because of her small size, but was reacquired later. What can be said is that from his photos, Dundee himself possessed a “Hugely laid back shoulder, short back, long deep quarters, short strong, flat legs, short cannons [and] stood over a lot of ground. It is a shame he was not appreciated.”—Joanne Curtis. Klyona (out of the General Gates daughter Calve) proved one of the outstanding broodmares at the government farm. Dam of 9 colts and 6 fillies, Klyona foaled Abbott, Tiffany, Upwey Ben Scott & Upwey Mont-Ona—4 stallions that made significant contributions to the breed. Abbott and Upwey Ben Scott were both used by the army remount program, as well as siring registered foals in the Northwest and for Owen Moon, respectively. Tiffany was traded to J.C. Brunk of Illinois, where his foals included Fanita [dam of Senator Graham], Night Tide [sire of Barberry], and Tarron [sire of Congo]. Upwey Mont-Ona was behind the Earlham College breeding program. The descendants of both Dundee and his half brother, Forester (who also bred on through a single daughter, Juno) were magnificent baroque Morgans, with beautiful arched neck sets, clean throat latches, long croups, and excellent legs. Their sire, Meteor 2nd (aka Meteor Morgan) 4459 was one of the first stallions purchased for the government farm. Bred by D. M. McNair of Cherry Valley, Illinois, Meteor 2nd was by Meteor 3840 out of Lady Alice (Winnebago Chief 263 x James Campbell’s brown mare by Brown’s Senator by Cassius M. Clay 164). The Meteor line, described by the Morgan Horse Register as possessing “great style and action” was highly valued by Texan Richard Sellman, who incorporated it into his breeding program. The line was slow to mature, however, which may have led to their undervaluation by farm staff. Or Mr. Smith of Connecticut may have wanted a gelding, & requested Dundee’s castration be done upon purchase. Whatever the reasoning, it was poor decision-making for the Morgan gene pool as a whole, when the quality of their offspring’s produce is taken into account. Compiled by Marsha Valance, 2014 14 Dundee daughter, Kylona mother of Abbott and Upwey Ben Scott. ` the renowned Senator Graham, son of Fanita another Tiffany son, Tarron, Kylona son, Tiffany, sired Fanita and Night Tide sired the also renowned sire Congo 15 Birthday(s) _____________ _________________ Registered Name Sire Dam # (____) of horses listed ....FREE.... Promotional Farm Info ($5) ________ Advertising: (rates at left) ________ 2015 Membership dues ________ Family album picture ($15) ________ Directory postage (see left) ________ TOTAL ________ Make checks payable to: Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, Inc. Year foaled Advertising Rates: (Black & White, pdf) ! Full Page $35 (41/2"Wx71/2"H) ! Half Page $25 (41/2"Wx35/8"H) ! Inside Front Cover $75 ! Inside Back Cover $60 Registration #, Gender Color RAF or EFR S/M/G 2015 Dues – Please check type of membership ! Household $30 (living in same house or dependent living away) ! Individual $25 ! Youth (21 or younger) $10 ! I will pick up my directories at a Club event. ! Please mail my directories to me ($1 each for 2) ! Please mail me ____ extra copies @ $1 per copy * For Sale @ At Stud + For Lease % Leased Promotional Farm Info: Website, Directions, Services, Visitors , Open Barn **(Notice: Additional $5 fee for information in this box)** Website ______________________________________________ Directions __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Services (circle): Training Breeding Boarding Lessons Visitors welcome (call ahead) Open Barn Date ___________________________ Interests (circle): Western English Dressage Saddleseat Sidesaddle Parades Trail Riding/Driving Showing CDE Pleasure Driving Breeding Reining Endurance/Competitive Trail Riding/Driving Morgan Demonstrations/Promotion Trick Training Jumping Eventing Are you an AMHA member? Yes ___ Membership # _________________ No _______ Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, Inc. – 2015 Membership Application and Directory Form Return this form and full payment to: TO BE INCLUDED IN THE 2015 DIRECTORY, YOUR DUES MUST BE PAID by January 31st. Debbie Fairbanks To minimize errors, please print legibly or type. Use additional sheets as needed. N7655 County Road J Monticello, WI 53570 Full name __________________________________________________________________ If Youth membership, age as of 1/1/2015 ___________ Farm name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street address _______________________________________________ City _______________________________ State __________ Zip _________ Phone # _______________________ Fax: _________________________ Email_________________________ * For Sale @ At Stud + For Lease % Leased Registered Name Registration #, Gender Color RAF or EFR S/M/G Year foaled Sire Dam CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING find these ads, pictures, and more at STALLION AT STUD: Amberfields Luminescence ( Amberfields Desparado x CJ Buttercup) 2007 15.2H Cremello Stallion Stud Fee $800 LFG Lumi exemplifies morgan type and has a quiet nature with a big heart and a true love for people. He is exquisite, with a creme metallic coat draping classic Morgan type with an incredibly beautiful sculpted head, little ears and a long arched neck. He has balanced conformation with substance and good bone, and his effortless forward motion shows incredible athletic ability. Lumi produced an incredibly beautiful filly for us in 2013 that was simply breathtaking! She has been sold to Australia! He will be standing to outside mares spring 2014. Collection and shipping charges are additional. Visit us at our website www.rafterbardmorgans.com or give us a call at 715-469-3480. Dancastle Icefalcon (Robert A. Heinlein x Cherbrook's Aria). Foaled: 1998, Chestnut, 15.1hh. Disciplines: Dressage, Eventing. Stud Fee: $500. "Flash" is tall, very easy going, with a great disposition that he passes on. A handsome dark red chestnut, he has the treasured wavy Morgan mane & tail. His get have his relaxed way of looking at life, as well as being beautiful. His daughters Dancastle Georgette Heyer & Dancastle Gabrielle have been excelling in driving competition; Dancastle Wild Irish Rose was 2012 Illinois State Morgan Futurity Champion Weanling. Castle Ridge Keep, Crystal Lake, Illinois. 815-405-9424 crkjune@gmail.com- JMF Basic Black (Rum Brook Immortal Image x JMF Wild Mayflower)2003 15.2H Black StallionStud Fee $800 LFG. “Black” is an incredibly beautiful individual with a wonderful temperament. great Morgan type, a chiseled head, thick wavy hair, solid bone and dynamic motion. He is very athletic with his movement being powerful and elegant. He's charismatic and light on his feet for such a big stallion with natural action and impulsion. He produces “big,” beautiful, breathtaking foals who love people! We retained. the love of my life, Rose. Consider Black for your mare. He will be standing to outside mares spring 2014. Collection and shipping charges are additional. Visit us at our website www.rafterbardmorgans.com or give us a call at 715-469-3480. 18 www.wisconsinmorganhorseclub.org JCW Rev’s Cajun Sundancer (LJMorning Reveille x Clonmel Cajun Caress). Stud fee:$650 LFG. Sundancer has natural impulsion and style and many class A Morgan and Open show wins. He has sired palomino, black, chestnut Morgan and Morab foals. Contact: Wendy Konichek, Jericho Creek Farms, Eagle, WI. 262-594-3667. morabrep@yahoo.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com MF True North (Irish Entertainment x JMF Beam Along) 2000 15H Homozygous Black Stallion Stud Fee $800 LFG North is a gorgeous classic example of Brunk breeding at it's finest with great Morgan type, show stopping personality and charisma, great bone, a beautiful head, kind disposition, stamina and talent. . . . He is an excellent producer of foals passing on the qualities we love. We have retained his gorgeous daughter, Victoria. He will be standing to outside mares spring 2014. Collection and shipping charges are additional. Visit us at our website www.rafterbardmorgans.com or give us a call at 715-469-3480. Kells Above R Xpectations (Spring Hills K C L x Kells Moonlight Serenade) 2003 Black 15H - $500 Fee LFG "Jake" Are you looking for a baroque stallion with the movement to put some "sport" in your foal, plus superior disposition and trainability? Then check out Jake and his offspring further at our website www.kellsmorgans.com or call Cindy at 651-388-1256 - email: fvmorganfarm@aol.com for further information. Ragtime Doc Holliday 2005 Smoky Black stallion 15H (Robbi Sue's Ragtime x Mary Mels Irish Velvet) "Doc" has a proud, upright carriage, with small tippy ears and wide expressive eyes. He epitomizes the classic Baroque Morgan stallion: intelligence, athleticism, sound legs and good feet. He has nice angulation to his hips and shoulders for free flowing/floating gaits. Doc is easy going, learns quickly, and is very respectful. He stamps all of this on his foals. He carries the cream gene and breeding to Doc brings a chance of color. Stud fee: $500/LFG. For more information visit our website - / www.char-danmorgans.com or call Jarrett Miller at 763-444-6880 Raphael Aloysius Lafferty (Chapel Hill Elijah x Tony Fennelly). Foaled: 2002, Bay, 15.1hh. Disciplines: dressage, driving. Stud Fee: $500. Our up and coming young sire, he was Illinois State Morgan Futurity Yearling Colt Champion. Rafe is tall and typey, with a great disposition. His offspring are winning in halter, driving, & dressage; his son Dancastle Prophet was 2013 Illinois State Morgan Futurity Champion Weanling. Castle Ridge Keep, Crystal Lake, Illinois. 815-405-9424; crkjune@gmail.com Royal Gold Ariston (Finallys Mr Amos Frisk X Par-Bets Fascination) 2007 Dunalino Morgan Stallion has a "barbie horse" look, dark dun markings and a soft attitude. He brings some great show lines to the colorful Morgans and is one of a few certified dunalinos in the breed! "Air" is standing in 2014 as a JR sire and has the potential to produce buckskin, palomino, dunskin, dunalino, dun, smokey and more. We anticipate his color, conformation and character to show through in his future get! We have owned this young stallion close to a year and his soft feel under saddle and gentle hugs in the pasture have won our hearts over and we are so excited to offer him to the public. Stud fee $650.00. Contact Jessica for more information www.aestheticequine.com or call 608-865-0452 ToRoy Golden McClintock 2002 proven Palomino stallion that produces color, conformation and character. Tucker has get proving themselves in western, dressage, working, trails, hunter/jumper disciplines and more! Tucker has produced multiple offspring of color including buckskin, smoky black and palomino, often passing on his golden dapples. The Morgan and Morgan Cross foals are stamped with a refined head, big eye and great ability. You will not be disappointed! LFG, shipped or live cover. Contact Jessica frosted3355@yahoo.com 608-865-0451 http://www.aestheticequine.com/ GELDING/ COLT for SALE: Baroncrest Morgan Gentry: 15hh, 9 years old, bay gelding with a star, a snip and two hind socks. He is a beautiful boy, and needs a home where he will be worked. He has about seven months professional training through the years; he hasn’t been ridden in the past two years. He has been ridden western and English, although he is accustomed to a loose rein. He’s been ridden on the road, but not on trails. He would be an excellent horse for an experienced rider. I am asking $2800.00. Call Beth Anne at 920-488-2703. Feather Ridge Butte (Crystal Red's Son x Bethesda Starlight) 2001 Chestnut, 15.3H, naturally athletic, eye-catching great mover, handsome, intelligent, intorduced to Western Dressage, packed elk in Colorado. $4000. Feather Ridge Farm, 608-655-3347 or 608-577-8468 www.feather-ridge.com Gable’s Once ina BlueMoon (Gable’s Phineas x Gable Leavin ona JetPlane) Nearly black, 2009 gelding. “Jet” is a delightful character, who should develop into an outstanding hunt show horse. Comes from strong show bloodlines. Blue Gable Farm 262-242-3043 bluegable@wi.rr.com Gable’s Phineas T (RA Lafferty x Gable’s Katie Bar the Door) Sweet, but animated, 2006 chestnut gelding. Promise, Benn Adam, Waseeka’s Skylark,Saddleback Supreme, Pecos, Trophy, Nocturne. Lots of trot. Finn needs a new home now. Started under saddle. Blue Gable Farm. 262-242-3043 bluegable@wi.rr.com Minglewood Soldier's Joy (UVM Pembroke x Windstorm Lady Di) 2003 Bay 14.2H sport Morgan. "Spike" is very friendly, good for farrier and vet. Well started W-T-C under saddle. Very balanced with wonderfully smooth gaits. Works in long lines and bold enough to be a great driving horse. $4000. More sport and family Morgans, from young stock to trained horses available. Minglewood Farm, Monticello, WI (608) 214-6916, minglwd@tds.net MARE FOR SALE Bucksnort's Summerset (Do More Sunny x August Cherry) AMHA #0181287 2009 Chestnut foundation Morgan Mare. 14.1 H. Started with ground driving. Also started under saddle. Very smart and very brave mare. Loads, stands for farrier, ties. $1200 Sheri Haviza 262-473-1142 glacierfarm@yahoo.com Ken-Dar Foxtyfyre (Brady’s Black Label x Hi-Rise Ebony Nite) 1998 liver chestnut Morgan Mare. 14.2 hands, . Raised at a busy farm,so is used to everything from screaming peacocks, cattle, kids, dogs to heavy machinery. Nothing seems to bother this mare! She shows every sign of tolerance and acceptance of everything that comes her way. Shown/in a parade as a foal Pretty & feminine but with good bone. Very pretty head with big expressive eyes. Very friendly personality - she nickers for people, not other horses. She's just begun her formal training; ties, cross ties, hauls, easy to catch, lunges, long lines, quiet mouthed, yields to bit pressure and walks quietly under saddle. She is a perfect blank canvas, has nothing to fix-only things to learn. Asking $1800.00 OBO. Contact Leila Erdmann at 608-434-8805, email : erdmann_leibou@yahoo.com GGG Lunar Eclipse - 2001 Registered Morgan Mare. Funquest pedigree top and bottom (Torger's Cha Sa Tonga x MS Moonlight Bay). 14.3, black, rides and drives. Although not hooked for two plus years we have just started driving her again and she is solid and steady. Comes from a line of winning carriage horses. Has a marching flat walk and sport horse movement. Has always been healthy and sound. She's independent, hauls well, and acclimates very well to new surroundings and new horses. She is a happy mare, easy to catch with good ground manners. Asking 3500./ negotiable. Just finished 60 days refresher training, located in Westfield, WI. Recent video of her hooked is available. Contact Chrissy Kirch 608-606-5807 or Amy Ziegler 608-332-2418 work ethic. Blue Gable Farm. 262-242-3043 bluegable@wi.rr.com EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Meadowbrook Driving Cart for a smaller size horse/pony. Barely used. Rubber covered wheels. Shaft length 75”. Narrowest part of shaft opening 28” and widest 36”. Wendy Konichek, Jericho Creek Farms, Eagle, WI. 262-594-3667. morabrep@yahoo.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com Pacific Carriage Company PHAETON Manufactured in Canada April 1999. Approximately 550# Lightly used, most recently at Villa Louis 2009. Well maintained, disc brakes, patent leather fenders, lantern mounts. Sturdy & quiet. I am able to load & unload it myself. I bought it from an individual who purchased it new and also did not use it extensively, so the pin striping, paint, patent leather, & upholstery are all in great condition. Includes horse size shafts. Reason for selling: have acquired a marathon vehicle which best suits our current interests. $6700 –make me an offer. Lauraine Smith Cell: 608-576-2969 laurainejsmith45@gmail.com Saddle -STUEBBEN Roxanne,VSS, black, 18 inch seat, 32cm tree, deep seated, rear thigh roll. Used no more than 8 hours. Excellent like new condition. Firm at $1400.00 (plus shipping if applies). Saddle fit horse but not me! A new one costs over $2000. 608-592-2088. Feather Ridge Black Crystal (Bethesda Horus x Ken Dar Faline) 2008 homozygous black mare. Crystal is a fine driving mare and can go down the road or trail and take you wherever you want to go. She now drives single and double and is our first choice of horse to go for a spontaneous drive here, there or anywhere, including in the first competitive distance driving event of 2013. She is also started under saddle. She has a sweet disposition, is fun to work with and would make a fine show or trail horse. $3500. Contact Gary & Katz Jackson, Feather Ridge Farm, Marshall, WI (608) 655-3347 or featherrdgefarmllc@gmail.com Gable’s Purple Haze (Smoke Signal x Gable Leavin ona JetPlane) 2006 Dark Bay mare, stands 15h, Bloodlines - Promise, Man About Town, Supersonic, Legend Command, Wham Bam, Trophy, In Command, Festival Pride & Joy, Cedar Creek Elegance, etc. Well trained western and hunt seat. Shown. Loves jumping and would be suitable to go forward in dressage. Steady mare with a good Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club Newsletter Editor, Mary Ellen Gray 262-242-3043 e-mail: bluegable@wi.rr.com PUBLICATION INFORMATION: Deadline is the 24th of each month. Advertising rates: Full page ads – $30 per issue Half page ads – $20 per issue Quarter page ads – $10/ issue Business card ads – $35/ year CLASSIFIEDS -Members get 2 free ads per calendar year in newsletter and on website. Additional ads are $5 each. Pictures for ads on website are $5/ $2. 19 UPCOMING EVENTS December 14 (Sunday) - Christmas/ Holiday Party 11 a.m. Fox and Hounds, Hubertus December 24 - WMHC newsletter deadline and Christmas Eve, of course January 11 WMHC Meeting - 11:00 a.m. the Village Booksmith, Baraboo February WMHC Meeting TBA February 27-28 2015 - American Morgan Horse Assoc. Annual Convention Minneapolis MN April 17, 18, & 19- Wisconsin Horse Fair Alliant Energy Center, Madison WI please let me know any/ all of your events for 2015 Lighting up the night at Baraboo parade Mary Ellen Gray, Editor w124n13405 Wasaukee Rd Germantown, WI 53022