Iab Mixx Awards 2013 BEST ONLINE B2C
Iab Mixx Awards 2013 BEST ONLINE B2C
Iab Mixx Awards 2013 IAB MIXX AWARDS 2013 The Winners BEST ONLINE B2C CAMPAIGN GOLD Agency : TBWA Case : bpost Live Webshop Advertiser : bpost The sTraTegY e-commerce in belgium is booming, with 46% of the online population having bought online last year for an average ammount of €163 per month. in 2012, three out of ten belgian customers spended more on e-commerce than in 2011.This means more and more packages need to be delivered. Just like many competitors, bpost wants a bigger share in this growing market. The creaTive iDea The bpost live Webshop was built. a physical pop-up store in the centre of brussels that housed an online store by broadcasting it live on the website. in the webshop, designer stuff and popular electronics were sold, with their price dropping every second. so if you wanted to buy a product, you had to wait long enough for the price to get lower, but be fast enough to outsmart other shoppers. as a product was sold, the postman picked it up, right in front of the webcam, and delivered it 24/7. use Of inTeracTive MeDia The action was announced through radio commercials, live bannering (through live streaming you could follow the products and their prices dropping down every second) on relevant websites like kapaza and ebay. facebook ads targeted on the specific product’s target group, e-mails and printed postcards and of course the live pop-up store itself, which had a high visibility with a huge banner that was visible from one of the busiest streets of brussels. resulTs & rOi The online web shop was only opened for a few hours a day, but it attracted 213.370 unique visitors in 6 days, far more than our target of 100 000. On average, 8 products per hour were sold. awareness of bpack rose with a stunning 65%. and even though the goal was only to expand the database of customers, during the campaign 33 online shops immediately decided to start shipping their parcels with bpost. The gap in the Market finder tool was created, asking everyone in the country to tell us which business they were missing in their towns. That way future business owners could see which kind of businesses were needed and where. a list of the most wanted businesses for every town was put on thegapinthemarket.be. The rest of the data came directly from the people. and city got its own personalized posters. Online banners did the same by using iP-tracking. The windows of empty stores in popular shopping areas were covered with messages urging people to go to the website. and a partnership with the regional journalists of het nieuwsblad made it possible to publish articles specifically about the needs of every single town. all media directed to the website. issue and it was put on the political agenda. no less than 171.157 gaps in the market were reported. That’s an average of 560 reports for every town or city. almost 1500 fresh new business ideas were generated as a direct result of this campaign. GOLD Agency : TBWA Case : The gap in the market Advertiser : KBC The sTraTegY in today’s economy it’s very hard to start up your own business. so how could kbc build up a relationship with future business owners and become a good bank in the eye of the general public? The plan was to bring those two groups together and to become the middle man. creaTiviTY some towns have businesses that other towns unfortunately don’t. so in every town or city there are stores missing that people desperately need. use Of inTeracTive MeDia On local radio stations people could hear exactly what was missing in their towns. every town resulTs & rOi The lack of missing local businesses became a national The website was the most popular database for everyone looking to start a new business. This campaign truly changed the peoples’ perception of kbc bank and created a positive view on the future. Iab Mixx Awards 2013 SILVER TBWA (KBC presents: The Talk Halfway) BRONZE UM (Share a coke), TBWA (KBC presents: «Mums know best» safety shop) & Creaxial.net (European Online activation & promotion for the movie «L’Ecume des Jours») BEST ONLINE B2B CAMPAIGN BRONZE Agency : DDB Brussels Case : DDB 6» Recruitment Advertiser : DDB Brussels challenge bring young creative blood to the agency in and make DDb more top of mind amongst advertising students Problem 1 / creative Directors don’t have a lot of time to go through countless portfolio interviews. 2 / in an era when brands chase consumers’ short attention span, marketers must adapt and agencies seek individuals that understand this. sTraTegY We looked for a concept that takes to emerging social media platforms and strictly recruit students that fully embrace new media. We understood that vine proves an ideal tool to put students to the test in conveying short, yet powerful brand messages. also it’s an extremely handy and convenient recruitment tool for creative directors needing to make a first selection. creaTive sOluTiOn • We then added incentive: the creators of the top ten vine entries are invited to join an additional competition taking place on the DDb express train to the cannes lions festival. On the train, the participants were asked to work on creative briefs. at each stop, creative work were assessed and the lowest scorer was asked to leave. The two survivors of this last challenge won a ticket to the festival. • We designed a visual layout on DDb’s established social media channels (facebook, Twitter, Tumblr) that announces the initiative. soon after that we introduced the #ddbexpress hashtag on vine and posted our own video to set the tone. • Our social media team created a gallery tab on facebook aggregating every single #ddbexpress-video that was posted to Twitter. so participants continuously fed each other with creative inspiration. resulTs • In less than 2 weeks more than 150 #ddbexpress-videos got uploaded to Twitter. • DDB’s «6 recruitment was a trending topic on both advertising and recruitment websites. • Advertising schools in Belgium, but also in the rest of europe welcomed the initiative and the opportunity it brought along for their students. Miami ad school, berghs school of communication, st-lucas school of art, artevelde, ... all mobilized their creative students to participate in the project. • The agencies’ fan/follower base on Twitter and facebook increased by 200% in only two weeks time. • We ended up hiring one of the students; the other one was immediately headhunted by bbDO. BEST ONLINE NON-PROFIT CAMPAIGN SILVER Agency : Prophets Case : De Vragende Partij Advertiser : VRT (De Redactie) assignMenT for the 2012 local elections, the public broadcasting corporation vrT wanted to involve the population more closely through participation in the run up to the elections. vrT also wanted to generate interesting content for its election programmes. Traditional political debates often results in television that is not very compelling. sTraTegY To generate sufficient participation and content, we focused on voters’ involvement, as local elections are all about needs that are very local. and yet the local parties’ programmes are full of unclear action items that make comparing different local parties almost impossible. We generated compelling content by switching tables: voters could determine the political agenda by making their own suggestions about how their quality of life could be improved. The parties’ various positions could be compared easily by posting a suggestion and then asking the politicians for their opinions. aPPrOach We created a platform called the ‘De vragende Partij’ (The requesting Party). users were able to select their town on the platform to submit a proposal. They could then raise support for their proposal by sharing it with friends. at the same time we invited all local party leaders to upload their programme’s action items. Over 80% did so. Party leaders provided their opinions on the Iab Mixx Awards 2013 most supported local proposal. This allowed us to put together the top 10 most supported proposals accompanied by the opinions of local politicians. Two weeks before the date of the local elections, we asked all party leaders to choose 3 of the 10 most supported proposals and to make concrete promises in this regard. everyone could then indicate to which promises they would keep the politicians if they were to be elected. acTivaTiOn activation was based on the generated content: we put modules with the ever-changing top 10 most supported proposals on a wide range of internet sites. The shown information was linked to users’ iP addresses, so they were always shown local information relevant to them. They also received invitations to support or create proposals themselves. The resulTs The campaign was picked up by many local media within and outside the vrT corporation. Published suggestions were used as content in radio programmes and newspapers to elicit opinions. vrT also drew a lot of information from the platform to use as news items on the internet, radio and television. The suggestions were also used as a guide for discussions between political leaders in programmes on the local elections. The platform’s final results exceeded all expectations: 3,076,982 visited pages 897,924 platform visits 252,172 unique visitors 44,136 active participants 1,521 participating politicians generaTeD cOnTenT 11,981 suggestions 10,876 suggestions with at least 1 additional comment 33,377 comments 141,599 expressions of support 3,799 political responses 3,245 political promises These results were not only astonishing according to belgian standards, but also by internationals standards. recently, The requesting Party received the internationally renowned Prix italia in the category best interactive website linked to a Tv-or radioprogram, and is still in the running for the Prix europa. BEST DISPLAY CREATION GOLD Agency : TBWA Case : The Telenet Banner Box Offices Advertiser : Telenet creaTive aPPrOach in 2012, belgian operator Telenet launched king & kOng, two easy to understand tariff plans to surf, call and text at a ridiculous low price. To make switching ridiculously easy, the king & kong Banner box offices were created: real box offices manned by real Telenet operators, but inside an online banner placed on two popular belgian news sites. via private video chat, potential clients could instantly switch to king & kOng. an internet first. innOvaTiOn generating live sales talks is not something you normally do through a banner. it was a unique project that used new technologies, tools and a disruptive way of using existing media. node. js was used as a server side technology to enable real-time audio/video communication between the potential clients and the operators. each operator had a web based operating tool created in hMTl5 and Javascript with which he/she could accept calls, effectively toggling his/her online status in the front end ui. engageMenT resulTs The banners got 1.5 million unique viewers and 360.000 complete video views, which lead to 13.378 sales talks. The campaign also got very positive results through the corelio connectometer (ipsos) with a useful score of 43%! (benchmark web is only 16%). BRONZE DDB Brussels (Volkswagen Meteo Wobblers) & Prophets (#DeelHeelVeel) BEST GAME IN CAMPAIGN SILVER Agency : Emakina Case : Audi A3 Berline: Multi Screen Virtual car key game Advertiser : Audi Import for the launch of audi’s a3 berline, a game had to be part of the long page product launch website. since the design of the trunk of the berline was exceptional, the game had to lead the site visitors to this side of the car. The game had to be a part of a full long scrolling page experience, and have an innovative, multi media edge to it. both the (hTMl5) site and the game had to reflect the strong character of the berline, showing its modernity, dyna- mism and technological edge. creaTiviTY The long page scrolling website offers a smooth and efficient experience, as classy as the car it introduces. it leads you to the game, that combines online and mobile screen experiences. besides the different perspectives, a layered presentation, dynamic content of the site you participate in a multitool contest. On your mobile device you obtain a virtual key (via a Iab Mixx Awards 2013 Qr code on the website), to open the car trunk and see if you won the hidden present. emakina ‘s design creates a sense of simplicity, elegance and sophistication, while suggesting the sportive side of the car by dynamic and oblique lines and invisible frames. away with horizontal lines, boxes and squares, towards a more dynamic and light universe! The colour choice adds refinement and class, with black, gray and the typical audi-red touches. The typography conveys the same values: deliberate minimalism and class. visually, the typography had to speak for itself, so the designers removed the text from its context to become objects. innOvaTiOn The virtual key competition matches the car’s spirit: design and original interaction blend. nobody likes to fill in long forms. boring! because capturing clear data was necessary, we used a game with a smart trick : smooth interaction between devices. The game offers an innovative interaction between media. We split up the form in a website part and a mobile screen. filling in the data becomes fun, easy and part of the game. You jump between screens without noticing you’re sharing information, using natural pop-ups. like audi’s in-car technologie, you are multi-connected across media: • You fill in first contactdata online and a Qr code appears on the webpage. • You scan it with your mobile and continue the game on the mobile page. • Here you fill in some extra data and answer a question on the berline. • The right answer transforms your mobile screen into a key. • When you click the key, you open the car trunk on the online page and see if you won a prize. The server manages both connections at the same time, giving you the impression that you actually open up the car with your mobile device. engageMenT The campaign lead to 101.682 website visits by 86.988 unique visitors and 767.479 page views. 18.552 people played the game, filling in the forms on both screens. The campaign (and for a large part the game) generated 15.570 qualified sales leads. SILVER Agency : In the Pocket Case : De Slimste Gemeente App/Website Advertiser : Telenet «De Slimste Gemeente» is a Tv-show created by Woestijnvis for vier (sbs belgium). 81 preselected flemish municipalities battle against each other to become the smartest town of flanders. flanders has 308 municipalities, so what about the other 227 municipalities? application. Many weird and compelling ideas were discussed, but it was only when we were just about to call it a night, a very simple concept surfaced. When we pitched it to vier, TbWa and Telenet, the sponsoring partner of the show, we knew we had a winner. The challenge in the Pocket was asked to create a digital extension of the show with three prerequisites: • Reach: make it easy for everyone to participate • Continuity: not only during the broadcasting of the show • Cross promotion: make the users viewers and the viewers users. The gaMe cOncePT all the flags of the municipalities were drawn in a typical flemish country setting. after logging in the user could defend the flag of his own municipality, or attack the flags of others. it was about raising your flag or playing the other flags down by answering multiple choice questions especially created by Woestijnvis. bonus points could be won in a real-time 2nd screen quiz during the show. We created headquarters where players We brainstormed for the best concept to translate vier’s newest quiz show to a mobile BRONZE TBWA (Playstation Face Fight Royale) could see their stats and define strategies. The municipality with the highest flag-score at the end of the game would win a Telenet Wi-free zone on a location of their choice. as simple as that. THE TECHNOLOGY: JAVASCRIPT, babY! We chose to build the app as a one-pager web app with html, css and lots of javascript. The web app was fully responsive, so the game was playable on all devices: smartphones, tablets and desktop. To make the game “feel” like a game we worked heavily on transitions, animations, parallax effects and snappiness. One of the most challenging things we ever did. next to that we also created native applications for iOs and android to encourage discoverability in the app stores. The resulTs...craZY! • A total of 128.790 unique visitors • 83% of them played more than once • Peaks of 30.000 visits per day • An average time spent of 35 mins • The first 3 days 1.8 million questions were answered • A total of 30 million questions were answered in 10 weeks! • That’s an average of 300 questions per minute with peaks of 45 per second • 80% of the users used a mobile device to play the game ‘De slimste gemeente’ app was probably one of the most popular online quizzes ever in belgium. it was the golden combination of a great and simple idea, perfect execution and decent above the line support that made this work. Iab Mixx Awards 2013 BEST IN MOBILE SILVER Agency : Boondoggle Case : Belfius Direct Tablet app Advertiser : Belfius With the launch of the belfius Direct Mobile app, belfius had set a new standard in mobile banking. The smartphone app is like a ‘swiss knife’, bundling the most important features belfius customers use on-the-go (e.g. quick transfer, overview of balances,…) in a user-centric and mobile optimized design and interface. With tablet use on the rise and belfius acknowledging the need of their customers to get more insight in their financial transactions on mobile, the development of a tablet version was a logical next step. The guiding principles behind belfius Direct Tablet are basically the same as for the smartphone app: an intuitive interface in line with the Os, beautiful design and simple yet powerful in use. key features as the navigation drawer, the quick transfer button and the tile-view on accounts were re-used to create a unified user experience across the apps. in the approach however the bigger screen and more ‘laid-back’ way people use their tablet was taken into account. hence, belfius Direct Tablet focuses on details, analysis and personalization. it enables and facilitates users to dive deeper into their financials by providing transactional information in a detailed list, an interactive graph as well as an innovative and scannable visual overview of income and expenses. Making a transfer is as quick and easy as on smartphone but provides a full overview of all input in one screen. The entrance point is a customizable dashboard where various widgets allow a user to create a complete impression of his daily banking products. combined, these features provide the belfius customer with a handy tool to manage his financials wherever whenever. The numbers show this approach pays off. since it’s launch belfius Direct Tablet was downloaded 65.000 times. There are 30.000 regular users per month with an average of 20 usages per user per month. and they seem to like it too; out of approximately 3500 ratings (google Play and app store combined) the app receives a magnificent average of 4,5 out of 5 stars. The number of belfius customers using the belfius Direct Tablet and/or Mobile app grows with about 450 per day. by the end of 2013 there will be 130.000 active users. by continuously improving the apps and with a thought-out expansion of the available features in the coming year(s), the future for the belfius app users is bright. BEST OPTIMISED WEBSITE SILVER Agency : TBWA Case : The gap in the market Advertiser : KBC in today’s economy it’s very hard to start up your own business. so how could kbc build up a relationship with future business owners and become a good bank in the eye of the general public? The plan was to bring those two groups together and to become the middle man. creaTiviTY some towns have businesses that other towns unfortunately don’t. so in every town or city there are stores missing that people desperately need. The gap in the Market finder tool was created, asking everyone in the country to tell us which business they were missing in their towns. That way future business owners could see which kind of businesses were needed and where. a list of the most wanted businesses for every town was put on thegapinthemarket.be. The rest of the data came directly from the people. use Of inTeracTive MeDia On local radio stations people could hear exactly what was missing in their towns. every town and city got its own personalized posters. Online banners did the same by using iP-tracking. The windows of empty stores in popular shopping areas were covered with messages urging people to go to the website. and a partnership with the regional journalists of het nieuwsblad made it possible to publish articles specifically about the needs of every single town. all media directed to the website. resulTs & rOi The lack of missing local businesses became a national issue and it was put on the political agenda. no less than 171.157 gaps in the market were reported. That’s an average of 560 reports for every town or city. almost 1500 fresh new business ideas were generated as a direct result of this campaign. The website was the most popular database for everyone looking to start a new business. This campaign truly changed the peoples’ perception of kbc bank and created a positive view on the future. Iab Mixx Awards 2013 SILVER Agencies : Wijs & Nicky Lauwerijssen Case : Rock Werchter Advertiser : Rock Werchter rock Werchter is one of the most popular musical festivals in the world, with an almost larger-than-life reputation. This calls for a website that can rock and roll on any device, at any time, and can handle huge peaks in traffic. creaTive aPPrOach These were the biggest challenges we faced, and how we tackled them: 1. MObile That the website would have to be optimized for usage on the go, was obvious: long before rock Werchter, potential visitors discuss the festival’s line-up with their friends; during the festival, visitors actively consult the website to see which artists are playing when and where. Wijs is a strong believer in designing from a mobile-first perspective. first, all content was mapped so it would display properly on small telephone screens. next, we expanded our design to include bigger screens as well: tablets, computer screens, ... responsive design as it should be. To keep the mobile experience user-friendly, the main navigation disappears in favor of a search bar, content blocks are re-arranged, and slideshows are scaled down and enhanced with native touch gestures, e.g. swiping. as the website would contain a lot of (big) photos, we made sure these images were responsive as well. 2. usable We knew we would be dealing with a huge load of information. We anticipated this exponential content blob by accommodating our design and structure accordingly. for instance, a facet navigation was implemented, allowing visitors to quickly digg through chuncks of content. To really get the information architecture right, we used wireframes. These are brows- er-based, clickable prototypes. We also had multiple live-prototyping sessions with the client to get every last detail right. 3. Technical The biggest challenge was obviously the risk of server-overload. With each new line-up announcement, the site had to withstand over 60.000 simultaneous visits. We worked closely with our hosting partner, Openminds, who provided multiple servers. in close communication with the rock Werchter organisation, we anticipated peaks in traffic. During the festival itself, there was 24/24 support stand-by. Imagine: thousands of visitors wanting to access the same information at the same time, over the same (slow) connection. To avoid the first pitfall, we implemented varnish, a reverse proxy that caches hTTP requests. and to deal with the latter problem, i.e. slow internet connections, we used Javascript that allows “lazy image-loading”. in layman’s terms: pages did not have to wait for images to load/render. effecTiveness Of The case 1. MObile usage More than 20% of the visits occured on a small screen, i.e. 15% on smartphones and 7% on tablets. This indicates responsive design was indeed the right way to go. Proof that our mobile-optimized design did not compromize on usability: the average number of pages viewed / visit was the same on mobile and desktop! 2. Traffic sPikes We were not lying when we said “huge peaks in traffic”. see graphic “Traffic spikes”. Total duration of down time? 0 minutes. BRONZE Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels (Enjoy Every Second) & These Days Y&R (Marina) BEST MULTISCREEN EXPERIENCE SILVER Agency : TBWA Case : The Pepsi Like Machine Advertiser : Pepsico sTraTegY in belgium, Pepsi is a small competitor compared to coca cola. Traditionally, both brands still sample at traffic intersections. however today, this is not the best way to build a brand relationship. There’s no engagement by the costumers, nothing given in return. Passers-by just get the product for free. and walk away. end of story. in Pepsi’s new ‘live for now’ campaign, we target generation X. We know that 85% of them has a smartphone. What if we could combine traditional sampling, with a new and innovative way of collecting data from our target group? an opportunity to build a strong relationship thanks to using facebook. Take your smartphone, go to likepepsi.com, connect with your facebook account and like Pepsi. creaTiviTY Meet the Pepsi Like Machine: a special built vending machine that doesn’t accept money, only facebook likes. Want a refreshing Pepsi for free? a few seconds later, a free can pops out just for you. not only a great way of sampling, but also a new medium to generate consumer relationships. Iab Mixx Awards 2013 use Of inTeracTive MeDia firstly, the Pepsi like Machine is the first vending machine where you don’t pay with real money, but with social currency. While paying with a like, you could also spread your excitement through a post on your facebook wall, so all your facebook friends knew and became very jealous and thirsty. secondly, while waiting before the machine, you could also get in a virtual queue to get your free Pepsi. after liking the Pepsi facebook page, you only had to wait until it was your turn. Thirdly, we invented a new medium to interact with our target audience, by linking the social media platform facebook with the consumers personal smartphone and a vending machine. The very few who didn’t have a smartphone, could use a built-in touchscreen to connect. resulTs & rOi On average brands spend 65 cents to hand out a sample by a promo girl and 2 euros to recruit a facebook fan. a cost you eliminate with the Pepsi like Machine. The machine was first introduced at the beyoncé concert in antwerp. On average 3 samples were distributed each minute. The magical moment when you chose your Pepsi and it automatically drops, made it fun and engaging. This world premiere got coverage on Mashable, The huffington Post, TnW and over 300 other national and international blogs. BRONZE Prophets (Bring the Black Box Revelation back together) BEST SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN GOLD Agency : Social.Lab Case : Nutella Jar Creator Advertiser : Ferrero The business challenge was to create an engaging and personalized activation in order to build a community, allowing nutella as a love brand to get closer to its audience. The concept allowed facebook users to customize their jar or label via an application directly on the nutella belgium facebook page. The innovation is that we are the first agency to allow facebook users to personalize their jar/label via a very user friendly facebook application (only 5 steps) with the product at the center of the activation. The application made use of the graphical brand assets. The names and words used for the personalization of the jar/labels replaced and were printed as the brand, combining product and personalization, enhancing the proximity between the brand and the users. The advertising strategy consisted of a multimedia approach, starting from facebook as main medium, enhanced with YouTube and newspaper ads, television ads and POs material, with the product as protagonist. as regards facebook ads, different ad formats (asu + PPa), placements (news feed and right zone) and many visuals and copy were combined to generate awareness around the activation and to redirect users to the Jar application, reaching 33% of the belgian facebook population! as regards the creative aspect, we maintained the nutella graphic brand charter and used very common belgian names (ex: Nicolas, Charlotte etc.). In a second time, we used the fans’ photos in our advertisings, showing the application’s finality. The results in numbers: the new fans on the facebook page have demonstrated the performance of the campaign. With 100.000 personalized labels and 2.000 personalized jars, nutella belgium won almost 160.000 fans (from 10.229 to 170.243 fans). facebook ads generated 191.008.198 impressions and 195.936 clicks, with a cTr (click through rate) of 0,103% and a cPc (cost per click) of 0,11€, which is very low (in general, the cPc oscillates around 0,3€ for the food sector). coverage in printed articles generated earned media. according to Page karma, the nutella belgium page was the best page in terms of engagement within the entire food category in belgium. The posts announcing the activation were the most engaging posts of all nutella pages worldwide tracked by Page karma. SILVER Boondoggle (The Challenges: 5th challenge - The women’s stadium box) BRONZE TBWA (McDonald’s presents: The Founding Fan) Why did we have such a good result? insight was strong; idea was simple and could potentially reach anyone. nutella succeeded as a love brand to create an infatuation from its fans by offering them their personalized product, leading to brand ambassadorship of a mass campaign (people posted their personalized jars on various social networks). We also developed the application for the netherlands and france. «As consumers gain more control over what to share and which businesses they choose to engage with, it’s now more important than ever to deliver a relevant and consistent experience. retailers need to evolve and adopt a different go-to-market strategy, one that focuses on delivering to the individual. We call that personalization.» BEST SOCIAL MEDIA BRAND BEST SOCIAL MEDIA BRAND GOLD Agency : Boondoggle Case : The Challenges (De Duiveluitdagingen / Les Défis des Diables) Advertiser : Royal Belgian Football Association The communication objectives were aimed at creating a broad and intense fan support and maintaining that support during every following match, stirring up the sportive performances. The red Devils are a national and public brand. a brand that unites all fans. but also a brand that has to be developed and built by each and every one of them. in order to realise this we have to strike the right chord with every potential fan. creaTive sTraTegY The Devils’ challenges are a string of fan activities creating an intense experience and a sense of cohesion between fans and between fans and players. Content wise they have to: • Be funny and enable strong visuals; • Be easily accessible in order to mobilise massively; • Show the enthusiasm for the red Devils. a campaign that can be shouldered by everyone. Developing an activating campaign aimed at the behaviour of the target group demands a very open character. each and every fan must be able to join at any given moment, thus becoming part of the campaign himself. a ThOrOughlY agile caMPaign The emotional scope of a football fan is rich and shows itself permanently. almost daily the game itself has a surprise in store. it’s therefore crucial to conduct a highly dynamic and flexible campaign, enabling us to adapt swiftly and feed it with new and numerous fan stories. an open, social digital touch point strategy supported by fans. The campaign is fully based on interaction and participation. The beating heart of it is the facebook page. it’s the quintessential communication hub: it makes the evolution of the Devils’ challenges permanently visible through ugc, partly our own but mostly –and massively- by the fans themselves. it’s the backbone of our real-time campaigning strategy and our overall and daily micro-interactions that enforce the com- munity’s feeling with the fans. real-TiMe caMPaigning a permanent staff (strategist, copywriter, data-analyst, conversation manager and preditor) rolls out a real-time campaign during the priority period (more or less 2 weeks before the game). small as well as major stories are proactively traced and reactively shared. via data-analysis (who participates/who doesn’t), improvisation and ‘lean and mean’ processing the content approach grew day by day. The fan page as a stage to show the whole scope of fans’ emotions content wise, the guiding principles were: • Conversational value is more important than a high production value; • Authentic creativity outweighs artificial, controlled creativity; • We choose real-life situations, nothing is made up; • No niche content but content that appeals to each and every potential fan. fans that actively participate get a treat. apart from crucial Pr activities such as the challenges and the ‘return favours’ by the players, Pr moments are almost permanently created. exceptional ugc is a constant feeder of press activity. The media can choose from a range of interesting stories, giving them the freedom to do so as they like. This honest, open approach created a remarkable effect: the media themselves gradually became active fans themselves. results (without facebook-and google advertising media budget) a continuously growing social-digital footprint, nurtured by very active fans: Facebook: fan base of + 118K Facebook fans https://www.facebook.com/belgianredDevils Twitter: 17K followers https://twitter.com/belredDevils YouTube: +4K subscriptions & more than 1,1M views http:// www.youtube.com/belgianredDevils Press: massive free publicity for own content as well as ugc SILVER Famous Brussels (Pablo) BRONZE MEC (Slow fans, Best engagement !) BEST CONTENT MARKETING GOLD Agency : Head Office Case : My Renault Content driven Loyalty Platform Advertiser : Renault My renault proofs relevant content can generate sales. and can be elegantly delivered though creative & smart usage of not-built-to-builtwebsites-on-crM-software (salesforce) 1. sO WhaT is MY renaulT? www.myrenault.be an online loyalty platform with customized content for specific renault models and their current mileage, creatively developed on salesforce. TargeTs • All private Renault owners in belgium. • Average age: 51 • My Renault targets mainly existing customers, but is partly accessible to not logged users & users without a registered car. MarkeTing PrObleM • 2010: automobile crisis In europe • As selling more new cars is Iab Mixx Awards 2013 more difficult, optimising after sales and retention strategy increases • Renault had a load of database knowledge on their clients, but kept on sending 1 message to all… sOluTiOn • A Content Driven Loyalty Program based on car model and the mileage • Monthly E-mails drive to the portal where you can see history and next steps for your car maintenance and content & coupons adapted to your vehicles needs. • Activation via Facebook (tab & regular posts that refer to the websites public space) a 2’ suMMarY? We know it’s not allowed, but this case can’t be canned in 500 words. it’s just too sophisticated… so please, we kindly dare to ask to click and see what happens ;) We’d be very, very grateful to tell the whole story. https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?v=10151588119235758&set=vb.111960558892290&type =3&theater 2. sTraTegY The automobile sector is in crisis and new cars require less maintenance. retention is increasingly important. belgian cars last for about 7 years. 95% of this time is spent using the car, not thinking about repurchase. it is therefore vital to remain closely involved with all the cars that leave the dealers. My renault aims to keep a perfectly-maintained renault fleet on the road. not every renault driver does the same number of kilometres and not every engine experiences wear and tear in the same way. not everyone drives with the same purpose. There is no point in just showering with generic information. a fully digital programme ensures greater and faster access to data-gathering so that we can fine-tune even more effectively. 3. creaTiviTY Maintaining interest with 1 message The real starting point of this campaign was having an efficient strategy. We came up with a carefully thought-out system, tailored towards continuous conversion, with exclusively functional creativity. • Maintaining interest with 1 message: update your mileage (always showing the advantages of doing so in a different way) • Less is more: ingenious usability, dedicated copy, eyetracking design • The right choice of platform: the existing salesforce-crMtool and technically converting it into a highly-effective frontend tool • A perfect content mix: localized tips&tricks on car usage and maintenance, lifestyle articles, content curation, interactive content, personal advantages 4. resulTs Objective My renault 20112013 vs.2010 (old loyalty programme) -costs -11% +targeted contactmoments/ year 1,125,262 60,371 -costs/contact € 0.35 € 1.5 +visit garages/year +20.12% +volumes for garages +25.34% +volumes for maintenance +31% + salesorders MYr vs non-MYr +24% Or e-mails (IAB-Benchmark: 29.5%) 59.48% cTr e-mails (IAB-Benchmark: 6%) 31.77% stunning rOi 450% - SILVER Rabobank.be (Financial knowledge) BRONZE (Bru turns every meal into an enjoyable moment) BEST WEBDESIGN SILVER Agency : Wijs & Nicky Lauwerijssen Case : Rock Werchter Advertiser : Rock Werchter rock Werchter is one of the most popular musical festivals in the world, with an almost largerthan-life reputation. This calls for a website that can rock and roll on any device, at any time, and can handle huge peaks in traffic. creaTive aPPrOach These were the biggest challenges we faced, and how we tackled them: 1. MObile That the website would have to be optimized for usage on the go, was obvious: long before rock Werchter, potential visitors discuss the festival’s line-up with their friends; during the festival, visitors actively consult the website to see which artists are playing when and where. Wijs is a strong believer in designing from a mobile-first perspective. first, all content was mapped so it would display properly on small telephone screens. next, we expanded our design to include bigger screens as well: tablets, computer screens, ... responsive design as it should be. To keep the mobile experience user-friendly, the main navigation disappears in favor of a search bar, content blocks are re-arranged, and slideshows are scaled down and enhanced with native touch gestures, e.g. swiping. 2. usable We knew we would be dealing with a huge load of information. We anticipated this exponential content blob by accommodating our design and structure accordingly. for instance, a facet navigation was implemented, allowing visitors to quickly digg through chuncks of content. as the website would contain a lot of (big) photos, we made sure these images were responsive as well. To really get the information architecture right, we used wireframes. These are browser-based, clickable prototypes. Iab Mixx Awards 2013 We also had multiple live-prototyping sessions with the client to get every last detail right. 3. Technical The biggest challenge was obviously the risk of server-overload. With each new line-up announcement, the site had to withstand over 60.000 simultaneous visits. We worked closely with our hosting partner, Openminds, who provided multiple servers. In close communica- tion with the Rock Werchter organisation, we anticipated peaks in traffic. During the festival itself, there was 24/24 support stand-by. Imagine: thousands of visitors wanting to access the same information at the same time, over the same (slow) connection. To avoid the first pitfall, we implemented Varnish, a reverse proxy that caches HTTP requests. And to deal with the latter problem, i.e. slow MOST PROMISING AGENCY MOST PROMISING AGENCY AGENCY OF THE YEAR TBWA ADVERTISER OF THE YEAR KBC internet connections, we used Javascript that allows “lazy image-loading”. In layman’s terms: pages did not have to wait for images to load/render. mized design did not compromize on usability: the average number of pages viewed / visit was the same on mobile and desktop! Effectiveness of the case 2. Traffic spikes We were not lying when we said “huge peaks in traffic”. See graphic “Traffic Spikes”. Total duration of down time? 0 minutes. 1. Mobile usage More than 20% of the visits occured on a small screen, i.e. 15% on smartphones and 7% on tablets. This indicates responsive design was indeed the right way to go. Proof that our mobile-opti- The written brief social The written brief web Business challenge