November 2014 - Calvary Rescue Mission


November 2014 - Calvary Rescue Mission
Rebuilding the Lives of Homeless Men
November 2014
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…” - Isaiah 40:31
"Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
Psalm 107:1
Brother Bob
October 2014
Lodgings: 1,104
It is hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is just around the corner, with Christmas not
Children’s Christmas
too far away as well. These holidays are a tremendous time for us as believers to show
Chapel Service
God's lovingkindness to those who are in need. We will be out in our community on
the day before Thanksgiving from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm distributing dinners and visiting with folks. There
is also a need for volunteers to bring cooked food to the mission for Thanksgiving evening.
We will stuff bags for our Children's Christmas Event on Thursday, December 11, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm
and the event will be on Saturday, December 13 from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. Our men will receive their
Christmas bags during the Chapel service on the evening of Thursday, December 18. Our greatest need is
toys for the children's Christmas event. The second most needed item is food for the “Feed the 400
Thanksgiving” event. You will find more details concerning these events on page 2 of this newsletter.
Thank you so much for your precious prayers, help and support. Burden's are lifted at Calvary!
Bob Freudiger, Executive Director
Mark Tuesday, November 4th -11:30 a.m. Calvary Business Luncheon!
Would You like to Help Raise Funds
for Our Building Fund?
We are looking for people who are willing to donate $250 to be
a Calvary Chicken Champion. This is to cover the cost of the
chicken for our monthly business luncheons. We will have a
Chicken Pin for you to proudly wear representing Calvary
Rescue Mission. As people come to the
dinner, all the monies will then go directly
into our Building Fund. These Chicken
Champions Names will be on our Chicken
Champion Poster Board located in our
We have some attractive gold polo shirts with
Calvary’s Logo!
Both Men and Ladies sizes .
You can see Bro. Bob proudly
modeling his new shirt.
These shirts are selling at $20
each with all proceeds going into
our Building Fund.
Please contact Betty Hatcher at:
Calvary Business Luncheon
Mark Luttrell was elected Shelby County
Mayor in August of 2010. Since then, he
has successfully led initiatives in economic
development by creating the Economic
Development Growth Engine “EDGE” for Memphis and
Shelby County. He continues to increase awareness of
healthy living through Healthy Shelby, which is a county
wide public health initiative, and through outreach on
the Mayor’s Office as a means to create positive
government-to-citizen relationships. He and his wife, Pat,
have three children, and six grandchildren.
December Business Luncheon
December 2nd Special Christmas Musical Program by
Richard Baird, Debbie Kines & Cheryl Maccarino
Bacon as well as Meats for our dinner meals; Paper
Products; laptop computers for our men to use in taking
To join our email list, please send us your email
address to
Address: 960 S. Third St., Memphis, TN 38106. Telephone: 901.775.2570
Please go, and Check out Our
New Website:
You will find articles about
what is going on at Calvary,
how we began, and prior
We have Christmas Videos,
Celebration Dinners, and a
video of Cliff Reyle interviewing
Milton Hatcher as he tells of
God’s call to begin
Calvary Rescue Mission.
There is a place to donate
online as well.
Help Us Help Others at These Special Times of the Year!
In addition to having Thanksgiving for the men staying a
the Mission, each year we take 400 box lunches to the
needy people in our area. We need canned yams, peas, stove
top stuffing mix, “ready to serve rolls”, instant potatoes, and
turkey gravy mixes, as well as frozen turkeys. We will be
taking the meals to the neighborhood on Wednesday,
November 26th, 2014, 11:00 - 1:00 p.m.
We provide Christmas toys and gifts to approximately
750 children from 2—12, boys and girls at our Calvary
Children’s Celebration, which will be on Saturday,
December 13th, 2014, 10:00 – 3:00 p.m. Items we can
use are small toys that will fit into a regular large grocery
bag: coloring books, crayons, dolls, action
figures, footballs, warm hats, mittens, gloves,
school supplies. Please do not wrap the gifts as
we place them in bags by age and gender. We
will be having a Christmas party for all the
men who are at the mission for the holidays.
Suggested items for the men are: personal
hygiene items, double edge disposable shavers,
underwear, socks, long johns, shaving cream,
aftershave lotion, cologne and fruit.
Address: 960 S. Third St. Memphis,TN 38106. Telephone: 901.775.2570