File - Calvary Lutheran Church


File - Calvary Lutheran Church
Weekly Connection
November 15-21, 2015
Calvary Lutheran Church Welcomes You!
We invite you to explore the life of our congregation, learn
about its diverse people and ministries, and get a feel for what
it’s like to be part of our church family. For more information
stop by the Welcome Table in the courtyard. Take this booklet
home to help plan your participation in Calvary activities and
Advent Wreath Lighting
Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13 & Dec. 20.
We need volunteers to participate in the Advent Wreath Lighting
& Blessing each Sunday of the Advent Season.
At least TWO volunteers are needed for EACH Worship Service
– one to read the blessing & one to light the candle(s).
If you or your family is interested please email Amanda at, with your preferred time & date.
Times & dates will be first come first serve.
The four Sundays in Advent are:
Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13 & Dec. 20.
Celebrations this Week
Donald Hansen
Joann Lefferts
Stacey Reisert
Deborah Scherler
Karen Waldvogel
Allen Ryan
John Alexander
Mark Estle
Felix Singh
Ryan Sweeney
Lisa Todl
Steven Wheeler
Alan Krause II
Brian & Stacey Reisert
Celebrating the Awesome Efforts of
the 50th Anniversary Committee!
Thank you to Jan Bluemer, Kay Horst, Shari Helsel, Rhoda Loseke, & Susie Shattuck who coordinated the 50th Anniversary
events throughout 2015. We appreciate your efforts to help us
celebrate our past and look forward to the future!
Today at Calvary
November 15, 2015
• 8am Worship • 9:30am Education • 10:30am Worship
Education Hour
Adult Forum Teaching the Next Generations -kids and grandkids- with Mel Kieschnick
High School Meet in the Gathering Room East as we conclude "The Way I'm Wired" series with a look at different types of
personalities. Breakfast goodies provided.
Middle School Meet in the Luke Room downstairs.
Pre K(3 yrs)-6th Grade students meet in the Wave for a short
opening with music & an introduction to the theme for the day.
Students will then break into age-level groups and go to separate
classrooms. Parents are welcome to attend the opening & accompany younger students, who may feel anxious, to their classrooms.
Kids For Christ Meet in the Wave at 9 am for practice.
Parents, please pick up your son or daughter promptly at
10:20 am so the teachers may attend Worship Service.
Next Sunday Come and celebrate 45 years of ordained women in our Lutheran Church. Learn the history; hear the stories!
Todays Other Happenings
Christmas Angel Adoptions of food & supplies in Courtyard
H.S. Youth Progressive Dinner meet at the church at 5:30 pm
Giving Thought for the Day: Generosity
...for during a severe ordeal of affliction, their abundant joy and
their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity
on their part.
2 Corinthians 8:2
Topics for Upcoming Adult Forums
All confirmed members are invited. Please plan to attend
Nov 29 Gratitude Sunday-For what are you grateful?
Dec 6
Advent: Preparing for Jesus' arrival-Cross Generational
Dec 13 The Encyclical by Pope Francis. What does it really say?
Dec 20 Christmas Hymns
Dec 27 No Class
Questions, contact Bill Hildebrand
H.S. Youth Progressive Dinner
Sunday, November 15
High school students are encouraged to sign
up at the Welcome Center or RSVP to Teresa
Kaldor ( for the Progressive Dinner. We will meet at the church at
5:30 pm to begin our evening together with
appetizers, then move to other homes for additional courses!
We’ll head back to church for dessert. Sure to be a fun evening
of food and fellowship!
This Coming Week
November 15-21, 2015
6:30 pm
Divorce Care
6:30 pm
Council Meeting
6:45 pm
Bible Study
10:00 am
Women’s Bible Study
7:30 pm
Calvary Choir Practice
9:00 am
Prayer Shawl
Next Sunday, November 22, 2015
• 8am Worship • 9:30am Education • 10:30am Worship
Upcoming Events
Christmas Angel Adoptions
of food & supplies
Nov 22
Christmas Angel Family Adoptions by email
Nov 27
Check your inbox for wish lists
Christmas Angel Family Adoptions
Nov 29 Fellowship
Poinsettias for Sale
Advent season is almost here, so its time to decorate the Sanctuary with that beautiful burst of red color from Poinsettia Plants.
Remember you get to take the plant home on December 24th
after the last service. Sign up TODAY at the Welcome Table to
purchase your Poinsettia Plant.
6 inch red plant, $9 each 8 inch red bush, $21 each
Christmas Greeting Cards
Calvary wants your unused and/or old Christmas Greeting Cards.
If you have any that you are willing to part with, please bring
them to the church office. Cards are needed before December 6.
Shopping for
Thanksgiving or Christmas Angels??
Get your super duper Tote Bags!
On sale TODAY
Ideal for holiday shopping, travel, work, sporting
events, or the beach. These bags are made of
recycled polypropylene with polyester fiber and
coated thermal film insulation. They also have a
zipper closure, plastic bottom insert, and dual
reinforced 20 inch carrying handles. Featuring
graphic art by our very own Tina Rohall.
These insulated bags are being offered by Calvary’s youth for $6
each or 2 for $10! And remember for those of you who shop in
Solana Beach & Encinitas (Cardiff, Leucadia & Olivenhain) there
is a plastic bag ban so these reusable totes might just save you a
few cents. They can be purchased at the Welcome Table in the
Proceeds go towards youth trips in 2015-2016.
Middle School (M.S.)&
High School (H.S.) Activities
Nov. 15
Confirmation Class -Jeopardy: 10 Commandments,
at 11:45am Mentors invited
Nov. 15
Progressive Dinner for H.S. Students. Meet at
church at 5:30 pm to carpool to various locations.
M.S. Youth Gathering in Woodland Hills, CA
Nov. 23
H.S. youth helps at T.A.C.O.
Dec. 6
Hanging of the Greens and Advent Faire
Jan. 22
Mentor/Mentee Guys/Gals Night out –Bowling!
Future Events
Prime Timers
Dec 1
Old Mission San Luis Rey
Christmas Angel
Family Adoptions
Dec 6
Calvary-Fellowship Hall
Hanging of the Greens &
Advent Faire
Dec 6
Calvary’s Annual
Christmas Party
Dec 12
Home of
Merle & Kay Horst
All Angel gifts & supplies
are due
Dec 13
Drop off in
Fellowship Hall
Angel Inventory
Dec 15
Calvary-Gathering Room
Cookie Exchange
Dec 15
Home of Glee Thomson &
Pat Sweeney
Angel Gift Wrapping
Dec 19
Calvary-Gathering Room
Angel Delivery Day &
Send Off lunch for delivery Dec 20
Calvary-Fellowship Hall
One Worship Service
at 9:30 am
Dec 27
Red Cross Blood Drive
Jan 31
Prime Timers Tour
Old Mission San Luis Rey
Tuesday, December 1
Founded in 1798 by Padre Fermin Francisco de Lasuen. The
history of the San Luis Rey area reflects five periods of
occupation: Luiseno Indian, Spanish Mission, Mexican
Secularization, American Military, and Twentieth Century
Restoration. Because of its large size the mission has been
nicknamed "King of the Missions."
Paid reservation for lunch and tour: $25; limit 30 persons.
To sign up call Hilde Koessler at 858-481-5480 or Marian
Duncan at 858-922-0934.
Carpools will be arranged
Timeline for the day:
10:30am Carpools leaving Calvary
11:30am Lunch at the Mission Retreat Center Dining Room
12:30pm Tour of Church and surroundings
Hanging of the Greens &
Advent Faire
Sunday, December 6
Start the season of Advent by joining with other
congregational members to decorate the sanctuary
as well as participate in other activities to focus on
the reason for the season! We’ll start with a simple meal in Fellowship Hall directly after second service. Then families and individuals can visit a variety of stations to decorate cookies, make
ornaments, and get involved in other seasonal activities. Sign up
at the Welcome Center, starting next week!
Mark your Calendars!
Calvary’s Annual Christmas Party
Saturday, December 12 from 6–10 pm
At the Home of Merle & Kay Horst
8020 Entrada de luz West, San Diego, CA 92127
All ages welcome! Sign-up at the Welcome Desk.
Beverages and Entrée are provided, but please sign up for a
specific dish to share. Childcare will be available.
• $10/adult • $5/child under 12 • $30/family maximum
If you would like to help with preparation, see Teresa Kaldor.
Cookie Exchange
Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30 pm
at the home of Glee Thomson & Pat Sweeney
15145 Rancho Real, Del Mar
Everyone is welcome to join Calvary’s annual Cookie Exchange!
Come share your cookies and go home with a great assortment
for family and friends to enjoy at Christmas.
Be sure to bring:
 3 dozen cookies to swap
 the recipe(s) for your cookies
 a container to carry cookies home
 a couple of holiday cookie cutters for a Christmas Angel family
Hors d'oeuvres & beverages will be served. Questions? Contact
Glee: 858 481-8104. Directions from the church: East on Via de la
Valle, left on El Camino Real (just past the polo fields), left on
Rancho Real.
ELCA Colleges & Universities
A Top-notch Education That Prepares You for Life
In the liberal arts tradition, the ELCA Lutheran colleges will challenge you to learn in many different ways and to study many different subjects. We believe this is the best way to prepare you to
meet the expectations of the modern world.
Academic life at an ELCA college features:
 Caring professors who will become your mentors
 Small classes that encourage extensive classroom discussions
 Students who are engaged inside and outside of the classroom
 Active, vibrant discussions about faith and values
We do everything we can to ensure that you will be successful.
We’ll challenge you, we’ll support you, and in four years we’ll
send you on to your life and career with confidence. For more information visit
Opportunity To Help Refugee Family
From Afghanistan
Several members of Calvary have been helpful to a family group
of seven children (ages 13-28) who fled Afghanistan after their
father was killed by the Taliban because he sent his daughter to
After much and long effort the eldest has now been allowed to
foster-parent the 4 youngest children. They all plan to move into
a four-bedroom rental house in the Miramar area.
Now they need bedroom furniture and linens. Specifically, they
need 4 single beds (or bed frames) 4 sets of bed mattresses and
springs, mattress pads, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillowcases & 4
bedside tables.
Anyone desiring and able to help this family with any of these
needs, please contact Mel or Jane Kieschnick at 760-704-6369
or or
“Whatever you have done to the least of these you have done it
unto me.”
Prayer Station: Washed Away
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse
us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with
pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for
he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may
spur one another on toward love and good deeds… Hebrews 10:
22-24 (NIV)
“But I (Jesus) say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good
to those who you hate, bless those who curse you, pray for those
who mistreat you.” Luke 6:27 & 28
Members of the congregation are invited to visit the prayer station and meditate on the gift of life that God has given us through
the death and resurrection of Christ and the waters of baptism.
How can we respond to this great gift? How can we follow in
Christ’s footsteps?
Think of some of the people you consider your “enemies,” people
with whom you may struggle to get along, those with whom you
bear a grudge, or someone who has wronged you. When a name
(or “names”) pop into your head, pick up a stone and use one of
the markers to print the person’s initials on the stone. While holding the stone in your hand, say a “prayer of blessing” for the person you wrote down. After the prayer, wash the stone in the water and allow God to wash away the grudge you hold against that
person as the water washes the ink off. Dry the stone off and put
it back into the pile.
Ways to get involved at Calvary
Prayer Shawl
Brochures available in the
Stephen Ministry kiosk in the Narthex
You are invited to join Calvary’s Prayer Shawl Ministry in its
meaningful and tangible gift of God’s love and hugs to those experiencing tough times such as health issues, facing a crisis, first
time mothers, moving out of the area, etc.
Prayer Shawl meets on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
from 9:00am to noon in Gathering Room, West. If you don’t knit
or crochet but would like to learn, we are happy and willing to
teach you.
Sound Board
Calvary needs individuals who are interested in operating the
soundboard for Sunday Services, specifically the 10:30 Service.
Training is provided. If you are interested please call the Office at
858-755-2855 and leave your name, phone number, and email.
Coffee Hour
Imagine getting to church on Sunday morning and not having
coffee!! I know it sounds like a nightmare. But that nightmare
could become a reality if Calvary didn't have wonderful
volunteers who come to church early to set it up.
Calvary is looking for members who are able to set up and clean
up for coffee hour. All coffee, cookies, bagels and donuts
are provided by the church. If you are
available contact Karen Bernard at 858-682
-5848 or
Prayer & Care
Three Ways to Submit and Update Prayer Requests
 Complete a Prayer Card (in pews) & place it in the offering plate.
 Go to click on “Prayer Request”.
Please keep the following in your prayers this week:
Health & Healing
Guidance, Strength
Noelle Joiner
& Wisdom
Teresa Kaldor
Lu Oemcke
Bradley Kleinhans
Linda Farnlacher
Kelly I
Jolene Mullins
Marie and Rob
Jess Cable
Nancy L
Catherine Bennett
Virginia Yates
Bill and Carol Gates
Carolyn Blasoe Bailey Sally
Jason Smith
Emma Joy
Phyllis Dowling
Ann Schultz
Stephen Vorhes
Jackie Thompson
Eileen Richter
Ruth Corraggio
Mimi Thomas
Gladys Cole
Koffler Family
Dean Seiler
Alice Guerreiro
Recovering from
Greg Cleveland
Kay Sereno
Surgery Or
Laurene Crosby
Heidi Beard
Medical Procedure
Wayne Cole
Susumu Honda
Pastor Karen Marohn
Jay Butterfass
Irene Honda
Andrea Quick
Marsha Summers
Lana Holliday
Pat Hand
Jerry Thompson
Mary Ann
David Levy
Bruce Night
Mike Backsen
Brian Applegate
Joy Carlson
Joan Thoreson
Ray Stenstrom
Brent Downer
Margaret Stenstrom
Ryan Melendez
Peggy Mosher
Safety & Protection
Pastor Sue Ericsson
Beth Stearman
Spiritual & Physical
Cathy Bennett
Mitchell Berk
Matt Herbst
Joanne Grueskin
Ed Hanz
Jeffery Helsel
Sarah Henry
Gary Stott
Sarah Gaita
Lorraine Holt
Vicky Olson
Rev. John Lunn,
Don Graumann
Missionary to India &
Cindy Freeman
Patrick Keegan
Dori Torgerson
Jacob Hautaluoma
Jonathan Heintz
Ellis Lynse
Heather Seipt
Samantha Greer
Don Hovland
Friends & Family
Britt Cederstav
Mourning for
Howard Bruce
Calvary Lutheran Church
424 Via de la Valle, Solana Beach, CA 92075
Ph. (858) 755-2855
fax (858) 793-2821
Senior Pastor—The Rev. Dr. Lawrence L. Hand
Pastoral Intern—Vicar Dianne Finnecy
Director Of Music—Dr. Aaron Mitchell
Business Manager—Samantha Canty
Office Manager—Amanda Backsen
Facilities Maintenance—Hector Alcaraz
Grounds Maintenance—Craig Lysne
Terry Bluemer
Laura Riesenberg
Dick Beckman
Joe Dowling
Ann Hein
Joy Dahlberg
Mike Guerreiro
Jim Mainquist
Ministry Team Leaders
Congregational Life
Faith Formation
Worship & Music
Jeff Miller
Teresa Kaldor
Diane Beckman & Janis Ryan
Al Schlegel
Dave & Pat Talmon
*Call church office for contact information.