Unlikely Recipients of Grace


Unlikely Recipients of Grace
March/April 2011
“Unlikely Recipients of
Grace” to visit Lenten
Wednesdays, March 9-April 13
Maundy Thursday, April 21*
5:30** & 7 p.m.
NOTE: Ash Wednesday also features
a noon service with Holy Communion, prayer,
reflection, scripture and hymns.
Soup and sandwich lunch to follow ($6/person).
Bible people come to life through
live portrayals
Have you ever thought of yourself as
undeserving of God’s love and grace? Well,
you’re not alone.
4:30-7 p.m., Gym
$6/person or $18/family
During His days on Earth, Jesus encountered
many people who felt exactly the same way
you may feel. But they walked away from
those encounters with a totally different
view of God and themselves. They walked
away with grace.
This Lenten season, meet biblical personalities up close and personal through our series
“Unlikely Recipients of Grace,” featuring
live portrayals of the Gerasene demoniac,
the adulterous woman and the grateful
leper, among others. New this year? A series
finale on Maundy Thursday with the
* New! Portrayal on Maundy Thursday
this year!
**ASL interpreter
portrayal of Peter in the upper room. See
page 4 for the entire Lenten schedule.
Whatever your frailties and failures, learn
from our “visitors” this Lenten season and
embrace the grace that our Lord Jesus so
generously offers.
Lent & Easter Events
at Calvary
• Lent & Easter worship (page 4)
• “Reflections of Grace” art show
(page 2)
• Walk Through Holy Week (page 10)
• Celebrate Spring (page 10)
During Calvary’s Lenten series, you’ll
meet some special people from the Bible.
Now take a moment to explore an important biblical place as described by Bryan
McInnis, Calvary’s high school and young
adult director.
In Spring 2010, Bryan travelled the Holy
Land for his multimedia project The
Jerusalem Experiment. On Palm Sunday,
he experienced a profound moment of
worship on the very path that Jesus took
into Jerusalem (Mark 11)…
Open-air Cathedrals
By Bryan McInnis
A myriad of tongues ascended alongside
palm branches into a piercing blue sky as
10,000 pilgrims from the far corners of the
earth shouted praises to the God who humbly followed this same road 2,000 years earlier—Palm Sunday atop the Mount of Olives.
Bryan McInnis, Calvary’s high school and young adult director, sits atop the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem—the
city where he celebrated Palm Sunday last spring.
A sheet of paper was shoved into my hand
as I was welcomed into a circle of Spanish,
French and Brazilian believers: a multilingual script for a completely impromptu
and unrehearsed church choir.
clinging to their sides looked on with perplexed expressions that seemed to whisper,
“What is this joy?”
We began wrapped round Bethphage, a
predominantly Arab Muslim neighborhood in
East Jerusalem. Thousands of pilgrims from
every nation imaginable crowded the usually
quiet streets I used to walk every day when I
lived atop the Mount of Olives. Women with
heads wrapped in burkas and little children
I wanted to pull them into the arms of our
celebration. Instead, I forced all of my
joy into a smile and, with it, pushed every
ounce of what I was feeling in their direction. My arms fell atop the shoulders of the
Spanish Catholics I happened to find myself
pressed against, and eventually I found
the rhythm of the dance that moved them
along. I awkwardly mumbled through a few
Spanish hymns before we were swallowed
up by a chorus of French praises near the
center of the Arab village. In the distance,
an African drumbeat pierced the air.
Continued on page 2
Page 2
March/April 2011
Open-air Cathedrals
Continued from page 1
Walls could not enclose our praise. We
danced freely (and in all likelihood, awkwardly) down the narrow roads that wind
into the heart of Jerusalem. This was an
open-air cathedral, an affirmation of God’s
promise in Isaiah 11:10: “In that day the
root of Jesse [Jesus], who shall stand as a
signal for the peoples—of him shall the nations inquire, and his resting place shall be
Palm Sunday reminds us of many Kingdom of
God realities, but perhaps the most potent
for American Christians is the fact that our
praise and worship is not meant to be confined to a particular place on a particular
day. Our songs to God are just as authentic
(and perhaps even more so) on Monday as
they are on Sunday. A church building is not
the house of God; rather, as the seraphim
proclaimed in Isaiah 6:3, “…the whole earth
is full of his glory!”
Learn more about Bryan’s travels, as
well as his ongoing Web and book-writing
efforts, at jerusalemexperiment.com.
Table of Contents
Features...................................... 2
From Our Senior Pastor.................... 3
Worship....................................... 4
Grow.......................................... 5
Serve.......................................... 6
Mission & Outreach......................... 7
Representing all different denominations and cultural backgrounds, Palm Sunday worshippers dance through the streets
of Bethphage.
Calvary art show celebrates 10th year
Heeren and other artists present “Reflections of Grace”
Now in its 10th year, Calvary’s annual art
exhibit brings Calvary members and friends
together to celebrate the blessing of art
in expressing our faith. This year’s exhibit,
titled “Reflections of Grace: A Christian
Witness in Art,” will showcase more than 40
local artists, including special guest Rachel
Heeren, a pastel painter, has always possessed a passion to make art—something she
attributes to “what the Lord puts in you… an
Fortunately, over the past 10 years, she’s
been able to pursue her talent with greater
energy, to take art lessons and to enter art
Up until last spring, Heeren only shared her
art with friends and family. In fact, Calvary’s
2010 art show was the first place she displayed a piece in public. But “Seeds of
Hope,” depicting an Ethiopian mother and
child, drew so much attention that she was
invited back this year as our featured artist.
“But I didn’t have an opportunity to pursue
it while the kids were home,” Heeren adds.
Continued on page 3
10th Annual Calvary Art Exhibit
Congregational Life........................ 8
“Reflections of Grace: A Christian Witness in Art”
Early Childhood & Grace Place..........10
April 17–24, Room N205
Palm Sunday, April 17
Monday, April 18–Friday, April 22
Saturday, April 23
Easter Sunday, April 24
New Briefs..................................15
NOTE: Artist registration is due by Friday, April 1, at calvary.org/artshow, or call Lora
Edwards at 763.424.4135.
712 Ministries...............................11
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
9 a.m.–9 p.m.
9 a.m.–8 p.m.
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
accountability, uncompartmentalized devotion to
Christ and the motivation to serve.
Calvary Calls is a semi-monthly publication of
Calvary Lutheran Church.
The mission of Calvary Lutheran Church is to lead
people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We live out this mission through a commitment to
Worship, Grow and Serve.
• Worship - We are prayerfully committed to
singing, reading and creatively displaying and
teaching God’s Word, so that all worshippers might
have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
• Grow - We are prayerfully committed to fostering
authenticity, biblical encouragement and
• Serve - We are prayerfully committed to
identifying and employing the spiritual gifts of
all believers, empowering members to lead in
ministry, affirming Christ-like service as a lifestyle
versus a program and reaching unbelievers with
the love of Christ.
To understand the broader context of the ministry of
Calvary Lutheran Church, visit calvary.org.
Editorial Team
Dorree Adelmann
Pastor Matt Anderson
Christine Anderson
Pastor John Brecount
Debby Bromander
Kathy Brown
Cindy Engelkes
Barbara Farland
Ruby Heiden
MariKay Nelson
Pastor Carol Skjegstad
Production & Design
MariKay Nelson
If you have a story idea or potential news item to
share in Calvary Calls, contact Barbara Farland at
bfarland@calvary.org or 763.231.2967 at least six
weeks in advance. She’ll either direct you to the
appropriate editorial team member and/or provide
guidance on how to best address your news or idea.
We welcome your letters and comments!
Please e-mail communications@calvary.org.
Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427
phone: 763.545.5659 www.calvary.org
March/April 2011
Continued from page 2
And that wasn’t the only praise she received
in recent months. “Seeds of Hope,” the
same piece shown at Calvary, won a blueribbon Award of Excellence at Edina Art
Center’s juried art show in September.
“I cried when I won,” confides Heeren. “It
was an affirmation from the Lord.”
This year, Calvary’s art show will feature
eight of Rachel’s paintings. One of those
paintings, “Woman at the Well,” originated
from a 1989 short-term mission trip to
Africa that Rachel and her husband, Rick,
took with Christian Volunteers of Minnesota
(CVOM) and World Vision.
Using a photograph from that trip, Heeren
painted a modern-day depiction of Jesus’
grace in action—an image inspired by
John 4:5-27 and the story of Jesus and the
Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well.
“The tribe was drinking polluted water from
a nearby river. Now, because of CVOM and
World Vision, clean water is piped in from a
mountain stream right into the center of the
Heeren will also display “Audrey,” “Marie
Antoinette’s Cottage,” “Shofar,” “Pear and
Pomegranate,” “Friends” and “Rooster”—in
addition to bringing back “Seeds of Hope.”
“Woman at the Well” was created by Rachel Heeren from a mission-trip photograph, a modern-day depiction of Jesus’
grace in action.
As Calvary’s Lenten services focus on the
unlikely recipients of grace featured in the
Bible (see page 1), we also reflect on how
God’s grace rescues us today. In that spirit,
Calvary presents the “Reflections of Grace”
art show—just another way to embrace the
grace of Jesus this Lenten season.
Dear Friends,
When you receive this issue of Calvary Calls,
you’ll probably realize that Lent is about
as late as it can possibly be. It’s such a
strange thing since, if you remember, Lent
was as early as it could possibly be last year.
Early or late, it’s good to begin one of the
most significant seasons of the Church year.
Unfortunately, in many denominations and
even Lutheran churches across the country,
Lent has become a thing of the past. That’s
certainly not the case here at Calvary. Each
year, we look forward to filling two complete services every Wednesday evening and
to hearing from various biblical personalities
about their experiences with Jesus.
This year, each of the characters you’ll
come to know were “surprised by grace.”
They were all individuals who were outcasts
in their society in one way or another. They
were people who were the last to expect to
be loved by a Holy God. We’re calling the
series “Unlikely Recipients of Grace.” Yes,
they were definitely “unlikely” and they
were definitely “surprised.”
I always get excited as I think about being a part of the portrayals, and I want to
challenge you to reach out to your friends
and to invite them to be part of the Calvary
Lenten experience. Each year, many visitors come for the dramas and often make
a decision to be part of Calvary as a result.
But, here’s the rub. Even though we have
wonderful attendance each week, many of
our own members have never witnessed the
character portrayals, so I encourage you to
invite not only those who are not members
of Calvary, but also your friends who are.
Obviously, all of Lent leads up to our celebration of Holy Week, and we’re extending
our portrayals one more week into Maundy
Thursday. That night we will journey with
Peter to the upper room where he will tell
and show us what happened, how people
reacted and what it all meant.
Nothing is more central to our faith than
the experiences of Jesus from Palm Sunday
to Easter. All of Lent helps us try to fathom
once again the depth of what happened on
the cross and at the empty tomb. May this
Lenten journey to Easter be the most meaningful ever for you.
Your friend and pastor,
Steve Dornbusch
Senior Pastor
Page 4
March/April 2011
Worship Worship Worship
Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve
Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship
Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow
Lenten worship at Calvary
All services at 5:30 and 7 p.m. unless otherwise listed.
Ash Wednesday, March 9
12 noon (no portrayal), 5:30 & 7 p.m.
Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes
The Man Born Blind
Traditions & Expressions Choirs
St. Anthony Sacred Dance
Wednesday, March 16
The Gerasene Demoniac
Current Jam Youth Choir
Wednesday, March 23
The Adulterous Woman
Wednesday, March 30
The Grateful Leper
Northwestern College Choir
Chorally speaking: Worship through the hearts of the
Northwestern College Choir
By Christine Anderson
Wednesday night Lenten worship affords
Calvary the opportunity to welcome guest
worship leaders, including the Northwestern
College Choir. Under the direction of Timothy
Sawyer, this experienced mixed-voice ensemble will visit Calvary on Wednesday, March 30.
Recognized as one of the top college choirs
in the Midwest, the choir tours throughout
the United States annually and overseas
every four years (their 2010 tour took them
to Latvia, Estonia and Finland). Their selections include sacred acapella music of all
styles and eras.
Wednesday, April 6
The Samaritan Woman
Tonia Hughes
But it’s clearly not just about technique and
vocal talent, as evidenced in the choir’s
motto: “Choral music direct from the heart.”
Wednesday, April 13
Carol & Covenant Choirs, & Kenni Holmen
“To have a choir lead worship, [the members] must be united in heart first,” says
senior soprano Anna Osborne. “For a choir to
be excellent, each member needs to intentionally be aware of the others, not just for
musical reasons, but because we’re investing
in and working out our faith together.”
Thursday, April 21
Peter into the Upper Room
Lenten Suppers
Wednesdays, March 9–April 13, 4:30-7 p.m.
Served buffet style in the Gym
See page 14 for Lenten dinner menu
Holy Week at Calvary
Maundy Thursday, April 21
5:30 and 7 p.m.
Holy Communion
Peter in the Upper Room
Tim and Jerry Johnson, Carillon Handbells
Radio Broadcast: 8 p.m. KKMS 980AM
Good Friday, April 22
5 p.m. — Family service
6:30 p.m. — Spanish service
7 p.m. — Worship service
Radio Broadcast: 5 p.m. KKMS 980AM
Festival Easter Worship
Sunday, April 24
6:30 a.m. Sunrise Communion Worship
8, 9, *10, and 11 a.m. — Festival Worship
11:15 a.m. — Spanish Service
Easter Breakfast (see page 11)
Radio Broadcast: 10 a.m. KKMS 980AM
*ASL—American Sign Language Service
Join us for Spanish worship
During this season of Lent, we invite you on a
journey with Jesus and His disciples. We will
look very closely at the lives of His disciples
and the strong relationship they developed
with Jesus that empowered them after Jesus’
death and resurrection to preach the Gospel
to all nations. Come to Sunday worship and
encounter Matthew, Peter, John, Mary and
Martha. Don’t forget to join us for our Easter
Sunday celebration with a Latin flavor!
Noting the difficulty of connecting an
audience to music without having them
sing along, Choir Chaplain David Danielson
recalls a metaphor used by C.S. Lewis of a
sunbeam brightening the darkness of a tool
shed—an appropriate analogy for a choir
whose mission is to “Light the Way” with
God-honoring, skillful music.
“The sunbeam and what’s seen through it
point you back to the sun,” says Danielson.
“I want our music to be that sunbeam pointing the listener back to God.”
But being an open conduit through which
God works can prove difficult, especially as
the demands of exams and essays pervade
the lives of college students. Choir President
Justin Peterson remembers last year’s
Lenten service at Calvary.
“I had lots of homework and was really
struggling with my mental game,” remembers Justin. “But, out of the blue, I saw my
next-door neighbor there! He had just started
going to Calvary and was the last person I expected to see that night. That’s when I realized there’s a reason we’re here and thought,
‘Yes, Lord—I will have a good attitude!’”
That purity of purpose resounds throughout
the choir.
“I hate it when ensembles—especially
Christian ensembles—put on a front,” says
senior soprano Jessi Laeger. “I want what we
sing about and how we live our lives to be
the same.”
Overall, the choir shuns a performance mentality, instead viewing their role as beckoning others to join the song.
“It’s not, ‘Look at me!’” Osborne explains.
“It’s ‘Will you worship with us?’ ‘Will you
join our hearts?’ It’s a mirror, not a picture
Page 5 GROW
March/April 2011
Grow Grow Grow
Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve
Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship
Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow
Spiritual practices for Lent
Using the season of Lent to grow in your faith
The season of Lent represents the 40 days
(not counting Sundays) from Ash Wednesday
to Easter Sunday. For Christians, it is a
period of preparation for Easter and a time
to strengthen one’s faith through repentance, prayer, fasting and acts of service. For
many of us, we may “give up” something for
Lent, like soda, coffee, wine, chocolate or
TV. During Lent this year, why not focus on
“adding” something new to your life?
Why focus on spiritual practices during
With anything we do in life, the more we
“practice” the more we grow in that area.
If we want to become good golfers, we need
to get out there and play a round at least
two to three times a week. The same is true
for any sport. And it holds true with our
faith as well.
Lent is a wonderful time to focus on growing
our faith. Through various Lenten practices,
we can be more intentional in our faith journey, as well as in growing and deepening our
relationship with Jesus Christ.
Lenten practices to consider adding into
your life this Lent:
• Prayer and meditation
Schedule a daily time for prayer. Having
a daily appointment with God is indeed
the most important appointment any
of us could have in our planners and
Blackberries each day.
Resources to consider:
— Places Along the Way: Pocket
Devotions for Lent by Martin Marty
—Christ in Your Home devotional
(available at Calvary’s Information
• Study and worship
Attending the Wednesday night portrayals
at Calvary is a wonderful experiential
way to learn and to grow deeper in your
faith. Use the Calvary Lenten Character
Discussion Guide as a means to deepen
your focus on several biblical characters
and their unique faith journeys.
Other resources to consider:
—Celebration of Discipline by Richard J.
—A Lenten Discipline by Thomas W.
Strieter (based on the liturgies
and meditation on Luther’s Small
—The Lenten Pharmacy—Daily Healing
Therapies by Edward Hays (daily
reflections on how to live a healthy and
holy life)
• Family resources
At Calvary’s Walk Through Holy Week
(see page 10), families are encouraged to
visit Jerusalem and reflect on the events
of the week leading up to and following
Jesus’ crucifixion. To find other family
resources that would be helpful during
Lent, visit calvary.org.
Acts of service
During Lent, we can also commit to doing
something for others. It could be volunteering at church, at school or in your community. And it can be as simple as helping
a neighbor in need right across the street.
With all the Lenten and Holy Week services
at Calvary, there is a need for ushers, greeters, food servers and parking lot helpers.
Why not seek out a new way to serve others
during this Lenten season?
Calvary is also going to have another family-oriented “Come and Serve” event on
Sunday, March 27, on second floor during
the morning. Stop by and do some hands-on
projects. (See page 6 for more details.)
Fasting is another spiritual practice that
people practice during Lent. For some, they
fast for a day, for others they may fast one
meal a day or week, still others will fast
one day from morning to evening and have a
light dinner. Fasting is an agreed upon time
between you and God not to eat. It is a way
to commune with God. Fasting brings us
closer to God. By eliminating the distraction
of food (the planning, preparation, eating,
being full and digesting) and being disciplined to overcome the hunger pains, we
free ourselves to be humbled before God.
“So we fasted and petitioned our God about
this, and he answered our prayer.” (Ezra 8:23)
Spiritual practices
for Lent
Sundays, April 3, 10 & 17
9-9:50 &10-10:50 a.m.
Room N204
Learn more about the spiritual practices
of Lent as Annette Langdon, director of
Health and Caring ministries, teaches
and explores ways to apply them to your
daily life. No need to sign up…just come!
April 3 – Prayer & Meditation: Simple
Practice to Deepen your Walk with Jesus
April 10 – Fasting: Increase Spiritually,
Decrease Worldly
April 17 – Visio Divina: Reflecting on the
Visual to Discover God’s Presence
Endowment Board
provides Spanish library
Just over a year ago, Calvary began ministering to the Latino community by starting a
worship service spoken in Spanish. The ripple effects of this new endeavor have been
exciting and have had a positive influence
on Calvary as well as the families blessed by
this ministry.
One area of impact has been in our library,
where Calvary’s collection of Spanish materials has been stretched to accommodate
this new population of Spanish-speaking
library users. To address this need, the
Endowment Board recently approved a grant
to increase the library’s inventory of materials to meet the needs of these new Calvary
members. This grant will supply the library
with children’s books, Bibles and other materials, written in Spanish.
We are excited to see how God’s Word will
move through these materials written in the
heart-language of this new Calvary ministry.
Covenant: Living with
Sundays through March 27
9 a.m., Room N203
In this Sunday morning series you’ll discover
the power of repentance and belief and how it
can change your life. Jesus sets the example
as a leader of his people. Come learn from
Jesus what it means to be a disciple (learner).
March 6
The Circle: Choosing to Learn from Life
Identifying the events in our lives that affect
our emotions and actions and that represent
opportunity for learning and growth.
March 13
The Semi Circle: Living in Rhythm with Life
A process that helps us identify rhythms and
patterns of work, rest, fruitfulness and abiding in our lives. Recognizing these patterns
will prevent us from becoming overstretched.
March 20
The Triangle: Balancing the Relationships
of Life
Three areas of life that Jesus modeled to
maintain a balanced lifestyle:
• Up—developing intimacy with Him
• In—building the Church community
• Out—reaching the unchurched
March 27
The Pentagon: Knowing Your Role in Life
There are five key roles (apostle, prophet,
teacher, evangelist, pastor) that each of us
are designed to fill. Put together, they make
up the church identified in Ephesians.
For more information, contact John Hensrud
at 763.231.2966 or jhensrud@calvary.org.
Page 6
March/April 2011
Serve Serve Serve
Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve
Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship
Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow Serve Worship Grow
Faith in action
“Come and Serve” event
The Gathering Grounds and Hospitality
teams offer good food, good fellowship and
smiles to greet one another. Serving opportunities are available, especially during our
special Lenten season, for everyone: individuals and groups, such as families, youth
teams and small groups.
March 27, 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Ushers, parking lot attendants, greeters,
nursery attendants. Contact: John Hensrud,
jhensrud@calvary.org, 763.231.2966.
Through the Loaves and Fishes program,
volunteers from Calvary serve an evening
meal once a month at River of Life Lutheran
in North Minneapolis. Partnering with
the Hunger & Human Needs Committee,
funds are provided to buy the ingredients.
Volunteers prepare the food, and others
then serve the food to approximately 100150 people. These nutritious, free meals
feed singles and families who are struggling
to keep food on the table.
Katrina trip #21
Dinner at your door
Gathering Grounds
Serving on Sunday mornings and Wednesday
evenings. Contact Craig Rothfolk,
crothfolk@calvary.org, 763.231.2959.
April 9–16
Interest meetings:
Monday, March 14, 7 p.m., Room N211
Sunday, March 20, 11:15 a.m., Room N211
Much work is still needed in New Orleans to
rebuild communities and lives. On trip #20,
12 volunteers worked on three houses and
one church through RAI Ministries’ Camp
March is Minnesota
Foodshare Month
Worship, Grow, Serve. This is what God calls
us to do. We had a successful “serve” day on
second floor this past winter with over 200
people participating. On March 27, we will
again have stations where everyone can participate in a serve project. Families working
together can prepare smaller-sized containers of laundry soap, dish soap and rice to
give to the area food shelves. All ages are
This is another way Calvary assists in serving
senior citizens who are able to be in their
home but need nutritious meals. The Hunger
& Human Needs Committee donates money
to this organization to help subsidize meals.
Calvary has 16 volunteer drivers and two
coordinators. These volunteers work quietly
and faithfully without recognition while
performing a very valuable service.
Local food shelves that Calvary supports
The cold month of March is the time when
we can make hearts warm by contributing to
the Hunger & Human Needs Committee who,
in turn, will collaborate with Minnesota’s
FoodShare Month. In addition to the dollars
donated, we also have our major food drive
to fill the shelves at PRISM and CES (collection dates are March 3 and 6).
Visit the Hunger & Human Needs Committee
table in the Atrium on the first and last
Sundays of March to donate money specifically designated for food shelves. Food
shelves are able to purchase more items of
food for less money than consumers pay at
the grocery store.
Food drive dates
March 3 & 6 Collection of filled bags
Sun, March 6 Volunteers deliver
food, 10–11:15 a.m.
Hunger fact—did you know?
Almost 1 million Minnesotans live in households struggling to put food on the table; 60
percent of people who use food shelves are
the “working poor.” There are more than
300 food shelves in Minnesota, serving every
county in the state.
We take “being well fed” for granted; many
in Minnesota cannot. Please do your “share
in sharing money and food” for the hungry.
Calvary’s liaison to PRISM, Kathy Swenson, and volunteer Pete Duelo. Visit a local food shelf. Calvary supports
Community Emergency Services and PRISM through financial and food donations.
People Responding in
Social Ministry (PRISM)
is a social service agency
that focuses on the most
basic human needs of
food, shelter and transportation to help those
living in the western suburbs.
Neighborhood of south Minneapolis. CES
provides services to more than 55,000
people annually. Thousands of people are still out of work,
scraping by on unemployment benefits,
part-time jobs or no income at all. More
than 700 families a month know they can
come to PRISM for dignified and loving help.
Visit their Web site at www.prismmpls.org.
While attempting to meet as many emergency needs (food, housing, utilities, transportation) as time and resources permit,
CES seeks to point “beyond ourselves to
Jesus Christ.” The goal
is to gently communicate God’s love with
words and actions to
all, bringing a renewal
of hope to many. Visit
their Web site at www.cesmn.org.
Community Emergency Service (CES) is a
non-profit crisis relief ministry that shows
God’s love to those located in the Phillips
Stop by their tables in the Atrium during March to learn more about these food
March/April 2011
New Testament dedication in Papua New Guinea
Page 7 My missionary experience
By Cindy Lindquist
With joy in their hearts, the time has come
for the completed New Testament to be
dedicated. This dedication takes place on
May 22, and a mission team from Calvary
will attend the dedication.
Ron and Michelle hope to take their children along for the dedication; this endeavor is expensive. Please contact them to find
out how to help. Their e-mail address is
They will be at Calvary on Sunday, March
13, and we will have a mission potluck that
day with a free-will offering at the potluck
to help them raise funds for the trip.
This is a milestone for Calvary to have been
part of supporting missionaries who have
translated the entire New Testament into
a new language; Papua New Guinea people
can read God’s Word in their own language.
Ron and Michelle have been faithful servants of the Lord.
Chuck & Cindy Lindquist
Ron & Michelle Olson have been Calvary missionaries and
have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1995.
They have worked on translating the New Testament
into the Agarabi language, living and working among the
people in the highlands of Papau New Guinea.
Mission partner: El Milagro/ the Miracle Church
Calvary has been a
mission partner with
El Milagro for many
years and has walked
with them through
many changes. When
asking Pastor Judith
VanOsdol what being a mission partner
means, she said, “One
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
of the main advantages of the partnership is both El Milagro and Calvary members
have a better understanding that:
Partner churches invited for
Lenten services
Calvary is inviting our church partners
to join us for dinner and Lenten services. On March 16, El Milagro Lutheran
Church will join us for dinner and the
7 p.m. service. If you are interested
in helping host our guests, contact
Dawn Dresser, ddresser@calvary.org,
Watch the bulletin for updates on the
other churches joining us.
• The church is bigger than just each of
our congregations,
I was born into the World Mission Prayer
League as a daughter of Calvary missionaries, Ray and Carol Rosales, and was raised
in Ecuador and Mexico. When I met Chuck,
and we began praying about our future
together, Calvary and WMPL launched us as
a couple into a career in world mission. We
are grateful for this and want to take this
opportunity to thank Calvary for continued
financial and prayer support, literally, all
my life.
After coming back from Ecuador where
Chuck and I worked I spent many years
working with Cindy Engelkes to bring mission education into Calvary’s Grace Place. I
count these years as my training for what I
do now in the area of mission education for
children. I design materials to help children
in churches learn about, pray for and get
involved in activities to promote a sense
that they are involved in God’s mission in
the world.
English language learners
Mondays, 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Fridays, 9 a.m.–12 noon
Imagine what it would be like to be in
a country where you could not competently speak or understand the language.
Starting Monday, April 4, and Friday, April
8, Robbinsdale School District, along
with Calvary, will begin offering English
Language Learner courses here at Calvary.
The classes are not limited to Spanish
• Not all of God’s children look alike, and
• It helps us realize who God’s children are
right in our own backyard.”
Our partnership has allowed us to share
ideas back and forth as to what works for
worship and youth ministries. El Milagro
members will join us for dinner and worship
on March 16 to enjoy the Lenten portrayal.
If you would like to assist in the classrooms
or volunteer to help with childcare, contact Dawn Dresser, ddresser@calvary.org,
Pastor Steve attends international conference in Ethiopia
In mid-February, Pastor Steve Dornbusch attended an historic, first-of-its-kind international theological and mission conference in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Actually, this entailed two different events: a mission convention of the church of Ethiopia, as well as
an international mission conference.
The Rev. Dr. Gemechis Buba, missions director for the North American Lutheran Church
(NALC) and a native of Ethiopia, invited
Pastor Steve to be part of a panel presentation featuring large-church pastors. The
panel discussed missions, outreach, stewardship and related topics.
Thousands of pastors, theologians, missionaries, evangelists and lay leaders from
around the world attended the conferences. Teachers and speakers from Tanzania,
Sweden, Ethiopia, Canada and the U.S.
shared a variety of perspectives on both
theology and mission.
Pastor Steve will share highlights from his
experience in Ethiopia in the May/June
issue of Calvary Calls.
Page 8
pastoral records thru Jan. 21
Knox Douglas Vander Werf
Grady Ray Aizlyn Cacia Everson Nathan Charles Kelly
Tiberius James Nelson Gavin Richard Racer Otto Albert Schmidt
Alexis Muse Larson
Caden Jack Holm Sawyer June Worum Evan Joseph Olson Laura Helmer Owen Archer Caplinger Clara Louise Hallberg Soren James Hallberg Leo Joseph Riley Isla Jessamine Duncanson Gavin Randall Evers Jared Roy Blowers Owen Douglas Neus Madelyn Ruth Cesa Imani Louise Madigan Jade Renae Lubega Dec. 12
Dec. 12
Dec. 12
Dec. 16
Dec. 19
Dec. 19
Dec. 24
Jan. 2
Jan. 2
Jan. 2
Jan. 16
Jan. 16
Jan. 23
Jan. 23
Jan. 23
Jan. 23
Jan. 23
Jan. 23
Jan. 27
Jan. 30
Jan. 30
Jan. 30
Jan. 30
Rande Nelson/David Lyle Garnett Jan. 1
Arleen Mae Van Auken
Dorothy McCormack
Julie Ann Lindahl
June G. Straw
Jan. 4
Jan. 5
Jan. 12
Jan. 21
Prayers for our military
personnel and families
We ask your prayers for the following Calvary
members (or family members) currently serving in the United States military.
Lt. Col. Reik Andersen, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Romney C. Andersen, U.S. Army
Ensign JoEllen Arons, U.S. Coast Guard
Sgt. Adam Boentgen, U.S. Army
LCpl. Gary Bohn, U.S. Marines
SHP SVCMN 1C Rachel Dunbar, U.S. Navy
A1C Garrett Egeberg, U.S. Air Force
Corp. Daniel Fashing, U.S. Marines
SFC Mark Hayek, U.S. National Guard
Capt. Gregg Johnson, U.S. Army
SA Justin Larson, U.S. Navy
Capt. Benjamin Loving, U.S. Army
Pvt. Ryan Mash, U.S. Army
Capt. Matthew Misner, U.S. Air Force
1st Lt. Whitney Peterson, U.S. Army
PFC Matthew Rabine, U.S. Army
SrA Kyle Seashore, U.S. Air Force
Maj. Brian Smith, U.S. Army
Maj. Matthew Smith, U.S. Army
Capt. Steve Thorpe, U.S. Army
Petty Officer Third Class
Michael J. Tracy, U.S. Navy
Lt. Col. Joe Vogt, U.S. Air Force
E-3SN Will Weldin, U.S. Navy
Zak Wige, U.S. Marines
Stephen Wilson, Michael Wilson and
Amanda Wilson, U.S. Air Force
(father, son & daughter-in-law)
SR Ian Yates, U.S. Navy
Mission statement
To actively express God’s love through
everyday deeds of support for persons
experiencing the unique environment of
military life—our men and women on active
duty, veterans and their families.
Please refer names of any additional
service personnel to Pastor Skip Reeves at
763.231.2965 or sreeves@calvary.org.
March/April 2011
Simple act of service
During Lent, please consider opening up
parking spaces for visitors by riding the shuttle. It’s easy and convenient.
Go to the Valley Square (formerly Syngenta)
parking lot on the northeast corner of
Hwy. 55 and Rhode Island. Shuttle service
is available Sundays, 7 a.m.–1 p.m., and
Wednesdays during Lent 4:30–10 p.m. Thank
you for helping provide a positive experience for our guests.
CareNotes for Lent
Margin checkup
CareNotes and PrayerNotes are helpful little
pamphlets for everyday kinds of experiences. Check out the ones geared for Lent:
By Liz Turner
• Prayer Starters for All the Days of Lent
• 40 Days and 40 Ways to Make the Most of
Lent this Year
• Growing Closer as a Family During Lent
The CareNote rack is located outside the
Sanctuary by the Prayer Chapel.
Through the eyes of a child
By Kim Baumann, Disabilities Awareness Ministry
We were
driving home
from church
one Sunday
morning when
my daughter
asked me why
we hadn’t
seen a friend
of mine
recently. She
couldn’t reMadeline Baumann and Stephanie
member her
name but described her as someone we often see in “the
donut room” who is an adult but younger
than mommy, is really nice and funny. After
a few more questions I figured out who she
was talking about.
I let a few minutes pass and then asked my
daughter, “Why didn’t you mention that she
uses a wheelchair?” (A description I thought
would have been obvious). Her response:
“Oh, I forgot about her wheelchair.”
Leave it to a six-year-old to remind us to see
someone for her attributes and gifts and not
her disability!
Reach out to those with
disabilities through Disabilities
Awareness Ministry
Spring Fling
Sunday, April 10
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Gathering Room
For more information,
contact Katy Thuleen
So how are you doing adding margin to your
life? Our five-week sermon series in January
was a month ago now and if you were going
to apply anything to your life you probably
have done it by now. How is it going? Is it
a work in progress? Have you fallen off the
bandwagon? Are you experiencing great
freedom from all the margin you have added
to your life? Well, making any life change
takes a sense of purpose, discipline and perseverance to make it really stick. Here are
a couple of suggestions to help you stay on
track or ramp up your commitment to add
some margin to your life:
• Start each day with 10 minutes of quiet
time with the Lord. Breathe deeply,
read a short passage of Scripture, talk
to God about your day, your worries,
your dreams. Starting your day with 10
minutes of time margin will change your
whole day.
• Find out what percentage of your income
you are spending and then eliminate one
frivolous or careless expense that you can
then save (don’t spend it on something
else!), thus creating more financial
• Assess yourself at work. What is it that
you do well and love doing in your job?
Then rearrange your time so you can
spend one more hour a week doing that
one thing. At the end of one month assess
the results and see how you created
margin in your work.
Blood = gift of life
Sunday, April 17
8 a.m.–1 p.m., Gym
Donate your blood and reflect on the gift of
life that comes through Christ’s blood.
• Must be 17 years of age (16 with
parental consent)
• Eat a good meal within four hours of
• Be in good health
• Free from colds or flu for three days
• Bring photo ID
For more information, call Hildi at
March/April 2011
Page 9
Meet our new Calvary members
Andre, Michelle, Noah Allen & Tyler Kimmons
Debbie Bentley
Becca Betterman
Brian, Carla & Aaron
Lucille Day
Steve & Beth Durfee
Casey English
Christy & Aizlyn Everson
Jean Hansen
Kermit Hauge
Vennie & John Fahning
Gary Ilstrup
Sarah, Jason & Lindsey
Rich Ohlenberg
Justin, Sara, Adia &
Sam Remsbottom
Ryan, Susan, Emelia & Bennett Johnson
Richard, Gabriella, Isabella
& Deborah Schutta
Angelica Stockdale
Christine Svihel
John & Sherry Swanson
Britni Burke & Kyle Kesselring
Brian, Catherine, Ethan & Nicholas Magnuson
Todd Welch & Rachel
Bud, Shannon & Sawyer
Stuart, Holly, Ethan, Elisabeth & Samantha McFarland
Steve, Christy & Alexander Reutiman
Become part of our
church family
Interested in joining Calvary?
Join us at the:
New Member Gathering
Saturday, March 19, 10 a.m., Gathering Room
Childcare and nursery will be provided.
Please RSVP to Pam at 763.231.2982 or
Pete & Gerry Peterson
Not pictured:
Emily Cauthen
Norris Skogerboe
Bob & Mary Wrase
Page 10
Lent and Easter
experiences for families
Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
Celebrate Spring
Sunday, April 3, 2–4 p.m., Calvary gym
March/April 2011
At PandaMania, kids will discover that God is
wild about them! PandaMania is filled with
incredible Bible-learning experiences kids
see, hear and touch—activities that help
faith flow into real life and change them
Teens and adults—please join us as leaders—
you’ll have a Bamboo Blast!
Vacation Bible School
Invite friends and family and neighbors to
welcome spring! There will be crafts, activities and treats and, of course, our annual
Easter Egg Hunt at 3:45 p.m. It will be tons
of fun all over Calvary with a special area
set aside for preschool egg hunters. Punch
cards can be purchased at the door for $5
and will allow you to participate in all activities. Scholarships are available. To
volunteer, contact Sharry Hosfield,
shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
Preschool Session
June 6–10, 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Ages 3½–Kindergarten
Elementary Session
June 13–17, 9:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Completed grades K–6 grade
Extended daycare is possible for an added
fee—must register by May 1.
Early bird fee: $25 per child on or before
May 1/$35 per child after May 1.
Contact Roxanne Pengelly,
rpengelly@calvary.org, 762.231.2968.
It’s time to register for the 2011 Fall programs
Walk through Holy Week
Room N007
Sunday, April 17, 11:15 a.m.–1 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday
April 20 & 21, 4:30–7 p.m.
Friday, April 22, 3–4:30 & 5:30–7 p.m.
Come visit Jerusalem and reflect on the
events of the week leading up to and following Jesus’ crucifixion. This experience has
been a part of Grace Place for third graders
each year, but this year we are making it
available for all families during Holy Week.
Hosts will be present to provide passports
and to equip you for taking a self-guided
tour and sharing stories with your family. Please allow about 30 minutes for your
visit. Your tour can start anytime in the
above time frames, but you must finish by
the closing time. Contact Cindy Engelkes,
cengelkes@calvary.org, 763.231.2970.
Introducing Spark Family
It’s more than a
devotional and
much more than
a magazine—it’s a
“devozine”! The
new Spark Family
relates to some
of the stories
that we’ve been
working on in Tots
through second
grade at Grace
© 2011 Augsburg Fortress. Reproduces by
Place. It includes permission.
family discussion
starters, tons of fun puzzles and games,
and lots of great ways to connect the Bible
to our everyday lives. Pick up your complimentary copy at the Grace Place Gym office
Register for a Pre-K Adventure. In Pre-K,
your child will begin an adventure in intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual
Our professional, experienced teachers are
skilled and passionate about children and
their development. Our learning environment boasts spacious classrooms, a full gymnasium, outdoor playgrounds, two indoor
large-muscle rooms plus a Chapel, Sanctuary
and other spaces for special events.
Contact Carol Zwernik, pre-k@calvary.org,
Enroll now for our hourly childcare program.
Open four days a week (Tuesday-Friday).
We have openings for children ages 16
months–age 5.
This is a place where your child will experience creative play, music, art and circle
times devoted to learning about ourselves
and the world around us. Our program offers flexibility for families with their early
childhood education needs. Contact Debby
Bromander, hourlychildcare@calvary.org,
Look at how creative we are with paper!
Kids from birth (with parents) through
9th grade have a place at Grace Place or
Registrations for Grace Place and
Confirmation will be mailed in early April.
For your convenience, you may get information and/or turn in registrations at a table
in the Atrium on Sundays, April 10 & 17,
and Wednesday & Thursday, April 13 & 14.
Watch for information on online registration. Contact Roxanne Pengelly, rpengelly@
calvary.org, 762.231.2968.
Early childhood parenting classes for
families with children ages birth–2½ years
• Want to meet families?
• Want to learn about faith development?
• Want to gain ideas for you to use at
Contact Debby Bromander, hourlychildcare@
calvary.org, 763.231.2948.
Tots (2½–3 years)
The youngest learners in Grace Place are
Tots. If your child was born between
June 1, 2008, and May 31, 2009, he/she can
be a part of our weekly Grace Place Tots
class next fall. There will be a spring orientation on Sunday, April 10 at 10 a.m. in
Room N008. Come see what our Tots class is
all about! We’ll answer questions and take a
little tour of a class with some of our current Tots in action! Contact Sharry Hosfield,
shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
March/April 2011
WAPO Summer 2011
In the Midst…
Calvary week July 24-29
At Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp—
better known as Camp Wapo—it’s all about
relationships: discovering, building, celebrating and living relationships. The ministries of Wapo have one common purpose: to
provide opportunities for people, especially
young people in their formative years, to
deepen their relationship with Christ, the
church and each other. All are welcome! Have questions about Calvary’s participation at Camp Wapo? Visit calvary.org/wapo
or contact Lisa Buck at lbuck@calvary.org
or 763.231.2992. Brochures are available at
the Children, Youth & Family box behind the
Information Desk.
2nd & 3rd Grade –
Seeds at Wapo main site (July 22-24)
4th & 5th Grade – Wapo main site
6th Grade – Ox Lake International Villages
Page 11 Thoughts on mentoring
By Gary Preston
I believe mentoring is the most important
way you can impact the success of a child.
National statistics show that children who
are mentored are 52 percent less likely to
miss school or drop out, 46 percent less
likely to use drugs and alcohol, and teen
pregnancy is reduced by 35 percent. These
statistics are based on relationships that last
just 11 months. However, the word “mentoring” implies that the mentor must possess
some special skills, and that prevents most
people from doing it. The reality is that you
need only to be a friend. These children
succeed because an adult took the time to
show interest in them and their lives. When
you look at the people who had the greatest
influence on you, a teacher usually comes to
mind. But you probably had that person for
a class for only nine months and you were
one of several students. In spite of this you
were made to feel special because this person showed a particular interest in you. This
is what a mentor does.
I’ve mentored a boy through Kinship for six
years and he’s doing great. When I became
his “friend,” he was in a special school
for troubled youth. Since then, he’s been
mainstreamed in school and is now a junior
in high school. Last year he maintained a B+
average in his classes. The interesting thing
is that I never tutored him. I did create a
trust relationship with him in which he knew
I cared about him and regularly spent time
Left to right: Erin Buck, Gary Preston, Elice Bauernfeind
with him and that was all he needed.
I believe I have a similar effect on the
students I have in Grace Place and
Confirmation. It doesn’t take much effort to
show special concern to every student. You
only have to care about each child and show
them some special attention.
You can do the same thing with the children
in your life. You can become one of the
special persons in their lives. You only need
to invest the time and concern and you will
make a difference.
During Lent, you can become a “friend”
to one of our Confirmation students by
volunteering to be a mentor for just six
Wednesday nights and Maundy Thursday. You
will be provided with a set of questions you
can discuss with your mentee following that
night’s portrayal. If you are interested in
helping one of our students, contact Kathy
Brown, kbrown@calvary.org, 763.231.2971.
7th Grade – Wapo main site
8th Grade – JOC (Journey of the Cross)
at Ox Lake
9th–12th Grade – 2 options for 2011
• Luther Dell “Roots” or
• TIM Team* (July 22-29)
Wapo main site/Ox Lake
*Leadership application must be completed
by Feb. 23 for this option
Registration and $100 deposit
due Tuesday, March 15
(space is limited so register early to reserve
your spot!)
Balance due—Friday, July 1
Mark your calendars for Parent Information
Night, Thursday, July 14, 7:45 p.m.
Youth musical
Sunday, March 20
8:45, 10 & 11:15 a.m. services
Current Jam, Calvary’s youth choir, performs
their 2011 musical, American Idols, staring Calvary’s own 7th–12th grade students
in a parody of the popular television show
American Idol. The show follows contestants
and their struggles with the idols of their
lives. As the performers take the stage for
the finale, make-up artists, judges, prophets
and other cast members bring to light the
dangers of idolatry and the hope of change.
This show is our way of saying “thank you”
to you, the congregation, for the many ways
you support us!
Holy pancakes!
By Bryan McInnis
There’s a pizza place 100 yards from
Golgotha, the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. On
a sunny April afternoon I passed by, mistakenly making eye contact with the owner of
the establishment. With a burst of speed he
rushed out to me, tickling my ears with a
historically unsubstantiated claim, “Friend,
Jesus ate pizza here!”
Nope. Pizza did not exist in ancient Israel.
Neither did pancakes.
Still, for years, Calvary has helped point
high school students to Jesus through batches of Easter morning pancakes. The annual
Easter Breakfast fundraiser is your opportunity to eat your way toward enabling 10th12th graders to attend this year’s Summer
Trip, where they will be inspired by nationally recognized speakers and worship leaders
to devote their lives to Jesus.
This year’s menu will consist of eggs, sausage, American fries, coffee, orange juice…
and, yes, pancakes. So make the Easter
Breakfast a part of your holiday tradition
and help our students experience the trip of
a lifetime!
Easter Breakfast
Sunday, April 24, 6:30–11 a.m.
$6/adults, $5/children under 10
Page 12
annual churchwide events
Celebrate Spring
Sunday, April 3, 2-4 p.m., Gym
All are welcome to celebrate the coming of spring with
crafts, treats and a candy hunt. Punch cards: $5. Contact:
Sharry Hosfield, shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
Spring Fling Disabilities Party
Sunday, April 10
12:30-2:30 p.m., Gathering Room
A fun event for people with disabilities and their families.
Contact: Katy Thuleen, 763.545.8541.
Walk Through Holy Week
Sunday, April 17, 11:15 a.m.–1 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday, April 20 & 21,
4:30–7 p.m.
Friday, April 22, 3-4:30 p.m. and 5:30–7 p.m.
Come visit Jerusalem and reflect on the events of the week
leading up to and following Jesus’ crucifixion. Hosts will be
present to provide you with passports and to equip you for
taking a self-guided tour. Contact: Cindy Engelkes, cengelkes@calvary.org, 763.231.2970.
10th Annual Calvary Art Exhibit
“Reflections of Grace: A Christian
Witness in Art”
Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday
April 17-24, Room N205
Join Calvary members and friends in exhibiting works of
art that express a Christian thought or idea. Artist registration due by Friday, April 1, at calvary.org/artshow, or call
Lora Edwards at 763.424.4135.
Exhibit hours:
Palm Sunday, April 17 Monday, April 18-Friday, April 22 Saturday, April 23
Easter Sunday, April 24
training sessions
Crown Volunteer Workshop
Saturday, April 9
8:30 a.m.-12 noon, Rooms N202 & N203
Leader training and encouragement for those who lead
the Crown Financial workshops at Calvary and throughout Minnesota. Contact: Liz Turner, lturner@calvary.org,
763.231.2963, calvary.org/crown.
adult life
Singles Ministry Potluck
Fridays, March 11 & April 8
6:30-8:30 p.m., Chapel Café
Learn more about prayer, meditation, fasting and “visio
divina” (praying with art) as Annette Langdon, director of
Health & Caring Ministries, teaches and explores new ways
to apply them to daily life. No need to sign up—just come!
Contact: Pastor Carol Skjegstad, cskjegstad@calvary.org,
Covenant: Living with Purpose
Sundays, through March 27, 9 a.m., Room N203
Using concepts from the book A Passionate Life by Walt
Kallestad and Mike Breen, we’ll discuss learning from life,
living in rhythm, balancing relationships and knowing our
roles in life. Contact: John Hensrud, jhensrud@calvary.org,
763.231.2966, calvary.org/sermonseries.
Alpha Course
Tuesdays, Feb. 8-April 12
6-8:30 p.m., Room N205
Alpha Retreat: Saturday, March 26,
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Room N205
Explore the meaning of life through this 10-week course
on the basics of the Christian faith. Contact: Pastor John
Brecount, jbrecount@calvary.org, 763.231.2961, calvary.
“A Life Worth Living” Small Group
DVD Series & Discussion
Sundays, Jan. 16-March 13
10-11:15 a.m., Room N202
Live the Christian life positively, practically and joyfully
with a new heart and purpose. Find out how by joining
this small group DVD study and discussion on the book of
Philippians. Contact: Deb Wagner, dwagner@calvary.org,
763.231.2976, calvary.org/smallgroups.
Truth Project
Mondays, Jan. 31-April 18
6:30-8:30 p.m., Room A008
This course looks at life from a biblical perspective,
studying the very nature and character of God, and how
He consistently reveals Himself to us in every aspect of life.
Contact: Craig Anderson, craig.anderson@mwcia.org,
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Wednesdays, 6:15 a.m., Room N201
A men’s group that meets for Bible study and prayer.
Contact: Pete Duelo, poduelo@msn.com.
Friday Morning Bible Study
Fridays, 6:30 a.m.
Perkins (Louisiana & Hwy. 394)
Join us for early morning Bible study and fellowship. A
great way to start the day! Contact: Jerry, calvarymen@
gmail.com, 763.588.4922, calvary.org/men.
Monthly Breakfast
40s–60s singles are invited for fellowship and a meal. Bring
a main dish, side dish or dessert to share and a food shelf
item. Beverages will be provided. Other social events are
planned throughout the year (contact Sharon to receive
e-mail notices about these events). Contact: Sharon
Stavrovich, sstavrovich@aol.com.
Second Saturdays, March 12 & April 9
7:45 a.m. – Breakfast
8 a.m. – Program
“A Life Worth Living” Small Group
DVD Series & Discussion
Come for our monthly breakfast featuring great food
and music, as well as a special topic/speaker... and other
fun! Contact: Joe Edwards, calvarymen@gmail.com,
763.424.4135, calvary.org/men.
Sundays, Jan. 16-March 13
10-11:15 a.m., Room N202
Live the Christian life positively, practically and joyfully
with a new heart and purpose. Find out how by joining
this small group DVD study and discussion on the book of
Philippians. Contact: Deb Wagner, dwagner@calvary.org,
763.231.2976, calvary.org/smallgroups.
Small Groups
Meet new friends and grow in your faith through learning
and service with others. Join a small group! Contact: Deb
Wagner, dwagner@calvary.org, 763.231.2976, calvary.org/
adult education
Lenten Bible Study
Sunday, March 6–27, 10 a.m., Room N204
Join Pastor Skip Reeves as he leads a Bible study exploring the biblical stories surrounding four of the Wednesday
Lenten Portrayals. The characters that Pastor Skip will look
at include the man born blind, the Gerazene Demoniac,
the Adulterous woman and the grateful leper. No need to
register…just come! Contact: Pastor Skip Reeves, sreeves@
calvary.org, 763.231.2965.
Spiritual Practices for Lent
Sundays, April 3, 10 & 17
9 a.m. & 10 a.m., Room N204
(March: FaithSearch DVD: “Jesus’ Resurrection – Hoax or
History?” April: Bryan McInnis, High School & Young
Adult Director)
Leadership Team Meetings
Saturdays, March 5 & April 2
8 a.m., Fireside Café
Have some ideas for events, projects, Bible studies or
other things that might interest men? Able to help with our
monthly breakfasts? Join us at our monthly planning team
meetings. Contact: Joe Edwards, calvarymen@gmail.com,
763.424.4135, calvary.org/men.
March/April 2011
Circles are groups of women who meet monthly September
through June. New members are always welcome! Contact:
Cheri Almquist, calmquist@calvary.org, 763.231.2981,
Knitting & Crocheting Group
Mondays, March 28 & April 18
7-8:30 p.m., Room N001
Do you knit and/or crochet? Would you like to make items
for those in need? Join our monthly knitting and crocheting
group! Contact: Contact Twyla Bredy, 952.942.6677.
Scrapbooking Group
Third Saturdays, March 19 & April 16
9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Room N204
Come scrapbook with other women and enjoy fellowship
while you work on your albums. Bring your supplies and
a snack to share. Contact: Karen, 952.934.2813, or Julia,
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Mondays, March 14 & 28, April 11, & May 2
9:40-11:20 a.m., Room N203
Registration required. Contact: Jane Hixson, 952.994.7564.
senior high
Current Jam Youth Choir Musical:
“American Idols”
Sunday, March 20
8:45, 10 & 11:15 a.m. worship services
Based on the popular TV show of a similar name, “American Idols” follows three contestants and their struggles
with power, money and fame—the idols of their lives. As
the performers take to the stage for the season finale,
make-up artists, judges, prophets and other cast members
help bring to light the dangers of idolatry and the hope of
change. Contact: Christine Anderson, music@calvary.org,
Wednesday Current
Wednesday, March 2
(not meeting during Lent: March 9-April 27)
6:30 p.m., Student Underground
Post-confirmation students (grades 10-12) meet weekly
for songs, conversation and community. We have real
questions, authentic struggles, genuine faith and a growing desire to change the world for the sake of God’s
kingdom. Contact: Bryan McInnis, bmcinnis@calvary.org,
763.231.2958, calvary.org/712.
Summer Trip
Sunday, June 19-Sunday, June 26
Big Stuf, Panama City, Fla.
Registration for the 2011 Summer Trip is closed. For those
who have registered, we have trip meetings on Sunday,
March 27, and Sunday, June 5, both at 12 noon in the Student Underground. This is also the time of year when we
are looking for help with Lenten suppers, Easter Breakfast
and the rummage sale. For more information on BigStuf
Camps, visit www.bigstuf.com. Contact: Sarah Burton,
sburton@calvary.org, 763.231.2956, calvary.org/712.
junior high
Friday Ignite
Fridays through April 29, 6-8 p.m.
Student Underground
A fun and safe place for 7th and 8th graders to hang out
and play games. Also hear a devotional message and enjoy
snacks from the concession stand. Contact: Melanie Racer,
mracer@calvary.org, 763.231.2972, calvary.org/712.
Summer Trip
Sunday, June 19-Friday, June 24
Green Bay, Wis.
We’re partnering with YouthWorks to provide a one-of-akind opportunity to serve children, the homeless and the
elderly in the Green Bay area. Contact: Melanie Racer,
mracer@calvary.org, 763.231.2972, calvary.org/712.
Women in the Word
Fridays, through May, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Grow in your faith and make new friends in our study of
the Letters of Paul. Children are welcome at Kids in the
Word, which focuses on the same weekly lesson and prayer
... plus play time. Contact: Cheryl, 763.509.0930, or Nancy,
Calvary Women’s Retreat
Friday evening, March 4-Sunday noon, March 6
Mount Carmel, Alexandria, Minn.
Featuring “God’s Girls: Embracing His calling … leaving a
legacy” with Deb Brown of FaithWalk Ministries. Contact:
Cheri Almquist, calmquist@calvary.org, 763.231.2981,
children under 12
Grace Place
Sundays, 8:45 & 10 a.m.
Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.
“Grace Place” is our version of Sunday school. All children
ages 2½ to sixth grade are invited! Grace Place occurs
September to May. Contact: Cindy Engelkes, cengelkes@
calvary.org, 763.231.2970, calvary.org/graceplace.
Continued on page 13
March/April 2011
Calendar & Resources
Continued from page 12
6th Grade My Faith Journey:
“Welcome to Confirmation”
Thursday, March 3, 6:30 p.m., and
Sunday, March 6, 8:45 & 10 a.m., Room N007
Meet Calvary’s youth staff and learn about Calvary’s
Confirmation ministry. Contact: Kathy Brown, kbrown@
calvary.org, 763.231.2971.
4th Grade My Faith Journey: Seder
Thursday, March 10, 6:30 p.m., and
Sunday, March 13, 8:45 & 10 a.m., Room N007
Experience the drama of the story of the Israelites’ escape
from Egypt and taste the foods of the Jewish Passover
Seder. Contact: Cindy Engelkes, cengelkes@calvary.org,
Celebrate Spring
Sunday, April 3, 2-4 p.m., Gym
All are welcome to celebrate the coming of spring with
crafts, treats and a candy hunt. Punch cards: $5. Contact:
Sharry Hosfield, shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
Registration for Vacation Bible School,
Grace Place & Confirmation
Sundays, April 10 & 17, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., and
Wednesday & Thursday, April 13 & 14,
5-7 p.m., Atrium
Register for Grace Place 2011-2012, Confirmation 2011-2012
and Vacation Bible School 2011. Contact: Roxanne Pengelly,
rpengelly@calvary.org, 763.231.2968.
Grace Place Orientation for Tots
Sunday, April 10, 8:45 & 10 a.m., Room N008
The youngest learners in Grace Place are Tots. If your child
was born between June 1, 2008, and May 31, 2009, he or
she can be a part of our weekly Grace Place Tots class next
fall. Come to see what our Tots class is all about! We’ll
answer questions and take a little tour of a class with some
of our current Tots in action! Contact: Sharry Hosfield,
shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
Kindergarten My Faith Journey:
“I Like the Bible”
Thursday, April 28, 6:30 p.m., and
Sunday, May 1, 8:45 & 10 a.m., Room N007
Children and parents play games and sing songs to celebrate God’s Word to us in familiar Bible stories. Contact:
Sharry Hosfield, shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
family & parenting
Baptism Information Class (Infants &
First Sundays, March 6 & April 3
11:15-11:55 a.m., Room N008
We welcome infants, children of all ages and adults to the
Baptism font. These sessions focus primarily on the Baptism
of infants and children. Contact: Debby Bromander, hourlychildcare@calvary.org, 763.545.9042, calvary.org/baptism.
Teensy Tots Parenting Class
Third Sundays, March 20 & April 17
10 a.m., Room N008
For parents and children birth to age 1. Our class topics center on how to encourage faith development at your child’s
early age. Contact: Debby Bromander, hourlychildcare@
calvary.org, 763.545.9042, calvary.org/parentingclasses.
Tiny Tots Parenting Class
Second Sundays, March 13 & April 10
10 a.m., Room N008
For parents and children ages 1 to 2. You’ll do an activity with your child, then you’ll retreat to a discussion
room to hear a presenter and engage with other parents.
Your child will stay behind to play games, hear Bible stories and engage in many other faith-building activities.
Contact: Debby Bromander, hourlychildcare@calvary.org,
763.545.9042, calvary.org/parentingclasses.
Adoption Parent Group
Sunday, March 20
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m., Rooms N201 & N202
A panel of youth from the Adoption Support Network will
share their experiences in foster care or adoption. This
meeting is for parents, teachers, family and friends of
adopted and foster children. Contact: Lisa Krause, adoptiongroup@gmail.com, 763.438.1093, calvary.org/adoption.
Celebrate Spring
Sunday, April 3, 2-4 p.m., Gym
All are welcome to celebrate the coming of spring with
crafts, treats and a candy hunt. Punch cards: $5. Contact:
Sharry Hosfield, shosfield@calvary.org, 763.231.2969.
Walk Through Holy Week
Sunday, April 17, 11:15 a.m.–1 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday, April 20 & 21,
4:30–7 p.m.
Friday, April 22, 3-4:30 p.m. and 5:30-7 p.m.
Come visit Jerusalem and reflect on the events of the week
leading up to and following Jesus’ crucifixion. Hosts will be
present to provide you with passports and to equip you for
taking a self-guided tour. Contact: Cindy Engelkes, cengelkes@calvary.org, 763.231.2970.
Current Jam Youth Choir Musical:
“American Idols”
Sunday, March 20
8:45, 10 & 11:15 a.m. worship services
Based on the popular TV show of a similar name, “American Idols” follows three contestants and their struggles
with power, money and fame—the idols of their lives. As
the performers take to the stage for the season finale,
make-up artists, judges, prophets and other cast members
help bring to light the dangers of idolatry and the hope of
change. Contact: Christine Anderson, music@calvary.org,
Wedding Music Sampler
Saturday, March 12, 10-11:30 a.m., Sanctuary
For engaged couples planning a wedding at Calvary or elsewhere. Contact: Dan Oie, doie@calvary.org, 763.231.2944.
Golden Valley Orchestra Concert
Page 13 Spread the word! Interested in being an assistant or helping
with childcare? Contact: Dawn Dresser, ddresser@calvary.
org, 763.231.2988.
health & caring
Blood Drive
Sunday, April 17, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Gym
Sign-up: Sundays, March 27, April 3 & 10
As part of your Lenten journey, give the gift of life by
donating blood. Contact: Hildi Brombacher, 763.374.2309.
Spring Fling Disabilities Party
Sunday, April 10, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Gathering Room
A fun event for people with disabilities and their families.
Contact: Katy Thuleen, 763.545.8541.
Disabilities Awareness Meeting
Monday, March 7, 6:30 p.m., Room N403
The purpose of our disabilities ministry is to lead people
with disabilities into a growing relationship with Jesus
Christ. In addition to providing an accessible environment,
our disabilities ministry group plans special events that
empower people with disabilities to lead active faith lives.
Contact: Katy Thuleen, 763.545.8541.
Breathe, Stretch, Pray
Mondays, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Room N203
Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m., Room N005
Cost: $50/8 sessions (checks payable to Calvary)
Saturday, April 2, 7 p.m., Sanctuary
A special performance by the Golden Valley Orchestra
directed by John Hoffacker. $10 suggested donation. Contact: Dan Oie, doie@calvary.org, 763.231.2944.
Combine yoga poses, Christian music and devotions to care
for body, mind and spirit in Jesus’ name. Led by Yogadevotion. Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@calvary.org,
Choir Rehearsals
Ministry to Military Meeting
Adult groups (calvary.org/adultmusic):
Join with others in supporting veterans and active-duty soldiers, as well as their families. Contact: Pastor Skip Reeves,
sreeves@calvary.org, 763.231.2965, calvary.org/military.
Lend your musical talents to our worship services by participating in one of our adult or youth choirs. All rehearsals
are held weekly unless scheduled by director. Contact:
Christine Anderson, music@calvary.org, 763.231.2945.
Traditions Choir, Wednesdays, 8-9 p.m., Music Auditorium
Expressions Choir, Wednesdays, 8-9 p.m., Chapel
Carillon Handbells, Wednesdays, 6-7 p.m., Music Library
(beneath Chapel)
Calvary Brass, scheduled by director
Calvary Instrumental Ensemble, scheduled by director
Children & youth groups (calvary.org/youthmusic):
Current Jam Youth Choir (grades 7-12), Wednesdays,
8-9 p.m., Room N004
Covenant Choir (grades 4-6), Wednesdays, 6-6:50 p.m.,
Music Auditorium
Ringing Praise Handbells (grades 4-6), Wednesdays,
7-7:50 p.m., Music Library (beneath Chapel)
Carol Choir (grades 1-3), Wednesdays, 6-6:50 p.m.,
Room N004
Cherub Choir (ages 4-Kindergarten), Wednesdays,
6-6:35 p.m., Room N003
mission & outreach
Potluck for Ron & Michelle Olson
Sunday, March 13
12:30-2 p.m., Room N205
Join us for a potluck honoring missionaries Ron and Michelle
Olson as they prepare for the dedication of the New Testament into Agarabi. To help them raise money for their trip
to Papua New Guinea, a free-will offering will be collected
during the potluck. Contact: Ruby Heiden, rheiden@calvary.org, 763.231.2980.
Katrina Mission Trip Interest Meetings
Monday, March 14, & Sunday, March 20
7-8 p.m., Room N201
Learn about why our work continues in New Orleans after
Hurricane Katrina, and hear about our 21st trip planned for
April 9-16. Contact: Dawn Dresser, ddresser@calvary.org,
“Come and Serve” Event
Sunday, March 27
9 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Room N205
Sponsored by the Outreach and the Hunger & Human Needs
Committees, “Come and Serve” is an opportunity for families and people of all ages to serve together by preparing
containers of laundry soap, dish soap and rice for area food
shelves. Stop by any time that morning, and stay as long
as you like! Contact: Dawn Dresser, ddresser@calvary.org,
English Language Learning (ELL)
In collaboration with School District 281, Calvary will host
ELL classes beginning Friday, April 1. Classes will meet
on Fridays, 9 a.m.-12 noon, and Mondays, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
First Mondays, March 7 & April 4
11 a.m., Room N201
Blood Pressure Screening
Second Tuesdays, March 8 & April 12
11 a.m.-12 noon, Room E120
Third Sundays, March 20 & April 17
9-11:15 a.m., Room A119 (near Chapel)
Free monthly blood-pressure checks provided by Calvary’s
parish nurse team. Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@
calvary.org, 763.231.2955.
Faith Walking at Calvary
Looking for a place to walk? Come to Calvary. Walk around
on one level or up and down the stairs, and add some prayer
and Scripture to make it faith walking. Check in with the
receptionist; after 7:30 p.m., alert the custodial staff to
your presence. Looking for a partner? Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@calvary.org, 763.231.2955.
The Gathering
Second & Fourth Thursdays
March 10 & 24 and April 14 & 28
10 a.m.-3 p.m., Rooms N003 & N004
Social respite for people with mild to moderate memory
loss. Affiliated with Alzheimers Association and in partnership with Lyngblomsten. Assessment and pre-registration
required. Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@calvary.org,
support groups
Infertility, Infant Loss & Miscarriage
Fourth Tuesdays, March 22 & April 26, 7–9 p.m.
Faith-based group for couples dealing with infertility. Meets
in homes. Contact Daonna, 763.559.1890, or Marianne,
Secondary Infertility Support
Second Tuesdays, March 8 & April 12, 7–9 p.m.
Faith-based support for people who already have a child or
children and going through infertility. Meets in homes.
Contact Daonna for location, 763.559.1890.
Grief Support
Third Sundays, March 20 & April 17
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Luther Room
Spiritual support for people who have lost a loved one.
Led by Pastor Skip Reeves and Annette Langdon, parish
nurse. Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@calvary.org,
Continued on page 14
Page 14
Calendar & Resources
Continued from page 13
Compassionate Friends
Third Mondays, March 21 & April 18
7-9 p.m., Room N004
For parents who have ex­perienced the death of a child.
Contact Carol, 763.542.8528.
Suicide Survivors Support Group
First & Third Tuesdays, March 1 & March 15
April 5 & 19, 7–8:30 p.m., Luther Room
For those who have lost a loved one by suicide.
Contact Bev, 763.323.3178.
Living with Cancer
Third Tuesdays, March 15 & April 19
6:30-8 p.m., Rooms N211 & N212
Support for people living with cancer, as well as their family members. Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@calvary.
org, 763.231.2955.
NAMI – National Alliance for the
Mentally Ill
Third Tuesdays, March 15 & April 19,
7–9:30 p.m.
Rooms N209 & N210 (March), Rooms N207 &
N208 (April)
Support for families and individuals experiencing mental
illness. Contact: Annette Langdon, alangdon@calvary.org,
Hope for Parents: Alanon
Tuesdays, 7:30–9 p.m., Room N004
For parents of children struggling with chemical addictions.
Contact Gail, 763.544.2224, or Ruth, 952.475.2251.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 10-11 a.m., Room N209
For people struggling with alcohol and chemical dependency. Contact Ellen, 763.545.3302, or Neil, 763.551.2519.
Memory Loss Caregivers
Second Thursdays, March 10 & April 14
10-11:30 a.m., Room N207
Support group for those who care for people with memory
loss. Facilitator trained through the Alzheimer’s Association. Contact: Becky Clifford, 612.670.0296.
prayer support
Prayer Requests
Go to calvary.org/pray or click on the link “Let Us Pray for
You” on the home page.
Call 763.546.PRAY every day for a brief message of inspiration and prayer.
Prayer Teams
Receive prayer support from trained lay people who are
available on Sunday mornings to pray with anyone for any
request. They are available at the end of every service in
the worship setting.
Personal Prayers or Family Prayer
Available upon request for specific prayer support.
Places to Pray
The Prayer Chapel located on the north side of the Sanctuary and the Prayer Room located on the second floor of the
north wing (Room N212) are small quiet rooms decorated to
encourage prayer. Available anytime the church is open for
individuals or small groups.
Prayer Warriors
A group of faithful men who pray during the worship hours
for the needs written on the prayer cards and collected
during worship.
serving & giving
Lenten Faith Mentoring
Pairing Confirmation students with adult mentors
Wednesdays during Lent. Contact: Kathy Brown,
kbrown@calvary.org, 763.231.2971.
Art Exhibit Hosts
From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, hosts needed
to greet guests at the 2011 art exhibit on second floor.
Contact: Lora Edwards, 763.424.4135.
Gathering Grounds Team
Volunteers needed to serve treats and coffee on Sunday
mornings at the Gathering Grounds. Sign up at calvary.org/
volunteer. Contact: Craig Rothfolk, crothfolk@calvary.org,
Volunteers needed weekday afternoons, early evenings and
Sunday mornings to answer phones and greet guests. Flexible schedules available and full training provided. Contact:
Eileen Morhaim, receptionist@calvary.org, 763.545.5659.
Media Ministry
Assist with Sunday and Thursday services, Journey, Wednesday Night Live and other events. Work with audio, video,
graphics and lights, and be part of the stage crew. Training is provided. Contact: Rob James, rjames@calvary.org,
Parking Lot Attendants
First impressions are important! And you can help by
directing people to open parking spots in Calvary’s parking lots. Contact: John Hensrud, jhensrud@calvary.org,
Greeters make sure that a warm smile and handshake
are offered to everyone coming into Calvary’s main
entrances. Contact: John Hensrud, jhensrud@calvary.org,
Ushers offer support and assistance to those gathered for
worship. Duties include greeting people at the entrance to
worship, offering people bulletins and prayer cards, guiding
people to their seats if they need help, collecting prayer
cards and the offering, and tidying up for the next worship
service. Contact: John Hensrud, jhensrud@calvary.org,
Camp Wapo Vehicle Donation
Do you have a used pick-up truck, SUV or compact car that
you’re looking to donate? Your gift would be tax deductible
and for a great Calvary-kids-serving cause! Contact: Paul
Halverson, phalver@amerytel.net, 715.268.8434 ext. 32.
More Serving Opportunities
Whether you are looking for a one-time or ongoing serving
opportunity, we can help you find a just-the-right-fit experience, be it serving others outside the church or within the
Calvary community. Visit calvary.org/serve.
More Giving Opportunities
Interested in offering financial support to Calvary’s ministries? We offer convenient and creative ways to give, including credit/debit card transactions, automatic withdrawal,
stock gifts and endowment funds. Visit calvary.org/give.
March/April 2011
Wednesdays, March 2, April 20 & 27, 5-6:30 p.m.
Price: $6, pizza, salad, dessert and beverage
Gathering Room
Lenten Suppers, Wednesdays, March 9-April 13,
& Thursday, April 21, 4:30-7 p.m.
Prices: $6/adult, $18/family maximum
Dinners include beverage and dessert
Served buffet style in the Gym
March 9 - Pork loin, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable,
cole slaw, bread
March 16 - Tater tot hotdish, salad, pickles, bread
March 23 - Turkey breast, mashed potatoes, gravy,
vegetable, salad, bread
March 30 - Italian sausage rigatoni, caesar salad,
bread sticks
April 6 - Ham, scalloped potatoes, vegetable, cole slaw,
April 13 - Pulled BBQ chicken sandwich, chips, pickle
spears, baked beans, potato salad
Maundy Thursday, April 21 - Hotdish, salad, bread
Thursdays, March 3 & April 28, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
(No Thursday dinners during Lent)
Prices: $6/adult, $18/family maximum
Dinners include beverage and dessert
Gathering Room
March 3 - Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy,
vegetable, bread
April 28 - Soup, sandwich, salad, chips
Contact: Craig Rothfolk, crothfolk@calvary.org,
Disabilities Ministry
Calvary is a welcoming place to people with disabilities. To
ensure that everyone can participate fully in worship, Calvary features wheelchair accessibility, large-print bulletins,
large screens to display song lyrics and liturgy, assistive
hearing devices to use in the Sanctuary, and an American
Sign Language interpreter at 10 a.m. on the second Sundays. Need transportation? Do you qualify for Metro Mobility transportation? Request tickets from Judy, 763.595.9561.
Many people are sensitive to perfumes and colognes. Please
refrain from wearing fragrances when you attend worship
out of courtesy for others’ allergies.
Gathering Grounds
Enjoy café-like services in the Gathering Room every
Sunday morning. Satisfy your sweet tooth with freshlybaked cookies, savory pastries and other delicious treats—
all just 50 cents each. And, of course, get a great cup of
coffee. On the first Sunday of the month, a hot breakfast is
served for $5 per person.
Holy Communion
Calvary Center Cooperative
Enjoy a carefree affordable senior lifestyle in the heart of
Golden Valley. Features chef-prepared meals, recreational
programs, social events and transportation for shopping.
Contact: Calvary Center Cooperative, 763.544.1090.
Calvary Early Childhood
Located on our church premises, Calvary Early Childhood
offers three educational/childcare options during the week
for your young family. Our Childcare Center provides fulltime childcare (limited part-time) for infants through pre-K
(visit calvary.org/childcare). Our Hourly Childcare offers
short-term childcare—up to five hours daily—for toddlers and
preschoolers (visit calvary.org/hourlychildcare). And our PreKindergarten specializes in pre-K programs with a Christian
emphasis for ages 2-1/2 to 5 (visit calvary.org/pre-k).
Children’s Safety
To ensure that Calvary is as safe as possible for children,
we ask that you share in that responsibility. A parent or
guardian should accompany children up through grade 6
at all times, including their visits to restrooms and water
fountains during worship. Please consider making such
stops with your children prior to services.
A columbarium is a group of small compartments or
“niches” designed to hold cremated remains. It’s a place of
remembrance, contemplation, meditation and prayer. Plans
for both an indoor and outdoor columbarium at Calvary are
underway, and reservations are being taken. Contact: Jane
Olson, 763.544.5965, calvary.org/columbarium.
All baptized Christians are invited to the Lord’s Table. Children receive a blessing. Holy Communion and prayer time
are offered weekly. Full Communion during worship services
occurs on the first Sunday of the month.
Hospital & Home Visits
To inform Calvary of a hospitalization or to request a home
visit, call 763.545.5659. Hospitals are no longer notifying
churches when their members are admitted for care.
Located on the north end of the building, the Calvary
Library provides resources and support to individuals,
classes, small groups and service groups. Whatever your
need—personal growth, biblical history, etc.—we’re here
to help you experience a growing relationship with Jesus
Christ through the resources of our library.
Swing by in March and April to check out the work of our
featured author, Philip Yancey.
Money Map Coaching
Free one-on-one financial guidance with trained volunteer
coaches—at no time will they try to sell anything. The
coaching program involves reviewing a spending evaluation and getting help with balancing a budget. Contact Liz
Turner, lturner@calvary.org, 763.231.2963.
Moving or Snow Birds
Please notify Lois Palmquist, 763.231.2985, if you are moving or planning on being gone through the winter months.
Your contribution envelopes and Calvary Calls newspaper
will be forwarded to your new place of residence. The U.S.
Postal Services will not forward bulk mail.
New Baby
At Calvary, we care about God’s little ones and take joy in
the arrival of each new baby born. If you have a new baby,
contact Debby Bromander, 763.545.9042, hourlychildcare@
calvary.org. Interested in Baptism? See the “Family & Parenting” section.
Continued on page 15
March/April 2011
Page 15
Calendar & Resources
Think green: Celebrating an eco-friendly Calvary
Continued from page 14
On April 22, people worldwide will celebrate
Earth Day, an annual holiday that salutes
eco-friendly living.
New Member Gathering
Saturday, March 19, 10 a.m., Gathering Room
Monday, May 16, 6:30 p.m., Gathering Room
You’ll hear from our pastors, learn more about our ministries, meet others who are seeking membership and, to top
it all off, enjoy some delicious food! A children’s program
and nursery are also provided. Contact: Pam Rathlisberger,
prathlisberger@calvary.org, 763.231.2982.
Available for Thursday evening and Sunday worship services.
Radio & Online Listening
The 10 a.m. service is broadcast live each week on radio
station KKMS 980AM.
Missed a sermon? Visit calvary.org to listen online or to
download Podcasts.
worship schedule
6:30 p.m. in the Chapel
Contemporary Worship
8 a.m. in the Chapel
Traditional Worship
8:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Traditional Worship
10 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
in the Sanctuary
Contemporary Worship
(Live broadcast at 10 a.m. on
KKMS 980AM Radio )
11:15 a.m. in the Chapel
Spanish-speaking Worship
5 p.m. in the Chapel
…which begs the question, “Hey, what’s
Calvary doing to be more ‘green’?”
According to Craig Rothfolk, Calvary’s facilities director, Calvary is doing much more
than one might expect.
For example, for the past six years, Calvary
has held a “mixed-use” recycling contract
with Allied Waste Services.
“Many of the things that used to go into the
trash bins are now being recycled,” says
Rothfolk. “Plus there’s no need to sort.”
That means that a person can go to any one
of the tall blue containers found throughout the building and get rid of all of his/her
recyclables: different types of paper, aluminum/tin beverage cans, pop/water bottles
and glass items. And what about the stuff that’s still trash?
“We’re always looking for good earth-friendly products and new, cost-effective ways to
recycle,” says Rothfolk. “Our next step is to
get on Allied’s organic recycling route and
compost our food waste, especially our coffee grounds.”
Weekly waste management is just one of
the areas in which Calvary has become more
“green.” Additionally, Calvary has explored
earth-friendly lighting options and biode-
Calvary member Bruce Erickson visits one of Calvary’s
“mixed-use” recycling bins.
gradable plates and cups. And, in 2006,
Calvary became a drop-off site for Whole
Farm Coop (wholefarmcoop.com), which offers produce and other goods to anyone interested in buying from local known sources.
“They have the best eggs in the world!” says
Rothfolk. “And really good sauerkraut, too.”
In other words, Calvary continues to take
intentional steps in honoring and protecting
the world God gave us. Like they say, every
day is Earth Day… at Calvary!
Journey (Modern Worship)
A look back at Feed Haiti 2011
Celebrating our heroes in voluntarism, giving and prayer
(L to R) Jason Morris, Dawn Dresser, Rachel Johnson,
Sharon Stavrovich and Bruce Tracy were on site for
every packing shift, volunteering their time and elbow
grease to keep the whole operation running smoothly.
For the third straight year, Calvary embarked on a giant test of faith: to fund and
pack a million meals for Haiti through the
MobilePack™ program of Feed My Starving
Children (FMSC).
And, once again, to accomplish such a grand
goal, God was faithful in bringing together
everything we needed, including a few special heroes among us…
Heroes in voluntarism
It took thousands of volunteers to make
Feed Haiti 2011 happen, but a couple of
people even took a week’s vacation to volunteer. Such was the case of Rachel Johnson
and Bruce Tracy.
They, along with Sharon Stavrovich, Jason
Morris and Dawn Dresser, devoted their entire week to greeting people, climbing ladders, lifting boxes and taping up the pallets
for shipping… all with a smile!
bers to join them for a hot chocolate party,
which raised $100.50 for Feed Haiti 2011.
Tor, Stella and Haakon are now known as
Calvary’s “Hot Cocoa Kids” and are among
our heroes in giving.
Many other Calvary members and friends
worked several shifts to reach our packing
goal. Well done, good and faithful servants—
our heroes in voluntarism!
Heroes in prayer
New this time was a self-led, continuous
prayer vigil in the Sanctuary. The vigil was
comprised of interactive prayer stations focusing on four key challenges in Haiti: hunger, health, homelessness and hopelessness.
Heroes in giving
Feed Haiti
also required our
to buy the
raw materials. Once
were faithful in their
giving… and
Tor, Stella and Haakon Hanson raised
For exam$100.50 for Feed Haiti 2011 through
their neighborhood hot cocoa party.
ple, the
family of
Keith and Kris Hanson printed invitations for
neighbors, friends and other family mem-
Calvary member Sharon Lindau collected
Bible verses, book excerpts and other prayer
helps for each station. Then Calvary’s
Mission and Outreach team, Ruby Heiden
and Dawn Dresser, brought the stations to
life with props, candles and other elements
to create a peaceful, prayerful ambience.
It’s unknown just how many people passed
through the vigil, but it’s clear that prayer
was a critical factor in Feed Haiti’s success.
Heroes for Haiti
No matter the level of financial support or
amount of time invested in Feed Haiti 2011,
everybody can count themselves as heroes—
heroes who took the desperate need of the
Haitian people to great heart. Thank you to
all those who helped make a million-meal
difference… again!
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Chicken, veggies, soy, rice! Diane Seifert (left) and Myla Olson (right) were among thousands of volunteers who packed
a million meals for Haiti in January. For more highlights from Feed Haiti 2011, see page 15.
March/April 2011
“Covenant” continued
One family’s story of a promise kept and blessings received
As Calvary’s sermon series on “Covenant”
continues into March, you might be thinking, “Now how can I live in a spirit of
Take it from the Hensrud family—making the
commitment is well worth it!
In January 2007, Sharlene Hensrud decided
she would “unplug” from her cell phone,
computer, appointments, etc., on Wednesday
each week. She also made a promise to take
time for herself during the daytime and for
her children and their families during the
evening. And that’s how “Family Night” was
born more than four years ago! “Our kids and their kids jumped on the idea,
and we’ve been going strong ever since,”
says Sharlene’s husband, John, who also
serves as Calvary’s hospitality director.
more than fun and convenience and fellowship. It’s an act of worship.
“It’s made me think that this is what was
meant by the admonition to ‘remember
the sabbath day to keep it holy,’” reflects
Sharlene. “God counsels us on how important
it is to take a day of rest from whatever our
normal daily pursuits may be to refresh and
nurture our souls.”
Over the years, many memories have been
made around the Hensrud dinner table, but
John especially remembers one special moment from their time together…
“Our daughter-in-law once answered the
question, ‘Where do you want to be 10 years
from now?’ She said, ‘Right here.’ Don’t
think I didn’t tear up.”
In March, Calvary members will have the
chance to create their own “convenants”—
to commit to new ways of worshipping God,
growing in faith and serving His people. As
shown by the Hensrud family, a promise
kept results in many blessings received.
It’s no
why Family
Night has
become the
Hensruds’ favorite night
of the week.
Sharlene & John Hensrud
Nobody but
Sharlene has to worry about “what’s for
dinner” knowing that they’re getting a good
home-cooked meal at their parents’/grandparents’ house. And Sharlene really enjoys
trying new recipes and preparing the meals.
But, to Sharlene, Family Night is about much
The children and gandchildren of John and Sharlene Hensrud join their parents/grandparents for “Family Night” every