Have A Lucky St. Patrick`s Day Members Clean Up
Have A Lucky St. Patrick`s Day Members Clean Up
800 Nottingham Rd. Syracuse, NY 13224 )URPWKH0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU« Welcome back to Drumlins for the 2008 Season! We have all spent a great deal of time in planning through the snowy months to help you, our Members to gain the highest levels of enjoyment from the time you spend at your Club. As we shared with you at the closing event in the fall, we are determined to return Drumlins to its’ glory days, proud of our heritage, and tremendously thankful for your continued loyalty. ,DPYHU\H[FLWHGWRPDNH\RXDZDUHWKDWZHKDYHOLVWHQHGDQGDUHSOHDVHGWROHW\RXNQRZWKDWRXUHQWLUHFDUWÀHHWKDVEHHQ UHSODFHGZLWKQHZHI¿FLHQW(=*RFDUVZLWKDOOWKHFRPSRQHQWV\RXZDQWWRKDYHLQFOXGHGRQWKHP7KHÀHHWLVVFKHGXOHGWR arrive on or about May 1, and put into service immediately. $GGLWLRQDOO\WKHHQWLUHSDUNLQJORWLVVFKHGXOHGIRUUHSODFHPHQWLQPLG$SULOHDUO\0D\SURYLGLQJ\RXEHWWHUWUDI¿FÀRZDQGD PXFKLPSURYHGDSSHDUDQFH,WZLOOEHGRQHLQSKDVHVWRPLQLPL]HDQ\LQFRQYHQLHQFHWR\RXDQGRWKHUJXHVWV We are remodeling the Atrium entrance and making changes in the Grand Ballroom to enhance your enjoyment here at events. Lastly, the staff has attended ongoing customer service training. All are committed to serving your needs every day. I truly look IRUZDUGWRWKHVWDUWRIDJUHDWVHDVRQZLWK\RXRQ&OHDQ8S'D\RQ0DUFK See you then! Leon D. Zurro Members Clean Up 2XU7ZHQWLHWK$QQXDO:RUN'D\LVVFKHGXOHGIRU6DWXUGD\0DUFKWKIURPXQWLO 12:00 noon. You can pre-register in the golf shop or simply show up around 8 AM and then DOOZLOOJDWKHUWRJHWKHUZLWK0DUNDQGKLVFUHZDWWKHPDLQWHQDQFHEDUQ<RXUKHOSLQ³6SULQJ &OHDQLQJ´WUXO\KHOSV0DUNJHWWKHFRXUVHSUHSDUHGIRURSHQLQJDQGJLYHVXVDOODVHQVHRI unity in the true Drumlins sense. 7UDGLWLRQDOO\0HPEHUVUDNHWZLJV¿[EXQNHUVWDNHRXWEHQFKHVEDOOZDVKHUVDQGWHH PDUNHUVWDONDORWZLWKWKHLUIHOORZZRUNHUVDQGHDWDORWDWWKH³IUHH´EUXQFKSURYLGHGDIWHUward by Louisa and her staff as a thank you for your efforts. We look forward to seeing you RQ6DWXUGD\0DUFKDQGWKDQN\RXLQDGYDQFHIRU\RXUHIIRUWVLQPDNLQJWKLVDQQXDORFFXUrence a success once again! DRESS CODE We will be diligent in our pursuit to keep our private club ³SURIHVVLRQDO´LQLWVGUHVVGHFRUXP0HPEHUVJXHVWV and outing participants will be made aware of this policy, which :,//%((1)25&(' 3URSHUJROIDWWLUHZLOOEHDGKHUHGWR and this will not include: *tee shirts *gym shorts *blue jeans *sweat pants &ROODUOHVVVKLUWVZLOOEH2. just not tee-shirts. From the Golf Shop Sunshine, warmth, anxiety, and hope are all preludes to Spring 2008 as we near this most imporDEGA News: tant day. We are excited about the All of the parts for the new tee signs upcoming season and have been have arrived and the project will be completed meeting regularly with your DEGA this spring. and DWEGA leaders to enhance Dates for board meetings will be posted in and complete the 2008 Golf Calthe Member’s Lounge. The meetings are to endar. all members of DEGA and you are Membership is very solid but as encouraged to attend. always, we can use new golfers If you wish to assist on a particular event, we looking forward to joining our club, would welcome the help. so if you know some prospective See you in the spring! members, just let them contact Sean, Anne, or myself. Lesson programs have already started, new merchandise is startLQJWRRFFXS\YDFDQWÀRRUDQGZDOO space, and our new/improved staff commitments and programs are Have A Lucky St. Patrick’s Day QHDUO\¿QDOL]HG2XU³3OD\ZLWKWKH 3UR´VHULHVKDVEHHQH[SDQGHG to include Sean, Skip, Linda, and myself for over twenty dates! Also, we will be giving some free clinics GXULQJWKHVXPPHUSRVW&1<3*$ 3UR$PRSHQLQJVZKHQDYDLODEOH and increase our visibility on the ¿UVWWHHWRLQFOXGH)ULGD\VDVZHOO as weekends and holidays. All in all, we are all excited about the upcoming season, and welcome you all to contact us for any needs or questions you may have. Hope to see all your smiling Spring faces soon! From the Lesson Tee Much like New Year’s Day Resolutions, Golf goals for the upcoming season are so often forgotten, neglected, or put aside until another day. We would like to change this disturbing trend, and think that we can inject your JRO¿QJVRXOZLWKVRPHORQJODVWLQJ advice. I believe we all must eventually look LQWKHPLUURUDQGVD\³$P,KDYLQJ IXQ"´*ROIHUVDUHOLNHFKRFRODWHVDQG VQRZÀDNHVWKH\FRPHLQYDULRXV VKDSHVDQGVL]HVZLWKGLIIHUHQWSHUsonalities, needs, and desires. Some want to be competitive, some seek companionship, others look for exercise, while some just are seeking a good tan! I have always said that each golfer must know their own needs and desires for to get discouraged because of poor play if you are a noncompetitive person is foolish and can be most disturbing. $V0DVWHU3URIHVVLRQDO'U*DU\ :LUHQVWDWHV³«VRPHKRZWKHJROIHU expects to perform like what they see RQ79«ZKHQWKH\SUDFWLFHLQIUHquently, take too much instruction from PDJD]LQHV«DQGXVHFOXEVWKDWDUH QRWPDWFKHGWRWKHLUVZLQJ«´$QG\HW they still have an elevated expectation level that is all too often unrealistic and thus heightens your frustration level. The great Tommy Armour once VDLGWKDW³0LVVLQJVLPSOHVKRWVLVSDUW RIEHLQJKXPDQ´$PHQ The bottom line here is that while for the professional who plays the game for a living, score is everything; it is how they are judged. However, for the majority of the golfers, fun will rarely be attained if score is your main goal. Cont’d Page 2 Cont’d from Page 1 $V'U:LUHQJRHVRQWRVD\³SOD\LQJZLWKSHRSOH you like is worth a lot, appreciate a friend’s good VKRWHQMR\DELUGDÀRZHUDEXWWHUÀ\DQGD ODXJK´$OVRWKHUHFDQEHVDWLVIDFWLRQGHULYHGIURP a challenging shot, a beautifully designed golf hole, DVZHOODVD¿QHO\VWUXFNJROIVKRW The bottom line is if you are not having fun, you PXVWFKDQJH\RXUJRO¿QJSULRULWLHVRUJRDOVIRU enjoyment. Change the time you play, play different tees, golf at different courses, walk as much as SRVVLEOHDQGUHPHPEHULW¶V2.WRKDYHIXQDQGD good time when you play this great game. It’s your life, learn to enjoy your time on the course; you’ll be happy you did. (TQO$KNNŏU.QEMGT 5YKPIKPVQ5RTKPIŗ #NNPGYGSWKROGPVEQOKPIVQUWRGTEJCTIG[QWTICOG Putt for Dough $$$$ )QNH&KIGUVŏU6QR2WVVGTRKEMUCXCKNCDNGVQUKIPQWVCPF FGOQQPVJGRTCEVKEGITGGP #NNVJG0GY*[DTKFU &QVJGTGUWNVULWUVKH[VJGJ[RG!#OCVGWTUCPF2TQŏUCNKMG JCXGEQPHKTOGFVJGCFXCPVCIGQHKPVGITCVKPI*[DTKF%NWDU KPVQ[QWT+TQP5GV'CUKGTVQJKVVJCP CPF+TQPUHTQOCNNUQTVUQHNKGU 2nd Annual ´/DGLHV'D\2XW*ROI7ULSµ Z/LQGD0XOKHULQ 0RQGD\-XQH 7R%LQJKDPWRQ :DWFKIRUGHWDLOV 5NKEGQHHVJG6GG! .CTIGUGNGEVKQPQHVJGRQRWNCT6C[NQT4 &TCY&TKXGTUCXCKNCDNGCVVJGHCPVCUVKE 2008 USGA GHIN Handicap System DEGA Board 2008 3UHVLGHQW 9LFH3UHVLGHQWV 7UHDVXUHU /RQJ6KDGRZV&KDLU 'RQ3DLU :LOO.DPHU\ 0DWW,GH -RH/RUH 0DUN5HJLQ 0LNH3URQWXWR 'DYLG%XOO (UQLH*ROGDFNHU -DPHV&RG\ 3URWRFRO&KDLU 3DW0F*UDWK 3DVW3UHVLGHQW 0DGHO\Q+RUQVWHLQ 'UXPOLQV DEMO DAYS 2008 3:00 PM ~ 7:00 PM Thursday, May 15h 3:00 PM ~ 7:00 PM 7XHVGD\30+ROH/HDJXH7KHOPD7D\ORU 0DU\5HDG 7KXUVGD\+ROH/HDJXH %UHQGD$UFKHU 7KXUVGD\+ROH/HDJXH 6KLUOH\/DQJH As we turn the corner on winter and approach spring here in central 1HZ<RUNRXUWKRXJKWVWXUQWRWKHDUULYDORIWKHJRO¿QJVHDVRQ Welcome to all returning members to Drumlins East, and a warm welFRPHWRWKRVHRI\RXMRLQLQJIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH7KHUHZLOOEHVRPHH[FLWing changes that will take place over the course of the golf season, and you will hear more about them as the season progresses. Drumlins East Women’s Golf Association will be making two fun changHVWRWKHWRXUQDPHQWVFKHGXOH7KH¿UVWZLOOEHDUHWXUQWRWKH season long member-member tournament that will match teams in 18 holes of competition with the winner advancing on to the next round. In years past the tournament has been double elimination, but will go to a single elimination format this year. The weekend that used to occupy the old format member-member will be changed to a Ryder Cup format, and will be a 2 day event. Stay tuned for more details on these events. 7KH'(:*$2SHQHUZLOOEHPRYHGWR0D\UGWKLV\HDUZLWKWKH opportunity to play after the breakfast has concluded. Look for more information on this event as well as registration forms for each of the Women’s leagues. DEWGA BOARD The DEWGA Board meets monthly. The meetings are open to all Drumlins East women golfers. If you are interested in working on the DEWGA Board or helping to organize any events or activities, PLEASE contact the DEWGA President, Mary Read. We welcome your help and participation. PICTURES of DEWGA Events… Any DEWGA GXGPVEQQTFKPCVQTECPVCMGRKEVWTGUFWTKPIVJGIQNſPI event. Please call Thelma Taylor or Pat McGrath to request use of the camera during the event. DEWGA NEWSLETTER INFORMATION/PICTURES Any information, articles or pictures for the Drumlins’ East newsletter (SCORECARD), please e-mail to Linda Adsitt: ladsitt@twcny.rr.com on or before the 15th of each month. You may send any pictures for VJGPGYUNGVVGTVQVJG&TWONKPU/CPCIGOGPV1HſEGQT e-mail the pictures to: support@drumlins.com *Please includes names and a caption for each picture. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR NEWSLETTER IS NOW PUBLISHED ONLINE. THERE WILL BE HARD COPIES AVAILABLE AT THE PRO SHOP DESK. The new DEWGA plaques have been installed in the members lounge DQGDUHD¿WWLQJFRPSOLPHQWWRWKHPHQ¶VSODTXHV,ZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN 'RQ3DLUDQGWKH'UXPOLQV(DVW0HQ¶V$VVRFLDWLRQIRUWKHLUJHQHURVLW\ LQKHOSLQJ'(:*$¿QDQFHWKHSODTXHVDQG Drumlins member Larry Loeb of Signage Systems for doing an exceptional job in creating the plaques. 2008 is shaping up to be an exciting year. DEWGA looks forward to working with Joe Tesori and his staff , who always go above and beyond, as well as DEGA, and the management staff at Drumlins, to PDNHWKLVDWHUUL¿FJROIVHDVRQ Think spring, think golf. Thursday, May 8th DEWGA Board 2008 3UHVLGHQW 0DU\5HDG 9LFH3UHVLGHQW 6DUDK0HUULFN 6HFUHWDU\ /LQGD$GVLWW 7UHDVXUHU %DUEDUD0RRQ 0HPEHUDW/DUJH 5LWD%UDWHN &DWK\3DOP 3OHDVHVHH6HDQIRUGHWDLOVDQGVWRSE\WKHJROIVKRSWRVLJQ up to be a part of the system. The seasonal fee per player is March/April 800 Nottingham Rd. Syracuse, NY 13224 Ph 315 446-5580 www.drumlins.com Mary Read '(:*$3UHVLGHQW Rule of the Month Lucky Lulu’s ball comes to a rest against a tree root. Risking an injury to her wrist or damage to her club, she takes a stab at it anyway. It ricochets off the root and lands 10 yards behind her. Should she have taken an unplayable?? <HVVKHVKRXOGSURWHFWKHUVHOIKHUFOXEVDQGKHUVFRUH5XOH%DOOXQSOD\DEOHDOORZV\RXWRGHHP\RXUEDOOXQSOD\DEOHDQ\ZKHUHRQWKHFRXUVH H[FHSWLILW¶VLQDZDWHUKD]DUG,I\RXGHHP\RXUEDOOXQSOD\DEOH\RXPD\ choose one of these three options: 3OD\DEDOOIURPZKHUH\RXKLW\RXUSUHYLRXVVKRWVWURNHGLVWDQFH drop a ball as far as you like behind the point where the ball lay against the URRWNHHSLQJWKDWSRLQWGLUHFWO\EHWZHHQWKHKROHWKHVSRWZKHUH\RXGURS the ball Drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball originally lay, not nearer the hole. You have to accept a one –stroke penalty for each options, but you’ll improve your ball position and, more than likely , your eventual score.