Heartland Herald - HOMEPilot club of Milwaukee


Heartland Herald - HOMEPilot club of Milwaukee
Heartland Herald
Midwest District Governor’s Bulletin August 2014 Creating the Picture of Pilot Together! WORDS FROM THE GOVERNOR Happy New Pilot Year! As we prepare for a new Pilot year, I would like to share a few thoughts on ‘the Grand Puzzle of Life.” When we start a puzzle, we anticipate a straight edge and a picture to follow. Like it is on the box where the puzzle is stored. And this…. is ‘where the excitement and fun begins.’ But you know after a while, this fun isn’t so much fun after all. “Behold, this puzzle piece isn’t fitting like I thought it would!” “I’m going to put this piece back and try another one.” “Well, I’m going to keep looking around until I find one that fits.” “Darn it. When will I find one that fits?” Doesn’t this sound just like a gift‐wrapped box, which was so appealing at first. “Oh, Boy,” ‘‘I wonder what’s inside,” and “Which one do I get to pick from next?” But then, after opening the box, it’s like, “This is Not What I Thought It Was Going to Be!” Doesn’t this all sound familiar to each one of us? All this is to demonstrate that ‘People Think In ‘Boxes.’ That is where and when ‘The Grand Puzzle’ begins. This is when the ‘Puzzle Pieces of Life’ are calling you to question: 1) What box are we in anyway? Are we Inside or Outside? 2) Just how big is this puzzle, if the puzzle pieces are ‘this size’? Just how ‘big is big’ or just how ‘small is small?” 3) Or we may just say, I don’t want this box of puzzles anymore! SUB Total here is… that it’s THE Negative energy of FEAR Talking and it’s saying ‐ “Don’t Box Me In!” “Don’t Leave Me In the Corner!” “I Want Out!” “Get Me Out” The real answer is “THERE IS NO BOX”. THE Trick Question is ‐ WHO PLACED YOU IN THAT BOX? Think About it? Be Mindful and Vigilant to Think with Positive Energy and Think Globally (You/I/ We). “There is no box. There is no corner. The ‘horizon of the box/wall’ (the ‘Mind(s) Over Matter’ Container) may have No Edges Nearby or Too Many Edges, but I will take My Place and Space and Fill It Well.” So therefore, “There is no Edge to Fall off or to Fall into,” and “I Can Do This with Comfort, Courage and Confidence that I know and can come to know.” The newest word for ‘balance’ is ‘to integrate.’ Sometimes where You/I/ We start, is not where You/I/We would‘ve started, and nor where You/I/We would’ve finished. But the key is in ‘the “Mind(s) Over Matter.’ “It’s better to be a ‘Do Not Finish’ than a ‘Do Not Start.’ This is where You/I/We truly find OUR way through the Puzzle Pieces, not necessarily Over, Under, Around or Through the Wall, but to Just Be, To Transcend the Wall, as ONE, as with the Great Architect. As One (You/I/We) with Him, we can find our way through the Puzzle Pieces of Life. Working day‐to‐day with Pilot, one learns to Think with Positive Energy and Think Globally (You/I/We) and to think outside of the ‘horizon of a box/wall’ container and be Comfortable about ‘Edges of Expectations.’ Remember, no one is a person who does not render the world a better place. Keep up the great work, Pilots of the Midwest! “Remember, there are no extra pieces in the universe, Every One Person is here because he or she has a place to fill and every piece must fit itself into the Big Jigsaw Puzzle.” Deepak Chopra. Midwest District Heartland Herald
In Pilot Friendship,
August 2014 - Governor
Page 1 of 14 Carol
District Administrative Council
Governor Carol Triebel
2629 38th Avenue
Moline, IL 61265
c: 309-644-1179
Gov-Elect Cindy Lane
2617 Ashford Ave
Muscatine, IA 52761
563-264-4501/ 563-506-9130
dal1740@machlink.com (h)
cindy.lane@kentww.com (w) Secretary Janice Megel
1916 34th Street
Des Moines, IA 50310
Treasurer Judy Brotherton
2512 Mulberry Ave
Muscatine, IA 52761
h: 563-264-5372
Executive Committee Representative
(ECR): Karen Cupit karen.cupit@att.net h: 318‐722‐3707 c: 318‐376‐4795 MWD Website: www.mwdpi.org
Pilot International website:
Dates to Remember 20th of the month Heartland Herald
news to Gov. Carol & Editor Jane jdriscol@aol.com  August 5, 2014 –Bend of the River Picnic, 6pm, Bettendorf, IA. RSVP.  August 15, 2014 – Postmark Club Division Plans, Programs, Budget sent to District Governor & DCR  August 23, 2014 – Pilot Cards at 9:00 at W Locust HyVee, Davenpt  August 31, 2014 ‐ Club yearbooks due to District Governor/DCR  September 15, 2014 ‐ Workshop registration deadline.  September 30, 2014 – Deadline Club Sweetheart Contribution Form sent to PIHQ  October is Membership Month  October 1, 2014 ‐ Founders Fund Matching Grant Applications due to MWD PIFF Coordinators.  October 4, 2014 ‐ MWD Fall Workshop, Davenport, IA  October 5‐18, 2014 ‐ MWD Week of Service Pilot: I joined Pilot International in 2012 with I joined the Pilot Club of Twin Cities in Monroe, Louisiana. My cousin was a member of the club and had talked to me about it for several years. My aunt was (and is) a member of the Pilot Club of Richland and helped influence me. Introducing:
Midwest District
Executive Committee
I joined the club in February 2002 and became a director that July. The very next year I was asked to be president‐
elect (I figured they were desperate! Luckily, I had experience in community service organizations while in high school). I ended up serving as president‐elect, president, president‐elect, and back to president before moving to Louisiana District Treasurer. Over the next two years, I moved up to Governor‐elect and Governor. It took me three tries to be elected to Pilot International office. I was recently installed for my second year as treasurer. Karen Cupit
This year is going to be exciting! You have my email address now and I look forward to receive your Club’s newsletters! Below you can read a little bit "About Me." Again, I am looking forward to this year as we serve together. I know that we can build on the excitement generated at PI Convention and this year will be great! In June 2012, a dream I had to have a Pilot Club in my home parish was accomplished. The Pilot Club of Franklin (Winnsboro, LA area) was chartered. It had taken a year to get it together. We have seven members who want to make a difference in Franklin Parish. My mother, sister, and aunt have all joined this club. In Pilot Friendship, Karen About Me: Karen Cupit At Home: I live with two cats. The four year‐old was left one morning in a flower bed at the courthouse where I work. His name is Jack. The one year‐old is Sam. He evidently caught a ride in my grandmother’s car on her way back home from south Louisiana. She’s not big on cats so he ended up at my house “temporarily”. One year later, I am the “staff” for two cats. If you keep up with me on FaceBook, you will quickly notice that I have two nieces that I chase all over the place. They have certainly been to their share of Pilot functions so I can’t complain! My Philosophy: I was taught from an early age that those who can give to others should do so. There are so many avenues available to make a difference. I have chosen to do most of my volunteering with my church and with Pilot. I believe I can accomplish more by working with others. My “little bit” adds to their “little bit” and before long we have a lot of resources available, and we can make a positive impact. At Work: I am the Assistant Treasurer for the Ouachita Parish Police Jury. Our office is located in Monroe, Louisiana. I have been there a total of twenty‐one years. Karen Cupit
Pilot International Treasurer P O Box 21, Crowville, LA 71230 h: 318‐722‐3707 c: 318‐376‐4795 karen.cupit@att.net I supervise the accounting department as well as do some accounting myself. I also serve as the recording secretary for the governing body, work with the other departments, and keep up with Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness in case we have to respond to a disaster. Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 2 of 14
Pilot International Executive Committee Director Connie Moore, Director Patricia Whatley, Secretary Faith Stamps Vice Pres Gwendolyn Yarbrough
President Sherry Johnson Vice Pres. Shannon Clegg Treasurer Karen Cupit Director Barbara McKenzie Director Andrea Babb Note from Past PI President Judy Langley Welcome from Governor Carol! Dear Governor Carol, Many thanks for your part in the convention in Chicago. We truly appreciate the cute notepads provided to everyone at convention. Please express my sincere thanks to all who participated in this very nice gesture. May this be a banner year for the Midwest District. Yours, Judy Dear Midwest Pilots, Upcoming Pilot International Conventions Thank you for your confidence in electing me as Governor of the Midwest District. It is only through your help and determination that our district can continue its growth. It is wonderful to be a part of such a strong district. Your 2014‐2015 DAC has been hard at work planning for our new year in Pilot. We are anxious to share these plans with you and I encourage each of you to share ideas and suggestions you have with any of the DAC officers. Communication is key to our continued success! 2015 Orlando, Florida Swan & Dolphin Dates COL: July 6‐8 Dates Conv: July 8‐12 Room Rates: $149 Free Parking!! 2016 Montreal, Canada Le Centre Sheraton Dates COL: July 4‐6 Dates Conv: July 6‐9 Room Rates: $162 & Club $212 As your Governor, I am here to serve you. Please feel free to call on me at any time. Creating the picture of Pilot together, Carol
A Pilot Testimony…a gift from Charlotte Vogt
A woman named Marilyn came in to speak with Charlotte at the hospital, introducing herself as a spiritual advisor (perhaps a volunteer) Charlotte was not at all responsive, but the woman said she would return later with a prayer shawl. She came back with the shawl and a "comfort quilt" while Charlotte was being fed, and just explained them briefly and left. But later, she came back in and asked "Did you say you were Pilots?" When I said we were, she almost teared up and said "I was an Anchor, and the Pilots gave me support and scholarship help so I could go to college." That was in Florida. Charlotte didn't follow it when she was telling us, but after she left I repeated what she said to Charlotte, and I'm sure she understood. I was so glad to be there and hear her story! Written by Barb Pierce, Pilot Club of Milwaukee
Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 3 of 14
Chaplain’s Corner "Friendship is not about who you've known the longest— it's about who walked into your life and said—I'm here for you and proved it." **Congratulations to Connie Moore –PC of Moline…reelected as PI Director and elected to the PI Board of Directors! **Congratulations to Governor Elect, Cindy Lane, PC of Muscatine on her retirement! **Congratulations to Pilot Club of Jacksonville winning the PI Green Award for Outstanding Club Growth!! **Congratulations to Susan Zimmer, PC of Moline on the birth of her son, Andrew! **Congratulations to Nancy Czubara, Bend of the River Pilots on the birth of her first grandson! Future Pilots??? Babies are a special blessing! **Welcome to Karen Cupit who was appointed MWD ECR. We look forward to April MWD Convention and getting to meet you. **Thoughts & Prayers to Charlotte Vogt, Pilot Club of Milwaukee. It was discovered after a recent fall that Charlotte has a fast‐growing, inoperable and untreatable tumor on the frontal lobe of the brain. As you may know, she had previously been treated for a cancerous brain tumor near her eye. The family is planning to move her to ”Kathy’s House” a hospice in West Bend, where she can be close to a larger family group including grandchildren. Charlotte has good days and some not; she her ability to relate and remember varies throughout the day; she is recognizing friends, speaking a little and smiling a lot. Cards can be sent to: Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226. See special testimony elsewhere in this edition. Prayers for this Pilot and her family are especially needed at this time. **Condolences to Vicki Roche, Pilot Club of Peoria on the death of her brother…cards can be sent to‐8209 W Coyote Creek Dr Peoria, IL 61607 **Condolences to Betty Lacina, Pilot Club of Iowa City, on the death of her husband. Cards can be sent to‐2601 E. Court St. Iowa City, IL 52245 **Condolences to the family of Pauline Wright, PC of Iowa City…as member since 1966. May God send his healing powers to Vicki's , Betty's and Pauline's families. UPDATE: Mary Jo Mularz, MWD Chaplain is improving…now in therapy for her broken shoulder and has a very uncomfortable brace on her back until at least September 1st. She does appreciate all the cards, calls, food, emails, etc. also, short visits are welcomed. They say attitude is part of healing so she’s trying to stay positive. She feels blessed that the accident wasn’t worse. Pilot friends and neighbors along with her family and hubby, Stan, have been her greatest blessings. "The body heals with PLAY‐the mind heals with LAUGHTER and the spirit heals with JOY.," Proverbs. Bend of the River Quad Cities Pilot Club presents a check to Genesis Rehabilitation Dept. Governor Carol & Lisa Pierce at West Central Illinois Pilot Officer installation, 2014‐2015 Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 4 of 14
PI Convention 2013 Launches the new Pilot Year Greetings Midwest Pilots! This begins a new Pilot year and the incoming DAC Officers, District Appointees and Coordinators are all excited to begin their year of service to each of you. The DAC and about 30 Midwest Pilots just returned from the Council of Leaders and PI Annual Convention held in Chicago, Illinois. It was great to see so many Midwest Pilots there. A big thank you to each of you who attended and I hope you will make plans to attend many more international conventions. Please share reports, news, and photos in your August meetings and communications. It was a great PI Convention of learning, sharing, and growing in Pilot! Fall Council is just around the corner scheduled for Saturday, October 4th. Please share this date in your upcoming meetings, emails, and newsletters and encourage your members to attend. We would love to see Pilots from every club there! Sherry Johnson of Quitman, Texas was installed as PI President in a beautiful installation. Shannon Clegg (who was with us at our District convention) was installed as PI President Elect. Congratulations to our own Midwest Pilot Connie Moore who was re‐elected as a Director. Other Executive Council officers are Georgia Past Governor Gwen Yarbrough, who was elected to the office of PI Vice President; Director Patricia Whatley of Sweetwater, Georgia; Director Andrea Babb of Shawnee Mission, Kansas; and Director Barbara McKenzie of St. Lucie County Florida. Our 2014‐2015 ECR (Executive Committee Representative) is Karin Cupit, PI Treasurer, from Crowville, Louisiana. We will give her a big Midwest welcome when she joins us at District Convention next April. There were no amendments made to the PI By‐Laws; they will remain the same as last year. I’ll close for now. Feel free to contact me or any of your District leadership team if you have questions or concerns. Governor Carol
Ruminations on the 2014 Pilot International Convention It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. (Apologies to Mr. Dickens). This was my 14th convention and was the worst run in my recollection. Parliamentary procedure was slipshod. The key note speaker was inaudible in that she spoke so rapidly and with such an accent that all at our table found we were able to get no idea of her stirring oratory. The attendance report was late and revealed the lowest in my memory, only 622 persons. But the most frustrating thing about the meeting was the total lack of any financial information whatsoever except the proposed budget. It is incomprehensible to me that an organization presents an annual meeting without providing a statement of financial position and a statement of financial activity to its members. However, there were some great presentations notably the seminar for presidents and presidents elect by President Sherry and president elect Shannon and past president Maryann. There were many good ideas that we will certainly consider in our club for this coming year. The presentation on the 501 (c), (3) status was also very good. Though like my intro it was good and bad. We are still covered at the International level, but because of some large problems with the audit of a sample of the clubs, the universal assignment of 501 (c), (3) for all clubs was denied. A huge problem was that some 40 clubs lost their non‐profit status by not filing their annual 990 report three years in a row. The presentation on the new computer database was excellent. It will be up and running by the end of the month. The optional club‐
related system is something to consider for handling many club records and plans. The presentation by the dynamic duo of Guitars for Vets was a great hit both for their message and for their music. Patrick Nettesheim and Erik Weinstein presented the story of this great organization. After seeing President Sherry in action and knowing present elect Shannon from her visit with us, I have great hopes for 2014‐15. The opinions expressed in this note are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my club or the District. Bruno B. Wolff, Jr.
Our Mission
Pilot International transforms communities by: developing youth, providing service and education, and uplifting families. Pilot Club of Milwaukee Our Vision
Pilot International envisions a world where all are valued. Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 5 of 14
First Timers Chime in on PI Convention 2014
This is the first time I have attended a PI International Convention. It was very helpful to have the "first timer" ribbon attached to our names, alerting "long timers" to our presence. Everybody was very welcoming and helpful. All the workshops I attended were most informing, but I was honored and blessed to be in the presence of a Hiroshima survivor, ( I did not get her name) as she was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award, and to listen to her story and her life of service to others. As I reflected on the week, this wonderful woman's life reminded me that we are all called to a life of service to others. Shirley Schmidt
Bend of the River Pilot Club The Pilot International Convention broadened my view and understanding of Pilot and the far reaching service provided by the organization. I loved the diverse personalities from the Japanese contingency to all the southerners. The President/President Elect class given by Sherry Johnson and Shannon Clegg was excellent and gave Cindy Brooks and me great ideas to implement in our own club. The convention was filled with inspiring speakers. I was impressed and amazed by the good works of Patrick Nettesheim with Guitars for Vets. I also had lots of great laughs with the live auctions with auctioneer Deb Hays. So funny! I am excited about incoming President Sherry Johnson and our Governor Carol Triebel and I look forward to the challenges and victories of the upcoming year. Paula Dayton
Pilot Club of Iowa City
AN INTERNATIONAL SISTERHOOD WITH MANY MALE SUPPORTERS That really didn't come out right, Laugh out Loud! But that's what I got as a first time attendee at our Pilot Club International Convention. I know that our local Pilot Club is a Sisterhood, but to see it on a much broader scale, an international level was amazing! At any particular meeting or workshop I could look across the room and see who comes to Pilot. People with different ideas, jobs, philosophies, spiritual backgrounds, skill, abilities, ages, family structures, histories, and life styles. Some people were extremely outgoing, while others were quieter. The bond and love of Pilot was very evident. It was so easy to make new friends. What is important is that every person who has joined Pilot has a goal to help make the world a better place to live in. No one has to become a Pilot or even remain a member but everyone joins Pilot because they want to. It may simply be a belief that helping people is just the right thing to do. Whatever your personal reason, I am very glad I attended out Pilot International Convention as a first time attendee and felt very welcomed! New knowledge and insight was gained and I look forward to working with all of you. In Pilot love and service Diana McCutcheon
Pilot Club of Jacksonville, IL. Midwest District Pilots at PI Convention Arla Sedlacek, Shirley Schmidt, Pat Mundell, Cheryl Wernimont, Jane Driscoll, Kathy Pilichowski, Becka Jones, Judy Brotherton, Penny Hall, Lisa Pierce, Cindy Brooks, Carol Triebel, Paula Dayton, Vickie Austin, Julie Richardson, Cindy Lane, Paula McDonald, Gera Schultz, Janice Megel, Maralyn Fries, Maryann Frazer, Ruth McGinnis, Karla Henderson, Kathy Preckshot, Mary Maland, Donna O’Brien, Nancy Herrewig. Not Pictured: Holly Baker, Diana McCutcheon, Connie Moore, Tiffanee Peters, Bruno & Maureen Wolff Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 6 of 14
MIDWEST DISTRICT TREASURER'S TOPICS Happy summer to all the treasurers in the Midwest District of Pilot International! I hope that most of you made it to Chicago for the Pilot International Convention in July. There was a lot of information available, as well as a lot of fun and fellowship. This is the beginning of a new Pilot year and there are a number of things that treasurers need to be thinking about and doing. The first one is to make sure that you have sent in the International dues to Headquarters. I am hoping that all of you have done that. The second is to send in the district dues—to me. I know that NOT all of you have done that. Please send in your district dues of $12 per member SOON. When you send in the district dues please include a list of members with their classification—regular member or Emeritus member. We need to keep all this information for the district and the MWD Secretary is responsible for making sure all the district members are counted. Other payments that clubs should be making are Pacesetter, 250 Club, and Pilot Sweetheart. If your treasury allows, it is good to pay these early in the Pilot year. That way you don't forget to do it and you won't have any of the DAC on your case reminding you that it hasn't been done! In doing the bill‐paying for your own club, be sure to follow the guidelines in the bright green Treasurer's Workshop notebook. If you were not at the District Convention and didn't attend the workshop for treasurers, someone from your club was given your book and should have passed it on to you. You should have an expense voucher for every check that you write and this is to be co‐signed by the president and president‐elect as well as by the treasurer. This doesn't mean that you are not trusted; it is just a way to keep a clear record of what the club's money is going for and to ensure that all bills are paid in a timely manner. Something else that every treasurer needs to do is to file the 990‐N Electronic Notice (e‐Postcard) for Tax‐Exempt Organizations. This form MUST be filed no later than November 15 each year. If your gross receipts (and this includes dues) are over $200,000 or your total assets are over $500,000 you need to file IRS Form 990. If your gross receipts are over $50,000 and under $200,000 a year, and your total assets are less than $500,000 you must file IRS Form 990 EZ. The rest of us, those with gross receipts less than $50,000 file Form 990‐N each year. This can ONLY be filed online. This does not mean that a club has to pay taxes. BUT any club that fails to file the 990‐N for three consecutive years will lose their tax‐exempt status and may need to pay taxes on any money they receive. If you have questions about anything related to club finances, check your bright green Treasurer's Notebook. If you still have questions, contact me and I will try to answer your question or will get an answer for you. Here's to a wonderful Pilot year for all the clubs in the wonderful Midwest District!! Judy Brotherton Midwest District Treasurer 2014‐15 2512 Mulberry Ave. Muscatine, IA 52761 h: 563‐264‐5372 judyb@machlink.com Grant Application postmark deadline to be mailed to District Founder’s Fund Representative for review and approval (Send original signed by Club PIFF rep and Club President PLUS 4 copies to District Founders Fund Rep, include an envelope, with adequate postage for the Founders Fund Rep to mail to PI, and addressed to Pilot International Headquarters. Also send an additional copy to District Governor Carol and indicate date copy was sent on the application (page 1). All grant applications must be received by Mary / Ruth by October 1. "Drafts" can be emailed to Mary and/or Ruth before MWD Workshop on October 4. We will be glad to discuss with you there. Mary Maland: 3603 74th St, Moline, IL 61265, pilot.mary@gmail.com OR Ruth McGinnis: 2510 Boies Ave, Davenport, IA 52802‐2114 ruthiepi@aol.com October 15, 2014 Grant Application postmark deadline to be sent to PI Headquarters by your District PIFF Representatives. January 31, 2014 Checks for approved grants are mailed and notices of denial are sent. February 15, 2015 Scholarship Applications due to District Founder’s Fund Representative (5 copies of each and the original.) Please call Ruth if unable to meet the deadline. Midwest District Heartland Herald
January 31, 2015 Grant Evaluation due to headquarters.
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August 2014
Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 8 of 14
Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 9 of 14
Midwest District Heartland Herald
August 2014 - Page 10 of 14
9 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
109 E. 14TH ST.
Midwest District Fall Workshop Oct 4, 2014 ‐ Sign‐Up Sheet Make ONE Club check out to: Midwest District Pilot International Mail Club check & Sign‐up sheet to: Judy Brotherton, MWD Treasurer, 2512 Mulberry Ave, Muscatine, IA 52761 CLUB NAME :___________________________________________________________________ Name
Example: Carol Triebel
Current Club/ District Role
MWD Governor
First Timer- Yes/No
Registration Deadline September 15th 2014 Check # _________________
Received: ________________
BEND OF THE RIVER PILOT CLUB Invites all Midwest District Pilot Clubs to a Summer Picnic and Gathering TH
TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 , 2014 6:00‐8:30 PM THE GRILLE AT PALMER HILLS GOLF COURSE 2613 MIDDLE ROAD BETTENDORF, IA (Park in upper lot behind Clubhouse) COST: $8.00 PER PERSON ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED RSVP BY JULY 31 TO MARY JO MULARZ CELL PHONE 563‐505‐5442 EMAIL gramajm@mchsi.com Indicate you choice: hamburger or chicken sandwich when you RSVP Midwest District Coordinators and Appointees 2014-2015
Barbara Crawford
Fund Raising
Kim Nelson
Membership & Developmt
Karla Henderson
514 West 29th Ave
Milan, IL 61264
Pilot Club of Moline
2526 East 41st Street
Davenport, IA 52807
h: 563-355-1970
Bend of the River-Quad Cities
20 Sunnydale
Jacksonville, IL 62650
h: 217-245-6489
c: 217-320-9446
Pilot Club of Jacksonville
Newsletter Editor
Jane Driscoll
PI Founder’s Fund - Co-Representatives
Ruth McGinnis
Mary Maland
1409 Spruce St
Iowa City, IA 52240
h: 319-337-4902
Pilot Club of Iowa City
3603 74th Street
Moline, IL 61265
Pilot Club of Moline
Maryann Frazer
Lisa Pierce
6004 Teakwood Ct. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 50402-1644
h: 319-447-1389
c: 319-431-6229
Cedar Rapids Metro Pilot Club
15850 Downing Road
Waverly, IL 62692
h: 217-306-5382
w: 217-544-9433
Pilot Club of West Central IL
Mary Jo Mularz
Directory Editor
Marianne Harney
Barb Brown
2181 Norman Court S
Bettendorf, IA 52722
h: 563-505-5442
Bend of the River- QC Pilots
1832 Mehaffey Bridge Rd N.E.
Solon, IA 52333
h: 319-624-2630
w: 319-335-3442x874
Noon Pilot Club of Johnson County
1111 Woodbine Circle East
Galesburg, IL 61401
h: 309-342-3094
c: 309-368-3592
Pilot Club of Galesburg
Donna O’Brien
Publicity-Public Relations
Kathy Pilichowski
2417 Cobble Creek Court
Hanna City, IL 61536
c: 309-253-8477
Pilot Club of Peoria
422 18th Avenue A
Moline, IL 61265
h: 309-797-1899
Pilot Club of Moline
Nominations Committee
Holly Baker
2510 Boies Avenue
Davenport, IA 52802-2114
Bend of the River-Quad Cities
Projects - Co - Coordinators
Diane DiFrancesco
9154 Kilpatrick Avenue
Skokie, IL 60076-1529
h: 847-675-3260
Pilot Club of Milwaukee
3060 9th Street
E. Moline, IL 61244
h: 309-281-1579
c: 815-228-8077
Pilot Club of Moline
District Workshop 2014
October 4, 2014 9:00-4:00
District Convention 2015
April 17-19, 2015
St. John's Methodist Church
109 East 14 Street
Davenport, Iowa
Holiday Inn
226 17 Street
Rock Island, Illinois
Creating the Picture of Pilot Together!