february 2010 - Miramar RC Flyers


february 2010 - Miramar RC Flyers
Return Address:
Nathaniel Guerrero
6433 Reflection Drive #102
San Diego, CA 92124
February 2010
The next MRCF Meeting will be on TUESDAY, 9 February 2010
Location: American Legion Hall 7815 Armour St.
Corner of Armour and Convoy St.
Board Meeting at 6:30 PM – Gen. Meeting at 7:00 PM
NEW LOCATION: American Legion Hall at 7815 Armour Street.
Jerry Neuberger
Don Madison
Field Marshal:
Mark Lukens
Safety Coordinators:
Derek Post
Don Robinson
(619) 258-4477
(619) 296-1510
(858) 945-8525
(858) 842-4641
(858) 271-6452
Newsletter Editor: Nathaniel Guerrero
(858) 240-2215 Email: nguerrero@san.rr.com
Vice President:
Curtis Kitteringham
(760) 746-5913
Ron Stark
(858) 530-0586
Helicopter Chairman:
Darren Hauptman
(619) 948-1948
Membership Chairman:
Tom Mulder
(619) 804-8596
Club Webmaster: Darren Hauptman
Any club member who wishes to have some assistance should call one of our designated instructors.
There is no duty instructor at the field, so you must prearrange a time with someone on this list.
Richard Barndt
Ken Davies
Frank Gagliardi
Curtis Kitteringham
Barry Mattingly
Jerry Neuberger
Ron Stark
Dave Uren
Roy Rapheal
Darren Hauptman
(858) 213-5740
(858) 672-3620
(858) 271-4430
(760) 746-5913
(760) 753-1318
(619) 258-4477
(858) 530-0586
(858) 705-0523
(858) 538-5485
(619) 948-1948
We have a field day (clean up) coming up at the field on the
13th of February. Please attend and buy a big bunch of
roses for your significant other for the weekend.
From the Left Seat:
I’m sure everyone knows about the old Chinese curse “I hope you live in interesting times”. Well, it certainly has
been interesting the last couple of days. Porta-potty blew over last week in all the high wind and rain we had, and
when Diamond Environmental went out to service it they got their pumper truck stuck up to the rear axle in the
soaked area by the Porta-potty. The truck they sent to pull out the pumper also got stuck and fortunately there were
members there with enough horsepower to at least get Diamond’s rescue truck un-stuck. Moral of the story is that
the weather, especially lots of rain, has an effect on the status of the field, so care needs to be taken when going
outside the confines of the “normal” area.
This brings up another reminder, we’re located smack dab in the middle of a Congressionally mandated
Environmental Protection area with the endangered Mesa Mint and several vernal pools with Fairy shrimp located
right around the flying site. Rain like we’ve had recently makes the Mesa Mint grow, fills the vernal pools and
brings the Fairy shrimp out of hibernation. So please take care when walking around the East Miramar area to avoid
the protected plants and animals we have there. We do want to be good stewards of the site the Marines have
entrusted us with.
If you don’t know what Mesa Mint, or a vernal pool look like, please see me or any of the members who’ve been at
the site for 5 or more years (the base used to have Environmentalists on staff who briefed us yearly on the local
flora and fauna).
See you at the field
From the Right Seat:
This year is starting out great for the club we were able to get so many projects completed last year that all we need
to do is the normal house keeping this year. That's not to say projects are not in the works, we do have some new
addition planned.
At the January meeting we talked about the upcoming events, the first one is the IMAC in February. A working
party is set for the 13th of February two weeks before the event. The rains from January will more than likely make
for some tall weeds but with a little luck a good turnout the work should be light and one days worth.
A reminder the club is growing and on the weekends you may see a number of members at the field, all should
show good conduct when flying or working on your model. Yes everyone from time to time will forget, but good
Etiquette is a guideline to a fun time at the field.
That member that you have never talked too, stop and say something to them you just may find out you have
something in common. We are all in this club for the same reason so have some fun this year.
As always I Thank You for all of your help
Safety Coordinator:
Field Marshals:
I invite all members of the club to review the posted safety boards and ask "Am I following all of these rules?
On a recent windy day at the field I noticed that some planes were taking off from east to west and others from west
to east. This was one of those days when it really was necessary to take off and land from the opposite direction
from what we are used to, and not everyone seemed to want to make the change. For safety purposes, however, all
pilots should be taking off into the wind and flying the same pattern.
I suggest we all be aware of the wind sock, and perhaps we could also put up a simple moveable arrow to indicate
take off direction on any given day. What do you think?
With all the rain of late, be sure to be extra cautious on the road into the field.
Don Robinson
Helicopter Chairman:
Membership Chairman:
With the membership renewal process behind me now, I can focus on new business. At the last meeting I
suggested that we start a “Mentor Program” for new civilian membership prospects. The purpose of this program
will be to allow new civilian prospects to have a current member to fly with and have access to the field. As a new
member I did not know anyone and it made it hard to get to know members and participate in club functions. So
with this new program, new members that are not sponsored by an existing member would be assigned a member.
The “Mentor Program” will be voluntary and I will be sending out more information via email.
12 January 2010
Miramar Radio Control Flyers
Minutes of the Meeting
Held at the American
Legion Hall
President called the meeting to order at 1905 hrs.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by the membership.
Guests at the meeting: Eric Sacco
The Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted by the membership.
The Secretary’s report was presented and accepted by the membership.
Safety Report – Don Robinson stated that pilots are note standing behind the safety barriers at the flight
line while flying models. The barriers are their for everyone’s safety. Please stand BEHIND them.
When the wind direction changes from West to East (Santa Ana Winds), all pilots must change to the
same landing pattern. Recently it was observed that pilots were landing in both directions which is
Field Marshal Report – The new tables are painted. Thanks to the members that put in the time and
brought out their equipment to do the work quickly. Some field items need to have some maintenance
done prior to the IMAC event. February 1`3th has been designated as a clean up day for this field.
Volunteers are needed.
Membership Chairman Report – Tom Mulder passed out new membership cards to all those in
attendance. All other cards will be mailed.
Club member Jim Stranger is in the hospital with a mild stroke and pneumonia. Members signed a get
well card at the meeting for him.
Don Gulihur discussed the proper field check of our defibrillator unit at the field. A blinking light should
be visible to indicate the unit is ready for use in an emergency.
Don Gulihur also requested that the sales of club hats and license plate frames be taken over by another
member. Darren Hauptman agreed to take over the sales and thanked Don for purchasing the items.
The IMAC event will be held on February 26th through 28th (Friday practice, Saturday and Sunday event)
and again in June 25th through 27th (Friday practice, Saturday and Sunday event).
Al Pierce introduced his guest Bob Burns who informed the club of his new business of molding model
parts. He will attend our upcoming February meeting with a presentation on his products.
Darren proposed a solar powered battery charging station at the field. Estimated cost is $700 and would
be financed by fund raising. Fire safety will be part of the design features.
The first IMAC event will be held on February 26th through 28th. Many volunteers from the membership
will be necessary for this 3 day event. Volunteer schedule will be handled by Curtis. Participating IMAC
flyers will receive flying instructions at our field.
February 13th is scheduled at our field for field maintenance as mentioned above.
TO ALL MEMBERS: Darren has set up a calendar on the website to schedule the events. Please go to
www.miramarrcflyers.com and click on the EVENTS tab at the top of the page. If you have any
suggestions, please contact Darren at Darren@miramarrcflyers.com.
February 13th work party
February 27th - 28th IMAC event
June 26th - 27 IMAC event
July 10th - 11th Heli event
October 9th Club Day
November 13th Veterans Day Flyin
December 4th Toy for Tots flyin
December 14th Christmas Dinner
Leather Neck Museum are in the works. Dates and times to be posted at a later date.
Meeting adjourned at 2010 hrs.
'If the enemy is in range, so are you.'
- Infantry Journal________________________________
'It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.'
- US.Air Force Manual ________________________________
'Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons.'
- General MacArthur ________________________________
'You, you, and you ... Panic. The rest of you, come with me.'
- Infantry Sgt.________________________________
'Tracers work both ways.'
- Army Ordnance Manual________________________________
'Five second fuses last about three seconds.'
- Infantry Journal ________________________________
The three most useless things in aviation are: Fuel in the bowser; Runway behind you; and Air above you.
-Basic Flight Training Manual________________________________
'Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once.'
- Naval Ops Manual ________________________________
'Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.'
- Unknown Infantry Recruit________________________________
'If you see a bomb technician running, try to keep up to him.'
- Infantry Journal________________________________
'Yea, Though I Fly Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 50,000 Feet and
- Sign over SR71 Wing Ops________________________________
'You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3.'
-Paul F. Crickmore (SR71 test pilot)________________________________
'The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.'
-Unknown Author________________________________
'If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage it has to be a helicopter -- and therefore, unsafe.'
- Fixed Wing Pilot________________________________
'When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane, you always have enough power left to get you to the scene of the
-Multi-Engine Training Manual________________________________
'Without ammunition, the Air Force is just an expensive flying club.'
-Unknown Author________________________________
'If you hear me yell;"Eject, Eject, Eject!", the last two will be echos. If you stop to ask "Why?", you'll be talking to
yourself, because by then you'll be the pilot.'
-Pre-flight Briefing from a Canadian F104 Pilot________________________________
'What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; but If ATC
screws up, .... the pilot dies.'
-Sign over Control Tower Door-
'Never trade luck for skill.'
-Author Unknown________________________________
The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in military aviation are:' Did you feel that?' 'What's that
noise?' and 'Oh S...!'
-Authors Unknown________________________________
'Airspeed, altitude and brains. Two are always needed to successfully complete the flight.'
-Basic Flight Training Manual________________________________
'Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a person on the ground incapable of
understanding or doing anything about it.'
- Emergency Checklist________________________________
'The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you.'
- Attributed to Max Stanley (Northrop test pilot) ________________________________
'There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime.' –
Sign over Squadron Ops Desk at Davis-Montham AFB, AZ________________________________
'You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal.'
-Lead-in Fighter Training Manual ________________________________
As the test pilot climbs out of the experimental aircraft, having torn off the wings and tail in the crash landing, the
crash truck arrives.
The rescuer sees the bloodied pilot and asks,'What happened?'
The pilot's reply: 'I don't know, I just got here myself!'
Colin Browning is looking to sell the items listed below:
1. Customized Hobbico NexSTAR 46 Select RTF
I am selling for $350.00
Sells new from tower hobbies for $399.00
2. Hanger 9 F6F Hellcat, radio, gas engine
I am selling for $700.00
Sells new with all components for $1000+
3. A vintage 1980's large Great Planes Super Sport Gasser with smoke system and radio
I am selling for $450.
This "Jewish" JGem is worth much more and was built by a club member.
The reason I would like to sell my planes to the club is because I really enjoyed my time at the club and
want to give back, and I would feel better selling to someone in the club looking for a trainer or a lowercost alternative to upgrade to gas powered models than to a stranger. I will bring them down to San
Diego for club members to look at on a date to be determined at a later time.
Anyone interested can call Chris Wolfe at (858-672-4001) or email (jc4evr@sbcglobal.net). Thanks
for the help!
NIB GWS ME262 white with fans and brushless motors - $80
Wing span: 33.6", Fuse: 41.3"
This is the combo package that comes from EPYAYA and includes 2 BL2028-4 4600 kv motors
CMP A6M5 Zero with Supertiger 90 engine - $160
Wing span: 71", Fuse: 60"
This is the china model products kit and is essentially new (servos were installed on the ailerons only and
the box was disposed of as it was too bulky to store). Included is a used low time SuperTigre 90 engine
and muffler. I have tons of full scale zero documentation which I'm willing to share if someone was so
inclined to do a scale makeover on this one. It looks to be decent for scale outline...except those tiny
chinese tires!
RCS180 RIRE Gas Engine fully broken in with 2 props - $170
This is a 1.8 cuin gas engine, rated at 4 HP. It's been fully broken in on the bench (ran like a champ!) but
never flown. Includes a pits style muffler, electronic ignition, and 2 zinger props.
Hacker B40-7L - $60
good condition, has about 30 flights on it
Kontronik Fun 480-42 - $65
good condition, has about 15 flights on it
Club Newsletter Specials
To Find
A Hobby People
Store Near You,
Compatible with Airtronics
2.4GHz FHSS-1 receivers.
2-stick TX
Retract switch
Servo reversing
V-tail mixing
Elevon mixing
1973 — 2010
In 1973, Aero Sport lead the
way to lower prices.
In 2010, Aero Sport once
again cracks the price barrier with
honest quality at unbeatable value!
Aero Sport 5 includes transmitter and
receiver. Batteries and servos sold separately.
Item No. 438140
Regular price $99.99