On Lion June and July, 2016 - St. Mark`s Episcopal Church
On Lion June and July, 2016 - St. Mark`s Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Connecting Spirits Children’s Formation Engaging Minds ON LION Welcoming All June/July 2016 What’s going on in Formation? We will begin our Summer Formation programming Sunday June 5. We will be using Animal Crackers: A Global Education, an educational resource for children and congregations to help them see themselves as part of the global family and gain a deeper appreciation of the ways we I’ve in harmony as God’s good creation. Volunteers Needed Children’s Formation is looking for individuals who would prayerfully consider giving their time Sunday mornings, during the 10:30 worship service, to share their talents and faith with the children of St. Marks. All volunteers are required by the Diocese of West Michigan to take Safeguarding God’s Children before working with any children. (4 hour workshop, or online course.) If you are interested please email the Director of Formation, Jane Stidolph, janes@stmarksgr.org for a volunteer application. Friends of Formation This group will begin meeting regularly to discuss and explore ways to improve our Children’s Formation programming. We will review our vision and mission in Children’s Formation and look towards strategic planning. We will meet on the third Sunday of every month beginning Sunday June 19th at 9:15, in the upstairs conference room. Children’s Formation Survey In an effort to serve our church community better, Children’s Formation is conducting a survey. Please take a moment to take this survey. You can take it online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2P8PLVF Episcopal Youth Camp At our camp, children will be housed with campers in the same grade as each other, along with 2 adult counselors (girls with girls & boys with boys). Our activities include swimming, boating, arts & crafts, archery, big-group games, music, fine arts, singing and a lot of playing. We are able to accommodate special needs. Please contact us with any questions. We pray, we play, we sing, we laugh, we make friends from all over and see friends that we’ve known for a long time. While our life is centered on God and worship through the Episcopal traditions, please remember that you do not have to be Episcopalians to attend camp, so invite your friends and send your grandchildren. We live together for a week striving to create an intentional Christian community. Senior Camp, open to grades entering 9-12th grade June 26-July 2, 2016 at Cran-Hill Ranch Middle Camp, open to those entering grades 6-8th grade August 7-13, 2016 at Camp Newaygo Junior Camp, open to those entering grades 3-5th grade August 14-20, 2016 at Camp Newaygo *Financial assistance is available, contact gcallard@edwm.org or janes@stmarksgr.org for more information. Jane Leacock Stidolph, Director of Christian Formation The Right Rev. Whayne M. Hougland 9th Bishop of Western Michigan Clergy The Rev. Brenton H. Carey, Interim Rector The Rev. Susan York, Associate for Pastoral Care The Rev. Dr. Hugh Dickinson, Priest Associate Ministry Support Team Dr. Gregory Crowell, Music Director Brandon Hollins, Organ Scholar Lauren Davidson, Children’s Choir Director Mary Heintzelman, Office Manager Jane Stidolph, Dir. of Christian Formation Jeff Brown, Dir. of Youth Ministries Pam Stevenson, Finance Manager David Hawley, Facilities Manager Julian Medrano, Facilities Assistant Officers and Vestry Members Dr. Jackie Taylor, Sr. Warden Vijay Dillet, Jr. Warden Sharon Buursma, Ex-officio, Treasurer Cathy Capogna, Secretary Through 2016: Chuck Bocskey, Catherine Frerichs, David Kidd, and Laura Roy Through 2017: Vijay Dillet, Dan Mc Donald, Dr. Jackie Taylor, and Debbie Weinrick Through 2018: Cathy Capogna, Nicolas Fletcher, Bruce Johnson, and John Slagter St. Mark’s Ministries Fellowship Ministry - Judy Fetterhoff Communications Ministry - Leigh Eicke Formation Ministry Children - Jane Stidolph Youth - Jeff Brown Adult - Fr. Brent Carey Library - Charles Brown Healing Racism - Becky Bocskey Health Ministry - Mthr Sue York Radical Welcome Ministry - Catherine Frerichs Worship - Fr. Brent Carey Altar Guild - Margaret Stretton Ushers - Tom Burr Stewardship Ministry Finance & Facilities - Sharon Buursma Endowment Board - Wendy Stock Stewardship Committee - Roger York Outreach Ministry Outreach/Christian Justice - John Bosserman Breakfast Café - Jennifer Julius Connecting Spirits Engaging Minds Welcoming All On Lion is published eight times a year by St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 134 North Division Avenue Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3103 (616) 456-1684 fax (616) 456-7506 www.stmarksgr.org https://www.facebook.com/ From Fr. Brent Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Collect for Independence Day (BCP p.242) I spent much of each of my childhood and adolescent summers on my maternal grandparent’s farm in Exeter, New Hampshire. It was named Fort Rock Farm after a rocky outcropping in the woods about a quarter mile north of the farm house. I woke up early most days so that I could join Bill, the farmhand, for a ride on a real Willy’s Jeep. Our task was to drive through the fields with buckets full of carefully mixed oats for the Angus bull, or bulls, depending on the year. I was always surprised that an animal as large as an adult bull could conceal itself so well in the wet morning grass. Talk about fat and happy! These bulls had it made in the shade. The Town of Exeter was a little on the peculiar side. While every surrounding town celebrated the Fourth of July with parades, food, and fireworks, the good people of Exeter sat on their hands. You see, way back in 1776, Exeter was the capital of New Hampshire. It was to the capital city of the 13 colonies that original copies of the Declaration of Independence were sent and Exeter didn’t get its copy until 12 days later. So, July 16th, or in our times, the Saturday closest to it, became Independence Day for the residents of Exeter. It’s also worth noting that a certain amount of local pride comes with being out of step with the rest of the nation. New Hampshire is, after all, the “live free or die” state. Underpinning our joy on the Fourth of July is a solid foundation of liberty and freedom. As Americans, we enjoy freedoms that few other countries can easily match. Of particular interest to religious people is the guarantee in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to freedom of religion, expression, assembly, and petition. Through the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, the government is prohibited from establishing an official religion or preferring one religion over another. This enforces the separation of church and state. On this year’s Fourth of July, take in a parade, eat copious amounts of barbecued food, watch a glorious fireworks show, and give thanks to God for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. But please keep in mind that the perfect freedom, of which St. Augustine of Hippo wrote, is what we find when we freely turn our attention to serving God while serving those in need in the name of Jesus Christ. Father Brent+ 616-456-1684 (Office) BrentC@stmarksgr.org From Mother Sue -I believe that it is true. It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a village, or an entire parish to bring liturgy, ministry, formation, music and outreach together to form a faith community. This is the time of year when we look back over the busy programs and all that we have experienced together at St. Marks and we have had a wonderful year. What makes it all so wonderful is each one of you bringing your gifts and talents to the table and living out your faith in the body of Christ, which is all of us. It also includes those whom we serve, and those who will come. I am excited for the future of this community of faith, as the search continues for the next rector, and give thanks for all who have helped in any way this year to grow our ministries and share the Love of Christ. This is what Jesus asked of us. I am waiting for the ground to get a little warmer, and for the good organic fertilizer to add nutrients to the soil and then, never sooner than Memorial Day in Michigan, I will plant my garden. What joy to see what comes up, and to nurture those plants into bloom and then the harvest. That is what we are to be about, planting, nurturing, growing, harvest and giving. Let this summer be a time for you of joy in family and the Creation, of course, worshipping together on Sundays, but also of reflection on all that we have been and all that we can be. Summer Blessings, Sue Good Summer Reading: Jim Wallis’s book, America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America, calls Christians to understand racism as a sin, believe in the promises of God, see a path to justice grounded in love and a new America. It is a great follow-up to City within a City, and offers ideas for action as a parish. Join us for discussions of the book in September. Wendy Wenner GRAND RAPIDS EPISCOPAL YOUTH (G.R.E.Y.) Wednesday night Oasis has completed for the school year, but will return in September. We've had a busy month of May, including raising funds for, and walking in, the Hunger Walk, hosting dinner and socializing with families in need staying at St. Andrew’s through Family Promise/IHN, and helping to start a community garden at St. Andrew’s. We also had a great time of mini-golf, go-karts, and pizza buffet at Craig’s Cruisers. GREY will be selling spots in St. Mark’s parking lot during Festival of the Arts from June 3-5. The cost is a low $5 and will support our youth group's programs and activities. Spread the word!! To volunteer to man the parking lot, contact Jeff. Upcoming Events: The high school group will embark on a Progressive Mission trip with other youth from the diocese in lateJune, visiting other Episcopal parishes in our diocese. We will do mission work in the communities, reflect, learn, and grow in our faith. We'll visit St. David's Lansing, St. John's Mt. Pleasant, St. Paul's Greenville, and Grace Ludington. The Big G.R.E.Y. Summer Mini-Camp! All G.R.E.Y. (Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth) who will be attending 6th-12th grades this fall are cordially invited to our August trip to Cran-Hill Ranch in Rodney, Michigan, East of Big Rapids from August 19-21. We'll leave mid-afternoon from St. Andrew's on Friday the 19th and return on Sunday the 21st in the earlyafternoon. It will be a weekend of learning, worship, formation, service, and fun. There will be no cost to families for this event this year. All interested campers should have their completed permission forms to Jeff no later than August 3 to reserve their spot. Reach out to him at jeffatgrey@gmail.com for more details. Jeff Brown Director of Youth Ministries Mission: We are an inclusive community of faith, reflecting Christ's love, ministering to all who hunger in body, mind, and spirit. Vision: Our strength as a faith community depends on our inner vitality, inclusive welcome, and outward action. Grounded in these values, we continue our strong tradition of liturgical worship and education for all ages. We affirm diversity, recognizing that genuine openness may require us to change. We advocate for justice, serving those in need. From the Vestry The Vestry continues to move forward in creating strategic goals in all areas of St. Mark's, including facilities. Some members of the Vestry joined David Hawley and John Savara for a walk-through on a recent Saturday and learned a great deal, not only about the facility but about the history of the church. We also reviewed a list of needs in relation to deferred maintenance and focused also on the necessity for an elevator(s). This remains a priority. Please note the new Mission Statement on the Parish Hall wall, the refinished & beautiful front doors, and the refinished floors in the Parish Hall. Thanks to David Hawley-Lowry and the members of the Finance & Facilities Committee. Our focus on diversity and inclusion continues with several discussion meetings over home dinners, group discussions and an upcoming “unintentional bias” workshop on June 1. Please participate whenever and wherever you can. Please also remember your Vestry is here to serve you and St. Mark's and share your thoughts, ideas, and imagination with us. Thank You for all you do for St. Mark's. Jackie Taylor Senior Warden Income as of April 30, 2016 Category Sunday Breakfast Prior Year Pledges Current Year Pledges Offerings Not Pledged Easter/Christmas Offerings Parking Lot Rents Bequests Misc. Income Endowment Allocation For Operations Actual 5,500.00 5,974.00 111,575.17 17,437.00 3,584.05 14,609.00 17,166.69 5,432.15 0.00 181,278.06 Budget 5,000.00 5,000.00 110,000.00 19,581.36 3,000.00 16,333.36 8,333.36 -4,056.00 11,967.36 175,159.44 Expenses as of April 30, 2016 Category Pastoral Facilities Administration Diocesan Giving Christian Education Music Outreach Actual Budget 49,291.58 46,771.64 36,522.58 40,299.37 47,048.19 46,253.16 18,839.68 18,839.64 9,057.47 13,771.00 18,710.91 19,389.98 2,671.38 5,716.66 182,141.79 191,041.45 June/July Birthdays Carolyn Grover, Jamie Haithcox, Rachel Weinrick, John Gracki, Victor Balser, Sheona Nidefski, Jamie Schneider, Sallie Bowie, Jane Stidolph, Jeff Brown, Jodi Kivinen, Chad Dykema, Dylan Kivinen, Paul Chol Luk, Phyllis Rood, Dottie Wiersma, Remington Henry, John Murphy, Joelle VanderVelde, Naima Atem, Jack Wiersma, Sarah DuPilka, Karen DeMattia, Jackie Taylor, Ariana Rajah, William Auperlee, Guillermo Venecia, Henry Dykema, James Todd, David Kidd, Audrey Visser, Daniel Weinrick, Jayden Karsen. June/July Anniversaries Robert & Rebecca Leacock Jack & Dottie Wiersma Chad & Kate Dykema and Tom & Sandra Burr. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 134 Division Ave N Grand Rapids MI 49503-3173 Ph (616) 456-1684 Fax (616) 456-7506 www.stmarksgr.org https://www.facebook.com/stmarksgr The deadline for the August newsletter is 5pm Monday, July 18th.
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