May 2014 - St. James Manitowoc


May 2014 - St. James Manitowoc
May 2014
Polka Mass at SJEC 10AM on Sunday, May 18
The Bob Kuether Band comes to St. James Episcopal Church for our 10AM
worship on Sunday, May 18 to provide music for a Polka Mass. Polka music
with lyrics adapted to a worship setting will replace our hymns and service
music on that day and some dancing in the aisles is encouraged! Our choir
will rehearse the music and will lead our congregation in singing along.
Bob is the son of long-time member Lee Kuether, and formed his own band
in 1970. His band consists of keyboards, accordion, trumpets, tenor sax, and
percussion and they play polkas and dance music at venues all over
northeast Wisconsin. Bob, with his wife Eileen, played their first polka mass
about 6 years ago at St. Thomas Catholic Church in Newton. The polka
mass tradition began in the 1970s. Various bands have adapted and shared
commonly used hymn lyrics and popular polka tunes. Bob’s son, Mark,
played the piano before our 10AM Easter morning service.
Plan to attend Fellowship Hour after the service -- German, Czech and
Bohemian treats will be served. Please feel free to invite friends, neighbors
and polka enthusiasts to SJEC on this fun day!
From the Rector
Ministry Group meeting dates
Vestry Notes
Save the Date: Meet & Greet
Episcopal 101: Fermentum
Telling Our Faith Stories Workshop
Thank You
KinderChurch Update
Diocesan Camp Information
Happening Recap
Living in Community
Hispanic Community Center
Photos: Holy Week & Easter
Small Groups, Special Interest,
& Volunteer Opportunities, pt. 1
Small Groups, Special Interest,
& Volunteer Opportunities, pt. 2
Photos below from our previous Polka Mass courtesy Anne Schuette
10 Sunday Ministry Schedule
11 Calendar
Outdoor Clean-Up: Volunteers Needed May 3
Volunteers are needed to help spruce up the church grounds on the morning
of Saturday, May 3. Weather permitting, activity will start at 9AM and
conclude at noon. Facility Care Team Coordinator Murray Sim has a list of
tasks, including raking, pruning, power-washing the steps, window washing,
etc. Please talk to Murray (682-4362) if you can help on this day or another
time, or if you have any questions.
Ascension Worship 6:30PM 5/29
Ascension Day is Thursday, May 29 this year. We
will celebrate the Ascension of Jesus Christ with
worship at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary.
The Spirit is the newsletter of St. James
Episcopal Church in Manitowoc, WI. The
Spirit is published monthly, and is available
by electronic distribution or via US Mail.
The Vestry, Publisher
Tony Karl, Layout/Design
Diane Murray, Distribution
Content submissions may be sent via email
to Email is preferred, but
submissions may also be mailed to the
church (434 North 8th St, Manitowoc WI
54220) or placed in the The Spirit mailbox
in the Church Office.
Please submit
content BEFORE the 20th of the month.
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
From the Desk of Amma Diane
One of the marks of an Episcopal church is that we are not a
stand-alone, independent church. We believe that all people
can worship and pray individually, but that there is value to
be in worship, prayer, and fellowship with others. Similarly,
our churches make some decisions and do some things
individually, but we also do things as part of a larger body.
Sometimes that body is with our neighboring Episcopal
churches or with churches within our Deanery, but many
times it may be within the diocesan or denominational context.
The ordination and consecration of our new Bishop, Matthew Gunter, is an
example of The Episcopal Church gathering (the denominational level).
There are several events or services that will happen over the next several
months that will be diocesan or regional gatherings. It is my hope that many
of us from St. James Episcopal Church will attend or participate. I believe we
at SJEC have much that would be of value shared with other folks in our
diocese, and no one can share who we are and what we do as well as we can.
Pray for these events and join in them if you are able. Check the diocesan
calendar at for still more opportunities.
Saturday, May 17 at 1PM Bishop Gunter will be enthroned (given his
official seat at the Cathedral)
Sunday, June 8 from 1-4PM SJEC will host a “Meet and Greet” for Bishop
Matt and his wife Leslie. People from around the diocese will come to our
church to introduce themselves to and to learn more about the Gunters.
June 12-26 is the Diocesan Summer Camp and we will have at least 6
people from SJEC participating in camp.
Saturday, June 28 at 11AM the Eucharistic festival will be held at St. Paul’s
Cathedral in Fond du Lac. Our UTO donation will be made there.
Sunday, August 10 SJEC will host a diocesan Cursillo Ultreya, that can be
attended by people regardless of previous Cursillo weekend attendance.
Let us continue to lift one another up, support one another, and live into the
kind of life Christ modeled for us. Let us gather regularly for worship and
fellowship, not just on major holidays. May we also invite others to join us!
Blessings this Easter season.
Amma Diane
May 2014
Page 2
St. James Episcopal Church
434 N 8th St-Manitowoc WI 54220
Church Personnel
The Rev. Diane M. Murray, Rector
Tony Karl, Music Director
Randy Hronek, Accompanist
Dennis Moore, Sexton
Vestry (Church Council)
Rector: The Rev. Diane M. Murray
Senior Warden: Anne Schuette
Junior Warden: Dianne Wilson
Members: Liz Gordon, Andrew
Hooker, Sherry Paszkiewicz, Tammy
McVeigh, and Murray Sim
Clerk: Tony Karl
Treasurer: Mary Jean Reckelberg
Team Contacts
Altar Care: Anne Schuette
Facility Care: Murray Sim
Finance: Mary Jean Reckelberg
Global Mission: Sherry Paszkiewicz
Local Service/Partnerships/Member
Mission Support: Mary Burckle
Member Care: Donna Franz
Prayer & Anointing: Dianne Wilson
Stewardship: Mark Hunner
Welcome: Sudi Johnson
Worship: Tony Karl
Small Group Contacts
Book Group: Anne Schuette
Choir: Tony Karl
Crafting Group: Mary Jean Reckelberg
Men’s Group: Richard Hall
St. Faith’s Guild: Judy Lavicka
Women’s Group: Sudi Johnson
St. James Episcopal Church is
a Parish in the Fond du Lac Diocese
of The Episcopal Church, and a part of
the worldwide Anglican Communion.
The Rev. Diane M. Murray, Rector
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
Page 3
May Ministry Group Meeting Dates
Vestry Notes for April
Our four new Ministry Groups held their third meetings
in April. All are welcome to attend any Ministry Group
meeting to participate or to learn more. A list of MAy
meeting dates follows, along with purpose statements
and Facilitator names:
Your St. James Episcopal Church Vestry met at 6:00PM
on April 10. Topics covered included:
We continued discussion of the Book of Acts, using
Acts: Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit (Bruce
Bickel & Stan Jantz) as our guide.
Mon. 5/5 at 6:00PM: inReach Ministry Group
"Reaching in to those inside our church, the inReach
Ministry Group coordinates programs and projects related
to member care, gatherings/special events, welcome, and
activities, and assists small groups.”
Facilitators: Anne Schuette & Murray Sim
SJEC will host a “Meet & Greet” for Bishop Matt
Gunter and his wife Leslie 1-4PM on June 8,
The Vestry will hold a spring retreat May 17-18.
New boiler system and other components are
scheduled for installation in late April.
Vestry Teams are beginning to form to coordinate
the regular functions that help our church run
smoothly. Murray Sim has been appointed Facility
Care Team Coordinator and Mary Jean Reckelberg
has been appointed Finance Team Coordinator,
and both will begin to form those teams.
Tue. 5/6 at 6:30PM: downReach Ministry Group
“In response to God reaching down by communicating
with and giving to the church, the downReach Ministry
Group coordinates programs and projects related to youth
and adult formation, preaching, and spirituality."
Facilitators: Liz Gordon & Dianne Wilson
Wed. 5/21 at 6:00PM: outReach Ministry Group
"Reaching out to those outside our church, the outReach
Ministry Group focuses on missions and evangelization as
Christians and includes local service, partnerships,
member mission support, global mission, and evangelism.”
Facilitators: Andrew Hooker & Sherry Paszkiewicz
Sun. 5/25 at 11:45AM: upReach Ministry Group
"Reaching up by communicating with, serving, and giving
to God, the upReach Ministry Group coordinates programs
and projects related to worship, altar care, stewardship,
and prayer & anointing."
Facilitators: Tony Karl, Tammy McVeigh, & Mary Jean Reckelberg
Agendas for the four Ministry Groups and Vestry are
posted on the bulletin boards on the lower level a week
before the meeting date. Minutes are posted a week after
the meeting. If you would like to be added to the list to
receive any or all of these agendas and minutes by email,
click the UPDATE PROFILE/EMAIL ADDRESS link at the
bottom of any email from SJEC, click the SUBSCRIBE
button at the bottom of any page on our web site
(, or send Tony Karl
( the names of the Ministry Groups
and/or Vestry to which you would like to be subscribed.
Please continue to pray for our church and build each
other up as we help build God's Kingdom here on Earth!
The next Vestry meetings are scheduled for 6:00PM on
Thursdays May 8, June 26, and August 14 (no July
meeting). All are welcome to attend any meeting. If
you’d like to receive Vestry agendas and minutes, see
the information in the second half of the Ministry
Group May Meeting Schedule article at left.
Save the Date: Meet & Greet Bishop 6/8
Bishop Matt Gunter and his wife Leslie (below) have
scheduled several casual “meet and greet” sessions at
churches around the diocese, and they’ll be at St. James
Episcopal Church on Sunday, June 8 from 1–4PM. More
details will be included in the June issue of The Spirit.
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
Page 4
Learn with Us: Episcopal 101 — Fermentum
This column is a tool for all of us to learn more about The
Episcopal Church.
This month we’ll learn about
Fermentum. ~Amma Diane
During the season of Easter we are continually reminded of the
development of community among the early apostles, those
sent out by Christ to do God’s work in the world. It
is hard — many would say impossible — to be a
solitary Christian. Indeed, in history, and even
today, there are Christian people nicknamed
“solitary” as they practice a form of piety of living
alone and following a life of daily prayer. Even
these solitaries were in community with fellow
Christians or seekers from time to time.
This community (or being in communion with one
another) is one characteristic of The Episcopal Church. One
way we are in communion with others in our Diocese of Fond
du Lac is through the use of Fermentum.
In the Diocese of Fond du Lac, the Fermentum we use is a
piece of a Communion wafer that has been blessed during the
annual Chrism Mass held during Holy Week at our Cathedral.
A Bishop celebrates at this service and the clergy of the diocese
are invited to take a piece of the large communion wafer back
to their local church. This piece of bread is then put into the
chalice of wine at one of the congregation’s Eucharist
(Communion) services symbolizing our unity with one another
in the diocese.
This custom (of communion between churches)
has been recorded in the history of the church as
far back as 120 AD. It is believed to have been a
reference for our coming together for Communion
as a way to receive “leaven” for our lives as
Christians and to be a way for early Christians to
spread the unity of the Body of Christ throughout
the world. It is a pledge of unity of faith, this being
the origin of the expression to be in communion with each
other, and such communion already considered essential to
Christianity in the 2nd-century writings of St. Ignatius of
Antioch and St. Irenaeus.
“Telling Our Faith Stories” June 1 & 3
Most of us struggle with how to share our faith story with
others. Maybe we have figured out how to talk to people
in our faith community a bit about why we go to church,
pray, etc., but even that can be difficult. The idea of
talking with someone who might be a friend, family
member, acquaintance or even a stranger may seem next
to impossible. Maybe your feel ready to share your faith
journey, but just want to have a plan on how to do this.
"Telling Our Faith Stories" may give you that help,
nudge, boost or idea you have been looking for. The
downReach Ministry Group is offering two opportunities
to learn about ways to tell our faith stories These
learning opportunities will be Sunday, June 1, from
11:30AM – 1:00pm and Tuesday, June 3, from 6:30–
8:00pm. The same content will be taught at each session,
so you may attend either one or both as you desire.
Sharing our Christian faith story is really an ongoing
process as our personal story develops. That being said,
there are some simple, straight-forward ways to share
your faith (Christianity) with others in ways that will not
be threatening to any one in the conversation. During
this session we will offer a variety of options for you to
learn, practice, think about and try. Sharing our Christian
story is part of what Christ told us to do!
Thank You!
Our Wine & Cheese party after the Easter Vigil was a
huge success. Many thanks to those who made it great.
First to the people who created our centerpieces: Audrey
Bean, Liese Carbon, Nancy Hoover, Sudi Johnson, Sharon
Meany, and Liz Schrank; to Janet Casperson who created
our serving area; to Dan Hornung who strung our mood
lighting and made the punch and to everyone who
contributed food and wine. It was a great way to
celebrate Easter. Thank you.
~Mary Jean Reckelberg
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
KinderChurch Sundays at 9AM
addition to our weekly
schedule offered in the
Chapel at 9AM Sundays,
launched on April 6.
KinderChurch is designed around a congregation of children with
adults, rather than a congregation of adults with children. Anyone
is welcome to attend either or both services: 9AM KinderChurch
and 10AM worship. KinderChurch lasts approximately 40 minutes
and may include: music, Scripture, Eucharist (Communion),
conversation, activities, prayers and possibly a snack. Much of this
liturgy is of a hands-on, participatory nature as people are
In the four weeks we have had KinderChurch people from 9
different households participated; eleven young people and 10
adults, with numbers of people on any given Sunday varying from 4
to 14 and ages from 8 months to 60+ years. We are beginning a
community. The Spirit is moving, God is with us, and it is good!
Upcoming Themes for KinderChurch:
5/4: Baptism
Page 5
Diocesan Summer Camp
Nestled in majestic pine and oak woods on Little Hills Lake, Camp
Lakotah (35 miles west of Oshkosh near Wautoma) offers rustic, yet
cozy cabin accommodations, a
sand beach, open fields, and
modern facilities for meals and
activities. The Diocese of Fond du
Lac Summer Camp is open to all
ages to learn more about God,
community and self while having a lot of fun! Those age 4 through
graduating 12th grade attend as campers. Adults and older youth
can volunteer to serve on staff. All faiths are welcome to attend.
Register by May 19 for the lowest cost. Contact Pastor Diane if you
are interested in attending camp. Registration forms can be found
on-line at
2014 Camp Schedule
KinderCamp (kids and parent ages 4-7)
Thursday, June 12 – Saturday, June 14
Senior Camp (completed grades 9-12)
Sunday, June 15 – Saturday, June 21
Middler Camp (completed grades 6-8)
Sunday, June 22– Thursday, June 26
5/11: The Good Shepherd
5/18: Room for all in God’s house
Junior Camp (completed grades 2-5)
Sunday, June 12– Thursday, June 26
5/25: The Ten Commandments
6/1: Jesus goes to God &asks God to protect us
Happening Recap
Alex Handl and Zach Handl would like to thank the people of St.
James Episcopal Church for helping make their attendance at the
most recent Diocesan Happening Weekend possible. The weekend
was held at All Saints Episcopal Church in Appleton and Bishop
Matt Gunter attended the weekend. They enjoyed renewing
friendships made at the Diocesan Summer Camp, made new
friends, liked the music and the time in Christian community. To
quote Alex: "It was AWESOME!"
What is Happening? From the National Happening website:
During the Happening weekend (beginning Friday evening and
continuing through Sunday afternoon) there are activities designed
for fun and Christian community building among participants.
Throughout the weekend a series of talks are presented by youth
and clergy to logically present the elements that define a mature
profession of faith and the catechism process. The presentation of
key talks by youth using personal life experiences is intended to offer
Christ’s message to attending Happeners on a level they can
understand, and to answer many of the faith questions youth
struggle with daily. Talks about church teachings and their
importance in the lives of youth attending the weekend are
presented by clergy in a fair and friendly manner. Each talk is a
critical building block in the creation of the Happening message.
The entire series of talks is given in a sequence that is intended to
guide Happeners by opening an avenue of discussions to help them
verbalize and internalize their faith questions in a safe environment
and hopefully lead to a renewed or new relationship with Christ.
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
Page 6
May Milestones
Mayra Short
Audrey Bean
Living in Community at SJEC
Noah Short
A collection of news, milestones, and life changes from
the St. James Episcopal Church community:
Martin Luger
Lisa Luger
Pat Haefke
Bonnie Wright has moved to her hometown of
Vincennes, Indiana, where she has many family and
friends. She will attend St. James Episcopal in
Vincennes. Bonnie is temporarily living with her
sister until the end of the year when her new
apartment will be ready. Bonnie may be reach by
phone at 920.629.9272 or by mail at 613 Buntin St.,
Vincennes, IN 47591.
Roger and Marilyn Schreiber and family made
their annual pilgrimage to Manitowoc to celebrate
their 51st wedding anniversary with a blessing at
SJEC. Roger and Marilyn were married in our
church, and visit each year from their home outside
Kiel. They attend St. Paul’s in Plymouth.
We welcome new member Michael R. Laughrin
We pray for those who are continuing in times of
recovery and healing: Cindy Connolly, Theresa
Freiwald, Richard Hall, Ron Hansen, Shirley
Ouradnik, & Tina Sieracki.
Congratulations to Oliver Michael Tessier, baptized
April 27. Oliver is in the photo below, along with
parents Michael and Nicole Tessier, and big brother
Leeland who was also baptized at SJEC.
Owen Short
Shirley Ouradnik
Joan Becker
Doris Hansen
Rick Cracraft
Jane Gates
Nicholas Reckelberg
Chase Huss
Dawn & Jim Steckmesser
Len & Margaret Coombs
Mary Jean & Todd Reckelberg
Julie & Rick Cracraft
Laura & Mike Ignera
Andrew & Laura Hooker
Lisa & Martin Luger
Please help us keep our records accurate.
If the birthday or anniversary of you or a loved one is
missing or incorrect, please let Amma Diane know.
Hispanic Community Center Dedication Sat. 5/3
You are invited to celebrate the grand opening of “Mi
Pueblo”, the new Manitowoc Hispanic Community
Center on Saturday, May 3. The center is sponsored by
Lakeshore United Methodist Church and their Spanish
speaking congregation, Camino De FE, and is located at
1130 S. 9th Street in Manitowoc. This free event runs
from 10AM to 2PM, and will feature Cinco de Mayo
activities, including a Mariachi band, food, and games.
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
Page 7
Photos: Holy Week and Easter
Thanks to all who planned and participated in the events of Holy Week & Easter!
Photos: Glenn Davidowich
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
Page 8
Stewardship Team Invitation: May 18
St. Faith’s Guild Spring Luncheon May 9
The Stewardship Team has formed, and more
participants are always welcome! The team will plan a
fall campaign leading up to consecration Sunday on
November 16. Our first meeting will be at 11:30AM on
Sunday, May 18 in the Church Library. If you are
interested in more information, please contact Mark
Hunner,, 755-2213, or Sherry
Paszkiewicz,, 684-7015.
St. Faith's Guild will have their Spring Luncheon on
Friday, May 9 at 11:30AM at GreenStreet Restaurant. The
next meeting will be Friday, June 6, at 1:30PM in the
Fellowship Hall. See you there!
Homework Club Year-End Party May 8
Women’s Breakfast Group May 10
The St. James Women’s Breakfast Group meets at
9:00AM on the second Saturday of every month for
fellowship. This month we will meet on May 10 at
Perkins Family Restaurant at 4525 Calumet Avenue in
Manitowoc. All are welcome to attend these monthly
breakfasts -- please contact Sudi Johnson (682-4599) or
Amy Healey (686-1791) for more information.
Book Group meets May 28: Nothing Daunted
During the month of May the St. James Book Group is
reading Nothing Daunted: The Unexpected Education of
Two Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden. In
1916 two college graduates from the East coast decided to
go west and work as school teachers. The story of their
adventure is told by one of their granddaughters. Copies
of the book are obtained through the Manitowoc Public
Library and kept in the downstairs cloakroom. You can
sign out a copy and return it on the day of our meeting –
Wednesday, May 28 at 7PM. All St James members and
their friend are invited to be a part of this group – besides
talking about a book each month, we enjoy general
literary discussions. Please call Marie Hawkins (683-9032)
or Anne Schuette (682-7723) with any questions.
May Diaper Drive for The Crossing
The Crossing, located at 814 Washington St., provides
support for families during and after an unplanned
pregnancy. In addition to counseling, and some medical
services, The Crossing has a boutique with baby care and
personal items that new mothers may need. Area
churches are invited to partner with the Crossing for a
month at a time and the St. James is helping out during
the month of May. Diapers of all sizes are the biggest
need at The Crossing at this time. Please place your
donations in the container provided and THANKS in
advance for your support.
Hope House Rummage Sale & Brat Fry 5/16-17
The Hope House Annual Rummage Sale and Brat Fry will
take place on Friday and Saturday, May 16 - 17, from
9:00AM to 2:00PM at Hamman Construction (4613 Custer
St). SJEC members are partnering with Lakeshore UMC
to take a more active role in volunteering at Hope House.
Our next week to volunteer for meals, evening hosts and
overnight hosts is June 22–28.
Local Service, Partnerships, & Member
Mission Support Team meets May 12
How do members of St. James Episcopal Church get involved in
deciding which local groups and agencies to partner with for
outreach? How are projects like Homework Club, Sunday Supper,
Hope House, and KAN Cool organized? Do you have an idea for
helping others in our community? Who takes all of those canned
goods that we collect to Peter’s Pantry?
If you’d like to know the answers to these questions plan to attend
the Local Service, Partnerships, & Member Mission Support Team
(LSPMMS) meeting on Monday, May 12 at 6:00PM in the church
library. This Team, part of the outReach Ministry Group, is similar
to the previous Outreach Committee. Summer projects will be the
major portion of the agenda for this meeting and all SJEC members
are invited to attend. Mary Burckle (905-9690) is LSPMMS Team
Coordinator and if she can’t answer your question she’ll find out the
answer. (Ron Hansen is the person who regularly takes our
donated food items to Peter’s Pantry – Thank you, Ron!)
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 2014
Page 9
RUTH hosts Manitowoc screening of Inequality for All documentary May 14 at SJEC
RUTH Thank You
THANK YOU for TWO years of faithful effort!
April 15, 2014
From: RUTH (Responding with Truth, Understanding & Hope)
All faith Communities of Manitowoc County
The WI state legislature recently approved a $1.5 million annual
increase to the TAD (Treatment Alternatives and Diversions)
fund. This builds on the $1.5 increase that was approved in the
summer of 2013. This means that, in the past year, funding has
gone from $1 million per year to $4 million per year. Based on the
past performance of TAD programs, we can conservatively
estimate that the $3 million/year increase will result in:
At least 150 fewer prison admissions per year
At least 850 fewer county jail admissions per year
A net savings to Wisconsin taxpayers of at least $3 million
1,000 fewer people will be incarcerated every year! It is rare that
we can see so clearly the positive impact of our work for
justice. Thanks go to everyone who has participated in any way
with RUTH in the “11x15 Campaign for Healthier and Safer
Communities” with our WISDOM partners throughout the state.
~ RUTH 2014 -- Nancy Slattery, President. Member churches:
First Lutheran Church, Lakeshore United Methodist Church, St.
James Episcopal Church, Fox Valley Friends, Pax Christi of the
Lakeshore, and affiliates Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, Emmanuel Methodist Two Rivers
St James Episcopal Church - Manitowoc, WI
May 4
Greeters J Buggs
May 11
May 2014
May 18
May 25
June 1
June 8
K Kaufmann
M Sim
L Gordon
A Flynn
D Wilson
S Thuss
S Paszkiewicz A Flynn
S Thuss
Children’s Greeter D Franz
L Hooker
S Johnson
D Franz
P Turnbull
A Schuette
Fellowship Greeter K Kaufmann
B Feller
S Thuss
K Kaufmann
B Feller
C Connolly
D. Haefke
K Cole
M Flint
L Schrank
S Thuss
P. Haefke
S Cole
M Sim
R Schrank
R Walker
B Sanchez
G Walker
R Hall
C Carbon
S Johnson
S Meany
D Hornung
Ushers S Thuss
R Walker
Acolyte B Sanchez
Euch. Ministers C Carbon
G Walker
S Johnson
D Hornung
Readers R Hall
P Turnbull
Intercessor G Davidowich
Fellowship Hosts Saints
K Cole
J Buggs
Page 10
M Sim
R Hall
S Meany
E Agnew
L Coombs
K Cole
S Cole
S Paszkiewicz
J Robinson
R Hall
P Turnbull
D Wilson
B Feller
P Turnbull
K Cole
S Cole
Fellowship Hour on Sundays: Would you like to join a
team? Our Fellowship Hour after worship on Sundays is in the
hands of two capable teams who set up the coffee, bring various
treats, and clean up afterwards. Additional volunteers bring a
treat to share or pitch in to help whenever they are able.
The “Saints” team (Eleanor Agnew, Amy Healey, Dan Hornung,
Sudi Johnson, Anne Schuette, Geri Walker and Alison Weinert)
covers the first two Sundays of every month. The “Disciples”
team (Jon Buggs, Anne Flynn, Cindy Connolly, Kim Kaufmann,
Judy Lavicka, Sherry Paszkiewicz, Steve Thuss, Dianne Wilson,
Chuck Wernecke) are responsible for the third and fourth
Sundays of each month. Whenever we have a fifth Sunday, we
put out a call for volunteers.
If you would like to become a team member please contact
Eleanor, Anne, Ruby or Judy – the team coordinators – and they
will help you figure out a schedule that works for you. THANKS!
Attention ministers: If you know in advance any
Sundays you will be unable to attend, please let Tony
Karl know and you will not be scheduled on those
dates You can leave a note in his box in the SJEC
email If you are unable to serve as
scheduled, please try to find a trade/replacement
and let Tony know about the change. If you are
unable to find a replacement, please let him know in
advance so we may cover the schedule. Thanks!
These ministries are a special way to serve God and
others. If you are interested in learning more about
ministry as an Usher, Greeter, Acolyte, Chalice
Bearer, or Reader, please talk to Amma Diane, Sudi
Johnson, Tony Karl, or Mary Jean Reckelberg.
St James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc - May 2014
St James Episcopal Church
434 North 8th Street
Manitowoc WI 54220
This May 2014 edition of The Spirit
contains info about upcoming events;
opportunities for service, fellowship, fun,
and learning; event recaps and photos;
personal news; updates from our
church family; & much more!