Weekly News and Announcements - Holy Sacrament Episcopal


Weekly News and Announcements - Holy Sacrament Episcopal
My Dear Friends:This is just to inform you that you are receiving this email because you are either a member of our Parish
Family, you have been a guest or you have expressed an interest in Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church, Pembroke Pines,
Florida. Please do not forget to add holysac@holysacrament.org to your address book so as to ensure receipt of our emails
in your Inbox. We hope you will enjoy receiving our emails and being a part of what is happening at Holy Sacrament.With
every blessing and good wishes! Father Tony
You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.
Weekly News and Announcements
2801 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024
Tel: 954-432-8686
In This Issue
October 4-10, 2015
Quick Links
Episcopal/Anglican Links
Other Links
Sunday Worship Schedule
Biblical Readings
Verse of the Week
Rector's Blog
Prayer Chain Ministry
Thrift Shop Hours
Home Care Visitation
Prayer Requests
Stewardship Drive
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Quick Links
This Week at Holy Sacrament:
October 4-10, 2015
Reoccurring News &
"Why do bad things happen to good people" or
"How do we respond when bad things happen to us?"
The Old Testament reading from Job 1:1; 2:1-10 is appropriate at
this time. It begs us to ask the question, "Why do bad things
happen to good people?" It is a question that is equally asked by
those who are religious and non-religious. Why do good people
suffer and the bad seems to prosper? Why did those innocent
children die at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton,
Connecticut, at the hand of a gunman? Why were the members of
Episcopal/Anglican Links
Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina,
Holy Sacrament Church
killed so brutally while at the Bible Study? Why was a family
Diocese of SE Florida
member stricken with a terminal illness? Why do natural disasters
The Episcopal Church
take people's lives? Why were those college students killed during
Episcopal News Service
this week at a community college in Oregon?
Province IV of the
Episcopal Church
Book of Common Prayer
Anglican Communion
Other Links
Reverend Fun
Sunday Schedule
8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
9:15 a.m.
Adult Christian
10:15 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m.
Sunday School
5:30 p.m. AA Meeting
The Biblical Readings
for the
Nineteenth Sunday after
Job 1:1; 2:1-10
Psalm 26
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12
Mark 10:2-16
Click here to read the above
Biblical readings
Daughters of the King
Verse of the Week
"God loves you and
let's love one another ."
Click icon above to visit our
Rector's Blog
Prayer Chain Ministry
If you or someone you know is
in need of prayer, please
contact the Church Office at
Veronica Francis: 954-4713823 (Cell)
or Marilyn Bailey:
New-to-You Thrift
Monday thru Saturday
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The NTYS can assist you!
We will gladly accept
donations of linen, clothing,
pots, dishes, small
appliances, etc. All items
must be clean and in good
working condition.
Please note that the deadline
Sunday Bulletin
Announcements is
Wednesday at
12:00 noon.
Home Care Visitation
If you know of
any persons or
you, yourself,
are in need of home or
hospital visits, please
Lillieth Rankine
Maisie Pearson
Princess Blair
keeter24@bellsouth.net or
Please click here for those
for whom we pray.
Submissions of the
Parish Calendar
and Budget
October 31st is the deadline
for the submission of Events
and the Budget for 2016.
Ministry Leaders are to send Calendar Events to
Winsome Henry at: winsomeh@holysacrament.org
and Budgets to Beverley Keizs at:
continues on Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
Do register your child for
Sunday School
in the MacDonald Building.
Vision Statement
"Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church will faithfully
serve each other, respect and delight in our diverse
gifts and faithfully carry the light and love of Jesus
Christ to all people at home and abroad wherever
our Lord shall lead."
Mission Statement
Our mission is about
"Transforming lives through Christ using our diverse gifts."
Happy Birthday & Anniversary ...
October Birthdays
Eulie Brown
Curtiss Comerie
Ayanna Scotland
Selly Skinner
Johnathan Williams
Linda Gray
Laurie Lee Navarro
Patrick Dunkley
Dwayne Mills
Fay Williams
Deborah Navarro
Jodi-Kay Watson
Bryan Comerie
Obianuju Nwamah
John Vaz
Hubert Thompson
10 Rochelle Casimir
Leon Dixon
Jason Newell
Paulette Westerfield
October Anniversaries
Randy and Dr. Leah McLean;
Wilton and Linda Gray
Evan and Marcia Cassier
Donald and Charles Hall
Noel and Nadia Binns
Tom and Geni Witherspoon
William and Rosemary Saunders
The Reverend Dr. Anthony B. Holder, Rector
The Reverend Bernard M. Griffith, Assisting Priest
Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church
2801 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
Tel: 954-432-8686 | Fax: 954-432-9009
holysac@holysacrament.org | http://www.holysacrament.org

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