TGiving 2013 E-Epistle - Saint Mark`s Episcopal Church, Mendham, NJ
TGiving 2013 E-Epistle - Saint Mark`s Episcopal Church, Mendham, NJ
The E-Epistle ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9 East Main Street Mendham, NJ 07945 Tel: 973 543-4471 Email: Website: The mission of St. Mark’s is to know and celebrate God and to serve others in Christ’s name. Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 • 1 The E-Epistle All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 From the Priest in Charge by The Reverend Dr. Charles Rice Them and Us At Sunday’s Eucharist, October 27, we heard once more the familiar parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector at prayer. The upright and in most regards admirable Pharisee thanks God for his righteous life—a perfectly appropriate prayer since whatever goodness we have and whatever good things we are able to do are gifts from God—but then, seeing the tax collector standing off to the side, thanks God that he is not like this reprehensible man. It is true that the tax collector is disloyal to his own people, dishonest in his work, and regarded as unclean by respectable people. He prays simply for mercy,. acknowledging himself a sinner. Jesus then tells his audience that it is the tax collector who goes home forgiven. That would be quite a shock to many religious people. That same day at Sunday supper I heard the story of a young waiter in Kansas. Clearing away one of his tables he found not a tip but a note from the couple now crossing the parking lot. “Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to God. May God have mercy on you.” A young man has done his job well, depends upon tips for his income, has certainly done no one ill or offended the restaurant’s guests. The preachy couple has no real knowledge of who he is or what his “lifestyle” looks like. They simply conclude from superficial observation that he is not “one of us.” St. Mark’s and the Episcopal Church of which we are part has a history of elitism, the attitude of entitlement and social superiority that excludes. By the grace of God, and a lot of courageous effort, we have thrown off much of that. The red-white-and-blue signs that announce Episcopal parishes across America say: ‘The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.” We can be proud of that and, more important, we can be deeply thankful for this inclusive communion that welcomes all to the capacious table of Christ. This is something worth giving thanks for, a community that in the name of Jesus does not recognize “them and us.” By his life and teachings, his suffering and death, and his rising to the new life in which we all participate by Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, the dividing walls are broken down and we are all one in Christ Jesus. This is something worth our time, energy, money, and faithful devotion. In a world such as was laid bare in that restaurant in Overland, Kansas, wherever we embody the mercy and love of God for all, Christ is present and a new community is revealed. It is in the awareness that among all the blessings coming to us and to our community of faith these days—healing of wounded hearts, rekindling of disappointed hopes, children who learn and sing every Sunday, new members finding a spiritual home here, a splendid new pipe organ, food for the hungry, people open and kind to one another—this gift of community in Christ, all embracing, will lead us once more on November 28 to sing together, “Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done….” And on December 1 we will give ourselves more fully to this blessed community and its vision, on New Consecration Sunday. See you in Church. Charles+ Come, Ye Thankful People, Come On November 28, share in a one-hour service of the Great Thanksgiving at 10 a.m. On Thanksgiving Day we will give thanks for our many blessings, hear a homily on the meaning of the day, and sing the familiar hymns of the season. Also on that day we will make a special effort to bring a bag of groceries to our collection station in the Atrium, food for the needy families of our community. 2 • Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 The E-Epistle Non-Progressive Dinner Images from the Non-Progressive Dinner, held at the home of Jeremy and Lynda Condie. Clockwise, from top left: Don Martin and Peter Bryan; Sue O’Donnell, Vicki Shurtleff and Margaret Dohnalek; Mary Sue Martin, Mark Beutnagel and Kathy Bryan. News From St. Mark’s Oktoberfest Thanks Warm thanks to all who helped with our Fall Oktoberfest! With special thanks to Mary Sue and Don Martin, Margaret Dohnalek and Liz Halpern for feeding us so well, and to Joyce Barnish for her help with the lovely silent auction. The food, music and fun once again showed off St. Mark’s outstanding hospitality. Thanks to all who had a hand in its success! Search Committee Update Kathy Bryan writes: The Search Committee is eager to get started as soon as the Diocese gives us the go-ahead to post the updated position, which we are hoping for any day now! Also, we welcome Jonathan Dannenbaum as a new member to our group. Confirmation Class Are you ready to explore more deeply your faith and to be confirmed? Sister Barbara Jean, Priest Associate of St. Mark's, will lead this year's confirmation class, beginning in the new year. This is for adults and for youth from 7th grade up. If you are not sure that you wish to be confirmed but would like to learn more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and a part of the Christian community, consider enrolling in this class. If you have questions, speak to Sr. Barbara Jean or to Fr. Rice. Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 • 3 The E-Epistle All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 St. Mark’s Preschool by Caryl Mearsheimer, Preschool Director St. Mark’s Preschool has gotten off to a wonderful start this year. Although the school enrollment is down, we continue to give tours and slowly we are heading up. We are lucky to have a very involved staff and Parent Council, and the children are the best! Father Charles has been nice enough to accommodate us on Wednesdays this year for Chapel. He rearranged his prayer group to make sure all the children can attend Chapel. (Thank you Father Charles.) As usual he captivates not only the children with his interesting stories but also our staff. The children went on their first class trip on Wednesday, October 9th to the Mendham Firehouse to learn about “Fire Safety Week.” Later in the month was our annual visit to Ort Farm, on a picturesque fall day. The kids enjoyed a hayride, pumpkin picking and visiting the animals. On October 22nd, the Parent Council hosted its first “Ladies’ Night” dinner at the Claremont Tavern in Bernardsville, with the Claremont donating back 10% of the check for the Preschool. October 30th marks our annual Halloween parade, with the Parent council hosting coffee in the Parish Hall. The children will walk around the school to show off their little costumes, and end in the Parish Hall to sing a few songs for their families. Please join us on Friday, November 1st for the St. Mark’s Parent Council annual cocktail party, this year known as our “Fall Fest,” with proceeds benefitting the school. Contact Caryl at for more information. All are welcome! 4 • Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 The E-Epistle From the Senior Warden by Margaret Dohnalek I always find this time of year to be a challenge. I love fall, but leaving summer behind means that the big vacation time of year is over until next year and a routine has set in – back to school, no more summer hours at work, raking leaves, and zillions of weekend commitments. These changes leave me with a feeling of regret. But why? Not sure why I dwell on what I am leaving behind rather than what is to come: the holiday season is close at hand and that means special time with friends and family, and relaxing by a fireplace with a good book is one of the only ways for me to truly unwind. With all this to look forward to, why do I fail to look forward to this time of year? Maybe because I regret what I have left to complete; maybe because there is a lot more to do before the year ends. I know I’ve been trying, but maybe not hard enough? I have made commitments that were fulfilled, but could I have done better? As I struggle with these thoughts at this time of year, I need to really put an effort into renewal of purpose and renewal of Faith. It is the focus on tackling the challenges and embracing the opportunities ahead that can bring the rewards – both in life our Christian faith and spirituality. Make this time of year one of “commitment with purpose” rather than just “commitment”. With this comes not only a challenge, but also a hope for reward. So, I move forward and embrace my Christian values with more commitment: I bring more purpose to living out my Faith; and, most importantly, I acknowledge the role St. Mark’s Christian Community plays in my life. My recognition of the importance St. Mark’s and our Christian Community can be acknowledged with my action of supporting our Stewardship campaign. With my personal commitment to stewardship, I feel excitement about what I can help St. Mark’s and our Christian Community achieve. We need financial support to keep the church and our ministry moving forward, but we also need your time and commitment. Money is important, but in many ways it is the active involvement and support within the parish that is even more essential. Please join me in making your commitment to our Church during the Stewardship campaign – and reap the personal joy that comes from the knowledge that you, too, are building a strong foundation for our future. Camden Street Thanksgiving Once again this year Amy and Monica Smith and their family are sponsoring a Thanksgiving dinner for those in need at Newark’s Camden Street School. A Thanksgiving dinner will be provided to all in need, and each family will be sent home with a grocery gift card to purchase food for another meal at home. This generous ministry is in need of your financial support to feed the hundreds that otherwise would go without. Think of our own bountiful Thanksgiving fare and the wealth of bounty that we enjoy during that holiday, and consider giving generously to the Smith’s Camden Street Thanksgiving ministry. Amy and Monica need your contributions by November 15. Send to Marketsmith, Inc. c/o Kathy Saccente, 14 Walsh Drive, Suite 200, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Please make checks out to: Camden Street School and indicate “Bring Dinner Home” in the memo line. Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 • 5 The E-Epistle All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 A New Sound on Mendham’s High Street Organ dedicaon on November 17 Did you hear our new organ on that recent Sunday when Scott pulled out all the stops and played Widor?! Worship will never be the same at St. Mark's thanks to the gift of Mrs. Ingrid Williams and the outpouring of support by the members and friends of St. Mark's. On November 1, All Saints Day, Leonard and Mark Carlson will install the new organ case and will give the instrument its final tuning and voicing. Then on Sunday, November 17, we will dedicate the new organ at 4 p.m. and afterward gather in St. Mary's Hall to continue the celebration. Put the date on your calendar and invite your friends to this festival of music and the party to follow. Organ Lo( Brings Us Closer to Chartres by Chris Merza"a, St. Mark’s Sexton As a student of Art History, I have always admired buildings like Chartres Cathedral (right) that evolve over time. Chartres' west portal is flanked by two massive towers, built over 350 years apart. And they look every one of those years different from each other. I've often considered those that built structures like Chartres and am proud to have played a part in creating a worship space. The construction of our new organ loft has neither taken 350 years nor does it stylistically disagree with the existing structure of the church. In fact, we now worship in a more streamlined space that brings us closer to Chartres with its famous rose window by exposing the stained glass of St. Mark. May it also bring us closer to God. Upcoming Events New Consecration Sunday begins the new Church Year, on the First Sunday of Advent, December 1 On that day cards of commitment for the financial support of St. Mark's in 2014 will be handed out in the service. After a period of reflection and prayer, we will fill out our cards and later in the service bring them to the altar as we come for Holy Communion. Soon you will see the familiar "steps," asking each of us to consider our present support of the Parish and an increase in our commitment for the coming year. Altar Guild Event Please join the Altar Guild on Saturday, November 16 at 10 AM as we gather to polish our brass and silver items that grace the altar, and prepare for the upcoming holidays. We are very pleased to have Sr. Suzanne from St. John Baptist join us for this event and share with us a history of the Altar Guild and the role this ministry plays in the Episcopal Church and in our liturgy. Following the polishing and lecture there will be a light luncheon offered by the Altar Guild. All are welcome (all ages, too). This is a wonderful way to learn more about Altar Guild and about the history of Communion within our Faith. If you have questions or need more information please reach out to Sue Barrett ( or Margaret Dohnalek ( 6 • Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 The E-Epistle What’s Cooking at St. Mark’s Enjoyed at a recent Social Hour, this recipe is adapted from one that JT and Maddie Adinolfi learned at Fosterfields during a “Travels in Time” historical camp program. Swiss Chard Cheese Squares 3 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup milk 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1 lb. cheddar cheese, grated 2 tbsp. Parmesan or romano cheese, grated 4 tbsp. onion, mined fine Large bunch or Swiss chard (or fresh spinach), chopped well and cooked (wilted with oil or butter in skillet). Red chard give the dish great color. (or can substitute 2-10 oz. packages of frozen spinach, thawed and drained) Beat eggs well, add other ingredients. Put in buttered oblong pan (or rectangular). Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool for 45 minutes before cutting into squares. Refrigerate briefly to really firm it up. From the Parish Administrator by Liz Smith For ease of operation, we have consolidated the payroll and general bank accounts. The preschool account has been moved to Peapack Gladstone from Lakeland Bank. Payroll has been successfully moved to ADP and we have processed our first payrolls for the church and preschool. Welcome to Kristen McNair, who will be renting the parish hall for her Boot Camp Fitness classes in the mornings, 6 days a week. If you are interested in participating please email Kristen at The 2012 audit is underway and near completion. Thanks to Don Martin and Sarah Holmes-Klotz for their expertise and commitment!\ Pledge statements were mailed several weeks ago. If you have any questions, please contact me in the church office, or 973-543-4471. Consider the Interfaith Food Pantry Through September of this year we have donated 945 pounds of food to the Interfaith Food Pantry of Morris County. This ministry serves the 5000 needy families that relay on food donations to keep food on the table. St. Mark’s Preschool is joining us in supporting this ministry, with the preschool students bringing their weekly donation of non-perishable food items every Wednesday when they attend Children’s Chapel. Please remember those in need as we recognize the bounty that graces our own tables, and do your part to support this ministry. The holidays are approaching and in this season of giving your donations of food items are greatly needed. Please bring your donations each week and place in the baskets located in the atrium. With your help we will be able to achieve a goal of 1200 pounds of food donated again this year. Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471 • 7 The E-Epistle All Saints/Thanksgiving 2013 Calendar ST. MARK’S WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sundays Holy Eucharist, 8 & 10 Church School & Childcare, 9:45 Social Hour, 11:15 Tuesdays Boot Camp Fitness, 5:30 Parish office open, 9:30-4 Wednesdays Boot Camp Fitness, 5:30 Fr. Rice in office, 9-3 Morning Prayer, 10 Parish office open, 10-3 The Tuesday Team, 10:30 – 12 Preschool Chapel, 11 AA meeting, 8 pm Thursdays Boot Camp Fitness, 5:30 Parish Office open, 11-3 Irish Dancing Class, 5-9 Note: For the remainder of the year, Fr. Rice’s day in the office, Morning Prayer, and Preschool chapel will be on Wednesday, rather than Tuesday. AT THE COMMUNITY OF ST. JOHN BAPTIST 82 West Main Street, Mendham 973-543-4641 Sunday, December 1, 4 pm, Classical Jazz Quartet and refreshments following. All proceeds benefit the Convent’s renovation fund. For more information contact Sr. Pamela at ext. 9 or Thursdays, 7:15-8:15pm, Centering Prayer -- A method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. For more information contact Sr. Barbara Jean at ext. 1 or November 2, 16, 30, Dec 14, 2-4pm, Labyrinth Walks -- Walk our labyrinth and learn about this ancient way of prayer. For more information contact Sr. Barbara Jean at ext. 1 or 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10-3. Fabric of Faith -- Learn about ecclesiastical embroidery and the preservation of church vestments. $10 includes lunch. Contact Sr. Suzanne Elizabeth at ext. 5 or Mondays, 4:45-6pm, Yoga at the Convent (St. Marguerite’s Retreat House). Experience how Yoga can benefit your overall well-being. Suggested donation: $10 per class. For more information contact Jean Marie at 908-850-6475. DATES TO REMEMBER Friday, November 1, All Saints Day Sunday November 3, All Saints Sunday Friday, November 1, SMPS Cocktail Party, 7 Thursday & Friday, November 7 & 8, SMPS closed Sunday, November 10, Vestry, 9 & 11:30 Friday, November 15, Private function in the parish hall Saturday, November 16, Altar guild polishing and luncheon and History of the Altar Guild presented by Sr. Suzanne, all are welcome, 10 Sunday, November 17, Celebratory dedication of the new organ, 4 Thursday, November 28, Thanksgiving Day service, 10 Sunday, December 1, New Consecration Sunday Next E-Epistle Our next E-Epistle will be published in late November to bring us through Epiphany. If you are coordinating an event or ministry, please submit material to Karen Cerreta at no later than November 15. Why not forward this newsletter on to someone you know who might want to learn about St. Mark’s, a community of worship, friendship, and service? To be added to our e-mailing list, please contact Liz Smith at 8 • Saint Mark's Episcopal Church • 9 East Main Street • Mendham, New Jersey 07945 • 973 543-4471