Sunday Bulletin - St. Michael the Archangel


Sunday Bulletin - St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael’s Parish Family
St. Michael the Archangel Church
Served by:
On the corner of Ridge Rd. and Page Ave.
Rectory and Parish Office:
624 Page Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Sunday Masses:
Anticipated Saturday evening at:
5:00 PM Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:15
AM (in Polish), and 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM (in
Weekday Masses:
7:00 AM, 8:00AM and Noon
Holy Days:
Please, see second page for schedule
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession:
Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Weekdays: Before Mass
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Mondays at 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Baptism:
Call the rectory for scheduling and preparation
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Engaged couples should make arrangements
at least one year prior to their wedding. Call
the rectory to speak to one of the priests for
scheduling and preparation
Sacrament of the Sick:
Urgent calls at any time. Holy Communion
and visitation by arrangement
With Song:
St. Michael’s English Choir and St. Cecilia’s
Polish Choir welcome new members. Please,
call the rectory
Teaching the Good News:
Angel Academy: Offering Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4
CCD on Sunday Mornings:
Religious education and Sacramental
preparation for Public School Students in
grades 1-8. Class begins with Mass at 9:00
AM in Church and ends in the classroom at
11:00 AM. Two years of preparation are
required for the Sacraments of First Penance
and First Holy Communion, and 8 years for
the Sacrament of Confirmation
Rev. Stanley S. Kostrzomb, Pastor
Rev. Ireneusz Pierzchala, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Quill, In Residence
Rev. George Sharp, Assistant in Residence
Deacon Reynaldo Trinidad
Gene DeHaven and Michelle Latko, Trustees
Michael Mages Business Manager
Mary Ann Lesny, Parish Secretary
Genevieve Mazur, Director of Liturgical Music
Nick Uliano, Co-ordinator of Ushers
Roberta Pocius, Director of Angel Academy
Gene DeHaven, Director of Religious Ed
Telephone Numbers:
Parish Office: (201) 939-1161
Fax: (201) 939-7571
Angel Academy: (201) 939-0350
Parish Web Site:
Parish e-mail:
Rosary Society: Meetings take place on the 2nd
Monday of each month (except July and
August) in the Rectory Meeting Room. New
members are welcomed
Holy Name Society: Meetings take place on the
2nd Thursday of each month (except July and
August) in the Rectory Meeting Room. New
members are welcomed
Dni powszednie: przed każdą Mszą Św.
W każdą niedzielę o 13:00. Prosimy o
zgłoszenie się po informacje do któregoś z
księży lub kancelarii parafialnej
Sakrament Małżeństwa:
Należy zgłosić się do jednego z księży
minimum rok przed planowanym terminem
Nauka Religii:
Dla wszystkich dzieci szkół publicznych.
Zajecia rozpoczynają się w niedzielę Msza św.
o 9:00 i konczą o 11:15. Dwa lata programu
przygotowawczego sa wymagane aby
przystapic do Sakramentu Pierwszej Spowiedzi
i Komunii Św, oraz 8 lat aby przystąpic do
Sakramentu Bierzmowania
Sakrament Chorych:
W sprawie odwiedzin chorych, w domu lub w
szpitalu, proszę dzwonić do kancelarii
Kancelaria Parafialna Czynna:
Dni powszednie: 9:00 do 19:00
9:00 do 13:00
Polska Szkoła:
Nauka odbywa się w piątki od 17:00 do 20:00
MARCH 15, 2015
† Charles Carlson—Wife & Daughters
† Theresa Tomney—Kathy Tomney
† Mariano Araujo—Love, The Family
† Maria & Karol Mieczysw and Cala Rodzina
Special Thanksgiving Prayers for Priests and
7:00PM God’s Blessings for Irene Serzan—Will & Rita
Blessings for Daniel Turek—Parents
† Jim Clark—Theresa Coll
† Patricia Bulger—Goddaughter, Jacqueline
God’s Blessings for Jozefa Wrocenski on her
Birthday—Kornak Family
† Gertrudis Milanes (Birthday) - MilanesGarcia Family
† Teofilo M. Gonzales (21st Anniv) - Family
Joseph & Joey Trzepla—Parents
† Marion J. Wieczerzak—Billy Binkowski
† Eufemia, Kazimierz & Kazmier
Przyborowski—Genevieve & Angelo
(St. Joseph)
Joseph Krynicki and Family
† Rev. Joseph Szklarski
† Grzywacz Family—Family
† Agnes Dondero—Son, George
† Offered for all parishioners
† Bernard Sawicki—Joan O’Rourke
7:00PM Blessings for Stefan & Maria Kowal
Adam Trzepla—Mom and Dad
† Patricia Bulger—Goddaughter,
Jacqueline Kuhn
† JamesTomney—Deborah Roberts &
Family and Dolores Hill
† Baby Karen, John & Barbara KellermanWalt, Sue & Joshua Machcinski
Jozefa Wrocenski (Birthday) - Loving
† Pasquale Iuelle—Antonio Family
7:00PM † Edward Wierzbicki—Eileen Mullins
Gorzkie Zale takes place at 6:30pm
before the 7:00pm Mass every Sunday
during Lent.
For the week of March 15th , the Altar Bread used at the Altar were given in loving memory of
Sophie Wiercinski from Terry Okragly.
For the week of March 15th , the Pope John Paul II Votive will burn for
“God’s Blessings for Good Health” for Irene Serzan.
The Crusades and the Church....
About a month ago at the National Prayer Breakfast,
our President referenced the Crusades in an attempt to deflect criticism from Islam and the atrocities committed by some in its name. He said "... remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of
Christ." I'll bet that, along with President Obama,
most people, Catholic or not, believe that the Crusades were unjust wars against Muslims. This is
generally the way the history of those times is presented. What is needed is a good look into the history of the in the Middle East after the beginnings of
Islam. From the 7th Islam spread into the Holy
Land, Egypt and Syria. Christians at best were
treated as inferiors and at worst were persecuted. Churches were often destroyed.
Catholics made pilgrimages to Jerusalem to pray at
the places where Our Lord was born, where He
taught and where he was crucified. Unlike today,
they usually were in danger of being attacked. The
Church of the Holy Sepulcher was destroyed by
Moslems. Aziz Suryal Atiya, an Egyptian historian,
said: "The general consensus among that the Crusades were military expeditions
organized by the peoples of Western Christendom,
notable the Normans and the French, under the
leadership of the Roman Popes, for the recovery of
the Holy Places from their Muslim masterers." Essentially the Crusades were to ensure the
protection these areas of the Holy Land and the protection of those who visited them. Christ sanctified
these places by his mere presence. Christians
maintained them. Invaders then overtook and occupied them. Now, the Popes rallied armies to journey
and fight to put things as they had been. Each
knight was to see his task as being a holy and just
one. He was expected to be moral.
Did terrible things occur during these
wars? It would be not only naive but unrealistic to think otherwise. Some became
corrupt and saw the opportunity to gain
treasures, the spoils of war. Some were
savage. But these were aberrations and
not the purpose of the Crusades.
Unfortunately, we still live in a violent world
where men go astray from what God
wants. We should not, however, try to reduce our revulsion of heinous crimes
against humanity by focusing on how bad
things were centuries ago.
Fr. Stanley
A "Mercy Night" Lenten Holy Hour will take place at
the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart for all
the young adults of the Archdiocese on Friday,
March 20 at 8 PM. It is organized by the seminarians of Immaculate Conception Seminary. Bishop
Manuel Cruz will preside. The Holy Hour will
include Eucharistic adoration, "praise-and-worship"
meditative music, abundant opportunities for the
Sacrament of Reconciliation, and brief Scripture
reading and reflection. Afterwards, there will be
refreshments and an opportunity to mingle and talk
to the seminarians as well as to tour the Cathedral
Basilica. Security at the Cathedral Basilica will be
provided. For more information contact: Michael
Burt - 973-761-9575 or
Lynx Soliman -
Thank you.
We welcome our Newly Baptized in
Christ to our St. Michael’s Family:
Madison Isabella Montoya
4th Sunday of Lent
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only
Son…” John 3:16
Of all the wonderful gifts that God has given to us,
the gift of His own Son is truly the greatest. How
can we ever thank God for a gift like that? God
does not ask us to sacrifice our own precious firstborn, but He does ask that we be generous in making some sacrifices for Him.
The collections taken up last
weekend was:
1st Collection—$4,462.00
2nd Collection- $1,863.00
Please , pray for those who are sick, especially:
Claire Jasinski
Karen Kirschenman
John Caracciola
Louis Bottone,Sr.
Charles Fersch
Valerie Pogoda
Joan Morreale
Jasmine Dursun
Sharon Strickland
Carmine Morreale
Sakura Ibarrola
Karen Rubin
Richard Fontana
Bill McGill
Judith Battone
Edward J. Flanagan, Sr.
Pat Killeen
Denise Ayers
Lorraine Slaby
Josephine Toczylowski
Frank Ruff, Jr.
Paul T. Komisar, Jr.
Alma Compel
Cynthia Hower
Josephine Bednarz
John Poturaj
Angelina Edelman
Donna Zwolinski
Victor Luiz Arena
Jean Wilczynski
Rosina Calamusa
Joseph Reilly
Vito Petrone
Jenna Cruz
Judy Gagel
Susan Goodwin
Joseph Pietrucha
Barbara Mazzerell
Robert Reilly
Louis R. Caracciola
Caridad Diaz
Baby Ryan Joseph Lomuscio
Ralph Rossano
Juan Barrera
Charine Sherry
Stanley C. Dembowski
Marie Thomas
Lorraine Tartell
Frank Polomski
Celeste Ladagona
Please note that it is necessary to call the rectory
every two weeks if you want a name in the bulletin for Prayer for the Sick. We cannot accept requests that a name be on the list for more than
two weekly bulletins at a time. If you want a
name on this list, you must call the rectory or
drop off a note with the name before the bulletin
goes to print. Bulletin goes to print on Tuesdays
We pray for those who have died this past week,
Edward Kundracky
We would like to dedicate this section of our
bulletin for any immediate family members of
parishioners who are currently active in the
Military. If you would like a family member
included on our “Service Prayer List”, please
call the Rectory.
Franklin Chapman
Laura and Brian Falk
Christopher Ruff
Anthony Avella
David Pickard
David Dillon
Michael DiGesu
Joseph Campolattaro
Ryan Lee
Thomas D. D’Alessio
Robert Tagliabue
Anthony Tagliabue
Chad Brown
Alexandra Karwoski
Please keep in your prayers the following students who have received First Penance and are
now preparing to receive their First Holy Communion.
John A. Alesci
Matthew Ryan Chin
Michael Finnegan Cutola
Michelle Julia Drake
Danica Rose Ferrulli
Vanessa Anely Flanagan Urbina
Justin Anthony Grasso
Jakub Franciszek Khan
Leah Marie Lesny
Drake Tansinco Mabasa
Dylan Tansinco Mabasa
Clare Angelena Malfetti
Kiana Lauren Marizan
Aidan Kevin Meyer
Kiera Faith Pilger
Joseph Michael Puso
Gianna Francesca Scillia
Michael Spiro Scillia
Alexandria Skowronski
Dylan Toche
Nevaeh Washington
2015 Lenten Regulations:
Monday thru Saturday—6:30am—rosary is recited
Monday, March 16
Miraculous Medal Novena takes place every Monday evening at 7:00pm.
Wednesday, March 18
Food Pantry meets at 9:30am in the Rectory.
Thursday, March 19
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place
after the 7:00am Mass until 8:00pm.
Wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu odbywa się
po Mszy Sw o 7:00 i trwa do 20:00
Divine Mercy Novena at 7:15pm.
St. Michael’s Youth Group takes place this week for
Grades 6-8 in the school at 7:00– 8:30pm
Bring a friend—All are welcome!!
Friday, March 20
AA meeting at 7:30pm in the Lower Church Hall.
Stations of the Cross in English after the 12 Noon
Stations of the Cross in Polish at 7:30pm.
Sunday, March 22
CCD classes begin with the 9:00am Mass immediately followed by class until 11:00am.
Divine Mercy
Jesus first appeared to St. Faustina in 1931 and
He told her, “Souls perish in spite of My bitter
Passion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the feast of My Mercy. Tell souls
about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful
day of My justice is Near.”
Please join us on a day of prayer at the National
Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge,
Massachusetts on Divine Mercy Sunday
(April 12, 2015)
A bus will be waiting for us at St. Michael’s parking lot and will leave promptly at 7am. The cost is
$40 per passenger.
Bring your own lunch.
To reserve a seat and for additional info, please
call Deacon Rey or Edna Trinidad at (201) 9987083. first come, first serve.
1.The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on
Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy
Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus and to prepare ourselves
to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His
Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence.
On a day of fast, only one full meal is permitted and two
smaller meals which, if added together, would not exceed the main meal.
Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast.
On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those
who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of
2. The obligation to observe the laws of fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation.
3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some
other practice of voluntary self—denial as penance.
4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter
Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, February
22, 2015 to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity,
May 31, 2015.
* Canon 920, 1. All the faithful, after they have been
initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the
obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year.
Divine Mercy Novena
The Divine Mercy Novena takes place each Thursday during the last hour of Adoration. It will begin at
7:15pm and conclude with Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament. Please, participate in this powerful devotion. This is the time of mercy!
Informacje Wielkopostne:
Gorzkie Żale w języku polskim w każdą niedzielę o
godz 18:30
Droga Krzyżowa, w języku polskim, w każdy piątek po Mszy Św o godz 19:00
Stations of the Cross During Lent
Stations of the Cross in English takes place every
Friday after the 12:00 Noon mass
CHURCH NAME: St. Michael the Archangel
Date of Publication: March 15, 2015
Number of Pages Transmitted:
Special Instructions
Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6