THE GOOD NEWS - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd


THE GOOD NEWS - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
t h e Good News
February 2016
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
715 Kirkman Street
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601
Monday: 8 a.m.– Episcopal Day School-Chapel
Holy Eucharist
Sunday: 8:30, 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. in the Church.
Thursday: 2 p.m.– Episcopal Day School-Church
Holy Eucharist & Healing Service
Wednesday: 12:05 p.m. With unction in the
The Right Rev. Jacob W. Owensby, Ph.D.
The Very Rev. John “Jack” G. Myers
The Rev. D. Seth Donald
The Rev. Jim Lueckenhoff
Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School
The Rev. Frances “Boo” Kay
The Rev. Petroula Ruehlen
Margie Collins
Ann Lindsay
Mrs. Pam LeBlanc, Dr. Eleanor Elkins
Lenten Lunch– page 10
TML Fish Fry– page 12
A Spiritual Springtime
Now is the time of year when we wind down all the revelry of the
Mardi Gras season and make ourselves ready for the season of Lent.
The succession of wonderful holidays from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s to Mardi Gras is a happy progression of merrymaking events. Celebrations shared with friends and family are
cherished times of fun and festiveness. Perhaps the Monty Python
catchphrase “and now for something completely different” is fitting
as we approach Lent. It is during Lent when we stop to catch our
breath and pause for reflection and self-examination. It’s a time of
spiritual stock-taking.
A reflection of our shortcomings and weaknesses are often undertaken during the 40 days of Lent. Sin can be individual and collective in
nature. Collectively societies sin; look at Nazi Germany if you need a
glaring example. As individuals we sin every time we displace God’s
will for our own. This separates us from the source life and love.
God wants nothing more than to be intimately connected to us. If we
think all this talk about sin doesn’t apply to us, Paul reminds us in
his letter to the Romans that “all fall short of the glory of God.”
For better or worse, our ancestors were much more comfortable with
the reality of their sinful nature. The title for Ash Wednesday in the
1552 Book of Common Prayer was “A Commination Against Sinners.” The 1662 title for Ash Wednesday was “A Denouncing of
God’s Anger and Judgements Against Sinners.” Knowing those I’m
pretty satisfied with the current Prayer Book’s title for the first day of
Lent, Ash Wednesday. Our language may be more subtle but it still
acknowledges that we have shortcomings and do in fact sin. Dwelling on sin is as unhealthy as ignoring it, however. Sin talk can be
uncomfortable because the word is loaded with judgement and condemnation but it doesn’t have to be. Reflecting on our shortcomings
is about admitting our imperfections rather than beating ourselves
up with guilt and regret.
The word “Lent” is an Anglo-Saxon word for spring. A promising season of spring before the start of a glorious summer is one way to
think of Lent’s coming before the joys of Easter. Lent is not a time to
dwell on individual or collective sins in an unhealthy way. If we never
move from sin on to forgiveness we’ve missed out on the message
of the good news. Lent is a time to admit our shortcomings so
Continued on page 2
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that we are then prepared to accept God’s boundless love and grace. God’s love and grace made
real in the Resurrection and celebrated at Easter is
a love that is so overwhelmingly generous that we
need time to ready our wholly connected body,
mind, and spirit. Lent is about preparing for pardon
and forgiveness. If we aren’t able to admit we
need pardon or forgiveness the fullness of the Resurrection life is lost on us. These 40 days of preparation and reflection help us to more fully accept
the gift of God’s grace and love.
Every Sunday is an Easter celebration but you may
notice during lent the tone is a bit more somber
and pensive. You may see this in the liturgy,
church décor, and in our hymnody. The invitation
found in the Ash Wednesday rite tells us of the
“need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith” (BCP 265). We are
all on a journey with Christ. Lent is a time to pull
over, stop for a moment and look at the map. It’s a
time to see where we’ve been, where we are going,
and how we’re going to get there. It’s a time of
preparation and renewal. Lent is when we
acknowledge our weaknesses so that we may then
acknowledge the wholeness of God’s love and forgiveness in Christ. Lent is a spiritual springtime.
Spring into the Easter season this year with the observance of a holy Lent.
Births: We give thanks for the birth of
Camille Lee, daughter of Amanda &
Aaron Pousson, sister of Charlotte, granddaughter of Geralyn & Clayton Davis.
Marriage: We give thanks for the marriages
of Kristi Remy and Powell Smith; and
Heather Kelley and Greg Stratton... may
their love for each other be a seal upon
their hearts, a mantle about their shoulders
and a crown upon their foreheads.
Death: Billy Navarre, Billy Clements, Alice Pippin and Frank Draves, Jr. May
they rest in peace and rise in Glory and
may light perpetual shine upon them.
Easy Ministry Opportunity
We will need readers for the Passion Narrative on
March 20 at the 10:30 a.m. service. Most parts
are one and two liners. We need 3 Servants, 1 soldier, 3 Elders, 2 criminals, and 1 centurion. The
kids have already signed about you! Sign
up in Hardtner Hall and pick up your script!
In the Risen Christ,
Please send us your
email address!
O God, make the door of this house wide
enough to receive all who need your fellowship
and ours, and narrow enough to shut out all
envy, pride, and strife. Make its threshold
smooth enough to be no stumbling block to
children nor to straying feet, but rugged and
strong enough to turn back the tempter’s
power. God, make the door of this house the
gateway to your eternal kingdom. Amen.
In order to improve communications, reduce
mailing costs and become more
environmentally friendly, we’d like to begin to
build a data base of parishioners’ email
addresses. Please send yours to: and put Email
in the subject line.
Deadline for the March Newsletter.
February 15, 5 p.m.
Submit your articles to
Go to to view the newsletter on-line.
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Rosewood Nursing Home Ministry Schedule
Holy Eucharist
Rosewood Nursing Home Volunteers
Volunteers from Good Shepherd and St. Michael’s gather twice a
month from 10-10:45 a.m. at Rosewood, 554 15th St. to conduct
brief services, sing traditional hymns and visit with the residents.
More volunteers are always welcome. Please join us! Contact person is Bel Painter, 433-8861
Did you know the Episcopal Church has a rite for Confession?
When it comes to the sacrament of Confession, also known as The Reconciliation of a Penitent (BCP
446), the classical Anglican position is that "all may, some should, and none must." If you are interested in receiving the ministry of reconciliation through a private confession of sins during the season of Lent or at any time please speak to Fr. Seth or Fr. Jack.
Pray One For Another -James 5:16
If you have placed someone on the prayer list and they no longer need prayer...please call Margie in the
church office (433-5244) so she can remove them.
Prayers are asked for: Joyce Mendelson, Ethel Coulter, Bobby, Coral Jones, Erin Shackleford, Elena Derouen, Jane Storozyszyn, Danny O’Flaherty, Eric Bullen, Leigh Anne Bullen, Bailey Shuff, Jeanne Ryan, Luke
Burnham, Conny Zeagler, Sara Wood, Kit Burton, Scott Vincent, Jeanne Auen, Bea Babineaux, Nan Himel, English
& Laura Josie, John Landry, Jenilyn Gibson, Susan & Knel, Carolyn Jones, Buddy Spiller, Robin Abraham,
Michelle Simpson, Fred & Dena Nodier, Mike & Marilyn Kudla, Murry Burleigh, Ruth Gayle, Patricia Luff Wood,
Carolyn Earhart Whittington, Marjorie Dempsey, Jackie Finch, Deneen Draves, Cloma Loe, Nicholas Bel, Caroline
Hammett, Emily Judice, Everett, Terry Bright, Jude Theriot, Patricia Reeves, Cliff DeRousselle, Kathy Natali, Peggy
Young, Jaxon Sellers, Kayla DeRoache, Emily Carleton, Bobbie Holder, Jason Trahan, Bobby Thomas, Grady
Kaough, Rocky Cormier, Charmaine Hufstedler.
Our continuing prayers are offered for: Ed Watson, Nancy Draughn, Ed Martin, Mack Abraham, Caroline Hollins, Billy Blake, Elayne Gabbert, Shirlene Clark, Gabby Saucier, Buddy Leach, Riley Soder,
Derek & Amy Blakeley, Jodie Lognion, Ollie Cavin and Katie Hoffman, Marvin Ettinger, Mavis Raggio, Don,
David Crowe, Debbie Reed, Jeff, Ginger Tatum, Chris Salvo, Jean Williams, Johnny, John Johnson, Jr,
Nancy Keating, Sue Parker, Ann Castle & John Green, Sylvia Seals, Ruth & Bob Kickel.
Safe pregnancy: Caroline Cole Smolkin, Katie Cruz Harrell, Sara Brickert, Katherine Haxthausen
Ponder, Lindsey Remy Vincent, Laura Collette, Briana Piper.
We pray for those serving in our armed forces: Major Christopher Ryan, US ARMY, brother of Heather
Kelley; Cole Remy, NAVY, son of Kristi Remy; SPC Craig May US ARMY; Danasia London, NAVY.
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February Birthday & Prayer
Adult Education
1 Heather LeBlanc
2 Jim Reaves, Susan McElveen
4 Lindsay Gaar
5 Judith Castle, Scott Stubblefield, Whitey Sonnier,
Derrick Rau
6 Grant Williams, Mary Brooks Donald
9 Fred Dent, Ted Nichols, David Olney, Lauren LaFleur,
Mae Donald
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
10 Graham Lindsay
11 Polly Cole
12 Karen Miller, Jane Storozyszyn, Matt Myers
13 Philip Williams
15 Grace Adams
16 Patricia Johnson, Lock Paret
17 Bill Shearman, Joe Miller
18 Savannah Stevens
19 Patrick Collins
21 Michael Krajicek
22 Rev. Boo Kay, Ron Jones,
Baylor Miller
25 Luke Wulf
26 Kent Howrey, Sarah Spiller
27 Sallie Dondis, Ann Eisen, Michael Rather, Ellen Latil
28 Tom Ford, Rue Stevens
If your birthday is not listed, call the
church office so we can enter it in our
database. 433-5244
Follow the signs– New Studies
New Study beginning January 3 – Come Follow Me: Six Responses to the Call of Jesus
Down through the ages, people have responded
in various ways to the call of Jesus to follow him.
Some of those responses have attracted
followers and sparked new and rich spiritual
traditions. This study will highlight six of the most
vital spiritual traditions:
the Benedictines,
Cistercians, Carmel ites, D ominica ns ,
Franciscans, and Jesuits. Each presentation
offers insights into the founder, the characteristics, and famous followers of that tradition as well
as sharing time-tested wisdom that will shape
your own response to Jesus’ invitation.
“Anglican Basics”- Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Conference
Room- upstairs
This conversational class based on the book,
Whole Christianity: A book of instruction in the
Teaching & Worship of the Anglican Communion,
reviews all there is to know about being Anglican.
This is our Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation
training but is great for all of us who may have
forgotten “why we do what we do!”
Good Shepherd Youth
Shepherd’s Staff Missions
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What is it?
Well, it’s fun! “Dinners for Eight” are groups of eight parishioners, singles and couples, who
are randomly grouped together for a series of four dinners that take place over the course of
the year. The dinners are scheduled for April, June, September, and November. The group
stays the same for the four dinners in 2016. New and previous participants can sign-up again
in 2017 when groups will be re-formed with different combinations of participants.
Why Dinners for Eight?
By definition the church is a community. Dinners for Eight is a way to practice being in community with one another. It allows us to get to know one another informally outside of church.
The four dinners are held in group members’ homes. The role of host rotates among the
members of the group. The host provides the entrée and selects an agreed upon date and
time during their host month. The host asks the other members of the group to bring items
(salad, side dishes, desert, beverages, etc.) for the dinner.
Dinners will be held in April, June, September, and November. Sign-up for Dinners for Eight
during the month of February. The deadline to sign-up is the last day of the month, Monday
February 29th. Groups will be compiled in March when participants will be notified of their
groupings. The first dinner will be held in April. Groups decide who hosts which month and
the date and time of their dinners.
Simply fill out the Dinners for Eight form with your name and contact information and leave it
in the large envelope pinned to the kiosk in Hardtner Hall. Alternatively you can contact Ellie
Marquez either by phone (439-4111), or email ( or Ellie Lemoine
by phone (474-5876) or email (
Welcome new Vestry Members: Janet Allured, Steven Hale, Keith Henson, Henry Riquelmy, Derrick
Wulf. Delegates to Convention 2016: Fred Dent, Mary Jones, Ann Lindsay, Jane Storozyszyn, Alternate:
Martha Hoskins
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February, 2016 Calendar
Tuesday, February 2
 COR meeting, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 3
 Men’s Breakfast at Pappy’s, 7:30 a.m.
 Bible Study, 10 a.m.
 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service, 12:05 p.m.
 Wednesday Night Study Group, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 4
 EDS Holy Eucharist, 2 p.m.
 Contemplative prayer, 4:30 p.m.
 AA meeting in the Outreach House, 6 p.m.
Friday, February 5
 Rosewood Nursing Home Eucharist, 10 a.m.
Sunday, February 7
 Services at 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
 Adult Christian Ed., 9:30 a.m.
 No Confirmation class today.
 No Children’s Sunday School class today.
 Middle School Youth Event, 111:30 a.m.
 Intercessory prayer group, 5:30 p.m.
Monday, February 8
 EDS Chapel, 8 a.m.
 Study Group, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
 Chateau du Lac Eucharist , 2 p.m.
 St. Cecilia’s Guild Meeting, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, February 9
 Church office closed for Mardi Gras
Wednesday, February 10– Ash Wednesday
 Bible Study, 10 a.m.
 Services at 7 a.m., noon and 6 p.m.
Thursday, February 11
 EDS Holy Eucharist, 2 p.m.
Contemplative prayer, 4:30 p.m.
AA meeting in the Outreach House, 6 p.m.
Setup for Fish fry on Friday.
Friday, February 12
 Tend My Lambs FISH FRY FOR HAITI in the gym, 6– 9
Sunday, February 14
 Services at 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
 Adult Christian Ed., 9:30 a.m.
 Confirmation class, 9:30 a.m.
 Children’s Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.
 Daughters of the King, 4:30 p.m.
 Intercessory prayer group, 5:30 p.m.
Monday, February 15
 EDS Chapel, 8 a.m.
 Study Group, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tuesday, February 16
 Labyrinth in the gym, 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, February 17
 Bible Study, 10 a.m.
 Hospitality Committee meeting, 1 p.m.
 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service, 12:05 p.m.
 Wednesday Night Study Group, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 18
 Tai Chi begins again, 6 weeks for $50.00
 EDS Holy Eucharist, 2 p.m.
 Contemplative prayer, 4:30 p.m.
 EDS– speaker Jill Rigby Garner, 5:30 p.m.
 AA meeting in the Outreach House, 6 p.m.
Friday, February 19
 Rosewood Nursing home ministry, lay-led, 10 a.m.
 Women’s Retreat at Camp Hardtner– Falling in Love
with God
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Saturday, February 20
 Women’s Retreat at Camp Hardtner– Falling in
Love with God
Sunday, February 21
 Services at 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
 Adult Christian Ed. , 9:30 a.m.
 Confirmation class, 9:30 a.m.
 Children’s Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.
 Intercessory prayer group, 5:30 p.m.
We’re looking for you for
breakfast! Invite a friend, your neighbors, and your children for an early
morning visit, 7:30 a.m.
February 3, 2015
PAPPY’S (2627 Ryan St.)
Cost $5.00
Monday, February 22
 Building & Grounds meeting, 11 a.m.
 Study Group– 11:30 a.m.– 1 p.m.
 Finance Meeting– 12 noon
 Vestry Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 24
 Bible Study, 10 a.m.
 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service, 12:05 p.m.
 Wednesday Night Study Group, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 25
 Tai Chi, 9:30 a.m.
 EDS Holy Eucharist, 2 p.m.
 Contemplative prayer, 4:30 p.m.
 AA meeting in the Outreach House, 6 p.m.
Sunday, February 28
 Services at 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
 Adult Christian Ed., 9:30 a.m.
 Confirmation class, 9:30 a.m.
 Children’s Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.
 Intercessory prayer group, 5:30 p.m.
Monday, February 29– March 2
 Camp Allen “Abundant Living” Conference
 Study Group, 11:30 a.m.– 1p.m.
EDS Speaker
Jill Rigby Garner coming
February 18th
Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School Parent
Guild is proud to announce a free parent
seminar for all EDS and Good Shepherd
Church families (parents, grandparents,
guardians) to be held at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Thursday, February 18th.
Doors will open at 5:00 pm for light refreshments and the guest speaker will begin at
5:30 pm. See more info. on back page.
Communications Minister - We are looking
for someone to take on a “Ministry of Communication” for all of us at Good Shepherd... someone who likes computers, newsletters, cell
phones, Facebook, the web, etc to help us with
our “Face”. All you need is some interest and
some time. Speak with Fr. Jack if interested.
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Jesus, (Fr. Seth)
Shepherds, Kings,
sheep and Angels all
participated in the
annual Episcopal Day
School Epiphany Pageant.
Molly and Eliza
getting ready for
the performance.
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St. Cecilia’s Guild and Daughters of the
King Christmas Party. A good time was had
by all!
Look who came to visit us! Nancy
Draughn was in town with her granddaughter Sarah Gargaro and stopped
in to say “hello”!
Fr. Jim was first in line to try out the bench for some relaxation by the fountain.
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Lenten Lunch
Sing + Pray + Reflect + Soup!
This Lent we would like to offer a short service of Noonday Prayer with reflection by one of our
deanery clergy followed by a Soup Lunch in Hardtner Hall. Our Clergy are: Jack Myers, Seth
Donald, Jim Lueckenhoff, Boo Kay, Petroula Ruehlen and Aly Perry.
The events will be each Thursday in Lent beginning at Noon on Thursday February 18th. The
Lenten Lunch is designed to be less than an hour so we are hoping for good participation. Plus,
we are hoping that folks from our sister churches in the area will also join us.
We do need a couple of pots of soup for each Thursday so signup in Hardtner Hall to offer your
batch of homemade stew or soup!
Go through your book shelves and start that spring cleaning early!
We need lots of books to make this sale happen. If you have any spare time and can help sort
books, call Polly Cole (794-5717) to volunteer.
We will be accepting book donations until March 1st. The Book Sale funds many charity projects
in our Community.
St. Cecilia’s Guild Meeting, 2016
February 8– Join with artist Merele Traes to help us make
Valentines for Chateau du Lac
March 14
April 11
May 9
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Diocesan Youth Events
JEYL Retreat: JEYL stands for Junior Episcopal Youth League. It is a spiritual retreat for
middle school youth in a relaxed, fun environment. Friday, March 11, 2016, 6 p.m.—
Sunday, March 13, 11 a.m. at Camp Hardtner. Cost is $85.00 Staff applications due January 22. Participants must register by February 26 to receive a t-shirt; registration closes
March 4.
Summer Camp Sessions now being booked!
First Camp-Grades 1 & 2 w/parent- $200 per person– a $50 discount for each registration beyond the
first person in a family will be applied when registering.
Sr. High Camp June 9-15– Grades 11 & 12 & Graduates- $690
Jr. High Camp 1– June 19-24– Grades 5 & 6- $575
Primary Camp-June 28-July 2– Grades 7 & 8- $575
Jr. High Camp 2– July 8-13– Grades 7 & 8- $575
Mid High Camp– July 18-24– Grades 9 & 10- $690
Camp Able– July 30-August 4– Ages 9+ with special needs- $460
New Bank of Columbarium Niches in Chapel
Please notice the new bank of Columbarium Niches in the Chapel. The price for a new
niche is $750.00. There are still approximately ten of the older niches remaining
which will be sold for the original price of $500.00 until April 1st when all niches will
cost $750.00.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 6 pm - 8 pm
Holy Week
Thursday, March 24- 8 pm until Friday, March 25 11 am
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This year Good Shepherd will be participating in Lent Madness. Lent Madness began in 2010 as a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women
comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints. Lent Madness combines the love of
sports with a passion for the lives of the saints.
The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single
elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people
vote for their favorite saint at 16 saints make it to the Round
of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it
to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo. The first round consists of basic biographical information about
each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as
we offer quotes and quirks, explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly
A bracket will be up in Hardtner Hall to help track this big saintly dance. The church will also have a
guide with biographies, the 2016 Saintly Scorecard, available to the first 50 parishioners who pick up
a copy. re info found at:
It's almost time to eat fish again! We are having our 2nd annual Fish Fry for Haiti on
the first Friday in Lent, Feb. 12. We will meet in the church's gym from 6-9 p.m. Doors
will open at 5:30 so you can socialize and take a look at the silent auction items. Ben
Williams will give a program so you can see the many accomplishments over the past
We have a lot to celebrate. Thanks to the generosity of our church's membership and
special friends, we raised enough money to rebuild our school. For the first time since
the earthquake, students have been learning inside a real school. We did this in one
year! Y'all are wonderful and we can't thank you enough.
We are asking for help in two areas. First, if you have items for a silent auction, big or little, could you contact Pam
Spears at 337-540-1591 or We already have some donations and it's going to be auction filled with
items that are fun, tasty, and/or entertaining. Secondly, would you please bring a dessert. There will be a signup sheet in
Hardtner Hall. Last year we cleaned out the dessert table, and that's because the best bakers in the world are Episcopalians.
It's a fact.
So please buy a ticket! They are $15 and available from Tend My Lamb committee members, from Vestry members, and
in the church office. Plus we will be selling them before and after the 10:30 a.m. service from now until the event.
Thanks for your help in the past and your help in the future. We should all take pride in our school in Haiti. It's a wonderful
Glenda Williams, chair TML
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Looking Ahead
February 3– Men’s Breakfast at Pappy’s,
7:30 a.m.
February 5 & 19– Rosewood Nursing home
ministry, 10 a.m.
February 7– No Children’s Sunday School
February 8– Chateau du Lac Eucharist, 2
p.m. , St. Cecilia’s Guild meeting, 7 p.m.
February 9– Mardi Gras, church office
AT 7 A.M., NOON AND 6 P.M.
-February 12– Tend My Lambs Fish Fry
Fundraiser in the gym
February 14-Daughters of the King, 4:30
February 16– Labyrinth in the gym, 6– 8
February 18– Tai Chi begins again, 9:30
a.m. $50.00 for 6 sessions
February 19-21 Falling in Love with God!
A retreat for Women at Camp Hardtner.
Single occupancy room: $225, all inclusive,
Double occupancy room: $185, all inclusive. Retreat leader is Sister Barbara Jean,
a nun of the Anamchara Fellowship, an
Episcopal order of nuns and monks.
March 2– Men’s Breakfast at Pappy’s,
7:30 a.m.
March 4 & 18– Rosewood Nursing home
ministry– 10 a.m.
March 5– Ancient Faith, Modern ToolsChristian Formation at Camp Hardtner
10:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Presented by Randal Curtis from Arkansas where he is the
Ministry Developer for Youth Adults and
March 12– Spring Assembly of the Daughters of the King at Camp Hardtner. 9:30
a.m.—3 p.m. registration at 9:30 a.m.
Guest speaker is Paula Whitfield Jameson.
Registration is $25 per person, $30 at the
door, non refundable.
March 13 Daylight Savings Time begins
March 13- Daughters of the King meeting,
4:30 p.m.
March 14– Chateau du Lac Eucharist, 2
March 14 St. Cecilia’s guild meeting, 7
March 18-Good Shepherd Book sale in
gym, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
March 19– Palm cross making in HH, 10
a.m. ; Book sale in gym, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
March 20– Palm Sunday– and Book sale
in gym noon—3 p.m.
March 24– Maundy Thursday– service at 7
p.m. Labyrinth in the gym from 8 p.m. until
11 a.m. on Good Friday
March 24-26 Walking Three Days with
Jesus at Camp Hardtner. Retreat leader is
The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpeel. $225
Single occupancy all inclusive. $185 Double Occupancy all inclusive.
March 24– Altar of Repose in Chapel, 8
March 25– Good Friday– service from
noon until 3 p.m. , Church office closed
March 26– Holy Saturday- Easter Vigil service—6 p.m. Agape Feast following service
March 27– Easter Day– services at 8:30
a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. No Children’s
Sunday School today.
March 28– Church office closed.
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Camp Hardtner
Saturday, March 5, 2016
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Presented by the Christian Formation Commission and the Convocational Vitality Institute, this presentation features Randall Curtis,
who terms himself “The Holy Geek.” The day will be lively and fact-filled and you will profit if your interest is using contemporary
electronic tools to teach and prosper our ancient faith. Randall Curtis works for the Episcopal Church in Arkansas, where he is the
Ministry Developer for Young Adults and Youth. He is also president of Forma, a network of Christian formation leaders in The Episcopal Church.
Page 16
The Good News
Church of the Good Shepherd
715 Kirkman St.
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Lake Charles, LA
Permit No. 87
Return Address Requested
Phone: 337-433-5244
Fax: 337-439-8728
Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School Parent Guild is proud to announce a free parent
seminar for all EDS and Good Shepherd families (parents, grandparents, guardians)
to be held at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Thursday, February 18th. Doors
will open at 5:00pm for light refreshments and the guest speaker will begin at
5:30 pm. Author and speaker Jill Rigby Garner is eager to share her lifelong passion
with our school family, and Manners of the Heart.
Jill Rigby Garner
Her motivational and encouraging words are intended for parents with children of any
age group or grade. Admission is free so please mark your calendars and plan on
showing your support for your greatest investment, your children. Please refer all
questions to Michelle Maze at or 337-794-6314. Jill
Rigby Garner, character education and parenting expert, and nonprofit founder, is also
a dynamic speaker, award-winning author, and the publisher of character education
programs and books for students, educators and parents.
Through her speaking engagements, Jill motivates her listeners to action. Her contagious passion fosters transformative
change. Jill has appeared on the CBS Early Show, CNN, Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, a monthly segment on
local WAFB, and over 350 radio shows across the country. Jill has authored “Raising Unselfish Children in a SelfAbsorbed World”, and the Gold Mom’s Choice Award winning “Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World”,
released in an expanded second edition. She is a member of the highly respected Advanced Writers and Speakers Association as well as a professional member of the National Speakers Association.