Crossroads-March-201.. - Episcopal Church of the Resurrection


Crossroads-March-201.. - Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
March 2014
Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
917 Pond Road, Loudon, TN 37774 Phone: 865-986-2390 Fax: 866-467-2223
From the Priest
Wild as a March Hare! That’s what my life’s
been like lately in my office and around the
house. And we’re only now ending February.
You remember the March Hare from the tea
party in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Alice hypothesizes that “the March Hare will
be much the most interesting [guest], and
perhaps as this is May it won’t be raving
mad—at least not so mad as it was in March.”
The British expression refers to the thenpopular idea about hares’ behavior as they
begin the long breeding season (February to
September) and unreceptive females often
using their forelegs to push the overenthusiastic males away. No. that’s not what
my madness is about, but this proverb is the
original of the the phrase, “March Madness.”
And you thought it was all about
basketball . . .
Now, thanks to some very energetic
Episcopalians, both male and female, we have
“Lent Madness.” It’s a bracketed contest in
which any of us can participate, much like the
basketball bouts and betting pools focusing on
national basketball victory. Except that it’s
based not on basketball teams but on our
Saints, as listed in Holy Men, Holy Women,
our proposed new volume to replace the old
Lesser Feasts and Fasts. It contains a muchexpanded list of saints to remember. And
because it is still in trial use (it’s been about
5 years now since the list was published), the
committee in charge really does want to hear
about how many and which of these
remarkable people to keep on our list. One
(unofficial and fun) way to do it is this
contest--voting for our favorite Saints to
receive the Golden Halo by the end of Lent.
Financial Snapshot
Lay Ministry Schedule
Letters to the Church
Thanksgivings and Concerns
Vestry Contacts
This is celebrity-blogger week for March
Madness, where the people who write about
the saints for us answer some questions about
themselves and the tournament, and I thought
you might enjoy the March Madness of these
Episcopalians more than my uncelebrity
variety of madness. Enjoy!
Claire 
These are excerpts from the interviews with
the bloggers and the Lent Madness site. For
more info, to vote, and to subscribe to
receive Lent Madness email, visit
About Lent Madness
Lent Madness began in 2010 as the brainchild
of the Rev. Tim Schenck. In seeking a fun,
engaging way for people to learn about the
men and women comprising the Church’s
Calendar of Saints, Tim came up with this
unique Lenten devotion. Combining his love of
sports with his passion for the lives of the
saints, Lent Madness was born on his blog
“Clergy Family Confidential.”
Continued on Page 3
Page 2
Thank You to Prayers and Squares
and the Church of the Resurrection
Dear Ladies of the Episcopal Prayer Quilt Ministry,
I so appreciate you remembering me with a prayer square. It means so much to know that you are praying
from me at this time. Without prayer I could not make it.
Thank you so much.
Martha Malloy
To: Episcopal Churchwomen of the Church of the Resurrection
Thank you very much for your kind donation to the Loudon County Humane Society; it is donations like this that
help us help the animals of Loudon County.
I know there are so many needy organizations in Loudon County that it is hard to decide which one to help.
Again I thank you for choosing Loudon County Humane Society as one of your agencies to help. I can assure
you that this money will be put to good use at The Loudon County Animal Shelter
Betty Brown, President
Loudon County Humane Society.
We welcome Betty Martin
and Bill & Betsy Schwindt
to our membership,
and we wish Andrew Pate
all the best in his new
church home.
Page 3
Continued from Page 1, From the Priest
The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination
bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite
saint. 16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the
Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is
awarded the coveted Golden Halo. The first round consists of basic biographical information
about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as we
offer quotes and quirks, explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly kitsch.
Heidi Shott, entering her third year as a Celebrity Blogger, is Canon for Communications and Social Justice in the
Episcopal Diocese of Maine.
Q: What do you hope the Lent Madness public will learn from the lives of the saints?
A: I hope people playing Lent Madness (which is optional, BTW) will come to appreciate that the saints we present
are three dimensional human beings. I hope they learn all followers of Jesus are, in some way, just as apt to be
weird and messed-up and prone to making bad choices as they are apt to choose a brave, selfless path. And that it’s
true for each of us.
Dr. David Creech is Assistant Professor of Religion at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota.
A student of early Christianities, David knows a lot about saints—they killed many of his research
subjects. He is a product of an Evangelical seminary and a Catholic PhD program and now
teaches at a Lutheran college and worships with Episcopalians.
Q: How has Lent Madness transformed your life?
A: Firstly, only Jesus transforms me. Lent Madness, however, has been a wonderful place to make
friends and laugh. I found a community full of curious and playful people. Each day I was
exposed to new ideas and learned fun facts about lives of extraordinary (and sometimes quite
ordinary!) people. I found myself reflecting on their lives throughout the day. The Lent Madness
blog and the Twitter feed allowed for further conversation, sometimes serious, sometimes playful,
always a treat.
Today’s featured Celebrity Blogger looks an awful lot like a former CB named Laura Toepfer. We were going to do a
whole separated at birth thing to confuse the Lent Madness faithful but decided to come clean. Laura got married
after Lent Madness 2013; hence the name change. So to be clear: Laura Toepfer is Laura Darling. While
the Supreme Executive Committee cannot condone weddings during Lent (or anything else that might distract
someone from Lent Madness) we are thrilled for Laura.
Q: Obviously being a Celebrity Blogger is your greatest lifetime achievement. What perks have you enjoyed as a
result of your status?
A: As a heavy-duty tea drinker, the free mugs are an excellent bonus. Especially since the last two Lent Madness
mugs have been broken by marauding cats. I hope Frances Perkins proves more hearty. But it’s also really fun to be
able to dig into the lives of the saints in a deep way. When you only have 400 words to summarize the life of
someone who’s been influential to you and to the life of the church, it’s really tough and I think we all take it very
Megan Castellan is Assistant Rector, and Chaplain at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Day School,
Kansas City, Missouri. She is excited to be one of the few clergy to have a title (ARC) that is also a
geometric figure, though why this fact has proved less amusing at parties, she can’t imagine.
Q: Someday, when you become the answer on Jeopardy, what will the question be?
A: “Currently a school chaplain for children ranging in age from 2-14, the youngest ones cannot
pronounce her last name, and call her “Chaplain Chocolate” or “Chaplain Quadriceps”
Page 4
Page 5
As we head into spring,
things really start happening
around here!
Spring brings things like:
parish work days (building &
grounds clean-up), Lent
suppers & worship, Holy
Week activities and services
& Easter, a visit from the
Bishop, Ribfest preliminaries,
and family activities.
We try to keep everyone
informed through posters,
announcements, email,
bulletins, and the newsletter
– be sure to check regularly
to see where you’d like to
join in!
Greeter Ministry
At this time last year, Resurrection instituted a Greeter
Ministry. During the past year, a group of willing and
dedicated volunteers have been at each service to
welcome guests into our church home, and as a result, we
have added many new families to our church roster. But
now we need more Greeters!
If you may be interested in this form of ministry, please
join us on Sunday, March 16 at 9:15 for a brief
informational meeting on the “nuts and bolts” of
becoming a greeter. The job is easy and rewarding. If
you have additional questions, please contact Sara
Sampeer at 423-884-2434 or email .
Page 6
Notes From the Vestry
January 15, 2013
Minutes: Amendment to the minutes from the December17, 2013 meeting: Description of funds
approved by finance committee to be used to build the proposed shelter should be changed to read
“capital improvement funds.” Nelda Giffith moved to approve minutes as presented with
correction. Wayne Tolbert seconded and the motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Ron being absent, Mark Montgomery moved to postpone the financial report
until numbers are firmed up on pledging status for both 2013 and 2014, and Mark has a chance to
meet with Ron. Chip Parker seconded and the motion was approved.
January 19 – Commissioning of new vestry members at the 10:30 service
January 19 – Pre-convention meeting at Good Shepherd, 3:00 pm
February 2 – Commissioning of convention delegates at both services (Donna Tisdale,
Andrew Wilkinson, and Monty Ross)
February 7-8 – Convention, with closing Eucharist
Vestry meetings in 2014
Dates of each meeting were verified.
Vestry retreat
Dates most members are available are 2/28-3/1 or 3/7-3/8. Claire will make reservations at Grace
Point and let everyone know when plans are finalized.
Vestry members were asked to consider what area(s) of ministry they would like to be involved in
or liaise for. Assignments will be made at the vestry retreat.
Proposed shelter
Discussion: to bring new members up-to-date on proposal; no decision to be made until vestry
retreat. Claire or Amanda will get copies of proposal and additional materials to members.
Maintenance/Repair/Project priorities
Discussion: about the proposed storage in the parish hall, refinishing hardwood in parish hall, and
replacing the older heat pump in the church building. Decision was made to set priorities at the
vestry retreat for repairs, maintenance, and projects. Further discussion and decisions about
individual projects will be saved for the retreat.
Hospitality and Housekeeping
Michele Mott will no longer be available to tidy up the church and parish hall, making it clean and
hospitable to our members and guests. Claire would like to try to find a group of volunteers that
would take on the duties Michele has been doing.
The quality of the cleaning of the church has been brought up many times to Amanda and Claire.
The Ellers have been cleaning the buildings for over 20 years, but no one is quite sure what is
expected of them and what is the responsibility of the members and staff of the church. Amanda
and Claire will meet with the Ellers.
2013 Audit
Mark Montgomery is to recruit volunteers to perform the annual audits.
Page 7
Continued from page 6, Notes from Vestry
New signatories
New signatories were proposed for the general checking account and for the money market
account. Those proposed were Mark Montgomery and Jean Cardwell. Ron Bailey will remain a
signatory on both accounts. Wayne Tolbert moved to accept the proposals. Nelda Griffith seconded
and the motion was approved.
Donna Tisdale requested that the church put up bulletin boards in the parish hall to display our
parish life and the work of our children. In churches she has visited where the life of the church is
displayed, she has noticed a sense of life and vitality that is very appealing and inviting. Members
to consider possible ways to accomplish the goals and the matter will be revisited.
Buildings and Grounds: Sarah Reynolds and Chip Parker
Chip reported that he finally was able to get to the right department at TVA to discuss an energy
audit. He was told that the program had been so successful they are not taking names right now.
Maybe in October they’ll be making appointments again.
Chip has also heard complaints about the mess left from the removal of the dead pine tree at the
front drive. Wayne Tolbert will check with his chipping service to take care of it.
Requests have been made that the mulch path in the front of the church be paved. There was some
discussion about the possibilities for that path. Chip will get photos and measurements to have at
the retreat for discussion.
Senior Warden – Bob Haldi had agreed to Claire to accept if elected. Mark Montgomery moved to
elect Bob. Chip Parker seconded and the motion was approved.
Junior Wardens – Chip Parker and Sarah Reynolds agreed to continue if elected. Mark Montgomery
moved to elect them. Wayne Tolbert seconded and the motion was approved.
March 4, 5:00 pm – Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper , followed by the burning
of the palms. $5 per person, $10 per family
March 5 - Ash Wednesday; Two services, at
Noon and 7:00 pm
March 12 - Lenten Supper & Worship
Wednesdays begin. Join us at 6:00 pm to explore John's Gospel and its message
for our lives in our Lenten Worship series. Visit for more
information and to register to receive the daily videos.
Page 8
March 2014
NOTE: Look for birthdays & anniversaries in bold!
Bill & Virginia
8:00 Holy Eucharist
9:15 Christian Ed
9:00 am Body
10:30 Holy Eucharist Awareness for
Healthier Living
7:00pm AA (open)
Nancy Wart
8:00 Holy Eucharist
9:15 Christian Ed
10:30 Holy Eucharist
9:00am Body
Awareness for
Healthier Living
5:00 pm
Pancake Supper
9:00am Body
Awareness for
Healthier Living
8:00 Holy Eucharist
9:15 Christian Ed
9:15 Ribfest Meeting
10:30 Holy Eucharist 7:00pm AA (open)
LAMs Collection
Morning PrayerBoth Services
5:30pm AA
(women’s group)
6:00 pm Supper &
Wayne & Ginny Worship
8:45 New
5:30pm AA
Testament Class (women’s group)
10:00 am Holy
7:00pm AA (open)
9:00am Body
Awareness for
Healthier Living
Monty Ross &
Art Stewart
8:45 New
Testament Class
10:00am Holy
7:00pm AA (open)
8:00 Holy Eucharist
9:15 Christian Ed
9:15 Greeter Meeting
10:30 Holy Eucharist
8:45 New
(women’s group)
Testament Class
6:00 pm Prayers &
Noon & 7:00 pm Squares
6:00 pm Prayers &
9:00 am Prayers &
7:00pm AA (open)
Eileen Bantel
7:00pm AA (open)
Karen Walsh
9:00 am Prayers &
7:00pm AA (open)
6:00 pm Supper & 7:00 pm Vestry
Jeanette Fiebke
8:45 New
5:30pm AA
Testament Class (women’s group)
Van Koughnett
Terry & Karen
Jane Andrews
Jeanne Phelps
10:00 am Holy
6:00 pm Supper &
Chip Parker
Lisa Amelse
Susan Lloyd
Page 9
Lay Ministry Schedules
If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please try to find an alternate and let Amanda know
so she can update the schedule. Because schedules may change, please be sure to check the
Sunday Bulletin and weekly email updates for the most current version.
CONTINUED CONCERNS: Dave & family, Leslie, Randy, Jim, Anna Kate, James, Jayden & Paxton,
Joe, Eli, Tina, Henry, Rob & Sherry, Whitney, Dana, Alice, Jimmy & Nanci, Don, Betty, Ralph,
Sherri, Sandy, Mary Levi, Jessie, Michelle, Sandy, Kristin, Brad, Chris, Jeanne, Marty & Hayes &
Phil, Clair, Richard, Ron & Steph
SERVING IN HARM’S WAY: Thomas, Nicholas, Julie, Chris, Jonathan, Scott, Matt & Delta Company
Bob Haldi
Chip Parker
Donna Tisdale
Judy Hadjian
Mark Montgomery
Nelda Griffith
Sara Sampeer
Sarah Reynolds
Wayne Tolbert
Financial Snapshot
917 Pond Road
Loudon, TN 37774
January 2014
Phone: 865-986-2390
Fax: 866-467-2223
917 Pond Road
Loudon, TN 37774
Visit us online at
Episcopal Church of the Resurrection