The Trumpet
The Trumpet
Page 8 LET AUGUST 2014 US KEEP THESE PARISH MEMBERS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS: VESTRY MEMBERS The Trumpet Terms ending… Ed Dabbs, Charlotte Mullis, Ed Wade, Sister Mary Joanna, Kathi and Al Harrelson, Jane Lovvorn, Dot Perry, Jeanette Bridges, Donna Williams, Anne Cody, Lenn Costner, Sr., Jim McDaniel, Susie Ulrey, Joyce Watson, Trisha Fowler, Liz House, Jackie and Ron White, Gail Wilson, L.D. Lackey, Lucia Mason, Denise Dodd, Pat Ferguson, J.W. Reid (Ford), Hala Shubair (Ferguson), Sarah House (House), Lu Alice Thornton (House), Eula Mae House (House), Clarence Page (G. Costner), Mike Bridges (J. Bridges), Lawrence Langley (House), Craig Terrell (White), Dora Morgan (White), Summer Ingram (White), Ella Johnson (Cody), Jack Roberts (Mason), Danny Morris (Kelly), Jason Frazier (Youngblood), Suzanne Donovan (Bradley), Larry VanMeter Jr. (Cuneo), Nita Otwell (Cuneo), Judy Fite (Ulrey), Brittany Heathcock (Patterson), Kenna Parramore (Patterson), Mark Wesley (Burt), and Donovan Bell (House). If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter, please contact the office so that we may remove your address. (256) 237-4011 Newsletter Date 2014 Lenn Costner, Jr. (Junior Warden) The Church of Saint Michael and All Angels Bryan Cuneo (Senior Warden) We will serve the Lord and the needs of the community while extending hospitality to all people with all our gifts, to the glory of God. Judy Suther Precious St. Michael Community, 2015 Cathy Coleman (Clerk) Much has occurred since I last wrote to you, and I am enthusiastic to report that God is up to Something Big in our midst. We have been blessed with the privilege to baptize children, commission new ministries, make a big impact at VBS, Jo Rhea Ford Prayer List Updates: Prayer is an important part of our parish life, and the prayer list keeps us connected with the needs of members, family and friends. In an effort to keep the list up to date, names will remain on the family and friends list for one month. To renew a request for another month, simply call the office (256-237-4011) or e-mail by the 20h of the month. Volume 1, Issue 1 distribute beans and rice, and start the process of reaching out into West Anniston. Liz House Alleluia, Alleluia!!! Please look and find where you might fit into God’s work blossoming right in front of us. Here are a few suggestions: 2016 Cursillo Jim McDaniel Beans & Rice Deb Pratt Stewardship Drive Sharon Wilkins IONA Healing Service EYC The Trumpet The Church of Saint Michael and All Angels 1000 West 18th St. P.O. Box 1884 Anniston, AL 36202 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 183 ANNISTON, AL 36202 DOK ECW VAN MINISTRY Beautification Team Technology Team Home Eucharists And more! It is a pleasure to be your shepherd, and in the hopes of transparency, here are a few things to know: you can follow me on Twitter at chriskhartley, I want you to know that One-to-One visits are going great (expect a call from me soon), worship is flourishing, the community is expressing interest in our mission, God is at work, and we must remain faithful. Your faithfulness in attendance and financial support is vital to continuing our growing momentum. God chooses not to do it all alone. Rather God chooses to channel God’s work through us. What is your role? Who can you invite? How might you be an extension of the very work begun by Christ, Himself while here with us? Get Started Today! We need you! Stay Tuned! Page 7 Page 2 THE RESTROOMS ARE COMING! THE RESTROOMS ARE COMING! August Ministers of Service Mack Burt, Interim Chair, Building and Grounds New restrooms are on the way for the Sister House. On June 16 your vestry approved a plan to completely renovate both the men’s and women’s restrooms in the Sister House. The plan was developed by Anniston architect Jay Jenkins working with Jerry Watson, Lenn Costner, Jr. and myself, as well as with input from numerous members of the parish. Anne Cody, Louise Lokey, Carol Ann Watson and Audrey Vander Yacht provided invaluable assistance and advice. Their energy and interest never let the need for the project be forgotten. Construction is scheduled to begin in early August. Steve Hale Construction Company will be the general contractor. You may recall that Steve has done numerous projects for us over a 30-year time period. The chapel renovation, restoration of the nave stained glass windows, the “shoring up” of the nave foundation structure and the rebuilding of exterior porches are but a few. Based on current material and appliance lead times and provided that we do not find any unexpected “evil gremlins” in our 1888 structure, the schedule is to complete the project in three weeks in August. With this plan we will be without the existing facilities for two Sundays. During this period the restrooms in the Administration Building will be available. The small restroom upstairs in the Sister House has been renovated for the children, and it also will be available. Our first objective in the project was to maximize the limited space available. To that end, we absorbed the space that was the old nursery area (currently used for robing) and provided a new, albeit smaller, robing room at the rear of the first floor hall. The renovation will add one additional toilet and lavatory in each restroom. The lavatories and one toilet stall in each restroom will be wheelchair accessible, as will all entrance doors. Ushers: Lorraine Desmarais & Sister Mary Joanna August 3rd Vestry Counter: Deb Pratt Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson ECW Sunshine: Sarah Emigh EM: Lenn Costner Jr. & Bob Pratt Sunday, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Find us on Facebook The Church of St. Michael and All Angels. Weekday Service Thursday, 11:30 am Iona Service, followed by soup lunch EM: Bryan & Florence Cuneo Altar Guild: Anne Kerr, Sharon Wilkins & Reid Wilkins Altar Guild: Charlotte McDaniel, Marian Freeman, Jackie White & Liz House Coffee Hour: Louise Lokey Coffee Hour: Pat Kemp Vestry Greeters: Cathy Coleman & Judy Suther Vestry Greeters: Deb Pratt & Jim McDaniel August 31st August 17th Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson EM: Jim Stirling & Kim Buckelew EM: Bob Pratt & Kim Buckelew Lectors: 1st: Roger Zeimet 2nd: Cathy Coleman Prayers: Bill Falkenberry August 24th Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson Altar Guild: Will & Dottie Thornton Coffee Hour: Sarah Emigh & Jeanette Bridges Vestry Greeters: Liz House & Bryan Cuneo EM: Bryan & Florence Cuneo Lectors: 1st: Jo Rhea Ford 2nd: Lu Moseley Prayers: Michael Greenwood Altar Guild: Pat Kemp & Peg Tyler Lectors: 1st: Alli Hartley 2nd: Harvey Roberts Prayers: Susie Ulrey Altar Guild: Bryan & Florence Cuneo Coffee Hour: Volunteer Hosts Needed Vestry Greeters: Jo Rhea Ford & Judy Suther Coffee Hour: Volunteer Hosts Needed Vestry Greeters: Lenn Costner Jr. & Sharon Wilkins A conceptual floor plan, architectural drawing, and sample floor materials and paint colors will be placed in LaGarde Hall. If you wish to get a preview of the restrooms, take a look. Please see me, Jerry, or Lenn, Jr. me if you have comments or questions. Sunday Worship Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson Lectors: 1st: Pat Kemp 2nd: Susie Ulrey Prayers: Jackie Wilkinson Lectors: 1st: Michael Greenwood 2nd: Harvey Roberts Prayers: Bette White From the start, a major objective was to preserve historical integrity. All existing original doors and trim will be reused. All new materials including paint colors will be in keeping with the period. A word of thanks is in order to Jerry and Lenn for all of their time and effort on this project. A thank you is also due Chris and the Vestry for their patience, understanding and support. When completed we will have a facility that is functional and one that we can be proud of. In peace, Mack August 10th August Clinic Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4 AM-Bill PM-Hazel 5 AM-Ann PM-Roger 6 AM-Carroll PM-Jackie 7 AM-Louise PM-Dotty 11 AM-Volunteer Needed PM-Volunteer Needed 12 AM-Bodine PM-Roger 13 AM-Jackie PM-Dotty 14 AM-Susie PM-Volunteer Needed 18 AM-Hazel PM-Volunteer Needed 19 AM-Ann PM-Roger 20 AM-Jackie PM-Dotty 21 AM-Susie PM-Volunteer Needed 25 AM-Bill PM-Volunteer Needed 26 AM-Volunteer Needed PM-Roger 27 AM-Jackie PM-Dotty 28 AM-Louise PM-Volunteer Needed Page 6 Page 3 In an effort to be good stewards of the funds God has blessed us with, beginning in September, we will send an email link to The Trumpet so that we will not have to mail as many copies to help save on postage and printing paper. Please make sure that your current email address is on file in the church office. If you are unable to receive a digital copy, please contact the church office so that we can make arrangements to continue to mail you a copy. United Thank Offering August 10th United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in invited Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world. Soup Bowl Meetings Please sign up in the Narthex if you are available to work at the Soup Bowl September 2nd and/or 3rd. Volunteers are needed to serve 11am-1pm each day. ECW August 19th at 9:30 Craft in LaGarde Hall Daughters of the King August 24th after service Home Eucharist August 20th at 6pm at Mack & Rebecca Burt’s Home at 727 Hillyer High Road, Anniston Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering, now is a great time to get started. New ministry opportunities are often available, and existing ministries always need willing volunteers. Please prayerfully consider where your talents could be used and sign up or call the office. We currently need volunteers to host Coffee Hour, sign up to volunteer at the Soup Bowl September 2nd & 3rd, help staff the clinic, volunteer in the office and assist in other areas as well. Beans-n-Rice Everyone is invited August 16th at 8 am as we prepare to distribute food to our community. Due to the excessive heat, we will be distributing directly from the Altar beginning at 9am. (New time just for August.) It is a unique experience that we are blessed with to share the love of Christ with our neighbors. Food donations can be dropped off at the church office during normal office hours. For more information, please see Harvey Roberts. Children’s News! Sunday School The Godly Play class led by Judy Suther and Deb Pratt will take a break for the Summer. Godly Play will resume September 7th at 9 am. Summer Children’s Worship Summer Children’s Worship for ages 4 and up is during the 10:30 am service in the Children’s Chapel. The nursery will be available for babies and children under 4. Acolytes Acolyte training will continue through the summer. Acolytes should arrive by 10:10 am to serve at the Sunday morning 10:30 am worship service. Will Lemon (4th) Bebe Freeman (22nd) Amy Roberts (5th) Lilly Grace Hartley (22nd) Bryan Cuneo (6th) Angie Baker (23rd) Kay Kelly (6th) Helen Goodwin (25th) Pat Stewart (8th) Pat Ferguson (26th) Gail Wilson (9th) Pat Potter (26th) Bodine McKay (13th) Emily Seagle (28th) Jackie White (13th) Roger Zeimet (29th) Grace Hodge (16th) Pam Roberts (31st) Joyce Culy (18th) Eula Mae Robinett (31st) Trey Alexander (19th) Hal & Kelly Patterson (4th) Bruce & Jennifer Downey (12th) David & Jo Rhea Ford (18th) Will & Dottie Thornton (19th) Bob & Louise Lokey (23rd) Mack & Rebecca Burt (25th) Page 4 Page 5 AUGUST 2014 Sun 3 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two 10 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 7 pm Journey Into Healing Thu 7 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch Fri 1 2 8 9 Thank you for your continued support! 11 5:30 pm Executive Meeting 12 13 7 pm Journey Into Healing 14 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch 15 16 Beans & Rice 8 am Prep 9 am Serve Distributed from the Altar *Note New Serve Time for August 18 5:30 pm Vestry Meeting 19 9:30 am ECW Craft 20 6 pm Home Eucharist Mr. & Mrs. Burt 21 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch 22 23 United Thank Offering 17 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Sat 25 26 27 7 pm Journey Into Healing Love, Nanette Mudiam Executive Director St. Michael’s Clinic St. Michael’s Clinic Thank you so much for your continued support of St. Michael’s Clinic. Your kindness and generosity go a long way in providing community-based clinic services to our area; however, there is one area in which more help is needed. 7 pm Journey Into Healing 24 DOK 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two 31 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Thank you so much for welcoming me into the community of St. Michael & All Angels. It is has been a joy to get to know you and to work with many of you at the clinic. We have some exciting things going on at the clinic! We recently received a facelift with a new coat of paint to our exterior. We hope to reflect the beauty of our home church. The interior will soon be painted as well. A leader in the graphics design department of Jacksonville State University donated her services in designing a new logo for the clinic. The generosity of individuals and community agencies will support us in assisting more uninsured patients to receive the medical care and treatment they need. The staff and volunteers of St. Michael’s Clinic count it as privilege to serve God’s people in meeting their physical needs, as well as spiritual and emotional needs. Mother Teresa once said, One of the greatest diseases is to be a nobody to anybody. It is my heartfelt prayer that we see everybody as somebody at St. Michael’s Medical Clinic. 28 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch 29 30 Volunteers are urgently needed to help keep the clinic staffed and available to our neighbors. Please consider volunteering of your time to help at the clinic. For more information, please see Jackie or call the clinic at 256.236.6060.
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Ed Wade, Sister Mary Joanna, Kathi and Al Harrelson, Jane Lovvorn, Anne Cody, Lenn
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