Priest`s Ponderings - St. Mary`s Whitechapel


Priest`s Ponderings - St. Mary`s Whitechapel
The Good News
St. Mary's Whitechapel Episcopal Church and Trinity Episcopal Church
5940 White Chapel Road – Lancaster – Virginia – 22503
Parish Office Phone: (804) 462-5908 - Parish Secretary: Janie M. Smith
Trinity Episcopal Church -
St. Mary’s Whitechapel Episcopal Church -
MARCH 2014
The Rt. Rev. Shannon S. Johnston, Bishop
The Rev. Torrence M. Harman, Rector
Sunday, March 2nd
9:30 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Holy Eucharist Rite II
Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Holy Eucharist Rite II
Tuesday, March 4th
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Trinity – 5 to 7 p.m. [see ad]
Ash Wednesday Services, March 5th
12 noon With Imposition of Ashes
5:00 p.m. With Imposition of Ashes
9:30 a.m.
SMWC 11:15 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
Sunday, March 9th
1st Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II,
Intern: Bernie Schroeder preaching
1st Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
Intern: Bernie Schroeder preaching
Lenten Series I [see article]
Sunday, March 16th
Trinity 9:30 a.m.
SMWC 11:15 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lenten Series II [see article]
Friday, March 21st - Fellowship Evening at SMWC
5:15 p.m. Candlelight Evening Prayer in the Sanctuary
6:00 p.m. Potluck Supper in the Parish Hall
6:45 p.m. Program [see article]
[Speaker: Lance Barton, Director, Northern Neck Food Bank]
Sunday, March 23rd
Trinity 9:30 a.m.
SMWC 11:15 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
3rd Sunday of Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
3rd Sunday of Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lenten Series III [see article]
Sunday, March 30th
Trinity 9:30 a.m.
SMWC 11:15 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
4th Sunday of Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
4th Sunday of Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lenten Series IV [see article]
Looking Ahead to Holy Week and Easter Services
Palm Sunday, April 13th - The Sunday of The Passion
Trinity 9:15 a.m. Procession of the Palms
9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
SMWC 11:00 a.m. Procession of the Palms
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
Thursday Service of Healing & Renewal for SMWC & Trinity– April 17th
To be held at SMWC at 11:30 a.m. followed by light lunch in the parish hall
Good Friday Services – April 18th
SMWC at 12 noon
Trinity at 5:00 p.m.
Easter Services – April 20th
Trinity & SMWC Time: tba
Easter Sunrise Service at the Labyrinth at SMWC
[bring a folding chair; dress accordingly]
Trinity 9:30 a.m. Easter Eucharist Rite II with Egg Hunt to follow
SMWC 11:15 a.m. Easter Eucharist Rite II
The Rector’s Message
We are on the threshold of probably the most significant period in our church calendar as Lent begins this week on
Ash Wednesday. The metaphor “journey” characterizes Lent as we journey with Jesus towards and through the cross to
resurrected, renewed life. Lent is cross-shaped as it challenges us to consider the intersection of earthly life and divine life.
Lent is a time to contemplate how we can live in an integrated way that honors both and leads us into following a more
wholesome and abundant Way.
Trinity and SMWC offer several opportunities for you to journey through Lent this year in an intentional and
reflective way.
“The Last Week” is a four-part Lenten study series to be held at each church. This series will offer you a time to
gather with others and consider the last week of Jesus’ life as you travel with him into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through
the major events which follow during the week, then stand at the foot of a cross, search an empty tomb and finally
experience the amazement of Easter morning. Schedule information on this series at each church is included in this
“Crossings” is a weekly “at home” opportunity for Bible study and reflection on the Gospel readings highlighted
during Lent and Easter. Each week you will be provided the passage, some background information, and reflection
questions to consider during the week. The theme “Crossings” arises out of the idea that Lent is cross-shaped, but so is all
of life as we journey through it. At the intersection of the two arms of the cross, at the heart of a cross-shaped life, is the
call to live a life in which the human and divine elements come together and offer the potential for us to cross over into
renewed, revitalized life. Look for the weekly “Crossings” to be available on your e-mail, in hard copy available at each
church on Sunday and during the week, or mailed to you if that is more convenient. We will start immediately, with the
first “Crossing” to pose study and reflection for the first week of Lent.
A service of Healing & Renewal will be offered on the Thursday before Easter Sunday for parishioners of Trinity
and SMWC. It will be held in SMWC’s sanctuary at 11:45 a.m. followed by our sharing a light lunch together in the parish
hall. Build-in time either before the service or after lunch to reflect at the Labyrinth.
Lent offers us a time for personal journey towards new life, but also a time for us as a gathered people to travel
together towards renewal and revitalization. However you decide to integrate a Lenten journey in your life during this time,
please consider this invitation to participate in “The Last Week” and/or “Crossings” – opportunities for you to pause
individually or corporately during Lent for intentional study and reflection on the Way forward.
Grace and Peace . . . .Torrence
Intern’s Insight: Bernie
El Salvador – Walking With Jesus
My recent trip to El Salvador was truly a religious experience. I asked for Jesus’ presence along the way and
believe that my prayers were answered. I spoke about this in my sermon on February 23rd.
The main reason for the trip was to observe the National Election. There were 5,000 international observers,
1,000 of whom were Anglicans from around the world. The election went quite well as to process but none of the five
parties running received 50% of the vote or more. A runoff between the two top parties (ARENA and FMLN) will
occur on March 5th.
I went to El Salvador as the Chaplain for a delegation from the Diocese of Chicago. We were the guests of The
Most Reverend Martin Barahona (pronounce “Marteen Barona”), who is the Bishop of El Salvador and the former
Primate of Central America. Bishop Barahona is pictured (above) with me and the delegation from Chicago. Bishop
Barahona asked us to attend a peace rally on Thursday, January 30th, which we did. It was a scene right out of the
sixties with guitars, speeches and silver-haired hippie types!
He also asked us to visit several churches and schools the diocese there is trying to maintain. We observed some
of the most abject poverty I have ever witnessed. Parents feed their young children coffee to assuage the hunger and a
small dish of beans and rice per day is an extravagance. Still, I was moved by the strong faith of the people and the
witness that the Anglican Episcopal Church (as it is called there) provides to these humble souls and their visitors.
We also visited the site of the rape and murder of four American nuns in the late 1970s which was also the site of
the murder of six Jesuit priests in 1989. Gruesome. We then went to the small apartment of Archbishop Oscar
Romero. He was assassinated in 1980 while saying Mass at the chapel of the hospital he started. As it happened, a
magazine writer was recording the Mass as part of a larger article he was writing about Bishop Romero. We heard
Bishop Romero’s final homily in which he said, “If they want to come and kill me, they can.” Then the shot rang out
on the recorder. Eerie.
This trip exercised, strained and, eventually strengthened my faith. As a lifelong Episcopalian, I am very
comfortable in my faith. However, this trip was the first time I ever specifically asked Jesus to walk beside me. I was
concerned about the pain of the poverty I would see and, quite frankly, I was concerned about the security of this
somewhat dangerous country. I felt Jesus’ presence with me the entire time, while I was walking the dusty roads from
enclave to enclave (much as He must have done) and during my prayers at night. He was with me and my faith
Intern’s Contact Information:
Office: 804-462-5908 or Cell: 202.258.0962 or Email:
Lent Begins - Ash Wednesday March 5th
Lent is a “season” of our Church year.
The origin of the word Lent comes from the AngloSaxon lecten which means “spring.” Lent begins with
Ash Wednesday and lasts forty days, plus the six
Sundays during Lent. Sundays are not considered one
of the forty days, because Sunday is considered a
feast day. The forty days are a symbol of Jesus’
preparation in the wilderness for forty days after his
baptism by John the Baptist and before the beginning
of his ministry. Lent evolved in the church as a
preparation time for those seeking baptism. Also, it
was a time for those who had fallen away from the
church to repent of their sins and prepare to be
received back into the church. The liturgical color
during Lent is purple, signifying penitence.
Ash Wednesday marks the official beginning of
Lent. Ashes are used to mark the sign of the cross on
the forehead as a sign of penitence and humility,
reminding us that we came from dust and will return to
dust. The ashes used are from the charred remains of
palm branches used on Palm Sunday the year before.
The connection is appropriate since Jesus’ entry into
Jerusalem led him within a few days to his death.
This year Ash Wednesday falls on March 5th and
services will be held as follows:
Trinity at 5 p.m.
SMWC at 12 noon
Did You Know?
Lenten Series at SMWC & Trinity
“The Last Week”
A four-part Sunday Afternoon Lenten Series to be
held at SMWC
March 9 - "The Last Week: Days 1-3"
Presented by The Rev. Torrence Harman
March 16 - "The Last Week: Days 4 & 5"
Presented by Intern: Bernie Schroeder
March 23 - "The Last Week: Day 6"
Presented by The Rev. Torrence Harman
March 30 - "The Last Week: Days 7 & 8"
Presented by Intern: The Revs. Drs. Margaret
Anne Fohl and Bill Arnold
At Trinity
The Last Week Series will be held on four
Thursdays from 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. beginning with
a light lunch. The rector will lead all four sessions.
Dates include:
Thursday, March 13
Thursday, March 20
Thursday, March 27
Thursday, April 10
February 3rd is the Feast Day for the Dorchester
Chaplains. Who were they?
By: Bill Pennell
As we begin Lent in March we may reference
some broader resources. Consider using some of
the following “Techi” resources recommended by
the Diocese of Va.
5-7 P.M.
Live Music
“Techi” Lent
Lent Madness: A unique Lenten devotion that
combines sports with the Church's Calendar of
The Lent App: Suitable for all ages, this new
daily devotional app is the first of its kind for the
season of Lent.
Love Life: Lent 2014: Sign up to receive short,
daily videos from the Brothers of SSJE that delve
deeply into the gospel that shapes their
community life.
"Cultivating Sacred Space": St.Thomas',
Richmond, is hosting a virtual faith formation
series. The series is a virtual community for
people to intentionally cultivate sacred space
during Lent in the midst of their daily lives and
Thanks to the Rev. Karen Woodruff
for showing these to us.
Northern Neck
Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry
SMWC will be the temporary location for a Northern
Neck Food Bank “mobile” food pantry during March,
April and May 2014. Food provided by the NNFB will
be distributed at SMWC in the parish hall on the first
and third Tuesdays of each month from 1-3 p.m. in the
afternoon. We anticipate 50 + different families who
are food pantry clients to be provided food on each of
these Tuesdays. These are families along the River
Road corridor who have been driving 30-50 miles
round trip up to now to Kilmarnock and White Stone
food pantries.
The distribution is well organized with bags of nonperishable food items arriving Monday afternoon at
approximately 12:30 p.m. and the perishable items
arriving shortly after 12 noon of Tuesdays. The food
will be distributed to clients in the 1-3 p.m. time frame
on each of the two Tuesdays. Volunteers on Monday
will help bring in the bags of food to be placed in the
parish hall (about a ½ hour job). Volunteers on
Tuesday from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. will help with the
receipt of the perishable items and will assist with the
food distribution to clients.
Janinne Pennel from SMWC is the coordinator for
this effort and is the one to contact if you are interested
in volunteering. If you are interested in volunteering
please contact Janinne (462-5803 or e-mail at ----------). Trinity volunteers as well as volunteers from
Corrotoman Baptist Church will also be participating
beginning later in March.
Over the next three months the churches in this
area will be working with the NNFB to determine an
ongoing and more permanent relationship with the
NNFB for a River Road Churches’ Food Pantry which
could be located either at SMWC or elsewhere in the
Don’t miss the SMWC Fellowship Evening on
Friday, March 23 when Lance Barton, Executive
Director of the NNFB will be our presenter and clergy
and parishioners from other River Road Churches who
are interested in the development of the River Road
Food Pantry will join us.
March’s Fellowship Evening at SMWC
This month’s Fellowship Evening at SMWC will be held
on Friday, March 21, 2014. Come hear about the
growth and development of the Northern Neck Food
Bank. This important resource and distribution center
for the Northern Neck directed by Lance Barton who is
a member of Trinity. Lance will educate us as to local
and national trends and developments for growing,
gleaning and distributing food to our food challenged
populations. We will also hear about the mobile food
pantry temporarily located at SMWC and plans by the
River Road Churches and the Food Bank for a
permanent location. Members of the River Road
Churches will be invited to join us. The evening’s
schedule follows:
5:30 p.m. Candlelight Evening Prayer Service
6:00 p.m. Potluck Supper
6:45 - 8:00 p.m. Speaker: Lance Barton, Director
of The Northern Neck Food Bank
Monday, March 24th.
Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group at SMWC:
Thursdays, March 13th & 27th @ 7:45 a.m.
Monday Morning Women’s Group at SMWC:
Mondays, March 10th and 24th @ 10:00 a.m.
Book Club at SMWC:
Fridays, March 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th @ 12 noon
SMWC Choir Practice at SMWC:
Saturday, March 8th & 22nd @ 10:00 a.m.
Girl Scouts Troop 663 at Trinity:
Mondays, March 3rd & 17th @ 6:30 p.m.
Quilters at Trinity: 2nd & 4th Mondays at 9:30 a.m.
AA at SMWC: Tuesdays @ 7-9 p.m.
AA at Trinity: Wednesdays @ 7-9 p.m.
Fridays @ 12 noon
Great Decisions
Tuesdays - 10 a.m. at SMWC
Easter Memorial Flowers at
SMWC and Trinity
Azaleas Red or Pink……………...$20.00
Hydrangeas Pink or Blue………..$24.00
Please get your orders in by March 21st.
Contact Lella Lee Edwards (Trinity) @ 462-7556 or
Betty Thornton (SMWC) @ 462-0742.
# March 4th and 18
# April 1st, 15th and 29
# May 13 [Last meeting w/luncheon]
Roger & Jane Fortin @ 462-0431 or
Notary Public
Bill Pennell
(phone: 462-5803 or email @ whpjr517@
is a notary public and is available to provide Notary
Public Services, without charge, to parishioners of
SMWC and Trinity as needed.
Wear Green on
March 17th
SMWC’s 2014 Scholarships
Answer to Did You Know: The Four Chaplains,
also sometimes referred to as the "Immortal
Chaplains," were United States Army Chaplains
(Lieutenant George Fox, Lieutenant Alexander D.
Goode, Lieutenant Clark V. Poling and Lieutenant
John P. Washington) who gave their lives to save
other civilian and military personnel during the sinking
of the troop ship USAT Dorchester on February 3,
1943, during World War II. They helped other soldiers
board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets
when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms,
said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with
the ship.
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Mark your calendars!
Daylight Savings time begins on
Sunday, March 9th
so be sure to turn your clocks ‘ahead’
Saturday evening March 8th before you go to bed.
Vestry Meeting
The SMWC’s March’s Vestry Meeting will be
held Monday, March 17th at 2 p.m.
The SMWC Annual Meeting was held last month
on Sunday, February 2, 2014, immediately
following the service as a luncheon meeting.
Congratulations to the two new vestry members
Anne Stanley and Ed Ramsey who were elected for
a three year term 2014-2016 as Sherry Mann and
Wiley Wright rotated off the Vestry. Continuing on
the vestry are Bill Pennell, Ernie Greene, Sparky
Marsh, Marsha Sitnik.
At a meeting of the new Vestry after the Annual
Meeting the following were elected to continue to
serve for 2014: Bill Pennell, Senior Warden; Ernie
Greene, Junior Warden; Register, Jannine Pennell;
Operations Treasurer, Betty Thornton; Endowment
Treasurer, Bill Pennell; and Cemetery Treasurer,
Bob Hedges.
SMWC’s March Birthdays:
Kimberly Wood (8 ), Sue Johnson (12 ), Page Henley
(12 ), Glenn Courtney (19 ), Ken Flournoy (26 ), and
Mary Senell (31 ).
The educational grant program at SMWC for 2014
is underway and applications are now available.
Applicants, or family, must be residents of Lancaster
County, or the child or grandchild of a SMWC
parishioner. Applications are available at the parish
office or call at 462-5908 between 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.,
Monday - Friday, or email
Please note: Applications are color coded pink for new
applicants and blue for returning applicants. The
applications and guidelines have been updated by the
committee for 2014. All applications must be returned
and completed with all requested documentation by the
deadline of:
Monday, April 7, 2014.
Applications will not be accepted if received
after this deadline.
Urgent - SMWC
On several occasions recently we have found the door
to the sanctuary unlocked and also the door to the
duPont building. It appears that nothing has been
disturbed on these occasions. If you use either
building be sure you have correctly locked the doors
when you leave. The doors to these two buildings are
somewhat difficult to lock so “test” your locking up to
make sure it worked.
Thanks, Torrence
Parishioners: Mary Senell, Helen Kizer, Mary Sue Courtney,
Janet Ransone, Jean & Bill Jones, Mary & Dick Snyder,
Shirley Stoneham, Betty Thornton, Jim & Pat Dennis, Frank
Mann, Wiley Wright and Ralph & Connie Horne.
Parishioner Relatives: Grace Boswell (Chuck McGrath’s
sister); Joan Hayes (Mabel Davis’ sister), H. T. Courtney
(Glenn Courtney’s father), Stacy Alexander (Jane Henley’s
relative), Rev. Dan Ficklin (Pat Ficklin’s son), Augustine
Dowds (Cheryl Budzinski’s father), Ann Walters (Karen
Woodruff’s sister), Lora Mitchell (Janie’s daughter) and
Richard Budzinski (Buzz's brother).
Friends: Brad Quillen, Chris Chick, Jeremy Skoneczka, James
Hollaway, Matt Larson, Kevin McCormack, Lorri Amidon
(MMWG), Sarah Keeney, Bertina Robinson, Tris Hyde, Wes
McAden, Joanne Cuffee and Carla Henry.
Prayers for Armed Forces: Lt. Col. Jamie Neal, Major Mary
Rezendes, CPT Ryan Covahey – AF; SSGT Leroy Purifoy –
USMC; Master Sgt (MSgt) Thomas Shinn, Mark Medina,
Justin Jones and Lt. Kathryn McCormack.
Prayers for SMWC College Students: Joan Eleanor Blainesenior, UVA; John (Jack) Blaine-sophomore, UVA; Nathan
Blaine-freshman, UVA; Alexis Kendall Lee Bruzgul-freshman,
VA Tech; Kimberly Wood-junior, University of S.C.; Graham
Lobel-junior, Haverford College; Gregory Lobel-freshman,
University of Michigan; Brad Coyle-junior, UVA; Reed Chekanjunior, George Mason; Luke Dickerson-sophomore, Penn.
State; and Dean Hinnant-freshman, Liberty University.
SMWC February 2014 Calendar
March 2 Last Sunday after the Epiphany @ 11:15 a.m.
March 4 Great Decisions @ 10 a.m.
AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 5 Ash Wednesday Service @ 12 noon
March 7 Book Club @ 12 noon
March 8 Choir Practice @ 10 a.m.
March 9 1st Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 11:15 a.m.
Lenten Series @ 12:45 p.m.
March 10 Monday Morning Women’s Group @ 10 a.m.
March 11 AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 13 Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group @ 7:45 a.m.
March 14 Book Club @ 12 noon
March 16 2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 11:15 a.m.
Lenten Series @ 12:45 p.m.
March 17 VESTRY Meeting @ 2 p.m.
March 18 Great Decisions @ 10 a.m.
AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 21 Book Club @ 12 noon
Fellowship Evening at SMWC [see article]
March 22 Choir Practice @ 10 a.m.
March 23 3rd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 11:15 a.m.
Lenten Series @ 12:45 p.m.
March 24 Monday Morning Women’s Group @ 10 a.m.
March 25 AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 27 Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group @ 7:45 a.m.
March 28 Book Club @ 12 noon
March 30 4th Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 11:15 a.m.
Lenten Series @ 12:45 p.m.
SMWC March Volunteers
March’s Altar Guild
Jannine Pennell, Nancy Chilton, Dorie Batelle,
Jane Henley & Jane Fortin
Sunday, March 2nd
Lector: Buff Harman
Usher: Bob Hedges
Acolyte: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Alison & Will Towles
Sunday, March 9th
Lector: Sherry Mann
Usher: Bob Hedges
Acolyte: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Joan Eremenko
Sunday, March 16th
Lector: Bill Pennell
Usher: Bob Hedges
Acolyte: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Jannine & Bill Pennell
Sunday, March 23rd
Lector: Daphne Montgomery
Acolyte: Bernie Schroeder
Usher: Bob Hedges
Coffee Hour: Jane & Page Henley
Sunday, March 30th
Lector: Wiley Wright
Usher: Will Towles
Acolyte: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Anne Stanley
Trinity’s Vestry Meeting
The Vestry Meeting for March will be held on
Wednesday, March 19th at 7 p.m.
News of Young People at Trinity
Directed by: The Rev. Karen Woodruff
Assistants: Carli Hanback & Ellie Hyde
Phone: 462-7457
During Lent the young people of Trinity will be
continuing to study the stories of the Old Testament,
including the events around the Hebrew Passover.
The Passover provides a back drop to events in the
last week of Lent just before Jesus’ death.
The young people will be offering jewelry for sale at
the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper at Trinity this
Tuesday, March 4 (5-7 p.m.) and at other pre-arranged
times to continue to raise money for the young people
in Haiti.
Families are encouraged to come to the Ash
Wednesday service on March 5th held at 5:00 p.m. at
Trinity and to be at church each Sunday during Lent.
The young people will also participate in Palm
Sunday in the procession of the palms as well as
joining their families for the Easter Sunday service,
followed by our annual egg hunt after church.
See you at church!
Trinity’s March Birthdays: Lane Hayden (4th),
Jane Dunaway (9 ), Hannah Ellery Kellum (10 ), Jock
Chilton (11 ), Shirley Jett Wilkins (15 ), Kelly Brent
Kellum (15 ), Ellen Tracey (16 ), Grace Heltzel (16 ),
Glenn Courtney (19 ), Macy Ella Stahl (21 ), Ian
Dunaway (22 ), Tyler Dunaway (22 ), Michael
Dunaway (23 ), John Tidwell (24 ), Brook Oliver (23 )
and Tommy Kellum (30 ).
Parishioners: Linda Cornwell, Keith Cornwell, Michael
Dunaway, Brandon Dunaway, Rose Donovan, Mary Kay &
Meredith Brent and Tris Hyde.
Parishioner Relatives: Mildred James (Stan James’
mother), April Godbout (June Furbush’s daughter), H.T.
Courtney (Glenn Courtney’s father), Joe Bill Beane and
‘Toi’ Beane (Janet Davenport’s brother & mother), Jamie
Hayden (Eleanor Hayden’s grandson), Ann Walters (Karen
Woodruff’s sister), Amelia Elizabeth Nunnery and Aiden
Joseph Goodman (Barbara and Walter Nunnery’s
granddaughter & great-grandson).
Prayers for Friends of Trinity: Mark Brent, Ian
Larmore, James Hollaway, Mike Alsop, Brad Quillen, Sherry
Brooks, John Wood, Chris Chick, Doug Harwood, Robert
Mason, Lora Mitchell, Mark Whitley, Patricia Laws & Rev.
Michael Malone.
Prayers for Armed Service Men & Women: Paul
Price, Jimmy Hodsden, Kevin Hargrove, Warren Ruitt,
Daniel Fox and Justin Jones.
Prayers for College Students: Ian Dunawaysophomore Rappahannock Community College; Luke
Dickerson-sophomore Penn. State University; Dean
Hinnant-freshman Liberty University; Meghan Anthonysophomore Ferrum University; Biz Flynn-freshman
University of Virginia; Lexi Hayden-sophomore University
of Mary Washington; Colton Hayden- freshman University
of Mary Washington; and high school student Tyler
Dunaway-freshman Princess Anne High School.
Trinity’s March Volunteers
March’s Altar Guild
Janet Christopher and Gwen James
Sunday, March 2nd
Lector/ Usher: Jay Davenport
Acolyte: Ryan Cammarata
Chalicer: Janet Christopher
Coffee Hour: Gwen & Stan James
Sunday, March 9th
Lector/Usher: Stan James
Acolyte/Chalicer: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Jean Price
Sunday, March 16th
Lector: Buff Harman
Usher: Ellen Tracey
Acolyte/Chalicer: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Carol & J.R. Roscher
Sunday, March 23rd
Lector/Usher: Albert Pollard
Acolyte/Chalicer: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Deborah Bone
Sunday, March 30th
Lector/Usher: Allen Cornwell
Acolyte: Craig Giese - Chalicer: Bernie Schroeder
Coffee Hour: Frances Callaghan & Elizabeth Berube
Trinity’s March Calendar
Last Sunday after the Epiphany @ 9:30 a.m.
Girl Scouts Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper @ 5-7 p.m.
Ash Wednesday Service @ 5 p.m.
AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 7 *Book Club @ 12 noon @ SMWC
AA Meeting @ 12 noon
March 9 1st Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist@ 9:30 a.m.
March 10 Quilters @ 9:30 a.m.
March 12 AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 13* Men’s Breakfast Group @ 7:45 a.m. at SMWC
Lenten Series @ 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. [see article]
March 14* Book Club @ 12 noon @ SMWC
AA Meeting @ 12 noon
March 16 2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 a.m.
March 17 Girl Scouts Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
March 19 AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
VESTRY Meeting @ 7 p.m.
March 20 Lenten Series @ 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. [see article]
March 21* Book Club @ 12 noon @ SMWC
AA Meeting @ 12 noon
March 23 2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 a.m.
March 24 Quilters @ 9:30 a.m.
March 26 AA Meeting 7 – 9 p.m.
March 27* Men’s Breakfast Group @ 7:45 a.m. at SMWC
Lenten Series @ 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. [see article]
March 28* Book Club @ 12 noon @ SMWC
AA Meeting @ 12 noon
March 30 2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 a.m.