February 14, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church


February 14, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Paul the
Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
18223 Point Lookout Dr.
Nassau Bay, Texas 77058-3594
281-333-3891 / Fax: 281-333-3815
Monday – Thursday Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12-1 p.m., M-F)
The Clergy Staff
Rev. Wencil Pavlovsky
(Ext. 325)
Deacon Jim Lockwood
Deacon Arturo Monterrubio
The Pastoral Staff
Heidi Clark,
Adult Faith Formation
Sara Fontana
Children’s Ministry
Vicky Kuehnel,
Early Childhood Program
Joyce Lubofsky,
Liturgical Ministry
Esperanza Monterrubio,
Multicultural Ministry
David Rofrano,
Music Ministry
Katie Mahoney,
Youth Ministry
Maria Conner,
Business Manager
Theresa Waller,
Michael Centanni,
Facilities Director
Laura Ruzicka,
Parish Secretary
Elena Capetillo
Assistant Secretary
(Ext. 328)
(Ext. 339)
(Ext. 340)
(Ext. 333)
(Ext. 321)
(Ext. 332)
(Ext. 301)
(Ext. 330)
(Ext. 341)
(Ext. 343)
(Ext. 323)
We Celebrate the Eucharist
(Ext. 302)
Gabriel Project
(Ext. 338)
Parish-based crisis pregnancy ministry
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Office Hours:
Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Appointment required for Financial
Assistance but not for Food Pantry.
Mass in English
Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Jueves (Thursday) a las 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Mass in English
Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Domingo (Sunday) a las 12:00 Mediodía
Confessions: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Continuously in the Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Saturday
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
February 7 Financial Stewardship
No On line deductions this period.
Building Loan Payment
January Capital Campaign Donations
Funded from end of year donations
2016 DSF
Pledged To Date (*14 Parishioners)
Paid To Date
*Increases as parishioners Respond to Archdiocese Appeal
February 14, 2016
Administración Financiera de 7 de febrero
$ 16,520.92
$ 16,520.92
$ 0.00
No Habrá Deducciones De Línea Durante Este Periodo.
$ 36,900.34
$ 20,600.19
$ 37,450.00
Préstamo del Edificio
Donaciones de la Campaña Capital de enero
$ 6,057.
$ 2,982
Fast. Pray. Give up your Envelopes!
We invite you to help our parish save
money by giving up your offertory
envelopes this Lent and instead
enrolling with Faith Direct. Signing up for online
giving provides St. Paul the Apostle with consistent
support and simplifies your giving, as well as helps
the environment by reducing the use of paper
envelopes. Join us in giving up envelopes this Lenten
You can quickly sign up online at www.faithdirect.net
using our church code: TX596, or by mailing an
enrollment form available in the parish office
Fr. Wencil
Ayunar. Orar. ¡Renunciar sus sobres! Los
invitamos a ayudar a nuestra parroquia a ahorrar
dinero renunciando sus sobres de ofertorio esta
Cuaresma y en lugar de inscribiéndose con Faith
Direct. Las donaciones en línea ofrecen a San Pablo
el Apóstol con el apoyo constante y simplifica su
entrega, así como ayuda al medio ambiente
reduciendo el uso de sobres de papel. ¡Únase a
nosotros en renunciando sobres está Cuaresma!
Puede inscribirse rápidamente en línea por
www.faithdirect.net usando el código de nuestra
iglesia: TX596, o enviando por correo un formulario
de inscripción disponible en la oficina parroquial.
Bendiciones, Padre Wencil
On February 16, 2016 Gustavo Garcia is scheduled to be
executed by the State of Texas.
Our Catholic faith calls us to pray for Gustavo, for all
victims of crime, and for an end to capital punishment
here in the State of Texas. May God hear our prayers in
support of all life.
Financiado por Fondos de f in de año
2016 DSF
Prometido al Día (*14 feligreses )
Pagado al Día
*Número aumenta a lo que feligreses responden al apelación de
la Arquidiócesis
Book of Memorials
In our desire to acknowledge the contributions
given by members of the St. Paul the Apostle
family in the building of our new church we are
creating a “Book of Gratitude”. Our first step is
to verify that the memorial items that were
funded by generous parishioners are correctly
As of Ash Wednesday, February 10, a binder
titled “Book of Memorials” may be found on a
table in the narthex. Please refer to this binder if
you donated toward a memorial item to verify
your information. Please contact Maria Conner
at 281.333.3891 Ext. 330 or
mconner@stpaulcatholic.org if you have
questions or comments.
Black and Indian Missions
Second Collection:
This Collection has helped open the door of faith for
Native Americans and African Americans.
Evangelization efforts among African Americans, Native
Americans, Eskimo and Aleut communities, Churches and
schools depend on the annual evangelization grants to
continue building their Christian communities and
sharing their joy of knowing Christ. Your support has
helped educate African-American and Native American
seminarians for priestly service to our Catholic
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
Readings & Mass Intentions ♦ Lecturas Y Intenciónes de Misa
(2/14/2016 – 2/20/2016)
Sunday (Dt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13) First Sunday Of Lent
9:00 AM Luanne Miller, Winifred Gillen
12:00 PM Duante Mercado
5:00 PM
Eddy Foster & family
Monday (Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46)
No Mass
Tuesday (Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15)
8:30 AM Tom and Joyce Dill
Wednesday (Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32)
8:30 AM Bernie Eisenbarth
Thursday (Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12)
8:30 AM Alec Tom, † Necy Bugais
7:00 PM Joey Dantin
Friday (Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26)
8:30 AM †Rose Perez
Saturday (Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48) Vigil: (Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Phil
3:17-4:1 or 3:20-4:1; Lk 9:28b-36)
8:30 AM Kaczmarek Family
5:00 PM † Joe Stellato, † Joe Drastata
Please Pray For: Beverly Bubenik, Maite Evangelista, Kelly Barton, Jan
Sebastian, Donald Walker, Jo Michael, Bill & June Jung, Jerome &
Bernadine Berend, John Ryan, Gerald Berend, Carol Weide, Wynne
Gillen, Donna Bova, Bill & Beverly Mann, Victoria Chavez, Mercedes
Lopez, Barbara Williams, Ivy Dsouza, Kevin Krengle, Darin Clark, Van
Vandeputte, Clarence Billett, Joseph Ulloa, Beverly & Ken Tiger, Kristen
Scott, Allison Schneider, Tony Falcon, Joyce Curtner, Marichu Arcilla
Maullon-Asprer, Valerie Parisi, Lucio Martinez, Eduardo Gasca, Heather
Valarino, Gerald Rivera, Ann Kuehnel, Martin Olson, Presy Carrera,
Sharon Lee, Tom Halle, Leonel Garcia, Ellen & Sue Guy, Josie Travalos,
Ray Fernandez, Carlotta Del Campo, Brittney Maynard, Daniel Adcock,
Ernesto Rumbaoa, Frank O’Connor, Raymond Ciak, Wendy Wells, Chan
Finch, Joe Garcia, Marcial Bacani, Donna Ruggerieri, Jackie Christ, David
Scott, Paul Miller, Madge Bualexanderduan, Raymond Fernandez,
Connie Fernandez, Margaret Escobedo, Bobby Lopez, Nancy Ware,
Trace Cook, Julia Brown, Mary Kyle, Kenneth Parker, Daniel Parker, Betty
Jean Herron, Gladys Galloway, Maria William Swenson, Allison
Hawthorne Swenson, Bernie Brabant, Mary Lee Knight, Rose Miller,
Austin Gerry, Linda Buckminster, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank Greytok,
John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy Ganske,
Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Kristin Scott, Alice Jean
Pursell, Estela Narvaez, Marcos Jimenez, Rebecca Brooklier, Anna
Feiaiullo, Dorothy Breidenstein, Alan Harvey, Karen Savko,, Antoinette
Fossatti, Angelica Mendoza, Ed Baca, Liz, Jeremiah & Justin DeLeon,
Wendy Mattingly, Tom Leahy, Norma Bischel, Sherry Sullivan, Isaiah
Pina, Edward Templin, Patti DiCostanza, John & Carmen Heckler, Brian
Lee, Emily Weiss, Pam Collins, Deanna Stellato, Verr Soltes, Soledad
Martinez, Darius Riley, Peggy Vargas, Louise Temple, Angela Porter,
Blanche Riel, Verena Costello, Claire Cavetti, Chris Hebert, Thomas
Frasier, Minnie Hill-Honor, David Cabrera, James John, Sarah Marcela
Poole, Audrey Cegielski, Alma Andreason, Janie Torres, Evarist Coryat,
Robin Schultz, Barbara Hanselkar, Joann Nelson, Jackie Lucas, Maria
Aparecida, Teixeira de Silva, Victorino Tacorda, and Maria Hernandez.
NOTE: In order to maintain an updated Prayer List, we are
removing names that have been on the prayer list longer than two
months. Please call the parish office, 281.333.3891 to keep a name,
add a name, or remove your name from the list.
February 14, 2016
LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES. All take place at 7:00 PM.
St. Luke the Evangelist – Wednesday, February 24,
St. Clare of Assisi – Tuesday, March 1, Houston
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception – Wednesday,
March 2, La Porte
Mary Queen – Tuesday, March 8, Friendswood
St. Helen – Thursday, March 3, Pearland
St. Mary of the Expectation – Wednesday, March 9,
League City
St. Bernadette – Thursday, March 10, Houston
St. Paul the Apostle – Tuesday, March 15, Nassau Bay
St. Hyacinth — Wednesday, March 16, Deer Park
Confessions will NOT be heard here at
St. Paul the Apostle any Tuesday or
Thursday which coincides with a Bay
Area Lenten Penance Service.
Una gran práctica cuaresmal: Participar en uno de
los servicios de Penitencia Cuaresmal de la BAY
AREA — todo realizará a las 7:00 PM.
St. Luke – miércoles, 24 de febrero, 11011 Hall Rd.,
St. Clare of Assisi – martes, 1 de marzo, 3131 El Dorado
Blvd., Houston
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception – miércoles, 2 de
marzo, 816 Park Dr., La Porte
Mary, Queen – martes, 4 de marzo, 606 Cedarwood Dr.,
St. Helen – jueves, 3 de marzo, 2209 Old Alvin Rd.,
Santa María de la esperanza – miércoles, 9 de marzo,
1612 E. Walker St., League City
St. Bernadette – jueves, 10 de marzo, 15500 El Camino
Real, Houston
St. Paul el Apostle – martes, 15 de marzo, 18223 Point
Lookout Dr., Nassau Bay
St. Hyacinth – miércoles, 16 de marzo, 2921 Center Street,
Deer Park
Confesiones no se oirán aquí en
St. Paul cualquier martes o jueves
que coincide con un servicio de
Penitencia Cuaresmal de la Bay
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
February 14, 2016
Liturgy and Worship — Joyce Lubofsky
Liturgia y Culto
281.333.3891 Ext. 333 or jlubofsky@stpaulcatholic.org
Our Lenten liturgical focus is on those who are
preparing for the celebration of the Sacraments of
Initiation at the Great Vigil of Easter on Holy
Saturday evening, the most important night of the year. Each
Sunday at the 9 AM and 12 Noon Masses, we will prepare our
catechumens and candidates for the Vigil with special Rituals.
Today at the 9 AM English Mass and the 12 Noon Mass in
Spanish, the catechumenate period will come to conclusion
with the Rite of Sending for Election for a group of
catechumens and candidates. They have undergone a
conversion in mind and in action and have developed an
appropriate acquaintance with Christian teaching. At the Rite,
their godparents, sponsors and catechists will give testimony
to their state of readiness and each person will reaffirm their
intention. Thus the community formally recommends those
catechumens and candidates who are to be sent to Bishop
Sheltz for the celebration of Rite of Election this afternoon at
St. Helen’s in Pearland. There, after their godparents, sponsors
and catechists give testimony to their state of readiness and
each person reaffirms their intentions, the Church makes its
"election," that is, choice, of those who have the dispositions
that make them fit to take part in the sacraments of initiation.
This step is called “election” because the acceptance is
founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church
acts. From this point on, the catechumens will be called "the
elect" and the candidates “elected candidates.”
Next Sunday at those same Masses, we will celebrate the
“Penitential Rite” for our elected candidates who are
preparing to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and/or
the Eucharist. This ritual will help them to uncover and then
heal, all that is weak, defective or sinful in their hearts and to
bring out and then strengthen all that is upright, strong and
good with the power of their baptisms. It is their final
preparation before making their first confession.
Please keep our elect in your prayers!
The Fridays of Lent should be marked
with special efforts to pray, as well as
fasting and required abstinence. One
excellent practice is to participate in
the Stations of the Cross at 7 PM in the Church.
Nuestro enfoque de Cuaresma está
en todos los que se preparan para la
celebración de los Sacramentos de
Iniciación en la gran Vigilia Pascual
que es celebrado el Sábado Santo, la
cual es la noche más importante de
todo el año. Para quienes se preparan para el bautismo
en la Vigilia Pascual, la Cuaresma se enfoca en un
examen profundo interno y externo. Para los que ya han
sido bautizados, las Cuaresma nos llama a contemplar
la redención provocada por nosotros por la Pasión,
Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo y se nos exhorta a
contemplar el esfuerzo que nosotros ponemos en
aceptar la redención.
Cada domingo en las misas de 9 AM y 12PM
prepararemos a nuestros catecúmenos y candidatos
para la vigilia con ritos especiales: en el primer domingo
de Cuaresma se les enviará a ellos al Rito de Elección,
en el cual el Cardenal DiNardo afirmará la elección de
Dios en ellos como sus “Elegidos”. En el segundo,
celebraremos el Rito Penitencial, cual guía a los
candidatos ya bautizados a su recepción del Sacramento
de Penitencia. En el tercero, cuarto y quinto
celebraremos tres escrutinios, cuales son oraciones de
exorcismo y bendición para preparar a nuestros elegidos
catecúmenos para las aguas bautismales. En todas las
misas de esos tres domingos vamos a utilizar las
lecturas sugeridas del “ciclo A” y oraciones rituales, para
expresar nuestra solidaridad con nuestros hermanos y
hermanas que esperan las aguas salvadoras del
Una excelente práctica en la Cuaresma es
participar en las estaciones de la cruz
durante los viernes, comenzando el 12 de
febrero a las 8 PM en la Iglesia.
Lent is a penitential season and so religious practices such as daily Mass, reception of the Sacrament of Penance, the devotion of
the Stations of the Cross, works of charity and justice, and acts of self-denial are highly encouraged.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence.
All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.
Abstinence means that the consumption of meat is not allowed. Abstinence binds all persons who have completed their 14th
birthday, unless prevented by poor health. The Church strongly encourages the observance of abstinence on all Fridays of the
year. On days of fasting, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to
one’s own needs. Eating between meals is not allowed although fluids may be taken. Fasting binds all persons who have completed
their 18th birthday through those who have completed their 59th year, unless prevented by poor health.
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
February 14, 2016
Ministerio Multicultural
“Ustedes son el cuerpo de Cristo, y cada uno en
su lugar es parte de él.” (1 Cor. 12:27)
Para más información acerca de este ministerio comuníquese con Esperanza Monterrubio a
emonterrubio@stpaulcatholic.org o al 281.333.3891 Ext 321.
Cuaresma es el tiempo litúrgico de conversión, que marca la
Iglesia para prepararnos a la gran fiesta de la Pascua. Es tiempo
para arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados y de cambiar algo de
nosotros para ser mejores y poder vivir más cerca de Cristo. La
Cuaresma dura 40 días; comenzó el Miércoles de Ceniza y
termina antes de la Misa de la Cena del Señor del Jueves Santo.
A lo largo de este tiempo, sobre todo en la liturgia del domingo,
hacemos un esfuerzo por recuperar el ritmo y estilo de
verdaderos creyentes que debemos vivir como hijos de Dios. El
color litúrgico de este tiempo es el morado que significa luto y
penitencia. Es un tiempo de reflexión, de penitencia, de
conversión espiritual; tiempo de preparación al misterio
pascual. (Aciprensa)
Noticias PRO-VIDA
El 16 de Febrero de 2016, Gustavo García está
sentenciado a muerte por el Estado de Texas.
Nuestra fe católica nos llama a rezar por Gustavo, por
todos victimas del crimen, y por el término de la
sentencia aquí en el Estado de Texas. Que reciba Dios
nuestras oraciones apoyando toda vida.
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
February 14, 2016
Adult Ministry and Faith formation:
Because Our Faith is too rich and beautiful to have ever learned it ALL…
Contact Heidi Clark, Director of Adult Ministry, 281.333.3891, Ext. 328 or hclark@stpaulcatholic.org
Adult faith formation at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is centered around the understanding that living
“The Way” taught by Jesus Christ is a life-long, evolving journey, involving both effort and decision. To enable
adults to explore the faith and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word, we provide many opportunities to
come together in a learning environment. As a diverse community with a small parish feel, we know it is
important to walk that journey with others and to share what we have learned along the way.
Interested in being Catholic?
If you or someone you know is interested in
learning more about becoming Catholic, our
RCIA program is just the ticket! The Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process of
prayer, reflection, and learning that allows for the continual
discernment of God's will. Contact Heidi Clark,
281.333.3891 or hclark@stpaulcatholic.org.
March Theology on Tap: Young
Adults & Social Justice
Join young adults from throughout the bay area at our
monthly Theology on Tap events featuring a different
speaker and topic every month. The March program
features Deacon Sam Dunning who directs the
archdiocesan office of social justice. We meet from 7 - 9
PM at Chuy’s in Webster.
Women’s ACTS Retreat Registration is
Registration forms are already coming in for
the next women’s ACTS retreat set to take
place at the Christian Renewal Center April 7
- 10. This wonderful community-building
experience is deeply rooted in our Catholic
faith. Participants will grow in their
understanding of theology while forging meaningful
friendships with one another. Participants will stay in
nicely-furnished, comfortable, semi-private rooms. The
theme of this year’s retreat is “Do you love me?” John
21:17. Registration forms are at the Welcome Center. The
cost is $205 and financial help is available for those in
Silver Linings Meetings
St. Paul’s group for the over 55
crowd meets on the second
Monday of each month at 1 PM
in Room 10/11. After a brief
business meeting, we share a pot
luck luncheon. Bring a dish to share and enjoy delicious
dining, companionship and conversation with these good
Program for ALL Married Couples:
Teams of Our Lady
This is an ongoing formation program for
married couples. In a world where fidelity
is no longer esteemed, meeting with others
who value married life brings joy and hope
to all. Teams meet monthly in participants’ homes; it’s
open to all couples who are married in the Catholic Church,
and only one of you needs to be Catholic. For more
information please see www.teamsofourlady.org. The first
step to being placed on a team is to attend an information
session. These take place only about once a year in this
area, and the next one is set for Sunday, March 6, from 1 2 PM, at St. Clare Catholic Church. Teams are formed with
couples of different ages and from a variety of nearby
parishes. It’s a great way to get to know others better along
with your spouse. Questions? Contact Heidi Clark at
281.333.3891 or hclark@stpaulcatholic.org.
Divine Mercy Meeting Time and Date
Changes for Lent
St. Paul’s Divine Mercy Cenacle will be meeting from 34:30 PM. in Room 1 on Thursdays during Lent. The change
in time will allow new and old members to participate in
Friday evening liturgies.
Zumba at St. Paul
Emotional and spiritual wellness is closely tied
to physical wellness. Zumba is a dance fitness
program designed to make exercising FUN!
Classes meet in Beck Hall or Founders Hall,
depending on availability.
Thursdays at 6:45 PM
Saturdays at 10 AM
Prayer Shawl Ministry
St. Paul’s prayer shawl ministry meets every other Thursday
from 4:00-6:00 PM in Parlor A. The next meeting will be
February 18. If you knit or crochet, or would like to learn
these skills, we invite you to join us. The shawls are provided
to those who are ill, isolated, grieving or otherwise in need
of being wrapped in our prayers. For more information
contact Mary Fitts, 281.486.5895.
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
Children’s Ministry
Partnering with parents to keep
the light of faith burning
For information call Sara Fontana 281.333.3891 Ext. 339
or e-mail: sfontana@stpaulcatholic.org.
February 14, 21, 28, March 6,
April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1
February 7, March 6, April 3, and May 1
WEEK FEBRUARY 15, 17 and 19
Sacred & Safe, a program which provides
faith-based safe environment lessons for
children and youth in kindergarten through
12th grade. This annual program provides one
grade-specific lesson each year to help
children and young people develop the skills
to protect themselves from sexual abuse.
February 14, 2016
Early Childhood Program
Seeing Children Through The Eyes of God!
For information contact: Vicky Kuehnel, Director
vkuehnel@stpaulcatholic.org or 281.333.0176
Children learn more from what you ARE than
what you TEACH!
Registration for the 2016 -2017 school year
begins this month. I am available for tours
of our little program on most days. No
appointment is needed. Don’t let your little
one miss out on a fun filled learning
opportunity with our Pre-school. Our
teachers are well trained and ready to offer
your little one a great experience.
Valentine’s Day parties were so
much fun this past week. We had
an ice-cream social in each class
and we welcomed parents and
siblings to join us. The children enjoyed
making their own ice cream sundaes!
Valentine’s Day is a great way to spend some
quality time with your child (ren) in the kitchen.
Here is a very simple recipe that kids can make
with a little assistance from an adult.
Heart shaped calzones:
Any brand refrigerated pie crust
Marinara sauce
Shredded mozzarella cheese
Turkey peperoni
Using a heart shaped cookie cutter, let your little
ones cut out heart shapes from the pie crust. Add
some of the marinara, cheese and peperoni onto the
heart shapes then top with another heart shape and
pinch closed around the edges. Bake for 10 minutes
on 350 degrees. Allow to cool on the counter and then
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
Society of St. Vincent
de Paul
Office Hours: Tuesday – Wednesday, 9:3011:30 AM and Thursday: 6-8 PM
In today’s Gospel, Jesus overcomes the temptations to
wealth, power and esteem. As we begin Lent, may we open
our hearts to the grace of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Your gift to the St. Vincent de Paul will help the poor
to celebrate the grace of God’s love this Easter.
A Vincentian Viewpoint:
Recently, during a particularly difficult time, a widower
who is caring for his adult disabled son received support
from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the form of food
and help with a utility bill. The man told the Vincentian
helping him ‘what you did for me truly made a difference
in my life and the life of my son.’
Thank you to the parish of St. Paul the Apostle for truly
making a difference in the lives of the poor and
downtrodden every day. By proxy, Vincentians deliver
your generous gifts and prayers to those in need of care,
keeping their dignity intact and hope renewed.
Upcoming Conference Meetings, 7 PM St. Paul
February 24, 2016
March 9, 2016
(3 hours)
Required for all volunteers working with children/youth.
February 20 – St. Luke the Evangelist, 9 AM
April 3 – St. John the Baptist, Alvin, 3:30 PM (Spanish)
April 9 – St. Luke the Evangelist, 9 AM
(1 1/2 hours)
Required for all volunteers every 5 years
February 11 – St. Mary, La Porte, 7 PM
February 26 – St. Luke the Evangelist, 6:30 PM
March 4 – St. Luke the Evangelist, 6:30 PM
Bay Area Jubilee
For Married Couples
10, 25, and 50 YEARS
As part of our Jubilee Year of Mercy, Bay Area Catholic
pastors would like to invite married couples, celebrating
10, 25 and 50 years of marriage, to a special, blessing and
pot luck dinner on Saturday, March 5, 2016. The event
will take place at the 4:30 PM Eucharist at St. Clare of
Assisi. If you are celebrating one of these anniversaries in
2016 and would like to be a part of this great event, please
call Elena at the Parish Office and reserve a spot.
February 14, 2016
Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women
The Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women
(BADCCW) will take a tour of the Shrine of the True
Cross Catholic Church, 300 FM 517 Rd. East,
Dickinson, 77539, Wednesday, February 24th, beginning
with 8:30 AM Mass.
Following Mass, coffee, and the tour, we will have a
short business meeting and then lunch. ($5 donation
requested) The CCW is an affiliated network of
dedicated Catholic women who come together for
fellowship, to grow in spirituality, leadership and
service to Christ, His church & society. For more
information, contact Gretchen Mitchell at
832.605.8360; gretchenmitchell@gmail.com.
The Knights of Columbus
Council 6234 will be hosting
their annual Lenten fish fry on:
February 19, and 26, March 4, 11, and
18. Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. For more
info contact Tony Quezada at
281.217.1810 or
We hope to see you there.
St. Anthony of Padua relic will be at the following:
Volume XVIII No. 1823
First Sunday of Lent
February 14, 2016

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March 1, 2015 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

March 1, 2015 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Greytok, Mary Loring, Judy Williams, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Louise Giulianelli, Edril Phillips, Judy Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Margaret Stanard, Betty Johnson, Ken & ...

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