April 10, 2016


April 10, 2016
St. Paul the
Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
18223 Point Lookout Dr.
Nassau Bay, Texas 77058-3594
281-333-3891 / Fax: 281-333-3815
Monday – Thursday Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12-1 p.m., M-F)
The Clergy Staff
Pastor, Rev. Wencil Pavlovsky
(Ext. 325)
Rev. James P. Bradley
Deacon Scott Daniel
(Ext. 337)
Deacon Arturo Monterrubio
Deacon Servando Rojas
(Ext. 337)
Deacon Jim Lockwood
Deacon Hector Romeu
The Pastoral Staff
Adult Faith Formation
Heidi Clark
Children’s Ministry
Sara Fontana
Early Childhood Program
Vicky Kuehnel
Liturgical Ministry
Joyce Lubofsky
Multicultural Ministry
Esperanza Monterrubio
Music Ministry
David Rofrano
Youth Ministry
Katie Mahoney
Business Manager
Maria Conner
Theresa Waller
Facilities Director
Michael Centanni
Parish Secretary
Laura Ruzicka
Assistant Secretary
Elena Capetillo
(Ext. 328)
(Ext. 339)
(Ext. 340)
(Ext. 333)
(Ext. 321)
(Ext. 332)
(Ext. 301)
(Ext. 330)
(Ext. 341)
(Ext. 343)
We Celebrate the Eucharist
(Ext. 323)
(Ext. 302)
Gabriel Project
(Ext. 338)
Parish-based crisis pregnancy ministry
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Office Hours:
Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Appointment required for Financial
Assistance but not for Food Pantry
Mass in English
Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Jueves (Thursday) a las 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Mass in English
Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Domingo (Sunday) a las 12:00 Mediodía
Confessions: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Continuously in the Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Saturday
Volume XVIII No. 1831
The Finance Council
assists the Pastor in a
consultative role with
administration of parish
goods, encouraging
support of Parish and
stewardship programs
for Time, Talent and
Treasure. For more
info contact the
Finance Council at
2016 Members
Fr. Wencil Pavlovsky
Chima Akanwa
Maria Conner
Jim Daniel
Ramiro Novoa
Clemente Quinatana
Kathy Tamer
Diana Tran
The Pastoral Council is
a representative body
of the faithful, whose
focus is on the parish
community and
fostering the mission of
the Church. It is
presided over by the
Pastor, with members
assisting in a
consultative basis to
represent the interests
and spiritual well-being
of the parish. For more
information, contact
the Pastoral Council at
2016 Members
Jesus Adame
Judith Crowley
Mario Moreno
Carlos Parra
Demetrio Quezada
Brenda Sanzone
Cruz Torres
Yvonne Vigue-Rodi
Aaron Walz
Susan Wells
Barbara Wirth
Regis Wrobleski
Third Sunday Of Easter
April 3 Financial Stewardship
April 10, 2016
Administración Financiera 3 de abril
No On line deductions this period.
$ 27,501.78
$ 27,501.78
$ 0.00
No Deducciones De Línea Durante Este Periodo.
Building Loan Payment
March Capital Campaign Donations
$ 36,900.34
$ 19,023.30
Préstamo del Edificio
Donaciones de la Campaña Capital de marzo
Deficit funded from parish and ministry
operating budgets
2016 DSF
Pledged To Date (*173 Parishioners)
Paid To Date
*Increases as parishioners Respond to
Archdiocese Appeal.
**Half of all amounts donated over the
$130,000 goal are applied to our
building debt. The other half will go
into Archdiocese DSF accounts.
$ 130,000**
$ 73,940.00*
$ 48,134.00
Déficit financiado por Fondos operacionales de la parroquia y
los ministerios
2016 DSF
Prometido al Día (*173 feligreses )
Pagado al Día
*Número aumenta a lo que feligreses responden al
apelación de la Arquidiócesis
**La mitad de todos fondos donados sobre el objetivo
de $130,000 serán aplicados a la deuda de nuestro
edificio. El resto se destinara a cuentas de DSF de la
As Christ's disciples, we are called to share the good news of His
Resurrection. We do this through sharing our Gifts of Time, Talent
&Treasure. St. Paul's many ministries are examples of how you
answer that call. Thank you to all who help through their gifts of
Treasure to support our ministries and reduce our building loan. Please consider supporting St.
Paul the Apostle with electronic donations through Faith Direct. Setting up on-line automatic
donations simplifies the process for you, administratively for us; and as reassurance, Faith Direct
has proven security in its handling of funds. You can sign up online at www.faithdirect.net using
our church code TX596 or mail in an enrollment form located at the Forms Wall by the Welcome
Center. Easter Blessings to you as we rejoice in the Resurrection of our Lord.
Como discípulos de Cristo, estamos llamados a compartir las buenas nuevas de Su
Resurrección. Lo hacemos a través de compartir nuestros dones de tiempo, talento y tesoro.
Muchos ministerios de San Pablo son ejemplos de cómo responden a esa llamada. ¡Gracias a
todos los que ayudan a través de sus dones de tesoro para apoyar nuestros ministerios y reducir
nuestro préstamo del edificio! Por favor considere apoyar a nuestra iglesia de San Pablo el
Apóstol, con donaciones electrónicas a través de Faith Direct. Configuración en línea de
donaciones automáticas simplifica el proceso para usted, administrativamente para nosotros; y
para asegurarlos, Faith Direct ha demostrado la seguridad en el manejo de los fondos. Usted
puede inscribirse en línea en www.faithdirect.net usando nuestro código TX596 o por correo
usando un formulario de inscripción que se encuentra en la pared de formas por el Centro de
Bienvenida. Bendiciones de Pascua a usted en lo que celebramos la resurrección de nuestro
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Office Hours: Tuesday – Wednesday, 9:30 -11:30 AM and Thursday: 6 - 8 PM
In this Sunday’s Gospel, the disciples in their struggle finally recognize
Jesus and proclaim “It is the Lord!”
Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor recognize the Lord in
their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?
Consider sitting in on one of the next Conference meetings below to discern if the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a fit for your spiritual gifts and growth. You will
meet active Vincentians, enjoy your faith and fellowship, and learn how the Society
helps the poor recognize the Lord in their life.
Upcoming Conference Meetings, 7 PM @ St. Paul
April 13, 2016 in Room 1
April 27, 2016 in Room 1
Volume XVIII No. 1831
Third Sunday Of Easter
Readings & Mass Intentions ♦ Lecturas Y Intenciónes de Misa
(4/10/2016 – 04/16/2016)
Sunday (Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Rev 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14)
Third Sunday Of Easter
9:00 AM † Preston Tom, †Ray Daves, †José Martins
12:00 PM †Alfonso Gutierrez
5:00 PM †Paul Campbell
Monday (Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29) St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr
No Mass
Tuesday (Acts 7:51-8:1a; Jn 6:30-35)
8:30 AM †Aida Barba Reyes, †Ed Schulte, Richard
Wednesday (Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40) St. Martin, I Pope and Martyr
8:30 AM Robyn Gardner, †Mary Jo Lee
Thursday (Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51)
8:30 AM Andrea Campbell
7:00 PM The Unborn
Friday (Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59)
8:30 AM Austin Tom
Saturday (Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69) Vigil: (Acts 13:14, 43-52; Rv 7:9,
14b-17; Jn 10:27-30)
8:30 AM †Mary Jo Lee, Megan Campbell
5:00 PM †José Martins Moura
Please Pray For: Christie Gaspard, Kay Kirk, Cheryl Seids, Bettye Beason,
Kon Delang, Nelda Zamora, Nelda Davila, Beverly Bubenik, Maite
Evangelista, Kelly Barton, Donald Walker, Jo Michael, Bill & June Jung,
Jerome & Bernadine Berend, John Ryan, Gerald Berend, Carol Weide,
Wynne Gillen, Donna Bova, Bill & Beverly Mann, Victoria Chavez, Mercedes
Lopez, Barbara Williams, Ivy Dsouza, Kevin Krengle, Darin Clark, Clarence
Billett, Joseph Ulloa, Beverly & Ken Tiger, Kristen Scott, Allison Schneider,
Tony Falcon, Joyce Curtner, Marichu Arcilla Maullon-Asprer, Valerie Parisi,
Lucio Martinez, Eduardo Gasca, Heather Valarino, Gerald Rivera, Ann
Kuehnel, Martin Olson, Presy Carrera, Sharon Lee, Tom Halle, Leonel
Garcia, Ellen & Sue Guy, Josie Travalos, Ray Fernandez, Carlotta Del
Campo, Brittney Maynard, Daniel Adcock, Ernesto Rumbaoa, Frank
O’Connor, Raymond Ciak, Wendy Wells, Chan Finch, Joe Garcia, Marcial
Bacani, Donna Ruggerieri, Jackie Christ, David Scott, Paul Miller, Madge
Bualexanderduan, Raymond Fernandez, Connie Fernandez, Margaret
Escobedo, Bobby Lopez, Nancy Ware, Trace Cook, Julia Brown, Kenneth
Parker, Daniel Parker, Betty Jean Herron, Gladys Galloway, Maria William
Swenson, Allison Hawthorne Swenson, Bernie Brabant, Mary Lee Knight,
Rose Miller, Austin Gerry, Linda Buckminster, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank
Greytok, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy
Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Kristin Scott, Alice
Jean Pursell, Estela Narvaez, Marcos Jimenez, Rebecca Brooklier, Anna
Feiaiullo, Dorothy Breidenstein, Karen Savko,, Antoinette Fossatti, Angelica
Mendoza, Ed Baca, Liz, Jeremiah & Justin DeLeon, Wendy Mattingly, Tom
Leahy, Norma Bischel, Sherry Sullivan, Isaiah Pina, Edward Templin, Patti
DiCostanza, John & Carmen Heckler, Brian Lee, Emily Weiss, Pam Collins,
Deanna Stellato, Verr Soltes, Soledad Martinez, Darius Riley, Peggy Vargas,
Louise Temple, Angela Porter, Blanche Riel, Verena Costello, Claire Cavetti,
Chris Hebert, Thomas Frasier, Minnie Hill-Honor, David Cabrera, James
John, Sarah Marcela Poole, Audrey Cegielski, Alma Andreason, Janie
Torres, Evarist Coryat, Robin Schultz, Barbara Hanselkar, Joann Nelson,
and Jackie Lucas.
NOTE: In order to maintain an updated Prayer List, we are
removing names that have been on the prayer list longer than two
months. Please call the parish office, 281.333.3891 to keep a name,
add a name, or remove your name from the list.
April 10, 2016
Liturgy and Worship
Liturgia y Culto
The next meeting of the Silver
Linings Bible Study Group will
be Thursday, May 12th, 1:00—
2:30 PM, in Rooms 10/11.
Art & Environment/Arte y Ambiente
Our celebrations of Holy Week and Easter were
made even more wonderful by the beauty of our
Church. Thanks to everyone who donated toward
the purchase of flowers and to all those
volunteers whose efforts on a daily basis during
this Easter season cannot be overlooked.
We are currently restructuring the Art &
Environment Committee and will shortly be
announcing the date of a meeting for anyone
who might be interested in the serving in this
important ministry in the future.
We will also have a meeting for anyone who
would be interested in assisting in
the cleaning of the Altar Linens.
Se hicieron más hermosas nuestras
celebraciones por la belleza de nuestra Iglesia.
Gracias a todos que contribuyeron hasta el gasto
de los flores – y a los voluntarios que trabajaron
diariamente durante la Semana Santa y este
tiempo de Pascua para embellecer el Templo.
Estamos en proceso de reorganizar el Comité de
Arte y Ambiente y pronto anunciaremos la fecha
de una reunión para cualquiera persona tenga
interés en server en este ministerio importante en
el futuro.
También tendremos una reunión para cualquiera
persona tenga interés en asistir con el limpio de
los Linos del Altar.
The Chapel candle burns in loving memory
of Maria Esther Ayala at the request of her
daughter, Juanita Renfrew.
Volume XVIII No. 1831
Third Sunday Of Easter
April 10, 2016
“Ustedes son el cuerpo de Cristo, y cada uno en su lugar es parte de él.” (1 Cor. 12:27)
Para más información acerca de este ministerio comuníquese con Esperanza Monterrubio a
emonterrubio@stpaulcatholic.org o al 281.333.3891 Ext 321.
¿Me amas?
Señor Jesús, como a
Pedro, hoy tú nos
preguntas también:
¿Me amas? Sí, Señor:
pero concédenos
amarte todavía mucho
más con un corazón
caldeado por el fuego
inextinguible de tu
Tú nos abriste el camino que lleva hasta el Padre y,
gracias a ti, la vida es mucho más fuerte que la muerte.
Estamos seguros por la fe de que vives en nosotros y
estás presente en cada hombre y mujer, nuestros
hermanos. Haz que nos entreguemos a la apasionante
tarea de amarte, queriendo sin medida a los demás con
el amor con que tú los amas. Danos la fuerza de tu
Espíritu para ser tus testigos siempre, y obedecer la
voluntad de Dios si temor a nada ni a nadie. Amén.
(Tomado de B. Caballero: La Palabra cada domingo, San
Pablo, España, 1995, p. 477)
San Pedro fue un gran amante de
Nuestro Señor. Falló una vez y le
negó, todos lo sabemos y él jamás
lo olvidaría. Pero después de ese
suceso penoso hizo su fuerte
resolución de jamás abandonar al
Maestro. Jesús no duda del amor
de su "Roca", pero le hace un
triple examen para poderle repetir tres veces cómo
quiere él que le demuestre su afecto. "Me amas.
Apacienta mis ovejas". Muchas formas ingeniosas
podemos idear para manifestar nuestro amor, pero
siempre será mucho más acertada aquella que nuestra
persona amada nos ha confiado que le gusta más.
Desde entonces San Pedro tuvo muy claro que amar a
su grey -todos los cristianos—era lo mismo que amar
a su Maestro, y que si quería darle su vida debía darla
a sus ovejas. Lo importante siempre es hacer lo que
Dios quiere y como Él lo quiere.
La conferencia anual para mujeres católicas Café
MARIANAS 2016 está a la vuelta de la esquina,
será el sábado 7 de mayo de 4-8:30 PM. El objetivo
de Café MARIANAS es inspirar y edificar a
mujeres católicas para que sean mejores versiones
de sí mismas por medio de charlas de crecimiento
de la fe y temas que alienten y dignifiquen su labor
en cualquier ámbito de la vida como madres,
esposas, amas de casa, profesionistas y miembros
de la iglesia. El tema de esta conferencia es “Una
Mejor Versión De Ti Misma”, entendiendo la
misericordia y el perdón” impartidos por el
Diacono Héctor Romeu y Bernard Robin. Además
de la participación de nuestros hermanos de ACTS
sirviendo y honrando a la mujer, habrá un panel de
mujeres inspiradoras que nos platicarán como
realizan su labor profesional y social en compañía
de la fe. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de ser una
mejor versión de ti misma. Puedes comprar tus
boletos en línea por Eventbrite, en la recepción de
la iglesia, o después de las misas de español durante
el mes de abril. Hay cupo limitado, no niños y no
habrá guardería, este en evento para ti.
Volume XVIII No. 1831
Third Sunday Of Easter
April 10, 2016
Contact Heidi Clark, Director of Adult Ministry, 281.333.3891, Ext. 328 or hclark@stpaulcatholic.org
Adult faith formation at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is centered around the understanding that living
“The Way” taught by Jesus Christ is a life-long, evolving journey, involving both effort and decision. To enable
adults to explore the faith and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word, we provide many opportunities to
come together in a learning environment. As a diverse community with a small parish feel, we know it is
important to walk that journey with others and to share what we have learned along the way.
Interested in being Catholic?
If you or someone you know is
interested in learning more about
becoming Catholic, our RCIA
program is just the ticket! The
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults, is a process of prayer,
reflection, and learning that allows for the continual
discernment of God's will. Contact Heidi Clark,
281.333.3891 or hclark@stpaulcatholic.org.
No Silver Linings Meeting this Month
There is no Silver Linings meeting this month as the
members are on a trip. Regular
meeting times on the second Monday
of each month will resume in May.
See you then!
Women’s ACTS Retreat is Full
Due to an incredible outpouring of interest in the
upcoming women’s ACTS
retreat, all spaces have been
filled and registrations are no
longer being accepted. Please
keep the ladies who are on the retreat—along with the
team members—in your prayers this week.
Zumba at St. Paul
Emotional and spiritual wellness is closely tied to
physical wellness. Zumba is a dance fitness program
designed to make exercising FUN! Classes meet in
Beck Hall or Founders Hall, depending on
Thursdays at 6:45 PM
Saturdays at 10 AM
April Theology on Tap Features
Fr. Luke Millette
Join young adults from
throughout the bay area
at our monthly
Theology on Tap
events featuring a
different speaker and
topic every month. The
next event features Fr.
Luke Millette who will
be talking about real
love; it takes place on
Tuesday, April 12. The
group meets from 7 - 9
PM at Chuy’s in
Ladies Lunch Bunch This Week
Ladies of the parish are graciously
invited to join the St. Paul’s Over 50
Lunch Bunch this Wednesday, April
13, at Angelo’s Pasta and Pizza, 400
Bay Area Blvd., at 12:30 PM. The
group meets regularly on the second
Wednesday of each month. If you do not receive an
email or phone call, you may make a reservation by
calling 281.474.3373 by Monday morning, April 11.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry
Countless people in need of prayer
have been blessed by St. Paul’s Prayer
Shawl Ministry made up of dedicated
volunteers who knit these special
keepsakes and pray for the recipient
while they do. We meet every other Thursday at 4:00
PM. Our next meeting will be on April 14.The Prayer
Shawl Ministry is grateful for recent donations of
yarn. If you have yarn or new shawls you would like
to donate, please contact Mary Fitts at 281.486.5895.
Volume XVIII No. 1831
Third Sunday Of Easter
April 10, 2016
Welcome to SPACE!
“…dedicated to bringing teens into relationship with Jesus Christ, and empowering
young people to become disciples of Him in their everyday life through study of
scripture, catechesis and service…”
Be in Beck Hall tonight for dinner and announcements at 6:30pm, followed by your pods!
Graduation is upon us, which means celebrating and honoring your seniors at our Graduation Banquet on
Sunday, May 15 at the 5:00 Life Teen Mass. There will be an informational meeting on Sunday, April 17 at
7pm. ALL SENIOR PARENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND, regardless of your child’s past involvement. Email
Katie (KMahoney@stpaulcatholic.org) if you have any questions.
Attention Seniors: The 2016 SPACE Scholarship application for $1,000 will be awarded to one St.
Paul’s Senior with exemplary service, outstanding leadership, inspiring parish involvement, and an
impacting devotion to God. Applications may be found under the TV by the youth room. Scholarship
deadline: May 1. Interview will follow by SPACE Scholarship Committee.
Rise & Walk: Tomorrow for EDGE, we talk about the last sacrament in our Sacrament Semester! What
is the anointing of the sick and how can it not just heal us physically but spiritually? Snack is served!
Registration is NOW OPEN for…
Register your 5th–8th grade students for the funniest week of the Summer!
Hosted at St. Mary’s in League City from 10 AM — 4PM daily! Total Cost: $140
Monday: Kemah Boardwalk
Tuesday: TopGolf
Wednesday: Movie Theater
Thursday: Main Event
Week long chaperones needed (you get in everywhere for free!). Must be VIRTUS Certified.
Volume XVIII No. 1831
Third Sunday Of Easter
April 10, 2016
Early Childhood Program
Children’s Ministry
Seeing Children Through The Eyes of God!
Partnering with parents to keep
the light of faith burning
For information call Sara Fontana 281.333.3891 Ext. 339
or e-mail: sfontana@stpaulcatholic.org.
PRESCHOOL CCE: APRIL 10, 17, 24, and MAY 1
APRIL 11, 18, 25, and MAY 2
APRIL13, 20, 27, and MAY 4
APRIL 8, 15, 22, 29, and MAY 6
Parents and Children attend this week.
JULY 29, 2016
For information contact: Vicky Kuehnel, Director
vkuehnel@stpaulcatholic.org or 281.333.0176
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed.
Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent
guaranteed.” Dr. Seuss
We are in full swing working
on Spaghetti dinner
projects. Our annual dinner
and fundraiser will be April
22 from 5:00 - 8:30 PM. Theme baskets
have been put together. They will be raffled off
along with many other great items. We will also
have a Silent Auction with many wonderful items
to bid upon. Stop by the ECP to purchase your
raffle tickets as well as your Spaghetti dinner
Raffle tickets will be $1 each
Spaghetti dinner tickets are $25 for a
family of 4 or more.
Individual tickets are $9 for an adult ticket and
$5.50 for a child ticket.
Bring the whole family out for a night of fun and
Easy Gardening with Kids
Planting seeds and gardening can be fun and
exciting for children. Plus they will enjoy the
time you spend with them during this activity.
Seeds that produce quickly:
Pumpkins, with a reward of a pumpkin around
Halloween time.
Fun plants for kids:
Register online!
~ PLUS ~
Check out a week long Family Fun Festival
happening at Circle Lake July 5 – 9th
Suspend an avocado seed in water with
toothpicks and watch it grow roots.
Cut off the top of a pineapple and plant it in a
shallow tray. Watch this spikey plant grow.
Lamb’s ear
Have fun this Spring planting with your children!
Volume XVIII No. 1831
Third Sunday Of Easter
Adoration open hours: 1 AM Saturday, 2 AM
Thursday and 3 AM Friday.
Would you consider spending an hour with the Lord?
…You could not stay awake for even an hour? Mark 14:37
Please contact Malina at 281.221.6591 or
Horas disponibles: sábado, 12 AM, y 1
AM, y jueves, 2 AM. ¿Consideras una
hora con nuestro Señor? …
¿De modo que no pudiste permanecer una hora?
Marcos 14:37
Favor de llamar o enviar mensaje a Hortensia, 281.731.6539.
Mother - Daughter Program
For 9-12 year old girls and their mothers (or significant
woman in their lives).
Mothers and daughters will:
Experience an interpersonal time of shared love
and faith
Learn how to discuss God’s plan for the gift of
human sexuality
Talk about how to face the challenges of living
The program is facilitated by a team of mothers and
daughters who share their stories, wisdom and
professional expertise in the context of the Catholic faith. It
includes specific content on how girls and boys physical
and emotional changes prepare them for adulthood. It
models how respect, patience and open communication
between parent and child are necessary during this
Date/Location: Saturday, April 23 – Mary Queen Church,
606 Cedarwood Dr., Friendswood, 77546
Time: Sign in; 1:30 / Program: 2:00 - 4:30 PM
Cost: $40/family (add $20 each additional child. Nonrefundable, but in case of cancellation can be rescheduled
for another offering)
For more information call 713.741.8792 or
Father-Son Program
For 10-14 year old boys and their dads
(or significant father figure).
A 2 ½ hour program which brings fathers
and sons together to look at the wonder
and power of human sexuality in the
process of growing up and becoming a man. The team
uses shared experiences of faith, instruction and
discussion to encourage the Father and Son participants
to build strong bridges of communication between them.
Date/Location: Saturday, April 23 – Mary Queen Church,
606 Cedarwood Dr., Friendswood, 77546
Time: Sign in: 9:00 AM / Program: 9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Cost: $40/family (add $20 each additional child. Nonrefundable, but in case of cancellation can be rescheduled
for another offering)
For more information call 713.741.8792 or
mciesielski@archgh.org .
April 10, 2016
Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women
The Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women
(BADCCW), in lieu of their April meeting, will have a
Caritas Day, Wednesday, April 20th cooking and
serving food for Mercy Tree soup kitchen and sorting
clothes at Interfaith Caring Ministries, 631 FM 270,
League City. CCW members will meet at St.
Bernadette’s Catholic Church, 15500 El Camino Real,
Houston, Family Life Center at 9:45 AM to prepare
food. We will serve it at Clear Lake Church of Christ
938 El Dorado Blvd. Members helping at ICM will work
there from 10 AM to 12 Noon. All ladies of local
parishes are invited as you are all members of the
BADCCW! The CCW is a network of Catholic women
who meet for fellowship, spiritual growth, and service to
Christ and His church. For more info or to carpool,
contact Gretchen Mitchell: gretchenmitchell@gmail.com
or 832.605.8360.
Children’s Ministry
Third Sunday Of Easter
Espacio de Dios
Movimiento Familia Cristiano
Out of this World Festival
Vocations Team
April 10, 2016
Tierra Buena
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Youth Ministry
Volume XVIII No. 1831