Third Sunday of Lent • February 28, 2016
Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Pro Cathedral Founded September 1, 1772 Mass Schedule Saturday: 7:00 am, and 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday:: English Sunday English:: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Spanish: 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm Weekdays:: 7:00 am and 12:10 pm Weekdays Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday:: 4:00 - 4:30 pm Saturday Third Sunday of Lent • February 28, 2016 J ubilee Year of Mercy February 28, 2016 • Third Sunday of Lent Pope Francis wants “Twenty-four Hours for the Lord,” around-the-clock availability of the sacrament of reconciliation, implemented worldwide this Friday and Saturday. Celebrated with his oftrecommended “tenderness,” the sacrament is “a source of true interior peace,” says Francis, enabling people “to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus warns us against judging others. Focus instead, Jesus says, on deepening—or restoring— our own relationship with God, for during this Lenten springtime that Master Gardener can use even life’s manure (the parable’s “fertilizer”) to coax fresh fruit from a tree that seems hopelessly barren—us! Parishes preparing catechumens may choose John’s Gospel, which likewise cautions against judging. Imagine what the Samaritan woman’s lifelong neighbors thought of her multiple relationships. But by discovering Jesus, then sharing her good news—and Jesus—with those very neighbors, she whom they had probably judged quite sinful became instead their evangelist and “missionary of mercy.” —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday, March 4, 2016 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the Oratory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (former Sister’s chapel). Divine Mercy and Rosary at 3 pm. Petitions and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 pm. The Lord is asking for you to visit if you can come at these hours. So many prayer intentions are needed for our sick parishioners, and for our country to find the right leadership during this election year. All are welcome, and we thank the students who attend. May God give you special blessings during this Lenten Season. Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America. For more information call 594-1219. L ent Retreat at Nativity of Our Lady Parish Monday, March 14 through Thursday, March 17 there will be a Lenten Retreat at Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church with Father Jude Siciliano, O.P. and Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P. Each day will include preaching at 9 am Mass and Scripture study at 10:00 am in the Hall. At 7:00 pm each evening of the retreat, we will gather to celebrate a special Evening Prayer with music and ritual. Address is 221 Daly Ave, SLO. Monthly Mass at Old Mission Cemetery The monthly 1st Saturday Mass at the Old Mission cemetery for May will be May 2nd at 10 am celebrated by Fr. Philip Garcia. All are welcome to join us. A CONTEMPLATIVE ROSARY MISSION SAN LUIS OBISPO DE TOLOSA Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10 am Mission Singers and Piano Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries with Scripture and Song. A Contemplative Rosary is a pastoral response to Pope JohnPaul II’s Apostolic Letter on the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae), composed by Bob Hurd in San Jose, CA, May 2005 PAGE 2 Parish Center Administration Rev. Russell Brown, Pastor Rev. Braulio Valencia, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jim Nisbet, In Residence Deacon Chuck M. Roeder, Permanent Deacon Deacon Jim Burrows, Permanent Deacon Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Stations of the Cross • 2016 Every Friday During Lent at 6 pm in the Church 3/4 —Graziano Marcheschi (Fr. Jim Nisbet) 3 pm in the Church - Good Friday 3/25 Not My Will But Yours Be Done 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 781-8220 Fax (805) 781-8214 E-mail: Unless otherwise noted, all phone numbers are Ext. # (Voice Mail Extensions) 781-8220 26 Fr. Russell Brown Pastor 16 Fr. Braulio Valencia Parochial Vicar 32 Deacon Chuck Roeder Permanent Deacon 14 Deacon Jim Burrows Permanent Deacon 11 Theresa Shipsey Business Practices 13 Corina Onato Office Manager 20 Erika Zaldumbide Office Assistant 15 Terry Burrows Faith Formation, Altar Servers 29 Evan O’Reilly Youth Ministry 35 Donna Fioravanti Baptisms 23 Erika Siciliano Faith Formation Assistant 18 Rosalba Torres Office Assistant, Translations 19 Patty Moyer Pepper (441-7901) Pastoral Care Ministry 38 Gayne Pinto-Bennett (704-1373) Bereavement Ministry Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors 36 Minerva Soto Gift Shop Manager 22 Iva Svitek • Music Ministry Jocelyn Roeder • (544-2707) Liturgy Coordinator Nancy Kelso-Doody (748-0775) Events & Environment Coordinator Jack & Eunice Pierce (541-4464) Landings Program —William Rowan (Fr. Russell Brown & Deacon Jim Burrows) Spanish Stations • Vía Crucis Fridays at 7:30 pm in the Church P le lease, ease, ccontinue on ntinue to pray to pray for for rain. rain. Lenten Healing Masses at The Monastery of The Risen Christ Use your bar code scanner for quick access to our Parish Website Parish Staff & Ministries (Deacon Jim Burrows) 3/18 Historical Stations of the Cross Office: Website: (WLP) (Fr. Russell Brown) 3/11 The Way of the Cross Mr. James D. Childs, Principal Mission College Prep Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal Old Mission Elementary Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm Wednesdays Noon to 5 pm Chapel Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 4 pm Stations of the Cross Finance Council Gayla Newman Ann Palmer Charles Porter Bernie Suttle Chris Will Schools & Campus Ministry Old Mission School (543-6019) Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal 761 Broad St., SLO 93401 Mission College Preparatory (543-2131) Mr. James D. Childs, Principal 682 Palm St., SLO 93401 Newman Catholic Center (543-4105) Fr. John Ulrich, S.M. and Fr. Kevin Duggan, S.M. 1472 Foothill, SLO 93401 Ministries Gift Shop & Museum (543-6850) Open 7 days per week 9 am - 4 pm (Winter hours) (9 am - 5 pm Summer hours) Social Justice Ministry Delores Winje (543-4064) St. Vincent de Paul (544-7041) Public Assistance Tuesdays at Prado 2-3 pm Thursdays at Old Mission 3-4 pm by Appointment only Catholic Charities Office 541-9110 Old Mission Thrift Store 2640 Broad Street, SLO (544-0720) Mon-Sat 10 AM - 6 PM, Sunday 12 - 4 PM Old Mission Cemetery (541-0584) Lenten Healing Masses will be celebrated at the Monastery of the Risen Christ Chapel in SLO by Fr Ray Roh, OSB. The dates and times are Saturdays at 1 pm on March 5th and 12th. The theme of the Masses is Healing Through the Beatitudes. Anointing and laying on of hands for healing and private ministry will be available after Mass. Free will donation for the Monastery will be accepted. The Monastery of the Risen Christ is located at 2308 O’Connor Way in SLO. Phone number is 805-544-1810. Website: Enjoy our outdoor Labyrinth and Stations of the Cross during daylight hours for meditation. Living God’s Purpose in our Marriage March 4th and 5th In seven hours, learn the communication system that will transform your marriage. Drawn from the ground-breaking work of Dr Harville Hendrix, author of “Getting the Love you Want” and “Making Marriage Simple,” couples at any stage of relationship are welcomed. You will leave feeling attuned to one another, able to manage conflicts more successfully and honor the sacred space between the two of you - where the Divine resides. TJ and Steve Clarke (Marriage Family therapist and physician) teach classes as part of the couples ministry, therefore cost is for books only ($30/couple). Reserve early. This class is skills based, not therapy - so personal or confidential issues will not be aired. Friday evening from 6:45-9 pm and the following Saturday from 9 am-3 pm and held in SLO at Old Mission Parish Hall. Call 471-3301 to reserve a place. Care for Creation Have you considered adopting an animal from Animal Services? Or if you can’t do that perhaps donating to their care? PAGE 3 R EFLECTION OF THE WEEK February 28, 2016 Third Sunday of Lent In ancient times, people thought death was the result of sinfulness. The crowds asked Jesus if that was true. He replied that it was no more true than the contrary: People lived because of righteousness. The point Jesus did make, however, was that repentance was necessary and necessarily immediate. Jesus then gave the people an illustration of a fig tree that had not produced fruit for three years. The vineyard owner wanted the tree cut down, but the gardener promised to aerate and fertilize it for one more year. If, by then, it did not bear fruit, the gardener would cut it down. Some scholars think the three years of no yield correlate with Jesus’ three years in ministry, but the main point is that with nurturing, all may come to bear fruit in the Kingdom. Readings For This Week Listen and remember through Word and Bread Sun, 2/28: Ex 3:1-8a,13-15; Ps 103:1-4,6-8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 Mon, 2/29: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Tue, 3/1: Dn 3:25,34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab 6,7bc,8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wed, 3/2: Dt 4:1,5-9; Ps 147:12-13,15-16,19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thur, 3/3: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Fri, 3/4: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Sat, 3/5: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sun, 3/6: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Reflection question: Adult: What important work could bear fruit in your life right now if you have more confidence in God’s loving care? Child: What great work would you like to do as you grow older? What can you do to begin now? Confused Catholic? Inactive Catholic? Alienated Catholic? An Invitation to Consider COMING HOME AGAIN (We’ve missed you.) If you’ve been away from the church, or are drifting away from it, if you’ve been hurt by the church, or are confused or angry because of your Catholic experience, please consider our invitation to come and talk with us. If you are an active Catholic who would like to assist with this ministry, we welcome your help. Reflection and questions from RCL Benziger. LANDINGS Mission San Luis Obispo Jack Pierce • 541-4464 Grief Support Group • St. Patrick’s Parish, Arroyo Grande This 9 week support group, facilitated by Terri Bledsoe, will begin Wednesday, March 2nd from 6 - 7:30 pm Cost: $25.00 includes workbook and materials. Grief is a normal response to loss. It can affect our lives on all levels and can take a toll on us spiritually, physically and emotionally. You do not need to grieve alone…gain support from others in a faith-based, safe, healing environment. Contact Terri at the St. Patrick’s Parish Office for more information and to register. 489-2680 L ist of Music for 3rd Sunday of Lent Entrance Chant: # 672 Hosea Kyrie: # 924 Mass of Spirit and Grace (Manalo) Gloria: (Not sung during Lent) READINGS BEGIN ON PAGE 79 Responsorial Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind and Merciful; Merciful is the Lord. Lent Gospel Acclamation: # 927 Mass of Spirit and Grace Presentation of the Gifts: # 513 Christ in Me Arise Mass of Spirit and Grace # 928 Holy # 931 Mystery of Faith # 932 Amen # 933 Lamb of God Communion Chant: # 667 Turn to Me # 393 These Alone Are Enough Sending Forth: # 134 Beyond the Days Mass Intentions Initials in italics indicate scheduled Presider SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 7:00 (BV) Int of David and Alanna Mack 5:30 (JN) †Nicolas M. Baran SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 Third Sunday of Lent 7:00 (RB) †Arnie & Stephanie Perozzi †Jim Zanoli †Lilie & Dennis Perozzi 9:00 (RB) †Manuel Amaral Intention of Parishioners 11:00 (RB) †Eddie Sanchez †Debbie Fisher 12:30 (BV) Int of Guillermo Loayza Int of Argelia Diaz 6:00 (JN) Int of the Bob Love Family Int of Mary Peracca 7:30 (BV) Int of Iris Olva †Oswaldo Israel Garcia Alvarez & †Magdalena Chavarria Zamora MONDAY FEBRUARY 29 7:00 (JN) †Patti Moerman Int of David Allen 12:10 (JN) †Frank Cimino †Allison Bailey TUESDAY MARCH 1 7:00 (RB) Int of Tomas V. Abelkis †Pattti Moerman 12:10 (RB) Int of The Legreid Family †Alice & Joe Varela WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 7:00 (JN) Int of Betty Wall & Family Int of Gina Dennerlein & Family 12:10 (BV) Int of Birute M McBride †Julia Morris THURSDAY MARCH 3 7:00 (BV) †Clay Saam Int of Karen Brown 12:10 (BV) †Greg Morris Int of Grace Allen FRIDAY MARCH 4 7:00 (BV) Int of all Living & Deceased Veterans †Daniel Lopez 12:10 (BV) †Mabel Pence †Fr. Alberto Battagliola SATURDAY MARCH 5 7:00 (BV) †Sigute Marija Abelkis †John Callero 5:30 (RB) †Nicolas M. Baran †Msgr. Joseph Stieger SUNDAY MARCH 6 Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:00 (RB) †Bernard & Ruth Dusek 9:00 (RB) †Fr.Douglas Keating †Mabel Pence 11:00 (RB) Int of Aurea Cruz †Pimentel & Gomes 12:30 (BV) Int of Guillermo Loayza †Ofelia Galvan 6:00 (BV) †Emily Tilton 7:30 (BV) Intention of Parishioners PAGE 4 Prayer Requests... R.I.P. † Fr. Jim Nisbet’s Scripture Class 7:00 pm Mondays in the Hall 10:30 am Tuesdays in the Hall The classes run one hour each in the form of a lecture with opportunity for questions at the end. They are separate areas of studies. Scripture Study Reflect on Readings for this coming Sunday’s Masses. Scripture study meets each Wednesday at l:00 pm, following the 12:10 Mass in the Serra room. We read the scripture for the following Sunday and reflect on and discuss the readings. As a group we nourish one another by sharing our faith and reflecting on our own experiences in our journey. Missalettes and other materials are provided. Any questions? Please call the Parish Center at 781-8220. Pray the Rosary With Us Every MONDAY evening at 5:45 pm, we pray the Rosary. Share devotions and petitions while praying as a spiritual community in our historic Old Mission CHAPEL. Please join us and stay for one or more decades of the rosary. Ave Maria, Friends! Adults Seeking Confirmation Did you miss confirmation in high school and is the Spirit calling you to complete your initiation through the sacrament of Confirmation? Like Samuel in 1 Sam 3: 9-10 will you respond to God’s calling? NOW is your window of opportunity. Call Terry for more info. 781-8220 ext. 15 or email tburrows@ Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners may call 781-8220, x35 for information and dates about baptism for their children. Baptism classes: Spanish class will be Mar 7 at 7 pm Mabel Pence, English class will be Feb 28 at 2 pm and All who have died this week. Social Justice Ministry Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the Serra Center. Join us to learn what our new projects are, and what you can do to help. We are enjoying our Lenten study “Reflections on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy”. Sharing ideas for living the Gospel is a rewarding exercise. DON’T FORGET: TUESDAYS IN LENT: You are very welcome to join us on Tuesday evenings in the Youth Center. We have a homemade soup supper with bread and butter-delicious! -at 5:30 pm then our study period is from 6 to 7 pm. Bring a bowl and a spoon and a prayerful attitude....Our group is growing! Lent is to be shared! “How we treat each other is how we are treating God” -Mother Teresa Love SLO is an exciting new community-wide day of service to be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016. We’re encouraging as many community members as possible to come together to celebrate their hometown and work alongside one another to benefit organizations throughout the city as we meet local needs, demonstrate kindness and impact lives. The day begins at 8am with festivities in the Mission Plaza, followed by a morning rally at 8:45am. Most projects will run from 9:00am – 12:30pm. For more information or to sign up for this fabulous day of service, please visit We look forward to an awesome day coming together as a community to Love SLO. The Little Ones Jim Burrows ©2016 Jim Burrows If you or a member of your family would like the faith community of Mission Parish to join you in prayers for special needs, contact the parish office at 781-8220. We do occasionally take some names off of the list printed in the bulletin. The current list contains names received since Sept. 30, 2014. If we have taken a name from the printed list of a person still in need of prayers, please give us a call and we will happily put him or her back on. Please take some time this week to remember the following in your prayers: • For all in our parish family who are suffering serious or terminal illness • For Armed Forces Men and Women on Active Duty, and for Russ Kiger Michael J. Fox Marcia Kinneavy The Allwein Family Curry Koehler Dave Anderson Nate Kovesdi Virginia Aranico Rachel Kovesdi Betty Arbogast Jason Lal Santos Arrona Valerie Lambert Margaret Askelund David Lewelling Amy Baptiste Maria Limon Cindy Bebereia Terry Lovejoy Nelson Bermudez Maria Teresita Luna Joann Bernadette Manuel Luvano Taylor Blete Ben Mangabat Ines Bongio Flor Manuero Paul Bonjour Ernie Martin Jerry Bonsato Vern Mason Adrianne Bright Nancy McDonough Kevin Bright Carol McDowell Karen Brown Marsha McGowan Charlene Casciola Georgina Mele David Cicinato Enrique Melendez Maryanne Cicinato Trish Michalski Regina Clarke Ellen Miller Shawn Clarke Dawn Mirabelli Jeff Cole Humberto Monge Cathy Connor Judith Moreno Elena Corbelli Cira Mejia Nevi Renee Curco Cecilia Nievez Anna Dahan Nancy & John Deering Eliodoro Nievez Jesse Nieves John Deering, Jr Julian Nieves Imelda Delossanpos Julianna Nievez Santiago, Camila Diaz Nievez Family Kambria Doherty Bill Oldson Carolyn Dolecki James Oldson Elise Duclos Don Owens Jinah Duncan Connie Pillsbury Richard Engel Jack & Christine Sally Equinoa Poggemeyer & Family Janel Ferguson Brian Porterfield & family Charles Fetyko Sean Porterfield Faith Ann Fieldhouse Alex Putnam Griffth Flick Dana Rasmissen Kay Foster Juan B. Rivera James Fowler Gladys Fraund & Family Frank Reed Gloria Rosinni & Family Charles Freeman Charles Saint Vincent Mary Ella Garder Jerry Salmina Nadia Ghobrial Jenna Scott Hank Gibbs Dennis X. Shea Spencer Godsey Dorothy Ellis Goldberg Connie Smith Steve Smith Walt Gonyer Irene Strateny Mary Grimes Fr. Mark Stetz Median Guideal Diane Suderman Paula Gurney Susi & Erich Garney and Vicky Hall Li Way Way Hernandez Derek Thoele Pax Thomas Kay Heaton Shannon Thompson Claire Hester Joyce Villa Gary Hitchcock Keona Walker Maria Jackson Diane Whittaker Bea Jeong Paul Willis Barry Karleskint ADULT ENRICHMENT PAGE 5 February 28, 2016 • Third Sunday of Lent Our 16 catechumens are now elected by Bishop Garcia to receive sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Join us in praying for them at the three scrutinies – this weekend at the 9 am mass, March 5 at the 5:30 pm mass and March 13 at the 6 pm mass. Old Mission School Students in grades three through eight at Old Mission School take turns planning and hosting our weekly Wednesday 8:00 Liturgies. We spend time learning about the Mass and practicing each student responsibility. The students are proud of their reverent participation, and they invite all parishioners to join us at our Wednesday 8:00 Liturgies at Old Mission Church. Old Mission Catholic School is currently accepting applications for preschool through eighth grade. Our entire school community is dedicated to the development of socially responsible citizens for the twenty-first century who are spiritually empowered, academically enriched, and morally accountable for their actions. For more information or to obtain an application, please visit our website at www. or call 543-6019. Come see us! A Catholic education is a great advantage for life! St. Patrick’s ICF Lent Fish Fries On Fridays during Lent. March 4 & 18 from 4 - 7 pm at St. Patricks Church Hall, 501 Fair Oaks Ave, Arroyo Grande. Join us for a delicious fish & chips and coleslaw dinner. Prices range from $6 for a 1-piece fish dinner up to $12 for a 4-piece fish dinner. Take-outs available. Beer, wine, soda and bottled water available for purchase and desserts will be available for a donation. Everyone is welcome! For more information, call (805) 489-2680. G Y outh Ministry ALL YOUTH ARE WELCOME! 7th & 8th Grade • Most Fridays 7:00-8:30 pm in the Youth Center Next meeting Friday, March 4th. This Week........................... Saturday February 27 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday February 28 High School 3rd Sunday of Lent Confirmation (years 1 & 2) Monday Next Meeting Monday, Feb 29th. Year 1 - 4-5:45 pm on March 20th “Christian Service” - in Parish Hall Year 2 - 4-5:45 pm on March 13th “Sealed with the Holy Spirit” - in Parish Hall For more info contact Evan O’Reilly at E lementary Faith Formation We will not meet again until March 6. Families of children in their second year of preparation are working on their Reconciliation folders. See you to celebrate the sacrament on March 8 at 6:30 pm. This week you are learning about the needs of our brothers and sisters in Rwanda, through our CRS rice bowls. Looking forward to trying the recipe for Kawunga? Looks good! Terry Burrows at 781-8220 ext. 15, or Spring Fund Raiser to Benefit the Newman Catholic Center, SLO The Newman Catholic Center of San Luis Obispo will host the annual Spring Fund Raiser dinner and auction on Saturday, March 12th at the Madonna Inn Garden Room to supplement funding for their ministry to students at Cal Poly and Cuesta Community College. Dinner tickets are $80.00 per person and reverse drawing tickets are $50.00 each. You could be the lucky winner of $3,500.00 in the reverse drawing. Only 200 tickets will be sold. You need not be present to win. To purchase dinner tickets or reverse drawing tickets, go to our website, 9 am Coffee & Donuts Social -after mass 5:45 pm Rosary Group -Chapel 7 pm Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall 7 pm High School Yth Nite -Yth Ctr Tuesday S econd Collection Next Week March 1 10:30 am Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall 5:30 pm Social Justice Lent Study Grp -Youth Center 6 pm Knights of Columbus -Hall 7 pm Social Justice -Serra Center Wednesday March 2 1 pm Scripture Study -Serra Ctr 6:30 pm ProCathedral Choir -Church 7 pm Knights of Columbus -Hall Thursday Friday March 3 March 4 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the Chapel Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Stations of the Cross • Vía Crucis in the Church: 6 pm English • 7:30 pm Spanish 7 pm 7th & 8th Grade Youth Night -Youth Center Saturday March 5 10 am 1st Saturday Mass at Cemetery 10 am Sung Rosary - Church 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 2nd Collection -Catholic Relief Services Sunday March 6 4th Sunday of Lent 9 am Coffee & Donuts Social -after mass 10:30 am Elementary Faith Formation - Grades 1-6 at Old Mission School ift Shop News We have books of prayer and meditations for Lent, Children’s books and of course a full line of Bibles and Missals. We appreciate all of your support and hope you will be pleased with our selections throughout the Lenten Season. We are here to serve you 7 days a week – from 9-4PM. You are always, Welcome!! Bienvenidos. February 29 Next weekend we will taking up the annual collection for Catholic Relief Services. Our Weekly Offering 13,500 The Old Mission Budget requires $10,557.00 per week to meet expenses. 11,500 The collection for Sunday, February 21, 2016 was $ 13,771.00 * *includes $ 2,800.00 Electronic Funds Transfer donations this week. We thank you for your continued support and generosity. 12,500 10,500 9,500 8,500 7,500 LA VOZ LATINA Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma “YO SOY” Lo que el pueblo esclavizado de Israel necesitaba era la bondad y misericordia de Dios, y esas dos cosas llegaron bajo la forma de una liberación. Llegaron por medio de un caudillo, Moisés, que cuando niño fue salvado de las aguas del Nilo, y ahora estaba pastoreando las ovejas de su suegro en el desierto. La zarza que ardía sin consumirse nos muestra que Dios es un misterio inagotable. El temor y respeto de Moisés están mezclados con una confianza conmovedora, cuando trata de averiguar el Nombre del Señor. Y Dios le responde dulcemente con un Nombre –YO SOY– que distingue al Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob de los diosecitos de las naciones, que “no-son”. Esos diosecitos de nada son impotentes e inútiles. Moisés tiene que avanzar hacia un futuro increíble, y Dios lo espera allí con mano poderosa y brazo extendido. Es como si el Señor le dijera, “Ve, y verás”. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Los Viernes de Cuaresma estaremos rezando el Vía Crucis a las 7:30 de la tarde, y durante el rezo de los Vía Crucis habrá también confesiones para todos aquellos que gusten recibir el perdón misericordioso de Dios. Recordemos que el año Jubilar es un año de gracia muy especial para quienes quieran aprovecharlo. T RADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Muchas naciones latinoamericanas son beneficiadas por organizaciones caritativas extranjeras. Pero estas organizaciones no siempre pueden suplir las necesidades de los pueblos latinoamericanos, por eso los obispos de Chile buscaron la manera de motivar a su pueblo para que ayude a sus propios desafortunados. En 1982 los obispos chilenos crearon una nueva practica cuaresmal llamada la Campaña de Fraternidad. Esta Campaña se motiva en las observancias penitenciales de la oración, el ayuno y la caridad. Esta práctica de la Iglesia chilena se basa en la tradición cristiana de las obras de caridad y la acción social. La Campaña de Fraternidad también se funda en la espiritualidad cristiana de la hermandad. Los que tienen la manera de ayudar han compartido a través de los proyectos de esta obra con jóvenes en riesgo social, madres solteras, ancianos, prisioneros y otros grupos marginados. Esto se hace en un espíritu de mutualidad entre los hijos e hijas del creador. Esta campaña cuaresmal nos desafía a buscar la manera de ayudar a los pobres no como personas necesitada sino como hermanas y hermanos en Cristo a los cual debemos nuestra cooperación para mejorar sus vidas. Ellos en torno son la presencia de Cristo quien se encuentra en los más pequeños de la sociedad. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia 28 de febrero de 2016 Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma El Papa Francisco quiere que 24 horas para el Señor, una iniciativa para ofrecer todo el día el Sacramento de la Reconciliación, se lleve a cabo en todo el mundo este viernes y sábado. Celebrado con su frecuentemente recomendada “ternura”, la Reconciliación es “un recurso de verdadera paz interior” dice el Papa Francisco, “porque nos permite experimentar en carne propia la grandeza de la misericordia” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). En el Evangelio de Lucas, Jesús nos advierte de no juzgar a nuestros prójimos. Al contrario, dice Jesús, en profundizar o restaurar nuestra propia relación con Dios, para que durante esta Cuaresma primaveral el jardinero pueda usar el estiércol de la vida (la palabra que está en la parábola es “fertilizar”) para inducir un fruto fresco de un árbol que parece irremediablemente estéril —¡nosotros! Las parroquias preparando a catecúmenos pueden elegir el Evangelio de Juan, el cual de la misma manera advierte de no juzgar. Imagine lo que los vecinos de toda la vida de la mujer samaritana pensaron de sus varias relaciones. Pero al descubrir a Jesús, también compartieron su Buena Nueva —y también a Jesús— con esos mismos vecinos; ella, quien muy probablemente fue juzgada muy pecadora, en su lugar se convirtió en su evangelizadora y “misionera de la misericordia” —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. ¿Te perdiste la oportunidad de hacer la Confirmación en la escuela secundaria y el Espíritu Santo te está llamando para completar tu iniciación a través del Sacramento de la Confirmación? AHORA es tu oportunidad. Llama a Terry Burrows al 781-8220 ext 15 para recibir mas información. BAUTISMOS Los feligreses registrados en la Misión de San Luis Obispo pueden llamar al 781-8220 para obtener información y fechas para bautizar a sus hijos. Las clases de bautismo en español son el primer lunes de cada mes. Quinceañeras Avisar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. 1. Llame para verificar que el templo y el sacerdote están disponibles para la fecha deseada. 2. Llame a la coordinadora de Ceci Pimienta, al (805)806-0536 para seguir el proceso de preparación. ¿Quieres saber cómo convertirte al catolicismo? ¿Ya fuiste bautizado pero deseas saber cómo convertirte a la fe católica? Estamos felices de iniciar una conversación contigo al respecto. Llama a Terry 781-8220 ext 15. Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. SANDRA SOUZA Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! BC-HIS, ACA Audioprosthologist Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences email: Call Frank Saldana 800.231.0805 3830-5 Broad St., SLO (In Marigold Center) The Most Complete 805.547.9500 Online National 1704 Spring St., Ste. 101 Paso (Spring & 17th) Directory of Check It Out Today! CHRYSLER - DODGE - RAM - JEEP - MAZDA 3550 Broad Street • San Luis Obispo • CA 93401 800.549.8500 • 805.543.7321 Fax 805.543.1949 Catholic Parishes WEIPERT’S R.V. STORAGE Motor Homes • Trailers • Boats • Cars 4355 Vachell Ln. 543-7179 The only OB/Gyn in the Central Valley specializing in natural women’s health, fertility and motherhood aligned with pro-life Catholic Church teachings. 4770 W. Herndon Ave., Suite 109 Fresno, CA 93722 559-450-7128 CONTRACTORS GLASS CO. Windows • Glass • Mirrors Shower Doors • Skylights 60 Prado Rd. S.L.O., CA Don Sverchek 805/543-0871 Amie E. Holmes, MD Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ............... 24/7 HELP ............... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 913000 Old Mission San Luis Obispo (B) Mon-Sat 10:00 AM 5:30 PM 2640 Broad St. 544-0720 It’s a great place to DONATE and SHOP! We gladly accept donations including furniture and unwanted cars. Ser ving SLO County for 35 years. a 501c 3 non-profit organization For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 For Those Just Right Appearances University Barber Shop 543-8253 Appt. Not Always Necessary Women & Children Welcome RIZZO FAMILY CAFÉ ROMA IS NOW OPEN ON SUNDAY FOR DINNER AT 5PM ALSO BANQUET FACILITIES ARE AVAILABE University Sq. 892 Foothill Blvd., SLO 1020 RAILROAD AVE. 805.541.6800 FAX 786.2522 JOHN A. RONCA JR. • A L AW C O R P O R AT I O N • J OHN A. RONCA J R . ATTORNEY AT LAW 755 SANTA ROSA ST., STE. 310 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 (805) 544-7551 BUDGET CAFE 241 SOUTH BROADWAY, STE. 201 ORCUTT, CA 93455 (805) 349-7900 The Breakfast & Lunch Place 3121 S. Higuera St., Suite J San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 FAX (805) 544-7556 EMAIL: 805-543-5024 Rhonda Mayeda WEB: “YOUR LOCAL BROKER since 1971” ACROSS FROM MISSION SLO in the historic Sauer-Adams Adobe ADOBE REALTY FREE LIST OF PROPERTIES Alex Gough 964 Chorro 805-748-5952 805-543-2693 1104 Palm Street • San Luis Obispo, CA 805.439.0391 • • Corporate & Business Law • Wills, Trusts & Estates • Land Use • Litigation Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, member of FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Ziyad I. Naccasha ARROYO GRANDE 805-546-8785 805.489.4625 SAN LUIS OBISPO BRETT GARRETT, DMD, MS Parishioner 805.544.3223 2 CONVENIENT OFFICES IN SLO AND ARROYO GRANDE Jesus A to Z DENISE SILVA TOPHAM BRE #01333775 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 REIS FAMILY MORTUARY & CREMATORY 991 Nipomo St., San Luis Obispo, CA 913000 Old Mission San Luis Obispo (A) 805.801.7389 Office 805.544.6060 1320 SANTA ROSA STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 544-7400 GENE REIS KIRK REIS For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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