Easter Sunday - Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
Easter Sunday - Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Pro Cathedral Founded September 1, 1772 Mass Schedule Saturday: 7:00 am, and 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday:: English Sunday English:: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Spanish: 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm Weekdays:: 7:00 am and 12:10 pm Weekdays Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday:: 4:00 - 4:30 pm Saturday Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord • March 27, 2016 This Weekend’s Schedule: March 26 HOLY SATURDAY • SÁBADO SANTO Easter Vigil • Vigilia Pascual 8 pm Vigil Mass • Bilingual March 27 EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA Masses in Church: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Spanish Masses at MCP Gym: 9:10 & 11:10 am NOTE: No Evening Masses on Easter Sunday From our Pastor...... Dear Family in Christ, Easter has arrived about as early as possible this year. Lent began in mid-winter and the first day of spring fell on Palm Sunday, the beginning of our Holy Week. Something about this season of rebirth, to see our tawny hills painted in living green, inspires within us an inexpressible hope and wonder. In some way, we are again young and the world is filled with every possibility. New life emerges from roots and bulbs which had withered, or seemingly from nowhere at all. Could Easter come at any time other than spring? Easter is the springtime of our faith. Wherever we may be along life’s journey, we sense more than we see, the possibility of renewed life or new life, in the very air we breathe and in the faith we share. Jesus said to his disciples that he came into the world that we might have life, and have it in abundance. Easter is the season in which we open our minds, and hearts, and lives to the possibility of embracing abundance; life overflowing and unending. The sweet smell of Spring carried on the morning breeze is a sample, a foretaste as St. Paul might say, of the eternal Spring our Lord has prepared for us in his love and kindness. There are some for whom this season may be their last spring on earth with its many joys and sorrows; only to rejoice in that first taste of eternal spring in God’s Kingdom. This is the enduring mystery of Easter. That knowledge, that faith, and that hope are what make us to be Easter people throughout the year. Our soul embraces all that this time on earth presents to us, even as our spirit lives already with a view to the everlasting. That is the Paschal Mystery. That is what Christ our Lord lived and suffered to reveal to us, to reassure us with a hope that reaches beyond whatever limitations surround our present lives. I invite you to put on your Easter best, to put on Christ as St. Paul suggests. And come celebrate the spiritual springtime of our lives in faith throughout the Easter season, as disciples of Jesus Christ our Lord. On behalf of Fr. Braulio and Fr. Jim, Deacon Chuck and Deacon Jim and all the staff at Old Mission I wish you a most Happy Easter. May God bless you this season and pour out His grace upon your lives and good works. Fr. Russell Brown Pastor D ivine Mercy Sunday Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Bilingual Mass at Mission San Luis Obispo Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 5:30 pm Celebrated by Bishop Richard Garcia Divine Mercy Sunday, celebrated the Sunday after Easter Sunday, is a relatively new addition to the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar. Celebrating the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ, as revealed by Christ Himself to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, this feast was extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000, the day that he canonized Saint Faustina. PAGE 2 Parish Center Administration Monthly Mass at Old Mission Cemetery Rev. Russell Brown, Pastor Rev. Braulio Valencia, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jim Nisbet, In Residence Deacon Chuck M. Roeder, Permanent Deacon Deacon Jim Burrows, Permanent Deacon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mr. James D. Childs, Principal Mission College Prep Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal Old Mission Elementary Office: 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 781-8220 Fax (805) 781-8214 E-mail: office@oldmissionslo.org Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm Wednesdays Noon to 5 pm Chapel Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 4 pm Website: www.missionsanluisobispo.org Unless otherwise noted, all phone numbers are Ext. # (Voice Mail Extensions) Pastor 16 Fr. Braulio Valencia Parochial Vicar 32 Deacon Chuck Roeder Permanent Deacon 14 Deacon Jim Burrows Permanent Deacon 11 Theresa Shipsey Business Practices 13 Corina Onato Office Manager 20 Erika Zaldumbide Office Assistant 15 Terry Burrows Faith Formation, Altar Servers 29 Evan O’Reilly Youth Ministry 35 Donna Fioravanti Baptisms 23 Erika Siciliano Faith Formation Assistant 18 Rosalba Torres Office Assistant, Translations 19 Patty Moyer Pepper (441-7901) Pastoral Care Ministry 38 Gayne Pinto-Bennett (704-1373) Bereavement Ministry Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors 36 Minerva Soto Gift Shop Manager 22 Iva Svitek • Music Ministry Jocelyn Roeder • (544-2707) Liturgy Coordinator Nancy Kelso-Doody (748-0775) Events & Environment Coordinator Jack & Eunice Pierce (541-4464) Landings Program 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the Oratory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (former Sister’s chapel). Divine Mercy and Rosary at 3 pm. Petitions and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 pm. Easter is past and many of you have attended Adoration during Lent. We know that God is pleased but we need to continue our prayers. Prayers are needed for wisdom this election year, for a president who is faith-filled and has a love for the people of our country. We also need prayers to dispel the many anti-Christian feelings. Please help us to show our faith and trust in God’s mercy and may He continue to be pleased with our efforts of showing Him our special love in Adoration. Come! Share Our History 781-8220 26 Fr. Russell Brown First Friday, April 1, 2016 Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America. For more information call 594-1219. Use your bar code scanner for quick access to our Parish Website Parish Staff & Ministries The monthly 1st Saturday Mass at the Old Mission cemetery for April will be April 2nd at 10 am celebrated by Fr. Philip Garcia. All are welcome to join us. Finance Council Gayla Newman Ann Palmer Charles Porter Bernie Suttle Chris Will Schools & Campus Ministry Old Mission School (543-6019) Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal 761 Broad St., SLO 93401 www.oldmissionschool.com Mission College Preparatory (543-2131) Mr. James D. Childs, Principal 682 Palm St., SLO 93401 Newman Catholic Center (543-4105) Fr. John Ulrich, S.M. and Fr. Kevin Duggan, S.M. 1472 Foothill, SLO 93401 Ministries Gift Shop & Museum (543-6850) Open 7 days per week 9 am - 4 pm (Winter hours) (9 am - 5 pm Summer hours) Social Justice Ministry Delores Winje (543-4064) St. Vincent de Paul (544-7041) Public Assistance Tuesdays at Prado 2-3 pm Thursdays at Old Mission 3-4 pm by Appointment only Catholic Charities Office 541-9110 Did you ever want to give tours, share our history, learn more about the early Mission days? The Mission Docents are planning a “Spring Training” on the following Saturdays: April 16, 23, 30, May 7 & 14. Come to learn about our early history and the peoples who pioneered at this Mission.Topics to be covered are: St. Louis, Chumash/ Salinian history, Early explorers, Mission Era, Rituals, Art, Bells, How to give tours, plus much more. We will meet at 9:30 in the Serra Room. Sessions will be approximately 1 ½ hours in length. Please join us for these informative sessions. Ministry Opening: Catholic Chaplain at the San Luis Obispo County Jail and Juvenile Hall (Paid position; open to laity or clergy) Restorative Partners seeks to hire a part-time Catholic Chaplain. Primary duties include: • Oversight of religious programming i.e. Sunday services, Spiritual Counseling; Bible Study and Spirituality Programs • Volunteer recruitment, training, scheduling and supervision • Coordination and distribution of materials i.e. Bibles, Sunday service bulletins. Requirements include: • Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field • Three years’ as a chaplain or in a related field • Must possess a valid California driver’s license • Must pass a background check • Demonstrate a restorative justice approach to this ministry • Bilingual preferred If interested, please send your resume and cover letter to Sr. Theresa Harpin, C.S.J., Executive Director sistertheresa@restorativepartners.org Open Period: Monday, March 7, 2016 - April 15, 2016 Old Mission Thrift Store www.missionthrift.com 2640 Broad Street, SLO (544-0720) Mon-Sat 10 AM - 6 PM, Sunday 12 - 4 PM Old Mission Cemetery (541-0584) Care for Creation Instead of using plastic Easter grass, what about using live grass? It’s not too late - Easter lasts until the Feast of Pentecost on May 15. Check out ‘living Easter grass’ at http://tinyurl.com/h9arxmo PAGE 3 Mass Intentions Initials in italics indicate scheduled Presider SATURDAY MARCH 26 Welcome home! It’s a joy to have our church filled to the brim! If you’re a visitor and want to discover what being a Catholic is all about, give Terry a call or send an email. (see below) Also, Easter is about new life! Wanted: Catholics who haven’t been confirmed, or who weren’t married in the church, who have been away, have questions... Now’s the time to reach out! During this Year of Mercy let us help you get reconnected with the church. We miss you!!! Readings For This Week Listen and remember through Word and Bread Sun, 3/27: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2,16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:13-35 Mon, 3/28: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tue, 3/29: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wed, 3/30: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thur, 3/31: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Fri, 4/1: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Sat, 4/2: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sun, 4/3: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4,13-15,22-24; Rv 1:9-11a,12-13,17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Call Terry Burrows 781-8220 ext 15 tburrows@oldmissionslo.org R eturning and Inactive Catholics Welcome! If you are a Catholic who has been away, or are becoming less active, we invite you to be active again. LANDINGS is a program that offers a “safe place to land,” a place for listening and being heard, a place for asking questions and for reconnecting with the faith as an adult. If you are interested, please contact Jack Pierce, (805) 234-3854, (805) 541-4464 or email: jazzroutes@hotmail.com for more information. R EFLECTION OF THE WEEK March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord On Friday afternoon when Jesus died, the women had not been able to finish the customary preparation for burial. The Sabbath began at sundown on Friday, so Mary of Magdala hurried to the tomb Sunday morning to complete her task. She found the tomb empty. Certain that Jesus’ body had been stolen, she ran back to get the other disciples. Peter and the other disciple also found an empty tomb but with Jesus’ clothing rolled neatly and placed where his body had been. The disciples still didn’t understand about the resurrection and Mary wept. As she cried, two angels appeared asking why she was crying. She then saw a gardener and asked him where the body might be. When he called her by name, Mary immediately recognized Jesus. Reflection question: Adults: What change could the hope of the Resurrection of Christ inspire you to make? Children: What bad habit would you like to “clear out” during the hopeful time of this Easter season? Reflection and questions from RCL Benziger. http://rclblectionary.com Holy Sat rday 8:00 (RB) Int of Benefactors of Old Mission Parish †Michael Joseph Calonico †Addison James Fancon SUNDAY MARCH 27 Easter Sunday 7:00 (RB) †Bobbi Mares †Manuel Limon Int of Maria Limon 9:00 (BV) †Ben Maddalena †Mitzi & John Swabowski 9:10 at MCP (RB) Intention of Parishioners †George Kovesdi 11:00 (SR) †Benjamin-Priscilla-Loreto †E.C.-Aurelia-Lorenza 11:10 at MCP (RB) Intention of Parishioners 1:00 (BV) Int of Guillermo Loayza MONDAY MARCH 28 7:00 (RB) †Patti Moerman Int of Candy Castanares 12:10 (RB) †Lucile Loughlin †Mabelle Pence TUESDAY MARCH 29 7:00 (RB) Int of Carol Ackerman Int of Angi Arends 12:10 (RB) Int of Maria Jackson Int of Jim & Terry Burrows & family WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 7:00 (RB) †Nelson Mc Intyre †Estefany Sarabia 12:10 (BV) †Gretchen Rademacher THURSDAY MARCH 31 7:00 (BV) †Jack Tompkins Ready †Estefany Sarabia 12:10 (BV) †Jeff Cole FRIDAY APRIL 1 7:00 (BV) Int of Tomas V. Abelkis †Patti Moerman 12:10 (RR) Int of all Living & Deceased Veterans Int of Ilis Perlini SATURDAY APRIL 2 7:00 (BV) †Bernard & Ruth Dusek †Diane Fisher 5:30 (RG) †Rita Marie Goehner (10 years) †Nicolas M. Baran †Bill Oldson SUNDAY APRIL 3 2nd Sunday of Easter 7:00 (RR) †Gumensindo & Paulina Wamar Int of Gloria Ruiz 9:00 (RB) †Mary Hill 11:00 (RB) Int of Aurea Cruz Int of Rose & Al Amaral 12:30 (BV) †Moises Luis 6:00 (BV) Intention of Parishioners 7:30 (BV) †Mary Flor Serpa, Family & Friends PAGE 4 Prayer Requests... If you or a member of your family would like the faith community of Mission Parish to join you in prayers for special needs, contact the parish office at 781-8220. We do occasionally take some names off of the list printed in the bulletin. The current list contains names received since Jan. 30, 2015. If we have taken a name from the printed list of a person still in need of prayers, please give us a call and we will happily put him or her back on. Please take some time this week to remember the following in your prayers: • For all in our parish family who are suffering serious or terminal illness • For Armed Forces Men and Women on Active Duty, and for R.I.P. † Nate Kovesdi Rachel Kovesdi Jason Lal Valerie Lambert David Lewelling Maria Limon Terry Lovejoy Maria Teresita Luna Manuel Luvano Ben Mangabat Flor Manuero Ernie Martin Vern Mason Nancy McDonough Carol McDowell Georgina Mele Enrique Melendez Trish Michalski Ellen Miller Dawn Mirabelli Humberto Monge Cira Mejia Nevi Cecilia Nievez Jesse Nieves Julian Nieves Julianna Nievez Nievez Family Eileen O’Melveny & family Connie Pillsbury Jack & Christine Poggemeyer & Family Brian Porterfield & family Sean Porterfield Alex Putnam Dana Rasmissen Juan B. Rivera Frank Reed Paprocini Rodriguez Gloria Rosinni & Family Charles Saint Vincent Jenna Scott Dennis X. Shea John Silva Connie Smith Fr. Mark Stetz Diane Suderman Susi & Erich Shannon Thompson Joyce Villa Keona Walker Diane Whittaker Paul Willis Fr. Jim Nisbet’s Scripture Class 7:00 pm Mondays the Hall NOTE: Fr. Jim’s in Classes 10:30Monday am Tuesdays the Hall both andin Tuesday The classes run one hour WILL NOT MEET this week. each in the form his of aMonday lecture He will resume with opportunity classes April 18for and his questionsClasses at the end. They Tuesday April 12th. are separate areas of studies. Scripture Study Reflect on Readings for this coming Sunday’s Masses. Scripture study meets each Wednesday at l:00 pm, following the 12:10 Mass in the Serra room. We read the scripture for the following Sunday and reflect on and discuss the readings. As a group we nourish one another by sharing our faith and reflecting on our own experiences in our journey. Missalettes and other materials are provided. Any questions? Please call the Parish Center at 781-8220. Pray the Rosary With Us Every MONDAY evening at 5:45 pm, we pray the Rosary. Share devotions and petitions while praying as a spiritual community in our historic Old Mission CHAPEL. Please join us and stay for one or more decades of the rosary. Ave Maria, Friends! Adults Seeking Confirmation Did you miss confirmation in high school and is the Spirit calling you to complete your initiation through the sacrament of Confirmation? Like Samuel in 1 Sam 3: 9-10 will you respond to God’s calling? NOW is your window of opportunity. Call Terry for more info. 781-8220 ext. 15 or email tburrows@ oldmissionslo.org Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners may call 781-8220, x35 for information and dates about baptism for their children. Jeff Cole, Gretchen Rademacher, Baptism classes: Spanish class will be Apr 4 at 7 pm Moises Luis, Peter Stoner, and All who have died this week. English class will be Apt 24 at 2 pm Social Justice Ministry Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the Serra Center. Join us to learn what our new projects are, and what you can do to help. Alleluia! Alleluia!! He is risen!! On this most joyous feast of the year, the members of the Social Justice committee wish you happy, holy and healthy Easter blessings! We are reminded of Christ’s promise “I will give you joy which no power can take from you”.. We are thankful for God’s gift of rain which has beautifully turned our hills and byways into lush greenery, a magical sight! Spring is here-sing out praise to our Risen Christ! Again we say “Alleluia! He has risen from the dead!” P llease, ease, continue continue tto op pray ray ffor or a adequate dequate e rrain. ain. Mother’s Day Cards and Flowers are Here! Treat your Mom and benefit ALPHA moms. Starting April 9-10 through April 30-May 1, Mother’s Day Cards will be available. Orders for bouquets will be taken and can be delivered before Mother’s Day, May 6- 7. For information, contact Faith Ann at 544-5634 or the ALPHA office at 541-3367/ The Little Ones Jim Burrows ©2016 Jim Burrows www.jimburrowsartist.com Ty Cooper Sandie Hirst The Allwein Family Dave Anderson Virginia Aranico Betty Arbogast Santos Arrona Margaret Askelund Amy Baptiste Juan Barron Cindy Bebereia Nelson Bermudez Joann Bernadette Ines Bongio Paul Bonjour Adrianne Bright Kevin Bright Karen Brown Charlene Casciola Regina Clarke Shawn Clarke Cathy Connor Elena Corbelli Imelda Delossanpos Santiago, Camila Diaz Carolyn Dolecki Elise Duclos Jinah Duncan Richard Engel Sally Equinoa Janel Ferguson Charles Fetyko Faith Ann Fieldhouse James Fowler Michael J. Fox Gladys Fraund & Family Charles Freeman Mary Ella Garder Nadia Ghobrial Spencer Godsey Dorothy Ellis Goldberg Walt Gonyer Mary Grimes Paula Gurney Garney and Vicky Hall Li Way Way Hernandez Kay Heaton Claire Hester Gary Hitchcock Geri House Maria Jackson Bea Jeong Barry Karleskint Russ Kiger Marcia Kinneavy ADULT ENRICHMENT PAGE 5 March 27, 2016 • Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord E lementary Faith Formation Amidst the Easter eggs & chocolate bunnies enjoy a ‘resurrection tomb cake’ or other fun lamb themed desserts (Jesus, our savior, the Lamb of God). Check out http://tinyurl.com/h9arxmo Terry Burrows at 781-8220 ext. 15, or tburrows@oldmissionslo.org Old Mission School The families and staff of Old Mission School wish everyone in the parish a most holy fifty days of Easter! May the hope and compassion of this season renew and transform our lives! Old Mission School will not be in session this last week as staff and families celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with a much appreciated week of vacation.School will resume as we gather for prayer and joyfully sing Alleluia at morning assembly on Monday, April 4. Old Mission Catholic School is currently accepting applications for preschool through eighth grade. Our entire school community is dedicated to the development of socially responsible citizens for the twenty-first century who are spiritually empowered, academically enriched, and morally accountable for their actions. For more information or to obtain an application, please visit our website at www.oldmissionschool.com or call 543-6019. Come see us! A Catholic education is a great advantage for life! Y outh Ministry ALL YOUTH ARE WELCOME! 7th & 8th Grade • Most Fridays 7:00-8:30 pm in the Youth Center No meeting March 25th or April 1st. Next meeting will be April 8th. High School This Week........................... Saturday March 26 Holy Saturday No Reconciliation today • Only One Mass today 8 pm Vigil Mass - Bilingual Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection No meeting on March 28th. Next Meeting Monday, April 4th in the Youth Center. Confirmation (years 1 & 2) Year 1 - 4-5:45 pm on April 17th “Scripture and Tradition” - in Parish Hall Year 2 - 4-5:45 pm on April 10th “Why and how to go to Reconciliation” - meet in Parish Hall For more info contact Evan O’Reilly at evan.oreilly@oldmissionslo.org G Happy Easter ift Shop News Feliz Pascua May you be filled with the Peace of our Lord on this Holy Day of the Ressurrection. Que la Paz de nuestro señor esté con ustedes en éste santo día de la resurrección Enjoy the Gardens and the joy of new life that is visible all around us. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses. The gift shop is closed today. We welcome you to visit us 7 days a week – from 9-5 PM. Bienvenidos A CONTEMPLATIVE ROSARY MISSION SAN LUIS OBISPO DE TOLOSA Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 10 am Mission Singers Ensemble & Piano Praying the Glorious Mysteries with Scripture and Song. A Contemplative Rosary is a pastoral response to Pope JohnPaul II’s Apostolic Letter on the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae), composed by Bob Hurd in San Jose, California, May 2005 Sunday Easter Sunday March 27 Masses in Church: English: 7:00, 9:00, 11 am, Spanish: 1:00 pm Masses at MCP Gym: English: 9:10 & 11:10 am No Evening Masses on Easter Sunday Monday March 28 Parish Offices Closed Today 5:45 pm Rosary Group -Chapel NO Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Back 4/18 NO High School Yth Nite -This Week Tuesday March 29 NO Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Back 4/12 Wednesday March 30 1 pm Scripture Study -Serra Ctr 6:30 pm ProCathedral Choir -Church Thursday Friday March 31 April 1 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the Chapel Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament NO 7th & 8th Grade Youth Night -Youth Center Saturday April 2 10 am Sung Rosary - Church 10 am 1st Saturday Mass at Cemetery 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:30 pm Special Bilingual Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday Presider: Bishop Richard Garcia (See Bulletin Cover) Sunday April 3 2nd Sunday of Easter 9 am Coffee & Donuts Social -after mass LA VOZ LATINA Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor Y la tristeza se convirtió en alegría y la alegría en esperanza. Creer en la resurrección de Jesús nos da la seguridad de que hay un futuro para cada ser humano. Es la respuesta de Dios a nuestras añoranzas de vida eterna. Es la prueba contundente de que Dios existe y de que Él es amor infinito, que sobrepasa el dolor, el sufrimiento y la muerte. El Padre resucitó a su Hijo para que nosotros no vivamos en la desesperación. Esta vida tiene de todo. Tiene penas, tiene dolor, tiene sufrimientos y muerte; pero también tiene alegrías, tiene placeres, gozos, momentos de felicidad indescriptible, con los cuales se alimenta nuestra convicción de que los males no pueden conducirnos a la derrota; siempre contamos con la fuerza de un Dios que nos invita a contemplar su victoria. En estos días hemos contemplado los días más trágicos de la vida de Jesús, hechos que nos conmueven hasta en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. Pero hoy, dos mil años después, El sigue sufriendo en la persona de nuestros prójimos y nos pide que de igual manera nos conmovamos por las tristezas y situaciones de carencia y dolor que viven nuestros hermanos; que no nos conformemos con ver las injusticias con las que se atropella y se condena a los demás; sino que nos comprometamos en la lucha por un mundo mejor. Ahora se nos invita a contemplar al Resucitado para que pensemos que nuestras luchas no serán en vano, sino que tendrán una recompensa grande al llamarnos a resucitar con El; lo cual no sucede de a gratis, hay que comprometerse y luchar sin desfallecer. ¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección! P. Braulio NOS ACORDAMOS DE TI Nos acordamos de ti, oh Jesús resucitado, el primero de entre los muertos. Tu resurrección destruye el poder de la muerte y cambia las lágrimas de agonía a lágrimas de alegría. ¡Bendito eres! —De Oraciones Biblicas, p. 163 por Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Publicado por World Library Publications. BAUTISMOS Los feligreses registrados en la Misión de San Luis Obispo pueden llamar al 781-8220 para obtener información y fechas para bautizar a sus hijos. Las clases de bautismo en español son el primer lunes de cada mes. Quinceañeras A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia ¡RESUCITÓ! Avisar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. 1. Llame para verificar que el templo y el sacerdote están disponibles para la fecha deseada. 2. Llame a la coordinadora de Ceci Pimienta, al (805)806-0536 para seguir el proceso de preparación. 27 de marzo de 2016 Domingo de Pascua: la Resurección del Señor Este es el día en que actuó el Señor, sea nuestra alegría y nuestro gozo. ¡Aleluya! En este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia la Pascua continua siendo la victoria de Dios misericordioso que levanta a Jesús “el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos y el soberano de los reyes de la tierra” (Apocalipsis 1:5), “el primogénito entre muchos hermanos” (Romanos 8:29), venciendo a la muerte en todas sus formas, en todos nos nosotros en la familia humana. En el Evangelio de la Vigilia, este año el de Lucas, ensajeros celestiales enviaron a las mujeres a anunciar (24:6). En el Evangelio de Juan, la tumba vacía igualmente “envía” a María Magdalena, Pedro y el Discípulo Amado, quienes creían aunque no entendían plenamente. Por último, en la tarde de este domingo de Pascua, el Evangelio de Lucas que cuenta la historia de Emaús, nos envía como “misioneros de misericordia”, asegurándonos que encontraremos al Señor Resucitado, hoy y cada día en “la persona desconocida” que encontramos en nuestro camino de la vida, en la “Palabra que hace que arda nuestros corazones” y “al partir el pan” (ver Lucas 24:32, 35). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. ¡Bienvenidos a casa! Es una alegría ver la iglesia llena! Si estas de visita y quieres descubrir lo que significa ser católico, llama a Terry o envíale un correo electrónico. ¡La Pascua es vida nueva! También andamos buscando a todos los católicos que no han sido confirmados, o a aquellos que no están casados por la iglesia, a los que han estado lejos... ¡Ahora es el momento de acercarse y preguntar! Dejen que los ayudemos a reconectar con la iglesia en este año tan especial de La Misericordia. ¡Los extrañamos! Llamen a Terry Burrows 781-8220 ext.15 o envienle un correo electrónico a: tburrows@ oldmissionslo.org TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hace casi dos mil años María Magdalena fue muy de mañana al sepulcro de Jesús. Fue a rezar como muchos hacemos ante la tumba de un ser amado. Esa mañana ella se convertiría en apóstol de los apóstoles, primera testigo de Jesús resucitado de entre los muertos. Siglos después el testimonio de la Magdalena sigue siendo importante en la historia cristiana. Durante estos días en Anguiano, España, hombres y jóvenes de las viejas familias de la zona bailan y caminan con una pequeña imagen de la Magdalena. Se visten con camisas y faldones largos de muchos colores, mostrando la belleza de la diversidad hispana. Ellos bailan en honor de esa santa mujer de Magdalena y lo hacen sobre andas de casi un metro de altura. Ellos toman la imagen desde la iglesia de su pueblo en las montañas en el norte del país y la llevan bailando por las calles empedradas bajando al santuario que han preparado para ella. Todo el pueblo reza y festeja en honor de la santa que fue buscando un difunto y se encontró con el Señor de la vida eterna. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. SANDRA SOUZA Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! BC-HIS, ACA Audioprosthologist Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences www.jspaluch.com email: saldanaf@jspaluch.com Call Frank Saldana 800.231.0805 3830-5 Broad St., SLO (In Marigold Center) The Most Complete 805.547.9500 Online National 1704 Spring St., Ste. 101 Paso (Spring & 17th) Directory of Check It Out Today! CHRYSLER - DODGE - RAM - JEEP - MAZDA 3550 Broad Street • San Luis Obispo • CA 93401 800.549.8500 • 805.543.7321 Fax 805.543.1949 www.coleautos.com Catholic Parishes WEIPERT’S R.V. 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