May 15, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
May 15, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 18223 Point Lookout Dr. Nassau Bay, Texas 77058-3594 281-333-3891 / Fax: 281-333-3815 Monday – Thursday Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12-1 p.m., M-F) The Clergy Staff Pastor, Rev. Wencil Pavlovsky (Ext. 325) Rev. James P. Bradley Retired Deacon Scott Daniel (Ext. 337) Deacon Arturo Monterrubio (713-741-8709) Deacon Servando Rojas (Ext. 337) Deacon Jim Lockwood Retired Deacon Hector Romeu Retired The Pastoral Staff Adult Faith Formation Heidi Clark Children’s Ministry Sara Fontana Early Childhood Program Vicky Kuehnel Liturgical Ministry Joyce Lubofsky Multicultural Ministry Esperanza Monterrubio Music Ministry David Rofrano Youth Ministry Katie Mahoney Business Manager Maria Conner Bookkeeper Theresa Waller Facilities Director Michael Centanni Parish Secretary Laura Ruzicka Assistant Secretary Elena Capetillo (Ext. 328) (Ext. 339) (Ext. 340) (Ext. 333) (Ext. 321) (Ext. 332) (Ext. 301) (Ext. 330) (Ext. 341) (Ext. 343) We Celebrate the Eucharist (Ext. 323) (Ext. 302) Gabriel Project (Ext. 338) Parish-based crisis pregnancy ministry Society of St. Vincent de Paul (281-333-2509) Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Thursday 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Appointment required for Financial Assistance but not for Food Pantry Weekday: Mass in English Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish) Jueves (Thursday) a las 7:00 p.m. Weekend: Mass in English Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish) Domingo (Sunday) a las 12:00 Mediodía Confessions: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Continuously in the Chapel 6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Saturday Volume XVIII No. 1836 FINANCE COUNCIL The Finance Council assists the Pastor in a consultative role with administration of parish goods, encouraging support of Parish and Archdiocesan stewardship programs for Time, Talent and Treasure. For more info contact the Finance Council at FinanceCouncil@stpaul 2016 Members Fr. Wencil Pavlovsky Chima Akanwa Maria Conner Jim Daniel Ramiro Novoa Clemente Quinatana Kathy Tamer Diana Tran PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council is a representative body of the faithful, whose focus is on the parish community and fostering the mission of the Church. It is presided over by the Pastor, with members assisting in a consultative basis to represent the interests and spiritual well-being of the parish. For more information, contact the Pastoral Council at PastoralCouncil@stpaul 2016 Members Jesus Adame Judith Crowley Mario Moreno Carlos Parra Demetrio Quezada Brenda Sanzone Cruz Torres Yvonne Vigue-Rodi Aaron Walz Susan Wells Barbara Wirth Regis Wrobleski Pentecost Sunday May 8 Financial Stewardship May 15, 2016 Administración Financiera 8 de mayo Regular On line deductions this period. $ 34,578.09 $ 11,948.09 $ 22,630.00 Contribuciones Regulares Deducciones De Línea Durante Este Periodo. Building Loan Payment April Capital Campaign Donations $ 36,900.34 $ 29,223.42 Préstamo del Edificio Donaciones de la Campaña Capital de abril Contributions Deficit funded from parish and ministry operating budgets 2016 DSF Pledged To Date (*205 Parishioners) Paid To Date *Increases as parishioners Respond to Archdiocese Appeal. **Half of all amounts donated over the $130,000 goal are applied to our building debt. The other half will go into Archdiocese DSF accounts. $7,676.92 $ 130,000** $ 89,270.00* $ 66,279.00 Déficit financiado por Fondos operacionales de la parroquia y los ministerios 2016 DSF Prometido al Día (*205 feligreses ) Pagado al Día *Número aumenta a lo que feligreses responden al apelación de la Arquidiócesis **La mitad de todos fondos donados sobre el objetivo de $130,000 serán aplicados a la deuda de nuestro edificio. El resto se destinara a cuentas de DSF de la Arquidiócesis. Are you starting to plan your summer vacations? Consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so that your gift can reach us even when you cannot. Visit and use our church code: TX596. Your gifts through Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances through the busy (but beautiful) summer months. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time and talents as well as treasure! ¿Comienzan a planear sus vacaciones de verano? Consideren la posibilidad de inscribirse en Faith Direct para que sus donaciones sigan regularmente ayudándonos alcázar nuestras cuentas incluso cuando no puedan estar presentes. Visiten y usen nuestro código de la iglesia: TX596. Sus regalos a través de Faith Direct ayudarán a estabilizar nuestras finanzas de la parroquia a través de los días ocupados del verano. Gracias por su constante apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial con su Tiempo y Talento, así como Tesoro. A second collection will be taken up to help with the deficit in donations ($7676) for our April building loan payment. Una segunda colección para ayudar con el déficit en donaciones ($7676) para el pago de abril del préstamo del edificio. SECOND COLLECTION May 21-22 Habitat for Humanity Our parish’s Habitat for Humanity ministry helps build homes for deserving families. Each year, because of your generosity, we contribute at least $5,000 toward the cost of construction materials for a Habitat home. Donation envelopes will be in the church pews the weekend of May 21-22 for you to use for your taxdeductible donation. Please make checks payable to St. Paul. We will write one, large check to Habitat for Humanity. Please be generous. The Chapel candle burns in loving memory of Ray LeMaster at the request of his sister, Sally Ondrizek. The Church candle burns in thanksgiving at the request of Mary Cooper. Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday Readings & Mass Intentions ♦ Lecturas Y Intenciónes de Misa (05/15/2016 – 05/21/2016) Sunday (Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:1923 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26) Pentecost Sunday 9:00 AM People of the Parish 12:00 PM Rosana Lourdes Wasa II, †Jesus Varela 5:00 PM †Fr. Don Schwarting, †Pavo Marinovic Monday (Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9:14-29) No Mass Tuesday (Jas 4:1-10; Mk 9:30-37) 8:30 AM †Irvin Zacek Wednesday (Jas 4:13-17; Jn 9:38-40) St. John I, Pope and Martyr 8:30 AM † Dan Berrigan SJ Thursday (Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:41-50) 8:30 AM †Rosa Ramirez 7:00 PM †Jesus Varela Friday (Jas 5:9-12; Mk 10:1-12) St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest 8:30 AM Susan Schreiter, Austin Tom Saturday (Jas 5:13-20; Mk 10:13-16) St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs; BVM Vigil: (Prv 8:22, 4352; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30) 8:30 AM †Maria Devote Calzarelli 5:00 PM †Joe Stellato, †Ray Daves Please Pray Fo Greg Wilson, Dcn. Frank Berntsen, Melvin Ellis, Marie & Bernie Brabant, Christie Gaspard, Kay Kirk, Cheryl Seids, Bettye Beason, Kon Delang, Nelda Zamora, Nelda Davila, Beverly Bubenik, Maite Evangelista, Kelly Barton, Donald Walker, Jo Michael, Bill & June Jung, Jerome & Bernadine Berend, John Ryan, Gerald Berend, Carol Weide, Donna Bova, Bill & Beverly Mann, Victoria Chavez, Mercedes Lopez, Barbara Williams, Ivy Dsouza, Kevin Krengle, Darin Clark, Joseph Ulloa, Beverly & Ken Tiger, Kristen Scott, Allison Schneider, Tony Falcon, Joyce Curtner, Marichu Arcilla Maullon-Asprer, Valerie Parisi, Lucio Martinez, Eduardo Gasca, Heather Valarino, Gerald Rivera, Ann Kuehnel, Martin Olson, Presy Carrera, Sharon Lee, Tom Halle, Leonel Garcia, Ellen & Sue Guy, Josie Travalos, Ray Fernandez, Carlotta Del Campo, Brittney Maynard, Daniel Adcock, Ernesto Rumbaoa, Frank O’Connor, Raymond Ciak, Wendy Wells, Chan Finch, Joe Garcia, Marcial Bacani, Donna Ruggerieri, Jackie Christ, David Scott, Paul Miller, Madge Bualexanderduan, Raymond Fernandez, Connie Fernandez, Margaret Escobedo, Bobby Lopez, Nancy Ware, Trace Cook, Julia Brown, Kenneth Parker, Daniel Parker, Betty Jean Herron, Gladys Galloway, Maria William Swenson, Allison Hawthorne Swenson, Mary Lee Knight, Rose Miller, Austin Gerry, Linda Buckminster, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank Greytok, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Kristin Scott, Alice Jean Pursell, Estela Narvaez, Marcos Jimenez, Rebecca Brooklier, Anna Feiaiullo, Dorothy Breidenstein, Karen Savko, Antoinette Fossatti, Angelica Mendoza, Ed Baca, Liz, Jeremiah & Justin DeLeon, Wendy Mattingly, Tom Leahy, Norma Bischel, Sherry Sullivan, Isaiah Pina, Edward Templin, Patti DiCostanza, John & Carmen Heckler, Brian Lee, Emily Weiss, Pam Collins, Deanna Stellato, Verr Soltes, Soledad Martinez, Darius Riley, Peggy Vargas, Louise Temple, Angela Porter, Blanche Riel, Verena Costello, Claire Cavetti, Chris Hebert, Thomas Frasier, Minnie Hill-Honor, David Cabrera, James John, Sarah Marcela Poole, Audrey Cegielski, Alma Andreason, Janie Torres, Evarist Coryat, Robin Schultz, Barbara Hanselkar, Joann Nelson, and Jackie Lucas. NOTE: In order to maintain an updated Prayer List, we are removing names that have been on the prayer list longer than two months. Please call the parish office, 281.333.3891 to keep a name, add a name, or remove your name from the list. May 15, 2016 Ministerio Multicultural “Ustedes son el cuerpo de Cristo, y cada uno en su lugar es parte de él.” (1 Cor. 12:27) Para más información acerca de este ministerio comuníquese con Esperanza Monterrubio a al 281.333.3891 Ext 321. Pentecostés “Si me aman, cumplirán mis mandamientos; yo le rogaré al Padre y él les enviará otro Consolador que esté siempre con ustedes, el Espíritu de verdad” Juan 14: 15-17 ¿Quieres ser Católico? Si conoces a un adulto o lo eres y quiere Bautizarse, hacer Primera Comunión y Confirmarse, o necesita solamente Confirmarse y hacer su Primera Comunión, el proceso de RICA: Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos es la manera de empezar esta preparación. Este será un proceso de reflexión, oración y aprendizaje. Para más informes comunícate con Esperanza Monterrubio al 281.333.3891 Ext. 321. Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 LITURGY AND WORSHIP LITURGIA Y CULTO Joyce Lubofsky 281.333.3891 Ext. 333 CELEBRATION OF CONFIRMATION nd Next Sunday, May 22 , at the 5 PM Mass, Bishop George Sheltz will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation for 35 young people of our parish. Please keep them in your prayers this week. SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND The Sunday 5 PM Mass on May 29th will be cancelled. The Blessed Sacrament will be reposed as usual on Saturday morning and exposed again after the 8:30 AM Mass on Tuesday, May 31st. SOLEMNITY OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) PROCESSION Everyone is invited to participate in our annual procession with the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday, May 29, after the 9 AM Mass. If you attend another Mass, please gather in the Narthex at 10 AM. First Communicants are asked to wear their special outfits and bring flower petals to throw in front of the Blessed Sacrament. RECRUITING NEW ALTAR SERVERS!!! Calling anyone who is interested in becoming an altar server!!! Training sessions will take place in June. To be a server, you must have received your First Holy Communion and be enrolled in CCE/Edge/ Space. For further information, contact Joyce Lubofsky. THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated Saturday, June 4th, after the 8:30am Mass. To receive the sacrament, you MUST register by Thursday, June 2nd; walk-ins will not be accepted. To register, please leave your name and phone number at 281-333-3891 X333. Your registration will be completed in a phone conversation with Joyce Lubofsky who will verify your eligibility for the sacrament. SILVER LININGS BIBLE STUDY The next meeting of the Silver Linings Bible Study Group will be Thursday, May 26th, 1:00 – 2:30 PM, in Room 10/11. CELEBRACION DE LA CONFIRMACION El próximo domingo, 22 mayo, el Obispo George Sheltz va a celebrar el sacramento de la Confirmación para 35 jóvenes de nuestra parroquia durante la Misa a las 5 PM. Favor de incluirse a ellos en sus oraciones esta semana. CAMBIO DEL HORARIO DEL FIN DE SEMANA DE “MEMORIAL DAY” No habrá Misa a las 5 PM el domingo 29 de mayo. Se reposará el Santísimo como usual antes de la Misa a las 8:30 AM el sábado y se esposará de nuevo después de la Misa a las 8:30 AM el martes 31 de mayo. PROCESSION DE LA SOLEMNIDAD DEL CUERPO Y SANGRE DE CRISTO (CORPUS CHRISTI) Todos están invitados a participar en la procesión anual con el Santísimo Sacramento el domingo, 29 de mayo, después de la Misa de 9:00 AM. Favor de reunirse en el Nártex a las 10 AM. Se les piden a los niños que han hecho su Primera Comunión vestirse en sus trajes especiales y llevar pétalos para lanzar ante el Santísimo Sacramento. BUSCANDO NUEVOS MONAGUILLOS ¡Llamando a los que tienen interés en hacerse monaguillos! El programa de entrenamiento tomara lugar en junio. Para servir, deben recibir su Primera Comunión y está inscrito en CCE/Edge/Space. Para información, comuníquese con Joyce Lubofsky. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos será celebrado el sábado 4 de junio después de la Misa de 8:30 AM. Para recibir el sacramento DEBE registrarse a más tardar el jueves 2 de junio. No se aceptarán personas que lleguen a última hora. Para registrarse, por favor de dejar su nombre y número de teléfono al 281 333.3891 Ext. 333. Joyce Lubofsky se contactará con la persona registrada para así verificar su elegibilidad para recibir el sacramento. In the kindness of your prayers, please pray for the repose of the souls of Eugenia Navas Siordia and Father Don Schwarting. Favor de incluir en sus oraciones las almas de Eugenia Navas Siordia y el Padre Don Schwarting. Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 Ministry and Continuing Education for Adults Because Our Faith is too Rich to have ever Learned it All… Contact Heidi Clark, Director of Adult Ministry, 281.333.3891, Ext. 328 or for more information. Adult faith formation at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is centered around the understanding that living “The Way” taught by Jesus Christ is a life-long, evolving journey, involving both effort and decision. To enable adults to explore the faith and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word, we provide many opportunities to come together in a learning environment. As a diverse community with a small parish feel, we know it is important to walk that journey with others and to share what we have learned along the way. Inquiry Class Beginning A new class called Inquiry is beginning for people who are interested in learning more about becoming Catholic. It will meet on Sunday mornings after 9 AM Mass. Contact Heidi Clark at for information. RCIA Needs Parish Sponsors Our RCIA program for people joining the Catholic faith is in need of people to act as parish sponsors to be that welcoming person who takes on the role of helping inquirers feel at home in our parish. Contact Heidi Clark to volunteer: Save the Date…Men Who Cook You don’t want to miss the most delicious event in town, so mark your calendars now to attend our next Men Who Cook event scheduled for Saturday, August 13, from 6 -11 PM. Next Men’s ACTS Retreat Registrations are being taken to attend the next men’s ACTS retreat scheduled for Thursday, September 1, to Sunday, September 4. Contact Bob Milmoe to get one: 409.795.7227. Confirmation for Adults If you or someone you know is a baptized Catholic who has received first Eucharist but has not been confirmed, please contact Heidi Clark, our director of adult ministry, to make arrangements to complete your sacraments of initiation: or 281.333.3891, Ext. 328. Zumba at St. Paul Emotional and spiritual wellness is closely tied to physical wellness. Zumba is a dance fitness program designed to make exercising FUN! Classes meet in either Beck Hall or Founders Hall, depending on availability. Thursdays at 6:45 PM Saturdays at 10 AM Gabriel Project Gratitude A big thank-you to everyone who supports our parish Gabriel Project. In April, we had the privilege of assisting two moms in need—one who just welcomed a premature son and another who is expecting twins. Through your generosity, we were able to provide the parents and their precious babies with cribs, bedding, clothing, diapers, wipes, a breast pump, and other necessities. Theology of the Body Study for Young Adults All young adults between the ages of 18-24 are invited to a special, 5-week series on St. John Paul II’s teachings on the Theology of the Body. This study is taking a deeper and more mature look at some of the age-old questions in human history such as, “What does it mean to be human?” and “What am I seeking?” This exciting series is being offered at Mary Queen Catholic Church in Friendswood on Wednesday evenings from June 8, through July 6. Each evening begins with dinner at 6:30 PM and concludes by 9 PM. Registration is required and there is a $15 fee to cover the cost of the accompanying workbook. Sessions take place in the retreat house behind the church and will be facilitated by Scott and Terri Ryan. For more information, contact Terri at or 281.814.4620. Prayer Shawls Available Thanks to our Prayer Shawl Ministry, we have a large collection of prayer shawls they have hand-knit, praying for the needs and intentions of the person who will receive it. If you or someone you know would benefit from one of these shawls, you can ask for one at the Welcome Center or contact Heidi Clark at or call 281.333.3891, Ext. 328. There is no charge for these shawls. Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday Children’s Ministry Partnering with parents to keep the light of faith burning For information call Sara Fontana 281.333.3891 ext. 339 or e-mail ST. PAUL’S 2016 VBS May 15, 2016 Early Childhood Program Seeing Children Through The Eyes of God! For information contact: Vicky Kuehnel, Director or 281.333.0176 Dates to remember for May: 19th Last day of class for T, TH group JULY 25 TO JULY 29, 2016 REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! 19th and 20th Annual End of the Year Prayer Celebration 23rd Water Day VOLUNTEERS PLEASE FILL OUT A PAPER REGISTRATION FORM LOCATED AT THE INFORMATION CENTER! 2016-2017 CCE REGISTRATION GRAB YOUR SMART PHONE OR YOUR COMPUTER TO REGISTER Please take the time to take our survey! It will help us in our planning for next year! CELEBRATE PENTECOST SUNDAY! LAST DAY OF CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD! THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR TEAMS! 20th Last day of class for M, W, and F group We have three more weeks of school for the 2015-2016 school year. Not to worry! There is still plenty of time to sign up for Oscar’s Ocean. Give your little ones and you a break from the heat! Oscar’s Ocean We are really happy to announce that we will be offering Summer Enrichment classes this June! Imagine exploring the complex diversity of our amazing ocean without ever leaving the classroom. This is what your preschooler starting at age 12 months up to 2nd grade child can do. Registration forms are located in the Narthex as well as in the ECP office. Registration is going on now for the June 6th - 9th and 13th - 16th classes. Tuition fees are $200 with $35 registration. Hurry to sign your little one up for some fun days at SP’sECP! Water Day! Water day is a tradition at St. Paul’s ECP. It will be held May 23rd from 10-12. This is our fun and final goodbye to our friends for the summer. Parents must be present for your child to participate. Arrive with your child already in his or her swimsuit and sunscreen applied. Bring a towel and a dry change of clothing. The children will get messy, new swimsuits are not recommended. Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 October 22-23, 2016 Please help make this year’s festival a success by becoming a sponsor. Sponsorship and Underwriting is needed for a successful festival. Please consider sponsoring at one of the levels listed below, however, any amount would be greatly appreciated. Most sponsorships are tax deductible. Bronze Sponsor $250 $50 raffle tickets 2 Chili Cook-off Kits 2 drink tickets Mention as Sponsor Silver Sponsor $500 $100 raffle tickets 4 Chili Cook-off Kits 4 drink tickets Mention as Sponsor Gold Sponsor $1,000 $150 raffle tickets 6 Chili Cook-off Kits $50 food & drink tickets Mention as Sponsor Platinum Sponsor $1,500 + $200 raffle tickets 8 Chili Cook-off Kits VIP table with reservation* $100 food & drink tickets Mention as Sponsor Logo printed on back of raffle tickets* * Donation due by June 30th in order to be printed on back of raffle ticket. * Confirmation must be received for reservation to a Saturday or Sunday event. * Details subject to change. Please visit the Out of this World Festival webpage for details and more information ( Jesus A. Adame Festival Fundraising (713) 253-2370 David Osina Festival Fundraising (713) 724-1335 For any information, please contact: Cynthia Lopez (832) 687-6513 or Regis Wrobleski (281) 326-4732 Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: ___________________________ Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women Please join the Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women (BADCCW) at their annual luncheon and May meeting, 11 AM – 1 PM, Wednesday, May 18, at Las Hadas Mexican Restaurant, 204 Fairmont Parkway, LaPorte, 77571. Luncheon is $13 and includes dessert and tip. CCW is an affiliated network of dedicated Catholic women who come together for fellowship, to grow in spirituality, leadership and service to Christ. Space is limited so reserve early! To make reservations or for more information or to carpool, contact Gretchen Mitchell at 832.605.8360 or PRO-LIFE News On June 2, 2016, Charles Flores is scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas, and On June 21, 2016, Robert Robertson is scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas. Our Catholic faith calls us to pray for Charles and Robert, for all victims of crime, and for an end to capital punishment here in the State of Texas. May God hear our prayers in support of all life. Noticias PRO-VIDA El 2 de Junio de 2016, Charles Flores está sentenciado a muerte por el Estado de Texas, y el 21 de Junio de 2016, Robert Robertson está sentenciado a muerte por el Estado de Texas. Nuestra fe católica nos llama a rezar por Charles y Robert, por todos victimas del crimen, y por el término de la sentencia aquí en el Estado de Texas. Que reciba Dios nuestras oraciones apoyando toda vida. ADORERS NEEDED! Adoration open hour: 1 AM Wednesday. Would you consider spending an hour with the Lord? You could not stay awake for even an hour? Mark 14:37 Please contact Malina: 281.221.6591 or SE NECESITAN PERSONAS QUE VENGAN AL SANTISIMO Hora disponible: miércoles, 1 AM. ¿Consideras una hora con Nuestro Señor? ¿De modo que no pudiste permanecer una hora? Marcos 14:37 Favor de llamar o enviar mensaje a Hortensia, 281.731.6539. May 15, 2016 VIRTUS COURSE: PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN (3 hours) Required for all volunteers working with children/youth. June 20 – St. Paul, 6:30 PM St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church will have a Virtus Workshop. All volunteers who are in different ministries and work with children under 18 must have this workshop. This workshop will be in English. If you have taken this workshop before, please do not attend, as this is NOT a refresher workshop. To register go to You must register with the same name as it appears in your Driver's License, ID, Car, Mexico or Guatemala consulate card. If you have any questions contact St. Paul's Virtus coordinator at ATENCION A TODAS LAS DAMAS ¡NECESITAMOS SU AYUDA! Le pedimos que por favor, se despinte el lápiz labial antes de recibir la Preciosa Sangre de Cristo. Nuestros Purificadores se manchan por el lápiz labial y no se pueden volver a utilizarse una vez manchados. Los Purificadores son generosamente donados por 2 feligreses y son lavados y planchados por un grupo muy pequeño de mujeres muy dedicadas. Estas mujeres enjuagan, desmanchan, lavan y planchan de 3 a 40 purificadores por semana. Es bastante trabajo pero podría ser mucho más fácil si las manchas de lápiz labial no fueran tan difíciles de quitar, por eso les pedimos despintarse los labios antes de comulgar. ATTENTION LADIES, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We ask you to please blot your lipstick before receiving the Precious Blood of Christ. Our Purificators are being stained by lipstick wiped off of the cups and they cannot be reused once stained. The Purificators are generously donated by 2 parishioners and are washed and ironed by a very small group of very dedicated women. These women presoak, treat lipstick stains, wash and iron anywhere from 30 to 40 Purificators per week. It is a tremendous job and could be so much easier if the lipstick stains were not such a problem. Please consider our request when you get dressed for Mass. Volume XVIII No. 1836 Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 281.333.2509 Office Hours: Tuesday – Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:30 AM, Thursday: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Today as we celebrate Pentecost the Holy Spirit wants to make us advocates of God’s presence to bring new life to others, especially those who do not know the love of God in their lives. Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul will help the poor to believe in the mystery of God’s love for them. The homeless are closer to us than we know sometimes. Please share the following information when the opportunity presents itself to help the poor you may encounter with their basic needs: Meals are served at these locations on the dates indicated and laundry services and shower facilities are also available as notated: Sunday 4:30 Monday Noon Tuesday Noon Wednesday Noon Thursday Noon Friday Noon Saturday Noon Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 18220 Upper Bay Rd. Clear Lake Church of Christ 938 El Dorado Ecclesia Clear Lake 218 Clear Creek Ave. Clear Lake Church of Christ 938 El Dorado University Baptist Church 16106 Middlebrook Dr. Southeast Church of Christ 2400 W. Bay Area Blvd. Clear Lake Church of Christ 938 El Dorado *Laundry* Upcoming Conference Meetings, 7 PM @ St. Paul May 25, 2016 June 8, 2016 *Showers*
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