July 17, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church


July 17, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795
(909) 899-1049 Fax (909) 899-322 Website www.sacredheartrc.org
Parish Mission: We, the people
of Sacred Heart, are a welcoming
community, faithful to Catholic
teaching, called to live out the
Gospel message through prayer,
ministry, and example, so that
God’s love may be known to all.
July 17, 2016
Very Rev. Benedict NwachukwuUdaku
VF, Pastor, Ext. 132
Rev. Julian Okoroanyanwu
Parochial Vicar, Ext. 141
Misión Parroquial: Nosotros, la gente del
Sagrado Corazón, somos una
comunidad acogedora, fieles a la
enseñanza católica, llamados a vivir
el mensaje del Evangelio mediante la
oración, la pastoral y el ejemplo,
para que todos conozcan el amor de
Rev. Edward J. Molumby, S.T.
Priest in Residence
Deacon Ed Clark
Parish Deacon , Ext 286;
Classes are required for parents and godparents before
the Baptism is scheduled. We recommend three months
preparation. You may contact the Front Office at ext. 113 or
(909) 899-1049
ext. 115 or see our website www.sacredheartrc.com for
For General Information call ext. 113 or 115
more information.
For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest
during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588.
Los padres y padrinos deben tomar clases de preparación
antes del bautismo. Se recomienda que tengan tres meses
de preparación. Puede comunicarse con la oficina, ext. 113 o
ext. 115 o ver nuestra pagina de internet
www.Sacredheartrc.org para más información.
Mon– Sat: 7:30 AM Wed: 6:15 PM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM (w/ American Sign Language),
In order to schedule a wedding, a prenuptial meeting with
12:30 PM, 5:00 PM
a priest is required. One of the parties must be a committed
member of Sacred Heart Parish. Minimum six months
HORARIO DE MISAS en Español preparation required. Any previous marriage must be
Martes: 6:15 PM
cleared before a date is scheduled and preparation can
Domingo: 8:30 am (con Lengua de Signos) y 7:00 PM
begin. Call ext.133 for an appointment.
Para planear una boda, se requiere una junta prenupcial
el sacerdote. Una persona de la pareja debe ser un
miembro de la parroquia de Sagrado Corazón. Para pedir
Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Tuesday’s 5:00pm (English/Spanish)
or call ext.133 for an appointment
una cita llame extensión 133. Preparación de seis meses
Sábado 3:30 p.m. y Martes 5:00pm (Ingles/Español)
mínimo es requerida.
o llame x133 para hacer una cita.
o para mas información
Holy Hour - Every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come before
en la oficina
the Blessed Sacrament, join us to pray for all families, our parish family and
for vocations.
Hora Santa - Todos los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Venga ante el
Sacred Heart Parish
Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, únase a nosotros para pedir por todas las
familias, nuestra familia parroquial y por las vocaciones.
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Reservation Chapel - with the Blessed Sacrament is open on weekdays
from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entrance is on the West side of the building.
La Capilla - del Santísimo Sacramento esta abierta entre semana de 7
a.m. a 5 p.m. La entrada esta al oeste del edificio.
Grades: K-8th
School Info: (909) 899-1049 x400
FAX: (909) 899-0413
School Web Site: www.shsrcbulldogs.webs.com
Trenna Meins, Principal
Mary Carr, School Secretary
Scheduled this week
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We pray for:
Sunday-July 17, 2016
Requested By:
Saturday, July 16 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Virgen del Carmen
Maria Luisa Zeron
Superb Nwandu
Nwandu family
Larry Thomas
Nwandu family
Sunday, July 17 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
+ Elena Amador
Yolanda Orozco
+ Mar n Aguayo
Yolanda Orozco
+ Maria del Carmen Gonzalez
Su hermana
10:30am + Lynn Diolata
+ Aurora Mon el de Soto
the Hanna Family
+ Smiley Villavicencio
Martha Villavicencio
12:30pm + Marbel Ballar
Marie-Line Carriere
+ Carlos Lujan
David Diolata
Enriqueta Bohol
Please pray for all unborn
babies and their families:
♥ Baby Varela
♥ Baby Luna
♥ Baby Mathews ♥ Baby Blanco
♥ Baby Cervantes ♥ Baby Cortez
♥Baby Calma-Zaide
Please also pray for women who are
considering abortion. That they come
to understand the sanctity of human
life. May God give them the grace
and strength to accept the gift He has
given them in the life of their baby.
Ana Estrella
Marie-Line Carriere
Hillery and his family
Her daughter
8:30 AM
Mass ENG
Mass SPN
Child. Lit.
Little Lambs Library
Marriage prep JNXXIII
Mass ENG
Mass ENG
Mass ENG
Mass SPN
Monday-July 18, 2016
AA Meeting Conf. Rm.
Mass ENG
Brvmnt Mass
AA Meetings Conf Rm
Mass ENG
Confessions Church
Mass SPN
AA Meeting
Tuesday-July 19, 2016
July 20, 2016
+ Yecca Celada
Marisol Navarro
+ Dolores Arcangel
John & Jolly Chua
+ Gustavo Ossa
Su esposa e hijos
AA Meeting Conf. Rm.
Mass ENG
Mass ENG
AA Meeting
Mass ENG
Estela Mar nez
Sus Hijos
Melinton Gomez
Su Hijos
Monday, July 18 St. Benedict
Micheal Quilang
Tuesday, July 19
Vanessa Vysosias
Mom and Dad
Enrique Rivas
Wednesday, July 20 St. Henry
7:30am + Celes no Valdez
Ella Urbayan
Mass for Voca ons
Thursday, July 21 St. Kateri Tekakwitha
May Almario
Friday, July 22 St. Bonaventure
7:30am + Magdalena Mejia
Margarito & Carlota
Saturday, July 23 Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Blessed Virgin Mary
7:30 am
Rosekate Ugorji
Sussana Obilero
Please pray for all our sick relatives and friends:
Milta Negron
Conchita Villanueva
Gil Ybe
Anita Ceballos
Frank de Lima
Don Calzia
Guillermo Fitzmaurice
Patsy Torres
Lorana Fitzmaurick
Ruby Laponis
Tiffany West Kepford
Wexler Vila
Andrea Sekona
Demy Calma
Maria Beltran
Mary Bermudez
Gladys Giron
Agustin Vazquez
Alice Vazquez
Francisco Espinosa
Asteria M. Espinosa
Jesus Rodriguez G.
Please pray for all our
relatives and friends
serving in the military:
Joseph Linares (N)
John Portillo (A)
Carissa Deck (AF)
Amy Deck (A)
Kristin Queen (AF)
Addison Queen
Sean Queen (AF)
Carlos E Rodriguez
Kevin Chavez (N)
Brianna C
Hernandez (A)
Scheidemantla (A)
Jacob Anthony
Quintanilla (A)
Marco A Rivera (A)
Zedrix P Santos (A)
Stephen Abarca (A)
Andrew Gutierrez
Thursday-July 21, 2016
Conf. Rm
Wedding Rehersal ENG Church
Holy Hour
Wedding Rehearsal SPN Church
Friday –July 22, 2016
6:00AM AA Meeting Conf. Rm.
6:50AM Rosary
7:30AM Mass ENG
Saturday-July 23, 2016
Mass ENG
Mass ENG
Join us to pray for all who recently died:
“It is a good and wholesome thing to pray for the dead” (2 Maccabees 12:45-46)
Lauro Baca Jr
Hortencia Madamba
Carlos Lopez Jr.
Elsie Duran
Cornelia Lucero
Baby Ben Sekona
Lilia Agbayani
Pedro Villegas
Malcolm Phillips
Terry Taylan
Nicholas Amadi
Doreen Richichi
Charlie Villanueva
Rosario Panaligan
Solina Sollander
Delia Acensio Perez
Rudy Sorriano
Angelina Macias
Edith Davis
Mattie Roa
John Fanzo
Antonio Luna
Dionisio Garza III
Vincent Miao
Juan Pablo Pardo
José Gonzalez
+Carlos Manzano
Richard Omana
Nicholas Solima
+ Doreen Richichi
Page 3
Our Site with Fr. Ben / Nuestro Enfoque de la Fe con Padre Ben
What is Holy Hour, Eucharistic Adoration? (IV)
(Simple Practices for a Renewed Eucharistic Spirituality)
Beloved brothers and sisters, in our spiritual proceedings, we continue to
relish the spiritual ingredients of Eucharistic adoration embedded in our
belief in the real presence of Jesus in the sacrament of His body and blood.
Our spiritual journey in the last three weeks has been essentially
Christological and richly biblical as the sacra pagina (sacred
page) of the revealed word of God makes present the invitation
of our dear Jesus calling us to come to Him to have rest, life,
light, freedom, and joy. Therefore, it is important to consider
Holy Hour or Eucharistic adoration as an invitation to spend
time with Jesus so as to enter into His rest as we consider the
gospel text of Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me all you who are
over labored and over burdened and I will give you rest.”
To rest in Jesus affords us a great spiritual opportunity to be in
communion with Him who loves us and to offer prayers and
supplications with even greater sense of surrender because our
dear Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
He is the I am (John 8:58), the one who holds the key of life and
death (Revelation 1:18), the Good shepherd who leads us to greener pasture
(Psalm 23; John 10:11). A friend of mine has a beautiful, personal, but
profound reading of Psalm 23 which he recites every morning: “The Lord is
my shepherd, I have everything I need.” When we learn to rest in the Lord,
we have everything we need. St. Paul’s spiritual advice is pertinent in this
regard when he inspiringly admonished Christians in these words: “Do not
worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you
need, and thank Him for all He has done” (Philippians 4: 6-7).
Holy hour is a time to wait unto the Lord (Isaiah 40:31). It is an hour of rest
and not of activity (Bishop Fulton J. Sheen). It is an hour of contemplation
and not of action; a mystical hour which provides a fertile ground to
contemplate the mysteries not only of the faith but also the mysteries that we
experience each day as individuals, the miracles of being who we are and
who God wants us to be. Eucharistic adoration is a beautiful moment to
imitate the Holy Man of Assisi St. Francis, who when asked why he spends
time with the Blessed Lord? He prayerfully answered, “ I look at Him and
He looks at me.” Fr. Gregory Boyle would admonish all lovers of God to
always “Behold the One who cannot take off His eyes on you, marinate in
the vastness of our God.”
Eucharistic adoration is a time of discipleship; Jesus said: “learn from me
for I am meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). To learn from the
Master, it is imperative for the disciple to listen “Speak Lord for your
servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10). In the words of Psalm 46: 10, we are
advised to be still and know that God is in perfect control of our lives and
preoccupations. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta has this to say about
silence (listening to God), “Always begin your prayer in silence, for it is in
the silence of the heart that God speaks. God is a friend of silence-we need
to listen to God because it’s not what we say but what He says to us and
through us that matters.” Eucharist adoration is a moment to withdraw into
deeper silence and aloneness with God, together as a community as well as
personally. To be alone with him-not with our books, thought, and memories
but completely stripped of everything-to dwell lovingly in His presence,
silent, empty, expectant, and motionless. We cannot find God in noise or
A Simple Practice For the Week
Beloved brothers and sisters, during this week let us ask the Blessed Lord
for the grace to pray. Take the trouble to pray this week. Remember, the
Holy Hour is essentially a time of prayer and a family that prays together
stays together. It is in prayer as a family, that we can truly become Sacred
Heart, one family: one family, Sacred Heart.
Have a Prayerful Week,
Fr. Ben
July 17, 2016
Qué es la Hora Santa, Adoración Eucarística?
(Prácticas para una Espiritualidad Eucarística Renovada)
Queridos hermanos y hermanas, en nuestro proceso espiritual,
continuamos saboreando los ingredientes espirituales de la Adoración
Eucarística arraigados en nuestra creencia en la presencia real de Jesús en el
sacramento de Su santo cuerpo y sangre. Nuestro trayecto espiritual, estas
tres últimas semanas, ha sido esencialmente Cristológico y ricamente
bíblico como la sacra pagina (sagrada página) de la palabra de
Dios revelada, hace presente la invitación de nuestro querido
Jesús que nos llama a que vengamos a Él a tener descanso,
vida, luz, libertad y alegría. Por lo tanto, es importante
considerar la Hora Santa o la Adoración Eucarística como una
invitación a pasar tiempo con Jesús para poder descansar en Él,
considerando el texto del Evangelio de San Mateo 11: 28
"Vengan a mí los que se sienten cargados y agobiados, porque
yo los aliviaré."
Descansar en Jesús nos ofrece la gran oportunidad
espiritual de estar en comunión con Él quien nos ama, y de
ofrecer oraciones y súplicas con un mayor sentido de entrega
porque nuestro querido Jesús es el autor y consumador de
nuestra fe (Hebreo 12: 2). Él es el yo soy (Juan 8: 58), el que
tiene las llaves de la vida y la muerte (Apocalipsis 1: 18), el
Buen Pastor que nos lleva a verdes pastos (Salmo 23; Juan 10: 11). Un
amigo mío tiene una hermosa, personal, y profunda lectura del Salmo 23
que recita todas las mañanas: "El Señor es mi pastor, tengo todo lo que
necesito." Cuando aprendemos a descansar en el Señor, tenemos todo lo que
necesitamos. El consejo espiritual de San Pablo es pertinente en este
aspecto cuando advirtió a los cristianos en forma inspiradora: "En cualquier
circunstancia recurran a la oración y a la súplica, junto a la acción de
gracias, para presentar sus peticiones a Dios" (Filipenses 4: 6-7).
La Hora Santa es un tiempo para esperar en el Señor (Isaías 40: 31).
Es una hora de descanso, no de actividad (Obispo Fulton J. Sheen). Es una
hora de contemplación, no de acción; una hora mística que nos permite
contemplar no sólo los misterios de la fe pero también los misterios que
experimentamos cada día como individuos, los milagros de ser quienes
somos y quien Dios quiere que seamos. La Adoración Eucarística es un
hermoso momento para imitar al Santo Hombre de Asís, San Francisco, a
quien cuando se le preguntaba por qué pasaba tiempo con el Santísimo
Señor, respondía con toda devoción, "Yo lo miro y Él me mira." El Padre
Gregory Boyle solía exhortar siempre a los que amaban a Dios, "Eh aquí a
quien no puede apartar sus ojos de ti, sumérgete en la grandeza de nuestro
La Adoración Eucarística es un tiempo de discipulado; Jesús dijo:
"aprendan de mí que soy paciente de corazón y humilde" (Mateo 11: 29).
Para aprender del Maestro, es imperativo que el discípulo escuche "Habla
Señor que tu pueblo escucha" (1 Samuel 3: 10). El Salmo 46: 10, que
estemos tranquilos y sepamos que Dios está en perfecto control de nuestras
vidas y preocupaciones. La Beata Madre Teresa de Calcutta dice esto sobre
el silencio (escuchar a Dios), "Comience siempre su oración en silencio, ya
que es en el silencio del corazón que Dios habla. Dios es amigo del silencio;
necesitamos escucharlo. No importa lo que nosotros decimos, sino lo que Él
nos dice y lo que Él dice a través de nosotros." La Adoración Eucarística es
un momento para sumergirnos en un silencio y soledad más profunda con
Dios, juntos como comunidad así como de manera personal. Solos con Él;
no con nuestros libros, pensamientos y recuerdos, sino completamente
despojados de todo para morar amorosamente en Su presencia, silenciosos,
vacíos, esperando e inmóviles. No podemos encontrar a Dios en el ruido o
la agitación.
Una Práctica Sencilla para esta Semana
Queridos hermanos y hermanas, durante esta semana pidamos al
Santísimo Señor que nos de la gracia de orar. Hagan el esfuerzo de orar esta
semana. Recuerden, la Hora Santa es esencialmente tiempo para orar, y una
familia que ora junta permanece junta. Es en oración como familia, que
verdaderamente podemos llegar a ser Sagrado Corazón, una familia: una
familia, Sagrado Corazón..
Que tengan una Semana de Mucha Oración,
Padre Ben
Page 4
Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Arbol de la Santidad
¡ Venga a
celebrar nuestro
July 17, 2016
Tree of Holiness
Come celebrate
our 10th
Please visit our parish
app on your mobile
devices. The app can be
obtained by searching
“Sacred Heart Rancho
Let’s be on the same plan as Pope Francis and take care of our
You can give greener by using our Online Giving
Simply go to our parish website at
www.sacredheartrc.org and click on the link for Online
Our parish greatly appreciates all those who choose to give in
this manner as it helps us maintain a consistent cash flow and
pay all of our bills in a mely manner
on androids and iPhones.
Visit our web page at
Readings for the week
Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17,
21, 23; Mt 12:38-42
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8;
Mt 12:46-50
Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17; Mt 13:1-9
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 26:6-7ab, 8-11;
Mt 13:10-17
Jer 3:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30
Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8;
Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
Page 5
Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Catholic Bible Institute in the Diocese of Orange
Orientation Meeting
The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) invites you to deepen
your relationship with God through the study of Sacred
Scriptures. CBI is a three-year program focusing on
methods of biblical study, praying with scriptures, and
learning to facilitate Bible-study groups.
Year One: New Testament
Year Two: Old Testament
Year Three: Leadership Training Practicum
When: Saturday, August 20, 2016
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Where: Mother Louis Room, St. Joseph Center, Orange,
For more information, please contact: Randy Lopez at
Oh most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing,
I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my
sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death. Amen.
Parishioners planning to get married
who have had a previous marriage may need more
than a 6 month preparation period. Reserving a date
will not be allowed until all requirements are
completed to clear the previous marriage.
Please call Blanca at 909-899-1049 x133
to schedule an appointment.
Collection 7/10/2016
Envelopes Used
2nd Collection—Plate
Kingdom Campaign
$ 2,457.15
Thank you for your generosity!
Page 6
Youth & Young
Page Adult Ministry
July 17, July
201617, 2016
Sacred Heart, my family. Words cannot
describe how appreciative I am to be a part of
such a loving and obliging parish that
supports me in the growth of my relationship
with our Heavenly Father. Being a summer
missionary with Life Teen has truly been the
best and most rewarding experience of my
life. After being a part of the Life Teen
ministry at Sacred Heart, I was already
exposed to God's greatness and knew about
how He works among us, but I never
imagined that He would reveal himself more
to me and show me his grace in such an
abundant way. As a missionary, I was
blessed to be able to be a witness to more of the beauty that comes from His miraculous
doings and actions, and I was able to establish a concrete rhythm of prayer in my own life. At
this moment, I would like to thank all my mission partners that supported me and aided me in
this journey. I am humbled by your generosity and your willingness to being a disciple of our
Lord Jesus Christ, through your prayers and donations. I prayed for you all every single day
and I really could not have done this without you all. From the bottom of my heart, I am
tremendously grateful.
Sarahi Mena
Mesi Bondye Mesi #BlessUp
Thank you for your con nued support and prayers for our teens at Sacred
Heart , and especially for the teens who went to Life Teen’s first ever Summer
Page 7
Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
"Adoración eucarística perpetua con
la exposición necesita un gran
empuje. La gente me pregunta: '¿qué
convertira a América y salvara al
mundo'? Mi respuesta es la oración. Lo
que necesitamos es que cada
parroquia se arrime ante Jesús en el
Santísimo Sacramento en horas santas
de oración. " Madre Theresa
Se le invita a pasar una hora con
nuestro Señor en nuestra amada y
elogiada hora santa todos los jueves a
las 6:30pm. Únete a nosotros
levantamos nuestras oraciones al Señor.
July 17, 2016
“Perpetual Eucharistic
Adoration with exposition needs
a great push. People ask me:
‘What will convert America and
save the world?’ My answer is
prayer. What we need is for
every parish to come before Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament in holy
hours of prayer. “ Mother Theresa
You are prayerfully invited to
spend an hour with our Lord during
our beloved and praised holy hour
every Thursday at 6:30 pm. Join us
as we lift our prayers to the Lord.
Celebraciones de Quinceañeras
Se les cita a los padres y quinceañeras
interesados en celebración de
quinceañera a una reunión de información el
31de julio en el salón
Diacono Roberto a las 10am.
(Se requiere 6 meses de preparación.)
Collecta 7/10/2016
Sobres usados
2da Colecta — canasta
Campania del Reino
$ 2,457.15
¡Gracias por su Generosidad!
Lecturas de la Semana
Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Sal 50 (49):5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17,
21, 23; Mt 12:38-42
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 85 (84):2-8;
Mt 12:46-50
Jer 1:1, 4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17;
Mt 13:1-9
¡ Oh Santísimo corazón de Jesús, fuente de toda
bendición, te adoro, te amo, y con vivo dolor de mis
pecados, te ofrezco este pobre corazón mío. Hazme
humilde, paciente, puro y totalmente obediente a tu
voluntad. Dejame, buen Jesús, que yo viva en ti y para
ti. Protegeme en medio del peligro. Consolarme en mis
aflicciones. Dame salud de cuerpo, asistencia en mis
necesidade de tu bendición, en todo lo que hago, y la
gracia de una Santa muerte. Amén.
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Sal 26 (25):6-7ab, 8-11;
Mt 13:10-17
Jer 3:14-17; Sal 63 (62):2-6, 8-9;
Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Jer 7:1-11; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a, 11;
Mt 13:24-30
Gen 18:20-32; Sal 138 (137):1-3, 6-8;
Col 2:12-14; Lc 11:1-13
Page 8
Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Religious Education Registration 2016-2017
All New Families
When: July 11– September 15, 2016
Where: Religious Ed Office
Time: ONLY Mon-Thurs from 1pm-4pm
Returning families that have NOT
Returning Families ONLY completed the required 6 parent
That have completed their 6
parent meetings for the year
may register from
July 11- August 18, 2016.
meetings for the year may register
from August 22-September 15, 2016
Religious Ed Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Sacred Heart Parish School’s Ministry within the Church
In January 2012, Pope Benedict XVI underscored the importance of schools in his apostolic letter Porta Fidei
Pope Benedict XVI wrote:
“In fulfilling its educational role, the Church…is especially concerned about those which are her very own. Foremost
among these is catechetical instruction, which enlightens and strengthens the faith, nourishes life according to the spirit
of Christ, leads to intelligent and active participation in the liturgical mystery, and gives motivation for apostolic
…Among all educational instruments the school has a special importance. It is designed not only to develop with
special care the intellectual faculties but also to form the ability to judge rightly, to hand on the cultural legacy of
previous generations, to foster a sense of values, to prepare for professional life. Between pupils of different talents
and backgrounds it promotes friendly relations and fosters a spirit of mutual understanding; and it establishes as it were
a center whose work and progress must be shared together by families, teachers, associations of various types that foster
cultural, civic, and religious life, as well as by civil society and the entire human community.”
Sacred Heart Parish School takes this directive seriously and embraces our ministry with enthusiasm and joy. We are a
WCEA/WASC accredited school with a knowledgeable and helpful staff. Sacred Heart Parish School still has openings
for the 2016-2017 school year. Our summer business hours are 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Beginning August
15th office hours will be 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Call the school office for a tour, an appointment for testing of your child,
or registration.
School starts Monday, August 22, 2016.
(909) 899-1049 ext. 400
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Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Page 10
Diocesan Events / Eventos Diocesanos
July 17, 2016
One Day Retreat
St Benedict, Grand
July 23rd & 30th
10am to 3pm
$25 which
includes lunch
Presenter: Sr.
Joan Marie Sasse
If you are out of work or
experiencing financial
problems please consider
attending as a guest.
Office of Worship / Oficina del Culto Divino
$20 per person/ por persona
Online registration/Inscripcion en linea
Page 11
Gratitude Page
July 17, 2016
We thank our cleaning crew that comes every Monday morning
for keeping our Parish looking bright and clean. With out fail, this
group comes and volunteers their time and talent for the good of
the whole community. We sincerely thank you!
Thank you all for your generosity in bringing food items requested during
the reverse collection! Our community is very greatfull to you! May God
Continue to bless you abundantly.
Le damos las gracias al equipo de limpieza que viene todos los
Lunes por la mañana por mantener nuestra parroquia luciendo
brillante y limpia. Sin falla, estos voluntarios vienen y dan de su
tiempo y talento para el bien de toda la comunidad.
¡ Se les agradece sinceramente!
“Serving God through Serving Others”
Ana Estrella, Office Manager
e-mail: Ana.e@sacredheartrc.org
Rosa Talamantes, Dir. of Hispanic Ministry & Multi-Cultural Cord.
e-mail: Rosa.T@sacredheartrc.org
Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor
e-mail: Blanca.M@sacredheartrc.org
Vivian Huizar, Office Assistant/Sacramental Records
e-mail: Vivian.H@sacredheartrc.org
Gladys Giron, Office Assistant/Bulletin Editor
e-mail: Gladys.G@sacredheartrc.org
Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper
e-mail: Aileen.A@sacredheartrc.org
Asteria Garcia , Office Assistant
e-mail: Asteria.G@sacredheartrc.org
ext. 145
ext. 133
ext. 113
ext. 115
ext. 114
ext. 115
Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries
e-mail: Mary.D@sacredheartrc.org
Thomas Haynes, Audio Visual Coordinator
e-mail: Thomas.H@sacredheartrc.org
Regina Eskridge, Liturgy Ast./Cord. of Neighborhood Comm.
African Descent Ministry
Altar Linens
Altar Server
Arts / Environment
Bereavement Ministry
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Performing Arts
Church Cleaning
Coffee & Donut Ministry
Communion to Homebound
Cursillos In Christianity
Divine Mercy Ministry
Divorce/Separated Support Ministry
EDGE (Middle School)
Ext. Min. of Holy Communion
Faith on Fire
Filipino Ministry
Finance Council
Fire Starter
Food Pantry
Guadalupano’s (bilingual)
Grief Ministry
Health Ministry
Jail Ministry
Knights of Columbus
LifeTeen (High School)
Light of Jesus Family Ministry
Little Lambs
Lumen Christi Young Adults
Marriage Encounter
Marriage Enrichment
Marriage Preparation
Mary’s Hands Cir (Crafting Ministry)
Men’s Fellowship
Multi Cultural Fellowship
Natural Family Planning
Cecilia Fornelli, CCM
e-mail: Cecilia.F@sacredheartrc.org
Maria Trujillo, RE Administrative Assistant
e-mail: Maria.T@sacredheartrc.org
Monica Hernandez, RE Administrative Assistant
E-mail: Monica.H@sacredheartrc.org
Melissa Taylor, Youth Minister
e-mail: Melissa.T@sacredheartrc.org
Chika Anyanwu, Coordinator of Confirmation and Young Adults
e-mail: Chika.A@sacredheartrc.org
Andre Dineros, Y/M Administrative Assistant
e-mail: Andre.D@sacredheartrc.org
ext. 701
ext. 131
Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager
e-mail: Carlos.S@sacredheartrc.org
Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care
Maria Mejia, Rectory Housekeeper/Cook
Francisco Valenzuela, Maintenance
ext. 150
ext. 152
ext. 121
ext. 123
ext. 122
ext. 552
ext. 118
PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension)
Martin Vargas
Lucy Castellana
Philomina Nwarueze
Judy Oziminski
Rene Echiverri
Veronica Assal
Olga Rios
Cecilia Fornelli
ext. 150
Teresa Ortega
Alejandro & Ana Castro
Mary Orduño
ext. 244
Eric Batoon email: evbjrw@hotmail
Gio Peralta
Jay Plaza
Kathyrn Cramm
Anne Magodoro
Julia Raymond
Melissa Taylor
Lydia Hanna
Leona O’Brien
(909) 232-6851
Jojo Lazo
Tony Morales
Teresa Chavez
Maria Brown
Rod Morales
See Breavement Ministry
—————Rose Morales
Greg Estrella
Jim Hernandez
Robert Covington
Melissa Taylor
Lester Pasimio
Cecilia Fornelli
ext. # 150
Chika Anyanwu
Peddy & Linda Ascio
Shawn & Bern Judson
Paul & Nancy Camarillo
Gina Kunakorn
Carlos Avila
Carmela Giliberto
Jowie Witongco, Raul Cancio, Marjorie Saint-Louis,
Matthew Braun
Phillip & Yesenia Braunstein
Parent Life
Parish School Board
Pastoral Council
Prayer Group– Holy Spirit
Purgatorial Prayer Ministry
Respect Life
RCIA (English)
Security Ministry
Senior Ministry
Social Justice
Stewardship Committee
Tribunal Advocates
Ushers / Greeters
Women’s Fellowship
Adoración de 24 Horas
John Paul Dizon
Teddy Rawson
Dave Hutson
Linda Elliott
Alicia Santacruz
Gracie Vargas
Mary Ann Andel
Tim Wyant
Julia Raymond
Sandra Gonzalez
Michael Rios
Dcn. Ed Clark
Andy Morales
Ve’Lores Thomspon
Lucy Castellana
(909) 823-0146
(909) 238-6399
ext. 286
Ángeles de María (Las Niñas)
Comunión a los Enfermos
Despensa de Comida
Duelo - Ministerio
Educación Religiosa y RICA
Encuentro Matrimonial
Estudio Bíblico
Eucaristía - Ministros
Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey
Justicia Social
Matrimonios del Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús y María
Movimiento Familiar
Planificación Natural de la Fam.
Prep. Bautismal/Quinceañeras
Preparación Matrimonial
Respeto a la Vida
Esther Velásquez
Patricia Hassin
Maria Brown
Olga Rios
Cecilia Fornelli
Hector y Erika Bañuelos
Joseph Moctezuma
Lydia Hanna
Irma Morales
Sandra Gonzalez
Luis Torres
ext. 150
Jason y Lorena Tinoco
Nidia Vargas
Guillermo y Carmen Navarro
J oaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia,
José Ramírez, Carlos Ramírez
Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda
Rosa Talamantes
Francisco & Vicki Bellota
Gracie Vargas
Andy Morales
ext. 145
ext. 282