Lent brochure draft 2014


Lent brochure draft 2014
Hospitality • Prayer • Formaon • Service
Hospitalidad • Oración • Formación • Servicio
Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Liturgies and Events
Liturgia y Eventos de Cuaresma, Semana Santa, y Pascua
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Behold, now is a very acceptable
time; behold, now is the day of
salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)
Lent begins on
Ash Wednesday, March 5
Prayer Services
Servicios de Oración
s the winter days get longer and
the temperatures begin to rise,
the Ash Wednesday Scriptures
School Mass
invite us into the season of Lent. The season
(all welcome)
of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March
5th. It is our forty day season of prepara&on
for the Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday
Ashes distributed at all Masses & Services
evening through Easter Sunday). At its
Se distribuiran la ceniza en todas las Misas y Servicios
heart, the Triduum celebrates the dying and
rising of the Lord – God’s triumph over
death. We first shared in the Lord’s dying
A pull-out sheet of the complete
and rising when we were bap&zed. We
schedule of Masses, services, and other
were given new life as God’s adopted sons
events for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter
and daughters. And since we o0en fail to
live as God’s children, we need the season of
is inserted inside this brochure
Lent to renew that life within us.
So Lent is ul&mately a forty-day
prepara&on for the renewal of
2014 Parish Mission I
our bap&sm at Easter. It is a
Fr. Tom McCarthy
season of growth, a &me to
prepare for the renewal of God’s
March 30 - April 1, 7-8:30 pm
life within us. It is our annual
A0er hearing Fr. Tom preach at all
opportunity to fine-tune our lives
the Masses on Sunday the 30th,
as disciples of the Lord Jesus. Lent
you will not want to miss the
calls us to grow and focus our
three evenings that follow.
Come be strengthened
a3en&on on the things that really
in your Lenten Journey
(continued on pg. 3)
and beyond.
Stations of the Cross Vía Crucis
Prayer, Fasting,
Good Friday
Mar 7
Viernes Santo
Mar 14
Apr 18
Mar 21
3pm Church - English
Mar 28
3pm Centro Ministerial
Apr 4
Via Crucis Viviente en Español
Apr 11
in Church en Iglesia
7 pm English,
8 pm Español
for teens and their families. April 17.
Seven-Church Pilgrimage following 7 pm Mass led
by Connect Youth Ministries. Open to all teens and
their families, followed by a
Teen Retreat, from Midnight un&l noon
Wednesday, April 16
Good Friday in the Ministry Center.
Living Stations by our school 7th graders
2pm in Church
Registraon required for both, 630-529-9191 or see
parish website
Opportunities for adults to take the NEXT STEP on your journey of faith...
How can good come from suffering?
Jesus’ Passion
The Story of Redemptive Suffering.
Examine the Passion of Christ in light of Scripture,
the Saints and the teachings of the Church!
Presented by:
Fr. Josh Miller
On Fridays, March 14 - April 11, 7 - 9 pm
Chapel Lower Level
La pasión de Cristo
la Historia de Sufrimiento Redentivo
To register contact Adult Formation Office
630-295-8351, lcarvajal@stisidoreparish.org
or see parish website
Examine la Pasión de Cristo basada en la Palabra
de Dios, los Santos y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia
Presentado por: Fr. Ma3 Nathan
Marzo 12- Abril 9, 7 - 9 pm
Sótano de la Capilla
Led by Mayslake Ministries Retreat & Tour Director and St. Isidore Parishioner Suzette Horyza
Group Tour of Marytown Libertyville, IL
The Shrine of Christ’s Passion St. John, IN
March 15, Depart St. Isidore parking lot 9 am
Return by 4 pm (register by Mar 5)
May 17, Depart St. Isidore parking lot 9:30 am
Return by 4:30 pm
• A place of Prayer and Eucharis&c Adora&on
• Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Perpetual Adora&on Chapel
• Na&onal Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe
To register for either tour,
• Full liturgical and devo&ons schedule contact Leonor 620-295-8351
• A Kolbe Holocaust Exhibit
or online at parish website.
$58 fee, breakfast & lunch included
An interac&ve half-mile winding pathway that begins
with the Last Supper and Garden of Gethsemane,
through the Passion of Christ as dep cted in the Sta&ons
of the Cross including 40 life size bronze statues that are
each an exquisite work of art, and more. Golf carts with
guides will also be available to those who have difficulty
walking. Indicate when you register if this assistance is
needed .
$59 fee, lunch included
& Almsgiving
But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his
brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how
does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us
not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:17-18
Be aware
The times talk to us of so much poverty in the world
and this is a scandal. Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so
many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable
that there are so many hungry children, that there
are so many children without an education, so many
poor persons. Poverty today is a cry.
Pope Francis, June 17, 2013
(from page 1)
During LENT our time of fasting and almsgiving calls us to be in solidarity
with those in our world and community who struggle to put food on the table.
Increase your awareness about hunger in America. You are invited to a
showing of this compelling documentary on the food crisis
in America and who it really affects – our children.
Thursday, March 13
Soup and salad dinner
Screening of “A Place at the Table”
St. Isidore Parish Office Lower Level
Take Action
St. Isidore’s
a pot,
some dirt,
a few bucks
Lenten Service Project
Be part of the solu&on to bring nutri&ous
fresh vegetables into the homes of our neighbors who are affected by food insecurity.
Help them to grow their own produce. Supplying a pot, some dirt, and a few bucks for
the plant will help this project GROW!
Details on the Human Needs pages of the
bulle&n or contact Ane’ & Lisa, 630-295-6890,
aberg@s&sidoreparish.org or
ma3er. How easy it is to let the urgent
things of life distract us from the truly important things. As we approach our spring&me celebra&on of Life, our church holds
those truly important things before us, challenging us to become the people we are
called to become.
This brochure contains many things – our
parish schedule of services for Ash Wednesday, Lent and the Easter Triduum, opportuni&es for the Sacrament of Reconcilia&on,
our schedule of devo&ons, news of our parish Mission at the end of the month and
many addi&onal opportuni&es. Our recent
Stewardship of Time Renewal focused our
a3en&on on the &me we return to the Lord
in prayer and forma&on. Lent encourages
us to take the next step to grow as disciples
of the Lord Jesus. Please consider the op&ons that fit for you and make your Lent/
Easter celebra&on the best yet.
Know that you and the concerns of your
heart are remembered in our prayers during
this holy season. May God con&nue to bless
us with everything that we need, and more.
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Spend some quiet time with Jesus at
our First Fridays 24 hour Adoration.
Catholic Lenten Practices
Lent is the principle season of penance in the Christian year. All of the
faithful are strongly urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary
self denial, (in addition to following the Lenten regulations), serious
prayer, and performance of works of charity and mercy.
March 7
• Everyone 14 years of age or over is bound to abstain from meat
on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent.
April 4
• Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of age is bound
to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
24/7 Prayer Project
On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one full meatless
meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain
strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is
not permitted on these two days, but liquids including milk and fruit
juices are allowed.
Obtain a key card in the parish office
to enter the Eucharistic chapel in the
main church anytime day or night for
private prayer in the presence of our
When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does
not oblige.
Church law considers disregard of these practices of our Faith tradition
as seriously sinful because it separates one from the community’s spiritual practices and from the person of Christ in His Body — the community of our Parish and Universal Church.
91 Days
91 Dias
A Chance to Explore the Social Teaching of the Church that Pope Francis has been talking about.
Una Oportunidad para Explorar la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia que el Papa Francisco ha estado hablando.
Welcome to this exci&ng explora&on of the Social Teaching of
the Church. It’s a chance to learn what Pope Francis has been
talking about since his elec&on last March.
The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church is broken
down into chapters that explore such topics as the human dignity of each person, the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity,
the importance of marriage and the family, the dignity of work,
the morality of the economy, the Church and the poli&cal community, interna&onal rela&ons, safeguarding the environment,
and the promo&on of peace.
These chapters are further broken down into sec&ons and paragraphs, which make for a thoughOul daily medita&on for 91
days, beginning on Ash Wednesday on March 5 and con&nuing
through June 8.
Bienvenidos a esta emocionante exploración de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Es una oportunidad para aprender lo que el
Papa Francisco ha estado hablando desde su elección en marzo
El Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia se divide en capía
tulos que exploran temas como la dignidad humana de cada
persona, los principios de subsidiariedad y solidaridad, la importancia del matrimonio y la familia, la dignidad del trabajo, la
moralidad de la economía, la Iglesia y la comunidad políca, las
relaciones internacionales, la protección del medio ambiente, y
la promoción de la paz.
Estos capítulos se dividen a su vez en secciones y párrafos, los
cuales crean una solícita meditación diaria por 91 días, empezando a parr del miércoles de Ceniza 5 de marzo y hasta el 8 de
Register for the emailed readings, and get started on this insighOul journey into your Catholic faith at
Regístrese para las Lecturas por correo electrónico, y comience
este viaje profundo en su fe católica en
Thank you for your par&cipa&on!
¡Gracias por su parcipación!
The Catholic Conference of Illinois
La Conferencia Católica de Illinois