begins February 10 - Precious Blood of Christ


begins February 10 - Precious Blood of Christ
reciouss B loo
d ofC hrist
1633 Waverly Road, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Phone (843) 237-3428
FAX: (843) 237-2293
We are a Stewardship Parish!
Called by God to use our Time, Talent & Treasure
To serve God and his children
FEBRUARY 7, 2016
Ellen Sullivan
Parish Coordinator
Patty Guazzo
Parish Secretary
Michael King
Parish Bookkeeper
Maureen Arneman
Director of Religious Education
Elizabeth Ziegler
Director of Youth Ministry
Rocky Gray
Events Coordinator
February 10
Saturday: ............................................. 5:00 PM
Sunday: ........................... 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday:
(also Thursdays and Saturdays November thru
Pentecost) .......................................... 8:30 AM
................................................... 8:30 AM
Saturday: .............. 4:00 PM or by appointment.
Vigil: .................................................... 6:00 PM
Holyday: ............................ 8:30 AM & 6:00 PM
Weekdays: ........................7:55 AM - In Chapel
Wednesdays .................................... after Mass
First Friday: .........................9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
WELCOME to Precious Blood of Christ Parish. We are happy you
decided to worship with us. If you are visiting just for today, we
pray that God will be with you on your journey. If you are seeking a
church home, we would be happy to welcome you into our parish
community. If you are interested in joining our parish family, please
call the office at 237-3428.
On this coming Wednesday, February 10, we
begin the season of Lent. This Wednesday is
called Ash Wednesday - a day ashes are blessed
and imposed on the foreheads of the faithful.
This ceremony reminds us that we are entering a time of prayer,
penance and almsgiving in preparation for the celebration of the
Paschal Mystery, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The season of Lent challenges us to admit that we have sinned
and fallen short of glory of God. If we are not sinners we have no
need of the sacrament of Penance. If we are not recognizing
ourselves as sinners, we have no need for Christ. No man or
woman can celebrate the mystery of Christ in joy if they do not
recognize that he or she is a sinner. We all need to cry out, “Lord,
be merciful to me a sinner.” The Church also places before us the
great cardinal works of the spiritual life - prayer, fasting and
almsgiving. Traditionally these works were part of the spiritual
exercises and also a sign of repentance. They were seen as a
sign of the goodwill of a person and the community to repair the
damage done by our sins. These works of mercy not only renew
and strengthen our faith and spiritual discipline; they also help
those in need. Our fasting and abstinence during this special
season strengthens the body of Christ, and it also is a sign that we
are willing to undertake the gospel way of life. On Ash
Wednesday, we hear the words of Jesus: “Repent and be faithful
to the Gospel.” Let us pray that this season of Lent will strengthen
us to bring forth abundant fruit and blessings for ourselves and for
the Church.
Lent is a time to evaluate our lives in the light of the Gospel! The
Church provides us with opportunities for the sacrament of
penance, to help us make a new start in life. We also have
opportunities for works of charity through the Rice Bowl Operation
and our food kitchen. Each Lenten season I encourage families to
set time aside for prayer. The old adage is still true: “the family
that prays together - stays together.” Lastly I encourage
parishioners to attend a weekday Mass during this special season,
and to participate in our weekly stations of the cross.
For ill or chronically confined, call the parish office, or
Anne Hunt, 843-237-0401
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Call the office at first sign of serious illness.
BAPTISM: Contact Matt & Catherine Eirvin at 843-833-4115 before the child
is born. Preparation class is required.
Contact pastor six months before wedding.
Marriage preparation and Engaged Encounter is required.
Parish Pastoral Council: Fr. Pat Stenson
Bi-monthly, Second Monday, 5:30 PM, October-June
Finance Council: Bob Reinke
Catholics Coming Home (Inactive Catholics):
Mary Rana - 843-359-9029
Choir Director: Ellen Higgins
Rehearsal Tuesday, 4:30 PM, September-May
Youth Choir: Renée Faiella, 3:45 PM, September-May
Columbarium: John Moyik - 843-237-3428
Education: Maureen Arneman
Religious Education Classes for Youth,
Sundays, September-May
Pre-K through 8th Grades: 9:10—10:15 AM
Junior Youth: Grades 7-8, 9:10—10:15 AM;
Wednesdays 5:00—6:05 PM
Senior Youth: Grades 9-12, 3:00—5:00 PM
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults):
Mary Posek - Sundays 9:00 AM
Evangelization: Matthew Eirvin - 843-344-3356
Fellowship: Victor & Aixa Diaz
Bereavement Group: Lisa Phelan &
Harrison Grey. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 9:15 AM
Outreach: Dawn Carey, Carolyn Wesolowski
Third Monday, 12:00 PM
Ecumenism: Deacon Steve Olenchock - 843-314-9333
Elder Issues: Eloise Temple
Men’s Prayer Group: Jim Lampe, Tuesdays 7:00 PM in
Chapel; Neil Fico, Fridays 6:45 AM in Founders Hall
Prayer & Worship: Laura Tate
4th Monday, 11:30 AM, September-May
Respect Life: Len Vercellotti
Safe Environment Coordinator: Karyn Coyne
Small Christian Communities:
Elva Horlings , 2nd Thursday, 7:00 PM
Stewardship: (Open)
First Thursday, 3:30 PM
Women’s Club: Joan Brown, President
First Thursday, 11:00 AM, September-June
Knights of Columbus: Bill Sturgeon, Grand Knight
Council Business, First Thursday, 7:00 PM
Council Social, Third Thursday, 7:00 PM
Cursillo: Sabrina Lampe
Ultreya - First Monday, 7:00 PM
Birthright of Georgetown: 546-0833
Habitat for Humanity: Rocky Gray
Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services:
843-853-2130, extension 209
Diocesan Victim Assistance: 1(800) 921-8122
Weekdays 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed Thursday afternoons from 12:00 to 4:30 PM
1st Collection - Parish Operations
Envelopes ..................................................................$5,763.00
Electronic Giving ........................................................$1,446.10
Visitors - Loose ..........................................................$1,453.87
Total Collection ..........................................................$8,662.00
Registered Parish Families: 1062
Envelope Donors: 522
Envelopes Returned this week: 209….40%
Electronic Donors: 185
Transactions this week: 36….20%
Average gift: Envelopes…..$26.19
2nd Collection - Parish Debt Reduction
Weekly Collection .......................................................$2,205.25
Balance on PLC mortgage .................................. $645,308.78
Electronic signup:
click on “Online Giving”
5:00 PM: 363, 8:00 AM: 233 10:30 AM: 339 Total: 935
As we begin our Lenten Journey, you
are invited to participate in Catholic
Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl.
Throughout Lent we will pray, fast, learn
and give as a way to reach out in
solidarity with our brothers and sisters
around the world. Please be sure to
take home a Rice Bowl packet and
follow this simple yet powerful Lenten Practice.
Visit for additional resources to use at home.
♥ Need a special gift for Valentine’s Day? ♥
All-occasion PBOC gift cards are available to send to
your family and friends notifying them that you are giving a
donation in their honor for a dinner to a needy family in our community through Outreach Ministries or Father Pat’s Lunch Kitchen; or contributions to the Columbarium Fund, Outreach Ministries or the Building Fund. Each card costs $10. They come
with envelopes suitable for mailing, and can be purchased at
the church office. Give a gift that keeps on giving!
PENNIES FROM HEAVEN — Please deposit your loose
change in the canisters at the front entrances of the Church
and Chapel. Money collected from “Pennies from Heaven”
have in the past provided the Women’s Club to purchase
church doors, pews, etc. The Women’s Club does appreciate
any donation you give - even if it is only a penny!
The 2016 Bishop’s Annual Appeal will begin in the diocese
of Charleston during the month of February. Please
prayerfully consider your pledge for this appeal.
The collection for PBOC’s Outreach Ministries will be taken
up on Ash Wednesday, February 10.
SPECIAL COLLECTION: The Collection for Aid to the
Church in Central and Eastern Europe will be taken up this
weekend in the Diocese of Charleston. This collection assists
Catholics who live in countries once dominated by the Soviet
regime to rebuild their communities. Please be generous.
 Volunteer workers are needed to assist families at the
pantry on Wednesdays of the month. We have an urgent
need for substitutes to assist when workers are unavailable.
Time commitment is 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Please consider
helping - call Cindy Reichert at 513-218-9044.
 Attention Parishioners: Our commitment to the
Baskervill Pantry has changed! We are now supplying
canned meat instead of spaghetti and sauce. Please help
by donating canned tuna, chicken and salmon to our basket
in the narthex. If unable to shop, monetary donations are
appreciated. Please mark check memo: Baskerville Pantry.
4TH W EEK OF JANUARY: On Wednesday, we served 116
people Turkey Hash, Chopped Spinach, Rolls & Butter,
Assorted Desserts and Lemon-flavored Tea. On Thursday, we
served 110 people tossed Salad with Dressing, Sausage/
Peppers/Onions/Cheese on Hoagie Roll, Potato Chips,
Assorted Desserts and Sweet Tea. For Saturday Breakfast we
served 106 people Eggs, Bacon, Potatoes & Onions, French
Toast, Fruit Cocktail, Cereal, Milk/Coffee/OJ.
Wednesday, February 10: Mike & Vonne Pannucci,
Charlie Featherston, Suzanne Harris, Mary Shumpert, Marlene
Lazzara, Sheila Peloso, Phyllis Sullivan, Eloise Temple,
Len & Emma Washington
Thursday, February 11: Earl & Debbie Rogers, Ann
Cromwell, Cissy Knapp, Mary Alice Pett, Ellen Richardson,
Carol Schnitzlein, Regina Stoetzer
Saturday, February 13: Joe & Sally Ann Calvin, Mikayla
Beasley, James Brooks, Brooks Burchett, Dave & Mary Posek,
Eileen Sonderland
*If you are unable to make your scheduled time, please switch
with someone or call someone to sub for you.
We thank everyone who helps to make these meals a
pleasure for all who come, and everyone who donates food.
► DISH WASHERS NEEDED - We’re looking for a couple
of good men who can wash dishes one Wednesday each
month. The second and fourth Wednesday from noon to 2:30
PM. No experience needed, we will train you! If you can give
a few hours a month to help with this ministry, please call
Sabrina at 843-237-1585.
Father Pat’s Lunch Kitchen:
Lunch: 11:30-1:30 Wednesday/Thursday
Breakfast: Saturdays 9:00-11:00 AM
The bulletin is available on our website under a single link:
“Current Bulletin & Fr. Pat’s Message”.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for articles for the
February 21st bulletin is Friday, February 12th by 10:00 AM.
CONFIRMATION CLASS: Valentine’s Day Dance is scheduled for February 13th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the PLC.
Help and snacks are needed!
LAST CHANCE! As requested, additional photo session dates have been added - March 4 &
5. You can sign up on our parish website at - or call Jessica Dezendorf
843-235-3797. Participating families will get a
FREE directory and an 8 x 10 photo.
Reminder: D.Y.C is March 11th-13th.
Ignite meets at A NEW TIME: 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM on Sunday.
YOUNG ADULTS: Spark is a Catholic Young Adult Group
(18-40 year olds). Our mission is to bring young adults together around our common faith that is centered in the Eucharist. Please consider joining if you are looking to connect with
a group of young adults who meet to deepen their faith. We
meet at St. Michael’s in Garden City every Thursday from 7:00
to 9:00 PM .
“Women Making A Difference”
LECTURE SERIES - We hope you plan to join us this coming
Monday, February 8th for a free lecture on the incomparable
Rough Rider, Teddy Roosevelt, presented by our own Charles
Sacavage. The lecture will take place in Rooms 1 and 2 at the
PLC at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30. Coffee, tea, and cookies
will be available. You are invited to stay and socialize with the
speaker after the presentation. Free to all! Donations accepted
for refreshments.
MOVIE & LUNCH BUNCH will have their next outing on
Thursday, February 11. This monthly Women’s Club event is
open to all women of the parish. Please contact Judy Zachar at
843-235-7552 for more information.
GRANTS PROPOSALS - The Grants Committee is issuing its
2016 Request for Proposal (RFP) for local not-for-profit groups.
Proposal deadline is February 12. If you know of a not–for-profit
organization, and wish to have an RFP sent to them, please submit the organization’s name, address and contact person to
Sherry Marnell, Grant Committee Chair, at If you prefer, you may leave that information for Sherry at the Church office.
GAME DAY - February 17, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Ryan’s in
Surfside. Cost is $15 per person, includes a buffet. Send your
check (payable to PBOCCWC) to: Carole Kaczynski, 200 Mossy
Stone Ct., #605, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 or call 843-651-3966.
Bring your friends.
SCHOLARSHIP - Attention High School Seniors! The
Women’s Club is sponsoring a scholarship for seniors. If you are
planning on attending a two- or four-year college/university or a
trade/technical school, you may qualify for the scholarship. Applications are available online at the PBOC website, or a hard
copy is available at the parish office.
Deadline is March 2, 2106.
FASHION SHOW - “ALOHA”, this year’s Fashion Show Luncheon, will be held on March 12 at Pawleys Plantation. Fashion
are by Stein Mart. Tickets are $40. Send your check made payable to PBOCCWC, with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Sherry Marnell, 83 Portrait Lane, Pawleys Island, 29585. Be
sure to include the person’s name for each ticket you purchase.
Reservations will be honored as the checks are received.
wheelchairs & walkers are now available from
Knights of Columbus loan closet. Do you have
a wheelchair you would like to donate to our
closet? Call Rocky Gray @ 843-235-6392.
JOIN THE KNIGHTS! Anyone who is interested in joining
the Knights of Columbus, or would like more information,
please contact Membership Director Greg Kinzie at 843-9790590 or Grand Knight Bill Sturgeon, 843-314-3415.
CATHOLIC RADIO - Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone has
asked each parish in the Diocese to designate February 7,
2016 as Catholic Radio in South Carolina Sunday in an effort
to increase awareness and support. Programming is available
on WCKI 1300 AM in the Greer/Greenville area and on WLTQ
730 AM in the Charleston area. Grow in the faith by tuning in.
This Lent try "Commuting with Catholic Radio!
Life is sponsoring the Annual Marriage Anniversary Celebration Mass on February 21, 2016, at St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church in Aiken, SC at 3:00 p.m. with Most
Reverend Robert Guglielmone as the main celebrant. The
Marriage Anniversary Celebration is an opportunity to honor
all married couples especially those in long-term marriages.
To register, please fill out the form on our website at or email or call 803.547.5063.
ALS SUPPORT GROUP - 2nd Saturday of the Month,
12 Noon, Socastee United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
This support group is for patients, family, friends, caregivers
or those interested in ALS. Discussion, support, suggestions
information, etc, followed by free lunch. Contact Lynn Negley,
843-650-6106 (H) or 843-2754-3366 for more information.
The Gift Shop: Located at the Church. Open after all
weekend Masses & Wednesdays 9:15-10:00 AM
Vonne Pannucci: 843-235-0455,
PBOC GIFT SHOP NEWS - We just re-stocked Saint
Christopher and St. Joseph Holy cards along with lovely Della
Robbia holy water fonts. They are blue and white with Our Lady
within the design. We also have a matching cross that makes
this a lovely gift for anyone.
We are in need of someone to help us in The Gift Shop once
a month on the third Sunday after 8:00 AM Mass. This is an
easy ministry that requires no more than a half hour of your
time, as well as, providing an opportunity to meet your fellow
parishioners. Anyone interested? Please contact Vonne
Pannucci at 843-235-0455 or
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Prayer shawls are available at
the parish office for anyone who is in need of prayers and
comfort. We meet every second Thursday of each month at
1:30 PM. Our next meeting is February 11. Everyone who is
interested is welcome to join us. Any questions, call Roberta
Clover 843-235-9133.
ROSARY MAKERS - Come join us on the second Thursday
of every month at the Parish Life Center, 9:30 to 11:30 AM, to
assemble kits for our makers, send out to others, and have a
nice social time. No cost to you! Our next meeting is Feb. 11.
Hoping to hear from you all. Please call Helen at 843-235-2639.
Carl A. Anderson on the "New Normal"
"........Forty-three years after Roe v. Wade, the American people
have reached a consensus on an issue the pundits have told us
is “unsolvable.” The Marist poll, sponsored by the Knights of
Columbus, has been conducted on this issue for nearly a decade, and it has shown a remarkably consistent agreement of
about eight in ten Americans in favor of significant abortion restrictions. It is time for a new discussion on abortion, one not
based on labels, but on the real views of the American people. It
is time to talk about this issue as it is and to craft restrictions that
the vast majority of us agree on, rather than trying to keep in
place a legal regime the American people never asked for, and
clearly do not support." - Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight of
the Knights of Columbus
ASH WEDNESDAY is February 10 - a day of fast and
abstinence. There will be three Masses to mark the beginning
of Lent: 8:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, and 6:00 PM.
HEALING MASSES - We have scheduled two Healing
Masses in the season of Lent:
Thursday, February 11 at 6:00 PM
Thursday, March 10 at 6:00 PM.
Those who are ill will receive the anointing of the sick. All
who are in need of physical, mental, or spiritual healing are
welcome to attend these special Masses.
LENTEN MAGNIFICAT BOOKS are available at the back of
♥ VALENTINE BLESSING - Fr. Pat will give a special
blessing to married couples at all Masses next weekend,
February 13-14 for Valentine’s Day.
again for us to begin to schedule liturgical ministers for the next
quarter. Please let our chairpersons know by February 29 th of
any dates you will be away in April, May and June. You can do
this by going to and filling
out the form. Your information will automatically go to all of
your chairpersons.
MEET THE PRIEST: Meet "Fr. Gerrety" - please bring a
covered dish to share.
February 22, 2016, 6:00 PM Mass
PBOC Church then PLC
Mass, meal, & Fr. Gerrety's vocation story
Anyone who would like to attend
Fellowship & Evangelization
BROCHURES - Do you have areas you are searching for a
greater understanding of in society and in your walk in the
Faith? Check out the Lighthouse CD kiosk in the back of the
church and buy some relevant and timely topics! Challenge
yourself to a greater understanding and we are sure your walk
with our Lord will be enriched greatly! CDs are just $3.
person who has suffered the death of a loved one. The group
meets the first and third Tuesday of every month at 9:15 AM
in the Parish Life Center, with facilitators Lisa Phelan, LMSW,
and Harrison Grey, PhD, Bereavement Coordinator. The next
meeting will be on February 16nd. For more info please contact Lisa Phelan at 843-546-3410 or 843-318-1264.
PRIMETIMERS (50+) - come join us for bingo and refreshments on Friday, February 19 (a week later than our usual
day) from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the PLC. Questions? Call Barbara at 843-979-1317.
Small Christian Communities
Prayer of the Sick...
Dear Jesus, Healer of the Sick, I turn to you in this
time of illness. Alleviate my worry and sorrow with your
gentle love, and grant me the grace and strength to accept
this burden. I place my worries in your hands. I place myself
in your care and humbly ask that you restore me to health
again. Above, all, grant me the grace to acknowledge your
holy will and know that you love me, and are with me at this
my most difficult time. Amen.
Saturday, February 6
8:30 AM
 Vasilli Volitis
5:00 PM
 Jack Starrick
Sunday, February 7
8:00 AM
 William Wichrowski
10:30 AM
The People of the Parish
Monday, February 8
8:30 AM
 Stavro Kolas
Tuesday, February 9
8:30 AM
Special Intention for those attending
the Day of Prayer
Wednesday, February 10 - Ash Wednesday
8:30 AM
 Grace Ann Caramico
12:00 PM
 Thomas Sears
6:00 PM
 Robert Hewitt Fabrey
Thursday, February 11
8:30 AM
 Francis Kelly &
 Eugene & Annette Esposito
6:00 PM
Healing Mass
Friday, February 12
8:30 AM
Spiritual Bouquet for Fran & Dan Spencer
Saturday, February 13
8:30 AM
 Richard Marino
5:00 PM
The People of the Parish
Sunday, February 14
8:00 AM
 John D. Henson
10:30 AM
 Barbara Belfatto
CALENDAR is posted in the hall by
the literature rack in the church. There
are four intentions each week. Please
fill in for whom and from on the calendar. Your donation of $25 for each
intention can be placed in the flower
envelope located to the right of the calendar. Please drop
your envelope in the collection basket or turn in at the office.
FLOWER INTENTIONS for this week are:
In Memory of Ron Temple by Eloise Temple
In Memory of Dennis Fiederlein by Grace Fiederlein
Sunday, February 7
9:15 - 10:45 AM
Religious Ed - PLC Classrooms
9:15 - l0:15 AM
Between The Masses - PLC back hall
Monday, February 8
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Mah Jongg/Hand & Foot Group - PLC Rm. 2
7:00 - 8:30 PM
“Teddy Roosevelt” Lecture - PLC Rm. 1
Tuesday, February 9
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Women’s Club Day of Prayer - PLC Hall
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Card Group - PLC Rm. 2
Wednesday, February 10
9:20 - 11:30 AM
K of C Discussion Group - PLC Rm. 3
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Bible Study - PLC Classrooms
Thursday, February 11
9:30 - 11:30 AM
Bible Study - PLC Classrooms
9:30 - 11:30 AM
Rosary Makers Meeting - PLC Rm. 5
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting - PLC Rm. 3
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Mah Jongg/Hand & Foot Group - PLC Rm. 2
Friday, February 12
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Women’s Club Fash. Show Mtg - PLC Rm.1
Saturday, February 13
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Junior Youth Valentine’s Day Dance - PLC
To sign up for an hour of Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament on First Fridays,
please call Jack Seibert at 237-9785.
Special Prayer Requests: Please pray for the repose
of the souls of: Virginia Lee Halley DeCastro, sister of
parishioner Susan Aiesi; parishioner Robert Horrell; and
Rev. Andrew Vollkommer, pastor of Our Lady of the
Lake Church in Chapin
February 8 - 14
Readings for the Week of February 7, 2016
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8;
1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11; Lk 5:1-11
Saint Jerome Emiliani; Saint Josephine
Bakhita, Virgin
1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10; Mk 6:53-56
1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3, 4, 5, and 10, 11;
Mk 7:1-13
Wednesday Ash Wednesday
Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14, and 17;
2 Cor 5:20—6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Thursday Our Lady of Lourdes
Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Lk 5:27-32
First Sunday of Lent
Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15;
Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Dwayne Christen,
Allison Duff, Christopher Fedor, Thomas
Lynch, Duane O’Connor, Sharon Roberts,
Wyatt Roff, Jeannine Siembida, Everett
Chadwick, Tim Gilligan, Jim Lampe,
Robert Phelan, Deandre Richardson, John
Spagnuolo, Otto Czechner, Lucien Ellerich, Anna Glinka, Gregory
Hierholzer, Kathleen Kearney, Joel Odom, Joan Phelan, John
Plesha, Shea Thomas, Ellen Anderson,
Vic Figlar, Michael Harrigan, Nick Marnell, Chad McClanahan,
Rebecca Montgomery, Patrick Sullivan, Paul Boghosian,
Mary Dezzutti, Michael Duggan, Fred Gollinge, Ronald Globaker,
Rita Gravitte, Reese Hannon, John Martin, Terrance Rivinius,
Patricia Sarafino, Maria Cappello, Robert Dallaire, Tee Fattaleh,
Dorothy MacDonnell, JoRuth Oppenheim, Joseph Paukovich.
To: Judy & Robert Modica, Marilyn & Joseph
Gleaton, Florence & Joseph Gatto, Cynthia &
Ronald Blanchard, Rene & Tony Pritchett,
Charlene & Terry Coffin, Gilma & Kevin Caslin.