PreciousBlood of Christ
PreciousBlood of Christ
Preciou reciouss B loo lood d ofC hrist CATHOLIC CHURCH 1633 Waverly Road, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Phone (843) 237-3428 FAX: (843) 237-2293 e-mail: website: We are a Stewardship Parish! Called by God to use our Time, Talent & Treasure To serve God and his children REV. PATRICK J. STENSON, MSC ADMINISTRATOR March 8, 2015 PARISH STAFF Ellen Sullivan Parish Coordinator Patty Guazzo Parish Secretary Sondra Sutherland Financial Secretary Maureen Arneman Director of Religious Education Michael King Events Coordinator WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAY OBLIGATION: Saturday: ............................................ 5:00 PM Sunday:............................ 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM DAILY MASS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: (also Thursdays and Saturdays November thru Pentecost) .......................................... 8:30 AM FIRST SATURDAY: ................................................... 8:30 AM RECONCILIATION: Saturday: .............. 4:00 PM or by appointment. HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION: Vigil: .................................................... 6:00 PM Holyday: ............................. 8:30 AM & 6:00 PM ROSARY: Weekdays: ........................ 7:55 AM - In Chapel MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Wednesdays .................................... after Mass ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Friday: ......................... 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM WELCOME to Precious Blood of Christ Parish. We are happy you decided to worship with us. If you are visiting just for today, we pray that God will be with you on your journey. If you are seeking a church home, we would be happy to welcome you into our parish community. If you are interested in joining our parish family, please call the office at 237-3428. “Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone” We thirst for lots of things in life - not just water. We thirst for love, for acceptance, happiness, selfrespect, for meaning. When these thirsts are left unfulfilled we can become depressed, embittered, angry, or spiteful. Spiritual thirst can impact on the quality of life for us, just as physical thirst can impair our health. People seek to satisfy their spiritual thirst in strange ways. Many people turn to drugs or addictive behaviors just to numb their spiritual thirst. Saint Augustine could say of this thirst: “Our hearts were made for you, O God, and they shall never rest until they rest in you.” One of the greatest human thirsts is the thirst for meaning in life. We need to know that our lives make a difference, that there is a purpose for our lives and that they have a meaning. Viktor Frankl, who developed a form of therapy called logotherapy, observed the people in the concentration camp. Being a student of nature, he wondered why some people lived while others died. It became clear to him that those who died could not make sense out of their sufferings. It was meaningless so there was no reason to hope. On the other hand, those who believed that in spite of the travesty and tragedy of the concentration camp, that God had some kind of a plan for them and their lives still had a purpose and meaning - these were the ones to survive. Not only is this sense of mission and purpose in life important for all who suffer, we all need to know and believe that God has a plan, a mission for us. Life is meaningful and there is reason to hope. Truly we do not live on bread alone. We have deeper needs than our physical ones. Our spiritual needs are the ones which give life its true value and meaning. Jesus invites us to drink of the Holy Spirit - a source of strength and support that will never dry up. So let us come to the water, and let us ask God’s Holy Spirit to nourish and strengthen the spirit within us so that we can truly rejoice in life and live it to the fullest. “There is a hole in every human heart, which only God can fill.” God sends each person into the world with a special message to deliver, with a special song to sing, with a special act of love to bestow.” (John Powell) SACRAMENTS COMMUNION IN HOME OR HOSPITAL: For ill or chronically confined, call the parish office, or Gloria Davitt, 235-3667 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Call the office at first sign of serious illness. BAPTISM: Contact Matt & Catherine Eirvin at 843-833-4115 before the child is born. Preparation class is required. MARRIAGE: Contact pastor six months before wedding. Marriage preparation and Engaged Encounter is required. PARISH COMMITTEE HEADS Parish Pastoral Council: Fr. Stenson Bi-monthly, Second Monday, 5:30 PM, October-June Finance Council: Bob Reinke Catholics Coming Home (Inactive Catholics): Mary Rana - 359-9029 Choir Director: Renée Faiella Rehearsal Tuesday, 4:45 PM, September-May Youth Choir: Renée Faiella, September-May Columbarium: John Moyik - 237-3428 Education: Maureen Arneman Religious Education Classes for Youth, Sundays, September-May Pre-K through 9th Grades: 9:10—10:15 AM Junior Youth: Grades 7 & 8 Select Friday Nights - 6-8:00 PM . See bulletin for details. Senior Youth: Grades 10 - 12, 11:45 AM RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): Kevin Barnes, Mary Posek - Thursdays 7:00 PM Evangelization: Matt hew Eirvin - 843-344-3356 Fellowship: Victor & Aixa Diaz Bereavement Group: Lisa Phelan & Harrison Grey. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 9:15 AM Outreach: Dawn Carey, Carolyn Wesolowski Third Friday, 9:30 AM Ecumenism: Deacon Steve Olenchock - 314-9333 Elder Issues: Eloise Temple Men’s Prayer Group: Jim Lampe, Tuesdays 7:00 PM in Chapel; Neil Fico, Fridays 6:45 AM in Founders Hall Prayer & Worship: Renée Faiella 4th Monday, 4 PM, September-May Respect Life: Len Vercellotti Safe Environment Coordinator: Karyn Coyne Small Christian Communities: Elva Horlings , 2nd Thursday, 7:00 PM Stewardship: Dennis & Catherine Slattery First Thursday, 3:30 PM ORGANIZATIONS Women’s Club: Joan Brown, President First Thursday, 11:00 AM, September-June Knights of Columbus: Allan Guazzo, Grand Knight Council Business, First Thursday, 7:00 PM Council Social, Third Thursday, 7:00 PM Cursillo: Sabrina Lampe Ultreya - First Monday, 7:00 PM Birthright of Georgetown: 546-0833 Habitat for Humanity: Rocky Gray Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services: 843-853-2130, extension 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance: 1(800) 921-8122 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Weekdays 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed Thursday afternoons from 12:00 to 4:30 PM HOW ARE WE DOING? Collections for the 1st Weekend in March 2015 1st Collection - Parish Operations Envelopes ..................................................................$9,913.00 Electronic Giving ........................................................$1,211.00 Visitors - Loose ..........................................................$2,214.56 Total Collection ........................................................ $13,338.56 Registered Parish Families: 1018 Envelope Donors: 562 Envelopes Returned this week: 261….47% Electronic Donors: 158 Transactions this week: 26.....17% Average gift: Envelopes…..$37.98 Electronic…..$46.58 Electronic sign up: 2nd Collection - Parish Debt Reduction Weekly Collection .......................................................$3,140.75 Balance on PLC mortgage .................................... $797,984.64 MASS ATTENDANCE: 1ST WEEKEND IN MARCH: 5:00 PM: 374, 8:00 AM: 302, 10:30 AM: 392. Total: 1068 Precious Blood Catholic Church provides Online Giving - a convenient and safe way to make one-time or recurring donations. Getting started is easy --- just visit our parish website, and click our ONLINE GIVING link. Contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or saving account or processed using your credit or debit card. Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and donation consistency for our parish. If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write 52 checks a year. And, when travel, illness or other circumstances keeps you away, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis. OPERATION RICE BOWL As part of our Lenten Journey, you are invited to participate in Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl. Throughout Lent we will pray, fast, learn and give as a way to reach out in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world. Please be sure to take home a Rice Bowl packet and follow this simple yet powerful Lenten Practice. Visit for additional resources to use at home. PENNIES FROM HEAVEN — Please deposit your loose change in the canisters at the front entrances of the Church and Chapel. (Sponsored by the Women’s Club.) REMEMBRANCE SPONSORSHIPS For the Lenten season, opportunities for Precious Blood of Christ Remembrance Sponsorships are available to remember a loved one, honor your family or a family member for Lent: Lenten Companion Magnificat booklets – $600 Candles - $2,000 Partial sponsorships available Please call Ellen at the Church office 237-3428, ext. 2. FATHER PAT’S EASTER BASKETS As many of you know, each year at Easter Father Pat provides Easter Baskets for the children on Easter Sunday. This year it will be at our 10:00 AM Mass. If anyone would like to make monetary contributions to this project, please contact the parish office. SPECIAL COLLECTION: The Black and Indian Mission Collection will be taken up in the Diocese of Charleston this weekend, March 7-8. The collection supports African American, Native American, and Alaska Native missions, schools, and religious education programs, and training of catechists, deacons and seminarians for future generations. Please be generous in your support. OUTREACH EASTER FOOD DRIVE - Bags for the Easter Food Drive will be distributed next weekend, March 14 & 15, after every Mass. We thank you in advance for your generosity. - Kathy & Jack Welde, Donna & Mike Saguto, Food Drive Coordinators SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 4:00 to 8:00 PM Benefitting Father Pat’s Kitchen FR. PAT’S LUNCH KITCHEN LAST W EEK OF FEBRUARY: On Wednesday we served 115 people BBQ Chicken Quarters, Oven-Brown Red Potatoes, Fried Cabbage, Bread/Butter, Assorted Desserts and Sweet Tea. On Thursday we served 117 people Chicken Broth, Pizza, tossed Salad, Assorted Desserts and Sweet Tea. For Saturday breakfast we served 99 people Eggs, Sausage, Biscuits with Cheese or Jelly, Potatoes & Onions, Fruit Cocktail, Cereal, OJ/Coffee/Milk. KITCHEN VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE: Wednesday, March 11: John & Donna Martin, Frank & Mary Fran McGinnis, Maria Kim, Suzanne Harris, Mary Shumpert, Eloise Temple, Ann Wilson Thursday, March 12: Arnaldo & Antoinette Marchionne, Joan Gallagher, Marguerite Schneider, Regina Stoetzer, Stacy Clardy Saturdays in March: Extraordinary Ministers Please note! If you are unable to make your scheduled time please try to switch with someone or call someone to sub for you. Thank You for serving. We thank everyone who helps to make these meals a pleasure for all who come, and everyone who donates food. Father Pat’s Lunch Kitchen: Lunch: 11:30-1:30 Wednesday/Thursday Breakfast: Saturdays 9:00-11:00 AM BULLETIN ON THE WEB The bulletin is available on our website under a single link: “Current Bulletin & Fr. Pat’s Message”. ATTENTION MINISTRIES: Articles for the April issue of the Precious WORD parish newsletter are due by March 15th. Please email to: BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for articles for the March 22nd bulletin is Friday, March 13th by 10:00 AM. YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS SPECIAL CONCERT - Mark your Calendars! SENIOR YOUTH “The Promised Land Quartet” will perform a concert of gospel music on Thursday, March 26 at 7:00 PM at Precious Blood Church. One of the members of the quartet is K C Armstrong, a member of the U.S. Army Chorus. The concert is free. All parishioners and members of the community are welcome. Bible Study: Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 PM at the PLC Youth Simple Supper and Stations - Friday, March 20, 5:45 PM in Founders Hall Girls Retreat - “Scratching the Surface” SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, March 29, 4:30-7:30 PM WOMEN’S CLUB “Women Making A Difference” CAPS OF LOVE PROJECT - The last day for all parishioners to contribute plastic caps, to be recycled for funds for wheelchairs for disabled children, is Wednesday, March 11. Please bring hard plastic caps in ziplock bags to the receptacle in the PLC lobby. No metal or paper attachments. Please put soft clear water bottle tops in a separate bag. Our contribution will be taken to the SCCCW Convention in Greenville SC to be shipped to the recycling company. Many thanks to all who supported this worthwhile project. If questions, contact Judy Zachar at 235-7552. MOVIE AND LUNCH BUNCH - The next outing for the Movie and Lunch Bunch will be Thursday, March 12. For details and to sign up, contact Judy Zachar at 235-7552. There will be no Movie and Lunch Bunch outing in April due to Holy Week. FASHION SHOW - Just a few tickets are still available for this year’s Women’s Club Fashion Show entitled “Lunch at Tiffany’s.” They are $40.00. The date for the event is Saturday, March 14 th. For tickets or more information, contact Joan Baker, 235-0026. MARY’S WAY OF THE CROSS - On March 27th at 7:00 PM, we will continue our Spiritual Journey with the Stations of The Cross. At The Day of Prayer, we enjoyed a very special relationship with Mary, the Mother of God. This relationship will be even strengthened on March 27th. This is the first time Mary’s Way of The Cross has been presented in this Parish. Please make every effort to attend. I promise, it will touch your soul, enrich you and truly be a moving part of your Spiritual Journey. And join us for a simple supper at 6:00 PM. TRUNK SHOW - Save the date! Thursday, April 16 we will be holding a Trunk Show from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at the PLC. We are looking for people who have a Direct Sales Business who would like to participate in this event. It will be a great way to expand your business and make money for yourself and also help the Women’s Club. If interested, please call Marianne Anderson at 843-235-6750. IRISH SODA BREAD SALE PBOC Women’s Club will be holding a Soda Bread Sale after all Masses on March 14 & 15 (while supplies last). Please help support the Women’s Club and enjoy our home baked breads to enjoy with your St. Patrick’s Day meals. DAY OF THE UNBORN CHILD - March 25 is the Day of the Unborn Child. Council 11028 and Birthright of Georgetown will hold a Mass at 6:00 PM at PBOC Church. There will be a Social following the Mass in the PLC. Please plan to attend this important Culture of LIfe event to continue the fight against abortion. OPERATION HOPE - The Charity Mania program: We are off to a great start! We already have commitments of $10 per card for the first 100 cards. The second batch of 100 cards are available for sale to council members, family and friends. Remember for each card you purchase or sell the council will receive $7 towards supporting our Operation Hope Charities. Brothers, Charity Mania is a great way for you to receive music downloads and have a fun time following the NCAA Basketball Tournament, all while raising money to help children with special needs. Please consider purchasing at least one card. Contact Al Carline 235-3739. CANS FOR BASKERVILL PANTRY - Please remember to bring cans of food to the next business meeting for the Baskervill Food Pantry. If you bring at least 3 cans you will get an extra ticket in the split pot drawing. More important you will be helping to feed those who need it the most. IN THE DIOCESE ENGLISH (ESL) CLASSES - Free English (English as Second Language) classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in a classroom at St. Michael School in Murrells Inlet from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. All materials are provided without cost. Please use the Duffy Center entrance to the school. Contact Tony Acero at 843-215-4959 for more information. Clases de Ingles los Martes y Jueves de 6:30 a 8:00 PM en un salon de la escuela de St. Michael. Favor usar las puertas del gimnasio (Duffy Center) para llegar al salon. Todos los materiales se proveen sin costo, Ponerse en contacto con Tony Acero en el 843-215-4959 para mayor informacion. The Gift Shop: Located at the Church. Open after all STATIONS OF THE CROSS are held at 7:00 PM every Friday during Lent through March 27. Simple suppers are at 6:00 - 6:45 in Founders Hall before Stations. weekend Masses & Wednesdays 9:15-10:00 AM Vonne Pannucci: 843-235-0455, PBOC GIFT SHOP NEWS - Just in time for Saint Patrick’s Day, we have beautiful Celtic bone china mugs, shamrock bracelets with a crucifix and mini medal, and a Claddaugh Rosary with shamrock beads. Special St. Patrick’s Day greeting cards, Irish Blessings and Celtic notes are also available. Our newest holy cards are St. Brendan, the patron saint of mariners, A Novena to St. Joan of Arc, and St. Christopher’s prayer before a journey. Lastly, we just received The Story of Easter coloring book for children. Since we only have a small supply of many of our seasonal items stop by The Shop soon for the best selection. We still need one more 10:30 Mass volunteer. Please call Vonne at 235-0455. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - Prayer shawls are available at the parish office for anyone who is ill and in need of prayers and comfort. Call Roberta Clover 843-235-9133 or Ellen Richardson 843-237-4664 with any questions. ROSARY MAKERS - We need more rosary makers! Come join us on the second Thursday of every month at the Parish Life Center, 9:30 to 11:30 AM, to assemble kits for our makers, send out to others, and have a nice social time. No cost to you! Hoping to hear from you all. Please call Helen: 235-2639. your loved one is confined to home, in the hospital or recovering from surgery and now home. (Hospitals will not give out patient information, so we have no way of knowing your needs.) Our ministry is to unite the sick and recovering followers of Christ with the Body of Christ, they are not ALONE. Please call the parish office at 237-3428, or Gloria at 235-3667. ADULT EDUCATION ENRICH YOUR LENT WITH CDS AND BOOKS Are you looking for something extra to enrich your faith? In the back of the church we have displays with inspirational Catholic CDs. We all live busy lives. Finding the time to learn about your faith can be difficult. But, now we are able to meet you where you are! Wherever you have a CD player available, in your car or in your home, you can deepen your understanding and love of the Catholic faith. Some of the topics will even help your children’s faith come alive! We ask for a small donation of $3 per CD so we can continue this program. Then, feel free to pass on to others to share the great stories. FELLOWSHIP RESPECT LIFE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP - is intended for CARDINAL O’MALLEY, ARCHBISHOP LORI URGE SUPPORT FOR THE HEALTH CARE CONSCIENCE RIGHTS ACT - In a February 13 letter to the House of Representatives, the bishops, who chair the Committee on Pro -Life Activities and the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), urged legislators to support and co-sponsor the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940). “It is increasingly obvious that Congress needs to act to protect conscientious objection to the taking of innocent human life,” wrote Cardinal O’Malley and Archbishop Lori. “Recently California’s Department of Managed Health Care began demanding that all health plans under its jurisdiction include elective abortions, including late-term abortions. This mandate has no exemption for religious or moral objections, and is being enforced against religious universities, schools and even churches. Similar proposals have emerged in Washington and other states.” “We strongly urge you to support and co-sponsor the Health Care Conscience Rights Act,” the bishops concluded. PRAYER & WORSHIP HEALING MASS - We welcome Father Brian Plate from th COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND - Let us know if th New Jersey, who will be with us from March 9 to the 16 . Father Plate will celebrate a Healing Mass on Tuesday, March 10 at 6:00 PM . Anyone in need of physical, emotional or spiritual healing is welcome to attend. any person who has suffered the death of a loved one. The group meets the first and third Tuesday of every month at 9:15 AM in the Parish Life Center, with facilitators Lisa Phelan, LMSW, and Harrison Grey, PhD, Bereavement Coordinator. The next meeting will be on March 17th. For more info please contact Lisa Phelan at 843-546-3410 or 843-318-1264. MINISTRY OF CARING Do you live alone or need to hear a friendly voice? Let us know. You could receive a phone call from a fellow parishioner. A simple “Hello, How are you?” Please call Patty at the parish office if you are interested (237-3428, ext. 2). SAINT PATRICK’S DAY PARTY Sunday, March 15 5:00 - 9:00 PM Music by Karen & Carl Corned Beef Dinner catered by Pawleys Island Bakery (chicken available upon request) Tickets: $18/pp - available at the parish office Small Christian Communities PRAYER CORNER Pray with us . . Father in heaven, grant me the grace to deepen my faithfulness to you and your Church during these holy days of Lent. Saturday, March 7 8:30 AM Mildred Emanuele 5:00 PM The People of the Parish & Spiritual Bouquet for Christine Kitchen Sunday, March 8 8:00 AM Ann Marie Molnar 10:30 AM Spiritual Bouquet for Mary Shumpert Monday, March 9 8:30 AM Andrea Scott Tuesday, March 10 8:30 AM Dolores Diane Faatz 6:00 PM Healing Mass Wednesday, March 11 8:30 AM Spiritual Bouquet for Tommy Sears Thursday, March 12 8:30 AM Nancy Henschel Friday, March 13 8:30 AM Fran Burton Saturday, March 14 8:30 AM Frank Yannich 5:00 PM Paul Dolcimascolo Sunday, March 15 8:00 AM John Anderson 10:30 AM The People of the Parish Special Prayer Requests: Please pray for the repose of the souls of: Mabel Gilbert Imig, sister of Ron Gilbert; and Mary Ann Kidd, sister of Fran Spencer. EASTER FLOWER INTENTIONS are now being taken. Your intentions will be listed in a special Easter bulletin. Envelopes are located in the gathering space. Drop them in the collection or at the parish office – deadline for envelope return is March 25. Readings for the Week of March 8, 2015 Sunday Third Sunday of Lent Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17; Ps 19; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 Monday Saint Frances of Rome, Religious 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95; Lk 11:14-23 Friday Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Help us with our Parish Broadcast eMail System. Please go to the address below to make sure your email address is correct. Sunday, March 8 9:15 - 10:15 AM Between The Masses - PLC Hall 9:15 - 10:15 AM Religious Ed - PLC Classrooms & Founders Monday, March 9 1:00 - 4:00 PM Mah Jongg/Hand & Foot Group - PLC Rm. 2 Tuesday, March 10 1:00 - 4:00 PM Card Group - PLC Rm. 1 Wednesday, March 11 6:00 - 8:30 PM Bible Study - PLC Classrooms Thursday, March 12 9:30 - 11:30 PM Bible Study - PLC Classrooms 9:30 - 11:30 AM Rosary Makers - PLC Rm. 3 1:00 - 4:00 PM Mah Jongg/Hand & Foot Group - PLC Rm. 2 1:30 - 3:30 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry - PLC Rm. 3 Friday, March 13 6:00 - 6:45 PM Simple Supper - Founders Hall 7:00 - 8:00 PM Stations of the Cross - Church Saturday, March 14 & Sunday March 15 After all Masses Women’s Club Irish Soda Bread Sale Sunday March 15 5:00 - 9:00 PM St. Patrick’s Day Dance - PLC Hall EUCHARISTIC ADORATION SOCIETY To sign up for an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on First Fridays, please call Jack Seibert at 237-9785. CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Parishioners are welcome to sing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 PM during First Friday Adoration. For more information, contact Betty Roy at 237-9298 SPECIAL CELEBRATIONS March 9 - 15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Helen McGough, Christine Schwartz, Justin Seningen, Janet Strittmatter, Mary Jane Barnett, Eleanor Bonzani, Paula Gromults, Shannon Hannon, Guido Ianiero, Stan Kowalewski, Harold Schwartz, Terry Stevenson, Claire Turner, H. David Gleaton Jr., John Millane IV, Kathie Monnich, Paul Reitano, Carmela Scalera, Edward Schoenig, Tommy Sears, Karen Audley, Theresa DeCenzo, Donna Kaminski, Cecilia Knapp, Barb Lowe, Mike Nguyen, Helen Salemme, Tristan Thomas, Kelly Walsh, Jennifer Zawislak, Alice Fabbri, Evelyn Hayes, Adam Reichert, Virginia Walker, Michele Battaglino, John Cioni, Shirley Polakowski, Susan Walker, Joseph Burger Jr., Beth Hipp, Kathleen McKay, Merritt Montgomery. To: Kathleen & Richard McKay, Kathy & John Cioni, Stacy & Keith Errico, Kathleen & John Kearney.
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