Wednesday - The Church Of The Most Precious Blood Sidmouth.


Wednesday - The Church Of The Most Precious Blood Sidmouth.
Canon Paul Cummins
The Presbytery, Radway, Sidmouth,
EX10 8TW
01395 513340
Church of The Most Precious Blood
Sixth Week in Ordinary Time B1
Psalter 1
Retired Priest: Fr Patrick Kilgarriff
Exeter Hospital Chaplain: Fr John Watkins
07803 932306 or 01392 274724
Vigil Mass
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekday Mass
Weekday Mass
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Friday after Ash Wednesday
After weekday Mass or by appointment
Let us keep in our prayers those who are sick and housebound in our parish including Margaret Walsh,
Joyce Long, Hugh O’Donnell, Connie Loebell, Paddy Lynch, Andrew MacQueen, Kay Evans, Joyce Prankard,
Clifford Brown, Christopher Brown, Peter & Eileen Brown, Margaret & Ted Ford, Suzanne Hosker & George
Welcome to all our visitors. We hope you have a lovely stay in Sidmouth. Please join us in the hall after
Sunday Mass for tea and coffee.
There is a second collection this weekend for the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund.
Cleaners - please pick up your copy of the new cleaning rota from the porch.
Free Pancakes for All! This week Tuesday 17th is Shrove Tuesday so everyone is very
welcome at the hall from 4pm til 6pm to eat pancakes together and celebrate before Lent begins.
Look out for Lent!
Lent begins this Wednesday (18th) with Mass at 10am and 7pm. Ash Wednesday is a day of
fasting and abstinence for those between the ages of 14 and 60 who are not pregnant or suffering
from any illness.
There are lots of events during Lent to help you prepare for Easter. More details can be found in your
Lent leaflet. Please contact the parish office if you have any queries.
Don’t forget to pick up your Day by Day booklets from the porch to help you with your Lenten journey.
Faith sharing meal 25th February – please sign up on the sheet in the porch if you would like to come,
in order to help with numbers for catering.
LENT15 – a bold new initiative from Plymouth Diocese: 3 minute reflections on Lent from 40 different
people who serve in our diocese as priests, deacons, teachers or volunteers. Search
for ‘Plymouth Diocese’ each day of Lent (except Sundays) for a new thought each day.
Calling all photographers! If you have any photos of church events (not necessarily recent ones)
that you are happy to share for us to use on the parish website and in posters and other publicity,
please let the parish office have a copy. Many thanks.
Ladies Guild - we have been invited to the Methodist Ladies Anniversary Tea on Thursday 5th March at 2.30
pm. Please put your name on the list in the porch if you intend to go to it. They need to know numbers before
the end of this month.
Women’s World Day of Prayer – 2:30pm Friday 6th March at the Parish church.
Prayers of the Faithful Ministry - come and join our dedicated group who create the intercessions for Masses
on Saturdays, Sundays and special celebrations. We work together in small groups of 2 or 3 people and
generally meet every 10 weeks or so to reduce the frequency of meetings. For more information, please contact
Mim for an informal chat on 07880704329 or at:
Brigid McEleney-Smith is running the 20 mile cross country race, appropriately named 'The Grizzly',
on Sunday 1st March 2015. If you would like to sponsor her for the HCPT Westcountry Youth Group
please fill in the form in the porch or go on-line to
Christ and the church needs you! In this year for consecrated life we invite young men aged 18-40 to dream
big and consider a life on the spiritual vanguard. 'Come and See' the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham, a
new religious community founded in 2004. As the male branch begins to take shape you are invited to consider
if its spirituality speaks to you. 20th-22nd March at Abbotswick House of Prayer near Brentwood in Essex. For
further details visit or call Jim on 01277 373848.
Tuesday 17th February, 4-6pm, Hall
Wednesday 18th February, 10am and 7pm
Friday 20th February, 6pm
Saturday 21st February 10am
Free Pancakes For All
Ash Wednesday Masses
Stations of the Cross
Building group
Rosary before Mass – starts at 9:35am
Mothers Prayer Group 10:30am in the Presbytery
Fortnightly prayer group at Fr Paddy’s 7pm
Marian Prayer Group in St Teresa’s Hall 7–8pm
Choir Practice in the church from 5pm
On the last Saturday of the month choir practice is usually at 11am in the church
Next Wee kend (21st/22nd February)
5:30pm Vigil
Reader 1
Reader 2
Ann Liverton
Kathleen Dollery
Gwen Larter
Gn 9:8-15
1P 3:18-22
Peter McGauley
Norma Hoare
Eucharistic Chalice
Angie Walsh
Francesca Osbaldeston
Stephanie Turner
Ann Faherty
Judith Banks
Moya Yorke-Davies
Linda Mills
John & Teresina Chase
Cleane rs
Maureen Lamb & Dorothy Vosper
Counters on 16th
Flowe rs
Hall Refreshments
Catherine & John Defoe
Angela O'Connor and Tundi Bearwolf
Last week’s collections
Hall Bookings
Parish Safeguarding Representatives
Gift Aid £218.50
Cash £225.05
Rebecca 513340
Gwen & John Larter 579773
Una Cunningham 577391, Cathy Gunnell 519302 & Ann Murphy 07779986217
Sidmouth Parish is part of Plymouth R.C.Diocese: Reg charity No. 213227