Catholic Church - Diocese of Marquette
Catholic Church - Diocese of Marquette
Saint Anne First Sunday of Lent ~ February 14, 2016 Catholic Church Since 1888 817 So. Lincoln Rd. Escanaba, MI 49829 Parish Office Hours: M-F 9:00 am-12:00 pm & 1:00-4:00 pm • Phone: 906.786.1421 Email: - Website: Dear Parish Family, On this first Sunday of Lent, we hear in Luke’s Gospel that Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the desert where He spent forty days fasting and praying but was also tempted there by the devil. The devil tempted Jesus three times in efforts to get Him to misuse His powers for personal glory rather than for the glory of God. Each temptation that Jesus faced and overcame offers us insight into the spirituality we hope to develop as we pray and fast and seek to grow closer to God and His will for us during these forty days of Lent. What Luke is highlighting for us in his Gospel by making us aware of Jesus’ temptations is that we all face the temptations to want to put our needs and wants before God’s will and plans for us. Like the devil, we don’t always want to be dependent upon God for all that we have and all that we are. We like the freedom God has given us to chase after and fulfill our own desires. Yet, what Jesus is teaching us in today’s Gospel is that anything that leads us to reject our dependency on God or to distrust His sufficiency is a temptation from the devil. Jesus' responses to the temptations of the devil are teaching us how we must respond to temptations. Through these Lenten days of prayer and fasting, let us adopt the same confidence and trust in God that Jesus had when He was faced with temptations. Let us pray for the wisdom to know God’s will, for the grace to reject what is not of God’s will and for the strength to accept and follow God’s will all the days of our life. Fr. Fran OVERCOMING TEMPTATIONS Mission Statement St. Anne Parish is a Catholic Family committed to proclaiming Jesus is Lord, celebrating His presence and serving others in His name. HOLY NAME Mark your calendar: 2/17: Spring Pictures Council Meeting at 6:30 pm 2/18: Sister Marivic visits 2/20: Science Olympiad 2/26: Full day of school but no bussing, parent transport after school ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Thrift Store: 786-2808 Client Services Office: 115 No. 8th St. - 789-1434 (M-W-F) Closed on Holidays 10:00 am — 12:15 pm & 12:45 pm — 2:00 pm Warehouse: 815 1st Ave. No. - 789-1281 Pick up and donations accepted M-F 9 am—4 pm Saturday 12 pm-4 pm, Drop off only St. Anne Conference meets every other Tuesday at 3:00 pm in the Client Services Office. Lunch Served: HOLY NAME CATHOLIC SCHOOL Sponsor a Day February 15: In memory of Herman, Cecile and Bill Fillion from Bob & Mary Fillion February 17: In memory of Louis Diedrich from Louise Diedrich February 19: In memory of Robert Tousignant from Patricia Ohman February 23: In honor of Jane Thomas from Thomas Thomas In memory of Harold Marenger from Tom & Karen Charon February 24: In memory of William J. Perron from William & Donna Perron WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 AT 8:45 AM “The Prophets, Messengers of God’s Mercy” is the title of the bible study program led by Charlene Carlson. The group meets in the Parish Center. Session 3 will cover ‘Jonah: God’s Reluctant Messenger’. Please bring your bible and catechism. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Flexible Days and Hours No Commitment Necessary Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and talents at the St. Vincent De Paul warehouse. We are in need of volunteers to sort clothing, miscellaneous and help with maintenance. If interested, please call 789-1281. St. Vincent de Paul Wed. 11:30 am-1 pm Salvation Army Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 12-1 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to overcome the temptation of thinking only of ourselves and to begin thinking of how God might be calling us to serve Him by serving others with our time, talents and treasures. When we give to the poor, we are serving God by serving others. As we begin this Lenten season, let us look for more ways in which we can serve the needs of the poor. Thank you for your generosity. 40 CANS FOR LENT Knights of Columbus Council 640 Because hunger has no season…I can, you can, we can help someone who needs food. Remember to bring in your cans each week during Lent which will help us fill St. Vincent de Paul’s food pantry shelves. The Knights of Columbus goal is to collect 1000 pounds or more. We thank you for your support this Lenten season. Please use the containers marked for the Knight of Columbus. Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday night at the Sweethearts Dinner. Cocktails at 5:00 pm with dinner served at 6:30 pm. Pastoral Council Members Matt Shepard, Chairperson Holly Thomma Brad Mantela Dennis Dyszel Dorothy Kollmann Karen Wigand Sandy Beauchamp Finance Council Members Deacon Lew Vailliencourt Mary Lu Gaudette John Torreano Dale Ford Jim Bugay 2 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CALENDAR & FINANCIALS I wait for You! Monday, February 15 8:45 am Women’s Scripture Study - Parish Center Tuesday, February 16 4:00 pm CCD Grades K-2 New Altar Servers Training 6:00 pm Finance Council Prayer Partners are needed. Please note: Most times already have at least one adorer. Partners are needed as we desire to have at least two adorers per hour. Sunday: 1 pm, 4 pm, Monday: 2 pm, 6 pm Thursday: 7 pm, Friday: 7 am Saturday: 1 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm, 9 pm To sign up for one of these hours or ANY OTHER HOUR, please call Jim or Jean Simon at 786-1450. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Francis Hospital Chapel Wednesday, February 17 4:00 pm CCD Grades 3-5 5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal CCD Grades 6-9 & 10th Grade Confirmation Class Thursday, February 18 6:15 pm RCIA, Parish Center Library Saturday, February 20 8:45 am Men’s Ministry 2:30 pm Lunch & Movie “Risen” Parish Event 3:00 pm Confessions Sunday, February 21 7:30 pm Youth Group SILENT NO MORE Sponsored by Ushers Uniting for Life Dear children, keep away from idols. ~ 1 Jn. 5:21 REFLECTION: Ginette Paris wrote a book called “The Sacrament of Abortion.” She claims that abortion is a sacred ritual sacrifice to the goddess Artemis. As patroness of animals and of hunters, Artemis represents the ability to both protect and kill. The so-called right to abortion means that the mother can give either life or death to her child. PRAYER: Lord, free Your people from the deception of idolatry, witchcraft, and false worship. Preserve us in true worship and effective justice. COLLECTION FOR…...2/7/16 239 ADULT ENVELOPES .............. 34 MONTHLY ACH ...................... 9 WEEKLY ACH ............................ LOOSE ......................................... STUDENT ..................................... 282 FAMILIES $ 7,196.00 $ 1,074.00 $ 272.00 $ 359.43 $ 16.00 $ 8,917.43 BLACK/NATIVE AMERICAN .......... . $ 779.00 THANK YOU FOR CARING AND SHARING! It Is In Giving That We Receive. Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day ~ Fr. Frank Pavone PLEASE REMEMBER ST. ANNE’S CHURCH IN YOUR ESTATE PLANNING AND/OR YOUR WILL. FASTING & ABSTINENCE DURING LENT HOPE AT THE INN - HOMELESS SHELTER According to Church law, Catholics older than the age of 14 are required to abstain from meat on all the Friday’s of Lent. In addition, those between the ages of 18 and 59, not including pregnant or nursing mothers, should fast by eating only one full meal. Smaller amounts of food, but not as much as a full meal, may be eaten in the morning and either at lunchtime or dinner, depending on when you eat your full meal. There is more need for volunteers than just taking in the homeless and giving them a place to sleep for a night. We also need people to help them by making and providing meals and helping them with laundry. You don't need to be trained to offer your services for these two positions. So, if you are able, please give us a hand with these special needs. is the website. Hope At The Inn also has a face book page. 3 Check us out. Thank you. --- We need your help --- FAITH FORMATION NEWS & NOTES Matt Buchmiller, Grades 6-12 Coordinator Nicolas Moreno, K-5 Coordinator Email: & Phone 786-6202 Office Hours Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Closed Fridays Upcoming Events What: Lunch and a movie! Where: St. Anne’s Parish Hall for lunch and Willow Creek Cinema for the movie When: Saturday, February 20 Time: 2:30 pm SEVERAL MEMBERS OF OUR PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Front row: Sharyn Duell, Marie Anderson, Corky Pepin, Sandy Sarasin, Middle row: Barb Van Ermen, Vicky Elie, Doris Lewis, Mary Pepin, Back row: Karen Wigand, Cheryl Kobasic, Karen Orzel, Sally Majestic, Jane Pryal The Faith Formation Team will be hosting a whole parish event of lunch followed by going to see the movie “Risen”. The movie is rated PG-13 and is centered on the events following the resurrection of Christ through the eyes of a non-believer. Tickets for the event are $10.00 per person, which will get you lunch in the parish hall and a Willow Creek movie pass. Please RSVP with the Faith Formation Office. The members of our Prayer Shawl Ministry have been busy knitting and crocheting beautiful shawls. There is one ready for you, a friend, neighbor or relative. If you or someone you know has a serious illness, anticipating a medical procedure, are home-bound, in a nursing home or assisted living facility, and hasn’t already received a prayer shawl, please give us a call. Also, we would like to give a prayer shawl to any senior in our parish upon request. Our prayer shawls are handmade with care and each one is a unique work of art. Contact Sue (233-9726), Karen (786-1399) or Doris (786-6387). Since the ministry began in 2006, 1350 shawls have been made by talented hands, each blessed by Fr. Fran and given to others with love. Thank you to the women who gather together in Jesus’ name and create lovely gifts of comfort. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attention Holy Name Parents If you have a 2nd or 3rd grade child that attends Holy Name and belongs to the parish, they will need to receive their sacraments with us. If you have not turned in a registration form yet, please do so at the Faith Formation Office. ENDEAVORS The Faith Formation Office is accepting prayer requests to use during CCD prayer times. You may drop off your requests at the Faith Office during regular hours. Thank you and God Bless! BEAUTIFUL PRAYER SHAWLS AVAILABLE CONGRATULATIONS ROSE & TOM FISHER ON YOUR 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY FEBRUARY 20! CAN TABS FOR OSF HEALTH WATCH We continue to collect can tabs for OSF Lifeline. The tabs can be dropped off at the Faith Formation Office or leave them in the greeting space. Please indicate that they are for CCD. STATIONS OF THE CROSS EVERY FRIDAY AT 5:15 PM. RECONCILIATION AVAILABLE. 4 NEWS, NOTES & UPCOMING EVENTS AREA LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICES St. Anne’s Saturdays of Lent ………….. 3:00 to 4:00 pm Fridays of Lent ………….……. 5:30 to 6:30 pm (beginning March 4) Before and after Saturday & Sunday evening Masses (beginning March 5) All Saints, Gladstone Monday, March 14 ………… 7:00 pm St. Joseph/St. Patrick * City-Wide Tuesday, March 15 ……….… 6:30 pm Welcome to the Family of God, Sophia Marie-Gianna Germain Sophia was baptized at St. Anne’s Church on February 6th. She is the daughter of Kyle and Rebecca (Wiegand) Germain. May the blessings of the Lord be upon Sophia and her family as she grows closer to Him throughout her life. BULLETIN ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE St. Anne’s began printing our own bulletins this past December which means that we have to acquire our own ads for the bulletin. The good news about doing this is that all the ad revenue will stay in our parish and not go to an outside publisher. Money received from the advertisements will cover the cost of our color copier which will be used to print full-color bulletins including the ads which are printed in various sizes. Ads can be put in our bulletin to advertise a business, to offer a memoriam, or to give recognition to a local organization. You can create and submit your own ad, or we can create one for you. Since ad spaces are filling up, you need to act now by calling the parish office or contact Karen Wigand at 786-1399 or email her at: LENTEN MISSION Presented by Matthew Hill ST. ANNE’S CHURCH Worship Area MONDAY, FEB. 22 TUESDAY, FEB. 23 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm ALL ARE WELCOME! As many of you may already know, Bishop John Doerfler has assigned to our parish a seminarian - candidate, Matthew Hill. He will be staying with us for several months with the intentions of entering the seminary for our diocese this fall. Matthew grew up in suburban Detroit and has spent the last twenty years teaching theology in several Catholic high schools. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Notre Dame, earned his Master’s degree at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, and is currently working on a second graduate degree through Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Matthew will be presenting this year’s Lenten Mission on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 22-23, reflecting on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. At our first evening we will examine the relationship between the Corporal and the Spiritual (Body and Soul) in order to find out how they relate to the traditional Works of Mercy. On the second evening we will take a more detailed look at the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. We will examine what they have meant historically and how we can live them out in practical ways today. Our mission will conclude with a look at the bigger picture of the human person fully alive in both Body and Soul. Corporal Works of Mercy: Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned and bury the dead. Spiritual Works of Mercy: Convert sinners, instruct the ignorant, advise the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, bear wrongs patiently, forgive injuries and pray for the living and the dead. 5 PARISH DIRECTORY MASS INTENTIONS Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Francis DeGroot .....................................................786-1426 .......................................................................... Secretary, Lori Gerard .............................................................786-1421 Deacon, Terry Saunders........................................................... 786-0727 Deacon, Lewis (Lew) Vailliencourt ..........................................786-4148 Bookkeeper, Lynn Wulf ...........................................................786-1421 Coordinator of Faith Formation, Gr. K-5, Nick Moreno .......786-6202 Coordinator of Faith Formation, Gr. 6-12, Matt Buchmiller 786-6202 Director of Choirs/Music, Travis Dubord ..............................241-7321 Pastoral Care & Bereavement Counselor & Spiritual Director, Charlene Carlson …………. 241-6635 Monday, February 15 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am † SANDY BOUCHER Buildings and Grounds, Tom Harris ............................................. 399-6436 Natural Family Planning, Mark & Virginia Hallfrisch ................... 789-0348 Prison Ministry, Mary Lu and Matt Gaudette.............................. 428-3575 Loren and Linda Anderson……………………........ .789-1192 Pamela and Gregory Mitchell……………….......... .786-8484 Prayer Chain, Barb Nelson... .................................................... 786-6188 St. Anne Conference President/St. Vincent de Paul / Mary Lu Gaudette 428-3575 Catholics Returning Home, George Rusch……………………………. 233-9726 Altar Servers Coordinators: Barbara Van Ermen ........................786-8957 Debbie Warren ............................. ..786-7259 Extraordinary Ministers, Pauline Marmalick................................ 789-9219 Ushers, Gregory Mitchell................................................................. 786-8484 Lectors, Lori Kleiman ..................................................................... 786-1136 Holy Name Catholic School Principal, Joseph Carlson. ............. 786-7550 Office ~ Friday, February 19 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am † WAYNE ST. PIERRE One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday 4:30 pm; Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am and 6:30 pm Weekday Monday-Saturday 8:00 am; 12:10 pm on Wednesday Perpetual Adoration at OSF Hospital Chapel Perpetual Adoration contacts: Jim and Jean Simon 786-1450 Eucharistic Adoration at St. Anne’s Holy Hour and Confession on the First Friday of the month after the 8 am Mass. Sacraments Baptism Please contact Fr. Fran at 786-1426 for baptismal preparation. For adults RCIA is required. In the case of infants, at least one parent should be a practicing Catholic. Reconciliation Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm and after 8:00 am weekday Masses or anytime by appointment. Marriage Please contact Fr. Fran at 786-1426 for marriage preparations. Diocesan regulations require that preparations begin with initial interview six months in advance of a tentative date. Anointing Please contact the Parish Office if you or someone you know has any continuing or serious illness, or is in the hospital, and would like to celebrate this healing sacrament. Tuesday, February 16 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am † RANDI VAN ERMEN Wednesday, February 17 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am † IRVIN & DYMPNA CASHIN 12:10 pm † DOROTHY J. KOTH Thursday, February 18 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am BISHOP DOERFLER & LIVING MEMBERS OF THE PRESBYTERATE Saturday, February 20 8:00 am † IRENE SLAWINSKI 4:30 pm PEOPLE OF ST. ANNE’S CHURCH Sunday, February 21 8:30 am FOR THE LIVING & DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE MILKIEWICZ FAMILY 10:30 am † MARY ROSE ELIE 6:30 pm FERN FRANCIS & BEVERLY JULIA WALKER DUPEY † SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Looking for financial assistance with your college education? Applications are now being accepted for the 2016 Bibianne Bessette Scholarship Fund. The scholarships aid graduating seniors who are pursuing a college or vocational education at an accredited degree granting institution. Consideration is based on academic achievement. Applicants must complete the on-line application found at bbscholarshiplink and mail an Official Transcript and ACT/SAT scores (via postal mail) to: Bessette Scholarship Fund, Diocese of Marquette, 1004 Harbor Hills Drive, Marquette, MI 49855. Application must be received no later than March 15, 2016. THE BLUE ARMY ROSARY HOUR The Rosary Hour benefits our homebound parishioners and nursing home residents. Donations are needed. To keep this worthwhile program on the air, please send a contribution to: The Blue Army, 6 P.O. Box 895, Escanaba, MI 49829 The Stonehouse Casual Dining at Its Finest! 2223 Ludington Escanaba (906)786-5003 Tracy Mayville Ÿ- Parish Member 906-233-1646 518 So. 7th Street Escanaba MEMORIALS DEGROOT FARMS For information on Memorials, call Karen at 786-1399 Or the Parish Office at 786-1421 In Memory of Fr. Fran’s Brothers Richard and Norbert