newsletter 2013 02
newsletter 2013 02
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church February 2013 St. Philip’s Connection St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (859) 734-3569 118 W. Poplar St. Harrodsburg, KY 40330 2013 State of the Parish Meeting will be Sunday, February 10th Right after church 2012 Annual Reports, 2013 Budget will be presented Fr. Peter & Vestry will have a short business meeting Lenten Study Program Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Lent, the season of penitence and reflection begins on Wednesday, February 13 with Ash Wednesday. St. Philip’s will have 2 services on Ash Wednesday: a noon service and a 6 pm service. In addition, several churches in Harrodsburg, Salvisa, and Burgin will come together for a community Ash Wednesday service. This service is at 7.30 pm on February 13 and will be held at the Burgin Christian Church. Father Peter will assist other area ministers with this service. Lenten Schedule 2/13, Wed., Noon & 6 PM: Imposition of Ashes 2/15 & 22, Fri., 11-1 & 4:30-6:30: Lenten Fish Fry Lent is a time where we individually take stock of our lives. Though we are called to do this regularly, the 5 weeks of Lent particularly suitable for this. During this season, we lay our- 2/20 & 27, Wed., 6-7:30: selves bare before God, asking to be shown: 1) what God’s will for our individual lives Lenten study series are and, 2) whether or not we are doing that work. If we are, it is a time for rejoicing. If not, we ask God’s help as we move ourselves in line with his direction. During Lent, it is traditional to set aside time for study with other Christians. Many parishes, including St. Philip’s, offer a Lenten Study Program. This year’s program at St. Philip’s will focus on the basics of our faith. Over the past year, many folks have voiced an interest in getting a little more clarity on what they personally believe. The Study Series will take place in the Parish Hall from 6 pm – 7.30 pm on: Wednesday, February 20 and 27, March 6 & 13. The study will be based around the catechism found in the back of our Prayer Book (pages 843 – 862). The catechism gives us a starting point for exploring and explaining our faith, but is not meant to be the final word on the subject. We will launch our discussions from text in the Prayer Book, but will go in several directions and look at topics from a variety of viewpoints. The first topic to be discussed is: Who are we? The catechism begins with a short section entitled: Human Nature, which raises questions about what humans are. Some Christian traditions hold that humans are irreparably flawed through sin; others that while we have been marked by sin, we are still loved by God and desirable to him. We’ll discuss some of these perspectives and look at traditional Anglican / Episcopal ones. My hope is that many of us will come together for this time and that everyone will be comfortable sharing and challenged to rethink and deepen our individual faith. The Lenten Series will begin with a soup and salad dinner. If you can bring soup, salad, and / or bread to one or more classes, please sign up on the back table in the church or let the Parish Office know. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Birthdays 3 Calendar Community Meal 6 Contacts Finance 7 4 3 Liturgical schedule 6 Living Alone Group 3 Parish Life 2 Pictures 8 S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 2 PARISH LIFE! Sunday February 3rd Please join us for Coffee Hour in CER building after church. A sign-up sheet for Coffee Hour is on the table at the back of the church. We need volunteers to bring goodies for the coffee hours in 2013. Children’s Church Children’s Church is sll alive and well at St. Philip’s! From February through May, Children’s Church will connue to fall on the 2nd and 4th Sundays during church. The excing plan is that our children will be meeng with different adults for each month. What a great way for our church family to get to know each other! Presently, Ms. Nicole and Ms. Beth are engaged in making music for worship during the service. We would love for any youth to join us on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Let us know if you are interested in singing simple tunes with us or playing an instrument. S.P.Y. (St. Philip’s Youth) SPY will meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2/3 after the church service. We have a “field trip” to Dairy Queen planned. Be ready to “get your chill on!” We won’t be gone more than 1 hour. Another event is an invitation to all the church family to skate with us or just watch on Thursday evening, 2/21 from 6:00 to 8:00PM, at Windjammer Fun Center in Danville on the by-pass. Eat before you come unless you want to buy from their concession stand. Entrance fee, 1 skate rental or 1 laser tag game will paid from the youth budgeted allowance. There will be a sign-up sheet at the next few services. Even if you don’t skate – we are sure that the entertainment will be better than anything to be watched on TV at home. BIBLE STUDY!!!!! The Daughters of the King Bible Study will meet on February 20th. Bible study continues on Wednesday mornings at 10.30 in the parish hall. We are beginning to study the book of Acts, a record of the activities of our early Christian ancestors. A lot of great stuff happens in this book; a lot of great stuff happens weekly during the Bible study as well. Please stop by and take part: it’s a powerful, Spirit-filled time! The Sts. Mary and Martha Chapter of the Daughters of the King at St. Philip’s will meet on February 6, 2013 at 12:30 in the Parish Hall. If you would like more information or have a prayer request, please contact Anne Donnally at the church (734-3569) or email Growing the Family/Pastoral Care meeting Episcopal Church Women will be held on Monday, February 4th at 6 PM We will meet quarterly on the in the Parish Hall. second Saturday of the month at 11 am and for special called meetings when needed. Planned meeting dates are March 23 (make palm crosses), June 8, and September 14. The Christmas luncheon is planned for Dec. 14. All women are invited to attend. This group, led by Mike Harden, is focusing on caring for our members, reaching out to past members, following up with visitors, and finding ways to grow our family! BB&B Men’s Group is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, at 6 PM in the CER building. S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 3 Community Meal Ministry The Community Meal was held on Thursday, January 24th and served 178 meals. Bishop Hahn and his wife were our guests! The next Community Meal will be on Thursday, February 28th from 5:00-6:30 pm. If you need information concerning the meal, or can volunteer, please contact Mary Dott at 734-2651. Mary Dott extends her thanks to all of the volunteers for this ministry. ADULTS LIVING ALONE Ministry to Ourselves and Others The organizational meeting of this group has been scheduled for Friday, February 1, at 1:00 PM, in the Parish House, 118 Poplar Street. The purpose of the group is to provide support and friendship to those in the group, as well as those in our church family who are unable to attend. We hope to provide information and activities that would appeal to many, with the option to choose those things of interest to each one. Remember that one need not be a member of St. Philip’s to attend and participate. Our activities will be publicized, so that anyone who has an interest may come. At this meeting we would like to choose a name for the group – an acronym would be fun, and choose several contact persons or leaders for the group. Those attending will help to form our direction, such as mutual support, social, education on topics of interest and spiritual/ inspirational topics. These ideas may spark some creative thinking: 1. We have all transitioned from sharing living space to being individually responsible in our living quarters. What are the things you do to help you feel secure in your home? 2. Our attitude toward our situation greatly influences our perception of how good or bad life is at this point. What are some advantages of being older and/or living alone? 3. What are some coping skills you have learned to deal with diminishing abilities resulting from age or physical conditions? Bring your ideas for making this an educational, energetic and fulfilling experience! Please notify Barbara Crain at 733-0008 if you are interested but cannot attend this meeting. 2012 Annual Reports If you are a chairperson of a committee or ministry, please get your 2012 Annual report to Rebecca Robinson (, 734-2078) by Monday, February 4th so she may compile them for the State of the Parish meeting on Sunday, February 10th. February Birthdays Michael Perros– 2/19 Taylor Lawson—2/20 Kim Webb– 2/22 Safeguarding our Children Training If you are someone who works with the children or youth of the Parish or if you are a member of the Vestry, you will need to complete the Safeguarding Online Training. There are several sections to the course that can be done separately and each takes about 30 minutes. Please contact Anne Donnally in the church office to get registered. This is a diocesan requirement and the training needs to be completed by May, 2013. S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 4 St. Philip’s Visits St. Alban’s, Morehead On Saturday, January 5 Keila Carpenter Thomas was ordained to the sacred order of priests. Bishop Doug Hahn presided at the service, his first ordination. Father Peter and Barbara Crain, Senior Warden, attended the service and Fr. Peter participated in the laying on of hands done when the candidate is consecrated and ordained by the Holy Spirit as a priest. It was a wonderful time: 94 people crammed into a church that comfortably holds 50. Quarters were tight, but spirits were high and it was obvious that everyone was in one accord about Keila’s fitness for ordination. Interactions like this between our parishes is critical. The Diocese of Lexington St. Philip’s Food Pantry has nearly 40 congregations scattered across the eastern half of the state. It is The Mini food pantry as St. Philip’s helps easy for parishes to lose track of one anothseveral families a month. This is used er and begin to think of themselves as doing primarily for folks who stop by asking for help for a God’s work alone. Events like ordinations meal or two. If you would like to help stock the pantry, are an excellent opportunity to reconnect, you may bring non-perishable food items to church or see clearly how strong we are, and to feel to the church office. Items requested are: canned meat, the movement of God’s Spirit among us. It is a joy to be a part of this exciting work!! canned vegetables, soup, crackers, ramen noodles, pa- per products, cleaning products, peanut butter and dry milk. Finance Committee Report Income through the end of December 2012 from pledge and plate was $ 87,464.74 while budgeted income was $ 91,874. Expenses through the end of December were $ 131,492.91 while budgeted expenses were $ 142,077. Currently, we have projected pledge income for 2013 of $ 84,700 and total income of $96,200. The 2013 budget expenses is $145,276. All pledges are important. If you have not pledged, please consider doing so and return your pledge card as soon as possible. 2012 Contribution statements have been mailed. If you have any questions about your statement, please contact Anne Donnally in the church office. S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 5 February 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 1 PM: Adults Living Alone meeting 4 Epiphany 3 10 AM: Rite 1 Holy Eucharist Coffee Hour/Youth group to DQ Last Epiphany 10 10 AM: Rite II Holy Eucharist State of the Parish meeting 11 AM: Inquirers’ class 4 5 6 7 12:30 PM: DOK . Fr. Peter day off 6 PM: Growing Family meeting Fr. Peter out of town 11 12 Fr. Peter day off 1 Lent 17 10 AM: Rite l Holy Eucharist 11 AM: Vestry mtg. 18 19 Fr. Peter out of town Fr. Peter out of town 13 Noon: & 6 PM: Ash Wednesday service at St. Philips 7:30 PM: Service at Burgin Christian 14 20 21 New Beginnings youth event 15 16 22 23 11-1: Fish Fry 4:30-6:30: Fish Fry fundraiser 11-1: Fish Fry 4:30-6:30: Fish Fry Fundraiser 10:30 Bible Study 6 PM: BB&B 6-7:30: Lenten study Fr. Peter day off New Beginnings youth event Diocesan Convention 2 Lent 24 10 AM: Rite II Holy Eucharist Guest: Sigmons-Domain 11 AM: Inquirers’ Class 25 26 27 Fr. Peter day off Diocesan Convention 28 5 PM: Community Meal 6-7:30: Lenten study New Beginnings #20 Dates: February 8-10, 2013 One last message is from the Diocese of Lexington. As always – friends are always welcome to join us! This wonderful weekend called New Beginnings is planned for any youth in grades 7-9 at The Cathedral Domain. Please pick up an application at church or let the office know if you are interested. “There are times in our lives we never forget. There are places that stay with us forever.” New Beginnings and the Cathedral Domain is a time and place like that. New Beginnings is a weekend full of fun, taking you through a discovery: Who is God? Who is God to you? Who are you to God? How might this happen? Through making new friends and sharing with old ones. Through singing, skits, talks given by teens, videos, games, worship, and conversation with each other! You are encouraged to bring friends from your church and an adult (someone 21 or older) who will stay through the weekend. You can go to New Beginnings as many times as you’d like as long as you are in the 7th – 9th grades!! We know that once you go, you’ll want to come back!! What do I do? Youth in grades 7th – 9th (and adults) are invited to send in an application for the New Beginnings weekend. The program starts on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. and continues until Sunday at 4:30 p.m. The program focuses on the subjects of self, friends, brothers & sisters, parents, school, God’s love, Jesus, and Prayer. There will be time for playing, creating, and sharing. Participants will not only learn and grow, but will have a great time! If you want to participate be sure to mail your application by February 1, 2012 S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 6 February 2013: Liturgical Ministry Schedule. If you are unavailable on a date, please contact the church office. Celebrant- Rev. Peter Doddema Altar Guild – Barbara Crain, Raney Joyce Slone & Kim Webb Greeter- Raney Joyce Slone DATE SERVICE Feb. 3 Rite I 1st reading & 2nd reading & Chalice Bearer Psalm (reader) Prayers of the people (Lector) Dick Webb Barbara Crain David Taylor Jim Hogue Jim Hogue Mike Harden Darrell Ward Server Crucifer Usher Travis Wheeler Roman Doddema Jim Tanner Karen Maxfield Barbara Crain Hayven Lawson Dick Webb Barbara Crain Richard Shelby Travis Wheeler Travis Wheeler Mike Harden Darrell Ward Kathy Dedman Jim Hogue Jim Hogue Mary Dott Gritton Verger 4 Epiphany Feb 10 Rite II Barbara Crain Last Epiphany Feb. 17 Rite I I Lent Feb. 24 Rite II 2 Lent Bishop Hahn and his wife attend the January 24th Community Meal Barbara Crain S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N The Rev. Peter Doddema 342 Virginia Avenue Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Church phone: 859-734-3569 Cell phone: 859-265-0055 Home phone: 859-605-9089 Vestry Members PAGE 7 Contacts at St. Philip’s Altar Guild Chairperson — Kim Webb 859-326-1147 Daughters of the King—Anne Donnally 734-3569 or ECW—Rebecca Robinson 734-2078 or Godly Play & Youth — Beth Perros 236-6321 or, Nicole Doddema 605-9089 or Meal Coordinator—Mary Dott Gritton 734-2651 Barbara Crain, Senior Warden 733-0008 (2013) Travis Wheeler, Jr. Warden 265-7257 (2014) Music — Nicole Doddema 605-9089, Terry White 734-7820 and Carolyn Worley 734-7447 Karen Maxfield 865-9263 (2015) Carroll Perkins 734-7312 (2015) Beth Perros 236-6321 (2013) David Taylor 734-2423 (2014) Darrell Ward 734-3106 (2013) Nursery Worker— Margo Lopez 734-7932 Newsletter Editor—Anne Donnally 734-3569 or Treasurer— Anne Donnally 734-3569 or Ushers—Anne Donnally 734-3569 or BE INFORMED! St. Philip’s Communications If you have an email address and are not receiving the church messages or if you have a new email address and would like to receive emails from the church, email Rebecca Robinson at — Diocese of Lexington — National Episcopal Church — Episcopal Life Publication — Forward Day By Day Dear St. Philip’s Family, You are loved and cared about, and it blesses us to provide visitation to you when you’re hospitalized or ill. Please help us to make this possible by contacting Peter or the church office and informing us of your hospitalization or illness so that we can provide this care. Thanks for your help. Yours in Christ, Fr. Peter 118 W. Poplar St. Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Phone: 859-734-3569 E-mail: We’re on the Web! Don’t forget to use your Kroger cards! This is “free” money for St. Philip’s! If you need a Kroger card, contact the church office. Altar Flowers The 2013 Altar Flower Chart is available to be filled in to donate flowers to the church in 2013. If you wish, you may indicate a dedication for the flowers to appear in the bulletin (i.e. in loving memory of John Doe). When you sign up to provide flowers, please put a check for $25 in the offering plate, with “altar flowers” and the date for which the flowers were given on the memo line. If you have a preference for color of flowers, please speak with the Altar Guild member for the month of your donation. Prayer for Saint Philip’s Please pray daily Almighty and everlasting God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayer for this parish family; strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, restore the penitent. Impart a passion for the accomplishment of your will and purpose. Grant to our parish all things necessary for our common life and inspire us to pray and labor diligently for the extension of your Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.