St. Philip`s April 2013 newsletter
St. Philip`s April 2013 newsletter
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church May 2013 St. Philip’s Connection St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (859) 734-3569 118 W. Poplar St. Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Farewell to Organists Terry White and Carolyn Worley Terry White and Carolyn Worley have both retired as organists at St. Philip’s. We thank them both for their many years of service and for sharing their musical talents. Terry White….without a doubt, a man of music! Carolyn Worley– Time to Pursue Other Dreams By Nicole Doddema By Karen Evans Terry has been living, creating, supporting and sharing music his whole life. His drive to play music started at an early age. He saw his friends taking piano lessons, urged them to show him where middle C was and off he went. He would save up his money, walk over to Shackelford music store, then teach himself how to play the music. Blessings to us, he has been playing ever since. Terry has such an amazing knowledge and understanding of music. He can pull out a depth of information about artists, types of music, music styles and of course his knowledge of Episcopal music is invaluable. Did you know that the first time he played the organ was at our very own St. Philip’s about 52 years ago? Terry hasn’t kept his music gifts to himself either. He has supported many artists in their path to music throughout the years. Many of us have benefited from his support of the Ragged Edge Theater, Campbellsville music theater students and singers/ musicians in the area, just to name a few. Terry’s reputation to throw an event together is legendary. As many of you know, he has the expertise to cater, decorate, host, play music, tell jokes and shine while doing it all!! (cont. on pg.8) Sunday, April the 21st was the last day of over a decade of Carolyn Worley's part -time playing of the Church organ for Sunday Service and other functions at St. Philip’s. Carolyn played for 12 years in the 70s and 80s as the full time organist and returned part-time in 2004 to alternate with Terry White. She has retired to pursue other dreams. Carolyn ran St. Philip’s Childcare Center from '81 through '86 and was a French and Social Studies teacher at Mercer County High School for, as she said, "too many years to count." She also played the organ full-time for the Harrodsburg Christian Church for 18 years. She retired from both jobs in 2004 and returned to St Philips. Carolyn and her husband Jim enjoy traveling. They spend time in Las Vegas once a year, Virginia once a year and Florida twice a year and have done so for quite a few years. They hope to be doing more traveling in the future. In 2011 they went to Paris for a month, revisiting Carolyn's haunts of 44 years earlier when she attended a year ('67 & '68) of school there. (cont. on pg. 8) INSIDE Birthdays 8 THIS Calendar 8 Community Meal 3 ISSUE Contacts Finance 9 4 Liturgical Schedule 7 Parish Life 2 Practice of Daily Prayer 5 Raise the Roof! 6 S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 2 PARISH LIFE! Coffee Hour Join your St. Philip’s family for Coffee Hour on Sunday May 19th as we celebrate Pentecost. Children’s Church & S.P.Y. (St. Philip’s Youth) Lessons That Work : Published by the Episcopal Church and designed to follow the Revised Common Lectionary. And guess what!! They really work!! We have had fun experiencing Easter season through these lessons. Youth have been creating “I Pod” app icons, on paper, for key words in lessons like “Peace, Lord and Love”. Sunday School Party! Last Easter lesson: May 12th – the 7th Sunday of Easter Topic: Diversity and Oneness. We will have a short lesson, share our icons from all the lessons, then celebrate the end of Easter with a Sunday School Party! th May 26 – Trinity Sunday Topic: What is Trinity Sunday? Come find out!! Summer Schedule – Yes, We will continue to have Children’s Church through the summer on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Please check the event board at church in case there are some changes due to summer vacations and for upcoming summer S.P.Y happenings! Women of St. Philips! Let’s do it again!! It’s time for our Summer Fling get together. No gifts, no work, no business; just EDM (eat, drink and be merry). Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:30 am Beaumont Inn – The Old Owl Tavern The ECW met on March 16th in the Parish Hall to make Palm Crosses. Thanks to everyone who helped. BB&B will meet on Wednesday, May 15th at 6 PM. The Daughters of the King The Sts. Mary and Martha Chapter of the Daughters of the King at St. Philip’s will meet on May 1st at 12:30 in the Parish Hall. If you would like more information or have a prayer request, please contact Anne Donnally at the church (734-3569) or email BIBLE STUDY!!!!! Bible Study will meet on May 1st & 15th. Bible study continues on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 in the parish hall. Please stop by and take part: it’s a powerful, Spirit -filled time! Wednesday Evening Book Club May 8 & 22 at 6 PM July 17 & 31 at 6 PM In May, we will finish our current book, The Anglican Tradition. There will be no meetings in June. We'll being a new book, The Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan, in July. Everyone is invited to attend. Please remember to notify Anne Donnally, Parish Administrator, any time you schedule an event or set (or change) a meeting date/time. Anne will place the event on the parish calendar. This will help prevent scheduling conflicts and will enable Anne to print your event in the newsletter and bulletin announcements. Thanks! S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 3 Community Meal Ministry PLEASE JOIN US FOR The Community Meal was held on Thursday, April 25th and served close to 200 meals! The next Community Meal will be on Thursday, May 23rd from 5:00-6:30 pm. If you need information concerning the meal, or can volunteer, please contact Mary Dott at 734-2651. Mary Dott extends her thanks to all of the volunteers for this ministry. St. Philip’s Spring Luncheon To Benefit The Community Meal Outreach Program FRIDAY, MAY 3RD 11:30—1:30 ST. PHILIP’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 118 W. POPLAR ST. HARRODSBURG, KY 40330 859-734-3569 TICKETS ON SALE IN CHURCH OFFICE CARRYOUTS AVAILABLE IF TICKET PURCHASED PRIOR TO MAY 2 LUNCH WITH DRINK AND DESSERT- $10.00 MENU CHICKEN SALAD COUNTRY HAM/ROLL ASPARAGUS FRUIT SALAD BANANA BREAD HOMEMADE DESSERTS COFFEE/TEA Our Condolences to Linda Faulconer and family on the passing of her Brother, and to Nicole Doddema and family on the death her grandmother. In memory of William Morris Battle William Morris Battle, brother of Linda Faulconer, died April 8, 2013 in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. William, or Bill was a veteran of World War II: he served in Naval Air Force Reserve Unit V6. He is survived by his third wife, Ann, and three children: Bill Battle; Sanford “Sandy” Battle; and Beth Battle Jeter. Linda remembers that growing up, he was a wonderful big brother. It was originally hoped that Bill would return to Danville, where his first wife Mary Jo Brown is buried, for interment. However, he is to be cremated and his ashes scattered in the ocean. Please remember Bill, Linda, and their family in your prayers. O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our prayers on behalf of thy servant William, and grant him an entrance into the land of light and joy, in the fellowship of they saints; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. A note from Carolyn Worley: Dear Fr. Peter and the good People of St. Philip’s, I cannot begin to thank you enough for the Retirement Reception and the lovely icon you gave me! I appreciate it all so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Please know I love and appreciate all of you !! The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Carolyn THE CURRENT VESTRY MEETING MINUTES ARE POSTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARD IN THE PARISH HOUSE S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 4 We welcome Joshua Bracken as our new organist beginning May 12th I was born in Ft. Oglethorpe, GA and lived on Lookout Mt. for the first 9 years of my life. Since my dad is a United Methodist preacher, we moved several times while I was growing up. First to Greeneville, TN where I lived for 8 years and then In 2007 to Johnson City, TN. In June my family is moving again to Cleveland, TN. I have always been involved in music. I started my music career in 6th grade playing the Saxophone. Being a member of the school band enabled me to travel to Hawaii to march in the Pearl Harbor Parade and in 2009 I marched in the Rose Bowl Parade. I began playing the organ when I was a Junior in High School. Unlike most people, I did not have piano lessons before I started playing the organ. I transferred to Asbury College in the spring of 2011. I have been studying organ under Dr. Mark Schell and I am a part of the Asbury Chorale where I sing under the Direction of Vicki Bell. I have had the honor of traveling to Italy with the Asbury Chorale. I feel God has called me to St. Phillip's. I look forward to serving here and getting to know you all. Joshua Bracken What’s in the library ... Diving Deep into The Lord’s Prayer How many times have you prayed the Lord’s Prayer in your lifetime? Personally I have no clue. It’s imbedded into nearly every liturgy (worship service) in the Episcopal Church. Sunday Eucharist; the services of morning & evening prayer; even the short services of individual daily devotion that begin on p. 137 of our Prayer Book include the Lord’s Prayer. We learn it early in life & pray it regularly. Interestingly, people struggling with memory loss can often recite the Lord’s Prayer, since for many of us it seems connected to some of our earliest, most ingrained memories. The Lord’s Prayer is the one prayer, included in the Bible, which Jesus taught to his followers. This makes it something unique and beautiful. However given how often we pray it, how do we keep it fresh and meaningful? How do we keep it from becoming a mindlessly repeated mantra? 3 years ago, I came across a book entitled: The Perfect Prayer: Search for the Kingdom through the Lord’s Prayer. Because I really want to keep my faith fresh, I decided to pick it up and see what it could teach me about the Lord’s Prayer. What I found was not only one man’s look into this ancient prayer, but also a gateway into deeper issues of faith. The book is written by Canadian journalist Philip Mathias. He does a really beautiful job of exploring the prayer in well-written, everyday language. The average person can pick this book up, easily read through it (150 pages), and be drawn into new reflections on Christ’s words. What particularly excites me is that Mathias doesn’t stop with thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer. Using the prayer as a starting point, he asks questions about faith in the 21st century. For example, he spends time with the word Kingdom (e.g. Thy Kingdom come…), noting that it is not a form of government that many of us in the Western world readily embrace. Yet Mathias explains, simply and concisely, how God’s Kingdom is something beautiful and applicable to our lives here and now. The Perfect Prayer is available in our parish library. The library is located in the CER Building (the red building next to the church). I highly recommend taking the time to peruse through it, esp. as it is written in short sections, which is perfect for bedtime or travel reading. Finance Committee Report Income through the end of March 2013 from pledge and plate was $ 21,703 while budgeted income was $ 24,049. Expenses through the end of March were $ 36,951 while budgeted expenses were $ 36,269. Currently, we have projected pledge income for 2013 of $ 85,320 and total income of $96,700. The 2013 budget expenses is $145,276. Getting a tax refund? Consider an additional gift to St. Philip’s! S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 5 The Practice of Daily Prayer By Fr. Peter Reflections on a month of praying for my enemies: As I noted in April’s newsletter, about a month ago I decided to pray a specific prayer from our Prayer Book for a month, to see what happened. The prayer I felt called to is on p. 816 and is prayer #6, For our Enemies: O God, the Father of all, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies: Lead them and us from prejudice to truth; deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I’m writing to follow up and share what I’m experiencing by praying this daily. First, it is very important to note that I am not praying this in relation to anyone at St. Philip’s. Over the winter the Spirit prompted me to reflect on and let go of old hurts and injuries: in some cases things that happened 20 – 30 years ago. I’ve been made aware that I’m not able to let go of them on my own and shown how much energy I still (!) give over to nursing and struggling with those ancient injuries and insults. This is energy that I could be investing back in my family, in our parish, and in our community. With God’s help, I’ve come to the point where I’m no longer willing to hold onto these old wounds. My practice is extremely simple: I pray this prayer every morning as I begin my day. I trust God’s Spirit to do the work that needs to be done inside of me. The results are a sense of joy and a sense of release. While I suspect that there is still plenty of work to do inside of me, I feel lightness inside toward these enemies (people and situations) that I’ve never felt before. Instead of feeling like I’m in a death grip or struggle with these old events, I begin to feel release and detachment. In letting down my guard and allowing the Spirit to enter these broken, dark areas of my life, wonderful things are happening! Another, unanticipated result of this prayer is hearing of similar things happening to others. Since starting this practice, several people have shared their own recent experiences of release from old hurts and wounds. Am I simply hearing them more clearly, now that I’m focused on the same thing? Or is the Spirit acting both within and around me as I pray? I’m not sure, but it is so wonderful to rejoice together at release. I encourage you to look through the Book of Common Prayer, particularly through the sections 159 – 261 and 810 – 841. These are two areas filled with particularly beautiful prayers for many aspects of our daily life. As the Spirit moves you, select one and pray it for a set period of time (a week, a month, etc.). Take note of anything unusual that occurs during that time: ask God if it is connected to your prayers. Bear in mind that prayer is an incredibly powerful thing: it opens doors that allow the Holy Spirit to flood into our lives, transforming us and those around us. Annual Diocesan Women’s Weekend @ The Cathedral Domain with The Rt. Rev. Douglas Hahn Meditaons, worship, music, workshops, fellowship, fun, Silent Aucon to benefit The Domain, and much more. Topic and more informaon will VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! St. Philip’s is teaming up with Harrodsburg Christian Church and Harrodsburg United Methodist Church for Vacation Bible School. This year it will be held on June 3-7 @ 6PM-8:30PM at the Christian Church. It is open to all children pre-school age through fifth grade. The theme is “Kingdom Rock – Where kids stand strong for God!” The kids are divided into crews and have crew leaders who lead them to each station. The stations consist of the lesson of the night, music, movie and craft. There will also be an outreach focus. These other churches whom we are joining have the experience and leadership to make this a really fun and memorable event for the chilWhen: May 17 at 6PM to May 19 at 1 PM dren. What St. Philip’s can provide are volunteers for teaching, Where: The Cathedral Domain decorating, registration, food and music. This is an opportunity to use this event a platform to network with others and join them for othCost: Varies by accommodaon er community events. It’s also an effort to reach as many children Contact: Lisa Mills, and families as possible to spread the Good News. 859-753-4646 There are sign-up sheets on the table at the church entrance. Deadline May 8, 2013 You may also let Beth Perros know if you are interested. and cell # 859-583-3694. be announced mid-April. S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 6 Raise the Roof Campaign The roof of the Parish House is in dire need of repair and will cost approximately $15,000 to fix. Tony Robinson loved St. Philip’s and the memorials that have been given in honor of Tony will be used for this project. To date we have received nearly $3,000 in memorials to Tony and $6,000 designated for the roof repair but much more revenue needs to be generated to cover this expense. Please consider giving to the Parish House Raise the Roof Campaign. Help in any amount you can give. Designate your gift to the memory of Tony Robinson. ALSO, please invite your family and friends to the dance fundraiser on May 11th. This will be a fun evening to learn to dance or just enjoy the music. Shingle by shingle we can make this happen and we can do it in honor and memory our dear friend Tony! To benefit St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, building fund Saturday, May 11th Lions Park Community Center East Factory St., Harrodsburg 7 PM: Dance Lesson given by Wesley Bratcher, instructor, Blue Collar Ballroom 8 PM: Open Floor DJ & music provided by Ric Maxfield of Royal Blue *Tickets: $10 per person Sodas / mixers and refreshments available *Tickets must be purchased or reserved in advance (due to city ordinance) from church office, 859-734-3569 or Please leave a message if no answer. A.L.I.V.E. AND WELL The A.L.I.V.E. Group has been sponsoring a series of presentations concerning issues confronting adults as they mature. The purpose of these topics is to aid all persons in planning for the future – inevitably we all will die. We hope to encourage people to plan ahead while the opportunity is available. The first session was led by Sonny Ransdell from Ransdell’s Funeral Chapel. Funeral preferences should not be kept in the safety deposit box, as the box is sealed at the time of death to all but persons whose names are box owners. Your preferences may be given to your church, the funeral home of your choice, and/or to your close family members. Sonny discussed the current forms of funerals: cremation, traditional burial or a “blending” of the two. The costs can vary between $2000 and $8000. People are under a great deal of stress at the time of a death, so any preplanning relieves the bereaved the task of deciding “what their loved one would want.” The second session in this series was led by The Rev. Peter Doddema with an overview of the Episcopal Burial office (Book of Common Prayer, pp 468-507). The church encourages that the service is held in the church. We come together as a body of believers to express to God our thanksgiving for the person’s life among us and then pass them on to God. White vestments and hangings are used since the burial liturgy is based on the Easter theme of resurrection. Dignity is given to the grief and mourning of those left behind, but the emphasis is on the recognition that each of us is a beloved child of God. All appear alike in the church with the casket or cremains completely covered with a funeral pall. To plan a funeral service includes choosing the scripture lessons from a suggested list for each lesson. Hymns may be used if desired. This service when preplanned by you, provides your legacy of faith to family and friends. The third session in this series will be Friday, Monday May 31, 1:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Mike Harden, attorney, will discuss Legal Considerations for Maturing Adults. ALL PERSONS, REGARDLESS OF AGE OR CHURCH AFFILIATION ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND! Program planning for the future: Tentative Upcoming Dates and Topics: Friday, June 28- Susanne Sanders on Nutrition Friday, July 26- Alice Herman on Frontier Nursing (in Eastern KY and Alaska) S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 7 May 2013: Liturgical Ministry Schedule. If you are unavailable on a date, please contact the church office. Altar Guild –Kim Webb & Star Kephart Greeter- Raney Joyce Slone Celebrant- The Rev. Peter Doddema DATE SERVICE May 5 Rite I 1st reading & 2nd reading & Chalice Bearer Psalm (reader) Prayers of the people (Lector) Server Crucifer Usher Mary Dott Gritton Darrell Ward Darrell Ward Barbara Crain Richard Shelby Hayven Lawson Barbara Crain Jim Hogue Richard Shelby Darrell Ward Jim Hogue Dick Webb Barbara Crain Beth Perros Mike Harden Barbara Crain Kathy Dedman Verger 6 Easter May 12 Rite II Susanne Sanders Barbara Crain 7 Easter May 19 Rite I Travis Wheeler Roman Doddema Dick Webb Barbara Crain Mike Harden Barbara Crain Pentecost May 26 Rite II Jim Hogue Jim Hogue Trinity Sunday Terry White (cont. from pg. 1) Carolyn Worley (Cont. from pg. 1) Last month’s 2nd Annual St. Philip’s Musicale, to raise money for St. Philip’s music program, was an amazing variety of music. We had singers from Campbellsville College, the director of musical theater Campbellsville playing the piano, instrumentalists from Asbury College as well as Terry playing his favorites on the organ. There was music from early shape-note singing, familiar church hymns to Broadway Musicals, classics to current. Only Terry White could put together an enthusiastic and diverse group as that! In the past year, Terry’s connections to music in the community have helped St. Philip’s raise a minimum of $6,000 for maintaining the organ and continuing music during worship. This past Easter Sunday Terry retired as St. Philip’s organist after 50 years of playing. Many don’t know what Sunday service is like without Terry at that organ. I have really enjoyed being on “team Terry”, playing on Sundays and trying to keep a straight face after hearing the latest joke. On Terry’s reception cake it read, “ Musicians don’t retire, they stop when the music ends”. Well, Terry, your gifts of music are endless. Thank you, Terry, from the depths of our hearts for sharing your talents and your love of music with us. Carolyn is writing a book which will be about this trip to Paris and also contain travel tips (Do not leave a backpack on a bench and walk away). Be sure and ask her about the 110 steps that they climbed up and down at least once a day while in Paris! In 2011 the Worleys travelled west and to Alberta Canada for a month (wonder if they need someone to carry their bags). Carolyn has always kept busy. As well as teaching, playing the organ and traveling, she also found the time for Delta Kappa Gamma (woman educators), American Guild of Organists, Vice President of Christian Women United, Proust Reading Group, Red Hat Society, AND volunteering for the Harrodsburg Historical Society where she catalogs information from Low Dutch and Nomadic Ink (writers' group). Carolyn has been listed in "Who's Who in America" 17 times. As well as doing more traveling in the future, Carolyn wants to write a book on raising handicapped children after finishing "Thirty Days in Paris." She also mentioned cleaning out the house. Knowing Carolyn, I feel she will accomplish all she has set out to do. Thank you, Carolyn for sharing your love of God through your gift of music! S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 8 May 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 10:30 AM: Bible Study 7 Easter 12 10:00 AM: Rite II Holy Eucharist Mother’s Day Children’s Church Day of Pentecost 19 10:00 AM: Rite lI Holy Eucharist 11 AM: Pentecost Celebration 11:30 AM: Vestry meeting Trinity Sunday 26 10:00 AM: Rite II Holy Eucharist Children’s Church Healing Service 6 7 8 6:00 PM Wed. Evening Book Club Fr. Peter day off 13 14 15 3 4 11:30-1:30: Luncheon to benefit Community Meal 12:30 PM: DOK 6 Easter 5 10:00 AM: Rite I Holy Eucharist S.P.Y. Sat 9 10 6:30 PM: Vestry mutual ministry meeting in CER 11 7 PM: Hoof for the Roof Dance fundraiser 16 10:30 AM: Bible Study 17 ECW weekend at the Cathedral Domain 18 Fr. Peter day off 6 PM: BB&B 20 21 Fr. Peter day off 22 6:00 PM Wed. Evening Book Club 27 28 29 23 24 5:00 PM: Community Meal 30 10:30 AM: Bible Study Fr. Peter day off May Birthdays Carolyn Worley - 5/1 Marilyn Gray - 5/7 Kenny Stratton - 5/11 Mark Donnally - 5/13 Doris Lair - 5/20 Holy Week and Easter Services 31 1 PM: ALIVE Meeting in Parish Hall 25 S T . PH I L I P ’S E P IS C O P AL C H U R C H S T . PH I L I P ’S C ON N E C TI O N PAGE 9 Contacts at St. Philip’s The Rev. Peter Doddema 342 Virginia Avenue Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Church phone: 859-734-3569 Cell phone: 859-265-0055 Home phone: 859-605-9089 Vestry Members Barbara Crain, Sr. Warden 733-0008 (2013) Travis Wheeler, Jr. Warden 265-7257 (2014) Karen Maxfield 865-9263 (2015) Carroll Perkins 734-7312 (2015) Beth Perros 236-6321 (2013) David Taylor 734-2423 (2014) Darrell Ward 734-3106 (2013) Altar Guild Chairperson — Kim Webb 859-326-1147 Daughters of the King—Anne Donnally 734-3569 or ECW—Rebecca Robinson 734-2078 or Godly Play & Youth — Beth Perros 236-6321 or, Nicole Doddema 605-9089 or Meal Coordinator—Mary Dott Gritton 734-2651 Music — Nicole Doddema 605-9089 or Joshua Bracken Newsletter Editor—Anne Donnally 734-3569 or Nursery Worker— Margo Lopez 734-7932 Treasurer— Anne Donnally 734-3569 or Ushers—Anne Donnally 734-3569 or BE INFORMED! — Diocese of Lexington — National Episcopal Church — Episcopal Life Publication Prayer for Saint Philip’s — Forward Day By Day Please pray daily Almighty and everlasting God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayer for this parish family; strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, restore the penitent. Impart a passion for the accomplishment of your will and purpose. Grant to our parish all things necessary for our common life and inspire us to pray and labor diligently for the extension of your Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Dear St. Philip’s Family, You are loved and cared about, and it blesses us to provide visitation to you when you’re hospitalized or ill. Please help us to make this possible by contacting Peter or the church office and informing us of your hospitalization or illness so that we can provide this care. Thanks for your help. Yours in Christ, Fr. Peter St. Philip’s Communications If you have an email address and are not receiving the church messages or if you have a new email address and would like to receive emails from the church, email Rebecca Robinson at 118 W. Poplar St. Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Phone: 859-734-3569 E-mail: We’re on the Web! Don’t forget to use your Kroger cards! This is “free” money for St. Philip’s! If you need a Kroger card, contact the church office. St. Philip’s Food Pantry The Mini food pantry as St. Philip’s helps several families a month. This is used primarily for folks who stop by asking for help for a meal or two. If you would like to help stock the pantry, you may bring non-perishable food items to church or to the church office. Items requested are: canned meat, canned vegetables, soup, crackers, ramen noodles, paper products, cleaning products, peanut butter and dry milk. Now Available: St. Philip’s Shirts! Wrinkle-free Port Authority button-up shirts in several styles and colors for men and women. Shirts have the Episcopal shield and St. Philip’s embroidered on the chest. Cost is $40 for one or $75 for two. See the display at the rear of the church or talk with Barbara Crain for pictures and additional information.
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