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Save a life & a tree! To receive Pulse via email, go to the website listed below for your area. Click the newsletter sign-up button on the home page. FALL‘12 FEEL AWESOME. GIVE BLOOD. September - November ‘12 Score big by saving lives through your blood donation. Each Oklahoma donor receives an OU or OSU Bedlam T-shirt and a chance to win a pair of Bedlam football game tickets. Donate before November 18, to be eligible for the tickets. Shirts are available through the end of November. Each donor who gives with Arkansas Blood Institute or Texas Blood Institute this fall will receive a “Feel Awesome” T-shirt. Record-Breaking Event is a Win for All! The most successful Bob Moore Auto Group car giveaway event ever couldn’t have been better for Jonathan Johnson, Norman. A loyal blood donor who had given at previous Bob Mooresponsored blood drives, he was the lucky donor to win a 2012 Nissan Juke. Some 1,181 people came to give at four dealerships on August 11. Through this event alone, some 2,907 people in critical need of blood received it in the weeks that followed. Two men and three women, ranging from 18 to 72 years of age, were randomly selected as finalists for a chance to start the car and drive it away. This year, the staff at Bob Moore had a personal connection to the need for blood donation that sparked their enthusiasm. The 12-yearJonathan Johnson, Norman, is ready to hit the road in his old son of one of its managers used more than 50 units of blood to 2012 Nissan Juke, courtesy of Bob Moore Auto Group. help him stay alive while awaiting a successful liver transplant in July. FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. FALL ‘12 M*A*S*H* A SMASH Arkansas Blood Institute’s annual M*A*S*H* Bash events in Hot Springs and Fort Smith were a smashing success. More than 500 donors received commemorative 29th annual event T-shirts, burgers and hot dogs. “Our staff always enjoys M*A*S*H* Bash, and we appreciate our donors and sponsors who help make the day fun and rewarding,” said Employees (l to r): Allen Rogers, Dean Del Holloway, Arndt, Brandy Jones, Sara Nash, Shannon executive director. Elmore, Rebecca Crouch, Chastidy Jones, Kris Wein and Cindy Johnson. Transfusion Specialist Added Walter E. Kelley, D.O., joined the Blood Institute as its medical director in July. Dr. Kelley leads the clinical operations along with Chief Medical Officer, James Smith, M.D., Patti Latschar, P.A. and John Armitage, M.D. who assist in these efforts. Walter Kelley, D.O., new Previously, Dr. Kelley served medical director. two years in the Public Health Service at the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. He is board certified in clinical pathology and transfusion medicine. He is a noted speaker and author on blood banking topics. 17 Years Ago... As Railee Creech joined thousands of other students heading off to college for the first time this fall, her family couldn’t help but reflect on the miracle of blood donation that allowed them to enjoy this season of life. Both Railee and her mother Holly faced near tragedy in 1995. Holly, who had already lost babies prematurely, became critically ill months before Railee’s due date. Doctors decided to deliver Railee and told Holly and her husband Robert that there was less than a five percent chance of the baby’s survival. Railee was born weighing only one pound. Meanwhile, Holly lay in the Intensive Care Unit, fighting for her life. Due to a critical blood disorder, known as thrombotic Robert Creech with newborn thrombocytopenic daughter Railee shortly after her purpura (TTP), she dramatic birth. required blood. With the help of innovative therapeutic blood treatments that PULSE — PAGE 2 — FALL ’12 had just become available through the Blood Institute, and 300 plus donors, Holly survived. (L to R): Robert, Railee, Ashlee and Holly Creech. In the months that followed, Railee had delicate heart surgery and struggled to grow. “She was the smallest baby the hospital had ever cared for, and she, too, received blood donations,” said Robert. Though neither mom nor baby were expected to live, both are alive and well today thanks to faithful donors. Railee graduated from Norman High School in May, and is now a freshman at the University of Central Oklahoma. Because computerized donor records didn’t exist at the time of Railee’s birth, it is impossible to individually thank the donors whose blood saved Holly and Railee. But at each milestone in Railee’s life, her parents reflect on those who provided the opportunity for their miracle. That year was one the Creech family will never forget. And having endured it, they have dearly treasured the subsequent 17. FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. Staying Busy Colleen Smith, Moore, has never had a problem staying busy since she retired from OPUBCO five years ago. She has plenty of interests and shows no sign of slowing down. At the Blood Institute, she’s found a variety of ways to make a difference with her skills and personality. Partnering To Touch More Lives After a five-month partnership, the Blood Institute recently presented the American Heart Association (AHA) with a gift of $25,012. Colleen enthusiastically welcomes blood donors, helps them feel comfortable and keeps things moving for a positive experience. She has volunteered at blood drives in locations all around the Oklahoma City metro area. She enjoys meeting people in a very busy environment. “I have donated blood since 1995, and I know that a good first impression can make a major difference at community blood drives,” Colleen said. “Giving blood is something simple that people can do to help others, so I want them to feel Volunteer Colleen Smith, Moore, valued for presents a donor with an appreciation what they are doing.” Colleen particularly likes the organization’s mission and community involvement. “I can contribute my ideas and work with others toward a common goal,” Colleen added. In addition to serving at blood drives and marrow registration events, she meticulously organizes the volunteer calendar and serves as a blood drive coordinator at the church she attends. Dr. John Armitage presents a check to the board of directors, AHA local affiliate. Blood donors were given the opportunity to either receive a T-shirt or forgo the incentive in favor of the blood center making a monetary contribution of similar value to the American Heart Association. More than 10,000 donors opted for the contribution to the AHA. Funds will be used for AHA’s focus on raising awareness of vital heart-health measures, including cholesterol and blood pressure. Now through October 31, choose to forgo your donor appreciation item, and funds will be redirected to our current partner organizations, Children’s Hospital Foundation, Oklahoma City; The Children’s Hospital at Saint Francis, Tulsa; United Regional, Wichita Falls; and Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock. Collectively, our volunteers give more than 30,000 hours annually in a variety of fulfilling roles and also contribute a positive spirit that’s unsurpassed. More volunteers are needed. Flexible times and a variety of medically-related and administrative roles are available. Anyone 16 or older can inquire about volunteering. For more information, complete the application found in the “Volunteer” link on the Blood Institute’s website, or contact Stephanie Huston at (918) 704-1597 or PULSE — PAGE 3 — FALL ’12 In the same manner beginning November 1, donors can make a global difference. Donors will have the opportunity to support the Global Blood Fund (GBF), an international blood center development charity. FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. Oklahoma Blood Institute 1001 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73104 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #527 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK “Summer of Stunts” Saves Thousands of Lives Each time a goal was achieved, Alan performed a stunt in celebration. The much anticipated stunts included: With summer schedule changes, inevitably, blood donations decline. But this summer, KOFM Radio DJ Alan Clepper, Enid, made it his mission to defy that trend. Alan initiated a “Summer of Stunts, SOS,” promotion to encourage those in northwest Oklahoma to give. Alan promised KOFM listeners he would perform a crazy stunt each time a donation goal was reached. For one stunt, KOFM Radio’s Alan Clepper, left, dressed up and skated as a roller derby girl during half-time of an Enid Roller Girls’ game. • attempting to eat an (L to R): Michael Flach, owner entire family-sized of Enid’s Papa Murphy’s stuffed pizza from Pizza®, with Christy Linderman, Papa Murphy’s; the lucky donor who won a • allowing himself to Kindle Fire®, courtesy of Papa become “test bait” Murphy’s. during guard dog exercises at Vance Air Force Base; and • running the bases at David Allen Memorial Ballpark - with live crawdads in his pants! “We set some extreme donation goals and our local blood donors came through,” said Kenda Burnham, Enid sub-center director. “For instance, in May, our goal was 1,725 donors. By the end of that month, well over 2,000 donors had given.” “Our local Papa Murphy’s® joined in to make the promotion even more enticing,” said Kenda. “They donated a free KOFM Radio’s pizza coupon Alan Clepper for each donor. congratulates They also donor Janna sponsored a Pelletier, winner of drawing that Carrie Underwood gave a Kindle concert tickets, Fire® and courtesy of KOFM. a-freepizza-a-week for a year to two lucky donors.” In fact, Alan inspired Enid donors so much that more of them gave than at any other Blood Institute site during a Pre-Memorial Day blood drive. It was a remarkable feat – like Alan’s – since the area has the fifth largest population among the Blood Institute’s donor center cities. In all, 12,300 lives were saved thanks to a summer of crazy feats, terrific community partners and extreme donors! PULSE — PAGE 4 — FALL ’12 FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. Toll Free: 877-340-8777 • Headquarters: 1001 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73104
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